Applied Physics
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
(100) MgAl2O4 as a lattice-matched substrate for the epitaxial thin film deposition of the relaxor ferroelectric PMN-PT Journal Articles
(Ca,Na)(Zn,Mn)2As2: A new spin and charge doping decoupled diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Journal Articles
1.5 μm band efficient broadband wavelength conversion by difference frequency generation in a periodically domain-inverted LiNbO3 channel waveguide Journal Articles
1.5 μm electroluminescence from organic light emitting diodes integrated on silicon substrates Conferences
1.54μm room temperature emission from Er-doped Si nanocrystals deposited by ECR-PECVD Conferences
2.4-in. monochrome small molecular OLED display for mobile application Journal Articles
3-D Simulations of Dislocations and Plasticity Journal Articles
3-D Sub-Domain Analytical Model to Calculate Magnetic Flux Density in Induction Machines With Semiclosed Slots Under No-Load Condition Journal Articles
3-D Sub-domain Analytical Model to Calculate Magnetic Flux Density in Induction Machines with Semi-closed Slots under No-Load Condition Conferences
3-d chemical imaging using angle-scan nanotomography in a soft X-ray scanning transmission X-ray microscope Conferences
3D Simulation of Dislocation Motion on a Lattice: Application to the Yield Surface of Single Crystals Journal Articles
3d chemical mapping of toners by serial section scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Conferences
4.3-μm cascade CO2 laser Journal Articles
In situ azimuthal rotation device for linear dichroism measurements in scanning transmission x-ray microscopy Journal Articles
In situ controlled modification of the helium density in single helium-filled nanobubbles Journal Articles
In situ growth of layered, spinel, and rock-salt LiCoO2 by laser ablation deposition Journal Articles
In situ growth of PbSrYCaCuO films by laser ablation Journal Articles
2,3 electron energy loss studies of Ni(100) at small scattering angles Journal Articles
A 350 mK, 9 T scanning tunneling microscope for the study of superconducting thin films on insulating substrates and single crystals Journal Articles
A 4.2 K Very High-Gain/Modulation Factor Silicon Detector/Modulator Conferences
A Comprehensive and Accurate Analytical SPAD Model for Circuit Simulation Journal Articles
A Computer Controlled Automatic System for Measuring the Conductivity and Hall Effect in Semiconducting Samples Journal Articles
A DSC determination of the thermodynamic properties of supercooled Ni Journal Articles
A DSP-based multichannel analyzer for simultaneous acquisition of coincidence and anticoincidence spectra Conferences
A Mesogenic Homologous Series Containing a Phenolic End Group Journal Articles
A Model for the Performance Analysis and Design of Waveguide p-i-n Photodetectors Journal Articles
A New Method for the Channel-Length Extraction in MOSFETs With Sub-2-nm Gate Oxide Journal Articles
A Novel Route to Defect Turbulence in Nematics Journal Articles
A Predictive Model for Thermal Conductivity of Nano-Ag Sintered Interconnect for a SiC Die Journal Articles
A Review of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies Journal Articles
A Space Mapping Methodology for Defect Characterization From Magnetic Flux Leakage Measurements Journal Articles
A Theoretical Consideration of Dislocation Dynamics During Steady State Cycling Plastic Straining of Cell Forming Metals Journal Articles
A benchmarked MCNP model of the in vivo detection of gadolinium by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis Journal Articles
A carbon nanotube based resettable sensor for measuring free chlorine in drinking water Journal Articles
A channeling investigation of proton and deuteron damage in germanium Journal Articles
A comparative study of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor gate dielectrics for solution-processed polymer thin-film transistor circuit integration Journal Articles
A comparative study of silver nanoparticles synthesized by arc discharge and femtosecond laser ablation in aqueous solution Journal Articles
A comparative study of vacancies produced by proton implantation of silicon using positron annihilation and deep level transient spectroscopy Conferences
A comparison between electron and ion damage in quartz Journal Articles
A comparison of the transitory periods in GaAs and AlGaAs CBE growth Conferences
A degradation mechanism of organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
A dislocation based gradient plasticity model Conferences
A dominant electron trap in molecular beam epitaxial InAlN lattice-matched to GaN Journal Articles
A first order diffusion approximation to atomic redistribution during ion bombardment of solids, II. finite range approximation Journal Articles
A further calibration of the harwell series II Bi-implanted RBS standards Journal Articles
A high-precision apparatus for the characterization of thermal interface materials Journal Articles
A kinetic model for the oxidation of silicon germanium alloys Journal Articles
A magneto-optic technique for studying magnetization reversal processes and anisotropies applied to Co/Cu/Co trilayer structures Journal Articles
A mathematical model for void evolution in silicon by helium implantation and subsequent annealing process Journal Articles
A metallurgical route to upgrade silicon kerf derived from diamond-wire slicing process Journal Articles
A model for catalytic growth of carbon nanotubes Journal Articles
A molecular dynamics simulation study of the crystal–melt interfacial free energy and its anisotropy in the Cu–Ag–Au ternary system Journal Articles
A nanoscale investigation on the influence of anodization parameters during plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium by high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy Journal Articles
A neutron diffraction study of the magnetic properties of PrTiO3 and NdTiO3 Journal Articles
A neutron diffraction study of the spin-glass-like system Y2Mo2O7 (abstract) Conferences
A neutron scattering study of the quasi-one-dimensional, dilute Ising-like antiferromagnet CsCo0.83Mg0.17Br3 Conferences
A new 1/f noise model for metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors in saturation and deep saturation Journal Articles
A new approach to the design optimization of HEMT and HBT for maximum gain-bandwidth of MSM-based integrated photoreceiver and its noise performance at 1.55 μm Journal Articles
A new method for measuring the threshold voltage of small-geometry MOSFETs from subthreshold conduction Journal Articles
A new model for avalanche build-up of carriers in a SAGCM avalanche photodiode Journal Articles
A new model for the low-frequency noise and the noise level variation in polysilicon emitter BJTs Journal Articles
A non-intrusive neutron device for in situ detection of petroleum contamination in soil Conferences
A novel atmospheric pressure technique for the deposition of ZnS by atomic layer epitaxy using dimethylzinc Journal Articles
A novel method to characterize photorefractive damage in quasiphase-matched wavelength converters Conferences
A novel structural singularity in vacuum-deposited thin films: The mechanism of critical optimization of thin film properties Journal Articles
A photonic switch based on a gigantic, reversible optical nonlinearity of liquefying gallium Journal Articles
A photopolymerizable glass with diffraction efficiency near 100% for holographic storage Journal Articles
A physical model for the edge effects in narrow-width MOSFETs Journal Articles
A portable high-field pulsed-magnet system for single-crystal x-ray scattering studies Journal Articles
A review of III–V nanowire infrared photodetectors and sensors Journal Articles
A review of gate tunneling current in MOS devices Journal Articles
A scalable meander-line resistor model for silicon RFICs Journal Articles
A scanning transmission x-ray microscope for materials science spectromicroscopy at the advanced light source Journal Articles
A semiempirical method of applying the dechanneling correction in the extraction of disorder distribution Journal Articles
A simple method to extract the asymmetry in parasitic source and drain resistances from measurements on a MOS transistor Journal Articles
A simple method to qualify the LDD structure against the early mode of hot-carrier degradation Journal Articles
A simple parallel tandem organic solar cell based on metallophthalocyanines Journal Articles
A simple propagation delay model for BiCMOS driver circuits Journal Articles
A study of MDL improvement for the in vivo measurement of lead in bone Conferences
A study of disorder effects in random (AlxGa1−xAs)n(AlyGa1−yAs)m superlattices embedded in a wide parabolic potential Journal Articles
A study of dynamic resistance during small scale resistance spot welding of thin Ni sheets Journal Articles
A study of mechanical and tribological properties as well as wear performance of a multifunctional bilayer AlTiN PVD coating during the ultra-high-speed turning of 304 austenitic stainless steel Journal Articles
A study of the evolution of carrier and vacancy depth profiles with annealing temperature of Si-implanted GaAs Journal Articles
A study on the use of modified extremity dosemeters for the measurement of H(3,α) Journal Articles
A supercell model for phonon density of states in a substitutionally disordered alloy Journal Articles
A synchrotron XRF study on trace elements and potassium in breast tissue Conferences
A systematic study on the effect of coating type and surface preparation on the wettability of Si-Bronze brazing filler material on GI and GA-coated DP600 Journal Articles
A technique for making alloy p-n junctions in InSb Journal Articles
A thermal logic device based on fluid-solid interfaces Journal Articles
A three-dimensional electromagnetic field analysis technique utilizing the magnetic charge concept Journal Articles
A variational theory of Hall effect of Anderson lattice model: Application to colossal magnetoresistance manganites (Re1−x Ax MnO3) Journal Articles
A vibrational-bath model for the dynamics of SF6 absorption near 10.4 μm as a function of wavelength and absorbed energy Journal Articles
A.C. susceptibility and magnetisation measurements on polysulphur nitride, (SN)x Journal Articles
A119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopic investigation of the Pd2MnxV1−xSn system Journal Articles
AC losses for the prototype cable-in-conduit conductors for NET Conferences
Ablation and structural changes induced in InP surfaces by single 10 fs laser pulses in air Journal Articles
Abnormal thermal conductivity in tetragonal tungsten bronze Ba6−xSrxNb10O30 Journal Articles
About the origin and the mechanisms involved in the cracking of highly porous silicon layers under capillary stresses Conferences
Abrupt p-n junctions at arbitrary injection levels Journal Articles
Absolute calibration of the 15N(d, α0)13C and 15(p, α0)12C reaction cross sections Journal Articles
Absolute calibration of the 16O(α,α)16O elastic scattering resonance at 7.30–7.65 MeV and applications to oxygen depth profiling Journal Articles
Absolute measurement of effective radiative-efficiency in GaAs grown with molecular-beam-epitaxy Journal Articles
Abstract: The effects of V and V+Ti on the magnetic and mechanical properties of Fe-Cr-Co hard magnets Journal Articles
Accuracy, precision, and irradiation time for Monte Carlo simulations of single aliquot regeneration (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimetry measurements Journal Articles
Accurate Modeling and Parameter Extraction for Meander-Line N-Well Resistors Journal Articles
Accurate measurements of the intrinsic diffusivities of boron and phosphorus in silicon Journal Articles
Achieving thermal rectification in designed liquid-liquid systems Journal Articles
Active Species Generated by a Pulsed Arc Electrohydraulic Discharge Plasma Channel in Contaminated Water Treatments Journal Articles
Adhesion and separation models for direct hydrophilic bonding Journal Articles
Advanced Lumped Parameter Thermal Network for Modeling of Cooling Solutions in Electric Vehicle Motor Applications Journal Articles
Advances in the characterisation of multilayered coatings using electron energy loss spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope Conferences
Advancing the reliability of thermoelectric materials: A case study of silicides through statistics Journal Articles
Afterpulsing Characteristics of Free-Running and Time-Gated Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes in 130-nm CMOS Journal Articles
Aging and memory properties of topologically frustrated magnets Journal Articles
Al:SiO thin films for organic light-emitting diodes Journal Articles
AlGaAs Semiconductor Quasiphase-Matched Wavelength Converters Journal Articles
All jet-printed polymer thin-film transistor active-matrix backplanes Journal Articles
All-Optical Demultiplexing Using LiNbO3 Quasiphase-Matched Wavelength Converters Journal Articles
All-Optical Variable-In Variable-Out Wavelength Conversions by Using MgO:LiNbO3 Quasiphase Matched Wavelength Converters Journal Articles
Alpha and beta dose gradients in tooth enamel Conferences
Altering thermal transport by strained-layer epitaxy Journal Articles
Alternating Current‐Driven Oxide Powder Electroluminescent Device Employing Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanowire Array Journal Articles
Al–Si Alloys as a Model System for Damage Accumulation in Composite Materials Journal Articles
Ambient Temperature Ultrasonic Bonding of Si-Dice Using Sn-3.5wt.%Ag Journal Articles
Ambient Temperature Ultrasonic Bonding of Si-Dice Using Sn-3.5wt.%Ag Journal Articles
Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors with a Low-Temperature Polymeric Gate Dielectric on a Flexible Substrate Journal Articles
Amorphous phase formation during spray forming of Al84Y3Ni8Co4Zr1 alloy Conferences
An Approach to Improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Active Pixel Sensor for Low-Light-Level Applications Journal Articles
An MeV ion scattering study of the Pt(100) surface during the catalytic oxidation of CO Journal Articles
An application of the molar Gibbs energy diagrams for determining the composition of a growing phase and of its rate of growth Journal Articles
An electrically injected AlGaN nanowire laser operating in the ultraviolet-C band Journal Articles
An electromagnetic inverse problem solver for radar: aircraft rotation and tilt measurement Conferences
An experimental search for corrective terms of force between moving charged particles Journal Articles
An experimental study of the interactions of self-trapped white light beams in a photopolymer Journal Articles
An extended multi-component model for the change of threshold current of semiconductor lasers as a function of time under the influence of defect annealing Journal Articles
An infrared absorption study of electron trapping in proton-irradiated solid deuterium below 12 K Journal Articles
An intercomparison of absolute measurements of the oxygen and tantalum thickness of tantalum pentoxide reference materials, BCR 261, by six laboratories Journal Articles
An intercomparison of tantalum pentoxide reference studies Journal Articles
An investigation of point defects in silicon carbide Conferences
An investigation of the electroconvection flow and solid extraction during melting of phase-change materials Journal Articles
An investigation of the neutron flux in bone-fluorine phantoms comparing accelerator based in vivo neutron activation analysis and FLUKA simulation data Journal Articles
Analysis and Circuit Modeling of Waveguide-Separated Absorption Charge Multiplication-Avalanche Photodetector (WG-SACM-APD) Journal Articles
Analysis of morphological stability in ternary two-phase diffusion couples Journal Articles
Analysis of semiconductors by ion channelling: Applications and pitfalls Conferences
Analysis of the two-band hall effect and magnetoresistance Journal Articles
Analysis of transient electromagnetic fields based on the vector potential function Journal Articles
Analytical Expression for Thermionic Transport Through Isotype Heterojunction Interfaces of Arbitrary Doping Ratio Journal Articles
Analytical Modeling of MOSFETs Channel Noise and Noise Parameters Journal Articles
Analytical description of the metal-assisted growth of III–V nanowires: Axial and radial growths Journal Articles
Analytical model for saturable aging in semiconductor lasers Journal Articles
Analytical model for the magnetophoretic capture of magnetic microspheres in microfluidic devices Journal Articles
Analytical model of a nanowire-based betavoltaic device Journal Articles
Analytical model of surface depletion in GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
Analytical transmission electron microscopycharacterization of plasma spray synthesized TiB2Fe coatings Conferences
Analyzing ferrofluid transport for magnetic drug targeting Conferences
Anisotropic interfacial strain in InP/InGaAs/InP quantum wells Journal Articles
Anisotropic interfacial strain in InP/InGaAs/InP quantum wells studied using degree of polarization of photoluminescence Journal Articles
Annealing effects on the nanoscale indium and nitrogen distribution in Ga(NAs) and (GaIn)(NAs) quantum wells Journal Articles
Annealing of defects induced by Ge irradiation of silica probed with variable energy positrons Journal Articles
Annealing of heavy ion cascade damage in silicon Journal Articles
Annealing studies of ion-implanted gaas in the 40–300 K range Journal Articles
Annealing studies of vacancies in proton irradiated silicon Journal Articles
Anodic plasma electrolytic deposition of composite coating on ferrous alloys with low thermal conductivity and high adhesion strength Journal Articles
Anomalous electro-absorption in the low-temperature phase of (C10H21NH3)2PbI4 Journal Articles
Anomalous penetration of Cs, Ba and Tl through thin Si films Journal Articles
Anomalous surface damage in ion bombarded silicon from channelling-backscattering measurements Journal Articles
Application of an extended linear cascade model to the sputtering of Ag, Au, and Pt by heavy atomic and molecular ions Journal Articles
Application of defect engineering to silicon Raman lasers and amplifiers Conferences
Application of indium nanowires to donor–acceptor pair luminescence Journal Articles
Application of ion-beam-analysis techniques to the study of irradiation damage in zirconium alloys Conferences
Application of polarization resolved photoluminescence to the study of quantum well intermixing in InGaAsP systems Journal Articles
Application of positron annihilation and Raman spectroscopies to the study of perovskite type materials Journal Articles
Application of selective epitaxial growth in MBE for short-duration gating systems Conferences
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Journal
Applied Physics Letters Journal
Applied Surface Science Journal
Applying slow positrons to the study of ion implantation induced defects in GaAs Conferences
Ar 2p and Ar 1s Spectroscopy of Free Argon Clusters Conferences
Assessing the oxidation states and structural stability of the Ce analogue of brannerite Journal Articles
Assessment of the normalization procedure used for interlaboratory comparisons of positron beam measurements Journal Articles
Astrophysically Important 26Si States Studied with the 28Si(4He,6He)26Si Reaction Conferences
Astrophysically important 26Si states studied with the 28Si(4He, 6He) 26Si reaction Conferences
Asymmetry in the dark current low frequency noise characteristics of B–B and B–C quantum well infrared photodetectors from 10 to 80 K Journal Articles
Asymptotic and numerical prediction of current-voltage curves for an organic bilayer solar cell under varying illumination and comparison to the Shockley equivalent circuit Journal Articles
Athermal synchronization of laser source with WDM filter in a silicon photonics platform Journal Articles
Atomic hydrogen: A weakly interacting, magnetic Bose gas (invited) Journal Articles
Atomic resolution x-ray hologram Journal Articles
Atomic scale electron vortices for nanoresearch Journal Articles
Atomic scale study of InP etching by Cl2-Ar ICP plasma discharge Journal Articles
Atomic structure and bonding of the interfacial bilayer between Au nanoparticles and epitaxially regrown MgAl2O4 substrates Journal Articles
Atomic-resolution study of polarity reversal in GaSb grown on Si by scanning transmission electron microscopy Journal Articles
Atomistic and continuum modeling of dendritic solidification Journal Articles
Attenuation of superconductivity in manganite/cuprate heterostructures by epitaxially-induced CuO intergrowths Journal Articles
Atypical grain growth for (211) CdTe films deposited on surface reconstructed (100) SrTiO3 substrates Journal Articles
Au-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires by gas source molecular beam epitaxy: Tapering, sidewall faceting and crystal structure Journal Articles
Avalanche multiplication in amorphous selenium and its utilization in imaging Conferences
Avalanche multiplication phenomenon in amorphous semiconductors: Amorphous selenium versus hydrogenated amorphous silicon Journal Articles
Averaging and recording of digital deep-level transient spectroscopy transient signals Journal Articles
BLUEs of location and scale parameters of laplace distribution based on type-II censored samples and associated inference Journal Articles
Background suppression by the DRAGON radiative capture facility at TRIUMF/ISAC Conferences
Backscattering analysis of ion bombardment damage in Nb and W at low (25°K) temperature Journal Articles
Backscattering measurements of the temperature dependence of irradiation-induced displacement of as and sb atoms in Si crystals Journal Articles
Band gap blue shift of InGaAs/InP multiple quantum wells by different dielectric film coating and annealing Conferences
Band gap modification in Ne+-ion implanted In1−xGaxAs/InP and InAsyP1−y/InP quantum well structures Journal Articles
Band structure parameters for solid TTFTCNQ Journal Articles
Band-gap blue shift by impurity-free vacancy diffusion in 1.5-μm-strained InGaAsP/InP multiple quantum-well laser structure Journal Articles
Bandedge optical properties of MBE grown GaAsBi films measured by photoluminescence and photothermal deflection spectroscopy Conferences
Bandgap and optical absorption edge of GaAs1−xBix alloys with 0 < x < 17.8% Journal Articles
Behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans in alternating electric field and its application to their localization and control Journal Articles
Benchtop fabrication of multi-scale micro-electromagnets for capturing magnetic particles Journal Articles
Benzothienobenzothiophene/polyimide blend-based organic phototransistors with double-layer gate dielectric Journal Articles
Beta doses in tooth enamel by “one-group” theory and the ROSY ESR dating software Conferences
Bilayer lipid membranes as electrochemical switches in reactions involving alteration of surface charge Conferences
Bioactive paper: Biomolecule immobilization methods and applications in environmental monitoring Journal Articles
Bismuth surfactant-enhanced III-As epitaxy on GaAs(111)A Journal Articles
Bismuth-surfactant-induced growth and structure of InAs/GaAs(110) quantum dots Journal Articles
Blend composition study of poly(3,3‴-didodecylquaterthiophene)/[6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester solution processed organic solar cells Journal Articles
Bolometric technique for high-resolution broadband microwave spectroscopy of ultra-low-loss samples Journal Articles
Bonding wire characterization using automatic deformability measurement Journal Articles
Book reviews [7 books reviewed] Journal Articles
Boron K‐shell spectroscopy of boron‐doped silicon Conferences
Bottom-emission organic light-emitting diodes using semitransparent anode electrode by O2 plasma Journal Articles
Boundary condition model for the simulation of organic solar cells Journal Articles
Broad-Band Second-Harmonic Generation in LiNbO3 Waveguide Using Optimized Domain-Inverted Grating Journal Articles
Broadband CPW-fed circularly polarized antenna with machine-gun-shaped feeding line and symmetric-aperture Journal Articles
Broadband Multichannel Wavelength Conversions for Optical Communication Systems Using Quasiphase Matched Difference Frequency Generation Journal Articles
CMOS photodetector systems for low-level light applications Conferences
CMOS-Based Active Pixel for Low-Light-Level Detection: Analysis and Measurements Journal Articles
CO2 adsorption and activation on Ag(1 1 1) surfaces in the presence of surface charge density: A static gas phase DFT study Journal Articles
CO2-mineralization and carbonation reactor rig: Design and validation for in situ neutron scattering experiments—Engineering and lessons learned Journal Articles
CPA reflectivity of mixed alkali halides Journal Articles
CPA theory for mixed ferroelectric crystals Journal Articles
CaO segregation in MnZn ferrite Journal Articles
Calculated dose response of Gafchromic MD55 film for 103Pd and 125I relative to 60Co Journal Articles
Calculation of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in the α phase of solid nitrogen Journal Articles
Calculation of the libron spectrum in solid H2 and D2 Journal Articles
Calibration factors for the SNOOPY – NP-100 neutron dosimeter Conferences
Calibration of the Harwell series II Bi-implanted RBS standards Journal Articles
Calorimetric Study of a Diffusionless Phase Transition in TiNi Journal Articles
Canadian biodosimetry capacity for response to radiation emergencies Conferences
Capacitance based scanner for thickness mapping of thin dielectric films Journal Articles
Capacitance measurements on organic-semiconductor Schottky barriers—A new approach Journal Articles
Carbon delta doping in chemical beam epitaxy using CBr4 Conferences
Carbon nanotube optoelectronics Conferences
Carrier distribution and its dependence on barrier thickness in InGaAsP∕InP asymmetric multiple quantum well lasers Journal Articles
Carrier generation efficiency measurements on dispersions of photoconductive particles Journal Articles
Carrier transport in poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and at a PPV/Al interface from impedance spectroscopy Journal Articles
Cathodic electrodeposition of polymer films and organoceramic films Journal Articles
Cathodic electrolytic deposition of zirconia films Journal Articles
Cathodoluminescence of Mn2+ centers in MgAl2O4 spinels Journal Articles
Central Adjoint Variable Method for Sensitivity Analysis With Structured Grid Electromagnetic Solvers Journal Articles
Cesium coating of thin-film zinc sulphide cold cathodes Journal Articles
Channel noise modeling of deep submicron MOSFETs Journal Articles
Channeling measurements of damage in ion bombarded semiconductors at 50° K Journal Articles
Channeling of 7.6 MeV He in YBCO Conferences
Channeling studies in strained-layer epitaxial structures Journal Articles
Channeling studies of Pb1−xSnxTe/PbSeyTe1−y epitaxial structures Journal Articles
Channeling−effect study of deuteron−induced damage in Si and Ge crystals Journal Articles
Characterisation of smooth fine-grained diamond coatings on titanium alloy by TEM/EELS, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction Journal Articles
Characterisation of sputtered thin films of SrGa2O4:2% Ce, 2% Li Journal Articles
Characteristic X ray emission in gadolinium following neutron capture as an improved method of in vivo measurement: A comparison between feasibility experiment and Monte–Carlo simulation Journal Articles
Characteristics of Pulsed Arc Electrohydraulic Discharge for Eccentric Electrode Cylindrical Reactor using Phosphate-Buffered Saline Water Journal Articles
Characteristics of Sn8Zn3Bi solder joints and crack resistance with various PCB and lead coatings Journal Articles
Characteristics of electroplated Sn bumps fabricated without a PR mould on a Si chip for 3D packaging Journal Articles
Characterization and evaluation of femtosecond laser-induced sub-micron periodic structures generated on titanium to improve osseointegration of implants Journal Articles
Characterization and fracture property of different strontium-containing borate-based glass coatings for Ti6Al4V substrates Journal Articles
Characterization and modelling of the strain fields associated with InGaAs layers on V-grooved InP substrates Journal Articles
Characterization of Ge15Sb85 phase change material grown by pulsed laser deposition Journal Articles
Characterization of MOS Structures Based on Poly (3,3<tex>$^primeprimeprime$</tex>-Dialkyl-Quaterthiophene) Journal Articles
Characterization of SiOx/Si/SiOx Coated n-InP Facets of Semiconductor Lasers Using Spatially-Resolved Photoluminescence Journal Articles
Characterization of Surface-Breaking Cracks Using One Tangential Component of Magnetic Leakage Field Measurements Journal Articles
Characterization of a LaBr3(Ce) detector for gamma-ray spectrometry for CANDU power reactors Conferences
Characterization of an enhanced formulation N-(3-methoxypropyl) acrylamide polymer gel dosimeter by the addition of an organic sensitizer for clinical practice Journal Articles
Characterization of annealed high-resistivity InP grown by He-plasma-assisted epitaxy Conferences
Characterization of defects in doped InGaAsN grown by molecular-beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Characterization of gadolinium and lanthanum oxide films on Si (100) Conferences
Characterization of organic thin film transistors with hysteresis and contact effects Journal Articles
Characterization of silica-based and borate-based, titanium-containing bioactive glasses for coating metallic implants Journal Articles
Characterization of silicon oxynitride films using ion beam analysis techniques Journal Articles
Characterization of the bonding strength and interface current of p-Si/n-InP wafers bonded by surface activated bonding method at room temperature Journal Articles
Characterization of the electro-optical behavior of Zn2Si0.5Ge0.5O4:Mn thin-film electroluminescent devices Journal Articles
Characterization of the junction capacitance of metal-semiconductor carbon nanotube Schottky contacts Journal Articles
Charge density at the contacts of symmetric and asymmetric organic diodes Journal Articles
Charge injection at interfaces between molecularly doped polymer thin films Journal Articles
Charge localization in polymeric metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors Conferences
Charge transport across pressure-laminated thin films of molecularly doped polymers Journal Articles
Charge-carrier mobility in an organic semiconductor thin film measured by photoinduced electroluminescence Journal Articles
Chemical imaging of oxide confinement layers in
VCSELs Journal Articles
Chemical information in positron annihilation spectra Journal Articles
Chemical structure of Al/LiF/Alq interfaces in organic light-emitting diodes Journal Articles
Chemical trends in high-Tcferroelectricity and superconductivity Journal Articles
Chlorine effect on- electroluminescence of Tb complexes Journal Articles
Cholic acid is a versatile coating-forming dispersant for electrophoretic deposition of diamond, graphene, carbon dots and polytetrafluoroethylene Conferences
Clustering effects in Ga(AsBi) Journal Articles
Coating optimisation for high speed machining with advanced nanomechanical test methods Journal Articles
Cobalt germanide contacts: growth reaction, phase formation models, and electrical properties Journal Articles
Coercivity enhancement of melt-spun Nd-Fe-B ribbons using low-level Cu additions Journal Articles
Color changes in photoluminescence by doped, unconverted and partially converted poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Journal Articles
Color optimization of single emissive white OLEDs via energy transfer between RGB fluorescent dopants Journal Articles
Color stable white phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes with red emissive electron transport layer Journal Articles
Columnar [001]-oriented nitrogen order in Ga(NAs) and (GaIn)(NAs) alloys Journal Articles
Combinatorial study of the crystallinity boundary in the HfO2–TiO2–Y2O3 system using pulsed laser deposition library thin films Journal Articles
Comment on ?Amorphous hydrogenated silicon studied by positron lifetime spectroscopy? Journal Articles
Comment on ’’I-V and C-V characteristics of Cr∥H-Pc∥Cr organic sandwich cell’’ Journal Articles
Comments on "High resolution electron microscope study of Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)7.5magnets" Journal Articles
Comments on the microwave absorption spectrum of solid H2 Journal Articles
Compact Modeling and Contact Effects in Thin Film Transistors Journal Articles
Compact hydrogenated amorphous germanium films by ion-beam sputtering deposition Conferences
Compact modeling of charge carrier mobility in organic thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Compact modeling of hysteresis in organic thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Compact modeling of the effects of illumination on the contact region of organic phototransistors Journal Articles
Compact-Modeling Solutions For Nanoscale Double-Gate and Gate-All-Around MOSFETs Journal Articles
Comparison between simulated and experimental Au-ion profiles implanted in nanocrystalline ceria Conferences
Comparison of ESR signal dose-responses in modern and fossil tooth enamels Conferences
Comparison of Insulated with Bare Au Bonding Wire: HAZ Length, HAZ Breaking Force, and FAB Deformability Conferences
Comparison of different grading approaches in metamorphic buffers grown on a GaAs substrate Journal Articles
Comparison of drain-induced barrier-lowering in short-channel NMOS and PMOS devices at 77 K Journal Articles
Comparison of in situ optical reflectance and post-growth characterisation for quantitative composition and thickness determination of AlxGa1-xAs Conferences
Comparison of quantum well intermixing in GaAs structures using a low temperature grown epitaxial layer or a SiO2 cap Journal Articles
Comparison of the annealing characteristics of resistivity and vacancy defects for implant isolated n-type GaAs Journal Articles
Comparison of the effect of nickel and cobalt cations addition on the structural and magnetic properties of manganese-zinc ferrite nanoparticles Journal Articles
Competing effects of electronic and nuclear energy loss on microstructural evolution in ionic-covalent materials Journal Articles
Competitive growth during directional solidification experiments of 〈1 1 1〉 Dendrites Journal Articles
Composite Semiconductor Material of Carbon Nanotubes and Poly[5,5′-bis(3-dodecyl-2-thienyl)-2,2′-bithiophene] for High-Performance Organic Thin-Film Transistors Journal Articles
Composition dependence of photoluminescence of GaAs1−xBix alloys Journal Articles
Compositional intermixing enhancement in InGaAs(P)/InP quantum well heterostructures related to lateral composition modulation Journal Articles
Compositional variations in InGaAsP films grown on patterned substrates Journal Articles
Comprehensive study of the effect of the irradiation temperature on the behavior of cubic zirconia Journal Articles
Computer simulation of ion bombardment collision cascades Journal Articles
Confinement of holes and electrons in blue organic light-emitting diodes with additional red emissive layers Journal Articles
Confinement of laser-generated carriers in semiconductors by induced lattice temperature gradients Journal Articles
Confirmation of AlGaAs Crystal Domain Inversion Using Asymmetric Wet Etching and Optical Second-Harmonic Generation Methods Journal Articles
Consequences of a lower level population on the modeling of a homogeneously broadened injection laser Journal Articles
Considerations for interpretation of luminescence from silicon-on-insulator light emitting structures Journal Articles
Constant-resistance deep-level transient spectroscopy in Si and Ge JFET's Journal Articles
Constant-resistance deep-level transient spectroscopy in submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors Journal Articles
Contact effects and extraction of intrinsic parameters in poly(3-alkylthiophene) thin film field-effect transistors Journal Articles
Contact effects in compact models of organic thin film transistors: Application to zinc phthalocyanine-based transistors Journal Articles
Continuous current and surface potential models for undoped and lightly doped double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors Journal Articles
Contrasting Cu and La NQR behavior in Eu- and Zn-doped La2−xSrxCuO4 Conferences
Contribution of low-temperature degrees of freedom to the anisotropy in Co/CoO exchange coupled bilayers Conferences
Contribution of strain effects toward the damage measured in semiconductors by channeling Journal Articles
Control and acquisition systems for new scanning transmission x-ray microscopes at Advanced Light Source (abstract) Conferences
Control of GaP nanowire morphology by group V flux in gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Control of dielectric cap induced band-gap shift in 1.55 μm laser structures Conferences
Control over exciton confinement versus separation in composite films of polyfluorene and CdSe nanocrystals Journal Articles
Controlled atmosphere annealing of high-permeability Manganese Zinc Ferrite Journal Articles
Controlled group V intermixing in InGaAsP quantum well structures and its application to the fabrication of two section tunable lasers Journal Articles
Controlled joining of Ag nanoparticles with femtosecond laser radiation Journal Articles
Controlled orientation of liquid-crystalline polythiophene semiconductors for high-performance organic thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Controlling probe-sample separation with aerodynamic floating Journal Articles
Copper and liquid crystal polymer bonding towards lead sensing Conferences
Correlation between electroluminescence efficiency and stability in organic light-emitting devices under pulsed driving conditions Journal Articles
Correlation between quantum conductance and atomic arrangement of atomic-size silver nanowires Journal Articles
Correlation between strain fields on the facet and along the cavity in semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Correlation between temperature distribution and in situ formed microstructure of Fe–TiC deposited on carbon steel using laser cladding Journal Articles
Correlation of infrared spectra and phase transitions in annealed proton-exchanged MgO doped LiNbO3 Journal Articles
Correlation of spectral output and below-threshold gain profile modulation in 1.3 μm semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Corrosion performance of medical grade NiTi after laser processing Journal Articles
Counterfeit E1′ signal in quartz Journal Articles
Cover Picture: III–V nanowire photovoltaics: Review of design for high efficiency (Phys. Status Solidi RRL 10/2013) Journal Articles
Crack healing during molecular-beam-epitaxy growth of GaP∕GaAs thin films Journal Articles
Creep mechanisms in glass-containing ceramics Journal Articles
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences Journal
Critical properties of the spin Peierls transition in CuGeO3 Conferences
Critical properties of the spin Peierls transition in CuGeO3 Journal Articles
Critical scattering from erbium Conferences
Critical shell thickness for InAs-AlxIn1−xAs(P) core-shell nanowires Journal Articles
Critical soliton dynamics in CsCoBr3 Conferences
Cross-sectional study of femtosecond laser bulk modification of crystalline α-quartz Journal Articles
Cross-sectional study of periodic surface structures on gallium phosphide induced by ultrashort laser pulse irradiation Journal Articles
Crushing effects on TL and OSL on quartz: relevance to fault dating Conferences
Cryo scanning transmission x-ray microscope optimized for spectrotomography Journal Articles
Cryogenic temperature dependence of the voltage transfer characteristics of CMOS inverters Journal Articles
Crystal Research and Technology Journal
Crystal and magnetic structure of the sulfur spinels Cu0.45Co0.55Cr2S4 - xSex Journal Articles
Crystal growth and characterization of superconducting lead cuprates Journal Articles
Crystal growth and characterization of the magnetically dilute kagome staircase system (Co(1−x)Mgx)3V2O8 Journal Articles
Crystal growth and characterization of the new spin dimer system Journal Articles
Crystal growth and magnetic behaviour of pure and doped SrCu2(11BO3)2 Journal Articles
Crystal growth of aluminum tungstate Al2(WO4)3 by the Czochralski method from nonstoichiometric melt Journal Articles
Crystal growth, structure and magnetic behavior of ytterbium cobalt gallium oxide YbCoGaO4 Journal Articles
Crystal orientation effects on the surface morphology produced by ion bombardment of a pure element: Implications for quantitative surface analysis Journal Articles
Crystal structure and optical characterization of heterostructured GaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
Crystal structure and short-range and long-range order in CuSb2O6 (abstract) Conferences
Crystalline orientation effects on conical structure formation in femtosecond laser irradiation of silicon and germanium Journal Articles
Crystallization phenomena in β-Ga2O3 investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis Conferences
Crystal–Melt Interfaces and Solidification Morphologies in Metals and Alloys Journal Articles
Cu grain growth in interconnects trenches – Experimental characterization of the overburden effect Conferences
CuPc buffer layer role in OLED performance: a study of the interfacial band energies Journal Articles
Current Applied Physics Journal
Current-voltage characteristics of dc voltage biased high temperature superconducting microbridges Journal Articles
Current–voltage characteristics of dc voltage biased high temperature superconducting microbridges Journal Articles
Cutting performance of different coatings during minimum quantity lubrication drilling of aluminum silicon B319 cast alloy Journal Articles
DIBL in short-channel NMOS devices at 77 K Journal Articles
DNN-Based Predictive Magnetic Flux Reference for Harmonic Compensation Control in Magnetically Unbalanced Induction Motor Journal Articles
Damage and failure processes in structural materials Conferences
Damage failure processes in structural materials Conferences
Damage induced by electronic excitation in ion-irradiated yttria-stabilized zirconia Journal Articles
Dechanneling of MeV protons in tungsten Journal Articles
Decorating carbon nanotubes with co-precipitated magnetite nanocrystals Journal Articles
Decoupled Estimation Scheme for PMSMs Toward Accurate Inductance Modeling Journal Articles
Decoupling recombination mechanisms and trap state localization in direct bandgap semiconductors using photoluminescence decay Journal Articles
Deducing transport properties of mobile vacancies from perovskite solar cell characteristics Journal Articles
Deep level defects in GaAs1−xBix/GaAs heterostructures Journal Articles
Deep level defects in n-type GaAsBi and GaAs grown at low temperatures Journal Articles
Defeating Camcorder Piracy by Temporal Psychovisual Modulation Journal Articles
Defect Characteristics in Different Crystallographic Directions in CzSi as a Function of Doping and Annealing Journal Articles
Defect characterization in diamonds by means of positron annihilation Journal Articles
Defect energy levels in p-type GaAsBi and GaAs grown by MBE at low temperatures Journal Articles
Defect evolution and its impact on the ferromagnetism of Cu-doped ZnO nanocrystals upon thermal treatment: A positron annihilation study Journal Articles
Defect formation during chlorine-based dry etching and their effects on the electronic and structural properties of InP/InAsP quantum wells Journal Articles
Defect production and stability in high-energy-density cascades in Ni Journal Articles
Defect sensitive etching of hexagonal boron nitride single crystals Journal Articles
Defect structure of carbon rich a-SiC:H films and the influence of gas and heat treatments Journal Articles
Defect-dependent mechanical and electrical properties of laser-processed CuO nanowires Journal Articles
Defect-enhanced photo-detection at 1550 nm in a silicon waveguide formed via LOCOS Journal Articles
Defect‐selective etching of SiC Journal Articles
Deformation twinning in hexagonal materials Journal Articles
Deformation-induced defects in GaAs Journal Articles
Degradation Mechanisms of Au–Al Wire Bonds During Qualification Tests at High Temperature for Automotive Applications: Quality Improvement by Process Modification Journal Articles
Degradation mechanisms in organic light-emitting devices: Metal migration model versus unstable tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum cationic model Journal Articles
Degradation processes at the cathode/organic interface in organic light emitting devices with Mg:Ag cathodes Journal Articles
Delayed electroluminescence in small-molecule-based organic light-emitting diodes: Evidence for triplet-triplet annihilation and recombination-center-mediated light-generation mechanism Journal Articles
Demonstration of a DFB laser with an integrated electro-absorption modulator produced using a novel quantum-well intermixing technique Conferences
Demonstration of high-density three-dimensional storage in fused silica by femtosecond laser pulses Journal Articles
Density of organic thin films in organic photovoltaics Journal Articles
Dependence of carrier lifetime and resistivity on annealing in InP grown by He-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Dependence of luminescent properties and crystal structure of Li-doped ZnO nanoparticles upon Li content Journal Articles
Depletion layer and contact capacitance in non-uniformly doped semiconductors Journal Articles
Deposition, characterization and performance evaluation of ceramic coatings on metallic substrates for supercritical water-cooled reactors Journal Articles
Depth encoded input polarisation independent swept source cross-polarised optical coherence tomography probe Journal Articles
Depth profiling of defects in nitrogen implanted silicon using a slow positron beam Journal Articles
Design and Trajectories for a Magnetic Lens Nuclear Spectrometer Journal Articles
Design and fabrication of color-generating nitride based thin-film optical filters for photovoltaic applications Journal Articles
Design and optimization of nanowire betavoltaic generators Journal Articles
Design and performance of AlTiN and TiAlCrN PVD coatings for machining of hard to cut materials Journal Articles
Design and spectroscopic reflectometry characterization of pulsed laser deposition combinatorial libraries Journal Articles
Design method for generating multiple colors with thickness-modulated thin-film optical filters for silicon solar cells Journal Articles
Design of an adaptive maximum likelihood estimator for key parameters in macroscopic traffic flow model based on expectation maximum algorithm Journal Articles
Design of coatings to minimize tool crater wear Conferences
Desorption of ultraviolet-ozone oxides from InP under phosphorus and arsenic overpressures Journal Articles
Destruction and enhancement of photonic band gap and coherent localization of optical fields in functional photonic crystals Journal Articles
Destructive Optical Interference of Ambient Light for High Contrast Organic Light-Emitting Diode Using Inorganic Metal Multi-Layer Journal Articles
Detaching speed of a fibrillar interface Journal Articles
Detection of low−mass impurities in thin films using MeV heavy−ion elastic scattering and coincidence detection techniques Journal Articles
Determination of interface state density in MOSFETs using the spatial profiling charge pumping technique Journal Articles
Determination of the atomic configuration at semiconductor interfaces Journal Articles
Determination of the concentration of recombination centers in thin asymmetrical p-n junctions from capacitance transient spectroscopy Journal Articles
Determination of the zirconium site in zirconium-substituted Nd2Fe14B Journal Articles
Detwinning YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films Journal Articles
Deuterium diffusion, trapping and release in ion-implanted nickel Journal Articles
Development of Silver Nanoparticle Ink for Printed Electronics Journal Articles
Development of a novel tool for semiconductor process control Journal Articles
Deviations of 16O-induced K X-ray yields from Z12 dependence Journal Articles
Device length dependence of optical second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs quasiphase matched waveguides Journal Articles
Device parameters extraction in separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiodes Journal Articles
Diagnostic measurement of ion implantation dose and uniformity with a laboratory-based positron probe Journal Articles
Diamond and Related Materials Journal
Die-upset Pr-Fe-B-type magnets from melt-spun ribbons Journal Articles
Dielectric waveguide vertically coupled to all-silicon photodiodes operating at telecommunication wavelengths Journal Articles
Dielectronic recombination for He-like 79Br ions channeled along the 〈110〉 direction in Ni Conferences
Difference in magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of FeRh0.98Al0.02 alloy with different sample sizes Journal Articles
Differential pressure experiment to probe hole growth in freely standing polymer films Journal Articles
Diffraction based characterization of a directionally solidified Cu–Cr eutectic alloy Journal Articles
Diffraction studies of icosahedral phases in the AlFeW system Conferences
Diffusion and recombination of optically-injected carriers in a semiconductor wafer in 3-dimensions Journal Articles
Diffusion of Ge in Si1-xGex/Si single quantum wells in inert and oxidizing ambients Journal Articles
Diffusion study in tailored gratings recorded in photopolymer glass with high refractive index species Journal Articles
Dipole-induced gate leakage reduction in scaled MOSFETs with a highly doped polysilicon/nitrided oxide gate stack Journal Articles
Direct calculation of metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor high frequency noise parameters Conferences
Direct determination of praseodymium valence in Pr2(CoxFe1−x)14B Journal Articles
Direct extraction and numerical simulation of the base and collector delay times in double heterojunction bipolar transistors Journal Articles
Direct extraction and numerical simulation of the base and collector delay times in double heterojunction bipolar transistors Journal Articles
Direct extraction of the channel thermal noise in metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor from measurements of their rf noise parameters Conferences
Direct observation of anti-phase boundaries in heteroepitaxy of GaSb thin films grown on Si(001) by transmission electron microscopy Journal Articles
Direct observation of indium precipitates in silicon following high dose ion implantation Journal Articles
Direct silicon bonding dynamics: A coupled fluid/structure analysis Journal Articles
Direct structural evidence of the change in N-III bonding in (GaIn)(NAs) before and after thermal annealing Journal Articles
Dislocation Microstructures and Plastic Flow: A 3D Simulation Journal Articles
Dislocation Patterning in Uniaxial Deformation Journal Articles
Dislocation relaxation in InAsyP1−y films deposited onto (001) InP by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Dislocation structures of fatigued polycrystalline copper under variable amplitudes Journal Articles
Dislocations in III-nitride films grown on 4H-SiC mesas with and without surface steps Journal Articles
Disorder production and amorphisation in ion implanted silicon Journal Articles
Disorder production in ion implanted gallium arsenide at 40 K Journal Articles
Displays Journal
Dissipation in perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin films studied using the complex AC susceptibility Journal Articles
Dissipative processes in perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin films studied using the complex AC susceptibility Conferences
Distortion correction and cross-talk compensation algorithm for use with an imaging spectrometer based spatially resolved diffuse reflectance system Journal Articles
Distribution of excitation energy in photosynthesis: quantification of fluorescence yields from intact cyanobacteria Journal Articles
Domain formation near the reorientation transition in perpendicularly magnetized, ultrathin Fe/Ni bilayer films (invited) Conferences
Domain formation near the reorientation transition in perpendicularly magnetized, ultrathin Fe/Ni bilayer films (invited) Journal Articles
Donor ionization in size controlled silicon nanocrystals: The transition from defect passivation to free electron generation Journal Articles
Doped microcrystalline silicon oxide alloys for silicon‐based photovoltaics: Optoelectronic properties, chemical composition, and structure studied by advanced characterization techniques Conferences
Dose response of ESR signals in tooth enamel Conferences
Dosimetric response evaluation of tooth enamel for accelerator-based neutron radiation Conferences
Dosimetry study for a new in vivo X-ray fluorescence (XRF) bone lead measurement system Conferences
Drying methods for XPS analysis of PureVision™, Focus® Night&Day™ and conventional hydrogel contact lenses Journal Articles
Dual nanostructures in poly (3-hexylthiophene) based organic photovoltaics under alternative current electric field Journal Articles
Dual-band photodetectors based on interband and intersubband transitions Conferences
Dual-topography electrical discharge machining of titanium to improve biocompatibility Journal Articles
Duplex Stainless Steel Microstructural Developments as Model Microstructures for Hot Ductility Investigations Conferences
Dynamic Strain Ageing and Stick-Slip Instabilities: A Parallel Approach and Statistical Study Journal Articles
Dynamic rectification in a thermal diode based on fluid-solid interfaces: Contrasting behavior of soft materials and fluids Journal Articles
Dynamics of argon in confined geometry Conferences
EPJ Applied Physics Journal
ERDA with very heavy ion beams Conferences
ESR dating of tooth enamel: Coupled correction for U-uptake and U-series disequilibrium Journal Articles
ESR studies of E′ centres in geological flint Journal Articles
ESR studies of tooth enamel Journal Articles
Edge effects in narrow-width MOSFET's Journal Articles
Effect of EFO parameters and superimposed ultrasound on work hardening behavior of palladium coated copper wire in thermosonic ball bonding Journal Articles
Effect of EFO parameters on Cu FAB hardness and work hardening in thermosonic wire bonding Journal Articles
Effect of Mn concentration on electron excitation in ZnS: Mn electroluminescent devices Journal Articles
Effect of Mn concentration on the cathodo- and photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn Journal Articles
Effect of Pd Surface Roughness on the Bonding Process and High Temperature Reliability of Au Ball Bonds Journal Articles
Effect of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles on the Grain Boundary Segregation and Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth Doped Mg2Si0.7Ge0.3 Journal Articles
Effect of active layer thickness on the electrical characteristics of polymer thin film transistors Journal Articles
Effect of adlayer dimer orientation on the optical anisotropy of single domain Si(001) Journal Articles
Effect of analytical method on thickness measurements of thin oxide films Journal Articles
Effect of annealing on the defect structure in a-SiC:H films Journal Articles
Effect of annealing on the microstructure of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets Journal Articles
Effect of coating weight on fiber laser welding of Galvanneal-coated 22MnB5 press hardening steel Journal Articles
Effect of composition on the behavior of pyrochlores irradiated with swift heavy ions Conferences
Effect of deposition conditions on the chemical bonding in sputtered carbon nitride films Journal Articles
Effect of dew point on the reactive wetting of a C-2Mn-1.3Si (wt%) advanced high strength steel during continuous galvanizing Journal Articles
Effect of electrode surface topology on charge injection characteristics in dielectric liquids: An experimental study Journal Articles
Effect of electronic flame off parameters on copper bonding wire: Free-air ball deformability, heat affected zone length, heat affected zone breaking force Journal Articles
Effect of emitter contact materials on high-performance vertical p-n-p transistors Journal Articles
Effect of encapsulant material on the diffusion of beryllium in molecular beam epitaxy gallium arsenide Journal Articles
Effect of encapsulant material on the diffusion of beryllium in molecular beam epitaxy gallium arsenide Journal Articles
Effect of exciton diffusion on electroluminescence of organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
Effect of forward and reverse substrate biasing on low-frequency noise in silicon PMOSFETs Journal Articles
Effect of frequency on two-phase flow regimes under high-voltage AC electric fields Journal Articles
Effect of gas type and flow rate on Cu free air ball formation in thermosonic wire bonding Journal Articles
Effect of hydrogen passivation on the photoluminescence of Tb ions in silicon rich silicon oxide films Journal Articles
Effect of interface trapping on the frequency response of a photodetector Conferences
Effect of interfacial mixed layer in blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes Journal Articles
Effect of laser cladding process parameters on clad quality and in-situ formed microstructure of Fe–TiC composite coatings Journal Articles
Effect of layer separation, InAs thickness, and rapid thermal annealing on the optical emission from a multi-layer quantum wire structure Journal Articles
Effect of lithium doping on the conductivity of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Journal Articles
Effect of mechanical properties measured at room and elevated temperatures on the wear resistance of cutting tools with TiAlN and AlCrN coatings Journal Articles
Effect of micropillar electrode spacing on the performance of electrohydrodynamic micropumps Journal Articles
Effect of molecular beam epitaxy growth conditions on the Bi content of GaAs1−xBix Journal Articles
Effect of organized doping on concentration quenching in ZnS:Mn Journal Articles
Effect of post-implantation anneal on the electrical characteristics of Ni 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes terminated using self-aligned argon ion implantation Journal Articles
Effect of scattering on the longitudinal mode spectrum of 1.3 μm InGaAsP semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Effect of shock wave processing on the properties of ZnS and ZnS-based phosphors Journal Articles
Effect of silicon pre-nitridation on the formation of the interfacial layer during pulsed laser deposition of thin dielectric oxide films Journal Articles
Effect of slag basicity and oxygen potential on the distribution of boron and phosphorus between slag and silicon Journal Articles
Effect of slag composition on the crystallization of synthetic CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO slags: Part II- Measurement and prediction of critical cooling rate Journal Articles
Effect of slag composition on the crystallization of synthetic CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–MgO slags: Part I—Crystallization behavior Journal Articles
Effect of surface mechanical attrition treatment on stainless steel corrosion Journal Articles
Effect of temperature of annealing below 900 °C on structure, properties and tool life of an AlTiN coating under various cutting conditions Journal Articles
Effect of temperature on the behavior of ion-irradiated cubic zirconia Conferences
Effect of the silicon/oxide interface on interstitials: Di-interstitial recombination Journal Articles
Effective mass and intrinsic concentration in silicon Journal Articles
Effective mass and intrinsic concentration in silicon Journal Articles
Effects of Be doping on InP nanowire growth mechanisms Journal Articles
Effects of Gate Oxide and Junction Nonuniformity on the DC and Low-Frequency Noise Performance of Four-Gate Transistors Journal Articles
Effects of Sb, Zn doping on structural, electrical and optical properties of SnO2 thin films Journal Articles
Effects of Ti content on the optical and structural properties of the Ti-doped ZnO nanoparticles Journal Articles
Effects of annealing ambient on the formation of compensation defects in InP Journal Articles
Effects of coating thickness on thermal conductivities of alumina coatings and alumina/aluminum hybrid materials prepared using plasma electrolytic oxidation Journal Articles
Effects of gate dielectric surface modification on phototransistors with polymer-blended benzothieno[2,3- b ]benzothiophene semiconductor thin films Journal Articles
Effects of having two populations of defects growing in the cavity of a semiconductor laser Journal Articles
Effects of hot-carrier stress on the performance of CMOS low-noise amplifiers Journal Articles
Effects of hot-carrier stress on the performance of the lc-tank cmos oscillators Journal Articles
Effects of humidity on unencapsulated poly(thiophene) thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Effects of hydrogen adsorption on the performance of the W(001) spin-polarized low-energy electron diffraction electron polarimeter Journal Articles
Effects of measurement distance and source activity on the precision of X-ray fluorescence measurements of lead in a bone phantom Journal Articles
Effects of strain and strain-rate on the formation of the shear band in metals Conferences
Effects of stress on threshold, wavelength, and polarization of the output of InGaAsP semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Effects of superimposed ultrasound on deformation of gold Journal Articles
Effects of temperature and oxygen pressure on binary oxide growth using aperture-controlled combinatorial pulsed-laser deposition Journal Articles
Effects of the Parasitics on the Time Response of RCE-PDs Journal Articles
Efficiency enhancement of blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes using mixed electron transport layer Journal Articles
Efficient 1.5-µm-Band MgO-Doped LiNbO3 Quasi-Phase-Matched Wavelength Converters Journal Articles
Efficient Hole Injection for Top-Emitting Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Nickel Oxide by Oxygen Plasma Treatment Journal Articles
Efficient Hole Injection for Top-Emitting Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Nickel Oxide by Oxygen Plasma Treatment Journal Articles
Efficient charge balance in blue phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes by two types of mixed layer Journal Articles
Efficient estimation of the mean of an exponential distribution when two outliers are present Journal Articles
Efficient localized heating of silver nanoparticles by low-fluence femtosecond laser pulses Journal Articles
Elastic and plastic work of indentation as a characteristic of wear behavior for cutting tools with nitride PVD coatings Conferences
Elastic recoil detection (ERD) of light elements in the near-surface region of Zr and its alloys following corrosion Conferences
Elastic recoil detection (ERD) with extremely heavy ions Conferences
Elastic recoil detection analysis with heavy ion beams Conferences
Electric-field-induced fluorescence quenching in dye-doped tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum layers Journal Articles
Electrical Characterization of Polymer-Based FETs Fabricated by Spin-Coating Poly(3-alkylthiophene)s Journal Articles
Electrical Resistivity of Ferromagnets at Low Temperatures Journal Articles
Electrical characteristics of 20-nm junctionless Si nanowire transistors Journal Articles
Electrical characterization of chemical and dielectric passivation of InAs nanowires Journal Articles
Electrical characterization of controlled and unintentional modified metal–organic contacts Journal Articles
Electrical characterization of semiconductor materials and devices—review Journal Articles
Electrical conductivity of Wesgo AL995 alumina under fast electron irradiation in a high voltage electron microscope Journal Articles
Electrical discharge characteristics of a dielectric liquid under external flow in a microchannel with planar electrode configuration Journal Articles
Electrical effect of soot depositions in a co-axial wire pipe flow Conferences
Electrical insulating potential of aluminum nitride under irradiation with fast electrons Conferences
Electrical observation of non-radiative recombination in Er doped Si nano-crystals during thermal quenching of intra-4f luminescence Journal Articles
Electrical properties of p-type InGaAsP and InGaAs irradiated with He+ and N+ Journal Articles
Electrical resistivity of sputtered Cu/Cr multilayered thin films Journal Articles
Electrical simulation of scanning capacitance microscopy imaging of the pn junction with semiconductor probe tips Journal Articles
Electrical studies of semiconductor–dielectric interfaces Journal Articles
Electrical transport and optical model of GaAs-AlInP core-shell nanowires Journal Articles
Electrically tunable film bulk acoustic resonator based on Au/ZnO/Al structure Journal Articles
Electro-optic sampling of 1.5-ps photoresponse signal from YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films Journal Articles
Electro-optical induction of recombination luminescence in an organic photoconductor Journal Articles
Electrocatalytic Hydrolysis‐Modulated Multistate Resistive Switching Behaviors in Memristors Journal Articles
Electrochemical Preparation of Ni and Fe Hydroxide/Oxide Films Using Polyethylenimine Journal Articles
Electrochemical deposition of composite biopolymer films Journal Articles
Electrochemical preparation of composite films containing cationic polyelectrolytes and cobalt hydroxide Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of Composite Ceria-Polyethylenimine Films Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of biopolymer films containing haemoglobin Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of biopolymer–glucose oxidase composites Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of cerium oxide films and composites Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of composite polypyrrole–carbon nanotube films Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of hyaluronic acid and composite films Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of hydroxyapatite–silver–chitosan nanocomposite coatings Journal Articles
Electrohydrodynamic atomization two-phase flow regime map for liquid hydrocarbon under pulsed electric fields with co-gas flow Journal Articles
Electrohydrodynamic condensation heat transfer modulation under dc and ac applied voltages in a horizontal annular channel Journal Articles
Electrohydrodynamic micropumps with asymmetric electrode geometries for microscale electronics cooling Journal Articles
Electrohydrodynamically enhanced capillary evaporator Journal Articles
Electrohydrodynamically induced flow direction in a wire-non-parallel plate electrode corona discharge Journal Articles
Electroluminescence of Zn2GeO4:Mn through SiC whisker electric field enhancement Journal Articles
Electroluminescence of the oxide thin film phosphors Zn2SiO4 and Y2SiO5 Journal Articles
Electroluminescent characteristics of europium complex thin films prepared using a vacuum deposition technique Journal Articles
Electromagnetic acoustic transducers as wideband velocity sensors Journal Articles
Electromagnetic field computation and electromagnetic signal processing Journal Articles
Electron and hole mobility reduction and Hall factor in phosphorus-compensated p-type silicon Journal Articles
Electron and hole scattering in short-period InGaAs/InP superlattices Journal Articles
Electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition of silicon oxynitrides using tris(dimethylamino)silane Journal Articles
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of interfacial layer formation in Gd2O3 films deposited directly on Si(001) Journal Articles
Electron energy loss spectroscopy studies of the amorphous to crystalline transition in FeF3 Journal Articles
Electron magnetic resonance studies of the Pr3Ga5SiO14 and Nd3Ga5SiO14 kagomé systems Conferences
Electron microscopy and the study of microstructure and domain structure of magnetic materials Journal Articles
Electron microscopy of Co/Fe/B/Si amorphous alloys Journal Articles
Electron microscopy of Mn-Al-C magnets Journal Articles
Electron microscopy of some rare earth–cobalt alloy magnets Journal Articles
Electron microscopy study of the ferroelectric domains and domain wall structure in PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 Journal Articles
Electron paramagnetic resonance dose response studies for neutron irradiated human teeth Journal Articles
Electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry and dating potential of whewellite (calcium oxalate monohydrate) Journal Articles
Electron polarimeter based on spin-polarized low-energy electron diffraction Journal Articles
Electron transport in InAs-InAlAs core-shell nanowires Journal Articles
Electron transport in a molecularly doped polymer Journal Articles
Electronic Structure and Elastic Properties of Strongly Correlated Metal Oxides from First Principles: LSDA + U, SIC-LSDA and EELS Study of UO2 and NiO Journal Articles
Electronic band structure of nitrogen diluted Ga(PAsN): Formation of the intermediate band, direct and indirect optical transitions, and localization of states Journal Articles
Electronic damping of spin waves in ferromagnetic uranium chalcogenides: Uranium selenide Journal Articles
Electronic transitions of Ho in Pb2Sr2HoCu3O8 observed by inelastic neutron scattering Conferences
Electrophoretic deposition of chitosan–albumin and Alginate–albumin films Journal Articles
Electrophoretic deposition of linear polyethylenimine and composite films Journal Articles
Electrophoretic deposition of manganese oxide films Journal Articles
Electrophoretic deposition of polymer and composite films Journal Articles
Electrophoretic deposition of polymer-carbon nanotube–hydroxyapatite composites Journal Articles
Electropolymerization of polypyrrole films on stainless steel substrates for electrodes of electrochemical supercapacitors Journal Articles
Electroreflectance and thermoreflectance of ZnSnAs2 Journal Articles
Electrostatic model of radial pn junction nanowires Journal Articles
Electrosynthesis of manganese oxide films Journal Articles
Emergent behavior of nano-multilayered coatings during dry high-speed machining of hardened tool steels Journal Articles
Emerging technologies in magnetic storage (invited) (abstract) Conferences
Emission mechanism in OELD : Shift from green to blue Journal Articles
Emission shift by recombination effect in a three-layered oeld Journal Articles
Energy loss around the stopping power maximum of Ne, Mg and Na ions in hydrogen gas Journal Articles
Energy loss of heavy ions at high velocity Conferences
Energy spikes in Si and Ge due to heavy ion bombardment Journal Articles
Energy storage and piezoelectric properties of lead‐free SrTiO3-modified 0.965Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–0.035BaTiO3 ceramics Journal Articles
Energy transfer between host and dopant molecules in blue organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
Engineering intrinsic defects in CuO NWs through laser irradiation: Oxygen vs copper vacancies Journal Articles
Enhanced Diffusion and Lattice Location of Indium and Gallium Implanted in Silicon Journal Articles
Enhanced band-gap blueshift due to group V intermixing in InGaAsP multiple quantum well laser structures induced by low temperature grown InP Journal Articles
Enhanced bandgap blue-shift in InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well laser structures by low-temperature-grown InP Journal Articles
Enhanced depth resolution in positron analysis of ion irradiated SiO2 films Journal Articles
Enhanced helium release by hydrogen isotope charging in polycrystalline nickel Journal Articles
Enhanced hydroxylation and carbon dioxide uptake on nanotextured silver oxide Journal Articles
Enhanced mass transport in ultrarapidly heated Ni/Si thin-film multilayers Journal Articles
Enhanced thermal stability in organic light-emitting diodes through nanocomposite buffer layers at the anode/organic interface Journal Articles
Enhancement of carbide tool performance during dry machining through a combination of laser surface texturing and tungsten disulfide soft coatings Journal Articles
Enhancement of depth sensitivity in slow positron implantation spectroscopy of Si Journal Articles
Enhancement of external quantum efficiency and reduction of roll-off in blue phosphorescent organic light emitt diodes using TCTA inter-layer Journal Articles
Enhancement of interphase mass transfer by a pulsed electric field Conferences
Enhancement of phosphorus activation in vacancy engineered thin silicon-on-insulator substrates Journal Articles
Enhancing and Understanding the High Stretchability of Printable, Conductive Silver Nanowire Ink Journal Articles
Equivalent Sheet Resistance of Intrinsic Noise in Sub-100-nm MOSFETs Journal Articles
Erbium-ytterbium co-doped aluminum oxide thin films: Co-sputtering deposition, photoluminescence, luminescent lifetime, energy transfer and quenching fraction Journal Articles
Erosion of frozen-gas films by MeV ions Journal Articles
Erratum to “Investigating the correlation between nano-impact fracture resistance and hardness/modulus ratio from nanoindentation at 25–500 °C and the fracture resistance and lifetime of cutting tools with Ti1−Al N (x= 0.5 and 0.67) PVD coatings in milling operations” [Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (2007) 4585–4593] Journal Articles
Erratum to “Iterative optimization of tail breaking force of 1 mil wire thermosonic ball bonding processes and the influence of plasma cleaning” Journal Articles
Erratum: Analysis of Sb-Implanted Silicon by (p, p) Scattering and Hall Measurements Journal Articles
Erratum: “Columnar [001]-oriented nitrogen order in Ga(NAs) and (GaIn)(NAs) alloys” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 5908 (2004)] Journal Articles
Erratum: “Deep level defects in n-type GaAsBi and GaAs grown at low temperatures” [J. Appl. Phys. 113, 133708 (2013)] Journal Articles
Estimating Permanent-Magnet Motor Parameters Under Inter-Turn Fault Conditions Journal Articles
Etching of InP surface oxide with atomic hydrogen produced by electron cyclotron resonance Journal Articles
European Physical Journal: Special Topics Journal
Evaluation of H-plasma and thermal oxide desorption procedures for MBE regrowth of an InP/InGaAs/InP quantum well Journal Articles
Evaluation of a novel N-(Hydroxymethyl) acrylamide polymer gel dosimeter formulation with organic glucose additive for radiotherapy Journal Articles
Evaluation of a novel physically cross-linked fricke-xylenol orange-polyvinyl alcohol radio-chromic gel dosimeter for radiotherapy Journal Articles
Evaluation of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor based photodetectors for low-level light detection Conferences
Evaluation of plasma and thermal sources for atomic hydrogen-assisted epitaxy of InP Journal Articles
Evaluation of the charge density in the contact region of organic thin film transistors Journal Articles
Evidence for a thermal spike mechanism in the erosion of frozen xenon Journal Articles
Evidence for an equilibrium epitaxial complexion at the Au-MgAl2O4 interface Journal Articles
Evidence for domain condensation near the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition in perpendicularly magnetized, ultrathin Fe/2 ML Ni/W[110] films Conferences
Evidence for spike-effects in low-energy heavy-ion bombardment of Si and Ge Journal Articles
Evidence of Eu2+ 4f electrons in the valence band spectra of EuTiO3 and EuZrO3 Journal Articles
Evidence of two disorder scales in Ga(AsBi) Journal Articles
Evolution of Cu microstructure and resistivity during thermal treatment of damascene line: Influence of line width and temperature Conferences
Evolution of self-organization in nano-structured PVD coatings under extreme tribological conditions Journal Articles
Evolution of the microstructure of rapidly solidified Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets Journal Articles
Evolution of wurtzite CdTe through the formation of cluster assembled films Journal Articles
Evolutionary parameter extraction for an organic TFT compact model including contact effects Journal Articles
Examples of liquiq metal embrittlement in industrial aluminium alloys Conferences
Exchange Interactions and the Spin-Wave Spectrum of Terbium Journal Articles
Exchange bias in a single phase ferrimagnet Journal Articles
Excitation mechanism and thermal emission quenching of Tb ions in silicon rich silicon oxide thin films grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition—Do we need silicon nanoclusters? Journal Articles
Excitation mechanism of Tb3+ in a-Si3N4:H under sub-gap excitation Journal Articles
Exciton recombination at crystal-phase quantum rings in GaAs/InxGa1−xAs core/multishell nanowires Journal Articles
Experimental and theoretical evidence for a new universality class in FeF3: A 3D lattice with frustrated Heisenberg spins (abstract) Conferences
Experimental characterization and theoretical modeling of the strain effect on the evolution and interband transitions of InAs quantum dots grown on InxGa1−xAs (0.0⩽x⩽0.3) metamorphic pseudosubstrates on GaAs wafers Journal Articles
Experimental investigation and modeling of diffusion in the InP/(In,Ga)As heterostructures Journal Articles
Experimental study of implantation-induced disordering in InGaAsP strained multiple-quantum-well heterostructures Journal Articles
Explanation of the influence on the oscillation spectrum of diode lasers for a change of facet reflectivity Journal Articles
Exploring the collective dynamics of lipid membranes with inelastic neutron scattering Conferences
Externally-Physical-Field-Assisted Aging Precipitation in Aerospace Aluminum Alloys: A Review Journal Articles
Extraction of Electron and Hole Ionization Coefficients From Metamorphically Grown InGaSb Diodes Journal Articles
Extraction of Gate Resistance in Sub-100-nm MOSFETs With Statistical Verification Journal Articles
Extraction of bonding strain data in diode lasers from polarization-resolved photoluminescence measurements Journal Articles
Extraction of the induced gate noise, channel noise, and their correlation in submicron MOSFETs from RF noise measurements Journal Articles
Fabrication and magnetisation measurements of variable-pitch gratings of cobalt on GaAs Journal Articles
Fabrication of White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Two Complementary Color Methods Journal Articles
Fabrication of nanoscale single crystal InP membranes Journal Articles
Fabrication of out-of-plane micromirrors in silicon-on-insulator planar waveguides Conferences
Fabrication of phonon-based metamaterial structures using focused ion beam patterning Journal Articles
Fabrication of textured Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O thick film by electrophoretic deposition Journal Articles
Facile synthesis of a hierarchical multi-layered CNT-NiFe2O4@MnO2 composite with enhanced microwave absorbing performance Journal Articles
Facilitating growth of InAs–InP core–shell nanowires through the introduction of Al Journal Articles
Failure analysis and reliability evaluation of silver-sintered die attachment for high-temperature applications Journal Articles
Fano resonances in nanohole oligomers in a gold film Journal Articles
Fast Evaluation of the High-Frequency Channel Noise in Nanoscale MOSFETs Journal Articles
FeOOH-polypyrrole-multiwalled carbon nanotube ternary nanocomposite fabricated by liquid-liquid co-extraction technique for supercapacitors application Journal Articles
Feasibility of chromium measurement in skin using a portable hand-held XRF system Journal Articles
Feature Article: Thermodynamic properties from ab‐initio calculations: New theoretical developments, and applications to various materials systems Journal Articles
Features and mechanisms of the saturating hot-carrier degradation in LDD NMOSFETs Journal Articles
Features of self-organization in ion modified nanocrystalline plasma vapor deposited AlTiN coatings under severe tribological conditions Journal Articles
Features of self‐organization in nanostructuring PVD coatings on a base of polyvalent metal nitrides under severe tribological conditions Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser irradiation of metal and thermal oxide layers on silicon: studies utilising cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser micromachining of grooves in indium phosphide Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser micromachining of grooves in silicon with 800 nm pulses Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser pulse ablation of GaAs and InP: studies utilizing scanning and transmission electron microscopy Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser-based fabrication of a new model material to study fracture Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser-induced phase transformations in amorphous Cu77Ni6Sn10P7 alloy Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser-induced plasticity in CuO nanowires Journal Articles
Ferroelectrics Journal
Ferromagnetic correlations in the highly frustrated, spin-glass-like, pyrochlore oxide Y2Mn2O7, a neutron scattering study Journal Articles
Ferromagnetic order in U2NiSi3 Conferences
Fighting OLED degradation Journal Articles
Finding the asymmetric parasitic source and drain resistances from the a.c. conductances of a single MOS transistor Journal Articles
Fine stripe coating and micro patterning of organic thin films using double nozzles for OLEDs Journal Articles
Finite size scaling in Ising thin films Journal Articles
Finite-size effects on the phase diagrams of binary alloy films Journal Articles
First phase to form during cobalt germanidation Journal Articles
First-principle prediction of single-carrier avalanche multiplication in chalcopyrite semiconductors Journal Articles
Fission processes following core level excitation in closo ‐1,2‐orthocarborane Journal Articles
Fixed-in Variable-out Wavelength Vonversion Using LiNbO3 Quasiphase-Matched Wavelength Vonverter Journal Articles
Flexure-mounted external cavity for single-mode operation of semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Floating zone crystal growth and structural distortion of Pb2V3O9 Journal Articles
Flow characteristics of dc wire-non-parallel plate electrohydrodynamic gas pumps Journal Articles
Flow characteristics of wire-rod type electrohydrodynamic gas pump under negative corona operations Journal Articles
Fluence and dose measurements for an accelerator neutron beam Conferences
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with sub-diffraction-limited resolution using near-field optical probes Journal Articles
Flux Pinning in Type II Superconductors Viewed as a Plasticity Problem Journal Articles
Flux growth of CdCr2O4 and ZnCr2O4 single crystals by the slow cooling method from different fluxes Journal Articles
Flux growth of Y2Cu2O5 single crystals Journal Articles
Flux growth of single crystals of NdyPr1-yGaO3 solid solutions as substrates for high temperature superconductor films Conferences
Fluxless plasma bumping of lead‐free solders and the reliability effects of under bump metallization thickness Journal Articles
Footprint study of ultrasonic wedge-bonding with aluminum wire on copper substrate Journal Articles
Foreword Special Issue on Compact Modeling of Emerging Devices Journal Articles
Formation and oxidation of Si nanoclusters in Er-doped Si-rich SiOx Journal Articles
Formation of diamond-like carbon by fs laser irradiation of organic liquids Journal Articles
Forward elastic recoil measurements using heavy ions Journal Articles
Forward elastic recoil measurements using heavy ions Conferences
Friction and counterface wear influenced by surface profiles of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on an aluminum A356 alloy Journal Articles
Frustration and absence of long range order on the corner sharing-tetrahedron lattice within mean field theory (abstract) Conferences
Frustration and short range magnetic correlations in the pyrochlore Y2Mn2O7 (abstract) Conferences
Fullerene ion (C60+) damage in Si at 25°C Journal Articles
Fully Integrated Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detector in Standard CMOS 0.18- $\mu$m Technology Journal Articles
Fundamental Concepts of Ion-Solid Interactions: Single Ions, 10−12 Seconds Journal Articles
GaAs quantum wire lasers grown on v-grooved substrates isolated by self-aligned ion implantation Journal Articles
GaN vertical and lateral polarity heterostructures on GaN substrates Journal Articles
Gallium loading of gold seed for high yield of patterned GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
Gate-assisted turn-off effect in TIL-type thyristors Journal Articles
Gate-controlled lateral PNP BJT: characteristics, modeling and circuit applications Journal Articles
Ge-on-Si Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors: Design, Modeling, Fabrication, and Characterization at Wavelengths 1310 and 1550 nm Journal Articles
Generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry and Mueller-matrix study of twisted nematic and super twisted nematic liquid crystals Conferences
Generation-recombination noise in MOSFETs Journal Articles
Glass transition reductions in thin freely-standing polymer films : A scaling analysis of chain confinement effects Conferences
Glass transition reductions in thin freely-standing polymer films: A scaling analysis of chain confinement effects Journal Articles
Gold-coated tin oxide nanoparticles as potential optical isolator materials: simulation of absorption and Faraday rotation and comparison with micelle templated core-shell nanoparticles Journal Articles
Golden bump for 20micron diameter wire bond enhancement at reduced process temperature Journal Articles
Grain growth and alignment in hot deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets Journal Articles
Group V incorporation in InGaAsP grown on InP by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Growth and characterization of GaAsSb metamorphic samples on an InP substrate Conferences
Growth and characterization of silicon nitride films produced by remote microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition Journal Articles
Growth and characterization of superconducting single crystals of layered 1212 PbSrYCaCu oxide Journal Articles
Growth and fabrication issues of GaSb-based detectors Journal Articles
Growth and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of InAs quantum wires on vicinal substrates Journal Articles
Growth and magnetic properties of epitaxial ultrathin Ni films on Cu(111) using Sb as a surfactant Journal Articles
Growth and properties of single crystals of relaxor PZN–PT materials obtained from high-temperature solution Journal Articles
Growth behavior of Cu/Al intermetallic compounds and cracks in copper ball bonds during isothermal aging Journal Articles
Growth mechanisms and morphology of Ar+ laser assisted CBE of GaAs Conferences
Growth mechanisms of GaAs nanowires by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Growth mechanisms of GaSb heteroepitaxial films on Si with an AlSb buffer layer Journal Articles
Growth mechanisms of III–V compounds by atomic hydrogen-assisted epitaxy Journal Articles
Growth of (Pb0.75Cu0.25)Sr2(Y1−yCay)Cu2O7 thin films by laser ablation Journal Articles
Growth of CdTe∕Si(100) thin films by pulsed laser deposition for photonic applications Conferences
Growth of InGaAs/InP structures by gas source molecular beam epitaxy on SiO2-patterned substrates for optoelectronic applications Journal Articles
Growth of dense SiC films on Si at medium temperatures by pulsed laser deposition Journal Articles
Growth of epitaxial a-axis and c-axis oriented Sr2RuO4 films Journal Articles
Growth of epitaxial Sr2RuO4 films and heterostructures Journal Articles
Growth of high Bi concentration GaAs1−xBix by molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Growth of large single crystals of Heusler alloys, Ni2MnSn and Ni2Mn1−xVxSn, for neutron inelastic scattering experiments Journal Articles
Growth of nanoporous silicon dioxide thin films using porous alumina substrates Journal Articles
Growth of novel InP-based materials by He-plasma-assisted epitaxy Conferences
Growth rate at first-order phase transformation processes in multicomponent systems Journal Articles
Growth temperature dependence for the formation of vacancy clusters in Si/Si0.64Ge0.36/Si structures Journal Articles
H-induced effects in luminescent silicon nanostructures obtained from plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition grown SiyO1−y:H(y>1∕3) thin films annealed in (Ar+5%H2) Conferences
H-sensitive radiative recombination path in Si nanoclusters embedded in SiO2 Journal Articles
He-plasma assisted epitaxy for highly resistive, optically fast InP-based materials Journal Articles
Heat conduction across a solid-solid interface: Understanding nanoscale interfacial effects on thermal resistance Journal Articles
Heat transfer augmentation using a magnetic fluid under the influence of a line dipole Journal Articles
Heat-treatment-induced defects in low-resistivity silicon Journal Articles
Heavy ion channeling Journal Articles
Heavy-ion irradiation of pyrochlore oxides: Comparison between low and high energy regimes Conferences
Helium bubbles in silicon: Structure and optical properties Journal Articles
Heterogeneous diamond phases in compressed graphite studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy Journal Articles
High T$_c$ Superconductivity as a Consequence of Coupling between the Charge and the Spin Degrees of Freedom Journal Articles
High contrast green OLEDs using inorganic metal multi layer Journal Articles
High density cascade effects Journal Articles
High efficient and color stable WOLED using double white emissive layer Journal Articles
High efficient white organic light-emitting diodes with single emissive layer using phosphorescent red, green, and blue dopants Journal Articles
High electron mobility triazine for lower driving voltage and higher efficiency organic light emitting devices Journal Articles
High energy He+ bombardment of n-type InP Journal Articles
High frequency noise of MOSFETs I Modeling Journal Articles
High frequency noise of MOSFETs. II. Experiments Journal Articles
High performance MSM photodetector operating at 1.3-1.5 μm Journal Articles
High performance nanocomposite thin film transistors with bilayer carbon nanotube-polythiophene active channel by ink-jet printing Journal Articles
High pressure saturation of hydrogen stored by single-wall carbon nanotubes Journal Articles
High resistivity in n-type InP by He+ bombardment at 300 and 60 K Journal Articles
High resolution x-ray diffraction analysis of InGaAs∕InP superlattices Journal Articles
High temperature proton implantation induced photosensitivity of Ge-doped SiO2 planar waveguides Journal Articles
High-Frequency Noise of Modern MOSFETs: Compact Modeling and Measurement Issues Journal Articles
High-K dielectric deposition in 3D architectures: The case of Ta2O5 deposited with metal–organic precursor TBTDET Conferences
High-energy heavy ion beams in materials science Conferences
High-frequency small signal AC and noise modeling of MOSFETs for RF IC design Journal Articles
High-performance green phosphorescent top-emitting organic light-emitting diodes based on FDTD optical simulation Journal Articles
High-reflectance III-nitride distributed Bragg reflectors grown on Si substrates Journal Articles
High-resistivity regions in n-type InGaAsP produced by 4He+ ion bombardment at 80 and 300 K Journal Articles
High-resistivity regions in n-type InGaAsP produced by ion bombardment at different temperatures Journal Articles
High-resolution observations of an amorphous layer and subsurface damage formed by femtosecond laser irradiation of silicon Journal Articles
Highly efficient and simplified phosphorescence white organic light-emitting diodes based on synthesized deep-blue host and orange emitter Journal Articles
Highly electrically conductive adhesives using silver nanoparticle (Ag NP)-decorated graphene: the effect of NPs sintering on the electrical conductivity improvement Journal Articles
Highly focused femtosecond laser directed selective boron doping in single SiC nanowire device for n-p conversion Journal Articles
Highly localized heat generation by femtosecond laser induced plasmon excitation in Ag nanowires Journal Articles
High‐efficiency InGaN/GaN quantum well structures on large area silicon substrates Journal Articles
Homogenization of tantalum pentoxide reference materials and the establishment of a reference standard for sputtering fluxes and for cross section measurements in nuclear instruments Journal Articles
Hot-carrier effects on radio frequency noise characteristics of LDD n-type metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistors Conferences
Hot-carrier effects on the scattering parameters of lightly doped drain n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor Conferences
Hot-carrier reliability of submicron NMOSFETs and integrated NMOS low noise amplifiers Journal Articles
How well does 4He backscattering from low-Z nuclei obey the Rutherford formula? Journal Articles
Humidity-induced crystallization of tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum layers in organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
Hybrid nano ridge plasmonic polaritons waveguides Journal Articles
Hydrogen incorporation into Si-doped InP deposited by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Hydronium ion sensitivity of surface stabilized stearic acid membranes prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer transfer Journal Articles
IBM Journal of Research and Development Journal
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Journal
IEEE Electron Device Letters Journal
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability Journal
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Journal
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Journal
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Journal
IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology Journal
IET Science, Measurement and Technology Journal
III–V nanowire photovoltaics: Review of design for high efficiency Journal Articles
ION BOMBARDMENT DAMAGE IN alpha -QUARTZ AT 50-295 K. Conferences
Identification of nonbolometric photoresponse in YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films based on magnetic field dependence Journal Articles
Image capture array with an organic light sensor Journal Articles
Image reversal photoresist for small molecule organic light-emitting diode applications Journal Articles
Image sensors combining an organic photoconductor with a-Si:H matrix addressing Conferences
Imaging of acoustic fields in bulk acoustic-wave thin-film resonators Journal Articles
Imaging of charge transport in polycrystalline diamond using ion-beam-induced charge microscopy Journal Articles
Imaging of charge transport properties in polycrystalline CVD diamond using IBIC and IBIL microscopy Journal Articles
Imaging the strain fields resulting from laser micromachining of semiconductors Journal Articles
Impact of Al and Cr alloying in TiN-based PVD coatings on cutting performance during machining of hard to cut materials Conferences
Impact of Outer Shell Structure and Localization Effects on Charge Carrier Dynamics in GaAs/(In,Ga)As Nanowire Core–Shell Quantum Wells Journal Articles
Impact of annealing on microstructure, properties and cutting performance of an AlTiN coating Journal Articles
Impact of carbon concentration on 1∕f noise and random telegraph signal noise in SiGe:C heterojunction bipolar transistors Journal Articles
Impact of growth conditions on vacancy-type defects in silicon–germanium structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Impact of silicide layer on single photon avalanche diodes in a 130 nm CMOS process Journal Articles
Impact of the fringing capacitance at the back of thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Implantation and Annealing Behavior of Group III and V Dopants in Silicon as Studied by the Channeling Technique Journal Articles
Implantation and grain growth in ni thin films induced by Bi and Ag ions Journal Articles
Implantation isolation in n-type InP bombarded with He+ and B+ Conferences
Implantation of Ni thin films and single crystals with Ag ions Journal Articles
Implantation profile of Na22 continuous energy spectrum positrons in silicon Journal Articles
Implementing the TIL Concept in high-power GTO's Journal Articles
Improved GaN materials and devices through confined epitaxy Journal Articles
Improved InAsP metamorphic layers grown on an InP substrate using underlying InP grown at low temperatures Journal Articles
Improved conductivity and long-term stability of sulfur-passivated n-GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
Improved surface plasmon enhanced photodetection at an AuGaAs schottky junction using a novel molecular beam epitaxy grown Otto coupling structure Journal Articles
Improved ultraviolet emission from reduced defect gallium nitride homojunctions grown on step-free 4H-SiC mesas Journal Articles
Improvement of Bondability by Depressing the Inhomogeneous Distribution of Nanoparticles in a Sintering Bonding Process with Silver Nanoparticles Journal Articles
Improvement of efficiency roll-off in blue phosphorescence OLED using double dopants emissive layer Journal Articles
Improvement of ‘duplex’ PVD coatings for HSS cutting tools by ion mixing Journal Articles
Improvements of the DRAGON recoil separator at ISAC Conferences
Improvements to TITAN’s mass measurement and decay spectroscopy capabilities Conferences
Improving the stability of organic light-emitting devices by using a hole-injection-tunable-anode-buffer-layer Journal Articles
Improving the stability of organic light-emitting devices by using a thin Mg anode buffer layer Journal Articles
Impurity band in the interfacial region of GaN films grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy Journal Articles
Impurity bands in moderately doped semiconductors and their effect on the MOS C-V freeze-out characteristics Journal Articles
Impurity bands in moderately doped semiconductors and their effect on the MOS C-V freeze-out characteristics Journal Articles
Impurity gettering to secondary defects created by MeV ion implantation in silicon Journal Articles
Impurity-free intermixing in compressively strained InGaAsP multiple quantum well structures Conferences
Impurity-free seeded crystallization of amorphous silicon by nanoindentation Journal Articles
In liquid laser treated graphene oxide for dye removal Journal Articles
In situ determination of the anisotropy field in ferromagnetic films using magnetic susceptibility measurements by MOKE Journal Articles
In situ ultrasonic force signals during low-temperature thermosonic copper wire bonding Journal Articles
In-situ CrFeCoNi medium entropy alloying coating via electrospark powder deposition Journal Articles
In-situ laser reflectometry of the epitaxial growth of thin semiconductor films Conferences
In-situ monitoring of electron cyclotron resonance plasma chemical vapour deposition of hydrogenated silicon nitride films Conferences
InAs nanowire growth modes on Si (111) by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
InAs quantum wire induced composition modulation in an In0.53Ga0.37Al0.10As barrier layer grown on an InP substrate Journal Articles
InAsSb pillars for multispectral long-wavelength infrared absorption Journal Articles
InGaAs/InP quantum wires grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy onto V-grooved InP substrates with (111)A facet sidewalls Journal Articles
InGaAsP grown by He-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy for 1.55 μm high speed photodetectors Journal Articles
InP surface properties under ICP plasma etching using mixtures of chlorides and hydrides Journal Articles
InP/InGaAsP double-heterostructure optoelectronic switch Journal Articles
InSb nanowires for multispectral infrared detection Journal Articles
InSb p+-n junctions in forward bias Journal Articles
Incorporation of Ga metalorganic precursors during transients at the start of GaAs growth in CBE Conferences
Incorporation of nitrogen in sputtered carbon films Journal Articles
Increased yield of MoS2 monolayer exfoliation through the bimetallic corrosion of aluminum Journal Articles
Indian Journal of Physics Journal
Indium as a p-type dopant of thin film silicon solar cells Journal Articles
Indium interdiffusion in annealed and implanted InAs/(AlGa)As self-assembled quantum dots Journal Articles
Individual heteroatom identification with X-ray spectroscopy Journal Articles
Induced Defects in ZnSe and ZnTe by Electron and Proton Irradiation and Defect-Annealing Behaviour Conferences
Inductance Calculations in Permanent-Magnet Motors Under Fault Conditions Journal Articles
Inductance Identification and Study of PM Motor With Winding Turn Short Circuit Fault Conferences
Inelastic light scattering in halide and oxide glasses: Intrinsic Brillouin linewidths and stimulated Brillouin gain Journal Articles
Inelastic neutron scattering for investigating the dynamics of confined glass-forming liquids Conferences
Inelastic stopping of medium energy light ions in silicon Journal Articles
Influence of Co addition on the magnetic and thermal stability behavior of Fe77−Co Al2.14P8.4C5B4Ga0.86Si2.6 amorphous alloys Journal Articles
Influence of FeCo-interlayer thickness on remanence and coercivity in SmCo/FeCo/SmCo triple-layer films Conferences
Influence of characteristic scales: from materials modelling to materials selection Conferences
Influence of dopant structure and charge on supercapacitive behavior of polypyrrole electrodes with high mass loading Journal Articles
Influence of gold pick up on the hardness of copper free air ball Journal Articles
Influence of superimposed ultrasound on deformability of Cu Journal Articles
Influence of the annealing temperature and silicon concentration on the absorption and emission properties of Si nanocrystals Journal Articles
Influence of the annealing temperature on the optical transitions of InGaAsP‐based quantum well structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy Conferences
Influence of the bombarding angle on the sputtering yield of heavy atomic and molecular ion bombardment of Ag and Auf Journal Articles
Influence of the bonding front propagation on the wafer stack curvature Journal Articles
Influence of the crystalline electric field on the Kondo resistivity of Cexa1-xPd3 ternaries Journal Articles
Information Display Journal
Infrared Physics and Technology Journal
Infrared studies of AB-plane oriented YBa2Cu3O7−δ Journal Articles
Inhibition of superconductivity in YBaCuO films by aluminum ion implantation Journal Articles
Inhomogeneous spatial distribution of reverse bias leakage in GaN Schottky diodes Journal Articles
Inkjet printing narrow electrodes with <50 μm line width and channel length for organic thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Inorganic Materials Journal
Input polarization-independent polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography using a depolarizer Journal Articles
Inside Back Cover (Phys. Status Solidi B 2/2010) Journal Articles
Insights into the photo-physics of single luminescent conjugated polymers of PPV derivatives using single molecule techniques Conferences
Instrumentation for in situ flow electrochemical Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) Journal Articles
Integrated ECR-PECVD and magnetron sputtering system for rare-earth-doped Si-based materials Conferences
Integrated nanostructures for direct detection of DNA at attomolar concentrations Journal Articles
Inter-Landau level transfer in valence band of In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum well Journal Articles
Inter-valley phonon-assisted Auger recombination in InGaAs/InP quantum well Journal Articles
Interaction of hot carriers with optical phonons in Selenium Conferences
Interaction of magnetic domain walls with microstructural features in spinel ferrites Journal Articles
Interface alloying at Fe/Cr interfaces and its role in exchange coupling, angular resolved Auger electron, magneto-optic Kerr effect, and Brillouin light scattering studies (invited) Conferences
Interface alloying at Fe/Cr interfaces and its role in exchange coupling, angular resolved Auger electron, magneto-optic Kerr effect, and Brillouin light scattering studies (invited) Journal Articles
Interface roughness in short-period InGaAs∕InP superlattices Journal Articles
Interference rings formation inside cellulose from a back-reflected femtosecond laser pulse Journal Articles
Intermixing of InGaAsP/InGaAsP quantum-well structures using dielectric films Journal Articles
Internal stresses in an austenoferritic duplex stainless steel Journal Articles
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Journal
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems Journal
International Round-Robin Study of the Thermoelectric Transport Properties of an n-Type Half-Heusler Compound from 300 K to 773 K Journal Articles
Interpretation of magnetic dichroism in angle-resolved UV photoemission from valence bands Journal Articles
Intrinsic electric fields in silicon Journal Articles
Intrinsic magnetic properties of L1 FeNi obtained from meteorite NWA 6259 Journal Articles
Intrinsic mobility and its surface degradation parameters in narrow channel width PMOS devices at cryogenic temperatures Journal Articles
Intrinsic picosecond response times of Y–Ba–Cu–O superconducting photodetectors Journal Articles
Investigating the correlation between nano-impact fracture resistance and hardness/modulus ratio from nanoindentation at 25–500 °C and the fracture resistance and lifetime of cutting tools with Ti1−xAlxN (x=0.5 and 0.67) PVD coatings in milling operations Journal Articles
Investigation of bonding strength and sealing behavior of aluminum/stainless steel bonded at room temperature Journal Articles
Investigation of circular Bragg reflection in an azo polymer with photoinduced chirality Journal Articles
Investigation of cross-hatch in In0.3Ga0.7As pseudo-substrates Journal Articles
Investigation of defects influencing performance of type-II InAs/GaInSb superlattice based infrared PIN type photodetectors Journal Articles
Investigation of dielectric cap induced intermixing of InxGa1−xAsyP1−y/InP quantum well laser structures by photoreflectance and photoluminescence Conferences
Investigation of electrically induced migration of copper on graphene surfaces: Theory and experiments Journal Articles
Investigation of electromechanical distortions in gallium nitride by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy Conferences
Investigation of electronic and atomic structure of tribofilms on the surface of cutting tools with TiAlCrSiYN and multilayer TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coatings during machining of hardened steels Conferences
Investigation of energy absorption by clustered gold nanoparticles Journal Articles
Investigation of magnetic structure evolution in the substitutional solid solution Sc x Lu (1-x) MnO 3 Conferences
Investigation of the fracture of very thin amorphous alumina film during spherical nanoindentation Journal Articles
Investigation of the microstructure and the rheology of semi-solid
alloys by computer simulation Journal Articles
Investigation of the microstructure and the rheology of semi-solid alloys by computer simulation Conferences
Investigation of the sites of dark spots in organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
Investigation of the thermal charge “trapping-detrapping” in silicon nanocrystals: Correlation of the optical properties with complex impedance spectra Journal Articles
Investigations of High Strain Deformation Using Model Composite Systems Journal Articles
In Situ Studies of the Effect of Ultrasound During Deformation on Residual Hardness of a Metal Journal Articles
Ion beam induced luminescence: Relevance to radiation induced bystander effects Journal Articles
Ion beam mixing for ohmic contact formation to n-type GaAs Journal Articles
Ion beam mixing to produce Bi/Sb alloys for thin film thermoelectric devices Journal Articles
Ion bombardment damage in α-quartz at 50–295 K Journal Articles
Ion drag electrohydrodynamic (EHD) micro-pumps under a pulsed voltage Journal Articles
Ion implantation damage in CdS Journal Articles
Ion implantation induced compositional intermixing in the MQW system for wavelength shifted waveguides Conferences
Ion-beam damage to quartz crystals Conferences
Ion-implanted 32S targets for astrophysics studies Journal Articles
IonMonger 2.0: software for free, fast and versatile simulation of current, voltage and impedance response of planar perovskite solar cells Journal Articles
IonMonger: a free and fast planar perovskite solar cell simulator with coupled ion vacancy and charge carrier dynamics Journal Articles
Is Y(Sc)Mn2 really a quantum spin liquid? Conferences
Is there a radar clutter attractor? Journal Articles
Iterative optimization of tail breaking force of 1 mil wire thermosonic ball bonding processes and the influence of plasma cleaning Journal Articles
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Journal
Josephson tunnel junctions with monomolecular barriers Journal Articles
Journal of Applied Physics Journal
Journal of Computational Electronics Journal
Journal of Crystal Growth Journal
Journal of Electronic Materials Journal
Journal of Electrostatics Journal
Journal of Luminescence Journal
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Journal
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Journal
Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging Journal
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Journal
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Journal
Journal of Semiconductors Journal
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films Journal
Journal of the Korean Physical Society Journal
Journal of the Society for Information Display Journal
Junction capacitance and donor-acceptor interface of organic photovoltaics Journal Articles
Kinetic Transitions during Non-Partitioned Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-Mn Alloys Conferences
Kinetic effects in recombination of optical excitations in disordered quantum heterostructures: Theory and experiment Journal Articles
Kinetics of chlorination of Co and Co-10 at. pct Pt alloy by reaction with HCl gas Journal Articles
Kinetics of the photostructural changes in a-Se films Journal Articles
LED Reliability Assessment Using a Novel Monte Carlo-Based Algorithm Journal Articles
La dynamique collective des membranes bicouches de modèle étudié par diffusion inélastique de neutrons Conferences
Laboratory-astrophysics jet experiments at the omega laser facility Conferences
Large differences in Ti thermal diffusion caused domain inversion between undoped and MgO-doped LiNbO3 Journal Articles
Large strain behaviour of very thin aluminium sheets under planar simple shear Conferences
Large strain behaviour of very thin aluminium sheets under planar simple shear Conferences
Large-Area Die-Attachment Sintered by Organic-Free Ag Sintering Material at Low Temperature Journal Articles
Laser drilling of high aspect ratio holes in copper with femtosecond, picosecond and nanosecond pulses Journal Articles
Laser photoluminescence spectrometer based on charge-coupled device detection for silicon-based photonics Journal Articles
Laser sintering of silver nanoparticle thin films: microstructure and optical properties Journal Articles
Laser-assisted wire cladding using a retrofitted laser welding system Journal Articles
Laser-induced explosive boiling during nanosecond laser ablation of silicon Conferences
Laser-induced periodic surface damage and radiation remnants Journal Articles
Lasing and high intensity photoluminescence in InGaAsGaAs strained layer superlattices Journal Articles
Lateral composition modulation in InGaAsP deposited by gas source molecular beam epitaxy on (100)- and (h11)-oriented InP substrates Journal Articles
Lateral composition modulation in InGaAsP strained layers and quantum wells grown on (100) InP by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Lattice disorder studies in low-temperature nitrogen-implanted silicon Journal Articles
Lattice distortions and octahedral rotations in epitaxially strained LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices Journal Articles
Lattice thermal conductivity of a silicon nanowire under surface stress Journal Articles
Lattice-registered growth of GaSb on Si (211) with molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Life extension of organic LED's by doping of a hole transport layer Journal Articles
Light emission from Si nanoclusters formed at low temperatures Journal Articles
Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated From Carbon Ions Implanted Into p-Type Silicon Journal Articles
Liquid tellurides: structure and properties Conferences
Lithographic patterning of metals on flexible plastic foils Conferences
Local microstructures of Si in GaN studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy Journal Articles
Localization of Plastic Deformation Journal Articles
Locating La atoms in epitaxial Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 films through atomic resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy mapping Journal Articles
Location of Inert Gas Atoms in KCl, CaF2, and UO2 Crystals by H+ and He2+ ``Channeling'' Studies Journal Articles
Long range antiferromagnetic order and its coexistence with superconductivity in URu2Si2 Conferences
Long-term degradation mechanism of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum-based organic light-emitting devices Conferences
Low energy positron channeling in silicon Journal Articles
Low frequency noise as a characterization tool for InP- and GaAs-based double-barrier resonant tunnelling diodes Conferences
Low frequency noise in complementary npn and pnp polysilicon emitter bipolar junction transistors Journal Articles
Low frequency noise in polysilicon-emitter bipolar junction transistors Journal Articles
Low frequency noise of reverse biased rectifier diodes in the avalanche breakdown regime Journal Articles
Low resistance indium tin oxide contact to n-GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
Low temperature annealing of 4H–SiC Schottky diode edge terminations formed by 30 keV Ar+ implantation Journal Articles
Low temperature investigations of e−‐irradiated GaAs Journal Articles
Low temperature micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy of microstructures with InAsP/InP strained quantum wells Journal Articles
Low temperature nanointegration for emerging biomedical applications Journal Articles
Low temperature radio frequency sputter deposition of TiN thin films using optical emission spectroscopy as process monitor Journal Articles
Low temperature sintering of Ag nanoparticles for flexible electronics packaging Journal Articles
Low temperature spin dynamics of geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets Y2Mo2O7 and Y2Mo1.6Ti0.4O7 studied by muon spin relaxation Conferences
Low temperature spin dynamics of geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets Y2Mo2O7 and Y2Mo1.6Ti0.4O7 studied by muon spin relaxation Journal Articles
Low-Frequency Noise Partition of Asymmetric MOS Transistors Operating in Linear Regime Journal Articles
Low-Loss Perovskite Niobates Ba(M1/32 +Nb2/3)O3: Composition, Structure, and Microwave Dielectric Properties Conferences
Low-frequency electrical noise of high-speed, high-performance 1.3 μm strained multiquantum well gain-coupled distributed feedback lasers Journal Articles
Low-frequency noise in a thin active layer α-Si:H thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Low-frequency noise in cadmium-selenide thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Low-frequency noise in polymer transistors Journal Articles
Low-frequency noise in proton damaged LDD MOSFET's Journal Articles
Low-frequency noise in single growth planar separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication avalanche photodiodes Journal Articles
Low-loss GeO2thin films deposited by ion-assisted alternating current reactive sputtering for waveguide applications Journal Articles
Low-loss and low-temperature Al2O3 thin films for integrated photonics and optical coatings Journal Articles
Low-temperature electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition of very low resistivity TiN for InP metallization using metalorganic precursors Journal Articles
Low-temperature growth of epitaxial ZnO films on (001) sapphire by ultraviolet- assisted pulsed laser deposition Conferences
Low-temperature growth of high-k thin films by ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition Conferences
Low-temperature laser assisted CBE-growth of AlGaAs Conferences
Low-temperature specific heat and thermal expansion in the frustrated garnet Gd3Ga5O12 Conferences
Lowered dislocation densities in uniform GaN layers grown on step-free (0001) 4H-SiC mesa surfaces Journal Articles
Lu14Co3In3-type Y14Co3Al3, Gd14Co3.2Al2.8, {Gd, Tb, Dy, Lu}14Ni3Al3 and {Tb, Dy}14Co3Al3 compounds: Crystal structure, magnetic properties and heat capacity Journal Articles
Lucky-drift model for impact ionization in amorphous semiconductors Conferences
Luminescence characteristics of hybrid dual emitting layers in blue organic light-emitting diodes by controlling the fluorescent doping concentration Journal Articles
Luminescence concentration quenching due to energy migration in ZnS:Mn with fixed trap density Journal Articles
Luminescence dynamics in Ga(AsBi) Journal Articles
Luminescence of Rubrene and DCJTB molecules in organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
Luminescence properties of Ce3+ and Tb3+ co-doped SiOxNy thin films: Prospects for color tunability in silicon-based hosts Journal Articles
Luminescence quenching of conductive Si nanocrystals via “Linkage emission”: Hopping-like propagation of infrared-excited Auger electrons Journal Articles
Luminescent characteristics of InGaAsP/InP multiple quantum well structures by impurity-free vacancy disordering Conferences
Luminous efficiency enhancement in blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with an electron confinement layers Journal Articles
Lumped Radial Force Characteristics Reconstruction for Switched Reluctance Machines Through Scaling Flux-Linkage Characteristics Journal Articles
MOCVD growth of thick AlN and AlGaN superlattice structures on Si substrates Journal Articles
MOSFET Modeling for RF IC Design Journal Articles
MRS bulletin Journal
Machine Learning Techniques for the Analysis of Magnetic Flux Leakage Images in Pipeline Inspection Journal Articles
Machining performance of TiN coatings incorporating indium as a solid lubricant Journal Articles
Magnetic Moment Distributions in Dilute Nickel Alloys Journal Articles
Magnetic and Electrical Characteristics of REPd3 Intermetallic Compounds Journal Articles
Magnetic and crystal phase transitions in KNiCl3 Conferences
Magnetic and crystal phase transitions in KNiCl3 Journal Articles
Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of melt-spun GdxAg100−x alloys Journal Articles
Magnetic anisotropies and magnetic switching in Co films Journal Articles
Magnetic anisotropy in geometrically frustrated kagome staircase lattices Conferences
Magnetic anisotropy of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline Ni Journal Articles
Magnetic dichroism in angle-resolved UV photoemission from valence bands, using linearly polarized light Conferences
Magnetic dichroism in angle-resolved UV photoemission from valence bands, using linearly polarized light Journal Articles
Magnetic excitations in CePd2Si2 Conferences
Magnetic field analysis in squirrel cage induction motors Conferences
Magnetic order of Y3NiSi3-type R3NiSi3 (R=Gd–DY) compounds Journal Articles
Magnetic order of YNi4Si-type TbNi4Si Journal Articles
Magnetic order of the La 3 NiGe 2 -type Ho 3 NiGe 2 Journal Articles
Magnetic order of the La3NiGe2-type Tb3NiSi2 Journal Articles
Magnetic ordering in pyrochlore Ho2Mn2O7 Conferences
Magnetic ordering in pyrochlore Ho2Mn2O7 Journal Articles
Magnetic ordering of Hf3Ni2Si3-type {Sm, Tb, Er}3Co2Ge3 and {Tb, Ho}3Ni2Ge3 compounds Journal Articles
Magnetic phase transitions in CsCoBr3 Conferences
Magnetic phase transitions in UNi2Si2 Conferences
Magnetic properties of single crystals of a new cobaltite TbBaCo4O7+x Journal Articles
Magnetic properties of static and phason-disordered Penrose lattices Conferences
Magnetic relaxation in exchange-coupled Co/CoO bilayers measured with ac-anisotropic magnetoresistance Journal Articles
Magnetic separation from superparamagnetic particle suspensions Journal Articles
Magnetic structure of erbium in field Conferences
Magnetic structure of the La3NiGe2-type Tb3NiGe2 and Mn5Si3-type Tb5NixGe3−x (x=0 and 0.3) Journal Articles
Magnetic structure of the heavy-fermion alloy CeCu2(Si0.5Ge0.5)2 Conferences
Magnetic structures of the rare earth orthotitanites RTiO3; R = Tb, Dy, Tm and Yb Journal Articles
Magnetic studies of Ce(Fe0.85Co0.15)(2) Journal Articles
Magnetic susceptibility determination of the relaxation time for domain-wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized, ultrathin films Conferences
Magnetic susceptibility measurements of ultrathin films using the surface magneto-optic Kerr effect: Optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio Journal Articles
Magnetic switching, relaxation, and domain structure of a Co/Si(111) film Journal Articles
Magnetic telemanipulation device with mass uncertainty: Modeling, simulation and testing Journal Articles
Magnetism in a chromium jarosite Kagomé lattice KCr3 (OH)6 (SO4)2 (abstract) Conferences
Magnetism in superconducting EuFe2As1.4P0.6 single crystals studied by local probes Journal Articles
Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of HoTiO3 and ErTiO3 Journal Articles
Magneto-optical effects of excitons in (C10H21NH3)2PbI4 under high magnetic fields up to 40 T Journal Articles
Magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-Ga thin films under concurrent magnetostructural and Curie transitions Journal Articles
Magnetoconductance at tunnel junction contacts with disordered granular materials Journal Articles
Magnetodielectric anisotropy study of multiferroicity in Y-doped hexagonal HoMnO3 Conferences
Magnetoresistance and magnetization in submicron ferromagnetic gratings Journal Articles
Magnetoresponsive conductive colloidal suspensions with magnetized carbon nanotubes Journal Articles
Magnified hard x-ray image in one dimension Journal Articles
Majorana modes in a triple-terminal Josephson junction with embedded parallel-coupled double quantum dots Journal Articles
Manganese deposition without additives Journal Articles
Manipulating the size distribution of supported gold nanostructures Journal Articles
Mass distribution of hydrodynamic jets produced on the national ignition facility Conferences
Mass loss of copper alloy electrode during TiB2 coating by electrospark deposition Journal Articles
Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology Journal
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports Journal
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Journal
MeV ion-beam annealing of semiconductor structures Journal Articles
Measure for optical robustness of directly bonded glass-to-glass joint using its interaction with damage induced by fs laser Journal Articles
Measurement of heat transfer enhancement in melting of n-Octadecane under gravitational and electrohydrodynamics (EHD) forces Journal Articles
Measurement of the 4F5/2 and 2H(2)9/2 manifold lifetime in Nd3+:YLiF4 Journal Articles
Measurement of the and manifold lifetime in and Journal Articles
Measurements and comparison of low frequency noise in npn and pnp polysilicon emitter bipolar junction transistors Journal Articles
Mechanical Stress in InP Structures Etched in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactor with Ar/Cl2/CH4 Plasma Chemistry Conferences
Mechanical and optical properties of amorphous silicon nitride-based films prepared by electron cyclotron resonance plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition Journal Articles
Mechanical and phase stability of TiBC coatings up to 1000 °C Journal Articles
Mechanical properties of fluorite-related oxides subjected to swift ion irradiation: Pyrochlore and zirconia Conferences
Mechanical strain mapping of GaAs based VCSELs Journal Articles
Mechanical stress in InP and GaAs ridges formed by reactive ion etching Journal Articles
Mechanical stresses induced in ceramic oxides by ion irradiation Conferences
Mechanism of adaptability for the nano-structured TiAlCrSiYN-based hard physical vapor deposition coatings under extreme frictional conditions Journal Articles
Mechanism of enhanced photoluminescence of Tb ions in hydrogenated silicon-rich silicon oxide films Journal Articles
Mechanism of superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic transition of femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures on titanium Journal Articles
Melt-spun Nd-Fe-B magnets and the Nd1+εFe4B4 phase Journal Articles
Meso and macroscopic considerations about damage accumulation processes Conferences
Metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition of high-reflectance III-nitride distributed Bragg reflectors on Si substrates Conferences
interface structures Journal Articles
Metallic composites processed via extreme deformation: Toward the limits of strength in bulk materials Journal Articles
Metallization stress in weakly guiding InP/InGaAsP waveguides Journal Articles
Metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy of GaN and Al(Ga)N on GaAs(001) studied using laser reflectometry and reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy Conferences
Metal–insulator–semiconductor tunneling microscope: two-dimensional dopant profiling of semiconductors with conducting atomic-force microscopy Journal Articles
Micro-photoluminescence for the visualisation of defects, stress and temperature profiles in high-power III–V's devices Journal Articles
Micro-structural evolution of cubic zirconia irradiated with swift heavy ions Conferences
Microelectromechanical system based variable optical attenuator by vertically bending waveguides Conferences
Microelectronic Engineering Journal
Microelectronics Reliability Journal
Microprocessor-based, programmable laboratory equipment controller and data acquisition system Journal Articles
Microscopic investigation of single-crystal diamond following ultrafast laser irradiation Journal Articles
Microstructural Aspects of Materials for Nondestructive Long-Pulse High-Field Magnets Journal Articles
Microstructural design of platelet reinforced ceramics Journal Articles
Microstructural design of platelet reinforced ceramics Conferences
Microstructural evolution in high strength materials at high strain rates Conferences
Microstructural evolution of ZnS during sintering monitored by optical and positron annihilation techniques Journal Articles
Microstructural study of copper free air balls in thermosonic wire bonding Journal Articles
Microstructure and current transport properties of single-layer YBa2Cu3O7−x and multiple-layer YBa2Cu3O7−x/(Ba0.05, Sr0.95)TiO3 superconductor films Journal Articles
Microstructure and ferroic properties of epitaxial [γ-Fe2O3–BiFeO3]−Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 composite bilayers Journal Articles
Microstructure and magnetic properties of CO2 laser surface melted Nd-Fe-B magnets Journal Articles
Microstructure and magneto-acoustic oscillations of (Cu, Co) nickel ferrite Journal Articles
Microstructure and magnetocaloric effects of Mn1.2Fe0.8P0.6Si0.4B0.05 alloys prepared by ball milling and spinning methods Conferences
Microstructure and microsegregation in substrate garnet materials Journal Articles
Microstructure and properties of manganese dioxide films prepared by electrodeposition Journal Articles
Microstructure and properties of step aged rare earth alloy magnets Journal Articles
Microstructure of heteroepitaxial GaN grown on mesa-patterned 4H-SiC substrates Journal Articles
Microstructure of high-remanence Nd-Fe-B alloys with low-rare-earth content Journal Articles
Microstructure of hot-pressed and die-upset NdFeB magnets Journal Articles
Microstructure of hot-pressed and die-upset magnequench magnets (abstract) Journal Articles
Microstructure of melt-spun Nd-Fe-B magnequench magnets Journal Articles
Microstructure, domain walls, and magnetization reversal in hot-pressed Nd-Fe-B magnets Journal Articles
Microstructures and mechanical properties of an Osprey aluminium 7000 alloy Conferences
Microstructures of precipitation-hardened SmCo permanent magnets Journal Articles
Microthermography of diode lasers: The impact of light propagation on image formation Journal Articles
Microwave dielectric property measurements of LaSrGaO4 single crystals having possible HTSC substrate applications Journal Articles
Migration of ion-implanted krypton in silicon during anneal Journal Articles
Mircostructure Evolution and Interface Migration Journal Articles
MnFe2O4-coated carbon nanotubes with enhanced microwave absorption: Effect of CNT content and hydrothermal reaction time Journal Articles
Model for temperature-dependent magnetization of nanocrystalline materials Journal Articles
Model for the field effect from layers of biological macromolecules on the gates of metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors Journal Articles
Model for the injection of charge through the contacts of organic transistors Journal Articles
Model of the magnetization of nanocrystalline materials at low temperatures Journal Articles
Model, prediction, and experimental verification of composition and thickness in continuous spread thin film combinatorial libraries grown by pulsed laser deposition Journal Articles
Modeling Diffusion in Gallium Arsenide: Recent Work Journal Articles
Modeling Power-Constrained Optimal Backlight Dimming for Color Displays Journal Articles
Modeling and Analysis of Eddy-Current Damping Effect in Horizontal Motions for a High-Precision Magnetic Navigation Platform Journal Articles
Modeling and experimental characterization of stepped and v-shaped {311} defects in silicon Journal Articles
Modeling and optimization of resonant cavity enhanced-separated absorption graded charge multiplication-avalanche photodetector (RCE-SAGCM-APD) Journal Articles
Modeling germanium diffusion in Si1−xGex/Si superlattice structures Journal Articles
Modeling of forward gate leakage current for normally off pGaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Journal Articles
Modeling of mushroom waveguide photodetector Conferences
Modeling of shallow extension engineered dual metal surrounding gate (SEE-DM-SG) MOSFET gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) Journal Articles
Modeling of spiking analog neural circuits using organic semiconductor thin film transistors with silicon oxide nitride semiconductor gates Journal Articles
Modeling silicon–germanium interdiffusion by the vacancy exchange and interstitial mechanisms Journal Articles
Modeling the effect of pre-straining on mechanical behavior of magnesium alloy sheet Journal Articles
Modeling the partition of noise from the gate-tunneling current in MOSFETs Journal Articles
Modeling the transition from ohmic to space charge limited current in organic semiconductors Journal Articles
Modeling the variation of the low-frequency noise in polysilicon emitter bipolar junction transistors Journal Articles
Modeling twinning, detwinning, and dynamic recrystallization of magnesium alloys Journal Articles
Modeling vacancy injection from the silicon/silicon-nitride interface Journal Articles
Modelling non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of transport properties in amorphous materials Journal Articles
Modelling of InGaP nanowires morphology and composition on molecular beam epitaxy growth conditions Journal Articles
Models of the current–voltage dependence of BaTiO3 with positive temperature coefficient of resistivity Journal Articles
Modification of silicon waveguide structures using ion implantation induced defects Conferences
Modifying the MRI, elastic stiffness and electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel using irradiation Conferences
Modulation of hard x-ray beam profiles by Borrmann pyramid Journal Articles
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Journal
Molecular and atomic damage in germanium Journal Articles
Molecular beam epitaxial growth and characterization of Al(Ga)N nanowire deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes and lasers Journal Articles
Molecular beam epitaxial growth of quantum wires on V-grooved InP substrates with (1 1 1) sidewalls Conferences
Molecular dynamics simulations of the crystal–melt interface mobility in HCP Mg and BCC Fe Journal Articles
Molecular orbital studies of TTF and TCNQ dimers by the extended Hückel method Journal Articles
Molecular simulation of the carbon nanotube growth mode during catalytic synthesis Journal Articles
Monitoring real-time CBE growth of GaAs and AlGaAs using dynamic optical reflectivity Conferences
Monitoring the Fermi-level position within the bandgap on a single nanowire: A tool for local investigations of doping Journal Articles
Monolayer coating through chemisorption Conferences
Monte Carlo charge transport and photoemission from negative electron affinity GaAs photocathodes Journal Articles
Monte Carlo determinations of the beta dose rate to tooth enamel Journal Articles
Monte Carlo simulations of CsMnBr3 Conferences
Multi-functional nano-multilayered AlTiN/Cu PVD coating for machining of Inconel 718 superalloy Journal Articles
Multi-spectral optical absorption in substrate-free nanowire arrays Journal Articles
Multichannel digital phase sensitive detection using a field programmable gate array development platform Journal Articles
Multistep damage evolution process in cubic zirconia irradiated with MeV ions Journal Articles
Muon spin relaxation in the heavy fermion system UPt3 Conferences
Muon spin relaxation measurements of LiV2O4 Conferences
Muon spin relaxation studies in organic superconductors and organic magnets Journal Articles
Muon spin relaxation study of the (FμF)− ion in magnetic fluorides Conferences
Muon-spin-rotation measurements in the ‘infinite-chain’ Ca2CuO3 Conferences
ND4FeBr3, a new one-dimensional S=1 antiferromagnet Conferences
NMR Study of V/Ag Multilayered Supercondutors Journal Articles
Nano-crystalline filtered arc deposited (FAD) TiAlN PVD coatings for high-speed machining applications Conferences
Nanoanalytical quantification of the nitrogen content in Ga(NAs)∕GaAs by using transmission electron microscopy in combination with refined structure factor calculation Journal Articles
Nanobonding: A key technology for emerging applications in health and environmental sciences Journal Articles
Nanocrystalline coating design for extreme applications based on the concept of complex adaptive behavior Journal Articles
Nanoindentation investigation of the Young’s modulus of porous silicon Journal Articles
Nanojoining and tailoring of current–voltage characteristics of metal-P type semiconductor nanowire heterojunction by femtosecond laser irradiation Journal Articles
Nanomechanical measurements of irradiated layers: Methodology, possibilities and pitfalls Conferences
Nanopipes in GaN: photo-etching and TEM study Conferences
Nanoscale-twinning-induced strengthening in austenitic stainless steel thin films Journal Articles
Nanostructure evolution in joining of Al and Fe nanoparticles with femtosecond laser irradiation Journal Articles
Nanowire dopant measurement using secondary ion mass spectrometry Journal Articles
Nature of the highly conducting interfacial layer in GaN films Journal Articles
NbN thin films reactively sputtered with a high‐field direct‐current magnetron Journal Articles
NbN<inf>x</inf>-NbO<inf>y</inf>-PbIn<inf>z</inf>Josephson junctions with R.F. oxidised tunneling barriers Journal Articles
Near Edge Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Comparison to X-ray Absorption Conferences
Near-surface lateral vacancy migration in O+-implanted SiC studied by positron re-emission microscopy Journal Articles
Near‐edge electron energy loss fine structure: Core excitation of chemisorbed molecules in the laboratory Conferences
Necessity of submonolayer LiF anode interlayers for improved device performance in blue phosphorescent OLEDs Journal Articles
Negative dielectric constant manifested by static electricity Journal Articles
Neutron diffraction from the vortex lattice in the heavy fermion superconductor UPt3 (invited) (abstract) Journal Articles
Neutron scattering and thermal measurements on the superionic-conducting Ag2S–AgPO3 glass system Conferences
Neutron scattering from the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet Tb2Mo2O7 (abstract) Conferences
Neutron spin echo studies of SrCr8Ga 4O19 Conferences
New BiCMOS delay model to include RC-limited BJT saturation effect Journal Articles
New Photochromic Materials for Holographic Recording Conferences
New high-performance electron energy loss spectrometer for valence and inner-shell excitation studies Journal Articles
Nitrogen implantation into GaP: Damage and nitrogen location studies Journal Articles
Nitrogen sorption on titanium: Reconstruction of the subsurface composition profile using low- and high-energy Auger data Journal Articles
Nitrogen−implanted silicon. I. Damage annealing and lattice location Journal Articles
Nitrogen−implanted silicon. II. Electrical properties Journal Articles
Noise considerations in field-effect biosensors Journal Articles
Non-destructive investigation of a time capsule using neutron radiography and X-ray fluorescence Journal Articles
Non-zero output from a symmetrical organic photovoltaic device Journal Articles
Nonlinear diffusion in Cu-Au multilayer thin films Journal Articles
Nonlinear propagation of incoherent white light in a photopolymerizable medium: evidence of the co-existence and competition between spontaneous pattern formation and self-trapping Journal Articles
Nonlinear sputtering effects in thin metal films Journal Articles
Nonlinear susceptibility measurements at the spin-glass transition of the pyrochlore antiferromagnet Y2Mo2O7 Conferences
Nonlinear susceptibility measurements at the spin-glass transition of the pyrochlore antiferromagnet Y2Mo2O7 Journal Articles
Nonuniform carrier distribution in asymmetric multiple-quantum-well InGaAsP laser structures with different numbers of quantum wells Journal Articles
Note: Benign and reproducible preparation of titanium tips Journal Articles
Note: Characterization of electrode materials for dielectric spectroscopy Journal Articles
Note: Electrochemical etching of silver tips in concentrated sulfuric acid Journal Articles
Novel Dual-Metal Junctionless Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors for Improved Analog and Low-Noise Applications Journal Articles
Novel high Tg hole-transport molecules based on indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles for organic light-emitting devices Conferences
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Journal
Nucleation and growth of Mg condensate during supersonic gas quenching Journal Articles
Numerical investigation of flow-through immunoassay in a microchannel Journal Articles
Numerical model for degenerate and heterostructure semiconductor devices Journal Articles
Numerical model of current-voltage characteristics and efficiency of GaAs nanowire solar cells Journal Articles
Numerical simulation of electric field distributions in electrohydrodynamic two-phase flow regimes Journal Articles
Observation of Lomer–Cottrell locks in SiGe strained layers Journal Articles
Observation of body centered cubic Cu in Cu/Nb nanolayered composites Journal Articles
Observation of continuous D→X and B→X XeCl excimer fluorescence in a binary-gas microwave discharge Journal Articles
Observation of dislocation stresses in InP using polarization-resolved photoluminescence Journal Articles
Observation of non‐radiative de‐excitation processes in silicon nanocrystals Conferences
Observation of separate electron and hole escape rates in unbiased strained InGaAsP multiple quantum well laser structures Journal Articles
Observation of ultraslow stress release in silicon nitride films on CaF2 Journal Articles
Observation of vacancy defects at silicon grain boundaries formed via suppressed solid phase epitaxy Journal Articles
Observing and modeling light propagation in polymer films Journal Articles
On sealing effects and oxygen dependence of non-recoverable intensity drops in short-chain-conjugated polymers Conferences
On the concentration and field dependences of the hopping mobility in disordered organic solids Conferences
On the contribution of vacancy complexes to the saturation of the carrier concentration in zinc doped InP Journal Articles
On the effects of double-step anneal treatments on light emission from Er-doped Si-rich silicon oxide Journal Articles
On the frequency response of a resonant-cavity-enhanced separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication avalanche photodiode Journal Articles
On the in situ Aluminothermic Reduction of MnO in the Continuous Galvanizing Bath Journal Articles
On the nucleation of an intermediate phase at an interface in the presence of a concentration gradient Journal Articles
On the optimum design of the front-end PIN-heterojunction bipolar transistor optoelectronic integrated circuit photoreceiver Conferences
On the origin of 1/f noise in polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors Journal Articles
On the origin of micro-cracking in zinc-coated press hardened steels Theses
On the origin of white light emission from nanostructured silicon carbonitride thin films Journal Articles
On the reactive wetting of Fe-Mn-Sb alloys during continuous hot-dip galvanizing Journal Articles
On the reactive wetting of a medium-Mn advanced high-strength steel during continuous galvanizing Journal Articles
On the relative contributions of εs and εd final states to M23 ionization of 3d transition metals Journal Articles
On the temperature dependence of positron lifetimes in tin and the transition from the?- to the?-phase Journal Articles
On the trapping of positrons in cadmium in the temperature range from 80 to 330 K Journal Articles
On thermal and mechanical internal stresses in a metal matrix composite Journal Articles
One-dimensional position-sensitive superheated-liquid-droplet in-phantom neutron dosimeter Journal Articles
Onset of stacking faults in InP nanowires grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Open-volume defect tails in Ge-implanted Si probed by slow positrons Journal Articles
Operational characteristics of CMOS op-amps at cryogenic temperatures Journal Articles
Opportunities and pitfalls in patterned self-catalyzed GaAs nanowire growth on silicon Journal Articles
Optical Characterizations of VCSEL for Emission at 850 nm with Al Oxide Confinement Layers Conferences
Optical Materials Journal
Optical Switching and Image Storage by Means of Photochromic Liquid Crystals Journal Articles
Optical Technique for the Measurement of Surface Charges of Electrets Journal Articles
Optical and compositional characterization of SiOxNy and SiOx thin films deposited by electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition Conferences
Optical and electrical oscillations in double-heterojunction negative differential resistance devices Journal Articles
Optical and microstructural characterization of the effects of rapid thermal annealing of CdTe thin films grown on Si (100) substrates Conferences
Optical and structural properties of GaN materials and structures grown on Si by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Conferences
Optical attenuation in defect-engineered silicon rib waveguides Journal Articles
Optical characteristics of GaAs nanowire solar cells Journal Articles
Optical characterization of epitaxial single crystal CdTe thin films on Al2O3 (0001) substrates Journal Articles
Optical colouring and surface chemistry of ultrafast laser generated debris on polycarbonate Journal Articles
Optical emission spectroscopy as a real time diagnostic tool for plasma-assisted deposition of TiN Journal Articles
Optical modulator in silicon-on-insulator with a low thermal signature Conferences
Optical monitoring of the growth of heavily doped GaAs by chemical beam epitaxy and of the in situ etching of GaAs using CBr4 Journal Articles
Optical reflectivity studies of GaN and AlN chemical beam epitaxy on GaAs(100) Conferences
Optical studies of glass stability in fluoride glass systems: Intrinsic rayleigh scattering Journal Articles
Optical third-harmonic generation in layered perovskite-type material (C10H21NH3)2PbI4 Journal Articles
Optimal Backlight Modulation With Crosstalk Control in Stereoscopic Display Journal Articles
Optimal wavelet denoising for phonocardiograms Journal Articles
Optimization of an in vivo X-ray fluorescence mercury measurement system Conferences
Optimization of polymer capsules aided by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Conferences
Ordering by quantum fluctuations in a strongly frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet Conferences
Organic Electronics Journal
Organic Thin-Film Transistors: Part II—Parameter Extraction Journal Articles
Organic Thin-Film Transistors: Part I—Compact DC Modeling Journal Articles
Organic electroluminescent devices using variable metal cathode in 4-layer structure Journal Articles
Organic light emitting devices with enhanced operational stability at elevated temperatures Journal Articles
Organic light-emitting devices with silicon anodes Journal Articles
Organic photovoltaic power conversion efficiency improved by AC electric field alignment during fabrication Journal Articles
Organic thin-film transistor integration using silicon nitride gate dielectric Journal Articles
Organic thin-film transistors with poly(methyl silsesquioxane) modified dielectric interfaces Journal Articles
Organized and semiorganized doping for ZnS:Mn electroluminescent devices Journal Articles
Origin of carbon and its influence on photoluminescence in porous silicon Journal Articles
Orthodox etching of HVPE-grown GaN Conferences
Overview of the current issues in austenite to ferrite transformation and the role of migrating interfaces therein for low alloyed steels Journal Articles
Oxidation post-treatment of hard AlTiN coating for machining of hardened steels Journal Articles
Oxidation tuning in AlCrN coatings Journal Articles
Oxide phosphor and dielectric thin films for electroluminescent devices Conferences
Oxygen assisted interconnection of silver nanoparticles with femtosecond laser radiation Journal Articles
Packaging-induced stress distribution in high power AlGaAs laser diodes by photoluminescence mapping Journal Articles
Parallel parasitic conductance in narrow-width MOSFETs Journal Articles
Paramagnetic Scattering of Neutrons by an Iron-Nickel Alloy Journal Articles
Paramagnetic spin waves in the one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsMnBr3 Journal Articles
Parameter Determination of PMSM Using Coupled Electromagnetic and Thermal Model Incorporating Current Harmonics Journal Articles
Parametric investigation of heating due to magnetic fluid hyperthermia in a tumor with blood perfusion Journal Articles
Parasitics-aware layout design of a low-power fully integrated complementary metal-oxide semiconductor power amplifier Conferences
Particle induced X-ray emission and ion dose distribution in a biological micro-beam: Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations Journal Articles
Passivation effect of Al∕LiF electrode on C60 diodes Journal Articles
Patterned gold-assisted growth of GaP nanowires on Si Journal Articles
Patterns in Fracture: Drying Experiments and Thermal Shock Journal Articles
Performance improvement for solution-processed high-mobility ZnO thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Periodic surface structures on gallium phosphide after irradiation with 150fs–7ns laser pulses at 800nm Journal Articles
Periodic variations in the nitrogen KLL Auger intensity from interstitial nitride films Conferences
Periodic vs. molecular cluster approaches to resolving glass structure and properties: Anorthite a case study Journal Articles
Perspective on the role of the physical properties of membranes in neurodegenerative and infectious diseases Journal Articles
Phantom studies of Cd, Hg and Cl by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis using a 238Pu–Be neutron source Conferences
Phase Transformations in the NiS Nickel Sulphide: Microstructure, Mechanisms and Modelling through <i>In Situ</i> Microscopy. Conferences
Phase Transitions in Confined Antiferromagnets Conferences
Phase diagram and crystal growth of Pb2Sr2(YxCa1-x)Cu3O8+y Journal Articles
Phase field modeling of rapid resolidification of Al-Cu thin films Journal Articles
Phase separation in an ionomer glass: Insight from calorimetry and phase transitions Journal Articles
Phase transformations induced by high electronic excitation in ion-irradiated Gd2(ZrxTi1−x)2O7 pyrochlores Conferences
Phases formed during crystallization of amorphous Al84Y9Ni5Co2 alloy Conferences
Phenomenological formula of NMR satellite of Heusler alloys and magnetic structure of Mn2VAl Journal Articles
Phonon transport in an initially twisted polyvinyl acetate nanofiber Journal Articles
Phosphorus oxide gate dielectric for black phosphorus field effect transistors Journal Articles
Photo-formation of interfacial layers during pulsed laser deposition of high-k dielectrics on silicon Conferences
Photochemical etching of n-InP as a function of temperature and illumination Journal Articles
Photochemical etching of n-InP: observations on photon efficiency and saturation Journal Articles
Photoconductivity Studies of Titanyl Phthaloc yanine Journal Articles
Photoluminescence and positron annihilation spectroscopy investigation of (Ge, Er) codoped Si oxides deposited by magnetron sputtering Journal Articles
Photoluminescence and positron annihilation spectroscopy of MeV Si+ ion-irradiated SiyO1−y:Er (y≈1/3) thin films Journal Articles
Photoluminescence enhancement of Ce:YAG nanophosphors via doped/intrinsic core/shell structures Journal Articles
Photoluminescence from Er-doped Si-rich Si oxides deposited by magnetron sputtering in Ar or Ar+H2 plasmas Journal Articles
Photoluminescence mapping of the strain induced in InP and GaAs substrates by SiN stripes etched from thin films grown under controlled mechanical stress Journal Articles
Photoluminescence model for a hybrid aptamer-GaAs optical biosensor Journal Articles
Photoluminescence of silicon carbonitride thin films: The interdependence of post-deposition annealing and growth temperature Journal Articles
Photoluminescence properties of Ba3B′B″2O9 (B′=Mg, Co or Zn and B″=Nb or Ta) ceramics with perovskite structure Journal Articles
Photopolymerizable glasses incorporating high refractive index species and ionic liquid: A comparative study Journal Articles
Photopolymerizable organically modified holographic glass with enhanced thickness for spectral filters Journal Articles
Photoreflectance investigations of quantum well intermixing processes in compressively strained InGaAsP∕InGaAsP quantum well laser structures emitting at 1.55μm Journal Articles
Photoreflectance study of changes in the QW profile of 1.55-micrometer laser structure induced by SiO2 cap layers Conferences
Photoreflectance study of the interdiffusion effects in the InGaAsP-based quantum well laser structures Conferences
Photorefractive damage of LiNbO3 quasiphase matched wavelength converters Journal Articles
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures Journal
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Journal
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research Journal
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letetrs Journal
Physical DC and thermal noise models of 18 nm double-gate junctionless p-type MOSFETs for low noise RF applications Conferences
Physical modelling of microstructure and mechanical properties of dual-phase steel Conferences
Physical modelling of microstructure and mechanical properties of dual-phase steel Conferences
Physics of the Solid State Journal
Physics of toughness. A kinetic approach of the brittle–ductile transition and of the role of plastic instabilities Journal Articles
Physics-based analytic modeling and simulation of gate-induced drain leakage and linearity assessment in dual-metal junctionless accumulation nano-tube FET (DM-JAM-TFET) Journal Articles
Picosecond photoresponse of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films Journal Articles
Picosecond-resolution fluorescence lifetime measuring system with a cw laser and a radio Journal Articles
Piezoelectric trace vapor calibrator Journal Articles
Piezoresponse force microscopy and magnetic force microscopy characterization of γ-Fe2O3–BiFeO3 nanocomposite/Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 multiferroic bilayers Conferences
Planar channeling in GaAs/InxGa1−xAs/GaAs strained-layer structures Journal Articles
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing Journal
Plasma Processes and Polymers Journal
Plasmonic engineering of metal-oxide nanowire heterojunctions in integrated nanowire rectification units Journal Articles
Plastic Instabilities in AlLi Alloys Journal Articles
Plastic instabilities in fatigue in AlLi alloys : From the mechanical aspects to the nanometric investigations Conferences
Plasticity : looking toward physics ? Journal Articles
Pockels’ effect in polycrystalline ZnS planar waveguides Journal Articles
Point defect characterization of Zn- and Cd-based semiconductors using positron lifetime spectroscopy Conferences
Point defects and luminescence centres in zinc oxide and zinc oxide doped with manganese Journal Articles
Polarity Effects in InSb Alloyed p-n Junctions Journal Articles
Polarity effects in III–V semiconducting compounds Journal Articles
Polarization insensitive semiconductor laser amplifiers with tensile strained InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum well structure Journal Articles
Poly(3,3‴-didodecylquarterthiophene) field effect transistors with single-walled carbon nanotube based source and drain electrodes Journal Articles
Polycrystalline silicon resistors for integrated circuits Journal Articles
Polycrystalline silicon resistors for integrated circuits Journal Articles
Polymer-Protected Cu-Ag Mixed NPs for Low-Temperature Bonding Application Journal Articles
Polythiophene-based field-effect transistors with enhanced air stability Journal Articles
Polythiophene-based field-effect transistors with enhanced air stability Journal Articles
Polytype formation in GaAs/GaP axial nanowire heterostructures Journal Articles
Porous SiC electroluminescence from p–i–n junction and a lateral carrier diffusion model Journal Articles
Positron annihilation investigation of porous silicon heat treated to 1000 °C Journal Articles
Positron annihilation spectroscopy applied to porous silicon films Journal Articles
Positron annihilation spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool for process monitoring of buried oxide layer formation in Si Journal Articles
Positron characterization of defects formed during solid phase epitaxy of cobalt silicide Journal Articles
Positron studies of plasma-treated silicon wafers Conferences
Potential use of wallboard (drywall) for EPR retrospective dosimetry Journal Articles
Precipitation Sequence and Kinetics in an Fe-Si-Ti Alloy Conferences
Precipitation and segregation of Sb at Si-SiO2 interfaces during thermal oxidation Conferences
Precise Positron Lifetime Measurements in Indium Journal Articles
Precise parameter extraction technique for organic thin-film transistors operating in the linear regime Journal Articles
Precision mass measurements at TITAN with radioactive ions Conferences
Predictive model for the temporal evolution of the shape of GaAs nanowires Conferences
Preface Journal Articles
Preparation and characterization of polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles Conferences
Preparation and characterization of thin films of MgO, Al2O3 and MgAl2O4 by atomic layer deposition Journal Articles
Preparation of Oxidation-Resistant Ag-Cu Alloy Nanoparticles by Polyol Method for Electronic Packaging Journal Articles
Preparation of ferromagnetic perovskite La0.65Sr0.35MnO3 electrodes for supercapacitor applications Journal Articles
Preparation of radioactive targets for charged-particle nuclear spectroscopy at the CERN-ISOLDE project Journal Articles
Printing microstructures in a polymer matrix using a ferrofluid droplet Journal Articles
Probing bonding and electronic structure at atomic resolution with spectroscopic imaging Journal Articles
Probing energy transfer in an ensemble of silicon nanocrystals Journal Articles
Probing multiferroicity and spin-spin interactions via angular dependent dielectric measurements on Y-doped HoMnO3 in high magnetic fields Conferences
Probing the indium clustering in InGaAs∕GaAs quantum wells by room temperature contactless electroreflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopy Journal Articles
Probing the phonon confinement in ultrasmall silicon nanocrystals reveals a size-dependent surface energy Journal Articles
Problems in determining lifetimes of esr signals in natural and burned flint by isothermal annealing signals in natural and burned flint by Journal Articles
Processing-induced strains at solder interfaces in extended semiconductor structures Journal Articles
Profile broadening of high dose germanium implants into (100) silicon at elevated temperatures due to channeling Journal Articles
Prompt gamma activation analysis of boron in reference materials using diffracted polychromatic neutron beam Conferences
Properties of octadecanethiol self-assembled monolayers deposited on GaAs from liquid and vapor phases Journal Articles
Publisher’s Note: “Effect of layer separation, InAs thickness, and rapid thermal annealing on the optical emission from a multi-layer quantum wire structure” [J. Appl. Phys. 109, 124311 (2011)] Journal Articles
Pulse Delays in TEA CO2 Lasers Journal Articles
Pulse height response of Si surface barrier detectors to 5–70 MeV heavy ions Journal Articles
Pulsed arc electrohydraulic discharge characteristics, plasma parameters, and optical emission during contaminated pond water treatments Journal Articles
Pulsed laser deposition grown La0.3Ca0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3-δ thin films on yttria-stabilized zirconia substrates for fundamental electrochemical energy conversion studies Journal Articles
Pulverizing anisotropic rapidly solidified Nd-Fe-B materials for bonded magnets Journal Articles
Purely gain-coupled distributed feedback laser via a bright optical lattice Journal Articles
Purified water etching of native oxides on heteroepitaxial CdTe thin films Journal Articles
Quantification of scanning capacitance microscopy imaging of the pn junction through electrical simulation Journal Articles
Quantification of strain through linear dichroism in the Si 1s edge X-ray absorption spectra of strained Si1−xGex thin films Journal Articles
Quantification of ultraviolet photon emission from interaction of charged particles in materials of interest in radiation biology research Journal Articles
Quantitative analysis of compositional changes in InGaAs∕InGaAsP quantum wells on GaAs induced by intermixing with a low temperature grown InGaP cap layer Journal Articles
Quantitative calibration of intense (α, α) elastic scattering resonances for 12C at 5.50–5.80 MeV and for 16O at 7.30–7.65 MeV Conferences
Quantitative compositional analysis and strain study of InAs quantum wires with InGaAlAs barrier layers Journal Articles
Quantitative compositional profiles of enhanced intermixing in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well heterostructures annealed with and without a SiO2cap layer Journal Articles
Quantitative description of disorder parameters in (GaIn)(NAs) quantum wells from the temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy Journal Articles
Quantitative surface analysis with elemental standards: Surface roughness limitations Conferences
Quantum modeling of semiconductor gain materials and vertical‐external‐cavity surface‐emitting laser systems Conferences
Quantum well intermixing enhanced by InP grown by He-plasma assisted GaS source MBE Journal Articles
Quantum well intermixing in InGaAsP laser structures using a low temperature grown InP cap layer Journal Articles
Quantum well intermixing of a quantum well structure grown on an InAsP metamorphic pseudosubstrate on InP Journal Articles
Quantum-well strain and thickness characterization by degree of polarization Journal Articles
Quasistatic compact modelling of organic thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Quenching in single emissive white phosphorescent organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
RBS and ERDA study of ion beam synthesised amorphous gallium nitride Journal Articles
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids Journal
Radiation Measurements Journal
Radiation damage during heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis of insulating materials Conferences
Radiation effects in nuclear materials: Role of nuclear and electronic energy losses and their synergy Conferences
Radiation effects in yttria-stabilized zirconia: Comparison between nuclear and electronic processes Conferences
Radiation tolerance of fluorite-structured oxides subjected to swift heavy ion irradiation Conferences
Radioactive beam experiments with large gamma-ray detector arrays Conferences
Raman and reflection anisotropy spectroscopic studies of GaN and AlN growth on GaAs(100) Conferences
Random Telegraph Signal in n+/p-Well CMOS Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes Journal Articles
Rapid UV-A photo detection using a BTBT organic thin-film transistor enhanced by a 1,5-dichloro-9,10-dintiro-anthracene acceptor Journal Articles
Rapid thermal annealing of InAs∕GaAs quantum dots with a low-temperature-grown InGaP cap layer Conferences
Rapid thermal annealing of high concentration, arsenic implanted silicon single crystals Journal Articles
Raport from the meetings of the International Organization for Crystal Growth Council and General Assembly held during ICCGE-19 in Keystone, USA, July 28 – Aug 02, 2019 Conferences
Rare earth single-ion anisotropy and the magnetic structures of the RTiO3 perovskites: R = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm Journal Articles
Rare-earth-doped transparent yttrium silicate thin film phosphors for colour displays Journal Articles
Rashba band splitting in two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper halide perovskites Journal Articles
Re-entrant spin-glass behavior in the frustrated pyrochlore Y2Mn2O7 (abstract) Conferences
Realization of dual-heterojunction solar cells on ultra-thin ∼25 μm, flexible silicon substrates Journal Articles
Recent Developments and Design Challenges of High-Performance Ring Oscillator CMOS Time-to-Digital Converters Journal Articles
Recent advances in focused ion beam technology and applications Journal Articles
Recent developments and prospects of organic electroluminescent display technology Journal Articles
Recent progresses on hybrid micro–nano filler systems for electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs) applications Journal Articles
Recent results of experiments with radioactive 21Na and 7Be ion beams Conferences
Recombination kinetics of photogenerated electrons in InGaAs/InP quantum wells Journal Articles
Recombination mechanisms and band alignment of GaAs1−xBix/GaAs light emitting diodes Journal Articles
Recover the phases from intensity data of x-ray diffraction Journal Articles
Recovery of silicon from silica fume Journal Articles
Recrystallization of tungsten wire for fabrication of sharp and stable nanoprobe and field-emitter tips Journal Articles
Redistribution and activation of ion implanted As in Si during RTA for concentrations around solid solubility Journal Articles
Redox driven conductance changes for resistive memory Journal Articles
Redox-active molecules for aqueous electrolytes of energy storage devices: A review on fundamental aspects, current progress, and prospects Journal Articles
Reduced reflectance cathode for organic light-emitting devices using metalorganic mixtures Journal Articles
Reduced temperature soldering of capacitors using Sn‐Bi plated Sn‐3.5%Ag Journal Articles
Reducing thermal transport in electrically conducting polymers: Effects of ordered mixing of polymer chains Journal Articles
Reduction of composition modulation of InGaAsP grown by atomic-hydrogen-assisted epitaxy producing improved double-heterostructure laser performance Journal Articles
Reduction of the pumping efficiency in CO2 lasers at high discharge energy Journal Articles
Reduction of ultrasonic pad stress and aluminum splash in copper ball bonding Journal Articles
Refinement of the Compton–Rayleigh scatter ratio method for use on the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer Journal Articles
Refinement of the Compton–Rayleigh scatter ratio method for use on the Mars Science Laboratory alpha particle X-ray spectrometer: II – Extraction of invisible element content Journal Articles
Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy studies of the growth of carbon-doped GaAs by chemical beam epitaxy Conferences
Reflection anisotropy spectra of polydimethylsiloxane under a range of mechanically applied stress Journal Articles
Reflections and reminiscences from the early history of RBS, NRA and channeling Conferences
Refractive indices of InGaAsP lattice-matched to GaAs at wavelengths relevant to device design Journal Articles
Refractive-index variation with rare-earth incorporation in amorphous Al2O3 thin films Journal Articles
Relationship between stress and dislocation structure of fatigued polycrystalline copper Journal Articles
Relaxation and recombination in InAs quantum dots Journal Articles
Relaxation of surface tracks on polycarbonate thin films induced by MeV heavy-ion impacts Conferences
Reliability estimation and tolerance limits for Laplace distribution based on censored samples Journal Articles
Reliability study of methods to suppress boron transient enhanced diffusion in high-k/metal gate Si/SiGe channel pMOSFETs Journal Articles
Reliable and reproducible determination of work function and ionization potentials of layers and surfaces relevant to organic light emitting diodes Journal Articles
Reminiscences from the 1950s and 1960s Journal Articles
Removal of Methyl-tert-butyl Ether from Water by a Pulsed Arc Electrohydraulic Discharge System Conferences
Report on the meetings of the International Organization for Crystal Growth Executive Council and General Assembly held during ICCGE-18 in Nagoya (Japan) August 7–12, 2016 Conferences
Resolution effect on the study of ductile damage using synchrotron X-ray tomography Journal Articles
Resonant coherent excitation (RCE) of higher-order resonances for 28Si13+ ions channeled in a thin Si crystal Conferences
Resonant electron tunneling through defects in GaAs tunnel diodes Journal Articles
Resonant transfer and excitation (RTE) in He-like 79Br ions channeled along the 〈110〉 direction in Si Conferences
Resonant tunneling as a dominant transport mechanism in n-GaAs∕p-GaAs tunnel diodes Journal Articles
Response of cubic zirconia irradiated with 4-MeV Au ions at high temperature: An X-ray diffraction study Journal Articles
Response to ‘‘Comment on ‘Steric variation of the cerium valence in Ce2Fe14B and related compounds’ ’’ [Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 3642 (1993)] Journal Articles
Results from the development of ionization detection systems for the DRAGON facility Conferences
Reversible vs irreversible photodarkening in a-Se: the kinetics study Conferences
Review of Scientific Instruments Journal
Review of one-side approaches to radiographic imaging for detection of explosives and narcotics Journal Articles
Review on water quality sensors Journal Articles
Ripple formation during deep hole drilling in copper with ultrashort laser pulses Journal Articles
Robust properties of the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe Journal Articles
Role of a Si0.95Ge0.05 epilayer cap on boron diffusion in silicon under inert and dry oxidizing ambient annealing Journal Articles
Role of impact ultrasound on bond strength and Al pad splash in Cu wire bonding Journal Articles
Role of interface alloying in Fe whisker/Cr/Fe(001) structures, angular-resolved Auger electron and MOKE studies Conferences
Role of process parameters on bondability and pad damage indicators in copper ball bonding Journal Articles
Role of specimen thickness on the electrical conductivity of single crystalline alumina under electron irradiation Journal Articles
Role of vacancy-type defects in the formation of silicon nanocrystals Journal Articles
Room temperature Cu–Cu direct bonding using surface activated bonding method Journal Articles
Room temperature bonding of silicon and lithium niobate Journal Articles
Room temperature electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition of high quality TiN Journal Articles
Room-temperature operation and threshold temperature dependence of LPE-grown InxGa1−xAs homojunction lasers Journal Articles
Rotational coupling and laser dynamics in TE CO2 lasers Journal Articles
Rutherford backscattering and secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of Mg:Ag–tris(8-hydroxy quinoline) aluminum interfaces Journal Articles
SIMS depth profiling of implanted helium in pure iron using CsHe+ detection mode Journal Articles
Sample holder allowing precise orientation, azimuthal rotation, and high temperature flashes in ultrahigh vacuum Journal Articles
Sample positioner and deflection energy analyzer for measurements of photofield emission Journal Articles
Sample preparation effects in the surface analysis of V/Ti alloys Journal Articles
Saturation characteristics of SF6 absorption at the 10.53-μm CO2 P (14) line Journal Articles
Scaling of domain size during spinodal decomposition: Dislocation discreteness and mobility effects Journal Articles
Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy at a bending magnet beamline at the Advanced Light Source Conferences
Scanning transmission electron microscopy investigation of the Si(111)/AlN interface grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Journal Articles
Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy of isolated multiwall carbon nanotubes Journal Articles
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy under pulsed spin injection Journal Articles
Scatter emission in a ceramic dielectric thin-film electroluminescent device Journal Articles
Scattering and movement asymmetry in the one-dimensional lucky-drift simulation of the avalanche processes in disordered semiconductors Conferences
Scattering, absorption, and anomalous spectral tuning of 1.3 μm semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Seamless ultrathin rear projection display Journal Articles
Second-harmonic generation using a fiber ring resonator with a LiNbO3 waveguide and a semiconductor optical amplifier Journal Articles
Secondary electron emission from Ag(100) stimulated by positron and electron impact Journal Articles
Seeing structures and measuring properties with transmission electron microscopy images: A simple combination to study size effects in nanoparticle systems Journal Articles
Segregation in Czochralski grown calcium gallium germanium garnet single crystals Journal Articles
Selective breaking and re-joining of CuO nanowires by nanosecond laser irradiation Journal Articles
Selective electroplating of copper lines on pre-patterned tantalum oxide thin films Journal Articles
Self ion irradiated Si probed with enhanced depth resolution positron annihilation spectroscopy Journal Articles
Self-adaptive wear behavior of nano-multilayered TiAlCrN/WN coatings under severe machining conditions Journal Articles
Self-aligned inkjet printing of highly conducting gold electrodes with submicron resolution Journal Articles
Semiconductor Science and Technology Journal
Semiconductor hot-electron alternating current cold cathode Journal Articles
Sensitivity Analysis With Full-Wave Electromagnetic Solvers Based on Structured Grids Journal Articles
Sensitivity of the threshold voltage of organic thin-film transistors to light and water Journal Articles
Sensor system for heart sound biomonitor Conferences
Separated two-phase flow regime parameter measurement by a high speed ultrasonic pulse-echo system Journal Articles
Sequential environmental stresses tests qualification for automotive components Journal Articles
Short channel effects in regioregular poly(thiophene) thin film transistors Journal Articles
Short-external-cavity module for enhanced single-mode tuning of InGaAsP and AlGaAs semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Short-range ordering in a three-dimensionally frustrated magnet, Tb2Mo2O7, by wide- and small-angle neutron diffraction Conferences
Si 1s x-ray absorption spectra of epitaxial Si–Ge atomic layer superlattice and alloy films Conferences
Si ion implantation-induced damage in fused silica probed by variable-energy positrons Journal Articles
SiGe-on-insulator fabricated via germanium condensation following high-fluence Ge+ ion implantation Journal Articles
Signal and noise modeling and analysis of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor active pixel sensors Conferences
Silicon Solar Cell With Integrated Tunnel Junction for Multijunction Photovoltaic Applications Journal Articles
Silicon detector response to heavy ions at energies of 1–2 MeV/amu Conferences
Silicon waveguide two-photon absorption detector at 1.5 μm wavelength for autocorrelation measurements Journal Articles
Silicon waveguide-integrated optical power monitor with enhanced sensitivity at 1550nm Journal Articles
Silicon-based organic light-emitting diode operating at a wavelength of 1.5 μm Journal Articles
Silicon-on-insulator waveguide photodetector with self-ion-implantation-engineered-enhanced infrared response Conferences
Silver Nanoparticle Paste for Low-Temperature Bonding of Copper Journal Articles
Silver pick up during tail formation in thermosonic wire bonding process Journal Articles
Simple and convenient nonoptical shear force sensor for shear force and near-field optical microscopes Journal Articles
Simple expression for vacancy concentrations at half ion range following MeV ion implantation of silicon Journal Articles
Simple window-compensation method for improving the signal-to-noise ratio in measurements of the magneto-optic Kerr effect in ultrathin films Journal Articles
Simple, calibrated deposition monitor incorporated into an electron beam evaporator Journal Articles
Simulation and optimization of current generation in gallium phosphide nanowire betavoltaic devices Journal Articles
Simulation of the gamma radiation field in lumpy environments Conferences
Simulation on the effect of non-uniform strain from the passivation layer on AlGaN/GaN HEMT Journal Articles
Simultaneous Multiple File EXAFS Analysis: Methodology and Application to Buried Ge–Si Interfaces Conferences
Simultaneous electroluminescence and photoluminescence aging studies of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum-based organic light-emitting devices Journal Articles
Simultaneous multielement ERDA using a simple detector system and extremely heavy ion beams Conferences
Single crystal growth and characterization of frustrated antiferromagnet SraPb1 − aCrxGa12 − xO19 Journal Articles
Single crystal growth by the floating-zone method of a geometrically frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnet, Tb2Ti2O7 Journal Articles
Single crystal growth of transition metal antimonates AB2O6 from V2O5B2O3 fluxes Journal Articles
Single crystalline Si substrate growth by lateral diffusion epitaxy Journal Articles
Single heterojunction solar cells on exfoliated flexible ∼25 μm thick mono-crystalline silicon substrates Journal Articles
Single-crystal growth of aluminum tungstate–lutetium tungstate solid solution Journal Articles
Single-crystal growth of aluminum tungstate–scandium tungstate solid solution samples by the modified Czochralski method Journal Articles
Single-crystal silicon high-Q torsional oscillators Journal Articles
Single-mode Fabry-Perot laser with deeply etched slanted double trenches Journal Articles
Single-molecule fluorescence of long-chain DOO-PPV conjugated polymers prepared by different oxygen reducing methods Conferences
Site occupation of ternary elements in Sm2(CoTM)17 compounds Journal Articles
Size limit on the phosphorous doped silicon nanocrystals for dopant activation Conferences
Size-dependent mechanical properties of Mg nanoparticles used for hydrogen storage Journal Articles
Sizing of 3-D Arbitrary Defects Using Magnetic Flux Leakage Measurements Journal Articles
Sizing of multiple cracks using magnetic flux leakage measurements Journal Articles
Sm2Fe17Nx: Site and valence of the interstitial nitrogen Journal Articles
Sm2Fe17Nx: Site and valence of the interstitial nitrogen (abstract) Journal Articles
Small angle neutron scattering from the vortex lattice in 2H-NbSe2 (invited) (abstract) Conferences
Small-angle neutron-scattering studies of Ce(Fe1−xAlx)2 Conferences
Soldering and Surface Mount Technology Journal
Solid State Communications Journal
Solid State Phenomena Journal
Solid State Technology Journal
Solid phase epitaxial growth of amorphized InP Journal Articles
Solid phase epitaxial regrowth of Si1−xGex/Si strained-layer structures amorphized by ion implantation Journal Articles
Solid solution perovskite substrate materials with indifferent points Journal Articles
Solid solution single crystal growth of the aluminum tungstate–scandium tungstate system by a modified CZ method Journal Articles
Solid-State Electronics Journal
Soliton spin configurations along the classical anisotropic Heisenberg chain Journal Articles
Solute trapping in rapid solidification Journal Articles
Solution Process of Encapsulation Layer for Organic Light Emitting Diode for Enhanced Performance Journal Articles
Solution processed LiF anode modification for polymer solar cells Journal Articles
Solution to the bistability problem in shear force distance regulation encountered in scanning force and near-field optical microscopes Journal Articles
Some Measurements of Exchange Energies by Paramagnetic Neutron Inelastic Scattering Journal Articles
Sonochemical deposition of nanosized Au on titanium oxides with different surface coverage and their photocatalytic activity Journal Articles
Space-charge and injection limited current in organic diodes: A unified model Journal Articles
Spatial variation of electrical properties in lateral epitaxially overgrown GaN Journal Articles
Spatially correlated erbium and Si nanocrystals in coimplanted SiO2 after a single high temperature anneal Journal Articles
Spatially dispersive dichroism in bianisotropic metamirrors Journal Articles
Spatially resolved luminescence properties of etched quantum well microstructures Journal Articles
Spatially resolved spectroscopic strain measurements on high-power laser diode bars Journal Articles
Spatially-resolved and polarization-resolved photoluminescence for study of dislocations and strain in III–V materials Conferences
Special Issue on Advanced Compact Models and 45-nm Modeling Challenges Journal Articles
Special Issue on Compact Interconnect Models for Gigascale Integration Journal Articles
Specific heat of CsMnBr3 and holmium: n = 2, d = 3 chiral universality Journal Articles
Specific structural and compositional properties of (GaIn)(NAs) and their influence on optoelectronic device performance Conferences
Speckle Reduction by Optimized Multimode Fiber Combined With Dielectric Elastomer Actuator and Lightpipe Homogenizer Journal Articles
Speckle Suppression by Controlling the Coherence in Laser Based Projection Systems Journal Articles
Spectral dependence of the photoluminescence decay in disordered semiconductors Journal Articles
Spectral function and responsivity of resonant tunneling and superlattice quantum dot infrared photodetectors using Green’s function Journal Articles
Spectral function of InAs∕InGaAs quantum dots in a well detector using Green’s function Journal Articles
Spectral-domain phase microscopy with improved sensitivity using two-dimensional detector arrays Journal Articles
Spectroscopic and microscopic characterizations of color lamellae in natural pink diamonds Journal Articles
Spectroscopic strain measurement methodology: Degree-of-polarization photoluminescence versus photocurrent spectroscopy Journal Articles
Spectroscopic study of white organic light-emitting devices with various thicknesses of emissive layer Journal Articles
Sphere-supported thin-film electroluminescence: A new platform technology for displays and lighting Journal Articles
Spin Density Patterns around Impurity Atoms in Iron and Nickel Journal Articles
Spin Wave and Critical Fluctuations in Magnetite Journal Articles
Spin freezing and ordering in CaV4O9, CaV3O7 and CaV2O5 Conferences
Spin polarized neutron scattering study of NiCo/Cu multilayers Journal Articles
Spin polarized neutron scattering study of NiCo/Cu multilayers Conferences
Spin relaxation of holes in In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum wells Journal Articles
Spin waves in the triangular antiferromagnet CsMnBr3 Journal Articles
Spin-Peierls and spin-glass phases in pure and doped CuGeO3: a μSR study Conferences
Spin-Wave Dispersion in KMnF3 Journal Articles
Spin-dependent scattering in magnetic films, using SPLEED Conferences
Spin-glass-like behavior in Y2Mo2O7, a concentrated, crystalline system with negligible apparent disorder Journal Articles
Spin-wave polarization in single domain uranium selenide Journal Articles
Spinel coatings for UNS 430 stainless steel interconnects Journal Articles
Spinodal-like decomposition of grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Sputtered Zn1−xGa2O4:Mn thin-film electroluminescent devices prepared using cadmium-assisted processing Journal Articles
Sputtering of frozen Xenon by keV heavy ions Journal Articles
Sputtering of niobium by energetic neutrons and protons: A round-robin experiment Journal Articles
SrLaGaO4 - Czochralski crystal growth and basic properties Journal Articles
Stacking defects in GaP nanowires: Electronic structure and optical properties Journal Articles
Stacking pattern of multi-layer InAs quantum wires embedded in In0.53Ga0.47−xAlxAs matrix layers grown lattice-matched on InP substrate Journal Articles
Steric variation of the cerium valence in Ce2Fe14B and related compounds Journal Articles
Stopping Cross Sections for 0.3- to 1.7-MeV Helium Ions in Silicon and Silicon Dioxide Journal Articles
Strain estimation in III–V materials by analysis of the degree of polarization of luminescence Conferences
Strain measurement and estimation of photoelastic effects and strain-induced optical gain change in ridge waveguide lasers Journal Articles
Strain relaxation in (100) and (311) GaP∕GaAs thin films Journal Articles
Strain relief and AlSb buffer layer morphology in GaSb heteroepitaxial films grown on Si as revealed by high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy Journal Articles
Strain relief and dislocation motion in III-nitride films grown on stepped and step-free 4H-SiC mesas Journal Articles
Strain-free ultrathin AlN epilayers grown directly on sapphire by high-temperature molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Strain-induced electrically active stoichiometric defects in InAsyP1−y deposited onto (100) InP by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Stress Relaxation Testing and the Determination of the Internal Stress Journal Articles
Stress transition from compressive to tensile for silicon nanocrystals embedded in amorphous silica matrix Journal Articles
Stresses of hexagonal screw dislocation arrays. I. The semi-infinite hexagonal dislocation multipole Journal Articles
Stresses of hexagonal screw dislocation arrays. II. Long-range rotational stresses of terminated multipoles Journal Articles
Stresses of hexagonal screw dislocation arrays. III. Isolated dislocation cells incorporating hexagonal screw dislocation networks Journal Articles
Stresses of hexagonal screw dislocation arrays. IV. Cell aggregates Journal Articles
Stresses of hexagonal screw dislocation arrays. v. short range stresses and their contribution to latent hardening Journal Articles
Structural and Optical Properties of PECVD TiO2-SiO2Mixed Oxide Films for Optical Applications Journal Articles
Structural and magnetic properties of Gd5Ge4−xPx (x=0.25–0.63) Journal Articles
Structural and magnetic properties of a chemically ordered face-centered-cubic (111) Mn alloy film Journal Articles
Structural and magnetic studies on the new Laves phases RE (Co 0.667 Ga 0.333 ) 2 ( RE = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er). Magnetocaloric effect of Gd(Co 0.667 Ga 0.333 ) 2 Journal Articles
Structural and multiferroic properties of epitaxial γ-Fe2O3–BiFeO3/Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12composite bi-layers Journal Articles
Structural and optical analysis of GaAsP/GaP core-shell nanowires Journal Articles
Structural and oxide-based colours on laser textured copper Journal Articles
Structural and transport properties of epitaxial niobium-doped BaTiO3 films Journal Articles
Structural comparison of gadolinium and lanthanum silicate films on Si(1 0 0) by HRTEM, EELS and SAED Journal Articles
Structural evolution of co-deposited Zn–Cr coatings produced by vacuum evaporation Journal Articles
Structural investigation of interface and defects in epitaxial Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 film on SrRuO3/SrTiO3 (111) and (100) Journal Articles
Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the Gd5Si4−xSbx (x=0.5–3.5) phases Journal Articles
Structural, thermal and electrical properties of AgI–Ag2S–AgPO3 superionic glasses Conferences
Structure and chemistry of the Si(111)/AlN interface Journal Articles
Structure and fluctuations of liquid surfaces and interfaces Conferences
Structure and luminescence of rare earth-doped silicon oxides studied through their X-ray absorption near edge structure and X-ray excited optical luminescence Journal Articles
Structure and magnetic properties of Fe1.14Cr1.86Se4 ferrimagnet: Negative magnetization and its dependence on magnetic field Journal Articles
Structure and magnetic properties of the pyrochlore Sc2Mn2O7 Journal Articles
Structure and morphology of Pt3Sc alloy thin film prepared by pulsed laser deposition Journal Articles
Structure and perpendicular magnetization of Fe/Ni(111) bilayers on W(110) Conferences
Structure and perpendicular magnetization of Fe/Ni(111) bilayers on W(110) Journal Articles
Structure and physical properties of EuTa2O6 tungsten bronze polymorph Journal Articles
Structure induced magnetic anisotropy behavior in Co/GaAs(001) films Journal Articles
Structure, Magnetism and Colossal Magnetoresistance Behavior in A2Mn2O7 Pyrochlores (A = Dy-Lu, Y, Sc, In or Tl) Conferences
Structure, magnetic properties, and magnetocaloric effect of polycrystalline Ho3M (M = Rh, Ru) alloys Journal Articles
Structure, magnetism and colossal magnetoresistance behavior in A2Mn2O7 pyrochlores (A = Dy-Lu, Y, Sc, in or Tl) Journal Articles
Structure, properties and wear performance of nano-multilayered TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN coatings during machining of Ni-based aerospace superalloys Journal Articles
Structures of selected boranes and carboranes Conferences
Studies of Organic Semiconductors for 40 Years—VII Journal Articles
Studies on Cr-Mo binary alloys: I. surface composition modifications induced by ion bombardment Journal Articles
Studies on magnetoelectric coupling and magnetic properties of (1 − x)BiFeO3–xBaTiO3 solid solutions Journal Articles
Study of 19F Levels with Ex = 6.7 - 7.7 MeV by the 15N+α Scattering Experiment Journal Articles
Study of Spin Dynamics in Iron with Slow Neutrons Journal Articles
Study of energy transfer in single and multi-emissive layer using Gaussian peak fitting Journal Articles
Study of optoelectronic, thermoelectric, mechanical, and thermodynamic properties of Cs2NaTlX6 (X = Cl, Br, I) for energy harvesting Journal Articles
Study of organic light emitting devices with a 5,6,11,12-tetraphenylnaphthacene (rubrene)-doped hole transport layer Journal Articles
Study of radial growth in patterned self‐catalyzed GaAs nanowire arrays by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Study of the carbon distribution in multi-phase steels using the NanoSIMS 50 Conferences
Study of the cracking of highly porous p+ type silicon during drying Journal Articles
Study of the electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor (EISFET) with applications in biosensor design Journal Articles
Study of the monolithic integration of sub-bandgap detection, signal amplification and optical attenuation on a silicon photonic chip Conferences
Study of the optical properties of SiOxNy thin films by effective medium theories Conferences
Study of triplet exciton’s energy transfer in white phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with multi-doped single emissive layer Journal Articles
Study on hybrid blue organic light emitting diodes with step controlled doping profiles in phosphorescent emitting layer Journal Articles
Sub-25nm direct write (maskless) X-ray nanolithography Journal Articles
Sub-Kelvin magnetic order in Sm3Ga5O12 single crystal Journal Articles
Sub-micron high speed complementary metal-oxide semiconductor compatible metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector Conferences
Sub-surface damage in indium phosphide caused by micromachining of grooves with femtosecond and nanosecond laser pulses Journal Articles
Sub-wavelength surface structures on silicon irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses at 1300 and 2100 nm wavelengths Journal Articles
Subpicosecond carrier lifetime in beryllium-doped InGaAsP grown by He-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Substitutional doping during low-dose implantation of Bi and Ti ions in Si at 25°C Journal Articles
Substrate bias effects on drain-induced barrier lowering in short-channel PMOS devices Journal Articles
Subsurface junction field effect transistor Journal Articles
Subsurface modifications in indium phosphide induced by single and multiple femtosecond laser pulses: A study on the formation of periodic ripples Journal Articles
Subwavelength ripple formation on the surfaces of compound semiconductors irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses Journal Articles
Summary Abstract: EXELFS in the reflection electron energy loss spectra of Cu and Ni Conferences
Super black iron nanostructures with broadband ultralow reflectance for efficient photothermal conversion Journal Articles
Superconductivity of UPt3 studied by μ+SR and neutron scattering (abstract) Conferences
Superconductivity of the Nb3As system Journal Articles
Superlattices and Microstructures Journal
Superonducting phases of the BiSrCaCuO system Journal Articles
Suppression of Capillary Flow in Slot-Die Coating for the Fabrication of Fine OLED Stripe Journal Articles
Surface Engineering Journal
Surface activated bonding of copper through silicon vias and gold stud bumps at room temperature Journal Articles
Surface and Coatings Technology Journal
Surface and Interface Analysis Journal
Surface depletion and electrical transport model of AlInP-passivated GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
Surface effects on the mechanical elongation of AuCu nanowires: De-alloying and the formation of mixed suspended atomic chains Journal Articles
Surface energy of spinel Journal Articles
Surface modification of active metals through atom transfer radical polymerization grafting of acrylics Journal Articles
Surface modification of binder-jet additive manufactured Inconel 625 via electrospark deposition Journal Articles
Surface modification of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by O2 plasma Journal Articles
Surface modification of resistance welding electrode by electro-spark deposited composite coatings: Part I. Coating characterization Journal Articles
Surface modification of resistance welding electrodes by electro-spark deposited composite coatings Journal Articles
Surface morphology of photo-assisted chemical beam epitaxial growth of gallium arsenide Conferences
Surface nanostructuring of CuIn1−xGaxSe2films using argon plasma treatment Journal Articles
Surface passivation of tellurium-doped GaAs nanowires by GaP: Effect on electrical conduction Journal Articles
Surface preparation and patterning by nano imprint lithography for the selective area growth of GaAs nanowires on Si(111) Journal Articles
Surface reconstructions during growth of GaAs1−xBix alloys by molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Surface relaxation of clean, and hydrogen covered Pt(111) Journal Articles
Surface segregation and preferential sputtering in CoNi alloys: Computer simulation of Auger spectra Journal Articles
Surface-plasmon-enhanced photodetection in planar AuGaAs schottky junctions Journal Articles
Surface/interface phenomena in nano‐multilayer coating under severing tribological conditions Journal Articles
Suspended glass nanochannels coupled with microstructures for single molecule detection Journal Articles
Swift heavy ion irradiation of pyrochlore oxides: Electronic energy loss threshold for latent track formation Conferences
Symmetry plays a key role in the erasing of patterned surface features Journal Articles
Synthesis and crystal growth of SrLiH3 and EuLiH3; Ternary hydrides with the perovskite structure Journal Articles
Synthesis and photoluminescence of Eu 3+ doped CaGd 2 (WO 4 ) 4 novel red phosphors for white LEDs applications Journal Articles
Synthetic Metals Journal
Technique for measurement of the gain spectra of semiconductor diode lasers Journal Articles
Technique for producing highly planar Si/SiO0.64Ge0.36/Si metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor channels Journal Articles
Technology vision Journal Articles
Technology vision Journal Articles
Temperature Characteristics of 1.5-µm-Band MgO Doped LiNbO3 Quasi-Phase Matched Wavelength Converters Journal Articles
Temperature Dependence of the Anisotropy Constants of Gd, Tb, and Dy Journal Articles
Temperature and polarization dependence of LiNbO3 quasiphase-matched wavelength converters Journal Articles
Temperature dependence of breakdown voltages in separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiodes Journal Articles
Temperature dependence of electroluminescence degradation in organic light emitting devices without and with a copper phthalocyanine buffer layer Journal Articles
Temperature dependence of hole mobility in GaAs1−xBix alloys Journal Articles
Temperature dependence of operational stability of organic light emitting diodes based on mixed emitter layers Journal Articles
Temperature dependence of photoluminescence from Γ–Γ and Γ–Xminibands in lattice matched InGaAs/InP superlattices Journal Articles
Temperature dependent studies of InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiodes based on time domain modeling Journal Articles
Temperature effects in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor microwave distributed amplifiers Conferences
Temperature effects on heavily doped polycrystalline silicon Journal Articles
Temperature effects on the resistivity of polycrystalline silicon titanium salicide Journal Articles
Temperature-dependence of the growth orientation of atomic layer growth MgO Journal Articles
Temperature-dependent void formation and growth at ion-irradiated nanocrystalline CeO2–Si interfaces Journal Articles
Temporal Fluctuations of Moment in Paramagnets by Neutron Diffraction Journal Articles
Testing the ISAC radioactive ion accelerator beam specifications using the H(15N,αγ)12C reaction Conferences
Testing the reliability of ESR dating of optically exposed buried quartz sediments Journal Articles
Tetracritical dynamics of CsMnBr3 Journal Articles
Texture analysis of GaAs nanowires Journal Articles
The lock-in in erbium Conferences
The 180° enhancement of the ion backscattering surface peak yield from near (110)Au Journal Articles
The 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti reaction at DRAGON Conferences
The Czochralski growth of LiBO2 and Li2B4O7 Journal Articles
The Deformation Mechanisms of TWIP Steels (Fe-Mn-C) Viewed by X-Ray Diffraction Conferences
The Deformation Mechanisms of TWIP Steels (Fe-Mn-C) Viewed by X-Ray Diffraction Conferences
The Effect of Impurity Phases on the Structure and Properties of Microwave Dielectrics Based on Complex Perovskites Ba(Co1/32 +Nb2/3)O3 Conferences
The Energy Dependence of Lattice Disorder in Ion‐Implanted Silicon Journal Articles
The Feasibility of Au Ball Bonding on Sn-Plated Cu Journal Articles
The Impact of On-Chip Interconnections on CMOS RF Integrated Circuits Journal Articles
The Interaction of Glide Dislocations with Large Ordered Particles in a Ni‐Al Alloy Journal Articles
The Raman spectra of Ca(OH)2 and Ca(OD)2 Journal Articles
The Role of Internal Conversion Electrons in Gadolinium-Exposure Neutron Imaging Journal Articles
The TRIUMF nuclear structure program and TIGRESS Conferences
The application of artificial intelligent techniques to accelerator operations at McMaster University Conferences
The comparison of two MCNP models used for prompt gamma in vivo detection of cadmium and mercury Conferences
The consequence of lateral composition modulation on the anisotropic emission for transitions to the heavy hole subbands in InGaAs quantum wells Journal Articles
The corona-dynamo connection in accretion disks Conferences
The corona-dynamo connection in accretion disks Journal Articles
The dependence of drain-induced barrier lowering on substrate biasing in short channel PMOS devices at 77 K Journal Articles
The determination of partial structure functions in an Al-Zn-Ag alloy Journal Articles
The development of the microstructure of die-upset Nd-Fe-B magnets Journal Articles
The effect of Microstructure on the mechanical properties and adiabatic shear band formation in a medium carbon steel Journal Articles
The effect of different proximity caps on quantum well intermixing in InGaAsP/InP QW structures Journal Articles
The effect of filters and collimators on Compton scatter and Pb K-series peaks in XRF bone lead analysis Conferences
The effect of large grooves on the damping of water waves Journal Articles
The effect of laser micro-scale textured tools on the tool-chip interface performance and surface integrity during austenitic stainless-steel turning Journal Articles
The effect of lead in bone densitometry Conferences
The effect of powder composition on the morphology of in situ TiC composite coating deposited by Laser-Assisted Powder Deposition (LAPD) Journal Articles
The effect of pure aluminum cold spray coating on corrosion and corrosion fatigue of magnesium (3% Al-1% Zn) extrusion Journal Articles
The effect of submonolayer coverages of Ga on the optical anisotropy of vicinal Si(001) Conferences
The effect of substrate temperature on the isolation of n-type GaAs layers using MeV boron implantation Journal Articles
The effect of tannic acids on the electrical conductivity of PEDOT:PSS Films Journal Articles
The effect of the deposition rate on the properties of d.c.-magnetron-sputtered niobium nitride thin films Journal Articles
The effects of annealing on disorder preservation in ion implanted InP Journal Articles
The effects of magnetic nanoparticle properties on magnetic fluid hyperthermia Journal Articles
The electrodeposition of thin film zinc sulphide from thiosulphate solution Journal Articles
The energy gap of the high Tc superconductor La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 Journal Articles
The equivalence of vacancy-type damage in ion-implanted Si seen by positron annihilation spectroscopy Journal Articles
The evolution of vacancy-type defects in silicon-on-insulator structures studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy Journal Articles
The flux growth of perovskites (CaTiO3, CdTiO3, SrZrO3, and LaGaO3, PrGaO3, NdGaO3) Journal Articles
The formation of light emitting cerium silicates in cerium-doped silicon oxides Journal Articles
The formation of supported monodisperse Au nanoparticles by UV/ozone oxidation process Journal Articles
The importance of screening corrections in accurate RBS measurements at MeV energies Journal Articles
The influence of carbon on the structure and photoluminescence of amorphous silicon carbonitride thin films Journal Articles
The influence of combined laser parameters on in-situ formed TiC morphology during laser cladding Journal Articles
The influence of incident flux dependent radiation enhanced diffusion on composition changes of sputtered binary solids Journal Articles
The influence of lateral composition modulation on the photoluminescence of tensile strained InGaAs quantum wells at room temperature Journal Articles
The influence of modified annealing during the galvanizing process on the resistance spot welding of the CMn1.8Si advanced high strength steel Journal Articles
The limits of resonant tunneling diode subharmonic mixer performance Journal Articles
The low frequency Raman spectrum of iodoform Journal Articles
The low frequency noise in reverse biased rectifier diodes Journal Articles
The magnetic phase diagram and zero field structure of holmium-lutetium superlattices Conferences
The magnetic response at the metal–insulator transition in La1−xSrxTiO3 (abstract) Conferences
The magnetic structures of HoTiO3 and ErTiO3 Journal Articles
The magnetic structures of LaTiO3 and CeTiO3 Journal Articles
The magnetism of the uranium chalcogenides Journal Articles
The magnetoresistance of sub-micron Fe wires Journal Articles
The microstructure of hot formed neodymium–iron–boron magnets with energy product 48 MG Oe Journal Articles
The morphology of InP/InGaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy onto V-grooved InP substrates Journal Articles
The on-line charge breeding program at TRIUMF's Ion Trap For Atomic and Nuclear Science for precision mass measurements Journal Articles
The origin of preferential twinning in YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films deposited on the (0 0 1) NdGaO3 substrate Journal Articles
The physicochemical characterization of the Cu nanoparticle surface, and of its evolution on atmospheric exposure: Application to antimicrobial bandages for wound dressings Journal Articles
The precipitation of NbC on dislocations in austenite Conferences
The rapid prototyping of textured amorphous surfaces for the graphoepitaxial deposition of CdTe films using focused ion beam lithography Journal Articles
The relentless march of the MOSFET gate oxide thickness to zero Conferences
The response of open-volume defects in Si0.92Ge0.08 to annealing in nitrogen or oxygen ambient Conferences
The response of semiconductor optical amplifiers containing lateral composition modulation in the quantum wells Journal Articles
The role of lattice misfit strains in the deposition of epitaxial (Ba1−ySry)Ti0.5Nb0.5O3 films Journal Articles
The role of lattice mismatch in the deposition of CdTe thin films Conferences
The role of proximity caps during the annealing of UV-ozone oxidized GaAs Journal Articles
The role of quantum confinement and crystalline structure on excitonic lifetimes in silicon nanoclusters Journal Articles
The role of substrate surface termination in the deposition of (111) CdTe on (0001) sapphire Journal Articles
The role of vicinal silicon surfaces in the formation of epitaxial twins during the growth of III-V thin films Journal Articles
The solubility of indium antimonide in tin Journal Articles
The study of lattice damage using slow positrons following low energy B+ implantation of silicon Journal Articles
The ultrasonic wedge/wedge bonding process investigated using in situ real-time amplitudes from laser vibrometer and integrated force sensor Journal Articles
The use of reflection anisotropy spectroscopy to assess the alignment of collagen Journal Articles
The use of si surface barrier detectors for energy calibration of mev ion accelerators Journal Articles
The vibrational spectrum and dielectric behaviour of sodium chlorate Journal Articles
Theoretical and experimental characterization of self-heating in silicon integrated devices operating at low temperatures Journal Articles
Theoretical conversion efficiency of a two-junction III-V nanowire on Si solar cell Journal Articles
Theoretical description of hopping transport in disordered materials Conferences
Theoretical modeling of dark current in quantum dot infrared photodetectors using nonequilibrium Green’s functions Journal Articles
Theoretical study of the influence of strain and polarization on performance of AlGaN/4H-SiC HBT Journal Articles
Theory and experiment of liquid phase epitaxy on curved InP surface Journal Articles
Theory of lithium ordering in LixTiS2 Journal Articles
Theory of microplasma fluctuations and noise in silicon diode in avalanche breakdown Journal Articles
Thermal activation of OSL as a geothermometer for quartz grain heating during fault movements Journal Articles
Thermal contraction behavior in Al2(WO4)3 single crystal Journal Articles
Thermal evolution of defects produced by implantation of H, D and He in Silicon Conferences
Thermal expansion and magnetostriction of UNi2Si2: The magnetic phase diagram Conferences
Thermal rectification in a fluid reservoir Journal Articles
Thermal stability of 1.55 μm quantum well laser structures grown by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy Journal Articles
Thermal transport across nanoscale solid-fluid interfaces Journal Articles
Thermal transport through superlattice solid-solid interfaces Journal Articles
Thermodynamic assessment of Si-P and Si-Fe-P alloys for solar grade silicon refining via vacuum levitation Journal Articles
Thermodynamic properties from ab‐initio calculations: New theoretical developments, and applications to various materials systems Journal Articles
Thin Solid Films Journal
Thin film MgAl2O4: Mn spinel phosphor Journal Articles
Thin film electroluminescence in highly anisotropic oxide materials Journal Articles
Thin-film growth of Sn On Cu(100) Journal Articles
Three wave mixing using a fiber ring resonator Journal Articles
Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Facet Reflection Through Parallel Computing Journal Articles
TiO2 nanofibrous interface development for Raman detection of environmental pollutants Journal Articles
Tight-binding description of patterned graphene Journal Articles
Tilt generation in step-graded InxGa1−xAs metamorphic pseudosubstrate on a singular GaAs substrate using a low-temperature grown InGaP interlayer Journal Articles
Tilted epitaxy on (211)-oriented substrates Journal Articles
Time-dependent wettability of nano-patterned surfaces fabricated by femtosecond laser with high efficiency Journal Articles
Time-domain laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy apparatus for clinical diagnostics Journal Articles
Time-resolved fluorescence studies of degradation in tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (AlQ3)-based organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) Journal Articles
Time-resolved one-dimensional detection of x-ray scattering in pulsed magnetic fields Journal Articles
Topics in Applied Physics Journal
Torque Performance Enhancement in Consequent Pole PMSM Based on Magnet Pole Shape Optimization for Direct-Drive EV Journal Articles
Transduction of the reaction between urea and covalently immobilized urease by fluorescent amphiphilic membranes Conferences
Transient photoresponse measurements in x-phase of metal-free phthalocyanine photovoltaic cells Journal Articles
Transient surface states during the CBE growth of GaAs Conferences
Transition metal oxides (NiO, SnO2, In2O3) modified graphene: A promising candidate to detect and scavenge CO, C2H2, and CH4 gases Journal Articles
Transmission and scanning electron microscopy studies of single femtosecond- laser-pulse ablation of silicon Journal Articles
Transmission of positrons with a β + energy distribution through thin films Journal Articles
Transmission of positrons with aβ + energy distribution through thin films Journal Articles
Transport Properties of Bulk Thermoelectrics: An International Round-Robin Study, Part II: Thermal Diffusivity, Specific Heat, and Thermal Conductivity Journal Articles
Transport Properties of Bulk Thermoelectrics—An International Round-Robin Study, Part I: Seebeck Coefficient and Electrical Resistivity Journal Articles
Transport and Structural Properties of VO2 Films Journal Articles
Transport behaviors of anionic azo dyes at interface between surfactant-modified flax shives and aqueous solution: Synchrotron infrared and adsorption studies Journal Articles
Trapped charge dynamics in InAs nanowires Journal Articles
Tri-wavelength blending method for speckle reduction and color space enhancement in laser projection systems Journal Articles
Tribo-films control in adaptive TiAlCrSiYN/TiAlCrN multilayer PVD coating by accelerating the initial machining conditions Journal Articles
Tribological adaptability of TiAlCrN PVD coatings under high performance dry machining conditions Conferences
Tribology characteristics of in-situ laser deposition of Fe-TiC Journal Articles
Tribology of tool–chip interface and tool wear mechanisms Journal Articles
Tritium profiling using the T(d, 4He)n reaction Journal Articles
Tunable Schottky and ohmic contacts in graphene and Pd3X2Y8(X=P, As; Y=S, Se) monolayer van der Waals heterostructures Journal Articles
Tunable emission from Eu:SiOxNy thin films prepared by integrated magnetron sputtering and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition Journal Articles
Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy study on the effect of magnetron sputtering atmosphere on GaN/SiC interface and gallium nitride thin film crystal structure Journal Articles
Two-dimensional gain profiles of InP/InGaAs separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication avalanche photodiodes modeled by a simplified stochastic approach Conferences
Two-photon absorption induced nanowelding for assembling ZnO nanowires with enhanced photoelectrical properties Journal Articles
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics Journal
Ultrafast Laser‐Induced Sub‐100 nm Structures on Tungsten Surfaces: Stretched Liquid Dynamics Insights Journal Articles
Ultrafast laser-induced formation of AgO and Ag2O on silver Journal Articles
Ultrahigh vacuum apparatus for combined low-energy electron diffraction, Auger spectroscopy, MeV ion scattering, and nuclear microanalysis Journal Articles
Ultrasonic bonding of flexible PCB to rigid PCB using an Sn interlayer Journal Articles
Ultrasonic friction power during Al wire wedge-wedge bonding Journal Articles
Ultrasonic friction power during thermosonic Au and Cu ball bonding Journal Articles
Ultrasonic system for the detection of transient liquid/gas interfaces using the pulse-echo technique Journal Articles
Ultrawideband radar imaging system for biomedical applications Conferences
Uncoupling nanoparticle geometry from material properties for improved hole injection at submonolayer nanoparticle electrode interlayers in organic hole-only devices Journal Articles
Unified electrical model for the contact regions of staggered Thin Film Transistors Journal Articles
Unified model for the injection and transport of charge in organic diodes Journal Articles
Unsteady nanoscale thermal transport across a solid-fluid interface Journal Articles
Unveiling nature and consequences of tungsten oxidation upon ultrafast laser irradiation Journal Articles
Unveiling transient GaAs/GaP nanowire growth behavior using group V oscillations Journal Articles
Use of channeling for the study of radiation effects in nuclear materials Conferences
Use of signal subtraction methods in ESR dating of burned flint Journal Articles
Use of the 7.6 MeV 16O(α, α) resonance in studying the anomalous channeling behaviour of YBa2Cu3O7 − x near Tc Conferences
Using a quartz crystal microbalance to probe formation of Xe hydrate in thin ice films Journal Articles
Using polymer films to probe finite size effects in glass forming materials Conferences
Using polymer films to probe finite size effects in glass forming materials Journal Articles
Using unsorted single-wall carbon nanotubes to enhance mobility of diketopyrrolopyrrole-quarterthiophene copolymer in thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Vacancy Formation Enthalpy in Cadmium by Positron Lifetime Measurements Journal Articles
Vacancy complexes in Cr-doped GaAs Journal Articles
Vacuum Journal
Vacuum Shear Force Microscopy Application to High Resolution Work Journal Articles
Variable current transport in polymer thin film transistors Conferences
Variation of transport properties along the channel of a high electron mobility transistor: a quantum influence Journal Articles
Versatile model for the contact region of organic thin-film transistors Journal Articles
Very low-voltage operation capability of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor ring oscillators and logic gates Conferences
Visible photoluminescence from helium-ion implanted carbon in silicon Journal Articles
Visual observations of macroscopic inhomogeneous broadening of the R1 line in ruby Journal Articles
Void evolution in silicon under inert and dry oxidizing ambient annealing and the role of a Si1−xGex epilayer cap Journal Articles
Void formation at silicon nitride/silicon interfaces studied by variable‐energy positrons Journal Articles
Void-free strong bonding of surface activated silicon wafers from room temperature to annealing at 600°C Journal Articles
Volatile products and endpoint detection in reactive ion etching of III–V compounds with a broad beam ECR source Conferences
Watt‐level compact green laser for projection display Journal Articles
Wavelength Router Using Bridged Planar Spectrographs Journal Articles
Wavelength and temperature dependence of photorefractive effect in quasi-phase-matched LiNbO3 waveguides Journal Articles
Wavelength conversions ∼1.5 μm by difference frequency generation in periodically domain-inverted LiNbO3 channel waveguides Journal Articles
Wavelength dependence of the single pulse femtosecond laser ablation threshold of indium phosphide in the 400–2050nm range Journal Articles
Wavelength tunable ultrashort pulse generation from a passively mode-locked asymmetric-quantum-well semiconductor laser Journal Articles
Weak Ferromagnetic Ground State in Copper(II) Linear Chains Journal Articles
Weak Ferromagnetic Ground State in Copper(II) Linear Chains Conferences
Wear behavior of adaptive nano-multilayered TiAlCrN/NbN coatings under dry high performance machining conditions Journal Articles
Wear behaviour of coated carbide tools during machining of Ti6Al4V aerospace alloy associated with strong built up edge formation Journal Articles
Wear performance of different PVD coatings during hard wet end milling of H13 tool steel Journal Articles
Wearout estimation using the Robustness Validation methodology for components in 150°C ambient automotive applications Journal Articles
Weldability of thin sheet metals by small-scale resistance spot welding using high-frequency inverter and capacitor-discharge power supplies Journal Articles
Weldability of thin sheet metals during small-scale resistance spot welding using an alternating-current power supply Journal Articles
White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Red-Fluorescent and Blue-Phosphorescent Emitters with Inducer Layer Journal Articles
White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes With Different Order of RGB-Emitting Layers Journal Articles
White Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes Using Exciplex Emission with Multiple Emitting Layers Journal Articles
Winding Function-Based Analytical Modeling of Core Loss in an Induction Machine Considering Slotting Effects and the Frequency-Dependent B-H Curve Characteristics Journal Articles
Work function and epithermal positron emission from copper Conferences
Work function modification of indium–tin–oxide used in organic light emitting devices Conferences
Work function tuning of tin-doped indium oxide electrodes with solution-processed lithium fluoride Conferences
Workshop focuses on the rise in MSE undergraduates Journal Articles
Wrinkled smart surfaces: Enhanced switchable wettability and directional liquid transportation Journal Articles
Wurtzite III–Nitride Distributed Bragg Reflectors on Si(100) Substrates Journal Articles
X-ray absorption fine structure studies of buried Ge–Si interfaces Conferences
X-ray absorption of As low-energy ion implanted into Si(100) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy Conferences
X-ray diffraction study of a sequence of phase transitions in Cs2HgCl4 crystals Journal Articles
X-ray emission from femtosecond laser micromachining Journal Articles
X-ray nano-diffraction study of Sr intermetallic phase during solidification of Al-Si hypoeutectic alloy Journal Articles
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of the formation of catalytic gold nanoparticles on ultraviolet-ozone oxidized GaAs(100) substrates Journal Articles
X-ray studies of the YBa2Cu3O6+x superstructures in the range of 0.40(3) ≤ x ≤ 0.73(3) Journal Articles
X-ray-absorption fine structure of selected R2Fe17 nitrides Journal Articles
X-ray-diffraction study of crystalline Si nanocluster formation in annealed silicon-rich silicon oxides Journal Articles
XPS and EELS characterization of Mn2SiO4, MnSiO3 and MnAl2O4 Journal Articles
Xes characterization of rare earth vanadates Journal Articles
X‐ray spectromicroscopy study of ubiquitin adsorption to plasma polymerized microstructures Conferences
Zeeman Effect of the R Lines in Cr2O3 Journal Articles
ZnO field-effect transistors prepared by aqueous solution-growth ZnO crystal thin film Journal Articles
Zone plate focused soft X-ray lithography Journal Articles
light emitting diodes Journal Articles
λ-MnO2, a new frustrated antiferromagnet with the defect spinel structure (abstract) Conferences
μ+SR measurements on pure and copper doped samples of the 1D antiferromagnet Ni(C2H8N2)2NO2(ClO4) (NENP) Conferences
μSR experiments on a haldane system (Y1−Ca )2BaNiO5 Conferences
‘Searching for a needle in a haystack;’ A Ba-tagging approach for an upgraded nEXO experiment Journal Articles
“Gentle lithography” with benzene on Si(100) Journal Articles