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subject area of
Journal Articles
"Therapeutic range" for oral anticoagulant therapy. Journal Articles
3H-haloperidol binding: Some theoretical aspects Journal Articles
In‐Vitro Studies with Ancrod (‘Arvin’) Journal Articles
gem-Dialkyl Succinic Acids: A Novel Class of Inhibitors for Carboxypeptidases Journal Articles
A BAC contig of approximately 400 kb contains the classical class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes of cattle Journal Articles
A Canadian Application of One Health: Integration ofSalmonellaData from Various Canadian Surveillance Programs (2005–2010) Journal Articles
A Model for Agonism and Antagonism in an Ancient and Ubiquitous cAMP-binding Domain Journal Articles
A Positive Association Between Dietary Intake of Higher Cow's Milk-Fat Percentage and Non−High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Young Children Journal Articles
A Pulsed Tangential-Flow Ultrafiltration Technique for Studying Protein-Drug Binding Journal Articles
A Simple Colorimetric Au‐on‐Au Tip Sensor with a New Functional Nucleic Acid Probe for Food‐borne Pathogen Salmonella typhimurium Journal Articles
A barbed end interference mechanism reveals how capping protein promotes nucleation in branched actin networks Journal Articles
A comparison of whey to caseinate Journal Articles
A control method for a nonlinear multivariable system: application to interstitial laser hyperthermia Journal Articles
A cow on the prairie vs. a cow on the street: long-term consequences of semantic conflict on episodic encoding Journal Articles
A geostatistical investigation of agricultural and infrastructural risk factors associated with primary verotoxigenicE. coli(VTEC) infection in the Republic of Ireland, 2008–2013 Journal Articles
A principal component regression based genome wide analysis approach reveals the presence of a novel QTL on BTA7 for MAP resistance in holstein cattle Journal Articles
A rapid and simple method for assaying 3H-spiroperidol binding to solubilized dopamine receptors Journal Articles
A rapid biofabrication technique for self-assembled collagen-based multicellular and heterogeneous 3D tissue constructs Journal Articles
A safety review of topical bovine thrombin-induced generation of antibodies to bovine proteins Journal Articles
A search for apatite crystals in the gap zone of collagen fibrils in bone using dark-field illumination Journal Articles
A serotonergic component of [3H]N-acetylserotonin binding in mammalian brain Journal Articles
A simple and efficient method for solubilization of the dopamine receptor Journal Articles
A549 Lung Epithelial Cells Synthesize Anticoagulant Molecules on the Cell Surface and Matrix and in Conditioned Media Journal Articles
ATP' sarcoplasmic reticulum, and vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
Abolition of non-specific fluorescent staining of eosinophils Journal Articles
Acid–base and respiratory properties of a buffered bovine erythrocyte perfusion medium Journal Articles
Actions of growth factors in the follicle Journal Articles
Activation of factor X and prothrombin in antithrombin-III depleted plasma: The effects of heparin Journal Articles
Acute Response of Airway Muscle to Extreme Temperature Includes Disruption of Actin–Myosin Interaction Journal Articles
Adenosine‐AMP exchange activity is an integral part of the mammalian adenosine kinase Journal Articles
Adherence of Haemophilus somnus to tumor necrosis factor-alpha-stimulated bovine endothelial cells in culture. Journal Articles
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in pituitary colloid and extrapituitary tissues Journal Articles
Adsorption of thrombin from buffer and modified plasma to polystyrene resins containing sulphonate and sulphamide arginyl methyl ester groups Journal Articles
Allosteric Modulation of the Dopamine D2 Receptor by Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Peptidomimetics Constrained in Either a Polyproline II Helix or a Type II β-Turn Conformation Journal Articles
Altered inactivation of trinitrophenylated thrombin by antithrombin iii in the presence of heparin Journal Articles
Aminoglycoside antibiotic phosphotransferases are also serine protein kinases Journal Articles
An Analytical Method for the Analysis of Tulathromycin, an Equilibrating Triamilide, in Bovine and Porcine Plasma and Lung Journal Articles
An Insect Herbivore Microbiome with High Plant Biomass-Degrading Capacity Journal Articles
An Isoform of the Neuronal Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5) Activator Journal Articles
An X-ray Spectromicroscopy Study of Protein Adsorption to Polystyrene−Poly(ethylene oxide) Blends Journal Articles
An integrative, in situ approach to examining K<sup>+</sup> flux in resting skeletal muscle Journal Articles
An integrative, in situ approach to examining K+ flux in resting skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Analysis of the Contribution of
Pathogenicity Islands 1 and 2 to Enteric Disease Progression Using a Novel Bovine Ileal Loop Model and a Murine Model of Infectious Enterocolitis Journal Articles
Analysis of γ-Carboxyglutamic Acid Content of Protein, Urine, and Plasma by Capillary Electrophoresis and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Journal Articles
Antibodies to Indolealkylamines; Serotonin and Melatonin Journal Articles
Antibodies to indolealkylamines II: site of conjugation of melatonin to protein using formaldehyde Journal Articles
Antifouling silicone hydrogel contact lenses via densely grafted phosphorylcholine polymers Journal Articles
Antigenic and genomic comparison between non-cytopathic and cytopathic bovine viral diarrhoea viruses isolated from cattle that had spontaneous mucosal disease Journal Articles
Antithrombotic drug removal from whole blood using Haemoadsorption with a porous polymer bead sorbent Journal Articles
Apolipoprotein M and Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 Promote the Transendothelial Transport of High-Density Lipoprotein. Journal Articles
Apoptosis of Airway Epithelial Cells Journal Articles
Application of DNA markers to identify the individual‐specific hosts of tsetse feeding on cattle Journal Articles
Application of high-throughput 16S rRNA sequencing to identify fecal contamination sources and to complement the detection of fecal indicator bacteria in rural groundwater Journal Articles
Aromatase activity in granulosa cells: Regulation by growth factors Journal Articles
Ascorbic acid synthesis due to l-gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase expression enhances NO production in endothelial cells Journal Articles
Ashing of bone: errors due to loss of CO2 and their correction Journal Articles
Assessing antimicrobial and metal resistance genes in Escherichia coli from domestic groundwater supplies in rural Ireland Journal Articles
Assessing host-specificity of Escherichia coli using a supervised learning logic-regression-based analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in intergenic regions Journal Articles
Assessment of gastric emptying using a low fat meal: establishment of international control values Journal Articles
Assignment of bovine trophinin (TRO) to the q arm of the X chromosome by fluorescence in situ hybridization Journal Articles
Assignment of the bovine attractin (ATRN) gene to chromosome 13q21→q22 by in situ hybridization Journal Articles
Association of TLR4 polymorphisms with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection status in Canadian Holsteins Journal Articles
Association of Neurofilament Proteins with Neuronal Cdk5 Activator Journal Articles
Augmentation of bovine airway smooth muscle responsiveness to carbachol, KCl, and histamine by the isoprostane 8-iso-PGE2 Journal Articles
Bacteria repellent protein hydrogel decorated with tunable, isotropic, nano-on-micro hierarchical microbump array Journal Articles
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites in an intermittent stream protected from and exposed to pasturing cattle: Prevalence, densities, and quantitative microbial risk assessment Journal Articles
Bicyclic thiazolidine lactam peptidomimetics of the dopamine receptor modulating peptide Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Journal Articles
Bio-Solid-Phase Extraction/Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Identification of Bioactive Compounds in Mixtures Journal Articles
Block of inwardly rectifying K+ currents by extracellular Mg2+ and Ba2+ in bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells Journal Articles
Blocking T-type calcium channels with tetrandrine inhibits steroidogenesis in bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells Journal Articles
Bovine PGLYRP1 polymorphisms and their association with resistance to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
Bovine CLEC7A genetic variants and their association with seropositivity in Johne's disease ELISA Journal Articles
Bovine Colostrum in Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Sepsis in Very Low Birth Weight Neonates: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Pilot Trial Journal Articles
Bovine IFNGR2, IL12RB1, IL12RB2, and IL23R polymorphisms and MAP infection status Journal Articles
Bovine Thecal Cells Secrete Factor(s) That Promote Granulosa Cell Proliferation1 Journal Articles
Bovine herpesvirus type 1 as a novel oncolytic virus Journal Articles
Bovine pituitary Fibroblast Growth Factor has neurotrophic activity on newt limb regenerates and skeletal muscles in vitro Journal Articles
Bovine serum transferrin phenotypes AA, D1D1, D2D2, EE: Their carbohydrate compositions and electrophoretic multiplicity Journal Articles
Bovine transferrin glycopeptide: the relevance of its structure to interaction with the mammalian hepatic lectin that binds asialoglycoproteins Journal Articles
Bradykinin stimulates endothelial cell fatty acid oxidation by CaMKK-dependent activation of AMPK Journal Articles
Branched-chain volatile fatty acids and folic acid accelerated the growth of Holstein dairy calves by stimulating nutrient digestion and rumen metabolism Journal Articles
CDC42 regulates the expression of superficial zone molecules in part through the actin cytoskeleton and myocardin‐related transcription factor‐A Journal Articles
CNS Dopamine Receptors: Effect of Prolyl-Leucyl-Glycinamide and Solubilization Journal Articles
Caffeine relaxes smooth muscle through actin depolymerization Journal Articles
Cell Line-Specific Direct Irradiation and Bystander Responses are Influenced by Fetal Bovine Serum Serotonin Concentrations Journal Articles
Changes in the Levels of Theileria orientalis Ikeda Type Infection in Haemaphysalis longicornis Nymphs over a Six-Month Period Journal Articles
Characterization of High‐Affinity Dopamine D2 Receptors and Modulation of Affinity States by Guanine Nucleotides in Cholate‐Solubilized Bovine Striatal Preparations Journal Articles
Characterization of murine pregnancy decidua transforming growth factor beta. I. Transforming growth factor beta 2-like molecules of unusual molecular size released in bioactive form Journal Articles
Chemical modification reveals involvement of tyrosine in ligand binding to dopamine D1 and D2 receptors. Journal Articles
Cloning, characterization, and functional studies of a human 40-kDa catecholamine-regulated protein: implications in central nervous system disorders Journal Articles
Coherence among Different Microbial Source Tracking Markers in a Small Agricultural Stream with or without Livestock Exclusion Practices Journal Articles
Comparative efficacy of different plasma in the identification of coagulase positive staphylococci. Journal Articles
Comparative studies of the cross-linked regions of elastin from bovine ligamentum nuchae and bovine, porcine and human aorta Journal Articles
Comparison between proliferative and neuron-like SH-SY5Y cells as an in vitro model for Parkinson disease studies Journal Articles
Comparison of Microbial and Chemical Source Tracking Markers To Identify Fecal Contamination Sources in the Humber River (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and Associated Storm Water Outfalls Journal Articles
Comparison of the haemorrhagic effects of porcine and bovine heparin in rabbits Journal Articles
Comparison of the immunogenicity and protection against bovine tuberculosis following immunization by BCG-priming and boosting with adenovirus or protein based vaccines Journal Articles
Composition of incubation solution impacts in vitro protein uptake to silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Journal Articles
Compound specific isotope analysis of lipid residues provides the earliest direct evidence of dairy product processing in South Asia Journal Articles
Confocal Microscopy and Albumin Penetration into Contact Lenses Journal Articles
Congenital Axonopathy in a Brown Swiss Calf Journal Articles
Contribution of subunit interactions to the stability of lactate dehydrogenase. Journal Articles
Covalent Affinity Labeling of Brain Catecholamine‐Absorbing Proteins Using a High‐Specific‐Activity Substituted Tetrahydronaphthalene Journal Articles
Cow's Milk Exposure and Type I Diabetes Mellitus: A critical overview of the clinical literature Journal Articles
Crystal structure of a bovine neurophysin II dipeptide complex at 2.8 A determined from the single-wavelength anomalous scattering signal of an incorporated iodine atom. Journal Articles
Crystals of modified bovine neurophysin II Journal Articles
Cs-137 in milk, vegetation, soil, and water near the former Soviet Union’s Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Journal Articles
Cyclopiazonic acid activates a Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation conductance in porcine and bovine tracheal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Cytogenetic comparison of saola <i>(Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)</i> and cattle <i>(Bos taurus)</i> using G- and Q-banding and FISH Journal Articles
Cytokeratin 18 Is Expressed on the Hepatocyte Plasma Membrane Surface and Interacts with Thrombin-Antithrombin Complexes Journal Articles
D2- but not D3-dopamine receptors detected in the anterior pituitary Journal Articles
DRACMA one year after: Which changes have occurred in diagnosis and treatment of CMA in Italy? Journal Articles
Deep inspiration and airway physiology: human, canine, porcine, or bovine? Journal Articles
Defibrinated bovine plasma inhibits retroviral transcription by blocking p52 activation of the NFkappaB element in the long terminal repeat. Journal Articles
Dendrimer-Mediated Molecular Sieving on Avidin. Journal Articles
Dependence of laser photocoagulation on interstitial delivery parameters Journal Articles
Design and Synthesis of Photoaffinity-Labeling Ligands of thel-Prolyl-l-leucylglycinamide Binding Site Involved in the Allosteric Modulation of the Dopamine Receptor Journal Articles
Design, Synthesis, X-ray Analysis, and Dopamine Receptor-Modulating Activity of Mimics of the "C5" Hydrogen-Bonded Conformation in the Peptidomimetic 2-Oxo-3(R)-[(2(S)-pyrrolidinylcarbonyl)amino]-1-pyrrolidineacetamide Journal Articles
Design, Synthesis, and Dopamine Receptor Modulating Activity of Diketopiperazine Peptidomimetics ofl-Prolyl-l-leucylglycinamide Journal Articles
Detection of silver protein complex injections in the bovine udder using X-ray fluorescence: a preliminary investigation. Journal Articles
Determination of hemoglobin-oxygen affinity on micro samples. Journal Articles
Development of a bovine adenovirus type 3-based expression vector Journal Articles
Development of a rapid quantitative PCR assay for direct detection and quantification of culturable and non-culturable Escherichia coli from agriculture watersheds Journal Articles
Development of an <em>In Vitro</em> Ocular Platform to Test Contact Lenses Journal Articles
Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA): A summary report Journal Articles
Differences in prethrombin-1 activation with human or bovine factor Va can be attributed to the heavy chain Journal Articles
Differences in the clinically effective molar concentrations of four direct thrombin inhibitors explain their variable prothrombin time prolongation Journal Articles
Discrepancy between antithrombin activity methods revealed in Antithrombin Stockholm: do factor Xa–based methods overestimate antithrombin activity in some patients? Journal Articles
Distribution of cholecystokinin receptors in the bovine brain: A quantitative autoradiographic study Journal Articles
Dopamine receptor modulation by Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 analogs possessing cyclic amino acid residues at the C-terminal position Journal Articles
Dopamine receptor modulation by a highly rigid spiro bicyclic peptidomimetic of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Journal Articles
Dopamine receptor modulation by conformationally constrained analogs of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Journal Articles
Dopamine receptors in the central nervous system. Journal Articles
Dose-dependent responses of myofibrillar protein synthesis with beef ingestion are enhanced with resistance exercise in middle-aged men Journal Articles
Dynamic digital fluorescence ratio imaging of cell calcium in vascular endothelial cells. Journal Articles
E-Ring Isoprostane Augments Cholinergic Neurotransmission in Bovine Trachealis via FP Prostanoid Receptors Journal Articles
E-Ring Isoprostanes Stimulate a Cl− Conductance in Airway Epithelium via Prostaglandin E2-Selective Prostanoid Receptors Journal Articles
E-ring isoprostane augments cholinergic neurotransmission in bovine trachealis via FP prostanoid receptors. Journal Articles
Effect of Fibrinogen Degradation Products and Lung Ground Substance on Surfactant Function Journal Articles
Effect of Leptin on Vascular Calcification in Apolipoprotein E–Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Effect of protein source on resistive-training-induced changes in body composition and muscle size in older men Journal Articles
Effect of substrates on the oxygen uptake of bovine semen preserved in egg yolk citrate. Journal Articles
Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on vascular endothelial cells in vitro. Journal Articles
Effects of biotin and coated cobalamin on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Holstein dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of branched-chain volatile fatty acids and fibrolytic enzyme on rumen development in pre- and post-weaned Holstein dairy calves Journal Articles
Effects of branched-chain volatile fatty acids on lactation performance and mRNA expression of genes related to fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland of dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of concentrate‐to‐forage ratios and 2‐methylbutyrate supplementation on ruminal fermentation, bacteria abundance and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in Chinese Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of copper sulphate and coated copper sulphate addition on lactation performance, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation and blood metabolites in dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of dietary folic acid supplementation on lactation performance and mammary epithelial cell development of dairy cows and its regulatory mechanism Journal Articles
Effects of dietary protein levels and 2‐methylbutyrate on ruminal fermentation, nutrient degradability, bacterial populations and urinary purine derivatives in Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of dietary supplementation of rumen-protected folic acid on rumen fermentation, degradability and excretion of urinary purine derivatives in growing steers Journal Articles
Effects of folic acid and cobalt sulphate supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Holstein calves Journal Articles
Effects of folic acid and riboflavin on growth performance, nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of folic acid on growth performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestibility and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in post-weaned dairy calves Journal Articles
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid and coated folic acid supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion and hepatic gene expression in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Holstein dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of isobutyrate on rumen fermentation, urinary excretion of purine derivatives and digestibility in steers Journal Articles
Effects of isobutyrate supplementation in pre- and post-weaned dairy calves diet on growth performance, rumen development, blood metabolites and hormone secretion Journal Articles
Effects of isobutyrate supplementation on ruminal microflora, rumen enzyme activities and methane emissions in Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of isovalerate on ruminal fermentation, urinary excretion of purine derivatives and digestibility in steers Journal Articles
Effects of isovalerate supplements on morphology and functional gene expression of rumen mucosa in pre- and post-weaning dairy calves Journal Articles
Effects of nanoselenium supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and mammary gland development in dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of papaya seed extract and benzyl isothiocyanate on vascular contraction Journal Articles
Effects of riboflavin supplementation on performance, nutrient digestion, rumen microbiota composition and activities of Holstein bulls Journal Articles
Effects of rumen-protected folic acid and betaine supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of rumen‐protected folic acid and dietary protein level on growth performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestibility and hepatic gene expression of dairy calves Journal Articles
Effects of rumen‐protected folic acid and rumen‐protected sodium selenite supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestion, ruminal fermentation and blood metabolites in dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of rumen‐protected pantothenate supplementation on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion and blood metabolites in dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of sodium selenite addition on ruminal fermentation, microflora and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in Holstein dairy bulls Journal Articles
Effects of sodium selenite and coated sodium selenite on lactation performance, total tract nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Holstein dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of soybean oil and dietary copper levels on nutrient digestion, ruminal fermentation, enzyme activity, microflora and microbial protein synthesis in dairy bulls Journal Articles
Effects of stepwise dry/wet-aging and freezing on meat quality of beef loins Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acid–bovine serum albumin films from aqueous solutions Journal Articles
Electrostatic Control of Phospholipid Polymorphism Journal Articles
Engineering Murine Adipocytes and Skeletal Muscle Cells in Meat-like Constructs Using Self-Assembled Layer-by-Layer Biofabrication: A Platform for Development of Cultivated Meat Journal Articles
Enhanced Expression and Secretion of an Epithelial Membrane Antigen (MA5) in a Human Mucinous Breast Tumor Line (BT549) Journal Articles
Enhanced Myosin Phosphatase and Ca2+-Uptake Mediate Adrenergic Relaxation of Airway Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Environmental prevention of human disease from verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Estimates of Heritabilities and of Genetic and Phenotypic Correlations among Growth and Reproductive Traits in Yearling Angus Bulls1 Journal Articles
Estimation of succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activities in the semen of buffalo, exotic and crossbreed bulls. Journal Articles
Estrogen Receptor-α and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Nuclear Complex Regulates Transcription of Human Telomerase Journal Articles
Evaluating the sensitivity of the bovine BCG challenge model using a prime boost Ad85A vaccine regimen Journal Articles
Evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using milk samples as a potential screening test of bovine tuberculosis of dairy cows in Korea. Journal Articles
Evolution of an Enzyme from a Noncatalytic Nucleic Acid Sequence Journal Articles
Exocytosis Studies in a Chromaffin Cell‐Free System Conferences
Experimental and analytical study of anisotropic strength properties of bovine cortical bone Journal Articles
Expression of XIST sense and antisense in bovine fetal organs and cell cultures Journal Articles
Expression of growth hormone and its transcription factor, Pit‐1, in early bovine development Journal Articles
Expression pattern of X-linked genes in sex chromosome aneuploid bovine cells Journal Articles
Extracellular glutamate alters mature osteoclast and osteoblast functions Journal Articles
Factor V Is Complexed with Multimerin in Resting Platelet Lysates and Colocalizes with Multimerin in Platelet α-Granules Journal Articles
Factors affecting solubilization of the D1 receptor from bovine caudate nucleus Journal Articles
Factors affecting solubilized dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase Journal Articles
Factors regulating the multiplication of animal cells in culture Journal Articles
Failure of a selective medium to isolate Haemophilus somnus strains Journal Articles
Fast, low-pressure chromatographic separation of proteins using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles Journal Articles
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Proposed Infant Feeding Intervention Trial for the Prevention of Type I Diabetes Journal Articles
Flow cytometry assay for intracellular rabies virus detection Journal Articles
Forensic Application of Repetitive DNA Markers to the Species Identification of Animal Tissues Journal Articles
Frequent association of factor VII defects with other clotting disorders Journal Articles
Functional Modifications of the Coupling of Solubilized Dopamine D<sub>2</sub> Receptors to Guanine-Nucleotide-Binding Proteins Journal Articles
Gene expression profiling of PBMCs from Holstein and Jersey cows sub-clinically infected with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
General occurrence of binding synergism in zinc proteases and its possible significance Journal Articles
Germ Cell Transplantation in an Azoospermic Klinefelter Bull1 Journal Articles
Global Gene Transcriptome Analysis in Vaccinated Cattle Revealed a Dominant Role of IL-22 for Protection against Bovine Tuberculosis Journal Articles
Globular Polymer Grafts Require a Critical Size for Efficient Molecular Sieving of Enzyme Substrates Journal Articles
Growth homone-dependent potentiation of gonadotropin-stimulated steroid production by ovarian follicles of the goldfish Journal Articles
Heparan Sulfate Interacting Protein (HIP/L29) Negatively Regulates Growth Responses to Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Gingival Fibroblasts Journal Articles
Heparin and Platelets Journal Articles
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Journal Articles
Heparin/Heparan Sulfate (HP/HS) Interacting Protein (HIP) Supports Cell Attachment and Selective, High Affinity Binding of HP/HS Journal Articles
Heparin‐modified dendrimer crosslinked collagen matrices for the delivery of heparin‐binding epidermal growth factor Journal Articles
High-Throughput Screening Identifies Inhibitors of the SARS Coronavirus Main Proteinase Journal Articles
High-efficiency Semliki Forest virus-mediated transduction in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells Journal Articles
Homology Models of μ-Opioid Receptor with Organic and Inorganic Cations at Conserved Aspartates in the Second and Third Transmembrane Domains Journal Articles
How DRACMA changes clinical decision for the individual patient in CMA therapy Journal Articles
Human and Bovine Colostrum for Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Hyaluronic acid containing hydrogels for the reduction of protein adsorption Journal Articles
Hydroxypropyl Guar−Borate Interactions with Tear Film Mucin and Lysozyme Journal Articles
Identification of Pharmacological Chaperones for Gaucher Disease and Characterization of Their Effects on β‐Glucocerebrosidase by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Journal Articles
Identification of SNPsin Interferon Gamma, Interleukin-22, and Their Receptors and Associations with Health and Production-Related Traits in Canadian Holstein Bulls Journal Articles
Identification of TFPI as a receptor reveals recombination-driven receptor switching in Clostridioides difficile toxin B variants Journal Articles
Identification of a Botulinum Neurotoxin-like Toxin in a Commensal Strain of Enterococcus faecium Journal Articles
Identification of a new catenin: the tyrosine kinase substrate p120cas associates with E-cadherin complexes. Journal Articles
Identification of collagen fibrils in cross sections of bone by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) Journal Articles
Identification of novel catecholamine absorbing proteins in the central nervous system Journal Articles
Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the bovine interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 receptor genes and their associations with health and production traits in Holstein cows Journal Articles
Identification of the Protein C/Activated Protein C Binding Sites on the Endothelial Cell Protein C Receptor Journal Articles
Image analysis of the extracellular matrix Journal Articles
Immune Responses Associated With Perioperative Exposure and Reexposure to Topical Bovine Thrombin Do Not Impair Hemostasis Journal Articles
Immune Responses Induced in Cattle by Vaccination with a Recombinant Adenovirus Expressing Mycobacterial Antigen 85A and
Mycobacterium bovis
BCG Journal Articles
Immunoelectron Microscopy Provides Evidence That Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Protein 1 (TRAP-1) Is a Mitochondrial Protein Which also Localizes at Specific Extramitochondrial Sites Journal Articles
Immunogenicity comparison of the intradermal or endobronchial boosting of BCG vaccinates with Ad5-85A Journal Articles
Immunoglobulin IgG detected by ELISA in bovine pituitary intraglandular colloid, a non-vascular holocrine secretion of intermediate lobe cells. Journal Articles
Immunoglobulin IgM detected by ELISA in bovine pituitary intraglandular colloid, non-vascular holocrine secretion of intermediate lobe cells. Journal Articles
Immunological mechanisms to establish embryo tolerance in early bovine pregnancy Journal Articles
Immunomodulatory Activities of Small Host Defense Peptides Journal Articles
Immunoreactive adrenocorticotrophin is present in the ovary and in particular the oocyte of several mammalian species Journal Articles
Impact of Riparian Zone Protection from Cattle on Nutrient, Bacteria, F-coliphage,Cryptosporidium, andGiardiaLoading of an Intermittent Stream Journal Articles
In Vitro Assessment of Medical Device Toxicity: Interactions of Benzalkonium Chloride With Silicone-Containing and p-HEMA–Containing Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials Journal Articles
Inactivation of thrombin by antithrombin III on a heparinized biomaterial Journal Articles
Incorporation of cell-adhesion peptides into collagen scaffolds promotes corneal epithelial stratification Journal Articles
Induction of autoantibodies to red blood cells by polyclonal B-cell activators Journal Articles
Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt Journal Articles
Influence of Hydrophobic Cross-Linkers on Carboxybetaine Copolymer Stimuli Response and Hydrogel Biological Properties Conferences
Influence of environmental conditions in bovine bone ablation by ultrafast laser Journal Articles
Inhibition of Actomyosin ATPase by High Concentrations of 5-Hydroxytryptamine. Possible Basis of Lesion in 5HT-Induced Experimental Myopathy Journal Articles
Inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin III in the presence of certain glycosaminoglycans found in the mammalian aorta Journal Articles
Interaction of Cyclin-dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5) and Neuronal Cdk5 Activator in Bovine Brain Journal Articles
Interaction of l‐Prolyl‐l‐Leucyl Glycinamide with Dopamine D2 Receptor: Evidence for Modulation of Agonist Affinity States in Bovine Striatal Membranes Journal Articles
Interstitial laser photocoagulation: Nd:YAG 1064 nm optical fiber source compared to point heat source Journal Articles
Intracellular Cl−fluxes play a novel role in Ca2+handling in airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Intraglandular colloid induced nuclear proliferation of murine thymic cells as determined by flow cytometry. Journal Articles
Intranasal Boosting with an Adenovirus-Vectored Vaccine Markedly Enhances Protection by Parenteral
Mycobacterium bovis
BCG Immunization against Pulmonary Tuberculosis Journal Articles
Involvement of the Neurokinin-2 Receptor in Airway Smooth Muscle Stretch-Activated Contractions Assessed in Perfused Intact Bovine Bronchial Segments Journal Articles
Is red meat intake a risk factor for breast cancer among premenopausal women? Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of the eighth component of the bovine complement system Journal Articles
Isolation of chromaffin cell plasma membranes on polycationic beads Journal Articles
Isolation of pathogenic strains of Haemophilus somnus from the female bovine reproductive tract. Journal Articles
Isoprostane-induced airway hyperresponsiveness is dependent on internal Ca2+ handling and Rho/ROCK signaling Journal Articles
L-type Ca2+ channels, Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, and BKCa channels in airway stretch-induced contraction Journal Articles
Label-free biosensor array based on silicon-on-insulator ring resonators addressed using a WDM approach Journal Articles
Homo erectus
of Java: Potential Contemporaneity with
Homo sapiens
in Southeast Asia Journal Articles
Leptin promotes osteoblast differentiation and mineralization of primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β Journal Articles
Localization by FISH of the 31 Texas nomenclature type I markers to both Q- and R-banded bovine chromosomes Journal Articles
Localization of P32 protein (gC1q-R) in mitochondria and at specific extramitochondrial locations in normal tissues Journal Articles
Localization of mitochondrial DNA encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II in rat pancreatic zymogen granules and pituitary growth hormone granules Journal Articles
Low Levels of X-Inactive Specific Transcript in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos Derived from Female Bovine Freemartin Donor Cells Journal Articles
Magnetic assembly of 3D cell clusters: visualizing the formation of an engineered tissue Journal Articles
Mapping the Free Energy Landscape of PKA Inhibition and Activation: A Double-Conformational Selection Model for the Tandem cAMP-Binding Domains of PKA RIα Journal Articles
Matrix metalloproteinase 10 promotion of collagenolysis via procollagenase activation: Implications for cartilage degradation in arthritis Journal Articles
Melatonin Interaction with the Benzodiazepine-GABA Receptor Complex in the CNS Journal Articles
Melatonin concentrations in the luminal fluid, mucosa, and muscularis of the bovine and porcine gastrointestinal tract Journal Articles
Membrane Binding by tBid Initiates an Ordered Series of Events Culminating in Membrane Permeabilization by Bax Journal Articles
Microbial source tracking and spatial analysis of E. coli contaminated private well waters in southeastern Ontario Journal Articles
Microbial source tracking of private well water samples across at-risk regions in southern Ontario and analysis of traditional fecal indicator bacteria assays including culture and qPCR Journal Articles
Milk L-lactate concentration is increased during mastitis Journal Articles
Milk-induced anaphylaxis among children presenting to Canadian emergency departments Journal Articles
Mineral induction by immobilized phosphoproteins Journal Articles
Mobilization of internal Ca2+ by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in endothelial cells Journal Articles
Modified Dendrimer Cross-Linked Collagen-Based Matrices Journal Articles
Modulation of brain catecholamine absorbing proteins by dopaminergic agents Journal Articles
Modulation of high-affinity CNS dopamine D2 receptor by l-pro-l-leu-glycinamide (PLG) analogue Conferences
Modulation of human airway smooth muscle biology by human adipocytes Journal Articles
Modulation ofN-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist-induced darting behaviour by the peptidomimetic PAMTA Journal Articles
Molecular cloning, localization and characterization of a 40‐kDa catecholamine‐regulated protein Journal Articles
Molecular mechanisms of inorganic-phosphate release from the core and barbed end of actin filaments Journal Articles
Molecular subtypes of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella enterica, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from faecal and surface water samples in the Oldman River watershed, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
More on fetotomies performed by students Journal Articles
Morphometric analysis of bovine lymphomas classified according to the National Cancer Institute working formulation Journal Articles
Multipotent stem cells with neural crest stem cells characteristics exist in bovine adipose tissue Journal Articles
Multivalent interaction between asialofetuin and plasma membrane preparations from the rat liver Journal Articles
Myelin proteolipid protein, basic protein, the small isoform of myelin‐associated glycoprotein, and p42MAPK are associated in the Triton X‐100 extract of central nervous system myelin Journal Articles
N-demethylation of cyamemazine via non-classical Polonovski reaction and its conjugation to bovine serum albumin Journal Articles
Neuropeptide profiling of the bovine hypothalamus: Thermal stabilization is an effective tool in inhibiting post‐mortem degradation Journal Articles
Noncanonical protein kinase A activation by oligomerization of regulatory subunits as revealed by inherited Carney complex mutations Journal Articles
Nonrandom chromosomal abnormalities in bovine lymphoma Journal Articles
Novel input polarisation independent endoscopic cross‐polarised optical coherence tomography probe Journal Articles
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Effects of calcium propionate supplementation on lactation performance, energy balance and blood metabolites in early lactation dairy cows Journal Articles
Observations on intramammary infection and somatic cell counts in cows treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin. Journal Articles
On the relationship between the number of spermatozoa and the probability of conception Journal Articles
Oncolytic bovine herpesvirus type 1 as a broad spectrum cancer therapeutic Journal Articles
Oncolytic bovine herpesvirus type 1 infects and kills breast tumor cells and breast cancer-initiating cells irrespective of tumor subtype Journal Articles
Oncostatin M in combination with tumor necrosis factor α induces cartilage damage and matrix metalloproteinase expression in vitro and in vivo Journal Articles
Optimizing electrostatic interactions for controlling the release of proteins from anionic and cationically modified alginate Journal Articles
Oral immunotherapy for IgE‐mediated cow's milk allergy: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Origin of the human seminal plasma motility inhibitor within the reproductive tract Journal Articles
Osteopenia in survivors of Wilms tumor Journal Articles
PATCH-DP: a single-arm phase II trial of intra-operative application of HEMOPATCH™ to the pancreatic stump to prevent post-operative pancreatic fistula following distal pancreatectomy Journal Articles
PDMS embedded microneedles as a controlled release system for the eye Journal Articles
PNIPAAm-Grafted-Collagen as an Injectable, In Situ Gelling, Bioactive Cell Delivery Scaffold Journal Articles
Parallel faecal and organ Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis culture of different productivity types of cattle Conferences
Parameter scanning ultrafiltration: Rapid optimisation of protein separation Journal Articles
Pathology and immunogenicity in the cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) model after infection with a bovine adenovirus type 3 recombinant virus expressing the firefly luciferase gene Journal Articles
Pentavalent ions dependency of mammalian adenosine kinase. Journal Articles
Pharmacological actions of isoprostane metabolites and phytoprostanes in human and bovine pulmonary smooth muscles Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and Functional Analysis of the Vertebrate Cytochrome P450 2 Family Journal Articles
Plant alkaloids, tetrandrine and hernandezine, inhibit calcium-depletion stimulated calcium entry in human and bovine endothelial cells Journal Articles
Platelet sialic acid and platelet survival after aggregation by ADP Other
Poly(methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic acid) Polymers for Cell Encapsulation Journal Articles
Poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate) Dip-Coating: Turning Cellulose Paper into a Protein-Repellent Platform for Biosensors Journal Articles
Polyaniline-based bovine serum albumin imprinted electrochemical sensor for ultra-trace-level detection in clinical and food safety applications Journal Articles
Polycarbonate membranes: a novel surface for solid-phase determinations with utility in field format serological assays Journal Articles
Polymorphisms in the gene encoding bovine interleukin-10 receptor alpha are associated with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection status Journal Articles
Poractant alfa versus bovine lipid extract surfactant for infants 24+0 to 31+6 weeks gestational age: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Poractant alfa versus bovine lipid extract surfactant: prospective comparative effectiveness study Journal Articles
Pork or beef? Journal Articles
Post-Mortem High-Energy Phosphate and Glycolytic Changes in Two Skeletal Muscles of the Ox Journal Articles
Pramanicin, an antifungal agent, raises cytosolic Ca2+ and causes cell death in vascular endothelial cells Journal Articles
Prediction of fetal sex in cattle by testosterone levels in allantoic fluid Journal Articles
Prenatal egg consumption and infant sensitization and allergy to egg, peanut, and cow's milk in the CHILD Cohort Conferences
Prenatal egg consumption and infant sensitization and allergy to egg, peanut, and cow's milk in the CHILD Cohort Journal Articles
Presence of arginine‐vasopressin in bovine pituitary intraglandular colloid of intermediate lobe origin Journal Articles
Presence of met-enkephalin in bovine pituitary intraglandular colloid of intermediate lobe origin Journal Articles
Proceedings of a consensus conference: the screening of blood donors for variant CJD1 1This Consensus Conference took place at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Montreal, Quebec, on March 26–28, 2003, and was chaired by Dr. Gilles Delage of Héma Québec. Journal Articles
Properties of a store-operated nonselective cation channel in airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Protection Induced by Simultaneous Subcutaneous and Endobronchial Vaccination with BCG/BCG and BCG/Adenovirus Expressing Antigen 85A against Mycobacterium bovis in Cattle Journal Articles
Protein‐resistant polyurethane by sequential grafting of poly(2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) via surface‐initiated ATRP Journal Articles
Proteoglycan 4 and hyaluronan as boundary lubricants for model contact lens hydrogels Journal Articles
Proteomic analysis of plasma from Holstein cows testing positive for mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (MAP) Journal Articles
Pulmonary endocrine cells in various species in the Himalaya Journal Articles
Pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A enhances the surface activity of lipid extract surfactant and reverses inhibition by blood proteins in vitro Journal Articles
Purification and characterization of an endonuclease from calf thymus acting on irradiated DNA Journal Articles
Purification of bovine striatal dopamine D-2 receptor by affinity chromatography. Journal Articles
Quantification of lactose content in human and cow’s milk using UPLC–tandem mass spectrometry Journal Articles
Radiolabeled r-Hirudin as a Measure of Thrombin Activity at, or within, the Rabbit Aorta Wall In Vitro and In Vivo Journal Articles
Rat thecal/interstitial cells produce a mitogenic activity that promotes the growth of granulosa cells Journal Articles
Recent Advances in the Development of Adenovirus- and Poxvirus- Vectored Tuberculosis Vaccines Journal Articles
Reconstitution of affinity-purified dopamine D2 receptor binding activities by specific lipids Journal Articles
Recruitment of multiple cell lines by collagen-synthetic copolymer matrices in corneal regeneration Journal Articles
Reduction of Nilutamide by NO Synthases: Implications for the Adverse Effects of This Nitroaromatic Antiandrogen Drug Journal Articles
Regulation of NADH/CoQ Oxidoreductase: Do Phosphorylation Events Affect Activity? Journal Articles
Regulation of Rho/ROCK signaling in airway smooth muscle by membrane potential and [Ca2+]i Journal Articles
Regulation of airway smooth muscle RhoA/ROCK activities by cholinergic and bronchodilator stimuli Journal Articles
Regulation of airway smooth muscle RhoA/ROCK activities by cholinergic and bronchodilator stimuli. Journal Articles
Regulatory properties of neuronal cdc2-like kinase Journal Articles
Relationships between Ultrasonographic Image Attributes, Histomorphology and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Expression of Bovine Antral Follicles and Corpora Lutea ex situ Journal Articles
Resonance vibration interventions in the femur: Experimental-numerical modelling approaches Journal Articles
Retroviral transduction of hematopoietic cells differentiated from human embryonic stem cell-derived CD45negPFV hemogenic precursors Journal Articles
Role of Tyrosine Phosphorylation in U46619-induced Vasoconstriction of Pulmonary Vasculature and Its Modulation by Genistein, Daidzein, and Equol Journal Articles
Ryanodine receptors decant internal Ca2+ store in human and bovine airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
SNPs in the bovine IL-10 receptor are associated with somatic cell score in Canadian dairy bulls Journal Articles
Safety and Efficacy of Thrombin-JMI: A Multidisciplinary Expert Group Consensus Journal Articles
Selecting source locations in multifiber interstitial laser photocoagulation Journal Articles
Separation of proteins using hydrophobic interaction membrane chromatography Journal Articles
Serum Serotonin Levels Determine the Magnitude and Type of Bystander Effects in Medium Transfer Experiments Journal Articles
Serum‐dependent Modulation of the we 1 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Binding to Endothelial Cell Surfaces Journal Articles
Sex‐specific associations of human milk long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and infant allergic conditions Journal Articles
Silicon photonic wire biosensor array for multiplexed real-time and label-free molecular detection Journal Articles
Simple and rapid colorimetric enzyme sensing assays using non-crosslinking gold nanoparticle aggregation Journal Articles
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Alter the Promoter Activity of Bovine MIF Journal Articles
Size-dependent denaturing kinetics of bovine serum albumin adsorbed onto gold nanospheres Journal Articles
Small trial suggests similar histologic and dimensional outcomes when using bovine or porcine xenografts to preserve the alveolar ridge in patients undergoing single-tooth extraction and implant placement Journal Articles
Solubilization and reconstitution of dopamine D1 receptor from bovine striatal membranes: Effects of agonist and antagonist pretreatment Journal Articles
Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in pituitary intraglandular colloid of intermediate lobe origin. Journal Articles
Some immunochemical properties of bovine and rat rhodanese. Journal Articles
Source and Quality of Enteral Nutrition Influences Oxidative Stress in Preterm Infants: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Sources of microbial contamination in the watershed and coastal zone of Soufriere, St. Lucia Journal Articles
Specific binding of photoaffinity-labeling peptidomimetics of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 to the dopamine D2L receptor: Evidence for the allosteric modulation of the dopamine receptor Journal Articles
Store-refilling involves both L-type calcium channels and reverse-mode sodium calcium exchange in airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Structural Studies on Cross-Linked Regions of Elastin Journal Articles
Structure of transfection-active histone H1/DNA complexes. Journal Articles
Studies of the Metabolism of Asialotransferrins: Evidence that Transferrin Does not Undergo Desialylation in Vivo Journal Articles
Studies of the Metabolism of Asialotransferrins: Relationship Between the Carbohydrate Composition of Bovine, Canine, and Porcine Asialotransferrins and their Metabolic Behavior in the Rabbit Journal Articles
Studies of the Metabolism of Asialotransferrins: the Metabolic Heterogeneity of Human Asialotransferrin Journal Articles
Studies on DNA Repair in Mammalian Cells: An Endonuclease Which Recognizes Lesions in DNA Journal Articles
Studies on kinetic properties of lactic dehydrogenase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase in bovine seminal plasma. Journal Articles
Studies on the coagulant enzyme from Agkistrodon rhodostoma venom. Isolation and some properties of the enzyme Journal Articles
Studies on the frequency of heparin-associated thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Subcellular localization of fumarase in mammalian cells and tissues Journal Articles
Surface Denaturation and Amyloid Fibril Formation of Insulin at Model Lipid−Water Interfaces Journal Articles
Synthesis and Dopamine Receptor Modulating Activity of 3-Substituted γ-Lactam Peptidomimetics of l-Prolyl-l-leucyl-glycinamide Journal Articles
Synthesis and Processing of the Haemagglutinin--esterase Glycoprotein of Bovine Coronavirus Encoded in the E3 Region of Adenovirus Journal Articles
Synthesis and biological evaluation of analogs of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 modified at the leucyl residue Journal Articles
Synthesis and dopamine receptor modulating activity of lactam conformationally constrained analogs of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Journal Articles
Synthesis of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 analogs modified at the prolyl residue and evaluation of their effects on the receptor binding activity of the central dopamine receptor agonist, ADTN Journal Articles
Systematic review and meta‐analyses on the accuracy of diagnostic tests for IgE‐mediated food allergy Journal Articles
Targeting of passenger protein domains to multiple intracellular membranes Journal Articles
Tetrandrine inhibits Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels in vascular endothelial cells Journal Articles
The Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Modulates Dendritic Cell Differentiation and Dendritic Cell-Induced T Cell Polarization Journal Articles
The DY genes of the cattle MHC: expression and comparative analysis of an unusual class II MHC gene pair Journal Articles
The E1 sequence of bovine adenovirus type 3 and complementation of human adenovirus type 5 E1A function in bovine cells Journal Articles
The Effects of Leptin on Airway Smooth Muscle Responses Journal Articles
The Fc gamma receptor on human placental plasma membrane. I. Studies on the binding of homologous and heterologous immunoglobulin G1. Journal Articles
The Gamma-2-Herpesvirus Bovine Herpesvirus 4 Causes Apoptotic Infection in Permissive Cell Lines Journal Articles
The Genome Sequence of Taurine Cattle: A Window to Ruminant Biology and Evolution Journal Articles
The LASSO and Sparse Least Squares Regression Methods for SNP Selection in Predicting Quantitative Traits Journal Articles
The NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium is also a potent inhibitor of cholinesterases and the internal Ca2+ pump Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Cow’s Milk Exposure and Type 1 Diabetes Journal Articles
The Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Articular Chondrocyte Regulation Conferences
The Structural Conservation of S100 Protein During Evolution: Analysis by Reactivity with a Monoclonal Antibody Journal Articles
The Zoonotic Potential of Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
The action of 1-nitroso-8-nitroprene in Eachericia coli: DNA adduct formation and mutational consequeces in the absence of necleotide excision-repair Journal Articles
The affinity of human, rabbit and bovine thrombins for sepharose-lysine and other conjugates Journal Articles
The antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from private groundwater wells in the Republic of Ireland Journal Articles
The effect of a bovine hypothalamic factor on mouse brain neurotransmitters Journal Articles
The efficiency of contact lens care regimens on protein removal from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel lenses. Journal Articles
The factor VIII-independent activation of factor X by factors IXa and VII in plasma Journal Articles
The inactivation of thrombin and plasmin by antithrombin III in the presence of Sepharose-heparin Journal Articles
The influence of inorganic phosphate on the activity of adenosine kinase Journal Articles
The influence of protein adsorption and surface modifying macromolecules on the hydrolytic degradation of a poly(ether–urethane) by cholesterol esterase Journal Articles
The interaction of metal ions with synthetic DNA: Induction of conformational and structural transitions Journal Articles
The involvement of serum serotonin levels producing radiation-induced bystander effects for an in vivo assay with fractionated high dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy Journal Articles
The nucleotide sequence of the 5′-untranslated region of bovine viral diarrhoea virus: its use as a probe in rapid detection of bovine viral diarrhoea viruses and border disease viruses Journal Articles
The pulmonary circulation of some domestic animals at high altitude Journal Articles
The reverse mode of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger provides a source of Ca2+ for store refilling following agonist-induced Ca2+ mobilization Journal Articles
The use of E. coli phylogrouping and microbial source tracking (non-species specific, human-specific, bovine-specific bacteroidales markers) to elucidate hydro(geo)logical contamination mechanisms in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
Thrombin Generation and Presence of Thrombin Receptor in Ovarian Follicles1 Journal Articles
Thrombospondin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Are Cyclically Expressed in an Inverse Pattern During Bovine Ovarian Follicle Development1 Journal Articles
Thromboxane Prostanoid Receptor Activation Amplifies Airway Stretch-Activated Contractions Assessed in Perfused Intact Bovine Bronchial Segments Journal Articles
Total attenuation coefficients and scattering phase functions of tissues and phantom materials at 633 nm Journal Articles
Transcription units of E1a, E1b and pIX regions of bovine adenovirus type 3. Journal Articles
Transformation of Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 Peptidomimetic Positive Allosteric Modulators of the Dopamine D2 Receptor into Negative Modulators Journal Articles
Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha in the Adult Bovine Ovary: Identification in Growing Ovarian Follicles1 Journal Articles
Transforming growth factor-alpha: identification in bovine corpus luteum by immunohistochemistry and northern blot analysis Journal Articles
Undercarboxylation of recombinant prothrombin revealed by analysis of γ‐carboxyglutamic acid using capillary electrophoresis and laser‐induced fluorescence Journal Articles
Untitled Journal Articles
Unusual difference spectra of proteins containing tryptophan. I. Studies with model compounds. Journal Articles
Use and Limitations of Profiles in Assessing Health or Nutritional Status of Dairy Herds Journal Articles
Use of Breed-Specific Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to Discriminate Between Holstein and Jersey Dairy Cattle Breeds Journal Articles
Use of Human Adenovirus-based Vectors for Antigen Expression in Animals Journal Articles
Using Intrinsic X-ray Absorption Spectral Differences To Identify and Map Peptides and Proteins Journal Articles
Using a box instead of a column for process chromatography Journal Articles
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Its Receptor, Flk-1/KDR, Are Cytoprotective in the Extravascular Compartment of the Ovarian Follicle Journal Articles
Vascular canals in bovine cortical bone studied by corrosion casting Journal Articles
Vimentin Exposed on Activated Platelets and Platelet Microparticles Localizes Vitronectin and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Complexes on Their Surface Journal Articles
Viral Booster Vaccines Improve
Mycobacterium bovis
BCG-Induced Protection against Bovine Tuberculosis Journal Articles
[1-Deamino-4-Cyclohexylalanine] Arginine Vasopressin: A Potent and Specific Agonist for Vasopressin V1b Receptors Journal Articles
[3H] Melatonin Binding in Membrane and Cytosol Fractions From Rat and Calf Brain Journal Articles
[Continuation of discussion on educational fetotomy]. Journal Articles
iso-Lactam and reduced amide analogues of the peptidomimetic dopamine receptor modulator 3(R)-[(2(S)-Pyrrolidinylcarbonyl)amino]-2-oxo-1-pyrrolidineacetamide Journal Articles
β-Endorphin in pituitary intraglandular colloid of intermediate lobe origin Journal Articles
“Therapeutic Range” for Oral Anticoagulant Therapy Journal Articles