- We have shown that the melatonin receptor agonist, 2-[125I] iodomelatonin, binds to high-affinity guanine nucleotide-sensitive sites on human granulosa (HG) cell membranes. In order to confirm the presence of melatonin receptors in HG cells, we have now used a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) procedure to examine receptor subtype expression. RT-PCR studies revealed the presence of the mt1 (Mel1alpha) melatonin receptor subtype in ten single or pooled HG cell samples which were obtained from 14 patients. In contrast, expression of MT2 ( Mel1b) mRNA was observed in only two of these HG samples. DNA sequencing of the mt1 PCR product confirmed its identity with the reported human mt1 melatonin receptor. The expression of mt1 and MT2 receptor mRNA in HG cells and the reported presence of melatonin in human follicular fluid indicate a potentially important role for this hormone in regulating human ovarian and reproductive function.