publication venue for
- Functional and cognitive impairment in the first episode of depression: A systematic review 2022
- A group intervention to reduce engulfment and self-stigmatization in first episode schizophrenia: preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial 2006
- Towards More Effective European Community Care for patients with severe psychosis (MECCA): methods and tasks of a multicentre European study 2004
- Online peer‐delivered group cognitive‐behavioral therapy for postpartum depression: A randomized controlled trial. 150:422-432. 2024
- Early exposure to cannabis and bipolar disorder incidence: Findings from a 22‐year birth cohort study in Brazil. 149:340-349. 2024
- Demographic and clinical characteristics of lithium‐treated older adults with bipolar disorder. 146:442-455. 2022
- Brain age in mood and psychotic disorders: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. 145:42-55. 2022
- Bipolar disorder and frontotemporal dementia: A systematic review. 144:433-447. 2021
- Early identification of bipolar disorder among young adults – a 22‐year community birth cohort. 142:476-485. 2020
- Adolescents’ knowledge of a peer's non‐suicidal self‐injury and own non‐suicidal self‐injury and suicidality. 142:366-373. 2020
- The gut microbiome and inflammation in obsessive‐compulsive disorder patients compared to age‐ and sex‐matched controls: a pilot study. 142:337-347. 2020
- Risk of dementia in bipolar disorder and the interplay of lithium: a systematic review and meta‐analyses. 141:510-521. 2020
- Lifestyle behaviours during the COVID‐19 – time to connect. 141:399-400. 2020
- Antipsychotic use and risk of life‐threatening medical events: umbrella review of observational studies. 140:227-243. 2019
- Serotonin and aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents: a systematic review. 139:117-144. 2019
- Emotional hyper‐reactivity and cardiometabolic risk in remitted bipolar patients: a machine learning approach. 138:348-359. 2018
- Association of intracortical myelin and cognitive function in bipolar I disorder. 138:62-72. 2018
- Greater prevalence of post‐traumatic stress disorder and depression in deployed Canadian Armed Forces personnel at risk for moral injury. 137:342-354. 2018
- Mood disorders and prospective suicidality in young adults: a population‐based cohort study. 137:109-115. 2018
- Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder. 136:571-582. 2017
- Increased illness burden in women with comorbid bipolar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: data from 1 099 women from STEP‐BD study. 136:473-482. 2017
- Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the encoding of emotional information. 135:503-505. 2017
- A randomized trial of brief dialectical behaviour therapy skills training in suicidal patients suffering from borderline disorder. 135:138-148. 2017
Reactive aggression in young patients with
ADHD —a critical role for small provocations. 134:566-568. 2016 - Childhood trauma, family history, and their association with mood disorders in early adulthood. 134:281-286. 2016
- BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and peripheral protein levels in pediatric bipolar disorder and attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder. 134:268-274. 2016
- Areas of controversy in neuroprogression in bipolar disorder. 134:91-103. 2016
- The association between biological rhythms, depression, and functioning in bipolar disorder: a large multi‐center study. 133:102-108. 2016
- Rapid cycling bipolar disorder is associated with a higher lifetime prevalence of migraine. 132:308-309. 2015
- Damage‐associated molecular patterns and immune activation in bipolar disorder. 132:211-217. 2015
- Role of morality in the experience of guilt and shame within the armed forces. 132:4-19. 2015
- Changes in the corpus callosum in women with late-stage bipolar disorder. 131:458-464. 2015
- Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and inflammatory markers in school‐aged children with early trauma. 131:360-368. 2015
- Comprehension of affective prosody in women with post‐traumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse. 131:342-349. 2015
- Wet minds, dry minds, and the future of psychiatry as a science. 131:7-8. 2015
Staging systems in bipolar disorder: an
I nternationalS ociety forB ipolarD isordersT askF orceR eport. 130:354-363. 2014 - A meta‐analysis of ethnic differences in pathways to care at the first episode of psychosis. 130:257-268. 2014
- Staging bipolar disorder: clinical, biochemical, and functional correlates. 129:437-444. 2014
- Val66Met polymorphism and serum brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in bipolar disorder: an open‐label trial. 129:393-400. 2014
- Effectiveness and tolerance of anti‐inflammatory drugs' add‐on therapy in major mental disorders: a systematic qualitative review. 129:163-179. 2014
- Theory of mind performance in women with posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse. 129:193-201. 2014
- Illness burden and medical comorbidity in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder. 125:303-308. 2012
- Birth‐cohort and dual diagnosis effects on age‐at‐onset in Brazilian patients with bipolar I disorder. 120:492-495. 2009
- Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a disorder of pessimal (non‐functional) motor behavior. 120:288-298. 2009
- A multi‐site Canadian perspective: examining the functional outcome from first‐episode psychosis. 120:138-146. 2009
- Reply. 117:398-399. 2008
- Dopamine dysregulation syndrome: implications for a dopamine hypothesis of bipolar disorder. 116:41-49. 2007
- EDNOS eating disorders not otherwise specified. Scientific and clinical perspectives on the other eating disorders. 112:405-405. 2005
- Cross‐cultural equivalence in depression assessment: Japan–Europe–North American study. 112:279-285. 2005
- The familial aggregation of adolescent suicide attempts. 97:18-24. 1998
- Platelet 3H‐imipramine binding during recovery from depression. 86:108-112. 1992
- Reliability of the draft diagnostic criteria for research of ICD‐10 in comparison with ICD‐10 and DSM‐III‐R. 84:332-335. 1991
- Validity and reliability of the Dysfunctional Behaviour Rating Instrument. 84:103-106. 1991
- Premenstrual tension syndrome: The development of research diagnostic criteria and new rating scales. 62:177-190. 1980
- Treatment of premenstrual tension with lithium carbonate – A PILOT STUDY. 61:96-102. 1980
- Psychobiology of mental disorders associated with childbearing: AN OVERVIEW. 60:449-464. 1979