Transcription, Genetic
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Escherichia coli toxin/antitoxin pair MqsR/MqsA regulate toxin CspD Journal Articles
IRAK-4 Mutation (Q293X): Rapid Detection and Characterization of Defective Post-Transcriptional TLR/IL-1R Responses in Human Myeloid and Non-Myeloid Cells Journal Articles
Id2gene is a transcriptional target of the protein complex mutant p53/E2F1 Journal Articles
N‐acetyllactosamine‐induced retraction of bundle‐forming pili regulates virulence‐associated gene expression in enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Journal Articles
pfs-Dependent Regulation of Autoinducer 2 Production inSalmonella entericaSerovar Typhimurium Journal Articles
A Human Protein Interaction Network Shows Conservation of Aging Processes between Human and Invertebrate Species Journal Articles
A Role for the Cleaved Cytoplasmic Domain of E-cadherin in the Nucleus Journal Articles
A Role of p73 in Mitotic Exit Journal Articles
A Single Amino Acid Change in the Response Regulator PhoP, Acquired during Yersinia pestis Evolution, Affects PhoP Target Gene Transcription and Polymyxin B Susceptibility Journal Articles
A T-to-G Transversion at Nucleotide −567 Upstream of HBG2 in a GATA-1 Binding Motif Is Associated with Elevated Hemoglobin F Journal Articles
A genomic storm in critically injured humans Journal Articles
A marked diurnal rhythm of melatonin ML1A receptor mRNA expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus Journal Articles
A mouse atlas of gene expression: Large-scale digital gene-expression profiles from precisely defined developing C57BL/6J mouse tissues and cells Journal Articles
A novel method to map transcripts: Evidence for homology between an adenovirus mRNA and discrete multiple regions of the viral genome Journal Articles
A p56 Ligand Serves as a Coactivator of an Orphan Nuclear Hormone Receptor Journal Articles
A platform for predicting mechanism of action based on bacterial transcriptional responses identifies an unusual DNA gyrase inhibitor Journal Articles
A point mutation in the neu1 promoter recruits an ectopic repressor, Nkx3.2 and results in a mouse model of sialidase deficiency Journal Articles
A set of NF-κB–regulated microRNAs induces acquired TRAIL resistance in Lung cancer Journal Articles
A signal sequence domain essential for processing, but not import, of mitochondrial pre-ornithine carbamyl transferase. Journal Articles
AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Regulates GLUT4 Transcription by Phosphorylating Histone Deacetylase 5 Journal Articles
APTIMA®transcription-mediated amplification assays forChlamydia trachomatisandNeisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
ATM deficiency disrupts Tcra locus integrity and the maturation of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes Journal Articles
Abundance of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump isoforms in stomach and cardiac muscles Journal Articles
Activation of polyomavirus DNA replication by yeast GAL4 is dependent on its transcriptional activation domains. Journal Articles
Activity of a transfer RNA modifying enzyme during the development of Drosophila and its relationship to the su(s) locus Journal Articles
Adenovirus E1A under the control of heterologous promoters: Wide variation in E1A expression levels has little effect on virus replication Journal Articles
Age-Related Resistance in Arabidopsis Is a Developmentally Regulated Defense Response to Pseudomonas syringae Journal Articles
Allelic Expression Imbalance ofTP53Mutated and Polymorphic Alleles in Head and Neck Tumors Journal Articles
Allergen-induced increases in IL-5 receptor alpha-subunit expression on bone marrow-derived CD34+ cells from asthmatic subjects. A novel marker of progenitor cell commitment towards eosinophilic differentiation. Journal Articles
Amplification of TGFβ Induced ITGB6 Gene Transcription May Promote Pulmonary Fibrosis Journal Articles
Homologue Carried in Plasmid pO157 Encodes an Acyltransferase Involved in Lipid A Biosynthesis in
Escherichia coli
O157:H7 Journal Articles
An ABC-Type Cobalt Transport System Is Essential for Growth of Sinorhizobium melilotiat Trace Metal Concentrations Journal Articles
An Unhealthy Relationship: Viral Manipulation of the Nuclear Receptor Superfamily Journal Articles
An inducible model of human amylin overexpression reveals diverse transcriptional changes Journal Articles
An unusual eukaryotic protein phosphatase required for transcription by RNA polymerase II and CTD dephosphorylation in S. cerevisiae. Journal Articles
Analysis of Anti-Interferon Properties of the Herpes Simplex Virus Type I ICP0 Protein Chapters
Analysis of Anti-Interferon Properties of the Herpes Simplex Virus Type I ICP0 Protein Journal Articles
Analysis of C4‐dicarboxylate transport genes in Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Analysis of Transcriptome Differences between Resistant and Susceptible Strains of the Citrus Red Mite Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae) Journal Articles
Argos and Spitz group genes function to regulate midline glial cell number in Drosophila embryos Journal Articles
Autoregulation of the Drosophila disconnected Gene in the Developing Visual System Journal Articles
BCL11A represses HBG transcription in K562 cells Journal Articles
Binding Site Determinants for the LysR-Type Transcriptional Regulator PcaQ in the Legume Endosymbiont
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Binding of basal transcription factor TFIIH to the acidic activation domains of VP16 and p53. Journal Articles
Biodistribution and Feasibility of Non-Viral IGF-I Gene Transfers in Thermally Injured Skin Journal Articles
Bone marrow cells from patients with Shwachman‐Diamond syndrome abnormally express genes involved in ribosome biogenesis and RNA processing Journal Articles
CREB expression mediates amyloid β-induced basal BDNF downregulation Journal Articles
Calreticulin modulates the in vitro DNA binding but not the in vivo transcriptional activation by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor/retinoid X receptor heterodimers Journal Articles
Caveolin-1 regulation of Sp1 controls production of the antifibrotic protein follistatin in kidney mesangial cells Journal Articles
Cell specificity of transcription regulation by papovavirus T antigens and DNA replication. Journal Articles
Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Side Population Cells Journal Articles
ChIP-on-Chip Analysis of In Vivo Mutant p53 Binding To Selected Gene Promoters Journal Articles
Change of Conformation of the DNA-binding Domain of p53 Is the Only Key Element for Binding of and Interference with p73 Journal Articles
Changes in human muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise Journal Articles
Characterization of Chemokine Receptors Expressed in Primitive Blood Cells During Human Hematopoietic Ontogeny Journal Articles
Characterization of Three Related Low-Temperature-Regulated cDNAs from Winter Brassica napus Journal Articles
Characterization of VSG gene expression site promoters and promoter-associated DNA rearrangement events. Journal Articles
Characterization of an inducible vancomycin resistance system in Streptomyces coelicolor reveals a novel gene (vanK) required for drug resistance Journal Articles
Characterization of the 55-Residue Protein Encoded by the 9S E1A mRNA of Species C Adenovirus Journal Articles
Characterizing Transcriptional Networks in Male Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) that Regulate Testis Development over a Complete Reproductive Cycle Journal Articles
Che-1 Promotes Tumor Cell Survival by Sustaining Mutant p53 Transcription and Inhibiting DNA Damage Response Activation Journal Articles
Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor (COUP-TF) binds to a peroxisome proliferator-responsive element and antagonizes peroxisome proliferator-mediated signaling. Journal Articles
Childhood cerebellar tumours mirror conserved fetal transcriptional programs Journal Articles
Chronic nicotine induces hypoxia inducible factor-2α in perinatal rat adrenal chromaffin cells: role in transcriptional upregulation of KATP channel subunit Kir6.2 Journal Articles
Chronic β2-adrenoceptor stimulation impairs cardiac relaxation via reduced SR Ca2+-ATPase protein and activity Journal Articles
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems Journal Articles
Cloning and 5′ End Nucleotide Sequences of Two Juvenile Hormone-Inducible Vitellogenin Genes of the African Migratory Locust Journal Articles
Cloning of the herpes simplex virus ICP4 Gene in an adenovirus vector: Effects on adenovirus gene expression and replication Journal Articles
Compensatory regulation of HDAC5 in muscle maintains metabolic adaptive responses and metabolism in response to energetic stress Journal Articles
Complex Exon-Intron Marking by Histone Modifications Is Not Determined Solely by Nucleosome Distribution Journal Articles
Composition and Function of AP-1 Transcription Complexes during Muscle Cell Differentiation Journal Articles
Constitutive expression of a gene encoding a polypeptide homologous to biologically active human platelet protein in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed fibroblasts. Journal Articles
Construction of a recombinant adenovirus containing the den V gene from bacteriophage T4 which can partially restore the DNA repair deficiency in xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts Journal Articles
Control of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic-reticulum Ca2+ pump expression in cardiac and smooth muscle Journal Articles
Cooperative Interactions between Androgen Receptor (AR) and Heat-Shock Protein 27 Facilitate AR Transcriptional Activity Journal Articles
Coupling of rates of transcription, translation, and messenger ribonucleic acid degradation in streptomycin-dependent mutants of Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Cross-resistance and biochemical characteristics of second-step mutants of HeLa cells resistant to cardiac glycosides Journal Articles
Cyclical Regulation of GnRH Gene Expression in GT1–7 GnRH-Secreting Neurons by Melatonin Journal Articles
DRB resistance in Chinese hamster and human cells: Genetic and biochemical characteristics of the selection system Journal Articles
Dancing in and out of the nucleus: p120ctn and the transcription factor Kaiso Journal Articles
Decay of individual Escherichia coli trp messenger RNA molecules is sequentially ordered Journal Articles
Defibrinated bovine plasma inhibits retroviral transcription by blocking p52 activation of the NFkappaB element in the long terminal repeat. Journal Articles
Deletion mutagenesis of heparin cofactor II: defining the minimum size of a thrombin inhibiting serpin Journal Articles
Detailed map of a cis-regulatory input function Journal Articles
Development and optimization of a Q-RT PCR method to quantify CYP19 mRNA expression in testis of male adult Xenopus laevis: Comparisons with aromatase enzyme activity Journal Articles
Dietary iron alters waterborne copper-induced gene expression in soft water acclimated zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Differential induction of heat shock mRNA in oligodendrocytes, microglia, and astrocytes following hyperthermia Journal Articles
Direct interaction between the transcriptional activation domain of human p53 and the TATA box-binding protein. Journal Articles
Direct interaction of the hepatitis B virus HBx protein with p53 leads to inhibition by HBx of p53 response element-directed transactivation Journal Articles
Discovery of Novel Cell Wall-Active Compounds Using P
, a Sensitive Reporter of Cell Wall Stress, in the Model Gram-Positive Bacterium Bacillus subtilis Journal Articles
Dual Effects of MLS Antibiotics Journal Articles
E-cadherin core fucosylation regulates nuclear β-catenin accumulation in lung cancer cells Journal Articles
E6AP promotes prostate cancer by reducing p27 expression Journal Articles
ERM is required for transcriptional control of the spermatogonial stem cell niche Journal Articles
Eccentric Exercise Activates Novel Transcriptional Regulation of Hypertrophic Signaling Pathways Not Affected by Hormone Changes Journal Articles
Editorial: You give me fever: transcriptional responses to LPS Journal Articles
Effect of nitrofurazone on bacterial RNA and ribosome synthesis and on the function of ribosomes Journal Articles
Effects of age and unaccustomed resistance exercise on mitochondrial transcript and protein abundance in skeletal muscle of men Journal Articles
Effects of diabetes and insulin on betaine-homocysteineS-methyltransferase expression in rat liver Journal Articles
Effects of oral L-NAME during Trichinella spiralis infection in rats Journal Articles
Elevated Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress Impairs Metabolic Adaptations to Exercise in Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Enhanced cell‐free transcription of the ribosomal protein L32 gene by the polyoma virus enhancer PEA3 DNA‐binding protein Journal Articles
Epidermal growth factor receptor-dependent activation of Gab1 is involved in ErbB-2-mediated mammary tumor progression Journal Articles
Epigenetic targets for melatonin: induction of histone H3 hyperacetylation and gene expression in C17.2 neural stem cells Journal Articles
Essential role of Ahnak in adipocyte differentiation leading to the transcriptional regulation of Bmpr1α expression Journal Articles
Estrogen Receptor-α and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Nuclear Complex Regulates Transcription of Human Telomerase Journal Articles
Evolution of Eukaryotic Transcription: Insights From the Genome of Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
Exercise Increases Mitochondrial PGC-1α Content and Promotes Nuclear-Mitochondrial Cross-talk to Coordinate Mitochondrial Biogenesis Journal Articles
Expression and synthesis of alternatively spliced variants of Dp71 in adult human brain Journal Articles
Expression in Escherichiacoli of functional precursor to the rat liver mitochondrial enzyme, ornithine carbamyl transferase. Precursor import and processing in vitro Journal Articles
Expression of Ets-related Transcription Factors and Matrix Metalloproteinase Genes in Human Breast Cancer Cells Journal Articles
Expression of complement regulatory proteins in the developing human kidney Journal Articles
Expression of cyclic-nucleotide-sensitive and -insensitive isoforms of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in smooth muscle and other tissues Journal Articles
Expression of the Glycoprotein of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus by Infectious Adenovirus Vectors Journal Articles
Extending CRISPR-Cas9 Technology from Genome Editing to Transcriptional Engineering in the Genus Clostridium Journal Articles
Gain of function of mutant p53: The mutant p53/NF-Y protein complex reveals an aberrant transcriptional mechanism of cell cycle regulation Journal Articles
Gene transcription of fgl2 in endothelial cells is controlled by Ets‐1 and Oct‐1 and requires the presence of both Sp1 and Sp3 Journal Articles
General Regulatory Factors Control the Fidelity of Transcription by Restricting Non-coding and Ectopic Initiation Journal Articles
Genetic Dissection of Photoreceptor Subtype Specification by the Drosophila melanogaster Zinc Finger Proteins Elbow and No ocelli Journal Articles
Genetic variability and characterization of non-structural region 5 of hepatitis C virus genome from Chinese patients Journal Articles
Genome-wide expression profiling of maize in response to individual and combined water and nitrogen stresses Journal Articles
Genomic Consequences of Background Effects onscallopedMutant Expressivity in the Wing ofDrosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Genomic DNA transfer with a high-capacity adenovirus vector results in improved in vivo gene expression and decreased toxicity Journal Articles
Genomic Minimalism in the Early Diverging Intestinal Parasite
Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
Genomic organization, promoter activity, and expression of the human choline transporter-like protein 1 Journal Articles
Giardia lamblia RNA Polymerase II Journal Articles
Glycopeptide Sulfation Evades Resistance Journal Articles
Guanosine Inhibits CD40 Receptor Expression and Function Induced by Cytokines and β Amyloid in Mouse Microglia Cells Journal Articles
HER2/Neu and the Ets transcription activator PEA3 are coordinately upregulated in human breast cancer Journal Articles
Heat-shock enhanced reactivation of a UV-damaged reporter gene in human cells involves the transcription coupled DNA repair pathway Journal Articles
Hedgehog modulates cell cycle regulators in stem cells to control hematopoietic regeneration Journal Articles
Herpes simplex virus VP16 rescues viral mRNA from destruction by the virion host shutoff function. Journal Articles
Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase transcripts are absent from both nucleus and cytoplasm during infection in the presence of cycloheximide Journal Articles
Hormonal Regulation of Cystathionine β-Synthase Expression in Liver Journal Articles
Host Defense Peptide LL-37, in Synergy with Inflammatory Mediator IL-1β, Augments Immune Responses by Multiple Pathways Journal Articles
Host-dependent transposon Tn5-mediated streptomycin resistance Journal Articles
Human cells deficient in transcription-coupled repair show prolonged activation of the Jun N-terminal kinase and increased sensitivity following cisplatin treatment Journal Articles
IL-4 gene transfer to the small bowel serosa leads to intestinal inflammation and smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness Journal Articles
Impaired Activation of AMP-Kinase and Fatty Acid Oxidation by Globular Adiponectin in Cultured Human Skeletal Muscle of Obese Type 2 Diabetics Journal Articles
Increased expression of p53 enhances transcription-coupled repair and global genomic repair of a UVC-damaged reporter gene in human cells Journal Articles
Increased incidence of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease in male rat offspring exposed to fluoxetine during fetal and neonatal life involves the NLRP3 inflammasome and augmented de novo hepatic lipogenesis Journal Articles
Induced neuronal expression of class I major histocompatibility complex mRNA in acute and chronic inflammation models Journal Articles
Induction of Escherichia coli hydroperoxidase I by acetate and other weak acids Journal Articles
Induction of fragility at the human RNU2 locus by cytosine arabinoside is dependent upon a transcriptionally competent U2 small nuclear RNA gene and the expression of p53 Journal Articles
Induction of hTERT Expression and Telomerase Activity by Estrogens in Human Ovary Epithelium Cells Journal Articles
Induction of interleukin-1/and interleukin-8 mRNAs and proteins by TGFβ1 in rat lung alveolar epithelial cells Journal Articles
Initiation of transcription and the sequential synthesis of 16-S and 23-S ribosomal RNA in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Insertion of a Retrotransposon inMbpDisrupts mRNA Splicing and Myelination in a New Mutant Rat Journal Articles
Insulin Decreases Inflammatory Signal Transcription Factor Expression in Primary Human Liver Cells after LPS Challenge Journal Articles
Inter-replicon Gene Flow Contributes to Transcriptional Integration in the Sinorhizobium meliloti Multipartite Genome Journal Articles
Interaction between oncostatin M, interleukin 1 and prostaglandin E2 in induction of IL-6 expression in human fibroblasts Journal Articles
Interference with p53 protein inhibits hematopoietic and muscle differentiation. Journal Articles
Intertissue regulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPTI): Mitochondrial membrane properties and gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Involvement of AP1 and PEA3 binding sites in the regulation of murine tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) transcription Journal Articles
Isolation and Characterization of XKaiso, a Transcriptional Repressor That Associates with the Catenin Xp120 in Xenopus laevis Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of the disconnected gene of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal Articles
Isolation of large T antigen-producing mouse cell lines capable of supporting replication of polyomavirus-plasmid recombinants. Journal Articles
Kaiso Represses the Cell Cycle Gene cyclin D1 via Sequence-Specific and Methyl-CpG-Dependent Mechanisms Journal Articles
Kaiso, a transcriptional repressor, promotes cell migration and invasion of prostate cancer cells through regulation of miR-31 expression Journal Articles
Live Imaging of mRNA Transcription in Drosophila Embryos Journal Articles
LiveFly: A Toolbox for the Analysis of Transcription Dynamics in Live Drosophila Embryos Journal Articles
Long Serial Analysis of Gene Expression for Gene Discovery and Transcriptome Profiling in the Widespread Marine Coccolithophore
Emiliania huxleyi Journal Articles
Loss of Hepatocyte-Nuclear-Factor-4α Affects Colonic Ion Transport and Causes Chronic Inflammation Resembling Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Mice Journal Articles
Low levels of the AhR in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)-derived lung cells increases COX-2 protein by altering mRNA stability Journal Articles
Mapping and Regulation of Genes within Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 12 That Contribute to
In Vivo
Fitness of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Journal Articles
Mechanisms coordinating ribosomal protein gene transcription in response to stress Journal Articles
Mechanisms of Action of Free Arachidonic Acid on Ovarian Steroid Production in the Goldfish Journal Articles
Melatonin receptor mRNA expression in human granulosa cells Journal Articles
Methylation-dependent regulation of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha gene expression by the transcription factor Kaiso Journal Articles
MicroRNA-128-2 targets the transcriptional repressor E2F5 enhancing mutant p53 gain of function Journal Articles
Mitochondrial import of the human chaperonin (HSP60) protein Journal Articles
Modulation of laminin integrin receptors in the postnatal and adult rat lung Journal Articles
Modulation of the Phenotypic Expression of a Human Serine tRNA Gene by 5′-Flanking Sequences Journal Articles
Modulation of the TLR-Mediated Inflammatory Response by the Endogenous Human Host Defense Peptide LL-37 Journal Articles
Molecular Analyses of Gene Products Associated with the Response of Cells to Mitogenic Stimulation Journal Articles
Molecular Cloning and Cell-Free Expression of Mouse Antithrombin III Journal Articles
Molecular analysis of the locus elav in Drosophila melanogaster: a gene whose embryonic expression is neural specific. Journal Articles
Molecular and expression analysis of the Rhizobium meliloti phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (pckA) gene Journal Articles
Molecular cloning and characterization of PEA3, a new member of the Ets oncogene family that is differentially expressed in mouse embryonic cells. Journal Articles
Molecular control of rabbit follicular testosterone production Role of protein and RNA after stimulation with luteinizing hormone Journal Articles
Molecular identification and functional characterization of Mdr1a in rat cholangiocytes Journal Articles
Molecular imaging of nuclear factor-Y transcriptional activity maps proliferation sites in live animals Journal Articles
Molecular mechanisms of MMP9 overexpression and its role in emphysema pathogenesis of Smad3-deficient mice Journal Articles
Mouse NGF promoter upstream sequences do not affect gene expression in mouse fibroblasts Journal Articles
Mutant p53 proteins: Between loss and gain of function Journal Articles
Mutations in EBF3 Disturb Transcriptional Profiles and Cause Intellectual Disability, Ataxia, and Facial Dysmorphism Journal Articles
NLS-dependent nuclear localization of p120ctnis necessary to relieve Kaiso-mediated transcriptional repression Journal Articles
Nasal allergen challenge and environmental exposure chamber challenge: A randomized trial comparing clinical and biological responses to cat allergen Journal Articles
Negative Regulation of β4 Integrin Transcription by Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase 2 and p53 Impairs Tumor Progression Journal Articles
Negative regulation of sigma 54-dependent dctA expression by the transcriptional activator DctD Journal Articles
Novel Repressor of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Motility Encoded in the Putative Fimbrial Cluster OI-1 Journal Articles
Novel subtractive transcription-based amplification of mRNA (STAR) method and its application in search of rare and differentially expressed genes in AD brains Journal Articles
Nuclear import of the BTB/POZ transcriptional regulator Kaiso Journal Articles
Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking and transcription effects of huntingtin in Huntington's disease Journal Articles
Oestradiol decreases rat apolipoprotein AI transcription via promoter site B Journal Articles
On the importance of protein diffusion in biological systems: The example of the Bicoid morphogen gradient Journal Articles
Oncolytic Viruses: Programmable Tumour Hunters Journal Articles
Oncostatin M Stimulates c-Fos to Bind a Transcriptionally Responsive AP-1 Element within the Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 Promoter Journal Articles
Overproduction of polyomavirus middle T antigen in mammalian cells through the use of an adenovirus vector Journal Articles
Oxidative stress and Nrf2 signaling in McArdle disease Journal Articles
Oxidative stress response and gene expression with acute copper exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Oxysterol Activators of Liver X Receptor and 9-cis-Retinoic Acid Promote Sequential Steps in the Synthesis and Secretion of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α from Human Monocytes Journal Articles
PEA3, AP-1, and a unique repetitive sequence all are involved in transcriptional regulation of the breast cancer-associated gene, mammaglobin Journal Articles
PGC‐1α gene expression is down‐regulated by Akt‐mediated phosphorylation and nuclear exclusion of FoxO1 in insulin‐stimulated skeletal muscle Journal Articles
PLAG1 and USF2 Co-regulate Expression of Musashi-2 in Human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells Journal Articles
PML, YAP, and p73 Are Components of a Proapoptotic Autoregulatory Feedback Loop Journal Articles
POLRMT mutations impair mitochondrial transcription causing neurological disease Journal Articles
Pattern specification and immune response transcriptional signatures of pericardial and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Journal Articles
PhoPQ regulates acidic glycerophospholipid content of the
Typhimurium outer membrane Journal Articles
Phosphate limitation induces catalase expression inSinorhizobium meliloti,Pseudomonas aeruginosaandAgrobacterium tumefaciens Journal Articles
Phosphorylation at the carboxy terminus of the 55-kilodalton adenovirus type 5 E1B protein regulates transforming activity Journal Articles
Physical Interaction with Yes-associated Protein Enhances p73 Transcriptional Activity Journal Articles
Potential roles for p53 in nucleotide excision repair Journal Articles
Pre-UV-Treatment of Cells Results in Enhanced Host Cell Reactivation of a UV Damaged Reporter Gene in CHO-AA8 Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells but Not in Transcription-Coupled Repair Deficient CHO-UV61 Cells Journal Articles
Precision of Readout at the hunchback Gene: Analyzing Short Transcription Time Traces in Living Fly Embryos Journal Articles
Probing Teichoic Acid Genetics with Bioactive Molecules Reveals New Interactions among Diverse Processes in Bacterial Cell Wall Biogenesis Journal Articles
Promoter prediction in the rhizobia Journal Articles
Proteasome Inhibition by Fellutamide B Induces Nerve Growth Factor Synthesis Journal Articles
Proteolytic Cleavage of Ataxin-7 by Caspase-7 Modulates Cellular Toxicity and Transcriptional Dysregulation Journal Articles
Quiescence-dependent activation of the p20K promoter in growth-arrested chicken embryo fibroblasts. Journal Articles
RNA Chain Elongation and Termination by Mammalian RNA Polymerase III Journal Articles
RNA polymerase stimulation: effect of aldosterone and other adrenocorticoids on RNA turnover in rat kidney. Journal Articles
Rad is temporally regulated within myogenic progenitor cells during skeletal muscle regeneration Journal Articles
Rapid Insulin-like Growth Factor-1-induced Changes in Granulosa Cell Thrombospondin-1 Expression In Vitro Journal Articles
Receptor-interacting protein 140 interacts with and inhibits transactivation by, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α and liver-X-receptor α Journal Articles
Recombinant oncostatin M stimulates the production of acute phase proteins in HepG2 cells and rat primary hepatocytes in vitro. Journal Articles
Reduced corticotropin-releasing factor and enhanced vasopressin gene expression in brains of mice with autoimmunity-induced behavioral dysfunction Journal Articles
Regulated expression of a mammalian nonsense suppressor tRNA gene in vivo and in vitro using the lac operator/repressor system. Journal Articles
Regulation and function of triacylglycerol lipases in cellular metabolism Journal Articles
Regulation of Ornithine Aminotransferase in Retinoblastomas Journal Articles
Regulation of a muralytic enzyme-encoding gene by two non-coding RNAs Journal Articles
Regulation of gene expression in oncogenically transformed cells Journal Articles
Regulation of nitrate reductase of Neurospora at the level of transcription and translation Journal Articles
Regulation of rat liver acute phase genes by interleukin-6 and production of hepatocyte stimulating factors by rat hepatoma cells. Journal Articles
Regulatory Evolution Drives Evasion of Host Inflammasomes by Salmonella Typhimurium Journal Articles
Relative Reduction of Endothelial Nitric-Oxide Synthase Expression and Transcription in Atherosclerosis-Prone Regions of the Mouse Aorta and in an in Vitro Model of Disturbed Flow Journal Articles
Reversal of p15/INK4b hypermethylation in AML1/ETO-positive and -negative myeloid leukemia cell lines Journal Articles
S100A2 gene is a direct transcriptional target of p53 homologues during keratinocyte differentiation Journal Articles
SRF-dependent gene expression is required for PI3-kinase-regulated cell proliferation. Journal Articles
Sex chromosome degeneration, turnover, and sex-biased expression of sex-linked transcripts in African clawed frogs (
) Journal Articles
Silencing of GSTP1, a Prostate Cancer Prognostic Gene, by the Estrogen Receptor-β and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Complex Journal Articles
Single-Species Microarrays and Comparative Transcriptomics Journal Articles
Site-directed mutagenesis and DNA sequence of pckA of Rhizobium NGR234, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase: gluconeogenesis and host-dependent symbiotic phenotype Journal Articles
Site‐directed mutagenesis of the P2 residue of human antithrombin Journal Articles
Species specific differences in the toxicity of mithramycin, chromomycin A3, and olivomycin towards cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Stability of messenger RNA for nitrate reductase in Neurospora crassa Journal Articles
Stationary Phase Expression of a Novel Escherichia coli Outer Membrane Lipoprotein and Its Relationship with Mammalian Apolipoprotein D Journal Articles
Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein (SREBP)-1 is a novel regulator of the Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-β receptor I (TβRI) through exosomal secretion Journal Articles
Stimulatory G-protein α-subunit mRNA levels are not increased in autopsied cerebral cortex from patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Studies on the expression and evolution of the glycogen phosphorylase gene family in the rat Journal Articles
Swarm-Cell Differentiation in
Serovar Typhimurium Results in Elevated Resistance to Multiple Antibiotics Journal Articles
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by a nifA deletion mutant of Rhizobium meliloti: the role of an unusual ntrC allele Journal Articles
Synaptic, transcriptional and chromatin genes disrupted in autism Journal Articles
Synthesis and Processing of the Haemagglutinin--esterase Glycoprotein of Bovine Coronavirus Encoded in the E3 Region of Adenovirus Journal Articles
Systematic study of constitutive cyclooxygenase-2 expression: Role of NF-κB and NFAT transcriptional pathways Journal Articles
T Cell-Derived Suppressive Activity: Evidence of Autocrine Noncytolytic Control of HIV Type 1 Transcription and Replication Journal Articles
TATA-binding protein activates transcription when upstream of a GCN4-binding site in a novel yeast promoter. Journal Articles
Targeting of passenger protein domains to multiple intracellular membranes Journal Articles
Telomerase Mediates Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-dependent Responsiveness in a Rat Model of Hind Limb Ischemia Journal Articles
Telomere crisis in kidney epithelial cells promotes the acquisition of a microRNA signature retrieved in aggressive renal cell carcinomas Journal Articles
Testosterone Inhibits Adipogenic Differentiation in 3T3-L1 Cells: Nuclear Translocation of Androgen Receptor Complex with β-Catenin and T-Cell Factor 4 May Bypass Canonical Wnt Signaling to Down-Regulate Adipogenic Transcription Factors Journal Articles
Testosterone inhibits adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells: nuclear translocation of androgen receptor complex with beta-catenin and T-cell factor 4 may bypass canonical Wnt signaling to down-regulate adipogenic transcription factors. Journal Articles
Gene of
Streptomyces coelicolor
A3(2): a Regulatory Gene Involved in Morphogenesis and Antibiotic Production Journal Articles
The 5' flanking sequence negatively modulates the in vivo expression and in vitro transcription of a human tRNA gene Journal Articles
The Clinical Significance of Tenascin-C Splice Variant Expression in Chondrosarcoma Journal Articles
The Cystic Fibrosis Gene: A Molecular Genetic Perspective Journal Articles
The Cytochrome P450 Superfamily Complement (CYPome) in the Annelid Capitella teleta Journal Articles
The E2F cell cycle regulator is required for Drosophila nurse cell DNA replication and apoptosis Journal Articles
The Histone Demethylase KDM5b/JARID1b Plays a Role in Cell Fate Decisions by Blocking Terminal Differentiation Journal Articles
The Human Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Is a Multifunctional Modulator of Innate Immune Responses Journal Articles
The Human Cationic Peptide LL-37 Induces Activation of the Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase and p38 Kinase Pathways in Primary Human Monocytes Journal Articles
The Human Enhancer Blocker CTC-binding Factor Interacts with the Transcription Factor Kaiso Journal Articles
The Human Papilloma Virus E7 Oncoprotein Inhibits Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling by Blocking Binding of the Smad Complex to Its Target Sequence Journal Articles
The Localization of Transfer RNA
Genes in
Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The Myxoma Virus-soluble Interferon- γ Receptor Homolog, M-T7, Inhibits Interferon- γ in a Species-specific Manner Journal Articles
The NGF and kallikrein genes of mouse, the African rat Mastomys natalensis and man: their distribution and mode of expression in the salivary gland Journal Articles
The Orphan Nuclear Hormone Receptor LXRα Interacts with the Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor and Inhibits Peroxisome Proliferator Signaling Journal Articles
The PEA3 Ets transcription factor is a downstream target of the HER2/Neu receptor tyrosine kinase Journal Articles
The Transcription Factor Encyclopedia Journal Articles
The Transcriptional Coactivator Yes-Associated Protein Drives p73 Gene-Target Specificity in Response to DNA Damage Journal Articles
The Transcriptional Repressor ZEB Regulates p73 Expression at the Crossroad between Proliferation and Differentiation Journal Articles
The Transcriptionally Competent U2 Gene Is Necessary and Sufficient for Adenovirus Type 12 Induction of the Fragile Site at 17q21-22 Journal Articles
The catenin p120ctn inhibits Kaiso-mediated transcriptional repression of the β-catenin/TCF target gene matrilysin Journal Articles
The complete sequence of the 1,683-kb pSymB megaplasmid from the N
-fixing endosymbiont
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
The disruption of the protein complex mutantp53/p73 increases selectively the response of tumor cells to anticancer drugs Journal Articles
The execution of the transcriptional axis mutant p53, E2F1 and ID4 promotes tumor neo-angiogenesis Journal Articles
The expression of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors by pig synovial cells and their regulation by combinations of cytokines and growth factors Journal Articles
The heterochromatic chromosome caps in great apes impact telomere metabolism Journal Articles
The p56 -interacting Protein p62 Stimulates Transcription via the SV40 Enhancer Journal Articles
The polyomavirus enhancer comprises multiple functional elements Journal Articles
The promoter for the procyclic acidic repetitive protein (PARP) genes of Trypanosoma brucei shares features with RNA polymerase I promoters. Journal Articles
The responsiveness of human papillomavirus upstream regulatory regions to herpes simplex virus immediate early proteins Journal Articles
The role of 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) mediated mRNA stability in cardiovascular pathophysiology. Journal Articles
The short heterodimer partner receptor differentially modulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α-mediated transcription from the peroxisome proliferator-response elements of the genes encoding the peroxisomal β-oxidation enzymes acyl-CoA oxidase and hydratase-dehydrogenase Journal Articles
The structure and expression of two defective adenovirus 2/simian virus 40 hybrids Journal Articles
The time to measure positional information: maternal Hunchback is required for the synchrony of the Bicoid transcriptional response at the onset of zygotic transcription Journal Articles
Therapeutic Arteriogenesis by Ultrasound-Mediated VEGF
Plasmid Gene Delivery to Chronically Ischemic Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Thermosensing Coordinates a Cis-regulatory Module for Transcriptional Activation of the Intracellular Virulence System in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Journal Articles
Tissue- and site-specific DNA recombination in transgenic mice. Journal Articles
Toll‐Like Receptor (TLR)–3, but Not TLR4, Agonist Protects against Genital Herpes Infection in the Absence of Inflammation Seen with CpG DNA Journal Articles
Transcription units of E1a, E1b and pIX regions of bovine adenovirus type 3. Journal Articles
Transcriptional Regulation by Mutant p53 and Oncogenesis Journal Articles
Transcriptional activation of the CEF-4/9E3 cytokine gene by pp60v-src. Journal Articles
Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle: Effects of exercise and aging Journal Articles
Transcriptional effects in the estuarine guppy Poecilia vivipara exposed to sanitary sewage in laboratory and in situ Journal Articles
Transcriptional effects of hypoxia on fusiogenic syncytin and its receptor ASCT2 in human cytotrophoblast BeWo cells and in ex vivo perfused placental cotyledons Journal Articles
Transcriptional modulation of bacterial gene expression by subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics Journal Articles
Transcriptional profiling of rat hypothalamus response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin. Journal Articles
Transcriptional profiling of rat white adipose tissue response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin. Journal Articles
Transcriptional regulation of katE in Escherichia coli K-12 Journal Articles
Transcriptional repression induces a slowly progressive atypical neuronal death associated with changes of YAP isoforms and p73 Journal Articles
Transcriptional response of vaginal epithelial cells to medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment results in decreased barrier integrity Journal Articles
Transcriptional upregulation of p21/WAF/Cip1 in myeloid leukemic blasts expressing AML1-ETO Journal Articles
Transfer of the gene for thymidine kinase to thymidine kinase-deficient human cells by purified herpes simplex viral DNA. Journal Articles
Tumorigenicity and viral gene expression in rat cells transformed by Ad 12 virions or by the EcoRI C fragment of Ad 12 DNA Journal Articles
Type IV Pilin Proteins: Versatile Molecular Modules Journal Articles
Type IV pilins regulate their own expression via direct intramembrane interactions with the sensor kinase PilS Journal Articles
UV-enhanced Expression of a Reporter Gene is Induced at Lower UV Fluences in Transcription-coupled Repair Deficient Compared to Normal Human Fibroblasts, and is Absent in SV40-transformed Counterparts¶ Journal Articles
UV-enhanced reactivation of a UV-damaged reporter gene suggests transcription-coupled repair is UV-inducible in human cells Journal Articles
Up-regulation of CIR1/CROC1 expression upon cell immortalization and in tumor-derived human cell lines Journal Articles
Upstream interactions of functional mammalian tRNA gene transcription complexes probed using a heterologous DNA-binding protein. Journal Articles
Urine Specimens from Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women Inhibitory to Amplification of
Chlamydia trachomatis
Nucleic Acid by PCR, Ligase Chain Reaction, and Transcription-Mediated Amplification: Identification of Urinary Substances Associated with Inhibition and Removal of Inhibitory Activity Journal Articles
Weight Loss–Associated Induction of Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-α and Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ Correlate With Reduced Atherosclerosis and Improved Cardiovascular Function in Obese Insulin-Resistant Mice Journal Articles
YAP1 Meets Tumor Suppression Journal Articles
[Enhanced translational efficacy of internal ribosomal entry site-mediated mRNA in dendritic cells contributes to efficient induction of antitumor immunity]. Journal Articles
hEST2, the Putative Human Telomerase Catalytic Subunit Gene, Is Up-Regulated in Tumor Cells and during Immortalization Journal Articles
ΔN-p73 is a transcriptional target of the PML/RARα oncogene in myeloid differentiation Journal Articles
β-Catenin Overexpression in the Metanephric Mesenchyme Leads to Renal Dysplasia Genesis via Cell-Autonomous and Non–Cell-Autonomous Mechanisms Journal Articles