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subject area of
15q11.2 microdeletion (BP1–BP2) and developmental delay, behaviour issues, epilepsy and congenital heart disease: A series of 52 patients Journal Articles
17HSD 2 may be higher in African-American breast cancer and is associated with estrogen receptor-negative tumors. Journal Articles
4-phenylbutyrate and valproate treatment attenuates the progression of atherosclerosis and stabilizes existing plaques Journal Articles
50bp deletion in the promoter for superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) reduces SOD1 expression in vitro and may correlate with increased age of onset of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Articles
CRB1-related retinopathy overlapping the ocular phenotype of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency Journal Articles
DHCR7 mutations and genotype–phenotype correlation in 37 Polish patients with Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
GRIN2Bencephalopathy: novel findings on phenotype, variant clustering, functional consequences and treatment aspects Journal Articles
In VivoMagnetic Resonance Imaging and Semiautomated Image Analysis Extend the Brain Phenotype forcdf/cdfMice Journal Articles
COL4A2‐Related Disorder Presenting in Adulthood With Rhabdomyolysis Journal Articles
TSPEAR variants are primarily associated with ectodermal dysplasia and tooth agenesis but not hearing loss: A novel cohort study Journal Articles
PM10‐stimulated airway epithelial cells activate primary human dendritic cells independent of uric acid: Application of an in vitro model system exposing dendritic cells to airway epithelial cell‐conditioned media Journal Articles
A Bayesian hierarchical model for improving measurement of 5mC and 5hmC levels: Toward revealing associations between phenotypes and methylation states Journal Articles
A Computable Phenotype for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Journal Articles
A Discovery Resource of Rare Copy Number Variations in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
A Law of Redundancy Compounds the Problem of Cancer and Precision Medicine Journal Articles
A Male Phenotype With Aicardi Syndrome Journal Articles
A Mild Phenotype of Severe β+ Thalassemia in a 16-Month-Old Boy Journal Articles
A Novel Human β-Globin Gene Variant [Hb London-Ontario,HBB: c.332T>G] is Associated with Transfusion-Dependent Anemia in a Patient with a Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Pattern Consistent with β-Thalassemia Trait Journal Articles
A PPARγ mutant serves as a dominant negative inhibitor of PPAR signaling and is localized in the nucleus Journal Articles
A Poor Prognostic ALK Phenotype: A Review of Molecular Markers of Poor Prognosis in ALK Rearranged Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer. Journal Articles
A Population-Based Study of Dystrophin Mutations in Canada Journal Articles
A Prospective Case Series of High-risk Infants who Developed Autism Journal Articles
A Regional Burden of Sequence-Level Variation in the 22q11.2 Region Influences Schizophrenia Risk and Educational Attainment Journal Articles
A Role of p73 in Mitotic Exit Journal Articles
A cell-specific regulatory region of the human ABO blood group gene regulates the neighborhood gene encoding odorant binding protein 2B Journal Articles
A comparison of pravastatin and gemfibrozil in the treatment of dyslipoproteinemia in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Journal Articles
A comprehensive 1000 Genomes–based genome-wide association meta-analysis of coronary artery disease Journal Articles
A consensus-based framework for conducting and reporting osteoarthritis phenotype research Journal Articles
A doubtful relationship between tyrosine tRNA and suppression of the vermilion mutant in Drosophila Journal Articles
A fatal lymphoproliferative disorder with a suppressor T-cell phenotype. Neoplastic, reactive, or both? Journal Articles
A fatal turkish case of CINCA-NOMID syndrome due to the novel Val-351-Leu CIAS1 gene mutation Journal Articles
A general mechanism for conditional expression of exaggerated sexually‐selected traits Journal Articles
A genetic link between prepregnancy body mass index, postpartum weight retention, and offspring weight in early childhood Journal Articles
A genome-wide linkage study of autism spectrum disorder and the broad autism phenotype in extended pedigrees Journal Articles
A genotype-to-phenotype map of in vitro selected RNA-cleaving DNAzymes: implications for accessing the target phenotype Journal Articles
A human cell line that maintains telomeres in the absence of telomerase and of key markers of ALT Journal Articles
A large-scale candidate gene association study of age at menarche and age at natural menopause Journal Articles
A method to estimate the contribution of rare coding variants to complex trait heritability Journal Articles
A method to estimate the contribution of regional genetic associations to complex traits from summary association statistics Journal Articles
A multiplexable assay for screening antibiotic lethality against drug-tolerant bacteria Journal Articles
A new frameshift β°‐thalassemia mutation (codons 27–28 +C) found in a Chinese family Journal Articles
A newly discovered class of human hematopoietic cells with SCID-repopulating activity Journal Articles
A novel assay for improved detection of sputum periostin in patients with asthma Journal Articles
A novel copy number variant in the murine Cdh23 gene gives rise to profound deafness and vestibular dysfunction Journal Articles
A novel lung disease phenotype adjusted for mortality attrition for cystic fibrosis Genetic modifier studies Journal Articles
A novel multisystem disease associated with recessive mutations in the tyrosyl‐tRNA synthetase (YARS) gene Journal Articles
A novel mutation c.4003 G>C in the CREBBP gene in an adult female with Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome presenting with subtle dysmorphic features Journal Articles
A patient-derived cellular model for Huntington’s disease reveals phenotypes at clinically relevant CAG lengths Journal Articles
A phenome-wide association study of a lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2loss-of-function variant in 90 000 Chinese adults Journal Articles
A phosphate transport system is required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
A polygenic basis for four classical Fredrickson hyperlipoproteinemia phenotypes that are characterized by hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
A rare subtelomeric deletion syndrome: Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome. Journal Articles
A review of the empirical evidence for costs of plasticity in ectothermic animals. Journal Articles
A robust method to estimate regional polygenic correlation under misspecified linkage disequilibrium structure Journal Articles
A simplified diagnosis algorithm for dysbetalipoproteinemia Journal Articles
A standardised method for interpreting the association between mutations and phenotypic drug resistance inMycobacterium tuberculosis Journal Articles
A survey of P1-antibodies in Scottish pigeon fanciers. Journal Articles
ABHD16A deficiency causes a complicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia associated with intellectual disability and cerebral anomalies Journal Articles
ANCA-positive and ANCA-negative phenotypes of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA): outcome and long-term follow-up of 50 patients from a single Polish center. Journal Articles
AP-2αTranscription Factor Is Required for Early Morphogenesis of the Lens Vesicle Journal Articles
APOA5 genetic variants are markers for classic hyperlipoproteinemia phenotypes and hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
AP‐2α is required after lens vesicle formation to maintain lens integrity Journal Articles
Aberrant Epigenetic Regulation: A Central Contributor to Lung Carcinogenesis and a New Therapeutic Target Journal Articles
Abnormal enzyme phenotype (e1 a e1 f): Normal response to succinylcholine Journal Articles
Absence of compensatory vasodilation with perfusion pressure challenge in exercise: evidence for and implications of the noncompensator phenotype Journal Articles
Acclimation of the crucifer Eutrema salsugineum to phosphate limitation is associated with constitutively high expression of phosphate‐starvation genes Journal Articles
Accuracy and Biological Variation of Human Serum Paraoxonase 1 Activity and Polymorphism (Q192R) by Kinetic Enzyme Assay Journal Articles
Acetylation phenotype and cytochrome P450IA2 phenotype are unlikely to be associated with peripheral arterial disease Journal Articles
Active metabolite concentration of clopidogrel in patients taking different doses of aspirin: results of the interaction trial Journal Articles
Acute exacerbations of progressive-fibrosing interstitial lung diseases Journal Articles
Adaptationism – how to carry out an exaptationist program Journal Articles
Adenosine Kinase Deficiency Is Associated with Developmental Abnormalities and Reduced Transmethylation Journal Articles
Adiponectin is expressed by skeletal muscle fibers and influences muscle phenotype and function Journal Articles
Admixture mapping of male nuptial colour and body shape in a recently formed hybrid population of threespine stickleback Journal Articles
Advances in Genomic Analysis of Stroke Journal Articles
Advances in the molecular classification of pediatric brain tumors: a guide to the galaxy Journal Articles
Adverse metabolic phenotype of adolescent girls with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease plus polycystic ovary syndrome compared with other girls and boys Journal Articles
Age differences in arterial and venous extra-cerebral blood flow in healthy adults: contributions of vascular risk factors and genetic variants Journal Articles
Age-Related Resistance inArabidopsis thalianaInvolves the MADS-Domain Transcription Factor SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE and Direct Action of Salicylic Acid onPseudomonas syringae Journal Articles
Airway smooth muscle in asthma: Phenotype plasticity and function Conferences
Alexithymia in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Allelic and phenotypic spectrum of plasma triglycerides Journal Articles
Allergen bronchoprovocation test: an important research tool supporting precision medicine Journal Articles
Allergen challenge, eosinophils and the long road to asthma endotypes. Journal Articles
Altered TAOK2 activity causes autism-related neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities through RhoA signaling Journal Articles
An ABC-Type Cobalt Transport System Is Essential for Growth of Sinorhizobium melilotiat Trace Metal Concentrations Journal Articles
An Increased Burden of Common and Rare Lipid-Associated Risk Alleles Contributes to the Phenotypic Spectrum of Hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
An Intact Intermediate Filament Network Is Required for Collateral Sprouting of Small Diameter Nerve Fibers Journal Articles
An Overview of the Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Journal Articles
An anti-CRISPR from a virulent streptococcal phage inhibits Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 Journal Articles
An autosomal dominant neurological disorder caused by de novo variants in FAR1 resulting in uncontrolled synthesis of ether lipids Journal Articles
Analysis of Beta-Cell Gene Expression Reveals Inflammatory Signaling and Evidence of Dedifferentiation following Human Islet Isolation and Culture Journal Articles
Analysis of C4‐dicarboxylate transport genes in Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Analysis of a 1600-kilobase Rhizobium meliloti megaplasmid using defined deletions generated in vivo. Journal Articles
Analysis of tRNAs during the development of Drosophila Journal Articles
Analysis of the Contribution of
Pathogenicity Islands 1 and 2 to Enteric Disease Progression Using a Novel Bovine Ileal Loop Model and a Murine Model of Infectious Enterocolitis Journal Articles
Analytical strategies to include the X‐chromosome in variance heterogeneity analyses: Evidence for trait‐specific polygenic variance structure Journal Articles
Another Bacillus sphaericus serotype harbouring strains very toxic to mosquito larvae: Serotype H6 Journal Articles
Antibodies Encoded by FCRL4-Bearing Memory B Cells Preferentially Recognize Commensal Microbial Antigens Journal Articles
Artificial intelligence and heart failure: A state‐of‐the‐art review Journal Articles
Assignment by deletion of human red cell acid phosphatase gene locus to the short arm of chromosome 2. Journal Articles
Association Between a Literature-Based Genetic Risk Score and Cardiovascular Events in Women Journal Articles
Association BetweenNRASandBRAFMutational Status and Melanoma-Specific Survival Among Patients With Higher-Risk Primary Melanoma Journal Articles
Association between ADIPOQ gene polymorphisms and the risk of new-onset diabetes mellitus after liver transplantation Journal Articles
Association between HLA Class I and Class II Alleles and the Outcome of West Nile Virus Infection: An Exploratory Study Journal Articles
Association between the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism and the metabolic syndrome in a non-Caucasian multi-ethnic sample Journal Articles
Association of DRD4 with attention problems in normal childhood development Journal Articles
Association of Diabetes With Atrial Fibrillation Phenotype and Cardiac and Neurological Comorbidities: Insights From the Swiss‐AF Study Journal Articles
Association of heart rate and diabetes among 0.5 million adults in the China Kadoorie biobank: Results from observational and Mendelian randomization analyses Journal Articles
Association of renal failure with lewis incompatibility after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Journal Articles
Atherothrombosis and Thromboembolism: Position Paper from the Second Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis Journal Articles
BRCA2 Mutation-associated Breast Cancers Exhibit a Distinguishing Phenotype Based on Morphology and Molecular Profiles From Tissue Microarrays Journal Articles
Baraitser–Winter cerebrofrontofacial syndrome: delineation of the spectrum in 42 cases Journal Articles
Bayesian methods for meta‐analysis of causal relationships estimated using genetic instrumental variables Journal Articles
Behavioral Phenotyping of Murine Disease Models with the Integrated Behavioral Station (INBEST) Journal Articles
Benefits and limitations of genome-wide association studies Journal Articles
Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase polymorphism in spinach: Genetic and biochemical characterization Journal Articles
Beyond the Brain Journal Articles
Biallelic variants inWARS2encoding mitochondrial tryptophanyl-tRNA synthase in six individuals with mitochondrial encephalopathy Journal Articles
Bicaudal D2 is a novel autoantibody target in systemic sclerosis that shares a key epitope with CENP-A but has a distinct clinical phenotype Journal Articles
Bioinformatics of antimicrobial resistance in the age of molecular epidemiology Journal Articles
Biological, clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids Journal Articles
Birth cohorts in asthma and allergic diseases: Report of a NIAID/NHLBI/MeDALL joint workshop Journal Articles
BldD fromStreptomyces coelicoloris a non-essential global regulator that binds its own promoter as a dimer Journal Articles
Bone marrow involvement and obstructive jaundice in Farber lipogranulomatosis: clinical and autopsy report of a new case Journal Articles
Bovine serum transferrin phenotypes AA, D1D1, D2D2, EE: Their carbohydrate compositions and electrophoretic multiplicity Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene val66met polymorphism and executive functioning in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Brief Report: Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Heterogeneity of the Restricted, Repetitive Behaviours and Interests Domain of Autism: A Greek Study Journal Articles
Brief Report: Relationship Between Non-verbal IQ and Gender in Autism Journal Articles
CADM2 is implicated in impulsive personality and numerous other traits by genome- and phenome-wide association studies in humans and mice Journal Articles
CARD15 and IL23R influences Crohnʼs disease susceptibility but not disease phenotype in a Brazilian population Journal Articles
CFTR2: How will it help care? Journal Articles
CHIP Deficiency Decreases Longevity, with Accelerated Aging Phenotypes Accompanied by Altered Protein Quality Control Journal Articles
CK8/18 expression, the basal phenotype, and family history in identifying BRCA1‐associated breast cancer in the Ontario site of the Breast Cancer Family Registry Journal Articles
COPD profiles and treatable traits using minimal resources: identification, decision tree and stability over time Journal Articles
Caenorhabditis briggsae Recombinant Inbred Line Genotypes Reveal Inter-Strain Incompatibility and the Evolution of Recombination Journal Articles
Calibrated rare variant genetic risk scores for complex disease prediction using large exome sequence repositories Journal Articles
Cancer phenomics: RET and PTEN as illustrative models Journal Articles
Cardiac Abnormalities in First-Degree Relatives of Unexplained Cardiac Arrest Victims Journal Articles
Cardiac Atrophy, Dysfunction, and Metabolic Impairments Journal Articles
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance demonstration of the spectrum of morphological phenotypes and patterns of myocardial scarring in Anderson-Fabry disease Journal Articles
Carnitine transporter defect due to a novel mutation in the SLC22A5 gene presenting with peripheral neuropathy Journal Articles
Carrier frequency of the RSH/Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz IVS8‐1G>C mutation in African Americans Journal Articles
Causal Effects of Body Mass Index on Cardiometabolic Traits and Events: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis Journal Articles
Causes and Consequences of Genetic Background Effects Illuminated by Integrative Genomic Analysis Journal Articles
Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Side Population Cells Journal Articles
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy with and without hemorrhage Journal Articles
Challenges in defining type 2M von Willebrand disease: results from a Canadian cohort study Journal Articles
Changes in rat and human pepsinogen phenotypes induced by N′-methyl-N′nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine Journal Articles
Changes in the Epidemiology of Thalassemia in North America: A New Minority Disease Journal Articles
Changing Paradigms in the Treatment of Severe Asthma: The Role of Biologic Therapies Journal Articles
Characteristics and determinants of T‐cell phenotype normalization in HIV‐1‐infected individuals receiving long‐term antiretroviral therapy Journal Articles
Characterization of Human TK- Cell Lines Transformed to a TK+ Phenotype by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 DNA Journal Articles
Characterization of Mutational Status, Spheroid Formation, and Drug Response of a New Genomically-Stable Human Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma Cell Line, 105C Journal Articles
Characterization of a novel SCN5A genetic variant A1294G associated with mixed clinical phenotype Journal Articles
Characterization of human disease phenotypes associated with mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C, SAMHD1, ADAR, and IFIH1 Journal Articles
Characterization of human embryonic stem cells with features of neoplastic progression Journal Articles
Characterization of long RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes with short catalytic cores: the effect of excess sequence elements on the outcome of in vitro selection Journal Articles
Characterization ofStreptococcus milleriGroup Isolates from Expectorated Sputum of Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Characterizing Cluster-Based Frailty Phenotypes in a Multicenter Prospective Cohort of Kidney Transplant Candidates Journal Articles
Characterizing the ASD–ADHD phenotype: measurement structure and invariance in a clinical sample Journal Articles
Cheats never prosper Journal Articles
Chemotherapeutic agents doxorubicin and epirubicin induce a procoagulant phenotype on endothelial cells and blood monocytes Conferences
Chitayat-Hall and Schaaf-Yang syndromes:a common aetiology: expanding the phenotype of MAGEL2-related disorders Journal Articles
Cholinergic expression by a neural stem cell line grafted to the adult medial septum/diagonal band complex Journal Articles
Cholinesterase Phenotyping: Clinical Aspects and Laboratory Applications Journal Articles
Chromosomal damage induced by human adenovirus type 12 requires expression of the E1B 55-kilodalton viral protein Journal Articles
Chronic venous abnormalities in symptomatic and asymptomatic protein C deficiency Journal Articles
Circulating TNF and mitochondrial DNA are major determinants of neutrophil phenotype in the advanced-age, frail elderly Journal Articles
Classification of Visual Cortex Plasticity Phenotypes following Treatment for Amblyopia Journal Articles
Classification of osteoarthritis phenotypes by metabolomics analysis Journal Articles
Classifying acute leukemia by immunophenotyping: a combined FAB- immunologic classification of AML Journal Articles
Claudin-Low Breast Cancer; Clinical & Pathological Characteristics Journal Articles
Clinical and Genetic Analysis of Unclassifiable Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes Journal Articles
Clinical evaluation of a hemochromatosis next‐generation sequencing gene panel Journal Articles
Clinical features of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 2 Journal Articles
Clinical phenotypes of three children with sickle cell disease caused by HbS/Sicilian (δβ)0‐thalassemia deletion Journal Articles
Clinical presentation and molecular basis of congenital antithrombin deficiency in children: a cohort study Journal Articles
Clinical spectrum associated with recurrent genomic rearrangements in chromosome 17q12 Journal Articles
Clinical spectrum of pyruvate kinase deficiency: data from the Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Natural History Study Journal Articles
Clinical, biochemical and genetic features of five extended kindred's with glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism. Conferences
Clinical, enzymatic and molecular characterization of nine new patients with malonyl‐coenzyme A decarboxylase deficiency Journal Articles
Clonal Expansion of the Pseudogymnoascus destructans Genotype in North America Is Accompanied by Significant Variation in Phenotypic Expression Journal Articles
Clonal tracking of hESCs reveals differential contribution to functional assays Journal Articles
Cluster Analysis to Explore Clinical Subphenotypes of Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis Conferences
Co-factors, Microbes, and Immunogenetics in Celiac Disease to Guide Novel Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment Journal Articles
Co-operative roles for E-cadherin and N-cadherin during lens vesicle separation and lens epithelial cell survival Journal Articles
Cofilin Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Shuttling Affects Cofilin-Actin Rod Formation During Stress Journal Articles
Common DISC1 Polymorphisms Disrupt Wnt/GSK3β Signaling and Brain Development Journal Articles
Common polymorphisms of cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E2 receptor and increased risk for acute coronary syndrome in coronary artery disease Journal Articles
Commonalities in the Features of Cancer and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Evidence for Stress-Induced Phenotype Instability? Journal Articles
Comparative Genetics of the rdar Morphotype inSalmonella Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of function and interaction of transcription factors in nematodes: Extensive conservation of orthology coupled to rapid sequence evolution Journal Articles
Comparison of Standardization Methods for the Harmonization of Phenotype Data: An Application to Cognitive Measures Journal Articles
Complete Disruption of Autism-Susceptibility Genes by Gene Editing Predominantly Reduces Functional Connectivity of Isogenic Human Neurons Journal Articles
Complex Pseudomonas Population Structure in Cystic Fibrosis Airway Infections Journal Articles
Complexities of recapitulating polygenic effects in natural populations: replication of genetic effects on wing shape in artificially selected and wild-caught populations of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Papillary Renal-Cell Carcinoma Journal Articles
Comprehensive genetic sequence and copy number analysis for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in a Canadian cohort of 2517 patients Journal Articles
Computational Prediction of Position Effects of Apparently Balanced Human Chromosomal Rearrangements Journal Articles
Condition dependence and the nature of genetic variation for male sex comb bristle number in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Conditional Deletion of AP-2β in the Periocular Mesenchyme of Mice Alters Corneal Epithelial Cell Fate and Stratification Journal Articles
Cone dystrophy phenotype associated with a frameshift mutation (M280fsX291) in the -subunit of cone specific transducin (GNAT2) Journal Articles
Conservation of Lotus and Arabidopsis Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Proteins Reveals New Players in Root Hair Development
Journal Articles
Consider If You Will: Proton Pump Inhibitors in Children, Infections, and Precision Medicine Journal Articles
Consistent changes in muscle phenotype and mitochondrial abundance underlie dive performance across multiple lineages of diving ducks Journal Articles
Contraception: Endometrial lymphomyeloid cells in abnormal uterine bleeding due to levonorgestrel (Norplant) Journal Articles
Contribution of Large Region Joint Associations to Complex Traits Genetics Journal Articles
Copy number variation in metabolic phenotypes Journal Articles
Cortical Serotonin Type-2 Receptor Density in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Crohn’s Disease Phenotypes and Associations With Comorbidities, Surgery Risk, Medications and Nonmedication Approaches: The MAGIC in IMAGINE Study Journal Articles
Cryptic Genetic Variation in Natural Populations: A Predictive Framework Journal Articles
Cutting Edge Issues in the Churg–Strauss Syndrome Journal Articles
Cytokine responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to allergen do not identify asthma or asthma phenotypes Journal Articles
DHCR7 and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Journal Articles
DHCR7 nonsense mutations and characterisation of mRNA nonsense mediated decay in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
DNA methyltransferase 3a mediates developmental thermal plasticity Journal Articles
DNA-mediated transfer of herpes simplex virus TK gene to human TK- cells: properties of the transformed lines. Journal Articles
DNA‐Binding domain mutations confer severe outcome at an early age among STAT1 gain‐of‐function patients Journal Articles
Data-driven cognitive phenotypes in subjects with bipolar disorder and their clinical markers of severity Journal Articles
De novo and rare inherited copy-number variations in the hemiplegic form of cerebral palsy Journal Articles
De novo mutation of the β-globin gene initiation codon (ATG→AAG) in a Northern European Journal Articles
De novo mutations in the GTP/GDP-binding region of RALA, a RAS-like small GTPase, cause intellectual disability and developmental delay Journal Articles
Decoding ‘Unnecessary Complexity’: A Law of Complexity and a Concept of Hidden Variation Behind “Missing Heritability” in Precision Medicine Journal Articles
Decomposing the autism phenotype into familial dimensions Journal Articles
Deep phenotypic characterization of the retinal dystrophy in patients with RNU4ATAC-associated Roifman syndrome Journal Articles
Defining Aging Phenotypes and Related Outcomes: Clues to Recognize Frailty in Hospitalized Older Patients Journal Articles
Defining the clinical phenotype of Saul–Wilson syndrome Journal Articles
Defining the disease liability of variants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene Journal Articles
Defining vascular anomaly phenotypes in children based on a systematic literature search: A critical step in developing a single severity score for interventional clinical trials Journal Articles
Delayed prezygotic isolating mechanisms: evolution with a twist Journal Articles
Deletion 9q34.3 syndrome: genotype-phenotype correlations and an extended deletion in a patient with features of Opitz C trigonocephaly Journal Articles
Deletion of MAP2K2/MEK2: a novel mechanism for a RASopathy? Journal Articles
Deletion of Myeloid GSK3α Attenuates Atherosclerosis and Promotes an M2 Macrophage Phenotype Journal Articles
Demystifying phenotypes: The comparative genomics of evo-devo Journal Articles
Dendritic Cells Derived from Murine Colonic Mucosa Have Unique Functional and Phenotypic Characteristics Journal Articles
Derivation and Initial Validation of Clinical Phenotypes of Children Presenting with Concussion Acutely in the Emergency Department: Latent Class Analysis of a Multi-Center, Prospective Cohort, Observational Study Journal Articles
Development of Retinoblastoma in the Absence of Telomerase Activity Journal Articles
Development of a low-cost, user-customizable, high-speed camera Journal Articles
Developmental Systems Drift and the Drivers of Sex Chromosome Evolution Journal Articles
Developmental delay in shivering limits thermogenic capacity in juvenile high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Journal Articles
Diagnosis and clinical presentation of two individuals with a rareTCF20pathogenic variant Journal Articles
Diagnosis and high incidence of hyperornithinemia‐hyperammonemia‐homocitrullinemia (HHH) syndrome in northern Saskatchewan Journal Articles
Diagnosis of TET3-Related Beck-Fahrner Syndrome in an Individual With Chorioretinal and Iris Colobomata Using a DNA Methylation Signature. Journal Articles
Diagnosis of inherited platelet function disorders: guidance from the SSC of the ISTH Journal Articles
Diagnosis of ‘possible’ mitochondrial disease: an existential crisis Journal Articles
Diagnostic Utility of Genome-wide DNA Methylation Testing in Genetically Unsolved Individuals with Suspected Hereditary Conditions Journal Articles
Dietary nitrate restores compensatory vasodilation and exercise capacity in response to a compromise in oxygen delivery in the noncompensator phenotype Journal Articles
Differences between Syrian Hamster Strains in Natural Killer Cell Activity Induced by Infection with Pichinde Virus Journal Articles
Differences in lymphocyte responsiveness to lymphokines in two inbred strains of Syrian hamster. Journal Articles
Different hotspot p53 mutants exert distinct phenotypes and predict outcome of colorectal cancer patients Journal Articles
Differentiation of Human Basophils and Mast Cells Journal Articles
Diphtheria toxin resistance in chinese hamster cells: Genetic and biochemical characteristics of the mutants affected in protein synthesis Journal Articles
Diphtheria-toxin-resistant mutants of CHO cells affected in protein synthesis: A novel phenotype Journal Articles
Disconnect between sputum neutrophils and other measures of airway inflammation in asthma Journal Articles
Discordance analysis of Apolipoprotein B and non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol as markers of cardiovascular risk in the INTERHEART study Journal Articles
Discovering cooperative traits in crop plants Journal Articles
Disintegrating the fly: A mutational perspective on phenotypic integration and covariation Journal Articles
Disruption of the ASTN2/TRIM32 locus at 9q33.1 is a risk factor in males for autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental phenotypes Journal Articles
Distinct Mechanisms of Action of theLozengeLocus inDrosophilaEye and Antennal Development are Suggested by the Analysis of Dominant Enhancers Journal Articles
Distinct Phenotype Clusters in Childhood Inflammatory Brain Diseases: Implications for Diagnostic Evaluation Journal Articles
Distinct Phenotypic Adhesion Molecule Expression on Human Cord Blood Progenitors During Early Eosinophilic Commitment: Upregulation of β7 Integrins Journal Articles
Distribution and Characteristics of
Listeria monocytogenes
Isolates from Surface Waters of the South Nation River Watershed, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution and prevalence of leukocyte phenotypes in brains of lupus-prone mice Journal Articles
Distribution of CFTR mutations in Saguenay– Lac-Saint-Jean: proposal of a panel of mutations for population screening Journal Articles
Diverse Evolutionary Trajectories Characterize a Community of RNA-Cleaving Deoxyribozymes: A Case Study into the Population Dynamics of In Vitro Selection Journal Articles
Diverse hematological phenotypes of β‐thalassemia carriers Journal Articles
Do common in silico tools predict the clinical consequences of amino‐acid substitutions in the CFTR gene? Journal Articles
Do mice bred selectively for high locomotor activity have a greater reliance on lipids to power submaximal aerobic exercise? Journal Articles
Does Integration of Various Ion Channel Measurements Improve Diagnostic Performance in Cystic Fibrosis? Journal Articles
Does extensive genotyping and nasal potential difference testing clarify the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis among patients with single-organ manifestations of cystic fibrosis? Journal Articles
Does the clinical presentation and extent of venous thrombosis predict likelihood and type of recurrence? A patient‐level meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Does your gene need a background check? How genetic background impacts the analysis of mutations, genes, and evolution Journal Articles
Draft genome of the red harvester ant
Pogonomyrmex barbatus Journal Articles
Dramatically Different Phenotypes in Mouse Models of Human Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff Diseases Journal Articles
Dual decline in gait speed and cognition is associated with future dementia: evidence for a phenotype Journal Articles
Dual molecular diagnoses in a neurometabolic specialty clinic Journal Articles
Duplication of AKT3 as a cause of macrocephaly in duplication 1q43q44 Journal Articles
Dysferlin aggregation in limb‐girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B/myoshi myopathy necessitates mutational screen for diagnosis Journal Articles
EAACI Biologicals Guidelines—Recommendations for severe asthma Journal Articles
Early Life Exposure to Fructose and Offspring Phenotype: Implications for Long Term Metabolic Homeostasis Journal Articles
Early and lethal neurodegeneration with myasthenic and myopathic features Journal Articles
Early infancy microbial and metabolic alterations affect risk of childhood asthma Journal Articles
Ectomorphic body habitus, microcephaly, developmental delay with characteristic facial phenotype Journal Articles
Effect of chronic contractile activity on mRNA stability in skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Effect of the Factor V Leiden Mutation on the Clinical Expression of Severe Hemophilia A Journal Articles
Effects of Dystrophin Isoforms on Signal Transduction through Neural Retina: Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mouse Mutants Journal Articles
Effects of Maternal Dexamethasone Treatment Early in Pregnancy on Glucocorticoid Receptors in the Ovine Placenta Journal Articles
Effects of a Short Course of Inhaled Corticosteroids in Noneosinophilic Asthmatic Subjects Journal Articles
Effects of lifelong testosterone exposure on health and disease using Mendelian randomization Journal Articles
Effects of misclassification on estimates of relative risk in family history studies Journal Articles
Effects of rearing environment on adrenal weights, sexual development, and behavior in gerbils: An examination of Richter's domestication hypothesis. Journal Articles
Elbow and Noc define a family of zinc finger proteins controlling morphogenesis of specific tracheal branches Journal Articles
Electrocution-induced Brugada phenocopy Journal Articles
Electrodiagnostic Characterization of Hereditary Neuropathy With Liability to Pressure Palsies Conferences
Embryonic and Neonatal Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Mice Journal Articles
Embryonic critical windows: changes in incubation temperature alter survival, hatchling phenotype, and cost of development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Endothelial cell tumors develop in transgenic mice carrying polyoma virus middle T oncogene Journal Articles
Environmental influence on development, behavior, and endocrine morphology of gerbils Journal Articles
Environmental variation impacts trait expression and selection in the legume–rhizobium symbiosis Journal Articles
Eosinophilic Asthma Journal Articles
Epidermal growth factor receptor deficiency: Expanding the phenotype beyond infancy Journal Articles
Epidermal hyperplasia and expansion of the interfollicular stem cell compartment in mutant mice with a C-terminal truncation of Patched1 Journal Articles
Epigenomic alterations define lethal CIMP-positive ependymomas of infancy Journal Articles
Epilepsy in KBG Syndrome: Report of Additional Cases Journal Articles
Epinephrine causes a reduction in lymph node cell output in sheep Journal Articles
Epithelial-Restricted Gene Profile of Primary Cultures from Human Prostate Tumors: A Molecular Approach to Predict Clinical Behavior of Prostate Cancer Journal Articles
Estimates of Heritabilities and of Genetic and Phenotypic Correlations among Growth and Reproductive Traits in Yearling Angus Bulls1 Journal Articles
European Respiratory Society Statement on preschool wheezing disorders: updated definitions, knowledge gaps, and proposed future research directions Journal Articles
Evaluation of DNA Methylation Episignatures for Diagnosis and Phenotype Correlations in 42 Mendelian Neurodevelopmental Disorders Journal Articles
Evaluation of Genes Encoding for the Transient Outward Current (Ito) Identifies the
Gene as a Cause of J-Wave Syndrome Associated With Sudden Cardiac Death Journal Articles
Evaluation of an automated immunoassay procedure for APO-LDL for phenotyping type II hyperlipoproteinemia Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Disease Liability of CFTR Variants Journal Articles
Evidence that Herpes Simplex Virus VP16 Is Required for Viral Egress Downstream of the Initial Envelopment Event Journal Articles
Evolution of
sex comb length illustrates the inextricable interplay between selection and variation Journal Articles
Evolution of sociability by artificial selection
* Journal Articles
Evolutionary loss of the rdar morphotype in Salmonella as a result of high mutation rates during laboratory passage Journal Articles
Evolutionary rates for multivariate traits: the role of selection and genetic variation Journal Articles
Evolved changes in phenotype across skeletal muscles in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Exaggerated Trait Growth in Insects Journal Articles
Excess of rare variants in genes identified by genome-wide association study of hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
Exome Sequencing Reveals De Novo WDR45 Mutations Causing a Phenotypically Distinct, X-Linked Dominant Form of NBIA Journal Articles
Exome sequencing identifies complex I NDUFV2 mutations as a novel cause of Leigh syndrome Journal Articles
Exome sequencing identifies rare variants in multiple genes in atrioventricular septal defect Journal Articles
Expanding the Phenotype: Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Mitochondrial, With Abnormal Movements and Lactic Acidosis, With or Without Seizures (NEMMLAS) Due to WARS2 Biallelic Variants, Encoding Mitochondrial Tryptophanyl-tRNA Synthase Journal Articles
Expanding the Phenotype: Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Mitochondrial, With Abnormal Movements and Lactic Acidosis, With or Without Seizures (NEMMLAS) due to WARS2 Biallelic Variants, Encoding Mitochondrial Tryptophanyl-tRNA Synthase Journal Articles
Exploring different models of pain phenotypes and their association with pain worsening in people with early knee osteoarthritis: The MOST cohort study Journal Articles
Exploring sensory phenotypes in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Expression of a Mutation Causing Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Disrupts Sarcomere Assembly in Adult Feline Cardiac Myocytes Journal Articles
Expression of delayed toxicity and lethal mutations in the progeny of human cells surviving exposure to radiation and other environmental mutagens Conferences
Expression of the adenovirus E1A oncogene during cell transformation is sufficient to induce susceptibility to lysis by host inflammatory cells. Journal Articles
External validation of the FIRST trial’s simplified frailty score in a population-based cohort Journal Articles
Extremes of Unexplained Variation as a Phenotype Journal Articles
FUT2 genotype and secretory status are not associated with fecal microbial composition and inferred function in healthy subjects Journal Articles
Factor VII deficiency: clinical manifestation of 717 subjects from Europe and Latin America with mutations in the factor 7 gene Journal Articles
Factors independently associated with cardiac troponin I levels in young and healthy adults from the general population Journal Articles
Fanconi’s Anemia Effect or Sickle Cell Anemia Effect: That is the Question Journal Articles
Fas mutation reduces obesity by increasing IL-4 and IL-10 expression and promoting white adipose tissue browning Journal Articles
Fast spin‐echo for multiple mouse magnetic resonance phenotyping Journal Articles
Features of acute COVID-19 associated with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 phenotypes: results from the IMPACC study Journal Articles
Female Choice or Male Sex Drive? The Advantages of Male Body Size during Mating in Drosophila Melanogaster Journal Articles
Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: Molecular characterization of the unusually high fetal hemoglobin phenotype in African Americans Journal Articles
Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: a glass half full? Journal Articles
Fish Oil Supplementation in Pregnancy Modifies Neonatal Progenitors at Birth in Infants at Risk of Atopy Journal Articles
Fitness consequences of plants growing with siblings: reconciling kin selection, niche partitioning and competitive ability Journal Articles
Fitness distribution and transgressive segregation across 40 environments in a hybrid progeny population of the human-pathogenic yeastCryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Flight muscle and heart phenotypes in the high-flying ruddy shelduck Journal Articles
Fluctuation domains in adaptive evolution Journal Articles
Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Clinical Isolates of
Streptococcus pneumoniae
: Contributions of Type II Topoisomerase Mutations and Efflux to Levels of Resistance Journal Articles
Formation of biofilms under phage predation: considerations concerning a biofilm increase Journal Articles
Frailty and Fracture, Disability, and Falls: A Multiple Country Study From the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women Journal Articles
Frailty phenotype as a predictor of bleeding and mortality in ambulatory patients receiving direct oral anticoagulants Journal Articles
Fumarase deficiency: a rare disorder on the crossroads of clinical and metabolic genetics, neurology and cancer Journal Articles
Functional Enterospheres Derived In Vitro from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Journal Articles
Functional profiling of murine glioma models highlights targetable immune evasion phenotypes. Journal Articles
Further characterization of the 9q31 microdeletion phenotype; delineation of a common region of overlap containing ZNF462 Journal Articles
Further evidence that a 100 Kb critical region is responsible for developmental delay, seizures, and dysmorphic features in 1q43q44 deletion patients Journal Articles
GLI3 Repressor Controls Nephron Number via Regulation of Wnt11 and Ret in Ureteric Tip Cells Journal Articles
GWAS and ExWAS of blood mitochondrial DNA copy number identifies 71 loci and highlights a potential causal role in dementia Journal Articles
Gain-of-function mutations in IFIH1 cause a spectrum of human disease phenotypes associated with upregulated type I interferon signaling Journal Articles
Gender-Discordant Monochorionic-Diamniotic Twins Both With 45,X/46,X, Idic(Y) Mosaicism and a Novel Deletion Within the TBC1D5 Gene Journal Articles
Gene Dispensability in Escherichia coli Grown in Thirty Different Carbon Environments Journal Articles
Gene regulatory networks and the role of robustness and stochasticity in the control of gene expression Journal Articles
Gene-centric Meta-analysis in 87,736 Individuals of European Ancestry Identifies Multiple Blood-Pressure-Related Loci Journal Articles
Genetic Analysis of Mutations Affecting pckA Regulation in Rhizobium (Sinorhizobium) meliloti Journal Articles
Genetic Control of Vulval Development inCaenorhabditis briggsae Journal Articles
Genetic Etiology of Isolated Low HDL Syndrome Journal Articles
Genetic Factors and Genotype-Environment Interactions Contribute to Variation in Melanin Production in the Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Genetic Modifiers of Lung Disease in Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Genetic Testing in the Evaluation of Unexplained Cardiac Arrest Journal Articles
Genetic Variants Associated With Myocardial Infarction Risk Factors in Over 8000 Individuals From Five Ethnic Groups Journal Articles
Genetic Variation, Simplicity, and Evolutionary Constraints for Function-Valued Traits Journal Articles
Genetic analysis indicates that transcription factors AP-2alpha and Pax6 cooperate in the normal patterning and morphogenesis of the lens. Journal Articles
Genetic and Chemical Screening in Human Blood Serum Reveals Unique Antibacterial Targets and Compounds against Klebsiella pneumoniae Journal Articles
Genetic and Neurodevelopmental Influences in Autistic Disorder Journal Articles
Genetic and biochemical studies with the adenosine analogs toyocamycin and tubercidin: Mutation at the adenosine kinase locus in Chinese hamster cells Journal Articles
Genetic and environmental canalization are not associated among altitudinally varying populations of
Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Genetic and phenotypic determinants of blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors (GAPP) Journal Articles
Genetic and physical analyses of group E exo- mutants of Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Genetic bases of hypertriglyceridemic phenotypes Journal Articles
Genetic determinants of right-ventricular remodeling after tetralogy of Fallot repair Journal Articles
Genetic identification of effectors downstream of Neu (ErbB-2) autophosphorylation sites in a Drosophila model Journal Articles
Genetic influences on ADHD symptom dimensions: Examination of a priori candidates, gene‐based tests, genome‐wide variation, and SNP heritability Journal Articles
Genetic, structural and clinical analysis of spastic paraplegia 4 Journal Articles
Genetically decreased vitamin D and risk of Alzheimer disease Journal Articles
Genetically modified dendritic cells prime autoreactive T cells through a pathway independent of CD40L and interleukin 12: implications for cancer vaccines. Journal Articles
Genetics of Nitrofurazone Resistance in
Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Genetics, Morphology, Advertisement Calls, and Historical Records Distinguish Six New Polyploid Species of African Clawed Frog (Xenopus, Pipidae) from West and Central Africa Journal Articles
Genome duplication events have led to a diversification in the CPT I gene family in fish Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Association Meta-analysis of Neuropathologic Features of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Association Studies across Environmental and Genetic Contexts Reveal Complex Genetic Architecture of Symbiotic Extended Phenotypes Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Association Studies of Hypertension: Have They Been Fruitful? Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Association Studies—Data Generation, Storage, Interpretation, and Bioinformatics Journal Articles
Genome-wide Linkage Analyses of Quantitative and Categorical Autism Subphenotypes Journal Articles
Genome-wide association and linkage identify modifier loci of lung disease severity in cystic fibrosis at 11p13 and 20q13.2 Journal Articles
Genome-wide association study of pediatric obsessive-compulsive traits: shared genetic risk between traits and disorder Journal Articles
Genome-wide linkage analysis of systolic blood pressure slope using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 data sets Journal Articles
Genome-wide meta-analyses identify multiple loci associated with smoking behavior Journal Articles
Genomes within genomes: nested symbiosis and its implications for plant evolution Journal Articles
Genomewide Association Studies: History, Rationale, and Prospects for Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Genome‐wide association study of alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT) scores in 20 328 research participants of European ancestry Journal Articles
Genomic Loss and Epigenetic Silencing of the FOSL1 Tumor Suppressor Gene in Radiation-induced Neoplastic Transformation of Human CGL1 Cells Alters the Tumorigenic Phenotype In Vitro and In Vivo Journal Articles
Genomic approaches to bleeding disorders Conferences
Genomic atlas of the plasma metabolome prioritizes metabolites implicated in human diseases Journal Articles
Genotype and phenotype in 12 additional individuals with SATB2‐associated syndrome Journal Articles
Genotype-guided versus standard vitamin K antagonist dosing algorithms in patients initiating anticoagulation Journal Articles
Genotypes and immunophenotypes of Hodgkin's disease-derived cell lines. Journal Articles
Genotypes, phenotypes and whole genome sequence: Approaches from the My Life Our Future haemophilia project Journal Articles
Genotype‐by‐environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans Journal Articles
Geriatric Assessment and Frailty Scores Predict Mortality in Myeloma: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Germline BRCA1 Mutations and a Basal Epithelial Phenotype in Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Germline Mutations and Variants in the Succinate Dehydrogenase Genes in Cowden and Cowden-like Syndromes Journal Articles
Glucocerebrosidase Deficiency in Drosophila Results in α-Synuclein-Independent Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Journal Articles
Glycoproteins E and I facilitate neuron-to-neuron spread of herpes simplex virus Journal Articles
Growth inhibition of prostate cancer xenografts by halofuginone*† Journal Articles
Guanosine-induced decrease in side population of lung cancer cells: lack of correlation with ABCG2 expression. Journal Articles
Gut commensal microvesicles reproduce parent bacterial signals to host immune and enteric nervous systems Journal Articles
HDACi Delivery Reprograms Tumor-Infiltrating Myeloid Cells to Eliminate Antigen-Loss Variants Journal Articles
HL-A genotype of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Journal Articles
Haemoglobin Q-Thailand and hereditary spherocytosis in a Chinese family Journal Articles
Hb Evora [ 2 35, Ser->Pro], a novel hemoglobin variant associated with an -thalassemia phenotype Journal Articles
Hb Presbyterian (HBB: c.327C>G) in a Nicaraguan Family Journal Articles
Hb S/ +-thalassemia due to Hb sickle and a novel deletion of DNase I hypersensitive sites HS3 and HS4 of the locus control region Journal Articles
Hb S/β°‐Thalassemia due to the ˜1.4‐kb deletion is associated with a relatively mild phenotype Journal Articles
Helper-dependent adenoviral vectors mediate therapeutic factor VIII expression for several months with minimal accompanying toxicity in a canine model of severe hemophilia A Journal Articles
Hemoglobin E/β Thalassemia: The Canadian Experience Journal Articles
Hemoglobin E‐β‐Thalassemia: Progress Report from the International Study Group Conferences
Hemopoietic stem cells in murine embryonic yolk sac and peripheral blood. Journal Articles
Heterogeneity in phenotypic and genotypic characteristics among strains of Hafnia alvei Journal Articles
Heterogeneity of serum cholinesterase Journal Articles
Heterogeneous Proliferative Characteristics of Human Adult Lung Fibroblast Lines and Clonally Derived Fibroblasts from Control and Fibrotic Tissue Journal Articles
Heterologous Complementation Reveals a Specialized Activity for BacA in the Medicago–Sinorhizobium meliloti Symbiosis Journal Articles
High phenotypic correlations among siblings with autism and pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
High-Risk Nonclassical Long-QT Syndrome Genotypes: Spectrum of Genetic and Phenotypic Features Journal Articles
High-Throughput GoMiner, an 'industrial-strength' integrative gene ontology tool for interpretation of multiple-microarray experiments, with application to studies of Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) Journal Articles
High-altitude ancestry and hypoxia acclimation have distinct effects on exercise capacity and muscle phenotype in deer mice Journal Articles
Host genetics maps to behaviour and brain structure in developmental mice. Journal Articles
How to Diagnose and Phenotype Asthma Journal Articles
How to Use an Article About Genetic Association Journal Articles
How well do you know your mutation? Complex effects of genetic background on expressivity, complementation, and ordering of allelic effects Journal Articles
Human Adipose Tissue Macrophages Display Activation of Cancer-related Pathways Journal Articles
Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Hematopoietic Cells Maintain Core Epigenetic Machinery of the Polycomb Group/Trithorax Group Complexes Distinctly from Functional Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells Journal Articles
Human acute myeloid leukemia stem cells Journal Articles
Hundreds of variants clustered in genomic loci and biological pathways affect human height Journal Articles
Hybridization in human evolution: Insights from other organisms Journal Articles
Hybrids and hybridization in the Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii species complexes Journal Articles
Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Phenotype and Chronic Kidney Disease in a Chinese Population Aged 40 Years and Older Journal Articles
Hypophosphatasia diagnosis: current state of the art and proposed diagnostic criteria for children and adults Journal Articles
Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)‐2α is required for the development of the catecholaminergic phenotype of sympathoadrenal cells Journal Articles
IL-15 has innate anti-tumor activity independent of NK and CD8 T cells Journal Articles
Identification and functional analysis ofCITED2 mutations in patients with congenital heart defects Journal Articles
Identification of Direct p73 Target Genes Combining DNA Microarray and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Analyses Journal Articles
Identification of Genetic Loci Underlying the Phenotypic Constructs of Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Identification of Novel Causal Blood Biomarkers Linking Metabolically Favorable Adiposity With Type 2 Diabetes Risk Journal Articles
Identification of QTLs Associated with Virulence Related Traits and Drug Resistance in Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Identification of a cancer stem cell in human brain tumors. Journal Articles
Identification of complex DNA polymorphisms based on variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) and restriction site polymorphism Journal Articles
Identification of hemoglobin E by the isopropanol solubility test Journal Articles
Identification of older adults with frailty in the Emergency Department using a frailty index: results from a multinational study Journal Articles
Identifying gene–gene interactions that are highly associated with four quantitative lipid traits across multiple cohorts Journal Articles
Identifying pain susceptibility phenotypes in knee osteoarthritis. Journal Articles
Immobilization of Intact Phage and Phage-Derived Proteins for Detection and Biocontrol Purposes Chapters
Immune Biomarkers Predictive of Respiratory Viral Infection in Elderly Nursing Home Residents Journal Articles
Impact of ACE2 gene polymorphism on antihypertensive efficacy of ACE inhibitors Journal Articles
Impact of Growth Hormone Supplementation on Adult Height in Turner Syndrome: Results of the Canadian Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Impact of SERPINC1 mutation on thrombotic phenotype in children with congenital antithrombin deficiency—first analysis of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis pediatric antithrombin deficiency database and biorepository Journal Articles
Impact of Treadmill Running and Sex on Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Journal Articles
Impaired Immune Response in Elderly Burn Patients Journal Articles
Impaired alternative macrophage differentiation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from obese subjects Journal Articles
Important research questions in allergy and related diseases: nonallergic rhinitis: a GA2LEN paper Journal Articles
Impulsivity-based thrifty eating phenotype and the protective role of n-3 PUFAs intake in adolescents Journal Articles
In Vivo Generation of Neural Tumors from Neoplastic Pluripotent Stem Cells Models Early Human Pediatric Brain Tumor Formation Journal Articles
Inattention and hyperactive/impulsive component scores do not differentiate between autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a clinical sample Journal Articles
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality Journal Articles
Increased FGF8 signaling promotes chondrogenic rather than osteogenic development in the embryonic skull Journal Articles
Individual Cryptic Scaling Relationships and the Evolution of Animal Form Conferences
Individual susceptibility to hypoperfusion and reductions in exercise performance when perfusion pressure is reduced: evidence for vasodilator phenotypes Journal Articles
Individuality in Bacteria Journal Articles
Informative phenotypes for genetic studies of psychiatric disorders Journal Articles
Inherited Thrombophilia and the Risk of Arterial Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis Journal Articles
Inhibition inversion in the AACC selected method for serum cholinesterase. Journal Articles
Innate Immune Cytokines, Fibroblast Phenotypes, and Regulation of Extracellular Matrix in Lung Journal Articles
Insights From Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing of Patients With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Conferences
Insights into the Development and Evolution of Exaggerated Traits Using De Novo Transcriptomes of Two Species of Horned Scarab Beetles Journal Articles
Integrative Physiology: At the Crossroads of Nutrition, Microbiota, Animal Physiology, and Human Health Journal Articles
Integrins Regulate Responsiveness to Slit Repellent Signals Journal Articles
International ERS/ATS guidelines on definition, evaluation and treatment of severe asthma Journal Articles
Intracerebral haemorrhage in previously healthy adults following aerobic and anaerobic exercise Journal Articles
Intraepithelial leukocytes contain a unique subpopulation of NK-like cytotoxic cells active in the defense of gut epithelium to enteric murine coronavirus. Journal Articles
Intrauterine position effects on sexually dimorphic asymmetries of Mongolian gerbils: Testosterone, eye opening, and paw preference Journal Articles
Intravenous (IV) anti‐D and IV immunoglobulin achieve acute platelet increases by different mechanisms: modulation of cytokine and platelet responses to IV anti‐D by FcγRIIa and FcγRIIIa polymorphisms Journal Articles
Intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms in the maintenance of a hybrid zone between ecologically divergent subspecies Journal Articles
Investigating phenotypic heterogeneity in children with autism spectrum disorder: a factor mixture modeling approach Journal Articles
Investigation of the rhythmic recruitment of tear neutrophils to the ocular surface and their phenotypes Journal Articles
Invited Commentary: Consolidating Data Harmonization--How to Obtain Quality and Applicability? Journal Articles
Isolation of MECP2-null Rett Syndrome patient hiPS cells and isogenic controls through X-chromosome inactivation Journal Articles
Isolation of a zinc finger gene consistently deleted in DiGeorge syndrome Journal Articles
K45R variant of squalene synthase increases total cholesterol levels in two study samples from a French Canadian population Journal Articles
Krüppel‐like factor 1: hematologic phenotypes associated with KLF1 gene mutations Journal Articles
Lack of Both Types 1 and 2 Cytokines, Tissue Inflammatory Responses, and Immune Protection During Pulmonary Infection byMycobacterium bovisBacille Calmette-Guérin in IL-12-Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies five loci for lean body mass Journal Articles
Large-Scale Gene-Centric Meta-analysis across 32 Studies Identifies Multiple Lipid Loci Journal Articles
Lateral meningocele (Lehman) syndrome: A child with a novel NOTCH3 mutation Journal Articles
Leaf-level coordination principles propagate to the ecosystem scale Journal Articles
Leigh syndrome associated with mitochondrial complex I deficiency due to novel mutations In NDUFV1 and NDUFS2 Journal Articles
Lengthened G1 Phase Indicates Differentiation Status in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor Journal Articles
Life history predicts flight muscle phenotype and function in birds Journal Articles
Lifetime selection on a hypoallometric size trait in the spotted hyena Journal Articles
Limited plasticity in the phenotypic variance‐covariance matrix for male advertisement calls in the black field cricket,Teleogryllus commodus Journal Articles
Longitudinal Data Analysis in Genome‐Wide Association Studies Journal Articles
Longitudinal characterization of impulsivity phenotypes boosts signal for genomic correlates and heritability. Journal Articles
Loss of Kaiso expression in breast cancer cells prevents intra-vascular invasion in the lung and secondary metastasis Journal Articles
Variants Journal Articles
Lung Function as a Biomarker of Health: An Old Concept Rediscovered Journal Articles
Lung clearance index predicts persistence of preschool wheeze Journal Articles
Ly6ChiMonocytes Direct Alternatively Activated Profibrotic Macrophage Regulation of Lung Fibrosis Journal Articles
Lys 42/43/44 and Arg 12 of thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor comprise a thrombomodulin exosite essential for its antifibrinolytic potential Journal Articles
M2-polarized and tumor-associated macrophages alter NK cell phenotype and function in a contact-dependent manner Journal Articles
MEF2C-related epilepsy: Delineating the phenotypic spectrum from a novel mutation and literature review Journal Articles
Machine learning and big data analytics in bipolar disorder: A position paper from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Big Data Task Force Journal Articles
Machine learning-based immune phenotypes correlate with STK11/KEAP1 co-mutations and prognosis in resectable NSCLC: a sub-study of the TNM-I trial Journal Articles
Magnetic resonance imaging for detection and analysis of mouse phenotypes Journal Articles
Mammosphere-forming cells from breast cancer cell lines as a tool for the identification of CSC-like- and early progenitor-targeting drugs Journal Articles
Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Levels Are Elevated in a Proportion of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient Cell Lines Journal Articles
Manitoba-oculo-tricho-anal (MOTA) syndrome is caused by mutations in FREM1 Journal Articles
Mast cell heterogeneity: derivation and function, with emphasis on the intestine Journal Articles
Maternal High-Fat Diet-Induced Loss of Fetal Oocytes Is Associated with Compromised Follicle Growth in Adult Rat Offspring1 Journal Articles
Maternal Undernutrition Significantly Impacts Ovarian Follicle Number and Increases Ovarian Oxidative Stress in Adult Rat Offspring Journal Articles
Matrix Metalloproteinases are required for membrane motility and lumenogenesis during Drosophila heart development Journal Articles
Matrix abnormalities in pulmonary fibrosis Journal Articles
Measurement equivalence of the autism symptom phenotype in children and youth Journal Articles
Mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for non‐T2 asthma Journal Articles
Mechanisms of dyspnoea relief following radiation treatment in a patient with severe COPD Journal Articles
Mechanisms of innate immune activation by gluten peptide p31-43 in mice Journal Articles
Meiotic analysis of a pericentric inversion, inv(7) (p22q32), in the father of a child with a duplication-deletion of chromosome 7 Journal Articles
Mendelian Randomization Studies Do Not Support a Role for Vitamin D in Coronary Artery Disease Journal Articles
Mesectodermal cell fate analysis in Drosophila midline mutants Journal Articles
Metabolic modelling reveals the specialization of secondary replicons for niche adaptation in Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Metformin-induced metabolic reprogramming of chemoresistant ALDHbright breast cancer cells Journal Articles
Mice with a Targeted Mutation of Patched2 Are Viable but Develop Alopecia and Epidermal Hyperplasia Journal Articles
Microdeletion in distal 17p13.1: A recognizable phenotype with microcephaly, distinctive facial features, and intellectual disability Journal Articles
Mild Microcytic Anemia in an Infant with a Compound Heterozygosity for Hb C (HBB: c.19G > A) and Hb Osu Christiansborg (HBB: c.157G > A) Journal Articles
Missense variant in PIGM associated with severe cystic encephalomalacia and portal vein thrombosis: Phenotypic and genotypic expansion of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis defect‐1 (GPIBD1) Journal Articles
Mitochondrial Disease Sequence Data Resource (MSeqDR): A global grass-roots consortium to facilitate deposition, curation, annotation, and integrated analysis of genomic data for the mitochondrial disease clinical and research communities Journal Articles
Modeling the Phenotypic Architecture of Autism Symptoms from Time of Diagnosis to Age 6 Journal Articles
Modulation of phenotypic and functional maturation of dendritic cells by intestinal bacteria and gliadin: relevance for celiac disease Journal Articles
Modulation of the Anchorage-Independent Phenotype of Human Lung Fibroblasts Obtained from Fibrotic Tissue Following Culture with Retinoid and Corticosteroid Journal Articles
Modulation of the Phenotypic Expression of a Human Serine tRNA Gene by 5′-Flanking Sequences Journal Articles
Molecular Diagnosis of Myopathies Journal Articles
Molecular Diagnostic Yield of Chromosomal Microarray Analysis and Whole-Exome Sequencing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Molecular characterization of NRXN1 deletions from 19,263 clinical microarray cases identifies exons important for neurodevelopmental disease expression Journal Articles
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of a series of 23 DiGeorge syndrome patients by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Journal Articles
Molecular initiating events of the intersex phenotype: Low-dose exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol rapidly regulates molecular networks associated with gonad differentiation in the adult fathead minnow testis Journal Articles
Molecular phenotype and bleeding risks of an inherited platelet disorder in a family with a RUNX1 frameshift mutation Journal Articles
Monosomy for the most telomeric, gene-rich region of the short arm of human chromosome 16 causes minimal phenotypic effects Journal Articles
Mothering begets mothering Journal Articles
Mouse models of immune dysfunction: their neuroanatomical differences reflect their anxiety-behavioural phenotype Journal Articles
Mouse phenogenomics, toolbox for functional annotation of human genome Journal Articles
Moving the dial on identifying endotypes of asthma from early life Journal Articles
Moyamoya Disease Susceptibility Variant
p.R4810K Increases the Risk of Ischemic Stroke Attributable to Large-Artery Atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Multidimensional latent structure of risk-related phenotypes in healthy young adults. Journal Articles
Multiparameter comparisons of embryoid body differentiation toward human stem cell applications Journal Articles
Multivariate analysis of complex gene expression and clinical phenotypes with genetic marker data Journal Articles
Mutation of the slow myosin heavy chain rod domain underlies hyaline body myopathy Journal Articles
Mutations That Alter the Carboxy-Terminal-Propeptide Cleavage Site of the Chains of Type I Procollagen Are Associated With a Unique Osteogenesis Imperfecta Phenotype Journal Articles
Mutations in FAM50A suggest that Armfield XLID syndrome is a spliceosomopathy Journal Articles
Mutations in RAB39B in individuals with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and macrocephaly Journal Articles
Mutations in SRCAP, Encoding SNF2-Related CREBBP Activator Protein, Cause Floating-Harbor Syndrome Journal Articles
Mutations in the genestand still disrupt germ cell differentiation inDrosophila ovaries Journal Articles
Mutations in the genome of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus responsible for the attenuation phenotype Journal Articles
Mutations in the paralogous human α-globin genes yielding identical hemoglobin variants Journal Articles
Mutations inSYNGAP1Cause Intellectual Disability, Autism, and a Specific Form of Epilepsy by Inducing Haploinsufficiency Journal Articles
Mutual regulation of the Drosophila disconnected (disco) and Distal-less (Dll) genes contributes to proximal-distal patterning of antenna and leg Journal Articles
Mycobacteria and human heat shock protein—specific cytotoxic t lymphocytes in rheumatoid synovial inflammation Journal Articles
Myeloid dendritic cells type 2 in allergic asthma Conferences
Myofibroblast Markers and Microscopy Detection Methods in Cell Culture and Histology Chapters
Myostatin promotes a fibrotic phenotypic switch in multipotent C3H 10T1/2 cells without affecting their differentiation into myofibroblasts Journal Articles
NADP+ -dependent malic enzyme of Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
NAT2 genetic polymorphisms and anti-tuberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity in Chinese community population Journal Articles
NCAM1-TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2 variants and smoking motives as intermediate phenotypes for nicotine dependence Journal Articles
NTRK2-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy: Report of 5 new cases Journal Articles
Naked but Not Hairless: The Pitfalls of Analyses of Molecular Adaptation Based on Few Genome Sequence Comparisons Journal Articles
Natural history and genotype‐phenotype correlations in 72 individuals with SATB2‐associated syndrome Journal Articles
Nature, nurture or nutrition? Impact of maternal nutrition on maternal care, offspring development and reproductive function Journal Articles
Negative regulation of sigma 54-dependent dctA expression by the transcriptional activator DctD Journal Articles
Neural stem cells from protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma knockout mice generate an altered neuronal phenotype in culture Journal Articles
Neurodevelopmental copy-number variants: A roadmap to improving outcomes by uniting patient advocates, researchers, and clinicians for collective impact Journal Articles
Neuronal loss and β-amyloid removal in the amygdala of people with Down syndrome☆ Journal Articles
New insights into DNA methylation signatures: SMARCA2 variants in Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome Journal Articles
New interventions in asthma including bronchial thermoplasty Journal Articles
New treatment paradigms for ADPKD: moving towards precision medicine Journal Articles
Next-Generation Sequencing to Diagnose Muscular Dystrophy, Rhabdomyolysis, and HyperCKemia Journal Articles
Non-canonical Wnt signals are modulated by the Kaiso transcriptional repressor and p120-catenin Journal Articles
Novel Drug Targets for Ischemic Stroke Identified Through Mendelian Randomization Analysis of the Blood Proteome Journal Articles
Novel GAA sequence variant c.1211 A>G reduces enzyme activity but not protein expression in infantile and adult onset Pompe disease Journal Articles
Novel SCO2 mutation (G1521A) presenting as a spinal muscular atrophy type I phenotype Journal Articles
Novel disease-causing mutations in the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene interpreted by analysis of the three-dimensional protein structure Journal Articles
Novel mutants of CHO cells resistant to adenosine analogs and containing biochemically altered form of adenosine kinase in cell extracts Journal Articles
Novel LMNA mutations seen in patients with familial partial lipodystrophy subtype 2 (FPLD2; MIM 151660) Journal Articles
OTUD7A Regulates Neurodevelopmental Phenotypes in the 15q13.3 Microdeletion Syndrome Journal Articles
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder in children and youth: neurocognitive function in clinic and community samples Journal Articles
On inferring evolutionary stability in finite populations using infinite population models Journal Articles
On the Accessibility of Adaptive Phenotypes of a Bacterial Metabolic Network Journal Articles
Oncostatin M overexpression induces skin inflammation but is not required in the mouse model of imiquimod‐induced psoriasis‐like inflammation Journal Articles
Open-Source High-Throughput Phenomics of Bacterial Promoter-Reporter Strains Journal Articles
Opposing Effects of CREBBP Mutations Govern the Phenotype of Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome and Adult SHH Medulloblastoma Journal Articles
Origins and evolution of biological novelty Journal Articles
Outcome of patients who develop acute leukemia or myelodysplasia as a second malignancy after solid tumors treated surgically or with strategies that include chemotherapy and/or radiation Journal Articles
Overexpression of OSM and IL-6 impacts the polarization of pro-fibrotic macrophages and the development of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis Journal Articles
Overexpression of the dctA gene in Rhizobium meliloti: effect on transport of C4 dicarboxylates and symbiotic nitrogen fixation Conferences
Oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme upregulation in SOD1‐G93A mouse skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Oxytocin Receptor Polymorphisms are Differentially Associated with Social Abilities across Neurodevelopmental Disorders Journal Articles
PDZK1 in leukocytes protects against cellular apoptosis and necrotic core development in atherosclerotic plaques in high fat diet fed ldl receptor deficient mice Journal Articles
PSA affects prostate cancer cell invasion in vitro and induces an osteoblastic phenotype in bone in vivo Journal Articles
Pain Susceptibility Phenotypes in Those Free of Knee Pain With or at Risk of Knee Osteoarthritis: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study Journal Articles
Palmitate differentially regulates the polarization of differentiating and differentiated macrophages Journal Articles
Paramyotonia congenita and hyperkalemic periodic paralysis are linked to the adult muscle sodium channel gene Journal Articles
Parasitic Manipulation of Hosts' Phenotype, or How to Make a Zombie--An Introduction to the Symposium Journal Articles
Parental and child genetic contributions to obesity traits in early life based on 83 loci validated in adults: the FAMILY study Journal Articles
Partial Loss of USP9X Function Leads to a Male Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorder Converging on Transforming Growth Factor β Signaling Journal Articles
Partial monosomy 1q43 and partial trisomy 20q13.2: a case report Journal Articles
Pathbase: a database of mutant mouse pathology Journal Articles
Pathbase: a new reference resource and database for laboratory mouse pathology Journal Articles
Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome Journal Articles
Pathogenic variants in USP7 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with speech delays, altered behavior, and neurologic anomalies Journal Articles
Pathways to eating in children and adolescents with obesity Journal Articles
Patterning an Epidermal Field:DrosophilaLozenge, a Member of the AML-1/Runt Family of Transcription Factors, Specifies Olfactory Sense Organ Type in a Dose-Dependent Manner Journal Articles
Performance of compulsive behavior in rats is not a unitary phenomenon – validation of separate functional components in compulsive checking behavior Journal Articles
Perinatal Administration of a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Induces Impairments in Reproductive Function and Follicular Dynamics in Female Rat Offspring Journal Articles
Perrault Syndrome Is Caused by Recessive Mutations in CLPP, Encoding a Mitochondrial ATP-Dependent Chambered Protease Journal Articles
Personality traits share overlapping neuroanatomical correlates with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Journal Articles
Pharmacogenetics in Cardiovascular Disease: The Challenge of Moving From Promise to Realization Journal Articles
PhenCode: connecting ENCODE data with mutations and phenotype Journal Articles
Phenomics: expanding the role of clinical evaluation in genomic studies. Journal Articles
Phenotype Presentation for a Novel Mutation Affecting a Conserved Cysteine Residue in Exon 63 of Fibrillin-1 (Cys2633Arg) Journal Articles
Phenotype consensus is required to enable large‐scale genetic consortium studies of food allergy Journal Articles
Phenotypes of sleep-disordered breathing symptoms to two years of age based on age of onset and duration of symptoms Journal Articles
Phenotypic Analysis of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy in the Hutterite Population: Role of Electrocardiogram in Identifying High‐Risk Desmocollin‐2 Carriers Journal Articles
Phenotypic Classification of Preterm Birth Among Nulliparous Women: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Phenotypic Classification of preterm Birth Among Multiparous Women: A Population-Based Cohort Study Journal Articles
Phenotypic Divergence along Geographic Gradients Reveals Potential for Rapid Adaptation of the White-Nose Syndrome Pathogen, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, in North America Journal Articles
Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Populations in a Cystic Fibrosis Patient Journal Articles
Phenotypic Overlap Between Core Diagnostic Features and Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Phenotypic characterization of human bone marrow granulocyte-macrophage forming progenitor cells Journal Articles
Phenotypic differences in cholinergic responses of distal colonic epithelium Journal Articles
Phenotypic diversity and ecosystem functioning in changing environments: A theoretical framework Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in vertebrates Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity in response to dietary salt stress: Na+ and K+ transport by the gut ofDrosophila melanogasterlarvae Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity, genetic assimilation, and genetic compensation in hypoxia adaptation of high-altitude vertebrates Journal Articles
Phenotypic selection on leaf ecophysiological traits in Helianthus Journal Articles
Phenotypic selection on leaf water use efficiency and related ecophysiological traits for natural populations of desert sunflowers Journal Articles
Phenotypic spectrum associated with de novo and inherited deletions and duplications at 16p11.2 in individuals ascertained for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Phenotypic spectrum associated with duplication of Xp11.22-p11.23 includes Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Phenotypic variability associated with progranulin haploinsufficiency in patients with the common 1477C-->T (Arg493X) mutation: an international initiative. Journal Articles
Phenotypic variability of CMT4C in a French‐Canadian kindred Journal Articles
Phospholamban overexpression in mice causes a centronuclear myopathy-like phenotype Journal Articles
Physical mapping by FISH of the DiGeorge critical region (DGCR): involvement of the region in familial cases. Journal Articles
Physiologic Characterization of the Chronic Bronchitis Phenotype in GOLD Grade IB COPD Conferences
Physiological insight into the evolution of complex phenotypes: aerobic performance and the O2 transport pathway of vertebrates Journal Articles
Plasma endothelin-1 and cardiovascular risk among young and healthy adults Journal Articles
Plasma levels of elastase-specific fibrinopeptides correlate with proteinase inhibitor phenotype. Evidence for increased elastase activity in subjects with homozygous and heterozygous deficiency of alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor. Journal Articles
Platelet derived growth factor B and epithelial mesenchymal transition of peritoneal mesothelial cells Journal Articles
Pleiotropic mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae affecting sterol uptake and metabolism Journal Articles
Polygenic risk and the development and course of asthma: an analysis of data from a four-decade longitudinal study Journal Articles
Polygenic risk score predicts prevalence of cardiovascular disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia Journal Articles
Polygenic transmission disequilibrium confirms that common and rare variation act additively to create risk for autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Polymorphism and selection of rpoS in pathogenic Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Population Genetics Without Intraspecific Data Journal Articles
Population genetics of chronic kidney disease: The evolving story of APOL1 Journal Articles
Population-Based Study to Determine the Health System Costs of Using the 21-Gene Assay Journal Articles
Potential of nintedanib in treatment of progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases Journal Articles
Predation in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Phage Environments Affects Virulence Determinants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Journal Articles
Predictive power of individual genetic and environmental factor scores Journal Articles
Pregnancy and Birth Complications in Autism and Liability to the Broader Autism Phenotype Journal Articles
Prenatal growth restriction, retinal dystrophy, diabetes insipidus and white matter disease: expanding the spectrum of PRPS1-related disorders Journal Articles
Prevalence and outcomes of heart failure phenotypes in patients with atrial fibrillation Journal Articles
Prevalence of meconium ileus marks the severity of mutations of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene Journal Articles
Primary Immune Deficiencies in the Adult: A Previously Underrecognized Common Condition Journal Articles
Prognostic factors and outcomes of infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), hypodiploid ALL, and mixed-phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) in Canada: a report from CYP-C Journal Articles
Prognostic factors and outcomes of infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), hypodiploid ALL, and mixed-phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) in Canada: a report from CYP-C. Conferences
Prognostic importance of glomeruloid microvascular proliferation indicates an aggressive angiogenic phenotype in human cancers. Journal Articles
Progranulin mutations and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal dementia phenotypes Journal Articles
Progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease: treatable traits and therapeutic strategies Journal Articles
Proline auxotrophy in Sinorhizobium meliloti results in a plant-specific symbiotic phenotype Journal Articles
Prolongation of Brainstem Auditory-Evoked Responses in Autistic Probands and Their Unaffected Relatives Journal Articles
Protein arginine methyltransferase expression, localization, and activity during disuse-induced skeletal muscle plasticity Journal Articles
Proximal myopathy with focal depletion of mitochondria and megaconial congenital muscular dystrophy are allelic conditions caused by mutations in CHKB Journal Articles
Pulmonary infection by SARS-CoV-2 induces senescence accompanied by an inflammatory phenotype in severe COVID-19: possible implications for viral mutagenesis Journal Articles
Quantitative genetics of larval life-history traits in Rana temporaria in different environmental conditions Journal Articles
RETRACTED ARTICLE:Exercise-induced mitochondrial p53
repairs mtDNA mutations in mutator mice Journal Articles
RNA-Seq effectively monitors gene expression in Eutrema salsugineum plants growing in an extreme natural habitat and in controlled growth cabinet conditions Journal Articles
Radiation-induced bystander effects and the DNA paradigm: An “out of field” perspective Journal Articles
Rearrangement of TCR gamma chain gene involving JP1 suggests early thymocyte origin of peripheral T‐cell lymphoma Journal Articles
Recent insights into neuromuscular junction biology in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Impacts, challenges, and opportunities Journal Articles
Reduced Excitatory Neurotransmission and Mild Autism-Relevant Phenotypes in AdolescentShank3Null Mutant Mice Journal Articles
Regional brain volumes changes in adult male FMR1-KO mouse on the FVB strain Journal Articles
Regulation of Phosphate Assimilation in Rhizobium (Sinorhizobium) meliloti Journal Articles
Relationship between obesity severity, metabolic status and cardiovascular disease in obese adults Journal Articles
Relevance of Birth Cohorts to Assessment of Asthma Persistence Journal Articles
Repair phenotype in corneal fibroblasts is controlled by an interleukin-1 alpha autocrine feedback loop. Journal Articles
Repellent Signaling by Slit Requires the Leucine-Rich Repeats Journal Articles
Replication of an Egfr-Wing Shape Association in a Wild-Caught Cohort of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Repopulation of ?0 cells with mitochondria from a patient with a mitochondrial DNA point mutation in tRNAGly results in respiratory chain dysfunction Journal Articles
Report of the first patient with a homozygous OTUD7A variant responsible for epileptic encephalopathy and related proteasome dysfunction Journal Articles
Resistance Exercise–induced Changes in Muscle Phenotype Are Load Dependent Journal Articles
Resveratrol induces expression of the slow, oxidative phenotype in mdx mouse muscle together with enhanced activity of the SIRT1-PGC-1α axis Journal Articles
Retrospective analysis of Canadian adults with tuberous sclerosis complex Journal Articles
Reverse translation of major depressive disorder symptoms: A framework for the behavioural phenotyping of putative biomarkers Journal Articles
Review of aspirin and clopidogrel resistance in peripheral arterial disease Journal Articles
Revisiting the evolutionary origins of obesity: lazy versus peppy‐thrifty genotype hypothesis Journal Articles
RhD status of a fetus at risk for haemolytic disease with a discrepant maternal DNA-based RhD genotype Journal Articles
Robustness of the BMP morphogen gradient in Drosophila embryonic patterning Journal Articles
Role of genetics in the prediction of statin-associated muscle symptoms and optimization of statin use and adherence Journal Articles
Role of transient receptor potential canonical 6 (TRPC6) in non-transferrin-bound iron uptake in neuronal phenotype PC12 cells Journal Articles
SASP mediates chemoresistance and tumor-initiating-activity of mesothelioma cells Journal Articles
SOX2 Functions to Maintain Neural Progenitor Identity Journal Articles
SPEN haploinsufficiency causes a neurodevelopmental disorder overlapping proximal 1p36 deletion syndrome with an episignature of X chromosomes in females Journal Articles
Salt stress alters fluid and ion transport by Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogaster: evidence for phenotypic plasticity Journal Articles
SapB and the chaplins: connections between morphogenetic proteins in Streptomyces coelicolor Journal Articles
Season of Birth and Dopamine Receptor Gene Associations with Impulsivity, Sensation Seeking and Reproductive Behaviors Journal Articles
Second site mutations specifically suppress the Fix- phenotype of Rhizobium meliloti ndvF mutations on alfalfa: identification of a conditional ndvF-dependent mucoid colony phenotype. Journal Articles
Second symbiotic megaplasmid in Rhizobium meliloti carrying exopolysaccharide and thiamine synthesis genes Journal Articles
Segregating patterns of copy number variations in extended autism spectrum disorder (ASD) pedigrees Journal Articles
Senescent myoblasts exhibit an altered exometabolome that is linked to senescence-associated secretory phenotype signaling. Journal Articles
Sensitive and Efficient Detection of RB1 Gene Mutations Enhances Care for Families with Retinoblastoma Journal Articles
Sentinel Symptoms in Patients with Unexplained Cardiac Arrest: From the Cardiac Arrest Survivors with Preserved Ejection Fraction Registry (CASPER) Journal Articles
Severe Epilepsy in an Individual With a TSC2 R905Q Variant Prompting Late Diagnosis in Affected Family Members. Journal Articles
Severe infantile leigh syndrome associated with a rare mitochondrial ND6 mutation, m.14487T>C Journal Articles
Severe presentation of Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome associated with high levels of constitutional paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 11p15 Journal Articles
Sex Differences in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Identified Within a High-Risk Infant Cohort Journal Articles
Sex differences in skeletal muscle Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) levels: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Sexual Selection Does Not Increase the Rate of Compensatory Adaptation to a Mutation Influencing a Secondary Sexual Trait inDrosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Sexual dimorphism in the glucose homeostasis phenotype of the Aromatase Knockout (ArKO) mice Journal Articles
Shared genetic risk between eating disorder‐ and substance‐use‐related phenotypes: Evidence from genome‐wide association studies Journal Articles
Short-coupled ventricular fibrillation represents a distinct phenotype among latent causes of unexplained cardiac arrest: a report from the CASPER registry Journal Articles
Sickle cell disease in Saudi Arabia: the phenotype in adults with the Arab‐Indian haplotype is not benign Journal Articles
Sickle cell disease: no longer a single gene disorder Journal Articles
Silencing cryptic specialized metabolism in Streptomyces by the nucleoid-associated protein Lsr2 Journal Articles
Silencing of OsGRXS17 in rice improves drought stress tolerance by modulating ROS accumulation and stomatal closure Journal Articles
Simultaneous or sequential expression of lymphoid and myeloid phenotypes in acute leukemia Journal Articles
Single-Residue Changes in the C-Terminal Disulfide-Bonded Loop of thePseudomonas aeruginosaType IV Pilin Influence Pilus Assembly and Twitching Motility Journal Articles
Site-directed mutagenesis and DNA sequence of pckA of Rhizobium NGR234, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase: gluconeogenesis and host-dependent symbiotic phenotype Journal Articles
Sleep and circadian disruption in bipolar disorders: From psychopathology to digital phenotyping in clinical practice. Journal Articles
Small rodent models of atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: phenotypic extreme with minimal clinical findings Journal Articles
Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome: New mutation with a mild phenotype Journal Articles
Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome with a classical phenotype, oesophageal achalasia and borderline plasma sterol concentrations Journal Articles
Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome: Objective assessment of facial phenotype Journal Articles
Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome: Phenotype, natural history, and epidemiology Journal Articles
SomaticSF3B1Mutation in Myelodysplasia with Ring Sideroblasts Journal Articles
Spatial heterogeneity in resources alters selective dynamics in
Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Spatial mapping of mitochondrial networks and bioenergetics in lung cancer Journal Articles
Spatial-specific TGF-β1 adenoviral expression determines morphogenetic phenotypes in embryonic mouse lung Journal Articles
Sputum T lymphocytes in asthma, COPD and healthy subjects have the phenotype of activated intraepithelial T cells (CD69+ CD103+) Journal Articles
Staging of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: past, present and future Journal Articles
Statistical genetics with application to population-based study design: a primer for clinicians Journal Articles
Steep Discounting of Future Rewards as an Impulsivity Phenotype: A Concise Review Journal Articles
Steroid receptor coactivator-1 modulates the function of Pomc neurons and energy homeostasis Journal Articles
Stimulation of calcineurin Aα activity attenuates muscle pathophysiology inmdxdystrophic mice Journal Articles
Streptococcal‐induced Kawasaki disease of the psoriasiform phenotype in a young adult Journal Articles
Stromal β-catenin overexpression contributes to the pathogenesis of renal dysplasia Journal Articles
Structural Variation of Chromosomes in Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Structure of the Autism Symptom Phenotype Journal Articles
Structure-Function Analyses of Thrombomodulin by Gene-Targeting in Mice: The Cytoplasmic Domain Is Not Required for Normal Fetal Development Journal Articles
Studies in haemoglobin E beta‐thalassaemia Journal Articles
Study of alleles of the second complement component (C2) on Canadian HLA haplotypes Journal Articles
Subjective Responses to Alcohol Consumption as Endophenotypes: Advancing Behavioral Genetics in Etiological and Treatment Models of Alcoholism Journal Articles
Succinylcholine sensitivity in a nova scotia family Journal Articles
Sudanese (δβ)0-Thalassemia: Identification and Characterization of a Novel 9.6 kb Deletion Journal Articles
Surface Phenotype and Functionality of WNV Specific T Cells Differ with Age and Disease Severity Journal Articles
Survival, mutagenesis, and host cell reactivation in a Chinese hamster ovary cell ERCC1 knock-out mutant Journal Articles
Susceptibility to chronic pain following nerve injury is genetically affected by CACNG2 Journal Articles
Synergistic Engineering: Organoids Meet Organs-on-a-Chip Journal Articles
Synergy in Induction of Increased Renal Allograft Survival after Portal Vein Infusion of Dendritic Cells Transduced to Express TGFβ and IL-10, along with Administration of CHO Cells Expressing the Regulatory Molecule OX-2 Journal Articles
Systemic GDF11 attenuates depression-like phenotype in aged mice via stimulation of neuronal autophagy Journal Articles
Systems Medicine Approaches for the Definition of Complex Phenotypes in Chronic Diseases and Ageing. From Concept to Implementation and Policies Journal Articles
T Cell Epitope Immunotherapy Induces a CD4+ T Cell Population with Regulatory Activity Journal Articles
T regulatory cell phenotypes in peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage from non‐asthmatic and asthmatic subjects Journal Articles
TATA-binding protein activates transcription when upstream of a GCN4-binding site in a novel yeast promoter. Journal Articles
TGF-β1 Induces Progressive Pleural Scarring and Subpleural Fibrosis Journal Articles
TGF-β1 gene transfer to the mouse colon leads to intestinal fibrosis Journal Articles
Targeted copy number variant identification across the neurodegenerative disease spectrum Journal Articles
Targeted exonic sequencing of GWAS loci in the high extremes of the plasma lipids distribution Journal Articles
Techniques for Large-Scale Bacterial Genome Manipulation and Characterization of the Mutants with Respect to In Silico Metabolic Reconstructions Journal Articles
Telomerase, Cell Immortality, and Cancer Journal Articles
Temperament and its Relationship to Autistic Symptoms in a High-Risk Infant Sib Cohort Journal Articles
Temperament influences the relationship between symptom severity and adaptive functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Temperature during embryonic development has persistent effects on thermal acclimation capacity in zebrafish Journal Articles
Temperature‐ and exercise‐induced gene expression and metabolic enzyme changes in skeletal muscle of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
The Aim2Be mHealth Intervention for Children With Overweight or Obesity and Their Parents: Person-Centered Analyses to Uncover Digital Phenotypes Journal Articles
The Collagenopathies: Review of Clinical Phenotypes and Molecular Correlations Journal Articles
The Distribution of Obesity Phenotypes in HIV-Infected African Population Journal Articles
The Drosophila Gene RanBPM Functions in the Mushroom Body to Regulate Larval Behavior Journal Articles
The E2F cell cycle regulator is required for Drosophila nurse cell DNA replication and apoptosis Journal Articles
The Effect of Acute Exercise on Neutrophil Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Inflammatory Markers in Healthy Prepubertal and Adult Males Journal Articles
The Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic Individuals With Different Haptoglobin Phenotypes Journal Articles
The Effects of Weak Genetic Perturbations on the Transcriptome of the Wing Imaginal Disc and Its Association With Wing Shape in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The Existence of the Borderline Diagnosis: Studies on Diagnostic Validity Journal Articles
The Familial Aggregation of the Lesser Variant in Biological and Nonbiological Relatives of PDD Probands: a Family History Study Journal Articles
The Family Borreliaceae (Spirochaetales), a Diverse Group in Two Genera of Tick-Borne Spirochetes of Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles Journal Articles
The Fetal Hypothalamus Has the Potential to Generate Cells with a Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Phenotype Journal Articles
The Gene Encoding p120cas, a Novel Catenin, Localizes on Human Chromosome 11q11 (CTNND) and Mouse Chromosome 2 (Catns) Journal Articles
The HL‐A Type of Rg(a–) Individuals Journal Articles
The Novel Catenin p120casBinds Classical Cadherins and Induces an Unusual Morphological Phenotype in NIH3T3 Fibroblasts Journal Articles
The Ocular Manifestations of Jacobsen Syndrome: A Report of Four Cases and a Review of the Literature Journal Articles
The Position of the Polycystic Kidney Disease 1 (PKD1) Gene Mutation Correlates with the Severity of Renal Disease Journal Articles
The Role of HER-2/neu Oncogene and Vimentin Filaments in the Production of the Paget's Phenotype Journal Articles
The Role of Serotonin in Breast Cancer Stem Cells Journal Articles
The Role of the Host in Driving Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Salmonella Journal Articles
The Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome: a novel metabolic way of understanding developmental biology, embryogenesis, and dysmorphology Journal Articles
The amount of blood group A substance on platelets is proportional to the amount in the plasma Journal Articles
The association between malathion resistance and acetylcholinesterase in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The association of HBG2, BCL11A, and HMIP polymorphisms with fetal hemoglobin and clinical phenotype in Iraqi Kurds with sickle cell disease Journal Articles
The breast tumor microenvironment alters the phenotype and function of natural killer cells Journal Articles
The clinical and genetic spectrum of autosomal-recessive TOR1A-related disorders Journal Articles
The complex clinical and cognitive phenotype of adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid hoarding disorder. Journal Articles
The duplication 17p13.3 phenotype: Analysis of 21 families delineates developmental, behavioral and brain abnormalities, and rare variant phenotypes Journal Articles
The environmental and genetic regulation of obake expressivity: morphogenetic fields as evolvable systems Journal Articles
The epilepsy phenotype of ST3GAL3‐related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy Journal Articles
The expanding clinical phenotype of the tRNALeu(UUR) A→G mutation at np 3243 of mitochondrial DNA: Diabetic embryopathy associated with mitochondrial cytopathy Journal Articles
The genetics of hemoglobin A2 regulation in sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
The hereditary adult-onset ataxias in South Africa Journal Articles
The impact of machine learning techniques in the study of bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
The incident tibiofemoral osteoarthritis with rapid progression phenotype: development and validation of a prognostic prediction rule Journal Articles
The justification for the progressive fibrotic phenotype Journal Articles
The keratocyte: Corneal stromal cell with variable repair phenotypes Journal Articles
The maternal prenatal and offspring early‐life gut microbiome of childhood asthma phenotypes Journal Articles
The molecular basis of emetine resistance in chinese hamster ovary cells: Alteration in the 40S ribosomal subunit Journal Articles
The nature of the hodgkin cell Journal Articles
The non-motile phenotype of Salmonella hha ydgT mutants is mediated through PefI-SrgD Journal Articles
The oncogenic role of circPVT1 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is mediated through the mutant p53/YAP/TEAD transcription-competent complex Journal Articles
The phenotypic manifestations of rare genic CNVs in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
The plasma concentration of activated protein C appears normal in patients with haemophilia Journal Articles
The potential influence of morphology on the evolutionary divergence of an acoustic signal Journal Articles
The potential to predict the course of childhood asthma Journal Articles
The protective effect of the obesity-associated rs9939609 A variant in fat mass- and obesity-associated gene on depression Journal Articles
The role of T lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of asthma Journal Articles
The role of developmental plasticity in evolutionary innovation Journal Articles
The search for autism disease genes Journal Articles
The tissue polarity gene nemo carries out multiple roles in patterning during Drosophila development Journal Articles
The transcription factor, Nuclear factor, erythroid 2 (Nfe2), is a regulator of the oxidative stress response during Danio rerio development Journal Articles
Thermal conditions experienced during differentiation affect metabolic and contractile phenotypes of mouse myotubes Journal Articles
Thiopurine S-methyltransferase testing for averting drug toxicity: a meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy Journal Articles
Thrifty-Eating Behavior Phenotype at the Food Court – Programming Goes Beyond Food Preferences Journal Articles
Thrombin generation in vitro in the presence of by‐passing agents in siblings with severe haemophilia A Journal Articles
Thrombin generation abnormalities in commonly encountered platelet function disorders Journal Articles
Thrombosis in inherited factor VII deficiency Journal Articles
Thyroid hormone links environmental signals to DNA methylation Journal Articles
Tissue Factor and Thrombosis Models Journal Articles
Trait-to-Gene Journal Articles
Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders Journal Articles
Transcriptional induction of the conserved alternative sigma factor RpoS in Escherichia coli is dependent on BarA, a probable two‐component regulator Journal Articles
Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of Yukon Thellungiella plants grown in cabinets and their natural habitat show phenotypic plasticity Journal Articles
Treadmill training–induced adaptations in muscle phenotype in persons with incomplete spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Tryptophan hydroxylase polymorphisms in suicide victims Journal Articles
Tumor cell traffic through the extracellular matrix is controlled by the membrane-anchored collagenase MT1-MMP Journal Articles
Tumour necrosis is an independent prognostic marker in non-small cell lung cancer: correlation with biological variables Journal Articles
Two children with muscular dystrophies ascertained due to referral for diagnosis of autism. Journal Articles
Unmasking of the Brugada Syndrome Phenotype During the Acute Phase of Amiodarone Infusion Journal Articles
Use of IMMPACT Recommendations to Explore Pain Phenotypes in People with Knee Osteoarthritis Journal Articles
Use of a programmable calculator in processing and interpreting serum cholinesterase phenotypes. Journal Articles
Use of genetic data to guide therapy in arterial disease Journal Articles
Using molecular classification to predict gains in maximal aerobic capacity following endurance exercise training in humans Journal Articles
Utility of Treadmill Testing in Identification and Genotype Prediction in Long-QT Syndrome Journal Articles
Utrophin A is essential in mediating the functional adaptations of mdx mouse muscle following chronic AMPK activation Journal Articles
Validation of a composite score for clinical severity of hemophilia Journal Articles
Variation of Phenotype in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Journal Articles
Vitamin D levels and risk of type 1 diabetes: A Mendelian randomization study Journal Articles
WISH-PC2: a unique xenograft model of human prostatic small cell carcinoma. Journal Articles
What Defines NK Cell Functional Fate: Phenotype or Metabolism? Journal Articles
What's in a name? That which we call IPF, by any other name would act the same Journal Articles
Wheeze trajectories: Determinants and outcomes in the CHILD Cohort Study Journal Articles
Whole genome sequencing resource identifies 18 new candidate genes for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Whole‐exome sequencing broadens the phenotypic spectrum of rare pediatric epilepsy: a retrospective study Journal Articles
Whole‐exome sequencing identified a patient with TMCO1 defect syndrome and expands the phenotic spectrum Journal Articles
Why is ALS so Difficult to Treat? Journal Articles
X-Linked Deafness-2 (DFNX2) Phenotype Associated With a Paracentric Inversion Upstream of
POU3F4 Journal Articles
[ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma). Achievements in 10 years and future needs in Latin America]. Journal Articles
c.1058C>T variant in the SERPINC1 gene is pathogenic for antithrombin deficiency Journal Articles
gJLS2: an R package for generalized joint location and scale analysis in X-inclusive genome-wide association studies Journal Articles
ndvF, a novel locus located on megaplasmid pRmeSU47b (pEXO) of Rhizobium meliloti, is required for normal nodule development Journal Articles
α+-Thalassemia Due to a Frameshift Mutation of theα2-Globin Gene [codons 55/56 (+T) orHBA2: c.168dup] Journal Articles
α+-Thalassemia Trait Caused by a Frameshift Mutation in Exon 2 of the α2-Globin Gene [HBA2 c.244delT] Journal Articles
α0-Thalassemia Due to a 90.7 kb Deletion (– –NFLD) Journal Articles
β-Catenin in stromal progenitors controls medullary stromal development Journal Articles
β+-Thalassemia Trait Due to a Novel Mutation in the β-Globin Gene Promoter: −26 (A>C) [HBB c.−76A>C] Journal Articles
“Self and parent-assessed skin cancer risk factors in school-age children” Journal Articles