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125I-Fibrinogen Leg Scanning: Reassessment of Its Role for the Diagnosis of Venous Thrombosis in Post-Operative Patients Journal Articles
125I-fibrinogen leg scanning: reassessment of its role for the diagnosis of venous thrombosis in post-operative patients. Journal Articles
18Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in the Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
2-[125I]Iodomelatonin binding sites in the quail heart: Characteristics, distribution and modulation by guanine nucleotides and cations Journal Articles
2007 Universal Myocardial Infarction Definition Change Criteria for Risk Stratification by Use of a High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I Assay Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology classification criteria for granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology classification criteria for microscopic polyangiitis. Journal Articles
320-row CT coronary angiography predicts freedom from revascularisation and acts as a gatekeeper to defer invasive angiography in stable coronary artery disease: a fractional flow reserve-correlated study Journal Articles
5-aminolevulinic acid induced protoporphyrin IX as a fluorescence marker for quantitative image analysis of high-grade dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus cellular models Journal Articles
Ex vivoevaluation of a coherent normalization procedure to quantifyin vivofinger strontium XRS measurements Journal Articles
In vivo measurement of changes in venous blood‐oxygenation with high resolution functional MRI at 0.95 Tesla by measuring changes in susceptibility and velocity Journal Articles
In vivoassessment of magnesium status in human body using accelerator-based neutron activation measurement of hands: A pilot study Journal Articles
In vivostudy of an x-ray fluorescence system to detect bone strontium non-invasively Journal Articles
One‐Size‐Fits‐All Approach Does Not Work for Gynecology Trainees Learning Endometriosis Ultrasound Skills Journal Articles
A Broad-Spectrum Infection Diagnostic that Detects Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs) in Whole Blood Journal Articles
A Clinical Prediction Rule and Platelet Count Predict Esophageal Varices in Children Journal Articles
A Comparison of Biochemical Tests for Pheochromocytoma: Measurement of Fractionated Plasma Metanephrines Compared with the Combination of 24-Hour Urinary Metanephrines and Catecholamines Journal Articles
A Comparison of Lyophilized Artificially Depleted Plasmas and Lyophilized Plasmas From Patients Receiving Warfarin in Correcting for Coagulometer Effects on International Normalized Ratios Journal Articles
A Comparison of Self-report and Health Care Provider Data to Assess Surveillance Definitions of Influenza-like Illness in Outpatients Journal Articles
A Comparison of Two Bias‐Corrected Covariance Estimators for Generalized Estimating Equations Journal Articles
A Complex Dietary Supplement Extends Longevity of Mice Journal Articles
A Computerized Adaptive Test for Patients With Hip Impairments Produced Valid and Responsive Measures of Function Journal Articles
A Critical Assessment of the Out-of-Hospital Trauma Triage Guidelines for Physiologic Abnormality Journal Articles
A DNA Barcode‐Based Aptasensor Enables Rapid Testing of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Viruses in Swine Saliva Using Electrochemical Readout Journal Articles
A DNA Nanoflower‐Assisted Separation‐Free Nucleic Acid Detection Platform with a Commercial Pregnancy Test Strip Journal Articles
A General Approach to the Construction of Structure‐Switching Reporters from RNA Aptamers Journal Articles
A Latex D-Dimer Reliably Excludes Venous Thromboembolism Journal Articles
A MAP-Based Image Interpolation Method via Viterbi Decoding of Markov Chains of Interpolation Functions Journal Articles
A Moderate Dose of Pseudoephedrine Does Not Alter Muscle Contraction Strength or Anaerobic Power Journal Articles
A Monte Carlo and physical phantom evaluation of quantitative In-111 SPECT Journal Articles
A Multicenter International Temporal and External Validation Study of the Ultrasound-based Endometriosis Staging System Journal Articles
A New Radiocolloid for Sentinel Node Detection in Breast Cancer Journal Articles
A Novel and Rapid Whole-Blood Assay for D-Dimer in Patients With Clinically Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis Journal Articles
A Numerical Study of Blood Flow in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Side-to-Side Anastomoses Journal Articles
A Prospective Evaluation of Positron Emission Tomography Scanning, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy, and Standard Axillary Dissection for Axillary Staging in Patients with Early Stage Breast Cancer Journal Articles
A Psychovisual Quality Metric in Free-Energy Principle Journal Articles
A Quantitative Approach to Detect and Overcome PCR Inhibition in Ancient DNA Extracts Journal Articles
A Reliable Screening Test to Identify Adult Carriers of the (--SEA) alpha0-Thalassemia Deletion Journal Articles
A Review of the McMurray Test: Definition, Interpretation, and Clinical Usefulness Journal Articles
A Solid-Phase Assay for the Quantitation of Total Protein Eluted from Balafilcon, Lotrafilcon, and Etafilcon Contact Lenses Journal Articles
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Performance of BRAF V600E Immunohistochemistry in Thyroid Histopathology Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of the Evidence Supporting a Causal Link Between Dietary Factors and Coronary Heart Disease Journal Articles
A Trimodality Comparison of Volumetric Bone Imaging Technologies. Part III: SD, SEE, LSC Association With Fragility Fractures Journal Articles
A bioabsorbable (polyglactin), nonrestrictive, external sheath inhibits porcine saphenous vein graft thickening Journal Articles
A blood pool contrast aided T1 functional MRI in patients with brain tumors—a preliminary study Journal Articles
A cohort study found the RAND-12 and Health Utilities Index Mark 3 demonstrated construct validity in high-risk primary care patients Journal Articles
A comparative study of magnetic resonance venography techniques for the evaluation of the internal jugular veins in multiple sclerosis patients Journal Articles
A comparison of Canadian medical students from rural and non-rural backgrounds. Journal Articles
A comparison of compression ultrasound with color Doppler ultrasound for the diagnosis of symptomless postoperative deep vein thrombosis Journal Articles
A comparison of exhaled nitric oxide and induced sputum as markers of airway inflammation Journal Articles
A comparison of flocked swabs and traditional swabs, using multiplex real-time PCR for detection of common gastroenteritis pathogens in Botswana Journal Articles
A comparison of pain-assessment tools for use with elderly long-term-care residents. Journal Articles
A comparison study of the back pain functional scale and Roland Morris Questionnaire. North American Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Research Network. Journal Articles
A complex sum method of quantifying susceptibilities in cylindrical objects: the first step toward quantitative diagnosis of small objects in MRI Journal Articles
A convenient plasmid system for construction of helper‐dependent adenoviral vectors and its application for analysis of the breast‐cancer‐specific mammaglobin promoter Journal Articles
A fully flow-compensated multiecho susceptibility-weighted imaging sequence: The effects of acceleration and background field on flow compensation Journal Articles
A heterophile antibody affecting a contemporary but not a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assay Journal Articles
A high spatial resolution 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging technique for breast cancer with a short echo time Journal Articles
A machine learning approach using EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for major depressive disorder Journal Articles
A ménage À trois: the eye, the hand and on-line processing Journal Articles
A new immune complex dot assay for detection of rotavirus antigen in faeces Journal Articles
A novel and sensitive radioreceptor assay for serum melatonin levels Journal Articles
A novel approach for EIT regularization via spatial and spectral principal component analysis Journal Articles
A painful squat test provides limited diagnostic utility in CAM-type femoroacetabular impingement Journal Articles
A pilot study to determine whether machine learning methodologies using pre-treatment electroencephalography can predict the symptomatic response to clozapine therapy Journal Articles
A practical approach to evidence-based dentistry: V Journal Articles
A predictive model to differentiate dengue from other febrile illness Journal Articles
A preliminary study for non-invasive quantification of manganese in human hand bones Journal Articles
A prospective study of protein‐specific assays used to investigate idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Journal Articles
A quantitative study of susceptibility and additional frequency shift of three common materials in MRI Journal Articles
A randomised trial to evaluate the self-administered standardised chronic respiratory questionnaire Journal Articles
A rapid on-site loop-mediated isothermal amplification technology as an early warning system for the detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in water. Journal Articles
A rapid, reliable, and inexpensive method for detection of di- and trinucleotide repeat markers and disease loci from dried blood spots Journal Articles
A readers' guide to the interpretation of diagnostic test properties: clinical example of sepsis Journal Articles
A reliable MR measurement of medial temporal lobe width from the Sunnybrook Dementia Study Journal Articles
A sensitive high throughput ELISA for human eosinophil peroxidase: A specific assay to quantify eosinophil degranulation from patient-derived sources Journal Articles
A sensitivity and specificity comparison of fine needle aspiration cytology and core needle biopsy in evaluation of suspicious breast lesions: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
A simple clinical model for the diagnosis of deep‐vein thrombosis combined with impedance plethysmography: potential for an improvement in the diagnostic process Journal Articles
A simple validated prediction rule to diagnose typhoid fever in Turkey Journal Articles
A simplified formula for T1 contrast optimization for short-TR steady-state incoherent (spoiled) gradient echo sequences Journal Articles
A stochastic model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve: pulse-train response Journal Articles
A structure refinement strategy for NMR crystallography: An improved crystal structure of silica-ZSM-12 zeolite from 29Si chemical shift tensors Journal Articles
A study of the agreement between patient self‐assessment and study personnel assessment of bleeding symptoms Journal Articles
A system dynamics approach for regional environmental planning and management: A study for the Lake Erhai Basin Journal Articles
A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies using the STRATIFY tool for prediction of falls in hospital patients: how well does it work? Journal Articles
A systematic review of screening questionnaires for obstructive sleep apnea Journal Articles
A three‐point dixon method for water and fat separation using 2D and 3D gradient‐echo techniques Journal Articles
A tutorial on sensitivity analyses in clinical trials: the what, why, when and how Journal Articles
Abilities of APTIMA, AMPLICOR, and ProbeTec Assays To Detect
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
in PreservCyt ThinPrep Liquid-Based Pap Samples Journal Articles
Ability of New APTIMA CT and APTIMA GC Assays To Detect
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
in Male Urine and Urethral Swabs Journal Articles
Ability of the Digene Hybrid Capture II Test To Identify
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
in Cervical Specimens Journal Articles
Abnormal P wave and QRS Complex Axes: When Differential Diagnoses Overlap Journal Articles
Above all, do no harm: Assessing the risk of an adverse reaction Journal Articles
Accuracy and Prognostic Consequences of Ultrasonography in Identifying Severe Carotid Artery Stenosis Journal Articles
Accuracy and precision of transcutaneous bilirubinometry in postdischarge Asian neonates Journal Articles
Accuracy and safety of 99mTc-labeled anti-D-dimer (DI-80B3) Fab’ fragments (ThromboView®) in the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis: A phase II study Journal Articles
Accuracy of C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, serum amyloid A and neopterin for low-dose CT-scan confirmed pneumonia in elderly patients: A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Accuracy of Doppler echocardiography for the diagnosis of thrombosis associated with umbilical venous catheters Journal Articles
Accuracy of Electrocardiography and Agreement with Echocardiography in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Left Atrial Enlargement Journal Articles
Accuracy of Preoperative MDCT in Patients With Penetrating Abdominal and Pelvic Trauma Journal Articles
Accuracy of Screening Tests for Celiac Disease in Asymptomatic Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Journal Articles
Accuracy of Three Dry-Chemistry Methods for Lipid Profiling and Risk Factor Classification Journal Articles
Accuracy of Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Asymptomatic Patients after Orthopedic Surgery Journal Articles
Accuracy of a Rapid Diagnostic Test for the Presence of Direct Oral Factor Xa or Thrombin Inhibitors in Urine—A Multicenter Trial Journal Articles
Accuracy of clinical assessment of deep-vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Accuracy of diagnostic clinical tests and questionnaires in screening for carpal tunnel syndrome among workers- A systematic review Journal Articles
Accuracy of emergency physician–performed ultrasonography in the diagnosis of deep-vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Accuracy of fine needle aspiration in the pre-operative diagnosis of thyroid neoplasia. Journal Articles
Accuracy of height loss during prospective monitoring for detection of incident vertebral fractures Journal Articles
Accuracy of physicians’ intuitive risk estimation in the diagnostic management of pulmonary embolism: an individual patient data meta-analysis Journal Articles
Accuracy of postpartum hemorrhage coding in the Swedish Pregnancy Register Journal Articles
Accuracy of reporting of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a provincial quality control program: a 9-year study Journal Articles
Accuracy of self-reports of Pap and mammography screening compared to medical record: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Accuracy of sonography for non‐invasive detection of ovarian and deep endometriosis using #Enzian classification: prospective multicenter diagnostic accuracy study Journal Articles
Accuracy of the StatStrip versus SureStep Flexx glucose meter in neonates at risk of hypoglycemia Journal Articles
Accuracy of transcutaneous bilirubin measured by the BiliCare device in late preterm and term neonates Journal Articles
Accuracy of ultrasound in localization of breast boost field Journal Articles
Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Underrecognition by clinicians and diagnostic accuracy of three clinical definitions* Journal Articles
Adaptation to the Intensive Care Environment (ATICE): Development and validation of a new sedation assessment instrument Journal Articles
Adaptations for finding irregularly shaped disease clusters Journal Articles
Adapting the Iconic Pain Assessment Tool Version 2 (IPAT2) for Adults and Adolescents With Arthritis Pain Through Usability Testing and Refinement of Pain Quality Icons Journal Articles
Adaptive Rate-Distortion Optimal In-Loop Quantization for Matching Pursuit Journal Articles
Addendum to “Regulation of the water channel aquaporin‐1: isolation and reconstitution of the regulatory complex” [Cell Biol. Int. 28(1) (2004) 7–17]* Journal Articles
Adrenal Mass Biopsy in Patients Without Extraadrenal Primary Malignancy: A Multicenter Study Journal Articles
Advanced detection strategies for cardiotropic virus infection in a cohort study of heart failure patients Journal Articles
Aerosols and devices Journal Articles
Age-Specific Search Strategies for Medline Journal Articles
Alternative Approach to Blood Screening Using the ExaVir Reverse Transcriptase Activity Assay Journal Articles
Alternative outcomes for the multiple breath washout in children with CF Journal Articles
Amperometric biosensor with HRP immobilized on a sandwiched nano-Au / polymerized m-phenylenediamine film and ferrocene mediator Journal Articles
Amylase in drain fluid for the diagnosis of pancreatic leak in post-pancreatic resection Journal Articles
An Aid to Accurate Skin Closure Journal Articles
An Analytical Method for the Analysis of Tulathromycin, an Equilibrating Triamilide, in Bovine and Porcine Plasma and Lung Journal Articles
An Antithrombin III Assay Based on Factor Xa Inhibition Provides a More Reliable Test to Identify Congenital Antithrombin III Deficiency Than an Assay Based on Thrombin Inhibition Journal Articles
An Automated Micro-Total Immunoassay System for Measuring Cancer-Associated α2,3-linked Sialyl N-Glycan-Carrying Prostate-Specific Antigen May Improve the Accuracy of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Journal Articles
An Economic Evaluation of Varicella Vaccine for Pediatric Liver and Kidney Transplant Recipients Journal Articles
An Evaluation of Analytical Methods, Air Sampling Techniques, and Airborne Occupational Exposure of Metalworking Fluids Journal Articles
An Evaluation of the Apprehension, Relocation, and Surprise Tests for Anterior Shoulder Instability Journal Articles
An Improved Definition of Immune Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia in Postoperative Orthopedic Patients Journal Articles
An Ultrasound-based Prediction Model to Predict Ureterolysis during Laparoscopic Endometriosis Surgery Journal Articles
An accelerator based system for in vivo neutron activation analysis measurements of manganese in human hand bones Journal Articles
An administrative data validation study of the accuracy of algorithms for identifying rheumatoid arthritis: the influence of the reference standard on algorithm performance Journal Articles
An empirical comparison of methods for analyzing correlated data from a discrete choice survey to elicit patient preference for colorectal cancer screening Journal Articles
An evaluation of hospital discharge records as a tool for serious work related injury surveillance Journal Articles
An evaluation of the serum FSH as a biomarker for ovarian toxicity in the rat Journal Articles
An evidence-based guideline on the application of molecular testing in the diagnosis, prediction of prognosis, and selection of therapy in non-GIST soft tissue sarcomas Journal Articles
An evidence-based, Latin-American consensus on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Journal Articles
An exploration of diffusion tensor eigenvector variability within human calf muscles Journal Articles
An improved instrument for the in vivo detection of lead in bone. Journal Articles
An improved method for susceptibility and radius quantification of cylindrical objects from MRI Journal Articles
An index of scientific quality for health reports in the lay press Journal Articles
An index with improved diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease derived from the Lennard‐Jones criteria Journal Articles
Analysis of Prostaglandin G/H Synthase-2 Inhibition Using Peroxidase-Induced Luminol Luminescence Journal Articles
Analysis of bleeding after ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of benign cervical lymph nodes. Journal Articles
Analysis of mechanical sources of patient alignment errors in radiation therapy Journal Articles
Analytic Approaches to Establish the Diagnostic Accuracy of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography as a Tool for Clinical Decision Making Journal Articles
Analytic and Clinical Utility of a Next-Generation, Highly Sensitive Cardiac Troponin I Assay for Early Detection of Myocardial Injury Journal Articles
Analytical Sensitivity, Reproducibility of Results, and Clinical Performance of Five PCR Assays for Detecting
Chlamydia pneumoniae
DNA in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Journal Articles
Anastomotic Leaks After Small- and Large-Bowel Surgery: Diagnostic Performance of CT and the Importance of Intraluminal Contrast Administration Journal Articles
Anterior uveitis investigation by Canadian ophthalmologists: insights from the Canadian National Uveitis Survey Journal Articles
Anti-NT5c1A Autoantibodies as Biomarkers in Inclusion Body Myositis. Conferences
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody as a marker of erosive arthritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Antidepressant use and 10-year incident fracture risk: the population-based Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMoS) Journal Articles
Antidepressants Attenuate Increased Susceptibility to Colitis in a Murine Model of Depression Journal Articles
Antihyperglycemic Medications: A Claims-Based Estimate of First-line Therapy Use Prior to Initialization of Second-line Medications Journal Articles
Any role left for invasive tests? Histology in clinical practice Conferences
Applicability of the Health Utilities Index to a Population of Childhood Survivors of Central Nervous System Tumours in the U.K. Journal Articles
Application of High-Sensitivity Troponin in Suspected Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Application of MALDI-TOF MS and machine learning for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory infections Journal Articles
Application of a Novel and Rapid Whole Blood Assay for D-Dimer in Patients with Clinically Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Journal Articles
Application of wavelet based denoising techniques to rTMS evoked potentials Journal Articles
Application strategies of serum HBV DNA detection in HBV infection patients: A retrospective study of 5611 specimens. Journal Articles
Applying the Results of Self-Report Measures to Individual Patients: An Example Using the Roland-Morris Questionnaire Journal Articles
Approaching 2020 acuity for high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays in Clinical Biochemistry Journal Articles
Appropriate Osteoporosis Treatment by Family Physicians in Response to FRAX vs CAROC Reporting: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Appropriate Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in Patients With Acute Dyspnea in Emergency Department or Inpatient Settings: A Clinical Guideline From the American College of Physicians Journal Articles
Aptima Combo 2 Testing Detected Additional Cases of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infection in Men and Women in Community Settings Journal Articles
Aptima HPV E6/E7 mRNA Test Is as Sensitive as Hybrid Capture 2 Assay but More Specific at Detecting Cervical Precancer and Cancer Journal Articles
Assembly and evaluation of an inventory of guidelines that are available to support clinical hematology laboratory practice Journal Articles
Assessing accuracy of non–eye care professionals as trainee vision screeners for children Journal Articles
Assessing asthma in African American children using the Asthma Control Test and the Childhood Asthma Control Test Journal Articles
Assessing global and regional iron content in deep gray matter as a function of age using susceptibility mapping Journal Articles
Assessing linear time‐invariance in human primary somatosensory cortex with BOLD fMRI using vibrotactile stimuli Journal Articles
Assessing sensitivity to change: choosing the appropriate change coefficient Journal Articles
Assessing the Surgical Decision Making Abilities of Novice and Proficient Urologists Journal Articles
Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of PCR-based detection ofStreptococcus pneumoniaefrom nasopharyngeal swabs collected for viral studies in Canadian adults hospitalised with community-acquired pneumonia: a Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research (CIRN) study Journal Articles
Assessing the efficacy of a manual‐based intervention for improving the detection of facial pain expression Journal Articles
Assessing the gain in diagnostic performance when combining two diagnostic tests Journal Articles
Assessing the gain in diagnostic performance when two visual inspection methods are combined for cervical cancer prevention Journal Articles
Assessing the necessity of including a crossover period with dual reporting when changing total prostate-specific antigen methods Journal Articles
Assessment of 2 Cervical Screening Methods in Mongolia Journal Articles
Assessment of Immunoglobulin M Enzyme Immunoassays for Diagnosis of Measles Journal Articles
Assessment of Tumor Recurrence in Patients With Colorectal Cancer and Elevated Carcinoembryonic Antigen Level: FDG PET/CT Versus Contrast-Enhanced 64-MDCT of the Chest and Abdomen Journal Articles
Assessment of airway inflammation: an overview. Journal Articles
Assessment of apical rocking: a new, integrative approach for selection of candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy Journal Articles
Assessment of basic human performance resources predicts performance of ureteroscopy Journal Articles
Assessment of dysglycemia risk in the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut: using the CANRISK tool Journal Articles
Assessment of the Methodologic Quality of Medical and Surgical Clinical Trials in Patients with Arthroplasty Journal Articles
Assessment of the cervix after acetic acid wash: inter-rater agreement using photographs Journal Articles
Assessment of the presence and extent of coronary collateralization by coronary computed tomographic angiography in patients with total occlusions Journal Articles
Association between Hematologic Findings and Brain Injury due to Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Journal Articles
Association between Multilayer Left Ventricular Rotational Mechanics and the Development of Left Ventricular Remodeling after Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Association between night/after-hours surgery and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Association of Fludeoxyglucose F 18–Labeled Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography With the Detection of Oropharyngeal Cancer Recurrence Journal Articles
Association of Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion with Blood Pressure Journal Articles
Association of Vascular Physical Examination Findings and Arteriographic Lesions in Large Vessel Vasculitis Journal Articles
Association of body weight with efficacy and safety outcomes in phase III randomized controlled trials of direct oral anticoagulants: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Association of extreme first-trimester free human chorionic gonadotropin-β, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, and nuchal translucency with intrauterine growth restriction and other adverse pregnancy outcomes Journal Articles
Associations of cardiometabolic outcomes with indices of obesity in children aged 5 years and younger Journal Articles
Atrial fibrillation in patients with sick sinus syndrome: the association with PQ-interval and percentage of ventricular pacing Journal Articles
Attention to principles of exercise training: an updated systematic review of randomized controlled trials in cancers other than breast and prostate Journal Articles
Automated derivatization and analysis of malondialdehyde using column switching sample preparation HPLC with fluorescence detection Journal Articles
Automatically quantifying the scientific quality and sensationalism of news records mentioning pandemics: validating a maximum entropy machine-learning model Journal Articles
Avaliação de desempenho do Self-Reporting Questionnaire como instrumento de rastreamento psiquiátrico: um estudo comparativo com o Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Journal Articles
BOOK REVIEWS Journal Articles
Baseline Illness Severity Does Not Alter Accuracy of Neonatal Sepsis Screen Journal Articles
Basophils and mast cells in airway inflammation and asthma. Journal Articles
Batting last as a home advantage factor in men's NCAA tournament baseball Journal Articles
Bayesian additive regression trees for predicting childhood asthma in the CHILD cohort study. Journal Articles
Bedside Optic Nerve Ultrasonography for Diagnosing Increased Intracranial Pressure Journal Articles
Benefits of Oxygen Saturation Targeting Trials: Oximeter Calibration Software Revision and Infant Saturations Journal Articles
Best predictors of grayscale ultrasound combined with color doppler in the diagnosis of retained products of conception Journal Articles
Between-day versus within-day imprecision using the Abbott high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assay at concentrations around 5 ng/l Journal Articles
Beyond the Complete Blood Cell Count and C-Reactive Protein Journal Articles
Bias in the evaluation of DNA-amplification tests for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis. Journal Articles
Bias in the evaluation of DNA-amplification tests for detectingChlamydia trachomatis by A. Hadgu,Statistics in Medicine,16, 1391-1399 (1997) Journal Articles
Bioelectrical Impedance vs. Four‐compartment Model to Assess Body Fat Change in Overweight Adults Journal Articles
Biological Basis of Hearing-Aid Design Journal Articles
Biomarkers of Host Response Predict Primary End-Point Radiological Pneumonia in Tanzanian Children with Clinical Pneumonia: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Biomechanical analysis suggests early rehabilitation is possible after single-incision EndoButton distal biceps repair with FiberWire Journal Articles
Biparametric vs multiparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of prostate cancer in treatment‐naïve patients: a diagnostic test accuracy systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Bladder cancer local staging: multiparametric MRI performance following transurethral resection Journal Articles
Bleeding assessment tools in the diagnosis of VWD in adults and children: a systematic review and meta-analysis of test accuracy Journal Articles
Blood pressure-dependent and independent effects of agents that inhibit the renin–angiotensin system Journal Articles
Body Image and Depressive Symptoms as Correlates of Self-reported Versus Clinician-reported Physiologic Function Journal Articles
Bone markers and their prognostic value in metastatic bone disease: Clinical evidence and future directions Journal Articles
Brain source localization based on fast fully adaptive approach Conferences
Bronchodilator delivery in acute airflow obstruction. A meta-analysis Journal Articles
Bulbar Redness and Dry Eye Disease: Comparison of a Validated Subjective Grading Scale and an Objective Automated Method Journal Articles
C-reactive protein as a predictor of meningitis in early onset neonatal sepsis: a single unit experience Journal Articles
CAR Practice Statement on Advanced Pelvic Ultrasound for Endometriosis Journal Articles
CD4+ T-Cell Modulation of Visceral Nociception in Mice Journal Articles
CHARGE and Kabuki Syndromes: Gene-Specific DNA Methylation Signatures Identify Epigenetic Mechanisms Linking These Clinically Overlapping Conditions Journal Articles
CINtec PLUS and cobas HPV testing for triaging Canadian women referred to colposcopy with a history of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion: Baseline findings Journal Articles
CSF free light chain identification of demyelinating disease: comparison with oligoclonal banding and other CSF indexes Journal Articles
CT Perfusion Quantification of Small-Vessel Ischemic Severity Journal Articles
CT/MRI and CEUS LI-RADS Major Features Association with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Calibration of109Cd KXRF systems forin vivobone lead measurements: the guiding role of the assumptions for least-squares regression in practical problem solving Journal Articles
Calibration of109Cd KXRF systems forin vivobone lead measurements: weighted least-squares regression with different weighting functions Journal Articles
Can 16-detector multislice CT exclude skeletal lesions during tumour staging? Implications for the cancer patient Journal Articles
Can Bruits Distinguish High-Grade from Moderate Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis? Journal Articles
Can Nitrogen-13 Ammonia Kinetic Modeling Define Myocardial Viability Independent of Fluorine-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose? Journal Articles
Can a serum acetaminophen concentration obtained less than 4 hours post-ingestion determine which patients do not require treatment with acetylcysteine? Journal Articles
Can bruits distinguish high-grade from moderate symptomatic carotid stenosis? The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial. Journal Articles
Can diffusion-weighted imaging be used as a reliable sequence in the detection of malignant pulmonary nodules and masses? Journal Articles
Can urine cultures and reagent test strips be used to diagnose urinary tract infection in elderly emergency department patients without focal urinary symptoms? Journal Articles
Canadian Helicobacter Study Group Consensus Conference: Update on the Management ofHelicobacter pylori- An Evidence-Based Evaluation of Six Topics Relevant to Clinical Outcomes in Patients Evaluated forH pyloriInfection Journal Articles
Canadian quality indicators for percutaneous coronary interventions Journal Articles
Capability of ischemia-modified albumin to predict serious cardiac outcomes in the short term among patients with potential acute coronary syndrome Journal Articles
Capacity, Capability, and Performance: Different Constructs or Three of a Kind? Journal Articles
Capillary-Scale Frontal Affinity Chromatography/MALDI Tandem Mass Spectrometry Using Protein-Doped Monolithic Silica Columns Journal Articles
Carbazole as Fluorescence Carrier for Preparation of Doxycycline Sensor Journal Articles
Cardiac Troponin Cutoffs: The Importance of Assay Sensitivity and the Patient Population Journal Articles
Cardiac Troponin Testing in Patients with COVID-19: A Strategy for Testing and Reporting Results Journal Articles
Cardiac troponin I, a possible predictor of survival in patients with stable congestive heart failure. Journal Articles
Cardiac troponin testing in the acute care setting: Ordering, reporting, and high sensitivity assays—An update from the Canadian society of clinical chemists (CSCC) Journal Articles
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing to Detect Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients with Normal Echocardiography Journal Articles
Catalytic multiecho phase unwrapping scheme (CAMPUS) in multiecho gradient echo imaging: Removing phase wraps on a voxel‐by‐voxel basis Journal Articles
Causal Effects of Body Mass Index on Cardiometabolic Traits and Events: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis Journal Articles
Cell Population Modeling and Parameter Estimation for Continuous Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Journal Articles
Cerebral microbleed detection using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging and deep learning Journal Articles
Cerebrospinal fluid galactomannan detection for the diagnosis of central nervous system aspergillosis: a diagnostic test accuracy systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women presenting with external genital warts. Journal Articles
Chapter 8: Meta-analysis of Test Performance When There is a “Gold Standard” Journal Articles
Chapter 9: Options for Summarizing Medical Test Performance in the Absence of a “Gold Standard” Journal Articles
Characteristics of an Accelerator Based System for in Vivo Aluminium Measurement in Peripheral Bone Chapters
Characteristics of an Accelerator Based System for in Vivo Aluminium Measurement in Peripheral Bone Journal Articles
Characteristics of the
2000 Automated Sample Preparation and Multiplex Real-Time PCR System for Detection of
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Characterization of 3-Dimensional PET Systems for Accurate Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow Journal Articles
Characterizing blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response following in-magnet quadriceps exercise Journal Articles
Chest radiographs versus CT for the detection of rib fractures in children (DRIFT): a diagnostic accuracy observational study Journal Articles
Chest ultrasonography by frontline physicians is more sensitive than CXR for diagnosing pneumothorax in trauma patients Journal Articles
Chlamydia trachomatis Testing Sensitivity in Midstream Compared With First-Void Urine Specimens Journal Articles
Chlamydia trachomatis confirmatory testing of PCR-positive genitourinary specimens using a second set of plasmid primers Journal Articles
Chlamydial cervicitis: testing the practice guidelines for presumptive diagnosis. Journal Articles
Choice of clinical outcomes in randomized trials of heart failure therapies: Disease-specific or overall outcomes? Journal Articles
Choosing appropriate tools and referral criteria for vision screening of children aged 4–5 years in Canada: a quantitative analysis Journal Articles
Choosing the most appropriate existing type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool for use in the Philippines: a case-control study with an urban Filipino population Journal Articles
Chronic Prostatitis Journal Articles
Circulating tumor HPV DNA in the management of HPV+ oropharyngeal cancer and its correlation with MRI Journal Articles
Classification of Multiple Seizure-Like States in Three Different Rodent Models of Epileptogenesis Journal Articles
Clinical Assessment of Physical Examination Maneuvers for Rotator Cuff Lesions Journal Articles
Clinical Decision Rules to Rule Out Subarachnoid Hemorrhage for Acute Headache Journal Articles
Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing Pipeline Outperforms a Combined Approach Using Sanger Sequencing and Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification in Targeted Gene Panel Analysis Journal Articles
Clinical Outcomes for Patients Classified by Fear-Avoidance Beliefs and Centralization Phenomenon Journal Articles
Clinical Performance of Two Fluorescence-Based Methods in Detecting Occlusal Caries Lesions in Primary Teeth Journal Articles
Clinical Performance of Two Visual Scoring Systems in Detecting and Assessing Activity Status of Occlusal Caries in Primary Teeth Journal Articles
Clinical Performance of the PreTect HPV-Proofer E6/E7 mRNA Assay in Comparison with That of the Hybrid Capture 2 Test for Identification of Women at Risk of Cervical Cancer Journal Articles
Clinical Risk Score for Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms Among Children With Acute Concussion in the ED Journal Articles
Clinical Usefulness of Tissue Doppler Imaging in Patients with Mild to Moderate Aortic Stenosis: A Substudy of the Aortic Stenosis Progression Observation Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Study Journal Articles
Clinical Utility of a Rapid Whole-Bloodd-Dimer Assay in Patients with Cancer Who Present with Suspected Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis Journal Articles
Clinical and Methodological Factors Related to Reliability of the Best-Estimate Diagnostic Procedure Journal Articles
Clinical applications of assessment of airway inflammation using induced sputum Journal Articles
Clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review Journal Articles
Clinical diagnosis of endometriosis: a call to action Journal Articles
Clinical evaluation of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics high-sensitivity cardiac Troponin I assay in patients with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome Journal Articles
Clinical examination for the detection of protective sensation in the feet of diabetic patients Journal Articles
Clinical factors influencing the sensitivity to warfarin when restarted after surgery Journal Articles
Clinical implication of the difference between transcutaneous bilirubinometry and total serum bilirubin for the classification of newborns at risk of hyperbilirubinemia Journal Articles
Clinical pre‐test probability adjusted versus age‐adjusted D‐dimer interpretation strategy for DVT diagnosis: A diagnostic individual patient data meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Clinical significance of periodic detection of hepatitis B virus YVDD mutation by ultrasensitive real-time amplification refractory mutation system quantitative PCR during lamivudine treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Journal Articles
Clinical usefulness of plasma homocysteine in vascular disease Journal Articles
Clinical utility of tissue Doppler imaging in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock Journal Articles
Clinical utility, factor analysis, and further validation of the memorial delirium assessment scale in patients with advanced cancer Journal Articles
Clinical versus sonographic evaluation of acute appendicitis in children: A comparison of patient characteristics and outcomes Conferences
Clinimetric properties of the AUSCAN Osteoarthritis Hand Index: an evaluation of reliability, validity and responsiveness Journal Articles
Clonal isolation of hESCs reveals heterogeneity within the pluripotent stem cell compartment Journal Articles
Coding accuracy of administrative drug claims in the Ontario Drug Benefit database. Journal Articles
Cognitive dysfunction and antiphospholipid antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Collection of antirheumatic medication data from both patients and rheumatologists shows strong agreement in a real-world clinical cohort: the Ontario Best Practices Research Initiative—a rheumatoid arthritis cohort Journal Articles
Collimator optimization in myocardial perfusion SPECT using the ideal observer and realistic background variability for lesion detection and joint detection and localization tasks Journal Articles
Colon cancer detection: An algorithm using endoscopy and barium enema Journal Articles
Color Reproduction From Noisy CFA Data of Single Sensor Digital Cameras Journal Articles
Column liquid chromatographic determination of bupivacaine in human serum using solid-phase extraction Journal Articles
Column liquid chromatographic determination of clozapine and N-desmethylclozapine in human serum using solid-phase extraction Journal Articles
Combined CT Coronary Angiography and Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Hemodynamically Significant Stenoses in Patients With Suspected Coronary Artery Disease Journal Articles
Combined Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid and Antibody Testing for SARS-CoV-2 following Emergence of D614G Spike Variant Journal Articles
Combined coagulation phase-directed factor Xa inhibition with heparin compounds and DX-9065a - A direct and selective antagonist Journal Articles
Combined modality radiotherapy and chemotherapy in nonsurgical management of localized carcinoma of the esophagus Journal Articles
Combined use of the high heparin step and optical density to optimize diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of an anti-PF4/heparin enzyme-immunoassay Journal Articles
Combining Human Papillomavirus Testing or Cervicography With Cytology to Detect Cervical Neoplasia Journal Articles
Commentary on the dual‐vision method for analysis of agreement data Journal Articles
Comments on Total Platinum Concentration and Platinum Oxidation States in Body Fluids, Tissue, and Explants from Women Exposed to Silicone and Saline Breast Implants by IC−ICPMS Journal Articles
Common data elements in radiologic imaging of traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Common normal variants of pediatric vertebral development that mimic fractures: a pictorial review from a national longitudinal bone health study Journal Articles
Community acquired pneumonia: aetiology and usefulness of severity criteria on admission. Journal Articles
Community screening for rheumatic disorder: cross cultural adaptation and screening characteristics of the COPCORD Core Questionnaire in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. The PANLAR-COPCORD Working Group. Pan American League of Associations for Rheumatology. Community Oriented Programme for the Control of Rheumatic Disease. Journal Articles
Comparative Performance of 2018 LI‐RADS versus Modified LIRADS (mLI‐RADS): An Individual Participant Data Meta‐Analysis Journal Articles
Comparative accuracy of typhoid diagnostic tools: A Bayesian latent-class network analysis Journal Articles
Comparative evaluation of nm23 and p16 expression as biomarkers of high‐risk human papillomavirus infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+ lesions of the uterine cervix Journal Articles
Comparative neurohormonal responses in patients with preserved and impaired left ventricular ejection fraction: Results of the studies of left ventricular dysfunctions (SOLVD) registry Journal Articles
Comparing 2 Versions of the Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory With the Action Research Arm Test Journal Articles
Comparing Approaches to Optimize Cut-off Scores for Short Cognitive Screening Instruments in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Journal Articles
Comparison of CINtec PLUS cytology and cobas HPV test for triaging Canadian patients with LSIL cytology referred to colposcopy: A two-year prospective study Journal Articles
Comparison of Capillary Blood Sampling Using an Automated Incision Device With and Without Warming the Heel Journal Articles
Comparison of Echocardiographic and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Assessing Right Ventricular Function in Adults With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Journal Articles
Comparison of Frailty Screening Instruments in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Comparison of Gull Feces-Specific Assays Targeting the 16S rRNA Genes of Catellicoccus marimammalium and Streptococcus spp Journal Articles
Comparison of Inhaled Long-Acting β-Agonist and Anticholinergic Effectiveness in Older Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Comparison of Residence Time Estimation Methods for Radioimmunotherapy Dosimetry and Treatment Planning—Monte Carlo Simulation Studies Journal Articles
Comparison of Sonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Spring Ligament Abnormalities Journal Articles
Comparison of Three Assays for Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in SurePath Pap Samples and the Role of Pre- and Postcytology Testing Journal Articles
Comparison of Three Instruments in Predicting Accidental Falls in Selected Inpatients in a General Teaching Hospital Journal Articles
Comparison of Two Outcome Measures for Infants With Cerebral Palsy and Infants With Motor Delays Journal Articles
Comparison of Viral Isolation and Multiplex Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR for Confirmation of Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza Virus Detection by Antigen Immunoassays Journal Articles
Comparison of Workflow, Maintenance, and Consumables in the GeneXpert Infinity 80 and Panther Instruments While Testing for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Comparison of a Polymer Conjugate-Enhanced Enzyme Immunoassay to Ligase Chain Reaction for Diagnosis of
Chlamydia trachomatis
in Endocervical Swabs Journal Articles
Comparison of an Industry-Derived LCx
Chlamydia pneumoniae
PCR Research Kit to In-House Assays Performed in Five Laboratories Journal Articles
Comparison of artifact correction methods for infant EEG applied to extraction of event-related potential signals Journal Articles
Comparison of changes in lung function measured by plethymography and IOS after bronchoprovocation Journal Articles
Comparison of clinical and videofluoroscopic evaluation of children with feeding and swallowing difficulties Journal Articles
Comparison of cobas 4800, m2000, Viper XTR, and Infinity 80 Automated Instruments When Processing Urine Specimens for the Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Comparison of commercial enzyme immunoassay kits with plaque reduction neutralization test for detection of measles virus antibody Journal Articles
Comparison of compressed sensing reconstruction algorithms for 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging Journal Articles
Comparison of dacron and nylon-flocked self-collected vaginal swabs and urine for the detection ofTrichomonas vaginalisusing analyte-specific reagents in a transcription-mediated amplification assay: Table 1 Journal Articles
Comparison of four peak spinal loading exposure measurement methods and their association with low-back pain Journal Articles
Comparison of human papillomavirus DNA testing and repeat Papanicolaou test in women with low-grade cervical cytologic abnormalities: a randomized trial. HPV Effectiveness in Lowgrade Paps (HELP) Study No. 1 Group. Journal Articles
Comparison of in-house and commercial 16S rRNA sequencing with high-performance liquid chromatography and genotype AS and CM for identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria Journal Articles
Comparison of plasmid- and chromosome-based polymerase chain reaction assays for detecting Chlamydia trachomatis nucleic acids Journal Articles
Comparison of self-collected vaginal, vulvar and urine samples with physician-collected cervical samples for human papillomavirus testing to detect high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. Journal Articles
Comparison of spirometric reference values Journal Articles
Comparison of the Accuracy of Impedance Plethysmography and Compression Ultrasonography in Outpatients with Clinically Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis Journal Articles
Comparison of the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment (Qmci) screen to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in an Australian geriatrics clinic Journal Articles
Comparison of the RIDASCREEN® norovirus enzyme immunoassay to IDEIA NLV GI/GII by testing stools also assayed by RT-PCR and electron microscopy Journal Articles
Comparison of the accuracy of the 7-item HADS Depression subscale and 14-item total HADS for screening for major depression: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Comparison of the quick mild cognitive impairment (Qmci) screen and the SMMSE in screening for mild cognitive impairment Journal Articles
Complex threshold method for identifying pixels that contain predominantly noise in magnetic resonance images Journal Articles
Components of the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) associated with a diagnosis of COPD in a random population sample Journal Articles
Computed Tomography Angiography Compared with Computed Tomography Perfusion in the Diagnosis of Cerebral Vasospasm: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Computed tomographic coronary angiographic assessment of high-risk coronary anatomy in patients with suspected coronary artery disease and intermediate pretest probability Journal Articles
Computer assisted surgery of the distal humerus can employ contralateral images for pre-operative planning, registration, and surgical intervention Journal Articles
Computerized 4-choice reaction time test for the measurement of psychomotor recovery after general anesthesia Journal Articles
Computerized videokeratography of keratoconus kindreds. Journal Articles
Concentration of Lipocalin Region of Collagen XXVII Alpha 1 in the Serum of Dogs with Hemangiosarcoma Journal Articles
Concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn in breast tissue: a synchrotron XRF study Journal Articles
Concurrent Validity of the Ages and Stages Questionnaires and Bayley Developmental Scales in a General Population Sample Journal Articles
Condition-specific Western Ontario McMaster Osteoarthritis Index was not superior to region-specific Lower Extremity Functional Scale at detecting change Journal Articles
Confirmatory polymerase chain reaction testing for Chlamydia trachomatis in first-void urine from asymptomatic and symptomatic men Journal Articles
Confirming Positive Results of Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs) for
Chlamydia trachomatis
: All NAATs Are Not Created Equal Journal Articles
Confounding: What is it and how do we deal with it? Journal Articles
Consistency and accuracy of indexing systematic review articles and meta‐analyses in medline Journal Articles
Consistency of patellar spin, tilt and lateral translation side-to-side and over a 1 year period in healthy young males Journal Articles
Construct and Predictive Validity of the Chronic Pain Grade in Workers With Chronic Work-related Upper-extremity Disorders Journal Articles
Construct validity of a multidimensional electronic pain diary for adolescents with arthritis Journal Articles
Continuous Exposure to House Dust Mite Elicits Chronic Airway Inflammation and Structural Remodeling Journal Articles
Contralateral Elbow Radiographs Can Reliably Diagnose Radial Head Implant Overlengthening Journal Articles
Contrast‐enhanced magnetic resonance angiography of carotid arterial wall in pigs Journal Articles
Contrast‐enhanced sonography of postbiopsy arteriovenous fistulas in kidney grafts Journal Articles
Conversion Strategy for LI-RADS Category 5 Observations across Versions 2014, 2017, and 2018 Journal Articles
Conversion of Urine Protein–Creatinine Ratio or Urine Dipstick Protein to Urine Albumin–Creatinine Ratio for Use in Chronic Kidney Disease Screening and Prognosis Journal Articles
Coombs' crossmatch after negative antibody screening--a retrospective observational study comparing the tube test and the microcolumn technology. Journal Articles
Coombs’ crossmatch after negative antibody screening - a retrospective observational study comparing the tube test and the microcolumn technology Journal Articles
Correlation between culture testing of swabs and ligase chain reaction of first void urine from patients recently treated for Chlamydia trachomatis Journal Articles
Correlation between self-reported smoking status and serum cotinine during pregnancy Journal Articles
Correlation of Angulation on Initial and Healed Radiographic Views of Surgical Humerus Neck Fractures Journal Articles
Correlation of Bronchoalveolar Lavage with Radiographic Evidence of Pneumonia in Thermally Injured Children Journal Articles
Correlation of Short Knee Radiographs and Full-length Radiographs in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty Journal Articles
Corticosteroid Injections, Physiotherapy, or a Wait-And-See Policy for Lateral Epicondylitis? Journal Articles
Cost Effectiveness of EML4-ALK Fusion Testing and First-Line Crizotinib Treatment for Patients With Advanced ALK-Positive Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Journal Articles
Cost Effectiveness of Multi-Therapy Treatment Strategies in the Prevention of Vertebral Fractures in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis Journal Articles
Cost Implications of the Use of Ramipril in High-Risk Patients Based on the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study Journal Articles
Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Swab or Urine Specimens for Chlamydia trachomatis From Young Canadian Women in Ontario Journal Articles
Cost-comparison analysis of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWMRI) versus second look surgery for the detection of residual and recurrent cholesteatoma Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness analysis comparing QuantiFERON test and tuberculin skin test for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection in immunocompetent children under 15 years of age in Colombia. Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of 64-slice CT angiography compared to conventional coronary angiography based on a coverage with evidence development study in Ontario Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of becaplermin for nonhealing neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers. Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of paclitaxel plus cisplatin in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of recombinant human erythropoietin versus transfusions in the treatment of zidovudine-related anemia in HIV-infected children. Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness of the carbon-13 urea breath test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori: an economic analysis. Journal Articles
Creatine Supplementation Enhances Isometric Strength and Body Composition Improvements Following Strength Exercise Training in Older Adults Journal Articles
Critical assessment of automated flow cytometry data analysis techniques Journal Articles
Critical-Sized Defect in the Tibia Journal Articles
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature search strategies for identifying methodologically sound causation and prognosis studies Journal Articles
Current Controversies Concerning the Measurement of Platelet-Associated IgG Journal Articles
Current Issues in Measurement and Reporting of Urinary Albumin Excretion Journal Articles
Cyclin E expression in breast cancer: predicting germline BRCA1 mutations, prognosis and response to treatment Journal Articles
Cysteinyl Leukotrienes Promote Human Airway Smooth Muscle Migration Journal Articles
Cytology versus HPV testing for cervical cancer screening in the general population Journal Articles
D-Dimer and Thrombin-Antithrombin III Complexes in Patients with Clinically Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Journal Articles
D-Dimer in Patients With Clinically Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Journal Articles
DNA methyltransferase inhibitors—state of the art Journal Articles
DRACMA one year after: Which changes have occurred in diagnosis and treatment of CMA in Italy? Journal Articles
Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool. Journal Articles
Dear Editor Journal Articles
Decision Making in Detecting Abnormal Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Thresholds in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Journal Articles
Deep endometriosis transvaginal ultrasound in the workup of patients with signs and symptoms of endometriosis: a cost analysis Journal Articles
Deep learning to diagnose pouch of Douglas obliteration with ultrasound sliding sign Journal Articles
Defining ranges for certainty ratings of diagnostic accuracy: a GRADE concept paper Journal Articles
Defining regions of interest using cross-frequency coupling in extratemporal lobe epilepsy patients Journal Articles
Defining the Minimum Level of Detectable Change for the Roland-Morris Questionnaire Journal Articles
Defining the practice population in fee-for-service practice. Journal Articles
Demystifying trial networks and network meta-analysis Journal Articles
Design and Analytic Considerations in Determining the Cost-Effectiveness of Early Intervention in Asthma from a Multinational Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Detecting Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a Communications Clinic: Diagnostic Utility of the Gordon Diagnostic System Journal Articles
Detecting prodromal Alzheimer's disease in mild cognitive impairment: utility of the CAMCOG and other neuropsychological predictors Journal Articles
Detecting prostate cancer and prostatic calcifications using advanced magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
Detection of
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Infections in North American Women by Testing SurePath Liquid-Based Pap Specimens in APTIMA Assays Journal Articles
Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis Antigens in Male Urethral Swabs and Urines With a Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay Journal Articles
Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in Genitourinary Tract Specimens Using an Automated Enzyme-Linked Fluorescent Immunoassay Journal Articles
Detection of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Using the Animal Fluency Test: The DECIDE Study Journal Articles
Detection of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Samples of Second Trimester Human Amniotic Fluid Journal Articles
Detection of Enterovirus D68 in Canadian Laboratories Journal Articles
Detection of Hemorrhagic Hypointense Foci in the Brain on Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Journal Articles
Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis in pharyngeal and rectal specimens using the BD Probetec ET system, the Gen-Probe Aptima Combo 2 assay and culture Journal Articles
Detection of Pulmonary Emboli With 99mTc-Labeled Anti–D-dimer (DI-80B3)Fab′ Fragments (ThromboView) Journal Articles
Detection of SYT–SSX1/2 fusion transcripts by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) is a valuable diagnostic tool in synovial sarcoma Journal Articles
Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Stool Specimens by Commercially Available Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase PCR Assays Journal Articles
Detection of Severe Nondeletionalα-Thalassemia Mutations Using a Single-Tube Multiplex ARMS Assay Journal Articles
Detection of a transforming fragment of herpes simplex virus type 2 in clinical specimens by PCR. The Canadian Women's HIV Study Group Journal Articles
Detection of antibodies reacting with the antithetical duffy blood group antigens Fya and Fyb using recombinant fusion proteins containing the duffy extracellular domain Journal Articles
Detection of coronary stenoses on source and projection images using three-dimensional MR angiography with retrospective respiratory gating: preliminary experience. Journal Articles
Detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from growth on mannitol salt oxacillin agar using PCR for nosocomial surveillance Conferences
Detection of normal spinal veins by using susceptibility‐weighted imaging Journal Articles
Detection of repeated positive result biases for a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assay Journal Articles
Detection of rupture-prone atherosclerotic plaques by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy Journal Articles
Detection of silver protein complex injections in the bovine udder using X-ray fluorescence: a preliminary investigation. Journal Articles
Determinants of Cervical Cancer Screening Accuracy for Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) and Lugol’s Iodine (VILI) Performed by Nurse and Physician Journal Articles
Determinants of Self-Report Outcome Measures in People With Knee Osteoarthritis Journal Articles
Determinants of occupational disability following a low back injury: a critical review of the literature. Journal Articles
Determination of 4‐hydroxyproline‐2‐epimerase activity by capillary electrophoresis: A stereoselective platform for inhibitor screening of amino acid isomerases Journal Articles
Determination of 97.5th and 99th percentile upper reference limits for heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) in a US population Journal Articles
Determination of detection sensitivity for cerebral microbleeds using susceptibility‐weighted imaging Journal Articles
Determination of porcine corneal layers with high spatial resolution by simultaneous second and third harmonic generation microscopy Journal Articles
Determination of pyridine and adenine nucleotide metabolites in Bacillus subtilis cell extract by sweeping borate complexation capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
Developing a provisional definition of flare in patients with established gout Journal Articles
Developing optimal search strategies for detecting clinically sound and relevant causation studies in EMBASE Journal Articles
Developing optimal search strategies for detecting clinically sound prognostic studies in MEDLINE: an analytic survey Journal Articles
Developing optimal search strategies for detecting sound clinical prediction studies in MEDLINE. Journal Articles
Development and Calibration of an in Vivo Bone Lead Measurement System, and its Application to an Industrially Exposed Population Chapters
Development and Calibration of an in Vivo Bone Lead Measurement System, and its Application to an Industrially Exposed Population Journal Articles
Development and Evaluation of a Flocked Nasal Midturbinate Swab for Self-Collection in Respiratory Virus Infection Diagnostic Testing Journal Articles
Development and Evaluation of a Molecular Hepatitis A Virus Assay for Serum and Stool Specimens Journal Articles
Development and Testing of Formal Protocols for Oxygen Prescribing Journal Articles
Development and Validation of Early Warning Criteria to Identify Escalated Care Events in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients Journal Articles
Development and Validation of a PCR Assay To Detect the Prairie Epidemic Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Development and Validation of a Scoring System to Predict Outcomes of Vedolizumab Treatment in Patients With Crohn’s Disease Journal Articles
Development and evaluation of cultural food frequency questionnaires for South Asians, Chinese, and Europeans in North America Journal Articles
Development and optimization of a Q-RT PCR method to quantify CYP19 mRNA expression in testis of male adult Xenopus laevis: Comparisons with aromatase enzyme activity Journal Articles
Development and validation of study filters for identifying controlled non‐randomized studies in PubMed and Ovid MEDLINE Journal Articles
Development and validation of the Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire Journal Articles
Development and validation of thromboembolism diagnostic algorithms in children with cancer from real-world data Journal Articles
Development of Modified Screening Criteria for Retinopathy of Prematurity Conferences
Development of Real-Time PCR Assays for Detection of the
Streptococcus milleri
Group from Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Specimens by Targeting the
and 16S rRNA Genes Journal Articles
Development of a Brief Version of the Social Phobia Inventory Using Item Response Theory: The Mini-SPIN-R Journal Articles
Development of a Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification Assay That Uses
-Based Molecular Beacons To Distinguish between Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Subtype C and C′ Infections in Ethiopia Journal Articles
Development of a Sensitive Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay That Provides Specimen-to-Result Diagnosis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in 30 Minutes Journal Articles
Development of a low-energy monoenergetic neutron source for applications in low-dose radiobiological and radiochemical research Journal Articles
Development of a novel triplex PCR assay for the detection and differentiation of thermophilic species of Campylobacter using 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region Journal Articles
Development of an Amplified Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Sensitive Measurement of Apolipoprotein B in Plasma and Tissue Culture Media Journal Articles
Development of an Apparatus to Produce Fractures From Short-Duration High-Impulse Loading With an Application in the Lower Leg Journal Articles
Development of an easy prognostic score for frailty outcomes in the aged Journal Articles
Development of quality indicators for colorectal cancer surgery, using a 3-step modified Delphi approach. Journal Articles
Development, reproducibility and validity of the food frequency questionnaire in the Poland arm of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study Journal Articles
Diagnosing abdominal aortic aneurysm. How good is the physical examination? Journal Articles
Diagnosing migraine in research and clinical settings: The validation of the Structured Migraine Interview (SMI) Journal Articles
Diagnosing osteomyelitis in diabetic foot by diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic contrast material-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Diagnosis and Localization of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis genitourinary infection in women by ligase chain reaction assay of urine Journal Articles
Diagnosis of Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia:Still a Journey, Not Yet a Destination Journal Articles
Diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease. Journal Articles
Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease in Hospitalized Patients Journal Articles
Diagnosis of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaques by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Ultrasound Imaging Journal Articles
Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of test accuracy Journal Articles
Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of the upper extremity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of test accuracy Journal Articles
Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis. Journal Articles
Diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia in the elderly Journal Articles
Diagnosis of left-ventricular dysfunction from induced sputum examination Journal Articles
Diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill adult patients—a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI for Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Pancreatic Cystic Lesions Compared to CT and Endoscopic Ultrasound: Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic Accuracy of Single-Phase Computed Tomography Texture Analysis for Prediction of LI-RADS v2018 Category Journal Articles
Diagnostic Accuracy of Transvaginal Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Adenomyosis Journal Articles
Diagnostic Performance of Abnormal Nulling on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Look Locker Inversion Time Sequence in Differentiating Cardiac Amyloidosis Types Journal Articles
Diagnostic Performance of Transluminal Attenuation Gradient and Noninvasive Fractional Flow Reserve Derived from 320–Detector Row CT Angiography to Diagnose Hemodynamically Significant Coronary Stenosis: An NXT Substudy Journal Articles
Diagnostic Strategies to Detect Glucose Intolerance in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Diagnostic Test Accuracy of Provocative Maneuvers for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic Usefulness of a Lumi-Aggregometer Adenosine Triphosphate Release Assay for the Assessment of Platelet Function Disorders Journal Articles
Diagnostic Value of C-Reactive Protein Levels in Postoperative Infectious Complications After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic Value of Self-Report of Alcohol Use in Patients Enrolled in a Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of Augurix COVID‐19 IgG serology rapid test Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of BNP and NT-proBNP in patients presenting to acute care settings with dyspnea: A systematic review Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of EUS compared with MRCP in detecting choledocholithiasis: a meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy in head-to-head studies Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of point‐of‐care ultrasound compared to standard‐of‐care methods for endotracheal tube placement in neonates Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of rapid phIGFBP-I assay for predicting preterm labor in symptomatic patients Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of the point-of-care standard G6PD test™ (SD Biosensor) for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound for detection of endometriosis using International Deep Endometriosis Analysis (IDEA) approach: prospective international pilot study Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography, MRI and MR arthrography in the characterisation of rotator cuff disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of virtual non-contrast enhanced dual-energy CT for diagnosis of adrenal adenoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic grade wireless ECG monitoring Journal Articles
Diagnostic test accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to indicate the etiology of cardiac arrest: A systematic review Journal Articles
Diagnostic testing for α‐globin gene disorders in a heterogeneous North American population Journal Articles
Diagnostic tests for deep vein thrombosis. Clinical usefulness depends on probability of disease Journal Articles
Diagnostic utility of a modified forearm ischemic exercise test and technical issues relevant to exercise testing Journal Articles
Diagnostic utility of alarm features for colorectal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Diagnostic utility of light transmission platelet aggregometry: results from a prospective study of individuals referred for bleeding disorder assessments Journal Articles
Diagnostic value of detecting JC virus DNA in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy Journal Articles
Diastolic Carotid Artery Longitudinal Wall Motion Is Sensitive to Both Aging and Coronary Artery Disease Status Independent of Arterial Stiffness Journal Articles
Differences in iron and manganese concentration may confound the measurement of myelin fromR1andR2relaxation rates in studies of dysmyelination Journal Articles
Differentiation between traumatic tap and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Differentiation of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors from pancreas renal cell carcinoma metastases on CT using qualitative and quantitative features Journal Articles
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Normal Foot at 3 T Journal Articles
Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Calf Journal Articles
Diffusion and magnetization transfer MRI of brain infarct, infection, and tumor in children Journal Articles
Digital PCR methods improve detection sensitivity and measurement precision of low abundance mtDNA deletions Journal Articles
Diminished visibility of cerebral venous vasculature in multiple sclerosis by susceptibility‐weighted imaging at 3.0 Tesla Journal Articles
Direct and Indirect Monitoring of Peptide−Silica Interactions Using Time-Resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy Journal Articles
Direct detection of vanA and vanB genes in clinical specimens for rapid identification of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) using multiplex PCR Journal Articles
Discrimination and Calibration of Clinical Prediction Models Journal Articles
Displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Journal Articles
Displacement of the temporomandibular joint disk: correlation between clinical findings and MRI characteristics. Journal Articles
Do Knee Moments Normalized to Measures of Knee Cartilage Area Better Classify the Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis? Journal Articles
Do patients need to fast for a 13C-urea breath test? Journal Articles
Do the ABCS 135 short cognitive screen and its subtests discriminate between normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment and dementia? Journal Articles
Do we need a new gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease questionnaire? Journal Articles
Does Integration of Various Ion Channel Measurements Improve Diagnostic Performance in Cystic Fibrosis? Journal Articles
Does Low Urine Creatinine Level Indicate the Presence of Urine Alcohol in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Patients? Journal Articles
Does This Patient Have Deep Vein Thrombosis? Journal Articles
Does extensive genotyping and nasal potential difference testing clarify the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis among patients with single-organ manifestations of cystic fibrosis? Journal Articles
Does the Clinical Examination Predict Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease? Journal Articles
Doppler Ultrasonography versus Amniocentesis to Predict Fetal Anemia Journal Articles
Dose reduction for cardiac CT using a registration‐based approach Journal Articles
Down‐regulated miRs specifically correlate with non‐cardial gastric cancers and Lauren's classification system Journal Articles
Drug use during pregnancy: Validating the Drug Abuse Screening Test against physiological measures. Journal Articles
Dry Eye Symptoms Assessed by Four Questionnaires Journal Articles
Duel energy CT imaging of tophaceous gout. Journal Articles
EMBASE search strategies achieved high sensitivity and specificity for retrieving methodologically sound systematic reviews Journal Articles
EMBASE search strategies for identifying methodologically sound diagnostic studies for use by clinicians and researchers Journal Articles
EOS Low-Dose Radiography Journal Articles
EUS versus magnetic resonance imaging in staging rectal adenocarcinoma: a diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis Journal Articles
EUS: a meta-analysis of test performance in suspected choledocholithiasis Journal Articles
Early Regional Myocardial Dysfunction in Young Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Journal Articles
Early detection of Alzheimer's disease (AD) using the CANTAB paired Associates Learning Test Journal Articles
Early prediction of poor outcome in extremely low birth weight infants by classification tree analysis Journal Articles
Early standardization of high sensitivity troponin T reporting - a lost opportunity Journal Articles
Early stroke detection and extent: impact of experience and the role of computed tomography angiography source images Journal Articles
Economic and policy implications of adopting paclitaxel as first-line therapy for advanced ovarian cancer: an Ontario perspective. Journal Articles
Economic evaluation of chemotherapy with mitoxantrone plus prednisone for symptomatic hormone-resistant prostate cancer: based on a Canadian randomized trial with palliative end points. Journal Articles
Edge-Based Perceptual Image Coding Journal Articles
Editorial commentary: High-sensitivity cardiac troponin: Like every new tool there is a learning curve Journal Articles
Effect of Comorbidity on Mortality in Patients With Peptic Ulcer Bleeding: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Effect of Creatine Supplementation During Cast-Induced Immobilization on the Preservation of Muscle Mass, Strength, and Endurance Journal Articles
Effect of Dermatan Sulphate on Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Determined with Different Reagents Journal Articles
Effect of Repeat Measurements of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin on the Same Sample Using the European Society of Cardiology 0-Hour/1-Hour or 2-Hour Algorithms for Early Rule-Out and Rule-In for Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Effect of continuous versus dichotomous outcome variables on study power when sample sizes of orthopaedic randomized trials are small Journal Articles
Effect of dependent errors in the assessment of diagnostic or screening test accuracy when the reference standard is imperfect Conferences
Effect of freezing of sputum samples on flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte subsets Journal Articles
Effect of time elapsed since previous voiding on the detection ofChlamydia trachomatis antigens in urine Journal Articles
Effect of ultrasonic capillary dynamics on the mechanics of thermosonic ball bonding Journal Articles
Effective dose estimation for pediatric upper gastrointestinal examinations using an anthropomorphic phantom set and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology Journal Articles
Effectiveness and efficiency of selective vs universal screening for chlamydial infection in sexually active young women Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Intermittent Pneumatic Leg Compression for Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis After Total Hip Replacement Journal Articles
Effectiveness of cervical cerclage for a sonographically shortened cervix: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effectiveness of custom neutron shielding in the maze of radiotherapy accelerators Journal Articles
Effects of Broadening the Gold Standard on the Performance of a Chemiluminometric Immunoassay to Detect Chlamydia trachomatis Antigens in Centrifuged First Void Urine and Urethral Swab Samples from Men Journal Articles
Effects of biofeedback on trunk sway during dual tasking in the healthy young and elderly Journal Articles
Effects of contemporary troponin assay sensitivity on the utility of the early markers myoglobin and CKMB isoforms in evaluating patients with possible acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Effects of fiber-optic probe design and probe-to-target distance on diffuse reflectance measurements of turbid media: an experimental and computational study at 337 nm Journal Articles
Effects of geldanamycin on HIF-1α mediated angiogenesis and invasion in prostate cancer cells Journal Articles
Effects of misclassification on estimates of relative risk in family history studies Journal Articles
Efficient 3D sensitivity analysis of surface plasmon waveguide structures Journal Articles
Efficient Rate–Distortion Optimal Packetization of Embedded Bitstreams Into Independent Source Packets Journal Articles
Elastic registration of prostate MR images based on estimation of deformation states Journal Articles
Electrochemical biosensor based on nanogold-modified poly-eriochrome black T film for BCR/ABL fusion gene assay by using hairpin LNA probe. Journal Articles
Electrokinetic probes for single-step screening of polyol stereoisomers: the virtues of ternary boronate ester complex formation Journal Articles
Elevated Cardiac Troponin Levels in Critically Ill Patients: Prevalence, Incidence, and Outcomes Journal Articles
Emergency physician accuracy in interpreting electrocardiograms with potential ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Is it enough? Journal Articles
Endometrial Evaluation with Transvaginal US and Hysterosonography in Asymptomatic Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer Receiving Tamoxifen Journal Articles
Endoscopic Features of Helicobacter pylori-Related Gastritis Journal Articles
Endoscopic Ultrasound, Secretin Endoscopic Pancreatic Function Test, and Histology: Correlation in Chronic Pancreatitis Journal Articles
Endoscopic assessment of oesophagitis: clinical and functional correlates and further validation of the Los Angeles classification Journal Articles
Endoscopic clipping for acute nonvariceal upper-GI bleeding: a meta-analysis and critical appraisal of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Endoscopic ultrasound versus computed tomography in determining the resectability of pancreatic cancer: A diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis Journal Articles
Endoscopy and Gastric Ulcers Journal Articles
Endotracheal Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Journal Articles
Engaging First Nation and Inuit communities in asthma management and control: Assessing cultural appropriateness of educational resources Journal Articles
Enhanced collagen-induced responses of platelets from rabbits with diet-induced hypercholesterolemia are due to increased sensitivity to TxA2. Response inhibition by chronic ethanol administration in hypercholesterolemia is due to reduced TxA2 formation. Journal Articles
Enhanced prediction of breast cancer prognosis by evaluating expression of p53 and prostate-specific antigen in combination Journal Articles
Entrapment of Fluorescence Signaling DNA Enzymes in Sol−Gel-Derived Materials for Metal Ion Sensing Journal Articles
Environmental monitoring: A changing challenge Journal Articles
Environmental prevention of human disease from verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Establishing a trait anxiety threshold that signals likelihood of anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Estimation of Operating Characteristics for Dependent Diagnostic Tests Based on Latent Markov Models Journal Articles
Estimation of Relative and Absolute Test Accuracy Journal Articles
Estimation of Test Sensitivity and Specificity When Disease Confirmation Is Limited to Positive Results Journal Articles
Estimation of diagnostic test accuracy: A “Rule of Three” for data with repeated observations but without a gold standard Journal Articles
Estimation of screening sensitivity and sojourn time from an organized screening program Journal Articles
Estimation of test error rates, disease prevalence and relative risk from misclassified data: a review Journal Articles
Estimation of the benefit and harms of including clinical breast examination in an organized breast screening program Journal Articles
Evaluating measurement variability in clinical investigations: the case of ultrasonic estimation of urinary bladder volume Journal Articles
Evaluating the CSAPPA subscales as potential screening instruments for developmental coordination disorder Journal Articles
Evaluating the South Oaks Gambling Screen With DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criteria Journal Articles
Evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in a canadian emergency department Journal Articles
Evaluating the evidence for assessing BNP and NT-proBNP levels Journal Articles
Evaluating the role of quality assessment of primary studies in systematic reviews of cancer practice guidelines Journal Articles
Evaluating “old” definitions for the “new” bronchopulmonary dysplasia Journal Articles
Evaluation of Anatomically Designed Flocked Rectal Swabs for Use with the BioFire FilmArray Gastrointestinal Panel for Detection of Enteric Pathogens in Children Admitted to Hospital with Severe Gastroenteritis Journal Articles
Evaluation of Asthma Control by Physicians and Patients: Comparison with Current Guidelines Journal Articles
Evaluation of Irreversible Compression Ratios for Medical Images Thin Slice CT and Update of Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Guidelines Journal Articles
Evaluation of Ovarian Vascularity in Children by Using the “Superb Microvascular Imaging” Ultrasound Technique in Comparison With Conventional Doppler Ultrasound Techniques Journal Articles
Evaluation of Pediatric Thoracic Disorders: Comparison of Unenhanced Fast-Imaging-Sequence 1.5-T MRI and Contrast-Enhanced MDCT Journal Articles
Evaluation of Salivary Antibodies to Detect Infection with Helicobacter pylori Journal Articles
Evaluation of Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Latex Agglutination Test (MRSA-Screen) for Detection of Oxacillin Resistance in Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Journal Articles
Evaluation of a New APTIMA Specimen Collection and Transportation Kit for High-Risk Human Papillomavirus E6/E7 Messenger RNA in Cervical and Vaginal Samples Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Soluble Fibrin Assay in Patients with Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Journal Articles
Evaluation of a commercially available carbohydrate deficient transferrin kit to detect beta-2-transferrin in cerebrospinal fluid using capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
Evaluation of a soluble fibrin assay in patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis. Journal Articles
Evaluation of a turbidimetric procedure for apolipoproteins A1 and B on the Ciba Corning 550 EXPRESS Journal Articles
Evaluation of administrative case definitions for hypertension in Canadian children Journal Articles
Evaluation of apparent diffusion coefficient and MR volumetry as independent associative factors for extra‐prostatic extension (EPE) in prostatic carcinoma Journal Articles
Evaluation of clinical algorithms for the diagnosis of gonococcal and chlamydial infections among men with urethral discharge or dysuria and women with vaginal discharge in Benin. Journal Articles
Evaluation of five conventional and molecular approaches for diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis in non‐HIV‐infected patients Journal Articles
Evaluation of lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase and hepatic enzymes for the retrospective diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia among sick neonates. Journal Articles
Evaluation of methods and costs for detecting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from clinical specimens at regional hospitals in Trinidad and Tobago. Journal Articles
Evaluation of new diagnostic technologies Journal Articles
Evaluation of predictive ability of APACHE II system and hospital outcome in Canadian intensive care unit patients Journal Articles
Evaluation of pretest clinical score (4 T's) for the diagnosis of heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia in two clinical settings Journal Articles
Evaluation of quantitative imaging methods for organ activity and residence time estimation using a population of phantoms having realistic variations in anatomy and uptake Journal Articles
Evaluation of rapid assays for screening and confirming HIV-1 infection in Ethiopia. Journal Articles
Evaluation of rubella IgM enzyme immunoassays Journal Articles
Evaluation of simultaneous 201Tl/99mTc dual-isotope cardiac SPECT imaging with model-based crosstalk compensation using canine studies Journal Articles
Evaluation of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) PI-RADS scoring system for assessment of extra-prostatic extension in prostatic carcinoma Journal Articles
Evaluation of the FecalSwab for Stool Specimen Storage and Molecular Detection of Enteropathogens on the BD Max System Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Glucometer Elite XL device for screening for neonatal hypoglycaemia Journal Articles
Evaluation of the NucliSens Basic Kit for Detection of
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
in Genital Tract Specimens Using Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification of 16S rRNA Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Protected Brush Catheter and Bronchoalveolar Lavage in the Diagnosis of Nosocomial Pneumonia Journal Articles
Evaluation of the STRATIFY falls prediction tool on a geriatric unit. Journal Articles
Evaluation of the minimal important difference for the feeling thermometer and the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire in patients with chronic airflow obstruction Journal Articles
Evaluation of the normal appendix at low-dose non-enhanced spiral CT. Journal Articles
Evaluation of the performance of four methods for detection of hepatitis B surface antigen and their application for testing 116,455 specimens. Journal Articles
Evaluation of the revised Nipissing District Developmental Screening (NDDS) tool for use in general population samples of infants and children Journal Articles
Examining the predictive association of irritability with borderline personality disorder in a clinical sample of female adolescents Journal Articles
Excessive fluid intake as a novel cause of proteinuria Journal Articles
Expedient Multi-Step Synthesis of Organometallic Complexes of Tc and Re in High Effective Specific Activity. A New Platform for the Production of Molecular Imaging and Therapy Agents Journal Articles
Experimental and computational determination of neutron dose equivalent around radiotherapy accelerators Journal Articles
Exploring predictors of surgery and comparing operative treatment approaches for pediatric intracranial arachnoid cysts: a case series of 83 patients Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between boredom and sustained attention Journal Articles
External Validation and Modification of a Pediatric Trauma Triage Tool Conferences
External validation demonstrated the Ottawa SAH prediction models can identify pSAH using health administrative data Journal Articles
External validation of a risk assessment model for venous thromboembolism in the hospitalised acutely-ill medical patient (VTE-VALOURR) Journal Articles
External validation of a shortened screening tool using individual participant data meta-analysis: A case study of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Dep-4. Journal Articles
External validation of bedside prediction score for diagnosis of late-onset neonatal sepsis Journal Articles
External validation of risk prediction model M4 in an Australian population: Rationalising the management of pregnancies of unknown location Journal Articles
Factor XIII Assays and Associated Problems for Laboratory Diagnosis of Factor XIII Deficiency: An Analysis of International Proficiency Testing Results Journal Articles
Factors Influencing the Reported Sensitivity and Specificity of Impedance Plethysmography for Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis Journal Articles
Factors associated with 24-hour urinary volume: the Swiss salt survey Journal Articles
Fast modelling of the collimator–detector response in Monte Carlo simulation of SPECT imaging using the angular response function Journal Articles
Feasibility of a Support Vector Machine Classifier for Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Diagnostic Case‐Control Study Journal Articles
Feasibility of in ovo diffusion tractography in the chick embryo using a dual‐cooling technique Journal Articles
Feasibility of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS-II) in Epidemiological Surveys and Comparability with Standard World Health Organization Criteria Journal Articles
Fecal Calprotectin More Accurately Reflects Endoscopic Activity of Ulcerative Colitis than the Lichtiger Index, C-reactive Protein, Platelets, Hemoglobin, and Blood Leukocytes Journal Articles
Femtosecond laser nanostructuring for femtosensitive DNA detection Journal Articles
Fetal Sex Assignment by Sonographic Evaluation of the Pelvic Organs in the Second and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy Journal Articles
Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage Detection in Ontario Journal Articles
Field trial for autistic disorder in DSM-IV Journal Articles
Filtering Medline for a clinical discipline: diagnostic test assessment framework Journal Articles
Finding Qualitative Research Evidence for Health Technology Assessment Journal Articles
Finding knowledge translation articles in CINAHL. Conferences
Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Findings Suspicious for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Review of Cytopathological Criteria Journal Articles
Finite element analysis of a femoral retrograde intramedullary nail subject to gait loading Journal Articles
First trimester screening with free β‐hCG, PAPP‐A and nuchal translucency in pregnancies conceived with assisted reproduction Journal Articles
First-Trimester Screening for Trisomies 21 and 18 Journal Articles
First-year medical students use of ultrasound or physical examination to diagnose hepatomegaly and ascites: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Fit-for-Purpose Ki-67 Immunohistochemistry Assays for Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Five short screening tests in the detection of prevalent delirium: diagnostic accuracy and performance in different neurocognitive subgroups Journal Articles
Flow cytometry assay for intracellular rabies virus detection Journal Articles
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Close to a Fluctuating Membrane Journal Articles
For Which Glaucoma Suspects Is It Appropriate to Initiate Treatment? Journal Articles
Fracture risk in oral glucocorticoid users: a Bayesian meta-regression leveraging control arms of osteoporosis clinical trials Journal Articles
Free estradiol and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women: comparison of measured and calculated values. Journal Articles
Frequency-domain optical absorption spectroscopy of finite tissue volumes using diffusion theory Journal Articles
Functional DNA methylation signatures for autism spectrum disorder genomic risk loci: 16p11.2 deletions and CHD8 variants Journal Articles
GPU implementation of a deformable 3D image registration algorithm Journal Articles
GWAS-based machine learning approach to predict duloxetine response in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal Function and Growth in Premature Infants: Is Non-Nutritive Sucking Vital? Journal Articles
Gene-Metabolite Expression in Blood Can Discriminate Allergen-Induced Isolated Early from Dual Asthmatic Responses Journal Articles
Genetic testing for atherosclerosis risk: Inevitability or pipe dream? Journal Articles
Gestational diabetes and pregnancy outcomes - a systematic review of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) diagnostic criteria Journal Articles
Glomerular disease search filters for Pubmed, Ovid Medline, and Embase: a development and validation study Journal Articles
Goal attainment scaling in paediatric rehabilitation: a critical review of the literature Journal Articles
Goodbye, number needed to treat? Journal Articles
Grading of Gliomas by Using Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis MR Imaging Journal Articles
Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations in clinical practice guidelines: Part 2 of 3. The GRADE approach to grading quality of evidence about diagnostic tests and strategies Journal Articles
Guaianolides from Salvia nubicola (Lamiaceae) Journal Articles
HPV genotype-specific distribution and attributable risk in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in a referral population with a history of LSIL. Journal Articles
Hamstring tendon autograft better than bone patellartendon bone autograft in ACL reconstruction A cumulative meta-analysis and clinically relevant sensitivity analysis applied to a previously published analysis Journal Articles
Hamstring tendon autograft better than bone–patellar tendon–bone autograft in ACL reconstruction—a cumulative meta-analysis and clinically relevant sensitivity analysis applied to a previously published analysis Journal Articles
Handgrip strength predicts length of stay and quality of life in and out of hospital Journal Articles
Head-to-Head Comparison of Second-Generation Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests for Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae on Urine Samples from Female Subjects and Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs Journal Articles
Health Status Measures: Strategies and Analytic Methods for Assessing Change Scores Journal Articles
Health Utilities Index Mark 3 Journal Articles
Health years equivalents as a measurement of preferences for dental interventions. Journal Articles
Hearing, mobility, and pain predict mortality: a longitudinal population-based study Journal Articles
Heartbeat perception in panic disorder: a reanalysis Journal Articles
Hemodynamic Performance of Stentless Versus Stented Valves: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia: mutation detection, test sensitivity and novel mutations Journal Articles
Hierarchy of evidence: differences in results between non-randomized studies and randomized trials in patients with femoral neck fractures Journal Articles
High Analytical Sensitivity and Low Rates of Inhibition May Contribute to Detection of
Chlamydia trachomatis
in Significantly More Women by the APTIMA Combo 2 Assay Journal Articles
High Level of Correlation of Human Papillomavirus-16 DNA Viral Load Estimates Generated by Three Real-time PCR Assays Applied on Genital Specimens Journal Articles
High sensitivity cardiac troponin testing Journal Articles
High-Dose Intravenous Immune Globulin and the Response to Splenectomy in Patients with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Journal Articles
High-Dose Intravenous Immune Globulin and the Response to Splenectomy in Patients with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Journal Articles
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I for Predicting Death in a Female Emergency Department Population Journal Articles
High-frequency QRS analysis improves the specificity of exercise ECG testing in women referred for angiography Journal Articles
High-frequency ultrasound for monitoring changes in liver tissue during preservation Journal Articles
High-resolution T2-weighted (T2W) oblique plane turbo spin-echo (TSE) MRI for rectal adenocarcinoma staging Journal Articles
Highly Sensitive Cardiac Troponin T Assay, Cardiac Disease, and Mortality Risk Journal Articles
Highly sensitive fluorescence quantification of picloram using immunorecognition liposome Journal Articles
Histological identification ofHelicobacter pylori: comparison of staining methods Journal Articles
Hormone Receptor and ERBB2 Status in Gene Expression Profiles of Human Breast Tumor Samples Journal Articles
How Effective is a Saline Arthrogram for Wounds Around the Knee? Journal Articles
How Useful Is the Flexion-Adduction-Internal Rotation Test for Diagnosing Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Systematic Review. Journal Articles
How Useful Is the Flexion–Adduction–Internal Rotation Test for Diagnosing Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
How should doctors communicate the diagnosis of cancer to patients? Journal Articles
How to Appraise a Diagnostic Test Journal Articles
How to Critically Appraise and Interpret Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Diagnostic Accuracy: A User Guide Journal Articles
How to Use a Clinical Practice Guideline Journal Articles
How to Use an Article About Therapy Journal Articles
How to Use an Article About a Diagnostic Test Journal Articles
How to diagnose diabetes Journal Articles
How to use diagnostic test articles in the intensive care unit Journal Articles
Hplc/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Heterocyclic Aromatic Amine Carcinogen 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine in Human Milk Journal Articles
Human Papillomavirus DNA versus Papanicolaou Screening Tests for Cervical Cancer Journal Articles
Human macrophage response to microbial supernatants from diabetic foot ulcers Journal Articles
Human papillomavirus testing for primary screening of cervical cancer precursors. Journal Articles
Humeral shaft fractures as predictors of intra-abdominal injury in motor vehicle collision victims Journal Articles
Hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe MRI: Differences in asthma before bronchodilation Journal Articles
Hyperpolarized3He and129Xe MR Imaging in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Hypersensitive PCR, Ancient Human mtDNA, and Contamination Journal Articles
Hypovascular pancreas head adenocarcinoma: CT texture analysis for assessment of resection margin status and high-risk features Journal Articles
IOTA Simple Rules: Review of 10 Points for Evaluation of Adnexal Masses Journal Articles
Identification of Penumbra and Infarct in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Computed Tomography Perfusion–Derived Blood Flow and Blood Volume Measurements Journal Articles
Identification of a Bacillus anthracis specific indel in the yeaC gene and development of a rapid pyrosequencing assay for distinguishing B. anthracis from the B. cereus group Journal Articles
Identification of diabetic retinopathy by stereoscopic digital imaging via teleophthalmology: a comparison to slide film Conferences
Identifying Breast Cancer Recurrence in Administrative Data: Algorithm Development and Validation Journal Articles
Identifying patients with asthma in primary care electronic medical record systems Chart analysis-based electronic algorithm validation study. Journal Articles
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Diagnostic Accuracy of the Transverse Dural Venous Sinus Attenuation on CT Scans Journal Articles
Image Interpolation by Adaptive 2-D Autoregressive Modeling and Soft-Decision Estimation Conferences
Image-Guided Perforator Flap Design Using Invisible Near-Infrared Light and Validation With X-Ray Angiography Journal Articles
Imaging Characteristics of a Novel Technetium Tc 99m–Labeled Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Antagonist in Patients With Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis or a History of Deep Vein Thrombosis Journal Articles
Imaging Drug Delivery and Drug Responses in the Lung Journal Articles
Imaging Protein Deposits on Contact Lens Materials Journal Articles
Imaging cerebral microbleeds using susceptibility weighted imaging: One step toward detecting vascular dementia Journal Articles
Imaging features of spinal osteoid osteoma with emphasis on MRI findings Journal Articles
Imaging in Renal Cell Carcinoma Journal Articles
Imaging in Suspected Renal-Cell Carcinoma: Systematic Review Journal Articles
Imaging of traumatic diaphragmatic rupture: evaluation of diagnostic accuracy at a level 1 trauma centre Journal Articles
Imaging the Effects of Oxygen Saturation Changes in Voluntary Apnea and Hyperventilation on Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Journal Articles
Immunofluorometrically determined p53 accumulation as a prognostic indicator in italian breast cancer patients Journal Articles
Immunohistochemical analysis based Ep-ICD subcellular localization index (ESLI) is a novel marker for metastatic papillary thyroid microcarcinoma Journal Articles
Impact of CT scan in patients with first episode of suspected nephrolithiasis Conferences
Impact of PI-RADS Category 3 lesions on the diagnostic accuracy of MRI for detecting prostate cancer and the prevalence of prostate cancer within each PI-RADS category: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Impact of Reference Standard Sensitivity on Accuracy of Rapid Antigen Detection Assays and a Leukocyte Esterase Dipstick for Diagnosis of
Chlamydia trachomatis
Infection in First-Void Urine Specimens from Men Journal Articles
Impact of Reference Standard on CT, MRI, and Contrast-enhanced US LI-RADS Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Impact of a clinical scenario on accuracy of electrocardiogram interpretation Journal Articles
Implementation Issues in Approximate Methods for Stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley Models Journal Articles
Implementation of the advanced HIV disease care package with point-of-care CD4 testing during tuberculosis case finding: A mixed-methods evaluation Journal Articles
Implications of lowering threshold of plasma troponin concentration in diagnosis of myocardial infarction: cohort study Journal Articles
Implications of using a prognostic index to select therapy for patients with aggressive histology lymphoma. Journal Articles
Importance of Early Neglect for Childhood Aggression Journal Articles
Improvements to the in vivo measurement of cadmium in the kidney by neutron activation analysis Journal Articles
Improving blood disorder diagnosis: reflections on the challenges Journal Articles
Improving diagnostic precision, care and syndrome definitions using comprehensive next-generation sequencing for the inherited bone marrow failure syndromes Journal Articles
Improving susceptibility mapping using a threshold‐based K‐space/image domain iterative reconstruction approach Journal Articles
Improving the in vivo X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurement of renal mercury Journal Articles
Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials: the QUOROM statement Journal Articles
Improving the sensitivity of the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for systemic sclerosis. Journal Articles
Imputation of missing genotypes: an empirical evaluation of IMPUTE Journal Articles
In Screening for Celiac Disease, Deamidated Gliadin Rarely Predicts Disease When Tissue Transglutaminase Is Normal Journal Articles
In Search of Power and Significance: Issues in the Design and Analysis of Stochastic Cost-Effectiveness Studies in Health Care Journal Articles
In Silico Activation of KcsA K+ Channel by Lateral Forces Applied to the C-Termini of Inner Helices Journal Articles
In Situ Spatial and Time-Resolved Studies of Electrochemical Reactions by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy Journal Articles
In vitro Comparison of Nyvad’s System and ICDAS-II with Lesion Activity Assessment for Evaluation of Severity and Activity of Occlusal Caries Lesions in Primary Teeth Journal Articles
In vitro Validation Assessment of a Fecal Occult Blood Protein Test for Horses Journal Articles
In vivo X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurement of uranium in bone Journal Articles
In vivo measurement of bone aluminium: Recent developments Journal Articles
In vivo multiple‐mouse MRI at 7 Tesla Journal Articles
In vivo prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of cadmium in the kidney and liver Journal Articles
Incidence of intracranial bleeding in seniors presenting to the emergency department after a fall: A systematic review Journal Articles
Increased Risk of Complications Following Total Joint Arthroplasty in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Articles
Increased Serum Levels of Soluble IL-18 Receptor Complex in Patients with Allergic Asthma Journal Articles
Increased serum levels of soluble IL-18 receptor complex in patients with allergic asthma. Journal Articles
Increasing the Detection Rate of Congenital Heart Disease During Routine Obstetric Screening Using Cine Loop Sweeps Journal Articles
Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of LR-5 in LI-RADS Version 2018 versus Revised LI-RADS for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis Journal Articles
Individually Resolved DNA Molecules Stretched and Embedded in Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers Journal Articles
Influence of concentric resistance training on concentric and eccentric strength. Journal Articles
Influence of the Discomfort Reported by Children on the Performance of Approximal Caries Detection Methods Journal Articles
Informant‐based tools for assessment and monitoring of cognition, behavior, and function in neurocognitive disorders: Systematic review and report from a CCCDTD5 Working Group Journal Articles
Insertion/Deletion-Based Approach for the Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Freshwater Environments Journal Articles
Insulin Treatment Improves Hepatic Morphology and Function Through Modulation of Hepatic Signals After Severe Trauma Journal Articles
Inter-instrument reliability of pinch strength scores Journal Articles
Interlaboratory agreement study of a double set of PCR plasmid primers for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in a variety of genitourinary specimens Journal Articles
Interlaboratory variation in heparin monitoring: Lessons from the Quality Management Program of Ontario coagulation surveys Journal Articles
Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis: Accuracy of Subjective Visual Impression for Evaluation with Digital Subtraction Angiography and Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography Journal Articles
Internal jugular vein ultrasound for the diagnosis of hypovolemia and hypervolemia in acutely ill adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Interobserver Reliability of Classification Systems to Rate the Quality of Femoral Neck Fracture Reduction Journal Articles
Interobserver Variation in the Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Mediastinal Lymph Node Size in Patients With Potentially Resectable Lung Cancer Journal Articles
Interpretation of diagnostic laboratory tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome: the Toronto experience. Journal Articles
Interpreting Results of Diagnostic Tests Journal Articles
Interpreting Validity Indexes for Diagnostic Tests: An Illustration Using the Berg Balance Test Journal Articles
Intraobserver and Interobserver Variability in GTV Delineation on FDG-PET-CT Images of Head and Neck Cancers Journal Articles
Intraoperative delineation of primary brain tumors using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy Journal Articles
Is Stroke History Reliably Reported by Elderly with Cognitive Impairment? A Community-Based Study Journal Articles
Is clinical examination an accurate indicator of raised intra-abdominal pressure in critically injured patients? Conferences
Is computerized tomography of trauma patients associated with a transfer delay to a regional trauma centre? Journal Articles
Is determination of creatine kinase-2 after electrophoretic separation accurate? Journal Articles
Is exercise testing useful in identifying congenital long QT syndrome? Journal Articles
Is oral contrast necessary for multidetector computed tomography imaging of patients with acute abdominal pain? Journal Articles
Is the health utilities index responsive in total hip arthroplasty patients? Journal Articles
Is there a place for anti-remodelling drugs in asthma which may not display immediate clinical efficacy? Journal Articles
Is there a role for anterior zone sampling as part of saturation trans-rectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy? Journal Articles
Joint testing of IgM and IgG has high value for ruling in SARS-CoV-2 infection Journal Articles
Jugular Venous Flow Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Compared to Normal Controls Journal Articles
Label-free detection of nucleic acid and protein microarrays by scanning Kelvin nanoprobe Journal Articles
Laboratory investigation of immune thrombocytopenia. Journal Articles
Laboratory testing for bleeding disorders: strategic uses of high and low‐yield tests Journal Articles
Laboratory testing for heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia: a conceptual framework and implications for diagnosis Journal Articles
Lack of Specificity of HTLV Antibody Enzyme Immunoassays Journal Articles
Lack of Utility of Symptoms and Signs at First Presentation as Predictors of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Secondary Care Journal Articles
Lactobacilli Degrade Wheat Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors to Reduce Intestinal Dysfunction Induced by Immunogenic Wheat Proteins Journal Articles
Laguerre-based method for analysis of time-resolved fluorescence data: application to in-vivo characterization and diagnosis of atherosclerotic lesions Journal Articles
Laser welding/brazing of 5182 aluminium alloy to ZEK100 magnesium alloy using a nickel interlayer Journal Articles
Late Asthmatic Reactions Induced by Inhalation of Allergen-derived T Cell Peptides Journal Articles
Learning in data-limited multimodal scenarios: Scandent decision forests and tree-based features Journal Articles
Left Atrial Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Cryptogenic Stroke: Novel Insights from Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography Journal Articles
Leg and Trunk Impairments Predict Participation in Life Roles in Older Adults: Results From Boston RISE Journal Articles
Letter by Kavsak et al Regarding Article, “B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Signal Peptide Circulates in Human Blood: Evaluation as a Potential Biomarker of Cardiac Ischemia” Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor Re: PanCanadian Evaluation of Irreversible Compression Ratios (“Lossy” Compression) for Development of National Guidelines Journal Articles
Likelihood Ratios for Microbiology Journal Articles
Limbic system perfusion in Alzheimer's disease measured by MRI-coregistered HMPAO SPET Journal Articles
Limitations of the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale as a Primary Outcome Measure in Randomized, Controlled Trials of Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Limiting the playing field: does restricting the number of possible diagnoses reduce errors due to diagnosis-specific feature identification? Journal Articles
Limits of search filter development Journal Articles
Liquid NanoBiosensors Enable One‐Pot Electrochemical Detection of Bacteria in Complex Matrices Journal Articles
Long-term cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel given for up to one year in patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation Journal Articles
Long-term reduction of medial and intimal thickening in porcine saphenous vein grafts with a polyglactin biodegradable external sheath Journal Articles
Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Adaptive Down-Sampling and Constrained Least Squares Upconversion Journal Articles
Low b-value (black blood) respiratory-triggered fat-suppressed single-shot spin-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) of the liver: Comparison of image quality at 1.5 and 3 T Journal Articles
Low energy loss electron microscopy of chromophores Journal Articles
Low-Dose Nonenhanced Helical CT of Renal Colic: Assessment of Ureteric Stone Detection and Measurement of Effective Dose Equivalent Journal Articles
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Compared with Intravenous Unfractionated Heparin for Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism Journal Articles
Lowering body mass index cutoffs better identifies obese persons with spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Lung Development and Susceptibility to Ventilator-induced Lung Injury Journal Articles
MEDLINE clinical queries are robust when searching in recent publishing years Journal Articles
MOSFET detectors in quality assurance of tomotherapy treatments Journal Articles
MR Imaging of the Spine and Sacroiliac Joints for Spondyloarthritis: Influence on Clinical Diagnostic Confidence and Patient Management Journal Articles
MR arthrographic assessment of suspected posteroinferior labral lesions using flexion, adduction, and internal rotation positioning of the arm: preliminary experience Journal Articles
MR imaging of skeletal soft tissue infection: utility of diffusion-weighted imaging in detecting abscess formation Journal Articles
MR imaging of the yucatan pig head and neck vasculature Journal Articles
MR venography of the fetal brain using susceptibility weighted imaging Journal Articles
MRI LI-RADS Version 2018: Impact of and Reduction in Ancillary Features Journal Articles
MRI assessment of the pre-vertebral soft tissues in acute cervical spine trauma. Journal Articles
MRI assessment of the pre-vertebral soft tissues in acute cervical spine trauma. Journal Articles
MRI vs. CT for pancreatic adenocarcinoma vascular invasion: comparative diagnostic test accuracy systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Machine learning to predict myocardial injury and death after non‐cardiac surgery Journal Articles
Magnetic resonance imaging for in vivo assessment of three-dimensional patellar tracking Journal Articles
Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain with gadopentetate dimeglumine‐DTPA: Comparison of T1‐weighted spin‐echo and 3D gradient‐echo sequences Journal Articles
Mammographic screening: case–control studies Journal Articles
Manometric Abnormalities and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Morbidly Obese Journal Articles
Mapping Allostery through Equilibrium Perturbation NMR Spectroscopy Journal Articles
Matrix catabolism in arthritis: priming the guns with oncostatin M. Journal Articles
McKay agar enables routine quantification of the ‘Streptococcus milleri’ group in cystic fibrosis patients Journal Articles
Measurement Properties of the RM-18 Journal Articles
Measurement of Interleukin 6 Journal Articles
Measurement of fluorophore concentrations and fluorescence quantum yield in tissue-simulating phantoms using three diffusion models of steady-state spatially resolved fluorescence Journal Articles
Measurement of functional residual capacity by sulfur hexafluoride in small-volume lungs during spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation. Journal Articles
Measurement of saliva tacrolimus levels in pediatric renal transplant recipients Journal Articles
Measurement properties and interpretation of three shortened versions of the asthma control questionnaire Journal Articles
Measurement properties of the WOMAC LK 3.1 pain scale Journal Articles
Measuring Child Sexual Abuse in Children and Youth Journal Articles
Measuring Dabigatran Levels: What Tests Are Available and What Still Needs to Be Done? Journal Articles
Measuring Outcomes in Aesthetic Surgery: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature Journal Articles
Measuring Parental Perceptions of Child Oral Health‐related Quality of Life Journal Articles
Measuring alcohol abuse in the community: consumption, binge-drinking, and alcohol-related consequences ("alcoholism"). Journal Articles
Measuring venous blood oxygenation in fetal brain using susceptibility‐weighted imaging Journal Articles
Median-to-ulnar sensory nerve action potential amplitude ratio as an electrodiagnostic adjunct for carpal tunnel syndrome Journal Articles
Medical Records and Women’s Self-Report Are Not Reliable Sources for Determining Whether Prenatal HIV Testing Was Done Journal Articles
Medical management versus investigate-and-operate strategy in asymptomatic carotid stenosis: A decision analysis Journal Articles
Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Tests With Imperfect Reference Standards Journal Articles
Meta-analysis and systematic review to determine the optimal imaging modality for the detection of bladder deep endometriosis Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of dose-fractionation radiotherapy trials for the palliation of painful bone metastases Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of sulfasalazine in ankylosing spondylitis. Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in eradicating Helicobacter pylori. Journal Articles
Meta-analysis: Anticoagulant Prophylaxis to Prevent Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Medical Patients Journal Articles
Metabolic assessment of Merkel cell carcinoma Journal Articles
Metabolomic profiling of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A pilot study differentiating diseases Journal Articles
Metal Artifact Reduction: Added Value of Rapid-Kilovoltage-Switching Dual-Energy CT in Relation to Single-Energy CT in a Piglet Animal Model Journal Articles
Method for Quantitation of Low-Abundance Nerve Growth Factor mRNA Expression in Human Nervous Tissue Using Competitive Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Journal Articles
Methodology and pharmacological analysis of effects of uterotonic compounds in human myometrium in vitro Journal Articles
Methodology for development of the Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma Guideline 2008 update Journal Articles
Methods for Improving Screening for Vascular Cognitive Impairment Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Journal Articles
Methods for confidence interval estimation of a ratio parameter with application to location quotients Journal Articles
Micro-computed tomography of pulmonary fibrosis in mice induced by adenoviral gene transfer of biologically active transforming growth factor-β1 Journal Articles
Microbial Diversity and Host-Specific Sequences of Canada Goose Feces Journal Articles
Microfluidic devices for cell based high throughput screening Journal Articles
Miniaturized Microfluidic Formats for Cell-Based High-Throughput Screening Journal Articles
Minimally invasive multiphoton and harmonic generation imaging of extracellular matrix structures in lung airway and related diseases Journal Articles
Misdiagnosis of asthma in schoolchildren Journal Articles
Missed diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma at barium enema examination. Journal Articles
Misuse of Baseline Comparison Tests and Subgroup Analyses in Surgical Trials Journal Articles
Mitral valve resistance determines hemodynamic consequences of severe rheumatic mitral stenosis and immediate outcomes of percutaneous valvuloplasty Journal Articles
Modeling Transmission of Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus AureusAmong Patients Admitted to a Hospital Conferences
Modeling the Longitudinal Transitions of Performance Status in Cancer Outpatients: Time to Discuss Palliative Care Journal Articles
Modelling the Cost Effectiveness of Antidepressant Treatment in Primary Care Journal Articles
Modified model for end-stage liver disease improves short-term prognosis of hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure. Journal Articles
Modulation of Cortical-Limbic Pathways in Major Depression Journal Articles
Monitoring Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) therapy: Which Anti Factor Xa assay is appropriate? Journal Articles
Monitoring the ACTIVE-W trial: Some issues in monitoring a noninferiority trial Journal Articles
Monitoring the response to pharmacologic therapy in patients with stable chronic heart failure: Is BNP or NT-proBNP a useful assessment tool? Journal Articles
Monte Carlo investigation of the dosimetric properties of the new Model Pd‐1 source Journal Articles
Monte Carlo simulation of trabecular bone remodelling and absorbed dose coefficients for tritium and 14C Conferences
Mortality in randomized controlled trials comparing drug-eluting vs. bare metal stents in coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Mortality predictions in the intensive care unit: Comparing physicians with scoring systems* Journal Articles
Multi-detector CT for suspected hip fragility fractures: A diagnostic test accuracy systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Multiaperture planar waveguide spectrometer formed by arrayed Mach-Zehnder interferometers Journal Articles
Multicenter Comparison of Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests for the Diagnosis of Rectal and Oropharyngeal Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infections Journal Articles
Multicenter Comparison of Nucleic Acid Extraction Methods for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus RNA in Stool Specimens Journal Articles
Multicenter evaluation of an amperometric immunosensor for plasma fatty acid-binding protein: Journal Articles
Multiplanar reconstruction recovers morphological cartilage assessment reproducibility from maloriented coronal MRI scans Journal Articles
Multiplex PCR for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Genitourinary specimens Journal Articles
Multiplex PCR tests sentinel the appearance of pandemic influenza viruses including H1N1 swine influenza Journal Articles
Multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification (M-LAMP) assay for the detection of influenza A/H1, A/H3 and influenza B can provide a specimen-to-result diagnosis in 40min with single genome copy sensitivity Journal Articles
NIRS: a useful light in a dark world? Journal Articles
National Adoption of Sentinel Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer: Lessons Learned from the Canadian Experience Journal Articles
Net Clinical Benefit of Adding Clopidogrel to Aspirin Therapy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation for Whom Vitamin K Antagonists Are Unsuitable Journal Articles
New Propellant-Free Technologies under Investigation Journal Articles
New approaches to enhance the accuracy of the diagnosis of reflux disease Journal Articles
New method for the detection of intraperitoneal free air by sonography: Scissors maneuver Journal Articles
New methods give better estimates of changes in diagnostic accuracy when prior information is provided Journal Articles
Newborn Screening of Inborn Errors of Metabolism by Capillary Electrophoresis−Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry: A Second-Tier Method with Improved Specificity and Sensitivity Journal Articles
Nicotinic acetylcholine sensitivity of rat petrosal sensory neurons in dissociated cell culture Journal Articles
No significant improvement in diagnostic specificity of an anti‐PF4/polyanion immunoassay with use of high heparin confirmatory procedure Journal Articles
Non-invasive measurement of oxygen saturation in the spinal vein using SWI: Quantitative evaluation under conditions of physiological and caffeine load Journal Articles
Non-neurophysiologist Physicians and Nurses Can Detect Subclinical Seizures in Children Using a Panel of Quantitative EEG Trends and a Seizure Detection Algorithm Journal Articles
Noncontrast‐enhanced magnetic resonance angiography and venography imaging with enhanced angiography Journal Articles
Nonculture Tests for Genital Tract Chlamydial Infection Journal Articles
Noninvasive Cardiac Monitoring for Detecting Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter After Acute Ischemic Stroke Journal Articles
Noninvasive Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis Journal Articles
Noninvasive Verification of Nasogastric Tube Placement Using a Magnet‐Tracking System: A Pilot Study in Healthy Subjects Journal Articles
Noninvasive measurement and imaging of liver iron concentrations using proton magnetic resonance Journal Articles
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in the setting of severe, acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: More effective and less expensive Journal Articles
Nonisotopic Detection and Typing of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Genital Samples by the Line Blot Assay Journal Articles
Nonvolumetric Echocardiographic Indices of Right Ventricular Systolic Function: Validation with Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Relationship with Functional Capacity Journal Articles
Novel Microsphere-Based Method for Detection and Typing of 46 Mucosal Human Papillomavirus Types Journal Articles
Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification (NASBA) of Chlamydia pneumoniae Major Outer Membrane Protein (ompA) mRNA with Bioluminescent Detection Journal Articles
ORFcor: Identifying and Accommodating ORF Prediction Inconsistencies for Phylogenetic Analysis Journal Articles
Objective evaluation of skin prick test reactions using digital photography Journal Articles
Obtaining maximum muscle excitation for normalizing shoulder electromyography in dynamic contractions Journal Articles
On-Line Focusing of Flavin Derivatives Using Dynamic pH Junction-Sweeping Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection Journal Articles
On-line preconcentration strategies for trace analysis of metabolites by capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
One, two and three-dimensional ultrasound measurements of carotid atherosclerosis before and after cardiac rehabilitation: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Ontario Maternal Serum Screening Program: practices, knowledge and opinions of health care providers. Journal Articles
Ontario Multidetector Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography Study Journal Articles
Operational Testing of a Combined Hardware-Software Strategy for Triage of Radiologically-Contaminated Persons Journal Articles
Opportunities to improve thein vivomeasurement of manganese in human hands Journal Articles
Optic Disc Classification by Deep Learning versus Expert Neuro‐Ophthalmologists Journal Articles
Optic nerve sheath diameter sonography for the diagnosis of increased intracranial pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol Journal Articles
Optical properties of porcine skin dermis between 900 nm and 1500 nm Journal Articles
Optimal CINAHL Search Strategies for Identifying Therapy Studies and Review Articles Journal Articles
Optimal Context Quantization in Lossless Compression of Image Data Sequences Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for detecting cost and economic studies in EMBASE Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for detecting health services research studies in MEDLINE Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for identifying sound clinical prediction studies in EMBASE Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for retrieving scientifically strong studies of diagnosis from Medline: analytical survey Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for retrieving scientifically strong studies of treatment from Medline: analytical survey Journal Articles
Optimal search strategies for retrieving systematic reviews from Medline: analytical survey Journal Articles
Optimization and validation of rep-PCR genotypic libraries for microbial source tracking of environmental Escherichia coli isolates Journal Articles
Optimization of data analysis for the in vivo neutron activation analysis of aluminum in bone Journal Articles
Optimizing a literature surveillance strategy to retrieve sound overall prognosis and risk assessment model papers Journal Articles
Optimizing a portfolio of health care programs in the presence of uncertainty and constrained resources Journal Articles
Optimizing screening for depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder in inpatient addiction treatment: A preliminary investigation Journal Articles
Optimizing the hybrid capture II human papillomavirus test to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Journal Articles
Optimizing the hybrid capture II human papillomavirus test to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia*1 Journal Articles
Oscillometric measurement of the ankle-brachial index Journal Articles
Osteoporosis quality indicators using healthcare utilization data Journal Articles
Overdiagnosis of asthma in obese and nonobese adults Journal Articles
Overexpression of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase promotes cell cycle arrest and inhibits neutrophilic differentiation of NB4 acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. Journal Articles
Overview of the New Oral Anticoagulants Journal Articles
PET/CT using 18F-FDOPA provides improved staging of carcinoid tumor patients in a Canadian setting Journal Articles
PF4‐dependent immunoassays and inferential detection of HIT antibodies Journal Articles
Paediatric vision screening by non-healthcare volunteers: evidence based practices Journal Articles
Para-aortic arch abscess secondary to Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia Journal Articles
Parameter scanning ultrafiltration: Rapid optimisation of protein separation Journal Articles
Part 9: Acute Coronary Syndromes Journal Articles
Partial volume effect compensation for quantitative brain SPECT imaging Journal Articles
Pathological voice quality assessment using artificial neural networks Conferences
Patient reported outcomes: general principles of development and interpretability Journal Articles
Patient-Reported Outcomes and Endoscopic Appearance of Ulcerative Colitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Pediatric Crohn Disease Activity Index: Responsive to Short-term Change Journal Articles
Pelvic floor morphometry: a predictor of success of pelvic floor muscle training for women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence Journal Articles
Performance and Cost Evaluation of One Commercial andSix In-House Conventional and Real-Time ReverseTranscription-PCR Assays for Detection of Severe AcuteRespiratory SyndromeCoronavirus Journal Articles
Performance characteristics of an automated latex immunoturbidimetric assay [HemosIL ® HIT-Ab (PF4-H) ] for the diagnosis of immune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Performance characteristics of recombinant enzyme immunoassay to detect antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 and to measure early antibody responses in seroconverting patients Journal Articles
Performance of AmpFire HPV assay on neck cervical lymph node aspirate and oropharyngeal samples Journal Articles
Performance of Indirect Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Serology Tests and IgM Capture Assays for Laboratory Diagnosis of Measles Journal Articles
Performance of a Pen-Type Laser Fluorescence Device and Conventional Methods in Detecting Approximal Caries Lesions in Primary Teeth – in vivo Study Journal Articles
Performance of antenatal imaging to predict placenta accreta spectrum degree of severity Journal Articles
Performance of proex c and pretect hpv‐proofer e6/e7 mrna tests in comparison with the hybrid capture 2 hpv dna test for triaging ascus and lsil cytology Journal Articles
Performance of rapid rk39 tests for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Performance of routine syphilis serology in the Ethiopian cohort on HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Performance of saliva compared with nasopharyngeal swab for diagnosis of COVID-19 by NAAT in cross-sectional studies: Systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Perfusion Mapping Using Computed Tomography Allows Accurate Prediction of Cerebral Infarction in Experimental Brain Ischemia Conferences
Periodic health examination, 1994 update: 2. Screening strategies for colorectal cancer. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. Journal Articles
Peripheral blood epi-signature of Claes-Jensen syndrome enables sensitive and specific identification of patients and healthy carriers with pathogenic mutations in KDM5C Journal Articles
Peritoneal Transport Status Correlates With Morbidity But Not Longitudinal Change of Nutritional Status of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A 2-Year Prospective Study Journal Articles
Pharmacist Medication Assessments in a Surgical Preadmission Clinic Conferences
Phenoxybenzamine Selectively and Irreversibly Inactivates Dopaminergic D<sub>2</sub> Receptors on Primary Cultured Rat Lactotrophs Journal Articles
Photobleaching kinetics, photoproduct formation, and dose estimation during ALA induced PpIX PDT of MLL cells under well oxygenated and hypoxic conditions Journal Articles
Plain Radiography Does Not Add Any Clinically Significant Advantage to Multidetector Row Computed Tomography in Diagnosing Cervical Spine Injuries in Blunt Trauma Patients Journal Articles
Plasma glucose and pre-eclampsia Journal Articles
Platelet Count Monitoring and Laboratory Testing for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Platelet Function Testing: Quality Assurance Journal Articles
Platelet and fibrinogen turnover at the exposed subendothelium measured over 1 year after a balloon catheter de-endothelializing injury to the rabbit aorta: Journal Articles
Point-of-care diagnostic test accuracy in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Point-of-care ultrasound to diagnose appendicitis in a Canadian emergency department Journal Articles
Poor Citation of Prior Evidence in Hip Fracture Trials Journal Articles
Positive end-expiratory pressure above lower inflection point minimizes influx of activated neutrophils into lung* Journal Articles
Positron Emission Tomography in the Investigation of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal Articles
Potential dangers in the customary methods of conducting meta-analyses: Lack of bias in the meta-analysis of recombinant versus urinary follicle stimulating hormone Journal Articles
Precision and Accuracy of Clinical and Radiological Signs in Premature Infants at Risk of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Journal Articles
Predicting Adverse Outcomes for Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli Infections in Emergency Departments Journal Articles
Predicting Deep Venous Thrombosis in Pregnancy: Out in “LEFt” Field? Journal Articles
Predicting Subsequent Bone Density Response to Intermittent Cyclical Therapy with Etidronate from Initial Density Response in Patients with Osteoporosis Journal Articles
Predicting the probability of meningioma recurrence based on the quantity of peritumoral brain edema on computerized tomography scanning Conferences
Prediction of bleeding events in patients with venous thromboembolism on stable anticoagulation treatment Journal Articles
Prediction of vesicouterine adhesions by transvaginal sonographic sliding sign technique: validation study. Journal Articles
Predictive power of individual genetic and environmental factor scores Journal Articles
Predictive value of T2-weighted imaging and contrast-enhanced MR imaging in assessing myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer: a pooled analysis of prospective studies Journal Articles
Predictive value of gadolinium enhancement in differentiating ALT/WD liposarcomas from benign fatty tumors Journal Articles
Predictors of Severe Neurologic Injury on Ultrasound Scan of the Head and Risk Factor-based Screening for Infants Born Preterm Journal Articles
Prehospital Prediction of the Severity of Blunt Anatomic Injury Journal Articles
Preoperative levels of natriuretic peptides and the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation after noncardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Presentation Preoperative HIV testing: Is it less expensive than universal precautions? Journal Articles
Preventing tomorrow's sudden cardiac death today Journal Articles
Primary-Consistent Soft-Decision Color Demosaicking for Digital Cameras (Patent Pending) Journal Articles
Probable regulation of factor VIIa–tissue factor and prothrombinase by factor Xa–TFPI and TFPI in vivo Journal Articles
Processing of Serum Proteins Underlies the Mass Spectral Fingerprinting of Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Proficiency of Balance in Children and Youth Who Have Had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Journal Articles
Prognostic Value of 64-Slice Cardiac Computed Tomography Journal Articles
Prognostic significance of residual venous obstruction in patients with treated unprovoked deep vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Progression Rates of LR-2 and LR-3 Observations on MRI to Higher LI-RADS Categories in Patients at High Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Retrospective Study Journal Articles
Progressive Thresholding: Shaping and Specificity in Automated Neurofeedback Training Journal Articles
Properties of ultrasound-rapid MRI clinical diagnostic pathway in suspected pediatric appendicitis Journal Articles
Prophylactic and perioperative replacement therapy for acquired factor XIII deficiency: reply to a rebuttal Journal Articles
Proposed Core Set of Items for Measuring Disease Activity in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Journal Articles
Prospective Study of 2-[18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in the Assessment of Regional Nodal Spread of Disease in Patients With Breast Cancer: An Ontario Clinical Oncology Group Study Journal Articles
Prospective Study of the Long-Term Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Liver Injury in Patients Without Advanced Disease Journal Articles
Prospective diagnostic test accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound posterior approach for uterosacral ligament and torus uterinus deep endometriosis Journal Articles
Prospective economic evaluation alongside the non-invasive ventilation trial Journal Articles
Prospective evaluation of criteria for obtaining thoracolumbar radiographs in trauma patients Conferences
Prospective evaluation of digital non-stereo color fundus photography as a screening tool in age-related macular degeneration Journal Articles
Prospective validation of the ABCD2 score for patients in the emergency department with transient ischemic attack Journal Articles
Protocol for a systematic review of the diagnostic test accuracy of tests for IgE‐mediated food allergy Journal Articles
Protocol for determining the diagnostic validity of physical examination maneuvers for shoulder pathology Journal Articles
Proximal humerus cortical bone thickness correlates with bone mineral density and can clinically rule out osteoporosis Journal Articles
PsycINFO search strategies identified methodologically sound therapy studies and review articles for use by clinicians and researchers Journal Articles
Psychometric evaluation of the Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue Scale for use with pregnant and postpartum women. Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the DCD-Q-07 in children ages to 4–6 Journal Articles
Pulmonary Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Journal Articles
Quality Control Certification of RNA Aptamer‐Based Detection Journal Articles
Quality of life III: Translating the science of quality-of-life assessment into clinical practice—an example-driven approach for practicing clinicians and clinical researchers Journal Articles
Quantification of manganese in human hand bones: a feasibility study Journal Articles
Quantification of protein surfaces, volumes and atom–atom
contacts using a constrained Voronoi procedure Journal Articles
Quantification of punctate iron sources using magnetic resonance phase Journal Articles
Quantification of the Soluble Leptin Receptor in Human Blood by Ligand-Mediated Immunofunctional Assay Conferences
Quantifying QRS changes during myocardial ischemia: Insights from high frequency electrocardiography Journal Articles
Quantifying brain iron deposition in patients with Parkinson's disease using quantitative susceptibility mapping, R2 and R2* Journal Articles
Quantitation of Chlamydia trachomatis 16S rRNA Using NASBA Amplification and a Bioluminescent Microtiter Plate Assay Journal Articles
Quantitative MRI in a non‐surgical model of cervical spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Quantitative and qualitative liver CT: imaging feature association with histopathologically confirmed hepatic cirrhosis Journal Articles
Quantitative comparison of pre-explosions and subheadings with methodologic search terms in MEDLINE. Journal Articles
Quantitative evaluation of simultaneous reconstruction with model‐based crosstalk compensation for dual‐isotope simultaneous acquisition brain SPECT Journal Articles
Quantitative fluorescence imaging of point-like sources in small animals Journal Articles
Quantitative interpretation of optical density measurements using PF4‐dependent enzyme‐immunoassays Journal Articles
Quantitative magnetization transfer and myelin water imaging of the evolution of acute multiple sclerosis lesions Journal Articles
Quantitative susceptibility mapping of small objects using volume constraints Journal Articles
Quantitative, small bore, 1 Tesla, magnetic resonance imaging of the hands of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal Articles
ROC Anatomy—Getting the Most Out of Your Diagnostic Test Journal Articles
Radial Collateral Ligament of the Elbow Journal Articles
Radial-Interval Linear Programming for Environmental Management under Varied Protection Levels Journal Articles
Radiographic and Laser Fluorescence Methods Have No Benefits for Detecting Caries in Primary Teeth Journal Articles
Radiology quiz. Suspected urinary calculus. Journal Articles
Rainbow trout primary epidermal cell proliferation as an indicator of aquatic toxicity: an in vitro/in vivo exposure comparison Journal Articles
Random left censoring: a second look at bone lead concentration measurements Journal Articles
Randomized controlled trial of human papillomavirus testing versus Pap cytology in the primary screening for cervical cancer precursors: Design, methods and preliminary accrual results of the Canadian cervical cancer screening trial (CCCaST) Journal Articles
Rapid Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis by Testing Vaginal Swabs in an Isothermal Helicase-Dependent AmpliVue Assay Journal Articles
Rapid and Specific Imaging of Extracellular Signaling Molecule Adenosine Triphosphate with a Self-Phosphorylating DNAzyme Journal Articles
Rapid antigen-based and rapid molecular tests for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: a rapid review with network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies Journal Articles
Rapid detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with spinal muscular atrophy by use of a reusable fibre-optic biosensor Journal Articles
Rapid kinetic microassay for catalase activity. Journal Articles
Rapid, Sensitive, and Specific Escherichia coli H Antigen Typing by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time of Flight-Based Peptide Mass Fingerprinting Journal Articles
Rapid, on-site diagnosis of chlamydial urethritis in men by detection of antigens in urethral swabs and urine Journal Articles
Rationalizing the management of pregnancies of unknown location: Diagnostic accuracy of human chorionic gonadotropin ratio‐based decision tree compared with the risk prediction model M4 Journal Articles
Re-assessment of direct fluorescent antibody negative brain tissues with a real-time PCR assay to detect the presence of raccoon rabies virus RNA Journal Articles
Re: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Mammography in Women With a Hereditary Risk of Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Re: Workup of carotid calcifications. Journal Articles
Reactivation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Mouse Model of Depression Journal Articles
Real-Time RT-PCR Allelic Discrimination Assay for Detection of N501Y Mutation in the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with B.1.1.7 Variant of Concern Journal Articles
Realization of optical OFDM using time lenses and its comparison with optical OFDM using FFT Journal Articles
Reasons for the loss of sensitivity and specificity of methodologic MeSH terms and textwords in MEDLINE. Journal Articles
Recall bias in case-control studies: An empirical analysis and theoretical framework Journal Articles
Recent Developments in Imaging of Multiple Sclerosis Journal Articles
Recommendations for a first Core Outcome Measurement set for complex regional PAin syndrome Clinical sTudies (COMPACT) Journal Articles
Red Cell Distribution Width as a Novel Prognostic Marker in Heart Failure Journal Articles
Red blood cell distribution width levels correlate with liver fibrosis and inflammation: a noninvasive serum marker panel to predict the severity of fibrosis and inflammation in patients with hepatitis B. Journal Articles
Reducing bladder artifacts in clinical pelvic SPECT images. Journal Articles
Reevaluation by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: Clinical Significance of Microalbuminuria in Individuals at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study Journal Articles
Reevaluation of the sensitivity of impedance plethysmography for the detection of proximal deep vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Regional soft tissue pains: alias myofascial pain? Journal Articles
Regression Analysis of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Treatment-Related Time Delay Journal Articles
Regularized Speaker Adaptation of KL-HMM for Dysarthric Speech Recognition Journal Articles
Relation of neurohumoral activation to clinical variables and degree of ventricular dysfunction: A report from the registry of studies of left ventricular dysfunction Journal Articles
Relationship between pain and vertebral motion in chronic low-back pain subjects Journal Articles
Relationship between physical activity and disability in low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Reliability and Intraoperative Validity of Preoperative Assessment of Standardized Plain Radiographs in Predicting Bone Loss at Revision Hip Surgery Journal Articles
Reliability in detection of hemorrhage in acute stroke by a new three‐dimensional gradient recalled echo susceptibility‐weighted imaging technique compared to computed tomography: A retrospective study Conferences
Reliability of nurses' neurological assessments in the cardiothoracic surgical intensive care unit Journal Articles
Reliability of the two-minute walk test in individuals with transtibial amputation Journal Articles
Renal arteries: clinical comparison of three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiographic sequences and radiographic angiography. Journal Articles
Replicate PCR Testing and Probit Analysis for Detection and Quantitation of
Chlamydia pneumoniae
in Clinical Specimens Journal Articles
Reproducibility of DXA measurements of bone mineral density and body composition in children Journal Articles
Reproducibility of quantitative magnetization‐transfer imaging parameters from repeated measurements Journal Articles
Requesting diagnostic imaging examinations: a position paper of the Canadian Association of Radiologists. Journal Articles
Resource Utilization for Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: The Ontario GI Bleed Study Journal Articles
Response Assessment Criteria and Their Applications in Lymphoma: Part 2 Journal Articles
Response Evidence-based vs emotion-based medical decision-making: Routine preoperative HIV testing vs universal precautions Journal Articles
Responsiveness of the short form-36, disability of the arm, shoulder, and hand questionnaire, patient-rated wrist evaluation, and physical impairment measurements in evaluating recovery after a distal radius fracture Journal Articles
Responsiveness, Sensitivity, and Minimally Detectable Difference of the Graded and Redefined Assessment of Strength, Sensibility, and Prehension, Version 1.0 Journal Articles
Results of a model analysis to estimate cost utility and value of information for intravenous immunoglobulin in canadian adults with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura Journal Articles
Retrieval of diagnostic and treatment studies for clinical use through PubMed and PubMed's Clinical Queries filters Journal Articles
Retrieving randomized controlled trials from medline: a comparison of 38 published search filters Journal Articles
Retrospective radiation dosimetry using electron paramagnetic resonance in canine dental enamel Journal Articles
Risk Factors for Airway Remodeling in Asthma Manifested by a Low Postbronchodilator FEV1/Vital Capacity Ratio Journal Articles
Risk Scores for Prediction of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Risk factors for increased variability in dialysis delivery in haemodialysis patients Journal Articles
Risk scoring tool to predict respiratory syncytial virus hospitalisation in premature infants Journal Articles
Rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after total knee arthroplasty (RECORD4): a randomised trial Journal Articles
Robotic Assisted Radio-Frequency Ablation of Liver Tumors – Randomized Patient Study Journal Articles
Robust Chemiresistive Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Free Chlorine Using Graphene-like Carbon Journal Articles
Robust bivariate random-effects model for accommodating outlying and influential studies in meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies Journal Articles
Role of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of endometriosis in infertile women: Ovarian endometrioma, deep endometriosis, and superficial endometriosis Journal Articles
Room-Temperature Isopiestic Distillation of in Situ Generated Arsenious Chloride and Its Application for the Determination of Trace Level Impurities in Arsenious Oxide Journal Articles
Routine Screening of (--<sup>SEA</sup>) α-Thalassemia Deletion by an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Embryonic ζ-Globin Chains Journal Articles
Routine Surveillance Versus Independent Assessment by an Outcome Adjudication Committee in Assessing Patients for Sternal Surgical Site Infections After Cardiac Surgery Journal Articles
SIESTA - Home sleep study with BresoDx for obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
SIPS – Screening-Instrument für prämenstruelle Symptome* Journal Articles
Safe MRI-Compatible electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) system Journal Articles
Safety of withholding anticoagulation in pregnant women with suspected deep vein thrombosis following negative serial compression ultrasound and iliac vein imaging Journal Articles
Salivary antibodies to Helicobacter pylori: screening dyspeptic patients before endoscopy Journal Articles
Sample pre-treatment determines the clinical usefulness of acid-labile subunit immunoassays in the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency and acromegaly Journal Articles
Sample size and precision of estimates in studies of depression screening tool accuracy: A meta-research review of studies published in 2018-2021. Journal Articles
Sample sizes and precision of estimates of sensitivity and specificity from primary studies on the diagnostic accuracy of depression screening tools: a survey of recently published studies. Journal Articles
Scientific and Standardization Committee communication: Clinical guidance on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients with COVID‐19 Journal Articles
Screening Accuracy of the Parent-Report Preschool Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Primary Care Journal Articles
Screening Postmenopausal Women for Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Screening Urine with a Leukocyte Esterase Strip and Subsequent Chlamydial Testing of Asymptomatic Men Attending Primary Care Practitioners Journal Articles
Screening and facilitating further assessment for cognitive impairment after stroke: application of a shortened Montreal Cognitive Assessment (miniMoCA). Journal Articles
Screening for Cognitive Impairment with the Quick Memory Check: Validation of a Caregiver Administered Cognitive Screen Journal Articles
Screening for Dysglycemia in Overweight Youth Presenting for Weight Management Journal Articles
Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Orthopedic Patients Journal Articles
Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Comparing the SMMSE and the ABCS Journal Articles
Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Comparison of “MCI Specific” Screening Instruments Journal Articles
Screening for depression with Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Revised and its implication for consultation–liaison psychiatry practice among cancer subjects: a perspective from a developing country Journal Articles
Screening for frailty in primary care: Accuracy of gait speed and hand-grip strength. Journal Articles
Screening for hypercholesterolaemia in primary care: randomised controlled trial of postal questionnaire appraising risk of coronary heart disease Journal Articles
Screening for signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis by family physicians and nurse practitioners using the Gait, Arms, Legs, and Spine musculoskeletal examination Journal Articles
Screening questionnaires for substance abuse post brain injury: a review. Journal Articles
Search filter precision can be improved by NOTing out irrelevant content. Journal Articles
Searching MEDLINE for Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Care of the Newborn Journal Articles
Seeing the Unseen: Evaluating Testicular Vascularity in Neonates by Using the Superb Microvascular Imaging Ultrasound Technique Journal Articles
Segmentation of Images of Abdominal Organs Journal Articles
Selecting a BRCA risk assessment model for use in a familial cancer clinic Journal Articles
Selectived-Dimer Testing for Diagnosis of a First Suspected Episode of Deep Venous Thrombosis Journal Articles
Self-Sampling for Group B Streptococcus in Women 35 to 37 Weeks Pregnant Is Accurate and Acceptable: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial Journal Articles
Self‐reported olfactory and gustatory dysfunction and psychophysical testing in screening for COVID‐19: A systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Semen quality in relation to antioxidant intake in a healthy male population Journal Articles
Semiautomated detection of cerebral microbleeds in magnetic resonance images Journal Articles
Sensitive Cardiac Troponin Assays Journal Articles
Sensitive Clinical Queries retrieved relevant systematic reviews as well as primary studies: an analytic survey Journal Articles
Sensitive and Efficient Detection of RB1 Gene Mutations Enhances Care for Families with Retinoblastoma Journal Articles
Sensitive and High-Throughput Analyses of Purine Metabolites by Dynamic pH Junction Multiplexed Capillary Electrophoresis: A New Tool for Metabolomic Studies Journal Articles
Sensitive and high sensitivity cardiac troponin I concentrations in the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study — A high risk population Journal Articles
Sensitive cardiac troponin assays. Journal Articles
Sensitivity and Specificity of a Multimodal Approach for Concussion Assessment in Youth Athletes Journal Articles
Sensitivity and Specificity of a Rapid Whole-Blood Assay for D-Dimer in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Journal Articles
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Ankle–Brachial Index to Predict Future Cardiovascular Outcomes Journal Articles
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire as a Screening Tool for Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of color duplex ultrasound measurement in the estimation of internal carotid artery stenosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of self-reported psychiatric diagnoses amongst patients treated for opioid use disorder Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM‐5 in a Canadian psychiatric outpatient sample Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis of periocular lesions by oculoplastic surgeons. Journal Articles
Sensitivity enhancement of SPR assay of progesterone based on mixed self-assembled monolayers using nanogold particles Journal Articles
Sensitivity of APTIMA HPV E6/E7 mRNA test in comparison with hybrid capture 2 HPV DNA test for detection of high risk oncogenic human papillomavirus in 396 biopsy confirmed cervical cancers Journal Articles
Sensitivity of Sickness Impact Profile Items to Measure Change Over Time in a Low-back Pain Patient Group Journal Articles
Sensitivity of computed tomography performed within six hours of onset of headache for diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage: prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Sensitivity of higher, lower and mean second‐trimester uterine artery Doppler resistance indices in screening for pre‐eclampsia Journal Articles
Sensitivity subgroup analysis based on single-center vs. multi-center trial status when interpreting meta-analyses pooled estimates: the logical way forward Journal Articles
Sensitivity to Change Journal Articles
Sensitivity to Change of the Roland-Morris Back Pain Questionnaire: Part 1 Journal Articles
Sensitivity to Change of the Roland-Morris Back Pain Questionnaire: Part 2 Journal Articles
Sensitivity to change of 3 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Indices: international validation. Journal Articles
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in thin melanoma patients Journal Articles
Sentinel lymph node mapping in cervical cancer: the future? Journal Articles
Sepsis Definitions in Burns Journal Articles
Sepsis-3 Septic Shock Criteria and Associated Mortality Among Infected Hospitalized Patients Assessed by a Rapid Response Team Journal Articles
Sequential Pathways of Testing After First-Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21 Journal Articles
Serotonin‐release assay‐negative heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Serotonin‐release assay‐positive but platelet factor 4‐dependent enzyme‐immunoassay negative: HIT or not HIT? Journal Articles
Serum antimullerian hormone (AMH) levels are elevated in adolescent girls with polycystic ovaries and the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Journal Articles
Serum follicle-stimulating hormone and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in postmenopausal women. Journal Articles
Sharing the diagnostic process in the clinical teaching environment: A case study Journal Articles
Short stature as a screening test for endocrinopathy in slipped capital femoral epiphysis Journal Articles
Short-term changes in arterial inflammation predict long-term changes in atherosclerosis progression Journal Articles
Shortening self-report mental health symptom measures through optimal test assembly methods: Development and validation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Depression-4. Journal Articles
Should ESPGHAN Guidelines for Serologic Diagnosis of Celiac Disease be Used in Adults? A Prospective Analysis in an Adult Patient Cohort With High Pretest Probability Journal Articles
Should you adjust your D-dimer? Journal Articles
Significance of Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Gastric Cancer: Implications for Screening Journal Articles
Silicon-on-insulator guided mode resonant grating for evanescent field molecular sensing Journal Articles
Simple Fluorescent Sensors Engineered with Catalytic DNA ‘MgZ’ Based on a Non-Classic Allosteric Design Journal Articles
Simplified molecular diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis: Laboratory evaluation of miniature direct-on-blood PCR nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassay Journal Articles
Simulation of scattering and attenuation of 511 keV photons in a combined PET/field-cycled MRI system Journal Articles
Single-Tube Multiplex-PCR Screen for Anti-3.7 and Anti-4.2 α-Globin Gene Triplications Journal Articles
Single-dose adjustment versus no adjustment of warfarin in stably anticoagulated patients with an occasional international normalized ratio (INR) out of range Journal Articles
Single-step analysis of low abundance phosphoamino acids via on-line sample preconcentration with chemical derivatization by capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
Skeletal Scintigraphy in Pediatric Sports Medicine Journal Articles
Skew‐normal random‐effects model for meta‐analysis of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies Journal Articles
Solid-phase analytical derivatization: enhancement of sensitivity and selectivity of analysis Journal Articles
Some ethical and design challenges of screening programs and screening tests Journal Articles
SonoPODography: A new diagnostic technique for visualizing superficial endometriosis Journal Articles
Sonographic Visualization of the First Branch of the Lateral Plantar Nerve (Baxter Nerve) Journal Articles
Sonographic and radiographic imaging features of the neonate with necrotizing enterocolitis: correlating findings with outcomes Journal Articles
Sonographic findings in patients with anterior knee pain Journal Articles
Sonographic measurement criteria for the diagnosis of internal jugular phlebectasia in children Journal Articles
Sonography of Full-Thickness Supraspinatus Tears: Comparison of Patient Positioning Technique with Surgical Correlation Journal Articles
Spasticity measurement in stroke: a pilot study. Journal Articles
Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation: Evaluation of Change in Venous Oxygenation with Susceptibility-weighted MR Imaging after Treatment Journal Articles
Spiral-path high-sensitivity silicon photonic wire molecular sensor with temperature-independent response Journal Articles
Standardization of the Continuing Care Activity Measure: A Multicenter Study to Assess Reliability, Validity, and Ability to Measure Change Journal Articles
Statins and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Journal Articles
Statistical methods for detecting outlying and influential studies in meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies Journal Articles
Strain Rate Imaging Detects Early Cardiac Effects of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin as Adjuvant Therapy in Elderly Patients with Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Study Design for the Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests Journal Articles
Sub-millimeter fMRI at 1.5 tesla: Correlation of high resolution with low resolution measurements Journal Articles
Subdural Hematoma Mimickers: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Subject-specific models for image-guided cardiac surgery Journal Articles
Supplementation with the Leucine Metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) does not Improve Resistance Exercise-Induced Changes in Body Composition or Strength in Young Subjects: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Surgical outcomes research--a new paradigm for clinical research? Journal Articles
Surveillance technology for HIV-1 subtype C in Ethiopia: An env-based NASBA molecular beacon assay to discriminate between subcluster C and C′ Journal Articles
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging and Mapping of Micro-Hemorrhages and Major Deep Veins after Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Susceptibility and size quantification of small human veins from an MRI method Journal Articles
Susceptibility weighted imaging in detecting hemorrhage in acute cervical spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Susceptibility‐Weighted Imaging of Glioma: Update on Current Imaging Status and Future Directions Journal Articles
Susceptibility‐weighted imaging: current status and future directions Journal Articles
Sweat‐testing: A review of current technical requirements Journal Articles
Symptom-Based Diagnostic Criteria for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: the More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same Journal Articles
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Candidate Gene Association Studies of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men Journal Articles
Systematic Review of the Application of Lean and Six Sigma Quality Improvement Methodologies in Radiology Journal Articles
Systematic Review of the Performance of Noninvasive Tests in Diagnosing Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Journal Articles
Systematic Review: Do We Need a New Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease Questionnaire? Journal Articles
Systematic Review: Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Screen Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Systematic Reviews: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Journal Articles
Systematic review and meta-analysis of test accuracy for the diagnosis of suspected pulmonary embolism Journal Articles
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the accuracy of HPV tests, visual inspection with acetic acid, cytology, and colposcopy Journal Articles
Systems for grading the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations I: Critical appraisal of existing approaches The GRADE Working Group Journal Articles
T2* mapping combined with conventional T2-weighted image for prostate cancer detection at 3.0T MRI: a multi-observer study Journal Articles
Targeted temperature management in critical care: A report and recommendations from five professional societies* Journal Articles
Targeting Angiogenesis With Integrative Cancer Therapies Journal Articles
Teaching invasive perinatal procedures: assessment of a high fidelity simulator‐based curriculum Journal Articles
Technical challenges of functional magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
Technical challenges of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal Articles
Terminal Ileal Imaging With Ileoscopy Versus Small-Bowel Meal With Pneumocolon Journal Articles
Test-Retest Reliability, Validity, and Sensitivity of the Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory: A New Measure of Upper-Limb Function for Survivors of Stroke Journal Articles
Test-and-Treat Strategies forHelicobacter pyloriin Uninvestigated Dyspepsia: A Canadian Economic Anaylsis Journal Articles
Testing for Helicobacter pylori in Clinical Practice Conferences
Testing for heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia: are we there yet? Journal Articles
Test–retest reliability of health utilities index scores: Evidence from hip fracture Journal Articles
The APTIMA HPV assay versus the hybrid capture 2 test in triage of women with ASC‐US or LSIL cervical cytology: A meta‐analysis of the diagnostic accuracy Journal Articles
The Accuracy of the Electrocardiogram during Exercise Stress Test Based on Heart Size Journal Articles
The Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Algorithm for Screening to Detect Major Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Journal Articles
The Canadian Score™ Questionnaire Journal Articles
The Clinical Utility of Postinfarction Risk Prediction Journal Articles
The Construction of a New Evaluative GERD Questionnaire – Methods and State of the Art Journal Articles
The Diagnosis and Prognosis of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Journal Articles
The Diagnostic Accuracy of Cystoscopy for Detecting Bladder Cancer in Adults Presenting with Haematuria: A Systematic Review from the European Association of Urology Guidelines Office Journal Articles
The Economic Implications of Three Biochemical Screening Algorithms for Pheochromocytoma Journal Articles
The Economic Value of a New Insulin Preparation, Humalog?? Mix 25??? Journal Articles
The Educational Impact of Bench Model Fidelity on the Acquisition of Technical Skill Journal Articles
The Effect of Anteromedial Facet Fractures of the Coronoid and Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury on Elbow Stability and Kinematics Journal Articles
The Effect of Respiratory and Cardiac Motion in Liver Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Journal Articles
The Effects of the Modifier and Correction Indices on MCMI-II Profiles Journal Articles
The Evaluation of Change in Pain Intensity: A Comparison of the P4 and Single-Item Numeric Pain Rating Scales Journal Articles
The Evaluation of Various Mathematical RBC Indices and Their Efficacy in Discriminating Between Thalassemic and Non-Thalassemic Microcytosis Journal Articles
The Feasibility and Accuracy of Anonymized Record Linkage to Estimate Shared Clientele among Three Health and Social Service Agencies Journal Articles
The Fragility of Statistically Significant Randomized Controlled Trials in Plastic Surgery Conferences
The Hawksley random zero sphygmomanometer. Don't condemn it without proper evidence. Journal Articles
The IgE-facilitated allergen binding (FAB) assay: Validation of a novel flow-cytometric based method for the detection of inhibitory antibody responses Journal Articles
The Impact of Slice Thickness on Diagnostic Accuracy in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Journal Articles
The Impact on Accuracy and Cost of Ligase Chain Reaction Testing by Pooling Urine Specimens for the Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis Infections Journal Articles
The Importance of Obtaining Conjugate Views on Renographic Evaluation of Large Hydronephrotic Kidneys: An In Vitro and Ex Vivo Analysis Journal Articles
The Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines on the Diagnosis of COVID-19: Antigen Testing (January 2023) Journal Articles
The Iowa Personality Disorder Screen: Development and Preliminary Validation of a Brief Screening Interview Journal Articles
The Leeds Dyspepsia Questionnaire: a valid tool for measuring the presence and severity of dyspepsia Journal Articles
The Limitations of Point of Care Testing for Pandemic Influenza: What Clinicians and Public Health Professionals Need to Know Journal Articles
The Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS): Scale Development, Measurement Properties, and Clinical Application Journal Articles
The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) for children with cerebral palsy: scale development and evidence of validity and reliability Journal Articles
The McMaster Pediatric Migraine Questionnaire: A Prospective Validation Study Journal Articles
The Misconception of Case-Control Studies in the Plastic Surgery Literature: A Literature Audit Journal Articles
The National Lung Screening Trial: Overview and Study Design Journal Articles
The Ottawa SAH search algorithms: protocol for a multi- centre validation study of primary subarachnoid hemorrhage prediction models using health administrative data (the SAHepi prediction study protocol) Journal Articles
The Patient-Specific Functional Scale: Measurement Properties in Patients With Knee Dysfunction Journal Articles
The Patient-Specific Functional Scale: Validation of Its Use in Persons With Neck Dysfunction Journal Articles
The Persian Version of the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment Screen (Qmci-Pr): Psychometric Properties among Middle-Aged and Older Iranian Adults Journal Articles
The Pilon Map Journal Articles
The Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial Journal Articles
The Radiographic Union Scale in Tibial Fractures: Reliability and Validity Journal Articles
The Radiographic Union Score for Hip (RUSH): the use of a checklist to evaluate hip fracture healing improves agreement between radiologists and orthopedic surgeons Journal Articles
The Rational Clinical Examination. Does this patient have abnormal central venous pressure? Journal Articles
The Relationship between Time from Myocardial Infarction, Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony, and the Risk for Ventricular Arrhythmia: Speckle-Tracking Echocardiographic Analysis Journal Articles
The Risk of a Mosquito-Borne Infectionin a Heterogeneous Environment Journal Articles
The Role for Optical Density in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
The Role of Ultrasonography in the Assessment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Journal Articles
The STARD initiative: a possible link to diagnostic accuracy and reduction in medical error Journal Articles
The Sedimentation Sign for Differential Diagnosis of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Journal Articles
The Sensitivity of the K6 as a Screen for Any Disorder in Community Mental Health Surveys: A Cautionary Note Journal Articles
The Serological Investigation of Patients with Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
The T1 shine through effect on susceptibility weighted imaging: an under recognized phenomenon Journal Articles
The Use of Motion Analysis as Particle Biomarkers in Lensless Optofluidic Projection Imaging for Point of Care Urine Analysis Journal Articles
The Use of Multiple Parameters to Characterize Cadmium-Induced Renal Dysfunction Resulting from Occupational Exposure Journal Articles
The Use of Random Forests to Classify Amyloid Brain PET Journal Articles
The Use of an Ultrasound Bladder Scanning Device in Women Undergoing Urogynaecologic Surgery Journal Articles
The Usefulness of The Likelihood Ratio in The Diagnosis of Dyspepsia and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Journal Articles
The Utility of Multidetector Computed Tomography for Detection of Parathyroid Disease in the Setting of Primary Hyperparathyroidism Journal Articles
The Value of Plasma Calibrants in Correcting Coagulometer Effects on International Normalized Ratios:An International Multicenter Study Journal Articles
The Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ-25) Journal Articles
The agreement chart as an alternative to the receiver-operating characteristic curve for diagnostic tests Journal Articles
The application of latent class analysis for diagnostic test validation of chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection in blood donors Journal Articles
The association between ultrasound-based ‘soft markers’ and endometriosis type/location: A prospective observational study Journal Articles
The association of sensitivity and specificity with disease prevalence: analysis of 6909 studies of diagnostic test accuracy Journal Articles
The burden of illness of osteoporosis in Canada Journal Articles
The carpal stretch test. Journal Articles
The clinical chemistry score (CCS) achieves the highest efficacy when assessed with the 99% sensitivity benchmark for myocardial infarction Journal Articles
The clinical utility of naturalistic action test in differentiating mild cognitive impairment from early dementia in memory clinic Journal Articles
The cost of laparoscopic myotomy versus pneumatic dilatation for esophageal achalasia Journal Articles
The cost‐effectiveness of 10 antenatal syphilis screening and treatment approaches in Peru, Tanzania, and Zambia Journal Articles
The cotton swab test. Receiver-operating characteristic curves. Journal Articles
The detection of loose bodies in the elbow Journal Articles
The diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis A or B by microparticle enzyme immunoassay Journal Articles
The diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in medical-surgical intensive care unit patients Journal Articles
The diagnostic efficacy of urinary fractionated metanephrines measured by tandem mass spectrometry in detection of pheochromocytoma Journal Articles
The diagnostic value and performance evaluation of five serological tests for the detection of Treponema pallidum. Journal Articles
The direct binding of human factor VII in plasma to recombinant human tissue factor Journal Articles
The effect of continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring (CGMS) versus intermittent whole blood finger-stick glucose monitoring (SBGM) on hemoglobin A1c (HBA1c) levels in Type I diabetic patients: A systematic review Journal Articles
The elective evaluation of patients with suspected choledocholithiasis undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy Journal Articles
The entomological inoculation rate and Plasmodium falciparum infection in African children Journal Articles
The estimation of sensitivity and specificity in colorectal cancer screening methods. Journal Articles
The ethics and economics of out-of-laboratory testing. Journal Articles
The feasibility of accelerator-based in vivo neutron activation analysis of nitrogen Journal Articles
The feasibility of measuring silver concentrationsin vivowith x-ray fluorescence Journal Articles
The histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid alters sensitivity towards all trans retinoic acid in acute myeloblastic leukemia cells Journal Articles
The impact of 18F-FDG PET on the management of patients with suspected large vessel vasculitis Journal Articles
The impact of latency on surgical precision and task completion during robotic-assisted remote telepresence surgery Journal Articles
The impact of the ESC/ACC redefinition of myocardial infarction and new sensitive troponin assays on the frequency of acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
The influence of type II coronoid fractures, collateral ligament injuries, and surgical repair on the kinematics and stability of the elbow: An in vitro biomechanical study Journal Articles
The natural history of lung cancer estimated from the results of a randomized trial of screening Journal Articles
The novel immunoregulatory molecule FGL2: A potential biomarker for severity of chronic hepatitis C virus infection Journal Articles
The nucleotide sequence of the 5′-untranslated region of bovine viral diarrhoea virus: its use as a probe in rapid detection of bovine viral diarrhoea viruses and border disease viruses Journal Articles
The partial area under the summary ROC curve Journal Articles
The predictive value of intracellular imatinib levels in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia Journal Articles
The premenstrual tension syndrome rating scales: An updated version Journal Articles
The prevalence of clinically significant endoscopic findings in primary care patients with uninvestigated dyspepsia: the Canadian Adult Dyspepsia Empiric Treatment – Prompt Endoscopy (CADET–PE) study Journal Articles
The problem of imperfect reference standards Journal Articles
The progression and correction of duplex detected velocity shifts in angiographically normal vein grafts Journal Articles
The quality of diagnostic studies used for the diagnostic criteria of periprosthetic joint infections Journal Articles
The relationship between moisture or mould observations in houses and the state of health of their occupants Journal Articles
The relative merits of Doppler sonography in the evaluation of patients with clinically and scintigraphically suspected testicular torsion. Journal Articles
The reliability of a segmentation methodology for assessing intramuscular adipose tissue and other soft-tissue compartments of lower leg MRI images Journal Articles
The role of cytology (Pap tests) and human papillomavirus testing in anal cancer screening Journal Articles
The sensitivity and specificity of platelet autoantibody testing in immune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of a diagnostic test Journal Articles
The sensitivity and specificity of the mannitol bronchial challenge test to identify asthma in different populations: a systematic review Journal Articles
The sensitivity, specificity and reliability of the GALS (gait, arms, legs and spine) examination when used by physiotherapists and physiotherapy students to detect rheumatoid arthritis Journal Articles
The signal averaged P wave in atrioventricular block—evidence for abnormal atrial conduction? Journal Articles
The standard gamble demonstrated lower reliability than the feeling thermometer Journal Articles
The structure, reliability and validity of pain expression: Evidence from patients with shoulder pain Journal Articles
The two-minute walk test as a measure of functional capacity in cardiac surgery patients11No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon any organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. Journal Articles
The use of bioelectric impedance analysis to measure fluid compartments in subjects with chronic paraplegia11No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon any organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. Journal Articles
The use of induced sputum in clinical trials Journal Articles
The use of optical coherence tomography in neuro-ophthalmology Journal Articles
The use of preoperative radiotherapy in the management of patients with clinically resectable rectal cancer: a practice guideline Journal Articles
The use of spatially resolved fluorescence and reflectance to determine interface depth in layered fluorophore distributions Journal Articles
The use of ultrasound in endemic Burkitt lymphoma in Cameroon Journal Articles
The use of well‐characterized sera for the assessment of new diagnostic enzyme‐immunoassays for the diagnosis of heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
The value of histopathologic examination and Xpert (MTB/RIF) assay in diagnosis of cervical lymph node tuberculosis after coarse needle biopsy guided by CEUS: a retrospective analysis of 612 cases. Journal Articles
The value of pretest probability and modified clinical pulmonary infection score to diagnose ventilator-associated pneumonia Journal Articles
Theory and application of static field inhomogeneity effects in gradient‐echo imaging Journal Articles
Thermoregulation in boys and men exercising at the same heat production per unit body mass Journal Articles
Thickness of soft tissue of lower extremities measured with magnetic resonance imaging as a new indicator for staging unilateral secondary lower extremity lymphedema Journal Articles
Thienopyridone Drugs Are Selective Activators of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase β1-Containing Complexes Journal Articles
Thoracic imaging tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19 Journal Articles
Thoracic imaging tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19 Journal Articles
Thoracic imaging tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19 Journal Articles
Throat Swabs Are Necessary to Reliably Detect Carriers of Staphylococcus aureus Journal Articles
Throat and nasal swabs for molecular detection of respiratory viruses in acute pharyngitis Journal Articles
Thrombosis in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated at a Tertiary Care Center in Lebanon: Revisiting the Role of Predictive Models Journal Articles
Thwarting sore throats. Journal Articles
Tilted fiber Bragg grating sensor interrogation system using a high-resolution silicon-on-insulator arrayed waveguide grating Journal Articles
Tips for Teachers of Evidence-Based Medicine: Adjusting for Prognostic Imbalances (Confounding Variables) in Studies on Therapy or Harm Journal Articles
Tips for Teachers of Evidence-based Medicine: Making Sense of Diagnostic Test Results Using Likelihood Ratios Journal Articles
Tips for learners of evidence-based medicine: 5. The effect of spectrum of disease on the performance of diagnostic tests Journal Articles
Tissue similarity maps (TSMs): A new means of mapping vascular behavior and calculating relative blood volume in perfusion weighted imaging Journal Articles
To the editor Journal Articles
Tools for mass screening of G6PD deficiency: validation of the WST8/1-methoxy-PMS enzymatic assay in Uganda Journal Articles
Towards Subject-Specific Models of the Dynamic Heart for Image-Guided Mitral Valve Surgery Journal Articles
Transient Overexpression of TGF-β1 Induces Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in the Rodent Peritoneum Journal Articles
Transluminal Attenuation Gradient in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography Is a Novel Noninvasive Approach to the Identification of Functionally Significant Coronary Artery Stenosis Journal Articles
Transperineal and Transvaginal Sonography of Perianal Inflammatory Disease Journal Articles
Transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy for the diagnosis of localised pulmonary lesions: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Transvaginal Ultrasound Can Accurately Predict the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Stage of Endometriosis Assigned at Laparoscopy Journal Articles
Traumatic Cervical Discoligamentous Injuries: Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Operative Findings Journal Articles
Treatment of first-void urine with Aptima Transfer Solution increases detection of high-risk HPV E6/E7 mRNA Journal Articles
Treatment of proximal vein thrombosis with subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin vs intravenous heparin. An economic perspective Journal Articles
Trials and Tribulations of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Journal Articles
Trichomonas vaginalis Prevalence Increases With Remoteness in Rural and Remote New South Wales, Australia Conferences
Tricuspid Annular Systolic Velocity Predicts Maximal Oxygen Consumption During Exercise in Adult Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Journal Articles
Troponin levels in hemodialysis patients: interpretation based on guidelines, changing concentrations and high-sensitivity assays Journal Articles
Turning a Kinase Deoxyribozyme into a Sensor Journal Articles
Twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure for the management of antihypertensive treatment: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Two‐Dimensional Speckle‐Tracking Echocardiography Reveals Systolic Abnormalities in Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Wegener’s) Journal Articles
US or CT for Diagnosis of Appendicitis in Children and Adults? A Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Ultra-short echo-time pulmonary MRI: Evaluation and reproducibility in COPD subjects with and without bronchiectasis Journal Articles
Ultrasensitive ATP Detection Using Firefly Luciferase Entrapped in Sugar-Modified Sol−Gel-Derived Silica Journal Articles
Ultrasensitive detection of oncogenic human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal tissue swabs Journal Articles
Ultrasonographic Assessment of Endometrial Thickness: A Review Journal Articles
Ultrasonographic characteristics of lymph nodes as predictors of malignancy during endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS): A systematic review Journal Articles
Ultrasonographic evaluation and clinical correlation of intratesticular lesions: a series of 39 cases Journal Articles
Ultrasonography and Fine‐Needle Aspiration in Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules: A Systematic Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Journal Articles
Ultrasonography of the shoulder: pitfalls and variants. Journal Articles
Ultrasound Screening Strategies for the Diagnosis of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract Journal Articles
Ultrasound of intrinsic wrist ligament and triangular fibrocartilage injuries Journal Articles
Ultrasound of the hands and feet for rheumatological disorders: influence on clinical diagnostic confidence and patient management Journal Articles
Ultrasound screening for asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis after major orthopaedic surgery: the VENUS study Journal Articles
Ultrasound-Based Endometriosis Staging System: Validation Study to Predict Complexity of Laparoscopic Surgery Journal Articles
Underestimation of pain by health-care providers: towards a model of the process of inferring pain in others. Journal Articles
Understanding receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves Journal Articles
Undetectable Concentrations of a Food and Drug Administration–approved High‐sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Assay to Rule Out Acute Myocardial Infarction at Emergency Department Arrival Journal Articles
Unenhanced CT for the Diagnosis of Minimal-Fat Renal Angiomyolipoma Journal Articles
Update on multiparametric MRI of urinary bladder cancer Journal Articles
Update: The Patient-rated Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire Is Now the Patient-rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation Journal Articles
Updated ultrasound criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome: reliable thresholds for elevated follicle population and ovarian volume Journal Articles
Urate levels as a predictor of cardiac deaths: causal relation or mere association? Journal Articles
Ureter Visualization With Transvaginal Ultrasound Journal Articles
Urinary 6‐sulphatoxymelatonin, an index of pineal function in the rat Journal Articles
Use and misuse of cost-effectiveness terminology in the gastroenterology literature: a systematic review Journal Articles
Use of Carotid Ultrasound to Identify Subclinical Vascular Disease and Evaluate Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Consensus Statement from the American Society of Echocardiography Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Task Force Endorsed by the Society for Vascular Medicine Journal Articles
Use of Flocked Swabs and a Universal Transport Medium To Enhance Molecular Detection of
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Use of GRADE for assessment of evidence about prognosis: rating confidence in estimates of event rates in broad categories of patients Journal Articles
Use of Machine Learning for Predicting Escitalopram Treatment Outcome From Electroencephalography Recordings in Adult Patients With Depression Journal Articles
Use of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction for Diagnosis and Staging of Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors, and Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor Journal Articles
Use of Truquant BR radioimmunoassay for early detection of breast cancer recurrence in patients with stage II and stage III disease. Journal Articles
Use of a Multitarget Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Assay to Diagnose Bladder Cancer in Patients With Hematuria Journal Articles
Use of antiplatelets and lipid lowering therapy in patients with peripheral vascular disease undergoing surgery [corrected]. Journal Articles
Use of certainty of opinion data to enhance clinical decision making Journal Articles
Use of different d‐dimer levels to exclude venous thromboembolism depending on clinical pretest probability Journal Articles
Use of the Valve Visualization on Echocardiography Grade Tool Improves Sensitivity and Negative Predictive Value of Transthoracic Echocardiogram for Exclusion of Native Valvular Vegetation Journal Articles
Use of ultrasound in diagnosing postoperative small-bowel intussusception in pediatric surgical oncology patients: a single-center retrospective review Journal Articles
Usefulness of B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and C-Reactive Protein in Predicting the Presence or Absence of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Systemic Hypertension Journal Articles
Usefulness of Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography to Assess Suitability for Revascularization in Patients With Significant Coronary Artery Disease and Angina Pectoris Journal Articles
Usefulness of dobutamine stress echocardiography in detecting coronary artery disease in end-stage renal disease Journal Articles
Usefulness of the Calgary Syncope Symptom Score for the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope in the elderly Journal Articles
Usefulness of the QTc interval in predicting myocardial ischemia in patients undergoing exercise stress testing Journal Articles
User's guide to the surgical literature: how to use an article about a diagnostic test. Journal Articles
Users' guide to the surgical literature: how to use a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Users' guides to the medical literature. III. How to use an article about a diagnostic test. B. What are the results and will they help me in caring for my patients? The Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group Journal Articles
Using an age-dependent D-dimer cut-off value increases the number of older patients in whom deep vein thrombosis can be safely excluded Journal Articles
Using chemical exchange to assign non-covalent protein complexes in slow exchange with the free state: Enhanced resolution and efficient signal editing Journal Articles
Using duration of memory loss to improve differentiation of mild cognitive impairment from normal cognition Journal Articles
Using pre-treatment electroencephalography data to predict response to transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for major depression Journal Articles
Using the clinical chemistry score in the emergency department to detect adverse cardiac events: a diagnostic accuracy study Journal Articles
Using the entire cohort in the receiver operating characteristic analysis maximizes precision of the minimal important difference Journal Articles
Using the evaluation of the Dalhousie Outpost Nursing Program for responsive social action. Journal Articles
Usual Therapy Improves Perianal Crohn??s Disease as Measured by a New Disease Activity Index Journal Articles
Utility of MRI Before and After Uterine Fibroid Embolization: Why to Do It and What to Look For Journal Articles
Utility of PET-CT in detecting nodal metastasis in cN0 early stage oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma Journal Articles
Utility of flexible sigmoidoscopy as an adjunct to double-contrast barium enema examination Journal Articles
Utility of ultrasonographic venous assessment prior to forearm arteriovenous fistula creation Journal Articles
Vaginal Swabs Are the Specimens of Choice When Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Results From a Multicenter Evaluation of the APTIMA Assays for Both Infections Conferences
Validating Chronic Disease Ascertainment Algorithms for Use in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging* Journal Articles
Validating the diagnostic accuracy of an MRI-based scoring system for differentiating benign uterine leiomyomas from leiomyosarcomas Journal Articles
Validation of Parent-reported Gestational Age Categories for Children Less Than 6 Years of Age Journal Articles
Validation of a Clinical Score for the Diagnosis of Late Onset Neonatal Septicemia in Babies Weighing 1000-2500 g Journal Articles
Validation of a commercially available SARS-CoV-2 serological immunoassay Journal Articles
Validation of a rapid whole blood test for diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection Journal Articles
Validation of a rapid whole blood test for diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection Journal Articles
Validation of a rapid whole blood test for diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection. Conflicting results from the Helisal test. Journal Articles
Validation of noninvasive biomarkers (FibroTest, SteatoTest, and NashTest) for prediction of liver injury in patients with morbid obesity Journal Articles
Validation of the APTIMA Combo 2 Assay for the Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in SurePath Liquid-Based Pap Test Samples Taken With Different Collection Devices Journal Articles
Validation of the Rome III Criteria for the Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Secondary Care Journal Articles
Validation of the Seegene RV15 multiplex PCR for the detection of influenza A subtypes and influenza B lineages during national influenza surveillance in hospitalized adults Journal Articles
Validation of the intolerance of uncertainty scale as a screening tool for perinatal anxiety Journal Articles
Validez y sensibilidad al cambio de la versión española autoadministrada del cuestionario de la enfermedad respiratoria crónica (CRQ-SAS) Journal Articles
Validity and Community Utility of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure Journal Articles
Validity of 3 Physical Performance Measures in Inpatient Geriatric Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Validity of Administrative Database Coding for Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Validity of Self-Reported Comorbidities in Systemic Sclerosis: Table 1. Journal Articles
Validity of composite end points in clinical trials Journal Articles
Validity of the Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment Work Simulator in the Measurement of Lifting Endurance in Healthy Men Journal Articles
Validity of the Japanese Version of the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment Screen Journal Articles
Validity of the central sensitization inventory with measures of sensitization in people with knee osteoarthritis Journal Articles
Value of multislice computed tomography in the diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia Journal Articles
Value of strain-wave sonoelastography as an imaging modality in assessment of benign acute myositis in children Journal Articles
Variation in estimated glomerular filtration rate at dialysis initiation in children Journal Articles
Venous thrombosis in patients who have undergone major hip or knee surgery: detection with compression US and impedance plethysmography. Journal Articles
Video-Assisted Mediastinoscopy Compared With Conventional Mediastinoscopy: Are We Doing Better? Journal Articles
Virtual Quantification of Metabolites by Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry: Predicting Ionization Efficiency Without Chemical Standards Journal Articles
Vision screening at two years does not reduce the prevalence of reduced vision at four and a half years of age Journal Articles
Visual Inspection for Caries Detection Journal Articles
Wastewater treatment modelling in practice: a collaborative discussion of the state of the art Journal Articles
What Does Early Antisocial Behaviour Predict? A Follow-up of 4- and 5-Year-Olds from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
What is the role of invasive versus non‐invasive coronary angiography in the investigation of patients suspected to have coronary heart disease? Journal Articles
What's under the ROC? An Introduction to Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves Journal Articles
White Matter Thresholds for Ischemic Penumbra and Infarct Core in Patients with Acute Stroke: CT Perfusion Study Journal Articles
Why we permute blocks? Journal Articles
Will eradication of Helicobacter pylori improve symptoms of non-ulcer dyspepsia? Studies included in meta-analysis had heterogenous, not homogenous, results. Journal Articles
Willingness-to-pay (WTP): the new-old kid on the economic evaluation block. Journal Articles
Women's Experiences of Inaccurate Breast Cancer Screening Results: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-synthesis. Journal Articles
YouTube: A good source of information on pediatric tonsillectomy? Journal Articles
[Assessment of intestinal permeability using 51 CrEDTA: clinical usefulness in the detection of small bowel epithelial structural abnormalities]. Journal Articles
[Differential diagnosis of axillary lymph nodes: Usefulness of gray-scale and color-power doppler sonography]. Journal Articles
[Economic evaluation of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab in neovascular age-related macular degeneration]. Journal Articles
[Meta-analysis as a synthesis of clinical and epidemiologic information. Its application to treatments in gynecology and obstetrics]. Journal Articles
[Microsatellite instability in urine sediments from patients with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder and its clinical value]. Journal Articles
[Narrowband fibrocystoscopy in diagnosis of bladder cancer]. Journal Articles
[Noninvasive evaluation of ischemia and viability after acute myocardial infarction]. Journal Articles
[The actual issues of measurement and presentation of results of albumin excretion with urine]. Journal Articles
von Willebrand factor antigen--a possible biomarker of disease activity in childhood central nervous system vasculitis? Journal Articles
“Reactive Airways Disease” Journal Articles