About McMaster Experts
Bringing McMaster University’s Research Expertise to the World
Are you:
- A researcher looking to exchange ideas with colleagues with similar research interests?
- A media outlet seeking an expert opinion and intelligent dialogue on a critical issue?
- An industry representative searching for academic expertise and partners?
- A potential student looking to see if McMaster faculty share your interests?
McMaster Experts is your starting point.
McMaster Experts presents a comprehensive portrait of McMaster faculty research activities via a dynamic web profile that features affiliations, educational background, areas of expertise, research interests, and a full record of publications. It also maps relationships between faculty at McMaster, presenting present collaborations and promoting future ones.
At its core, McMaster Experts aims to facilitate collaboration among academic researchers and spark increased engagement with other communities in academia, industry, and the media at local, national, and international scales.
Visitors can search McMaster Experts by researcher name, research area, or department.
McMaster Experts is an implementation of VIVO, an open source researcher networking and discovery application originally developed at Cornell University and used globally by major research institutions to gather and publicize their research activity to the broadest possible audience. Publication data display, meanwhile, uses Symplectic’s Elements, a Research Information Management system that pulls information from multiple bibliographical sources.
McMaster Experts resulted from a collaboration between the McMaster’s University Library, Research and High Performance Computing Support, in addition to support from Communications and Public Affairs, and University Technology Services.
- ORCID iDs are used to help claim publications — Learn how to link your ORCID iD
- Exported publication lists from Google Scholar can be imported into McMaster Experts - Learn how
- The Experts team is working to integrate Experts with other campus systems with research information