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subject area of
Journal Articles
"Ego-dystonic" delusions in psychotic patients Conferences
"It's overwhelming...Everything seems to be too much:" A theory of crisis for individuals with severe persistent mental illness. Journal Articles
"Plans for Planning" Journal Articles
- Olanzapine and fecal microbiota transplantation from antipsychotic-naïve schizophrenia patients alter metabolic profiles differentially in male and female mice. Journal Articles
- Pregnancy and postpartum maternal hair cortisol are associated with infant development during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
- Relationship resilience buffers the association between pregnancy stress and postpartum depressive symptoms during COVID-19 Journal Articles
101. A pilot study of PET in social phobia Conferences
12-week double-blind randomized multicenter study of efficacy and safety of agomelatine (25–50 mg/day) versus escitalopram (10–20 mg/day) in out-patients with severe generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
1233 – Temperament markers in mood disorders Journal Articles
134. Dual effect of glucocorticoids on 5-HT1A receptor sensitivity Conferences
135. Experimental asthma in a genetic animal model of depression Conferences
142. N400 Event-Related Brain Potential Index of Semantic Processing and Two-Year Clinical Outcomes in Persons at High Risk for Psychosis Journal Articles
17. Neuroleptic effects on regional brain metabolism in first episode schizophrenics Journal Articles
174. Administration of Selective Dietary Supplement in Early Postpartum is Associated with High Resilience against Depressed Mood: An Open-Label Trial Conferences
188. Cortisol and testosterone correlates of affective responses to infant cry and odour stimuli in new parents Conferences
189. Surrogate markers in the treatment of dysthymia Conferences
191. Semantic Priming Deficits in Persons at Clinical High Risk for Schizophrenia: Evidence from Event-Related Brain Potentials Conferences
1H NMR spectroscopy of the human brain in vivo: The hippocampus in schizophrenic patients and normals Conferences
2014 Ontario Child Health Study Findings: Policy Implications for Canada Journal Articles
215. Action-Based Cognitive Remediation: Pairing Cognitive Training With Skill Development and CBT Principles Journal Articles
24-Week prevention of relapse of generalized social phobia study in responders to 20-weeks of sertraline treatment Journal Articles
286. 5-HT2A receptors in depression pre/post paroxetine Conferences
286. Genetic Polymorphism of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor is Related to Antidepressant Efficacy and Treatment-Induced Hippocampal Plasticity in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: CAN-BIND-1 Study Journal Articles
3 themes related to a critical incident were identified in the decision to place a relative with Alzheimer's disease in an assisted living facility Journal Articles
3-Nitrotyrosine and glutathione antioxidant system in patients in the early and late stages of bipolar disorder. Journal Articles
302. Treating dysthymia in primary care: sertraline vs IPT (a two-year follow up) Conferences
322. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Review of Methods and Utility in Psychiatry Journal Articles
386. Plastic Modulation of Intrinsic Neural Networks in PTSD through Amygdala Downregulation via Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Conferences
392. Fractal Dimension (FD) of Resting EEG is a Prospective Biomarker for Treatment Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Conferences
3D visualization of the regional differences Journal Articles
3H-Clonidine binding to membranes of platelets prepared under physiological conditions Journal Articles
407. The Low Availability of the α7-NAChR in Recent-Onset Psychosis and its Link to Cognitive and Psychotic Symptom Burden Journal Articles
465. Trajectories of Resting Frontal Brain Activity in Predicting Psychopathology in Adolescent Females Exposed to Childhood Maltreatment Conferences
468. Impact of Biological Rhythms on Perinatal Anxiety: A Prospective Investigation in Pregnant Women with Mood Disorders Conferences
484. Parasympathetic rebound following stress in four rat strains Conferences
491. Higher Availability of the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor in the Brains of Older, Cognitively Normal Individuals Journal Articles
5-year incidence of suicide-risk in youth: A gradient tree boosting and SHAP study Journal Articles
509. EGR3 in Bipolar Disorder: Preliminary Results of an in Vitro Study for Validation of Bioinformatics Findings Conferences
510. Olanzapine and clozapine elevate prolactin levels after every daily dose Conferences
54. Sensory Overload and Imbalance: Resting-State Vestibular Connectivity in PTSD and its Dissociative Subtype Conferences
56. A pet study of the clonidine challenge test in depressed women Conferences
593 – Sociodemographic profile, presentations and therapeutic interventions in a community psychiatry service in south-west, nigeria Journal Articles
67. Intravenous d-fenfluramine challenge with [15O] H2O pet in panic disorder Conferences
751. The Role of Childhood Maltreatment in Depression: Overview of the Literature and Insights from the CAN-BIND Program Conferences
752. A Developmental Model of Atypical Depression Based on Dopamine and Serotonin System Gene Interaction with Pre- And Post-Natal Adversity Conferences
753. The Influence of Early Life Trauma on Epigenetic Markers in a CAN-BIND Sample of Responders and Non-Responders to Escitalopram Conferences
754. Inflammatory Markers as Mediators of the Association between Early Life Adversity and Hippocampal Volume in Adult Patients with depression: Findings from Phase 1 of the CAN-BIND Study Conferences
928. Cortical Abnormalities Associated with Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings from the Enigma Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group Conferences
BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and peripheral protein levels in pediatric bipolar disorder and attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder Journal Articles
DCC gene network in the prefrontal cortex is associated with total brain volume in childhood Journal Articles
P Values and Confidence Intervals Journal Articles
A 14-Week, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over Study of Multilayer Release Methylphenidate in Adult ADHD With and Without Anxiety Disorder Comorbidity Conferences
A 2010 Evidence-Based Algorithm for the Pharmacotherapy of Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
A 24-week randomized, placebo-controlled trial of adjunctive tianeptine in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder Conferences
A 4 stage model described how clients and their relatives experienced the process of developing schizophrenia Journal Articles
A Bidimensional Solution for Outcomes in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
A Biopsychosocial Understanding of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Review Journal Articles
A Canadian community mental health program: A clerkship experience Journal Articles
A Checklist for Evaluating the Usefulness of Rating Scales Journal Articles
A Child is Charged with Homicide: His Family Responds Journal Articles
A Comprehensive and Practical Quality Assurance Program for Community Mental Health Services Journal Articles
A Controlled Study of Depression among Attendees of an Oncology Clinic in West Africa Journal Articles
A Description of a Psychosocial/Psychoeducational Intervention for Persons with Recurrent Suicide Attempts Journal Articles
A Diagnostic and Therapeutic N-of-1 Randomized Trial Journal Articles
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Children With ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, and Matched Controls: Distinct and Non-Distinct White Matter Disruption and Dimensional Brain-Behavior Relationships Journal Articles
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Children With ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, and Matched Controls: Distinct and Non-Distinct White Matter Disruption and Dimensional Brain-Behavior Relationships Journal Articles
A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of Augmentation and Switch Strategies for Refractory Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled 4-Week Study on the Efficacy and Safety of the Purinergic Agents Allopurinol and Dipyridamole Adjunctive to Lithium in Acute Bipolar Mania Journal Articles
A Genome Wide Association Study of Hoarding Behaviours in a Community-Based Sample of Children and Adolescents Conferences
A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Youth Mental Health and Substance use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada: An Exploratory Analysis Journal Articles
A Machine Learning Approach Using Fractal Electroencephalography Features Predicts Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy Conferences
A Machine Learning Approach to Personalized Psychiatric Care: Prediction of Antidepressant Response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Using Smart Algorithms that Analyze Brain Electrical Activity Patterns Conferences
A Mathematical Model of Evolutionary Pressures Regulating Self‐Preservation and Self‐Destruction Journal Articles
A Meta-analysis and Meta-regression of Immune Activation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Conferences
A Model for Predicting Utilization of Psychiatric Facilities Journal Articles
A Model for Recruiting Clinical Research Participants With Anxiety Disorders in the Absence of Service Provision Journal Articles
A Model of Antipsychotic Action in Conditioned Avoidance: A Computational Approach Journal Articles
A Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach to Postpartum Psychoses Journal Articles
A Multiple-City RCT of Housing First With Assertive Community Treatment for Homeless Canadians With Serious Mental Illness Journal Articles
A Multisite Canadian Study of Outcome of First-Episode Psychosis Treated in Publicly Funded Early Intervention Services Journal Articles
A Narrative Inquiry of a Program That Provides Permanent Housing With Supports to Homeless Individuals With Severe Mental Illness Journal Articles
A Network Control Theory Approach to Relapse Prediction in Major Depressive Disorder: A Report From the CAN-BIND-1 Trial and Wellness Monitoring Study Conferences
A Novel Pre-clinical Model of Cancer-Induced Depression Conferences
A PET provocation study of generalized social phobia Journal Articles
A PET study of brain 5-HT 2 receptors and their correlation with platelet 5-HT 2 receptors in healthy humans Journal Articles
A PET study of brain 5-HT2 receptors and their correlation with platelet 5-HT2 receptors Conferences
A Phase 1 single ascending dose study of pure oral harmine in healthy volunteers. Journal Articles
A Pilot Feasibility Study of an Extension of the Acquaintanceship Recruitment Procedure in Recent-Onset Psychosis Journal Articles
A Pilot Study of a Parent-Education Group for Families Affected by Depression Journal Articles
A Pilot Survey of Cannabis Use in Individuals With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Conferences
A Pilot, 8-Week, Placebo Lead-In Trial of Quetiapine Extended Release for Depression in Midlife Women Journal Articles
A Population Study of Childhood Maltreatment and Asthma Diagnosis Journal Articles
A Potential Gap in the Perinatal Depression Treatment Cascade Journal Articles
A Predictive Model for Estimating Risk of Harm and Aggression in Inpatient Mental Health Clinics Journal Articles
A Prospective Study of Mental Comorbidity in Children with Chronic Physical Illness Conferences
A Randomized Clinical Trial on the Effectiveness of a Reintegration Training Program Versus Booster Sessions After Short-Term Inpatient Psychotherapy Journal Articles
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Antidepressant Continuation for Major Depression Following Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychoeducation or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Team-Based Learning Versus Lectures with Break-Out Groups on Knowledge Retention Journal Articles
A Randomized Trial of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Versus General Psychiatric Management for Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
A Randomized, Blinded, Sham, Controlled Crossover Pilot Study of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Bipolar Depression Conferences
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study of the Effect of Exogenous Melatonin on Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome Journal Articles
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Olanzapine in the Treatment of Trichotillomania Journal Articles
A Rapid Access Brief Psychotherapy Intervention to Respond to Healthcare Workers in Ontario Whose Mental Health was Negatively Impacted During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Une brève intervention de psychothérapie à accès rapide pour répondre aux travailleurs de la santé de l'Ontario dont la santé mentale a été affectée négativement pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Journal Articles
A Regional Burden of Sequence-Level Variation in the 22q11.2 Region Influences Schizophrenia Risk and Educational Attainment Journal Articles
A Review of Adjunctive CNS Medications Used for the Treatment of Post-Surgical Pain Journal Articles
A Review of Candidate Pathways Underlying the Association Between Asthma and Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
A Review of Recent Literature Employing Electroencephalographic Techniques to Study the Pathophysiology, Phenomenology, and Treatment Response of Schizophrenia Journal Articles
A Review of the Neurobiological Basis of Trauma-Related Dissociation and Its Relation to Cannabinoid- and Opioid-Mediated Stress Response: a Transdiagnostic, Translational Approach Journal Articles
A Scoping Review of Evidence-Based Interventions for Adolescents with Depression and Suicide Related Behaviors in Low and Middle Income Countries Journal Articles
A Shortcut to Rejection: How Not to Write the Results Section of a Paper Journal Articles
A Single Mothers' Group for Mothers of Children Attending an Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic: Preliminary Results Journal Articles
A Student-Driven Advocacy Project to Address the Opioid Crisis in Canada: Implications for Developing Competency in Health Advocacy During Medical Training Journal Articles
A Study of Biological Rhythm Disturbances in Polish Remitted Bipolar Patients using the BRIAN, CSM, and SWPAQ Scales Journal Articles
A Supported Independent Living Program for Youth Journal Articles
A Survey of Child Psychiatry Teaching in Canada Journal Articles
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pharmacological Interventions for Reduction of Weight Gain in People With Schizophrenia: 2019 Update Conferences
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pharmacological Interventions for Reduction or Prevention of Weight Gain in Schizophrenia Conferences
A Treatment for Impulse Control Disorders and Paraphilia: A Case Report Journal Articles
A Trial Matching and Mismatching Ondansetron and Sertraline to 5-HTTLPR Alleles in Non-treatment Seeking Alcohol Dependent Individuals Conferences
A Way through the woods: Development of an integrated care pathway for adolescents with depression Journal Articles
A Youth Suicide Prevention Plan for Canada: A Systematic Review of Reviews Journal Articles
A biomarkers signature differentiates unipolar from bipolar depression Conferences
A biopsychosocial approach to premenstrual dysphoric disorder Journal Articles
A brain-specific 14-3-3 protein gene, YWHAH, is mutation screened in two schizophrenic families from the intermountain west Conferences
A cognitive behavioural group treatment for somatic symptom disorder: a pilot study Journal Articles
A cognitive profile of homosexual men compared to heterosexual men and women Journal Articles
A community health case for psychiatric care: A cross-sectional study of county health rankings Journal Articles
A comparative analysis of disability in individuals with bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia in a sub-Saharan African mental health hospital: towards evidence-guided rehabilitation intervention Journal Articles
A comparative study of adolescents and adults who wilfully set fires. Journal Articles
A comparison of cluster and factor analytic techniques for identifying symptom-based dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder Journal Articles
A comparison of firefighter mental health education programs: A descriptive thematic analysis of firefighter experiences. Journal Articles
A comparison of left high frequency, right low frequency, bilateral and sham transcranial magnetic stimulation as a treatment for major depressive disorder: A preliminary analysis Conferences
A computational model of the role of dopamine and psychotropic drugs in modulating motivated action Conferences
A computational network model of the neural circuits subserving motivated behaviors Conferences
A cox-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) as a possible adjunctive agent to expedite treatment response in bipolar depression Conferences
A cross-sectional study on the mental health of patients with COVID-19 1 year after discharge in Huanggang, China Journal Articles
A dose-finding study with remoxipride in the acute treatment of schizophrenic patients. Journal Articles
A double challenge: pregnancy and post-partum in bipolar disorder Conferences
A double-blind controlled study of adjunctive allopurinol or dipyridamole to lithium in the treatment of bipolar mania: preliminary results Conferences
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic study of INN 00835, a novel antidepressant peptide, in the treatment of major depression. Journal Articles
A functional MRI investigation of the neural correlates of declarative and recognition memory in obese patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
A group intervention to reduce engulfment and self-stigmatization in first episode schizophrenia: preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial Conferences
A group randomized control trial to test the efficacy of the Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR) program among Canadian military recruits Journal Articles
A hormetic approach to understanding antidepressant effectiveness and the development of antidepressant tolerance – A conceptual view Journal Articles
A integração da psicofarmacoterapia e psicoterapia de orientação analítica: uma revisão crítica Journal Articles
A longitudinal assessment of serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor levels in bipolar patients Conferences
A longitudinal comparison of emotional, behavioral and attention problems in autistic and typically developing children Journal Articles
A longitudinal study of neurotrophic, oxidative, and inflammatory markers in first-onset depression in midlife women Journal Articles
A longitudinal test of the predictions of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behaviour for passive and active suicidal ideation in a large community-based cohort Journal Articles
A lower minimum legal drinking age was associated with increased suicide in youths 18-23 years of age Journal Articles
A meta-analysis examining clinical predictors of hippocampal volume in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal Articles
A meta-analysis of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for military and veteran populations Journal Articles
A meta‐analysis of ethnic differences in pathways to care at the first episode of psychosis Journal Articles
A multi‐site Canadian perspective: examining the functional outcome from first‐episode psychosis Journal Articles
A nested population-based case-control study on peripheral inflammation markers and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in early-stage mood disorders Conferences
A neurochemical basis for the antipsychotic activity of loxapine: interactions with dopamine D1, D2, D4 and serotonin 5-HT2 receptor subtypes. Journal Articles
A neuroendocrine study of serotonin function in depressed stroke patients compared to non depressed stroke patients and healthy controls Journal Articles
A new, female-specific irritability rating scale. Journal Articles
A novel neurobiological pathway behind psychosocial functioning in bipolar I disorder Conferences
A novel task for examining the neural basis of Theory of Mind deficits in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
A patient decision aid for antidepressant use in pregnancy: Pilot randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
A personalized approach using machine learning methods to predict response to rTMS treatment for major depression Conferences
A pilot feasibility study of an extension of the acquaintanceship recruitment procedure in recent-onset psychosis Journal Articles
A pilot study employing machine learning analysis of EEG data to build an automated diagnosis system for psychiatric disorders Conferences
A pilot study examining the effectiveness of a short-term, DBT informed, skills group for emotion dysregulation during the perinatal period. Journal Articles
A pilot study examining the impact of lithium treatment and responsiveness on mnemonic discrimination in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
A pilot study of topiramate augmentation in treatment resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder Conferences
A pilot, open-label, 8-week study evaluating the efficacy of adjunctive minocycline for the treatment of bipolar I/II depression Conferences
A pilot, open‐label, 8‐week study evaluating the efficacy, safety and tolerability of adjunctive minocycline for the treatment of bipolar I/II depression Journal Articles
A placebo-controlled study of sertraline in generalized social phobia Journal Articles
A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of group transdiagnostic cognitive-behaviour therapy for anxiety disorders in primary care: study protocol Journal Articles
A preliminary investigation of the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder on gastrointestinal distress in patients with comorbid panic disorder and irritable bowel syndrome Journal Articles
A preliminary study of functional connectivity of medication naïve children with obsessive–compulsive disorder Journal Articles
A primary care-based treatment programme improves postpartum depression at 12 months Journal Articles
A prospective analysis of 24 episodes of neuroleptic malignant syndrome Journal Articles
A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy investigation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in acute mania Journal Articles
A psychoendocrine study of premenstrual tension syndrome Journal Articles
A qualitative investigation of burnout and well-being among faculty and residents in a Canadian psychiatry department Journal Articles
A randomised controlled study of risperidone and olanzapine for schizophrenic patients with neuroleptic-induced acute dystonia or parkinsonism Journal Articles
A randomized trial of brief dialectical behaviour therapy skills training in suicidal patients suffering from borderline disorder Journal Articles
A randomized, crossover comparison of ketamine and electroconvulsive therapy for treatment of major depressive episodes: a Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) study protocol Journal Articles
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of tiagabine in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder Conferences
A re-evaluation of glucose tolerance in schizophrenia. Journal Articles
A reconsideration of the relationship between cerebral structural abnormalities and family history of schizophrenia Journal Articles
A review of effort-based decision-making in eating and weight disorders Journal Articles
A review of the safety of clozapine during pregnancy and lactation Journal Articles
A role for corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) in ethanol consumption, sensitivity, and reward as revealed by CRF-deficient mice Journal Articles
A serotonergic component of [3H]N-acetylserotonin binding in mammalian brain Journal Articles
A set of minimum data elements for prospective data collection among older age bipolar disorder (OABD) Conferences
A simple and efficient method for solubilization of the dopamine receptor Journal Articles
A study on negative and depressive symptom prevalence in individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
A suicide prevention strategy for youth presenting to the emergency department with suicide related behaviour: protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
A switch mechanism between locomotion and mouthing implicated in sensitization to quinpirole in rats Journal Articles
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of antenatal anxiety on postpartum outcomes Journal Articles
A systematic review of longitudinal outcome studies of first-episode psychosis Journal Articles
A systemic toxicity index developed to assess peripheral changes in mood episodes Journal Articles
A transdiagnostic perspective of constructs underlying obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: An international Delphi consensus study Journal Articles
A twin-case study of oxidative stress and DNA damage in bipolar disorder Conferences
A ‘navigator’ model in emerging mental illness? Journal Articles
AGTR1 gene variation: Association with depression and frontotemporal morphology Journal Articles
AI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale Journal Articles
Abduction during Custody and Access Disputes* Journal Articles
Aberrant interhemispheric alpha coherence on electroencephalography in schizophrenic patients during activation tasks Journal Articles
Abnormal Hippocampal Activation in Patients with Minimal or Extensive Past History of Major Depression: An fMRI Study Conferences
Abnormal cellular energy and phospholipid metabolism in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of medication‐free individuals with bipolar disorder: an in vivo1H MRS study Journal Articles
Abnormal hippocampal activation in patients with extensive history of major depression: an fMRI study Journal Articles
Abnormal movements in first-episode psychosis patients Conferences
Abnormalities in serum chemokines levels in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Aboriginal Mental Health—Moving Forward Journal Articles
Absconsion in forensic psychiatric services: a systematic review of literature Journal Articles
Abstracts Conferences
Academic Psychiatry Journal
Accelerated age-related decrease in brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Acceptability and Perceived Benefits and Harms of Mental Health Screening in Pregnant Women Conferences
Acceptability of the Fitbit in behavioural activation therapy for depression: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Acceptability, equity, and feasibility of using antipsychotics in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review Journal Articles
Access to a regular primary care physician among young people with early psychosis in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Access to healthcare and depression severity in vulnerable groups the US: NHANES 2013–2018 Journal Articles
Accuracy in non-verbal emotional processing in children of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder – preliminary results Journal Articles
Accuracy of emotion labeling in children of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Across the multiverse: exploring a diverse set of specifications related to cross-sectional and prospective associations between adolescent alcohol use and emotional problems. Journal Articles
Act fidelity in Ontario: Measuring adherence to the model Journal Articles
Acta Neuropsychiatrica Journal
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Journal
Action-based cognitive remediation for individuals with serious mental illnesses: Effects of real-world simulations and goal setting on functional and vocational outcomes. Journal Articles
Active suicidal ideation associated with dysfunction in default mode network using resting-state EEG and functional MRI - Findings from the T-RAD Study Journal Articles
Acute Care Use for Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Conditions in High-Cost Users of Medical Care with Mental Illness and Addictions Journal Articles
Acute Pharmacological Effects of Temazepam, Diphenhydramine, and Valerian in Healthy Elderly Subjects Journal Articles
Acute Stress Effects on Decision-Making in Gambling Disorder Conferences
Acute administration of ketamine induces antidepressant-like effects in the forced swimming test and increases BDNF levels in the rat hippocampus Conferences
Acute administration of ketamine induces antidepressant-like effects in the forced swimming test and increases BDNF levels in the rat hippocampus Journal Articles
Acute and Prolonged Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine in Treatment-Resistant Depression Conferences
Acute and chronic stress predict anti-depressant treatment outcome and naturalistic course of major depression: A CAN-BIND report Journal Articles
Acute harmine administration induces antidepressive-like effects and increases BDNF levels in the rat hippocampus Journal Articles
Adaptation and validation of the Mood Rhythm Instrument for use in Brazilian adolescents Journal Articles
Adaptation and validation of the Portuguese version of the functional assessment short test (FAST) in bipolar patients Conferences
Addiction as a brain disease revised: why it still matters, and the need for consilience Journal Articles
Adding zolpidem to CBT produces limited benefits in persistent insomnia Journal Articles
Additive roles of tobacco and cannabis co-use in relation to delay discounting in a sample of heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Addressing Stigma and Promoting Help-Seeking Among African Nova Scotian Youth Experiencing Psychosis and Other Mental Health Problems Journal Articles
Adjunctive tianeptine treatment for bipolar disorder: A 24-week randomized, placebo-controlled, maintenance trial Journal Articles
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research Journal
Administration of cannabidiol and imipramine induces antidepressant-like effects in the forced swimming test and increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the rat amygdala Journal Articles
Adolescence, the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis, and the Emergence of Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Adolescent Day Program: A Two Year Retrospective Review Journal Articles
Adolescent Murderers Journal Articles
Adolescents’ knowledge of a peer's non‐suicidal self‐injury and own non‐suicidal self‐injury and suicidality Journal Articles
Adoption and Utilization of Order Sets for Early Psychosis: A National Experiment in Standardization Conferences
Adrenal regulation in the wild captive squirrel monkey: a model of chronic stress. Journal Articles
Adult ADHD With Anxiety Disorder and Depression Comorbidity in a Clinical Trial Cohort Conferences
Adults traumatized by child abuse: What survivors need from community-based mental health professionals Journal Articles
Adults with Mood Disorders Have an Increased Risk Profile for Cardiovascular Disease within the First 2 Years of Treatment Journal Articles
Advances in neurobiology, assessment and treatment of female-specific mood disorders Journal Articles
Advances in neurobiology, assessment and treatment of female-specific mood disorders: papers from a symposium presented at the joint congress of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum and the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Chicago, July 11, 2006. Journal Articles
Advances in problematic usage of the internet research – A narrative review by experts from the European network for problematic usage of the internet Journal Articles
Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoria Journal Articles
Advances in the Pathophysiology of Episode-Related Cognitive Impairment in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Advancing Community-Based Collaborative Mental Health Care Through Interdisciplinary Family Health Teams in Ontario Journal Articles
Advancing Integrated Care through Psychiatric Workforce Development: A Systematic Review of Educational Interventions to Train Psychiatrists in Integrated Care Journal Articles
Adverse Cardiac Events in Older Patients Receiving Venlafaxine Journal Articles
Adverse Effects of Switching from Fluoxetine to Desipramine Journal Articles
Adverse childhood events and self-harming behaviours among individuals in Ontario forensic system: the mediating role of psychopathy Journal Articles
Adverse childhood experiences in forensic psychiatric patients: Prevalence and correlates from two independent Canadian samples Journal Articles
Advocacy and Education: Knowledge Translation Activities in Response to Cannabis Legalization Conferences
Affective Decision Making in Women With Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Affective Disorder and Homicide: A Case of Familial Filicide Theoretical and Clinical Considerations Journal Articles
Affective Instability and Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Affective Instability in Personality Disorders Journal Articles
Affective Prosody Comprehension in Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Related to Childhood Abuse Conferences
Affective instability in borderline personality disorder: Experience sampling findings Journal Articles
Age and Temperament Differences in Mental Illness: Results From Three Studies Conferences
Age at Immigration to Canada and the Occurrence of Mood, Anxiety, and Substance Use Disorders Journal Articles
Age-related changes in GABA and benzodiazepine receptor binding in rat brain are influenced by sampling time Journal Articles
Age-related deficits in intracortical myelination in young adults with bipolar disorder type I Journal Articles
Age–sex differences in medicinal self-poisonings Journal Articles
Aggression in Borderline Personality Disorder: Evidence for Increased Risk and Clinical Predictors Journal Articles
Aggression in children Journal Articles
Aggressive Personality and Aggressive Incidents: A Pilot Investigation of the Personality Assessment Inventory within Forensic Psychiatry Journal Articles
Alcohol consumption and suicidal behaviour in bipolar disorder Conferences
Alcohol devaluation has dissociable effects on distinct components of alcohol behaviour Journal Articles
Alcohol drinking in pregnancy Journal Articles
Alexithymia and health behaviors Conferences
Alexithymia and health behaviors in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Algorithms versus decision trees in DSM-III-R Journal Articles
Allostatic Load, Psychiatric Morbidity and Cortisol Responses to Awakening in Midlife Immigrant Women Conferences
Allostatic load in bipolar disorder Conferences
Alpha4 and beta2 genetic interaction. analysis of high affinity nicotinic receptor in schizophrenia Conferences
Alterations in Biological Rhythms but not Sleep Quality Predict Severity of Depressive Symptoms in Late Pregnancy Conferences
Alterations in Cytokines and Adiponectine Levels Over Two Years of Follow Up in Patients with Mood Disorders Conferences
Alterations in circadian rhythms are associated with increased lipid peroxidation in females with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Alterations in cytokine and adipokine levels over two years of follow up in first episode patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Alterations in levels of cytokines and adipokines over two-year follow-up in patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Altered Amygdala and Insula Connectivity in PTSD and its Dissociative Subtype Conferences
Altered TAOK2 activity causes autism-related neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities through RhoA signaling Journal Articles
Altered brain function underlying verbal memory encoding and retrieval in psychotic major depression. Journal Articles
Altered empathic responding in major depressive disorder: Relation to symptom severity, illness burden, and psychosocial outcome Journal Articles
Altered intracortical myelin staining in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in severe mental illness Journal Articles
Altered self-report of empathic responding in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Amantadine-Associated Bullous Pemphigoid Journal Articles
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
American Journal of Psychiatry Journal
American Journal of Psychotherapy Journal
Amy Wenzel: Anxiety in Childbearing Women—Diagnosis and treatment Journal Articles
Amygdala Responses as Neuroimaging Endpoint Marker for Antidepressant Efficacy in Patients with Major Depression and High Risk Alleles of Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism Conferences
Amygdala responses to quetiapine XR and citalopram treatment in major depression: the role of 5‐HTTLPR‐S/Lg polymorphisms Journal Articles
An Analysis of Mental Health Program Funding for Child and Youth in the Canadian Yukon Territory Conferences
An Assessment Approach to Couples with Sexual Problems Journal Articles
An Attachment-Based Model of the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Somatization in Children and Adults Journal Articles
An Epidemiological Study of Physical-Mental Multimorbidity in Youth: Une étude épidémiologique de la morbidité physique-mentale chez les jeunes. Journal Articles
An Epidemiological Study of Substance Use Disorders Among Emerging and Young Adults Journal Articles
An Examination of the Correlates of Fearless Dominance and Self-Centered Impulsivity among High-Frequency Gamblers Journal Articles
An Examination of the Performance of the interRAI Risk of Harm to Others Clinical Assessment Protocol (RHO CAP) in Inpatient Mental Health Settings Journal Articles
An Exploration of the Impact of Weight Loss on Declarative Memory and Executive Functioning in Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorders Conferences
An Integrated Care Pathway for depression in adolescents: protocol for a Type 1 Hybrid Effectiveness-implementation, Non-randomized, Cluster Controlled Trial Journal Articles
An Introduction to Multivariate Statistics Journal Articles
An Investigation of the Coupling of Temperament Traits with Anxiety Conferences
An Investigation of the Coupling of Temperament Traits with Major Depression Conferences
An Online Curriculum for Geriatric Psychiatry Subspecialty Residents. Journal Articles
An Open Trial of Adjunctive Escitalopram in Bipolar Depression Journal Articles
An Open Trial of Light Therapy in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Journal Articles
An Open Trial of Reboxetine in HIV-Seropositive Outpatients With Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
An Open Trial of Topiramate in the Treatment of Generalized Social Phobia Journal Articles
An Ounce of Prevention: “COPEing with Toddler Behaviour” Journal Articles
An Overview of Psychiatric Treatment Approaches to Three Offender Groups Journal Articles
An Overview of Treatments for Obesity in a Population with Mental Illness Journal Articles
An Update on the Relationship Between the Gut Microbiome and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Journal Articles
An adaptationist perspective on the etiology of depression Journal Articles
An appraisal of the psychometric properties of the Clinician version of the Apathy Evaluation Scale (AES‐C) Journal Articles
An appraisal of the trustworthiness of practice guidelines for depression and anxiety in children and youth Journal Articles
An embodied neurocomputational framework for organically integrating biopsychosocial processes Conferences
An empirical analysis of structural neuroimaging profiles in a staging model of depression Journal Articles
An fMRI study of reward circuitry in patients with minimal or extensive history of major depression Journal Articles
An in-home employment program for people with mental illness Journal Articles
An integrated regional Emergency Psychiatry Service Journal Articles
An investigation of cannabis use for insomnia in depression and anxiety in a naturalistic sample Journal Articles
An open trial of escitalopram in bipolar depression Conferences
An open trial of nefazodone in the treatment of social phobia Journal Articles
An open-label study of citalopram for major depression following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
An overview of family interventions and relapse on schizophrenia: meta-analysis of research findings Journal Articles
An update from the WPA Section on Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Journal Articles
An update on the Pharmacological and Psychotherapeutic Management of Treatment Resistant OCD Conferences
Anabolic Steroid Withdrawal Depression: A Case Report Journal Articles
Analyse qualitative de rapports d’expertise psychiatrique concernant des faits de pornographie infantile Journal Articles
Analysis of EEG Changes Induced By Clozapine: A Machine Learning Procedure Identifies EEG Features That Can Differentiate Schizophrenics from Healthy Volunteers Conferences
Analysis of mitochondrial complexes activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of bipolar disorder, schizophrenic and healthy subjects Conferences
Analyzing leukocyte telomere length in bipolar disorder: Authors’ reply Journal Articles
Anger experience and expression across the anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Ankyrin-G regulates neurogenesis and Wnt signaling by altering the subcellular localization of β-catenin Journal Articles
Annales Medico-Psychologiques Journal
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry Journal
Annals of General Psychiatry Journal
Anne Sved Williams and Vicki Cowling (Eds), Infants of parents with mental illness Journal Articles
Anorexia nervosa and ‘Turner syndrome’: cause or coincidence? Journal Articles
Anorexia nervosa in the male: Clinical features and follow-up of nine patients Journal Articles
Anormalidades neuropatológicas e neuroquímicas no transtorno afetivo bipolar Journal Articles
Antenatal Depression in a Multi-Ethnic, Community Sample of Canadian Immigrants: Psychosocial Correlates and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function Journal Articles
Anterior Cingulate Volumes in Never-Treated Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Anterior cingulate subregion volumes in medication naive patients with major depressive disorder Conferences
Anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of major depression: a systematic review Conferences
Anti-stigma training and positive changes in mental illness stigma outcomes in medical students in ten countries: a mediation analysis on pathways via empathy development and anxiety reduction Journal Articles
Anticipatory Reward Processing in Addicted Populations: A Focus on the Monetary Incentive Delay Task Journal Articles
Antidepressant Exposure During Pregnancy and Congenital Malformations: Is There an Association? Journal Articles
Antidepressant Treatment of Depression: A Metaanalysis Journal Articles
Antidepressant Use in Bipolar Disorder: Continuing an Age-Old Debate Journal Articles
Antidepressant medication induces persistent downregulation of brainstem serotonergic neurons: Potential relevance to withdrawal syndrome Conferences
Antidepressant selection for major depressive disorder: The budgetary impact on managed care Journal Articles
Antidepressant use among elderly patients. Journal Articles
Antidepressants and the Risk of Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Antidepressants in bipolar disorder why does the controversy continue? Conferences
Antidepressants in rapid-cycling bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Antidepressants in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Decoding Contradictory Evidence and Opinion Journal Articles
Antimanic Response to Aripiprazole in Bipolar I Disorder Patients Is Independent of the Agitation Level at Baseline Journal Articles
Antipsychotic drug exposure and risk of fracture Journal Articles
Antipsychotic drug use is correlated with CRP40/mortalin mRNA expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of human postmortem brain specimens Journal Articles
Antipsychotic drugs and extrapyramidal side effects in first episode psychosis: a systematic review of head–head comparisons Journal Articles
Antipsychotic use and risk of life‐threatening medical events: umbrella review of observational studies Journal Articles
Antisense technology in the central nervous system. Journal Articles
Anxiety Comorbidity and Quality of Life in Bipolar Disorder Patients Journal Articles
Anxiety Induced by Flooding Therapy for Phobias Does Not Elicit Prolactin Secretory Response* Journal Articles
Anxiety and Depressive Symptom Prevalence in a Canadian Medical Cannabis Use Cohort Conferences
Anxiety and depression in stroke: An evaluation of these psychopathologies on outcomes of stroke type using the National Inpatient Sample Journal Articles
Anxiety disorders are a risk factor for suicidal behaviour Journal Articles
Anxiety disorders in childhood are associated with youth IL-6 levels: A mediation study including metabolic stress and childhood traumatic events Journal Articles
Anxiety in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis: A case study and conceptual model Journal Articles
Anxiety, depression and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Apathy in Dementia: An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Apathy Evaluation Scale Journal Articles
Apathy in Dementia: An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Apathy Evaluation Scale Journal Articles
Apathy in Dementia: Clinical and Sociodemographic Correlates Journal Articles
Apathy in Dementia: Clinical and Sociodemographic Correlates Journal Articles
Apomorphine effects on brain metabolism in neuroleptic naive first episode schizophrenics and normal controls Journal Articles
Apomorphine effects on brain metabolism in neuroleptic-naive schizophrenic patients Journal Articles
Applying Aristotle's doctrine of causation to Aboriginal and biomedical understanding of diabetes. Journal Articles
Applying Behavioral Economics to Screen Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder Conferences
Applying Bradford Hill's criteria for causation to neuropsychiatry: challenges and opportunities. Journal Articles
Appraising the effectiveness of electrical and magnetic brain stimulation techniques in acute major depressive episodes: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Approach to Premenstrual Dysphoria for the Mental Health Practitioner Journal Articles
Apresentação Journal Articles
Archives of Women's Mental Health Journal
Are MEDLINE searches sufficient for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the diagnostic accuracy of depression screening tools? A review of meta-analyses. Journal Articles
Are Neurocognitive Complaints Persistent During the Follicular Phase in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder? Conferences
Are New Standards for Assessing and Managing Suicidal Patients Needed in Canada? Journal Articles
Are We Making the Most of Clozapine? Conferences
Are schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder neuropsychologically distinguishable? Journal Articles
Are the pharmacological effects of L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide (PLG) mediated through specific receptor mechanisms? Journal Articles
Are there sex differences in hemispatial visual neglect after unilateral stroke? Journal Articles
Are they being used safely? A retrospective cross-sectional tertiary health care survey of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors prescribing practice in Singapore Journal Articles
Area-Level Variation in Children’s Unmet Need for Community-Based Mental Health Services: Findings from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Areas of controversy in neuroprogression in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Arginine vasotocin stimulates glucocorticoid secretion in male rats Journal Articles
Aripiprazole Reduces Alcohol Use Journal Articles
Aripiprazole-Associated QTc Prolongation in a Geriatric Patient Journal Articles
Arketamine: a scoping review of its use in humans. Journal Articles
Arson: A Clinical Study Journal Articles
As bases neurobiológicas do transtorno bipolar Journal Articles
Asenapine-Associated Myasthenic Syndrome Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome: A Review of Clinical Features Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcome Journal Articles
Asperger’s Syndrome, Subjectivity and the Senses Journal Articles
Assessing Attachment: Convergent Validity of the Adult Attachment Interview and the Parental Bonding Instrument Journal Articles
Assessing Intracortical Myelin and Neurocognitive Performance in Substance Use Disorder Conferences
Assessing Paraphilic Interests Among Women Who Sexually Offend Journal Articles
Assessing Suicidal Youth with Antisocial, Borderline, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Assessing depressive symptoms in persons who die of suicide in mainland China Journal Articles
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Single Seminar in Preparing Psychiatry Residents for Practice Journal Articles
Assessing the measurement invariance of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale across immigrant and non-immigrant women in the postpartum period Journal Articles
Assessment and Emergency Management of Suicidality in Personality Disorders Journal Articles
Assessment and Treatment of Food Aversion in a Four Year Old Boy: A Multidimensional Approach Journal Articles
Assessment and Treatment of Social Phobia Journal Articles
Assessment and emergency management of suicidality in personality disorders Journal Articles
Assessment methods and management of hypersexuality and paraphilic disorders Journal Articles
Assessment of Serum Biomarkers in Siblings of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Assessment of personality traits in pediatric bipolar disorder using the junior temperament and character inventory Conferences
Assessment of physiological hyperarousal in patients with mood and anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Assessment of sexual drive and desire in women with premenstrual dysphoria who have been treated with fluoxetine Conferences
Assessment of sexual drive and desire in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder who have been treated with fluoxetine Journal Articles
Association Between Side Effects and Blood microRNA Expression Levels and Their Targeted Pathways in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Treated by a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Escitalopram: A CAN-BIND-1 Report Journal Articles
Association analyses of the autosomal genome and mitochondrial DNA with accelerometry-derived sleep parameters in depressed UK biobank subjects Journal Articles
Association between allelic variation in the serotonin transporter gene and pervasive developmental disorder. Conferences
Association between changes in protein levels of mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor and depressive episodes in bipolar disorder Conferences
Association between daily dose of clozapine and levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with schizophrenia Conferences
Association between discrepancy in objective and subjective cognitive abilities and treatment response in patients with major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Association between family history of mood disorders and clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder: Results from the Brazilian bipolar research network Journal Articles
Association between impulsivity and neural activation to alcohol cues in heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Association between maternal schizophrenia and risk of serious asthma exacerbations in childhood. Journal Articles
Association between overall rate of change in rising breath alcohol concentration and the magnitude of acute tolerance of subjective intoxication via the Mellanby method Journal Articles
Association between polarity of first episode and solar insolation in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Association between solar insolation and a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Association between three functional polymorphisms of the dopamine D2 receptor gene and polydipsia in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Association of DRD4 with attention problems in normal childhood development Journal Articles
Association of Lithium Use and a Higher Serum Concentration of Lithium With the Risk of Declining Renal Function in Older Adults Journal Articles
Association of abnormal semantic processing with delusion-like ideation in frequent cannabis users: an electrophysiological study Journal Articles
Association of alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptor and heavy smoking in schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Association of depression & health related quality of life with body composition in children and youth with obesity Journal Articles
Association of excessive social media use with abnormal white matter integrity of the corpus callosum Journal Articles
Association of functioning and quality of life with objective and subjective measures of sleep and biological rhythms in major depressive and bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Association of interleukin-10 levels with age of onset and duration of illness in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Association of intracortical myelin and cognitive function in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Association of obesity with reduced hippocampal volume in bipolar disorder Conferences
Association of polymorphisms of the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene with risk for bipolar disorder or suicidal behavior Journal Articles
Association of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) with diagnosis of delirium in oncology inpatients Journal Articles
Association of ventral striatum monoamine oxidase-A binding and functional connectivity in antisocial personality disorder with high impulsivity: A positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging study Journal Articles
Association study between smoking and high affinity nicotinic receptor subunit genes in schizophrenia patients Conferences
Association study of the estrogen receptor gene ESR1 with postpartum depression—a pilot study Journal Articles
Association study of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene polymorphisms in bipolar disorder patients with panic disorder comorbidity Journal Articles
Associational and nonassociational mechanisms in locomotor sensitization to the dopamine agonist quinpirole Journal Articles
Associations Between Bipolar Disorder and Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles
Associations Between Functioning and PTSD Symptom Clusters in a Dismantling Trial of Cognitive Processing Therapy in Female Interpersonal Violence Survivors Journal Articles
Associations between DRD4 Genotype and Behavior in Adults Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW, < 1000 G) Conferences
Associations between Lifetime Spanking/Slapping and Adolescent Physical and Mental Health and Behavioral Outcomes Journal Articles
Associations between bipolar disorder and metabolic syndrome: A review. Journal Articles
Associations between exposure to adverse childhood experiences and biological aging: Evidence from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Associations between psychological distress and hair cortisol during pregnancy and the early postpartum: A meta-analysis Journal Articles
Associations between psychological distress and hair cortisol during pregnancy and the early postpartum: A meta-analysis Conferences
Associations of medication with subcortical morphology across the lifespan in OCD: Results from the international ENIGMA Consortium Journal Articles
Atrial natriuretic factor: Does it have a role in psychiatry? Journal Articles
Attempted Suicide Journal Articles
Attempted Suicide in Christchurch: A Controlled Study Journal Articles
Attending to Striatal Ups and Downs in Addictions Journal Articles
Attention Deficits and Divorce Journal Articles
Attention deficit and psychopathology in children victims of trauma Conferences
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Youth: A Quantitative Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Different Management Strategies Journal Articles
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Critical Appraisal of Extended Treatment Studies Journal Articles
Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the encoding of emotional information Journal Articles
Attenuation of ethanol tolerance by a novel stimulus Journal Articles
Attitudes of Psychiatry Residents in Canadian Universities toward Neuroscience and Its Implication in Psychiatric Practice Journal Articles
Attracting Funding Journal Articles
Atypical antipsychotic drugs upregulate synapsin II in the prefrontal cortex of post-mortem samples obtained from patients with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Atypical antipsychotic-induced mania: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Atypical antipsychotics and effects on feeding: from mice to men Journal Articles
Atypical antipsychotics and hyperglycemic emergencies: Multicentre, retrospective cohort study of administrative data Journal Articles
Atypical antipsychotics, dystonia, and psychotic depression: old solutions for new problems Journal Articles
Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenic patients Journal Articles
Augmentation strategies in treatment resistant anxiety disorders: Meta-analysis and systematic review Conferences
Australasian Psychiatry Journal
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Journal
Authors' response Journal Articles
Authors’ Response to Comment on “The Potential Effect of the Psychiatric Clerkship and Contact-Based Hypothesis on Explicit and Implicit Stigmatizing Attitudes of Canadian Medical Students Towards Mental Illness” Journal Articles
Autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and diagnostic confusion Journal Articles
Autobiographical Memory and Future-Oriented Thinking in Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Autobiographical Memory and Prospection in Mood Disorders Conferences
Autophagy-based antidepressants? Journal Articles
BDNF levels in first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder: preliminary data Conferences
BDNF levels in the rat prefrontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampal CA3 region in an animal model of mania Conferences
BDNF: A biomarker for social vulnerability in individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria Journal Articles
BMC Psychiatry Journal
Back to Reality Series Video Games: Translating Research Knowledge about Marijuana and Psychosis for Youth Conferences
Back to Reality Series: Using arts-based research to create video games about psychosis and pathways to care Conferences
Back to the Basics: The Role of the Reticular Activating System and the Autonomic Nervous System in PTSD and its Dissociative Subtype Background Conferences
Bariatric surgery in patients with bipolar disorder: an emerging issue. Journal Articles
Barriers to Mental Health care in Canada Identified by Healthcare Providers: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Baseline Neurocognitive Predictors of Responders to Treatment at 12 Month Follow-up for Major Depressive Disorder by Deep Brain Stimulation Conferences
Baseline anxiety, and early anxiety/depression improvement in anxious depression predicts treatment outcomes with escitalopram: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Becoming an Evidence-Based Service Provider: Staff Perceptions and Experiences of Organizational Change Journal Articles
Behavioral and physiological effects of a beta blocker and relaxation therapy on mild hypertensives. Journal Articles
Behavioral economic analysis of topiramate pharmacotherapy for alcohol: a placebo-controlled investigation of effects on alcohol reinforcing value and delayed reward discounting Journal Articles
Behavioral effects of 5-hydroxy-N-acetyltryptophan, a putative synthetic precursor of N-acetylserotonin Journal Articles
Behavioral effects of dopamine agonists across the estrous cycle in rats Journal Articles
Behavioral effects of non-viral mediated RNA interference of synapsin II in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat Journal Articles
Behavioral heterogeneity in an animal model of neuropsychiatric lupus Journal Articles
Behavioral, biochemical and neuroendocrine responses to amphetamine in normal twins and ‘well-state’ bipolar patients Journal Articles
Behavioural Activation in Early Psychosis: Investigating Relationships With Self-reported and Objective Cognition Conferences
Behavioural effects of acute phenylalanine and tyrosine depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Behavioural problems in infants and toddlers were associated with later psychiatric disorders Journal Articles
Beneficial Effects of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue Treatment on Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Benefits of Switching from Typical to Atypical Antipsychotic Medications: A Longitudinal Study in a Community-Based Setting Journal Articles
Benefits of the functional ensemble of temperament framework in assessment of mental disorders: Examples Conferences
Benzodiazepine Use During Pregnancy Alone or in Combination With an Antidepressant and Congenital Malformations Journal Articles
Benzodiazepine Use and Driving Journal Articles
Beyond Employment: A Broader Vision Linking Activity and Participation to Health, Well-Being, and Recovery Journal Articles
Beyond Pharmacotherapy: Understanding the Links between Obesity and Chronic Mental Illness Journal Articles
Beyond Silence: A Randomized, Parallel-Group Trial Exploring the Impact of Workplace Mental Health Literacy Training with Healthcare Employees Journal Articles
Bilateral Hippocampal Volume Increase in Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Short-term Lithium Treatment Journal Articles
Bilateral Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Does Adding Right Low Frequency Diminish the Antidepressant Effect of Left High Frequency Treatment? Conferences
Bilateral hippocampal volume increases after long-term lithium treatment in patients with bipolar disorder: a longitudinal MRI study Journal Articles
Binge eating disorder hidden behind a wall of anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Biologic validation of diagnoses of depression Conferences
Biological ''markers'' in dysthymia Conferences
Biological Markers in Borderline Personality Disorders: An Overview Journal Articles
Biological Motion Perception among Persons with Schizophrenia Conferences
Biological Psychiatry Journal
Biological and psychosocial predictors of anxiety worsening in the postpartum period: A longitudinal study Journal Articles
Biological markers in borderline personality disorder: new perspectives. Journal Articles
Biological rhythm disruptions in a school-based sample of children of mothers with bipolar disorder Conferences
Biological rhythms disruption in comorbid bipolar disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Biological rhythms disruption mediates the association between mother's diagnosis of bipolar disorder and children's emotional and behavioral problems Conferences
Biological rhythms disruption mediates the association between mother's diagnosis of bipolar disorder and offspring's emotional/behavioral problems Journal Articles
Biological rhythms in bipolar and depressive disorders: A community study with drug-naïve young adults Journal Articles
Biological rhythms, metabolic syndrome and current depressive episode in a community sample Journal Articles
Biological underpinnings for the association between substance use and bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Biomarker signatures of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia Conferences
Biomarkers and clinical staging Conferences
Biomarkers in bipolar disorder: A positional paper from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Biomarkers Task Force Journal Articles
Biomarkers of neuroprogression and late staging in bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
Bipolar Disorder Comorbidity in Anxiety Disorders: Relationship to demographic profile, symptom severity, and functional impairment Journal Articles
Bipolar Disorders Journal
Bipolar depression: the importance of being on remission Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder and age-related functional impairment Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder and frontotemporal dementia: A systematic review Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder and frontotemporal dementia: A systematic review Conferences
Bipolar disorder and metabolic syndrome: An international perspective Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder and tobacco smoking: Categorical and dimensional clinical correlates in subjects from the Brazilian bipolar research network Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder prevalence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder treatment: implications from the staging model perspective Conferences
Bipolar disorder vs disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: MRI studies Conferences
Bipolar disorder: Got antidepressants? Journal Articles
Bipolar disorder: building the path of return to the ideas of Kraepelin Journal Articles
Birth Weight, Stress, and Symptoms of Depression in Adolescence: Evidence of Fetal Programming in a National Canadian Cohort Journal Articles
Birth outcomes and physiological correlates of depression and anxiety during pregnancy Conferences
Birth‐cohort and dual diagnosis effects on age‐at‐onset in Brazilian patients with bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Blood Contamination in the Measurement of Salivary Hormones in Healthy Women Conferences
Blood Lithium Monitoring Practices in a Population-Based Sample of Older Adults Journal Articles
Bodily pain severity and emotional pain experience in old age: Analyses of potential mediators from representative Ghanaian aging survey. Journal Articles
Body Mass Index Is an Important Predictor for Suicide: Results from a Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis Journal Articles
Body dysmorphic disorder: a treatment synthesis and consensus on behalf of the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders and the Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Network of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Journal Articles
Book Review: Anxiety Disorders: Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies Journal Articles
Book Review: Anxiety Disorders: The Anti-Anxiety Workbook Journal Articles
Book Review: Attachment Theory: Attachment from Infancy to Adulthood: The Major Longitudinal Studies Journal Articles
Book Review: Borderline Personality Disorder: Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: Applications across Disorders and Settings Journal Articles
Book Review: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities: The Syndrome and the Model Journal Articles
Book Review: Consultation Psychiatry: Depression and Heart Disease Journal Articles
Book Review: Consultation—Liaison Psychiatry: Handbook of Liaison Psychiatry Journal Articles
Book Review: DSM-IV: Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM IV Personality Disorders Journal Articles
Book Review: Epidemiology Mental Disorders in Canada: An Epidemiological Perspective Journal Articles
Book Review: Essential Papers on Borderline Disorders: One Hundred Years at the Border. Journal Articles
Book Review: Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry. Journal Articles
Book Review: Ethics: Ethics in Psychiatric Research: A Resource Manual for Human Subjects Protection Journal Articles
Book Review: General Psychiatry: Behavioural Science Learning Modules Journal Articles
Book Review: General Psychiatry: Emergency Mental Health Services in the Community Journal Articles
Book Review: General Psychiatry: Integrated Mental Health Care: A Comprehensive Community-Based Approach Journal Articles
Book Review: General Psychiatry: Models of Collaboration: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals Working with Health Care Practitioners Journal Articles
Book Review: General Psychiatry: The Insider's Guide to Mental Health Resources Online Journal Articles
Book Review: General Psychiatry: What is Emotion? History, Measures, and Meanings Journal Articles
Book Review: Historical Origins of the Concept of Neurosis Journal Articles
Book Review: Mental Health Research, Choosing Methods in Mental Health Research: Mental Health Research from Theory to Practice Journal Articles
Book Review: Methodology in Evaluation of Psychiatric Treatment. Journal Articles
Book Review: Modern Synopsis of Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/II Journal Articles
Book Review: Neuropsychology: The Paradoxical Brain Journal Articles
Book Review: Pain Measurement and Assessment. Journal Articles
Book Review: Pain Measurement and Assessment. Journal Articles
Book Review: Pain and Behavioral Medicine: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective Journal Articles
Book Review: Personality Disorders: Handbook of Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment Journal Articles
Book Review: Personality Disorders: Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent Behavior Journal Articles
Book Review: Personality Disorders: Social Factors in the Personality Disorders. A Biopsychosocial Approach to Etiology and Treatment Journal Articles
Book Review: Psychopathology Journal Articles
Book Review: Psychopathology: Neural Networks and Psychopathology Journal Articles
Book Review: Psychosomatic Medicine: Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine Journal Articles
Book Review: Psychosomatics—The Uses of Psychotherapy Journal Articles
Book Review: Psychotherapy: Borderline Personality Disorder: Tailoring the Psychotherapy to the Patient Journal Articles
Book Review: Recent Advances in the Management of Pain: Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, Volume 7. Journal Articles
Book Review: Schizophrenia: Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-by-Step Guide Journal Articles
Book Review: Shadows of a Violent Mind Journal Articles
Book Review: Statistics Journal Articles
Book Review: Suicide: Suicide in Children and Adolescents Journal Articles
Book Review: The Anxiety Disorders Journal Articles
Book Review: The Problem Oriented Record in Psychiatry and Mental Health Care — 2nd Ed Journal Articles
Book Review: The Psychobiology of Childhood: A Profile of Current Issues Journal Articles
Book Review: The Therapeutic Community: Outside the Hospital. Journal Articles
Book Review: The Treatment of Pain Journal Articles
Book Review: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Plasticity in the Human Nervous System. Investigations with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Journal Articles
Book Review: Working with the Impulsive Person. Journal Articles
Book review Journal Articles
Borderline Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse: Consequences of Comorbidity Journal Articles
Borderline Personality Disorder and the Family Environment Journal Articles
Borderline Psychopathology and Recurrences of Clinical Disorders Journal Articles
Borderline disorder and attachment pathology. Journal Articles
Borderline personality disorder and childhood trauma: Evidence for a causal relationship Journal Articles
Borderline personality disorder: Afterword Conferences
Borderline personality disorder: resource utilisation costs in Ireland Journal Articles
Boredom proneness predicts quality of life in outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Brain Disorders Associated with Endocrine Dysfunction Journal Articles
Brain adenylate cyclase activity in the amphetamine sensitized rat Journal Articles
Brain age in mood and psychotic disorders: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group Journal Articles
Brain creatine kinase activity in an animal model of mania Conferences
Brain structure and function in women with co-morbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Brain uptake of iomazenil in cirrhotic patients: a single photon emission tomography study Journal Articles
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor as a Biomarker of Clinical Response: 16-Week Follow-Up Study Conferences
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Juvenile Bipolar Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: differentiation using BDNF serum levels, and Val66Met Conferences
Brain-Reactive Autoantibodies and Brain Damage During Lupus-Like Disease Conferences
Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor and Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances Serum Levels in Chronicaly Medicated Schizophrenic Patients: A Positive Correlation Conferences
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and inflammatory markers in patients with early- vs. late-stage bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a biomarker of clinical response in bipolar disorder: 16-week follow-up study Conferences
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a possible biomarker of bipolar disorder activity Conferences
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a state-marker of mood episodes in bipolar disorders: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene val66met polymorphism and executive functioning in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and cognitive dysfunction in euthymic bipolar type I patients Conferences
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism and morphometric abnormality in bipolar disorder patients Conferences
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor variants are associated with childhood-onset mood disorder: confirmation in a Hungarian sample Journal Articles
Brain-derived neutrotrophic in mania, depression, and euthymia in bipolar disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis Conferences
Brainstem auditory evoked responses are prolonged in autistic probands and their unaffected relatives. Conferences
Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and inflammatory markers in school‐aged children with early trauma Journal Articles
Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in bipolar disorder: beyond trait and state: comment on ‘Decreased levels of serum brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in both depressed and euthymic patients with unipolar depression and in euthymic patients with bipolar I and II disorders’ Journal Articles
Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor, impaired glucose metabolism, and bipolar disorder course Journal Articles
Brazil launches an innovative program to develop the National Institutes for Science and Technology (INCTs): the INCT for Translational Medicine Journal Articles
Breaking up is Hard to Do: The Heartbreak of Dichotomizing Continuous Data Journal Articles
Breastfeeding Moderates the Association Between Low Maternal Sensitivity and High BMI in Pre-School Children Conferences
Breastfeeding – Some regulating factors and some consequences Conferences
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention Journal
Bringing mental health services into the family physician's office: Data from a Canadian program Conferences
Bromocriptine and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Journal Articles
Bronchial asthma: lack of relationships between allergic factors, illness severity and psychosocial variables in adult patients attending an asthma clinic Journal Articles
Building a Better Model: An Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling Journal Articles
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Journal
Burden and related factors in caregivers of young adults presenting bipolar and unipolar mood disorder Journal Articles
Burden of dysthymia and comorbid illness in adults in a Canadian primary care setting: high rates of psychiatric illness in the offspring Journal Articles
Buspirone augmentation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in social phobia Journal Articles
C-Reactive Protein Alterations in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
C-Reactive Protein Levels in Bipolar Disorder: A Review and Meta-analysis Conferences
CADM2 is Implicated in Impulsive Personality Traits by Genome- and Phenome-Wide Association Studies in Humans, With Further Support From Studies of CADM2 Mutant Mice Conferences
CANMAT guidelines for bipolar disorder: a commentary from South America Journal Articles
CNS Drugs Journal
CNS Spectrums Journal
CNS putative L-prolyl-L-leucyl-glycinamide (PLG) receptors, brain and lymphocyte dopamine receptors Journal Articles
COVID-19 Impacts on Child and Youth Anxiety and Depression: Challenges and Opportunities Journal Articles
COVID-19 and mental health during pregnancy: The importance of cognitive appraisal and social support Journal Articles
CT of the brain: how useful is it in general psychiatry? Journal Articles
Calcitonin Treatment for Phantom Limb Pain Journal Articles
Call to action regarding the vascular‐bipolar link: A report from the Vascular Task Force of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Journal Articles
Can Traumatized Children Report Revenge Fantasies? Journal Articles
Can Traumatized Children Report Revenge Fantasies? Journal Articles
Canada Should Retain Its Reservation on the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Journal Articles
Canadian Guidelines on Pharmacotherapy for Disruptive and Aggressive Behaviour in Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or Conduct Disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health Journal
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Journal
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) 2018 guidelines for the management of patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2016 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2023 Update on Clinical Guidelines for Management of Major Depressive Disorder in Adults: Réseau canadien pour les traitements de l'humeur et de l'anxiété (CANMAT) 2023 : Mise à jour des lignes directrices cliniques pour la prise en charge du trouble dépressif majeur chez les adultes Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Report: A Systematic Review and Recommendations of Cannabis use in Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) collaborative update of CANMAT guidelines for the management of patients with bipolar disorder: update 2009 Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) collaborative update of CANMAT guidelines for the management of patients with bipolar disorder: update 2013 Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) recommendations for the management of patients with bipolar disorder with mixed presentations Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments 2024 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Perinatal Mood, Anxiety, and Related Disorders: Guide de pratique 2024 du Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments pour le traitement des troubles de l'humeur, des troubles anxieux et des troubles connexes périnatals. Journal Articles
Canadian Youth Born Large or Small for Gestational Age and Externalizing and Internalizing Problems Journal Articles
Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the management of anxiety, posttraumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders Journal Articles
Canaries in the Coalmine: Quality and Safety in Child and Youth Mental Healthcare Conferences
Canine models for human genetic neurodegenerative diseases Journal Articles
Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients Journal Articles
Cannabidiol as an Adjunctive Treatment for Acute Bipolar Depression: A Pilot Study: Le cannabidiol comme traitement d'appoint de la dépression bipolaire aiguë : une étude pilote Journal Articles
Cannabinoids in psychiatry: they are here to stay Journal Articles
Cannabis involvement and neuropsychological performance: findings from the Human Connectome Project Journal Articles
Cannabis use and related clinical variables in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Cannabis use and risk of schizophrenia: a Mendelian randomization study Journal Articles
Cannabis use behaviors and prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in a cohort of Canadian medicinal cannabis users Journal Articles
Cannabis use in Attention – Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A scoping review Journal Articles
Capacity Assessments and the Assessment of Voluntariness in the Context of MAiD Legislation: The Role and Responsibility of Psychiatrists Journal Articles
Capacity of forensic patients to consent to treatment Journal Articles
Cardiac conduction in females and males under intramuscular (IM) and oral olanzapine from schizophrenia clinical trials ECGs Conferences
Cardiac risk of psychotropic drugs [7] Journal Articles
Cardiovascular disease in women with depression: One more thing to worry about Journal Articles
Cardiovascular risk and bipolar disorder: factors associated with a positive coronary calcium score in patients with bipolar disorder type 1 Journal Articles
Cardiovascular risk factors in outpatients with bipolar disorder: a report from the Brazilian Research Network in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Case Reviews in the Family Physician's Office* Journal Articles
Case series of diagnostic shift from bipolar disorder to schizoaffective disorder Journal Articles
Catatonia After Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Journal Articles
Catatonia Following Gabapentin Withdrawal Journal Articles
Catatonia and Its Treatment Journal Articles
Catatonia in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition Journal Articles
Catatonic syndrome in a general psychiatric inpatient population: frequency, clinical presentation, and response to lorazepam. Journal Articles
Catecholamine regulated protein ( CRP40), as a possible clinical blood biomarker in schizophrenia Conferences
Catecholamine regulated protein (CRP40), as a possible therapeutic agent in schizophrenia Conferences
Celecoxib as an adjunct in the treatment of depressive or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder: a double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled study Journal Articles
Central benzodiazepine receptor imaging and quantitation with single photon emission computerised tomography: SPECT Journal Articles
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) levels are increased in bipolar disorder Conferences
Cerebrovascular Steal Phenomenon and Electroconvulsive Therapy Journal Articles
Challenges and Opportunities to Manage Depression During the Menopausal Transition and Beyond Journal Articles
Challenges and developments in research of the early stages of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Challenges in Identifying and Diagnosing Post-partum Disorders Journal Articles
Changes in Coronary Blood Flow and Other Hemodynamic Indicators Induced by Stressful Interviews Journal Articles
Changes in Cortical Thickness Across Adulthood in Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Changes in Cortical Thickness in Children of Parents with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Changes in Grey and White Matter Volume in Midlife in Men and Women with Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Changes in Social Adjustment With Cognitive Processing Therapy: Effects of Treatment and Association With PTSD Symptom Change Journal Articles
Changes in biological rhythms and mood from pregnancy to early postpartum in women with mood disorders: preliminary results Conferences
Changes in cortical thickness across the lifespan in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Changes in infant emotion regulation following maternal cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Changes in mental health symptoms from pre-COVID-19 to COVID-19 among participants with systemic sclerosis from four countries: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort study Journal Articles
Changes in patient satisfaction questionnaire responses following the modification of the program delivery to group-based didactic treatment approach. Conferences
Changes in perfectionism following cognitive-behavioral treatment for social phobia Conferences
Changes in posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ten-wave findings from a longitudinal observational cohort study of community adults Journal Articles
Changes in the Diagnoses of the Functional Psychoses Associated with the Introduction of Lithium Journal Articles
Changes in the Prevalence of Child and Youth Mental Disorders and Perceived Need for Professional Help between 1983 and 2014: Evidence from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Changes in the corpus callosum in women with late-stage bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Changing cannabis legislation in Canada and a longitudinal look at “regular” cannabis use in patients with eating disorders Journal Articles
Characteristics and correlates of effective and ineffective social supports Journal Articles
Characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Canadian Study Journal Articles
Characteristics of Psychosis in Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Characterizing Coronary Heart Disease Risk in Chronic Schizophrenia: High Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles
Characterizing Suicide in Toronto: An Observational Study and Cluster Analysis Journal Articles
Characterizing outcome preferences in patients with psychotic disorders: a discrete choice conjoint experiment Journal Articles
Characterizing the relationship between psychosis and violence in the forensic psychiatric population: a systematic review. Journal Articles
Characterizing youth seeking mental health services in Hamilton, Canada: Are we attracting youth at early stages? Conferences
Child Abuse, Psychiatric Disorder, and Running Away in a Community Sample of Women Journal Articles
Child Maltreatment: What We Know in the Year 2000 Journal Articles
Child and parent training sessions led to improved child behaviour in child conduct disorder Journal Articles
Child maltreatment and HPA axis dysregulation: relationship to major depressive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder in females Journal Articles
Child sexual abuse and suicidal attempts in Brazilian bipolar type I patients Conferences
Childhood Abuse and Lifetime Psychopathology in a Community Sample Journal Articles
Childhood Abuse and Psychiatric Disorders Among Single and Married Mothers Journal Articles
Childhood Abuse and Suicidality in Women Journal Articles
Childhood Adversity, Mental Disorder Comorbidity, and Suicidal Behavior in Schizotypal Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Childhood Sexual Abuse by Women of Boys Who Go On to Sexually Offend: Review and Critical Analysis Journal Articles
Childhood Sexual Abuse, Parental Impairment and the Development of Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Childhood adversity and personality disorders: Results from a nationally representative population-based study Journal Articles
Childhood and family influences on depression, chronic physical conditions, and their comorbidity: Findings from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in
adults with anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Childhood maltreatment and cognitive functioning in patients with major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Childhood maltreatment and markers of neuroinflammation predict response to anti-depressant treatment in adults with major depressive disorder Conferences
Childhood maltreatment linked to greater symptom severity and poorer quality of life and function in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Childhood motor coordination and adult psychopathology in extremely low birth weight survivors Journal Articles
Childhood motor impairment is associated with male anxiety at 11 and 16 years Journal Articles
Childhood trauma and amygdala nuclei volumes in youth at risk for mental illness Journal Articles
Childhood trauma, family history, and their association with mood disorders in early adulthood Journal Articles
Childhood trauma, impulsivity, and executive functioning in crack cocaine users Journal Articles
Childhood trauma, inflammatory biomarkers and the presence of a current depressive episode: Is there a relationship in subjects from a population study? Journal Articles
Childhood, adolescent and adult age at onset and related clinical correlates in obsessive–compulsive disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Childhood-maltreatment subtypes in bipolar patients with suicidal behavior: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Children’s Mental Health Need and Expenditures in Ontario: Findings from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Children’s exposure to intimate partner violence: an overview Journal Articles
Cholesterol Metabolism and Suicidality in Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome Carriers Journal Articles
Cholinergic hypersensitivity in intestinal allergy and depression Conferences
Chronic Disease Management for Depression in Primary Care: A Summary of the Current Literature and Implications for Practice Journal Articles
Chronic Lithium Increases Growth Rate and Basal Calcium Expression in Human Olfactory-Derived Neural Precursor Cells Conferences
Chronic Lithium Treatment Inhibits Pilocarpine-Induced Mossy Fiber Sprouting in Rat Hippocampus Journal Articles
Chronic Pain and the Psychiatrist Journal Articles
Chronic Psychotic Disorders and Correctional Involvement: A Population-Based Matched Case-Control Study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Chronic administration of ketamine elicits antidepressant-like effects in rats without affecting hippocampal BDNF protein levels Conferences
Chronic anti-inflammatory treatment fails to prevent CNS disease in lupus-prone mice Journal Articles
Chronic lithium treatment and twenty-four hour rhythm of serum prolactin, growth hormone and melatonin in rats Journal Articles
Chronobiologic assessment methods for bipolar disorders: current research protocols and clinical applications Conferences
Chronobiological parameters as predictors of early treatment response in major depression Journal Articles
Chronobiological theories of mood disorder Journal Articles
Cigarette Smoking during Pregnancy Journal Articles
Cigarette demand and delayed reward discounting in nicotine-dependent individuals with schizophrenia and controls: an initial study Journal Articles
Cigarette smoking in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Circadian Phase-Delay During Pregnancy Predicts the Severity of Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Women at Risk for Postpartum Depression Conferences
Circadian genes in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Circadian pattern of acute, neuroleptic-induced dystonic reactions Journal Articles
Circadian rhythm disruption in women with bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder during remission: preliminary results Conferences
Circadian rhythm is a strong predictor of quality of life in females with bipolar disorder Conferences
Circadian rhythmopathy - a shared timer for dopamine - dependent features in bipolar disorder? biological rhythms across the perinatal period in women with mood disorders: a longitudinal, replication and expansion study Conferences
Clarifying the neural basis for incentive salience of tobacco cues in smokers Journal Articles
Clarifying the role of sleep in depression: A narrative review Journal Articles
Classifying child and adolescent psychiatric disorder by problem checklists and standardized interviews Journal Articles
Clinical Factors That Predict Cognitive Function in Patients with Major Depression Journal Articles
Clinical Neuropsychiatry Journal
Clinical Neuroscience Research Journal
Clinical Outcomes Associated With Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Patients With Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Clinical Outcomes of the First 2 Years of Implementation of the Integrated Care Pathway for Concurrent Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder Conferences
Clinical Psychopharmacology: Racial and Ethnic Issues Conferences
Clinical Psychopharmacology: Racial and Ethnic Issues Conferences
Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses Journal
Clinical Staging in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Clinical Transformation: Manager’s Perspectives on Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice Journal Articles
Clinical advances in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a position statement by the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Clinical and Methodological Factors Related to Reliability of the Best-Estimate Diagnostic Procedure Journal Articles
Clinical and sociodemographic features of the Texas resilience against depression (T-RAD) study: Findings from the initial cohort Journal Articles
Clinical characteristics and pattern of drug use in a population of crack cocaine users with and without mood disorders Conferences
Clinical characteristics of suicide attempters among bipolar disorder patients - results from the Brazilian Research Consortium for Bipolar Disorders Conferences
Clinical correlates of early-onset bipolar I disorder Conferences
Clinical correlates of general medical comorbidities in bipolar disorder Conferences
Clinical efficacy of deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS) in psychiatric and cognitive disorders: A systematic review Journal Articles
Clinical impact of late diagnose of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Clinical management of suicidality in the elderly: An opportunity for involvement in the lives of older patients Journal Articles
Clinical management of suicidality in the elderly: an opportunity for involvement in the lives of older patients. Journal Articles
Clinical outcomes and childhood trauma in bipolar disorder: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Clinical outcomes in bipolar disorder and childhood trauma: a community sample of young adults Conferences
Clinical outcomes in subthreshold bipolar disorder: a community sample of young adults Conferences
Clinical outcomes of the DA VINCI (Depression and Alcoholism: Validation of an Integrated Care Initiative) Project Conferences
Clinical predictors of depressive symptom remission and response after racemic ketamine and esketamine infusion in treatment‐resistant depression Journal Articles
Clinical predictors of diagnostic status in individuals with social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Clinical predictors of functional outcome of bipolar patients in remission Journal Articles
Clinical staging and serum cytokines in bipolar patients during euthymia Journal Articles
Clinical staging in psychiatry: a cross-cutting model of diagnosis with heuristic and practical value Journal Articles
Clinical subtypes of core premenstrual disorders: a Delphi survey Journal Articles
Clinical trials report Journal Articles
Clinical, behavioral, and neural measures of reward processing correlate with escitalopram response in depression: a Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND-1) Report Journal Articles
Clinically Significant Differences among Canadian Mental Health Acts Journal Articles
Clinically detectable copy number variations in a Canadian catchment population of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Clonidine and methylphenidate were effective for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with comorbid tics Journal Articles
Clorgyline-induced switch from locomotion to mouthing in sensitization to the dopamine D2/D3 agonist quinpirole in rats: role of sigma and imidazoline I2 receptors Journal Articles
Clozapine and Psychosocial Function in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Clozapine for bipolar disorder: What do we know so far and what next? Journal Articles
Clozapine in bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Clozapine in bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis Conferences
Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome: an interaction between dopaminergic and purinergic systems? Journal Articles
Clustering autism: using neuroanatomical differences in 26 mouse models to gain insight into the heterogeneity Journal Articles
Co-morbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: from hormones to brain circuits and behavior Conferences
Co-occurring trajectories of anxiety and insistence on sameness behaviour in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Co-producing Psychiatric Education with Service User Educators: a Collective Autobiographical Case Study of the Meaning, Ethics, and Importance of Payment Journal Articles
Cognition and Its Association with Psychosocial and Occupational Functioning during Treatment with Escitalopram in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 Report: La Cognition Et Son Association Avec Le Fonctionnement Psychosocial Et Professionnel Durant Le Traitement Par Escitalopram Chez Des Patients Souffrant De Trouble Dépressif Majeur: Une Étude Can-Bind-1 Journal Articles
Cognition in older adults with bipolar disorder: An ISBD task force systematic review and meta‐analysis based on a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment Journal Articles
Cognitive Features of Social Phobia Journal Articles
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Journal
Cognitive Outcomes with Sequential Escitalopram Monotherapy and Adjunctive Aripiprazole Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder: A Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND-1) Report Journal Articles
Cognitive Performance and Functional Competence as Predictors of Community Independence in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Cognitive Performance and Quality of Life in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive Profile of Obese Adults with and without a Mood Disorder Conferences
Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Mood Disorders: Rationale, Early Evidence, and Future Directions Journal Articles
Cognitive Remediation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Cognitive abilities and clinical variables in bipolar I depressed and euthymic patients and controls Journal Articles
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Journal
Cognitive assessment in a crack users population with and without mood disorders: a pilot study Conferences
Cognitive behavioral therapy for perinatal anxiety: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Cognitive behavioural therapy for anger and aggression in forensic mental health populations Journal Articles
Cognitive complaints in individuals recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Cognitive complaints in mood disorders: A cross-sectional study Conferences
Cognitive function and serum levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment associated with major depression following mild and moderate traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment in a Brazilian sample of patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment in a Brazilian sample of patients with bipolar mood disorder (vol 30, pg 209, 2008) Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment in school-aged children with early trauma Journal Articles
Cognitive performance and mood disorders in a community sample of young adults Conferences
Cognitive performance and psychosocial functioning in patients with bipolar disorder, unaffected siblings, and healthy controls Journal Articles
Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Cognitive-behavioral group treatment for perinatal anxiety: a pilot study Journal Articles
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorders in adolescents: a pilot study. Journal Articles
Cognitive–behavioral group treatment for menopausal symptoms: a pilot study Journal Articles
Collaborative Care for Psychiatric Disorders in Older Adults: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Collaborative Mental Health Care in Canada: Challenges, Opportunities and New Directions Journal Articles
Collaborative Mental Health Care in Canada: Looking Back and Looking Ahead Journal Articles
Combined effect of alcohol and cannabis on simulated driving Journal Articles
Combined event-related potential and functional neuroimaging methods for investigation of working memory deficits in patients with first episode schizophrenia and related disorders Conferences
Combining Pre-Treatment Clinical Information to Improve Performance in Prediction of Response to rTMS Therapy for MDD Conferences
Comment on “Associations between chronic stress and hair cortisol in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis” Journal Articles
Commentary #1 Journal Articles
Common Genetic Variation in Oxytocin Receptors is Differentially Associated With Social Abilities Across Neurodevelopmental Disorders Conferences
Common and Distinct White Matter Markers in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder Conferences
Common biological mechanisms between bipolar disorder and type 2 diabetes: Focus on inflammation Journal Articles
Common neurobiological and psychological underpinnings of gambling and substance-use disorders Journal Articles
Community Mental Health Journal Journal
Community Treatment Orders Disconnect Journal Articles
Community Treatment Orders and Other Forms of Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Journal Articles
Community Treatment Orders: An Uncertain Step Journal Articles
Community pharmacists’ experiences and people at risk of suicide in Canada and Australia: a thematic analysis Journal Articles
Comorbid Depression and Other Predictors of PTSD Severity in Urban Public Transit Employees Journal Articles
Comorbid bipolar disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: real patients, unanswered questions Journal Articles
Comorbid clinical and personality disorders: The risk of suicide Journal Articles
Comorbid depression and binge drinking: Risk for suicidality among youth Journal Articles
Comorbidade com transtornos de ansiedade em transtorno bipolar Journal Articles
Comorbidity Patterns of Psychiatric Conditions in Canadian Armed Forces Personnel Journal Articles
Comorbidity in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD): A report from the International College of Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Comorbidity of obsessive compulsive disorder in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Comparative Efficacy of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Scale and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale as Screening Tools for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of pathways to early intervention services and duration of untreated psychosis in two Canadian cities Journal Articles
Comparative evaluation of group-based mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment and management of chronic pain: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Journal Articles
Comparing the Acceptability, Clinical-, and Cost-effectiveness of Mental Health E-screening to Paper-based Screening in Pregnant Women: a Randomized, Parallel-group, Superiority Trial Conferences
Comparing the symptoms and mechanisms of “dissociation” in dissociative identity disorder and borderline personality disorder Journal Articles
Comparing youth with vs without outpatient mental health services on subsequent acute mental health care visits Journal Articles
Comparison between clinical characteristics of suicide attempters and non-attempters in a sample of bipolar disorder patients with mania as first episode polarity Conferences
Comparison between clinical characteristics of suicide attempters and non-attempters in a sample of bipolar disorder patients with mania as first episode polarity Conferences
Comparison of Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression – Depression subscale scores by administration mode: An individual participant data differential item functioning meta-analysis Journal Articles
Comparison of creatine kinase levels in depressed, manic and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Comparison of creatine kinase levels in depressed, manic, and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Comparison of cytokine levels in depressed, manic and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Comparison of cytokine levels in depressed, manic, and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Comparison of oral and depot risperidone on c-fos expression and its effects on serotonin and dopamine-like receptors in schizophrenic patients Conferences
Comparison of the adverse effects of adrenal and ovarian steroids on early pregnancy in mice Journal Articles
Competencies for Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Postgraduate Medical Education: Expert Consensus Using a Modified Delphi Process Journal Articles
Competency Assessment in the McMaster Psychotherapy Program Journal Articles
Competency Development to Meet Rural and Remote Mental Health Needs: A Case Study of Child and Youth Mental Health Policy in Yukon, Canada Conferences
Competing Models of Personality Disorders Journal Articles
Complement system in bipolar disorders and schizophrenia: C3 and C4 Conferences
Complex Interventions for Youth Mental Health: A way Forward Journal Articles
Complex chronic conditions among children born to women with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Components of Outpatient Child and Youth Concurrent Disorders Programs: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis: Composantes des programmes de troubles concomitants des enfants et des jeunes ambulatoires : une synthèse interprétative critique Journal Articles
Comprehension of affective prosody in women with post‐traumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse Journal Articles
Comprehensive Psychiatry Journal
Comprehensive trauma training curriculum for psychiatry residents (vol 36, pg 136, 2012) Journal Articles
Concepts and misconceptions regarding clinical staging models Journal Articles
Concepts and misconceptions regarding clinical staging models : Author response. Journal Articles
Concordance and discrepancy between subjective and objective cognitive assessment in bipolar disorder: what is influencing this discrepancy? Conferences
Conditional drug responses and drug tolerance Journal Articles
Conduct disorder: can it be prevented? Journal Articles
Confirmatory factor structure of anxiety and depression: evidence of item variance across childhood Journal Articles
Confirmatory validation of the patient health questionnaire - 4 (PHQ-4) for gastrointestinal disorders: A large-scale cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Conflicts of interest in invasive brain stimulation research Journal Articles
Confrontations Psychiatriques Journal
Confronting the Confounders: The Meaning, Detection, and Treatment of Confounders in Research Journal Articles
Consensus on nomenclature for clinical staging models in bipolar disorder: A narrative review from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Staging Task Force Journal Articles
Consent to Treatment: Loophole in the Ontario Mental Health Act Journal Articles
Considerations in Community Mental Health Programming for Youth Journal Articles
Consistent evidence of indirect effects of impulsive delay discounting and negative urgency between childhood adversity and adult substance use in two samples Journal Articles
Contingent Tunes of Neurochemical Ensembles in the Norm and Pathology: Can We See the Patterns? Journal Articles
Continuity of care: Validation of a new self-report measure for individuals using mental health services Journal Articles
Continuous access to sucrose and serotonergic sensitivity in the rat Conferences
Control or overcontrol for covariates? Journal Articles
Converging on Resilience Factors Journal Articles
Conversion to major neurocognitive disorder after COVID‐19 in a woman with bipolar disorder: A 6‐year longitudinal case report Journal Articles
Coping Style in Relation to the Consumption of Factor Concentrate in HIV-Infected Hemophiliacs during the Years after Their Infection Became Known Journal Articles
Coping skills and functioning in first-degree relatives of bipolar disorder patients - preliminary data Conferences
Coping strategies mediate the associations between COVID-19 experiences and mental health outcomes in pregnancy Journal Articles
Coping styles in prodromes of bipolar mania Conferences
Coping styles in prodromes of bipolar mania Journal Articles
Coping with stress: parallelism between the effects of septal lesions on growth hormone and corticosterone levels. Journal Articles
Copy number variation analysis and sequencing of the X-linked mental retardation gene TSPAN7/TM4SF2 in patients with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Core beliefs about you and me: Schema structures, relationship quality, and depressive severity in romantic couples Journal Articles
Corrected values of brain metabolites for the article: ‘Abnormal cellular energy and phospholipid metabolism in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of medication‐free individuals with bipolar disorder: an in vivo1H MRS study’ Journal Articles
Correction to: Co-producing Psychiatric Education with Service User Educators: a Collective Autobiographical Case Study of the Meaning, Ethics, and Importance of Payment Journal Articles
Correction to: The Integrated Health Hub (IHH) Model: The Evolution of a Community Based Primary Care and Mental Health Centre Journal Articles
Correction to: The Potential Effect of the Psychiatric Clerkship and Contact-Based Hypothesis on Explicit and Implicit Stigmatizing Attitudes of Canadian Medical Students Towards Mental Illness Journal Articles
Correction: Shedding a new light on Huntington’s disease: how blood can both propagate and ameliorate disease pathology Journal Articles
Correction: Teaching Psychiatry Faculty to Address Unconscious Bias: Implementation of a Large-Scale Intervention Journal Articles
Correction: White matter diffusion estimates in obsessive-compulsive disorder across 1653 individuals: machine learning findings from the ENIGMA OCD Working Group Journal Articles
Corrections Journal Articles
Correlates and Patterns of Cannabis Use in an ADHD Sample Conferences
Correlates and Patterns of Cannabis Use in an ADHD Sample Conferences
Correlates and impact of obsessive-compulsive comorbidity in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Correlates of Emotional Disorder from a Community Survey Journal Articles
Correlates of cannabis use in a sample of mental health treatment-seeking Canadian armed forces members and veterans Journal Articles
Correlation between drug treatment adherence and lithium treatment attitudes and knowledge by bipolar patients Journal Articles
Correlation between peripheral BDNF levels and hippocampus volume in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder Conferences
Correlation between serotonin synthesis and 5HT1A receptor binding: A combined a-[11C]MT and [18F]MPPF imaging study Conferences
Correlation between serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 levels in bipolar disorder Conferences
Correlations between endogenous hormones and resting-state functional connectivity in bipolar disorder with and without comorbid premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Corrigendum Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Associations between psychological distress and hair cortisol during pregnancy and the early postpartum: A meta-analysis” [Psychoneuroendocrinology 147 (2023) 105969] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Test–retest reliability of N400 event-related brain potential measures in a word-pair semantic priming paradigm in patients with schizophrenia” [Schizophr. Res. 158 (2014) 195–203] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “The global burden of suicidal behavior among people experiencing food insecurity: A systematic review and meta-analysis”. [J. Affect. Disord. 342 (2023) 91–120] Journal Articles
Cortical Abnormalities Associated With Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group Journal Articles
Cortical abnormalities in adults and adolescents with major depression based on brain scans from 20 cohorts worldwide in the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group Journal Articles
Cortical plasticity in phantom limb pain: A fMRI study on the neural correlates of behavioral clinical manifestations. Journal Articles
Cortical thickness in bipolar disorder: a systematic review Journal Articles
Cortical thickness in bipolar disorder: a systematic review Conferences
Cortical thickness in children of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder – preliminary results Journal Articles
Cortical thickness in major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Cortical thickness in symptomatic and asymptomatic bipolar offspring Journal Articles
Corticosterone, prolactin, and growth hormone responses to handling and new environment in the rat. Journal Articles
Cortisol Response to Stress in Female Youths Exposed to Childhood Maltreatment: Results of the Youth Mood Project Journal Articles
Cortisol and maternal attraction to infant odor Conferences
Cost Savings Associated with Fitness-to-Stand-Trial Assessments in Detention Centres: A Pilot Program Journal Articles
Cost effectiveness analysis of escitalopram compared to venlafaxine and fluvoxamine in treatment of major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Cost-Utility Analysis in Depression: The McSad Utility Measure for Depression Health States Journal Articles
Cost-Utility Analysis of Discontinuing Antidepressants in England Primary Care Patients Compared to Long-Term Maintenance: the ANTLER Study Conferences
Cost-utility of public health nurse-delivered group cognitive behavioural therapy for postpartum depression. Journal Articles
Cotherapy: The Need for Positive Pairing Journal Articles
Cotreatment with the kappa opioid agonist U69593 enhances locomotor sensitization to the D2/D3 dopamine agonist quinpirole and alters dopamine D2 receptor and prodynorphin mRNA expression in rats Journal Articles
Counsellors in Primary Care: Benefits and Lessons Learned Journal Articles
Couples Communication Skills Training for Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Courtroom Testimony Journal Articles
Cox-2 inhibitor (Celecoxib) as an adjunct in the treatment of depressive or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study Conferences
Coyne battles darwin, many other evolutionary biologists-and himself Journal Articles
Creatine kinase levels in patients with bipolar disorder: depressive, manic, and euthymic phases Journal Articles
Creating Comprehensive Children's Mental Health Indicators for British Columbia Journal Articles
Crisis Journal
Crisis Occurrence and Resolution in Patients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness Journal Articles
Critical Characteristics of Supported Housing: Resident and Service Provider Perspectives Journal Articles
Crossover study of transcranial magnetic stimulation used to treat auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia: A functional stereotactic approach. (Study in progress) Conferences
Cross‐cultural equivalence in depression assessment: Japan–Europe–North American study Journal Articles
Culture, Biology, and the Near-Death Experience: A Reappraisal Journal Articles
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Journal
Cumulative Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Influences: DRD2, DAT1, and COMT Genotypes as Moderators of the Relation Between Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Infant Cortisol Reactivity Conferences
Curating evidence on mental health during COVID-19: A living systematic review. Journal Articles
Current Opinion in Psychiatry Journal
Current Psychiatry Reports Journal
Current Reports on Perinatal Intimate Partner Violence Journal Articles
Current management of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Journal Articles
Current understandings of the trajectory and emerging correlates of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder: An overview of evidence Journal Articles
Cushing Disease Presenting as Primary Psychiatric Illness Journal Articles
Custody and Access Issues with Children Whose Parents are Separated or Divorced Journal Articles
Cutting the fat: Obesity and depression Journal Articles
Cyberbullying in Children and Youth: Implications for Health and Clinical Practice Journal Articles
Cytokine Levels in Panic Disorder: Evidence for a Dose-Response Relationship Journal Articles
DNA damage and apoptosis in bipolar and schizophrenia patients Conferences
DNA damage in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
DNA damage in rats after treatment with methylphenidate Journal Articles
DRD2 and SLC6A3 moderate impact of maternal depressive symptoms on infant cortisol Journal Articles
Daily Variability in Affective, Somatic, and Cognitive Symptoms Against Validated Scores of Anxiety and Depression: A Prospective Preliminary Study Conferences
Daily variation of cognitive, affective and somatic factors that are related to mood disorders in adolescents Conferences
Daily, but not occasional, cannabis use is selectively associated with more impulsive delay discounting and hyperactive ADHD symptoms in binge-drinking young adults Journal Articles
Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns, Immune Activation and Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Damage-associated Molecular Patterns in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Damage-associated Molecular Patterns in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Damage‐associated molecular patterns and immune activation in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Data-driven cognitive phenotypes in subjects with bipolar disorder and their clinical markers of severity Journal Articles
Daytime sleepiness, sleep disturbance and functioning impairment in bipolar disorder Conferences
Daytime sleepiness, sleep disturbance and functioning impairment in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Deadly Dis-Ease: Medical Knowledge and Healing in Northern Kamchatka, Russia Journal Articles
Decision-making about antidepressant medication use in pregnancy: a comparison between women making the decision in the preconception period versus in pregnancy Journal Articles
Decoding Microbiome Research for Clinical Psychiatry Journal Articles
Decomposing perseverative errors among undergraduates scoring high on the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire Journal Articles
Decreased BDNF levels in amygdala and hippocampus after intracerebroventricular administration of ouabain Journal Articles
Decreased Gamma-Band Auditory Steady State Response is Associated With Social Functional Impairment in Patients at Clinical High Risk for Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Decreased Plasma Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Unmedicated Bipolar Patients During Manic Episode Journal Articles
Decreased Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Unmedicated and Medicated Bipolar Patients in Manic and Depressive Episodes Conferences
Decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor in medicated and drug-free bipolar patients Journal Articles
Decreased cellular viability in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line induced by incubation with serum from manic bipolar patients Conferences
Decreased expression of a 40-kDa catecholamine-regulated protein in the ventral striatum of schizophrenic brain specimens from the Stanley Foundation Neuropathology Consortium Journal Articles
Decreased platelet peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors in adolescent inpatients with repeated suicide attempts Journal Articles
Decreased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in unmedicated and medicated bipolar patients during manic and depressive episodes Conferences
Decreased tooth size in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Default mode alterations in posttraumatic stress disorder related to early-life trauma: a developmental perspective Journal Articles
Default mode network in children at risk for bipolar disorder: preliminary resting-state fMRI findings Conferences
Defining Subtypes of Escitalopram Response Using Resting-State fMRI Conferences
Delay in bipolar disorder treatment is correlated to an adverse course of illness Conferences
Delayed reward discounting and addictive behavior: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Deliberate Self‐Poisoning, Unemployment, and Public Health Journal Articles
Delineating the Population Served by a Mobile Crisis Team: Organizing Diversity Journal Articles
Delirium and Hypovitaminosis D: Neuroimaging Findings Journal Articles
Delusional Double Mourning: A Complication of Bereavement in Dementia Journal Articles
Demographic and clinical characteristics of lithium‐treated older adults with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Demographic characteristics and clinical outcomes among first episode psychosis patients: A prospective study Conferences
Demonstrating Adherence to Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Deployment, Supervision and Decision-Making of Residents in an Emergency Psychiatric Service Journal Articles
Depression Among Aboriginal People Living With HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Depression and Anxiety Journal
Depression and Carcinoma of the Pancreas Journal Articles
Depression and Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Does This Comorbidity Have an Immunological Basis? A Theoretical Synthesis Conferences
Depression and Hormones. An Outline and Some Perspectives Journal Articles
Depression and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death After Acute Myocardial Infarction: Testing for the Confounding Effects of Fatigue Journal Articles
Depression and Stress are Associated with Blunted Cortisol Activity in Pregnant Immigrant Women Conferences
Depression and anxiety during the perinatal period Journal Articles
Depression and quality of life in individuals with Stargardt’s disease Journal Articles
Depression and suicidal behavior in adolescent inpatients with obsessive compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Depression and the relationship between sleep disturbances, nightmares, and suicidal ideation in treatment-seeking Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans Journal Articles
Depression in Women Journal Articles
Depression in the workforce: the intermediary effect of medical comorbidity Journal Articles
Depression in young women who have attempted suicide Journal Articles
Depression prevalence based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale compared to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM DIsorders classification: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Depression prevalence using the HADS-D compared to SCID major depression classification: An individual participant data meta-analysis Journal Articles
Depression screening in pregnancy and postpartum: Just do something? Journal Articles
Depression, Anxiety, and Mother-Infant Bonding in Women Seeking Treatment for Postpartum Depression Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Depression, migraine, and cardiovascular disease: Sadness really can break your heart Journal Articles
Depression-Anxiety Coupling Strength as a predictor of relapse in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND wellness monitoring study report Journal Articles
Depressive Personality: Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory Profiles of Sociotropic and Autonomous Subtypes Journal Articles
Depressive Symptoms in Late Pregnancy are Associated with a Systemic Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Profile Conferences
Depressive disorders: Processes leading to neurogeneration and potential novel treatments Journal Articles
Depressive symptom severity mediates the association between sleep disturbance and obesity in US adults: Results from the NHANES. Journal Articles
Depressive symptoms and course identify two distinct clusters within very poor outcome schizophrenia Conferences
Depth-Specific Changes in Age-Related Trajectory of Intracortical Myelin in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Der Nervenarzt Journal
Describing Reward Processing Across Disorders of Impulse Control Conferences
Detection of Suicidal Ideation in Depressed Subjects Using Resting Electroencephalography Features Identified by Machine Learning Algorithms Conferences
Determinants of cognitive function in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Determinants of hair cortisol in preschool children and their mothers: A Brazilian birth cohort study Journal Articles
Developing Effective Services for Patients with Personality Disorders Journal Articles
Developing Mentoring Competency: Does a One Session Training Workshop Have Impact? Journal Articles
Developing a Matrix Model of Rural Suicide Prevention Journal Articles
Developing a clinical typology of dysfunctional anger Journal Articles
Developing an Evaluation Framework for Consumer-Centred Collaborative Care of Depression Using Input from Stakeholders Journal Articles
Developing families-forward innovations in public safety personnel organizations. Journal Articles
Developing methods for assessing quality of life in different cultural settings Journal Articles
Developing personalised integrated psychotherapy for patients with personality disorders Journal Articles
Development and Implementation of a Collaborative Mental Health Care Program in a Primary Care Setting: The Ottawa Share Program Journal Articles
Development and Implementation of a Structured and Innovative Faculty-Wide Mentorship Program for a Large Department of Psychiatry. Journal Articles
Development and Implementation of an Ambulatory Integrated Care Pathway for Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Dependence Journal Articles
Development and psychometric evaluation of a teacher version of the Ontario child health study emotional behavioural scales (OCHS-EBS-T) for measuring selected DSM-5 disorders in elementary school-aged children Journal Articles
Development and use of a biological rhythm interview Conferences
Developmental delay in P300 production in children at high risk for developing alcohol-related disorders Journal Articles
Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Early- and Late- Stage Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I and Siblings Conferences
Dexmedetomidine and Post-Electroconvulsive Therapy Agitation Scores Journal Articles
Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy and increased risk of schizophrenia in offspring: a review of the evidence and putative mechanisms. Journal Articles
Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy and schizophrenia in offspring: Evidence and putative mechanisms Conferences
Diagnosing Premenstrual Tension Syndrome Journal Articles
Diagnosis and Assessment of Premenstrual Dysphoria Journal Articles
Diagnosis and treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder: an update. Journal Articles
Diagnosis and treatment of women with co-morbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Diagnosis of endogenous depression Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of measures evaluating premenstrual dysphoric disorder in women with comorbid bipolar and major depressive disorder Conferences
Diagnostic deep learning algorithms that use resting EEG to distinguish major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia from each other and from healthy volunteers Journal Articles
Diagnostic procedure in psychiatry: the structuralist approach Conferences
Diagnóstico precoce do Transtorno Bipolar Journal Articles
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Compared With General Psychiatric Management for Borderline Personality Disorder: Clinical Outcomes and Functioning Over a 2-Year Follow-Up Journal Articles
Dichotomization and Manipulation of Numbers Journal Articles
Diet and depression: exploring the biological mechanisms of action Journal Articles
Diet and depression: future needs to unlock the potential Journal Articles
Diet, nutrition, and eating behaviors in bipolar disorder: A narrative review from the ISBD nutrition and exercise task force (NEXT) Conferences
Differences between unipolar mania and bipolar‐I disorder: Evidence from nine epidemiological studies Journal Articles
Differences in Brain Glucose Metabolism Between Responders to CBT and Venlafaxine in a 16-Week Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Differences in Brain Glucose Metabolism Between Responders to CBT and Venlafaxine in a 16-Week Randomized Controlled Trial Conferences
Differences in glucose metabolism between responders to cognitive behavior therapy and venlafaxine XR in a 16-week randomized controlled trial Conferences
Differences in parental bonding between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: Evidence of prodromal symptoms? Journal Articles
Differences in resting state connectivity between follicular and luteal menstrual cycle phases in euthymic women with bipolar disorder Conferences
Differential Diagnosis of Schizophrenic and Nonschizophrenic Adolescents by Tests Based on Interference Theory Journal Articles
Differential Expression of Synapsin I and II upon Treatment by Lithium and Valproic Acid in Various Brain Regions Journal Articles
Differential associations between passive and active forms of screen time and adolescent mood and anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Differential biomarker signatures in unipolar and bipolar depression: A machine learning approach Conferences
Differential biomarker signatures in unipolar and bipolar depression: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Differential changes in central serotonin and dopamine receptors in spontaneous hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Differential early attachment characteristics in schizophrenic and bipolar disorder patients Conferences
Differential effects of clorgyline on sensitization to quinpirole in rats tested in small and large environments Journal Articles
Differential effects of flumazenil in alcoholic and nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients Journal Articles
Differential experiences during the holocaust and suicidal ideation in older adults in treatment for depression Journal Articles
Differentiation of Homicidal Child Molesters, Nonhomicidal Child Molesters, and Nonoffenders by Phallometry Journal Articles
Dimensional Personality Traits and the Prediction of DSM-IV Personality Disorder Symptom Counts in a Nonclinical Sample Journal Articles
Diminished Frontostriatal Activity During Processing of Monetary Rewards and Losses in Pathological Gambling Journal Articles
Disability and need in adolescent onset psychosis Conferences
Disability in Schizophrenia: Evidence for Integrated Rehabilitative Mental Health Treatment Designs Conferences
Disconnected and underproductive speech in schizophrenia: Unique relationships across multiple indicators of social functioning Journal Articles
Discovering biomarkers for antidepressant response: protocol from the Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) and clinical characteristics of the first patient cohort Journal Articles
Discrepancy Between Subjective and Objective Parameters of Sleep and Biological Rhythms in Pregnant Women with Mood Disorders Conferences
Discriminative validity and interpretability of the mood and feelings questionnaire Journal Articles
Disorder-specific mental health service use for mood and anxiety disorders: associations with age, sex, and psychiatric comorbidity Journal Articles
Dissociating dorsal and ventral visual stream functions via working memory performance in schizophrenia Conferences
Dissociation and borderline personality disorder: An update for clinicians Journal Articles
Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Detailed Look Journal Articles
Distinct Subcortical Volume Alterations in Pediatric and Adult OCD: A Worldwide Meta- and Mega-Analysis Journal Articles
Distinct Subcortical Volume Alterations in Pediatric and Adult OCD: A Worldwide Meta-and Mega-Analysis (vol , pg , 2016) Journal Articles
Distinct profiles of psychological and neuropsychological functions underlying goal-directed pursuit in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Distinguishing subtypes within the borderline domain: a combined psychoneuroendocrine approach. Journal Articles
Distribution of ventricular brain ratio values in schizophrenic patients and normal subjects Conferences
Do National Frameworks Help in Local Policy Development? Lessons from Yukon about the Evergreen Child and Youth Mental Health Framework Journal Articles
Do You See What I Mean? Indices of Central Tendency Journal Articles
Do all obsessions contradict personal values to the same degree? A pilot investigation Journal Articles
Do anxiety and depression symptoms moderate the effect of motivational enhancement therapy as a pretreatment to dialectical behaviour therapy skills training? A follow‐up analysis of a pilot randomised controlled trial for youth Journal Articles
Do benzodiazepines modify the incidence of neuroleptic-induced dystonia? Journal Articles
Do changes in subjective sleep and biological rhythms predict worsening in postpartum depressive symptoms? A prospective study across the perinatal period Journal Articles
Do psychiatric medications, especially antidepressants, adversely impact maternal metabolic outcomes? Journal Articles
Do school-based prevention programs impact co-occurring alcohol use and psychological distress during adolescence? Journal Articles
Does Mental Illness Stigma Contribute to Adolescent Standardized Patients' Discomfort With Simulations of Mental Illness and Adverse Psychosocial Experiences? Journal Articles
Does One Size Truly Fit All? The COUPE Undergraduate Perspective on Competency-Based Medical Education in Psychiatry Journal Articles
Does Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (1,2) Mediate Depression and Cardiovascular Disease During Pregnancy? A Review of the Literature Conferences
Does SSRI augmentation with antidepressants that influence noradrenergic function resolve depression in obsessive–compulsive disorder? Journal Articles
Does Systems Integration Affect Continuity of Mental Health Care? Journal Articles
Does Youth Net Decrease Mental Illness Stigma in High School Students? Journal Articles
Does cannabis use impact cognitive behavioural therapy outcomes for anxiety and related disorders? A preliminary examination Journal Articles
Does ceasing exercise induce depressive symptoms? A systematic review of experimental trials including immunological and neurogenic markers Journal Articles
Does early antipsychotic response predict long‐term treatment outcome? Journal Articles
Does non-pharmacological therapy for antenatal depression reduce risks for the infant? Journal Articles
Does pregnancy affect circadian rhythms in women with mood disorders during remission? Conferences
Does the Ranking Matter? A Retrospective Cohort Study Investigating the Impact of the 2018 CANMAT and ISBD Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Treatment Recommendations for Acute Mania on Rehospitalization Rates Journal Articles
Doing Better with “Bad Kids”: Explaining the Policy-Research Gap with Conduct Disorder in Canada Journal Articles
Don't Let Anyone Bully You into Thinking Bullying is Not Important! Journal Articles
Donepezil-associated manic episode with psychotic features: a case report and review of the literature Journal Articles
Dopamine D2 receptors quantified in vivo in human narcolepsy Journal Articles
Dopamine Genetic Polymorphisms Predict Spatial Working Memory Function in Normal Four-Year Old Children Conferences
Dopamine dysregulation syndrome: implications for a dopamine hypothesis of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Dopaminergic control of locomotion, mouthing, snout contact, and grooming: opposing roles of D1 and D2 receptors Journal Articles
Dorsal Anterior Cingulate as a Functional Link Between Executive and Limbic Networks Subserving Emotional Regulation in Children Conferences
Dose-dependent effects of topiramate on alcohol cue reactivity and the subjective effects of drinking: Preliminary data Conferences
Dose-response profiles of plasma growth hormone and vasopressin after clonidine challenge in man Journal Articles
Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of bulimic patients. Journal Articles
Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of INN 00835 (netamiftide) in the treatment of outpatients with major depression. Journal Articles
Dr Paul Janssen research award winner presentation: Association between three functional polymorphisms of the dopamine D2 receptor gene and polydipsia in schizophrenia Conferences
Dr. Mamdani and Colleagues Reply Journal Articles
Dr. Szechtman and Colleagues Reply Journal Articles
Drug Abuse, Self Abuse and the Abuse of Authority Journal Articles
Drug Benefit Trends Journal
Drug Repurposing and Personalized Treatment Strategies for Bipolar Disorder Using Transcriptomic Journal Articles
Drugs and the DST: need for a reappraisal Journal Articles
Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior: The Pharmacology of Abuse and Dependence Journal Articles
Dynamics of behavioral sensitization induced by the dopamine agonist quinpirole and a proposed central energy control mechanism Journal Articles
Dynamics of behavioral sensitization induced by the dopamine agonist quinpirole and a proposed central energy control mechanism Journal Articles
Dysfunctional Attitudes and 5-HT2 Receptors During Depression and Self-Harm Journal Articles
Dysfunctional attitudes and 5-HT2 receptors during depression and self harm Conferences
Dysglycemia in a community sample of people treated for schizophrenia: The Diabetes in Schizophrenia in Central-south Ontario (DiSCO) study Journal Articles
Dysregulation of neuroendocrine crossroads: Depression, orcadian rhythms and the retina — A hypothesis Journal Articles
E.01.01 Overview Conferences
E.01.01 Pharmacological treatment of resistant OCD Conferences
EDNOS eating disorders not otherwise specified. Scientific and clinical perspectives on the other eating disorders Journal Articles
Earlier illness onset and increased hormonal sensitivity in women with co-morbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: clinical and treatment implications Conferences
Early Adversity, Symptoms of Depression and Breastfeeding Conferences
Early Intervention Services for Psychosis and Time Until Application for Disability Income Support: A Survival Analysis Journal Articles
Early Intervention in Psychiatry Journal
Early Life Stress is a Risk Factor for Bipolar Disorder: A Prospective Cohort Study of Young Adults Conferences
Early Life Trauma, Emotion Dysregulation and Hormonal Sensitivity Across Female Reproductive Life Events. Journal Articles
Early Outcomes of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Complex Clinical Population Conferences
Early Outcomes of the Integrated Care Pathway for Concurrent Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Dependence Conferences
Early Parental Loss and Suicidal Ideation in University Students Journal Articles
Early Psychosis Intervention and Primary Care: A Mixed Methods Study of Family Physician Knowledge, Attitudes, Preferences, and Needs Journal Articles
Early Socioeconomic Status is Associated With Adult Nighttime Blood Pressure Dipping Journal Articles
Early apoptosis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Early apoptosis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with bipolar disorder: preliminary results Conferences
Early change in reward and punishment sensitivity as a predictor of response to antidepressant treatment for major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Early detection of psychosis: finding those at clinical high risk Journal Articles
Early exposure to cannabis and bipolar disorder incidence: Findings from a 22‐year birth cohort study in Brazil Journal Articles
Early functional impairment in bipolar youth: A nested population-based case-control study Journal Articles
Early identification of bipolar disorder among young adults - a 22-year community birth cohort Conferences
Early identification of bipolar disorder among young adults – a 22‐year community birth cohort Journal Articles
Early illness progression in mood disorders: A population-based longitudinal study Journal Articles
Early intervention for obsessive compulsive disorder: An expert consensus statement Journal Articles
Early intervention in bipolar disorders: Clinical, biochemical and neuroimaging imperatives Journal Articles
Early intervention, relapse prevention, and neuroprogression in bipolar disorder: The evidence matters Journal Articles
Early life stress does not alter global DNA methylation in the striatum of an animal model of mania Conferences
Early life trauma, inflammation and mood disorders in young adults from the general population Conferences
Early socioeconomic status is associated with adult nighttime blood pressure dipping. Journal Articles
Early trauma and mood disorders in youngsters Journal Articles
Economic Evaluation of Early Psychosis Interventions From A Canadian Perspective Journal Articles
Economic evaluations of treatment of depressive disorders in adolescents: Protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Editorial Journal Articles
Editorial Journal Articles
Editorial Journal Articles
Editorial Journal Articles
Effect of Abstinence from Social Media on Time Perception: Differences between Low- and At-Risk for Social Media “Addiction” Groups Journal Articles
Effect of Concurrent Medical Illness on Dexamethasone Suppression Test Results in Depressed Inpatients Journal Articles
Effect of N-acetylcysteine and/or deferoxamine on oxidative stress and hyperactivity in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Effect of a Dietary Supplement on Predisposition to Depressed Mood in Postpartum Conferences
Effect of a Dietary Supplement on Predisposition to Depressed Mood in Postpartum: An Open-Label Trial Conferences
Effect of chronic antidepressant treatment with adinazolam and desipramine on melatonin output Journal Articles
Effect of chronic lithium treatment on twenty four hour variation in plasma and red blood cell lithium and sodium concentrations, drinking behavior, body weight, kidney weight, and corticosterone levels Journal Articles
Effect of combined haloperidol-lithium treatment on in vitro RBC lithium uptake in patients with affective disorders Journal Articles
Effect of dysfunctional attitudes and postpartum state on vulnerability to depressed mood Journal Articles
Effect of haloperidol and apomorphine treatment on dopamine receptors in pituitary and striatum Journal Articles
Effect of loxapine on peripheral dopamine-like and serotonin receptors in patients with schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Effect of mood stabilizers on behavioral and manic-like symptoms secondary to herpes simplex encephalitis: a case report Conferences
Effect of nicotine on quinpirole-induced checking behavior in rats: implications for obsessive-compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Effect of propranolol and phenothiazines on electrodermal orienting and habituation in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Effect of risperidone and olanzapine on c-fos expression and 5-HT2A receptors in schizophrenic patients Conferences
Effect of selective monoamine oxidase inhibition by clorgyline and deprenyl on the norepinephrine receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase system in rat cortex Journal Articles
Effective recommendations towards healthy routines to preserve mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Effectiveness and tolerance of anti‐inflammatory drugs' add‐on therapy in major mental disorders: a systematic qualitative review Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Health System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review of Academic Literature Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Health System Services and Programs for Youth to Adult Transitions in Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review of Academic Literature Conferences
Effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) manualized program for clinically anxious children: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention for persons with early psychosis: A multi-site randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Effects and management of the menopausal transition in women with depression and bipolar disorder. Conferences
Effects of BDNF val66met polymorphism on brain neurochemistry in bipolar disorder patients: A 1H MRS study Conferences
Effects of COVID-19 Mental Health Interventions Among Children, Adolescents, and Adults Not Quarantined or Undergoing Treatment Due to COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Effects of Cognitive–Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD on Partners’ Psychological Functioning Journal Articles
Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Peripheral Adrenoceptors, Plasma, Noradrenaline, MHPG and Cortisol in Depressed Patients Journal Articles
Effects of Gabapentin on Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking Journal Articles
Effects of Moderate Exercise on Cortical Resilience: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Targeting the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Journal Articles
Effects of N-acetylcysteine and/or deferoxamine on oxidative stress and hyperactivity in an animal model of mania Conferences
Effects of a single bout of maximal aerobic exercise on BDNF in bipolar disorder: A gender-based response Journal Articles
Effects of acute alcohol tolerance on perceptions of danger and willingness to drive after drinking Journal Articles
Effects of acute prednisone administration on memory, attention and emotion in healthy human adults Journal Articles
Effects of acute tyrosine/phenylalanine depletion on the selective processing of smoking-related cues and the relative value of cigarettes in smokers Journal Articles
Effects of antidepressants on entrainment of circadian rhythms Journal Articles
Effects of cannabidiol on amphetamine-induced oxidative stress generation in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Effects of childhood trauma on BDNF and TBARS during crack-cocaine withdrawal Journal Articles
Effects of cholinergic stimulation on pituitary hormone release Journal Articles
Effects of clorgylineon quinpirole-induced compulsive checking and spatial distribution of locomotion Journal Articles
Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on brain glucose metabolism in patients with major depression Conferences
Effects of depression and excess body weight on cognition and functioning in young adults: A population-based study Journal Articles
Effects of depression pharmacotherapy in fertility treatment on conception, birth, and neonatal health: A systematic review Journal Articles
Effects of electroconvulsive therapy and desipramine on neuroendocrine responses to the clonidine challenge test. Journal Articles
Effects of gut microbiota on the brain: implications for psychiatry. Journal Articles
Effects of in utero and postnatal nicotine exposure in rats Conferences
Effects of interventions to reduce adolescent depression in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of lithium administration on plasma catecholamines Journal Articles
Effects of lithium and valproate on DNA damage and oxidative stress markers in an animal model Conferences
Effects of lithium and valproate on amphetamine-induced oxidative stress generation in an animal model of mania. Journal Articles
Effects of lithium and valproate on hippocampus citrate synthase activity in an animal model of mania Conferences
Effects of lithium and valproate on hippocampus citrate synthase activity in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Effects of lithium and valproate on serum and hippocampal neurotrophin-3 levels in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Effects of lithium, nortriptyline and dexamethasone on insulin sensitivity Journal Articles
Effects of long-term lithium treatment on serum calcium, magnesium, and calcitonin [proceedings]. Journal Articles
Effects of maternal prenatal stress on offspring development: a commentary Journal Articles
Effects of mental health interventions among people hospitalized with COVID-19 infection: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Effects of mood stabilizers on DNA damage in an animal model of mania. Journal Articles
Effects of mood stabilizers on hippocampus and amygdala BDNF levels in an animal model of mania induced by ouabain Conferences
Effects of mood stabilizers on hippocampus and amygdala BDNF levels in an animal model of mania induced by ouabain Journal Articles
Effects of mood stabilizers on mitochondrial respiratory chain activity in brain of rats treated with d-amphetamine Journal Articles
Effects of oxazepam and lorazepam on implicit and explicit memory: evidence for possible influences of time course Journal Articles
Effects of parenting interventions on child and caregiver cortisol levels: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of prenatal immune activation on amphetamine-induced addictive behaviors: Contributions from animal models Journal Articles
Effects of quetiapine extended release on sleep and quality of life in midlife women with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Effects of sodium butyrate and tamoxifen on creatine kinase activity in an animal model of mania Conferences
Effects of sodium butyrate on d-amphetamine-induced oxidative stress in the rat brain Conferences
Effects of the serotonergic agonist mCPP on male rats in the quinpirole sensitization model of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) Journal Articles
Effects of topiramate on alcohol cue reactivity and the subjective effects of drinking Conferences
Effects of varenicline versus transdermal nicotine replacement therapy on cigarette demand on quit day in individuals with substance use disorders Journal Articles
Efficacy and acceptability of mood stabilisers in the treatment of acute bipolar depression: systematic review Journal Articles
Efficacy of Zolmitriptan at Early Time-Points for the Acute Treatment of Migraine and Treatment of Recurrence Journal Articles
Efficacy of pregabalin and venlafaxine-XR in generalized anxiety disorder: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled 8-week trial Journal Articles
Efficacy of rapid-rate repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Efficacy studies of paroxetine in panic disorder. Journal Articles
Effort-based decision-making is affected by overweight/obesity in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Electrocortical and Neuroendocrine Correlates of Shyness in Adults Conferences
Electrocortical, cardiovascular, and affective response to positive and negative emotional stimuli. Conferences
Electroretinography and suicidal behaviors: a systematic review Journal Articles
Electroretinography and suicidal behaviors: a systematic review Journal Articles
Electroretinography in psychiatry: A systematic literature review Journal Articles
Elements of Affective Instability Associated with Suicidal Behaviour in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Elevated 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG) excretion in dexamethasone resistant depressed patients Journal Articles
Elevated Monoamine Oxidase-A Distribution Volume in Borderline Personality Disorder Is Associated With Severity Across Mood Symptoms, Suicidality, and Cognition Journal Articles
Elevated Putamen D 2 Receptor Binding Potential in Major Depression With Motor Retardation: An [ 11 C]Raclopride Positron Emission Tomography Study Journal Articles
Elevated Putamen D<char aid="99821877" id="sub">2</char> Receptor Binding Potential in Major Depression With Motor Retardation: An [<char aid="99821878" id="sup">11</char>C]Raclopride Positron Emission Tomography Study Journal Articles
Elevated serum S100B protein in drug-free bipolar patients during first manic episode: a pilot study Journal Articles
Elevated serum superoxide dismutase and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in bipolar disorder during mood episodes and in schizophrenia Conferences
Elevated serum superoxide dismutase and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in different phases of bipolar disorder and in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Elevated serum superoxide dismutase and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in schizophrenia: A study of patients treated with haloperidol or clozapine Journal Articles
Elevated social anxiety symptoms across childhood and adolescence predict adult mental disorders and cannabis use Journal Articles
Elucidating the Effect of a Brief Motivational Drinking Intervention Using Neuroimaging: A Preliminary Study Conferences
Emergency Department Presentations and Youth Suicide: A Case-Control Study Journal Articles
Emergency Psychiatric Admission to the General Hospital a Formulation of the Process Journal Articles
Emotion regulation moderates between maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and oxytocin response Journal Articles
Emotion-Focused Principles for Working with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Emotional Conflict in Offspring of Bipolar Parents - Preliminary fMRI Findings Conferences
Emotional Disturbance and Cognitive Deficits in Hyperthyroidism Journal Articles
Emotional Dysregulation in Children: The Impact of Prenatal Stress and Postnatal Maternal Sensitivity Conferences
Emotional Eating Mediates the Association Between Low Maternal Sensitivity and High BMI in Pre-School Girls but not Boys Conferences
Emotional Memory in Pregnant Women with and Without Major Depression Conferences
Emotional hyper‐reactivity and cardiometabolic risk in remitted bipolar patients: a machine learning approach Journal Articles
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: a preliminary report Conferences
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder: Impact of multiple episodes and childhood trauma Journal Articles
Emotional memory in pregnant women at risk for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Emotional reactivity and explicit emotional memory biases in major depressive disorder during euthymia Journal Articles
Encountering Pharmacogenetic Test Results in the Psychiatric Clinic Journal Articles
Ending the Darkness of Suicide Journal Articles
Endocrine responses to electric shock and avoidance conditioning in the rhesus monkey: cortisol and growth hormone Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Enhancing Integrated Treatment Programs for Severe Concurrent Substance Use and Mental Disorders: Insights on Overdose from the ROAR CANADA Project: Améliorer les programmes de traitement intégré pour les troubles mentaux et les troubles liés à l'usage de substances psychoactives graves et concomitants : aperçu de la problématique des surdoses dans le cadre du projet ROAR CANADA. Journal Articles
Epidemiologic Perspective on Chronic Pain Treatment Journal Articles
Epidemiologic assessment of overmet need in mental health care Conferences
Epidemiology and Management of Anxiety in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Epidemiology of Chronic Pain with Psychological Comorbidity: Prevalence, Risk, Course, and Prognosis Journal Articles
Epigenetic induction of melatonin MT 1 receptors by valproate: Neurotherapeutic implications Journal Articles
Episodic simulation of future events is impaired in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Epstein-barr virus antibodies and severity of depression Journal Articles
Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Errata Journal Articles
Erratum Journal Articles
Erratum to “Prevalence and correlates of poor medication adherence amongst psychiatric outpatients in southwestern Nigeria” [General Hospital Psychiatry 31 (2009) 167–174] Journal Articles
Erratum to “Prevalence of dysthymic disorder in primary care” Journal Articles
Erratum to: Developing Mentoring Competency: Does a One Session Training Workshop Have Impact? Journal Articles
Erratum to: Quetiapine augmentation of SRIs in treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study [ISRCTN83050762] Journal Articles
Erratum to: Race, ethnicity, and the duration of untreated psychosis: a systematic review Journal Articles
Erratum: Assessment and treatment of food aversion in a four year old boy: A multidimensional approach (Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, August 1990, page 501-505) Journal Articles
Erratum: The epidemiology of psychological problems in the elderly (Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (March 2006) 51, 3) Journal Articles
Erratum: The protective effect of the obesity-associated rs9939609 A variant in fat mass- and obesity-associated gene on depression Journal Articles
Erratum: Trainee safety in psychiatric units and facilities (Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, October 1990, pages 634-635) Journal Articles
Erratum: Wathen N. Intimate partner violence [position paper] (Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (2013) 58:6 (1-15)) Journal Articles
Erythrocyte Lithium Transport in Bipolar Affective Disorders Journal Articles
Erythrocyte lithium efflux in bipolar patients and control subjects: The question of reproducibility Journal Articles
Escitalopram Response is Associated With Pre-Treatment Neuraland Clinical Correlates of Anhedonia Conferences
Escitalopram ameliorates differences in neural activity between healthy comparison and major depressive disorder groups on an fMRI Emotional conflict task: A CAN-BIND-1 study Journal Articles
Essential data dimensions for prospective international data collection in older age bipolar disorder (OABD): Recommendations from the GAGE‐BD group Journal Articles
Establishing a Model for Care in Schizophrenia: One Program's Experience Journal Articles
Establishing benefit of emotion-focused, carer-based interventions for adolescents with anorexia nervosa Journal Articles
Estimated Prevalence of the Seasonal Subtype of Major Depression in a Canadian Community Sample Journal Articles
Estimating the Prevalence of Schizophrenia Among New Zealand Māori: A Capture–Recapture Approach Journal Articles
Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in psychiatric outpatients using a two-phase procedure Journal Articles
Estrogen–progesterone balance in the context of blastocyst implantation failure induced by predator stress Journal Articles
Ethical Challenges in the Provision of Mental Health Services for Children and Families During Disasters Journal Articles
Ethnic Diversity and Pathways to Care for a First Episode of Psychosis in Ontario Journal Articles
Ethnic differences in physical and mental multimorbidity in working age adults with a history of depression and/or anxiety Journal Articles
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Journal
European Journal of Psychiatry Journal
European Neuropsychopharmacology Journal
European psychiatry Journal
Evaluating a group intervention to reduce engulfment and self-stigmatization in first episode schizophrenia: Preliminary findings Conferences
Evaluating the Effectiveness and Social Return on Investment of the Pine River Institute: An Intensive Mental Health and Addiction Program for Young People Conferences
Evaluating the Implementation of Integrated Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review to Guide the Development of Quality Measures Journal Articles
Evaluating the Organizational Cultural Competence of a Clinical Psychology Training Clinic: Findings and Implications for Training Sites Journal Articles
Evaluating the effectiveness and quality of mobile applications for perinatal depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Evaluating the effectiveness of a brief group cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for perinatal depression Journal Articles
Evaluation of 2 Measures of Psychological Distress as Screeners for Depression in the General Population Journal Articles
Evaluation of Children's Social Skills Groups Using Self-Report Measures with Children and Parents Journal Articles
Evaluation of decision-making through the ultimatum game in bipolar disorder Conferences
Evaluation of delay discounting as a transdiagnostic research domain criteria indicator in 1388 general community adults Journal Articles
Evaluation of mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor serum levels in mood disorders Conferences
Evaluation of peripheral biomarkers in bipolar and unipolar depression Conferences
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Suicide Prevention Programs: A Methodological Perspective Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Original Ontario Child Health Study Scales Journal Articles
Evaluation of the online component of a blended learning electroconvulsive therapy curriculum for psychiatry residents to treat depression in older adults Journal Articles
Evidence for Sustained Improvement in Memory Deficits Following Computer-Assisted Cognitive Remediation in Patients With a Mood Disorder Conferences
Evidence for the involvement of the hippocampus in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Evidence of astrogliosis in rat hippocampus after d-amphetamine exposure Journal Articles
Evidence of causal effect of major depression on alcohol dependence: findings from the psychiatric genomics consortium Journal Articles
Evidence of deficits in intracortical maturation in bipolar I disorder: a 3T MRI study Conferences
Evidence review and clinical guidance for the use of ziprasidone in Canada Journal Articles
Evidence-Based Mental Health Journal
Evidence-Based Mental Health Journal Articles
Evidence-Based Mental Health: the first year Journal Articles
Evidence-based child psychiatry and the two solitudes Journal Articles
Evidence-based guidelines: response to Professor Gordon Parker's critique Journal Articles
Evidence-based practice in mental health Journal Articles
Evidential Basis for the Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders Journal Articles
Evolution Psychiatrique Journal
Evolved mechanisms in depression: the role and interaction of attachment and social rank in depression Journal Articles
Examination of Cortico-Amygdalar Connectivity and Externalizing/Internalizing Behaviors in a Transdiagnostic Sample of Children and Youth With Different Neurodevelopmental Disorders Conferences
Examination of the Mechanisms of Weight Gain in Patients with Depression Conferences
Examining Associations Between Women’s Mental Health and Obesity Journal Articles
Examining Student Perspectives On Suicidal Behaviour and Its Prevention in Sri Lanka Journal Articles
Examining a training effect on the state anxiety response to an acute bout of exercise in low and high anxious individuals Journal Articles
Examining clinically relevant levels of depressive symptoms in mothers following a diagnosis of epilepsy in their children: a prospective analysis Journal Articles
Examining differences in brain metabolism associated with childhood maltreatment and suicidal attempt in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: A PET and Machine Learning Study Journal Articles
Examining temporal trends in psychological distress and the co-occurrence of common substance use in a population-based sample of grade 7–12 students from 2013 to 2019 Journal Articles
Examining the outcome of first-episode psychosis: A meta-analysis of prospective studies Conferences
Excess social media use in normal populations is associated with amygdala-striatal but not with prefrontal morphology Journal Articles
Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue in depressed patients and therapeutic response of a sedating antidepressant Journal Articles
Executive function and suicidal risk in women with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Expected levels of behaviour problems in a population sample of children between four and eighteen years Journal Articles
Experiences of acute mental health care in an ethnically diverse inner city: qualitative interview study Journal Articles
Experiences of chronic stress and mental health concerns among urban Indigenous women Journal Articles
Experiences of immigrant new mothers with symptoms of depression Journal Articles
Experiences of racial microaggression among immigrant and Canadian-born young adults: Effects of double stigma on mental health and service use Journal Articles
Expert consensus recommendations on the use of randomized clinical trials for drug approval in psychiatry- comparing trial designs Journal Articles
Explicit emotional memory biases in mood disorders: A systematic review Journal Articles
Explicit emotional memory in major depressive disorder during euthymia Conferences
Exploring Elements of Workplace Social Capital that Impact the Accommodation Negotiation Process: A Qualitative Descriptive Study Journal Articles
Exploring community midwives' perceptions of their work experience after deployment in the rural areas of Chitral, Pakistan Journal Articles
Exploring logical reasoning abilities in schizophrenia patients Journal Articles
Exploring metabolic factors and health behaviors in relation to suicide attempts: A case-control study Journal Articles
Exploring screening for borderline personality disorder in pediatric inpatients with psychiatric Illness Journal Articles
Exploring the Genetic Architecture of Mood Symptoms in Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Psychosis Using Polygenic Risk Scores Conferences
Exploring the Influence of Patient Experience on Policymaking: A Case Study of Coproduction Processes for Mental Health System Improvement Conferences
Exploring the Neural Correlates of Delusions of Reference Journal Articles
Exploring the association between moral injury and posttraumatic stress symptoms among Canadian public safety personnel. Journal Articles
Exposure to Blue Wavelength Light Reduces Activation Within the Anterior Cingulate Cortex During Anticipation of Certain Reward Stimuli Conferences
Expression of Depressive Symptoms, Regional Variations: A Comparison of Three Cities in Pakistan Journal Articles
Expression of matrix metalloproteinases in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
External validation of a bifactor model of oppositional defiant disorder Journal Articles
F107. Cortical Thickness Features Differentiate 16-Week Antidepressant Response Profiles in Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
F113. Hippocampal Subfield-Specific Sex Differences in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
F119. Age Trajectory of Deep White Matter Intensity in Bipolar Disorder Type-I Using MRI Conferences
F178. High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder Shows Normal Task-Related Neural Activity but Altered Functional Connectivity During a Spatial N-Back fMRI Task Conferences
F209. Semantic Processing Abnormalities and Their Relationship to Symptoms in Persons at Clinical High Risk for Schizophrenia: An Event-Related Brain Potential Study Journal Articles
FC02-05 - Grasping behavior in schizophrenia suggests selective impairment in the dorsal visual pathway Journal Articles
FC11.02 The Language of Schizophrenia in XXth Century: From Phenomenological to Illocutionary Approach Conferences
Face-to-face versus Video Teleconference Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety and Related Disorders: A Preliminary Comparison Journal Articles
Factitious disorder in a psychogeriatric inpatient Journal Articles
Factor Analysis of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire in Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Journal Articles
Factor structure and longitudinal invariance of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in adult women: application in a population-based sample of mothers of children with epilepsy Journal Articles
Factor structure of the Multnomah Community Ability Scale – longitudinal analysis Journal Articles
Factors Affecting Recruitment into Psychiatry: a Canadian Experience Journal Articles
Factors Influencing Service Use Among Homeless Youths With Co-Occurring Disorders Journal Articles
Factors Related to Dropout From Treatment in Two Outpatient Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Factors affecting solubilization of the D1 receptor from bovine caudate nucleus Journal Articles
Factors associated with fears due to COVID-19: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) COVID-19 cohort study Journal Articles
Fahr-Type Calcification and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms With M-Proteinemia Journal Articles
Familial aggregation of emotional and behavioral problems of childhood in the general population Journal Articles
Family disadvantages in early life were associated with depression in adulthood Journal Articles
Fatal Overdose with Amantadine Journal Articles
Feasibility and acceptability of a volunteer peer fidelity assessment model in early psychosis intervention programmes in Ontario: Results from a pilot study Journal Articles
Festschrift in Honor of Professor Ian F. Brockington Journal Articles
Fetal Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressant Exposure: Maternal and Fetal Factors Journal Articles
Fetal androgen exposure and pragmatic language ability of girls in middle childhood: Implications for the extreme male-brain theory of autism Journal Articles
Fidelity Assessment of Peer-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Fidelity and Recovery-Orientation in Assertive Community Treatment Journal Articles
Fidelity to Assertive Community Treatment Program Standards: A Regional Survey of Adherence to Standards Journal Articles
Field trial for autistic disorder in DSM-IV Journal Articles
Figuring Out Factors: The Use and Misuse of Factor Analysis Journal Articles
Finding Our Way: An Introduction to Path Analysis Journal Articles
Findings From Baseline Neuroimaging Data in a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of rTMS for Executive Function Deficits for ASD Conferences
Findings from A Comparison of Mental Health Services in Primary Care and Outpatient Mental Health Services Journal Articles
Fire Fetishism, Diagnostic and Clinical Implications: A Review of Two Cases* Journal Articles
First Nations women’s mental health: results from an Ontario survey Journal Articles
First-Episode Psychosis: A Comparative Review of Diagnostic Evolution and Predictive Variables in Adolescents versus Adults Journal Articles
First-episode psychosis, substance abuse and early intervention Conferences
First‐episode affective psychosis and lipid monitoring: survival analysis of the first abnormal lipid test Journal Articles
Fisiopatologia do transtorno afetivo bipolar: o que mudou nos últimos 10 anos? Journal Articles
Floods in southern Brazil: the urgent need for mental health support in the context of climatic disasters. Journal Articles
Flumazenil has an anxiolytic effect in simulated stress Journal Articles
Fluoxetine efficacy in social phobia. Journal Articles
Fluoxetine improves functional work capacity in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder Journal Articles
Fluoxetine treatment improves social functioning in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Fluoxetine-induced pancreatic beta cell dysfunction: New insight into the benefits of folic acid in the treatment of depression Journal Articles
Fluoxetine-induced pancreatic beta cell dysfunction: New insight into the benefits of folic acid in the treatment of depression. Journal Articles
Fluvoxamina no transtorno depressivo maior: um estudo multicêntrico aberto Journal Articles
Follicular and late luteal phase serum fluoxetine levels in women suffering from late luteal phase dysphoric disorder Journal Articles
Follow-Up of Attempted Suicide in Christchurch Journal Articles
Food addiction in a large non-clinical sample of Canadians Conferences
Forensic psychiatry and the use of virtual reality and attention control technologies in dealing with sex offenders Conferences
Forensic psychiatry in the arctic – a comparative study of patient characteristics, health care system and legislation in greenland and nunavut Conferences
Forks in the road: Definitions of response, remission, recovery, and other dichotomized outcomes in randomized controlled trials for adolescent depression. A scoping review Journal Articles
Formulation: A Multiperspective Model Journal Articles
Fostering networking opportunities and creating a community of early and mid‐career clinicians and researchers within the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Journal Articles
Fourth consensus of the International Society for Premenstrual Disorders (ISPMD): auditable standards for diagnosis and management of premenstrual disorder Journal Articles
Fractal Dimension Compared to Resting State Network Analysis of BOLD MRI in Alzheimer's Disease Conferences
Fragmented Pathways to Care Journal Articles
Framing Service User Involvement in Mental Health: A Qualitative Review Journal Articles
Freedom of and from religion. Journal Articles
French adaptation and validation of the Panic Disorder Severity Scale—self-report Journal Articles
French translation and linguistic validation of a new Patient Reported Outcome instrument: the BODY-Q: A description of the process. Journal Articles
Frequency of brain tissue donation for research after suicide Journal Articles
From anatomy to function: the role of the somatosensory cortex in emotional regulation Journal Articles
From the Corrections Officer: Why We Correct for Multiple Tests Journal Articles
Frontal Brain Oscillatory Coupling in Children of Parents With Social Phobia: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Frontal Executive Attention Network in Medication-Free Women With Depression during Menopausal Transition: Normalization of Prefrontal Cortical Hyperactivation after Antidepressant Treatment Conferences
Functional Impairment in Patients with Remitted Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Functional Neuroimaging of Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Functional and cognitive impairment in the first episode of depression: A systematic review Conferences
Functional assessment short test (FAST): Self-administration in outpatient mental health settings Journal Articles
Functional competence in major depressive disorder: Objective performance and subjective perceptions Journal Articles
Functional impact of biological rhythm disturbance in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Functional impairment and cognitive performance in mood disorders: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Functional impairment and disability across mood states in subjects with bipolar disorder Conferences
Functional impairment and previous suicide attempts in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Functional impairment in a community sample of euthymic drug-free young adults with bipolar disorder Conferences
Functional impairment in patients with remitted bipolar disorder Conferences
Functional impairment, biomarkers, and neuroprogression in bipolar disorder Conferences
Functional interventions as augmentation strategies for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): scoping review and expert survey from the international college of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Functional magnetic resonance imaging in schizophrenia: initial methodology and evaluation of the motor cortex Journal Articles
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the motor cortex in schizophrenia: Procedures and initial observations Conferences
Functioning in bipolar disorder with substance abuse/dependence in a community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Functioning in older adults with bipolar disorder: A report on recommendations by the International Society of bipolar disorder (ISBD) older adults with bipolar disorder (OABD) task force Journal Articles
Functioning in older age bipolar disorder: limits and recommendations Conferences
Fundamental principles of mental health legislation Journal Articles
Further Validation of the Pathways Housing First Fidelity Scale Journal Articles
Further studies with propranolol in psychotic patients Journal Articles
GABAB Receptor Agonist R-Baclofen Reverses Social Deficits and Reduces Repetitive Behavior in Two Mouse Models of Autism Journal Articles
GWAS of biological aging to find longevity genes in schizophrenia. Journal Articles
GWAS-based machine learning approach to predict duloxetine response in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Gabapentin as an adjunctive treatment in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Galvanising mental health research in low- and middle-income countries: Role of scientific journals. Journal Articles
Garder la bonne direction - Quelques résultats de l'Initiative sur l'évaluation de l'amélioration des services (IEAS-SEEI) Journal Articles
Gathering Experience Data for Health Systems Improvement Using Apps: Lessons from the Development of the Myexp Suite of Apps Conferences
Gender Differences in Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder: A A-[11C]MT Pet Imaging Study Journal Articles
Gender Differences in Research Productivity among Academic Psychiatrists in Canada Journal Articles
Gender differences in bipolar disorder evaluated by inductive logic programming approach Conferences
Gender differences in bipolar disorder: finding from the Brazilian Bipolar Research Network Conferences
Gender differences in clinical presentation and response to sertraline treatment of generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Gender differences in pathways to care for early psychosis Journal Articles
Gender differences in α-[11C]MTrp brain trapping, an index of serotonin synthesis, in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder: A positron emission tomography study Journal Articles
Gender incongruence: a comparative study using ICD-10 and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria Journal Articles
Gender-based differences in oxidative stress parameters do not underlie the differences in mood disorders susceptibility between sexes Journal Articles
Gene Expression of Estrogen Receptor alpha and Serotonin Transporter in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Conferences
General Hospital Psychiatry Journal
General Practice and Mental Health Care: Determinants of Outpatient Service Use Journal Articles
General practitioner recognition of mental illness in the absence of a 'gold standard' Journal Articles
Genetic Basis of Impulsive Behavior in Humans Project: Initial Delay Discounting Conferences
Genetic Polymorphism of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor is Related to Antidepressant Efficacy and Treatment-Induced Hippocampal Plasticity in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: CAN-BIND-1 Study Conferences
Genetic Variants of OCD Phenotypes and Comorbid Conditions Conferences
Genetic analysis of impulsive personality traits: Examination of a priori candidates and genome-wide variation Journal Articles
Genetic and Neurodevelopmental Influences in Autistic Disorder Journal Articles
Genetic and environmental models of stress-induced depression in rats Journal Articles
Genetic association of the GDNF alpha-receptor genes with schizophrenia and clozapine response Journal Articles
Genetic influences on delay discounting in smokers: examination of a priori candidates and exploration of dopamine-related haplotypes Journal Articles
Genetic markers anticipate response to citalopram in a majority of patients Journal Articles
Genome scan of Arab Israeli families maps a schizophrenia susceptibility gene to chromosome 6q23 and supports a locus at chromosome 10q24 Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Association Analyses on Clinical Response to Duloxetine and Placebo in Major Depression Implicates a Gene Locus Involved in Nociception to be Associated with Placebo Response Conferences
Genome-Wide Association Study of Impulsivity: Relevance to Substance Use Disorders Conferences
Genome-wide Association Study of Duloxetine and Placebo Response in Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Genome-wide Linkage Analyses of Quantitative and Categorical Autism Subphenotypes Journal Articles
Genomewide Association Studies: History, Rationale, and Prospects for Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Genotypic Differences in Angiotensin Receptor Genes in Late-Life Depression Conferences
Glial fibrillary acidic protein expression after electroconvulsive shocks in rat brain Journal Articles
Global deficits in intracortical myelin maturation in young adults with bipolar I disorder Conferences
Glucocorticoid Receptor Sensitivity and FKBP51 Levels in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I and Siblings Conferences
Glucocorticoid Receptors, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Serotonin and Dopamine Neurotransmission are Associated with Interferon-Induced Depression Journal Articles
Glucocorticoids and systemic toxicity in mood episodes Conferences
Glutathione and redox biology in Bipolar Disorder; from pathophysiology to novel treatments Conferences
Gonadal hormones and serotonergic function in women with premenstrual dysphoria Conferences
Gray matter brain volumes in childhood-maltreated patients with bipolar disorder type I: A voxel-based morphometric study Journal Articles
Greater prevalence of post‐traumatic stress disorder and depression in deployed Canadian Armed Forces personnel at risk for moral injury Journal Articles
Greater within- and between-day instability is associated with worse anxiety and depression symptoms Journal Articles
Group cognitive behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder: a feasibility and effectiveness study Journal Articles
Group transdiagnostic cognitive-behavior therapy for anxiety disorders: a pragmatic randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Growing with people with a psychiatric disability in a psychosocial rehabilitation program. Journal Articles
Growth Hormone Responses to Apomorphine HCl in Schizophrenic Patients on Drug Holidays and at Relapse Journal Articles
Growth Hormone and Cortisol Responses, Tranquillizer Usage, and Their Association with Survival From Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Growth hormone responses to graded doses of apomorphine HCl in schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Guidelines for Clinical use in Interpreting Tricyclic Plasma Levels Journal Articles
Guidelines for evaluating prevalence studies Journal Articles
Guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care Journal Articles
Gut Microbiome Patterns Associated With Treatment Response in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: Changements du microbiote intestinal associés à la réponse au traitement chez des patients souffrant de trouble dépressif majeur Journal Articles
Gut Microbiota and Brain Function: An Evolving Field in Neuroscience: Table 1. Journal Articles
Gut Microbiota, Bacterial Translocation, and Interactions with Diet: Pathophysiological Links between Major Depressive Disorder and Non-Communicable Medical Comorbidities Journal Articles
Gut-brain axis: How the microbiome influences anxiety and depression Conferences
Hair cortisol concentration and quality of life in children with mental illness Conferences
Hair cortisol concentration mediates the association between parent and child psychopathology Journal Articles
Hair cortisol measurement: A systematic review of current practices and a proposed checklist for reporting standards. Journal Articles
Haloperidol treatment of trichotillomania: A pilot study Journal Articles
Haloperidol-induced downregulation of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra is attenuated by caffeine and nicotine Conferences
Hans Steiner and Martine F. Flament: Fast facts: eating disorders Journal Articles
Harms of Antipsychotics in Children and Young Adults: A Systematic Review Update Journal Articles
Harnessing neuroplasticity in Diogenes syndrome: A proposed mechanism to explain clinical improvement Journal Articles
Harvard Review of Psychiatry Journal
Has ‘lifetime prevalence’ reached the end of its life? An examination of the concept Journal Articles
Hashimoto encephalopathy diagnosis after 40years of a schizophrenia-like disorder Journal Articles
Health Care Costs of Individuals With Chronic Psychotic Disorders Who Experience Incarceration in Ontario Journal Articles
Health Services Delivery by Shamans Journal Articles
Health education or empowerment education with individuals with a serious persistent psychiatric disability. Journal Articles
Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Major Depression Who Are Treated With Moclobemide Conferences
Health-related quality of life in patients with major depression who are treated with moclobemide. Journal Articles
Healthcare-related correlates of preoperative psychological distress among a mixed surgical and cancer-specific sample Journal Articles
Healthier movement behavior profiles are associated with higher psychological wellbeing among emerging adults attending post-secondary education Journal Articles
Heightened Systemic Inflammation: A State or a Trait Marker for Major Depression During Late Pregnancy? Conferences
Heightened Systemic Inflammation: A State or a Trait Marker for Major Depression During Late Pregnancy? Conferences
Help-Seeking for Children with Mental Health Problems: Parents’ Efforts and Experiences Journal Articles
Heterogeneity and the genetics of autism. Journal Articles
High Intensity Physician-Based Service Use for Mental Health Concerns in a General-Population Sample of Children and Youth: Utilisation des services de haute intensité dispensés par des médecins pour les problèmes de santé mentale dans un échantillon d'enfants et de jeunes de la population générale. Journal Articles
High frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation blocks SSRI induced increases in P300 latency Conferences
High urinary 6 sulfatoxy-melatonin levels predict response to combined treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation and SSRI in medication resistant patients with major depression Conferences
High-resolution examination of changes in drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic: Nine-wave findings from a longitudinal observational cohort study of community adults Journal Articles
Higher prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome and greater gastrointestinal symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Hippocampal activation and memory performance in schizophrenia depend on strategy use in a virtual maze Journal Articles
Hippocampal neurochemical markers in bipolar disorder patients following the first-manic episode: A prospective 12-month proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study Journal Articles
Hippocampal tail volume as a predictive biomarker of antidepressant treatment outcomes in patients with major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND report Journal Articles
Hippocampal volume and verbal memory performance in late-stage bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Hippocampal volume in medication naive patients with major depressive disorder Conferences
Hippocampal volumes are correlated to inflammatory markers in early stage bipolar disorder Conferences
Histone deacetylase activity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in a pharmacological model of mania Journal Articles
History of psychiatric hospital admission increases the risk of suicide less in the very old than in middle aged people Journal Articles
History of severe mental illness is more common in men convicted of a sexual offence than in men in the general population Journal Articles
History of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder type I: socio-demographic and clinical factors, quality of life and functioning Journal Articles
Hoarding Behaviours among Users of Online Classified Advertisements Conferences
Hoarding in users of online classified advertisements Conferences
Hoarding: A meta‐analysis of age of onset Journal Articles
Home treatment versus hospital-based outpatient treatment for first episode psychosis: A randomized clinical trial Conferences
Home visitation improved some maternal and child outcomes Journal Articles
Home visits by nurses reduced child abuse and neglect Journal Articles
Homicidal Parents Journal Articles
Homocysteine Levels in Patients with Stroke Journal Articles
Homocysteine and other markers of cardiovascular risk during a manic episode in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Homophobia Among Psychiatric Residents, Family Practice Residents and Psychiatric Faculty Journal Articles
Hope, quality of life, and symptom severity in individuals with schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Hormonal and serotonergic measurements in patients with dysthymia Conferences
Hormonal responses to zimelidine and desipramine in depressed patients Journal Articles
Hormones and mood: from menarche to menopause and beyond Journal Articles
Hospital Stress Journal Articles
Housing Choice and Control, Housing Quality, and Control over Professional Support as Contributors to the Subjective Quality of Life and Community Adaptation of People with Severe Mental Illness Journal Articles
Housing Tenure and Youth Trajectories of Mental Health in Canada Journal Articles
How Does Outcome-Based Funding Affect Service Delivery? An Analysis of Consequences Within Employment Services for People Living With Serious Mental Illness Journal Articles
How High? Trends in Cannabis Use Prior to First Admission to Inpatient Psychiatry in Ontario, Canada, between 2007 and 2017 Journal Articles
How Homogeneous Are Diagnostic Groups? Journal Articles
How do patients defend themselves from bipolar disorder? Conferences
How to manage obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) under COVID-19: A clinician's guide from the International College of Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) and the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Research Network (OCRN) of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Journal Articles
Human Psychopharmacology Journal
Human blood analysis reveals differences in gene expression of catecholamine-regulated protein 40 (CRP40) in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Humour-Related Interventions for People with Mental Illness: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study Journal Articles
Hyponatremia and Depression Journal Articles
Hypothalamic Function as Related to Body Weight and Body Fat in Anorexia Nervosa Journal Articles
Hypothalamic pathology in the neuroleptic malignant syndrome Journal Articles
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysfunction and Illness Progression in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Hypothalamus volume and DNA methylation of stress axis genes in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND study report Journal Articles
I Have the Answer, Now What's the Question?: Why Metaanalyses Do Not Provide Definitive Solutions Journal Articles
ISPMD consensus on the management of premenstrual disorders Journal Articles
Ibogaine fails to interrupt the expression of a previously established one-trial morphine place preference Journal Articles
Ibogaine interferes with motivational and somatic effects of naloxone-precipitated withdrawal from acutely administered morphine Journal Articles
Identification and quantification of N-acetylserotonin (NAS) in the developing hippocampus of the rat Journal Articles
Identification of Childhood Psychiatric Disorder by Informant: Comparisons of Clinic and Community Samples Journal Articles
Identification of Endocannabinoid Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in
Major Depressive Disorder: A Secondary Analysis of the First Canadian Biomarker
Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND 1) Study Journal Articles
Identification with ancestral culture is associated with fewer internalizing problems among older Naskapi adolescents Journal Articles
Identifying Nonlinear Patterns of 5-Year Suicide Risk Incidence in Youth: A Gradient Tree Boosting and SHAP Study Conferences
Identifying Trajectories of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescence Journal Articles
Identifying a clinical signature of suicidality among patients with mood disorders: A pilot study using a machine learning approach Journal Articles
Identifying and Validating Distinct Clinical Phenotypes in Bipolar Disorders Using Neurocognitive Data, Neuroimaging Scans and Machine Learning Conferences
Identifying nonlinear patterns of 5-year suicide risk incidence in youth: A gradient tree boosting and SHAP study Conferences
Illness Intrusiveness in Individuals with Panic Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or Social Phobia Conferences
Illness burden and medical comorbidity in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Illness duration and total brain gray matter in bipolar disorder: Evidence for neurodegeneration? Journal Articles
Illness perceptions among cardiac patients: Relation to depressive symptomatology and sex Journal Articles
Imaging and Cognitive Tasks in Clinical Interventions for Female-Specific Mood Disorders Conferences
Imaging of Autism: Lessons from the Past to Guide Studies in the Future Journal Articles
Imipramine and clonazepam for panic disorder. Journal Articles
Imipramine-Flupenthixol Decanoate Interaction Journal Articles
Immune Activation and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in HIV Infection Journal Articles
Immune activation as a mediator of the gut-brain axis in manic episodes Journal Articles
Impact of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 Genotypes on Clinical Outcomes and Side Effects in Patients Receiving Escitalopram and Aripiprazole for Major Depression: Results From the Can-Bind Cohort Conferences
Impact of Circadian Rhythm, Sleep Quality and Depression Severity on Quality of Life in Females with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Impact of Comorbid Anxiety Disorders on Outcome in a Cohort of Patients With Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Impact of Estrogen Levels and Severity of Depressive Symptoms on Brain Cortical Thickness in Unmedicated Peri/Postmenopausal Women with Depression Conferences
Impact of comorbid migraine on the clinical course of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Impact of first-episode polarity on clinical features associated to suicide attempts in bipolar disorder type I patients Conferences
Impact of migraine comorbidity in the clinical course of bipolar disorder Conferences
Impact of peritraumatic dissociation in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: A longitudinal study Journal Articles
Impact of recent research on borderline personality disorder Journal Articles
Impact of regular outcome assessment on treatment - the MECCA Study Conferences
Impact of sunlight on the age of onset of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of Veterans’ spouses: a cross sectional analysis Journal Articles
Impact on biomarkers of a comprehensive rehabilitation program in bipolar disorder (PRISMA): A multimodal approach Conferences
Impacts of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health, Substance Use, and Well-being: A Rapid Survey of Clinical and Community Samples: Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale, l’utilisation de substances et le bien-être des adolescents : un sondage rapide d’échantillons cliniques et communautaires Journal Articles
Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on youth mental health among youth with physical health challenges Journal Articles
Impacts on Quality of Life with Escitalopram Monotherapy and Aripiprazole Augmentation in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND Report Journal Articles
Impaired OTUD7A-dependent Ankyrin regulation mediates neuronal dysfunction in mouse and human models of the 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome Journal Articles
Impaired Theory of Mind and Empathic Responding in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Impaired distractor inhibition in patients with schizophrenia on a negative priming task Journal Articles
Impaired endoplasmic reticulum stress response in bipolar disorder: cellular evidence of illness progression Conferences
Impaired endoplasmic reticulum stress response in bipolar disorder: cellular evidence of illness progression Journal Articles
Impaired episodic memory for events encoded during mania in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Impaired theory of mind performance in patients with recurrent bipolar disorder: Moderating effect of cognitive load Journal Articles
Impairment of the mitochondrial electron transport chain due to sleep deprivation in mice Journal Articles
Implementation of Problem-Based Learning in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Shared Experiences of a Special-Interest Study Group Journal Articles
Implementing Program-Wide Awareness about Recovery in a Large Mental Health and Addictions Program. Journal Articles
Implementing antiobesity treatment in a patient with a mood disorder. Journal Articles
Implicit and explicit alcohol-related motivations among college binge drinkers Journal Articles
Improved resilience against depressed mood in early postpartum after dietary supplement administration Conferences
Improvement in Memory Deficits Following Computer Assisted Cognitive Remediation in Patients with a Mood Disorder Conferences
Improvement in cognitive functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis during treatment with quetiapine: An interim analysis Journal Articles
Improvement in cogntive functioning in patients with first episode psychosis after treatment with quetiapine Conferences
Improvement of Negative and Positive Symptoms in Treatment-Refractory Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Improvement of behavioural and manic-like symptoms secondary to herpes simplex virus encephalitis with mood stabilizers: a case report Journal Articles
Improving collaboration between primary care and mental health services Journal Articles
Improving quality of primary care reduces depression and improves quality of life in adolescents Journal Articles
Impulsivity, Defensive Functioning, and Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Impulsivity: Core Aspect of Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
In Memoriam: Glenda M. MacQueen, MD, PhD, FRCPC (1965-2020) Journal Articles
In Search of Biomarkers for Biobehavioural and Psychiatric Taxonomies Journal Articles
In memoriam: Harry J. Worthing; 1888-1958. Journal Articles
In the Wake of the MTA: Charting a New Course for the Study and Treatment of Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Journal Articles
In vitro effects of melatonin on [3H]muscimol binding in rat brain Journal Articles
In-person 1-day cognitive behavioral therapy-based workshops for postpartum depression: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Incidence and correlates of delirium in a West African mental health clinic Journal Articles
Incidence and risk factors for anxiety disorders in young adults: A population-based prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Incidence of Abnormal Lipid Tests among First Episode of Psychosis Patients: Hazard Rate Greater for Males than Females Conferences
Inclusion of currently diagnosed or treated individuals in studies of depression screening tool accuracy: a meta-research review of studies published in 2018-2021. Journal Articles
Inconsistency in the relationship between duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and negative symptoms: Sorting out the problem of heterogeneity Journal Articles
Increase in Cellular Viability in SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cell Line Induced by Incubation with Serum from Euthymic Bipolar Patients Conferences
Increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in early crack cocaine withdrawal Journal Articles
Increased Depressive Symptoms in Female but Not Male Adolescents Born at Low Birth Weight in the Offspring of a National Cohort Journal Articles
Increased Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-1) Serum Levels in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Increased Protein Oxidative Stress in Siblings of Patients with Schizophrenia Conferences
Increased activity of frontal and limbic regions to emotional stimuli in children at-risk for anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Increased choline-containing compounds in the orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampus in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study Journal Articles
Increased frontal and reduced parietal glucose metabolism in acute untreated schizophrenia Journal Articles
Increased gene expression and plasma levels of glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide following clozapine treatment Conferences
Increased illness burden in women with co-morbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: data from the large step-BD study Conferences
Increased illness burden in women with comorbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: data from 1 099 women from STEP‐BD study Journal Articles
Increased left posterior parietal–temporal cortex activation after d-fenfluramine in women with panic disorder Journal Articles
Increased levels of adipokines in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Increased neurofilament light chain in individuals with bipolar disorder Conferences
Increased neurotrophin-3 in drug-free subjects with bipolar disorder during manic and depressive episodes Journal Articles
Increased oxidative stress after repeated amphetamine exposure: possible relevance as a model of mania Journal Articles
Increased oxidative stress and DNA damage in bipolar disorder: A twin-case report Journal Articles
Increased oxidative stress as a mechanism for decreased BDNF levels in acute manic episodes Journal Articles
Increased oxidative stress as a mechanism for the decreased levels of BDNF in acute manic episodes (vol 30, pg 243, 2008) Journal Articles
Increased oxidative stress in submitochondrial particles after chronic d-amphetamine exposure Conferences
Increased oxidative stress in submitochondrial particles after chronic d-amphetamine exposure Conferences
Increased oxidative stress status in bipolar disorder Conferences
Increased rates of obesity in first-presentation adults with mood disorders over the course of four-year follow-up Journal Articles
Increased serum levels of C3 and C4 in patients with schizophrenia compared to eutymic patients with bipolar disorder and healthy Journal Articles
Increased serum neurotrophin-4/5 levels in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Increased subgenual prefrontal cortex size in remitted patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Increases in Prefrontal Activation After Exposure to Blue versus Amber Wavelength Light During Cognitive Load Conferences
Increasing Access to CBT for Psychosis: Development, Feasibility, and Acceptability of a Specialized Outpatient Service Journal Articles
Individual placement and support led to more competitive employment than did enhanced vocational rehabilitation for severe mental disorder Journal Articles
Individual- and Relationship-Level Factors Related to Better Mental Health Outcomes following Child Abuse: Results from a Nationally Representative Canadian Sample Journal Articles
Individualized identification of euthymic bipolar disorder using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) and machine learning Journal Articles
Indo-Canadian Collaboration for Suicide Prevention: Training Needs Assessment for Healthcare Professionals in India Journal Articles
Induction of antioxidant defense enzymes after acute and chronic d-Amphetamine exposure Conferences
Inductive logic programming approach analysis in bipolar disorder - pilot study Conferences
Inflammation and internalizing disorders in adolescents Journal Articles
Inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in bipolar disorder Conferences
Inflammatory Cytokines and Functioning in Drug-free Subjects With Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Inflammatory mediators of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Influence of CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and ABCB1 Gene Variants and Serum Levels of Escitalopram and Aripiprazole on Treatment-Emergent Sexual Dysfunction: A Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression 1 (CAN-BIND 1) Study Journal Articles
Influence of RGS2 on Sertraline Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Influence of Season and Latitude in a Community Sample of Subjects with Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Influence of birth cohort on age of onset cluster analysis in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Influence of gender on the clinical presentation of generalized anxiety disorder, and response to treatment with Pregabalin Conferences
Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Influence of renal clearance on peripheral homovanillic acid measurements in healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients Journal Articles
Influence on maternal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function: Role of mood, personality and history of maltreatment Journal Articles
Informed consent to treatment in psychiatry (vol 60, pg 1, 2015) Journal Articles
Innovations in Psychotherapy Education Conferences
Inpatient and Day Hospital Treatment of the Borderline: An Integrated Approach Journal Articles
Insight, quality of life and cognitive functioning in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Insomnia, psychiatric disorders and suicidal ideation in a National Representative Sample of active Canadian Forces members Journal Articles
Insomnia: I. Classification, Assessment and Pharmaceutical Treatment* Journal Articles
Insomnia: II. Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Insomnia* Journal Articles
Instant Psychopharmacology: A Guide for the Nonmedical Mental Health Professional Journal Articles
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Medicina Translacional (INCT-TM): abordagens metodológicas Journal Articles
Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness in Canada: Effect on service utilization, type of provider and medication use Conferences
Insurance coverage and the treatment of mental illness: effect on medication and provider use Journal Articles
Integrated care improves one year outcomes in first episode psychosis Journal Articles
Integrating biorhythm subtypes in a clinical subtype model of bipolar disorders Conferences
Integrating mental health services within primary care Journal Articles
Integrating the Findings from Boundary Sciences for Development of the DSM/ICD Classifications Conferences
Integration of brain and behavior measures for identification of data-driven groups cutting across children with ASD, ADHD, or OCD Journal Articles
Integrative Genetic Variation, DNA Methylation, and Gene Expression
Analysis of Escitalopram and Aripiprazole Treatment Outcomes in Depression: A
CAN-BIND-1 Study Journal Articles
Intention to treat analysis in clinical trials when there are missing data Journal Articles
Inter-rater reliability of DartfishTM movement analysis software for measuring maximum flexion and extension at the hip and knee in older adults with osteoporosis and osteopenia Journal Articles
Interaction between Clonazepam and Phenelzine Journal Articles
Interactions between Police and Persons Who Experience Homelessness and Mental Illness in Toronto, Canada: Findings from a Prospective Study Journal Articles
Interface between the Criminal Justice System and the Mental Health System in Canada. Journal Articles
Intergenerational Transmission of Well Being–Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms Conferences
Interhemispheric communication of emotional speech in alexithymia: Preliminary evidence for intact receptive emotional speech Conferences
Intermittent fluoxetine dosing in the treatment of women with premenstrual dysphoria Conferences
Intermittent fluoxetine dosing in the treatment of women with premenstrual dysphoria. Journal Articles
Internalized stigma in bipolar disorder type I (INTEST-BD I) project: comparison of internalized stigma in a sample of young adults and chronic outpatients with bipolar disorder type I Conferences
International Clinical Psychopharmacology Journal
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health Journal
International Journal of Mental Health Journal
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research Journal
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology Journal
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice Journal
International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine Journal
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, The Journal
International Review of Psychiatry Journal
Internet addiction or psychopathology in disguise? Results from a survey of college-aged internet users Conferences
Internet screening for anxiety disorders : Effects on treatment-seeking behaviour in a 3-month follow-up study Conferences
Internet screening for anxiety disorders: Treatment-seeking outcomes in a three-month follow-up study Journal Articles
Interrelationships among parental family history of substance misuse, delay discounting, and personal substance use Journal Articles
Intervention for preschoolers at risk for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Service before diagnosis Journal Articles
Interventions to Improve Metabolic Risk Screening Among Adult Patients Taking Antipsychotic Medication: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Intimate Partner Violence Other
Intimate partner violence (vol 58, pg 1, 2013) Journal Articles
Intolerable Side Effects of Clomipramine Journal Articles
Intracortical Myelin as a novel neurobiological correlate of psychosocial functioning in bipolar I disorder Conferences
Intracortical myelin as a neurobiological mechanism of relapse in bipolar I disorder: A 2-year longitudinal study Conferences
Intracortical myelin content in the DLPFC predicts verbal memory, and self-reported cognitive and psychosocial functioning in bipolar disorder Conferences
Intranasal delivery of antipsychotic drugs Journal Articles
Intranasal esketamine and the dawn of precision psychiatry Journal Articles
Intranasal mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) as a novel treatment for bipolar disorder Conferences
Intrinsic Network Disruptions in Major Depressive Disorder Revealed by Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis Conferences
Introducing Psychiatry to Rural Physicians in China: An Innovative Education Project Journal Articles
Introduction Journal Articles
Introduction Journal Articles
Introduction Special Issue Designing Canada's Future: Public Policy, Social and Economic Development, and the Power of Ideas Journal Articles
Introduction to Part 2 of the Second Special Issue Journal Articles
Introduction to health measurement scales Journal Articles
Introduction to the Second Special Issue Journal Articles
Intropunitiveness and Parasuicide: Prediction of Interview Response Journal Articles
Inverse agonist binding of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Investigating Delay Discounting and Impulsivity in a Sample With Trauma and Substance Use Conferences
Investigating biological rhythms disruptions across the menstrual cycle in women with comorbid bipolar disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Investigating executive functions in youth with OCD and hoarding symptoms Journal Articles
Investigating light exposure and transition probabilities as variables of interest in mood disorders Conferences
Investigating service features to sustain engagement in early intervention mental health services Journal Articles
Investigating the Effect of Medication Load on Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Individuals Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Investigating the interaction between the human gut microbiome and clozapine therapy in schizophrenia Conferences
Investigating the use of cannabinoids for insomnia in individuals with depression and anxiety Conferences
Investigation of miR-1202, miR-135a, and miR-16 in Major Depressive Disorder and Antidepressant Response Journal Articles
Investigation of serum high-sensitive C-reactive protein levels across all mood states in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Investigation of the Gut Microbiome in Patients with Schizophrenia and Clozapine-Induced Weight Gain: Protocol and Clinical Characteristics of First Patient Cohorts Journal Articles
Investigation of the mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor-endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway in mood disorders. Journal Articles
Investigations of melatonin secretion in man Journal Articles
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine Journal
Irritability and the spectrum of female-specific mood disorders Conferences
Irritability: the forgotten dimension of female-specific mood disorders Journal Articles
Is Couple Therapy Indicated for Borderline Personality Disorder? Journal Articles
Is Dissociation "Transient, Stress-Related" or "Severe" in Borderline Personality Disorder? Conferences
Is Obesity A Determinant Of Success With Pharmacological Treatment For Depression? A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis And Meta-Regression. Journal Articles
Is Suicide Ideation a Surrogate Endpoint for Geriatric Suicide? Journal Articles
Is There an Association Between the Serotonin Receptor 2A Polymorphisms and Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature Conferences
Is antidepressant–benzodiazepine combination therapy clinically more useful? Journal Articles
Is bipolar disorder an inflammatory condition? The relevance of microglial activation Journal Articles
Is bipolar disorder associated with accelerating aging? A meta-analysis of telomere length studies Journal Articles
Is cannabis treatment for anxiety, mood, and related disorders ready for prime time? Journal Articles
Is neurotrophin-3 involved in bipolar disorder? Data from animal and human studies Conferences
Is religiosity a protective factor against suicidal behavior in bipolar I outpatients? Journal Articles
Is serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) allele status a predictor for obsessive-compulsive disorder? A meta-analysis Journal Articles
Is the association between psychological distress and risky alcohol consumption shifting over time? An age-period-cohort analysis of the Australian population Journal Articles
Is there a place for dietetic interventions in adult ADHD? Journal Articles
Is there a role for estrogen in treating depression during menopause? Journal Articles
Is there an association between suicide attempt and delay of initiation of mood stabilizers in bipolar I disorder? Journal Articles
Isolating behavioural economic indices of demand in relation to nicotine dependence Journal Articles
Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences Journal
Job stress and well-being of moonlighters: the perspective of deprivation or aspiration revisited Journal Articles
Job stress and well‐being of moonlighters: the perspective of deprivation or aspiration revisited Journal Articles
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria Journal
Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie Journal
Journal of Affective Disorders Journal
Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research Journal
Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Journal
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Journal
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Journal
Journal of ECT Journal
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, The Journal
Journal of Mental Health Journal
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics Journal
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Journal
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Journal
Journal of Personality Disorders Journal
Journal of Psychiatric Practice Journal
Journal of Psychiatric Research Journal
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience Journal
Journal of Psychopharmacology Journal
Journal of Psychosomatic Research Journal
Journal of Trauma and Dissociation Journal
Journal of Traumatic Stress Journal
Kappa opioid receptor stimulation in the quinpirole model of obsessive-compulsive disorder Conferences
Kappa-Opioid Agonist U69593 Potentiates Locomotor Sensitization to the D2/D3 Agonist Quinpirole: Pre- and Postsynaptic Mechanisms Journal Articles
Karo-Kari: A Form of Honour Killing in Pakistan Journal Articles
Ketamine alters behavior and decreases BDNF levels in the rat brain as a function of time after drug administration Journal Articles
Ketamine and Esketamine augmentation for suicidal ideation: A randomized, double-blinded clinical trial Journal Articles
Ketamine treatment reverses behavioral and physiological alterations induced by chronic mild stress in rats Conferences
Ketamine treatment reverses behavioral and physiological alterations induced by chronic mild stress in rats Journal Articles
Knowledge Mobilization and Mental Health Policy: Lessons from the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Mental Health of Emerging Adults Conferences
Knowledge Mobilization and Mental Health Policy: Lessons from the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Mental Health of Emerging Adults Journal Articles
L'Encephale Journal
LGBTQ women and mental health “recovery”. Journal Articles
Lack of Concordance between Multiplex and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in the Measurement of Cytokines in Human Serum: Implications for Studies of Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation Conferences
Last Words: Are There Differences in Psychosocial and Clinical Antecedents Among Suicide Decedents Who Leave E‐Notes, Paper Notes, or No Note? Journal Articles
Late-Onset Adrenoleukodystrophy Associated With Long-Standing Psychiatric Symptoms Journal Articles
Late-Onset Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in a Patient Using Olanzapine Journal Articles
Late-onset Tay-Sachs disease presenting as catatonic schizophrenia: diagnostic and treatment issues. Journal Articles
Latent factor structure of a behavioral economic marijuana demand curve Journal Articles
Latent structure of facets of alcohol reinforcement from a behavioral economic demand curve Journal Articles
Lateralizing effects of apomorphine on taxis, postural support and rotation in rats Journal Articles
Learning how to Differ: Agreement and Reliability Statistics in Psychiatry Journal Articles
Learning the Tricks of the Trade: The Need for Specialty-Specific Supervisor Training Programs in Competency-Based Medical Education Journal Articles
Left-Handedness and Developmental Coordination Disorder Journal Articles
Left-handedness in homosexual men and women: Neuroendocrine implications Journal Articles
Legitimacy, Authority, and Hierarchy: Critical Challenges for Evidence-Based Medicine Journal Articles
Les Soins Concertés en Santé Mentale au Canada: Coup D'œil Rétrospectif et Regard Vers L'avenir Journal Articles
Les Tribunaux de santé mentale : déjudiciarisation et jurisprudence thérapeutique Journal Articles
Les appels obscènes : quelle réalité clinique ? Conferences
Les directives psychiatriques anticipées (DPA) et le rôle de l’autonomie Journal Articles
Les soins de santé mentale partagés au Canada Journal Articles
Les soins de santé mentale partagés au Canada: Un document opportun Journal Articles
Les soins médicaux de jeunes hommes et de jeunes femmes qui décèdent par suicide Journal Articles
Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Persons with Severe Mental Illness: Negotiating Wellness in the Context of Multiple Sources of Stigma Journal Articles
Lessons for Mental Health Policy and Service Delivery from Recovery-oriented Coproduction Models Conferences
Lessons from Large Trials: The MTA Study as a Model for Evaluating the Treatment of Childhood Psychiatric Disorder Journal Articles
Lessons from a multicenter, international, large sample size analysis of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorders: an overview of the ICOCS Snapshot studies Journal Articles
Let Me Count the Ways: Measuring Incidence, Prevalence, and Impact in Epidemiological Studies Journal Articles
Letter from the Editor Journal Articles
Letter from the Editor Journal Articles
Letter from the Editor Journal Articles
Letter from the Editors Journal Articles
Letter from the Editors Journal Articles
Letter from the editors Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor: Agomelatine adjunctive therapy for acute bipolar depression: preliminary open data Journal Articles
Letter: The Capgras syndrome in a male Journal Articles
Life after Chi-Squared: An Introduction to Log-Linear Analysis Journal Articles
Life after years in Hospital: What does it hold Journal Articles
Life event stress, psychosocial factors, suicide attempt and auto-accident proclivity Journal Articles
Life-Threatening Clozapine-Induced Gastrointestinal Hypomotility Journal Articles
Lifelines: Clinical Perspectives on Suicide Journal Articles
Lifestyle behaviours during the COVID‐19 – time to connect Journal Articles
Lifestyle changes and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A repeated, cross-sectional web survey Journal Articles
Lifestyle modifications and non-pharmacological interventions to support perinatal mental health Conferences
Lifestyle predictors of depression and anxiety during COVID-19: A machine learning approach Conferences
Lifetime bipolar disorder comorbidity and related clinical characteristics in patients with primary obsessive compulsive disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Lifetime cocaine use predicts conversion from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: A prospective 3-year follow-up study Conferences
Light, melatonin and the sleep-wake cycle. Journal Articles
Limitations of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale as a Primary Outcome Measure in Randomized, Controlled Trials of Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Linking Animal Models of Psychosis to Computational Models of Dopamine Function Journal Articles
Linking Neuro-functional Reward Processing Changes with Treatment-related Abstinence in Cocaine Dependence Conferences
Lipophilic β-Blockers and Suicide in the Elderly Journal Articles
Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate in the Treatment of Adult ADHD With Anxiety Disorder and Depression Comorbidity: Results From a Clinical Trial Conferences
Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in adult ADHD with anxiety disorder and depression comorbidity: A 17-week cross-over study Conferences
List of Reviewers Journal Articles
Lithium Therapy for Borderline Patients: Preliminary Findings Journal Articles
Lithium and circadian patterns of melatonin in the retina, hypothalamus, pineal and serum Journal Articles
Lithium and melatonin in pigmented eye rats: Effects of dose and time of day Journal Articles
Lithium and rhythms of beta-adrenergic ([3H]CGP-12177) binding in intact rat retina, pineal gland, and hypothalamus Journal Articles
Lithium and tamoxifen increased the levels of PKA Protein, CREM and BDNF in an animal model of mania d-amphetamine-induced Conferences
Lithium and tamoxifend protect the brain of mice against the increase of GSK-3 and the dicrease of phosphorylation of GSK-3 in an animal model of mania amphetamine-induced Conferences
Lithium and twenty-four hour rhythms of serum corticosterone, prolactin and growth hormone in pigmented eye rats Journal Articles
Lithium blood monitoring practices in a Canadian population-based sample of older adults Conferences
Lithium effects on neuroendocrine function Journal Articles
Lithium in pigmented eye rats: Effects of dose and time of day on drinking, body weight, retinal and blood distribution Journal Articles
Lithium-induced neuroprotective activity in neuronal and microglial cells: A purinergic perspective Journal Articles
Living in the here and now: interrelationships between impulsivity, mindfulness, and alcohol misuse Journal Articles
Localization of N-acetylserotonin (NAS) in the rat hindbrain by immunohistology Journal Articles
Localization of cholecystokinin binding sites in canine brain using quantitative autoradiography Journal Articles
Localization of the functional effects of clonidine by PET Conferences
Locomotor sensitization to quinpirole in rats: effects of drug abstinence and sex Journal Articles
Locomotor sensitization to quinpirole: environment-modulated increase in efficacy and context-dependent increase in potency Journal Articles
Long-Term Lithium Treatment and the Kidney Journal Articles
Long-acting atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analyses of effects on functional outcome Journal Articles
Longitudinal Associations between Health Related Quality of Life Measures and Depression Outcomes among Teens Conferences
Longitudinal Changes in Sleep, Biological Rhythms, and Light Exposure From Late Pregnancy to Postpartum and Their Impact on Peripartum Mood and Anxiety Journal Articles
Longitudinal assessment of changes in circadian rhythms and risk for postpartum depression: a preliminary analysis Conferences
Longitudinal assessment of circadian rhythms in women at risk for postpartum depression Conferences
Longitudinal associations between interpersonal relationship functioning and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in recently traumatized individuals: differential findings by assessment method Journal Articles
Longitudinal characterization of impulsivity phenotypes boosts signal for genomic correlates and heritability. Journal Articles
Longitudinal growth hormone studies in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Longitudinal instability of hormone responses in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Longitudinal outcome in patients with bipolar disorder assessed by life‐charting is influenced by DSM‐IV personality disorder symptoms Journal Articles
Lorazepam treatment of acute and chronic catatonia in two mentally retarded brothers. Journal Articles
Lost in Translation: The Gut Microbiota in Psychiatric Illness Journal Articles
Lost in transition or translation? Care philosophies and transitions between child and youth and adult mental health services: a systematic review Journal Articles
Louise M. Edward, Gene Feder, and Roxane Agnew-Davies: Domestic Violence and Mental Health Journal Articles
Love and madness: Living with bipolar disorder Conferences
Low plasma cortisol in bulimia nervosa patients with reversed neurovegetative symptoms of depression Journal Articles
Low prevalence of alcohol use disorders in Brazilian bipolar disorder patients: results from the Brazilian Bipolar Research Network Conferences
Low-dose dexamethasone challenge in women with atypical major depression: pilot study. Journal Articles
Lower Monoamine Oxidase-A Total Distribution Volume in Impulsive and Violent Male Offenders with Antisocial Personality Disorder and High Psychopathic Traits: An [11C] Harmine Positron Emission Tomography Study Journal Articles
Lower creatine plus phosphocreatine in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in unmedicated bipolar disorder subjects: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study Conferences
Lower creatine plus phosphocreatine in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in unmedicated bipolar disorder subjects: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study Conferences
Lower rates of comorbidities in euthymic bipolar patients Journal Articles
Lower rates of comorbidities in euthymic bipolar patients Journal Articles
Luteal Phase Administration of Paroxetine for the Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Journal Articles
Luteal Phase and Symptom-Onset Dosing of SSRIs/SNRIs in the Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoria: Clinical Evidence and Rationale Journal Articles
Lymphocyte 3H-spiroperidol binding in schizophrenia: preliminary findings Journal Articles
MAC-PMSS: preliminary analyses of a new DSM-5-based tool to monitor concurrent mood and premenstrual symptoms Conferences
MECCA - A European study on outcome management in community mental health care Conferences
Machine Learning Multivariate Pattern Analysis Predicts Classification of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Dissociative Subtype Conferences
Machine Learning Prediction of Quality of Life Improvement During Antidepressant Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Machine learning and big data analytics in bipolar disorder: A position paper from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Big Data Task Force Journal Articles
Machine learning in the prediction of depression treatment outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Machine learning multivariate pattern analysis predicts classification of posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype: a multimodal neuroimaging approach Journal Articles
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abnormalities and Psychiatric Illness Journal Articles
Maintaining Standards: Differences between the Standard Deviation and Standard Error, and When to Use Each Journal Articles
Major Mental Illness in Those Who Sexually Abuse Journal Articles
Major theories of personality disorder - Clarkin,JF, Lenzenweger,MF Journal Articles
Making sense of findings of brain imaging in bipolar disorder Conferences
Males and females differ in reported sexual functioning with escitalopram treatment for major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Management of bipolar disorder in pregnancy and the postpartum period Conferences
Management of the Mentally Abnormal Offender Journal Articles
Managing anxiety and depressive symptoms in adults with autism-spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Managing medical and psychiatric comorbidity in individuals with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Journal Articles
Managing the aftermath of patient-on-staff violence Journal Articles
Mandatory Outpatient Treatment Journal Articles
Manganese-Enhanced MRI: An Exceptional Tool in Translational Neuroimaging Journal Articles
Mania Associated with an Energy Drink: The Possible Role of Caffeine, Taurine, and Inositol Journal Articles
Manic symptoms and quality of life in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Manifesto for a European research network into Problematic Usage of the Internet Journal Articles
Manual performance in leukotomized and unleukotomized individuals with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Manualized group cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety in first-episode psychosis: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Mapping Cortical and Subcortical Asymmetry in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Consortium Journal Articles
Marcadores de estrés oxidativo en el trastorno bipolar: un metaanálisis Journal Articles
Marcadores periféricos e a fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar Journal Articles
Markers of lipid peroxidation are not altered in depressed and euthymic females with bipolar disorder Conferences
Mass spectrometry of synaptosome after treatment with m-amphetamine as a potential means to investigate the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder Conferences
Maternal Anxiety During Pregnancy and the Association With Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Journal Articles
Maternal Depression Moderates the Association Between History of Childhood Maltreatment and Change in Oxytocin Levels Following Mother-infant Interaction Conferences
Maternal Experience of Childhood Neglect is Associated with Allergy in Children at 2 Years of Age Conferences
Maternal Mood Disorder is Associated with a Distinct DNA Methylation Signature in Neonatal Cord Blood Conferences
Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Offspring Journal Articles
Maternal Schizophrenia and the Risk of a Childhood Chronic Condition Journal Articles
Maternal and Infant Performance on the Face-to-Face Still-Face Task following Maternal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Maternal and umbilical cord androgen concentrations do not predict digit ratio (2D:4D) in girls: A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Maternal anxiety from pregnancy to 2 years postpartum: transactional patterns of maternal early adversity and child temperament Journal Articles
Maternal depression and salivary alpha amylase response to stress in their infants: A new marker of vulnerability/resilience? Conferences
Maternal depression appears to influence reporting of offspring autism symptoms Journal Articles
Maternal early life adversities and the offspring's epigenome: A M.A.V.A.N. project Journal Articles
Maternal history of depression is associated with enhanced theory of mind in depressed and nondepressed adult women Journal Articles
Maternal sensitivity and infant and mother adrenocortical function across challenges Journal Articles
Meaningful Feedback in Medical Education: Challenging the “Failure to Fail” Using Narrative Methodology Journal Articles
Meaningful connections in dementia end of life care in long term care homes Journal Articles
Measure for Measure: New Developments in Measurement and Item Response Theory Journal Articles
Measurement-Based Care in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Conferences
Measuring circadian function in bipolar disorders: Empirical and conceptual review of physiological, actigraphic, and self‐report approaches Journal Articles
Mechanistic Pathways for the Antidepressant Effects of Estradiol in Perimenopausal Women with MDD: An Acute Tryptophan Depletion, fMRI Proof-of-Concept Conferences
Medial prefrontal cortical synapsin II knock-down induces behavioral abnormalities in the rat: Examining synapsin II in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Mediated moderation of the relation between maternal and adolescent depressive symptoms: role of adolescent physical health Journal Articles
Mediator effects of parameters of inflammation and neurogenesis from a N-acetyl cysteine clinical-trial for bipolar depression Journal Articles
Medical Assistance In Dying: Aide médicale à mourir Journal Articles
Medical Assistance in Dying for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: Considerations and Concerns Journal Articles
Medical help to die Journal Articles
Melatonin agonists in primary insomnia and depression-associated insomnia: Are they superior to sedative-hypnotics? Journal Articles
Melatonin and Cortisol “Switches” during Mania, Depression, and Euthymia in a Drug-Free Bipolar Patient Journal Articles
Melatonin and Sulphatoxymelatonin in Eating Disorder Patients Journal Articles
Melatonin in Psychiatric and Sleep Disorders Journal Articles
Melatonin levels are reduced in the pineal glands of suicide victims. Journal Articles
Melatonin responses to clonidine and yohimbine challenges. Journal Articles
Melatonin use during pregnancy and lactation: A scoping review of human studies Journal Articles
Memory and BDNF levels in an animal model of mania in early and late stages of bipolar disorder Conferences
Memory and brain-derived neurotrophic factor after subchronic or chronic amphetamine treatment in an animal model of mania Journal Articles
Mental Disorders Among Maori Attending Their General Practitioner Journal Articles
Mental Health Care Costs Among Youth with Comorbid Mental Disorders Journal Articles
Mental Health Care Use in Later Life: Results from a National Survey of Canadians Journal Articles
Mental Health Care for People Who Identify as Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and (or) Queer (2SLGBTQ+) Journal Articles
Mental Health Impacts of Quarantine: Insights from the COVID-19 International Border Surveillance Study in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Mental Health Mobile Applications Developed for Indigenous Communities in Canada: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Mental Health Practices of Ontario Family Physicians: A Study Using Qualitative Methodology Journal Articles
Mental Health Services in Cuba Journal Articles
Mental Health Stigma: Explicit and Implicit Attitudes of Canadian Undergraduate Students, Medical School Students, and Psychiatrists Journal Articles
Mental Health Supplement to the Ontario Health Survey: Methodology Journal Articles
Mental Health and Primary Care: Contributing to Mental Health System Transformation in Canada Journal Articles
Mental Status Examination Journal Articles
Mental health disorder symptom changes among public safety personnel after emotional resilience skills training. Journal Articles
Mental health during the first wave of COVID-19 in Canada, the USA, Brazil and Italy Journal Articles
Mental health service delivery in Ontario, Canada: How do policy effects shape prospects for reform? Conferences
Mental health services in Israel: current state and future directions. Journal Articles
Mental health services in the family physician's office: a Canadian experiment. Journal Articles
Mental health treatment and the role of tele-mental health at the
veterans health administration during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal Articles
Mental illness in patients with inherited mitochondrial disorders Journal Articles
Mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders in the ICD-11: An international perspective on key changes and controversies Journal Articles
Mentally Disordered Offenders and the Law Journal Articles
Mentoring Women Psychiatry Residents: Implications for Academic Leaders and Educators Journal Articles
Mentorship in early psychosis intervention: required or optional for program development? Conferences
Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a New Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: Preliminary Results of an In Vitro Study Conferences
Meta-Analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Meta-Analyses of Mood Stabilizers, Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Effectiveness for Depression and Anger Symptoms Journal Articles
Metabolic syndrome and psychiatric disorders: a population-based study Journal Articles
Metabolic syndrome in subjects with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder in a current depressive episode: Population-based study Journal Articles
Metabolic syndrome, depression and anhedonia among young adults Journal Articles
Metabolic variables associated with response to cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in females: A Canadian biomarker integration network for depression (CAN-BIND) study Journal Articles
Methodological Issues in Developing a Scale to Measure Social Support Journal Articles
Methodological quality of meta-analyses of the diagnostic accuracy of depression screening tools. Journal Articles
Methylene blue treatment for residual symptoms of bipolar disorder: Randomised crossover study Journal Articles
Microbe and host interaction in gastrointestinal homeostasis Journal Articles
Microglial activation and inflammation in bipolar disorder Conferences
Midlife Women with Major Depressive Disorder: Effects of Quetiapine Extended-release on Mood, Sleep and Menopause-related Symptoms Journal Articles
Migraine in recurrent depression: case–control study Journal Articles
Mind the methods of determining minimal important differences: three critical issues to consider Journal Articles
Mindfulness-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the treatment literature and neurobiological evidence Journal Articles
Mindfulness-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the treatment literature and neurobiological evidence. Journal Articles
Mineralocorticoid receptor genotype moderates the association between physical neglect and serum BDNF Journal Articles
Minerva Psichiatrica Journal
Mini-clusters of potentially prodromal symptoms may identify psychiatrically well Amish children at higher risk of developing bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Minimally important change on the Columbia Impairment Scale and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in youths seeking mental healthcare. Journal Articles
Minimizing the Risks Associated with Significant QTc Prolongation in People with Schizophrenia: A Consensus Statement by The Cardiac Safety in Schizophrenia Group Journal Articles
Misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder as borderline personality disorder: clinical and economic consequences Journal Articles
Mismatch between self-reported quality of life and functional assessment in acute mania: A matter of unawareness of illness? Journal Articles
Missing data and the trouble with LOCF Journal Articles
Missing outcome data in randomised clinical trials of psychological interventions: a review of published trial reports in major psychiatry journals. Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA Genetic Variants in the Risk for Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress markers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and healthy subjects Journal Articles
Mitochondria’s role in sleep: Novel insights from sleep deprivation and restriction studies Journal Articles
Mixed episodes and suicide risk: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Mixed episodes and suicide risk: A community sample of young adults Conferences
Mobile and wearable technology for monitoring depressive symptoms in children and adolescents: A scoping review Journal Articles
Modeling severity of postpartum depression using objective and subjective sleep and biological rhythms: A machine learning approach Conferences
Modeling the Decision of Mental Health Providers to Implement Evidence-Based Children’s Mental Health Services: A Discrete Choice Conjoint Experiment Journal Articles
Modulation of CNS dopamine receptors by peptides Journal Articles
Modulation of Receptor Activated by Damage Associated Molecular Pattern (DAMP) Modifies Behavior in a Pharmacological Model of Mania - A Possible Microglial Involvement Conferences
Modulation of high-affinity CNS dopamine D2 receptor by l-pro-l-leu-glycinamide (PLG) analogue Conferences
Molecular Psychiatry Journal
Molecular brain differences and cannabis involvement: A systematic review of positron emission tomography studies Journal Articles
Monetary Reward Processing in Obese Individuals With and Without Binge Eating Disorder Journal Articles
Monetary Reward Processing in Obese Individuals with and without Binge Eating Disorder Conferences
Mood Disorders: The Gut Bacteriome and Beyond Journal Articles
Mood disoders with postpartum onset: A family study Conferences
Mood disorders and biological rhythms in young adults: A large population-based study Journal Articles
Mood disorders and prospective suicidality in young adults: a population‐based cohort study Journal Articles
Mood disorders and sexual dimorphism in neurotransmitter systems Conferences
Mood symptoms and suicidality among offspring of mothers with bipolar disorder: A school-based sample Conferences
Mood, Depressive Illness and Gait Patterns Journal Articles
Moral Reasoning Performance in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Moral wounds run deep: exaggerated midbrain functional network connectivity across the default mode network in posttraumatic stress disorder Journal Articles
More on the Certification Examinations Journal Articles
Motivated behavior and the estrous cycle in rats Journal Articles
Motor coordination and emotional–behavioral problems in children Journal Articles
Motor retardation is associated with greater D2 binding potential in depression Conferences
Mouse models of immune dysfunction: their neuroanatomical differences reflect their anxiety-behavioural phenotype Journal Articles
Moving from the Clinic to the Community: The Alone Mothers Together Program Journal Articles
Moving in the Right Direction - Articles From Ontario's Systems Enhancement Evaluation Initiative (SEEI) Journal Articles
Multicenter, placebo-controlled study of fluoxetine in seasonal affective disorder Journal Articles
Multimodal Intervention Program in Bipolar I Disorder and Schizophrenia: Prisma Conferences
Multimodal Treatment of a Case of Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis Journal Articles
Mutation screening of a neutral amino acid transporter, ASCT1, and its potential role in schizophrenia Journal Articles
My Kingdom for a Denominator, or at Least Enough Data Journal Articles
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Journal Articles
N of 1 Randomized Control Trial for BPD Patients Journal Articles
N of 1 Study: Methylphenidate in a Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Journal Articles
N-Acetylserotonin in the central nervous system Journal Articles
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as an adjunctive therapy for bipolar depression Conferences
N-acetylcysteine as a mitochondrial enhancer: a new class of psychoactive drugs? Journal Articles
N400 Event-Related Brain Potential Index of Semantic Processing and Two-Year Clinical Outcomes in Persons at High Risk for Psychosis Conferences
N400 Event-Related Brain Potential as a Predictor of Symptomatic Outcome in Persons at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Conferences
N400 event-related brain potential evidence for semantic priming deficits in persons at clinical high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
N400 event‐related brain potential as an index of real‐world and neurocognitive function in patients at clinical high risk for schizophrenia Journal Articles
NCAM1-TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2 variants and smoking motives as intermediate phenotypes for nicotine dependence Journal Articles
Naturalistic Study on the Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) on Depressive Symptoms Journal Articles
Ndel1 oligopeptidase activity as a potential biomarker of early stages of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Near-Fatal Self-Harm Among Canadian Adolescents Journal Articles
Needs of Well Siblings of Persons With Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Nefazodone in Social Phobia Journal Articles
Nefazodone in social phobia: A pilot study Journal Articles
Nefazodone in the Treatment of Generalized Social Phobia Journal Articles
Negative symptoms in refractory schizophrenia on antipsychotic treatment treated with rTMS: literature review Conferences
Neighbourhood and family correlates of immigrant children’s mental health: a population-based cross-sectional study in Canada Journal Articles
Neighbourhood context and diagnosed mental health conditions among immigrant and non-immigrant youth: a population-based cohort study in British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Network properties of intracortical myelin associated with psychosocial functioning in bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Neural Changes Associated with Treatment Outcome in Children with Externalizing Problems Journal Articles
Neural Correlates of Resting State Functional Connectivity in Women with Bipolar Disorder in Remission: An ICA and Seed Based Analysis Conferences
Neural Systems Underlying Ruminative Thought: A Study of Young Women at High-Risk for Depression Conferences
Neural correlates of cognitive remediation in patients with mood disorders Journal Articles
Neural correlates of graphic cigarette warning labels predict smoking cessation relapse Journal Articles
Neural correlates of hallucinations in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Neural correlates of increased alcohol demand following alcohol cue exposure in adult heavy drinkers Journal Articles
Neural sexual mosaicism: Sexual differentiation of the human temporo-parietal region for functional asymmetry Journal Articles
Neuro-Functional Networks Supporting Cross-Sensory Emotion Processing in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder Conferences
Neuroanatomical profile of antimaniac effects of histone deacetylases inhibitors Conferences
Neurobiological Factors Linking Personality Traits and Major Depression Journal Articles
Neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms of circadian rhythm disruption in bipolar disorder: A critical multi‐disciplinary literature review and agenda for future research from the ISBD task force on chronobiology Journal Articles
Neurobiological basis of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Neurobiological correlates of co-morbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
Neurobiological correlates of illness progression in the recurrent affective disorders Journal Articles
Neurobiological features of binge eating disorder Journal Articles
Neurobiological underpinnings of obesity and addiction: A focus on binge eating disorder and implications for treatment Journal Articles
Neurobiology/imaging panel report: A national strategy for research on schizophrenia Journal Articles
Neurochemical evaluation of neurotrophic factors and markers of neuronal damage during manic episode in drug naive and lithium treated subjects: the possible role of severity of symptoms Conferences
Neurocognition, functional capacity, and functional outcomes: The cost of inexperience Journal Articles
Neurocognitive Correlates of Shyness and Sociability in Children Conferences
Neurocognitive Functioning in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Conferences
Neurocognitive Functioning in Overweight and Obese Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Data from the Systematic Treatment Optimization Program for Early Mania (STOP-EM) Journal Articles
Neurocognitive Predictors of Response in Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Therapy Conferences
Neurocognitive performance in the context of acute symptom reduction in OCD: Treatment effects and the impact of BDNF Journal Articles
Neurodevelopment of Children Following Prenatal Exposure to Venlafaxine, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or Untreated Maternal Depression Journal Articles
Neurodevelopment of Children Prenatally Exposed to Selective Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressants Journal Articles
Neuroeconomic predictors of smoking cessation outcomes: A preliminary study of delay discounting in treatment-seeking adult smokers Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine Evaluation of Depression in Borderline Patients Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine Mechanisms and Their Implications for Psychiatric Research Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine Probes as Biological Markers of Affective Disorders: New Directions* Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine Responses As an Indicator of Recurrence Liability in Primary Affective Illness Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine diagnostic criteria for depression [proceedings]. Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine dysfunction in genetic subtypes of primary unipolar depression Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine responses to apomorphine in depressed patients and healthy control subjects Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine responses to carbidopa in primary affective disorders Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine strategies in affective disorders Journal Articles
Neurofunctional Reward Processing Changes in Cocaine Dependence During Recovery Journal Articles
Neurohormonal responses to d-fenfluramine in healthy elderly subjects. A placebo-controlled study Journal Articles
Neuroimaging Markers of Fetal Programming: Exposure to Elevated Cortisol Levels in utero and Hippocampal Volumes at Age 7 Conferences
Neuroimaging findings as predictors of treatment outcome of psychotherapy in anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Neuroimaging of mirtazapine enantiomers in humans Journal Articles
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome and the Acute Phase Response Journal Articles
Neuroleptic drug effects on cognitive function in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with olanzapine Conferences
Neuron-derived extracellular vesicles enriched from plasma show altered size and miRNA cargo as a function of antidepressant drug response Journal Articles
Neuronal Correlates of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism and Morphometric Abnormalities in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Neuronal Correlates of Regulation of Emotional Conflict in Women During Menopausal Transition Conferences
Neuroprogression and Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Neuroprogression and staging in psychiatry: historical considerations Journal Articles
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of the Adult Variant of Tay-Sachs Disease Journal Articles
Neuropsychiatric Symptom Burden across Neurodegenerative Disorders and its Association with Function Journal Articles
Neuropsychiatric features associated with nutritional and metabolic status in a gastric bypass patient Journal Articles
Neuropsychiatry of personality disorders - Ratey,JJ Journal Articles
Neuropsychobiology Journal
Neuropsychological Impact of Cg25 Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Neuropsychopharmacology Journal
Neurosteroids and Psychiatric Disorders Conferences
Neuroticism Magnifies the Detrimental Association between Social Media Addiction Symptoms and Wellbeing in Women, but Not in Men: a three-Way Moderation Model Journal Articles
Neurotransmitter metabolites and endocrine responses in depression Journal Articles
Neurotrophin-3 is increased in patients with bipolar disorder on and off medication during manic and depressive episodes Conferences
New Insights into Prevention of Depression and Disruptive Behaviour Disorders in Childhood: Where Do We Go from Here? Journal Articles
New frontiers in the role of hospitalization for patients with personality disorders Journal Articles
New perinatal mental health conditions diagnosed during COVID-19: a population-based, retrospective cohort study of birthing people in Ontario. Journal Articles
New projections and challenges for etiologic research in psychiatric epidemiology Conferences
New treatment models for compulsive disorders Journal Articles
New women-specific diagnostic modules: the Composite International Diagnostic Interview for Women (CIDI-VENUS) Journal Articles
Newer Antiepileptic Drugs in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
No Alterations of Brain Structural Asymmetry in Major Depressive Disorder: An ENIGMA Consortium Analysis Journal Articles
No Effect of Depression on [15O]H2O PET Response to Intravenous d-Fenfluramine Journal Articles
No More “Us” and “Them”: Integrating Recovery and Well-Being into a Conceptual Model for Mental Health Policy Journal Articles
No detectable effects of acute tryptophan depletion on short-term immune system cytokine levels in healthy adults Journal Articles
No effect of oral l-tryptophan or alpha-lactalbumin on total tryptophan levels in breast milk Journal Articles
No effect of oral tyrosine on total tyrosine levels in breast milk: implications for dietary supplementation in early postpartum Journal Articles
No evidence for depression screening in cardiovascular care settings: A comment on CANMAT task force recommendations RESPONSE Journal Articles
Nocturnal melatonin and 24-hour 6-sulphatoxymelatonin levels in various phases of bipolar affective disorder Journal Articles
Nocturnal melatonin and cortisol secretion in newly admitted psychiatric inpatients Journal Articles
Non-antidepressant treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Journal Articles
Nonpharmacological bases of drug tolerance and dependence Journal Articles
Noradrenergic dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex in depression: an [15O] H2O PET study of the neuromodulatory effects of clonidine Journal Articles
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Journal
Normalization of dexamethasone suppression test: a laboratory index of recovery from endogenous depression. Journal Articles
Nouvelles approches. Collaboration entre dispensateurs de soins primaires et de santé mentale Journal Articles
Novel males' capacity to disrupt early pregnancy in mice (Mus musculus) is attenuated via a chronic reduction of males' urinary 17β-estradiol Journal Articles
Novel mechanism of action for the mood stabilizer lithium Journal Articles
Nucleocytoplasmic transport of huntingtin and Huntington's disease Journal Articles
Nutrition and Bipolar Disorders in Older Adults: A systematic Review Conferences
O30. Frontal EEG Asymmetry in Extremely Low Birth Weight Adult Survivors: Links to Antenatal Corticosteroid Exposure and Psychopathology Conferences
O54. The Effect of Gut Microbiota on Glutamatergic/GABAergic Gene Expression in Adult Mice Conferences
Obesity Genes and Risk of Major Depressive Disorder in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Obesity and binge eating disorders Journal Articles
Obesity and mental disorders Journal Articles
Obesity is associated with previous suicide attempts in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Obesity-Induced Structural and Neuronal Plasticity in the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex. Journal Articles
Objective Validation of the Biological Rhythms Interview for Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (BRIAN): Preliminary Analyses Conferences
Objective parameters of sleep and circadian rhythms: an actigraph and melatonin study in bipolar and major depressive disorder Conferences
Objective sleep and daytime activity in bipolar and major depressive disorder Conferences
Observing Countertransference in Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy Journal Articles
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic Conferences
Obsessive-compulsive disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in the elderly: A report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Obsessive-compulsive spectrum conditions in obsessive-compulsive disorder and other anxiety disorders Conferences
Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a disorder of pessimal (non‐functional) motor behavior Journal Articles
Occupational therapy interventions in the treatment of people with severe mental illness Journal Articles
Of studies, summaries, synopses, and systems: the "4S" evolution of services for finding current best evidence Journal Articles
Off-Script, Online: Virtual Medical Improv Pilot Program for Enhancing Well-being and Clinical Skills among Psychiatry Residents Journal Articles
Olfactory Function and Neurogenesis in the MRL Model of Neuropsychiatric Lupus Conferences
On sexual violence Journal Articles
Once and Again: Intergenerational Transmission of Parenting Conferences
One-Day Peer-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Workshops for Postpartum Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
One-Year Incidence of Psychiatric Disorders in Quebec's Older Adult Population Journal Articles
One-Year Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Housing First With ACT in Five Canadian Cities Journal Articles
One-Year Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorder in Ontarians 15 to 64 Years of Age Journal Articles
Ongoing contact for 2 years after discharge was associated with greater survival in patients at risk of post crisis suicide Journal Articles
Online Peer-Delivered 1-Day Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Based Workshops for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Online Public Health Nurse–Delivered Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Online peer‐delivered group cognitive‐behavioral therapy for postpartum depression: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Ontario Child Health Study. Summary of selected results. Journal Articles
Ontario Child Health Study: suicidal behavior in youth age 12-16 years Journal Articles
Opium Effect in Pregnancy on the Dynamics of Maternal Behavior: Testing a Neurochemical Model Journal Articles
Opportunities and Barriers of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Training of Psychiatrists: A Competencies-Based Perspective. Journal Articles
Optimal duration of risperidone or olanzapine adjunctive therapy to mood stabilizer following remission of a manic episode: A CANMAT randomized double-blind trial Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for identifying mental health content in MEDLINE: an analytic survey Journal Articles
Optimizing Treatment in Social Phobia: A Review of Treatment Resistance Journal Articles
Oral Naloxone for Methadone-induced Constipation: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial Conferences
Out-of-Pocket expenditure for depression among patients attending private community psychiatric clinics in Pakistan. Journal Articles
Outcome Trajectories among Homeless Individuals with Mental Disorders in a Multisite Randomised Controlled Trial of Housing First Journal Articles
Outcome Trajectories and Prognostic Factors for Suicide and Self-Harm Behaviors in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Following One Year of Outpatient Psychotherapy Journal Articles
Outcomes of an integrated care pathway for concurrent major depressive and alcohol use disorders: a multisite prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Outcomes, feasibility and acceptability of a group support psychotherapeutic intervention for depressed HIV affected Ugandan adults: A pilot study Journal Articles
Overestimation of Postpartum Depression Prevalence Based on a 5-item Version of the EPDS: Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Overlap between individual differences in cognition and symptoms of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Overlap of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction, Psychosocial Factors, and Healthcare-Related Quality of Life: A Romanian Subgroup Analysis of the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study Conferences
Overlapping patterns of recreational and medical cannabis use in a large community sample of cannabis users Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and BDNF as possible markers for the severity of crack cocaine use in early withdrawal Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and inflammation in bipolar disorder: the putative role of activated microglial cells Conferences
Oxidative stress markers imbalance in late-life depression Journal Articles
Oxidative stress markers in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis Conferences
Oxidative stress markers in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis Journal Articles
Oxidative stress may be a common mechanism linking major depression and osteoporosis Journal Articles
P factor in children with chronic physical illness Journal Articles
P-179 - Brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a biomarker of clinical response in bipolar disorder: 16 week follow-up study Journal Articles
P-946 - Temperament markers for cormorbid depression and anxiety Journal Articles
P.0092 The efficacy of smartphone-based interventions in bipolar disorder: systematic-review and meta-analyses. A position paper from the ISBD Big Data Task-Force Conferences
P.0266 The mental health response to the first wave of covid-19 in an international sample Conferences
P.0415 Meta-analysis of cognitive performance in older adults with bipolar disorders Journal Articles
P.0805 Impact of peritraumatic dissociation in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
P.1.035 An open study of instant dose citalopram inpremenstrual dysphoric disorder Conferences
P.1.190 Prevalence and management of depression with painful physical symptoms in a Canadian claims database Conferences
P.1.c.015 Cognitive development in 4-to 6-year old children: does the Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery provide a reliable assessment? Conferences
P.1.g.067 Tianeptine has neuroprotective effects in a differentiated SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell line Conferences
P.1.g.078 Approaches to create dietary supplements to prevent postpartum depression Conferences
P.1.i.02l Neuroendocrine and psychological factors in chronic fatigue syndrome Conferences
P.1.i.034 The impact of 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met on heterogeneity of intrinsic connectivity of amygdala in major depressive disorder Conferences
P.2.a.049 Functional outcome after 12 months of deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant major depressive disorder Conferences
P.2.b.017 Structural brain alterations in major depression: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group Conferences
P.2.c.004 The receptor P2X7 participates in the amphetamine-induced increase of a proinflammatory environment in an animal model of mania Conferences
P.2.c.005 Use of mesenchymal stem cells as a novel treatment for bipolar disorder: preliminary results of an in vitro study Conferences
P.2.c.008 Cell therapy as a strategy for the treatment of bipolar disorder: preliminary results of a study using an animal model of mania Conferences
P.2.c.009 Epigenetically-induced modulation of the stress axis associated with the progression of bipolar disorder Conferences
P.2.d.009 The predictive role of Val66Met polymorphism on levels of BDNF along treatment of medication-free patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
P.2.d.015 Short telomeres in subjects with remitted bipolar disorder Conferences
P.2.d.033 Staging bipolar disorder: biological, clinical and functional correlates Conferences
P.2.d.046 C-reactive protein is elevated in bipolar disorder Conferences
P.2.d.054 A pilot, open-label, 8-week study evaluating the efficacy of adjunctive minocycline for the treatment of bipolar I/II depression Conferences
P.2.e.001 Methylene blue for residual symptoms and for cognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder: results of a double-blind trial Conferences
P.2.e.027 Interleukin-6 as a biomarker of the model of staging in bipolar disorder Conferences
P.2.h.003 Reduction in depressed mood after dietary supplementation during postpartum blues Conferences
P.250 Prediction of bipolar disorder four years before onset in a 22-year population-based birth cohort using advanced machine learning techniques Conferences
P.3.008 Treatment of trichotillomania with atypicalantipsychotics: A case series Conferences
P.3.048 Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Gender differences in clinical presentation and response to sertraline Conferences
P.4.a.006 Internet-based screening of anxiety disorders Conferences
P.4.a.007 Internet use for social communication in adolescents with social anxiety disorder Conferences
P.4.a.008 A randomized placebo controlled trial of olanzapine in trichotillomania Conferences
P.4.a.010 Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorder comorbidity: prevalence in a clinical sample Conferences
P.4.b.005 Panic attacks and generalised anxiety disorder Conferences
P.4.b.019 Panic attacks associated with generalised anxiety disorder Conferences
P.4.c.001 The use of augmentation strategies in treatment resistant anxiety disorders: a meta-analysis and systematic review Conferences
P.4.e.006 Perinatal Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (POCS): preliminary data Conferences
P.4.e.007 Internet screening for anxiety disorders and effects on treatment-seeking three months later Conferences
P.4.e.007 Perceptions of obsessive compulsive disorder and the impact on treatment outcomes Conferences
P.4.e.008 The use of technology-based communication and the impact on the social functioning of individuals with and without social phobia Conferences
P.4.f.001 The impact of changing diagnostic criteria in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Conferences
P.4.f.003 Effect of stress on brain activation patterns in women with postpartum obsessive-compulsive and depressive disorders Conferences
P.4.f.003 Recent life stress in pregnant immigrant women and its association with HPA axis activity Conferences
P.492 Selective sound sensitivity (misophonia): characteristics of an online sample Conferences
P.6.e.002 Problematic internet use in the general population: results from an internet-based survey Conferences
P.8.a.034 The composite international diagnostic interview-for women (CIDI-VENUS): a pilot study Conferences
P.8.b.002 Early maternal experience, maternal sensitivity, infant emotion regulation and HPA function Conferences
P01-270 - Quality of Life and Sociodemographic Factors of Patients with Unexplained Symptom in General Practice Journal Articles
P02-35 - Incidence and Correlates of Delirium in a West African Mental Health Clinic Journal Articles
P02.231 24-week prevention of relapse of generalized social phobia study in responders to 20-weeks of sertraline treatment Conferences
P02.231 24-week prevention of relapse of generalized social phobia study in responders to 20-weeks of sertraline treatment Conferences
P03-208 - Correlates And Prevalence Of Substance Use Among Primary Care Patient In Ikorodu, Nigeria Journal Articles
P11. Predictors of Illicit Substance Abuse/Dependence During Young Adulthood: A Machine Learning Approach Journal Articles
P252. Passive Behavior Sensing Features and Depression Characteristics in a Prospective Relapse Monitoring Study Journal Articles
P2X7R participates in the pathophysiology of mania: A preclinical study Conferences
P382. Replication of Personalized Relapse Prediction in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Using Digital Biomarkers Journal Articles
P556. N400 Event-Related Brain Potential as a Predictor of Symptomatic Outcome in Persons at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Journal Articles
PAOPA, a potent analogue of Pro-Leu-glycinamide and allosteric modulator of the dopamine D2 receptor, prevents NMDA receptor antagonist (MK-801)-induced deficits in social interaction in the rat: Implications for the treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia Journal Articles
PAOPA, a potent dopamine D2 receptor allosteric modulator, prevents and reverses behavioral and biochemical abnormalities in an amphetamine-sensitized preclinical animal model of schizophrenia Journal Articles
PET and behavioral responses to IV d-fenfluramine in humans Conferences
Pain severity and pain interference during major depressive episodes treated with escitalopram and aripiprazole adjunctive therapy: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Palliative Care for People with Severe Persistent Mental Illness: A Review of the Literature Journal Articles
Panic Attacks in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Paradigms lost and the structure of psychiatric revolutions Journal Articles
Paranoid psychosis and cognitive impairment associated with hepatitis C antiviral therapy Journal Articles
Parental Representation in Suicidal Adolescents: A Controlled Study Journal Articles
Parental functioning in bipolar disorder varies by gender and episode type Conferences
Parenting and Salience Network Connectivity Among African Americans: A Protective Pathway for Health-Risk Behaviors Journal Articles
Parenting and infant HPA function: Adaptation as physiological flexibility Journal Articles
Parents' and Teachers' Concordance with Children's Self‐Ratings of Suicidality: Findings from a High‐Risk Sample Journal Articles
Paroxetine Controlled Release for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Paroxetine in Social Phobia Journal Articles
Paroxetine versus Clomipramine in the Treatment of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Journal Articles
Paroxetine-induced increase in LDL cholesterol levels Conferences
Paroxetine-induced increase in LDL cholesterol levels Journal Articles
Partial Loss of USP9X Function Leads to a Male Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorder Converging on Transforming Growth Factor β Signaling Journal Articles
Passive Behavior Sensing Features and Depression Characteristics in a Prospective Relapse Monitoring Study Conferences
Path analysis of the chronicity of depression using the comprehensive developmental model framework Journal Articles
Pathophysiology of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorders Conferences
Pathway and hemispheric differences in the event-related potential (ERP) to monaural stimulation: A comparison of schizophrenic patients with normal controls Journal Articles
Pathways to First-Episode Care for Psychosis in African-, Caribbean-, and European-Origin Groups in Ontario Journal Articles
Pathways to care and first episode psychosis: are there ethnic differences in a sample from Ontario? Conferences
Pathways toward Positive Psychosocial Outcomes and Mental Health for Youth with Disabilities: A Knowledge Synthesis of Developmental Trajectories Journal Articles
Patient Assaults on Psychiatric Residents: The Canadian Experience Journal Articles
Patient Perceptions of Microbiome-Based Therapies as Novel Treatments for Mood Disorders: A Mixed Methods Study: Perceptions des patients sur les thérapies basées sur le microbiome pour les troubles de l’humeur : une étude à méthodes mixtes Journal Articles
Patient Preferences of a Low-Income Hispanic Population for Mental Health Services in Primary Care Journal Articles
Patient and Physician Factors Associated with First Diagnosis of Non-affective Psychotic Disorder in Primary Care Journal Articles
Patients with bipolar disorder show impaired performance on complex tests of social cognition Journal Articles
Patients’ perspectives on the experience of absconding from a psychiatric hospital: A qualitative study Journal Articles
Patterns and correlates of major depression in Chinese adults: a cross-sectional study of 0.5 million men and women Journal Articles
Patterns and predictors of attrition in a trial of a housing intervention for homeless people with mental illness Journal Articles
Patterns of Illness among Individuals Reporting High and Low Stress Journal Articles
Patterns of visual processing in schizophrenia: Selective dorsal pathway impairment Conferences
Peer-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
PeerOnCall: Exploring how organizational culture shapes implementation of a peer support app for public safety personnel Journal Articles
Perceptions of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Potential Impact on Treatment Outcome Conferences
Performance Change in Schizophrenia: Current Research and Implications Journal Articles
Performance of the biological rhythms interview for assessment in neuropsychiatry: An item response theory and actigraphy analysis Journal Articles
Performances on individual neurocognitive tests by people experiencing a current major depression episode: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Perinatal Depression: Searching for Specific Tools for a Closer Look at This Window. Journal Articles
Perinatal Risks of Untreated Depression during Pregnancy Journal Articles
Perinatal anxiety disorder prevalence and incidence Journal Articles
Perinatal factors as risk factors of bipolar disorder onset in young adulthood: a 22-year birth cohort Conferences
Perinatal mood disorders: position paper. Journal Articles
Periodicity and severity of changes in depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ten-wave longitudinal findings from an observational cohort study of community adults Journal Articles
Peripheral Biomarkers in New Onset of Major Depressive Disorder in Midlife Women: The Harvard Study of Moods and Cycles Conferences
Peripheral Inflammation and Impulsivity in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Peripheral Inflammation as a Marker of Response to Sequential Pharmacotherapy in Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 Study Conferences
Peripheral Inflammatory Biomarkers Define Biotypes of Bipolar Depression Conferences
Peripheral adenosine levels in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Peripheral biomarker signatures of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Peripheral biomarkers and illness activity in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Peripheral biomarkers and illness activity in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor changes along treatment with extended release quetiapine during acute mood episodes: An open-label trial in drug-free patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Peripheral eotaxin-1 (CCL11) levels and mood disorder diagnosis in a population-based sample of young adults Conferences
Peripheral eotaxin-1 (CCL11) levels and mood disorder diagnosis in a population-based sample of young adults Journal Articles
Peripheral inflammatory biomarkers define biotypes of bipolar depression Journal Articles
Peripheral neurofilament light chain and intracortical myelin in bipolar I disorder Conferences
Peripheral neurofilament light chain and intracortical myelin in bipolar I disorder. Journal Articles
Peripheral nucleotide hydrolysis in rats submitted to a model of electroconvulsive therapy Journal Articles
Peripheral oxidative damage in early-stage mood disorders: a nested population-based case-control study Journal Articles
Peripheral protein inflammatory biomarkers in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Persistence and Remission of Psychiatric Disorders in the Quebec Older Adult Population Journal Articles
Persistent disability is a risk factor for late-onset mental disorder after serious injury Journal Articles
Personality Disorders and Clinical Disorders: The Challenge of Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Eating Disorders (EDs), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD). Journal Articles
Personality and psychopathology: the dangers of premature closure Journal Articles
Personality correlates of pathological gambling derived from Big Three and Big Five personalitymodels Journal Articles
Perspectives for the development of animal models of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Perspectives of patients, family members, health professionals and the public on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health Journal Articles
Pharma-Psychosocial Treatment for Individuals With Substance Use Disorders in a Canadian Forensic Program Conferences
Pharmacologic Treatment of Paraphilias Journal Articles
Pharmacological Interventions for Reduction or Prevention of Weight Gain in Schizophrenia: A Cochrane Meta-Analysis Conferences
Pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder: Evidence from randomized clinical trials Journal Articles
Pharmacological treatment strategies in obsessive compulsive disorder: A cross-sectional view in nine international OCD centers Journal Articles
Pharmacopsychiatry Journal
Pharmacotherapy for Social Phobia: What Works, What Might Work, and What Does Not Work at All Journal Articles
Pharmacotherapy for social anxiety disorder: an update. Journal Articles
Pharmacotherapy of impulse control disorders: A systematic review Journal Articles
Pharmacotherapy of restricted/repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorder:a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Pharmacotherapy of social anxiety disorder: an algorithm for primary care 2001 Journal Articles
Phloretin-Inhibited Lithium Efflux: Does Measurement Contribute to Better Management of Bipolar Patients? Journal Articles
Phloretin-sensitive lithium transport in erythrocytes of affectively ill patients: Intra-individual reproducibility Journal Articles
Phobic anxiety does not affect plasma levels of thyroid stimulating hormone in man Journal Articles
Physical Illness and Length of Psychiatric Hospitalization* Journal Articles
Physical comorbidities of older age bipolar disorder (OABD) patients: A global replication analysis of prevalence and sex differences Journal Articles
Physical health among people with serious mental illness in the face of COVID-19: Concerns and mitigation strategies Journal Articles
Physician suicide demographics and the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Physiological Stress Response in Postpartum Women with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Pilot Study Conferences
Physiological stress response in postpartum women with obsessive–compulsive disorder: A pilot study Journal Articles
Pilot Study: Access to Fitness Facility and Exercise Levels in Olanzapine-Treated Patients Journal Articles
Pineal and adrenal function before and after refeeding in anorexia nervosa Journal Articles
Placebo response in trichotillomania Journal Articles
Placebo-controlled trials: Conferences
Plans for HDBase—a research community website for Huntington's Disease Journal Articles
Plasma Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic Factor levels and cognitive function in euthymic bipolar type I patients Journal Articles
Plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels, learning capacity and cognition in patients with first episode psychosis Journal Articles
Plasma corticosterone is increased and correlated with brain acetylcholine in physostigmine- but not in neostigmine-treated rats Journal Articles
Plasma prolactin and severe premenstrual tension Journal Articles
Platelet 3H‐imipramine binding during recovery from depression Journal Articles
Platelet monoamine oxidase and the growth hormone response to apomorphine in schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Platelet tritiated imipramine binding in patients suffering from mania Journal Articles
Platelet α2-Adrenergic Receptors in Depressed Patients and Healthy Volunteers: The Effects of Desipramine Journal Articles
Pokémon Go: is it a potential tool for mental health? Conferences
Policy and Program Barriers and Facilitator to Advancing Collaborative Family-Centered Care for Complex Child and Youth Mental Health Across Multiple Organizations Conferences
Polygenic Contributions to Risk Taking as Measured by the Balloon Analogue Risk Task Conferences
Polygenic Risk Score Analysis of Antidepressant Treatment Response: Results From the CAN-BIND-1 Cohort Conferences
Polygenic Risk and Neural Substrates of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Youths With a History of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Polygenic contributions to performance on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task Journal Articles
Polypharmacy and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Polypharmacy and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Poor adherence to placebo or amiodarone therapy predicts mortality: results from the CAMIAT study. Canadian Amiodarone Myocardial Infarction Arrhythmia Trial. Journal Articles
Population Mental Health and COVID-19: Why Do We Know So Little? Journal Articles
Position Paper on “Withholding Treatment” Journal Articles
Position paper on "withholding treatment". Journal Articles
Positive perception of pharmacogenetic testing for psychotropic medications Journal Articles
Post-abortion mania Journal Articles
Post-stroke depression: Prevalence, associated factors and impact on quality of life among outpatients in a Nigerian hospital Journal Articles
Posterior Hippocampal Volumes Are Associated with Remission Rates in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Postgraduate Medical Training, Stress, and Marriage Journal Articles
Postgraduate Psychotherapy Training Journal Articles
Postpartum Depression Symptoms in Newcomers Journal Articles
Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Postpartum depression: we know the risks, can it be prevented? Journal Articles
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology and Substance Use in an Outpatient Concurrent Disorders Sample Journal Articles
Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Coping Motives Mediate the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment and Alcohol Problems Journal Articles
Posttraumatic amnesia and recall of a traumatic event following traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Posttraumatic stress and delay discounting: a meta-analytic review Journal Articles
Posttraumatic stress hyperarousal symptoms mediate the relationship between childhood exposure to violence and subsequent alcohol misuse in Mi'kmaq youth Journal Articles
Potential use of Internet-based screening for anxiety disorders: a pilot study Journal Articles
Poverty and mental health: a qualitative study of residential care facility tenants. Journal Articles
Poverty, Neighbourhood Antisocial Behaviour, and Children’s Mental Health Problems: Findings from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Practical Management of Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Practices, knowledge, and attitudes about lithium treatment: Results of online surveys completed by clinicians and lithium-treated patients Journal Articles
Pre-Treatment Resting-State Functional Connectivity Related to Anhedonia and Anxiety are Associated With Antidepressant Response to Escitalopram and Adjunct Aripiprazole Conferences
Precision Psychiatry: The Future Is Now Journal Articles
Predicting Response to SSRI Treatment for MDD: A Pilot Study Using Machine Learning Analysis of EEG Data Conferences
Predicting Worsening Suicidal Ideation With Clinical Features and Peripheral Expression of Messenger RNA and MicroRNA During Antidepressant Treatment Journal Articles
Predicting antidepressant response in general practice Conferences
Predicting conversion to mood disorders in a cohort of bipolar offspring Conferences
Predicting functional impairment in bipolar disorder: a pilot study with a machine learning approach Conferences
Predicting functional impairment in euthymic patients with mood disorder: A 5-year follow-up Journal Articles
Predicting functioning and quality of life using objective and subjective measures of sleep and biological rhythms in major depressive and bipolar disorder Conferences
Predicting offenses among individuals with psychiatric disorders - A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Predicting outcome for borderline personality disorder Journal Articles
Predicting psychiatric readmission: sex-specific models to predict 30-day readmission following acute psychiatric hospitalization Journal Articles
Predicting recurrence of major depressive episodes using the Depression Implicit Association Test: A Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) report Journal Articles
Predicting response to antidepressant treatment: An evaluation of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy with glucose positron emission tomography Conferences
Predicting substance use in late adolescence: results from the Ontario Child Health Study follow-up Journal Articles
Prediction of Functional Impairment Among Patients With Bipolar Disorder - A Machine Learning Approach Conferences
Prediction of depression treatment outcome from multimodal data: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Prediction of early-onset eating disorders and obesity: the role of neuropsychological performance at age 4 Conferences
Prediction of suicide attempts in a prospective cohort study with a nationally representative sample of the US population Journal Articles
Predictors of Change in Functional Competence and Functional Behavior After Functional Adaptation Skills Training for Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Predictors of Clozapine Funding in Southwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Predictors of Psychiatric Readmission Among Bipolar Disorder Patients Conferences
Predictors of Quality of Life Improvement with Escitalopram and Adjunctive Aripiprazole in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND Study Report Journal Articles
Predictors of Response in Generalized Social Phobia Journal Articles
Predictors of antidepressant response in clinical trials of transcranial magnetic stimulation Journal Articles
Predictors of cognitive heterogeneity in a transcultural sample of individuals with bipolar disorder: A machine-learning approach Conferences
Predictors of functional impairment in bipolar disorder: clinical factors Conferences
Predictors of illicit substance abuse/dependence during young adulthood: A machine learning approach Conferences
Predictors of immigrant children’s mental health in Canada: selection, settlement contingencies, culture, or all of the above? Journal Articles
Predictors of medication competence in schizophrenia patients Journal Articles
Predictors of nonresponse to cognitive behavioural therapy or venlafaxine using glucose metabolism in major depressive disorder. Journal Articles
Predictors of outcome from first episode psychosis in Ontario, Canada Conferences
Predictors of perceived symptom change with acute cannabis use for mental health conditions in a naturalistic sample: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Predictors of psychiatric readmission among patients with bipolar disorder at an academic safety-net hospital Journal Articles
Predictors of remission in patients treated with sertraline for moderate to severe generalized social phobia Conferences
Predictors of sertraline response in the treatment of generalized social phobia Journal Articles
Predominant polarity in bipolar disorder: Diagnostic implications Journal Articles
Preeclampsia as a risk factor for postpartum depression and psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Preferences for Early Intervention Mental Health Services: A Discrete-Choice Conjoint Experiment Journal Articles
Prefrontal Cortex 5-HT2 Receptors in Depression: An [18F]Setoperone PET Imaging Study Journal Articles
Prefrontal Cortex Dopamine Transporter Gene Network Moderates the Effect of Perinatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Conditions on Cognitive Flexibility and Brain Gray Matter Density in Children Journal Articles
Prefrontal Cortex Volume in Patients with Bipolar Disorder is Correlated with Functioning in Daily-Life Activities Conferences
Prefrontal cortex 5-HT2 receptors in depression Conferences
Pregnancy and Birth Complications in Antisocial Adolescents and Their Siblings Journal Articles
Pregnancy and Delivery Outcomes Following Benzodiazepine Exposure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Preliminary Findings for Group Transdiagnostic Behavior Therapy for Affective Disorders Among Youths Journal Articles
Preliminary Findings of Noncompliance with Psychotropic Medication and Prevalence of Methamphetamine Intoxication Associated with Suicide Completion Journal Articles
Preliminary evidence for different bold response between patients with psychotic disorders and healthy controls during olfactory processing Conferences
Preliminary evidence for the validity of schizophrenia subtypes based on severity of illness, outcome and depressive symptoms Conferences
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Evidence for a New Category for DSM-5 Journal Articles
Premenstrual dysphoria and the serotonin system: pathophysiology and treatment. Journal Articles
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Journal Articles
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and work efficiency: Response to fluoxetine in a randomized clinical trial Conferences
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: burden of illness and treatment update. Journal Articles
Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: guidelines for management. Journal Articles
Premenstrual tension syndrome: The development of research diagnostic criteria and new rating scales Journal Articles
Premorbid intelligence quotient and school failure as risk markers for bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Premortem and Postmortem Measurement to Study Structure With Function: A Human Brain Collection Journal Articles
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Adolescent Neural Responses to Appetitive and Stressful Stimuli Journal Articles
Prenatal Exposure to Antidepressants: How Safe Are They? Journal Articles
Prenatal betamethasone exposure and psychopathology risk in extremely low birth weight survivors in the third and fourth decades of life Journal Articles
Preparing International Medical Graduates for Psychiatry Residency: A Multi-Site Needs Assessment Journal Articles
Presumed structural and functional neural recovery after long-term abstinence from cocaine in male military veterans Journal Articles
Prevalence and Correlates of Physical-mental Multimorbidity in Outpatient Children From a Pediatric Hospital in Canada Journal Articles
Prevalence and Correlates of Sexting Behaviors in a Provincially Representative Sample of Adolescents Journal Articles
Prevalence and Correlates of Youth Suicidal Ideation and Attempts: Evidence from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Prevalence and Predictors of Reincarceration after Correctional Center Release: A Population-based Comparison of Individuals with and without Schizophrenia in Ontario, Canada: Prévalence et prédicteurs de la réincarcération après la libération d’un centre correctionnel : une comparaison dans la population-de personnes souffrant ou non de schizophrénie en Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Prevalence and characteristics of parenting among people served by assertive community treatment. Journal Articles
Prevalence and clinical correlates of alcohol use disorders among bipolar disorder patients: Results from the Brazilian Bipolar Research Network Journal Articles
Prevalence and clinical impact of eating disorders in bipolar patients Journal Articles
Prevalence and correlates of current suicide risk in an international sample of OCD adults: A report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) network and Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Network (OCRN) of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Journal Articles
Prevalence and correlates of poor medication adherence amongst psychiatric outpatients in southwestern Nigeria Journal Articles
Prevalence of Childhood and Adolescent Depression in the Community Journal Articles
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Journal Articles
Prevalence of Mental Health and Addiction Service use Prior to and During Incarceration in Provincial Jails in Ontario, Canada: A Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Prevalence of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in anxiety disorders sample Conferences
Prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in a Canadian medical cannabis use cohort Conferences
Prevalence of childhood mental disorders in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis to inform policymaking Journal Articles
Prevalence of dysthymic disorder in primary care1Drs Steiner and Browne are co-principal investigators of this study.1 Journal Articles
Prevalence of hoarding behaviours and excessive acquisition in users of online classified advertisements Journal Articles
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in never treated mood disordered patients Conferences
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in never treated mood disordered patients Conferences
Prevalence of suicide attempt and clinical characteristics of suicide attempters with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Preventing Suicidal Behaviour in a General Hospital Psychiatric Service: Priorities for Programming Journal Articles
Preventing Youth from Falling Through the Cracks Between Child/Adolescent and Adult Mental Health Services: A Systematic Review of Models of Care Journal Articles
Prevention of Relapse in Generalized Social Phobia: Results of a 24-Week Study in Responders to 20 Weeks of Sertraline Treatment Journal Articles
Prevention of diabetes in schizophrenia: A review of the scope and limitations Conferences
Prevention of vascular complications after cerebral ischaemia of arterial organ; the ESPRIT study: mild anticoagulant therapy, combination treatment with acetylsalicylic acid and dipyridamole, or treatment with acetylsalicylic acid alone? Journal Articles
Primary Care and Community Psychiatry Journal
Primary Psychiatry: first in applied psychiatric medicine Journal
Primary early onset dysthymia, biochemical correlates of the therapeutic response to fluoxetine: II. Urinary metabolites of serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine and melatonin Journal Articles
Principles underlying mental health legislation. Journal Articles
Pro-inflammatory markers are associated with response to sequential pharmacotherapy in major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Pro-inflammatory markers predict response to sequential pharmacotherapy in major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Conferences
Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 primary studies Journal Articles
Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured versus fully structured diagnostic interviews. Journal Articles
Problem Resolution and Repetition of Parasuicide Journal Articles
Problem-solving training as an active ingredient of treatment for youth depression: a scoping review and exploratory meta-analysis Journal Articles
Problematic internet use in children and adolescents: associations with psychiatric disorders and impairment Journal Articles
Problems with single‐factor solutions in factor analyses of low‐end scores Journal Articles
Process Evaluation of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Support Psychotherapy for Depression Treatment Among People with HIV/AIDS in Northern Uganda Journal Articles
Proclivity to self-injurious behavior in MRL-lpr mice: implications for autoimmunity-induced damage in the dopaminergic system Journal Articles
Prodromal mood symptoms and inflammatory markers in first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder: preliminary data Conferences
Produção brasileira em periódicos psiquiátricos de alto fator de impacto em 2005 Journal Articles
Professor Ellis Alindo D'Arrigo Busnello: a humanist and a scientist with a passion for psychiatry and psychopathology. A great mentor of Brazilian scientific postgraduate programs in psychiatry Journal Articles
Profile of disability in bipolar affective disorder and interplay of social factors: policy and treatment design relevance in a developing context Conferences
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry Journal
Progression of Bipolar Disease to Frontal Dementias: A Systematic Review and Provisional Research Criteria Conferences
Prolactin response to hypoglycemia in acute depression Journal Articles
Proposed Antidepressant-Associated Antimicrobial Resistance Journal Articles
Propranolol in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Prospective Follow-up Study of Borderline Personality Disorder: Prognosis, Prediction of Outcome, and Axis II Comorbidity Journal Articles
Prospective Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts in a Treated Sample of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Prospective investigation of subjective measures of biological rhythms across the perinatal period in women with bipolar disorder Conferences
Prospective study of risk factors for increased suicide ideation and behavior following recent discharge Journal Articles
Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients Journal Articles
Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients. Journal Articles
Protocol for a systematic review on the role of the gut microbiome in paediatric neurological disorders Journal Articles
Protocols for the Use of Cyproterone, Medroxyprogesterone, and Leuprolide in the Treatment of Paraphilia Journal Articles
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of prefrontal white matter in psychotropic naïve children and adolescents with obsessive–compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Protracted akathisia after risperidone withdrawal Journal Articles
Providing Education in Safe Settings: A Framework for Postgraduate Programs to Promote Workplace Safety for Residents Journal Articles
Providing Psychiatric Backup to Family Physicians by Telephone Journal Articles
Provincial and Territorial Variation in Barriers in Accessing Healthcare for Children and Youth With Mental and Neurodevelopmental Health Concerns in Canada Journal Articles
Psicoterapia psicodinâmica em grupo para fobia social generalizada Journal Articles
Psilocybin for clinical indications: A scoping review Journal Articles
Psiquiatria Biologica Journal
Psychiatria Danubina Journal
Psychiatria Polska Journal
Psychiatric Advance Directives and the Right to Refuse Treatment in Canada Journal Articles
Psychiatric Annals Journal
Psychiatric Clerkship: A Review of the Concept Journal Articles
Psychiatric Clinics of North America Journal
Psychiatric Disability in Ontario Journal Articles
Psychiatric Disorder and Poor School Performance among Welfare Children in Ontario Journal Articles
Psychiatric Disorder and Substance Use in Adolescence Journal Articles
Psychiatric Disorders in Adopted Children: A Profile from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Psychiatric Epidemiology in Canada Journal Articles
Psychiatric Epidemiology in Canada and the CCHS Study Journal Articles
Psychiatric Genetics Journal
Psychiatric Hospitalizations: A Comparison by Gender, Sociodemographics, Clinical Profile, and Postdischarge Outcomes Journal Articles
Psychiatric Networks in Canada Journal Articles
Psychiatric Networks: They Make Sense, But do They Work? Journal Articles
Psychiatric Organizations: Influencing Professional Development Journal Articles
Psychiatric Quarterly Journal
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal Journal
Psychiatric Services Journal
Psychiatric Times Journal
Psychiatric and clinical correlates of rapid cycling bipolar disorder: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Psychiatric and substance-use comorbidities associated with lifetime crack cocaine use in young adults in the general population Journal Articles
Psychiatric aspects of endocrine disorders in women Journal Articles
Psychiatric comorbidity pattern in treatment-seeking veterans Journal Articles
Psychiatric consultation in the family physician's office Journal Articles
Psychiatric disturbances after traumatic brain injury: Neurobehavioral and personality changes Journal Articles
Psychiatric disturbances after traumatic brain injury: Neurobehavioral and personality changes Journal Articles
Psychiatric hospitalizations due to bipolar disorder, major depression disorder, and schizophrenia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Conferences
Psychiatric rehabilitation model for borderline personality disorder. Journal Articles
Psychiatrists in Times of Pandemics: Psychiatres en temps de pandémie Journal Articles
Psychiatry Research Journal
Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging Journal
Psychiatry Residency Education in Canada: Past, Present and Future Journal Articles
Psychiatry and Family Medicine: Sharing Care Journal Articles
Psychiatry and Family Medicine: The McMaster Approach Journal Articles
Psychobiology of mental disorders associated with childbearing: AN OVERVIEW Journal Articles
Psychoeducation versus CBT in bipolar disorder: A multi-site RCT Conferences
Psychoendocrinology and growth hormone: A review Journal Articles
Psychological Approaches in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Patients—When Pills, Scalpels, and Needles are Not Enough Journal Articles
Psychological Distress Among Immigrants and Visible Minorities in Canada: a Contextual Analysis Journal Articles
Psychological Intervention for Premenstrual Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Psychological Medicine Journal
Psychological Services Journal
Psychological Treatments for Social Phobia Journal Articles
Psychological distress and sleep problems in healthcare workers in a developing context during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for workplace wellbeing Journal Articles
Psychological factors that confer risk for bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Psychological factors that may confer risk for bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Psychological features of subjects with idiopathic environmental intolerance Journal Articles
Psychological interventions for bipolar disorder reduces the recurrence of new episodes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Conferences
Psychological predictors of sudden death in myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the FAST scale (Functioning Assessment Short Test) in patients with schizophrenia Conferences
Psychometric properties of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Inventory in a Canadian sample Journal Articles
Psychometric validation of a monitoring-blunting measure for social anxiety disorder: the coping styles questionnaire for social situations (CSQSS) Journal Articles
Psychoneuroendocrinology Journal
Psychoneuroendocrinology of affective disorder: an overview Journal Articles
Psychoneuroendocrinology of depression. Journal Articles
Psychopathology Journal
Psychopathology and cognition in divergent functional outcomes in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Psychopathology correlates of binge eating and binge eating disorder Journal Articles
Psychopathology in the Offspring of Indigenous Parents with Mental Health Challenges: A Systematic Review: Psychopathologie des descendants de parents autochtones ayant des problèmes de santé mentale: Une revue systématique Journal Articles
Psychopathology in young adults born at extremely low birth weight Journal Articles
Psychopharmacologic Management of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Psychopharmacologic treatment of pediatric major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Psychopharmacology Journal
Psychopharmacology Bulletin Journal
Psychopharmacology for the Clinician Journal Articles
Psychopharmacology for the Clinician Journal Articles
Psychopharmacology for the clinician psychopharmacologie pratique Journal Articles
Psychopharmacology of personality disorders: Review and emerging issues Journal Articles
Psychosis Resulting in Suicide in a Patient with Primary Hyperparathyroidism Journal Articles
Psychosis following Acute Alteration of Thyroid Status Journal Articles
Psychosocial Self-Prognosis in Relation to Mortality and Morbidity in Hemophiliacs with HIV Infection Journal Articles
Psychosocial wellbeing of patients with breast cancer following surgical treatment in Northern Nigeria. Journal Articles
Psychosomatic Medicine Journal
Psychosomatics Journal
Psychostimulant-Induced Behavior as an Animal Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Ethological Approach to the Form of Compulsive Rituals Journal Articles
Psychosurgery today. Journal Articles
Psychotherapy Training e-Resources (PTeR): On-Line Psychotherapy Education Journal Articles
Psychotherapy Training for IMGs: Attending to the “How to” and “What to” Teach Journal Articles
Psychotherapy Training for Residents: Reconciling Requirements With Evidence-Based, Competency-Focused Practice Journal Articles
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Journal
Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Progress and Remaining Challenges Journal Articles
Psychotherapy in Psychiatry Journal Articles
Psychotherapy in psychiatry Journal Articles
Psychotherapy in psychiatry. Journal Articles
Psychotherapy training of psychiatrists. Journal Articles
Psychotic Disorders Clinic and First-Episode Psychosis: A Program Evaluation Journal Articles
Psychotic Disorders, Eating Habits, and Physical Activity: Who Is Ready for Lifestyle Changes? Journal Articles
Psychotropic drugs in pregnancy and lactation Conferences
Public Health Nurse Home Visitation for the Tertiary Prevention of Child Maltreatment: Results of a Pilot Study Journal Articles
Public Health Nurse-delivered Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Postpartum Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Public perceptions of psychiatric, justice-involved, and elderly populations during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Putting Housing First: The Evidence and Impact Journal Articles
Qualitative Research in Psychiatry Journal Articles
Qualitative Research in Psychiatry Journal Articles
Quality assessment of observational studies in psychiatry: an example from perinatal psychiatric research Journal Articles
Quality indicators for schizophrenia care: A scoping review. Journal Articles
Quality of Life Events and Their Relationship to Strain Journal Articles
Quality of life and anxious comorbidity in bipolar patients Conferences
Quality of life and first-episode psychosis patients Conferences
Quality of life in patients seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder and concurrent disorders in Ontario, Canada Conferences
Quality of life, social functioning, family structure, and treatment history associated with crack cocaine use in youth from the general population Journal Articles
Quem lê (mas não cita) ciência brasileira? Journal Articles
Quest for answers: A primer of understanding and treating severe personality disorders - Akhtar,S Journal Articles
Quetiapine augmentation of SRIs in treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study [ISRCTN83050762] Journal Articles
Quetiapine augmentation of serotonin reuptake inhibitors in treatment-refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder Journal Articles
RBP and Brazilian science Journal Articles
READMIT: A clinical risk index to predict 30-day readmission after discharge from acute psychiatric units Journal Articles
Race, ethnicity, and the duration of untreated psychosis: a systematic review Journal Articles
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Psychiatric Traits and Diagnoses within a Community-based Sample of Children and Youth: Disparités raciales/ethniques dans les traits et diagnostics psychiatriques au sein d’un échantillon communautaire d’enfants et de jeunes Journal Articles
Racialized Immigrants' Encounters of Barriers and Facilitators in Seeking Mental Healthcare Services in Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
Radioimmunoassay of melatonin in rat serum Journal Articles
Randomized placebo-controlled trial of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in the treatment of nondepressed tinnitus subjects (vol 67, pg 981, 2005) Journal Articles
Randomized treatment trial in mild traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Randomized trials in single subjects: the N of 1 study. Journal Articles
Rapid cycling bipolar disorder is associated with a higher lifetime prevalence of migraine Journal Articles
Rapid downregulation of midbrain dopamine neurons following administration of haloperidol: Potential relevance to drug-induced side effects Conferences
Rates of Mental Illness and Addiction among High-Cost Users of Medical Services in Ontario Journal Articles
Rates of obesity in a never treated population with mood disorders: baseline incidence and change over four years of follow-up Conferences
Rates of schizophrenia spectrum disorders in relatives of probands with childhood/adolescent onset schizophrenia Conferences
Re-Examination of Classic Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in the Psychiatric Population Journal Articles
Re-analysis of the association between perinatal androgens and pragmatic language ability Journal Articles
Re.Test-retest reliability problems in Schaller et al. (2011) rTMS results Journal Articles
Re: Bilsbury and Others. More on the Phenomenology of Perfectionism—Incompleteness Journal Articles
Re: Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Re: Forensic Risk Assessment and Dangerous Driving Journal Articles
Re: Psychiatry and the Prevention of Torture Journal Articles
Re: Response to Evolution of Collaborative Mental Health Care in Canada: A Shared Vision for the Future Journal Articles
Re: Services for patients with personality disorder - Reply Journal Articles
Re: Services for patients with personality disorder. Journal Articles
Re: What does early antisocial behaviour predict? Journal Articles
Re: What does early antisocial behaviour predict? The authors respond Journal Articles
Reactive aggression in young patients with ADHD—a critical role for small provocations Journal Articles
Readiness to change eating habits and physical activity in patients with affective psychosis and schizophrenia spectrum disorders Conferences
Reading Between the Lines: A Pursuit of Estimating the Population Prevalence of Mental Illness Using Multiple Data Sources Journal Articles
Readmission and associated clinical factors among individuals admitted with bipolar affective disorder at a psychiatry facility in Uganda Journal Articles
Real world effectiveness of repeated ketamine infusions for treatment-resistant depression with comorbid borderline personality disorder Journal Articles
Real-Life Research Journal Articles
Real-world effectiveness of repeated intravenous ketamine infusions for treatment-resistant depression in transitional age youth Journal Articles
Real-world effectiveness of repeated ketamine infusions for treatment resistant depression during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Reasons and Determinants for Perceiving Unmet Needs for Mental Health in Primary Care in Quebec Journal Articles
Recall of recent and more remote depressive episodes in a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Recent Life Changes and Medical Utilization in an Academic Family Practice Journal Articles
Recidivism in pedophiles: an investigation using different diagnostic methods Journal Articles
Recognizing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence: An Update Journal Articles
Reconcilable Differences: The Marriage of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Journal Articles
Recovery in the Canadian Context: Feedback on the Framework for Mental Health Strategy Development Journal Articles
Recovery-oriented service provision and clinical outcomes in assertive community treatment. Journal Articles
Recruitment to Psychiatry in Canada: a COUPE Perspective Journal Articles
Recurrent Klazomania Responsive to Acute Plus Maintenance Electroconvulsive Therapy Journal Articles
Reduced Neurite Density in Neuronal Cell Cultures Exposed to Serum of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Reduced Tissue Levels of Noradrenaline Are Associated with Behavioral Phenotypes of the TgCRND8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease Journal Articles
Reduced accuracy accompanied by reduced neural activity during the performance of an emotional conflict task by unmedicated patients with major depression: A CAN-BIND fMRI study Journal Articles
Reduced hippocampus volume and memory performance in bipolar disorder patients carrying the BDNF val66met met allele Journal Articles
Reducing Waste and Increasing the Usability of Psychiatry Research: The Family of EQUATOR Reporting Guidelines and One of Its Newest Members: The PRISMA-DTA Statement. Journal Articles
Reducing potential risk factors for suicide-related behavior with a group intervention for clients with recurrent suicide-related behavior. Journal Articles
Reducing television, videotape, and video game use in children decreased peer rated aggressive behaviour Journal Articles
Reduction in Psychiatry and Psychiatry and Neuroscience Journal Articles
Reduction of PTSD Symptoms With Pre-Reactivation Propranolol Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Reductions in Superior Temporal Gray Matter Volume in High-Risk Bipolar Offspring Conferences
Refining and validating the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale Journal Articles
Reflections of young people who have had a first episode of psychosis: what attracted them to use alcohol and illicit drugs? Journal Articles
Refractory bipolar disorder and neuroprogression Journal Articles
Refractory social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Regional Brain Metabolism During Auditory Hallucinations in Chronic Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Regional and Individual Influences on Use of Mental Health Services in Canada Journal Articles
Regional brain glucose metabolism in neuroleptic naive first episode and chronic schizophrenic patients and normal controls at rest and after dopamine agonist and antagonist drugs Conferences
Regression in the Service of the Superego: The Do's and Don'ts of Stepwise Multiple Regression Journal Articles
Regression toward the Mean: Its Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment Journal Articles
Relating Anticipatory Processing to Risky Decision- Making: Differences in Gambling Disorder and Healthy Controls Conferences
Relation of Blood Counts during Clozapine Treatment to Serum Concentrations of Clozapine and Nor-Clozapine Journal Articles
Relation of hippocampal volume and SGK1 gene expression to treatment remission in major depression is moderated by childhood maltreatment: A CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Relationship between Attachment-Felt Security and History of Suicidal Behaviours in Clinical Adolescents Journal Articles
Relationship between childhood trauma and inflammatory biomarkers in individuals with current depressive episodes Conferences
Relationship between epigenetic markers and hypothalamus volumes in major depressive disorder Conferences
Relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and depressive symptoms during late pregnancy and the early postpartum period: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Relationship between sunlight and the age of onset of bipolar disorder: An international multisite study Journal Articles
Relationship of Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse to Anxiety Disorders Journal Articles
Relationship of social phobia with other psychiatric illness Journal Articles
Relationships between affective, somatic, and cognitive symptoms against validated scores of anxiety and depression: A prospective preliminary study Conferences
Relationships between cognitive event-related brain potential measures in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
Relationships between event-related potentials and intracranial responses to auditory target detection: Brief report Journal Articles
Relevance of allostasis and allostatic load in bipolar disorder Conferences
Reliability and validity of the Daily Cognitive–Communication and Sleep Profile: a new instrument for monitoring sleep, wakefulness and daytime function Journal Articles
Reliability of a Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination compared with the traditional Mini-Mental State Examination Journal Articles
Reliability of the draft diagnostic criteria for research of ICD‐10 in comparison with ICD‐10 and DSM‐III‐R Journal Articles
Repeat neurobehavioral study of borderline personality disorder. Journal Articles
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment of Medication-Resistant Depression in Older Adults Journal Articles
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depression. Journal Articles
Replication of Personalized Relapse Prediction in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Using Digital Biomarkers Conferences
Reply Journal Articles
Reply Journal Articles
Reply Journal Articles
Reply: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Anxiety Disorders Journal Articles
Reply: Dichotomization and Manipulation of Numbers Journal Articles
Reporting completeness and transparency of meta-analyses of depression screening tool accuracy: A comparison of meta-analyses published before and after the PRISMA statement. Journal Articles
Research Ethics and Forensic Patients Journal Articles
Research on Sex Offenders: Recent Trends Journal Articles
Research to Integrate Services for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Addictions: Proceedings of a MultiDisciplinary Workshop Journal Articles
Residency Training in Emergency Psychiatry: A Model Curriculum Developed by the Education Committee of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Journal Articles
Residency Training: Challenges and Opportunities in Preparing Trainees for the 21st Century Journal Articles
Resilience as a mediator factor in the relationship between childhood trauma and mood disorder: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Resilience as a mediator factor in the relationship between childhood trauma and mood disorder: A community sample of young adults Conferences
Resilience following Child Maltreatment: A Review of Protective Factors Journal Articles
Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Family Processes and the Immigrant Paradox in Youth Externalizing Problems Journal Articles
Resistência à insulina e síndrome metabólica em pacientes ambulatoriais com transtorno do humor bipolar Journal Articles
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA), Executive Functioning, and a Mindfulness Intervention in Adolescent Males with Self-Regulation Disorders Conferences
Response Properties of Amygdala Subregions to Infant Pictures in Mothers With and Without Postpartum Depression Conferences
Response of borderline and schizotypal patients to small doses of thiothixene and haloperidol Journal Articles
Response of negative symptoms of schizophrenia to neuroleptic treatment. Journal Articles
Response to Dr Fried & Dr Kievit, and Dr Malhi et al. Journal Articles
Response to Mahendran Letter Journal Articles
Response to Silberman Journal Articles
Response to commentaries on the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments/International Society for Bipolar Disorders 2013 updated Bipolar Disorder Guidelines Journal Articles
Response to hyperventilation and 5.5% CO2 inhalation of subjects with types of specific phobia, panic disorder, or no mental disorder Journal Articles
Response to “Addiction is a social disease: just as tenable as calling it a brain disease” Journal Articles
Response trajectories during escitalopram treatment of patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Resting State Functional Connectivity and Emotional Stroop Activation Across the Menstrual Cycle in Women with no History of PMDD Conferences
Resting electrocortical activity in adults with dysfunctional anger: a pilot study Journal Articles
Resting frontal brain activation asymmetry and shyness and sociability in schizophrenia Conferences
Resting state functional connectivity in alcohol users and co-users of other substances Journal Articles
Resting state functional connectivity in women with bipolar disorder during clinical remission Journal Articles
Resting state prefrontal cortical connectivity in women with bipolar disorder during euthymia: a seed-based analysis Conferences
Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review Journal Articles
Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review. Journal Articles
Rethinking service design for youth with mental health needs: The development of the Youth Wellness Centre, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton Journal Articles
Retinal pigment epithelium response and the use of the EOG and arden ratio in depression Journal Articles
Reverse translation of major depressive disorder symptoms: A framework for the behavioural phenotyping of putative biomarkers Journal Articles
Reversing opioid-induced constipation in methadone users with oral naloxone: clinically meaningful placebo effect? Conferences
Review of predictors of suicide within 1 year of discharge from a psychiatric hospital Journal Articles
Review: Antidepressants may increase risk of self-harm or suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents Journal Articles
Review: a lack of evidence exists to indicate the most effective treatment for patients who have deliberately harmed themselves Journal Articles
Review: assumed properties of child sexual abuse are not borne out in college student samples Journal Articles
Review: cognitive therapy may be no more effective than other bona fide psychological therapies for depression Journal Articles
Review: counselling in primary care may have short term benefits for people with common mental disorders Journal Articles
Review: current therapies for men committing acts of domestic violence are of limited benefit Journal Articles
Revising Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, criteria for the bipolar disorders: Phase I of the AREDOC project Journal Articles
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria Journal
Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica Journal
Reward Learning Capacity in Binge Eating Disorder Conferences
Reward Processing Across Addictive Disorders Conferences
Rewards and Challenges in Caring for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Perspectives of Seniors’ Mental Health Case Managers Journal Articles
Right Amygdala Activation in Childhood is Predicted by Maternal Sensitivity at Six Months Postpartum: Implications for Transmission of Affective Disorder Risk Conferences
Risk Alleles of the Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism Predict Small Hippocampal Volumes in Major Depression Conferences
Risk Factors for New-Onset Bipolar Disorder in a Community Cohort: A Five-Year Follow up Study Conferences
Risk Factors for Progression of Alzheimer Disease in a Canadian Population: The Canadian Outcomes Study in Dementia (COSID) Journal Articles
Risk Factors for Suicidality in Patients With Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-regression of 96 Studies Journal Articles
Risk factors for new-onset bipolar disorder in a community cohort: A five-year follow up study Conferences
Risk factors for new-onset bipolar disorder in a community cohort: A five-year follow up study Journal Articles
Risk factors of new onset anxiety and anxiety exacerbation in the perinatal period: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Risk for Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress by Ethnicities in Canada: From Pregnancy Through the Preschool Years Journal Articles
Risk management with suicidal patients. Journal Articles
Risk of dementia in bipolar disorder and the interplay of lithium: A systematic review and meta-analyses Conferences
Risk of dementia in bipolar disorder and the interplay of lithium: a systematic review and meta‐analyses Journal Articles
Risk of suicide and mixed episode in men in the postpartum period Journal Articles
Risk of symptom recurrence with medication discontinuation in first-episode psychosis: A systematic review Journal Articles
Risky Business: Making Sense of Estimates of Risk Journal Articles
Risperidone Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Risperidone modulates the expression of a diverse set of human genes in human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells Conferences
Role of biomarkers in the staging of bipolar disorder: inflammatory factors and oxidative stress Conferences
Role of free radicals in drug-induced tardivee dyskinesia Conferences
Role of mood stabilizers in borderline personality disorder (BPD) Journal Articles
Role of morality in the experience of guilt and shame within the armed forces Journal Articles
Rural residence and risk for perinatal depression: a Canadian pilot study Journal Articles
Réflexion psychopathologique sur la pédopornographie : le fantasme de l’altérité Journal Articles
S.06.03 Phenotyping OCD: new insights from animal behaviour Conferences
S.06.04 Staging and biomarkers in bipolar disorders Conferences
S.15.02 Dopamine model of OCD in rats Conferences
S.15.03 Early experiences affect brain and behaviour: a comparison of rat and human mothers Conferences
S.15.05 The risk:benefit ratio of using antidepressants during pregnancy Conferences
S.20.04 Gut-brain communication: how the microbiome influences anxiety and depression Conferences
S.22.02 Alostatic load and oxidative stress in bipolar disorder Conferences
S118. Emotional Memory Changes and its Correlation With Severity in Bipolar Disorder Conferences
S120. Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND): Baseline and Follow up Neurocognitive Mediators of Functioning in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Conferences
S124. Impact of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 Genotypes on Clinical Outcomes and Side Effects in Patients Receiving Escitalopram and Aripiprazole for Major Depression: Results From the Can-Bind Cohort Conferences
S149. Gene Expression in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Master Regulator Analysis of Major Psychiatric Disorders Conferences
S34. New Onset Anxiety and Anxiety Exacerbation in the Perinatal Period: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Conferences
S39. The Association Between Mother-Infant Attachment Disorganization and Cortisol Attunement Conferences
SIPS – Screening-Instrument für prämenstruelle Symptome* Journal Articles
SSRI's during pregnancy: Do they really hurt the babies? Conferences
SSRI's during pregnancy: Do they really hurt the babies? Conferences
Sadistic Homosexual Pedophilia: Treatment with Cyproterone Acetate: A Single Case Study Journal Articles
Safety of psychotropic medications in pregnancy: an umbrella review. Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol levels and infant temperament shape developmental trajectories in boys at risk for behavioral maladjustment Journal Articles
Sample Size and Power in Psychiatric Research* Journal Articles
Sample size and precision of estimates in studies of depression screening tool accuracy: A meta-research review of studies published in 2018-2021. Journal Articles
Sample sizes and precision of estimates of sensitivity and specificity from primary studies on the diagnostic accuracy of depression screening tools: a survey of recently published studies. Journal Articles
Sante Mentale au Quebec Journal
Satanism in a Psychiatric Adolescent Population Journal Articles
Scale-up of Global Child and Youth Mental Health Services: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Schizophrenia Bulletin Journal
Schizophrenia Research Journal
Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder: Useful Distinctions in the Late-Onset Population? Conferences
Schizophrenia and Major Affective Disorder: Forensic Psychiatric Issues Journal Articles
Schizophrenia and Spectral Analysis of the Visual Evoked Potential Journal Articles
Schizophrenia and memory impairment: evidence for a neurocognitive subtype Journal Articles
Schizophrenia: Effect of Perceived Stigma on Two Dimensions of Recovery Journal Articles
Schizophrenic disorders: Is there an elephant? Journal Articles
School learning modes during the COVID-19 response and pre- to during pandemic mental health changes in a prospective cohort of Canadian adolescents Journal Articles
Screen Time and Socioemotional and Behavioural Difficulties Among Indigenous Children in Canada: Temps d'écran et difficultés socio-émotionnelles et comportementales chez les enfants autochtones du Canada Journal Articles
Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Comparing the SMMSE and the ABCS Journal Articles
Screening for bipolar disorder in the primary care: A Brazilian survey Journal Articles
Screening for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in forensic mental health settings Journal Articles
Seasonal variations in prolactin levels in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Seasonality and circadian preference in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical and neuropsychological correlates Journal Articles
Seasonality in a community sample of bipolar, unipolar and control subjects Journal Articles
Seasonality of Mania: a Reappraisal Journal Articles
Segmenting or Summing the Parts? A Scoping Review of Male Suicide Research in Canada Journal Articles
Sekundärprävention nach ischämischem zerebralem Insult Journal Articles
Selection criteria for dialysis and renal transplant Journal Articles
Selective Dietary Supplementation in Early Postpartum is Associated With High Resilience Against Depressed Mood Conferences
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in the Treatment of Social Phobia Journal Articles
Self Efficacy in Depression Journal Articles
Self Referential Abnormalities may be Trait Vulnerabilities for the Development of Delusions Conferences
Self-Diagnosed Cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder on Social Media: Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment. Journal Articles
Self-Help for Bulimia Nervosa: A Randomized Controlled Trial Conferences
Self-Injurious Behavior in a Patient With Dementia Journal Articles
Self-Injurious Behaviors: Assessment and Treatment Journal Articles
Self-harm and suicide in nursing homes Conferences
Self-harming behaviors and forensic system-related factors: an analysis of the Ontario review board database Journal Articles
Self-reported alcohol consumption in the Irish community dwelling elderly Journal Articles
Self-stigma and decision about medication use among a sample of Nigerian outpatients with schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of self-reported psychiatric diagnoses amongst patients treated for opioid use disorder Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of the Mood Disorders Questionnaire as a screening for bipolar disorder during pregnancy and postpartum Conferences
Sensitivity and specificity of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM‐5 in a Canadian psychiatric outpatient sample Journal Articles
Sensitization and tolerance to apomorphine in men: Yawning, growth hormone, nausea, and hyperthermia Journal Articles
Separate and joint effects of alcohol and caffeine on conflict monitoring and adaptation Journal Articles
Separate mechanisms for development and performance of compulsive checking in the quinpirole sensitization rat model of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Journal Articles
Separating Fact from Fiction: An Empirical Examination of Six Myths About Dissociative Identity Disorder Journal Articles
Serotonergic agents in the treatment of social phobia in children and adolescents: A case series Journal Articles
Serotonergic dysfunction in women with pure premenstrual dysphoric disorder: is the fenfluramine challenge test still relevant? Journal Articles
Serotonin (5-HT) transporter gene polymorphism, free testosterone, and symptoms associated with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) Conferences
Serotonin 5-HT2 Receptors in Schizophrenia: A PET Study Using [18F]Setoperone in Neuroleptic-Naive Patients and Normal Subjects Journal Articles
Serotonin Syndrome as a Result of Clomipramine Monotherapy Journal Articles
Serotonin and aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents: a systematic review Journal Articles
Serotonin and gender-specific psychiatric disorders Journal Articles
Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria: Current state of knowledge Journal Articles
Sertraline Treatment of Generalized Social Phobia: A 20-Week, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Journal Articles
Sertraline and Fluoxetine Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Results of a Double-Blind, 6-Month Treatment Study Journal Articles
Sertraline and cytochrome P450 3A4 in dysthymia Conferences
Sertraline and/or interpersonal psychotherapy for patients with dysthymic disorder in primary care: 6-month comparison with longitudinal 2-year follow-up of effectiveness and costs Journal Articles
Sertraline in social phobia Journal Articles
Serum BDNF levels in unaffected first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Clozapine Daily Dose in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Positive Correlation Conferences
Serum Levels of II6, II10 and TNF-Alpha in Patients with Bipolar Disorder in Euthymia and with Schizophrenia: Differences in Pro and Anti-Inflammatory Balance Conferences
Serum S100B and antioxidant enzymes in bipolar patients Journal Articles
Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is not associated with response to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): A pilot study in drug resistant depressed patients Conferences
Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in bipolar and unipolar depression: A potential adjunctive tool for differential diagnosis Journal Articles
Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with trauma psychopathology Journal Articles
Serum concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with gender identity disorder Journal Articles
Serum content of GDNF is increased during manic and depressive episodes Conferences
Serum homocysteine levels and cognitive functioning in euthymic bipolar patients Journal Articles
Serum levels of IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α in patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: differences in pro- and anti-inflammatory balance Journal Articles
Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in chronically medicated schizophrenic patients: a positive correlation Journal Articles
Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in schizophrenia on a hypocaloric diet Journal Articles
Serum myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein levels are stable in depressed females with bipolar disorder Conferences
Serum of Bipolar Patients Induces Pro-inflammatory Activation of Macrophages Conferences
Serum of bipolar patients induces pro-inflammatory activation of macrophages Conferences
Serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, hostility and recidivism in convicted sex offenders Conferences
Serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in bipolar disorder during mania and schizophrenia: a biomarker with possible diagnostic implications Conferences
Service Needs of Families where one Parent has an Affective Illness: Implications for Service, Education, and Policy Journal Articles
Services and Trends in Israel's Mental Health System Journal Articles
Severe premenstrual dysphoria, affective disorders and the DSM-IV Conferences
Severe premenstrual tension: delineation of the syndrome. Journal Articles
Severity as a Diagnostic Dimension of Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Severity of Depressive Symptoms in Late Pregnancy Depends on the Interaction Between Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Disturbances Conferences
Sex Differences in Childhood Sexual Abuse and Suicide‐Related Behaviors Journal Articles
Sex Differences in Suicides among Children and Youth: The Potential Impact of Help-Seeking Behaviour Journal Articles
Sex Differences in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Suicidal Ideation and Attempts, Depression, and Psychological Distress Among Canadians Journal Articles
Sex Differences in the Association Between Cyberbullying Victimization and Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents Journal Articles
Sex and gender differences in symptoms of early psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Sex and gender impacts on the behavioural presentation and recognition of autism Journal Articles
Sex differences in the clinical presentation of early psychosis in a primary care setting Journal Articles
Sex hormones and biomarkers of neuroprotection and neurodegeneration: implications for female reproductive events in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Sexual Offenders, Violence and Testosterone: A Clinical Study Journal Articles
Sexual abuse and suicide attempt in bipolar type I patients Journal Articles
Sexual deviancy Journal Articles
Sexual function and affect in parkinsonian men treated with L-dopa Journal Articles
Sexually aggressive men. Journal Articles
Shame on the brain: Neural correlates of moral injury event recall in posttraumatic stress disorder Journal Articles
Shared Mental Health Care in Canada Journal Articles
Shared Mental Health Care in Canada: A Timely Document Journal Articles
Shared clinical associations between obesity and impulsivity in rapid cycling bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
Shared mental health care in Canada Journal Articles
Shared mental health care. The way ahead. Journal Articles
Sharing Care: The Psychiatrist in the Family Physician's Office Journal Articles
Shedding a new light on Huntington’s disease: how blood can both propagate and ameliorate disease pathology Journal Articles
Shift in the brain network of emotional regulation in midlife women: Is the menopausal transition the turning point? Conferences
Shoplifting: Is There a Specific Psychiatric Syndrome?* Journal Articles
Short abstinence from online social networking sites reduces perceived stress, especially in excessive users Journal Articles
Shortened telomere length in bipolar disorder: a comparison of the early and late stages of disease Journal Articles
Shortening self-report mental health symptom measures through optimal test assembly methods: Development and validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Depression-4. Journal Articles
Shyness, sociability, and social dysfunction in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Significance of homocysteine to the cardiovascular risk in bipolar disorder Conferences
Significant Achievement Awards Journal Articles
Similarities in serum oxidative stress markers and inflammatory cytokines in patients with overt schizophrenia at early and late stages of chronicity Journal Articles
Single and repeated ketamine infusions for reduction of suicidal ideation in treatment-resistant depression Journal Articles
Single photon emission tomography assessment of cerebral dopamine D2 receptor blockade in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Single, Repeated, and Maintenance Ketamine Infusions for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Six-Month Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Service Contacts among Children and Youth in Ontario: Evidence from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Six‐month functional outcome of a bipolar disorder cohort in the context of a specialized‐care program Journal Articles
Sleep Parameters of Offspring of Mothers With Bipolar Disorder as Compared to Offspring of Mothers Without Mood Disorders Conferences
Sleep alterations in individuals recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder across different mood stages Journal Articles
Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disturbances in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Sleep and circadian rhythm dysregulation in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Sleep and circadian rhythms in health and disease: a complex interplay Journal Articles
Sleep and perinatal mood disorders: a critical review. Journal Articles
Smaller Hippocampal Volumes and Verbal Learning Task Deficits in Bipolar Patients with BDNF val66met (rs6265) Gene Polymorphism Conferences
Smartphone‐based interventions in bipolar disorder: Systematic review and meta‐analyses of efficacy. A position paper from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Big Data Task Force Journal Articles
Smoking in schizophrenia: Interaction analysis between ALPHA4 and BETA2 nicotinic subunit genes Conferences
Smooth Pursuit and Fixation Ability in Children With Tourette Syndrome Journal Articles
So I wouldn't feel like I was excluded: The learning experience in computer education for persons with psychiatric disabilities. Journal Articles
Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Social Disparities in Mental Health Service Use Among Children and Youth in Ontario: Evidence From a General, Population-Based Survey Journal Articles
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Journal
Social Reasoning Deficits in Subsyndromal Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
Social Support and Married Agoraphobic Women Journal Articles
Social Support and the Development of Immune Function in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Journal Articles
Social aggression among girls Journal Articles
Social circuits and their dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Social context factors and refugee children’s emotional health Journal Articles
Social engagement and allostatic load mediate between adverse childhood experiences and multimorbidity in mid to late adulthood: the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Social inference in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
Social interaction induces aberrant activity in the nucleus accumbens of the Cntnap2 knockout mouse Posters
Social media and medical education: Exploring the potential of Twitter as a learning tool Journal Articles
Social media detox: Relapse predictors Journal Articles
Social phobia in Brazilian university students: Prevalence, under-recognition and academic impairment in women Journal Articles
Social phobia: Clinical and research perspectives - Stein,M Journal Articles
Social, Demographic, and Clinical Factors Related to Disruptive Behaviour in Hospital Journal Articles
Socio-Economic Factors and Mental Health Problems: Can Census-Tract Data Predict Referral Patterns? Journal Articles
Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of pregnant and puerperal crack-cocaine using women: preliminary data Journal Articles
Socio-economic disability in first episode psychosis: are Early Intervention Programs doing enough? Conferences
Socio-economic disability in first episode psychosis: patterns and predictors of application for disability income support in four Canadian early intervention programs Conferences
Socioeconomic disability in first episode psychosis: are we fostering financial autonomy? Conferences
Socioeconomic disability in first episode psychosis: are we fostering financial autonomy? Conferences
Socioeconomic disability in first episode psychosis: theoretical perspectives Conferences
Soins. Psychiatrie Journal
Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Some useful concepts and terms used in articles about diagnosis Journal Articles
Some useful concepts and terms used in articles about treatment Journal Articles
South African Journal of Psychiatry Journal
Speaking Graphically: An Introduction to Some Newer Graphing Techniques Journal Articles
Special Issue Mobilizing Canada's Mental Health Strategy Introduction Journal Articles
Specialized Inpatient Trauma Treatment for Adults Abused as Children: A Follow-Up Study Journal Articles
Specialized home treatment versus hospital‐based outpatient treatment for first‐episode psychosis: a randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Specificity of the combined dexamethasone suppression and TRH/TSH tests in melancholia Journal Articles
Speech Biomarkers in Mood Disorders: A Cross-Sectional Study Conferences
Spontaneous spatial navigation circuitry in schizophrenia spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Spotlight on Caroline Families First Wraparound Program: Lessons for Advancing Collaborative Family-Centred Care for Complex Child and Youth Mental Health Journal Articles
Stability and change in symptoms, cognition, and community outcome in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Stability of Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Stability of latent classes in group-based trajectory modeling of depressive symptoms in mothers of children with epilepsy: an internal validation study using a bootstrapping procedure Journal Articles
Stability of shyness, sociability, and social dysfunction in schizophrenia: A preliminary investigation of the influence of social skills training in a community-based stable outpatient sample Conferences
Stability of the diagnostic interview for borderlines diagnosis. Journal Articles
Staging and Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Staging and Neuroprogression in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Literature Journal Articles
Staging and profiling bipolar disorder: clinical and neurobiological approaches Conferences
Staging and profiling: complementary approaches to improve treatment Conferences
Staging bipolar disorder: clinical, biochemical, and functional correlates Conferences
Staging bipolar disorder: clinical, biochemical, and functional correlates Journal Articles
Staging model raises fundamental questions about the nature of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Staging systems in bipolar disorder: an International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force Report Journal Articles
Standards of care for obsessive–compulsive disorder centres Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series Journal Articles
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Statistics Commentary Series Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 37 Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 38: Simpson's Paradox and the Mantel-Haenszel χ2 Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 39: Moderation and Mediation Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 40: Talking About Risk Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 41: Randomization Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 42: Minimization Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 43: Patient Preference Trials Journal Articles
Statistics Commentary Series. Commentary No. 44: Internal and External Validity Journal Articles
Stayin' Alive: An Introduction to Survival Analysis Journal Articles
Steep discounting of delayed monetary and food rewards in obesity: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Stigma and functioning in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Stigma and functioning in patients with bipolar disorders Conferences
Stigmatization of psychiatric and justice-involved populations during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Stimulatory control of prolactin by dopamine Journal Articles
Strategies for Achieving Better Cognitive Health in Individuals with Schizophrenia Spectrum: A Focus on the Canadian Landscape: Stratégies pour atteindre une meilleure santé cognitive chez les personnes souffrant du spectre de la schizophrénie : un regard sur le paysage canadien Journal Articles
Strategies for engaging patients and families in collaborative care programs for depression and anxiety disorders: A systematic review Journal Articles
Strengthening Ontario's System of Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness Journal Articles
Stress and Error Monitoring in Postpartum Women with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: a Postpartum Neuroimaging Study Conferences
Stress and Health Journal
Stress neuropeptides evoke epithelial responses via mast cell activation in the rat colon Journal Articles
Stress response in postpartum women with and without obsessive–compulsive symptoms: an fMRI study Journal Articles
Stress, social support and
depression in single and married mothers Journal Articles
Stresses of Passage, Balms of Resettlement, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Sri Lankan Tamils in Canada Journal Articles
Structural & functional consequences of chronic psychosocial stress on the microbiome & host Journal Articles
Structural Neuroimaging of Geriatric Depression Journal Articles
Structural and functional changes in the somatosensory cortex in euthymic females with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Structural brain abnormalities in patients with type I bipolar disorder and suicidal behavior Journal Articles
Structural covariance pattern abnormalities of insula in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND study report Journal Articles
Subacute alteration in level of consciousness in a woman with psychotic depression. Journal Articles
Subcortical Brain Volume, Regional Cortical Thickness, and Cortical Surface Area Across Disorders: Findings From the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups Journal Articles
Subcortical brain alterations in major depressive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group Journal Articles
Subcutaneous ketamine reduces suicide risk and improves functioning in depression: A proof-of-concept study Journal Articles
Subgroups based on fears of evaluation exhibited different social anxiety levels. Journal Articles
Subgroups of Adolescent Girls With Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms Journal Articles
Subgroups of borderline personality disorder: A latent class analysis Journal Articles
Subjective evaluation criteria in the EDEN-Study Conferences
Subjective neurocognition and quality of life in patients with bipolar disorder and siblings Journal Articles
Substance Abuse and Criminal Behavior Journal Articles
Substance Use and Abuse in First-Episode Psychosis: Prevalence Before and After Early Intervention Journal Articles
Substance abuse and schizophrenia: Effects on symptoms but not on neurocognitive function Journal Articles
Substance abuse and schizophrenia: effect on symptoms but not on neurocognitive function. Journal Articles
Substance use as a risk factor for bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
Subtle persistent working memory and selective attention deficits in women with premenstrual syndrome Journal Articles
Successful computer-assisted cognitive remediation therapy in patients with unipolar depression: a proof of principle study Journal Articles
Sudden unexpected death in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Suicidal Behaviour Journal Articles
Suicidal Behaviour Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Self-Reported Chronic Illness Journal Articles
Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Adolescents Aged 12–16 Years: A 17‐Year Follow‐Up Journal Articles
Suicidal Ideation and Parental Loss: A Preliminary Research Report Journal Articles
Suicidal Ideation and the Residual Capacity to Promote Inclusive Fitness: A Survey Journal Articles
Suicidal behavior among bipolar patients at a primary care setting Conferences
Suicidal behavior and anxiety comorbidity affect psychosocial disability in bipolar disorder Conferences
Suicidal ideation among mental health patients at hospital discharge: prevalence and risk factors. Journal Articles
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Journal
Suicide and Suicidal Behaviours: Implications for Mental Health Services Journal Articles
Suicide attempt, impulsivity, and exposure to trauma in college students Journal Articles
Suicide risk peaks in first week of psychiatric hospitalisation and post-discharge Journal Articles
Suicide: A Critical Review of the Literature Journal Articles
Sulfated cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK8) failed to modulate basal or dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in the rat striatum Journal Articles
Sulphatoxy melatonin: An index of depression in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa Journal Articles
Summary of Selected Results Journal Articles
Superior antimanic efficacy of allopurinol compared to dipyridamol and placebo as add-on treatment to lithium in unmedicated bipolar patients during a mania episode: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial Conferences
Support Groups in Psychiatry: An Untapped Resource Journal Articles
Support groups and psychiatry Journal Articles
Support groups and psychiatry - Reply Journal Articles
Supporting career development for early‐ and mid‐career professionals working in the bipolar disorder field: Key initiatives to be implemented by the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Early‐ and Mid‐Career Committee Journal Articles
Supportive Psychotherapy: Perspectives on a Model of Supervision Journal Articles
Surveillance of Child and Youth Mental Disorders and Associated Service Use in Canada Journal Articles
Survey of Australian and Canadian Community Pharmacists’ Experiences With Patients at Risk of Suicide Journal Articles
Surviving social assistance: 12 month prevalence rates of depression in sole support parents and their children receiving social assistance. Conferences
Swimming Upstream: Reflections of a Career Educator Journal Articles
Symposium: Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Symptom Dimension of Interest-Activity Indicates Need for Aripiprazole Augmentation of Escitalopram in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Symptom Dimensional Approach and BDNF in Unmedicated Obsessive-Compulsive Patients: An Exploratory Study Journal Articles
Symptom profiles and explanatory models of first‐episode psychosis in African‐, Caribbean‐ and European‐origin groups in Ontario Journal Articles
Symptom relapse following switch from Celexa to generic citalopram: an anxiety disorders case series Journal Articles
Symptom-onset dosing with citalopram in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): a case series Journal Articles
Symptomatic and Functional Outcomes and Early Prediction of Response to Escitalopram Monotherapy and Sequential Adjunctive Aripiprazole Therapy in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Synapsin II knockout mice show sensorimotor gating and behavioural abnormalities similar to those in the phencyclidine-induced preclinical animal model of schizophrenia Journal Articles
System-Wide Implementation of ACT in Ontario: An Ongoing Improvement Effort Journal Articles
Systematic Overview of Drug Interactions with Antidepressant Medications Journal Articles
Systematic Review and Quality Appraisal of Practice Guidelines for Self‐Harm in Children and Adolescents Journal Articles
Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Failed Antidepressant Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, and Subthreshold Depression in Adults Journal Articles
Systematic review of suicidality in older-age bipolar disorder: Cognitive and clinical predictors and prevalence Conferences
Systematic review of the neural basis of social cognition in patients with mood disorders Journal Articles
Systemic and Individual Factors That Shape Mental Health Service Usage Among Visible Minority Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Systemic toxicity in early-stage mood disorders Journal Articles
Sécurité des Stagiaires dans les Services et Établissements Psychiatriques* Journal Articles
T162. Association of Semantic Priming Deficits With Role Functioning in Persons at Clinical High Risk for Schizophrenia: Evidence From Event-Related Brain Potentials Journal Articles
T243. Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity-Learning Relationships in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
T246. Low Availability of the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Distinguishes Recent Onset of Non-Affective Psychosis From Affective Psychosis: A Study Using [18F]ASEM PET Journal Articles
T97. Predicting Functioning and Quality of Life Using Objective and Subjective Measures of Sleep and Biological Rhythms in Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorder Conferences
TAOK2 rescues autism-linked developmental deficits in a 16p11.2 microdeletion mouse model Journal Articles
TMS for Executive Function Deficits in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder Conferences
TNF-α as a molecular target in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
TSH and LH Responses in Subtypes of Depression* Journal Articles
Tacrolimus Neurotoxicity and the Role of the Renin–Angiotensin System Journal Articles
Tardive Dyskinesia and the Law Journal Articles
Tardive dystonia and its treatment Journal Articles
Targeting the Microbiome for Mental Health: Hype or Hope? Journal Articles
Teaching Child Psychiatry to Medical-Undergraduates Journal Articles
Teaching Evidence-Based Psychiatry: Integrating and Aligning the Formal and Hidden Curricula Journal Articles
Teaching Psychiatry Faculty to Address Unconscious Bias: Implementation of a Large-Scale Intervention Journal Articles
Teaching behavioral science to family medicine residents: integrating training into the family practice unit. Journal Articles
Technology-based communication in individuals with social phobia Conferences
Telomere Length, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and BDNF Levels in Siblings of Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Implications for Accelerated Cellular Aging Journal Articles
Temperament and Mood Disorders From the Functional Ensemble of Temperament Perspective Conferences
Temperament and Mood Disorders: Functional Ensemble of Temperament Perspective Conferences
Temperament and its relation to social functioning in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Temporal Changes in the Cross-Sectional Associations between Cannabis Use, Suicidal Ideation, and Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample of Canadian Adults in 2012 Compared to 2002 Journal Articles
Tenants with additional needs: when housing first does not solve homelessness Journal Articles
Terminal Lucidity in a Pediatric Oncology Clinic. Journal Articles
Test-Retest Reliability of the N400 Event-Related Brain Potential in Schizophrenia Conferences
Test–retest reliability of N400 event-related brain potential measures in a word-pair semantic priming paradigm in patients with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Textbook of clinical neuropsychiatry. Journal Articles
The 2 “Es” of Research: Efficacy and Effectiveness Trials Journal Articles
The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Emotional Behavioural Scales (OCHS-EBS) Part I: A Checklist for Dimensional Measurement of SelectedDSM-5Disorders Journal Articles
The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Emotional Behavioural Scales (OCHS-EBS) Part II: Psychometric Adequacy for Categorical Measurement of Selected DSM-5 Disorders Journal Articles
The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study—Methodology Journal Articles
The 25-Item Ontario Child Health Study Emotional Behavioural Scales-Brief Version (OCHS-EBS-B): Test-Retest Reliability and Construct Validity When Used as Categorical Measures Journal Articles
The 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms moderate the association between uncinate fasciculus connectivity and antidepressants treatment response in major depression Journal Articles
The Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Algorithm for Screening to Detect Major Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Journal Articles
The Adequacy of Reporting Randomized, Controlled Trials in the Evaluation of Antidepressants Conferences
The Agreement between Behaviour Checklists and Structured Psychiatric Interviews for Children Journal Articles
The Art of Evidence-Based Child Psychiatry Journal Articles
The Assessment of Deviant Sexual Arousal as a Function of Intelligence, Instructional Set and Alcohol Ingestion Journal Articles
The Association Between Prior Mental Health Service Utilization and Risk of Recidivism among Incarcerated Ontario Residents Journal Articles
The Association Between the Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and Late Onset Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Meta-Analysis Conferences
The Association between Childhood Adversity and Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults with Mood Disorders: Results from the International Mood Disorders Collaborative Project Journal Articles
The Association between Conventional Antidepressants and the Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles
The Association between Homelessness and Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors: Results of a Cross‐sectional Survey Journal Articles
The Association of Depressive Symptoms and Pulmonary Function in Healthy Adults Journal Articles
The Biological Rhythms Interview of Assessment in Neuropsychiatry in patients with bipolar disorder: correlation with affective temperaments and schizotypy Journal Articles
The Brazilian research network in bipolar disorder: main findings from the first 7 years of collaborative studies Conferences
The British journal of psychiatry. Supplement Journal
The Burden of Anxiety Disorders on the Family Journal Articles
The CANMAT task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid medical conditions: diagnostic, assessment, and treatment principles. Journal Articles
The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines and Psychological Distress among Adolescents: Les Directives canadiennes en matière de mouvement sur 24 heures et la détresse psychologique chez les adolescents Journal Articles
The Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology: bringing together teachers, researchers and clinicians Journal Articles
The Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND): magnetic resonance imaging protocols Journal Articles
The Canadian Contribution to Violence Risk Assessment: History and Implications for Current Psychiatric Practice Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Recommendations for the Use of Racemic Ketamine in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Recommendations for the Use of Racemic Ketamine in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Recommandations Du Groupe De Travail Du Réseau Canadien Pour Les Traitements De L’humeur Et De L’anxiété (Canmat) Concernant L’utilisation De La Kétamine Racémique Chez Les Adultes Souffrant De Trouble Dépressif Majeur Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Report: Serotonergic Psychedelic Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid metabolic disorders. Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and select comorbid medical conditions. Journal Articles
The Canadian Objective Assessment of Life Skills (COALS): A new measure of functional competence in schizophrenia Journal Articles
The Case of the Missing Data: Methods of Dealing with Dropouts and other Research Vagaries Journal Articles
The Cellular Targets of Oxidative Damage Conferences
The Classification of Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Journal Articles
The Clinical Implications Of Cognitive Impairment and Allostatic Load in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
The Clinical Use of Risk Assessment Journal Articles
The Comprehensive Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. Vol. 3. Extended Applications and Issues. Edited by James M. Ferguson and C. Barr Taylor. Lancaster: MTP Press.
1980. Pp 343. £15.95. Journal Articles
The Consequences of Alcohol-Involved Sexual Victimization in Male and Female College Students Journal Articles
The Continuum from Temperament to Mental Illness: Dynamical Perspectives Journal Articles
The Corpus Callosum and Brain Function in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
The DST and TRH Test in Bulimia Nervosa Journal Articles
The Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Borderlines: Is it Useful? Journal Articles
The Differential Impact of Clerk Interest and Participation in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clerkship Rotation Upon Psychiatry and Pediatrics Residency Matches Journal Articles
The Differential Relation of Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Abuse Histories to Antidepressant Treatment Remission and Persistence of Anhedonia in Major Depression: A CAN-BIND-1 Report Journal Articles
The Dissociative Subtype of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Unique Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Basolateral and Centromedial Amygdala Complexes Journal Articles
The Doctor Is In: Media Portrayals of Psychiatrists and Their Influence on Canadian Medical Students’ Recruitment into Psychiatry Journal Articles
The Dsm-v Classification From the Perspective of Neurochemical Model of Temperament Conferences
The Duty to Warn and Protect—Impact on Practice Journal Articles
The Early Mid‐Career Committee (EMCC) of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders: Aspirations and goals Journal Articles
The Economic Burden of Schizophrenia in Canada Journal Articles
The Effect of Attending Good Psychiatric Management (GPM) Workshops on Attitudes Toward Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
The Effect of Paroxetine on 5-HT2A Receptors in Depression: An [18F]Setoperone PET Imaging Study Journal Articles
The Effect of Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure on Neonatal Adaptation Journal Articles
The Effectiveness of 6 versus 12 Months of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
The Effects of Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation to the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Executive Function, Food Cravings, and Snack Food Consumption Journal Articles
The Effects of Probiotics on Symptoms of Depression: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial Journal Articles
The Effects of Suicide Ideation Assessments on Urges to Self-Harm and Suicide Journal Articles
The Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders in Quebec's Older Adult Population Journal Articles
The Epidemiology of Psychological Problems in the Elderly Journal Articles
The Ethics of Placebo-Controlled Trials Journal Articles
The Evolution of Collaborative Mental Health Care in Canada: A Shared Vision for the Future Journal Articles
The Existence of the Borderline Diagnosis: Studies on Diagnostic Validity Journal Articles
The Family Standpoint of Investigation: Examining the Correlates and Costs of Parental Stress in a Sample of Families Involved With Ontario Child Welfare Journal Articles
The Family and Schizophrenia: Recovery and Adaptation Journal Articles
The Feasibility and Clinical Utility of Conducting a Confidential Inquiry Into Suicide in Southwestern Ontario Journal Articles
The Fractal Dimension (FD) of Ictal EEG During Early Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Treatments Predicts Later Outcomes in Depressed Patients Conferences
The Fractal Dimension (FD) of Ictal EEG during Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a Useful Measure of Seizure Adequacy in Depressed Patients Conferences
The Future of Psychiatric Education: An International Perspective Journal Articles
The Gut Microbiome in Patients with Anxiety, Depression and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Conferences
The HARM models: Predicting longitudinal physical aggression in patients with schizophrenia at an individual level Journal Articles
The Hamilton (McMaster) Psychiatric Network: The Evolution of an Integrated Network of Psychiatric Services Journal Articles
The Hamilton Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team: A First-Responder Mental Health Service Journal Articles
The Human Ortholog of Acid-Sensing Ion Channel Gene ASIC1a Is Associated With Panic Disorder and Amygdala Structure and Function Journal Articles
The Impact of Changing Diagnostic Criteria in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Canadian Epidemiologic Sample Journal Articles
The Impact of Infectious Disease-Related Public Health Emergencies on Suicide, Suicidal Behavior, and Suicidal Thoughts Journal Articles
The Impact of Latitude on the Prevalence of Seasonal Depression Journal Articles
The Impact of Maternal Depression During Pregnancy on Perinatal Outcomes Journal Articles
The Impact of Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index on Autonomic Function and Circadian Rhythms during Pregnancy: Preliminary Results Conferences
The Impact of Psychosocial and Physical Work Experience on Mental Health: A Nested Case Control Study Journal Articles
The Importance of Structure and Connection for People Living With Schizophrenia: A 33-Year Outpatient Group Experience. Journal Articles
The Influence of Mental Illnesses on Work Potential and Career Development Journal Articles
The Integrated Health Hub (IHH) Model: The Evolution of a Community Based Primary Care and Mental Health Centre Journal Articles
The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force Report on Antidepressant Use in Bipolar Disorders Journal Articles
The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force on the Nomenclature of Course and Outcome in Bipolar Disorders Conferences
The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force report on the nomenclature of course and outcome in bipolar disorders Journal Articles
The Iowa Personality Disorder Screen: Development and Preliminary Validation of a Brief Screening Interview Journal Articles
The Lesser of 2 Evils: The Ethics of Placebo-Controlled Trials Journal Articles
The Longitudinal Youth in Transition Study (LYiTS) Cohort Profile: Exploration by Hospital- Versus Community-Based Mental Health Services Journal Articles
The Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability and Neurodevelopment Project: Theory and Methodology Journal Articles
The McMaster Advanced Communication Competencies Model for Psychiatry (MACC Model) Journal Articles
The Mechanism of Neuroleptic Withdrawal Journal Articles
The Mood Rhythm Instrument: development and preliminary report Journal Articles
The Mortality and Myocardial Effects of Antidepressants Are Moderated by Preexisting Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The N400 Event-Related Brain Potential as an Index of Social Functional Outcome in Patients at Clinical High Risk for Schizophrenia Journal Articles
The Natural History of the Paraphilias Journal Articles
The Necessary Inseparability of Mind and Body: Implications of Computational Neuroscience for Psychosomatic Medicine Conferences
The Need for More Community Nursing for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health Problems Journal Articles
The Neural Correlates of Maternal Responsiveness to Infant Cues in Mothers with and Without Postpartum Depression Conferences
The Neurobiology, Neuropharmacology, and Pharmacological Treatment of the Paraphilias and Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Journal Articles
The Neuroeconomics of Alcohol Demand: An Initial Investigation of the Neural Correlates of Alcohol Cost–Benefit Decision Making in Heavy Drinking Men Journal Articles
The Neuroendocrinology of Schizophrenia Journal Articles
The Neurological Examination in Child Psychiatry: A Review of Its Uses* Journal Articles
The Neuropsychiatric Profile of Addison's Disease: Revisiting a Forgotten Phenomenon Journal Articles
The Neuropsychiatric Profile of Addison’s Disease: Revisiting a Forgotten Phenomenon Journal Articles
The Neuropsychiatry of Adult-Onset Adrenoleukodystrophy Journal Articles
The Occurrence of Borderline Personality Disorder in the Families of Borderline Patients Journal Articles
The Ontario Forensic Mental Health System: A Population-based Review Journal Articles
The Ontario longitudinal study of first episode psychosis Conferences
The PPD-ACT app in Canada: feasibility and a latent class analysis of participants with postpartum depression recruited to a psychiatric genetics study using a mobile application Journal Articles
The Paraphilias: A Multiplicity of Deviant Behaviours* Journal Articles
The Parent-Therapist Program: An Innovative Approach to Treating Emotionally Disturbed Children Journal Articles
The Perinatal Mental Health of Indigenous Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The Perspectives of Young Adults on Recovery from Repeated Suicide-Related Behavior Journal Articles
The Porirua Protocol in the Treatment of Clozapine-Induced Gastrointestinal Hypomotility and Constipation: A Pre- and Post-Treatment Study Journal Articles
The Potential Effect of the Psychiatric Clerkship and Contact-Based Hypothesis on Explicit and Implicit Stigmatizing Attitudes of Canadian Medical Students Towards Mental Illness Journal Articles
The Practice and Roles of the Psychotherapies: A Discussion Paper Journal Articles
The Prevalence of Emotional Disorder in Children Journal Articles
The Psychiatric Manifestations of Mitochondrial Disorders Journal Articles
The Psychiatric Presentation of Mitochondrial Disorders in Adults Journal Articles
The Psychoendocrinology of Anorexia Nervosa Journal Articles
The Psychometric Properties of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) in an Epidemiological Sample of Canadian Youth Journal Articles
The Refined Model of CNS Lupus Conferences
The Relation Between Attachment and the Behavioural and Neural Correlates of Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in Major Depressive Disorder Conferences
The Relation between Childhood Adverse Experiences and Disability Due to Mental Health Problems in a Community Sample of Women Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Childhood Physical Abuse and Suicidality Among Depressed Women: Results From a Community Sample Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Early Haloperidol Response and Associated Extrapyramidal Side Effects Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Family Dynamics and Help-Seeking and Disclosure of Adolescent Self-Harm and Suicidality: A Population-Representative Study: Relation entre dynamique familiale et recherche d'aide, et dévoilement des actes d'automutilation et de la suicidalité chez les adolescents : étude représentative de la population. Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Menarche and Depression in Adolescence Journal Articles
The Relationship of Behavioral Inhibition and Shyness to Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
The Relevance of Neuroscience Research Networks for Brazilian Science Journal Articles
The Resident as a Teacher: A Neglected Role Journal Articles
The Risk of Using Antidepressants During Pregnancy: Serious Concern or Much Ado about Little? [P02-24] Journal Articles
The Risk of using Antidepressants During Pregnancy: Serious Concern or much ado about Little? [PW07-03] Journal Articles
The Role of Couple Therapy in the Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Journal Articles
The Role of Health Care Providers in Cyberbullying Journal Articles
The Role of Nutrient-Based Epigenetic Changes in Buffering Against Stress, Aging, and Alzheimer’s Disease Journal Articles
The Role of Patient Experience in Health Policy Making: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis Conferences
The Role of Testosterone in Men and Women Undergoing Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) for Opioid Addiction Conferences
The Role of the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis in Schizophrenia and Clozapine-Induced Weight Gain Conferences
The S20 Brazilian Mental Health Report for Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet: Part II Journal Articles
The Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibitor Tiagabine for the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
The Sensitivity of the K6 as a Screen for Any Disorder in Community Mental Health Surveys: A Cautionary Note Journal Articles
The Social Epidemiology of Affective and Anxiety Disorders in Later Life in Canada Journal Articles
The Symptom Structure of Panic Attacks in Depressed and Anxious Patients Journal Articles
The Teaching of Psychiatric Epidemiology in Canadian Psychiatry Residency Programs Journal Articles
The Transition to Practice in Psychiatry: A Practical Guide Journal Articles
The Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Annotated Bibliography and Critical Appraisal of Published Systematic Reviews and Metaanalyses Journal Articles
The Treatment of Catatonia: Benzodiazepines or ECT? Journal Articles
The Treatment of Disruptive Vocalization in Dementia (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia) With Electroconvulsive Therapy Journal Articles
The Treatment of Mental Illness in Correctional Settings Journal Articles
The Treatment of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome are Dantrolene and Bromocriptine Useful Adjuncts to Supportive Care? Journal Articles
The Unit System of Operation Journal Articles
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: La Convention de l’ONU relative aux droits des personnes handicapées Journal Articles
The University of California Performance Skills Assessment (UPSA) in schizophrenia Journal Articles
The Use of Augmentation Strategies in Treatment Resistant Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Conferences
The Use of Digital Stories as a Knowledge Translation Tool in First Episode Psychosis Research Conferences
The Use of Mental Health Services in Ontario: Epidemiologic Findings Journal Articles
The Use of Planted Patients in Group Psychotherapy Journal Articles
The Use of a Bioimpedance Analyzer in the Measurement of Sexual Arousal in Male Sexual Deviants Journal Articles
The Valuation of Productivity Costs Due to Premature Mortality: A Comparison of the Human-Capital and Friction-Cost Methods for Schizophrenia Journal Articles
The WAGxDA rat: An animal model of cholinergic supersensitivity Journal Articles
The WPA Global Study on Psychiatric Training. Journal Articles
The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) 2020 guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of paraphilic disorders Journal Articles
The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the biological treatment of paraphilias Journal Articles
The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for the treatment of adolescent sexual offenders with paraphilic disorders Journal Articles
The acute effects of starvation on 6-sulphatoxy-melatonin output in subgroups of patients with anorexia nervosa Journal Articles
The antidepressant effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation is strongly correlated with the distance of the coil from the midline Conferences
The assessment and treatment of specific phobias: A review Journal Articles
The association between adverse childhood experiences and depression symptoms in older adults in China: An analysis of the China health and retirement study Journal Articles
The association between biological rhythms, depression, and functioning in bipolar disorder: a large multi‐center study Journal Articles
The association between immigrant generational status, child maltreatment history and intimate partner violence (IPV): evidence from a nationally representative survey Journal Articles
The association between levels of estrogen and BDNF in women with bipolar disorder Conferences
The association of HTR2A polymorphisms with obsessive-compulsive disorder and its subtypes: A meta-analysis Journal Articles
The association of blood biomarkers with cerebral white matter and myelin content in bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
The blueprint for advancing psychiatric education and scientific publications Journal Articles
The cholinergic-adrenergic hypothesis of depression reexamined using clonidine, metoprolol, and physostigmine in an animal model Journal Articles
The comorbidity between Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The comparative effectiveness of electroencephalographic indices in predicting response to escitalopram therapy in depression: A pilot study Journal Articles
The complex clinical and cognitive phenotype of adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid hoarding disorder. Journal Articles
The complex interplay of substance use and service delivery: the perspective of young people treated for a first-episode psychosis Conferences
The composite international diagnostic interview-for women (CIDI-VENUS): A pilot study Conferences
The concept of staging in bipolar disorder: the role of BDNF and TNF-alpha as biomarkers Journal Articles
The cost and impact of compulsivity: A research perspective Journal Articles
The course of insomnia symptoms during the acute treatment of major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
The criminalization of people with mental illness. Journal Articles
The definition of treatment resistance in anxiety disorders: a Delphi method‐based consensus guideline Journal Articles
The development and validation of a marginalization index for inpatient psychiatry Journal Articles
The differential association between history of childhood sexual abuse and body mass index in early and late stages of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The differential association between history of childhood sexual abuse and body mass index in early and late stages of bipolar disorder Conferences
The duty to protect. Journal Articles
The effect of antipsychotic treatment on Theory of Mind Journal Articles
The effect of comorbid major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder on cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
The effect of depression, anxiety and early life trauma on the cortisol awakening response during pregnancy: Preliminary results Journal Articles
The effect of lifestyle interventions on depressive symptom severity in individuals with type-2 diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
The effect of lithium administration on LH response in healthy volunteers Journal Articles
The effect of lithium on pupillary response to pulses of light in sheep Journal Articles
The effect of maternal antidepressants on third trimester uteroplacental hemodynamics and the neonatal abstinence syndrome: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
The effect of misclassification on estimates of relative risk Journal Articles
The effect of non-medical cannabis retailer proximity on use of mental health services for psychotic disorders in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The effect of single-dose risperidone on aromatic amino acid decar☐ylase activity in healthy human subjects measured using [18F]6-fluoro-L-M-tyrosine positron emission tomography Conferences
The effect of the video game Mindlight on anxiety symptoms in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
The effect of weighted blankets on sleep quality and mental health symptoms in people with psychiatric disorders in inpatient and outpatient settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
The effectiveness of 6 versus 12-months of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder: the feasibility of a shorter treatment and evaluating responses (FASTER) trial protocol Journal Articles
The effectiveness of repeated intravenous ketamine on depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation and functional disability in adults with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder: Results from the Canadian Rapid Treatment Center of Excellence Journal Articles
The effects of exogenous melatonin on the total sleep time and daytime alertness of chronic insomniacs: A preliminary study Journal Articles
The effects of gonadal hormones on brain and behavior Journal Articles
The efficacy of N-acetylcysteine as an adjunctive treatment in bipolar depression: An open label trial Journal Articles
The efficacy of antidepressants for generalized anxiety disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The epidemiology of psychotropic use in the City of São Paulo Journal Articles
The evolution of CANMAT Bipolar Disorder Guidelines: past, present, and future Journal Articles
The familial aggregation of adolescent suicide attempts Journal Articles
The forensic psychiatric aspects of schizophrenia. Journal Articles
The future of precision medicine in opioid use disorder: inclusion of patient-important outcomes in clinical trials Journal Articles
The genetic architecture of youth anxiety: a study protocol Journal Articles
The global burden of suicidal behavior among people experiencing food insecurity: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The guideline to assess pharmacotherapy scale (GAPS): Preliminary data Conferences
The gut microbiome and inflammation in obsessive‐compulsive disorder patients compared to age‐ and sex‐matched controls: a pilot study Journal Articles
The gut microbiome in psychiatry: A primer for clinicians Journal Articles
The gut microbiota and psychiatric illness Journal Articles
The hemodynamic reward response of the human midbrain correlates with striatal dopamine release - a combined fMRI/[11C] raclopride PET study Conferences
The heterogeneity/homogeneity of pedophilia. Journal Articles
The hormonal response to intravenous 5-hydroxytryptophan in bulimia nervosa Journal Articles
The identification of unipolar mania subtype based on anxiety comorbidity Journal Articles
The impact of a history of psychotic symptoms on cognitive function in euthymic bipolar patients: a comparison with schizophrenic patients and healthy controls Journal Articles
The impact of a history of psychotic symptoms on cognitive function in euthymic bipolar patients: a comparison with schizophrenic patients and healthy controls Journal Articles
The impact of big data analytics on bipolar disorder diagnosis Conferences
The impact of body mass index in gene expression of reelin pathway mediators in individuals with schizophrenia and mood disorders: A post-mortem study Journal Articles
The impact of body mass index in gene expression of reelin pathway mediators in individuals with schizophrenia and mood disorders: A post-mortem study Conferences
The impact of body mass index on gene expression of reelin pathway mediators in individuals with Schizophrenia and Mood disorders: a postmortem study Conferences
The impact of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder on bipolar disorder patients Journal Articles
The impact of female reproductive life events on women with bipolar disorder: a clinical perspective Conferences
The impact of health discipline designation on psychological assessments prior to bariatric surgery Journal Articles
The impact of peer-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression on infant emotion regulation Journal Articles
The impact of rural residence on medically serious medicinal self-poisonings Journal Articles
The impact of staging bipolar disorder on treatment outcome of family psychoeducation Journal Articles
The impact of substance use disorder comorbidity on cognition of individuals with bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
The importance of countertransference in the clinical care of individuals during acute phases of bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The infant gut microbiome: a common means by which environmental factors affect asthma outcomes? Conferences
The influence of 5-HTTLPR and Val66Met polymorphisms on cortical thickness and volume in limbic and paralimbic regions in depression: a preliminary study Journal Articles
The influence of age at onset and duration of illness on long-term outcome in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A report from the International College of Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
The influence of endogenous DHEAS on mood in women with bipolar disorder with and without comorbid PMDD Conferences
The influence of immigrant status and concentration on psychiatric disorder in Canada: a multi-level analysis Journal Articles
The influence of pre and postnatal adversity on depression and anxiety over two decades Journal Articles
The interface between thyroid activity, magnesium, and depression: A pilot study Journal Articles
The international society of bipolar disorders task force on the nomenclature of course and outcome in bipolar disorders Conferences
The joint contribution of maternal history of early adversity and adulthood depression to socioeconomic status and potential relevance for offspring development Journal Articles
The latent structure of impulsivity: impulsive choice, impulsive action, and impulsive personality traits Journal Articles
The long-term impact of treatment with electroconvulsive therapy on discrete memory systems in patients with bipolar disorder. Journal Articles
The measurement of premenstrual mood symptoms Journal Articles
The mental health effects on adolescents of moving from a high- to low-poverty neighbourhood differ by gender and baseline health vulnerability Journal Articles
The microbiome and mental health: Hope or hype? Journal Articles
The mood rhythm instrument: A chronobiological approach to evaluate mood in clinical settings Conferences
The need for inclusion of sex and age of onset variables in genetic association studies of obsessive–compulsive disorder: Overview Journal Articles
The need for meaningful support following exposure to sexual assault Journal Articles
The neural correlates of trauma‐related autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder: A meta‐analysis Journal Articles
The neurobiology of social phobia: From pharmacotherapy to brain imaging Journal Articles
The neurochemistry of mood. Journal Articles
The neuroeconomics of nicotine dependence: A preliminary functional magnetic resonance imaging study of delay discounting of monetary and cigarette rewards in smokers Journal Articles
The other side of the curve: Examining the relationship between pre-stressor physiological responses and stress reactivity Journal Articles
The paraphilias, obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder, and the treatment of sexually deviant behaviour. Journal Articles
The phenotypic manifestations of rare genic CNVs in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
The potential role of haloperidol in the treatment of trichotillomania Journal Articles
The potential use of biomarkers as an adjunctive tool for staging bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The predictive value of early treatment response in antipsychotic-naive patients with first-episode psychosis: Haloperidol versus olanzapine Journal Articles
The premenstrual symptoms screening tool (PSST) for clinicians Journal Articles
The premenstrual symptoms screening tool revised for adolescents (PSST-A): prevalence of severe PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder in adolescents Journal Articles
The premenstrual tension syndrome rating scales: An updated version Journal Articles
The prevalence and burden of mental and substance use disorders in Australia: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 Journal Articles
The prevalence and incidence of perinatal anxiety disorders among women experiencing a medically complicated pregnancy Journal Articles
The prevalence of borderline personality features and borderline personality disorder during the perinatal period: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The profile of a major affective disorder offender. Journal Articles
The protective effect of the obesity-associated rs9939609 A variant in fat mass- and obesity-associated gene on depression Journal Articles
The psychobiology of premenstrual dysphoria: The role of prolactin Journal Articles
The psychobiology of premenstrual dysphoria: review of theories and treatments Journal Articles
The quality of services in a children’s mental health managed care demonstration Journal Articles
The quest for better diagnosis: DSM-5 or RDoC? Journal Articles
The relation between early life adversity, cortisol awakening response and diurnal salivary cortisol levels in postpartum women Journal Articles
The relationship between emotion regulation difficulties and PTSD outcomes during group cognitive processing therapy for PTSD. Journal Articles
The relationship between insight and autobiographical memory for emotional events in schizophrenia Journal Articles
The relationship between objective and subjective cognitive performance to clinical features in bipolar disorder: A 6 years follow-up study Journal Articles
The relationship between parental bonding and mood, anxiety and related disorders in adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The relationship of gambling to intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in a nationally representative sample Journal Articles
The relative role of dopamine and norepinephrine receptor blockade in the action of antipsychotic drugs: Metoclopramide, thiethylperazine, and molindone as pharmacological tools Journal Articles
The reproducibility of psychiatric evaluations of work disability: two reliability and agreement studies Journal Articles
The role of cannabis in treating anxiety Journal Articles
The role of childhood generalized anxiety in the internalizing cluster Journal Articles
The role of conditional drug responses in tolerance to the hypothermic effects of ethanol Journal Articles
The role of emotion dysregulation in cognitive behavioural group therapy for perinatal anxiety: Results from a randomized controlled trial and routine clinical care Journal Articles
The role of gender in a large international OCD sample: A Report from the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Network Journal Articles
The role of hair cortisol concentration in the association between parent and child psychopathology: A sex-based analysis Conferences
The role of hair cortisol concentration in the association between parent and child psychopathology: a sex-based analysis Conferences
The role of macrophage polarization on bipolar disorder: Identifying new therapeutic targets Journal Articles
The role of metabolic syndrome as a mediator in the relationship between CCL11 levels and the presence of a mood episode with mixed features in young adults with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The role of prenatal perceived stress and hair cortisol as they relate to toddler socioemotional outcomes over the first three years. Journal Articles
The role of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in forensic psychiatry Journal Articles
The role of trauma in the hormonal interplay of cortisol, testosterone, and oxytocin in adolescent aggression Journal Articles
The roots of depression in adolescent girls: Is menarche the key? Journal Articles
The sequelae of child maltreatment Journal Articles
The shift to rapid job placement for people living with mental illness: An analysis of consequences. Journal Articles
The staging model of bipolar disorder and cognitive functioning: a comparison with patients with schizophrenia Conferences
The state of psychotherapy supervision: Recommendations for future training Journal Articles
The suicidal patient: Clinical and legal standards of care, 2nd edition Journal Articles
The trajectory of depression and anxiety among children and adolescents over two years of the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
The transcription factor of the early growth response gene-3 (EGR-3) system as a target for immune intervention in bipolar disorder Conferences
The treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder: An open study using instant dosing of citalopram Conferences
The use of clozapine in the treatment of bipolar disorder in a patient with clinical comorbidities Conferences
The use of contracts in the inpatient treatment of the borderline personality disorder Journal Articles
The use of genetic epidemiology to guide classification in child and adult psychopathology Journal Articles
The use of seclusion and restraint in psychiatry. Journal Articles
The use of waitlists as control conditions in anxiety disorders research Journal Articles
The utility of naming tests in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
The worm turns: publication bias and trial registers revisited Journal Articles
Theory and Practice of Treatment of Concurrent Major Depressive and Alcohol Use Disorders Conferences
Theory of Mind Performance in Women with Postraumatic Stress Disoder Related to Childhood Abuse Conferences
Theory of mind deficits in patients with mild symptoms of major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Theory of mind performance in women with posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse Journal Articles
Therapeutic Efficacy of Allopurinol in Mania Associated With Hyperuricemia Journal Articles
Therapeutic implications of modulation of metabolism and functional activity of cerebral cortex by chronic stimulation of cerebellum and thalamus Journal Articles
Therapists of patients who committed suicide reported a wide range of emotional responses Journal Articles
Therapy Begins at Home: The Psychiatric House Call Journal Articles
There is an app for that! The current state of mobile applications (apps) for DSM-5 obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and mood disorders Journal Articles
There is more to mental illness than negative affect: comprehensive temperament profiles in depression and generalized anxiety Journal Articles
Thinking Small: Research Designs Appropriate for Clinical Practice Journal Articles
Third-party Assessments/Independent Medical Evaluations Journal Articles
Three clinical syndromes of schizophrenia in untreated subjects: relation to brain glucose activity measured by position emission tomography (PET) Journal Articles
Three-Dimensional Mapping of Hippocampal Anatomy in Unmedicated and Lithium-Treated Patients with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Three-dimensional mapping of hippocampal anatomy in unmedicated and lithium-treated patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Three-year prognosis of depression in the community-dwelling elderly Journal Articles
Three-year prognosis of depression in the community-dwelling elderly (vol 176, pg 453, 2000) Journal Articles
Thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies and perinatal depression risk: A systematic review Journal Articles
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone: differential antidepressant and endocrinological effects Journal Articles
Tiagabine in generalized anxiety disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Conferences
Tiagabine in patients with generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Conferences
Time distortion when users at-risk for social media addiction engage in non-social media tasks Journal Articles
Timing of yawns induced by a small dose of apomorphine and its alteration by naloxone Journal Articles
To raise a child with autism spectrum disorder: A qualitative, comparative study of parental experiences in the United States and Senegal Journal Articles
Tocophobia: a nosological quagmire Journal Articles
Topiramate Treatment for SSRI-Induced Weight Gain in Anxiety Disorders Journal Articles
Topiramate augmentation in a case series of treatment resistant obsessive compulsive disorder Conferences
Topiramate augmentation in a patient with obsessive–compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Topiramate augmentation in treatment-resistant obsessive–compulsive disorder: a retrospective, open-label case series Journal Articles
Topiramate in generalized social phobia: An open trial Conferences
Toward a brain map of auditory hallucinations Journal Articles
Toward a revised evolutionary adaptationist analysis of depression: the social navigation hypothesis Journal Articles
Toward prevention of bipolar disorder in at-risk children: Potential strategies ahead of the data Journal Articles
Towards More Effective European Community Care for patients with severe psychosis (MECCA): methods and tasks of a multicentre European study Conferences
Towards a "good" death: end-of-life narratives constructed in an intensive care unit. Journal Articles
Towards a consensus on diagnostic criteria, measurement and trial design of the premenstrual disorders: the ISPMD Montreal consensus Journal Articles
Towards a multifactorial approach for prediction of bipolar disorder in at risk populations Journal Articles
Towards precision medicine in generalized anxiety disorder: Review of genetics and pharmaco(epi)genetics Journal Articles
Tracking Children’s Mental Health in the 21st Century: Lessons from the 2014 OCHS Journal Articles
Traffic Violations among Young People with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Journal Articles
Trafficking among youth in conflict with the law in São Paulo, Brazil Journal Articles
Trainee Safety in Psychiatric Units and Facilities* Journal Articles
Training Psychiatric Residents to Work with Primary Care Physicians: Results of a National Survey Journal Articles
Training Residents to Care for the Mentally III Journal Articles
Training community therapists to deliver cognitive behavioral therapy in the aftermath of disaster. Journal Articles
Training in Substance Use Disorders, Part 2: Updated Curriculum Guidelines Journal Articles
Training in Substance use Disorders, Part 1: Overview of Clinical Practice Recommendations Journal Articles
Trajectories of Homeless Shelter Utilization in the At Home/Chez Soi Trial of Housing First Journal Articles
Trajectories of depressive symptoms during the transition to young adulthood: The role of chronic illness Journal Articles
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as a Therapeutic Tool for Chronic Pain Journal Articles
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coil Placement and Antidepressant Response: An Anatomical Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study Conferences
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Mood Disorder: A Review and Comparison with Electroconvulsive Therapy Journal Articles
Transcranial magnetic stimulation as an adjunct to SSRI treatment in medication resistant patients with major depression Conferences
Transcranial magnetic stimulation may decrease urinary 6 sulfatoxy-melatonin in medication resistant patients with major depression Conferences
Transcranial magnetic stimulation: using a law of physics to treat psychopathology. Journal Articles
Transcriptional markers of excitation-inhibition balance in germ-free mice show region-specific dysregulation and rescue after bacterial colonization Journal Articles
Transcultural Psychiatry Journal
Transdiagnostic aspects of peripheral biomarkers in major psychiatric disorders: a systematic review Conferences
Transdiagnostic assessment of clinical outcomes in the comprehensive psychiatric care unit: do changes in service delivery model always mean improvement? Conferences
Transforming Research Training in Psychiatry Residency: Creating a New Pipeline of Interdisciplinary Researchers Journal Articles
Transitional interventions to reduce early psychiatric readmissions in adults: systematic review Journal Articles
Transitions in Hearing Impairment and Psychological Distress in Older Adults Journal Articles
Translating Best Practices into Service: Implementing Early Intervention for Psychosis across Canada Journal Articles
Translating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth to Rural-Community Settings via Tele-Psychiatry Journal Articles
Translating science into policy: mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Transparency and completeness of reporting of depression screening tool accuracy studies: A meta-research review of adherence to the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies statement. Journal Articles
Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático: critérios diagnósticos Journal Articles
Tratamento farmacológico do transtorno bipolar: as evidências de ensaios clínicos randomizados Journal Articles
Trauma & the reproductive lifecycle in women Journal Articles
Trauma, cocaine use and female sex predict transition from major depression to bipolar disorder Conferences
Traumatic life events in bipolar disorder: impact on BDNF levels and psychopathology Journal Articles
Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder With Second Generation Antipsychotics Journal Articles
Treating comorbid premenstrual dysphoric disorder in women with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Treating depression during pregnancy. Journal Articles
Treatment Response to Olanzapine and Haloperidol and its Association with Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy in First-Episode Psychosis Journal Articles
Treatment delay is associated with more episodes and more severe illness staging progression in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Treatment histories of patients with three anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Treatment of Child Neglect: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Treatment of Menopause-Related Mood Disturbances Journal Articles
Treatment of Pathological Affect Journal Articles
Treatment of a first episode of psychotic illness with quetiapine: An analysis of 2 year outcomes Journal Articles
Treatment of premenstrual tension with lithium carbonate – A PILOT STUDY Journal Articles
Treatment of the masochistic personality: An interactional-object relations approach to psychotherapy - GlickaufHughes,C, Wells,M Journal Articles
Treatment plans and interventions for depression and anxiety disorders. Journal Articles
Treatment selection in borderline personality disorder between dialectical behavior therapy and psychodynamic psychiatric management Journal Articles
Treatment-Related Changes in Brain Activations Underlying Cognitive Control and Reward Processing in Cocaine Dependence Conferences
Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Survey of Practice Habits of Canadian Psychiatrists Journal Articles
Treatment-resistant OCD: Pharmacotherapies in adults Journal Articles
Treatment-resistant depression: Definitions, review of the evidence, and algorithmic approach Journal Articles
Trichotillomania in youth: a retrospective case series Journal Articles
Trichotillomania: Effective treatment with quetiapine. A case series Conferences
Trifluoperazine: A comparison between regular and high doses Journal Articles
Triggers for acute mood episodes in bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
Triiodothyronine, imipramine, and depression Journal Articles
Triple-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of oral naloxone for opioid-induced constipation in patients with opioid use disorder receiving methadone maintenance treatment Conferences
Tryptophan Treatment and Melatonin Response in a Patient with Journal Articles
Tryptophan hydroxylase polymorphisms are not associated with suicide in a Utah population. Conferences
Tryptophan hydroxylase polymorphisms in suicide victims Journal Articles
Tumor necrosis factor alpha and its association with bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis Conferences
Turning order into chaos through repetition and addition of elementary acts in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Journal Articles
Turning order into chaos through repetition and addition of elementary acts in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Journal Articles
Tutors’ Perceptions of the Transition to Video and Simulated Patients in Pre-clinical Psychiatry Training Journal Articles
Two-Year Outcome of Preschool Children With Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome Journal Articles
Type II error in diagnosing borderline patients Journal Articles
Underage drinking in Brazil: findings from a community household survey Journal Articles
Understanding Engagement with a Physical Health Service: A Qualitative Study of Patients with Severe Mental Illness Journal Articles
Understanding and interpreting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Part 1: rationale, search strategy, and describing results Journal Articles
Understanding effect size: an international online survey among psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians from other medical specialities, dentists and other health professionals Journal Articles
Understanding the Risks of Recent Discharge Journal Articles
Understanding the Risks of Recent Discharge: The Phenomenological Experiences Journal Articles
Understanding the complex interplay between violence, depression and suicidal ideation in women: Time for a comprehensive sex- and gender-based approach Journal Articles
Unicorns Do Exist: A Tutorial on “Proving” the Null Hypothesis Journal Articles
Unilateral and bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials over 2 decades Journal Articles
Unintended Impact of Psychiatric Safe Rooms in Emergency Departments: The Experiences of Suicidal Males With Substance Use Disorders Journal Articles
Unique insula subregion resting-state functional connectivity with amygdala complexes in posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
Unsparing self-critique strengthens the field, but Bailey et al. overstate the ‘problems with delay discounting’ Journal Articles
Unveiling the neurobiology of learning and memory: the lifetime accomplishments of Ivan Izquierdo (1937-2021) Journal Articles
Updated European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD Journal Articles
Updating the Evidence and Recommendations for Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in Adults Journal Articles
Urinary catecholamines and cortisol in parasuicide Journal Articles
Urinary tetrahydrocannabinol is associated with poorer working memory performance and alterations in associated brain activity Journal Articles
Use of Antidepressants Among Elderly Subjects: Trends and Contributing Factors Journal Articles
Use of Cell Therapy as a Promising Strategy for the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Preliminary Results of an In Vitro Study Conferences
Use of a structured functional evaluation process for independent medical evaluations of claimants presenting with disabling mental illness: rationale and design for a multi-center reliability study Journal Articles
Use of contraceptive methods among women treated for bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Use of slow-release melatonin in treatment-resistant depression. Journal Articles
Uses and Limitations of Ethnotherapy Journal Articles
Using Evolutionary Theory to Guide Mental Health Research Journal Articles
Using Experiences to Improve Transitions from Youth to Adult Mental Health Services: Understanding the Perspectives and Values of Youth, Family Members and Service Providers for Improving Care Processes Conferences
Using Fidelity Measurement to Assess Quality of Early Psychosis Intervention Services in Ontario Journal Articles
Using Implementation Science to Optimize School Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Using Measurement-Based Care as a Precision Medicine Strategy for Substance Use Disorders Journal Articles
Using Meta-Analysis in Psychiatric Research Journal Articles
Using Multivariate, Non-parametric Analyses to Understand Brain-behavior Relationships for Successful Learning in Schizophrenia Conferences
Using Short Latency Magnetically Evoked EEG Potentials to Determine the Prefrontal Region Where 10. Hz Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Induces the Greatest Cortical Response Conferences
Using a hybrid model to investigate the comorbidity and symptom overlap between social phobia and the other anxiety disorders and unipolar mood disorders Journal Articles
Using anchoring vignettes to assess the comparability of self‐rated feelings of sadness, lowness or depression in France and Vietnam Journal Articles
Using random forest to identify correlates of depression symptoms among adolescents Journal Articles
Using the Intranasal Route to Administer Drugs to Treat Neurological and Psychiatric Illnesses: Rationale, Successes, and Future Needs Journal Articles
Using the Longitudinal Interval Follow-up Evaluation (LIFE) to assess outcomes: Reliability, validity, and utility Conferences
Using the PDQ-R BPD Scale as a Brief Screening Measure in the Differential Diagnosis of Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Using the iGeriCare Internet-Based Dementia Care Partner Resource to Improve the Management of Dementia in Your Practice Conferences
Utility-based measures of health-related quality of life in depression Journal Articles
VItex agnus castus for premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a systematic review Conferences
VaI66Met polymorphism and longitudinal changes in serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor along treatment of medication-free patients with bipolar disorder Conferences
Val66Met polymorphism and serum brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in bipolar disorder: an open‐label trial Journal Articles
Val66met polymorphism and serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Validating the 3-item biological rhythms interview of assessment in neuropsychiatry chronotype measure against actigraphy and the Munich chronotype questionnaire Conferences
Validation of a Greek adaptation of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale Journal Articles
Validation of a Revised Visual Analog Scale for Premenstrual Mood Symptoms: Results from Prospective and Retrospective Trials Journal Articles
Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool (PSST) and association of PSST scores with health-related quality of life Journal Articles
Validation of the COVID-19 Fears Questionnaires for Chronic Medical Conditions: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network COVID-19 Cohort study Journal Articles
Validation of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview- for Women (CIDI-VENUS) in a Perinatal Psychiatric Population Conferences
Validation study of microRNAs previously associated with antidepressant response in older adults treated for late-life depression with venlafaxine Journal Articles
Validity and reliability of a rating scale on subjective cognitive deficits in bipolar disorder (COBRA) Journal Articles
Validity and reliability of the Dysfunctional Behaviour Rating Instrument Journal Articles
Validity of MMPI Scales for DSM-III Personality Disorders: What Are They Measuring? Journal Articles
Validity of the Portuguese version of the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale Journal Articles
Valproic acid up-regulates melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors and neurotrophic factors CDNF and MANF in the rat brain Journal Articles
Variation in recurrence risk by birth order of the first affected child in schizophrenia: Implications for etiologic heterogeneity. Conferences
Variations in dexamethasone suppression test results: RIA values exceed CPBA. Journal Articles
Venlafaxine had higher response and remission rates than paroxetine in non-chronic treatment resistant depression Journal Articles
Verbal Memory Deficit in Siblings of Patients with Schizophrenia Conferences
Verbal Memory Errors and Symptoms in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Verbal episodic memory along the course of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A new perspective Journal Articles
Vermis volume in major depression Conferences
Violence Risk Assessment in Everyday Psychiatric Practice Other
Violence and Mental Disorders Journal Articles
Violent and sexual behaviors and lifetime use of crack cocaine: a population-based study in Brazil Journal Articles
Virginia Woolf, neuroprogression, and bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Visual Evoked Potentials in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Visual acuity: the role of visual input in inducing postnatal change Journal Articles
Visual information processing and alpha blocking in schizophrenics and normals Journal Articles
Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Vitex agnus castus for premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a systematic review Journal Articles
Vocational adaptation of patients on home dialysis: Its relationship to personality, activities and support received Journal Articles
Volumetric brain magnetic resonance imaging predicts functioning in bipolar disorder: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
WCA Recommendations for the Long-Term Treatment of Social Phobia Journal Articles
WCA recommendations for the long-term treatment of social phobia Conferences
WFSBP guidelines on how to grade treatment evidence for clinical guideline development Journal Articles
Wet minds, dry minds, and the future of psychiatry as a science Journal Articles
What Do Residents Want from Wellness? A Needs Assessment of Psychiatry Residents to Inform a Residency Wellness Strategy Journal Articles
What Does Early Antisocial Behaviour Predict? A Follow-up of 4- and 5-Year-Olds from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
What if we could eliminate child poverty? Journal Articles
What is the role of Vitamin D in depression? Journal Articles
What not to use in bipolar disorders: A systematic review of non-recommended treatments in clinical practice guidelines Journal Articles
What's in a name? The evolution of the nomenclature of antipsychotic drugs. Journal Articles
What's under the ROC? An Introduction to Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves Journal Articles
When What is Ethical May Not Be Right: A Reply to Dr Glass Journal Articles
When applying GRADE, how do we decide the target of certainty of evidence rating? Journal Articles
When illness does not get better: do we need a palliative psychiatry? Journal Articles
When meta-analyses get it wrong: response to ‘treatment outcomes for anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials’ Journal Articles
White matter diffusion estimates in obsessive-compulsive disorder across 1653 individuals: machine learning findings from the ENIGMA OCD Working Group Journal Articles
White matter integrity in major depressive disorder: Implications of childhood trauma, 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms Journal Articles
White matter integrity in major depressive disorder: Implications of childhood trauma, 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms Journal Articles
White matter microstructure in youth at risk for serious mental illness: A comparative analysis Journal Articles
Who really hoards? Hoarding symptoms in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy controls Journal Articles
Why Parasuicides Repeat Despite Problem Resolution Journal Articles
Why do medications with little or no efficacy continue to be prescribed in the management of patients with bipolar disorder? Journal Articles
Why we do not abstract analogue studies of treatment outcome and scale development Journal Articles
With apologies to Albert: everything is not relative Journal Articles
Within-Hospital Readmission: An Indicator of Readmission after Discharge from Psychiatric Hospitalization Journal Articles
Women with history of mood disorders show greater circadian rhythm disruption across the perinatal period: preliminary analyses of a longitudinal study Conferences
Women's mental health: current issues an controversies Journal Articles
Women's mental health: current issues and controversies Journal Articles
Women's mental health: what don't we know? Journal Articles
Women's preferences for masculinity in male faces are highest during reproductive age range and lower around puberty and post-menopause Journal Articles
Work Initiatives for Persons with Severe Mental Illnesses in Canada: A Decade of Development Journal Articles
Work stress and depression: the direct and moderating effects of informal social support and coping Journal Articles
Workplace Mental Health Training in Health Care: Key Ingredients of Implementation Journal Articles
Workplace Safety Climate and Incivility Among British Columbia and Ontario Operating Room Nurses: A Preliminary Investigation Journal Articles
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the Pharmacological Treatment of Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders – First Revision Journal Articles
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for treatment of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and posttraumatic stress disorders – Version 3. Part I: Anxiety disorders Journal Articles
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for treatment of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and posttraumatic stress disorders – Version 3. Part II: OCD and PTSD Journal Articles
World Journal of Biological Psychiatry Journal
World Psychiatry Journal
Written Disclosure in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Journal Articles
You say “schizophrenia” and I say “psychosis”: Just tell me when I can come off this medication Journal Articles
Youth Perspectives on Integrated Youth Services: A Discrete Choice Conjoint Experiment Journal Articles
Youth and family members make meaningful contributions to a randomized‐controlled trial: YouthCan IMPACT Journal Articles
Youth‐oriented outcomes of education, employment and training interventions for upcoming youth: Protocol for a discrete choice experiment Journal Articles
[Bipolar disorder: staging and neuroprogression]. Journal Articles
[Bulimia, bulimia-anorexia and nocturnal secretion of melatonin and cortisol]. Journal Articles
[Comment about "Who pays for the impact?"]. Journal Articles
[Community service, beyond conceptual design] Journal Articles
[Ethical aspects involving patient selection in psychiatric research]. Journal Articles
[Minimizing the risks associated with QTc prolongation in people with schizophrenia. A consensus statement by the Cardiac Safety in Schizophrenia Group]. Journal Articles
[Mogens Schou and the use of lithium in psychiatry]. Journal Articles
[No Title] Journal Articles
[Postpartum depression: we know the risks, can it be prevented?]. Journal Articles
bmjupdates+, a new FREE service for evidence-based clinical practice Journal Articles
mental health care for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and (or) queer. Journal Articles
rTMS added to usual treatment for older patients with depression Conferences
‘I thought we would be cherished and safe here’: understanding the multi-faceted nature of mental health among Arab immigrants/refugees in Ontario, Canada— the CAN-HEAL study Journal Articles
“Ego-Dystonic” Delusions as a Predictor of Dangerous Behavior Journal Articles
“I think I am worth it. I can give up committing suicide”: Pathways to recovery for Chinese-Canadian women with a history of suicidal behaviour Journal Articles
“I thought that I had to be alive to repay my parents”: Filial piety as a risk and protective factor for suicidal behavior in a qualitative study of Chinese women Journal Articles
“My children and my home”: the most recent and challenging stressors of HIV-positive women Journal Articles
“One Degree of Separation”: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Canadian Mental Health Care User and Provider Experiences With Remote Care During COVID-19 Journal Articles
“Reengineering” Residential Care Facilities: A Case Study of Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
“Under My Umbrella”: The housing experiences of HIV positive parents who live with and care for their children in Ontario Journal Articles
“We Went Out to Explore, But Gained Nothing But Illness”: Immigration Expectations, Reality, Risk and Resilience in Chinese-Canadian Women with a History of Suicide-Related Behaviour Journal Articles
“While You're Up, Get Me a Grant”: A Guide to Grant Writing Journal Articles
“You can’t un-ring the bell”: a mixed methods approach to understanding veteran and family perspectives of recovery from military-related posttraumatic stress disorder Journal Articles