Consistent changes in muscle phenotype and mitochondrial abundance underlie dive performance across multiple lineages of diving ducks Journal Articles uri icon

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  • ABSTRACT Diving animals must sustain high muscle activity with finite oxygen (O2) to forage underwater. Studies have shown that some diving mammals exhibit changes in the metabolic phenotype of locomotory muscles compared with non-divers, but the pervasiveness of such changes across diving animals is unclear, particularly among diving birds. Here, we examined whether changes in muscle phenotype and mitochondrial abundance are associated with dive capacity across 17 species of ducks from three distinct evolutionary clades (tribes) in the subfamily Anatinae: the longest diving sea ducks, the mid-tier diving pochards and the non-diving dabblers. In the gastrocnemius (the primary swimming and diving muscle), mitochondrial volume density in both oxidative and glycolytic fiber types was 70% and 30% higher in sea ducks compared with dabblers, respectively. These differences were associated with preferential proliferation of the subsarcolemmal subfraction, the mitochondria adjacent to the cell membrane and nearest to capillaries, relative to the intermyofibrillar subfraction. Capillary density and capillary-to-fiber ratio were positively correlated with mitochondrial volume density, with no variation in the density of oxidative fiber types across tribes. In the pectoralis, sea ducks had greater abundance of oxidative fiber types than dabblers, whereas pochards were intermediate between the two. These data suggest that skeletal muscles of sea ducks have a heightened capacity for aerobic metabolism and an enhanced ability to utilize O2 stores in the blood and muscle while diving.


  • Schell, Elizabeth R
  • Scott, Graham
  • Dawson, Neal J
  • Winker, Kevin
  • McCracken, Kevin G

publication date

  • August 1, 2024