In Vitro Techniques
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02-Sensing Mechanisms in Efferent Neurons to the Rat Carotid Body Journal Articles
2-[<sup>125</sup>I]Iodomelatonin Binding in the Brains of Four Salmonids Journal Articles
2-[125I]Iodomelatonin binding sites in hamster and chick exhibit differential sensitivity to prazosin Journal Articles
3H-Clonidine binding to membranes of platelets prepared under physiological conditions Journal Articles
3H-haloperidol binding: Some theoretical aspects Journal Articles
3H-spiroperidol binding and dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase: Evidence for multiple classes of receptors in primate brain regions Journal Articles
4-Aryl-3-(hydroxyalkyl)quinolin-2-ones: Novel Maxi-K Channel Opening Relaxants of Corporal Smooth Muscle Targeted for Erectile Dysfunction Journal Articles
8-isoprostaglandin E2 activates Ca2+-dependent K+ current via cyclic AMP signaling pathway in murine renal artery Journal Articles
Effect of Lead on Globin Synthesisin Vitro Journal Articles
In vitro disintegration studies of weekly generic and branded risedronate sodium formulations available in Canada Journal Articles
In vitrodrug release of natamycin from β-cyclodextrin and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin-functionalized contact lens materials Journal Articles
L-Phenylalanine induced changes of sulfhydryl reactivity in rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase Journal Articles
L‐NAME inhibits Mg2+‐induced rat aortic relaxation in the absence of endothelium Journal Articles
PM10‐stimulated airway epithelial cells activate primary human dendritic cells independent of uric acid: Application of an in vitro model system exposing dendritic cells to airway epithelial cell‐conditioned media Journal Articles
Phorbol esters trigger the inactivation of the inhibitory guanine-nucleotide binding regulatory protein (Gi) in airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
A Low Molecular Weight Heparin Alters the Fetal Coagulation System in the Pregnant Sheep Journal Articles
A New Strategy for the Preparation of Peptide-Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals Based on an Fmoc-Lysine-Derived Single Amino Acid Chelate (SAAC). Automated Solid-Phase Synthesis, NMR Characterization, and in Vitro Screening of fMLF(SAAC)G and fMLF[(SAAC−Re(CO)3)+]G Journal Articles
A Revisitation on the Mechanism of Action of KCI-lnduced Vascular Smooth Muscle Contraction: A Key Role of Cation Binding to the Plasma Membrane Journal Articles
A Transgenic Mouse Model to Study Glucose Transporter 4myc Regulation in Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
A clinically applicable method for long-term salvage of postischemic skeletal muscle Conferences
A comparison of the effects of aspirin and dipyridamole on platelet aggregation in vivo and ex vivo Journal Articles
A cone-and-plate device for the investigation of platelet biomaterial interactions Journal Articles
A control method for a nonlinear multivariable system: application to interstitial laser hyperthermia Journal Articles
A direct role for serum albumin in the cellular uptake of long-chain fatty acids Journal Articles
A five year outbreak of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus
aureus phage type 53,85 in a regional neonatal unit Journal Articles
A mobile intracellular microelectrode designed to record from neurons in contracting tissue Journal Articles
A new approach for the evaluation of the severity of coarctation of the aorta using Doppler velocity index and effective orifice area: In vitro validation and clinical implications Journal Articles
A novel O2-sensing mechanism in rat glossopharyngeal neurones mediated by a halothane-inhibitable background K+ conductance Journal Articles
A rapid and simple method for assaying 3H-spiroperidol binding to solubilized dopamine receptors Journal Articles
A review of the effects of statins in systemic sclerosis Journal Articles
A study of the agreement between patient self‐assessment and study personnel assessment of bleeding symptoms Journal Articles
ADP-Induced changes in [32P]phosphate labeling of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate in washed rabbit platelets made refractory by prior ADP stimulation Journal Articles
ADP‐stimulated fibrinogen binding is necessary for some of the inositol phospholipid changes found in ADP‐stimulated platelets Journal Articles
AMP inhibition of reactions of ADP with washed platelets from humans and rabbits Other
ATP-Dependent Silver Transport across the Basolateral Membrane of Rainbow Trout Gills Journal Articles
ATP-dependent Ca-uptake by rat vas deferens smooth muscle microsomes: properties of oxalate stimulated and oxalate-independent Ca-uptake. Journal Articles
Abnormal Contractile Response of Aortas from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats to Ca2+ After Depletion of Ca2+ in Ca2+-Free Medium Journal Articles
Abnormal Response to Cholinergic Stimulation in the Circular Muscle Layer of the Human Colon in Diverticular Disease Journal Articles
Abnormal biochemistry of vascular smooth muscle plasma membrane isolated from hypertensive rats. Journal Articles
Accelerated communication H1 contractile and H2 relaxant receptors in canine gastric muscularis mucosae Journal Articles
Accumulation of the inositol phosphates in thrombin-stimulated, washed rabbit platelets in the presence of lithium Journal Articles
Acetylcholine Ca2+ stores refilling directly involves a dihydropyridine-sensitive channel in dog trachea Journal Articles
Acid Phosphatases Journal Articles
Acidic pH changes receptor binding specificity of Helicobacter pylori: a binary adhesion model in which surface heat shock (stress) proteins mediate sulfatide recognition in gastric colonization Journal Articles
Actinomycin D Journal Articles
Actions of 4‐chloro‐3‐ethyl phenol on internal Ca2+ stores in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells Journal Articles
Actions of the muscle relaxant chandonium iodide on guinea-pig ileum and vas deferens preparations Journal Articles
Actions of the sympathomimetic bronchodilator, AQL208, on the cardiovascular, bronchiolar and skeletal muscle systems of the cat Journal Articles
Actions of two dopamine derivatives at adreno- and cholinoceptors Journal Articles
Activated protein C modulates inflammation, apoptosis and tissue factor procoagulant activity by regulating endoplasmic reticulum calcium depletion in blood monocytes Journal Articles
Activation of Protein Kinase C as a Modulator of Potentiated UK-14304-Induced Contractions in Dog Mesenteric Artery and Vein Journal Articles
Acute IL-6 treatment increases fatty acid turnover in elderly humans in vivo and in tissue culture in vitro Journal Articles
Acute Response of Airway Muscle to Extreme Temperature Includes Disruption of Actin–Myosin Interaction Journal Articles
Acute stressors stimulate ion secretion and increase epithelial permeability in rat intestine Journal Articles
Acute toxicity, accumulation and tissue distribution of copper in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus acclimated to different salinities: In vivo and in vitro studies Journal Articles
Adaptation of stress-induced mucosal pathophysiology in rat colon involves opioid pathways Journal Articles
Adenosine A1 receptors are not involved in contraction of canine gastric muscularis mucosae by adenosine analogues Journal Articles
Adenosine receptor blockade reveals N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor- and voltage-sensitive dendritic spikes in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells in vitro Journal Articles
Adenosine-induced hyperpolarization is depressed by glibenclamide in rat CA1 neurones Journal Articles
Adenovirus E1A under the control of heterologous promoters: Wide variation in E1A expression levels has little effect on virus replication Journal Articles
Adhesion of platelets to artificial surfaces: Effect of red cells Journal Articles
Adjunctive therapy (whole body hyperthermia versus lonidamine) to total body irradiation for the treatment of favorable b-cell neoplasms: a report of two pilot clinical trials and laboratory investigations Journal Articles
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in pituitary colloid and extrapituitary tissues Journal Articles
Adsorption of plasminogen from human plasma to lysine-containing surfaces Journal Articles
Aerobic and glycolytic support of sodium pumping and contraction in rat myometrium Journal Articles
Agonist interactions at the calcium pools in skinned and unskinned canine tracheal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Agonist-induced contractile responses of human bronchial muscle in vitro: Effects of Ca2+ removal, La3+ and PY108068 Journal Articles
Agreements Between the Prothrombin Times of Blood Treated In Vitro with Heparinase During Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) and Blood Sampled After CPB and Systemic Protamine Journal Articles
Airway responsiveness to histamine in man: effect of atropine on in vivo and in vitro comparison. Journal Articles
Akrinor-induced Relaxation of Pig Coronary Artery In Vitro is Transformed into α1-Adrenoreceptor-mediated Contraction by Pretreatment With Propranolol Journal Articles
All colonies of CHO-K1 cells surviving γ-irradiation contain non-viable cells Journal Articles
Allosteric Modulation of the Dopamine D2 Receptor by Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Peptidomimetics Constrained in Either a Polyproline II Helix or a Type II β-Turn Conformation Journal Articles
Alloxan inhibits ligand binding to adrenoceptors of vascular smooth muscle microsomes Journal Articles
Alpha- and beta- peptide chain synthesis in sideroblastic anaemia. Journal Articles
Alpha-adrenoceptors in canine mesenteric artery are predominantly 1A subtype: pharmacological and immunochemical evidence. Journal Articles
Alterations in Intestinal Uptake and Compartmentalization of Zinc in Response to Short-Term Dexamethasone Therapy or Excess Dietary Zinc in Piglets Journal Articles
Altered calcium-handling properties of jejunal smooth muscle from the nematode-infected rat Journal Articles
Altered small intestinal smooth muscle function in Crohn's disease Journal Articles
Altered smooth muscle contraction and sodium pump activity in the inflamed rat intestine Journal Articles
Altered smooth muscle function in worm-free gut regions of Trichinella-infected rats Journal Articles
Aminoglycoside antibiotic phosphotransferases are also serine protein kinases Journal Articles
Amplification of 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced contractile responses via 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors and alpha-adrenoceptors in dog mesenteric artery and vein. Journal Articles
Amplification of alpha adrenergic vasoconstriction in canine isolated mesenteric artery and vein. Journal Articles
An AMP-activated protein kinase–stabilizing peptide ameliorates adipose tissue wasting in cancer cachexia in mice Journal Articles
An Initial Reaction Rate Assay for "Glycerate Dehydrogenase" Journal Articles
An MRI method for measuring T2 in the presence of static and RF magnetic field Inhomogeneities Journal Articles
An integrative, in situ approach to examining K<sup>+</sup> flux in resting skeletal muscle Journal Articles
An integrative, in situ approach to examining K+ flux in resting skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Analyses of cellular multimerin 1 receptors: in vitro evidence of binding mediated by αΙΙbβ3 and αvβ3 Journal Articles
Analysis of an allosteric binding site: the nucleoside inhibitor site of phosphorylase a Journal Articles
Analysis of data on efflux of radioactive ions from isolated membrane vesicles Journal Articles
Analysis of porphyrin methyl esters by thin-layer chromatography and fluorimetric scanning. Journal Articles
Analysis of whole‐cell currents by patch clamp of guinea‐pig myenteric neurones in intact ganglia Journal Articles
Angiotensin II contractions in coronary artery Journal Articles
Angiotensin depolarizes parvocellular neurons in paraventricular nucleus through modulation of putative nonselective cationic and potassium conductances Journal Articles
Anoxia differentially modulates multiple K+ currents and depolarizes neonatal rat adrenal chromaffin cells Journal Articles
Anti-diuresis in the blood-feeding insect Rhodnius prolixus Stål: the peptide CAP2b and cyclic GMP inhibit Malpighian tubule fluid secretion Journal Articles
Antigen-induced contraction of jejunal smooth muscle in the sensitized rat Journal Articles
Apocynum venetum leaf extract, an antihypertensive herb, inhibits rat aortic contraction induced by angiotensin II: A nitric oxide and superoxide connection Journal Articles
Apparatus for study of ventricular function and metabolism in the isolated perfused rat heart. Journal Articles
Arachidonic acid stimulates steroidogenesis in goldfish preovulatory ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Are Merkel cell‐neurite reciprocal synapses involved in the initiation of tactile responses in salamander skin? Journal Articles
Arterial muscle membrane abnormalities of hydralazine-treated spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Ascaridole-less infusions of Chenopodium ambrosioides contain a nematocide(s) that is(are) not toxic to mammalian smooth muscle Journal Articles
Asialoglycoprotein clearance in the chicken: evidence for the lack of a hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor Journal Articles
Augmentation of bovine airway smooth muscle responsiveness to carbachol, KCl, and histamine by the isoprostane 8-iso-PGE2 Journal Articles
Ava[l-Pro9,N-MeLeu10] Substance P(7-11) (GR 73632) and Sar9, Met(O2)11Increase Distention-Induced Peristalsis through Activation of Neurokinin-1 Receptors on Smooth Muscle and Interstitial Cells of Cajal Journal Articles
BMS-214662 induces mitochondrial apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) stem/progenitor cells, including CD34+38− cells, through activation of protein kinase Cβ Journal Articles
Ba++ as a gastric stimulant: release of histamine Journal Articles
Ba++ on the resting frog stomach: effects on electrical and secretory parameters Journal Articles
Bacteroides fragilis polysaccharide A is necessary and sufficient for acute activation of intestinal sensory neurons Journal Articles
Basic and Translational Research in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Journal Articles
Basophil Production Journal Articles
Beta adrenoreceptor in vascular smooth muscle with special reference to subcellular localization and number of binding sites. Journal Articles
Beta‐adrenoceptors in human lung, bronchus and lymphocytes. Journal Articles
Binding and degradation of angiotensin II by mecentric artery subcellular membranes Journal Articles
Binding and degradation studies on angiotensin II Journal Articles
Binding of 125I-labelled human chorionic gonadotropin to cell membrane receptors in rabbit ovarian slices Journal Articles
Binding of anticonvulsant drugs to cytochrome P-450: correlation with evidence of induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes Journal Articles
Binding of secretory component to protein 511, a pIgA mouse protein lacking 36 amino acid residues of the Cα3 domain Journal Articles
Binding studies of L-Prolyl-L-leucyl-glycinamide (PLG), a novel antiparkinsonian agent, in normal human brain Journal Articles
Biochemical abnormalities of venous plasma membrane fraction isolated from spontanously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Biological activity of metabolites of PGD2 on canine proximal colon Journal Articles
Biological effects of nitrofurans Journal Articles
Bioregulatory roles for fibrin(ogen) on blood coagulation Journal Articles
Bivalent Binding to γA/γ′-Fibrin Engages Both Exosites of Thrombin and Protects It from Inhibition by the Antithrombin-Heparin Complex Journal Articles
Bone Formation Following Intramedullary Femoral Reaming Is Decreased by Indomethacin and Antibodies to Insulin-like Growth Factors Journal Articles
Bovine Thecal Cells Secrete Factor(s) That Promote Granulosa Cell Proliferation1 Journal Articles
Brain opioid receptors in the hibernating bat, Myotis lucifugus: Modification by low temperature and comparison with rat, mouse and hamster Journal Articles
Bystander effect induced changes in apoptosis related proteins and terminal differentiation inin vitromurine bladder cultures Journal Articles
Ca2+ handling properties of microsomal subfractions of rat vas deferens smooth muscle Journal Articles
Ca2+-dependent K+channels and Na+-K+-ATPase mediate H2O2- and superoxide-induced relaxations in canine trachealis Journal Articles
Ca2+‐mediated ascorbate release from coronary artery endothelial cells Journal Articles
Cadmium disrupts behavioural and physiological responses to alarm substance in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Caffeine relaxes smooth muscle through actin depolymerization Journal Articles
Calcium Channels Journal Articles
Calcium Does Not Inhibit Iron Absorption or Alter Iron Status in Infant Piglets Adapted to a High Calcium Diet Journal Articles
Calcium ION Mechanisms in Airway Smooth Muscle: Potential Targets for Novel Symptomatic Drugs for Asthma Journal Articles
Calcium and contractions of isolated smooth muscle cells from rat myometrium Journal Articles
Calcium binding proteins in smooth muscle plasma membrane Journal Articles
Calcium channel antagonist binding and pharmacology in rat uterine smooth muscle Journal Articles
Calcium channels in isolated cells and strips of longitudinal muscle of rat myometrium Journal Articles
Calcium uptake by myometrial membranes: Effect of A 23187, a calcium ionophore Journal Articles
Calcium-channel antagonist binding to isolated vascular smooth muscle membranes Journal Articles
Calcium-stimulated short-circuit currents in the canine proximal colonic epithelium: effects of DK-PGD2, a metabolite of prostaglandin D2 Journal Articles
Caloxin 1b3: A novel plasma membrane Ca2+-pump isoform 1 selective inhibitor that increases cytosolic Ca2+ in endothelial cells Journal Articles
Candida auris Forms High-Burden Biofilms in Skin Niche Conditions and on Porcine Skin. Journal Articles
Canine colonic circular muscle generates action potentials without the pacemaker component Journal Articles
Capsaicin-induced airway obstruction in tracheally perfused guinea pig lungs. Journal Articles
Cardiovascular and airway relaxant activities of peony root extract Journal Articles
Cardiovascular responses to intrathecal administration of L- and D-baclofen in the rat Journal Articles
Catalase activity in coronary artery endothelium protects smooth muscle against peroxide damage Journal Articles
Cation-induced aggregation of membrane vesicles isolated from vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
Cellular Electrophysiological Actions of Ethanol on Mammalian Neurons in Brain Slicesa Journal Articles
Cellular and genetic basis for suppression of cytotoxic T cell generation by haloaromatic hydrocarbons Journal Articles
Changes in the platelet phosphoinositides during the first minute after stimulation of washed rabbit platelets with thrombin Journal Articles
Characterisation of receptors mediating the contractile effects of prostanoids in guinea-pig and human airways Journal Articles
Characteristics of Thrombin-Degranulated Human Platelets: Development of a Method that Does not Use Proteolytic Enzymes for Deaggregation Journal Articles
Characteristics of [3H] propyl beta-carboline-3-carboxylate binding to benzodiazepine receptors in human brain. Journal Articles
Characterization and solubilization of the nitrendipine binding protein from canine small intestinal circular smooth muscle Journal Articles
Characterization of enteric functional changes evoked by in vivo anti-CD3 T cell activation Journal Articles
Characterization of excitatory prostanoid receptors in the human umbilical artery in vitro Journal Articles
Characterization of slowly inactivating KVα current in rabbit pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies: effects of hypoxia and nicotine Journal Articles
Characterization of tetraethylammonium uptake across the basolateral membrane of theDrosophilaMalpighian (renal) tubule Journal Articles
Characterization of the Interactions of Plasminogen and Tissue and Vampire Bat Plasminogen Activators with Fibrinogen, Fibrin, and the Complex of d-Dimer Noncovalently Linked to Fragment E Journal Articles
Characterization of the outward rectifying potassium channel in a novel mouse intestinal smooth muscle cell preparation. Journal Articles
Characterization of the prostanoid TP receptor population in human nonpregnant myometrium. Journal Articles
Characterization of α-adrenoceptor subtypes by [3H]prazosin and [3H]rauwolscine binding to canine venous smooth muscle membranes Journal Articles
Chemical and biological integration of a mouldable bioactive ceramic material capable of forming apatite in vivo in teeth Journal Articles
Chemical lesion and drug induced supersentivity and subsensitivity of caudate dopamine receptors Journal Articles
Chemical modification reveals involvement of tyrosine in ligand binding to dopamine D1 and D2 receptors. Journal Articles
Chemosensitization of gemcitabine‐resistant human bladder cancer cell line both in vitro and in vivo using antisense oligonucleotide targeting the anti‐apoptotic gene, clusterin Journal Articles
Chloride removal and excitation–contraction coupling in guinea pig ileal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Chloride removal selectively inhibits phasic contractions of guinea pig ileal longitudinal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Chronic Stimulation of the Left Vagus Nerve: Cognitive Motor Effects Journal Articles
Chronic hypoxic hypercapnia modifies in vivo and in vitro ventilatory chemoreflexes in the cane toad Journal Articles
Chronotropic and inotropic actions of amrinone, carbazeran and isobutylmethyl xanthine: role of phosphodiesterase inhibition Journal Articles
Cigarette smoke and platelet-activating factor receptor dependent adhesion ofStreptococcus pneumoniaeto lower airway cells Journal Articles
Ciliary Function, Cell Viability, and in Vitro Effect of Ribavirin on Nasal Epithelial Cells in Acute Rhinorrhea Journal Articles
Circuit Mechanisms Underlying Motor Memory Formation in the Cerebellum Journal Articles
Circular muscle lamellae of canine colon are electrically isolated functional units Journal Articles
Classification of postjunctional beta adrenoceptors mediating relaxation of canine bronchi. Journal Articles
Clinically Relevant Test Methods to EstablishIn VitroEquivalence for Spacers and Valved Holding Chambers Used with Pressurized Metered Dose Inhalers (pMDIs) Journal Articles
Clot-bound thrombin is protected from inhibition by heparin-antithrombin III but is susceptible to inactivation by antithrombin III-independent inhibitors. Journal Articles
Comparative Study on High Fat Diet-induced 4-Hydroxy-2E-nonenal Adducts in the Hippocampal CA1 Region of C57BL/6N and C3H/HeN Mice Journal Articles
Comparative metabolism and distribution of rabbit heparin cofactor II and rabbit antithrombin in rabbits Journal Articles
Comparative metabolism of plasminogen glycoforms I and II in the alloxan-diabetic rabbit Journal Articles
Comparison of in vivo airway responsiveness and in vitro smooth muscle sensitivity to methacholine in man. Journal Articles
Comparison of the Effects of Heparin and Hirudin on Thrombin Binding to the Normal and the De-Endothelialized Rabbit Aorta In Vitro Journal Articles
Composition of incubation solution impacts in vitro protein uptake to silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Journal Articles
Concentration-related differences in the effects of the Ca2+ agonist Bay K 8644 in human bronchus in vitro Journal Articles
Concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn in breast tissue: a synchrotron XRF study Journal Articles
Concerning Prostaglandin D2: Forgotten, Promiscuous, Capriciousa Journal Articles
Contraction-induced skeletal muscle FAT/CD36 trafficking and FA uptake is AMPK independent Journal Articles
Contribution of Red Blood Cells to the Saturable Mechanism of Heparin Clearance Journal Articles
Contribution of the Olecranon to Elbow Stability Journal Articles
Control of SERCA2a Ca2+ pump mRNA stability by nuclear proteins: role of domains in the 3′-untranslated region Journal Articles
Control of human airway smooth muscle: in vitro studies Journal Articles
Control of human colonic motor function Journal Articles
Control of pepsinogen synthesis and secretion in primary monolayer cultures of canine gastric chief cells Journal Articles
Controlled delivery of taxol from microspheres composed of a blend of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and poly (d,l-lactic acid) Journal Articles
Cooperativity of papain-substrate interaction energies in the S2 to S2' subsites Journal Articles
Coronary artery contractility, Na(+)-pump and oxygen radicals. Journal Articles
Could Chemical Enhancement of Gold Nanoparticle Penetration Be Extrapolated from Established Approaches for Drug Permeation? Journal Articles
Covalent antithrombin–heparin complexes Journal Articles
Co‐operation between neural and myogenic mechanisms in the control of distension‐induced peristalsis in the mouse small intestine Journal Articles
Cyclic 3’,5’-Adenosine Monophosphate Mediates Dopamine D1-Stimulated Growth Hormone Release from Goldfish Pituitary Cells Journal Articles
Cyclic nucleotides and contractility of isolated soleus muscle. Journal Articles
Cyclopiazonic acid activates a Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation conductance in porcine and bovine tracheal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Cyclopiazonic acid, inhibiting the endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump, reduces the canine colonic pacemaker frequency. Journal Articles
Cytokine-induced human basophil/mast cell growth and differentiation in vitro Journal Articles
Deaggregation of Human Platelets Aggregated by Thrombin Journal Articles
Decreased Platelet Membrane Fluidity Due to Glycation or Acetylation of Membrane Proteins Journal Articles
Decreased Thrombin Activity of Fibrin Clots Prepared in Cord Plasma Compared with Adult Plasma Journal Articles
Defective Repair of Ultraviolet- and Gamma-ray-damaged DNA in Fanconi's Anaemia Journal Articles
Defective Synthesis of an Unstable Haemoglobin: Haemoglobin Koln (β98Val‐Met) Journal Articles
Deletion of the Endothelin-A-Receptor Suppresses Oxygen-Induced Constriction but not Postnatal Closure of the Ductus Arteriosus Conferences
Dependence of laser photocoagulation on interstitial delivery parameters Journal Articles
Depletion of intrafusal muscle fibre glycogen by stimulation of fusimotor fibres. Journal Articles
Design, Synthesis, X-ray Analysis, and Dopamine Receptor-Modulating Activity of Mimics of the "C5" Hydrogen-Bonded Conformation in the Peptidomimetic 2-Oxo-3(R)-[(2(S)-pyrrolidinylcarbonyl)amino]-1-pyrrolidineacetamide Journal Articles
Design, Synthesis, and Dopamine Receptor Modulating Activity of Diketopiperazine Peptidomimetics ofl-Prolyl-l-leucylglycinamide Journal Articles
Detection of precursor Th cells in mesenteric lymph nodes after oral immunization with protein antigen and cholera toxin Journal Articles
Determination of molecular size of alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors in rat mesenteric artery by radiation inactivation. Journal Articles
Determination of porcine corneal layers with high spatial resolution by simultaneous second and third harmonic generation microscopy Journal Articles
Determination of tricyclic antidepressant drugs by gas chromatography with the use of a capillary column Journal Articles
Development of human visual cortex: A balance between excitatory and inhibitory plasticity mechanisms Journal Articles
Differences in inhibition of PGI2 production by aspirin in rabbit artery and vein segments Journal Articles
Differences in the clinically effective molar concentrations of four direct thrombin inhibitors explain their variable prothrombin time prolongation Journal Articles
Different mechanisms of contraction generation in circular muscle of canine colon Journal Articles
Dimensions of the ion channel in neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor as estimated from analysis of conformation-activity relationships of open-channel blocking drugs Journal Articles
Direct Near-infrared Luminescence Detection of Singlet Oxygen Generated by Photodynamic Therapy in Cells In Vitro and Tissues In Vivo¶ Journal Articles
Direct interaction between the transcriptional activation domain of human p53 and the TATA box-binding protein. Journal Articles
Distinct Phenotypic Adhesion Molecule Expression on Human Cord Blood Progenitors During Early Eosinophilic Commitment: Upregulation of β7 Integrins Journal Articles
Distribution of PK11195 binding sites in porcine brain studied by autoradiography in vitro and by positron emission tomography Journal Articles
Distribution of mast cells in intestinal muscle of nematode-sensitized rats Journal Articles
Divalent cations and the release reaction of pig platelets Journal Articles
Divergent effects of aspirin and salicylate on glucose and glycogen metabolism in human platelets Journal Articles
Does in vitro activation of postsynaptic α2-adrenoceptor utilize intracellular Ca2+ for contraction in dog saphenous vein? Journal Articles
Does naloxone induce relaxation of guinea-pig airway smooth muscle? Journal Articles
Does thromboxane mediate the indirect contractile action of leukotriene D4 in guinea-pig isolated lung parenchyma under equilibrium conditions? Journal Articles
Dopamine receptor modulation by Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 analogs possessing cyclic amino acid residues at the C-terminal position Journal Articles
Dose-Rate Effects for Apoptosis and Micronucleus Formation in Gamma-Irradiated Human Lymphocytes Journal Articles
Dual action of high energy adenine nucleotides in comparison with responses evoked by other adenine derivatives and intramural nerve stimulation on smooth muscle Journal Articles
Dual effect of cobra cardiotoxin on vascular smooth muscle and endothelium. Journal Articles
Dynamin Interacts with Members of the Sumoylation Machinery Journal Articles
E-Ring Isoprostane Augments Cholinergic Neurotransmission in Bovine Trachealis via FP Prostanoid Receptors Journal Articles
E-ring isoprostane augments cholinergic neurotransmission in bovine trachealis via FP prostanoid receptors. Journal Articles
ET(B)-mediated contraction differs between left descending coronary artery and its next branch. Journal Articles
Early Structural Changes in Precapillary Vessels in Hypertension and Their Relationship to Functional Changes Journal Articles
Effect of 4-aminopyridine on muscle contractility in the cat [proceedings]. Conferences
Effect of Amino Sugars on Platelet Aggregation and on Fibrinogen Binding Journal Articles
Effect of C4-, C8- and C18- alkylation of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels on the adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen from buffer and plasma: limited correlation with platelet interactions Journal Articles
Effect of Covalent Serpin–Heparinoid Complexes on Plasma Thrombin Generation on Fetal Distal Lung Epithelium Journal Articles
Effect of D-lysergic acid diethylamide on striatal choline acetyltransferase activity in the rat Journal Articles
Effect of FKBP65, a putative elastin chaperone, on the coacervation of tropoelastin in vitro Journal Articles
Effect of Fibrinogen Degradation Products and Lung Ground Substance on Surfactant Function Journal Articles
Effect of Inflammatory Mediators on Airway Nerves and Muscle Journal Articles
Effect of Inorganic Phosphate on Red Cell Metabolism: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies Journal Articles
Effect of RA233 on Platelet Function In Vitro Journal Articles
Effect of Repeated Treatment of Rabbit Platelets with Low Concentrations of Thrombin on their Function, Metabolism and Survival Journal Articles
Effect of calcium concentration and inhibitors on the responses of platelets stimulated with collagen: Contrast between human and rabbit platelets Journal Articles
Effect of calcium on the vascular contraction induced by cobra venom cardiotoxin Journal Articles
Effect of disulphonic stilbenes on Ca2+ transport in smooth muscle plasma membranes Journal Articles
Effect of gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) venom on blood coagulation, platelets, and the fibrinolytic enzyme system Journal Articles
Effect of gamma-thio-ATP on dog stomach smooth muscle membranes. Journal Articles
Effect of inhibitors of the arachidonate pathway on the release of granule contents from rabbit platelets adherent collagen \textbar Request PDF Other
Effect of ionophore A23, 187 on thrombin-degranulated washed rabbit platelets Other
Effect of nifedipine on calcium-induced contractions to potassium in the aorta and mesenteric arteries of spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats Journal Articles
Effect of pH on bile salt degradation by mixed fecal cultures Journal Articles
Effect of pressurization on methylmethacrylate-bone interdigitation: An in vitro study of canine femora Journal Articles
Effect of proteoglycans at interfaces as related to location, architecture, and mechanical cues Journal Articles
Effect of region, temperature and neuronal blockade on sodium and 51Cr-EDTA transport across canine gastrointestinal mucosae in vitro Journal Articles
Effect of substituted benzamide drugs on rat striatal tyrosine hydroxylase Journal Articles
Effect of substrate and fibrin polymerization inhibitor on determination of plasma thrombin generation in vitro Journal Articles
Effect of substrates on the oxygen uptake of bovine semen preserved in egg yolk citrate. Journal Articles
Effect of ticlopidine on platelet aggregation, adherence to damaged vessels, thrombus formation and platelet survival Journal Articles
Effect of tris buffer on the contractile responses of rat vas deferens Journal Articles
Effect of vanadate on rat myometrium plasma membrane enzyme activities Journal Articles
Effectin vitroon platelet function of two compounds developed from the pyrimido-pyrimidines Journal Articles
Effects of ATP and AMP on hippocampal neurones of the rat In vitro Journal Articles
Effects of Ca2+ withdrawal and verapamil on excitation-contraction coupling in rabbit pulmonary vascular smooth muscle [proceedings]. Conferences
Effects of Decidual Cell Supernatants and Lymphokines on Murine Trophoblast Growth in Vitro1 Journal Articles
Effects of Ethanol on Pathways of Platelet Aggregation In Vitro Journal Articles
Effects of Guanosine 5'-O-(3-Thiotriphosphate) on 2-[<sup>125</sup>I]Iodomelatonin Binding in the Chicken Lung, Brain and Kidney: Hypothesis of Different Subtypes of High Affinity Melatonin Receptors Journal Articles
Effects of MeCh, thapsigargin, and La3+ on plasmalemmal and intracellular Ca2+ transport in lacrimal acinar cells Journal Articles
Effects of Morphine and Naloxone on Dorsal Horn Neurones in the Cat Journal Articles
Effects of Sulphydryl Inhibition on the Erythrocyte in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria Journal Articles
Effects of a selective DP receptor agonist (BW 245C) and antagonist (BW A868C) on the canine colonic epithelium: an argument for a different DP receptor? Journal Articles
Effects of bradykinin on the canine proximal colon Journal Articles
Effects of catecholamines and potassium on cardiovascular performance in the rabbit Journal Articles
Effects of endogenous and exogenous prostaglandin in neurotransmission in canine trachea Journal Articles
Effects of ethanol on rabbit platelet responses to collagen in vitro and ex vivo and on platelet adhesion to de-endothelialzed aortae in vivo \textbar Request PDF Other
Effects of hydrogen peroxide on pig coronary artery endothelium Journal Articles
Effects of inflammatory mediators on canine airway neuromuscular function Journal Articles
Effects of inflammatory mediators on neuromuscular transmission in canine trachea in vitro. Journal Articles
Effects of isoetharine on airways resistance, heart rate, and contractions of the soleus muscle of the anaesthetised cat Journal Articles
Effects of isoprostanes and prostanoids on porcine small intestine. Journal Articles
Effects of leukotriene D4 on the mechanical and electrical properties of guinea‐pig isolated trachealis Journal Articles
Effects of maternal parity on response of human myometrium to oxytocin and ergometrine in vitro Journal Articles
Effects of neuropeptide Y and substance P on antigen-induced ion secretion in rat jejunum Journal Articles
Effects of norepinephrine on [3H]dopamine release and horizontal cell receptive-field size in the goldfish retina Journal Articles
Effects of oxygen free radicals and scavengers on the cardiac extracellular collagen matrix during ischemia-reperfusion. Journal Articles
Effects of papaya seed extract and benzyl isothiocyanate on vascular contraction Journal Articles
Effects of peroxide on contractility of coronary artery rings of different sizes. Journal Articles
Effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors on normal and chemically‐skinned isolated airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Effects of platelet-activating factor on ion transport in isolated rat jejunum Journal Articles
Effects of reserpine and serotonin on adenine nucleotide metabolism and glucose oxidation of washed rabbit platelets Other
Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Conferences
Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Effects of some isoprostanes on the human umbilical artery in vitro Journal Articles
Effects of some naturally occurring prostanoids and some cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the contractility of the human lower uterine segment in vitro Journal Articles
Effects of tachykinins on the electrical activity of isolated canine tracheal epithelium: an exploratory study Journal Articles
Effects of thapsigargin and ryanodine on vascular contractility: cross-talk between sacroplasmic reticulum and plasmalemma Journal Articles
Effects of the isoprostane, 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α, on the contractility of the human myometrium in vitro Journal Articles
Efficacy of an Extraction Solvent Used to Quantify Albumin Deposition on Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials Journal Articles
Efficient adenoviral-mediated ornithine transcarbamylase expression in deficient mouse and human hepatocytes. Journal Articles
Eicosapentaenoic Acid Interferes with U46619-Stimulated Formation of Inositol Phosphates in Washed Rabbit Platelets Journal Articles
Electrical basis of excitation and inhibition of human colonic smooth muscle Journal Articles
Electrical correlate of circumferential contractions in human colonic circular muscle. Journal Articles
Electrical coupling and pacemaker activity in colonic smooth muscle Journal Articles
Electrophysiological actions of acetate, a metabolite of ethanol, on hippocampal dentate granule neurons: interactions with adenosine Journal Articles
Electrophysiological basis of excitation of canine colonic circular muscle by cholinergic agents and substance P. Journal Articles
Elevated Blood Pressure in Transgenic Lipoatrophic Mice and Altered Vascular Function Journal Articles
Encoding of a Homolog of the IFN-γ Receptor by Myxoma Virus Journal Articles
Endogenous triacylglycerol utilization by rat skeletal muscle during tetanic stimulation Journal Articles
Endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation induced by Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. bark extract is mediated by NO and EDHF in small vessels Journal Articles
Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxant effects of the aqueous extracts of the Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. leaf and bark: implications on their antihypertensive action Journal Articles
Endothelium-independent vasorelaxation by leonurine, a plant alkaloid purified from Chinese motherwort Journal Articles
Enhanced Antigen Transport Across Rat Tracheal Epithelium Induced by Sensitization and Mast Cell Activation Journal Articles
Enhanced Myosin Phosphatase and Ca2+-Uptake Mediate Adrenergic Relaxation of Airway Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Enhanced [3H]spiroperidol binding in striatum of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) Journal Articles
Enhanced binding of fibrinogen by the subendothelium after treatment of the rabbit aorta with thrombin. Journal Articles
Enzyme Activities on the Platelet Surface in Relation to the Action of Adenosine Diphosphate Other
Eosinophil activation in the tissue: synthetic steroid, budesonide, effectively inhibits the survival of eosinophils isolated from peripheral blood but not nasal polyp tissues. Journal Articles
Epileptiform burst responses in ventral vs dorsal hippocampal slices Journal Articles
Epinephrine Facilitates Neurogenic Responses in Isolated Segments of Dog Mesenteric Arteries Journal Articles
Epithelial and mucosal preparations of canine proximal colon in ussing chambers: Comparison of responses Journal Articles
Erythrocyte insulin receptors remain intact through three days of storage Journal Articles
Erythrocytotoxicity Induced by Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents Journal Articles
Estimates of Na+–K+ pumping in intact canine iliac arteries Journal Articles
Estradiol Inhibits Plasma Somatostatin 14 (SRIF-14) Levels and Inhibits the Response of Somatotrophic Cells to SRIF-14 Challengein Vitroin Rainbow Trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Ethanol Inhibition of Haemoglobin Synthesis: In Vitro Evidence for a Haem Correctable Defect in Normal Subjects and in Alcoholics Journal Articles
Ethanol enhances the inhibitory effect of an oral GPIIb/IIIa antagonist on human platelet function Journal Articles
Evaluation of imaging technologies to correct for photon attenuation in the overlying tissue forin vivobone strontium measurements Journal Articles
Evidence against inhibition of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump as mechanism of H2O2-induced contraction of rat aorta. Journal Articles
Evidence for D2 Receptor Regulation of Dopamine Release in the Goldfish Retina Journal Articles
Evidence for P2-purinoceptors contribution in H2O2-induced contraction of rat aorta in the absence of endothelium Journal Articles
Evidence for an effector role of endothelin in closure of the ductus arteriosus at birth Journal Articles
Evidence for thrombin binding to dermatan sulphate sites in the rabbit aorta subendothelium in vitro Journal Articles
Evidence that Rabbit <sup>125</sup>I-Antithrombin III Binds to Proteoheparan Sulphate at the Subendothelium of the Rabbit Aorta in vitro Journal Articles
Excitability of canine colon circular muscle disconnected from the network of interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Canine Tracheal Smooth Muscle Cells Journal Articles
Excitation-contraction coupling in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle involves tyrosine kinase and Rho kinase Journal Articles
Excitatory and inhibitory actions of isoprostanes in human and canine airway smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Exposure to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent disrupts the pituitary-gonadal axis of white sucker at multiple sites Journal Articles
Expression of human IL 1 alpha and beta messenger RNAs and IL 1 activity in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Journal Articles
Factors Influencing Basophilic Differentiation of HL-60 Cells Journal Articles
Factors affecting solubilization of the D1 receptor from bovine caudate nucleus Journal Articles
Factors that Influence In Vitro Cholesterol Deposition on Contact Lenses Journal Articles
Fate of Thrombin and Thrombin-Antithrombin-III Complex Adsorbed to a Heparinized Biomaterial: Analysis of the Enzyme-Inhibitor Complexes Displaced by Plasma Journal Articles
Fate of mRNA following disaggregation of brain polysomes after administration of (+)-lysergic acid diethylamide in vivo Journal Articles
Fertilization and early embryology: Polyamines may increase the percentage of in-vitro fertilized murine oocytes that develop into blastocysts Journal Articles
Fibrin moderates the catalytic action of heparin but not that of dermatan sulfate on thrombin inhibition in human plasma. Journal Articles
Flexor muscle incursion into the carpal tunnel: a mechanism for increased carpal tunnel pressure? Journal Articles
Fluorinated surface‐modifying macromolecules: Modulating adhesive protein and platelet interactions on a polyether‐urethane Journal Articles
Forskolin, cyclic nucleotides and positive inotropism in isolated papillary muscles of the rabbit Journal Articles
Fractionation and Ca uptake studies on membranes of rabbit longitudinal and circular intestinal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Free radicals uncouple the sodium pump in pig coronary artery Journal Articles
Fucosylated but Not Sialylated Milk Oligosaccharides Diminish Colon Motor Contractions Journal Articles
Functional subtyping of histamine receptors on the canine proximal colonic mucosa. Journal Articles
Functional subtyping of muscarinic receptors on canine esophageal mucosa Journal Articles
Further evidence that the narrow 1H magnetic resonance signals from malignant cells do not arise from intracellular lipid droplets Journal Articles
G-protein linked melatonin binding sites in the chicken lung Journal Articles
GF-15, a Novel Inhibitor of Centrosomal Clustering, Suppresses Tumor Cell Growth In Vitro and In Vivo Journal Articles
Gas-Phase Ambient Air Contaminants Exhibit Significant Dioxin-like and Estrogen-like Activity
in Vitro Journal Articles
Generation, Coordination, and Evolution of Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication Journal Articles
Globin Synthesis in Sideroblastic Anaemia I α AND β PEPTIDE CHAIN SYNTHESIS Journal Articles
Glucagon-like peptide-2-enhanced barrier function reduces pathophysiology in a model of food allergy Journal Articles
Glutamatergic Calcium Responses in the Developing Lateral Superior Olive: Receptor Types and Their Specific Activation by Synaptic Activity Patterns Journal Articles
Glutamatergic inputs and glutamate-releasing immature inhibitory inputs activate a shared postsynaptic receptor population in lateral superior olive Journal Articles
Granulosa–luteal cell function in vitro and ovarian stimulation protocols Journal Articles
Growth inhibition by cyclosporine a and Journal Articles
Guanosine 5´-O-(3-Thiotriphosphate) and Cations Regulate Melatonin Receptors, and Melatonin Inhibits Cyclic AMP Production in the Spinal Cord Journal Articles
Guanosine Protects Glial Cells Against 6-Hydroxydopamine Toxicity Journal Articles
HD1, a Thrombin-directed Aptamer, Binds Exosite 1 on Prothrombin with High Affinity and Inhibits Its Activation by Prothrombinase Journal Articles
HIV‐1 Inhibits Leishmania‐lnduced Cell Proliferation but not Production of Interleukin‐6 and Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha Journal Articles
HPLC-purified 2-[125I]iodomelatonin labels multiple binding sites in hamster brain Journal Articles
Haustral boundary contractions in the proximal 3-taeniated rabbit colon Journal Articles
Heparin resistance in acute coronary syndromes Journal Articles
Heparin sensitivity and resistance in the neonate: An explanation Journal Articles
Heparin-binding serum protein(s) is required for the protection of sialyltransferase released during the incubation of rat jejunal slices Journal Articles
Hepatic interstitial laser photocoagulation: demonstration and possible clinical importance of intravascular gas. Journal Articles
Heritable pathologic cardiac hypertrophy in adulthood is preceded by neonatal cardiac growth restriction Journal Articles
Heteroactivation of cytochrome P450 1A1 by teas and tea polyphenols Journal Articles
High Pressure Pulsatile Lavage of Contaminated Human Tibiae: An In Vitro Study Journal Articles
High Resolution23Na-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Erythrocytes Journal Articles
High Yields of Lethal Mutations in Somatic Mammalian Cells that Survive Ionizing Radiation Journal Articles
High-pressure irrigation increases adipocyte-like cells at the expense of osteoblasts in vitro Journal Articles
Histamine activates Cl‐ and K+ currents in guinea‐pig tracheal myocytes: convergence with muscarinic signalling pathway. Journal Articles
Histamine potentiation by hydroxylamines: structure-activity relations; inhibition of diamine oxidase Journal Articles
Histamine release by gastric stimulants Journal Articles
Histamine stimulation of canine colonic epithelium: Potentiation by hydroxylamines Journal Articles
Histochemical evidence for generation of active oxygen species on the apical surface of cigarette-smoke-exposed tracheal explants. Journal Articles
Histrionicotoxin: Effects on Some Central and Peripheral Excitable Cells Journal Articles
Homologous recombination of adenovirus DNA in mammalian cells: enhanced recombination following UV-irradiation of the virus Journal Articles
Homology Model of Dihydropyridine Receptor: Implications for L-type Ca2+ Channel Modulation by Agonists and Antagonists Journal Articles
House Dust Mite Facilitates Ovalbumin-specific Allergic Sensitization and Airway Inflammation Journal Articles
Human Lung Fibroblast-derived Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) Mediates Eosinophil Survival In Vitro Journal Articles
Human granulosa and thecal cells secrete distinct protein profiles Journal Articles
Human recombinant interleukin 1β suppresses acetylcholine release from rat myenteric plexus Journal Articles
Human severe sepsis cytokine mixture increases β2-integrin-dependent polymorphonuclear leukocyte adhesion to cerebral microvascular endothelial cells in vitro Journal Articles
Human skeletal muscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity determined in isolated intact mitochondria Journal Articles
Humoral and cellular immune recognition of Helicobacter pylori proteins are not concordant Journal Articles
Hydrogen peroxide is an endothelium‐dependent contracting factor in rat renal artery Journal Articles
Hyperoxia decreases muscle glycogenolysis, lactate production, and lactate efflux during steady-state exercise Journal Articles
Hypersensitivity to ADP of platelets from diabetic rats associated with enhanced fibrinogen binding Journal Articles
Hypophysiotrophic function of vasopressin and oxytocin Journal Articles
Hypothalamic catecholaminergic effects on prolactin release in vitro Journal Articles
Hypoxia and N6,O2'-dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, but not nerve growth factor, induce Na+ channels and hypertrophy in chromaffin-like arterial chemoreceptors. Journal Articles
Hypoxia-induced secretion of serotonin from intact pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies in neonatal rabbit. Journal Articles
Hypoxia‐induced secretion of serotonin from intact pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies in neonatal rabbit Journal Articles
IFN-gamma potentiates the accumulation of diacylglycerol in murine macrophages. Journal Articles
IL-12 gene transfer alters gut physiology and host immunity in nematode-infected mice Journal Articles
Identification and characterization of presynaptic and postsynaptic beta adrenoreceptors in the longitudinal smooth muscle/myenteric plexus of dog ileum. Journal Articles
Identification and characterization of three subtypes of radiation response in normal human urothelial cultures exposed to ionizing radiation Journal Articles
Identification of RARRES1 as a core regulator in liver fibrosis Journal Articles
Identification of apolipoprotein A-I as a major adsorbate on biomaterial surfaces after blood or plasma contact Journal Articles
Identification of both NK1 and NK2 receptors in guinea‐pig airways Journal Articles
Identification of mechanisms and sites of actions of mu and delta opioid receptor activation in the canine intestine. Journal Articles
Identification of proteins adsorbed to hemodialyser membranes from heparinized plasma Journal Articles
Immunohistochemical and functional studies on calcium‐sensing receptors in rat uterine smooth muscle Journal Articles
Immunosuppressive Factor (or Factors) Produced by Human Embryos in Vitro Journal Articles
Immunosuppressor factor(s) produced by decidua-associated suppressor cells: A proposed mechanism for fetal allograft survival Journal Articles
Impact of Multipurpose Solutions Released from Contact Lenses on Corneal Cells Journal Articles
Impact of activated sludge configuration and operating conditions on in vitro and in vivo responses and trace organic compound removal Journal Articles
Impact of intraocular lens material and design on light scatter: In vitro study Journal Articles
Impaired acetylcholine release from the myenteric plexus of Trichinella-infected rats Journal Articles
Impairment of mucociliary transport in cystic fibrosis. Journal Articles
In Vitro Analysis of the Physical Properties of Contact Lens Blister Pack Solutions Journal Articles
In Vitro Assessment of Medical Device Toxicity: Interactions of Benzalkonium Chloride With Silicone-Containing and p-HEMA–Containing Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials Journal Articles
In Vitro Effects of Ethanol on Rabbit Platelet Aggregation, Secretion of Granule Contents, and Cyclic AMP Levels in the Presence of Prostacyclin Journal Articles
In vitro and in vivo effect of verapamil on human airway responsiveness to leukotriene D4. Journal Articles
In vitro antineoplastic effects of brivaracetam and lacosamide on human glioma cells Journal Articles
In vitro effects of ethanol on rabbit platelet aggregation, secretion of granule contents, and cyclic AMP levels in the presence of prostacyclin. Journal Articles
In vitro effects of melatonin on HCG stimulation of steroid accumulation by rabbit ovarian follicles Journal Articles
In vitro effects of sex steroids on LH-stimulated steroid accumulation by isolated rabbit ovarian follicles Journal Articles
In vitro inhibition of calcium binding by alloxan and of calcium transport by isolated vascular smooth muscle microsomes Journal Articles
In vitro primate gastric mucosa: electrical characteristics Journal Articles
In vitro relaxation of vascular smooth muscle by atropine: involvement of K + channels and endothelium Journal Articles
In vitro ultraviolet-induced damage in human corneal, lens, and retinal pigment epithelial cells. Journal Articles
In vitro vasodilator mechanisms of the indole alkaloids rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline, isolated from the hook of Uncaria rhynchophylla (Miquel) Journal Articles
In vivo and in vitro human airway responsiveness to leukotriene D4 in patients without asthma Journal Articles
In vivo and in vitro measurement of tendon strain in the horse. Journal Articles
In vivo initiation of unstimulated in vitro interleukin-1 release by alveolar macrophages. Journal Articles
Incorporation of 32PO4 into phospholipids of blood platelets Other
Incorporation of albumin fusion proteins into fibrin clots in vitro and in vivo: comparison of different fusion motifs recognized by factor XIIIa Journal Articles
Increased ornithine decarboxylase activity during meiotic maturation in xenopus laevis oocytes Journal Articles
Independent Living and the Physical Environment: Aspects that Matter to Residents Journal Articles
Induction of Cetacean Cytochrome P4501A1 by -Naphthoflavone Exposure of Skin Biopsy Slices Journal Articles
Inflammation modulates in vitro colonic myoelectric and contractile activity and interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Influence of Nanoencapsulation on Human Skin Transport of Flufenamic Acid Journal Articles
Influence of carbon dioxide kinetics on pulmonary carbon dioxide exchange Journal Articles
Influence of the mucosa on the excitability of myenteric neurons Journal Articles
Inhibition by multivalent cations of contraction induced by chinese cobra venom cardiotoxin in guinea pig papillary muscle Journal Articles
Inhibition of HIV replication by CD8+ T cells correlates with CD4 counts and clinical stage of disease Journal Articles
Inhibition of Norepinephrine-Induced Contractile Responses of Canine Mesenteric Artery by Plant Total Saponins Journal Articles
Inhibition of Vasoconstriction by Tetramethylpyrazine Journal Articles
Inhibition of arterial thrombosis and platelet function by nafazatrom Journal Articles
Inhibition of endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation by tetrandrine Journal Articles
Inhibition of fundic strips from guinea-pig stomach: The effect of theophylline on responses to adenosine, ATP and intramural nerve stimulation Journal Articles
Inhibition of fundic strips from guinea-pig stomach: The effect of theophylline on the membrane potential, muscle contraction and ion fluxes Journal Articles
Inhibition of smooth muscle 5′-nucleotidase by imidazole and its reversal by magnesium Journal Articles
Inhibition of the contraction of the ductus arteriosus to oxygen by 1‐aminobenzotriazole, a mechanism‐based inactivator of cytochrome P450 Journal Articles
Inhibitory effect of diazepam on human natural killer activity in vitro. Journal Articles
Inhibitory effects of tetramethyl and tetraethyl derivatives of pyrazine on dog saphenous vein Journal Articles
Inhibitory prostanoid EP receptors in human non-pregnant myometrium Journal Articles
Inhibitory synapses in the developing auditory system are glutamatergic Journal Articles
Insertion of a Structural Domain of Interleukin (IL)-1β Confers Agonist Activity to the IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Journal Articles
Insulin acutely decreases hepatic fatty acid synthase activity Journal Articles
Interaction of substance P and its N‐ and C‐terminal fragments with Ca2+: Implications for hormone action Journal Articles
Interactions of chloroethylclonidine with rauwolscine‐ and prazosin‐sensitive adrenoceptors in dog saphenous vein Journal Articles
Interactions of proteins in human plasma with modified polystyrene resins Journal Articles
Interactions of saponin with microsomal membranes isolated from vascular smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Interferon-mediated depression of cytochrome P-450-dependent drug biotransformation. Journal Articles
Interleukin 1β-induced increase in substance P in rat myenteric plexus Journal Articles
Interstitial cells of Cajal and inflammation-induced motor dysfunction in the mouse small intestine Journal Articles
Interstitial cells of cajal and slow wave generation in canine colonic circular muscle Journal Articles
Interstitial laser photocoagulation: Nd:YAG 1064 nm optical fiber source compared to point heat source Journal Articles
Intestinal anaphylaxis: in vivo and in vitro studies of the rat proximal colon Journal Articles
Intestinal effects of isoprostanes: evidence for the involvement of prostanoid EP and TP receptors. Journal Articles
Intracellular Cl−fluxes play a novel role in Ca2+handling in airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Intracellular recording from myenteric neurons of the guinea‐pig ileum that respond to stretch Journal Articles
Investigation of α1-adrenoceptor subtypes in canine aorta, using alkylating agents Journal Articles
Involvement of TP and EP3 Receptors in Vasoconstrictor Responses to Isoprostanes in Pulmonary Vasculature Journal Articles
Involvement of nitric oxide in nerve-mediated inhibition and action of vasoactive intestinal peptide in colonic smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Involvement of phosphoinositide metabolism in potentiation by adrenaline of ADP-induced aggregation of rabbit platelets Journal Articles
Involvement of the Neurokinin-2 Receptor in Airway Smooth Muscle Stretch-Activated Contractions Assessed in Perfused Intact Bovine Bronchial Segments Journal Articles
Ionic basis of pacemaker generation in dog colonic smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Ionic mechanisms underlying electrical slow waves in canine airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Ionic mechanisms underlying electrical slow waves in canine airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of insertion mutants in E1A of adenovirus type 5 Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of subcellular membranes from canine stomach smooth muscle Journal Articles
Isoprostane-induced airway hyperresponsiveness is dependent on internal Ca2+ handling and Rho/ROCK signaling Journal Articles
Isoprostanes constrict human radial artery by stimulation of thromboxane receptors, Ca2+ release, and RhoA activation Journal Articles
K+ transport in resting rat hind-limb skeletal muscle in response to paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite Journal Articles
KCl evokes contraction of airway smooth muscle via activation of RhoA and Rho-kinase Journal Articles
Kaiso regulates Znf131-mediated transcriptional activation Journal Articles
Kinetics of in vitro bronchoconstriction in an elastolytic mouse model of emphysema Journal Articles
Kinetics ofIn VitroLysozyme Deposition on Silicone Hydrogel, PMMA, and FDA Groups I, II, and IV Contact Lens Materials Journal Articles
L-type Ca2+ channels, Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, and BKCa channels in airway stretch-induced contraction Journal Articles
Laboratory and clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains do not bind glycosphingolipids in vitro or during type IV pili-mediated initial host cell attachment Journal Articles
Lack of Stability of Aggregates after Thrombin-Induced Reaggregation of Thrombin-Degranulated Platelets Journal Articles
Lack of effect of leukotriene D4 on Ca‐uptake in airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Lactate and metabolic H+ transport and distribution after exercise in rainbow trout white muscle Journal Articles
Laminar differences in field potential morphology and long‐term potentiation in motor cortex coronal slices from both unstimulated and previously potentiated rats Journal Articles
Lectin-binding properties of the Merkel cell and other root sheath cells in perinatal rat vibrissae Journal Articles
Leptin Production and Release in the Duallyin VitroPerfused Human Placenta1 Journal Articles
Leptin and the control of respiratory gene expression in muscle Journal Articles
Leptin increases FA oxidation in lean but not obese human skeletal muscle: evidence of peripheral leptin resistance Journal Articles
Lethal Mutations, the Survival Curve Shoulder and Split-dose Recovery Journal Articles
Leukotriene D4 receptors are not negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase in guinea‐pig lung parenchyma Journal Articles
Leukotrienes in brain: natural occurrence and induced changes Journal Articles
Lipid binding protein response to a bile acid library: a combined NMR and statistical approach Journal Articles
Local, exendin-(9—39)-insensitive, site of action of GLP-1 in canine ileum Journal Articles
Localization of fibrinogen during ADP- or thrombin-induced aggregation of washed rabbit platelets Journal Articles
Luminal receptors for bradykinin on the canine tracheal epithelium: functional subtyping Journal Articles
Luminal responses to bradykinin on the isolated canine tracheal epithelium: effects of bradykinin antagonists Journal Articles
Luminal tachykinin receptors on canine tracheal epithelium: functional subtyping Journal Articles
Lysine-derivatized polyurethane as a clot lysing surface: conversion of adsorbed plasminogen to plasmin and clot lysis in vitro Journal Articles
Magnetic resonance imaging for in vivo assessment of three-dimensional patellar tracking Journal Articles
Male Sexual Dysfunction in Mice Bearing Targeted Mutant Alleles of thePEA3 etsGene Journal Articles
Maternal Age and Contractility of Human Myometrium in Pregnancy Journal Articles
Mechanism of liposome destabilization by polycationic amino acids Journal Articles
Mechanism of noncholinergic excitation of canine ileal circular muscle by motilin Journal Articles
Mechanisms for Inhibition of the Generation of Thrombin Activity by Sulfated Polysaccharidesa Journal Articles
Mechanisms of action of cholecystokinin in the canine gastrointestinal tract: role of vasoactive intestinal peptide and nitric oxide. Journal Articles
Mechanisms of interaction among subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics, human polymorphonuclear neutrophils, and gram-negative bacilli Journal Articles
Melatonin enhancement of [3H]-γ-aminobutyric acid and [3H]muscimol binding in rat brain Journal Articles
Membrane currents in canine bronchial artery and their regulation by excitatory agonists Journal Articles
Membrane potassium currents in human radial artery and their regulation by nitric oxide donor Journal Articles
Metabolism of nilutamide in rat lung Journal Articles
Methodology and pharmacological analysis of effects of uterotonic compounds in human myometrium in vitro Journal Articles
Mg^2+- or Ca^2+-Activated ATPase Activities of
Plasma Membranes Isolated from Vascular Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Microangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia: Mechanisms of Red‐Cell Fragmentation: in Vitro Studies Journal Articles
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia: experimental production of fragmented erythrocytes in vitro. Journal Articles
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia: experimental production of fragmented erythrocytes in vitro. Journal Articles
Micropipette analysis of the hemolytic stress of hypotonic erythrocytes: the influence of lipid-soluble compounds Journal Articles
Modulation of vascular function by perivascular adipose tissue: the role of endothelium and hydrogen peroxide Journal Articles
Modulation of vein function by perivascular adipose tissue Journal Articles
Modulation ofN-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist-induced darting behaviour by the peptidomimetic PAMTA Journal Articles
Molecular cloning and sequence of porcine interleukin 6 cDNA and expression of mRNA in synovial fibroblasts in vitro Journal Articles
Molecular identification and functional characterization of Mdr1a in rat cholangiocytes Journal Articles
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor-induced blockade of locomotor sensitization to quinpirole: role of striatal dopamine uptake inhibition Journal Articles
Morphological analysis of microparticle generation in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Multiple [3H]-Oxytocin Binding Sites in Rat Myometrial Plasma Membranes Journal Articles
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor activation increases transcellular transport of macromolecules across mouse and human intestinal epithelium in vitro Journal Articles
Muscarinic activation of transient inward current and contraction in canine colon circular smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Muscarinic blockade of β‐adrenoceptor‐stimulated adenylyl cyclase: the role of stimulatory and inhibitory guanine‐nucleotide binding regulatory proteins (Gs and Gi) Journal Articles
Muscarinic cholonoceptors in the rabbits myometrium: A study of the relationship between binding and response Journal Articles
Myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen Journal Articles
Myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen Journal Articles
Myogenic electrical control activity in longitudinal muscle of human and dog colon. Journal Articles
N-Type Ca(2+) channels trigger release of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter from nerve endings in canine bronchi. Journal Articles
NO+but not NO radical relaxes airway smooth muscle via cGMP-independent release of internal Ca2+ Journal Articles
Na+ and Cl- transport by the urinary bladder of the freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Na--Ca exchange in rat myometrium membrane vesicles highly enriched in plasma membranes Journal Articles
Natural Killer (NK) Cell Activity Against Enteric Murine Coronavirus Mediated by Intestinal Leukocytes Journal Articles
Neuroepithelial oxygen chemoreceptors of the zebrafish gill Journal Articles
Neurogenic and Myogenic Properties of Pan-Colonic Motor Patterns and Their Spatiotemporal Organization in Rats Journal Articles
Neurokinin (NK2) receptors mediate nonadrenergic noncholinergic contractile responses to electrical stimulation and resiniferatoxin in guinea pig trachea Journal Articles
Neuromuscular blocking activity of two fractions isolated from the venom of the seasnake, Laticauda semifasciata Journal Articles
Neuropeptides and Immunity Journal Articles
Neutron and Cobalt-60 γ Irradiation Produce Similar Changes in DNA Supercoiling Journal Articles
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide depresses synaptic transmission in the hippocampus and has specific binding sites on the synaptic membranes Journal Articles
Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits release of acetylcholine from nerves of isolated circular muscle of the canine ileum: relationship to motility and release of nitric oxide. Journal Articles
Non-neurogenic electrically evoked relaxation in canine airway muscle involves action of free radicals on K+ channels. Journal Articles
Norepinephrine release in rat vas deferens Journal Articles
O2-Chemosensitivity in Developing Rat Adrenal Chromaffin Cells Journal Articles
Observations on the Measurement and Regulation of the Sodium Content of Rabbit Erythrocytes: Evidence for a Single Sodium Pump Journal Articles
On the Abnormalities of Contractile Responses of Rat Vasa Deferentia to Norepinephrine in Genetic Hypertension Journal Articles
On the ouabain-sensitive potassium activated p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity of vascular muscle plasma membranes. Journal Articles
On the specificity of altered muscle function in experimental colitis in rats Journal Articles
Oncostatin M in combination with tumor necrosis factor α induces cartilage damage and matrix metalloproteinase expression in vitro and in vivo Journal Articles
Only high levels of dabigatran attenuate catheter thrombosis in vitro and in rabbits Journal Articles
Operational correlates of prostanoid TP receptor expression in human non‐pregnant myometrium are unaffected by excision site or menstrual cycle status of the donor Journal Articles
Optical properties of normal and diseased human breast tissues in the visible and near infrared Journal Articles
Optimal conditions for immunohistochemical determination of the in vitro DNA synthesis labelling index with bromodeoxyuridine in head and neck cancer Journal Articles
Order of probe and nuclear protein extract addition can determine specificity of protein — DNA complexes in tested mobility shift assays Journal Articles
Orientation and Effects of Mastoparan X on Phospholipid Bicelles Journal Articles
Origins of motility patterns in isolated arterially perfused rat intestine Journal Articles
Ouabain stimulates unidirectional and net potassium efflux in resting mammalian skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Ouabain-induced excitation of colonic smooth muscle due to block of K+ conductance by intracellular Na+ ions Journal Articles
Oviductal Antibody Response to a Defined Recombinant Sperm Antigen in Macaques1 Journal Articles
Oxaprotiline: Induction of central noradrenergic subsensitivity by its (+)-enantiomer Journal Articles
Oxygen-17 Contrast Agents Fast Imaging Techniques Journal Articles
Oxygen-17 contrast agents. Fast imaging techniques. Journal Articles
Oxytocin hyperpolarizes cultured duodenum myenteric intrinsic primary afferent neurons by opening BKCa channels through IP3 pathway Journal Articles
P2x‐purinoceptors of myenteric neurones from the guinea‐pig ileum and their unusual pharmacological properties Journal Articles
Pacemaker activity and inhibitory neurotransmission in the colon of Ws/Ws mutant rats Journal Articles
Palmitate movement across red and white muscle membranes of rainbow trout Journal Articles
Paramyxovirus-induced platelet aggregation. Requirement for neuraminic acid receptors on platelets. Journal Articles
Paraxanthine, a caffeine metabolite, dose dependently increases [Ca2+]iin skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Pathways responsible for platelet hypersensitivity in rats with diabetes. I. Streptozocin-induced diabetes Other
Peptide YY stimulates circular muscle contractions of the isolated perfused canine ileum by inhibiting nitric oxide release and enhancing acetylcholine release Journal Articles
Perivascular adipose tissue promotes vasoconstriction: the role of superoxide anion Journal Articles
Peroxide inactivates calcium pumps in pig coronary artery Journal Articles
Peroxide sensitivity of endothelin responses in coronary artery smooth muscle: ET(A) vs. ET(B) pathways. Journal Articles
Persistent intestinal neuromuscular dysfunction after acute nematode infection in mice Journal Articles
Pharmacological actions of isoprostane metabolites and phytoprostanes in human and bovine pulmonary smooth muscles Journal Articles
Pharmacological characterization in vitro of prostanoid receptors in the myometrium of nonpregnant ewes Journal Articles
Pharmacological characterization of airway smooth muscle responses to antigen in ascaris-sensitive dogs Journal Articles
Pharmacological evidence that potentiation of plasmalemmal Ca2+-extrusion is functionally coupled to inhibition of SR Ca2+-ATPases in vascular smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Pharmacological inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in rat brain by melatonin, its analogs, and diazepam Journal Articles
Pharmacological role and degradation processes of neuromedin N in the gastrointestinal tract: an in vitro and in vivo study. Journal Articles
Pharmacological study of the contractile activity of leukotriene C4 and D4 on isolated human airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Pharmacological techniques for the in vitro study of intestinal smooth muscles Journal Articles
Pharmacological techniques for the in vitro study of the uterus Journal Articles
Photobleaching kinetics, photoproduct formation, and dose estimation during ALA induced PpIX PDT of MLL cells under well oxygenated and hypoxic conditions Journal Articles
Photoelectron bremsstrahlung-analytical possibilities Journal Articles
Physicochemical properties and platelet interactions of segmented polyurethanes containing sulfonate groups in the hard segment Journal Articles
Physiological and Morphological Studies on Developing Sympathetic Neurons in Dissociated Cell Culture Journal Articles
Physiological and morphological studies on developing sympathetic neurons in dissociated cell culture Journal Articles
Pictorial Essay. MRI of the Glenoid Labrum with Gross Anatomic Correlation Journal Articles
Pineal modulation of ACTH 1-17 effect upon murine corticosterone production. Journal Articles
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide as a neurotransmitter in the canine ileal circular muscle. Journal Articles
Plasma Membrane Calcium Pump Activity in Rat Pancreatic Islets: An Accurate Method to Measure its Calcium-Dependent Modulation Journal Articles
Plasma fibronectin depletion enhances platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in mice lacking fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor Journal Articles
Platelet Interactions with the Endothelium and the Subendothelium: the Role of Thrombin and Prostacyclin Journal Articles
Platelet activation induced by porcine factor VIII (HYATE:C) Journal Articles
Platelet α2-Adrenergic Receptors in Depressed Patients and Healthy Volunteers: The Effects of Desipramine Journal Articles
Platelet–foreign surface interactions: Release of granule constituents from adherent platelets Journal Articles
Podophyllotoxin derivative VP 16-213 Journal Articles
Postnatal Development of Glucose Transport in the Proximal Small Intestine of the Rabbit Journal Articles
Potassium channel activation by cromakalim affects the slow wave type action potential of colonic smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Potassium:ATP ratios in smooth muscle Journal Articles
Potential Oxygen Sensing Pathways in the Zebrafish Gill Journal Articles
Pre- and postjunctional effects of a thromboxane mimetic in canine bronchi Journal Articles
Pre- and postjunctional muscarinic receptors in canine bronchi Journal Articles
Preservatives in the vehicle of naloxone: pharmacological effects Journal Articles
Presynaptic and postjunctional muscarinic receptors in dog ileum: binding studies Journal Articles
Pretreatment of Human Platelets with Plasmin Inhibits Responses toThrombin, but Potentiates Responses to Low Concentrations of Aggregating Agents, Including the Thrombin Receptor Activating Peptide, SFLLRN Journal Articles
Probenecid Inhibits Platelet Responses to Aggregating Agents in Vitro and Has a Synergistic Inhibitory Effect with Penicillin G Journal Articles
Proceedings: Comparison of in vivo and in vitro effects of platelet function suppressing drugs. Journal Articles
Proceedings: Inhibition of collagen- or thrombin-induced shape change of rabbit platelets Journal Articles
Proceedings: Inhibition of virus-induced platelet aggregation by treatment of platelets with neuraminidase. Journal Articles
Proceedings: Kinetics of platelet adhesion to artificial surface in vitro. Journal Articles
Proceedings: The role of heparin on the inhibition of platelet adhesion to damaged arterial endothelial surface Other
Properties of potassium activatedp-nitrophenyl phosphatase of plasma membranes isolated from rat stomach muscle Journal Articles
Prostaglandin responses on tracheal epithelium: Inhibition by TMB-8 Journal Articles
Prostaglandins and Steroidogenesis by Isolated Rabbit Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
Prostaglandins and tetrodotoxin-insensitive relaxation of opossum lower esophageal sphincter. Journal Articles
Prostanoid enhancement of interleukin-6 production by rat peritoneal mast cells. Journal Articles
Protection from endotoxemia by adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of human bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein Journal Articles
Protection of Ca pump of coronary artery against inactivation by superoxide radical Journal Articles
Protein Resistance of Surfaces Prepared by Sorption of End-Thiolated Poly(ethylene glycol) to Gold: Effect of Surface Chain Density Journal Articles
Purification of chick oviduct progesterone receptor apoprotein Journal Articles
Purinergic stimulation of cell division and differentiation: Mechanisms and pharmacological implications Journal Articles
Pyrazine derivatives affect membrane fluidity of vascular smooth muscle microsomes in relation to their biological activity Journal Articles
Quantification of Mg2+, Ca2+ and H+ transport by the gastrointestinal tract of the goldfish, Carassius auratus, using the Scanning Ion-selective Electrode Technique (SIET) Journal Articles
Quantitative analysis of intestinal motor patterns: Spatiotemporal organization of nonneural pacemaker sites in the rat ileum Journal Articles
Quantitative autoradiography of ligands for dopamine receptors and transporters in brain of Göttingen minipig: Comparison with results in vivo Journal Articles
Quantity and Conformation of Lysozyme Deposited on Conventional and Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials Using an In Vitro Model Journal Articles
Quinidine and quinine effects on the slow wave activity of colonic circular muscle Journal Articles
Rat jejunal mucosal response to histamine and anti-histaminesin vitro. Comparison with antigen-induced changes during intestinal anaphylaxis Journal Articles
Rauwolscine induces contraction in the dog mesenteric artery precontracted with KCl and endothelin-1: mediation via 5-hydroxytryptamine1-like receptors. Journal Articles
Reaction of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine with protein: formation of nitroguanido derivatives. Journal Articles
Reactions of Polylysine with Human Platelets in Plasma and in Suspensions of Washed Platelets Journal Articles
Receptors and signaling pathway underlying relaxations to isoprostanes in canine and porcine airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Redox regulation of cytosolic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: Cys102 is the target of the redox control and essential for the catalytic activity Journal Articles
Reduced plasma FFA availability increases net triacylglycerol degradation, but not GPAT or HSL activity, in human skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Reduction of arterial graft smooth muscle mass by moderate heat therapy Journal Articles
Reduction of arterial graft smooth muscle mass by moderate heat therapy. Journal Articles
Reduction of intrinsic sinoatrial frequency and norepinephrine response of the exercised rat Journal Articles
Regulation of CPT I activity in intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria from human and rat skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Regulation of [Ca2+](i) in canine airway smooth muscle by Ca2+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms Journal Articles
Regulation of [Ca2+]i in canine airway smooth muscle by Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms Journal Articles
Regulation of airway smooth muscle RhoA/ROCK activities by cholinergic and bronchodilator stimuli Journal Articles
Regulation of airway smooth muscle RhoA/ROCK activities by cholinergic and bronchodilator stimuli. Journal Articles
Regulation of microsomal testosterone 15α-hydroxylase activity in inbred mouse liver and kidney Journal Articles
Relation between density (maximum binding) of alpha adrenoceptor binding sites and contractile response in four canine vascular tissues. Journal Articles
Relationship between Tissue Sensitization and IgE Antibody Production in Rats Infected with the Nematode, <i>Nippostrongylus brasiliensis</i> Journal Articles
Relaxation of coronary artery smooth muscle cells. Journal Articles
Relaxin alters cardiac myofilament function through a PKC-dependent pathway Journal Articles
Release of epithelium-derived relaxing factor after ozone inhalation in dogs Journal Articles
Released adenosine diphosphate stabilizes thrombin-induced human platelet aggregates Journal Articles
Replication and cytopathaology of human parvovirus B19 in human umbilical cord blood erythroid progenitor cells Journal Articles
Responsiveness of canine bronchial vasculature to excitatory stimuli and to cooling Journal Articles
Retrospective radiation dosimetry using electron paramagnetic resonance in canine dental enamel Journal Articles
Reversibility of neuromuscular blockade produced by toxins isolated from the venom of the seasnake Laticauda semifasciata Journal Articles
Rofecoxib [Vioxx, MK-0966; 4-(4'-methylsulfonylphenyl)-3-phenyl-2-(5H)-furanone]: a potent and orally active cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor. Pharmacological and biochemical profiles. Journal Articles
Role of Intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup> in EDRF Release in Rat Aorta Journal Articles
Role of Tyrosine Phosphorylation in U46619-induced Vasoconstriction of Pulmonary Vasculature and Its Modulation by Genistein, Daidzein, and Equol Journal Articles
Role of endopeptidase in the catabolism of neurotensin, in vivo, in the vascularly perfused dog ileum Journal Articles
Role of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in the initiation of agonist-induced contractions of rat uterus: effects of domination by 17β-estradiol and progesterone Journal Articles
Role of nitric oxide in norepinephrine release from myenteric plexus in vitro and in Trichinella spiralis‐infected rats Journal Articles
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump density is higher in distal than in proximal segments of porcine left coronary artery Journal Articles
Selecting source locations in multifiber interstitial laser photocoagulation Journal Articles
Selective lesioning of interstitial cells of Cajal by methylene blue and light leads to loss of slow waves Journal Articles
Sensitivity of rabbit platelet and aortic cyclooxygenase to inhibition by aspirin Journal Articles
Sensitivity to protein kinase C inhibitors of nicardipine‐insensitive component of high K+ contracture in rat and guinea‐pig aorta Journal Articles
Sensitization of enteric reflexes in the rat colon in vitro Journal Articles
Serotonergic neuron regulation informed by
in vivo
single‐cell transcriptomics Journal Articles
Sites and mechanisms of action of neuropeptides on canine gastric motility differ and Journal Articles
Slow-wave activity in colon: role of network of submucosal interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Soluble fibrin degradation products potentiate tissue plasminogen activator-induced fibrinogen proteolysis. Journal Articles
Somatostatin excites canine ileum ex vivo: role for nitric oxide? Journal Articles
Some actions of chandonium iodide, a new short‐acting muscle relaxant, in anaesthetized cats and on isolated muscle preparations Journal Articles
Sonic hedgehog induces the proliferation of primitive human hematopoietic cells via BMP regulation Journal Articles
Specific 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding sites in the duck adrenal gland Journal Articles
Specific [3H]‐guanosine binding sites in rat brain membranes Journal Articles
SpontaneousIn VitroRelease of Alveolar-Macrophage Cytokines after the Intratracheal Instillation of Bleomycin in Rats: Characterization and Kinetic Studies Journal Articles
Sr2+ may differentiate high and low affinity Ca2+ stores in guinea-pig trachealis Journal Articles
Stabilization of Lysozyme Mass Extracted From Lotrafilcon Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses Conferences
Stereospecific binding sites for [3H]nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in the rat brain Journal Articles
Stimulation of circular muscle motility of the isolated perfused canine ileum: Relationship to VIP output Journal Articles
Stimulus-dependent pacemaker activity in the distal canine lower esophageal sphincter Journal Articles
Structural and functional alterations of spinal cord axons in adult Long Evans Shaker (LES) dysmyelinated rats Journal Articles
Structural and reactivity alterations of the renal vasculature of spontaneously hypertensive rats prior to and during established hypertension. Journal Articles
Structural model of a synthetic Ca2+ channel with bound Ca2+ ions and dihydropyridine ligand Journal Articles
Studies of the mechanism of passive anaphylaxis in human airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Studies on East African Snakes Journal Articles
Subcellular Membrane Properties in Vascular and Non-Vascular Smooth Muscles of Dahl Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Subcellular distribution of dihydropyridine isothiocyanate binding in guinea-pig ileal smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Substance P activates Cl− and K+ conductances in guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Substance P-induced histamine release in tracheally perfused guinea pig lungs Journal Articles
Successful Transtracheal Lung Ventilation Using a Manual Respiration Valve Journal Articles
Superoxide anion mediates angiotensin II-induced potentiation of contractile response to sympathetic stimulation Journal Articles
Supersensitivity in rat caudate nucleus: Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine on the time course of dopamine receptor and cyclic AMP changes Journal Articles
Sympathetic innervation of human tracheal and bronchial smooth muscle Journal Articles
Synergism between aphidicolin and adenoviruses in the induction of breaks at fragile sites on human chromosomes Journal Articles
Synergistic Effects of cAMP- and Calcium-Mediated Amylase Secretion in Isolated Pancreatic Acini from Cystic Fibrosis Mice Journal Articles
Synergistic actions of nitrovasodilators and isoprenaline on rat aortic smooth muscle Journal Articles
Synergistic effects of nerve growth factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor on human basophilic cell differentiation Journal Articles
Synergistic inhibitory effects of atriopeptin II and isoproterenol on contraction of rat aortic smooth muscle: roles of cGMP and cAMP Journal Articles
Synthesis and Dopamine Receptor Modulating Activity of 3-Substituted γ-Lactam Peptidomimetics of l-Prolyl-l-leucyl-glycinamide Journal Articles
Synthesis and turnover of prothrombin during experimental inflammation in rats. Journal Articles
Synthesis of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 analogs modified at the prolyl residue and evaluation of their effects on the receptor binding activity of the central dopamine receptor agonist, ADTN Journal Articles
TNF‐α mediates the induction of nitric oxide synthase in macrophages but not in neutrophils in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis Journal Articles
Tachykinins enhance the depression of spinal nociceptive neurons caused by cutaneously applied vibration in the cat Journal Articles
Target size of Ca-pumps in pig coronary artery smooth muscle Journal Articles
Teaching Technical Skills Journal Articles
Tensile Failure of C2 Pedicles and of Subsequent Direct Repair in a Porcine Model Journal Articles
Tetraethylammonium and nicotine transport by the Malpighian tubules of insects Journal Articles
Tetrandrine inhibits electrically induced [Ca2+]i transient in the isolated single rat cardiomyocyte Journal Articles
Tetrandrine, a calcium antagonist of Chinese herbal origin, interacts with vascular muscle α1-adrenoceptor Journal Articles
Tetrandrine: a vasodilator of medicinal herb origin with a novel contractile effect on dog saphenous vein Journal Articles
Thallium uptake by canine iliac arteries. Journal Articles
The 5' flanking sequence negatively modulates the in vivo expression and in vitro transcription of a human tRNA gene Journal Articles
The Accuracy of Dual Photon Measurements of Soft Tissue Composition Journal Articles
The Antithrombotic Properties of Human Prothrombin Fragment 1.2 in Mice Journal Articles
The Arginine-Rich Domains Present in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Tat and Rev Function as Direct Importin β-Dependent Nuclear Localization Signals Journal Articles
The Basement Membrane Underlying the Vascular Endothelium Is Not Thrombogenic: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies with Rabbit and Human Tissue Journal Articles
The Biomechanics of Human Femurs in Axial and Torsional Loading: Comparison of Finite Element Analysis, Human Cadaveric Femurs, and Synthetic Femurs Journal Articles
The Effect of Antithrombin III-Independent Thrombin Inhibitors and Heparin on Fibrin Accretion onto Fibrin-Coated Polyethylene \textbar Request PDF Journal Articles
The Effect of Lactate on the Radiation Response of CHO-K1 Cells in Culture Journal Articles
The Effect of Photomirex on the In Vitro Perfused Ovary of the Rat 11This work was supported by grants from the Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada, and The Medical Research Council of Canada. Journal Articles
The Effects of Cisplatin on Normal Human Erythrocytes in Vitro Journal Articles
The Effects of Extracellular Calcium-Sensing Receptor Ligands on the Contractility of Pregnant Human Myometrium In Vitro Journal Articles
The Effects of Prostanoids on Estrogen-Dominated Rat Myometrial Longitudinal Muscle in Vitro1 Journal Articles
The Epigenetic Regulation of SOX9 by miR‐145 in Human Chondrosarcoma Journal Articles
The Epoxy Group of Pramanicin Is Required for the Optimal Endothelium-Dependent Relaxation of Rat Aorta Journal Articles
The Importance of Obtaining Conjugate Views on Renographic Evaluation of Large Hydronephrotic Kidneys: An In Vitro and Ex Vivo Analysis Journal Articles
The Influence of Red Blood Cells on the Effects of Aspirin or Sulphinpyrazone on Platelet Adherence to Damaged Rabbit Aorta Journal Articles
The Inotropic Effect of 4−Aminopyridine and pH Changes in Rabbit Papillary Muscle Journal Articles
The Many Facets of Intestinal Peristalsis Journal Articles
The NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium is also a potent inhibitor of cholinesterases and the internal Ca2+ pump Journal Articles
The Relationship of Membrane ATPase Activity to Ouabain-Insensitive Sodium Transport in Human Red Cells Journal Articles
The TagB Protein in Bacillus subtilis 168 Is an Intracellular Peripheral Membrane Protein That Can Incorporate Glycerol Phosphate onto a Membrane-bound Acceptor in Vitro Journal Articles
The Vroman effect i.n tube geometry: the influence of flow on protein adsorption measurements Journal Articles
The Wall Teichoic Acid Polymerase TagF Is Non-processive in Vitro and Amenable to Study Using Steady State Kinetic Analysis Journal Articles
The anticoagulant action of puff adder (B. arietans) venom. Journal Articles
The anti‐idiotypic antibody 1F7 selectively inhibits cytotoxic T cells activated in HIV‐1 infection Journal Articles
The assay and partial characterization of macromolecular heparin depolymerase activity in rat small intestine Journal Articles
The bronchodilators 8-iso-prostaglandin E2 and prostaglandin E2 induce K+ current suppression via thromboxane A2 receptors in porcine tracheal smooth muscle Journal Articles
The decrease in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in ADP-stimulated washed rabbit platelets is not primarily due to phospholipase C activation Journal Articles
The dependence of airway smooth muscle on extracellular Ca2+ for contraction is influenced by the presence of cartilage Journal Articles
The development of the interictal spike during kindling in the rat Journal Articles
The effect of M&B 22948 on methacholine‐ and histamine‐induced contraction and inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate levels in guinea‐pig tracheal tissue Journal Articles
The effect of aggregating agents on oxidative metabolism of rabbit platelets Other
The effect of amino acids on intestinal smooth muscle related to their content in blood and tissue Journal Articles
The effect of cortex thickness on intact femur biomechanics: A comparison of finite element analysis with synthetic femurs Journal Articles
The effect of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor agonists on inositol phosphate turnover in rat striatal slices. Journal Articles
The effect of enkephalins on the intramural inhibitory non-adrenergic nerve responses of smooth muscle Journal Articles
The effect of glucose on adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation Other
The effect of methacholine and histamine on cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity in the guinea-pig isolated trachea Journal Articles
The effect of platelet age on platelet adherence to collagen Journal Articles
The effect of prostaglandin E1 on platelet function in vitro and in vivo Journal Articles
The effects of cholecystokinin-octapeptide and pentagastrin on electrical and motor activities of canine colonic circular muscle Journal Articles
The effects of low molecular weight and standard heparin on calcium loss from fetal rat calvaria Journal Articles
The effects of methyl palmitate, a putative regulator from perivascular fat, on the contractility of pregnant human myometrium Journal Articles
The effects of quinapril and atorvastatin on artery structure and function in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
The effects of some synthetic prostanoids on the contractility of the human lower uterine segment in vitro Journal Articles
The effects of tendon load and posture on carpal tunnel pressure Journal Articles
The functions of the A1A2A3 domains in von Willebrand factor include multimerin 1 binding Journal Articles
The inability of tegaserod to affect platelet aggregation and coronary artery tone at supratherapeutic concentrations Journal Articles
The inactivation of thrombin and plasmin by antithrombin III in the presence of Sepharose-heparin Journal Articles
The influence of drugs upon the anticoagulant activity of heparin. Journal Articles
The influence of protein adsorption and surface modifying macromolecules on the hydrolytic degradation of a poly(ether–urethane) by cholesterol esterase Journal Articles
The inhibitory influence of tracheal mucosa mounted in close proximity to canine trachealis Journal Articles
The metabolism of canrenonein vitroby rat liver preparations Journal Articles
The metabolism of leukotrienes, detoxification of reactive oxygen species and the activity of the cytochrome P450 mixed function oxidase system in sensitised guinea-pig lungs Journal Articles
The myogenic component in distention-induced peristalsis in the guinea pig small intestine Journal Articles
The phosphoinositides exist in multiple metabolic pools in rabbit platelets Journal Articles
The plasma proteases, thrombin and plasmin, degrade the proteoglycan of rabbit aorta segments in vitro: an integrated ultrastructural and biochemical study. Journal Articles
The presence of plasma proteins facilitates the uptake of 125I-thrombin by the rabbit thoracic aorta endothelium Journal Articles
The proteolytic action of arvin on human fibrinogen Journal Articles
The relative kinetics of clotting and lysis provide a biochemical rationale for the correlation between elevated fibrinogen and cardiovascular disease Journal Articles
The response of the lamb ductus arteriosus to endothelin: developmental changes and influence of light Journal Articles
The responsiveness of airway smooth muscle in vitro from dogs with airway hyper-responsiveness in vivo Journal Articles
The reverse mode of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger provides a source of Ca2+ for store refilling following agonist-induced Ca2+ mobilization Journal Articles
The roles of ion fluxes in skeletal muscle fatigue Journal Articles
The sensitivity of the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the rat's myometrium to oxytocin in vitro during pregnancy Journal Articles
The sodium pump in opossum vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
The soma and neurites of primary afferent neurons in the guinea‐pig intestine respond differentially to deformation Journal Articles
The tachykinin receptors inducing contractile responses of canine ileum circular muscle Journal Articles
Thrombin Binds to Soluble Fibrin Degradation Products Where it Is Protected From Inhibition by Heparin-Antithrombin but Susceptible to Inactivation by Antithrombin-Independent Inhibitors Journal Articles
Thrombin Generation and Presence of Thrombin Receptor in Ovarian Follicles1 Journal Articles
Thrombin-induced inositol trisphosphate production by rabbit platelets is inhibited by ethanol Journal Articles
Thrombogenetic studies of bioprosthetic heart valve surfaces I. In vitro platelet adhesion in a static system Journal Articles
Thrombospondin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Are Cyclically Expressed in an Inverse Pattern During Bovine Ovarian Follicle Development1 Journal Articles
Thrombotic Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment Journal Articles
Thromboxane Prostanoid Receptor Activation Amplifies Airway Stretch-Activated Contractions Assessed in Perfused Intact Bovine Bronchial Segments Journal Articles
Tissue characterization of arteries with 4 MHz ultrasound Journal Articles
Training intensity-dependent and tissue-specific increases in lactate uptake and MCT-1 in heart and muscle Journal Articles
Transalveolar Metabolic Protection to the Lung Journal Articles
Transcriptional effects of hypoxia on fusiogenic syncytin and its receptor ASCT2 in human cytotrophoblast BeWo cells and in ex vivo perfused placental cotyledons Journal Articles
Transepithelial transport of salicylate by the Malpighian tubules of insects from different orders Journal Articles
Transforming growth factor‐β and epidermal growth factor modulate basal and interleukin‐6‐induced amino acid uptake and acute phase protein synthesis in cultured rat hepatocytes Journal Articles
Transient Expression of Na + /H + Exchanger Isoform NHE-2 in LLC-PK 1 Cells: Inhibition of Endogenous NHE-3 and Regulation by Hypertonicity Journal Articles
Transient adsorption of fibrinogen on foreign surfaces: Similar behavior in plasma and whole blood Journal Articles
Tris inhibits binding and transport of calcium in microsomal fraction isolated from rat vas deferens. Journal Articles
Trophoblast Induction of Suppressor‐Type Cell Activity in Human Endometrial Tissue Journal Articles
Tubulovascular Nitric Oxide Crosstalk Journal Articles
Ultrastructure of Human Placental Tissue After 6h of Normoxic and Hypoxic Dual In Vitro Placental Perfusion Journal Articles
Unexpected Effects of Aurin Tricarboxylic Acid on Human Platelets Journal Articles
Unusual αadrenoceptor subtype in canine saphenous vein: comparison to mesenteric vein Journal Articles
Uptake and Catabolism of 125l-Thrombin by the Rabbit Thoracic Aorta In Vitro: Permeability of the Endothelium, Intima-Media and Adventitial Layers Journal Articles
Uptake and release of calcium by canine gastric corpus smooth muscle plasma membrane enriched fraction Journal Articles
Urokinase has direct catalytic activity against fibrinogen and renders it less clottable by thrombin. Journal Articles
Use of Segments for the Quality Control of the Factor VIII: Coagulant Activity of Fresh Frozen Plasma Journal Articles
Validation and Application of a Model of Oxygen Consumption and Diffusion During Photodynamic Therapy In Vitro Journal Articles
Variable responses to prostaglandin E2 in human non-pregnant myometrium Journal Articles
Vascular effects of tetramethylpyrazuie: direct interaction with smooth muscle α-adrenoceptors Journal Articles
Vasoconstrictor actions of isoprostanes via tyrosine kinase and Rho kinase in human and canine pulmonary vascular smooth muscles Journal Articles
Vasopressin Increases Intracellular NO Concentration via Ca
Signaling in Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Conferences
Vasopressin in Alzheimer's disease: A study of postmortem brain concentrations Journal Articles
Vasopressin increases intracellular NO concentration via Ca(2+) signaling in inner medullary collecting duct. Journal Articles
Vasorelaxant Effects of Pramanicin, an Anti-fungal Agent: Selective Action on Endothelial Cells Journal Articles
Visualization of early intramembranous ossification by electron microscopic and spectroscopic imaging. Journal Articles
Whole-cell currents in two subpopulations of cultured rat petrosal neurons with different tetrodotoxin sensitivities Journal Articles
Wild-type p53 modulates apoptosis of normal, IL-3 deprived, hematopoietic cells. Journal Articles
[Arg8]vasopressin-induced contractions of rabbit urinary bladder smooth muscle Journal Articles
[Innervation of the epithelioid cells of the carotid labyrinth of batrachians]. Journal Articles
iso-Lactam and reduced amide analogues of the peptidomimetic dopamine receptor modulator 3(R)-[(2(S)-Pyrrolidinylcarbonyl)amino]-2-oxo-1-pyrrolidineacetamide Journal Articles
α-Adrenoceptor subtypes of dog saphenous vein: Another unusual property Journal Articles
“Activation” of nitrofurazone in animal tissues Journal Articles