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50bp deletion in the promoter for superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) reduces SOD1 expression in vitro and may correlate with increased age of onset of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Articles
CYP2E1,GSTM1andGSTT1genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity: a nested case-control study Journal Articles
DHCR7 mutations and genotype–phenotype correlation in 37 Polish patients with Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
PPARA Polymorphism Influences the Cardiovascular Benefit of Fenofibrate in Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From ACCORD-Lipid Journal Articles
p53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 T309G Polymorphisms, Histology, and Esophageal Cancer Prognosis Journal Articles
ABCB1 Gene Variants and Antidepressant Treatment Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis Including Results from the CAN‐BIND‐1 Study Journal Articles
A Discovery Resource of Rare Copy Number Variations in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
A Genome-Wide Association Study for Coronary Artery Disease Identifies a Novel Susceptibility Locus in the Major Histocompatibility Complex Journal Articles
A Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms for Acute Kidney Injury Journal Articles
A Large Pseudoautosomal Region on the Sex Chromosomes of the Frog Silurana tropicalis Journal Articles
A Large-Scale Genetic Analysis Reveals a Strong Contribution of the HLA Class II Region to Giant Cell Arteritis Susceptibility Journal Articles
A Law of Redundancy Compounds the Problem of Cancer and Precision Medicine Journal Articles
A Mild Phenotype of Severe β+ Thalassemia in a 16-Month-Old Boy Journal Articles
A New Mutation in the Thyroid Hormone Receptor (TR) β Gene (V458A) in a Family with Resistance to Thyroid Hormone (RTH) Journal Articles
A Novel Sickling Hemoglobinopathy Journal Articles
A Population Genetics Model for Multiple Quantitative Traits Exhibiting Pleiotropy and Epistasis Journal Articles
A Variable-Number-of-Tandem-Repeats Polymorphism in the Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Affects Social Adaptation of Alcohol Use Journal Articles
A common TLR1 polymorphism is associated with higher parasitaemia in a Southeast Asian population with Plasmodium falciparum malaria Journal Articles
A doubtful relationship between tyrosine tRNA and suppression of the vermilion mutant in Drosophila Journal Articles
A genome-wide scan for common alleles affecting risk for autism Journal Articles
A genotype-directed comparative effectiveness trial of Bucindolol and metoprolol succinate for prevention of symptomatic atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter in patients with heart failure: Rationale and design of the GENETIC-AF trial Journal Articles
A genotype-to-phenotype map of in vitro selected RNA-cleaving DNAzymes: implications for accessing the target phenotype Journal Articles
A large-scale candidate gene association study of age at menarche and age at natural menopause Journal Articles
A method to estimate the contribution of regional genetic associations to complex traits from summary association statistics Journal Articles
A molecular genetic study of factor XI deficiency Journal Articles
A novel approach of homozygous haplotype sharing identifies candidate genes in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
A novel multisystem disease associated with recessive mutations in the tyrosyl‐tRNA synthetase (YARS) gene Journal Articles
A novel mutation in the PYGM gene in a family with pseudo-dominant transmission of McArdle disease Journal Articles
A phenome-wide association study of a lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2loss-of-function variant in 90 000 Chinese adults Journal Articles
A polygenic basis for four classical Fredrickson hyperlipoproteinemia phenotypes that are characterized by hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
A randomised, double blind comparison of tecarfarin, a novel vitamin K antagonist, with warfarin Journal Articles
A randomized study of alpha‐interferon plus ribavirin for 6 months or 12 months for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients with bleeding disorders Journal Articles
A recurrent de novo HSPD1 variant is associated with hypomyelinating leukodystrophy Journal Articles
A role for corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) in ethanol consumption, sensitivity, and reward as revealed by CRF-deficient mice Journal Articles
A simplified diagnosis algorithm for dysbetalipoproteinemia Journal Articles
A standardised method for interpreting the association between mutations and phenotypic drug resistance inMycobacterium tuberculosis Journal Articles
AGTR1 gene variation: Association with depression and frontotemporal morphology Journal Articles
APOL1 Genotype and Renal Function of Black Living Donors Journal Articles
Accuracy and Biological Variation of Human Serum Paraoxonase 1 Activity and Polymorphism (Q192R) by Kinetic Enzyme Assay Journal Articles
Accuracy of p53 Codon 72 Polymorphism Status Determined by Multiple Laboratory Methods: A Latent Class Model Analysis Journal Articles
Active metabolite concentration of clopidogrel in patients taking different doses of aspirin: results of the interaction trial Journal Articles
Adenoviral Transfer of Murine Oncostatin M Elicits Periosteal Bone Apposition in Knee Joints of Mice, Despite Synovial Inflammation and Up-Regulated Expression of Interleukin-6 and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-κB Ligand Journal Articles
Admixture mapping of male nuptial colour and body shape in a recently formed hybrid population of threespine stickleback Journal Articles
Adrenergic alpha 2C receptor genomic organization: Association study in adult ADHD Journal Articles
Advances in Genomic Analysis of Stroke Journal Articles
Adverse effects of β-agonists Journal Articles
Age and Sex Differences in the Genetics of Cardiomyopathy Journal Articles
Alcohol dehydrogenase 3 genotype modification of the association of alcohol consumption with breast cancer risk. Journal Articles
An image database of Drosophila melanogaster wings for phenomic and biometric analysis Journal Articles
An initial investigation of associations between dopamine-linked genetic variation and smoking motives in African Americans Journal Articles
Analyses of the Global Multilocus Genotypes of the Human Pathogenic Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans Species Complex Journal Articles
Analysis of IL-6, STAT3 and HSPA1L Gene Polymorphisms in Anti-Tuberculosis Drug-Induced Hepatitis in a Nested Case-Control Study Journal Articles
Analysis of the common genetic component of large-vessel vasculitides through a meta-Immunochip strategy Journal Articles
Analytical strategies to include the X‐chromosome in variance heterogeneity analyses: Evidence for trait‐specific polygenic variance structure Journal Articles
Angiogenin Levels and ANG Genotypes: Dysregulation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Journal Articles
Angiotensin converting enzyme genotypes and disease Journal Articles
Antagonistic Bacterial Interactions Help Shape Host-Symbiont Dynamics within the Fungus-Growing Ant-Microbe Mutualism Journal Articles
Apnea and Oxygen Desaturations in Children Treated with Opioids after Adenotonsillectomy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Journal Articles
Apolipoprotein E e4 allele affects risk of hyperhomocysteinemia in the elderly Journal Articles
Application of DNA markers to identify the individual‐specific hosts of tsetse feeding on cattle Journal Articles
Assessing known chronic kidney disease associated genetic variants in Saudi Arabian populations Journal Articles
Assessing the time dependence of prognostic values of cytology and human papillomavirus testing in cervical cancer screening Journal Articles
Assignment by deletion of human red cell acid phosphatase gene locus to the short arm of chromosome 2. Journal Articles
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data Journal Articles
Association between high expression macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) alleles and West Nile virus encephalitis Journal Articles
Association between impulsivity traits and body mass index at the observational and genetic epidemiology level Journal Articles
Association between maternal childhood maltreatment and mother-infant attachment disorganization: Moderation by maternal oxytocin receptor gene and cortisol secretion Journal Articles
Association between the seven-repeat allele of the dopamine-4 receptor gene (DRD4) and spontaneous food intake in pre-school children Journal Articles
Association between three functional polymorphisms of the dopamine D2 receptor gene and polydipsia in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Association between tumor necrosis factor-α promoter −308 A/G polymorphism and susceptibility to sepsis and sepsis mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Association of TLR4 polymorphisms with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection status in Canadian Holsteins Journal Articles
Association of BRM promoter polymorphisms and esophageal adenocarcinoma outcome Journal Articles
Association of Factor V Leiden With Subsequent Atherothrombotic Events Journal Articles
Association of Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis (Wegener's) With HLA–DPB1*04 and SEMA6A Gene Variants: Evidence From Genome‐Wide Analysis Journal Articles
Association of Novel Locus With Rheumatic Heart Disease in Black African Individuals Journal Articles
Association of autism severity with a monoamine oxidase A functional polymorphism Journal Articles
Association of common variants in the human eyes shut ortholog (EYS) with statin‐induced myopathy: Evidence for additional functions of EYS Journal Articles
Association of polymorphisms of the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene with risk for bipolar disorder or suicidal behavior Journal Articles
Association of the CPT1B Gene with Skeletal Muscle Fat Infiltration in Afro‐Caribbean Men Journal Articles
Association study between fibronectin and coronary heart disease Journal Articles
Association study of the estrogen receptor gene ESR1 with postpartum depression—a pilot study Journal Articles
Associations between Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Variation with Both Infidelity and Sexual Promiscuity Journal Articles
Associations of NOD2 polymorphisms with Erysipelotrichaceae in stool of in healthy first degree relatives of Crohn’s disease subjects Journal Articles
Associations of plasma homocysteine and the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism with carotid intima media thickness among South Asian, Chinese and European Canadians Journal Articles
Associations of the FTO rs9939609 variant with discrete body fat depots and dietary intake in a multi-ethnic cohort Journal Articles
BCL11A enhancer haplotypes and fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
BRCA2 Variants and cardiovascular disease in a multi-ethnic study Journal Articles
Behavioral abnormalities in synapsin II knockout mice implicate a causal factor in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Benefits and limitations of genome-wide association studies Journal Articles
Beyond the Brain Journal Articles
Bioinformatics of antimicrobial resistance in the age of molecular epidemiology Journal Articles
Biological and clinicopathological features associated with hepatitis C virus type 5 infections Journal Articles
Biological, clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids Journal Articles
Boron levels in man: Preliminary evidence of genetic regulation and some implications for human biology Journal Articles
Bovine IFNGR2, IL12RB1, IL12RB2, and IL23R polymorphisms and MAP infection status Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene val66met polymorphism and executive functioning in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism affects prefrontal energy metabolism in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Breast cancer prognostic significance of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the proximal androgen response element of the prostate specific antigen gene promoter Journal Articles
Brief Report: Persistence of Non-Vaccine Oncogenic HPV Genotypes in Quadrivalent HPV-Vaccinated Women Living With HIV Journal Articles
Brown Norway Chromosome 13 Confers Protection From High Salt to Consomic Dahl S Rat Journal Articles
Brown Norway chromosome 13 confers protection from high salt to consomic Dahl S rat Conferences
Bucindolol Decreases Atrial Fibrillation Burden in Patients With Heart Failure and the
Arg389Arg Genotype Journal Articles
Bucindolol for the Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm in a Genotype-Defined HF Population Journal Articles
CFTR2: How will it help care? Journal Articles
Caenorhabditis briggsae Recombinant Inbred Line Genotypes Reveal Inter-Strain Incompatibility and the Evolution of Recombination Journal Articles
Can activated recombinant factor VII be used to postpone the exposure of infants to factor VIII until after 2 years of age? Journal Articles
Carrier frequency of the RSH/Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz IVS8‐1G>C mutation in African Americans Journal Articles
Case Report: Eosinophilic Esophagitis in a Patient With a Novel STAT1 Gain-of-Function Pathogenic Variant Journal Articles
Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) Val 108/158 Metpolymorphism does not modulate executive function in children with ADHD Journal Articles
Causal Relationship between Adiponectin and Metabolic Traits: A Mendelian Randomization Study in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Central aromatization of testosterone in testicular feminized mice Journal Articles
Centrotemporal sharp wave EEG trait in rolandic epilepsy maps to Elongator Protein Complex 4 (ELP4) Journal Articles
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy with and without hemorrhage Journal Articles
Changes in 2-Hydroxyestrone and 16α-Hydroxyestrone Metabolism with Flaxseed Consumption: Modification by COMT and CYP1B1 Genotype Journal Articles
Changes in the Epidemiology of Thalassemia in North America: A New Minority Disease Journal Articles
Characterization of Androgenetic/Biparental Mosaic/Chimeric Conceptions, Including Those With a Molar Component Journal Articles
Characterization of Escherichia coli urinary tract infection isolates in remote northern Saskatchewan communities: the Northern Antibiotic Resistance Partnership Journal Articles
Characterization of human disease phenotypes associated with mutations in TREX1, RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C, SAMHD1, ADAR, and IFIH1 Journal Articles
Characterization of long RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes with short catalytic cores: the effect of excess sequence elements on the outcome of in vitro selection Journal Articles
Characterization ofStreptococcus milleriGroup Isolates from Expectorated Sputum of Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Chronic hepatitis C treatment outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Chronic venous abnormalities in symptomatic and asymptomatic protein C deficiency Journal Articles
Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing Pipeline Outperforms a Combined Approach Using Sanger Sequencing and Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification in Targeted Gene Panel Analysis Journal Articles
Clinical and analytical considerations in the utilization of cholinesterase measurements Journal Articles
Clinical evaluation of a hemochromatosis next‐generation sequencing gene panel Journal Articles
Clinical features of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 2 Journal Articles
Clinical implications and characterization of Group A Streptoccoccus infections in adults with cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Clinical presentation and molecular basis of congenital antithrombin deficiency in children: a cohort study Journal Articles
Clinical spectrum of pyruvate kinase deficiency: data from the Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Natural History Study Journal Articles
Clinical, biochemical and genetic features of five extended kindred's with glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism. Conferences
Clonal Expansion of the Pseudogymnoascus destructans Genotype in North America Is Accompanied by Significant Variation in Phenotypic Expression Journal Articles
Clonal Genotype of Geomyces destructans among Bats with White Nose Syndrome, New York, USA Journal Articles
Clonal and Spontaneous Origins of Fluconazole Resistance in
Candida albicans Journal Articles
Clustering the autisms using glutamate synapse protein interaction networks from cortical and hippocampal tissue of seven mouse models Journal Articles
Co-Infection by Hepatitis C Virus in HIV-Infected Patients in Southern Brazil: Genotype Distribution and Clinical Correlates Journal Articles
Co-circulation of multiple genotypes of human rhinovirus during a large outbreak of respiratory illness in a veterans’ long-term care home Journal Articles
Coinheritance of α-thalassemia-1 and hemoglobin E/β0-thalassemia: Practical implications for neonatal screening and genetic counseling Journal Articles
Collaborative Effort for a Centralized Worldwide Tuberculosis Relational Sequencing Data Platform: Figure 1. Journal Articles
Collagen platelet receptor polymorphisms integrin α2β1 C807T and GPVI Q317L and risk of ischemic stroke Journal Articles
Combining direct and indirect genetic methods to estimate dispersal for informing wildlife disease management decisions Journal Articles
Common Reservoirs forPenicillium marneffeiInfection in Humans and Rodents, China Journal Articles
Common genetic loci influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations and their effect on risk of coronary artery disease Journal Articles
Comorbidities and complications in adults with pyruvate kinase deficiency Journal Articles
Comparative Gene Genealogies Indicate that Two Clonal Lineages ofCryptococcus gattiiin British Columbia ResembleStrains from Other Geographical Areas Journal Articles
Comparative evaluation of AMPLICOR HPV PCR and Linear Array assays on SurePath liquid-based Pap samples for the detection of high-risk HPV genotypes Journal Articles
Comparing Genetic Ancestry and Self-Described Race in African Americans Born in the United States and in Africa Journal Articles
Comparing the American and European diagnostic guidelines for cystic fibrosis: same disease, different language? Journal Articles
Comparison of biochemical and genotypic speciation methods for vancomycin-resistant enterococci isolated from urban wastewater treatment plants Journal Articles
Comparison of in-house and commercial 16S rRNA sequencing with high-performance liquid chromatography and genotype AS and CM for identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria Journal Articles
Complex two-gene modulation of lung disease severity in children with cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Complications in the genotypic molecular diagnosis of pseudo arylsulfatase A deficiency Journal Articles
Compound Heterozygosity For Triplicated α‐Globin Gene and (– –SEA) α‐Globin Gene Deletion: Implication For Thalassaemia Screening Journal Articles
Compound Heterozygosity for two Genotypes of α-Thalassemia-2 : Hematological, Biosynthetic and DNA Studies Journal Articles
Comprehensive Analysis of Genomic Variation in the
Locus and Its Relationship to Plasma Lipoprotein(a) in South Asians, Chinese, and European Caucasians Journal Articles
Concept and design of a genome-wide association genotyping array tailored for transplantation-specific studies Journal Articles
Concept, Design and Implementation of a Cardiovascular Gene-Centric 50 K SNP Array for Large-Scale Genomic Association Studies Journal Articles
Consensus statement for the perinatal management of patients with α thalassemia major Journal Articles
Contribution of BDNF and DRD2 genetic polymorphisms to continued opioid use in patients receiving methadone treatment for opioid use disorder: an observational study Journal Articles
Correction of Population Stratification in Large Multi-Ethnic Association Studies Journal Articles
Correlation between Azole Susceptibilities, Genotypes, and
Mutations in
Candida albicans
Isolates Associated with Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in China Journal Articles
Country Level Diversity of the HIV-1 Pandemic between 1990 and 2015 Journal Articles
Cryptococcosis in patients with diabetes mellitus II in mainland China: 1993‐2015 Journal Articles
Cystic fibrosis modifier genes related to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection Journal Articles
DHCR7 genotypes of cousins with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
DHCR7 nonsense mutations and characterisation of mRNA nonsense mediated decay in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
DRD2 and SLC6A3 moderate impact of maternal depressive symptoms on infant cortisol Journal Articles
DRD2/ANKK1 TaqI A genotype moderates the relationship between alexithymia and the relative value of alcohol among male college binge drinkers Journal Articles
De novo and rare inherited copy-number variations in the hemiplegic form of cerebral palsy Journal Articles
De novo mutations in the GTP/GDP-binding region of RALA, a RAS-like small GTPase, cause intellectual disability and developmental delay Journal Articles
Decoding ‘Unnecessary Complexity’: A Law of Complexity and a Concept of Hidden Variation Behind “Missing Heritability” in Precision Medicine Journal Articles
Defective remodeling and maturation of the lymphatic vasculature in Angiopoietin-2 deficient mice Journal Articles
Defining the disease liability of variants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene Journal Articles
Deletion 9q34.3 syndrome: genotype-phenotype correlations and an extended deletion in a patient with features of Opitz C trigonocephaly Journal Articles
Demonstration of a splenic cytotoxic effector cell in mice of genotype SCID/SCID.BG/BG Journal Articles
Detection of Clinically Relevant Genotypes of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in Nosocomial Surveillance Specimens by PCR Journal Articles
Detection of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 in Plasma Cells Journal Articles
Determination of lipoprotein(a) kringle repeat number from genomic DNA: copy number variation genotyping using qPCR Journal Articles
Development and Evaluation of a Molecular Hepatitis A Virus Assay for Serum and Stool Specimens Journal Articles
Development of an electrochemical sensing technique for rapid genotyping of hepatitis B virus. Journal Articles
Diagnosis of arylsulfatase A deficiency Journal Articles
Diagnostic Pitfall in PCR-Based α-Thalassemia Genotyping Resulting from a (G→C) Polymorphism at Nucleotide 71 3′ to the α2-Globin Gene Termination Codon Journal Articles
Diesel exhaust augments allergen-induced lower airway inflammation in allergic individuals: a controlled human exposure study Journal Articles
Differences in HIV Type 1 RNA Plasma Load Profile of Closely Related Cocirculating Ethiopian Subtype C Strains: C and C′ Journal Articles
Discovery of rare variants associated with blood pressure regulation through meta-analysis of 1.3 million individuals Journal Articles
Discussion of "Repetitive Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Human Genome Variation--A Concise Review Relevant to Forensic Biology". Journal Articles
Distribution and Characteristics of
Listeria monocytogenes
Isolates from Surface Waters of the South Nation River Watershed, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution and Diversity of
Escherichia coli
Populations in the South Nation River Drainage Basin, Eastern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution of human papillomavirus genotypes in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cervical cancer in Canada Journal Articles
Diverse Evolutionary Trajectories Characterize a Community of RNA-Cleaving Deoxyribozymes: A Case Study into the Population Dynamics of In Vitro Selection Journal Articles
Diversity and origins of Indian multi‐triazole resistant strains of Aspergillus fumigatus Journal Articles
Diversity and relationships among strains of culturable yeasts in agricultural soils in Cameroon Journal Articles
Diversity of Rotavirus Strains Circulating in Botswana before and after introduction of the Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine Journal Articles
Diversity of commensal yeasts within and among healthy hosts Journal Articles
Diversity, Dispersal and Mode of Reproduction of Amanita exitialis in Southern China Journal Articles
Diversity, functional classification and genotyping of SHV β-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Journal Articles
Does Integration of Various Ion Channel Measurements Improve Diagnostic Performance in Cystic Fibrosis? Journal Articles
Does extensive genotyping and nasal potential difference testing clarify the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis among patients with single-organ manifestations of cystic fibrosis? Journal Articles
Does your gene need a background check? How genetic background impacts the analysis of mutations, genes, and evolution Journal Articles
Dopamine Receptor Gene D4 Polymorphisms and Early Sexual Onset: Gender and Environmental Moderation in a Sample of African-American Youth Journal Articles
Dose and polymorphic genes xrcc1, xrcc3, gst play a role in the risk of developing erythema in breast cancer patients following single shot partial breast irradiation after conservative surgery Journal Articles
Dynamic and Heterogeneous Mutations to Fluconazole Resistance in
Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Dynamic interaction between fetal adversity and a genetic score reflecting dopamine function on developmental outcomes at 36 months Journal Articles
Dysregulation of Peripheral Cytokine Production in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
Ecological and physical barriers shape genetic structure of the Alpine porcini (Boletus reticuloceps) Journal Articles
Editorial: acid suppression with potassium‐competitive acid blockers dismissing genotype concerns Journal Articles
Effect Modification by Catalase Genotype Suggests a Role for Oxidative Stress in the Association of Hormone Replacement Therapy with Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk Journal Articles
Effect of
) Mutations on A-Band and B-Band Lipopolysaccharide Biosynthesis in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
O5 Journal Articles
Effect of GST variants on lung function following diesel exhaust and allergen co-exposure in a controlled human crossover study Journal Articles
Effect of apolipoprotein E and butyrylcholinesterase genotypes on cognitive response to cholinesterase inhibitor treatment at different stages of Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine After Programmatic Implementation in Botswana: A Multisite Prospective Case-Control Study Journal Articles
Effects of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 gene variants on escitalopram and aripiprazole treatment outcome and serum levels: results from the CAN-BIND 1 study Journal Articles
Effects of Dystrophin Isoforms on Signal Transduction through Neural Retina: Genotype–Phenotype Analysis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mouse Mutants Journal Articles
Effects of Genotype and Sleep on Temperament Journal Articles
Effects of Multiple Genetic Loci on Age at Onset in Late-Onset Alzheimer Disease Journal Articles
Effects of Nicotine Deprivation and Replacement on BOLD-fMRI Response to Smoking Cues as a Function of DRD4 VNTR Genotype Journal Articles
Effects of Source of DNA on Genotyping Success Rates and Allele Percentages in the Preschoolers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Study (PATS) Journal Articles
Effects ofCYP2C19Genotype on Outcomes of Clopidogrel Treatment Journal Articles
Efficacy and safety of a two‐drug direct‐acting antiviral agent regimen ruzasvir 180 mg and uprifosbuvir 450 mg for 12 weeks in adults with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 Journal Articles
Eighteenth century Yersinia pestis genomes reveal the long-term persistence of an historical plague focus Journal Articles
Electrical properties of muscle fibre membranes in man. Journal Articles
Endothelin A receptor is necessary for O-2 constriction but not closure of ductus arteriosus Journal Articles
Endothelin A receptor is necessary for O2constriction but not closure of ductus arteriosus Journal Articles
Enhanced Detection and Typing of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in Anogenital Samples with PGMY Primers and the Linear Array HPV Genotyping Test Journal Articles
Environment factors can influence mitochondrial inheritance in the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Epidemiologic Approaches to Evaluating the Potential for Human Papillomavirus Type Replacement Postvaccination Journal Articles
Epidemiologic Evaluation of Human Papillomavirus Type Competition and the Potential for Type Replacement Post-Vaccination Journal Articles
Epidemiology of Clonal Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in a Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Population Journal Articles
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling Contributes to Variation for Wing Shape in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Eradication of an epidemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from a geriatric university hospital: evidence from a 10-year follow-up Journal Articles
Ethnicity Does Not Affect the Homocysteine-Lowering Effect of B-Vitamin Therapy in Singaporean Stroke Patients Journal Articles
Evaluation of Genes Encoding for the Transient Outward Current (Ito) Identifies the
Gene as a Cause of J-Wave Syndrome Associated With Sudden Cardiac Death Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Disease Liability of CFTR Variants Journal Articles
Evidence for a gene–gene interaction in predicting children's behavior problems: Association of serotonin transporter short and dopamine receptor D4 long genotypes with internalizing and externalizing behaviors in typically developing 7-year-olds Journal Articles
Evidence for a link between local and seasonal cycles in gene frequencies and latitudinal gene clines in a cyclic parthenogen Journal Articles
Evidence for genetic incompatibilities associated with post-zygotic reproductive isolation in the human fungal pathogenCryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Evidence of Naturalized Stress-Tolerant Strains of Escherichia coli in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Journal Articles
Evidence of unique genetic diversity in Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from Cameroon Journal Articles
Exome sequencing identifies rare variants in multiple genes in atrioventricular septal defect Journal Articles
Exploiting a mutualism: parasite specialization on cultivars within the fungus–growing ant symbiosis Journal Articles
Extensive Genetic Diversity and Widespread Azole Resistance in Greenhouse Populations of Aspergillus fumigatus in Yunnan, China Journal Articles
FUT2 genotype and secretory status are not associated with fecal microbial composition and inferred function in healthy subjects Journal Articles
Factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene G20210A mutations in Italian patients with Behçet's disease and deep vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Factor VII deficiency: clinical manifestation of 717 subjects from Europe and Latin America with mutations in the factor 7 gene Journal Articles
Factors Contributing to the Lack of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV‐1) Transmission in HIV‐1–Discordant Partners Journal Articles
Factors independently associated with cardiac troponin I levels in young and healthy adults from the general population Journal Articles
Familial non-syndromic conotruncal defects are not associated with a 22q11 microdeletion Journal Articles
Fantastic yeasts and where to find them: the discovery of a predominantly clonal Cryptococcus deneoformans population in Saudi Arabian soils Journal Articles
Favourable IFNL3 Genotypes Are Associated with Spontaneous Clearance and Are Differentially Distributed in Aboriginals in Canadian HIV-Hepatitis C Co-Infected Individuals Journal Articles
Fetal erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice Journal Articles
Field measurements of genotype by environment interaction for fitness caused by spontaneous mutations inArabidopsis thaliana Journal Articles
Fine Mapping of the Insulin-Induced Gene 2 Identifies a Variant Associated With LDL Cholesterol and Total Apolipoprotein B Levels Journal Articles
Fine-scale genetic analyses reveal unexpected spatial-temporal heterogeneity in two natural populations of the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus Journal Articles
Fitness consequences of plants growing with siblings: reconciling kin selection, niche partitioning and competitive ability Journal Articles
Fitness distribution and transgressive segregation across 40 environments in a hybrid progeny population of the human-pathogenic yeastCryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Foetal Erythropoiesis in Steel Mutant Mice Journal Articles
Folate levels in pregnant women who smoke: An important gene/environment interaction Journal Articles
Founder effect for the T93MDHCR7mutation in Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
Fumarase deficiency: a rare disorder on the crossroads of clinical and metabolic genetics, neurology and cancer Journal Articles
Functional effects and gender association of COX-2 gene polymorphism G-765C in bronchial asthma Journal Articles
Fundamentals of Fungal Molecular Population Genetic Analyses Journal Articles
GENETIC STUDY: The dopamine D4 Receptor (DRD4) gene exon III polymorphism, problematic alcohol use and novelty seeking: direct and mediated genetic effects Journal Articles
GWAS of lifetime cannabis use reveals new risk loci, genetic overlap with psychiatric traits, and a causal effect of schizophrenia liability Journal Articles
Gender-Discordant Monochorionic-Diamniotic Twins Both With 45,X/46,X, Idic(Y) Mosaicism and a Novel Deletion Within the TBC1D5 Gene Journal Articles
Gene duplication and divergence produce divergent MHC genotypes without disassortative mating Journal Articles
Gene-Centric Meta-Analysis of Lipid Traits in African, East Asian and Hispanic Populations Journal Articles
Gene-centric Meta-analysis in 87,736 Individuals of European Ancestry Identifies Multiple Blood-Pressure-Related Loci Journal Articles
General transduction in Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses of Discrete Geographic Samples of a Golden Chanterelle in Canada Reveal Evidence for Recent Regional Differentiation Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses of a Hybrid Cross Between Serotypes A and D Strains of the Human Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences Suggest Introgression and Duplication in the Medicinal Mushroom Agaricus subrufescens Journal Articles
Genetic Analysis of 103 Candidate Genes for Coronary Artery Disease and Associated Phenotypes in a Founder Population Reveals a New Association between Endothelin-1 and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Journal Articles
Genetic Determinants of Warfarin Maintenance Dose and Time in Therapeutic Treatment Range: A RE-LY Genomics Substudy Journal Articles
Genetic Determinants of “Cognitive Impairment, No Dementia” Journal Articles
Genetic Differential Susceptibility to Socioeconomic Status and Childhood Obesogenic Behavior Journal Articles
Genetic Dissection of Behavior: Modulation of Locomotion by Light in theDrosophila melanogasterLarva Requires Genetically Distinct Visual System Functions Journal Articles
Genetic Diversity and Dispersal of Aspergillus fumigatus in Arctic Soils Journal Articles
Genetic Diversity of Populations of Monilinia fructicola (Fungi, Ascomycota, Helotiales) from China Journal Articles
Genetic Factors and Genotype-Environment Interactions Contribute to Variation in Melanin Production in the Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Genetic Information and the Prediction of Incident Type 2 Diabetes in a High-Risk Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Genetic Loci Associated With C-Reactive Protein Levels and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Journal Articles
Genetic Modifiers of Lung Disease in Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Genetic Polymorphisms of GlutathioneS-Transferases and the Risk of Adult Brain Tumors: A Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Genetic Predictors of Cardiovascular Mortality During Intensive Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From the ACCORD Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Genetic Risk Evaluation in Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Response Journal Articles
Genetic Variants Associated With Myocardial Infarction Risk Factors in Over 8000 Individuals From Five Ethnic Groups Journal Articles
Genetic Variants and Susceptibility to Neurological Complications Following West Nile Virus Infection Journal Articles
Genetic Variation in the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative Journal Articles
Genetic Variations of TAP1 Gene Exon 3 Affects Gene Expression and Escherichia coli F18 Resistance in Piglets Journal Articles
Genetic association of the GDNF alpha-receptor genes with schizophrenia and clozapine response Journal Articles
Genetic determinants of right-ventricular remodeling after tetralogy of Fallot repair Journal Articles
Genetic differentiation, recombination and clonal expansion in environmental populations of Cryptococcus gattii in India Journal Articles
Genetic loci associated with delayed clearance of
Plasmodium falciparum
following artemisinin treatment in Southeast Asia Journal Articles
Genetic predictors of response to treatment with citalopram in depression secondary to traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Genetic susceptibility to beryllium: a case–referent study of men and women of working age with sarcoidosis or other chronic lung disease Journal Articles
Genetic testing for atherosclerosis risk: Inevitability or pipe dream? Journal Articles
Genetic variability and characterization of non-structural region 5 of hepatitis C virus genome from Chinese patients Journal Articles
Genetic variation in hyaluronan metabolism loci is associated with plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 concentration Journal Articles
Genetically determined P2X7 receptor pore formation regulates variability in chronic pain sensitivity Journal Articles
Genetically determined low maternal serum dopamine ?-hydroxylase levels and the etiology of autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Genetics of Nitrofurazone Resistance in
Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Genetics of microenvironmental canalization in
Arabidopsis thaliana Journal Articles
Gene‐ or region‐based analysis of genome‐wide association studies Journal Articles
Genome duplication events have led to a diversification in the CPT I gene family in fish Journal Articles
Genome scan of Arab Israeli families maps a schizophrenia susceptibility gene to chromosome 6q23 and supports a locus at chromosome 10q24 Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Soluble ICAM-1 Concentration Reveals Novel Associations at the NFKBIK, PNPLA3, RELA, and SH2B3 Loci Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Associations and Functional Genomic Studies of Musculoskeletal Adverse Events in Women Receiving Aromatase Inhibitors Journal Articles
Genome-wide association analyses of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over 1 million individuals identify hundreds of loci and shared genetic influences Journal Articles
Genome-wide association studies of placebo and duloxetine response in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Genome-wide association study of delay discounting in 23,217 adult research participants of European ancestry Journal Articles
Genome-wide association study of emotional empathy in children Journal Articles
Genome-wide association study of sepsis in extremely premature infants Journal Articles
Genome-wide meta-analyses identify multiple loci associated with smoking behavior Journal Articles
Genomic Epidemiology of Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections Among Hospitalized Individuals in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of the tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata in response to oxidative stress Journal Articles
Genomic approaches to bleeding disorders Conferences
Genotype and phenotype in 12 additional individuals with SATB2‐associated syndrome Journal Articles
Genotype-Environment Interactions of Spontaneous Mutations for Vegetative Fitness in the Human Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Genotype-Positive Status in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Is Associated With Higher Rates of Heart Failure Events Journal Articles
Genotype-guided versus standard vitamin K antagonist dosing algorithms in patients initiating anticoagulation Journal Articles
Genotype-specific effects of elamipretide in patients with primary mitochondrial myopathy: a post hoc analysis of the MMPOWER-3 trial. Journal Articles
Genotypes of chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia in a large adult-onset cohort Journal Articles
Genotypes, phenotypes and whole genome sequence: Approaches from the My Life Our Future haemophilia project Journal Articles
Genotype‐by‐environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans Journal Articles
Genotypic and Phenotypic Analyses of Two “Isogenic” Strains of the Human Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans Journal Articles
Genotypic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus neoformans isolates from paediatric patients in China Journal Articles
Genotypic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus neoformans species complex from China, including the diploid VNIII isolates from HIV-infected patients in Chongqing region Journal Articles
Genotypic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from the Yangtze River Delta region of East China Journal Articles
Germline HOXB13 p.Gly84Glu mutation and risk of colorectal cancer Journal Articles
Global Real-World Evidence of Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir as a Highly Effective Treatment and Elimination Tool in People with Hepatitis C Infection Experiencing Mental Health Disorders Journal Articles
Global and regional epidemiology of HIV-1 recombinants in 1990–2015: a systematic review and global survey Journal Articles
Global and regional molecular epidemiology of HIV-1, 1990–2015: a systematic review, global survey, and trend analysis Journal Articles
Global molecular diversity of RSV – the “INFORM RSV” study Journal Articles
Global real‐world evidence of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir as simple, effective HCV treatment: Analysis of 5552 patients from 12 cohorts Journal Articles
Glucocorticoid Receptor Changes Associate with Age in the Paraventricular Nucleus of Type II Diabetic Rat Model Journal Articles
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency genotypes and allele frequencies in the Kavango and Zambezi regions of northern Namibia Journal Articles
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3α Deficiency Attenuates Atherosclerosis and Hepatic Steatosis in High Fat Diet–Fed Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor–Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Glycoproteins E and I facilitate neuron-to-neuron spread of herpes simplex virus Journal Articles
HBV serum markers of 49164 patients and their relationships to HBV genotype in Fujian Province of China. Journal Articles
HL-A genotype of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Journal Articles
HLA-DQA1 and PLCG2 Are Candidate Risk Loci for Childhood-Onset Steroid-Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome Journal Articles
HPV genotype-specific distribution and attributable risk in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in a referral population with a history of LSIL. Journal Articles
HS3ST1 genotype regulates antithrombin's inflammomodulatory tone and associates with atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Haemoglobin Q-Thailand and hereditary spherocytosis in a Chinese family Journal Articles
Hb Castilla [β32(B14)Leu → Arg] Caused by a De Novo Mutation Journal Articles
Hb Presbyterian (HBB: c.327C>G) in a Nicaraguan Family Journal Articles
Hemagglutinin sequence clusters and the antigenic evolution of influenza A virus Journal Articles
Hemoglobin E/β Thalassemia: The Canadian Experience Journal Articles
Hemoglobin H (Hb H) disease in Canada: Molecular diagnosis and review of 116 cases Journal Articles
Hemoglobin H identification by high‐performance liquid chromatography in confirmed hemoglobin H disease Journal Articles
Hemopoietic stem cells in murine embryonic yolk sac and peripheral blood. Journal Articles
Hepatitis C genotypes in Australian haemophilia patients Journal Articles
Heterogeneity in phenotypic and genotypic characteristics among strains of Hafnia alvei Journal Articles
Heterozygous Mutations Causing Partial Prohormone Convertase 1 Deficiency Contribute to Human Obesity Journal Articles
Hierarchical investigation of genetic influences on response inhibition in healthy young adults. Journal Articles
High Coffee Intake, but Not Caffeine, is Associated with Reduced Estrogen Receptor Negative and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk with No Effect Modification by CYP1A2 Genotype Journal Articles
High-Risk Nonclassical Long-QT Syndrome Genotypes: Spectrum of Genetic and Phenotypic Features Journal Articles
Homocysteine and Coronary Heart Disease: Meta-analysis of MTHFR Case-Control Studies, Avoiding Publication Bias Journal Articles
Host genetics maps to behaviour and brain structure in developmental mice. Journal Articles
How to Use an Article About Genetic Association Journal Articles
How well do you know your mutation? Complex effects of genetic background on expressivity, complementation, and ordering of allelic effects Journal Articles
Human embryonic zeta-globin chains in fetal and newborn blood Journal Articles
Human milk fatty acid composition is associated with dietary, genetic, sociodemographic, and environmental factors in the CHILD Cohort Study Journal Articles
Hypophosphatasia diagnosis: current state of the art and proposed diagnostic criteria for children and adults Journal Articles
IL28B polymorphism (rs12979860) associated with clearance of HCV infection in Poland: Systematic review of its prevalence in chronic hepatitis C patients and general population frequency Journal Articles
IQ and the Genetics of Autism Journal Articles
Identification of QTLs Associated with Virulence Related Traits and Drug Resistance in Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Identification of a New δ Chain Hemoglobin Variant in a β-Thalassemia Carrier: Hb A2-MUMC [δ13(A10)Ala → Asp] Journal Articles
Identification of a Novel Hepatitis C Virus Genotype From Punjab, India: Expanding Classification of Hepatitis C Virus Into 8 Genotypes Journal Articles
Identification of epigenetic signature associated with alpha thalassemia/mental retardation X-linked syndrome Journal Articles
Identification of numerous hepatitis C virus genotypes in Montreal, Canada Journal Articles
Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the bovine interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 receptor genes and their associations with health and production traits in Holstein cows Journal Articles
Identification of the origin of faecal contamination in estuarine oysters using Bacteroidales
and F-specific RNA bacteriophage markers Journal Articles
Identifying genetic and environmental risk factors for chronic orofacial pain syndromes: human models. Journal Articles
Immunochip Analysis Identifies Multiple Susceptibility Loci for Systemic Sclerosis Journal Articles
Immunocytological test to detect adult carriers of (--SEA/) deletional α-thalassaemia Journal Articles
Impact of Insulin Receptor Substrate‐1 rs956115 and CYP2C19 rs4244285 Genotypes on Clinical Outcome of Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Journal Articles
Impact of hemochromatosis gene mutations on cardiac status in doxorubicin‐treated survivors of childhood high‐risk leukemia Journal Articles
Impact of molecular genotyping on the diagnosis and treatment of human chorionic gonadotropin-producing tumors Journal Articles
Implications of OPRM1 and CYP2B6 variants on treatment outcomes in methadone-maintained patients in Ontario: Exploring sex differences Journal Articles
Imputation of missing genotypes: an empirical evaluation of IMPUTE Journal Articles
In vitro antifungal susceptibility profiles and genotypes of 308 clinical and environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and Cryptococcus gattii serotype B from north-western India Journal Articles
Incidence and Treatment Outcomes of PharyngealNeisseria gonorrhoeaeandChlamydia trachomatisInfections in Men Who Have Sex with Men: A 13‐Year Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Increased prevalence of pathogenic bacteria in the gut microbiota of infants at risk of developing celiac disease: The PROFICEL study Journal Articles
Individual common variants exert weak effects on the risk for autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Infliximab‐Induced Psoriasis and Psoriasiform Skin Lesions in Pediatric Crohn Disease and a Potential Association With IL‐23 Receptor Polymorphisms Journal Articles
Influence of Milk-Feeding Type and Genetic Risk of Developing Coeliac Disease on Intestinal Microbiota of Infants: The PROFICEL Study Journal Articles
Influence of maternal educational level on the association between the rs3809508 neuromedin B gene polymorphism and the risk of obesity in the HELENA study Journal Articles
Initial Evidence that OPRM1 Genotype Moderates Ventral and Dorsal Striatum Functional Connectivity During Alcohol Cues Journal Articles
Interaction between Oxytocin Genotypes and Early Experience Predicts Quality of Mothering and Postpartum Mood Journal Articles
Interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 polymorphisms and antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity in Chinese population Journal Articles
Interplay Between Human Leukocyte Antigen Genes and the Microbial Colonization Process of the Newborn Intestine Journal Articles
Interspecific hybrids and chimeras in mice Journal Articles
Intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms in the maintenance of a hybrid zone between ecologically divergent subspecies Journal Articles
Isolation of
Candida dubliniensis
in an Aboriginal Community in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Isolation of MECP2-null Rett Syndrome patient hiPS cells and isogenic controls through X-chromosome inactivation Journal Articles
Isolation, Sequence, Infectivity, and Replication Kinetics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Journal Articles
Joint Associations of Maternal-Fetal APOL1 Genotypes and Maternal Country of Origin With Preeclampsia Risk Journal Articles
K45R variant of squalene synthase increases total cholesterol levels in two study samples from a French Canadian population Journal Articles
Kin recognition, not competitive interactions, predicts root allocation in young Cakile edentula seedling pairs Journal Articles
Krüppel‐like factor 1: hematologic phenotypes associated with KLF1 gene mutations Journal Articles
LPS‐Induced Occult Loss in Mice Requires FGL2 Journal Articles
Lack of Association of Ghrelin Precursor Gene Variants and Percentage Body Fat or Serum Lipid Profiles Journal Articles
Lack of Genetic Differentiation between Two Geographically Diverse Samples of
Candida albicans
Isolated from Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Journal Articles
Landscape of TPMT and NUDT15 Pharmacogenetic Variation in a Cohort of Canadian Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Journal Articles
Large-Scale Gene-Centric Meta-Analysis across 39 Studies Identifies Type 2 Diabetes Loci Journal Articles
Large-Scale Gene-Centric Meta-analysis across 32 Studies Identifies Multiple Lipid Loci Journal Articles
Ledipasvir-Sofosbuvir Plus Ribavirin in Treatment-Naive Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 3 Infection: An Open-Label Study Journal Articles
Lens-Specific Expression of TGF-β Induces Anterior Subcapsular Cataract Formation in the Absence of Smad3 Journal Articles
Lifestyle Interaction With Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated (FTO) Genotype and Risk of Obesity in Apparently Healthy U.S. Women Journal Articles
Limited Protective Effect of the CCR5Δ32/CCR5Δ32 Genotype on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Incidence in a Cohort of Patients with Hemophilia and Selection for Genotypic X4 Virus Journal Articles
Local Frequency Dependence and Global Coexistence Journal Articles
Loci influencing blood pressure identified using a cardiovascular gene-centric array Journal Articles
Long-distance dispersal and recombination in environmental populations of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii from India Journal Articles
Longitudinal Data Analysis in Genome‐Wide Association Studies Journal Articles
Longitudinal Decline in Lung Volume in a Population of Children with Sickle Cell Disease Journal Articles
Longitudinal relationship between physical activity and lung health in patients with cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Variants Journal Articles
Lung Cancer in Humans Is Not Associated with Lifetime Total Alcohol Consumption or with Genetic Variation in Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3 (ADH) Conferences
Lys 42/43/44 and Arg 12 of thrombin-activable fibrinolysis inhibitor comprise a thrombomodulin exosite essential for its antifibrinolytic potential Journal Articles
MS analysis of single-nucleotide differences in circulating nucleic acids: Application to noninvasive prenatal diagnosis Journal Articles
Maternal DRD2, SLC6A3, and OXTR genotypes as potential moderators of the relation between maternal history of care and maternal cortisol secretion in the context of mother-infant separation Journal Articles
Maternal Uniparental Isodisomy of Human Chromosome 14 Associated with a Paternal t(13q14q) and Precocious Puberty Journal Articles
Matrix metalloproteinase 1, 3 and 12 polymorphisms and esophageal adenocarcinoma risk and prognosis Journal Articles
Mechanisms of innate immune activation by gluten peptide p31-43 in mice Journal Articles
Mendelian randomisation, triglycerides, and CHD Journal Articles
Mendelian randomization of blood lipids for coronary heart disease Journal Articles
Menin Is a Regulator of the Stress Response in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Meta-analyses of the global multilocus genotypes of the human pathogen Campylobacter jejuni Journal Articles
Meta-analysis in more than 17,900 cases of ischemic stroke reveals a novel association at 12q24.12 Journal Articles
Meta-genome-wide association studies identify a locus on chromosome 1 and multiple variants in the MHC region for serum C-peptide in type 1 diabetes Journal Articles
Metachromatic leukodystrophy: Multiple nonfunctional and pseudodeficiency alleles in a pedigree: Problems with diagnosis and counseling Journal Articles
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Variant (MTHFR C677T) and Migraine: A Case Control Study and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Polymorphisms and Homocysteine-Lowering Effect of Vitamin Therapy in Singaporean Stroke Patients Journal Articles
Mild β+-Thalassemia Associated With Two Linked Sequence Variants: IVS-II-839 (T>C) and IVS-II-844 (C>A) Journal Articles
Mineralocorticoid receptor genotype moderates the association between physical neglect and serum BDNF Journal Articles
Missense variant in PIGM associated with severe cystic encephalomalacia and portal vein thrombosis: Phenotypic and genotypic expansion of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis defect‐1 (GPIBD1) Journal Articles
Mitochondrial inheritance in haploid × non-haploid crosses in Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Mixed‐Genotype HCV Direct Acting Antiviral Outcomes: A CANUHC Analysis Journal Articles
Modulation of GLP-1 Levels by a Genetic Variant That Regulates the Cardiovascular Effects of Intensive Glycemic Control in ACCORD Journal Articles
Molecular Epidemiology of Candidemia: Evidence of Clusters of Smoldering Nosocomial Infections Journal Articles
Molecular Markers Reveal Epidemiological Patterns and Evolutionary Histories of the Human Pathogenic Cryptococcus Journal Articles
Molecular analysis and genotype‐phenotype correlation of Diamond‐Blackfan anemia Journal Articles
Molecular characterization of NRXN1 deletions from 19,263 clinical microarray cases identifies exons important for neurodevelopmental disease expression Journal Articles
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV-1 co-infections in Ethiopia: Implications for disease burden and intervention strategies Journal Articles
Molecular identification of Cryptococcus gattii from cerebrospinal fluid using single-cell sequencing: A case study Journal Articles
Multi-locus sequence typing and phylogenetics of Cryptococcus neoformans AD hybrids Journal Articles
Multilocus Sequence Typing Reveals both Shared and Unique Genotypes of Cryptococcus neoformans in Jiangxi Province, China Journal Articles
Multilocus sequence analyses reveal extensive diversity and multiple origins of fluconazole resistance in Candida tropicalis from tropical China Journal Articles
Multiple Minisequencing Screen for Seven Southeast Asian Nondeletional α-Thalassemia Mutations Journal Articles
Multiple apical plasma membrane constituents are associated with susceptibility to meconium ileus in individuals with cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Mutation of the slow myosin heavy chain rod domain underlies hyaline body myopathy Journal Articles
Mutations in RAB39B in individuals with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and macrocephaly Journal Articles
NTRK2-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy: Report of 5 new cases Journal Articles
Natural history and genotype‐phenotype correlations in 72 individuals with SATB2‐associated syndrome Journal Articles
Network meta-analysis of direct-acting antivirals in combination with peginterferon–ribavirin for previously untreated patients with hepatitis C genotype 1 infection Journal Articles
Neurocognitive performance in the context of acute symptom reduction in OCD: Treatment effects and the impact of BDNF Journal Articles
Neuronal Correlates of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism and Morphometric Abnormalities in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
New Locus for Skin Intrinsic Fluorescence in Type 1 Diabetes Also Associated With Blood and Skin Glycated Proteins Journal Articles
Newborn Screening for β-Thalassemia Identifies a Complex Genotype Involving a Novel β-Globin Gene Mutation (
:c.336dup) Journal Articles
No Association between the 20210 G/A Prothrombin Gene Mutation and Premature Coronary Artery Disease Journal Articles
Nonisotopic Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Clinical Specimens Using a Consensus PCR and a Generic Probe Mix in an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Format Journal Articles
Normal Hb A2β-Thalassemia Trait: Frameshift Mutation (HBB: c.187_251dup) inCiswith the Hb A2’δ-Globin Gene Missense Mutation (HBD: c.49G>C) Journal Articles
Normal IQ is possible in Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
North American and European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses differ in non-structural protein coding regions. Journal Articles
Novel DNA Sequences from Natural Strains of the Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiotic Bacterium
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Novel Microsphere-Based Method for Detection and Typing of 46 Mucosal Human Papillomavirus Types Journal Articles
Novel disease-causing mutations in the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene interpreted by analysis of the three-dimensional protein structure Journal Articles
On the Accessibility of Adaptive Phenotypes of a Bacterial Metabolic Network Journal Articles
On the Use of Variance per Genotype as a Tool to Identify Quantitative Trait Interaction Effects: A Report from the Women's Genome Health Study Journal Articles
Optimal Manual Exchange Transfusion Protocol for Sickle Cell Disease: A Retrospective Comparison of Two Comprehensive Care Centers in the United Kingdom and Canada Journal Articles
Optimization and validation of rep-PCR genotypic libraries for microbial source tracking of environmental Escherichia coli isolates Journal Articles
Oral‐facial‐digital syndrome VII is oral‐facial‐digital syndrome I: A clarification Journal Articles
Outbreak of Vancomycin-Susceptible Enterococcus faecium Containing the Wild-Type
Gene Journal Articles
Outcomes of Chronic Hepatitis C Therapy in Patients Treated in Community Versus Academic Centres in Canada: Final Results of APPROACH (A Prospective Study of Peginterferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin at Academic and Community Centres in Canada) Journal Articles
Oxytocin Receptor Polymorphisms are Differentially Associated with Social Abilities across Neurodevelopmental Disorders Journal Articles
P2Y12 receptor inhibitor resistance and coronary artery disease Journal Articles
PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses reveal both extensive clonality and local genetic differences in Candidaalbicans Journal Articles
POP-Brazil study protocol: a nationwide cross-sectional evaluation of the prevalence and genotype distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) in Brazil Journal Articles
Parental and child genetic contributions to obesity traits in early life based on 83 loci validated in adults: the FAMILY study Journal Articles
Passive Cigarette Smoke Exposure During Various Periods of Life, Genetic Variants, and Breast Cancer Risk Among Never Smokers Journal Articles
Pathbase: a database of mutant mouse pathology Journal Articles
Pathbase: a new reference resource and database for laboratory mouse pathology Journal Articles
Pathogenic Germline Variants in 10,389 Adult Cancers Journal Articles
Patients with thalassemia in the United States Journal Articles
Patterns of allele distribution in a hybrid population of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex Journal Articles
Pharmacogenetic-Based Efavirenz Dose Modification: Suggestions for an African Population and the Different CYP2B6 Genotypes Journal Articles
PhenCode: connecting ENCODE data with mutations and phenotype Journal Articles
Phenotypic variability associated with progranulin haploinsufficiency in patients with the common 1477C-->T (Arg493X) mutation: an international initiative. Journal Articles
Phylogeography and evolution of a fungal–insect association on theTibetanPlateau Journal Articles
Physical Exercise Moderates the Relationship of Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Genotype and Dementia Risk: A Population-Based Study Journal Articles
Physical activity and genetic predisposition to obesity in a multiethnic longitudinal study Journal Articles
Plasma Concentrations and Genetic Variation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 and Prognosis of Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Journal Articles
Plasticity in male mating behavior modulates female life history in fruit flies Journal Articles
Platelet glycoprotein Ibα Kozak polymorphism is associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke Journal Articles
PlexinA polymorphisms mediate the developmental trajectory of human corpus callosum microstructure Journal Articles
Polygenic Contribution in Individuals With Early-Onset Coronary Artery Disease Journal Articles
Polygenic determinants of severe hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
Polymorphism in the
Gene Region, HDL Cholesterol, and Risk of Future Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Polymorphism of the beta2-adrenoceptor and the response to long-term beta2-agonist therapy in asthma Journal Articles
Polymorphisms in the gene encoding bovine interleukin-10 receptor alpha are associated with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection status Journal Articles
Polymorphisms of 5-HTT LPR and GNβ3 825C>T and Response to Antidepressant Treatment in Functional Dyspepsia: A Study from The Functional Dyspepsia Treatment Trial Journal Articles
Population Genetic Analyses of the Fungal Pathogen Colletotrichum fructicola on Tea-Oil Trees in China Journal Articles
Positional effect of cis/trans alpha globin gene deletions on the formation of “H” bodies Journal Articles
Predictive power of individual genetic and environmental factor scores Journal Articles
Prenatal maternal depression and child serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) genotype predict negative emotionality from 3 to 36 months Journal Articles
Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of hypochondroplasia in a high‐risk fetus Journal Articles
Prevalence and Genotypes of α- and β-Thalassemia Carriers in Hong Kong — Implications for Population Screening Journal Articles
Prevalence and predictors of human papillomavirus infection in women in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Prevalence and predictors of human papillomavirus infection in women in Ontario, Canada. Survey of HPV in Ontario Women (SHOW) Group. Journal Articles
Prevalence of G6PD deficiency and associated haematological parameters in children from Botswana Journal Articles
Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in a Surgical Population of Southeast China: A Large-Scale Multicenter Study Journal Articles
Prevalence of infection with carcinogenic human papillomavirus among older women. Journal Articles
Prevalence of insulin resistance in chronic hepatitis C genotype 1 and 3 patients Journal Articles
Prevalence of meconium ileus marks the severity of mutations of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene Journal Articles
Prevalence of specific and phylogenetically closely related genotypes in the population of Candida albicans associated with genital candidiasis in China Journal Articles
Prevalent nosocomial clusters among causative agents for candidemia in Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Prospective Evaluation of the 21-Gene Recurrence Score Assay for Breast Cancer Decision-Making in Ontario Journal Articles
Protein Z Gene Polymorphisms, Protein Z Concentrations, and Ischemic Stroke Journal Articles
Putting the Genome in Context: Gene-Environment Interactions in Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
Quantitative genetics of larval life-history traits in Rana temporaria in different environmental conditions Journal Articles
Quantitative variation of biofilms among strains in natural populations of Candida albicans Journal Articles
RETRACTED ARTICLE:Exercise-induced mitochondrial p53
repairs mtDNA mutations in mutator mice Journal Articles
Radiation-induced apoptosis in mouse lymphocytes is modified by a complex dietary supplement: the effect of genotype and gender Journal Articles
Randomized Trial of Benznidazole for Chronic Chagas’ Cardiomyopathy Journal Articles
Ranking and characterization of established BMI and lipid associated loci as candidates for gene-environment interactions Journal Articles
Rapid detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with spinal muscular atrophy by use of a reusable fibre-optic biosensor Journal Articles
Rare ATGL haplotypes are associated with increased plasma triglyceride concentrations in the Greenland Inuit Journal Articles
Rare Genetic Variants of Large Effect Influence Risk of Type 1 Diabetes Journal Articles
Rare coding variants in PLCG2, ABI3, and TREM2 implicate microglial-mediated innate immunity in Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Rarity of the Alzheimer Disease–ProtectiveAPPA673T Variant in the United States Journal Articles
Real-world effectiveness of peginterferon α-2b plus ribavirin in a Canadian cohort of treatment-naïve chronic hepatitis C patients with genotypes 2 or 3: results of the PoWer and RediPEN studies Journal Articles
Recombination and genetic differentiation among natural populations of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake from southwestern China Journal Articles
Recombination, mutation, or constitutive expression at a Gm locus and familial hypergammaglobulinemia. Journal Articles
Red cell N5-methyltetrahydrofolate concentrations and C677T methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype in patients with stroke Journal Articles
Redefining Disease? The Nosologic Implications of Molecular Genetic Knowledge Journal Articles
Reduced Hippocampal Cell Differentiation in the Subgranular Zone of the Dentate Gyrus in a Rat Model of Type II Diabetes Journal Articles
Reduced hippocampus volume and memory performance in bipolar disorder patients carrying the BDNF val66met met allele Journal Articles
Reemergence of Lower-Airway Microbiota in Lung Transplant Patients with Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Relation of Factor V Leiden Genotype to Risk for Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis after Joint Replacement Surgery Journal Articles
Relationship Between Genetic Risk and Age of Diagnosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Journal Articles
Renal venous thrombosis in a newborn with prothrombotic risk factors Journal Articles
Renin–angiotensin and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms are not associated with the risk of incident type 2 diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Replication of an Egfr-Wing Shape Association in a Wild-Caught Cohort of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Replication of genetic associations with plasma lipoprotein traits in a multiethnic sample Journal Articles
Resampling the pool of genotypic possibilities: an adaptive function of sexual reproduction Journal Articles
Resistance-Associated Substitution Testing Trends and Impact on HCV Treatment Outcomes in Canada: A CanHepC-CANUHC Analysis. Journal Articles
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in the fourth decade of life depends on birth weight and the DRD4 gene: Implications for understanding the development of emotion regulation Journal Articles
Responder Interferon λ Genotypes Are Associated With Higher Risk of Liver Fibrosis in HIV–Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection Conferences
Responses to panic induction procedures in subjects with multiple chemical sensitivity/idiopathic environmental intolerance: understanding the relationship with panic disorder. Journal Articles
Results of a Pilot Multicenter Genotype-based Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of Propranolol to Reduce Pain After Major Thermal Burn Injury Journal Articles
Retreatment with Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2a and Ribavirin in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Who Have Relapsed or Not Responded to a First Course of Pegylated Interferon-Based Therapy Journal Articles
Retrospective analysis of Canadian adults with tuberous sclerosis complex Journal Articles
Review of aspirin and clopidogrel resistance in peripheral arterial disease Journal Articles
Revisiting the evolutionary origins of obesity: lazy versus peppy‐thrifty genotype hypothesis Journal Articles
RhD status of a fetus at risk for haemolytic disease with a discrepant maternal DNA-based RhD genotype Journal Articles
Robust demarcation of fourteen different species groups within the genus Streptococcus based on genome-based phylogenies and molecular signatures Journal Articles
Robustness of the BMP morphogen gradient in Drosophila embryonic patterning Journal Articles
Role of KRAS and EGFR As Biomarkers of Response to Erlotinib in National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Study BR.21 Journal Articles
Role of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator in Patients With Chronic Sinopulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis Conferences
Role of polymorphic bile salt export pump (BSEP, ABCB11) transporters in anti-tuberculosis drug-induced liver injury in a Chinese cohort Journal Articles
SNPs in the bovine IL-10 receptor are associated with somatic cell score in Canadian dairy bulls Journal Articles
Salvage Therapy with Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir/Voxilaprevir in DAA-experienced Patients: Results from a Prospective Canadian Registry Journal Articles
Screening of hypoxia-inducible genes in sporadic ALS Journal Articles
Segregating patterns of copy number variations in extended autism spectrum disorder (ASD) pedigrees Journal Articles
Sensitive and Efficient Detection of RB1 Gene Mutations Enhances Care for Families with Retinoblastoma Journal Articles
Sensitivity of APTIMA HPV E6/E7 mRNA test in comparison with hybrid capture 2 HPV DNA test for detection of high risk oncogenic human papillomavirus in 396 biopsy confirmed cervical cancers Journal Articles
Sensitivity to suppression of cytotoxic T cell generation by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is dependent on the Ah genotype of the murine host Journal Articles
Serotonin transporter allelic variation in mothers predicts maternal sensitivity, behavior and attitudes toward 6-month-old infants Journal Articles
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the ERAP1 Gene and Risk of NSCLC: A Comparison of Genetically Distant Populations, Chinese and Caucasian. Conferences
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the matrix metalloproteinase gene family and the frequency and duration of gastroesophageal reflux disease influence the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma Journal Articles
Single-Tube Multiplex-PCR Screen for Anti-3.7 and Anti-4.2 α-Globin Gene Triplications Journal Articles
Siponimod pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability in combination with the potent CYP3A4 inhibitor itraconazole in healthy subjects with different CYP2C9 genotypes. Journal Articles
Size and location of the transforming region in human adenovirus type 5 DNA Journal Articles
Sizing bands on autoradiograms: A study of precision for scoring DNA fingerprints Journal Articles
Smith-Lemli-Opitz (RHS) syndrome: holoprosencephaly and homozygous IVS8-1G?C genotype Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Cryptosporidium Species/Genotypes and Relationships with Other Zoonotic Pathogens in Surface Water from Mixed-Use Watersheds Journal Articles
Spectrum of β-Thalassemia Mutations in Egypt Journal Articles
Statistical genetics with application to population-based study design: a primer for clinicians Journal Articles
Strength training: importance of genetic factors Journal Articles
Succinylcholine sensitivity in a nova scotia family Journal Articles
Sudanese (δβ)0-Thalassemia: Identification and Characterization of a Novel 9.6 kb Deletion Journal Articles
Susceptibility to chronic pain following nerve injury is genetically affected by CACNG2 Journal Articles
Synaesthesia: A Case Study of Discordant Monozygotic Twins Journal Articles
Systematic review and metaanalysis of genetic association studies of urinary symptoms and prolapse in women Journal Articles
TERT promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma Journal Articles
The Complex Genetic Basis of Plasma Triglycerides Journal Articles
The Conditional Nature of Genetic Interactions: The Consequences of Wild-Type Backgrounds on Mutational Interactions in a Genome-Wide Modifier Screen Journal Articles
The Diagnosis and Prognosis of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Journal Articles
The Effect of Chromosome 9p21 Variants on Cardiovascular Disease May Be Modified by Dietary Intake: Evidence from a Case/Control and a Prospective Study Journal Articles
The Effects of Weak Genetic Perturbations on the Transcriptome of the Wing Imaginal Disc and Its Association With Wing Shape in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The Fat-Mass and Obesity-Associated (FTO) gene, physical activity, and risk of incident cardiovascular events in white women Journal Articles
The Generation R study: a candidate gene study and genome-wide association study (GWAS) on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of mothers and young children Journal Articles
The HLA-DQ2 genotype selects for early intestinal microbiota composition in infants at high risk of developing coeliac disease Journal Articles
The Ocular Manifestations of Jacobsen Syndrome: A Report of Four Cases and a Review of the Literature Journal Articles
The Population Structure of Antibiotic-Producing Bacterial Symbionts ofApterostigma dentigerumAnts: Impacts of Coevolution and Multipartite Symbiosis Journal Articles
The Position of the Polycystic Kidney Disease 1 (PKD1) Gene Mutation Correlates with the Severity of Renal Disease Journal Articles
The Relationship between Genotype and Exercise Tolerance in Children with Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
The Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome: a novel metabolic way of understanding developmental biology, embryogenesis, and dysmorphology Journal Articles
The T-786→C Mutation in Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Is Associated With Hypertension Journal Articles
The advantage of recombination when selection is acting at many genetic Loci Journal Articles
The association between glutathione S-transferase M1 genotype and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in breast tissue. Journal Articles
The detection of Cryptosporidium and the resolution of mixtures of species and genotypes from water Journal Articles
The diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism by examination of the genotype Journal Articles
The dopamine D4 receptor gene, birth weight, maternal depression, maternal attention, and the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age: A prospective gene × environment analysis Journal Articles
The effect of alpha-hemoglobin gene deletions on the red blood cells' mean cell volume and hemoglobin levels. Journal Articles
The effect of iron status on vascular health Journal Articles
The effects of environmental and genetic factors on the germination of basidiospores in the Cryptococcus gattii species complex Journal Articles
The environmental and genetic regulation of obake expressivity: morphogenetic fields as evolvable systems Journal Articles
The evolution of symbiont preference traits in the model legume Medicago truncatula Journal Articles
The generation of a simian adenoviral vectored HCV vaccine encoding genetically conserved gene segments to target multiple HCV genotypes Journal Articles
The genetics of hemoglobin A2 regulation in sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
The health impact of delaying direct‐acting antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis C: A decision‐analytic approach Journal Articles
The interplay of birth weight, dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4), and early maternal care in the prediction of disorganized attachment at 36 months of age Journal Articles
The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutation induces cell‐specific changes in genomic DNA methylation and uracil misincorporation: A possible molecular basis for the site‐specific cancer risk modification Journal Articles
The nature of the hodgkin cell Journal Articles
The pharmacogenetics of carboxylesterases: CES1 and CES2 genetic variants and their clinical effect Journal Articles
The prenatal identification of fetal compatibility in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia using amniotic fluid and variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) analysis Journal Articles
The protective effect of the obesity-associated rs9939609 A variant in fat mass- and obesity-associated gene on depression Journal Articles
The relationship between CYP2C19 polymorphisms and ischaemic and bleeding outcomes in stable outpatients: the CHARISMA genetics study Journal Articles
The serotonin transporter polymorphisms and major depression following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Three New α-Thalassemia Point Mutations Ascertained Through Newborn Screening Journal Articles
Threshold survey evaluating transmitted HIV drug resistance among public antenatal clinic clients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Journal Articles
Tissue Factor and Thrombosis Models Journal Articles
Towards a more accurate quantitative assessment of seasonal Cryptosporidium infection risks in surface waters using species and genotype information Journal Articles
Tracking Host Sources of
spp. in Raw Water for Improved Health Risk Assessment Journal Articles
Transancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders Journal Articles
Treatment Outcomes of Treatment-Naïve Hepatitis C Patients Co-Infected with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Cohorts Journal Articles
Treatment responses in Asians and Caucasians with chronic hepatitis C infection Journal Articles
Twenty-Five-Year Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infecting Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis: Identification of the Prairie Epidemic Strain Journal Articles
Type and intensity of FVIII exposure on inhibitor development in PUPs with haemophilia A Journal Articles
Type of CFTR Mutation Determines Risk of Pancreatitis in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis Journal Articles
Understanding naltrexone mechanism of action and pharmacogenetics in Asian Americans via behavioral economics: A preliminary study. Journal Articles
Understanding the population structure of North American patients with cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Undetected factor VIII in a patient with type 3 von Willebrands disease mistaken as severe haemophilia A Journal Articles
Uniparental Mitochondrial Transmission in Sexual Crosses in Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Universal Newborn Screening for Hb H Disease in California Journal Articles
Use of Breed-Specific Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to Discriminate Between Holstein and Jersey Dairy Cattle Breeds Journal Articles
Use of genetic data to guide therapy in arterial disease Journal Articles
Use of latent class models to accommodate inter-laboratory variation in assessing genetic polymorphisms associated with disease risk Journal Articles
Utility of Treadmill Testing in Identification and Genotype Prediction in Long-QT Syndrome Journal Articles
Variations in sexual fitness among natural strains of the opportunistic human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus Journal Articles
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Polymorphisms and Esophageal Cancer Prognosis Journal Articles
Vitamin D and cause-specific vascular disease and mortality: a Mendelian randomisation study involving 99,012 Chinese and 106,911 European adults Journal Articles
Weight Loss–Associated Induction of Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-α and Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Correlate With Reduced Atherosclerosis and Improved Cardiovascular Function in Obese Insulin-Resistant Mice Journal Articles
What in Earth? Analyses of Canadian soil populations of Aspergillus fumigatus. Journal Articles
White matter integrity in major depressive disorder: Implications of childhood trauma, 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms Journal Articles
Whole-Genome SNP Association in the Horse: Identification of a Deletion in Myosin Va Responsible for Lavender Foal Syndrome Journal Articles
Why is ALS so Difficult to Treat? Journal Articles
X-Linked Deafness-2 (DFNX2) Phenotype Associated With a Paracentric Inversion Upstream of
POU3F4 Journal Articles
[Study on polymorphisms of genes with susceptibility to drug induced liver injury in a cohort receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment]. Journal Articles
c.1058C>T variant in the SERPINC1 gene is pathogenic for antithrombin deficiency Journal Articles
α1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Alleles in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease Journal Articles
α+-Thalassemia Due to a Frameshift Mutation of theα2-Globin Gene [codons 55/56 (+T) orHBA2: c.168dup] Journal Articles
α+-Thalassemia Trait Caused by a Frameshift Mutation in Exon 2 of the α2-Globin Gene [HBA2 c.244delT] Journal Articles
α‐Thalassemia: Hb H Disease and Hb Barts Hydrops Fetalis Journal Articles
β‐thalassemia intermedia caused by compound heterozygosity for Hb Malay (β codon 19 AAC→AGC; Asn→Ser) and codons 41/42 (‐CTTT) β
‐thalassemia mutation Journal Articles
β‐thalassemia intermedia due to compound heterozygosity for two β‐globin gene promoter mutations, including a novel TATA box deletion Journal Articles