Vocabulary Service
subject area of
1-Nitropyrene (1-NP) induces apoptosis and apparently a non-apoptotic programmed cell death (paraptosis) in Hepa1c1c7 cells Journal Articles
20 Years of ICF—International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Uses and Applications around the World Journal Articles
In vitro exposure to cigarette smoke induces oxidative stress in follicular cells of F1 hybrid mice Journal Articles
A Cohort Study of Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Mortality in Toronto, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Canadian Healthcare Workers’ Use of Coping Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
A Rapid Review of Environmental Health Gaps in Antimicrobial Resistance and Water-Related Research from 1990–2020 Journal Articles
A Review of Health Risks and Pathways for Exposure to Wastewater Use in Agriculture Journal Articles
A Role for Bioelectric Effects in the Induction of Bystander Signals by Ionizing Radiation? Journal Articles
A Study of Mortality in Workers Engaged in the Mining, Smelting, and Refining of Nickel: I: Methodology and Mortality by Major Cause Groups Journal Articles
A Study of Mortality in Workers Engaged in the Mining, Smelting, and Refining of Nickel: Ii: Mortality from Cancer of the Respiratory Tract and Kidney Journal Articles
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Noise Annoyance as a Determinant of Physiological Changes Linked to Disease Promotion Journal Articles
A Test Battery Approach for the Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Estuarine Sediments Journal Articles
A bi-level chance-constrained programming method for quantifying the effectiveness of water-trading to water-food-ecology nexus in Amu Darya River basin of Central Asia Journal Articles
A comparison of asbestos fiber potency and elongate mineral particle (EMP) potency for mesothelioma in humans Journal Articles
A critique of the European Commission Document, “State of the Art Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters” Journal Articles
A factorial Bayesian copula framework for partitioning uncertainties in multivariate risk inference Journal Articles
A multi‐ingredient dietary supplement abolishes large‐scale brain cell loss, improves sensory function, and prevents neuronal atrophy in aging mice Journal Articles
A neutron activation technique for manganese measurements in humans Journal Articles
A new exposure metric for traffic-related air pollution? An analysis of determinants of hopanes in settled indoor house dust Journal Articles
A path forward in the debate over health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals Journal Articles
A possible cellular mechanism of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity Journal Articles
A proposed framework for the systematic review and integrated assessment (SYRINA) of endocrine disrupting chemicals Journal Articles
A qualitative description of resident physicians’ understanding of child maltreatment: Impacts, recognition, and response Journal Articles
A role for bioelectric effects in the induction of bystander signals by ionizing radiation? Journal Articles
A study of the chemokinetic effects of various pharmacological agents upon tetrahymena vorax Journal Articles
A study of the relationships between Parkinson's disease and markers of traffic-derived and environmental manganese air pollution in two Canadian cities Journal Articles
A subchronic in situ exposure method for evaluating effects in small‐bodied fish at contaminated sites Journal Articles
A two-step model of TiO 2 nanoparticle toxicity in human liver tissue Journal Articles
ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals Journal
ATP-Dependent Silver Transport across the Basolateral Membrane of Rainbow Trout Gills Journal Articles
Accelerated Mammary Tumor Onset in a HER2/
Mouse Model Exposed to DDT Metabolites Locally Delivered to the Mammary Gland Journal Articles
Accumulated body burden and endogenous release of lead in employees of a lead smelter. Journal Articles
Acephate exposure during a perinatal life program to type 2 diabetes Journal Articles
Acting on an environmental health disaster: the case of the Aral Sea. Journal Articles
Acute exposure to waterborne copper inhibits both the excretion and uptake of ammonia in freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Acute high-dose sodium selenite administration improves intestinal microcirculation without affecting cytokine release in experimental endotoxemia Journal Articles
Acute toxicity of benzene inhalation to hemopoietic precursor cells Journal Articles
Acute toxicity, accumulation and tissue distribution of copper in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus acclimated to different salinities: In vivo and in vitro studies Journal Articles
Addressing Challenges When Applying GRADE to Public Health Guidelines: A Scoping Review Protocol and Pilot Analysis Journal Articles
Adverse effects of naphthenic acids on reproductive health: A focus on placental trophoblast cells Journal Articles
Adverse health impacts of cooking with kerosene: A multi-country analysis within the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology Study Journal Articles
Aerosol Inhalation and Depth of Deposition in the Human Lung Journal Articles
Age, body size, growth and dietary habits: What are the key factors driving individual variability in mercury of lacustrine fishes in northern temperate lakes? Journal Articles
Age-Specific Risk Factors for Lead Absorption in Children Journal Articles
Aging in the Right Place for Older Adults Experiencing Housing Insecurity: An Environmental Assessment of Temporary Housing Program Journal Articles
Air Pollution Health Literacy among Active Commuters in Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
Airborne grass pollen and thunderstorms influence emergency department asthma presentations in a subtropical climate Journal Articles
Alanine to valine substitutions in the pore helix IIIP1 and linker-helix IIIL45 confer cockroach sodium channel resistance to DDT and pyrethroids Journal Articles
Alcohol, drugs, caffeine, tobacco, and environmental contaminant exposure: Reproductive health consequences and clinical implications Journal Articles
Alkylating agents are possible inducers of glioblastoma and other brain tumors Journal Articles
Alterations in circulating ovarian steroids in hexachlorobenzene-exposed monkeys Journal Articles
Altered transition metal homeostasis in the cuprizone model of demyelination Journal Articles
Alternative Medicine Techniques Have Non-Linear Effects on Radiation Response and Can Alter the Expression of Radiation Induced Bystander Effects Journal Articles
Altex Journal
Aluminum as an endocrine disruptor in female Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Journal Articles
Aluminum bioconcentration in female Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) and the effects on pituitary gonadotropins Journal Articles
An Overview of Some Reproductive Toxicology Studies Conducted At Health Canada Conferences
An ecological quantification of the relationships between water, sanitation and infant, child, and maternal mortality Journal Articles
An evaluation of the serum FSH as a biomarker for ovarian toxicity in the rat Journal Articles
An improved multi-element measurement of mineral absorption in the piglet utilizing the fecal monitoring technique Journal Articles
An in vitro approach for modelling branchial copper binding in rainbow trout Journal Articles
An investigation into neutron-induced bystander effects: How low can you go? Journal Articles
Analyzing variation of water inflow to inland lakes under climate change: Integrating deep learning and time series data mining Journal Articles
Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita Journal
Antenatal exposure to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine leads to postnatal metabolic and endocrine changes associated with type 2 diabetes in Wistar rats Journal Articles
Antioxidant modulation in response to heavy metal induced oxidative stress in Cladophora glomerata. Journal Articles
Application of evidence-based methods to construct mechanism-driven chemical assessment frameworks Journal Articles
Applying evidence-based methods to the development and use of adverse outcome pathways Journal Articles
Aquatic Toxicology Journal
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Journal
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health Journal
Archives of Toxicology Journal
Are We Driving Our Kids to Unhealthy Habits? Results of the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2013 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth Journal Articles
As We Were Saying… Journal Articles
Assessing reproductive effects and epigenetic responses in Austrolebias charrua exposed to Roundup Transorb®: Insights from miRNA profiling and molecular interaction analysis. Journal Articles
Assessing sensitivity and recovery of field-collected periphyton acutely exposed to atrazine using PSII inhibition under laboratory conditions Journal Articles
Assessing the potential of fish cell lines as tools for the cytotoxicity testing of estuarine sediment aqueous elutriates Journal Articles
Assessing the risk of acute gastrointestinal illness attributable to three enteric pathogens from contaminated private water wells in Ontario Journal Articles
Assessment of cytochrome P450 fluorometric substrates with rainbow trout and killifish exposed to dexamethasone, pregnenolone-16α-carbonitrile, rifampicin, and β-naphthoflavone Journal Articles
Assessment of oxidative stress biomarkers in the threatened annual killifish Austrolebias charrua exposed to Roundup Journal Articles
Assessment of the effects of human activity and natural condition on the outflow of Syr Darya River: A stepwise-cluster factorial analysis method Journal Articles
Assistive Products and Technology to Facilitate Activities and Participation for Children with Disabilities Journal Articles
Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Chronic Kidney Disease in Perimenopausal Women Journal Articles
Association between vehicular emissions and cardiorespiratory disease risk in Brazil and its variation by spatial clustering of socio-economic factors Journal Articles
Association of Uric Acid with Metabolic Syndrome in Men, Premenopausal Women and Postmenopausal Women Journal Articles
Associations between Longitudinal Patterns of Substance Use and Anxiety and Depression Symptoms among a Sample of Canadian Secondary School Students Journal Articles
Associations between bacterial communities of house dust and infant gut Journal Articles
Associations between socioeconomic status and ultrafine particulate exposure in the school commute: An environmental inequality study for Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Atmospheric remote sensing to detect effects of temperature inversions on sputum cell counts in airway diseases Journal Articles
Atrazine and its degradates have little effect on the corticosteroid stress response in the zebrafish Journal Articles
Atrazine concentrations, gonadal gross morphology and histology in ranid frogs collected in Michigan agricultural areas Journal Articles
Atrazine‐induced changes in aromatase activity in estrogen sensitive target tissues Journal Articles
Awe and Prosocial Behavior: The Mediating Role of Presence of Meaning in Life and the Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support Journal Articles
BEIR VI radon: The rest of the story Journal Articles
Barriers to Walking: An Investigation of Adults in Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles
Behavior as biomarker? Laboratory versus field movement in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from highly contaminated habitats Journal Articles
Bilateral upregulation of α-synuclein expression in the mouse substantia nigra by intracranial rotenone treatment Journal Articles
Binding of lithium and boron to human plasma proteins Journal Articles
Bioaccumulation of sediment-associated substituted phenylamine antioxidants in Tubifex tubifex and Lampsilis siliquoidea Journal Articles
Bioavailability of sediment-associated Cu and Zn to Daphnia magna Journal Articles
Biochemical and physiological effects of nickel in the euryhaline crab Neohelice granulata (Dana, 1851) acclimated to different salinities Journal Articles
Biochemical biomarkers in gills of mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from three Brazilian estuaries Journal Articles
Biological Entanglement–Like Effect After Communication of Fish Prior to X-Ray Exposure Journal Articles
Biological Response of Positron Emission Tomography Scan Exposure and Adaptive Response in Humans Journal Articles
Biological Trace Element Research Journal
Biological stress response terminology: Integrating the concepts of adaptive response and preconditioning stress within a hormetic dose–response framework Journal Articles
Biomarkers Journal
Biomarkers of cadmium, lead and mercury exposure in relation with early biomarkers of renal dysfunction and diabetes: Results from a pilot study among aging Canadians Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the Neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the guppy Poecilia vivipara acclimated to salt water Journal Articles
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences Journal
Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Journal
Bisphenol A accumulation in eggs disrupts the endocrine regulation of growth in rainbow trout larvae Journal Articles
Bisphenol A concentration-dependently increases human granulosa-lutein cell matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) enzyme output Journal Articles
Bisphenol A, phthalates and lead and learning and behavioral problems in Canadian children 6–11 years of age: CHMS 2007–2009 Journal Articles
Bisphenol-A exposure during the period of blastocyst implantation alters uterine morphology and perturbs measures of estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in mice Journal Articles
Bleeding Bodies, Untrustworthy Bodies: A Social Constructionist Approach to Health and Wellbeing of Young People in Kenya Journal Articles
Blood lead levels and cumulative blood lead index (CBLI) as predictors of late neurodevelopment in lead poisoned children Journal Articles
Blood metal levels and early childhood anthropometric measures in a cohort of Canadian children Journal Articles
Body distribution and endocrine toxicity of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the female rat Journal Articles
Brain matters: from environmental ethics to environmental neuroethics Journal Articles
Breast cancer, alcohol, and phosphate toxicity Journal Articles
Building Responsive Health Systems to Help Communities Affected by Migration: An International Delphi Consensus Journal Articles
Building responsive health systems to help communities affected by migration: an international Delphi consensus Journal Articles
Butyl paraben and propyl paraben modulate bisphenol A and estradiol concentrations in female and male mice Journal Articles
Bystander effect protein expression in normal rat brain after synchrotron microbeam irradiation Conferences
Bystander effects of ionizing radiation can be modulated by signaling amines Journal Articles
COVID-19 Vaccines Safety Tracking (CoVaST): Protocol of a Multi-Center Prospective Cohort Study for Active Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines’ Side Effects Journal Articles
CYP3C gene regulation by the aryl hydrocarbon and estrogen receptors in zebrafish Journal Articles
Cadmium affects the social behaviour of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Cadmium transport by the gut and Malpighian tubules of Chironomus riparius Journal Articles
Cadmium, Lead, and Other Metals in Relation to Semen Quality: Human Evidence for Molybdenum as a Male Reproductive Toxicant Journal Articles
Calreticulin transacetylase catalyzed modification of the TNF-α mediated pathway in the human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by polyphenolic acetates Journal Articles
Can a serum acetaminophen concentration obtained less than 4 hours post-ingestion determine which patients do not require treatment with acetylcysteine? Journal Articles
Canadian Career Firefighters’ Mental Health Impacts and Priorities Journal Articles
Cardiopulmonary consequences of gestational toxicant exposure: Symposium overview at the 56th annual SOT meeting, Baltimore, MD Journal Articles
Cardiorespiratory health effects of gaseous ambient air pollution exposure in low and middle income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Catalytic and immunochemical detection of hepatic and extrahepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) in white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) Journal Articles
Causality between polyhexamethyleneguanidine occurrence in unrecorded alcohol and cholestatic hepatitis outbreak in Russia Journal Articles
Cell Biology and Toxicology Journal
Cellular approaches for diagnostic effects assessment in ecotoxicology: introductory remarks to an EU-funded project Journal Articles
Challenges and opportunities with the use of biomarkers to predict reproductive impairment in fishes exposed to endocrine disrupting substances Journal Articles
Change of cell growth and mitochondrial membrane polarization in the progeny of cells surviving low-dose high-LET irradiation from Ra-226 Journal Articles
Changes in Population, Growth, and Physiological Indices of Longnose Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Changes in hepatic mixed-function oxygenase (MFO) activity, plasma steroid levels and age at maturity of a white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) population exposed to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Changing nomogram risk zone classification with serial testing after acute acetaminophen overdose: a retrospective database analysis Journal Articles
Changing nomogram risk zone classification with serial testing following acute acetaminophen overdose Conferences
Characteristics of the adaptive response in cultured salmon cells exposed to ionizing radiation Journal Articles
Characterization of dietary Ni uptake in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Characterization of the pancreatic hormones from the Brockmann body of the tilapia: implications for islet xenograft studies Journal Articles
Characterizing Hematological Changes Following Repeated Exposure to Non-Targeted Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation in Prostate Cancer Patients. Journal Articles
Characterizing responses to gamma radiation by a highly clonogenic fish brain endothelial cell line Journal Articles
Chemical Research in Toxicology Journal
Chemico-Biological Interactions Journal
Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence in Mental Health Settings Journal Articles
Child Welfare Reform: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Childhood cancer rates in Canada. Journal Articles
Childhood exposure to pyrethroids and neurodevelopment in Canadian preschoolers Journal Articles
Children’s Access to Non-School Destinations by Active or Independent Travel: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Chlorpropamide overdosage: delayed and prolonged hypoglycemia. Journal Articles
Chromosome Damage Caused by Accidental Chronic Whole-Body Gamma Radiation Exposure in Thailand Journal Articles
Chromosome content and ultrastructure of radiation-induced micronuclei Journal Articles
Chronic effects of exposure to a pharmaceutical mixture and municipal wastewater in zebrafish Journal Articles
Chronic, low concentration exposure to pharmaceuticals impacts multiple organ systems in zebrafish Journal Articles
Cigarette Smoke Exposure Leads to Follicle Loss via an Alternative Ovarian Cell Death Pathway in a Mouse Model Journal Articles
Classification, hepatotoxic mechanisms, and targets of the risk ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine-induced liver injury Journal Articles
Clinical Toxicology Journal
Clinics and epidemiology of hereditary breast cancer Conferences
Combined physiological and behavioral approaches as tools to evaluate environmental risk assessment of the water accommodated-fraction of diesel oil Journal Articles
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches To Assessing Impacts of Environments On Human Health and Well-Being in Local Community Studies Journal Articles
Comments on the opinions published by Bergman et al. (2015) on Critical Comments on the WHO-UNEP State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (Lamb et al., 2014) Journal Articles
Commonalities and Differences in the Experiences of Visible Minority Transnational Carer–Employees: A Qualitative Study Journal Articles
Community Transport’s Dual Role as a Transport and a Social Scheme: Implications for Policy Journal Articles
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C Journal
Comparative growth and toxin profile of cultured Ostreopsis ovata from the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Journal Articles
Comparative physiology and toxicology of copper and silver in euryhaline invertebrates: A biotic ligand model approach Journal Articles
Comparative toxicokinetics of low-viscosity mineral oil in Fischer 344 rats, Sprague-Dawley rats, and humans--implications for an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). Journal Articles
Comparison of Frailty Screening Instruments in the Emergency Department Journal Articles
Comparison of sub-lethal metabolic perturbations of select legacy and novel perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Daphnia magna Journal Articles
Comparison of three assays for genetic effects of antineoplastic drugs on cancer patients and their nurses Journal Articles
Concentration and Trophic Transfer of Copper, Selenium, and Zinc in Marine Species of the Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula Area Journal Articles
Concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in maternal and cord blood from the maternal-infant research on environmental chemicals (MIREC) cohort study Journal Articles
Concurrent administration of diethylhexyl phthalate reduces the threshold dose at which bisphenol A disrupts blastocyst implantation and cadherins in mice Journal Articles
Context-Aware Medical Systems within Healthcare Environments: A Systematic Scoping Review to Identify Subdomains and Significant Medical Contexts Journal Articles
Continuous Exposure to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin Inhibits the Growth of Surgically Induced Endometriosis in the Ovariectomized Mouse Treated with high Dose Estradiol Journal Articles
Control of invasive sea lampreys using the piscicides TFM and niclosamide: Toxicology, successes & future prospects Journal Articles
Coping, Supports and Moral Injury: Spiritual Well-Being and Organizational Support Are Associated with Reduced Moral Injury in Canadian Healthcare Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Copper at low levels impairs memory of adult zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) and affects swimming performance of larvae Journal Articles
Copper effects on key metabolic enzymes and mitochondrial membrane potential in gills of the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata at different salinities Journal Articles
Copper exposure and seawater acidification interaction: Antagonistic effects on biomarkers in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Copper toxicity in the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): Urea loss contributes to the osmoregulatory disturbance Conferences
Correction: Mahmood et al. Aging in the Right Place for Older Adults Experiencing Housing Insecurity: An Environmental Assessment of Temporary Housing Program. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 14857 Journal Articles
Correlates of Cytochrome P450 1A1 Expression in Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Integument Biopsies Journal Articles
Correlation between Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Habitat Quality and Human Activity Intensity in Typical Mountain Cities: A Case Study of Guiyang City, China Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Biomarkers of cadmium, lead and mercury exposure in relation with early biomarkers of renal dysfunction and diabetes: Results from a pilot study among aging Canadian” [Toxicol. Lett. 312 (2019) 148–156] Journal Articles
Cost Implications from an Employer Perspective of a Workplace Intervention for Carer-Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Journal
Critical Windows of Exposure for Children's Health: The Reproductive System in Animals and Humans Journal Articles
Critical body residues, Michaelis–Menten analysis of bioaccumulation, lethality and behaviour as endpoints of waterborne Ni toxicity in two teleosts Journal Articles
Critical comments on the WHO-UNEP State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals – 2012 Journal Articles
Critical windows of exposure for children's health: the reproductive system in animals and humans. Journal Articles
Current Concepts in Mechanisms of Emphysema Journal Articles
Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology Journal
Cytochrome P4501A is induced in endothelial cell lines from the kidney and lung of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus Journal Articles
Cytotoxic Profiling of Endogenous Metabolites Relevant to Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) on p53 Variant Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines Journal Articles
Cytotoxic Profiling of Plant Secondary Metabolites on P53 Variant Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines Journal Articles
Cytotoxicity and DNA damage to mammalian cells by nitrofurans Journal Articles
DNA Methylation Programming and Environmental Influences During Rat Gametogenesis Conferences
Daphnia magna sub-lethal exposure to phthalate pollutants elicits disruptions in amino acid and energy metabolism Journal Articles
Daphnia need to be gut-cleared too: the effect of exposure to and ingestion of metal-contaminated sediment on the gut-clearance patterns of D. magna Journal Articles
Deciphering and simulating models of radiation genotoxicity with CRISPR/Cas9 systems Journal Articles
Definitions and Operationalization of Mental Health Problems, Wellbeing and Participation Constructs in Children with NDD: Distinctions and Clarifications Journal Articles
Delayed expression of enhanced reactivation and decreased mutagenesis of UV-irradiated adenovirus in UV-irradiated ataxia telangiectasia fibroblasts Journal Articles
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol increases vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secretion through a cyclooxygenase-dependent mechanism in rat granulosa cells Journal Articles
Dependence of the porphyrogenic effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin upon inheritance of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase responsiveness Journal Articles
Detection of phytoestrogens in samples of second trimester human amniotic fluid Journal Articles
Determination of Lipid Peroxides in Invertebrates Tissues Using the Fe(III) Xylenol Orange Complex Formation Journal Articles
Deterministic risk assessment of firefighting water additives to aquatic organisms Journal Articles
Development of a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Using a Public Health Lens to Determine Local Health Vulnerabilities: An Ontario Health Unit Experience Journal Articles
Development of an in vivo Assay for Detection of Non-Targeted Radiation Effects Journal Articles
Development of an Evidence-Based Risk Assessment Framework Journal Articles
Development of an integrated multivariate trend-frequency analysis method: Spatial-temporal characteristics of climate extremes under global warming for Central Asia Journal Articles
Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an Acute Care Physical Therapy ‘Float’ Placement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Report Journal Articles
Developmental and lactational exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of dieldrin does not alter pregnancy outcome and mammary gland morphology in BALB/c mice Journal Articles
Dieldrin promotes resistance to anoikis in breast cancer cells in vitro Journal Articles
Dietary Intakes and Plasma Organochlorine Contaminant Levels among Great Lakes Fish Eaters Journal Articles
Dietary galactose inhibits GDF-9 mediated follicular development in the rat ovary Journal Articles
Diethylhexyl phthalate magnifies deposition of 14
C-bisphenol A in reproductive tissues of mice Journal Articles
Differences in Work Disability Duration for Immigrants and Canadian-Born Workers in British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Differential Toxicity of Cis and Trans Isomers of Dichlorodiammineplatinum Journal Articles
Differential effects of ambient diesel carcinogens on inflammation and DNA damage response in cells relevant for lung toxicity Conferences
Dinitropyrene-resistant Salmonella typhimurium are deficient in an acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase Journal Articles
Dioxin-Induced Changes in Epididymal Sperm Count and Spermatogenesis Journal Articles
Dioxin-like compounds and bone quality in Cree women of Eastern James Bay (Canada): a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Diphenyl diselenide potentiates nephrotoxicity induced by mercuric chloride in mice Journal Articles
Direct and delayed X‐ray‐induced DNA damage in male mouse germ cells Journal Articles
Discovery of novel bacterial toxins by genomics and computational biology Journal Articles
Disruption of blastocyst implantation by triclosan in mice: Impacts of repeated and acute doses and combination with bisphenol-A Journal Articles
Distinct roles of the DmNav and DSC1 channels in the action of DDT and pyrethroids Journal Articles
Distribution of nitroreductive activity toward nilutamide in rat Journal Articles
Diurnal variation and binding characteristics of melatonin in the mouse brain and gastrointestinal tissues Journal Articles
Divergent effects of orthosilicic acid and dimethylsilanediol on cell survival and adhesion in human osteoblast-like cells Journal Articles
Do Cervical Cancer Patients Diagnosed with Opportunistic Screening Live Longer? An Arkhangelsk Cancer Registry Study Journal Articles
Do stressful life events during pregnancy modify associations between phthalates and anogenital distance in newborns? Journal Articles
Does GLP enhance the quality of toxicological evidence for regulatory decisions?: TABLE 1. Journal Articles
Does nebulized corticosteroid therapy have an effect on ammonia-induced pulmonary injury? Journal Articles
Dose Calculations for [131I] Meta-Iodobenzylguanidine-Induced Bystander Effects Journal Articles
Dose-Response Journal
Double-Duty Carers’ Health and Wellbeing during COVID-19: Exploring the Role of Mobility of the Care Economy in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Dynamically-downscaled probabilistic projections of precipitation changes: A Canadian case study Journal Articles
Early Life Exposure to Nicotine: Postnatal Metabolic, Neurobehavioral and Respiratory Outcomes and the Development of Childhood Cancers Journal Articles
Early childhood lead exposure is not reflected in adult bone lead: Results of a sub-cohort of African American women in the Cincinnati lead study Journal Articles
Early host cell reactivation of an oxidatively damaged adenovirus-encoded reporter gene requires the Cockayne syndrome proteins CSA and CSB Journal Articles
Early life exposure to phthalates and the development of childhood asthma among Canadian children Journal Articles
Early-life external exposome in children 2–5 years old in Colombia Journal Articles
Ecotoxicology Journal
Effect of Environmental Contaminants on Beta Cell Function Journal Articles
Effect of High-Dose Nano-selenium and Selenium–Yeast on Feed Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation, and Purine Derivatives in Sheep Journal Articles
Effect of Occupational Lead Exposure on Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D Levels Journal Articles
Effect of Smoking Behavior before and during Pregnancy on Selected Birth Outcomes among Singleton Full-Term Pregnancy: A Murmansk County Birth Registry Study Journal Articles
Effect of TLV Levels of SO2and H2SO4on Bronchial Clearance in Exercising Man Journal Articles
Effect of diesel exhaust inhalation on blood markers of inflammation and neurotoxicity: a controlled, blinded crossover study Journal Articles
Effect of gamma radiation on the production of bystander signals from three earthworm species irradiated in vivo Journal Articles
Effect of in utero and lactational nicotine exposure on the male reproductive tract in peripubertal and adult rats Journal Articles
Effect of in vitro exposure to benzo[a]pyrene, a component of cigarette smoke, on folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis and oocyte nuclear maturation Journal Articles
Effect of microcystin on ion regulation and antioxidant system in gills of the estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulatus (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Effect of nandrolone decanoate and 1-alpha-hydroxy-calciferol upon magnesium plasma levels in postmenopausal osteoporotic women Journal Articles
Effect of nitrofurazone on bacterial RNA and ribosome synthesis and on the function of ribosomes Journal Articles
Effect of theδ-Aminolevulinate Dehydratase Polymorphism on the Accumulation of Lead in Bone and Blood in Lead Smelter Workers Journal Articles
Effects in Rats of Maternal Exposure to Raspberry Leaf and Its Constituents on the Activity of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes in the Offspring Journal Articles
Effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on reproductive endocrine status in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) under differing salinity and temperature conditions Journal Articles
Effects of in vitro exposure to butylparaben and di‐(2 ethylhexyl) phthalate, alone or in combination, on ovarian function Journal Articles
Effects of Acute Exposure to Aluminum on Cognition in Humans Journal Articles
Effects of Atrazine in Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles: An Analysis Based on Quantitative Weight of Evidence Journal Articles
Effects of Atrazine on CYP19 Gene Expression and Aromatase Activity in Testes and on Plasma Sex Steroid Concentrations of Male African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus laevis) Journal Articles
Effects of Atrazine on Fish, Amphibians, and Aquatic Reptiles: A Critical Review Journal Articles
Effects of Atrazine on Metamorphosis, Growth, and Gonadal Development in the Green Frog (Rana Clamitans) Journal Articles
Effects of Cytochrome P450 Inhibitors on the Biotransformation of Fluorogenic Substrates by Adult Male Rat Liver Microsomes and cDNA-Expressed Rat Cytochrome P450 Isoforms Journal Articles
Effects of Dose Rate on the Reproductive Cell Death and Early Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Different Human Epithelium-Derived Cells Exposed to Gamma Rays Journal Articles
Effects of Household Air Pollution (HAP) on Cardiovascular Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Effects of Incretin-based Therapies on Weight-related Indicators among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Network Meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Effects of Low Doses of Radiation: Joint Statement from the Following Participants at the 15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sessions Held in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday 18 October 2006 Journal Articles
Effects of Subchronic Exposure to a Complex Mixture of Persistent Contaminants in Male Rats: Systemic, Immune, and Reproductive Effects Journal Articles
Effects of a model androgen (methyl testosterone) and a model anti-androgen (cyproterone acetate) on reproductive endocrine endpoints in a short-term adult mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) bioassay Journal Articles
Effects of active sunscreen ingredient combinations on the topical penetration of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Journal Articles
Effects of acute exposure to PCBs 126 and 153 on anterior pituitary and thyroid hormones and FSH isoforms in adult Sprague Dawley male rats Journal Articles
Effects of atrazine on fish, amphibians, and reptiles: update of the analysis based on quantitative weight of evidence Journal Articles
Effects of chronic, parental pharmaceutical exposure on zebrafish (Danio rerio) offspring Journal Articles
Effects of copper exposure on the energy metabolism in juveniles of the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Effects of dibenzothiophene, a sulfur‐containing heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and its alkylated congener, 2,4,7‐trimethyldibenzothiophene, on placental trophoblast cell function Journal Articles
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gonad development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals Journal Articles
Effects of environmental air pollutants on CFTR expression and function in human airway epithelial cells Conferences
Effects of exogenous arginine vasotocin on circulating levels of thyroid hormones and melatonin in the pigeon, Columbia livia Journal Articles
Effects of exposure to high concentrations of waterborne Tl on K and Tl concentrations in Chironomus riparius larvae Journal Articles
Effects of hTERT on genomic instability caused by either metal or radiation or combined exposure Journal Articles
Effects of historic radiation dose on the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals in Drosophila populations following the Chernobyl nuclear accident Journal Articles
Effects of increasing temperature alone and combined with copper exposure on biochemical and physiological parameters in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Effects of mercury, selenium, and organochlorine contaminants on reproduction of Forster's terns and black skimmers nesting in a contaminated Texas Bay Journal Articles
Effects of oral erythrosine (2′,4′,5′,7′-tetraiodofluorescein) on thyroid function in normal men Journal Articles
Effects of pulp and paper mill effluent extractives on aromatase CYP19a gene expression and sex steroid levels in juvenile triploid rainbow trout Journal Articles
Effects of sublethal Cd, Zn, and mixture exposures on antioxidant defense and oxidative stress parameters in early life stages of the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Journal Articles
Effects of the mammalian antiandrogen vinclozolin on development and reproduction of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) Journal Articles
Efficacy and Safety of Vasopressin and Terlipressin in Preterm Neonates: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Effluent trading planning and its application in water quality management: A factor-interaction perspective Journal Articles
Elevated DNA damage in a mouse model of oxidative stress: impacts of ionizing radiation and a protective dietary supplement Journal Articles
Elevated Ovarian Follicular Apoptosis and Heat Shock Protein-70 Expression in White Sucker Exposed to Bleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent Journal Articles
Elucidation of pyrethroid and DDT receptor sites in the voltage-gated sodium channel Journal Articles
Emergency Logistics in a Large-Scale Disaster Context: Achievements and Challenges Journal Articles
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Research Program of the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency: Summary of a Peer-Review Report Journal Articles
Endocrine disruption mechanism of o,p′-DDT in mature male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Journal Articles
Enhanced reactivation and mutagenesis of UV-irradiated adenovirus in normal human fibroblasts Journal Articles
Environmental Dioxins and Endometriosis Journal Articles
Environmental Factors that Impact the Workplace Participation of Transition-Aged Young Adults with Brain-Based Disabilities: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Environmental Health Attitudes, Practices, and Educational Preferences: A National Survey of Reproductive-Aged Women in Canada. Journal Articles
Environmental Health Perspectives Journal
Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source Journal
Environmental Research Journal
Environmental Toxicology Journal
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Journal
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis Journal
Environmental contaminant levels and fecundability among non-smoking couples Journal Articles
Environmental metabolomics uncovers oxidative stress, amino acid dysregulation, and energy impairment in Daphnia magna with exposure to industrial effluents Journal Articles
Environmental risk factors for all-cause dementia, Alzheimer's disease dementia, vascular dementia, and mild cognitive impairment: An umbrella review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Environmental, geographic and trophic influences on methylmercury concentrations in macroinvertebrates from lakes and wetlands across Canada Journal Articles
Erratum to Relationship between bone lead and other indices of lead exposure in smelter workers Journal Articles
Erratum to “In vitro cytotoxicity testing of three zinc metal salts using established fish cell lines” [Toxicology in Vitro 18 (2004) 365–376] Journal Articles
Estimates of Soil Ingestion in a Population of Chinese Children. Journal Articles
Estimating ambient air pollutant levels in Suzhou through the SPDE approach with R-INLA Journal Articles
Estrogen-responsive gene networks in the teleost liver: What are the key molecular indicators? Journal Articles
Estrogenicity and intersex in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to Pine/Eucalyptus pulp and paper production effluent in Chile Journal Articles
Estrogenicity of parabens revisited: Impact of parabens on early pregnancy and an uterotrophic assay in mice Journal Articles
Ethical issues in international environmental health research Journal Articles
Etoposide (VP16) and teniposide (VM26): novel anticancer drugs, strongly mutagenic in mammalian but not prokaryotic test systems Journal Articles
Evaluating Journal Impact Factor: a systematic survey of the pros and cons, and overview of alternative measures Journal Articles
Evaluating Journal Impact Factor: a systematic survey of the pros and cons, and overview of alternative measures Journal Articles
Evaluating the Effects of Chronic Oral Exposure to the Food Additive Silicon Dioxide on Oral Tolerance Induction and Food Sensitivities in Mice Journal Articles
Evaluating the GHG emissions, land use, and water use associated with contemporary dietary patterns in the Republic of Ireland. Journal Articles
Evaluation and Use of Epidemiological Evidence for Environmental Health Risk Assessment: WHO Guideline Document Journal Articles
Evaluation of reproductive outcomes in women inadvertently exposed to hexachlorobenzene in southeastern Turkey in the 1950s Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Association between Maternal Smoking, Childhood Obesity, and Metabolic Disorders: A National Toxicology Program Workshop Review Journal Articles
Evaluation of the lethal and sub-lethal toxicity and potential endocrine disrupting effect of nonylphenol on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Journal Articles
Evidence for an involvement of thymidine kinase in the excision repair of ultraviolet‐irradiated herpes simplex virus in human cells Journal Articles
Evidence of citation bias in the pesticide ecotoxicology literature Journal Articles
Examining the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Iraqi Refugees in Canada Journal Articles
Examining the role of p53 in radiation-induced mutations at ESTR loci. Conferences
Excess feeding increases adipogenesis but lowers leptin transcript abundance in zebrafish larvae Journal Articles
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology Journal
Experimental exposure of juvenile chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to bleached kraft mill effluent: hepatic CYP1A induction is correlated with DNA adducts but not with organochlorine residues Journal Articles
Exploration of the Feasibility of Remote Assessment of Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities: Parents’ Perspectives and Related Contextual Factors Journal Articles
Exploring the Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: Rationale and Protocol for a Pilot, Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Exploring the Influence of Perceived Ingroup and Outgroup Threat on Quality of Life in a Region Impacted by Protracted Conflict Journal Articles
Exploring the Participation Patterns and Impact of Environment in Preschool Children with ASD Journal Articles
Exposure Assessment in Cohort Studies of Childhood Asthma Journal Articles
Exposure of a Cree Population Living near Mine Tailings in Northern Quebec (Canada) to Metals and Metalloids Journal Articles
Exposure to a Brazilian pulp mill effluent impacts the testis and liver in the zebrafish Journal Articles
Exposure to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent disrupts the pituitary-gonadal axis of white sucker at multiple sites Journal Articles
Exposure to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent reduces the steroid biosynthetic capacity of white sucker ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Exposure to ultrafine particulate air pollution in the school commute: Examining low-dose route optimization with terrain-enforced dosage modelling Journal Articles
Expression of delayed cell death (DCD) in the progeny of fish cells surviving 2,4-dichloroaniline (2,4-DCA) exposure Journal Articles
Expression of genes Involved in a Radiation-Induced Bystander Effect Conferences
Expression of genes related to metal metabolism in the freshwater fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii living in a historically contaminated area associated with copper mining Journal Articles
Expression patterns of cytochrome P450 3B and 3C genes in model fish species Journal Articles
Factors Affecting the Cardiotoxic Potential of Cobalt Journal Articles
Failure of ATP supply to match ATP demand: The mechanism of toxicity of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), used to control sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) populations in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Fate of thiamethoxam from treated seeds in mesocosms and response of aquatic invertebrate communities Journal Articles
Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) reproduction is impaired in aged oil sands process-affected waters Journal Articles
Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) reproduction is impaired when exposed to a naphthenic acid extract Journal Articles
Feasibility of the use of a handheld XRF analyzer to measure skin iron to monitor iron levels in critical organs Journal Articles
Fetal and Neonatal Exposure to Nicotine Disrupts Postnatal Lung Development in Rats: Role of VEGF and Its Receptors Journal Articles
Fetal and neonatal exposure to nicotine leads to augmented hepatic and circulating triglycerides in adult male offspring due to increased expression of fatty acid synthase Journal Articles
Fluoride - Quarterly Reports Journal
Fluoride supplementation status, fractures and osteopenia in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Journal Articles
Fluoxetine‐induced hepatic lipid accumulation is mediated by prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 1 and is linked to elevated 15‐deoxy‐Δ12,14PGJ2 Journal Articles
Focusing on the Environment to Improve Youth Participation: Experiences and Perspectives of Occupational Therapists Journal Articles
Food web analysis reveals effects of pH on mercury bioaccumulation at multiple trophic levels in streams Journal Articles
Formation and excision of nitrofuran-DNA adducts in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Framework convention on tobacco control: progress and implications for health and the environment. Journal Articles
From the Editor’s Desk, Editor’s Highlights, Letters to the Editor Journal Articles
Functional characterization of estrogen receptor subtypes, ERα and ERβ, mediating vitellogenin production in the liver of rainbow trout Journal Articles
Fundulus heteroclitus: Ovarian reproductive physiology and the impact of environmental contaminants Journal Articles
Galvanotaxic response of tetrahymena vorax Journal Articles
Gas-Phase Ambient Air Contaminants Exhibit Significant Dioxin-like and Estrogen-like Activity
in Vitro Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal assimilation of Cu during digestion of a single meal in the freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Gemfibrozil and carbamazepine decrease steroid production in zebrafish testes ( Danio rerio ) Journal Articles
Gender Differences in the Relationship between Housing, Socioeconomic Status, and Self-Reported Health Status Journal Articles
Gender Differences in the Relationship between Housing, Socioeconomic Status, and Self-Reported Health Status. Journal Articles
Gender differences in the relationship between housing, socioeconomic status, and self-reported health status. Journal Articles
Gender-Related Differences in Flood Risk Perception and Behaviours among Private Groundwater Users in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Genetic and biochemical effects induced by iron ore, Fe and Mn exposure in tadpoles of the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus Journal Articles
Genotoxicity of field‐collected inter‐tidal sediments from Cork Harbor, Ireland, to juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) as measured by the Comet assay Journal Articles
Geographies of Risk in Studies Linking Chronic Air Pollution Exposure to Health Outcomes Journal Articles
Geospatial analysis of food waste generation at the consumer-level in high-income regions, 2000-2023 - A scoping review. Journal Articles
Geriatric Bone Lead Metabolism in a Female Nonhuman Primate Population Journal Articles
Getting Old Well in Sub Saharan Africa: Exploring the Social and Structural Drivers of Subjective Wellbeing among Elderly Men and Women in Uganda Journal Articles
Gill ion transport and copper accumulation in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Journal Articles
Grass pollen as a trigger of emergency department presentations and hospital admissions for respiratory conditions in the subtropics: A systematic review Journal Articles
Green areas and students’ academic performance in the Federal District, Brazil: An assessment of three greenness metrics Journal Articles
Guidelines for reporting case studies and series on drug-induced QT interval prolongation and its complications following acute overdose Journal Articles
Hair Regrowth after Cancer Therapy Journal Articles
Have wing morphology or flight kinematics evolved for extreme high altitude migration in the bar-headed goose? Journal Articles
Hazard assessment using an in-silico toxicity assessment of the transformation products of boscalid, pyraclostrobin, fenbuconazole and glyphosate generated by exposure to an advanced oxidative process Journal Articles
Health Effects of Household Solid Fuel Use: Findings from 11 Countries within the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology Study Journal Articles
Health Related Values and Preferences Regarding Meat Intake: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Methods Study Journal Articles
Health Risk Modifiers of Exposure to Persistent Pollutants among Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka Journal Articles
Heat shock protein 70 levels in rainbow trout primary epidermal cultures in response to 2,4‐dichloroaniline exposure: A novel in vitro aquatic toxicity marker Journal Articles
Hematological Changes Following Low Dose Radiation Therapy and Comparison to Current Standard of Care Cancer Treatments Journal Articles
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) suppresses circulating progesterone concentrations during the luteal phase in the cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
High Prevalence of Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (Anti-GAD) Antibodies in Employees at a Polychlorinated Biphenyl Production Factory Journal Articles
Histomorphologic Analysis of the Late-term Rat Fetus and Placenta Journal Articles
Historical ambient airborne asbestos concentrations in the United States Journal Articles
Homogenous and Microbeam X-Ray Radiation Induces Proteomic Changes in the Brains of Irradiated Rats and in the Brains of Nonirradiated Cage Mate Rats Journal Articles
Hormetic Effects of Early Juvenile Radiation Exposure on Adult Reproduction and Offspring Performance in the Cricket (Acheta domesticus) Journal Articles
Hormonal, Morphological, and Physiological Responses of Yellow Perch ( Perca Flavescens ) to Chronic Environmental Metal Exposures Journal Articles
Hormonal, morphological, and physiological responses of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) to chronic environmental metal exposures Journal Articles
Hormone replacement therapy may reduce the return of endogenous lead from bone to the circulation. Journal Articles
Host cell reactivation of gene expression for an adenovirus-encoded reporter gene reflects the repair of UVC-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and methylene blue plus visible light-induced 8-oxoguanine Journal Articles
Host cell reactivation of irradiated adenovirus in UV-sensitive Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants Journal Articles
Host cell reactivation of oxidative damaged DNA in human fibroblasts decreases with cell passage number in tissue culture but is not related to donor age Conferences
Host cell reactivation of sunlamp‐exposed adenovirus in fibroblasts from patients with bloom's syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, and huntington's disease Journal Articles
Household Air Pollution and Adult Lung Function Change, Respiratory Disease, and Mortality across Eleven Low- and Middle-Income Countries from the PURE Study Journal Articles
How Can We Actually Change Help-Seeking Behaviour for Mental Health Problems among the General Public? Development of the ‘PLACES’ Model Journal Articles
How Do Type 2 Diabetes Patients Value Urban Integrated Primary Care in China? Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment Journal Articles
Hplc/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Heterocyclic Aromatic Amine Carcinogen 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine in Human Milk Journal Articles
Human Health and the Biological Effects of Tritium in Drinking Water: Prudent Policy through Science – Addressing the ODWAC New Recommendation Journal Articles
Human and Experimental Toxicology Journal
Human and ecological risk assessment of a crop protection chemical: a case study with the azole fungicide epoxiconazole Journal Articles
Human biomonitoring in the Arctic. Special challenges in a sparsely populated area Journal Articles
Human developmental exposure to endocrine active compounds Journal Articles
Human exposure to environmental contaminants and congenital anomalies: a critical review Journal Articles
Hydrogen peroxide-induced necrotic cell death in cardiomyocytes is independent of matrix metalloproteinase-2 Journal Articles
Hydrophilic crosslinked copolymers as tissue-equivalent materials for breast cancer detection Conferences
Hydroxychloroquine attenuates cigarette smoke induced autophagic signaling in the mouse ovary Journal Articles
Ibuprofen reduces zebrafish PGE2 levels but steroid hormone levels and reproductive parameters are not affected Journal Articles
Idarucizumab for dabigatran overdose Journal Articles
Identification of Key Proteins in Human Epithelial Cells Responding to Bystander Signals From Irradiated Trout Skin Journal Articles
Identification of a multixenobiotic resistance mechanism in primary cultured epidermal cells from Oncorhynchus mykiss and the effects of environmental complex mixtures on its activity Journal Articles
Identification of microRNAs as potential markers of ovarian toxicity Journal Articles
Identifying Health Equity Factors That Influence the Public’s Perception of COVID-19 Health Information and Recommendations: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Impact of Occupational Exposure on Lead Levels in Women Journal Articles
Impact of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Contamination on Estrogenic Activity in Human Male Serum Journal Articles
Impact of Psychotherapy on Psychosocial Functioning in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients Journal Articles
Impact of a complex nutraceutical supplement on primary tumour formation and metastasis in Trp53+/– cancer-prone mice Journal Articles
Impact of acute bisphenol-A exposure upon intrauterine implantation of fertilized ova and urinary levels of progesterone and 17β-estradiol Journal Articles
Impact of organochlorine contamination on levels of sex hormones and external morphology of common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
Impact of the Childcare Physical Activity (PLAY) Policy on Young Children’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Time: A Pilot Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Impacts of Low-Dose Gamma-Radiation on Genotoxic Risk in Aquatic Ecosystems Journal Articles
Impacts of caffeine on fathead minnow behaviour and physiology Journal Articles
Impacts of climate variations on non-stationarity of streamflow over Canada Journal Articles
Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife and humans Journal Articles
Impaired regulation of divalent cations with acute copper exposure in the marine clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
Improving Social Justice in COVID-19 Health Research: Interim Guidelines for Reporting Health Equity in Observational Studies Journal Articles
Improving the quality of toxicology and environmental health systematic reviews: What journal editors can do Journal Articles
Improving the risk assessment of lipophilic persistent environmental chemicals in breast milk Journal Articles
In Vitro and Molecular Toxicology: Journal of Basic and Applied Research Journal
In situ exposure to wastewater effluent reduces survival but has little effect on the behaviour or physiology of an invasive Great Lakes fish Journal Articles
In utero exposure to valproic acid and autism — A current review of clinical and animal studies Journal Articles
In vitro cytotoxicity testing of three zinc metal salts using established fish cell lines Journal Articles
In vitro inhibition of cytochrome P450-mediated reactions by gemfibrozil, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin and fluoxetine in fish liver microsomes Journal Articles
In vivo Measurements of Lead in Bone in Long-term Exposed Lead Smelter Workers Journal Articles
In vivo X-ray fluorescence of lead in bone Journal Articles
In vivo X-ray fluorescence of lead in bone using K X-ray excitation with 109Cd sources: Radiation dosimetry studies Journal Articles
In vivo X-ray fluorescence of lead in bone: review and current issues. Journal Articles
In vivo and in vitro short-term bisphenol A exposures disrupt testicular energy metabolism and negatively impact spermatogenesis in zebrafish Journal Articles
In vivo measurement of liver and kidney cadmium in workers exposed to this metal: Its significance with respect to cadmium in blood and urine Journal Articles
In vivo neutron activation analysis of organ cadmium burdens Journal Articles
In-vivo and in-vitro measurements of lead and cadmium Journal Articles
Increased Mercury and Body Size and Changes in Trophic Structure of Gambusia puncticulata (Poeciliidae) Along the Almendares River, Cuba Journal Articles
Increased Pancreatic Beta-Cell Apoptosis following Fetal and Neonatal Exposure to Nicotine Is Mediated via the Mitochondria Journal Articles
Increased cerebral oxidative damage and decreased antioxidant defenses in ovariectomized and sham-operated rats supplemented with vitamin A Journal Articles
Increased incidence of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease in male rat offspring exposed to fluoxetine during fetal and neonatal life involves the NLRP3 inflammasome and augmented de novo hepatic lipogenesis Journal Articles
Increased urban greenness associated with improved mental health among middle-aged and older adults of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Increasing rates of anomalous bupropion prescribing Conferences
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Journal
Indigenous cultural safety in recognizing and responding to family violence: A systematic scoping review Journal Articles
Indigenous service provider perspectives of an online education module to support safe clinical encounters about family violence in Canada Journal Articles
Individual Radiosensitivity and its Relevance to Health Physics Journal Articles
Individual, Independent, and Joint Associations of Toxic Metals and Manganese on Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Results from the MIREC Canadian Pregnancy Cohort Journal Articles
Induction of Cetacean Cytochrome P4501A1 by -Naphthoflavone Exposure of Skin Biopsy Slices Journal Articles
Influence of 96h sub-lethal copper exposure on aerobic scope and recovery from exhaustive exercise in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Influence of Tetrabromobisphenol A, with or without Concurrent Triclosan, upon Bisphenol A and Estradiol Concentrations in Mice Journal Articles
Influence of a contaminated fish diet on germline expanded‐simple‐tandem‐repeat mutation frequency in mice Journal Articles
Influence of acclimation and cross-acclimation of metals on acute Cd toxicity and Cd uptake and distribution in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Influence of chronic low-dose/dose-rate high-LET irradiation from radium-226 in a human colorectal carcinoma cell line Journal Articles
Influence of copper pre-exposure on biochemical responses of the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum to changes in oxygen availability Journal Articles
Influence of dichlorodiphenylchloroethylene on vascular endothelial growth factor and insulin-like growth factor in human and rat ovarian cells Journal Articles
Influence of environmentally relevant concentrations of Zn, Cd and Ni and their binary mixtures on metal uptake, bioaccumulation and development in larvae of the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Journal Articles
Influence of oral and subcutaneous bisphenol-A on intrauterine implantation of fertilized ova in inseminated female mice Journal Articles
Inhalation Toxicology Journal
Inhibition of egg production in zebrafish by fluoxetine and municipal effluents: A mechanistic evaluation Journal Articles
Injection of Resperpine into Zebrafish, Prevents Fish to Fish Communication of Radiation-Induced Bystander Signals: Confirmation in vivo of a Role for Serotonin in the Mechanism Journal Articles
Insights about Screen-Use Conflict from Discussions between Mothers and Pre-Adolescents: A Thematic Analysis Journal Articles
Insights into In Situ Benthic Caging Tests for Ecotoxicity Assessments Targeting Discharging Groundwater Contaminant Plumes Journal Articles
Integrating Environmental and Human Health Databases in the Great Lakes Basin: Themes, Challenges and Future Directions Journal Articles
Interactions between endosulfan and dieldrin on estrogen-mediated processes in vitro and in vivo Journal Articles
Interactive effects of copper and dissolved organic matter on sodium uptake, copper bioaccumulation, and oxidative stress in juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Journal Articles
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Journal
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Journal
International Journal of Toxicology Journal
Introducing the CONSORT extension to pilot trials: enhancing the design, conduct and reporting of pilot or feasibility trials Journal Articles
Investigating the Effects of Mental Fatigue on Resistance Exercise Performance Journal Articles
Investigation of Non-Linear Adaptive Responses and Split Dose Recovery Induced by Ionizing Radiation in Three Human Epithelial Derived Cell Lines Journal Articles
Ion-selective microelectrode measurements of Tl+ and K+ transport by the gut and associated epithelia in Chironomus riparius Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in a proteomic legacy in adult gills. Part A; proteomic responses in the irradiated fish and in non-irradiated bystander fish Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in a proteomic legacy in adult gills. Part B; the effect of a second radiation dose, after one year, on the proteomic responses in the irradiated and non-irradiated bystander fish Journal Articles
Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish Journal Articles
Isolated Clones of a Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Line Display Variation in Radiosensitivity Following Gamma Irradiation Journal Articles
Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) urease induces eicosanoid-modulated hemocyte aggregation in the Chagas' disease vector Rhodnius prolixus Journal Articles
Journal of Applied Toxicology Journal
Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology Journal
Journal of Chemical Health and Safety Journal
Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes Journal
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A Journal
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology Journal
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases Journal
Ketamine-induced neurotoxicity is mediated through endoplasmic reticulum stress in vitro in STHdhQ7/Q7 cells Journal Articles
Key factors of clinical research network capacity building Journal Articles
Key factors of susceptibility to anti-tuberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity Journal Articles
Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Processes for Environmental Health Issues in Canadian Aboriginal Communities Journal Articles
Lead Pellet Ingestion and Liver-Lead Concentrations in Upland Game Birds from Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Lead exposure in Latin America and the Caribbean. Lead Research Group of the Pan-American Health Organization. Journal Articles
Lead in bone: sampling and quantitation using K X-rays excited by 109Cd. Journal Articles
Lead in bone: storage site, exposure source, and target organ. Journal Articles
Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Opportunities: The US Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Journal Articles
Lessons learned, challenges, and opportunities: The U.S. Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Journal Articles
Lethal and Sub-lethal Implications of Sodium Chloride Exposure for Adult Unionid Mussel Species: Eurynia dilatata and Lasmigona costata Journal Articles
Letter concerning the paper by Finley and colleagues: Journal Articles
Letter concerning: Occupational exposures to cosmetic talc and risk of mesothelioma: an updated pooled cohort and statistical power analysis with consideration of latency period by Gary M. Marsh et al. (Inhal Toxicol. 2019 Aug 5:1–11. doi:10.1080/08958378.2019.1645768) Journal Articles
Letter in response to the Letter to the Editor by Harmouche Journal Articles
Letter re Marsh et al Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor re Bernstein et al: Health risk of chrysotile revisited. Crit Rev Toxicol, 2013; 43(2): 154–183 Journal Articles
Levels of Environmental Contaminants in Human Follicular Fluid, Serum, and Seminal Plasma of Couples Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization Journal Articles
Life stage dependent responses to the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), provide insight into glucose homeostasis and metabolism in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Journal Articles
Lifestyle in Undergraduate Students and Demographically Matched Controls during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain Journal Articles
Long-Term Consequences of Fetal and Neonatal Nicotine Exposure: A Critical Review Journal Articles
Long-Term Safety of Prenatal and Neonatal Exposure to Paracetamol: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardio-respiratory disease in China: findings from a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Long-term ammonia toxicity to the pink-shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis Journal Articles
Long-term effects of ionizing radiation after the Chernobyl accident: Possible contribution of historic dose Journal Articles
Low dose radiation mechanisms: The certainty of uncertainty Journal Articles
Low doses and non-targeted effects in environmental radiation protection; where are we now and where should we go? Journal Articles
Low-dose radiation from 18F-FDG PET does not increase cancer frequency or shorten latency but reduces kidney disease in cancer-prone Trp53+/− mice Journal Articles
Magnesium-Bulletin Journal
Mammary Gland Morphology in Sprague-Dawley Rats following Treatment with an Organochlorine Mixture in Utero and Neonatal Genistein Journal Articles
Manufacturing doubt about endocrine disrupter science – A rebuttal of industry-sponsored critical comments on the UNEP/WHO report “State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012” Journal Articles
Mapping Health in the Great Lakes Areas of Concern: A User-Friendly Tool for Policy and Decision Makers Conferences
Mapping distance-decay of cardiorespiratory disease risk related to neighborhood environments Journal Articles
Mapping health in the Great Lakes areas of concern: a user-friendly tool for policy and decision makers. Journal Articles
Margin of exposure to free formaldehyde in personal care products containing formaldehyde-donor preservatives: Evidence for consumer safety Journal Articles
Maternal Nicotine Exposure Leads to Augmented Expression of the Antioxidant Adipose Tissue Triglyceride Lipase Long-Term in the White Adipose of Female Rat Offspring Journal Articles
Maternal exposure to butyl paraben impairs testicular structure and sperm quality on male rats Journal Articles
Maternal exposure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol impairs female offspring glucose homeostasis and endocrine pancreatic development in the rat Journal Articles
Maternal nicotine exposure leads to decreased cardiac protein disulfide isomerase and impaired mitochondrial function in male rat offspring Journal Articles
Maternal transfer of bisphenol A impacts the ontogeny of cortisol stress response in rainbow trout Journal Articles
Measurement Invariance of the Flourishing Scale among a Large Sample of Canadian Adolescents Journal Articles
Measuring the potency of pulp mill effluents for induction of hepatic mixed-function oxygenase activity in fish. Journal Articles
Mechanism of acute silver toxicity in marine invertebrates Conferences
Mechanism of acute silver toxicity in the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa Journal Articles
Mechanisms and implications of genomic instability and other delayed effects of ionizing radiation exposure Journal Articles
Membrane bioreactor treatment of commonly used organophosphate pesticides Journal Articles
Mental Disorder Symptoms and the Relationship with Resilience among Paramedics in a Single Canadian Site Journal Articles
Mental Health of Canadian Firefighters: The Impact of Sleep Journal Articles
Mental Health of Immigrant Children and Adolescents (6–17 Years) in Canada: Evidence from the Canadian Health Measures Survey Journal Articles
Mercury and osmoregulation in the euryhaline crab, Eriocheir sinensis Conferences
Mercury, legacy and emerging POPs, and endocrine-behavioural linkages: Implications of Arctic change in a diving seabird Journal Articles
Metabolic activation of 3-nitroperylene in the Salmonella/S9 assay Journal Articles
Metabolic implications of exposure to wastewater effluent in bluegill sunfish Journal Articles
Metabolic status of the coral Mussismilia harttii in field conditions and the effects of copper exposure in vitro Journal Articles
Metabolism of 1,8-dinitropyrene by Salmonella typhimurium Journal Articles
Metabolism of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons elicits apoptotic and necrotic responses in Hepa1c1c7 cells Conferences
Metabolomics revealed disruptions in amino acid and antioxidant biochemistry in Daphnia magna exposed to industrial effluents associated with plastic and polymer production Journal Articles
Metal Accumulation and Ion Regulation in the Fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Living in a Site Chronically Contaminated by Copper: Insights from Translocation Experiments Journal Articles
Metal accumulation and expression of genes encoding for metallothionein and copper transporters in a chronically exposed wild population of the fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Journal Articles
Metal concentrations and tissues distribution in larvae ofChironomus with reference to x-ray microprobe analysis Journal Articles
Metal contamination as a possible etiology of fibropapillomatosis in juvenile female green sea turtles Chelonia mydas from the southern Atlantic Ocean Journal Articles
Metal sulfides in oxygenated aquatic systems: implications for the biotic ligand model Journal Articles
Methodological and biological aspects to be considered in acetylcholinesterase reactivation assays using 2-PAM Journal Articles
Methodology for assessing community health in areas of concern: measuring the adverse effects on human health. Journal Articles
Microcalorimetric Studies of the Biological Effect of Holmium (III) on Halobacterium halobium R1 Growth Journal Articles
Microcalorimetric Studies of the Biological Effects of Ho(III) on Halobacterium halobium R1 Journal Articles
Microfluidic-based technologies in cancer liquid biopsy: Unveiling the role of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) materials Journal Articles
Micronuclei formation in rainbow trout cells exposed to multiple stressors: Morpholine, heat shock, and ionizing radiation Journal Articles
Milt production in goldfish: regulation by multiple social stimuli Journal Articles
Mitochondria as a critical target for toxicity Conferences
Model study on real-time aeration based on nitrite for effective operation of single-stage anammox Journal Articles
Modeling the Intraurban Variability of Ambient Traffic Pollution in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Modelling the intra-urban variability of ambient traffic pollution in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Modes of metal toxicity and impaired branchial ionoregulation in rainbow trout exposed to mixtures of Pb and Cd in soft water Journal Articles
Modulation of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) by radiation- induced biophotons Journal Articles
Molecular biology approaches to biological monitoring of genotoxic substances Journal Articles
Molecular initiating events of the intersex phenotype: Low-dose exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol rapidly regulates molecular networks associated with gonad differentiation in the adult fathead minnow testis Journal Articles
Molecular pathways associated with the intersex condition in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) following exposures to municipal wastewater in the Grand River basin, ON, Canada. Part B Journal Articles
Molecular signatures in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) inhabiting an urbanized river reach receiving wastewater effluents Journal Articles
Molecular, biochemical and behavioral effects of the pesticide chlorothalonil in the zebrafish (D. rerio) Journal Articles
Morphological abnormalities during early-life development of the estuarine mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, as an indicator of androgenic and anti-androgenic endocrine disruption Journal Articles
Morphometric analysis of inflammation in bronchial biopsies following exposure to inhaled diesel exhaust and allergen challenge in atopic subjects Journal Articles
Mortality among Workers Exposed to Carbon Disulfide Journal Articles
Mortality of 11,500 Nickel Workers—Extended Follow Up and Relationship to Environmental Conditions Journal Articles
Mortality, bioaccumulation and physiological responses in juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) chronically exposed to copper Journal Articles
Motor Coordination and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Emerging Adults: Mediating Effect of Physical Self-Concept Journal Articles
Multiple Roles Of The Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ku C-terminus In Repairing DNA Double-Strand Breaks Conferences
Multiple chemical sensitivity as a conditional response Journal Articles
Multiplying the serum aminotransferase by the acetaminophen concentration to predict toxicity following overdose Journal Articles
Mutagenesis Journal
Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis Journal
Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research Journal
NTP‐CERHR expert panel report on the developmental toxicity of soy infant formula Journal Articles
Nanomaterials in the Environment: Research Hotspots and Trends Journal Articles
Naphthenic acid fraction components from oil sands process‐affected water from the Athabasca Oil Sands Region impair murine osteoblast differentiation and function Journal Articles
Natural and human factors influencing urban particulate matter concentrations in central heating areas with long-term wearable monitoring devices Journal Articles
NeuroToxicology Journal
Neuromuscular blocking activity of two fractions isolated from the venom of the seasnake, Laticauda semifasciata Journal Articles
Neurotoxicology and Teratology Journal
Nicotine Directly Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Rat Placental Trophoblast Giant Cells Journal Articles
Nitrofuran induced mutagenesis and error prone repair in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
No adaptive response is induced by chronic low-dose radiation from Ra-226 in the CHSE/F fish embryonic cell line and the HaCaT human epithelial cell line Journal Articles
Non-Malignant Respiratory Illnesses in Association with Occupational Exposure to Asbestos and Other Insulating Materials: Findings from the Alberta Insulator Cohort Journal Articles
Non-Standard Employment and Unemployment during the COVID-19 Crisis: Economic and Health Findings from a Six-Country Survey Study Journal Articles
Occupational Exposure to Wood Dust and the Burden of Nasopharynx and Sinonasal Cancer in Canada Journal Articles
Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health in the Border Areas of Euro-Arctic Barents Region: A Review of 30-Year Russian–Norwegian Research Collaboration Outcomes Journal Articles
One-Decade-Spanning transgenerational effects of historic radiation dose in wild populations of bank voles exposed to radioactive contamination following the chernobyl nuclear disaster Journal Articles
Optimization of an MCF7-E3 Cell Proliferation Assay and Effects of Environmental Pollutants and Industrial Chemicals Journal Articles
Oral Health Problems among Canadians Aged 45 to 85: Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Baseline Survey (2011–2015) Journal Articles
Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Rare Disorders of Congenital Facial Weakness Journal Articles
Organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in house dust and mental health outcomes among Canadian mothers: A nested prospective cohort study in CHILD Journal Articles
Ovarian toxicity of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the superovulated female rat Journal Articles
Oxidative Stress and Bioindicators of Reproductive Function in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Exposed White Sucker Journal Articles
Oxidative Stress and Sex Steroid Levels in Fish Following Short-Term Exposure to Pulp-Mill Effluents Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and metabolic responses to copper in freshwater- and seawater-acclimated killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Oxidative stress responses in longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) exposed to pulp and paper mill and municipal sewage effluents Journal Articles
Ozone Inhalation Provokes Glucocorticoid-Dependent and -Independent Effects on Inflammatory and Metabolic Pathways Journal Articles
Ozone modifies the metabolic and endocrine response to glucose: Reproduction of effects with the stress hormone corticosterone Journal Articles
Parental gamma irradiation induces reprotoxic effects accompanied by genomic instability in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos Journal Articles
Parental gemfibrozil exposure impacts zebrafish F1 offspring, but not subsequent generations Journal Articles
Part A: Temporal and dose-dependent transcriptional responses in the liver of fathead minnows following short term exposure to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene Journal Articles
Part B: Morphometric and transcriptomic responses to sub-chronic exposure to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) Journal Articles
Participants’ Evaluation and Outcomes following Integration of Self-Management Support into Outpatient Schizophrenia Case Management Journal Articles
Particle and Fibre Toxicology Journal
Pathologic Spectrum and Lung Dust Burden in Giant Cell Interstitial Pneumonia (Hard Metal Disease/Cobalt Pneumonitis): Review of 100 Cases Journal Articles
Pavlovian Conditioning and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Conferences
Pavlovian conditioning and multiple chemical sensitivity. Journal Articles
PeLM: Modeling of Pesticide-Losses Through Runoff and Sediment Transport Journal Articles
Peak event analysis: a novel empirical method for the evaluation of elevated particulate events Journal Articles
People’s Values and Preferences about Meat Consumption in View of the Potential Environmental Impacts of Meat: A Mixed-methods Systematic Review Journal Articles
Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life of Children with and without Developmental Disabilities and Their Caregivers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Perinatal Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Atopy at 1 Year of Age in a Multi-Center Canadian Birth Cohort Study Journal Articles
Perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and atopy at 1 year of age in a multi-center Canadian birth cohort study Journal Articles
Persistent DNA Methylation Changes across the First Year of Life and Prenatal NO2 Exposure in a Canadian Prospective Birth Study Journal Articles
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Norwegian Men from 1979 to 2007: Intraindividual Changes, Age–Period–Cohort Effects, and Model Predictions Journal Articles
Personal and household PM2.5 and black carbon exposure measures and respiratory symptoms in 8 low- and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Perspectives: The Possible Influence of Assisted Reproductive Technologies on Transgenerational Reproductive Effects of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Journal Articles
Pesticide Runoff Model (PeRM): A Case Study for the Kintore Creek Watershed, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: What Are the Big Questions? Journal Articles
Pharmacologic inhibition of S1P attenuates ATF6 expression, causes ER stress and contributes to apoptotic cell death Journal Articles
Photocatalytic disinfection for point-of-use water treatment using Ti3+ self-doping TiO2 nanoparticle decorated ceramic disk filter Journal Articles
Physical Literacy, Physical Activity, and Health Indicators in School-Age Children Journal Articles
Physiological and Biochemical Effects of Lithium in Rainbow Trout Journal Articles
Physiological effects of chronic silver exposure in Daphnia magna Journal Articles
Physiological effects of copper in the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa: Waterborne versus waterborne plus dietborne exposure Journal Articles
Planning for the health impacts of climate change: Flooding, private groundwater contamination and waterborne infection – A cross-sectional study of risk perception, experience and behaviours in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
Plasma concentrations of estradiol and testosterone, gonadal aromatase activity and ultrastructure of the testis in Xenopus laevis exposed to estradiol or atrazine Journal Articles
Plasma steroid hormone concentrations, aromatase activities and GSI in ranid frogs collected from agricultural and non-agricultural sites in Michigan (USA) Journal Articles
Pollution and parasitism in aquatic animals: A meta-analysis of effect size Journal Articles
Pollution biomarkers in estuarine animals: Critical review and new perspectives Journal Articles
Population-Level Data on Child Development at School Entry Reflecting Social Determinants of Health: A Narrative Review of Studies Using the Early Development Instrument Journal Articles
Population-specific incidence of testicular ovarian follicles in Xenopus laevis from South Africa: A potential issue in endocrine testing Journal Articles
Predicting Personal Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure in an Elderly Population: Integrating Residential Indoor and Outdoor Measurements, Fixed-Site Ambient Pollution Concentrations, Modeled Pollutant Levels, and Time–Activity Patterns Journal Articles
Prenatal marijuana exposure impacts executive functioning into young adulthood: An fMRI study Journal Articles
Prenatal perfluoroalkyl substances and newborn anogenital distance in a Canadian cohort Journal Articles
Prescription stimulants and hospitalization for psychosis: A case-crossover study Conferences
Presence and bioavailability of bisphenol A in the uterus of rats and mice following single and repeated dietary administration at low doses Journal Articles
Pressures in the Ivory Tower: An Empirical Study of Burnout Scores among Nursing Faculty Journal Articles
Prioritizing Environmental Chemicals for Obesity and Diabetes Outcomes Research: A Screening Approach Using ToxCast™ High-Throughput Data Journal Articles
Professor Ludwik Dobrzyński (1941–2022)—The Obituary Journal Articles
Prostaglandins prevent acetaminophen induced embryo toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on People with Pre-Existing Chronic Disease Journal Articles
Psychological impairment and extreme weather event (EWE) exposure, 1980–2020: A global pooled analysis integrating mental health and well-being metrics Journal Articles
Pulmonary hypertension and vascular oxidative damage in cigarette smoke exposed eNOS−/−mice and human smokers Journal Articles
Quantification of benzo[a]pyrene and other PAHs in the serum and follicular fluid of smokers versus non-smokers Journal Articles
Quantifying Biophoton Emissions From Human Cells Directly Exposed to Low-Dose Gamma Radiation Journal Articles
Radiation Induced Bystander effects in Mice given Low Doses of Radiation in vivo Journal Articles
Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects: Evidence for an Adaptive Response to Low Dose Exposures? Journal Articles
Radiation-induced DNA damage and the relative biological effectiveness of 18F-FDG in wild-type mice Journal Articles
Radiation-induced apoptosis in mouse lymphocytes is modified by a complex dietary supplement: the effect of genotype and gender Journal Articles
Radiation-induced bystander effects following low dose exposure to non-human biota Conferences
Radiobiological characteristics of descendant progeny of fish and amphibian cells that survive the initial ionizing radiation dose Journal Articles
Radiological Emergency Response: The National Biological Dosimetry Response Plan Journal Articles
Rainbow trout primary epidermal cell proliferation as an indicator of aquatic toxicity: an in vitro/in vivo exposure comparison Journal Articles
Rapid action of pesticides on cytosolic calcium concentrations in cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells Journal Articles
Re-evaluation of the linear no-threshold (LNT) model using new paradigms and modern molecular studies Journal Articles
Re: Brent L. Finley, Stacey M. Benson & Gary M. Marsh (2017): Cosmetic talc as a risk factor for pleural mesothelioma: a weight of evidence evaluation of the epidemiology, Inhalation Toxicology, DOI: 10.1080/08958378.2017.1336187 Journal Articles
Reaction Calorimetry and Scale-Up Considerations of Bromo- and Chloro-Boron Subphthalocyanine Journal Articles
Reactive oxygen species generation and expression of DNA repair-related genes after copper exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio) ZFL cells Journal Articles
Readability of Commonly Used Quality of Life Outcome Measures for Youth Self-Report Journal Articles
Recent Vaccination Against SARS-CoV-2 Is Associated with Less Severe Disease in Working-Age Adults. Journal Articles
Recognition and repair of chemically heterogeneous structures at DNA ends Journal Articles
Reduced host cell reactivation of oxidative DNA damage in human cells deficient in the mismatch repair gene hMSH2 Journal Articles
Reduction of Nilutamide by NO Synthases: Implications for the Adverse Effects of This Nitroaromatic Antiandrogen Drug Journal Articles
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Journal
Relationship between bone lead and other indices of lead exposure in smelter workers Journal Articles
Relationships between inhalable and total hexavalent chromium exposures in steel passivation, welding and electroplating operations of Ontario Journal Articles
Reluctancy towards Help-Seeking for Mental Health Concerns at Secondary School among Students in the COMPASS Study Journal Articles
Renal function in the freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following acute and prolonged exposure to waterborne nickel Journal Articles
Reprint of: Deciphering and simulating models of radiation genotoxicity with CRISPR/Cas9 systems Journal Articles
Reproductive Toxicology Journal
Reproductive and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Rats Following 90-Day Dietary Exposure To Pcb 28 (2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl) or Pcb 77 (3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl) Journal Articles
Reproductive and developmental effects of phthalate diesters in females Journal Articles
Reproductive and developmental effects of phthalate diesters in males Journal Articles
Reproductive and health assessment of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) inhabiting a pond containing oil sands process-affected water Journal Articles
Reproductive and stress hormone levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to oil sands process-affected water Journal Articles
Reproductive endocrine effects of chronic lead exposure in the male cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
Reproductive toxicity of chronic lead exposure in the female cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
Research Responses to Outbreaks of Concern about Local Environments Journal Articles
Respiratory adaptations in the high flying bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Response of oxidative stress transcripts in the brain of wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens) exposed to an environmental gradient of methylmercury Journal Articles
Response to Kortenkamp et al. Rebuttal Journal Articles
Response to Marsh, G. M., Ierardi, A. M., Benson, S. M., & Finley, B. L. (2019). Occupational exposures to cosmetic talc and risk of mesothelioma: an updated pooled cohort and statistical power analysis with consideration of latency period. Inhalation toxicology, 31(6), 213–223 Journal Articles
Responses of biomarkers in wild freshwater mussels chronically exposed to complex contaminant mixtures Journal Articles
Responses of white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) to 20 years of process and waste treatment changes at a bleached kraft pulp mill, and to mill shutdown Journal Articles
Responses to panic induction procedures in subjects with multiple chemical sensitivity/idiopathic environmental intolerance: understanding the relationship with panic disorder. Journal Articles
Resveratrol, a natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonist, protects lung from DNA damage and apoptosis caused by benzo[a]pyrene Journal Articles
Resveratrol, a natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonist, protects sperm from DNA damage and apoptosis caused by benzo(a)pyrene Journal Articles
Reversibility of neuromuscular blockade produced by toxins isolated from the venom of the seasnake Laticauda semifasciata Journal Articles
Review and Analysis of the Effects of Olestra, a Dietary Fat Substitute, on Gastrointestinal Function and Symptoms Journal Articles
Reviews on Environmental Health Journal
Risk Factors for Ventricular Septal Defects in Murmansk County, Russia: A Registry-Based Study Journal Articles
Risk assessment׳s insensitive toxicity testing may cause it to fail Journal Articles
Risk compounds, potential mechanisms and biomarkers of traditional Chinese medicine‐induced reproductive toxicity Journal Articles
Risk factors for glioblastoma are shared by other brain tumor types Journal Articles
Risk of Pesticides Mixtures in Rice to Birds and Humans in Iran Journal Articles
Role Identity, Dissonance, and Distress among Paramedics Journal Articles
Role of Maternal Diet in the Risk of Childhood Acute Leukemia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Safety assessment of protein A and derivation of a parenteral health-based exposure limit. Journal Articles
Salinity-dependent copper accumulation in the guppy Poecilia vivipara is associated with CTR1 and ATP7B transcriptional regulation Journal Articles
Salt-Laden Winter Runoff and Freshwater Mussels; Assessing the Effect on Early Life Stages in the Laboratory and Wild Mussel Populations in Receiving Waters Journal Articles
School-Level Factors within Comprehensive School Health Associated with the Trajectory of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity over Time: A Longitudinal, Multilevel Analysis in a Large Sample of Grade 9 and 10 Students in Canada Journal Articles
Science and policy on endocrine disrupters must not be mixed: a reply to a “common sense” intervention by toxicology journal editors Journal Articles
Screening of endocrine disruption activity in sediments from the Uruguay River Journal Articles
Sediment TCDD-EQs and EROD and MROD Activities in Ranid Frogs from Agricultural and Nonagricultural Sites in Michigan (USA) Journal Articles
Selecting a Bedside Cognitive Vital Sign to Monitor Cognition in Hospital: Feasibility, Reliability, and Responsiveness of Logical Memory Journal Articles
Self-Serving Dishonesty Partially Substitutes Fairness in Motivating Cooperation When People Are Treated Fairly Journal Articles
Sensitivity to suppression of cytotoxic T cell generation by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is dependent on the Ah genotype of the murine host Journal Articles
Serotonin and 5-HT3 receptors sensitize human skin cells to direct irradiation cell death but not to soluble radiation-induced bystander signals Journal Articles
Serum levels of perfluoroalkyl compounds in human maternal and umbilical cord blood samples Journal Articles
Sex, Gender and Health: Mapping the Landscape of Research and Policy Journal Articles
Sex-biased response of pollution biomarkers in fish: Insights from the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Sexual Function and Quality of Life in Brazilian Transgender Women Following Gender-Affirming Surgery: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Short-Term Adverse Health Effects in a Community Exposed to a Large Polyvinylchloride Plastics Fire Journal Articles
Short-Term Effects of the Anti-sea Lice Therapeutant Emamectin Benzoate on Clam Worms (Nereis virens) Journal Articles
Short-term silver accumulation in tissues of three marine invertebrates: Shrimp Penaeus duorarum, sea hare Aplysia californica, and sea urchin Diadema antillarum Conferences
Silver accumulation in Daphnia magna in the presence of reactive sulfide Journal Articles
Simulation-based interval chance-constrained quadratic programming model for water quality management: A case study of the central Grand River in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction and Exercise Intolerance in Children Treated with Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant—A Pilot Feasibility Study Journal Articles
Sleep Disturbance in Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Prevalence, Predictors and Associated Outcomes Journal Articles
Slow-Wave EEG Activity Correlates with Impaired Inhibitory Control in Internet Addiction Disorder Journal Articles
Sodium turnover rate determines sensitivity to acute copper and silver exposure in freshwater animals Journal Articles
Soil moisture and water redistribution patterns in white oak (Quercus alba) saplings and trees in fragmented urban woodlands. Journal Articles
Some kinetic and toxicological characteristics of thoracic ganglia cholinesterase of Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Source identification of human exposure to lead in nine Cree Nations from Quebec, Canada (Eeyou Istchee territory) Journal Articles
Spatial analysis of air pollution and childhood asthma in Hamilton, Canada: comparing exposure methods in sensitive subgroups Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Mercury Concentrations in Young-of-the-Year Spottail Shiners (Notropis hudsonius) in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, ON Journal Articles
Sperm Chromatin Structure Is Altered in Cynomolgus Monkeys With Environmentally Relevant Blood Lead Levels Journal Articles
Spontaneous and induced variability of allergens in commodity crops: Ara h 2 in peanut as a case study Journal Articles
Spontaneous appearance of uterine tumors in vehicle and 3-methylcholanthrene-treated Wistar rats Journal Articles
State-of-the-science of endocrine disrupting chemicals, 2012 Conferences
Stepping into the Void: Lessons Learned from Civil Society Organizations during COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro Journal Articles
Stepwise clustering future meteorological drought projection and multi-level factorial analysis under climate change: A case study of the Pearl River Basin, China Journal Articles
Stimulating effects of 4-chlorodiphenyl ether on surgically induced endometriosis in the mouse Journal Articles
Stimulatory effects of selected PAHs on testosterone production in goldfish and rainbow trout and possible mechanisms of action Journal Articles
Stopping the Drop: Examining the Impact of a Pilot Physical Literacy-Based Intervention Program on Physical Activity Behaviours and Fitness during the Transition into University Journal Articles
Stress lowers the threshold dose at which bisphenol A disrupts blastocyst implantation, in conjunction with decreased uterine closure and e-cadherin Journal Articles
Structural Basis for the Biological Effects of Pr(III) Ions: Alteration of Cell Membrane Permeability Journal Articles
Studies on the Mutagenicity of Mild Gasification Products of Coal and Their Subfractions by theSalmonella/Microsomal Assay Journal Articles
Study on the toxic effect of lead(II) ion on Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Subchronic Exposure to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Modulates the Pathophysiology of Endometriosis in the Cynomolgus Monkey Journal Articles
Subclinical Changes in Luteal Function in Cynomolgus Monkeys with Moderate Blood Lead Levels Journal Articles
Subclinical Changes in Luteal Function in Cynomolgus Monkeys with Moderate Blood Lead Levels Journal Articles
Sublethal mechanisms of Pb and Zn toxicity to the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) during early development Journal Articles
Suitability of carboxylated porphyrin profiles as a biochemical indicator in whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) exposed to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Sunscreens containing physical UV blockers can increase transdermal absorption of pesticides Journal Articles
Superoxide dismutase activity and novel reactions with hydrogen peroxide of histidine-containing nickel(II)-oligopeptide complexes and nickel(II)-induced structural changes in synthetic DNA Journal Articles
Survival and iono-regulatory performance in Atlantic salmon smolts is not affected by atrazine exposure Journal Articles
Survival, mutagenesis, and host cell reactivation in a Chinese hamster ovary cell ERCC1 knock-out mutant Journal Articles
Systematic review in evidence-based risk assessment Journal Articles
Systemic Effects of Arctic Pollutants in Beluga Whales Indicated by CYP1A1 Expression Journal Articles
Tebufenozide has limited direct effects on simulated aquatic communities Journal Articles
Temporal changes in metal and arsenic concentrations in blood and feathers of tropical seabirds after one of the largest environmental disasters associated with mining Journal Articles
Temporal clustering of neuroblastic tumours in children and young adults from Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The 1-nitropyrene reductase of Salmonella typhimurium Journal Articles
The Adaptive Response and Protection against Heritable Mutations and Fetal Malformation Journal Articles
The Association Between Chronic Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Ischemic Heart Disease Journal Articles
The Diagnostic Accuracy and Clinimetric Properties of Screening Instruments to Identify Frail Older Adults Attending Emergency Departments: A Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The EU precautionary bans of animal feed additive antibiotics Journal Articles
The Ecologic Method in the Study of Environmental Health. I. Overview of the Method Journal Articles
The Ecologic Method in the Study of Environmental Health. II. Methodologic Issues and Feasibility Journal Articles
The Effect of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone, Arginine Vasopressin, and Pro-opiomelanocortin mRNA Levels in the Hypothalamus of the Cynomolgus Monkey Journal Articles
The Effect of Photomirex on the In Vitro Perfused Ovary of the Rat 11This work was supported by grants from the Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada, and The Medical Research Council of Canada. Journal Articles
The Effect of Solution-Focused Group Counseling Intervention on College Students’ Internet Addiction: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
The Effects of Acute Copper and Ammonia Challenges on Ammonia and Urea Excretion by the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Journal Articles
The Effects of Copper and Nickel on the Embryonic Life Stages of the Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) Journal Articles
The Effects of Household Air Pollution (HAP) on Lung Function in Children: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The Establishment of Human Research Tissue Banking in the UK and Several Western European Countries Journal Articles
The Hidden Crisis: Understanding Potentially Morally Injurious Events Experienced by Healthcare Providers during COVID-19 in Canada Journal Articles
The Impact of Endocrine Disruption: A Consensus Statement on the State of the Science Journal Articles
The Impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) on Women’s Health and Wellbeing in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A Case Study of Kenya Journal Articles
The Impact of Shorter, More Frequent Outdoor Play Periods on Preschoolers’ Physical Activity during Childcare: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
The Influence of TRP53 in the Dose Response of Radiation-Induced Apoptosis, DNA Repair and Genomic Stability in Murine Haematopoietic Cells Journal Articles
The Mutational Landscape of Human Somatic and Germline Cells. Conferences
The Northern Norway Mother-and-Child Contaminant Cohort (MISA) Study: PCA analyses of environmental contaminants in maternal sera and dietary intake in early pregnancy Journal Articles
The O'Flaherty Model of Lead Kinetics: An Evaluation Using Data from a Lead Smelter Population Journal Articles
The Onset of Menstruation and Social Networking Site Use in Adolescent Girls: The Mediating Role of Body Mass Index Journal Articles
The Path Forward on Endocrine Disruptors Requires Focus on the Basics Journal Articles
The Pathology of Experimentally Induced Cobalt Cardiomyopathies. A Comparison with Beer Drinkers' Cardiomyopathy Journal Articles
The Persian Version of the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment Screen (Qmci-Pr): Psychometric Properties among Middle-Aged and Older Iranian Adults Journal Articles
The Phytoestrogen β-Sitosterol Alters the Reproductive Endocrine Status of Goldfish Journal Articles
The Quality, Readability, Completeness, and Accuracy of PTSD Websites for Firefighters Journal Articles
The Relationship of Safety with Burnout for Mobile Health Employees Journal Articles
The Transformative Nature of Residential Immersive Life Skills Programs: Integrating Findings from a Five-Year Prospective Study of Program Opportunities, Youth Experiences, and Outcomes Journal Articles
The Use of Multiple Parameters to Characterize Cadmium-Induced Renal Dysfunction Resulting from Occupational Exposure Journal Articles
The action of AF 2 on cultured hamster and human cells under aerobic and hypoxic conditions Journal Articles
The agonist (d-leu-6,des-gly-10)-LHRH-ethylamide does not protect the fecundity of rats exposed to high dose unilateral ovarian irradiation Journal Articles
The cigarette smoke constituent benzo[a]pyrene disrupts metabolic enzyme, and apoptosis pathway member gene expression in ovarian follicles Journal Articles
The combined influence of two agricultural contaminants on natural communities of phytoplankton and zooplankton Journal Articles
The common field lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol is a potential radiosensitizer in fish cells Journal Articles
The complexity of hair/blood mercury concentration ratios and its implications Journal Articles
The differential effects of cadmium exposure on the growth and survival of primary and established cells from fish and mammals Journal Articles
The effect of exposure to biomass smoke on respiratory symptoms in adult rural and urban Nepalese populations Journal Articles
The effect of marine dissolved organic carbon on nickel accumulation in early life-stages of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Journal Articles
The effect of smoking cessation pharmacotherapies on pancreatic beta cell function Journal Articles
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening for HIV in migrants in the EU/EEA: a systematic review Journal Articles
The effects of 17-α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on molecular signaling cascades in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
The effects of a technical mixture of naphthenic acids on placental trophoblast cell function Journal Articles
The effects of chronic acetaminophen exposure on the kidney, gill and liver in rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) Journal Articles
The effects of chronic, low doses of Ra-226 on cultured fish and human cells Journal Articles
The effects of copper and benzo[a]pyrene on retinoids and reproduction in zebrafish Journal Articles
The effects of electronic cigarette vapor on placental trophoblast cell function Journal Articles
The effects of environmental pollutants on complex fish behaviour: integrating behavioural and physiological indicators of toxicity Journal Articles
The effects of hexachlorobenzene on circulating levels of adrenal steroids in the ovariectomized rat Journal Articles
The effects of oil sands process-affected water naphthenic acid fraction components on GDF15 secretion in extravillous trophoblast cells Journal Articles
The effects of pulp mill effluent on the sex steroid binding protein in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) and longnose sucker (C. catostomus) Journal Articles
The effects of salinity on acute and chronic nickel toxicity and bioaccumulation in two euryhaline crustaceans: Litopenaeus vannamei and Excirolana armata Journal Articles
The effects of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on fuel stores and ion balance in a non-target fish, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
The endocrine disrupting effect of municipal effluent on the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Journal Articles
The exposure-response relationship for mesothelioma among asbestos-cement factory workers. Journal Articles
The feasibility of measuring manganese concentrations in human liver using neutron activation analysis. Journal Articles
The further development of rainbow trout primary epithelial cell cultures as a diagnostic tool in ecotoxicology risk assessment Journal Articles
The impact of wildfires on air pollution and health across land use categories in Brazil over a 16-year period Journal Articles
The impacts of emission trends of POPs on human concentration dynamics: Lessons learned from a longitudinal study in Norway (1979–2007) Journal Articles
The influence of colony habitat and egg components on lead and cadmium concentrations of great egrets and roseate spoonbills in southern Brazil. Journal Articles
The influence of smoking on radiation-induced bystander signal production in esophageal cancer patients Journal Articles
The lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) uncouples mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in both sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and TFM-tolerant rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
The microbial profile of rivers and lagoons three years after the impact of the world's largest mining disaster (Fundão dam, Brazil) Journal Articles
The oxidative stress response in freshwater-acclimated killifish ( Fundulus heteroclitus ) to acute copper and hypoxia exposure Journal Articles
The presence of acidic and neutral drugs in treated sewage effluents and receiving waters in the Cornwallis and Annapolis River watersheds and the Mill CoveSewage Treatment Plant in Nova Scotia, Canada Journal Articles
The protracted waste crisis and physical health of workers in Beirut: a comparative cross-sectional study Journal Articles
The relative sensitivity of microtox®, daphnid, rainbow trout, and fathead minnow acute lethality tests Journal Articles
The relative sensitivity of sperm, eggs and embryos to copper in the blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) Journal Articles
The reproducibility of 109Cd-based X-ray fluorescence measurements of bone lead. Journal Articles
The reproductive toxicology of Great Lakes contaminants. Journal Articles
The role of iron in the toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-(p)-dioxin (TCDD) Journal Articles
The role of urine metabolomics in the diagnosis and management of adult and pediatric Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Journal Articles
The serum acetaminophen multiplied by the aminotransferase is an early predictor of mortality following acetaminophen overdose Conferences
The short-term reproductive toxicity of cyclophosphamide in the female rat Journal Articles
The transcription factor, Nuclear factor, erythroid 2 (Nfe2), is a regulator of the oxidative stress response during Danio rerio development Journal Articles
The tubercular badger and the uncertain curve:- The need for a multiple stressor approach in environmental radiation protection Journal Articles
The use of Fish Cells in Ecotoxicology: The Report and Recommendations of ECVAM Workshop 47, Journal Articles
Thyroid Toxicity Due to Subchronic Exposure to a Complex Mixture of 16 Organochlorines, Lead, and Cadmium Journal Articles
Time-Integrated Blood Lead Concentration Is a Valid Surrogate for Estimating the Cumulative Lead Dose Assessed by Tibial Lead Measurement Journal Articles
Time-Use Sequences: A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring How, When, and Where Spatiotemporal Patterns of Everyday Routines Can Strengthen Public Health Interventions. Journal Articles
Toenail selenium as biomarker: reproducibility over a one-year period and factors influencing reproducibility. Journal Articles
Too Close for Comfort: Stigma by Association in Family Members Who Live with Relatives with Mental Illness Journal Articles
Towards regulation of Endocrine Disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water resources using bioassays – A guide to developing a testing strategy Journal Articles
Toxic effects of brominated vegetable oils in rats Journal Articles
Toxic effects of microcystins in the hepatopancreas of the estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulatus (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Toxic effects of the herbicide Roundup in the guppy Poecilia vivipara acclimated to fresh water Journal Articles
Toxicity and Anticholinesterase Effect of Formulated Methyl Parathion to the Estuarine Crab Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Pre-exposed to Sesamol Journal Articles
Toxicity of Flame Retardant Isopropylated Triphenyl Phosphate: Liver, Adrenal, and Metabolic Effects Journal Articles
Toxicity of dissolved Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd to developing embryos of the blue mussel (Mytilus trossolus) and the protective effect of dissolved organic carbon Journal Articles
Toxicity of lead and zinc to developing mussel and sea urchin embryos: Critical tissue residues and effects of dissolved organic matter and salinity Journal Articles
Toxicity, Uptake, and Mutagenicity of Particulate and Soluble Nickel Compounds Journal Articles
Toxicity, uptake, and mutagenicity of particulate and soluble nickel compounds. Journal Articles
Toxicogenomic Analysis of Mainstream Tobacco Smoke-Exposed Mice Reveals Repression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene in Heart Journal Articles
Toxicologic Pathology Journal
Toxicological Sciences Journal
Toxicology Journal
Toxicology Letters Journal
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Journal
Toxicology and Industrial Health Journal
Toxicology in Vitro Journal
Toxicon Journal
Trace Element and Heavy Metal Levels in Colorectal Cancer: Comparison Between Cancerous and Non-cancerous Tissues Journal Articles
Training Pre-Service Early Childhood Educators in Physical Activity (TEACH): Protocol for a Quasi-Experimental Study Journal Articles
Trans-Generational Impacts of Paternal Irradiation in a Cricket: Damage, Life-History Features and Hormesis in F1 Offspring Journal Articles
Trans-generational changes and rural-urban inequality in household fuel use and cookstove ventilation in China: A multi-region study of 0.5 million adults Journal Articles
Transcending the Male–Female Binary in Biomedical Research: Constellations, Heterogeneity, and Mechanism When Considering Sex and Gender Journal Articles
Transcriptional profiling of rat hypothalamus response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin. Journal Articles
Transcriptional profiling of rat white adipose tissue response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin. Journal Articles
Transgenerational effects of historic radiation dose in pale grass blue butterflies around Fukushima following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant meltdown accident Journal Articles
Transmission of Signals from Rats Receiving High Doses of Microbeam Radiation to Cage Mates: An Inter-Mammal Bystander Effect Journal Articles
Triclosan elevates estradiol levels in serum and tissues of cycling and peri-implantation female mice Journal Articles
Triclosan exacerbates the presence of 14C-bisphenol A in tissues of female and male mice Journal Articles
Triterpene betulin may be involved in the acute effects of pulp and paper mill effluent on testis physiology in zebrafish Journal Articles
Trophic transfer potential of nTiO2, nZnO, and triclosan in an algae-algae eating fish food chain Journal Articles
Trophodynamics of trace elements in marine organisms from cold and remote regions of southern hemisphere Journal Articles
Tuberculosis in Prisons: Importance of Considering the Clustering in the Analysis of Cross-Sectional Studies Journal Articles
UV-inducible base excision repair of oxidative damaged DNA in human cells Journal Articles
Ultra-Violet Light Emission from HPV-G Cells Irradiated with Low Let Radiation from 90Y; Consequences for Radiation Induced Bystander Effects Journal Articles
Ultra-violet light emission from HPV-G cells irradiated with low let radiation from 90Y; consequences for radiation induced bystander effects Journal Articles
Uncertainties in the Relationship between Tibia Lead and Cumulative Blood Lead Index Journal Articles
Understanding Feedback for Learners in Interprofessional Settings: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Understanding an Environmental Health Risk: Investigating Asthma Risk Perception in Ontario Youth Sport Journal Articles
Understanding the Chronic Impacts of Oil Refinery Wastewater Requires Consideration of Sediment Contributions to Toxicity Journal Articles
Understanding the Wellbeing of the Oldest-Old in China: A Study of Socio-Economic and Geographical Variations Based on CLHLS Data Journal Articles
Understanding the molecular mechanism of bacterial translesion DNA synthesis pathways Conferences
Understandings and Perceived Benefits of Outdoor-Based Support for People Living with Dementia. Journal Articles
Unexpected interactions between Pb, Cd, and the gills of rainbow trout in moderately acidic, soft waters: Implications for the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) and predictions of toxicity Journal Articles
Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) for Population Health and Health Inequalities Journal Articles
Unraveling the Protective Effects of Cognitive Reserve on Cognition and Brain: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Unraveling the Role of a DNA Helicase in Bacterial DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Conferences
Upregulating Nrf2-dependent antioxidant defenses in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas: Investigating the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway in bivalves Journal Articles
Urinary and Faecal Incontinence: Point Prevalence and Predictors in a University Hospital Journal Articles
Urinary concentrations and determinants of glyphosate and glufosinate in pregnant Canadian participants in the MIREC study Journal Articles
Urinary phthalates and body mass index in preschool children: The MIREC Child Development Plus study Journal Articles
Use of a series of homologous in vitro and in vivo assays to evaluate the endocrine modulating actions of β-sitosterol in rainbow trout Journal Articles
Using micro-synchrotron radiation x-ray fluorescence (µ-SRXRF) for trace metal imaging in the development of MRI contrast agents for prostate cancer imaging Journal Articles
Utility of the TBARS assay in detecting oxidative stress in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) populations exposed to pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Utilization of in vitro methods to determine the biocompatibility of intraocular lens materials Journal Articles
Validating the Perceived Active School Travel Enablers and Barriers–Parent (PASTEB–P) Questionnaire to Support Intervention Programming and Research Journal Articles
Validation of an Index for Functionally Important Respiratory Symptoms among Adults in the Nationally Representative Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study, 2014-2016. Journal Articles
Validation of qPCR reference genes in the endangered annual killifish Austrolebias charrua considering different tissues, gender and environmental conditions Journal Articles
Validation of the Infant and Young Child Development (IYCD) Indicators in Three Countries: Brazil, Malawi and Pakistan Journal Articles
Validity of the Japanese Version of the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment Screen Journal Articles
Visual System Manifestations due to Systemic Exposure to Mercury Journal Articles
Water rights trading planning and its application in water resources management: A water-ecology-food nexus perspective Journal Articles
Waterborne copper exposure inhibits ammonia excretion and branchial carbonic anhydrase activity in euryhaline guppies acclimated to both fresh water and sea water Journal Articles
Waterborne copper is more toxic to the killifish Poecilia vivipara in elevated temperatures: Linking oxidative stress in the liver with reduced organismal thermal performance Journal Articles
Waterborne ethynylestradiol induces vitellogenin and alters metallothionein expression in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Journal Articles
Waterborne pharmaceutical uptake and toxicity is modified by pH and dissolved organic carbon in zebrafish Journal Articles
What If Your Husband Doesn’t Feel the Pressure? An Exploration of Women’s Involvement in WaSH Decision Making in Nyanchwa, Kenya Journal Articles
What Social Supports Are Available to Self-Employed People When Ill or Injured? A Comparative Policy Analysis of Canada and Australia Journal Articles
What's the Matter? Alcohol Use Risk Among Relatives of People with Mental Illness. Journal Articles
When It Is Not Measured, How Then Will It Be Planned for? WaSH a Critical Indicator for Universal Health Coverage in Kenya Journal Articles
When a duck is not a duck; a new interdisciplinary synthesis for environmental radiation protection Journal Articles
When do the aminotransferases rise after acute acetaminophen overdose? Journal Articles
Which N-acetylcysteine Protocol is Associated with Better Outcomes? Conferences
Whole organism responses and intersex severity in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) following exposures to municipal wastewater in the Grand River basin, ON, Canada. Part A Journal Articles
Whole-Body Lifetime Occupational Lead Exposure and Risk of Parkinson’s Disease Journal Articles
Zebrafish CYP1A expression in transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans protects from exposures to benzo[a]pyrene and a complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixture Journal Articles
[Sex hormones and ischemic cardiopathy in women]. Journal Articles
[The biological specimen bank: methodological and organizational problems]. Journal Articles
[The quality of biological information: standardization and quality control]. Journal Articles
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol leads to endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in human BeWo trophoblasts Journal Articles
‘We Are Drinking Diseases’: Perception of Water Insecurity and Emotional Distress in Urban Slums in Accra, Ghana Journal Articles
“From Protein Toxins to Applied Toxicological Testing” virtual workshop identifies the need for a bioinformatic framework to assess novel food protein safety Conferences
“There’s Not Really Much Consideration Given to the Effect of the Climate on NCDs”—Exploration of Knowledge and Attitudes of Health Professionals on a Climate Change-NCD Connection in Barbados Journal Articles