Public Health
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
"I really should've gone to the doctor": older adults and family caregivers describe their experiences with community-acquired pneumonia Journal Articles
"It makes us really look inferior to outsiders": Coping with psychosocial experiences associated with the lack of access to safe water and sanitation. Journal Articles
"New Choices" for women with addictions: perceptions of program participants Journal Articles
"Sleepiness" is serious in adolescence: Two surveys of 3235 Canadian students Journal Articles
"There is no time for these patients": ethics, obstacles and palliative care in humanitarian settings Conferences
'How can you worry about employment and survival at the same time?': employment and mental health among precariously employed cisgender and transgender sexual minority adult men in Toronto, Canada. Journal Articles
'Relief of oppression': An organizing principle for researchers' obligations to participants in observational studies in the developing world Journal Articles
'We Need Equitable Exercise Opportunities': The Complexity of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Its Relationship to Mental Health among Arab Canadians: The CAN-HEAL Study. Journal Articles
'We are all women here in Canada': Intimate bargains in WASH spaces Journal Articles
131. Disease-Related Predictors of Successful Transition From Pediatric to Adult Care Among Adolescents With Type-1 Diabetes Conferences
185. Understanding News Media Coverage On Bullying And Cyberbullying Conferences
192. Associations Between Parent-Child Relationships and the Change in Self-Care as Diabetes Type 1 Patients Transition From Pediatrics to Adult Care Conferences
1992 Ontario Survey of Public Health Nurses: perceptions of roles and activities. Journal Articles
24-Hour Movement Behaviors and Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Among Youth Journal Articles
24-hour movement behaviours and emotional and behavioural problems among children Journal Articles
325 Evaluating complex community-based violence and injury prevention interventions: a statistical framework Conferences
38A Benefit-risk ratios in the assessment of the clinical evidence of a new therapy Journal Articles
4. Prevalence of Substance Use in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: Questionnaire vs. Face-to-Face Interview Conferences
461 Association between temperament and fracture risk in preschool-age children: a case control study Conferences
50 years of medical health geography(ies) of health and wellbeing Journal Articles
6.10-P26“There is no time for these patients”: ethics, obstacles and palliative care in humanitarian settings Journal Articles
6.10-P30Researching palliative care in humanitarian crises: Jordan case study Journal Articles
90-90-90 for everyone?: Access to HIV care and treatment for people with HIV who experience imprisonment in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
91 Design of the randomized evaluation of strategies for left ventricular dysfunction (resolvd) pilot study: A trial of combination neurohormonal blockade in patients with congestive heart failure Journal Articles
A Canadian qualitative study exploring the diversity of the experience of family caregivers of older adults with multiple chronic conditions using a social location perspective Journal Articles
A Clinician's Guide to the Treatment of Endometriosis with Elagolix Journal Articles
A Community Partnership to Explore Mental Health Services in First Nations Communities in Nova Scotia Journal Articles
A Community-based Program for Cardiovascular Health Awareness Journal Articles
A Comparative Study of Financial Support and Resilience of Self-Employed people in Sweden and Canada Journal Articles
A Comparison of Self-report and Health Care Provider Data to Assess Surveillance Definitions of Influenza-like Illness in Outpatients Journal Articles
A Comprehensive School Health Approach to Student Physical Activity: A Multilevel Analysis Examining the Association between School‐Level Factors and Student Physical Activity Behaviors Journal Articles
A Cross-Cultural Consumer-Based Decision Aid for Screening Mammography Journal Articles
A Decentralized Molecular Diagnostic Testing Plan for Pandemic Influenza in the Ontario Public Health Laboratory System Journal Articles
A Family Physician Smoking Cessation Program: An Evaluation of the Role of Follow-up Visits Journal Articles
A Family-based Intervention to Promote Healthy Lifestyles in an Aboriginal Community in Canada Journal Articles
A Latent Class Analysis of the Social Determinants of Health Impacting Heavy Alcohol Consumption Among Women Living with HIV in Canada: The Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study Journal Articles
A Learning Experience? Enjoyment at Sexual Debut and the Gender Gap in Sexual Desire among Emerging Adults Journal Articles
A Longitudinal Study of Sport Participation and Perceived Social Competence in Youth Journal Articles
A Longitudinal Study of the Influence of the Psychosocial Environment on Health Status: A Preliminary Report Journal Articles
A Mixed-Methods Outcome Evaluation of a Mentorship Intervention for Canadian Nurses in HIV Care Journal Articles
A New Measurement for Optimal Antenatal Care: Determinants and Outcomes in Cameroon Journal Articles
A Prospective Examination of Exercise and Barrier Self-efficacy to Engage in Leisure-Time Physical Activity During Pregnancy Journal Articles
A Randomized Trial of Physician Training for Smoking Cessation Journal Articles
A Scoping Review of the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mental Health Among Immigrants in Western Countries: An Integrated Bio-Psycho-Socio-Cultural Lens Journal Articles
A Signal Detection Theory Analysis of the Placebo Effect Journal Articles
A Social-Ecological Model Exploring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening Practices Among Antenatal Health Care Providers Journal Articles
A Socioecological Approach to Support the Transition to Adult Care for Youth With Medical Complexity: Family Perspectives and Recommendations. Journal Articles
A Study on Epidemiological Profile of Anxiety Disorders Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in a Sub-Saharan Africa HIV Clinic Journal Articles
A Systematic Approach for Using Qualitative Methods in Primary Prevention Research Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Interventions to Improve the Health of Persons During Imprisonment and in the Year After Release Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of Studies Evaluating Diffusion and Dissemination of Selected Cancer Control Interventions. Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Early Childhood Caries Journal Articles
A celebration of the achievements of Dr Cathy Charles Journal Articles
A change of heart and a change of mind? Technology and the redefinition of death in 1968 Journal Articles
A cohort study of regional migration and the risks of attempted suicide and violent assault injury Journal Articles
A commentary on the Pan American Network of Nursing and Midwifery Collaborating Centres Journal Articles
A community-based clinical trial of Intra-Venous zOledRonic acid once Yearly in comparison to oral bisphosphonates in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: The IVORY trial Journal Articles
A community-based task shifting program in 25 remote indigenous communities in Nunavut, Canada. Journal Articles
A comparative analysis of carer-employees in Canada over time: a cross-sectional analysis of Canada’s General Social Survey, 2012 and 2018 Journal Articles
A comparative analysis of early child health and development services and outcomes in countries with different redistributive policies Journal Articles
A comparative study of governmental financial support and resilience of self-employed people in Sweden and Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
A comparison of evaluative indices of quality of life and cognitive function in hemodialysis patients Journal Articles
A comparison of functional status measures in chronic lung disease: Data from a randomized control trial Conferences
A comparison of physical activity environments between South Asians and white Caucasians with coronary heart disease. Journal Articles
A comparison of seven-point and visual analogue scales Journal Articles
A comparison of the observed and expected prevalence of HIV in persons released from Ontario provincial prisons in 2010 Journal Articles
A conceptual framework for patient-directed knowledge tools to support patient-centred care: Results from an evidence-informed consensus meeting Journal Articles
A content analysis of Canadian master of public health course descriptions and core competencies Conferences
A critical review of interventions to improve compliance with prescribed medications Journal Articles
A cross-sectional analysis of the association between social capital and willingness to get COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A declaração PRISMA 2020: diretriz atualizada para relatar revisões sistemáticas Journal Articles
A descriptive analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of enteric diseases in New Brunswick, Canada Journal Articles
A double-edged sword: does highly active antiretroviral therapy contribute to syphilis incidence by impairing immunity toTreponema pallidum? Journal Articles
A framework to support the integration of priority setting in the preparedness, alert, control and evaluation stages of a disease pandemic Journal Articles
A gender analysis of a national community health workers program: A case study of Afghanistan Journal Articles
A geography of moral hazard: Sources and sinks of motor-vehicle commuting externalities Journal Articles
A global perspective on education for primary care: a WONCA special edition. Journal Articles
A higher effort-based paradigm in physical activity and exercise for public health: making the case for a greater emphasis on resistance training Journal Articles
A knowledge management tool for public health: Journal Articles
A longitudinal cohort study examining determinants of overweight and obesity in adulthood Journal Articles
A longitudinal study of the health impacts of a petroleum refinery Journal Articles
A manual for the use of focus groups Journal Articles
A method of estimating risk for occupational factors using multiple data sources: the Newfoundland lip cancer study. Journal Articles
A model-based approach to select case sites for walkability audits Journal Articles
A multilevel examination of gender differences in the association between features of the school environment and physical activity among a sample of grades 9 to 12 students in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A needs-based methodology for allocating health care resources in Ontario, Canada: Development and an application Journal Articles
A new tool to assess community-level evidence to inform public health decision making Conferences
A new visual indicator of chlamydial cervicitis? Conferences
A novel primary-specialist care collaborative demonstration project to improve the access and health care of medically complex patients Journal Articles
A patient‐led, peer‐to‐peer qualitative study on the psychosocial relationship between young adults with inflammatory bowel disease and food Journal Articles
A pilot study of device-assessed physical activity and ecological momentary assessment among adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal Articles
A pilot study of device-assessed physical activity and ecological momentary assessment among adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal Articles
A pilot study to investigate transmission of headlice. Journal Articles
A population needs-based approach to health-care resource allocation and planning in Ontario: a link between policy goals and practice? Journal Articles
A population-based approach to integrated healthcare delivery: a scoping review of clinical care and public health collaboration Journal Articles
A probabilistic approach for economic evaluation of occupational health and safety interventions: a case study of silica exposure reduction interventions in the construction sector Journal Articles
A prospective study of dietary selenium intake and risk of type 2 diabetes Journal Articles
A public health vs a risk-based intervention to improve cardiovascular health in elementary school children: the Cardiovascular Health in Children Study. Journal Articles
A qualitative descriptive study on the alignment of care goals between older persons with multi-morbidities, their family physicians and informal caregivers Journal Articles
A qualitative study of the duty to care in communicable disease outbreaks Journal Articles
A questionnaire to measure morbidity in patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer Journal Articles
A randomised comparison of the effect of three patient information leaflet models on older patients' treatment intentions. Journal Articles
A randomized trial of mail vs. telephone invitation to a community-based cardiovascular health awareness program for older family practice patients [ISRCTN61739603] Journal Articles
A randomized trial of opinion leader endorsement in a survey of orthopaedic surgeons Conferences
A response to Martin on the role of citizens, publics and others in participatory processes Journal Articles
A retrospective health policy analysis of the development and implementation of the voluntary health insurance system in Lebanon: Learning from failure Journal Articles
A review of health literacy: Definitions, interpretations, and implications for policy initiatives Journal Articles
A review of neighborhood effects and early child development: How, where, and for whom, do neighborhoods matter? Journal Articles
A review of risk factors for child pedestrian injuries: are they modifiable? Journal Articles
A review of the epidemiology, public health importance, treatment and control of head lice. Journal Articles
A school-based intervention can reduce body fat and blood pressure in young adolescents Journal Articles
A scoping review of costing methodologies used to assess interventions for underserved pregnant people and new parents. Journal Articles
A scoping review of intimate partner violence educational programs for health care professionals Journal Articles
A scoping review of strategies to support public health recovery in the transition to a “new normal” in the age of COVID-19 Journal Articles
A scoping review of the literature on the current mental health status of physicians and physicians-in-training in North America Journal Articles
A shared treatment decision‐making approach between patients with chronic conditions and their clinicians: the case of diabetes Journal Articles
A small p-value from an observed data is not evidence of adequate power for future similar-sized studies: A cautionary note Journal Articles
A spatial analysis of the determinants of pneumonia and influenza hospitalizations in Ontario (1992–2001) Journal Articles
A survey of diabetes care in general practice in England and Wales. Journal Articles
A systematic overview of adolescent suicide prevention programs. Journal Articles
A systematic overview of the effectiveness of home visiting as a delivery strategy for public health nursing interventions. Journal Articles
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis in incarcerated persons Journal Articles
A systematic review of barriers to data sharing in public health Journal Articles
A systematic review of information in decision aids Journal Articles
A systematic review of the effects of poverty deconcentration and urban upgrading on youth violence. Journal Articles
A tailored online safety and health intervention for women experiencing intimate partner violence: the iCAN Plan 4 Safety randomized controlled trial protocol Journal Articles
A taxonomy and critical review of tested strategies for the application of clinical practice recommendations: from "official" to "individual" clinical policy. Journal Articles
A three-stage approach to measuring health inequalities and inequities Journal Articles
A treatment decision aid may increase patient trust in the diabetes specialist. The Statin Choice randomized trial Journal Articles
A usability study of a computerized decision aid to help patients with, early stage papillary thyroid carcinoma in, decision-making on adjuvant radioactive iodine treatment Journal Articles
A will and a way: What the United States can learn from Canada about caring for the elderly Journal Articles
AGREE II: Advancing guideline development, reporting, and evaluation in health care Journal Articles
AIDS Care Journal
AIDS Education and Prevention Journal
AIDS activist: Michael Lynch and the politics of community Journal Articles
AIDS and Behavior Journal
AIDS and Public Policy Journal Journal
AIDS seminars for senior grades in secondary schools. Journal Articles
AIDSImpact special issue – broadening the lens: recommendations from rehabilitation in chronic disease to advance healthy ageing with HIV Journal Articles
Aboriginal Youth Experiences of Accessing HIV Care and Treatment Journal Articles
Aboriginal birth cohort (ABC): a prospective cohort study of early life determinants of adiposity and associated risk factors among Aboriginal people in Canada Journal Articles
Absolute and relative densities of fast-food versus other restaurants in relation to weight status: Does restaurant mix matter? Journal Articles
Acceptability and utility of hepatitis A vaccination in homosexual men Journal Articles
Access to Colposcopy Services for High-risk Canadian Women: Can We Do Better? Journal Articles
Access to Vision Services by Vulnerable Populations in Canada: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Access to novel drugs and therapeutics for children and youth: Eliciting citizens' values to inform public funding decisions Journal Articles
Accessibility and Utilisation: Geographical Perspectives on Health Care Delivery/Cities and Sickness: Health Care in Urban America/Psychiatric Services in the Community (Book). Journal Articles
Accessibility and use of primary healthcare for immigrants living in the Niagara Region Journal Articles
Accessibility to health care facilities in Montreal Island: an application of relative accessibility indicators from the perspective of senior and non-senior residents Journal Articles
Accessing Maternity Care in Rural Canada: There's More to the Story Than Distance to a Doctor Journal Articles
Accessing out-of-hours care following implementation of the GMS contract: an observational study Journal Articles
Accidental and self-induced poisoning Journal Articles
Accreditation of Adolescent Medicine as a pediatric sub-specialty: the Canadian experience and lessons learned Journal Articles
Acculturation and Nutritional Health of Immigrants in Canada: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Accumulation of economic hardship and health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Social causation or selection? Journal Articles
Achieving holistic, quality-of-life focused care: description of a Compassion Care Community initiative in Canada Journal Articles
Active transportation use by sufficiently and insufficiently active first-year university students Conferences
Activism for medical geographers: American, British and Canadian viewpoints Journal Articles
Acute myocardial infarction quality of care: the Strong Heart Study. Journal Articles
Adaptation and Implementation of the Nurse-Family Partnership in Canada Journal Articles
Adaptation and implementation of the nurse-family partnership in Canada. Journal Articles
Adaptations for finding irregularly shaped disease clusters Journal Articles
Adapting the Community Paramedicine at Clinic (CP@clinic) program to a remote northern First Nation community: a qualitative study of community members’ and local health care providers’ views Journal Articles
Addressing quadruple aims through primary care and public health collaboration: ten Canadian case studies Journal Articles
Addressing the Non-medical Determinants of Health Journal Articles
Adherence to a healthy lifestyle and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Chinese adults: a 10-year prospective study of 0.5 million people Journal Articles
Adjustment for baseline measurement error in randomized controlled trials induces bias Journal Articles
Adolescent Mental Health and Risky Sexual Behavior: A Canadian Perspective Conferences
Adolescent Sexual Behaviour: Results from an Ontario Sample Journal Articles
Adolescent Sexual Behaviour: Results from an Ontario Sample Journal Articles
Adolescent Smoking Journal Articles
Adolescent health outcomes: associations with child maltreatment and peer victimization Journal Articles
Adolescents' Depression and Anxiety Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence From COMPASS Journal Articles
Advances in Medical Sociology Journal
Advancing a collective vision for equity‐based cocreation through prototyping at an international forum Journal Articles
Adverse childhood experiences and other risk factors associated with adolescent and young adult vaping over time: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Advocacy for clinical trials: do the Royal Colleges and State cancer councils play an appropriate role? Journal Articles
African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) Journal
Age differences in the association of physical activity, sociocognitive engagement, and TV viewing on face memory. Journal Articles
Age, adjustment, and costs: A study of chronic illnesses Journal Articles
Age-Related Differences in Socio-demographic and Behavioral Determinants of HIV Testing and Counseling in HPTN 043/NIMH Project Accept Journal Articles
Age-dependence of healthcare interventions for COVID-19 in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Ageing and aged care in the People's Republic of China: national and local issues and perspectives Journal Articles
Agents perturbateurs du système endocrinien et développement de l’appareil reproducteur chez le foetus et chez l’enfant : y a-t-il lieu de s’inquiéter? Conferences
Aging with HIV and disability: The role of uncertainty Journal Articles
Agreement in reporting between trial publications and current clinical trial registry in high impact journals: A methodological review Journal Articles
Alcohol consumption, substance use, and depression in relation to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) nonadherence among gay, bisexual, and other men-who-have-sex-with-men Journal Articles
Alcohol drinking behaviour patterns and intimate partner violence Conferences
Alfabetización estadística y comunicación de riesgo para la vacunación contra la COVID-19: una revisión de alcance Journal Articles
Allocating resources in health care: alternative approaches to measuring needs in resource allocation formula in Ontario Journal Articles
Amebiasis: a ten-year review of clinical and epidemiological progress in the Saskatchewan endemic area. Journal Articles
American Journal of Community Psychology Journal
American Journal of Health Behavior Journal
American Journal of Health Promotion Journal
American Journal of Men's Health Journal
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Journal
American Journal of Public Health Journal
An Analysis of the Geographic Variation in Cancer Incidence and its Determinants in Ontario Journal Articles
An Australian Aboriginal birth cohort: a unique resource for a life course study of an Indigenous population. A study protocol Journal Articles
An Ecologic Analysis of Psychosocial Stress and Heart Disease in British Columbia Journal Articles
An Examination of Bidirectional Associations Between Alcohol Use and Internalizing Symptoms Among Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
An Exploration of Socioeconomic, Spiritual, and Family Support Among HIV-Positive Women in India Journal Articles
An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship between Proxy Efficacy, Self-efficacy and Exercise Attendance Journal Articles
An Exploratory Study on the Impacts of Individual Skills and Health Information Exposure on Perceptions of Cancer Control and Expert Competence Journal Articles
An Introduction and Evaluation of Problem-Based Learning in Health Professions Education Journal Articles
An ambivalent atmosphere: Employment training programs and mental health recovery Journal Articles
An assessment of potential unblinding in a clinical trial Conferences
An ecological study of regional variation in work injuries among young workers Journal Articles
An ecologically based examination of barriers to physical activity in students from grade seven through first-year university Journal Articles
An embodied geography of disablement: Chronically ill women's struggles for enabling places in spaces of health care and daily life Journal Articles
An evaluation of breastfeeding promotion literature: does it really promote breastfeeding? Journal Articles
An exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial of knowledge translation strategies to support evidence-informed decision-making in local governments (The KT4LG study) Journal Articles
An exploratory spatial analysis of overweight and obesity in Canada Journal Articles
An integrated framework for the geographic surveillance of chronic disease Journal Articles
An interactive method for engaging the public health workforce with evidence Journal Articles
An international perspective on the basis for payment for performance. Journal Articles
An ‘all-world ageing’ perspective and its wider ethics of care: An empirical illustration Journal Articles
Analysis, Sample Size, and Power for Estimating Incremental Net Health Benefit from Clinical Trial Data Journal Articles
Annals of Behavioral Medicine Journal
Annual Review of Public Health Journal
Annual Review of Sex Research Journal
Anthropology & Medicine Journal
Antibiotic consumption and time to recovery from uncomplicated urinary tract infection: secondary analysis of observational data from a point-of-care test trial Journal Articles
Antibiotic resistant E.coli in waterborne matrices nearby intensive farming: One Health Hub project Conferences
Approaches for triaging women who test positive for human papillomavirus in cervical cancer screening Journal Articles
Archives of Public Health Journal
Are Child Pedestrians at Increased Risk of Injury on One-way Compared to Two-way Streets? Journal Articles
Are Environmental Influences on Physical Activity Distinct for Urban, Suburban, and Rural Schools? A Multilevel Study Among Secondary School Students in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Are US degree-granting institutions associated with better community health determinants and outcomes? Journal Articles
Are current standards of reporting quality for clinical trials sufficient in addressing important sources of bias? Journal Articles
Are residents of downtown Toronto influenced by their urban neighbourhoods? Using concept mapping to examine neighbourhood characteristics and their perceived impact on self-rated mental well-being Journal Articles
Are we a ‘death-denying’ society? A sociological review Journal Articles
Are we expecting too much from print media? An analysis of newspaper coverage of the 2002 Canadian healthcare reform debate Journal Articles
Area-level differences in the prices of tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems — A systematic review Journal Articles
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Journal
Assault by strangulation: sex differences in patient profile and subsequent readmissions Journal Articles
Assembling activity/setting participation with disabled young people Journal Articles
Assessing Gaps in Comprehensive HIV Care Across Settings of Care for Women Living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Assessing Organizational Supports for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Public Health Departments in the United States: Development and Psychometric Properties of a New Measure Journal Articles
Assessing Proposals for New Global Health Treaties: An Analytic Framework Journal Articles
Assessing disease-specific quality of life in clinical trials Conferences
Assessing evidence in public health: the added value of GRADE Journal Articles
Assessing global risk factors for non-fatal injuries from road traffic accidents and falls in adults aged 35–70 years in 17 countries: a cross-sectional analysis of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study Journal Articles
Assessing health literacy among older adults living in subsidized housing: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Assessing public health capacity to support community-based heart health promotion: the Canadian Heart Health Initiative, Ontario Project (CHHIOP) Journal Articles
Assessing spatio-temporal variability of risk surfaces using residential history data in a case control study of breast cancer Journal Articles
Assessing the Expected Impact of Global Health Treaties: Evidence From 90 Quantitative Evaluations Journal Articles
Assessing the Measurement Properties of the Fitbit Zip® Among Adults Living With HIV Journal Articles
Assessing the conceptual clarity and evidence base of quality criteria/standards developed for evaluating decision aids Journal Articles
Assessing the effectiveness of screening programs Conferences
Assessing the gain in diagnostic performance when two visual inspection methods are combined for cervical cancer prevention Journal Articles
Assessing, treating and preventing community acquired pneumonia in older adults: findings from a community-wide survey of emergency room and family physicians Journal Articles
Assessment and management of chronic insomnia disorder: an algorithm for primary care physicians. Journal Articles
Assessment of the role of the family practice nurse in urban medical practices. Journal Articles
Assessment of two culturally competent Diabetes education methods: Individual versus Individual plus Group education in Canadian Portuguese adults with Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
Association Between the Decline in Workers’ Compensation Claims and Workforce Composition and Job Characteristics in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Association between cognitive vulnerability to depression - dysfunctional attitudes and glycaemic control among in-patients with type 2 diabetes in a hospital in Beijing: a multivariate regression analysis Journal Articles
Association between exposure to household cigarette smoking behavior and cigarette smoking in Hispanic adults: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Journal Articles
Association between gas stove use and childhood asthma in the Canadian CHILD Cohort Study Journal Articles
Association between hospital community services and county population health in the USA Journal Articles
Association between multiple comorbidities and self-rated health status in middle-aged and elderly Chinese: the China Kadoorie Biobank study Journal Articles
Association between trajectories of maternal depression and subsequent psychological functioning in youth with and without chronic physical illness. Journal Articles
Association of Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Risk in Children 3–12 Years Journal Articles
Association of Returning to Work With Better Health in Working-Aged Adults: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Association of immigrant generational status with asthma Journal Articles
Association of sitting time with cardiovascular events among manual and non-manual workers: a prospective cohort study (PURE-China). Journal Articles
Associations between spanking beliefs and reported spanking among adolescents-parent/caregiver dyads in a Canadian sample Journal Articles
Associations of dietary copper intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality: findings from the Chinese Perspective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-China) Study Journal Articles
Atrial fibrillation in a primary care practice: prevalence and management Journal Articles
Attention to the needs of women and girls in WASH: An analysis of WASH policies in selected sub-Saharan African countries Journal Articles
Attitudes to randomized clinical trials amongst out‐patients attending a medical oncology clinic Journal Articles
Attitudes towards chiropractic: a repeated cross-sectional survey of Canadian family physicians Journal Articles
Attitudes towards self-determination in health care. A general population survey in northern Sweden Journal Articles
Attributing a monetary value to patients' time: A contingent valuation approach Journal Articles
Audiovisual interventions for parental preoperative anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Australian Journal of Primary Health Journal
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Journal
Availability of legalized cannabis reduces demand for illegal cannabis among Canadian cannabis users: evidence from a behavioural economic substitution paradigm Journal Articles
Avaliação de desempenho do Self-Reporting Questionnaire como instrumento de rastreamento psiquiátrico: um estudo comparativo com o Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Journal Articles
Awareness and Understanding of HIV Non-disclosure Case Law and the Role of Healthcare Providers in Discussions About the Criminalization of HIV Non-disclosure Among Women Living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Awareness of, usage of and willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men in downtown Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Ação coletiva para qualidade de vida: autonomia, transdisciplinaridade e intersetorialidade Journal Articles
BE-SAFE: Intervention to reduce benzodiazepine and sedative hypnotics in elderly with sleep problems Conferences
BMC International Health and Human Rights Journal
BMC Primary Care Journal
BMC Public Health Journal
Bacteriological testing of private well water: A trends and guidelines assessment using five years of submissions data from southeastern Ontario Journal Articles
Balance of group sizes in randomized controlled trials published in American Psychological Association journals. Journal Articles
Balancing clinician and patient priorities for total shoulder replacement preoperative education programs Journal Articles
Banking on it: Public policy and the ethics of stem cell research and development Journal Articles
Barrett's Oesophagus Surveillance versus endoscopy at need Study (BOSS): protocol and analysis plan for a multicentre randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Barriers and enablers to implementing interprofessional primary care teams: a narrative review of the literature using the consolidated framework for implementation research Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to digital primary health care access in immigrant and refugee populations: a scoping review Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to implementation, uptake and sustainability of community-based health insurance schemes in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review Journal Articles
Barriers to Acceptance of Self-sampling for Human Papillomavirus across Ethnolinguistic Groups of Women Journal Articles
Barriers to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Journal Articles
Barriers to and strategies to address COVID-19 testing hesitancy: a rapid scoping review Journal Articles
Barriers to employment-related healthy public policy in Canada Journal Articles
Barriers to the effective treatment and prevention of malaria in Africa: A systematic review of qualitative studies Journal Articles
Be like the running water: Assessing gendered and age-based water insecurity experiences with Six Nations First Nation Journal Articles
Behavioral Economic Analysis of Cue-Elicited Craving for Tobacco: A Virtual Reality Study Journal Articles
Behavioral Economic Analysis of Withdrawal- and Cue-Elicited Craving for Tobacco: An Initial Investigation Journal Articles
Behavioral Economic Decision Making and Alcohol-related Sexual Risk Behavior Journal Articles
Behavioral Economic Demand for Alcohol and Cigarettes in Heavy Drinking Smokers: Evidence of Asymmetric Cross-commodity Reinforcing Value Journal Articles
Behavioral Medicine Journal
Benefit-risk ratios in the assessment of the clinical evidence of a new therapy Journal Articles
Better Prescribing Project: a randomized controlled trial of the impact of case-based educational modules and personal prescribing feedback on prescribing for hypertension in primary care Journal Articles
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Access, Quality and Satisfaction with Care Among Women Living in Rural and Remote Communities in Canada Books
Beyond MPOWER: a systematic review of population-level factors that affect European tobacco smoking rates Journal Articles
Beyond cost-effectiveness, morbidity and mortality: a comprehensive evaluation of priority setting for HIV programming in Uganda Journal Articles
Beyond the divides: Towards critical population health research Journal Articles
Beyond the realist turn: a socio‐material analysis of heart failure self‐care Journal Articles
Bias in machine learning applications to address non-communicable diseases at a population-level: a scoping review. Journal Articles
Biological, psychological and social processes that explain celebrities’ influence on patients’ health-related behaviors Journal Articles
Biomechanical and psychosocial risk factors for low back pain at work Journal Articles
Biomedicalization of end-of-life conversations with medically frail older adults - Malleable and senescent bodies Journal Articles
Black Canadians’ Exposure to Everyday Racism: Implications for Health System Access and Health Promotion among Urban Black Communities Journal Articles
Black nurses in the nursing profession in Canada: a scoping review Journal Articles
Blended face-to-face and online/computer-based education approaches in chronic disease self-management: A critical interpretive synthesis Journal Articles
Blood and hair mercury concentrations among Cree First Nations ofEeyou Istchee(Quebec, Canada): time trends, prenatal exposure and links to local fish consumption Journal Articles
Body Mass Index and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and All-cause Mortality Journal Articles
Body mass index among immigrant and non-immigrant youth: Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey Journal Articles
Book Review: Sexual Health: A Public Health Perspective (Understanding Public Health) Journal Articles
Book reviews Journal Articles
Boundary-Spanning Work Demands and Their Consequences for Guilt and Psychological Distress Journal Articles
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Increasing the Meaningful Involvement of Women Living With HIV/AIDS (MIWA) in the Design and Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services Journal Articles
Breaking the thread of life: On rational suicide Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Patients’ Preferences for Adjuvant Radiotherapy Post Lumpectomy: Whole Breast Irradiation vs. Partial Breast Irradiation—Single Institutional Study Journal Articles
Breast screening for survivors of breast cancer: A systematic review Journal Articles
Breastfeeding Outcomes of Women Following Uncomplicated Birth in Hamilton-Wentworth Journal Articles
Breastfeeding, Wage Labor, and insufficient milk in peri-urban Kathmandu, Nepal Journal Articles
Bridging the commitment-compliance gap in global health politics: Lessons from international relations for the global action plan on antimicrobial resistance Journal Articles
British Journal of General Practice Journal
Building Engagement-Capable Environments for Health System Transformation: Development and Early Implementation of a Capability Framework for Patient, Family and Caregiver Engagement in Ontario Health Teams. Journal Articles
Building bridges: the World Organization of Family Doctors’ work in education Journal Articles
Building capacities of elected national representatives to interpret and to use evidence for health-related policy decisions: A case study from Botswana Journal Articles
Building capacity for evidence informed decision making in public health: a case study of organizational change Journal Articles
Building the political case for investing in public health and public health research Journal Articles
Built environment interventions aimed at improving physical activity levels in rural Ontario health units: a descriptive qualitative study Journal Articles
Bullying Prevalence Across Contexts: A Meta-analysis Measuring Cyber and Traditional Bullying Journal Articles
Burden of disease attributable to risk factors in European countries: a scoping literature review Journal Articles
Burden of injury along the development spectrum: associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Journal Articles
Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices Journal Articles
Burnout among public health workers in Canada: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
COVID-19 brought the water struggles in Ghana into our homes in Canada: Collective emotions and WASH struggles in distant locations during health emergencies Journal Articles
Cadernos de Saude Publica Journal
Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Journal Articles
Call to action on Indigenization and EDIA (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility) in physical activity and health research: Recommendations for Canadian institutions, Tri-Agency, and academic societies Journal Articles
Can I accurately predict the impact of an illness and its treatment on my future subjective well‐being? A complex question that does not have a simple answer Journal Articles
Can Serology Diagnose Upper Genital Tract Chlamydia trachomatis Infection? Journal Articles
Can causal explanations about endothelial pathophysiology benefit patient education? A cluster randomized controlled trial in cardiac rehabilitation Journal Articles
Can knowledge exchange support the implementation of a health-promoting schools approach? Perceived outcomes of knowledge exchange in the COMPASS study Journal Articles
Can student-perpetrated college crime be predicted based on precollege misconduct? Journal Articles
Canada and Global Health Research Journal Articles
Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit: Is it an adequate public health response to addressing the issue of caregiver burden in end-of-life care? Journal Articles
Canada’s provincial COVID-19 pandemic modelling efforts: A review of mathematical models and their impacts on the responses Journal Articles
Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (0–4 years): An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep Journal Articles
Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, The Journal
Canadian Journal of Public Health Journal
Canadian beach cohort study: protocol of a prospective study to assess the burden of recreational water illness. Journal Articles
Canadian national surveys on pandemic influenza preparations: pre-pandemic and peri-pandemic findings Journal Articles
Canadian survey on pandemic flu preparations Journal Articles
Cancer incidence and survival of Saskatchewan northerners and registered Indians, 1967-1986 Journal Articles
Cancer patients’ perspectives on financial burden in a universal healthcare system: Analysis of qualitative data from participants from 20 provincial cancer centers in Canada Journal Articles
Cancers attributable to infections in Canada Journal Articles
Capacity and transparency of potable water regulation in Tijuana, Mexico: challenges for ensuring water quality at community level Journal Articles
Capture-recapture estimates of cancer incidence, adjusting for geographic effects: an alternative perspective. Journal Articles
Capturing how age-friendly communities foster positive health, social participation and health equity: a study protocol of key components and processes that promote population health in aging Canadians Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Obesity of Rural and Urban Elementary School Children Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP): A community cluster-randomised trial among elderly Canadians Journal Articles
Care technologies for ageing societies: An international comparison. By K.Hamblin, and M.Lariviere (Eds.), Bristol: Policy Press. 2023. pp. 174. GBP 47.99 (hbk). ISBN: 978‐1447364801 Journal Articles
Career interruptions and hours practiced: comparison between young men and women physicians. Journal Articles
Caregiving Arrangement and Nutrition: Good News with Some Reservations Journal Articles
Caring Beyond Borders: Comparing the Relationship between Work and Migration Patterns in Canada and Finland Journal Articles
Caring beyond borders: Comparing the relationship between work and migration patterns in Canada and Finland Journal Articles
Case management community care for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs) Journal Articles
Cash transfer programs and child health and family economic outcomes: a systematic review Journal Articles
Categorización de variables en el análisis estadístico de datos: consecuencias sobre la interpretación de resultados Journal Articles
Caught in the middle: a thematic analysis of the experiences of Korean-Canadian caregiver-employees in the greater Toronto and Hamilton area Journal Articles
Cautionary tails of grip strength in health inequality studies: An analysis from the Canadian longitudinal study on aging Journal Articles
Celebrating 60 Years of Research at the 15th International Symposium on Human Chlamydial Infections Journal Articles
Celebrity over science? An analysis of Lyme disease video content on YouTube Journal Articles
Challenge of home care in remote communities Journal Articles
Challenges in Measuring Benefit of Clinical Research Training Programs—the ASH Clinical Research Training Institute Example Journal Articles
Challenges of determining the relative contribution of determinants of health on population health: a Canadian perspective Journal Articles
Challenges to the involvement of people living with HIV in community-based HIV/AIDS organizations in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Change in pre- and in-service early childhood educators’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and intentions following an e-learning course in physical activity and sedentary behaviour: a pilot study Journal Articles
Changes Over Time in the Health of Caregivers of Children With Health Problems: Growth-Curve Findings From a 10-Year Canadian Population-Based Study Journal Articles
Changes in Job Stressors in the Canadian Working Population Journal Articles
Changes in accessibility to emergency and community food services during COVID-19 and implications for low income populations in Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
Changes in body mass index in Canadians over a five-year period: Results of a prospective, population-based study Journal Articles
Changes in smoking behaviors from late childhood to adolescence: Insights from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. Journal Articles
Changing behaviours and continuing silence: sex in the post-immigration lives of mainland Chinese immigrants in Canada Journal Articles
Changing geographies of care: employing the concept of therapeutic landscapes as a framework in examining home space Journal Articles
Changing local geographies of private residential care for older people 1983–1999: lessons for social policy in England and Wales Journal Articles
Chaperone use during intimate examinations in primary care: postal survey of family physicians Journal Articles
Characteristics of People Living With HIV Who Use Community-Based Services in Ontario, Canada: Implications for Service Providers Journal Articles
Charging for health care: Evidence on the utilisation of NHS prescribed drugs Journal Articles
Child and youth accidents in northern native communities Journal Articles
Child care centres: moving from guidelines to implementation of public health programs. Journal Articles
Child maltreatment and adult multimorbidity: results from the Canadian Community Health Survey Journal Articles
Child pedestrian injuries and urban change Journal Articles
Child well-being and neighbourhood quality: evidence from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Journal Articles
Childhood and family influences on body mass index in early adulthood: findings from the Ontario Child Health Study Journal Articles
Children fathered by previous partners: a risk factor for violence against women. Journal Articles
Children’s screen use and school readiness at 4-6 years: prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Chinese minimum wages and health. Journal Articles
Chlamydia trachomatis diagnostics Journal Articles
Choices are inevitable: A qualitative exploration of the lifecosts of systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Choosing the most appropriate existing type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool for use in the Philippines: a case-control study with an urban Filipino population Journal Articles
Christian religious identity and sexual behaviour in Canada today Journal Articles
Chronic Illness Journal
Chronic Pain and Opioid Prescribing: Three Ways for Navigating Complexity at the Clinical‒Population Health Interface Journal Articles
Chronic health conditions, mental health and the school: A narrative review Journal Articles
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and HIV: are we appropriately screening? Journal Articles
Chronically ill Canadians’ experiences of being unattached to a family doctor: a qualitative study of marginalized patients in British Columbia Journal Articles
Ciencia e Saude Coletiva Journal
Cigarette pack labelling in 12 countries at different levels of economic development Journal Articles
Cigarette smoking during pregnancy Journal Articles
Cigarette tax avoidance and evasion: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation (ITC) Project Journal Articles
Circadian rhythm disruption in women with bipoloar and premenstrual dysphoric disorder during remission: preliminary results Conferences
Circles of Support Journal Articles
Citizen expectations of ‘academic entrepreneurship’ in health research: public science, practical benefit Journal Articles
Citizen perspectives on the use of publicly reported primary care performance information: Results from citizen‐patient dialogues in three Canadian provinces Journal Articles
Classifying European cigarette consumption trajectories from 1970 to 2015 Journal Articles
Classifying ethnicity utilizing the Canadian mortality data base Journal Articles
Clients’ psychosocial communication and midwives’ verbal and nonverbal communication during prenatal counseling for anomaly screening Journal Articles
Climate crisis risks to elderly health: strategies for effective promotion and response Journal Articles
Clinical Care and Health Disparities Chapters
Clinical trials as diagnostic tests Journal Articles
Clinician responses to cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation: a systematic review and integrative mixed-methods research synthesis Journal Articles
Clinicians’ experiences implementing an advance care planning pathway in two Canadian provinces: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Clustering of obesity-related characteristics: A latent class analysis from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Co-creating health’s lively, moving frontiers: Brief observations on the facets and possibilities of non-representational theory Journal Articles
Co-variation in dimensions of smoking behaviour: A multivariate analysis of individuals and communities in Canada Journal Articles
Codesigning health and other public services with vulnerable and disadvantaged populations: Insights from an international collaboration Journal Articles
Colchicine for COVID-19 in the community (PRINCIPLE): a randomised, controlled, adaptive platform trial Journal Articles
Colorectal and Breast Cancer Screening Status for People in Ontario Provincial Correctional Facilities Journal Articles
Coming out: exposing social theory in medical geography Journal Articles
Commentary 2 Journal Articles
Communication Accommodation and Managing Musculoskeletal Disorders: Doctors' and Patients' Perspectives Journal Articles
Communication skills training for nurses: Is it time for a standardised nursing model? Journal Articles
Communication, Aging, and Health: Toward Understanding Health Provider Relationships with Older Clients Journal Articles
Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT): changes in community attitudes toward cigarette smoking Journal Articles
Community Mobilization, Participation, and Blood Pressure Status in a Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program in Ontario Journal Articles
Community Support, Community Values: The Experiences of Lesbians Diagnosed with Cancer Journal Articles
Community and population health, eighth edition Journal Articles
Community engagement in an economy of harms: reflections from an LGBTI-rights NGO in Malawi Journal Articles
Community health workers in Canada and other high-income countries: A scoping review and research gaps Journal Articles
Community influences on intimate partner violence in India: Women's education, attitudes towards mistreatment and standards of living Journal Articles
Community mobilization, participation, and blood pressure status in a Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program in Ontario. Journal Articles
Community of practice: an effective mechanism to strengthen capacity in climate change and health Journal Articles
Community perspectives on addressing and responding to HIV-testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) among African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) people in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Community reappraisal of the perceived health effects of a petroleum refinery Journal Articles
Community responses and coping strategies in the vicinity of a petroleum refinery in Oakville, Ontario Journal Articles
Community- and individual-level factors associated with smoking and heavy drinking among Aboriginal people in Canada Journal Articles
Community-academic partnerships catalyze and sustain impact in research activities: A commentary Journal Articles
Community-based AIDS organizations and the state: Dilemmas of dependence Journal Articles
Community-based HIV education and prevention workers respond to a changing environment Journal Articles
Community-based Heart Health Promotion: Perceptions of Facilitators and Barriers Journal Articles
Community-based educational intervention to limit the dissemination of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusin Northern Saskatchewan, Canada Journal Articles
Community-based interventions for enhancing access to or consumption of fruit and vegetables among five to 18-year olds: a scoping review Journal Articles
Community-based research in AIDS-service organizations: what helps and what doesn't? Journal Articles
Comparability of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) and Written Tests for Assessing Medical School Students’ Competencies: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Comparative effectiveness of a standard behavioral and physical activity enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention in Black women Journal Articles
Comparing a Yoga Class with a Resistance Exercise Class: Effects on Body Satisfaction and Social Physique Anxiety in University Women Journal Articles
Comparing directly measured standard gamble scores to HUI2 and HUI3 utility scores: group- and individual-level comparisons Journal Articles
Comparing disability amongst immigrants and native-born in Canada Journal Articles
Comparing estimates of influenza-associated hospitalization and death among adults with congestive heart failure based on how influenza season is defined Journal Articles
Comparing the regulation and incentivization of e-cigarettes across 97 countries Journal Articles
Comparing “insider” and “outsider” news coverage of the 2014 Ebola outbreak Journal Articles
Comparison of Assays for the Diagnosis of Mycoplasma genitalium and Macrolide Resistance Mutations in Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs and Urine Journal Articles
Comparison of Workflow, Maintenance, and Consumables in the GeneXpert Infinity 80 and Panther Instruments While Testing for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Comparison of cobas 4800, m2000, Viper XTR, and Infinity 80 Automated Instruments When Processing Urine Specimens for the Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Comparison of dacron and nylon-flocked self-collected vaginal swabs and urine for the detection ofTrichomonas vaginalisusing analyte-specific reagents in a transcription-mediated amplification assay: Table 1 Journal Articles
Comparison of deferral rates using a computerized versus written blood donor questionnaire: a randomized, cross-over study [ISRCTN84429599] Journal Articles
Comparison of individual follow-up and computerized record linkage using the Canadian Mortality Data Base. Journal Articles
Comparison of quality of life instruments in a setting of a clinical trial Conferences
Comparison of two hospital tuberculosis surveillance programs: risks and benefits. Journal Articles
Comparisons of cause of death verification methods and costs in the lipid research clinics program follow-up study Conferences
Comparisons of cause of death verification methods and costs in the lipid research clinics program mortality follow-up study Journal Articles
Comparisons of disease cluster patterns, prevalence and health factors in the USA, Canada, England and Ireland Journal Articles
Competency-Based Medical Education in Canadian Radiation Oncology Residency Training: an Institutional Implementation Pilot Study Journal Articles
Competing events in patients with malignant disease who are at risk for recurrent venous thromboembolism Journal Articles
Complaints against nurses: a reflection of `the new managerialism' and consumerism in health care? Journal Articles
Complementary approaches to healthcare: Diverse perspectives among people living with HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Complementary therapies for the treatment of HIV: in search of the evidence Journal Articles
Completeness of routine reporting of school-related injuries to children. Journal Articles
Completing the Picture: Adolescents Talk About What’s Missing in Sexual Health Services Journal Articles
Complex care needs of patients with late-stage HIV disease: A retrospective study Journal Articles
Complex care needs of patients with late-stage HIV disease: A retrospective study Journal Articles
Compliance potential mapping: a tool to assess potential contributions of walking towards physical activity guidelines Journal Articles
ComputerBased Student Information Systems Journal Articles
Conceptions and uses of public health ideas by New Zealand government policymakers: report on a five-agency survey Journal Articles
Conceptions of mental health among Ugandan youth orphaned by AIDS Journal Articles
Conceptual differences between prevention and health promotion: research implications for community health programs. Journal Articles
Conceptualizing Dissemination Research and Activity: The Case of the Canadian Heart Health Initiative Journal Articles
Conceptualizing dissemination research and activity: The case of the Canadian Heart Health Initiative Journal Articles
Conceptualizing mainstream health care providers’ behaviours in relation to complementary and alternative medicine Journal Articles
Conceptualizing the use of public involvement in health policy decision-making Journal Articles
Concomitant pulmonologist and primary care for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a population study Journal Articles
Confirmatory Testing Demonstrates That False-Positive Rates in the Chlamydiazyme Assay are Influenced by Gender and Genital Specimen Type Journal Articles
Conflict Settings: The Importance of Timely Access to Health Care Journal Articles
Consensus statement on assessment of waterpipe smoking in epidemiological studies Journal Articles
Considerations and guidance in designing equity-relevant clinical trials Journal Articles
Considerations for the development of a physical activity guide for Canadians with physical disabilitiesThis article is part of a supplement entitledAdvancing physical activity measurement and guidelines in Canada: a scientific review and evidence-based foundation for the future of Canadian physical activity guidelinesco-published byApplied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolismand theCanadian Journal of Public Health. It may be cited as Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 32(Suppl. 2E) or as Can. J. Public Health 98(Suppl. 2). Journal Articles
Considering race/ethnicity and socio-economic status in randomized controlled trials. A commentary on Frampton et al.'s systematic review generalizing trial findings and tackling health disparities in asthma research Journal Articles
Constructing a Culturally Informed Spanish Decision-Aid to Counsel Latino Parents Facing Imminent Extreme Premature Delivery Journal Articles
Consulting the community for environmental health indicator development: the case of air quality Journal Articles
Consumer Products and Fall-related Injuries in Seniors Journal Articles
Consumer involvement in systematic reviews of comparative effectiveness research Journal Articles
Consumer‐driven health care: Building partnerships in research Journal Articles
Consuming Research, Producing Policy? Journal Articles
Contemporary Clinical Trials Journal
Contending visions in the evolution of genetic medicine: The case of cancer genetic services in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Contested roles of Canada’s Chief Medical Officers of Health Journal Articles
Contextual determinants of health behaviours in an aboriginal community in Canada: pilot project Journal Articles
Continued care and provision of glasses are necessary to improve visual and academic outcomes in children: Experience from a cluster-randomized controlled trial of school-based vision screening. Journal Articles
Continuing education for health professionals and administrators: workshops on becoming a critical user of health care research. Journal Articles
Contraceptive knowledge, attitudes and use among women attending health clinics in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Journal Articles
Controlling the unruly maternal body: Losing and gaining control over the body during pregnancy and the postpartum period Journal Articles
Conversion Disorders Presenting to an Adolescent Medicine Team: Clinical Features and Treatment Outcomes Conferences
Cool aid? Health, wellbeing and place in the work of Bono and U2 Journal Articles
Coordination of international multicenter studies: governance and administrative structure Journal Articles
Coping With Barriers to Vigorous Physical Activity During Transition to University Journal Articles
Correction to: A comparison of the observed and expected prevalence of HIV in persons released from Ontario provincial prisons in 2010 Journal Articles
Correction to: Availability of legalized cannabis reduces demand for illegal cannabis among Canadian cannabis users: evidence from a behavioural economic substitution paradigm Journal Articles
Correction to: Clinician responses to cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation: a systematic review and integrative mixed-methods research synthesis Journal Articles
Correction to: Examining psychosocial pathways to explain the link between breastfeeding practices and child behaviour in a longitudinal cohort Journal Articles
Correction to: Social participation and depressive symptoms of carer-employees of older adults in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Correction to: Systematic review of the relationships between physical activity and health indicators in the early years (0-4 years) Journal Articles
Correction to: Why public health matters today and tomorrow: the role of applied public health research Journal Articles
Correlates of Employees' Perceptions of a Healthy Work Environment Journal Articles
Correlates of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Children With Physical Illness and Physical–Mental Multimorbidity Journal Articles
Correlates of Using Medically-Authorized Cannabis in a Large Cohort of People Living with HIV Who Use Cannabis. Journal Articles
Correlates of children's use of physician and dentist services: Ontario Child Health Study follow-up. Journal Articles
Correlates the hospitalization decision: a replicative study. Journal Articles
Correlation between culture testing of swabs and ligase chain reaction of first void urine from patients recently treated for Chlamydia trachomatis Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to alcohol consumption in Canada” [Prev. Med. 122 (2019) 40–48] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to lack of physical activity in Canada” [Prev. Med. 122 (2019) 65–72] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to lack of physical activity in Canada” [Prev. Med. 122 (2019) 65–72] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to low fruit and vegetable consumption in Canada” [Prev. Med. 122 (2019) 20–30] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Estimates of the current and future burden of melanoma attributable to ultraviolet radiation in Canada” [Prev. Med. 122 (2019) 81–90] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Factors contributing to the effectiveness of physical activity counselling in primary care: A realist systematic review” [Patient Educ. Couns. 98 (4) (2015) 412–419] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “The current and future burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada: Summary of results” [Prev. Med. 122 (2019) 140–147] Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “The place of health and the health of place: Dengue fever and urban governance in Putrajaya, Malaysia” [Health Place 18 (3) (2012) 613–620] Journal Articles
Corrigendum: Gaps in Knowledge About COVID-19 Among US Residents Early in the Outbreak Journal Articles
Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Swab or Urine Specimens for Chlamydia trachomatis From Young Canadian Women in Ontario Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness analysis of health tapestry, a complex primary care program for older adults: a post-hoc analysis Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness league tables: More harm than good? Journal Articles
Costos de la rehidratación oral y nasogástrica comparadas con la rehidratación endovenosa en niños con diarrea en Colombia Journal Articles
Costs of medical evacuation and transportation of First Nations Peoples and Inuit who travel for medical care in Canada: A systematic review. Journal Articles
Cost–benefit analysis and health care evaluations Journal Articles
Counselling, Case Management and Health Promotion for People Living with HIV/AIDS: An Overview of Systematic Reviews Journal Articles
Counterbalancing patient demands with evidence: Results from a pan-canadian randomized clinical trial of brief supportive-expressive group psychotherapy for women with systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Co‐designing for quality: Creating a user‐driven tool to improve quality in youth mental health services Journal Articles
Creating a toolkit for critically appraised, evidence-based information on Ebola Virus Disease Conferences
Creating “therapeutic landscapes” at home: The experiences of families of children with autism Journal Articles
Criminal Code reform of HIV non-disclosure is urgently needed: Social science perspectives on the harms of HIV criminalization in Canada Journal Articles
Criteria for bleeding events in a heart valve replacement trial Conferences
Critical Public Health Journal
Critically examining diversity in end-of-life family caregiving: implications for equitable caregiver support and Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit Journal Articles
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the sedentary behaviour questionnaire among Arabic speaking healthy adults Journal Articles
Cultural influences on the physician–patient encounter: The case of shared treatment decision-making Journal Articles
Culture, Health & Sexuality Journal
Culture, but more than culture: an exploratory study of the HIV vulnerability of Indian immigrants in Canada Journal Articles
Cumulating evidence from randomized trials: Utilizing sequential monitoring boundaries for cumulative meta-analysis Journal Articles
Cumulative Prenatal Risk Factors and Developmental Coordination Disorder in Young Children Journal Articles
Current Canadian Initiatives to Reimburse Live Organ Donors for their Non-Medical Expenses Journal Articles
Current experience with applying the GRADE approach to public health interventions: an empirical study Journal Articles
Current quality-of-life research challenges in arthritis relevant to the issue of clinical significance Journal Articles
Current treatments of cardiovascular diseases are unlikely to produce more than moderate reductions in mortality Conferences
Cyberbullying victimization and its association with health across the life course: A Canadian population study Journal Articles
DTCA in New Zealand: the challenge of finding an acceptable balance. Journal Articles
Dangerous Journey: Documenting the Experience of Tibetan Refugees Journal Articles
Dark sides of the proposed Framework Convention on Global Health's many virtues: A systematic review and critical analysis. Journal Articles
Data management issues in the international multicenter study of general anesthesia Conferences
Data withdrawal in randomized controlled trials: Defining the problem and proposing solutions Journal Articles
Decentred comparative research: Context sensitive analysis of maternal health care Journal Articles
Decision-making in the physician–patient encounter: revisiting the shared treatment decision-making model Journal Articles
Decline vs. retention of medical power through restratification: an examination of the Ontario case Journal Articles
Decline vs. retention of medical power through restratification: an examination of the Ontario case Journal Articles
Decline vs. retention of medical power through restratification: an examination of the Ontario case. Journal Articles
Declining Trends in Work-Related Morbidity and Disability, 1993–1998: A Comparison of Survey Estimates and Compensation Insurance Claims Journal Articles
Decoding the persistence of delayed hospital discharge: An in‐depth scoping review and insights from two decades Journal Articles
Decolonizing urban Indigenous healthcare: The potential of urban reserves. Journal Articles
Defining Socially-Based Spatial Boundaries in the Region of Peel, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Defining research priorities for bacterial sexually transmitted infections in Canada Journal Articles
Delayed Reward Discounting as a Prognostic Factor for Smoking Cessation Treatment Outcome: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Delays in Global Disease Outbreak Responses: Lessons from H1N1, Ebola, and Zika Journal Articles
Deliberations about deliberative methods: issues in the design and evaluation of public participation processes Journal Articles
Deliberative dialogues as a mechanism for knowledge translation and exchange in health systems decision-making Journal Articles
Delicate dances: immigrant workers' experiences of injury reporting and claim filing Journal Articles
Delivering the Goods? Access to Family Physician Services in Canada: A Comparison of 1985 and 1991 Journal Articles
Delivering the ‘new’ Canadian midwifery: the impact on midwifery of integration into the Ontario health care system Journal Articles
Demographic, behavioral, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in the Saudi population: results from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology study (PURE-Saudi) Journal Articles
Dental Opioid Prescription Characteristics and the Risk of New, Persistent Use Journal Articles
Depressed Affect is Associated with Poorer Cardiovascular Recovery in Young Women Following a Mental Stressor Journal Articles
Depression in primary care: A gender-specific clinical challenge Conferences
Depression, Alcohol Use and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Deprivation Indices, Population Health and Geography: An Evaluation of the Spatial Effectiveness of Indices at Multiple Scales Journal Articles
Description of organizational and clinician characteristics of primary dementia care in Canada: a multi-method study Journal Articles
Design and Analytic Considerations in Determining the Cost-Effectiveness of Early Intervention in Asthma from a Multinational Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Design and implementation of the NHLBI and the VA cooperative studies program collaborative study, “trial to evaluate the effect of digitalis on motality in heart failure” Conferences
Design and methods of the MAINTAIN study: A randomized controlled clinical trial of micronutrient and antioxidant supplementation in untreated HIV infection Journal Articles
Design issues in the measurement of quality of life in a trial of two prenatal diagnostic technologies: Genetic amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling Conferences
Design issues in trials of smoking cessation Conferences
Designing a better place for patients: Professional struggles surrounding satellite and mobile dialysis units Journal Articles
Designing an intervention to improve sexual health service use among university undergraduate students: a mixed methods study guided by the behaviour change wheel Journal Articles
Designing and implementing a comparative effectiveness study of two strategies for delivering high quality CHD prevention: Methods and participant characteristics for the Heart to Health study Journal Articles
Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis Antigens in Male Urethral Swabs and Urines With a Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay Journal Articles
Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in Genitourinary Tract Specimens Using an Automated Enzyme-Linked Fluorescent Immunoassay Journal Articles
Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis in pharyngeal and rectal specimens using the BD Probetec ET system, the Gen-Probe Aptima Combo 2 assay and culture Journal Articles
Detection of Premature Rupture of Membranes by Measuring Insulin Growth Factor Binding Protein 1 and Alpha-Fetoprotein Conferences
Determinants of Physical Activity Among People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Test of Social Cognitive Theory Journal Articles
Determinants of implementing heart health promotion activities in Ontario public health units: a social ecological perspective Journal Articles
Determinants of physical activity in community-dwelling older adults: an umbrella review Journal Articles
Determinants of variation in food cost and availability in two socioeconomically contrasting neighbourhoods of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Developing Clinical Practice Guidelines in HIV Rehabilitation: Process Recommendations and Guiding Principles Journal Articles
Developing Optimal Search Strategies for Retrieving Qualitative Studies in PsycINFO Journal Articles
Developing a Health Equity Impact Assessment ‘Indigenous Lens Tool’ to address challenges in providing equitable cancer screening for indigenous peoples Journal Articles
Developing a coordinated Canadian post-secondary surveillance system: a Delphi survey to identify measurement priorities for the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey (CCWS) Journal Articles
Developing and validating measures of self-reported everyday and healthcare discrimination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults Journal Articles
Developing country-specific questions about end-of-life care for nursing home residents with advanced dementia using the nominal group technique with family caregivers Journal Articles
Developing indicators of age-friendly neighbourhood environments for urban and rural communities across 20 low-, middle-, and high-income countries Journal Articles
Development and evaluation of a decision aid for patients with stage IV non‐small cell lung cancer Journal Articles
Development and pilot testing of a decision aid for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis Journal Articles
Development of a taxonomy of interventions to organise the evidence on consumers’ medicines use Journal Articles
Development of novel data-driven Irish diets and associations with socio-economic profiles and health Journal Articles
Development of the Canadian Marginalization Index: a new tool for the study of inequality. Journal Articles
Development of the Engage with Impact Toolkit: A comprehensive resource to support the evaluation of patient, family and caregiver engagement in health systems Journal Articles
Development of the Volunteer Peer Educator Role in a Community Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP): A Process Evaluation in Two Communities Journal Articles
Development, explanation, and presentation of the Physical Literacy Interventions Reporting Template (PLIRT) Journal Articles
Developmental health in the context of an early childhood program in Brazil: the “Primeira Infância Melhor” experience Journal Articles
Developmental logics: Brain science, child welfare, and the ethics of engagement in Japan Journal Articles
Diagnosis and Acute Management of Adolescent Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Diagnosis: From classification to prediction Journal Articles
Dichotomising dementia: is there another way? Journal Articles
Diet and coronary heart disease risk factors in a population with varied intake Journal Articles
Diet and coronary heart disease risk factors in a population with varied intake. The Research Group ATS-RF2 of The Italian National Research Council. Journal Articles
Diet modification challenges faced by marginalized and nonmarginalized adults with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis Journal Articles
Differences in attitudes toward organ donation among African Americans and whites in the United States. Journal Articles
Differences in methodology betweem randomized trials comparing treatments and those evaluating diagnostic tests Conferences
Different frames, different fears: communicating about chlorinated drinking water and cancer in the Canadian media Journal Articles
Difficulty buying food, BMI, and eating habits in young children Journal Articles
Digitally mediated relationships: How social representation in technology influences the therapeutic relationship in primary care Journal Articles
Diminished worlds? The geography of everyday life with HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Dioxin-induced changes in epididymal sperm count and spermatogenesis Journal Articles
Direct and indirect effects of perceived social support on health-related quality of life in persons living with HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Directions for medical geography in the 1980s: Some observations from the United Kingdom Journal Articles
Disability pension from back pain among social security beneficiaries, Brazil. Journal Articles
Disadvantaging the Disadvantaged: When Public Health Policies and Practices Negatively Affect Marginalized Populations Journal Articles
Disaggregating Canadian immigrant smoking behaviour by country of birth Journal Articles
Disarmed complaints: Journal Articles
Disconnected relationships between primary care and community-based health and social services and system navigation for older adults: a qualitative descriptive study Journal Articles
Discrimination and the Health of Immigrants and Refugees: Exploring Canada’s Evidence Base and Directions for Future Research in Newcomer Receiving Countries Journal Articles
Disease-specific education in the primary care setting increases the knowledge of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Disease-specific education in the primary care setting increases the knowledge of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Disparities in Child Development by Maternal Birthplace and Child Sex among Kindergarten Children in Manitoba, Canada: A Population-Based Data Linkage Study. Journal Articles
Displacement and tuberculosis: recognition in nursing care Journal Articles
Disruption foreclosed: older women's cancer narratives Journal Articles
Disseminating Chronic Disease Prevention “to or With” Canadian Public Health Systems Journal Articles
Dissemination and Implementation Science Training Needs: Insights From Practitioners and Researchers Journal Articles
Distribution of Harm Reduction Kits in a Specialty HIV Hospital Journal Articles
Do Canadian Civil Servants Care About the Health of Populations? Journal Articles
Do First Generation Immigrant Adolescents Face Higher Rates of Bullying, Violence and Suicidal Behaviours Than Do Third Generation and Native Born? Journal Articles
Do cigarette prices near secondary schools vary by area-level socioeconomic status? Findings from a field study in Ontario and Québec, Canada Journal Articles
Do clinical practice education groups result in sustained change in GP prescribing? Journal Articles
Do expert assessments converge? An exploratory case study of evaluating and managing a blood supply risk Journal Articles
Do neighborhood environments moderate the effect of walking interventions? Conferences
Do the determinants of health differ between people living in the community and in institutions? Journal Articles
Doctors' strikes and mortality: A review Journal Articles
Doctors, patients and influenza-like illness: clinicians or patients at risk? Journal Articles
Does accessibility to antiretroviral care improve after down-referral of patients from hospitals to health centres in rural South Africa? Journal Articles
Does community engaged Carnegie status matter for county health rankings in the United States? Journal Articles
Does epidemiological transition have utility for health planners? Journal Articles
Does low reading achievement at school entry cause conduct problems? Journal Articles
Does recall of preinjury disability change over time? Journal Articles
Does receipt of social housing impact mental health? Results of a quasi-experimental study in the Greater Toronto Area. Journal Articles
Does sex predict association of 5-HTTLPR allele status and OCD? Conferences
Does social capital interact with economic hardships in influencing older adults’ health? A study from China Journal Articles
Does staffing impact health and work conditions of staff in long-term care homes?: a scoping review Journal Articles
Does urban greenness reduce loneliness and social isolation among Canadians? A cross-sectional study of middle-aged and older adults of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Doing Nothing is No Choice: Lay Constructions of Treatment Decision‐making Among Women with Early‐stage Breast Cancer Journal Articles
Doing ‘technological time’ in a pediatric hemodialysis unit: An ethnography of children Journal Articles
Dollars and sense: the financial impact of Canadian wellness initiatives Journal Articles
Dopamine Receptor Gene D4 Polymorphisms and Early Sexual Onset: Gender and Environmental Moderation in a Sample of African-American Youth Journal Articles
Dreaming of toilets: Using photovoice to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices around water–health linkages in rural Kenya Journal Articles
Drug use prior to incarceration and associated socio-behavioural factors among males in a provincial correctional facility in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Dual Loyalty of Physicians in the Military and in Civilian Life Journal Articles
Durations and Domains of Daily Aerobic Activity: Evidence From the 2010 Canadian Time-Use Survey Journal Articles
Dying as a social relationship: A sociological review of debates on the determination of death Journal Articles
Dying from cancer in community hospitals or a hospice: closest lay carers' perceptions. Journal Articles
Dying to Learn: A Scoping Review of Breast and Cervical Cancer Studies Focusing on Black Canadian Women Journal Articles
Dynamics of childhood obesity in Hong Kong throughout the COVID-19 pandemic before and after the school closures: a 3-year longitudinal study Journal Articles
Early (years) reactions: comparative analysis of early childhood policies and programs during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Early Childcare Precarity and Subsequent Maternal Health Journal Articles
Ease, Comfort, and Performance of the HerSwab Vaginal Self-Sampling Device for the Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Journal Articles
Ecologic Proxies for Household Income Journal Articles
Economic Evaluation Methods and Health Policy Journal Articles
Economic analysis and clinical trials Journal Articles
Economic burden of work injuries and diseases: a framework and application in five European Union countries Journal Articles
Economic evaluations of vision screening to detect amblyopia and refractive errors in children: a systematic review Journal Articles
Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey Journal Articles
Economic sanctions threaten population health: the case of Iran Journal Articles
Editorial: special conference issue Journal Articles
Education for Primary Care Journal
Education-to-job mismatch and the risk of work injury Journal Articles
Effect of education and multimorbidity on mortality among older adults: findings from the health, well-being and ageing cohort study (SABE) Journal Articles
Effect of obesity on knee joint biomechanics during gait in young adults Journal Articles
Effect of scheduled monitoring of liver function during anti-Tuberculosis treatment in a retrospective cohort in China Journal Articles
Effect of “Speak Up” educational tools to engage patients in advance care planning in outpatient healthcare settings: A prospective before-after study Journal Articles
Effective practices for school-based tobacco use prevention Journal Articles
Effective/efficient mental health programs for school-age children: a synthesis of reviews Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Computerized Decision Support Systems Linked to Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Effectiveness of User- and Expert-Driven Web-based Hypertension Programs: an RCT Journal Articles
Effectiveness of a smartphone application to promote physical activity in primary care: the SMART MOVE randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Effectiveness of interventions to improve the health and housing status of homeless people: a rapid systematic review Journal Articles
Effectiveness of online versus live multi-family psychoeducation group therapy for children and adolescents with mood or anxiety disorders: a pilot study Journal Articles
Effectiveness of smoking cessation therapies: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of Broadening the Gold Standard on the Performance of a Chemiluminometric Immunoassay to Detect Chlamydia trachomatis Antigens in Centrifuged First Void Urine and Urethral Swab Samples from Men Journal Articles
Effects of Mental Fatigue on Exercise Intentions and Behavior Journal Articles
Effects of Nicotine Deprivation and Replacement on BOLD-fMRI Response to Smoking Cues as a Function of DRD4 VNTR Genotype Journal Articles
Effects of a Print-mediated Intervention on Physical Activity during Transition to the First Year of University Journal Articles
Effects of occupational and educational changes on obesity trends in France: The results of the MONICA-France survey 1986–2006 Journal Articles
Effects of the Community Paramedicine at Clinic (CP@clinic) program on the health behaviours of older adults residing in social housing: secondary outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial. Journal Articles
Effects of the nicotine patch on performance during the first week of smoking cessation Journal Articles
Efficacy and Safety of Dapoxetine in the Treatment of Early Ejaculation: A Synopsis of Systematic Reviews Conferences
Efficacy versus intent-to-treat analysis in the canadian American ticlopidine study Conferences
El impacto de los precios e impuestos sobre el consumo de productos de tabaco en América Latina y el Caribe Journal Articles
Elements in placenta and pregnancy outcome in arctic and subarctic areas Journal Articles
Eliciting ethical and social values in health technology assessment: A participatory approach Journal Articles
Eligible-non-randomized patients: Their impact on generalizability Conferences
Emergency Contraception for Adolescents and Young Adults: Guidance for Health Care Professionals Journal Articles
Emerging scholarship in the geographies of disability Journal Articles
Emotional distress among parent caregivers of adolescents with sickle cell disease: Association with patients and caregivers variables Journal Articles
Empirical relationships between health literacy and treatment decision making: A scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Empirical relationships between numeracy and treatment decision making: A scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Employment and work safety among 12 to 14 year olds: listening to parents Journal Articles
Employment status is associated with both physical and mental health quality of life in people living with HIV Journal Articles
Enabling the participation of marginalized populations: case studies from a health service organization in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Enabling youth participation in school-based computer-supported community development in Canada Journal Articles
Engaging civil society through deliberative dialogue to create the first Mental Health Strategy for Canada: Changing Directions, Changing Lives Journal Articles
Engaging community organizations in falls prevention for older adults: Moving from research to action Journal Articles
Enhancing partnerships and collaboration in times of change Conferences
Environmental Factors of Youth Milk and Milk Alternative Consumption Journal Articles
Environmental change and organizational evolution: Reconsidering the niche of community-based AIDS organizations Journal Articles
Environmental health metanarratives: an analysis of policy making in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Environmental health research: setting an agenda by spinning our wheels or climbing the mountain? Journal Articles
Environmental risk and (re)action: air quality, health, and civic involvement in an urban industrial neighbourhood Journal Articles
Environmental risk perception and well-being: effects of the landfill siting process in two southern Ontario communities Journal Articles
Envisioning Women-Centered HIV Care: Perspectives from Women Living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Epidemiologic Factors in Drug Addiction in England and the United States Journal Articles
Epidemiology and reporting of randomized trials employing re-randomization of patient groups: A systematic survey Journal Articles
Epidemiology of congenital anomalies of the kidney and the urinary tract: a birth registry study Conferences
Epidemiology of congenital anomalies of the kidney and the urinary tract: a birth registry study Conferences
Epidemiology of injuries from fire, heat and hot substances: global, regional and national morbidity and mortality estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study Journal Articles
Equity in dental care among Canadian households Journal Articles
Equity in health care: Methodological contributions to the analysis of hospital utilization within Canada Journal Articles
Equity, justice, and social values in priority setting: a qualitative study of resource allocation criteria for global donor organizations working in low-income countries Journal Articles
Erratum: (Revista de Saúde Pública (2006) vol. 40 (4) (740-741)) Journal Articles
Essential psychiatric medicines: wrong selection, high consumption and social problems Journal Articles
Establishing and sustaining community–university partnerships: A case study of quality of life research Journal Articles
Estimates of future cancer mortality attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of general practitioner workload: a review. Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to active and passive tobacco smoking in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to alcohol consumption in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to excess body weight and abdominal adiposity in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to lack of physical activity in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to low fruit and vegetable consumption in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to red and processed meat consumption in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to sedentary behavior in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of lung cancer attributable to PM2.5 in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of lung cancer attributable to residential radon exposure in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of melanoma attributable to ultraviolet radiation in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the economic contributions of the bidi manufacturing industry in India Journal Articles
Estimates of the future burden of cancer attributable to infections in Canada Journal Articles
Estimates of the potential impact of nurse practitioners on future requirements for physicians in office-based general practice. Journal Articles
Estimating Unit Costs for Dental Service Delivery in Institutional and Community-Based Settings in Southern Thailand Journal Articles
Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study Journal Articles
Estimating per patient funding for cancer clinical trials: An Ontario based survey Journal Articles
Estimating the burden of illness in an Ontario community with untreated drinking water and sewage disposal problems. Journal Articles
Estimating the current and future cancer burden attributable to inadequate leisure-time physical activity among adults in Canada Conferences
Estimating the future cancer management costs attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada Journal Articles
Ethical Considerations in Implementing Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections Journal Articles
Ethical Gifts?: An Analysis of Soap‐for‐data Transactions in Malawian Survey Research Worlds Journal Articles
Ethics of qualitative research: are there special issues for health services research? Journal Articles
Ethnic Minority Status and Body Image Dissatisfaction: A Scoping Review of the Child and Adolescent Literature Journal Articles
Ethnic differences in psychosis—Lay epidemiology explanations Journal Articles
Ethnicity and Disease Journal
Ethnicity and Health Journal
European Journal of Public Health Journal
Evaluating Nurses' Implementation of an Infant-Feeding Counseling Protocol for HIV-Infected Mothers: The Ban Study in Lilongwe, Malawi Journal Articles
Evaluating Physician Impact Analysis Journal Articles
Evaluating community deliberations about health research priorities Journal Articles
Evaluating deliberative dialogues focussed on healthy public policy Journal Articles
Evaluating health related quality of life: An indifference curve interpretation for the time trade-off technique Journal Articles
Evaluating injury prevention interventions Journal Articles
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Complex, Multi-component, Dynamic, Community-Based Injury Prevention Interventions: A Statistical Framework Journal Articles
Evaluating the Performance of Academic Medical Education Administrators Journal Articles
Evaluating the impact of Archway: a personalized program for 1st year student success and mental health and wellbeing Journal Articles
Evaluating the validity of record linkages in the ascertainment of vital status for post-trial follow-up of a heart failure clinical trial Conferences
Evaluation and the Health Professions Journal
Evaluation considerations: measures and methods Conferences
Evaluation of a New APTIMA Specimen Collection and Transportation Kit for High-Risk Human Papillomavirus E6/E7 Messenger RNA in Cervical and Vaginal Samples Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Question Prompt List About Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Prevention After Hypertensive Pregnancy: A Pilot Study. Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Screening Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Genital Infections With Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis Among Female Sex Workers in Bénin Journal Articles
Evaluation of an Educational Program to Prevent Adolescent Pregnancy Journal Articles
Evaluation of caregiver-friendly workplace policy (CFWPs) interventions on the health of full-time caregiver employees (CEs): implementation and cost-benefit analysis Journal Articles
Evaluation of clinical algorithms for the diagnosis of gonococcal and chlamydial infections among men with urethral discharge or dysuria and women with vaginal discharge in Benin (vol 74, pg S44, 1998) Journal Articles
Evaluation of clinical algorithms for the diagnosis of gonococcal and chlamydial infections among men with urethral discharge or dysuria and women with vaginal discharge in Benin. Journal Articles
Evaluation of outcome and cost-effectiveness using an FDG PET-guided approach to management of patients with coronary disease and severe left ventricular dysfunction (PARR-2): rationale, design, and methods Journal Articles
Evaluation of public health preschool child developmental screening: the process and outcomes of a community program. Journal Articles
Evaluation of self-swabbing coupled with a telephone health helpline as an adjunct tool for surveillance of influenza viruses in Ontario Journal Articles
Evaluation of the ability of standardized supports to improve public health response to syndromic surveillance for respiratory diseases in Canada Journal Articles
Evaluation of the ability of standardized supports to improve public health response to syndromic surveillance for respiratory diseases in Canada Journal Articles
Evaluation of the reorganization of a public health nursing division. Journal Articles
Evaluation research in public health: barriers to the production and dissemination of outcomes data. Journal Articles
Even if you build it, they may not come: challenges in the uptake of workplace mental health toolkits. Journal Articles
Everyday experiences of implicit rationing: comparing the voices of nurses in California and British Columbia Journal Articles
Everyday health histories and the making of place: the case of an English coastal town Journal Articles
Evidence Informing the Intersection of HIV, Aging and Health: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Evidence and Effectiveness in Decisionmaking for Quarantine Journal Articles
Evidence use in equity focused health impact assessment: a realist evaluation Journal Articles
Evidence-based health policy: context and utilisation Journal Articles
Evidence-based medicine in primary care: qualitative study of family physicians Journal Articles
Evidence-based prevention and international collaboration Journal Articles
Evidence-informed recommendations for constructing and disseminating messages supplementing the new Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines Journal Articles
Evolving through multiple, co-existing pressures to change: a case study of self-organization in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada Journal Articles
Examining Associations Between Physical Activity and Academic Performance in a Large Sample of Ontario Students: The Role of Inattention and Hyperactivity Journal Articles
Examining Device-Assessed Physical Activity During the Transition Into Emerging Adulthood: Results From the MovingU Study Journal Articles
Examining Interprofessional teams structures and processes in the implementation of a primary care intervention (Health TAPESTRY) for older adults using normalization process theory Journal Articles
Examining Occupational Traumatic Brain Injury in Ontario Journal Articles
Examining University Men’s Psychobiological and Behavioral Response-Recovery Profile From a Social-Evaluative Body Image Threat Journal Articles
Examining psychosocial pathways to explain the link between breastfeeding practices and child behaviour in a longitudinal cohort Journal Articles
Examining spatial variations in the prevalence of mental health problems among 5-year-old children in Canada Conferences
Examining the Health Care Experiences of Women Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Perceived HIV-Related Stigma Journal Articles
Examining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on youth Alcohol Consumption: longitudinal Changes From Pre-to Intra-pandemic Drinking in the COMPASS Study Journal Articles
Examining the development and utilization of infection control policies to safely support adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in congregate living settings during COVID-19 Journal Articles
Examining the health and wellness of solo self-employed workers through narratives of precarity: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Examining the relationships between parent experiences and youth self-reports of slapping/spanking: a population-based cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Examining the role of context in the implementation of a deliberative public participation experiment: Results from a Canadian comparative study Journal Articles
Examining the rollout of the Triple P system parenting program in Manitoba on rates of child maltreatment: Administrative data analyses and document review of policies and programs. Journal Articles
Exclude DVT with a clinical decision rule Journal Articles
Expanded role nurses: an education program in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal Articles
Expanding the horizons of practice-based small-group learning: what are we learning? Journal Articles
Experiences and Benefits of Volunteering in a Community AIDS Organization Journal Articles
Experiences of insecurity among non-standard workers across different welfare states: A qualitative cross-country study Journal Articles
Experiences of integrating community volunteers as extensions of the primary care team to help support older adults at home: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Experiences of using the toll-free telephone line to access maternal and newborn health services in central Uganda: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Expert Guidelines for the Treatment of Severe PMS, PMDD, and Comorbidities: The Role of SSRIs Journal Articles
Explaining the causal links between illness management and symptom reduction: Development of an evidence-based patient education strategy Journal Articles
Explaining the gender gap in health services use among Ghanaian community-dwelling older cohorts Journal Articles
Exploring Preschoolers’ Physical Activity and Sedentary Time During Outdoor Play at Childcare: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment Study Journal Articles
Exploring limits to market-based reform: Managed competition and rehabilitation home care services in Ontario Journal Articles
Exploring patient-reported barriers to advance care planning in family practice Journal Articles
Exploring patients' perspectives of gestational diabetes mellitus screening and counselling in Ontario: A grounded theory study Journal Articles
Exploring social ecological pathways from resilience to quality of life among women living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Exploring socio-cultural factors that mediate, facilitate, & constrain the health and empowerment of refugee youth Journal Articles
Exploring the environmental determinants of food choice among Haudenosaunee female youth Journal Articles
Exploring the influence of childcare enrolment of physical activity and sedentary time of a nationally representative sample of Canadian preschoolers Conferences
Exploring the intersections of transnationalism, sexuality and HIV risk Journal Articles
Exploring the limitations of age-based models for health care planning Journal Articles
Exploring the perspectives of caregivers of urban Inuit children on child health knowledge mobilisation Journal Articles
Exploring the perspectives of older adults who are pre-frail and frail to identify interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour and improve mobility: a thematic content analysis Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between early childhood education students' physical activity training and self-efficacy to facilitate active opportunities in childcare Conferences
Exploring transitions in care from pulmonary rehabilitation to home for persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A descriptive qualitative study Journal Articles
Exposición a la publicidad de tabaco y consumo de tabaco en adolescentes en América del Sur Journal Articles
Exposure to family violence from childhood to adulthood Journal Articles
Expression of executive control in situational context: Effects of facilitating versus restraining cues on snack food consumption. Journal Articles
Extending the field of play: Revealing the dynamics between sports, health and place Journal Articles
Extent of physician–pharmaceutical industry interactions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review Journal Articles
Facilitating access to pre-processed research evidence in public health Journal Articles
Facility-Based Maternal Quality of Care Frameworks: A Systematic Review and Best Fit Framework Analysis Journal Articles
Factorial invariance of pregnancy-specific anxiety dimensions across nulliparous and parous pregnant women Journal Articles
Factors Affecting Change Over Time in Self-reported Health Journal Articles
Factors Facilitating the Implementation of Church-Based Heart Health Promotion Programs for Older Adults: A Qualitative Study Guided by the Precede-Proceed Model Journal Articles
Factors Influencing the Decision of Individuals with Breast Cancer to Join an Exercise Oncology Trial Journal Articles
Factors affecting psychiatric diagnosis. Journal Articles
Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination in young children Journal Articles
Factors associated with anxiety disorders among HIV-positive attendees of an HIV clinic in Lagos, Nigeria Journal Articles
Factors associated with self-rated health in Black Canadians: A cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Factors associated with self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a Tanzanian setting Journal Articles
Factors contributing to the effectiveness of physical activity counselling in primary care: A realist systematic review Journal Articles
Factors influencing identification of and response to intimate partner violence: a survey of physicians and nurses Journal Articles
Factors influencing nurse practitioner panel size in team-based primary care: a qualitative case study Journal Articles
Factors responsible for mother-to-child HIV transmission in Ontario, Canada, 1996–2008 Journal Articles
Fair reckoning: a qualitative investigation of responses to an economic health resource allocation survey Journal Articles
Fairness and accountability for reasonableness. Do the views of priority setting decision makers differ across health systems and levels of decision making? Journal Articles
Fall-Related Hospitalizations: What’s in Season? Journal Articles
Familial Influences on Substance Use by Adolescents and Young Adults Journal Articles
Family Physician attitudes about prescribing using a drug formulary Journal Articles
Family Practice Journal
Family and Community Health Journal
Family involvement in cancer treatment decision-making: A qualitative study of patient, family, and clinician attitudes and experiences Journal Articles
Family physicians' involvement and self-reported comfort and skill in care of children with behavioral and emotional problems: a population-based survey Journal Articles
Family physicians’ moral distress when caring for patients experiencing social inequities: a critical narrative inquiry in primary care Journal Articles
Family‐centred care interventions for children with chronic conditions: A scoping review Journal Articles
Fatigue self-management led by occupational therapists and/or physiotherapists for chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Fears and beliefs of patients regarding cardiac catheterization Journal Articles
Feasibility of implementing a community cardiovascular health promotion program with paramedics and volunteers in a South Asian population Journal Articles
Feasibility, acceptability, concerns, and challenges of implementing supervised injection services at a specialty HIV hospital in Toronto, Canada: perspectives of people living with HIV Journal Articles
Feminism and Women's Health Professions in Ontario Journal Articles
Financial relationships between patient and consumer representatives and the health industry: A systematic review Journal Articles
Finding harmony within dissonance: Engaging patients, family/caregivers and service providers in research to fundamentally restructure relationships through integrative dynamics Conferences
Focus group interviews examining attitudes to randomised trials among breast cancer patients and the general community Journal Articles
Follow-up of participants in a preschool hearing screening program in child care centres. Journal Articles
Follow-up study on Gender Dysphoria in Southern Brazil: preliminary estimates Conferences
Food Safety Education Needs of High‐School Students: Leftovers, Lunches, and Microwaves Journal Articles
Food insecurity, home ownership and income-related equity in dental care use and access: the case of Canada Journal Articles
Food insufficiency, housing and health-related quality of life: results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places study Journal Articles
Food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices among Ontario high school students Journal Articles
Food, health, and complexity: towards a conceptual understanding to guide collaborative public health action Journal Articles
Foodscapes of southern Ontario: Neighbourhood deprivation and access to healthy and unhealthy food retail Journal Articles
Forensic psychiatry services in Nunavut Journal Articles
Formulation of evidence-based messages to promote the use of physical activity to prevent and manage Alzheimer’s disease Journal Articles
Fostering evidence-based decision-making in Canada: examining the need for a Canadian population and public health evidence centre and research network. Journal Articles
Fragility of clinical trials across research fields: A synthesis of methodological reviews Journal Articles
Frailty prevalence and efficient screening in primary care-based memory clinics Journal Articles
Frailty screening in older adults: is annual screening necessary in primary care? Journal Articles
Frequency of providing a palliative approach to care in family practice: a chart review and perceptions of healthcare practitioners in Canada Journal Articles
From Around the World Journal Articles
From Cruddiness to Catastrophe: COVID-19 and Long-term Care in Ontario Journal Articles
From pharmaco-therapy to pharmaco-prevention: trends in prescribing to older adults in Ontario, Canada, 1997-2006 Journal Articles
From rhetoric to reality: including patient voices in supportive cancer care planning Journal Articles
From science to politics: COVID-19 information fatigue on YouTube Journal Articles
From social determinants to social epigenetics: Health geographies of chronic disease Journal Articles
From therapeutic landscapes to healthy spaces, places and practices: A scoping review Journal Articles
Functional Dyspepsia Treatment Trial (FDTT): A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of antidepressants in functional dyspepsia, evaluating symptoms, psychopathology, pathophysiology and pharmacogenetics Journal Articles
Funding the pandemic response for Indigenous Peoples: an equity-based analysis of COVID-19 using a Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) Indigenous lens tool Journal Articles
GP fundholding and prescribing in UK general practice: evidence from two rural, English Family Health Services Authorities. Journal Articles
GPs on the move. Journal Articles
GPs' approach to insulin prescribing in older patients: a qualitative study Journal Articles
GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: a systematic and transparent approach to making well informed healthcare choices. 1: Introduction Journal Articles
GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: a systematic and transparent approach to making well informed healthcare choices. 2: Clinical practice guidelines Journal Articles
Gaceta Sanitaria Journal
Gaining insights into the waterpipe tobacco industry: participant observation and a cross-sectional survey of products at a trade exhibition Journal Articles
Gall Bladder Disease: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Journal Articles
Gastos catastróficos em saúde e multimorbidade entre adultos mais velhos no Brasil Journal Articles
Gastos catastróficos em saúde: análise da associação com condições socioeconômicas em Minas Gerais, Brasil Journal Articles
Gathering, strategizing, motivating and celebrating: the team huddle in a teaching general practice Journal Articles
Gay men and intimate partner violence: a gender analysis Journal Articles
Gender Differences in the Longitudinal Predictors of Adolescent Dating Violence Journal Articles
Gender differences in health-related quality of life at the time of a positive HIV test – a cross-sectional study in a resource-poor, high prevalence setting in Nairobi, Kenya Journal Articles
Gender differences in health: a Canadian study of the psychosocial, structural and behavioural determinants of health Journal Articles
Gender differences in structural and behavioral determinants of health: an analysis of the social production of health Journal Articles
Gender, family status and physician labour supply Journal Articles
Gender, perceived competence and the enjoyment of physical education in children: a longitudinal examination Journal Articles
Gendered Manifestations of Depression and Help Seeking Among Men Journal Articles
Geographic access to COVID-19 healthcare in Brazil using a balanced float catchment area approach Journal Articles
Geographic disparity in premature mortality in Ontario, 1992-1996. Journal Articles
Geographic hierarchies of diagnostic practice style in cerebrovascular disease Journal Articles
Geographical Gerontology: The constitution of a discipline Journal Articles
Geographical variations in the correlates of blood donor turnout rates: An investigation of Canadian metropolitan areas Journal Articles
Geographically-decentralized planning and management in health care: Some informational issues and their implications for efficiency Journal Articles
Geographies of health in nursing Journal Articles
Getting a “SMART START” to gestational diabetes mellitus education: a mixed-methods pilot evaluation of a knowledge translation tool in primary care Journal Articles
Glenda Laws-1959-1996 Obituary Journal Articles
Global Association of Air Pollution and Cardiorespiratory Diseases: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Investigation of Modifier Variables Journal Articles
Global Public Health Journal
Global burden of disease and risk factors Journal Articles
Global environmental change in an aging world: The role of space, place and scale Journal Articles
Global governance and the broader determinants of health: A comparative case study of UNDP’s and WTO’s engagement with global health Journal Articles
Global health for all by 2030 Journal Articles
Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Journal Articles
Global plagues and the Global Fund: Challenges in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria Journal Articles
Global primary care as an incubator for good ethical practice Journal Articles
Global public health policy transfer and dengue fever in Putrajaya, Malaysia: a critical discourse analysis Journal Articles
Global trends of hand and wrist trauma: a systematic analysis of fracture and digit amputation using the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study Journal Articles
Global, regional, and national burden of injuries, and burden attributable to injuries risk factors, 1990 to 2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease study 2019. Journal Articles
Governance of mental healthcare: Fragmented accountability Journal Articles
Governing Global Antimicrobial Resistance: 6 Key Lessons From the Paris Climate Agreement Journal Articles
Governing through community-based research: Lessons from the Canadian HIV research sector Journal Articles
Greater hepatic vulnerability after alcohol intake in African Americans compared with Caucasians: a population-based study. Journal Articles
Gross motor performance measure for children with cerebral palsy: study design and preliminary findings. Journal Articles
Guelph Family Health Study: pilot study of a home-based obesity prevention intervention Journal Articles
Guidelines for the clinical and economic evaluation of health care technologies Journal Articles
Guidelines should not recommend the type of decision-making for the medical encounter Journal Articles
Guthrie House: a rural community organizing for wellness Journal Articles
HIV Infection Status as a Predictor of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Testing in Primary Care Journal Articles
HIV Prevalence Remains Low Among Calgary’s Needle Exchange Program Participants Journal Articles
HIV Prevention in an Aboriginal Community in Canada Journal Articles
HIV Vulnerabilities Associated with Water Insecurity, Food Insecurity, and Other COVID-19 Impacts Among Urban Refugee Youth in Kampala, Uganda: Multi-method Findings Journal Articles
HIV testing experiences of Aboriginal youth in Canada: service implications Journal Articles
HIV testing practices of primary care physicians: an Ontario survey. Journal Articles
HIV-related stigma in pregnancy and early postpartum of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
HSV-2/HIV co-infection and health-related quality life and identity in women Journal Articles
Hands-Free Technique in the Operating Room: Reduction in Body Fluid Exposure and the Value of a Training Video Journal Articles
Has public health messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic reflected local risks to health?: A content analysis of tweeting practices across Canadian geographies Journal Articles
Health Journal
Health & Place Journal
Health Among Caregivers of Children With Health Problems: Findings From a Canadian Population-Based Study Journal Articles
Health Care for Women International Journal
Health Communication Journal
Health Education Journal, The Journal
Health Education Research Journal
Health Education and Behavior Journal
Health Evidence (TM) : A public health knowledge repository disseminating evidence to decision makers Conferences
Health Evidence (TM) : A public health knowledge repository disseminating evidence to decision makers Conferences
Health Expectations Journal
Health Human Resources Planning and the Production of Health Journal Articles
Health Inequity and “Restoring Fairness” Through the Canadian Refugee Health Policy Reforms: A Literature Review Journal Articles
Health Promotion International Journal
Health Psychology Journal
Health Status of Females Who Experience Incarceration: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Health Status, Quality of Life, Residential Stability, Substance Use, and Health Care Utilization among Adults Applying to a Supportive Housing Program Journal Articles
Health TAPESTRY: co-designing interprofessional primary care programs for older adults using the persona-scenario method Journal Articles
Health and Human Rights Journal
Health and Safety in Small Workplaces: Refocusing Upstream Journal Articles
Health and disease: A reader Journal Articles
Health and the Social Relations of Work: A Study of the Health‐related Experiences of Employees in Small Workplaces Journal Articles
Health care directives in the elderly and health care utilization Conferences
Health care providers’ perspectives on the provision of prenatal care to immigrants Journal Articles
Health care utilization by people with HIV on release from provincial prison in Ontario, Canada in 2010: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Health economic evaluations help inform payers of the best use of scarce health care resources Journal Articles
Health economic evaluations help inform payers of the best use of scarce health care resources. Journal Articles
Health economics research in developing countries Journal Articles
Health economics: an important contribution to social science and medicine. Journal Articles
Health geography in ‘Steel City’: Selected papers from the XIII International Medical Geography Symposium, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, July 2009 Journal Articles
Health in Hamilton neighbourhoods: Exploring the determinants of health at the local level Journal Articles
Health literacy and health: rethinking the strategies for universal health coverage in Ghana Journal Articles
Health literacy and self-perceived health status among street youth in Kumasi, Ghana Journal Articles
Health literacy in Korean immigrants at risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal Articles
Health or healthy: Why people are not sick in a Southern Ontarian town Journal Articles
Health politics and policy (2nd edition) Journal Articles
Health program review in Canada: measurement of health status. Journal Articles
Health promotion capacity and institutional systems: an assessment of the South African Department of Health Journal Articles
Health protection policies for digital platform and low wage workers Journal Articles
Health services gaps experienced by non-standard workers in Ontario, Canada: Policy implications Conferences
Health status and Canada's immigrant population Journal Articles
Health status and health behaviours in neighbourhoods: A comparison of Glasgow, Scotland and Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Health status and health-related quality of life in adolescent survivors of cancer in childhood Journal Articles
Health surveillance: an essential tool to protect and promote the health of the public. Journal Articles
Health technology assessment and judicial deference to priority-setting decisions in healthcare: Quasi-experimental analysis of right-to-health litigation in Brazil Journal Articles
Health trends in Canada 1990–2019: An analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study Journal Articles
Health, Environmental Assessments and Population Health: Tools for a Complex Process Journal Articles
Health, Risk & Society Journal
Health-promoting palliative care: A practice example Journal Articles
Health-related Quality of Life in Canadian Adolescents and Young Adults: Normative Data Using the SF-36 Journal Articles
Health-related Quality of life of Gaza Palestinians in the aftermath of the winter 2008-09 Israeli attack on the Strip Journal Articles
Healthcare Needs of and Access Barriers for Brazilian Transgender and Gender Diverse People Journal Articles
Healthcare providers’ perspectives on implementing a brief physical activity and diet intervention within a primary care smoking cessation program: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Healthcare systems data in the context of clinical trials – A comparison of cardiovascular data from a clinical trial dataset with routinely collected data Journal Articles
Healthcare utilization before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among mothers and birthing parents with elevated levels of postpartum depression symptoms Journal Articles
Healthy communications: producing a health report (Infowatch) for monitoring and promoting health in local communities. Journal Articles
Healthy lifestyle and glucagon-like peptide-1 in young and healthy adults: A population-based study Journal Articles
Heart Health Promotion: Predisposition, Capacity and Implementation in Ontario Public Health Units, 1994–96 Journal Articles
Heeding the Message? Determinants of Risk Behaviours for West Nile Virus Journal Articles
Helping Others Facilitates Well-Being for Indigenous Peoples Living With HIV/AIDS in Canada Journal Articles
Helping boys at-risk of criminal activity: qualitative results of a multi-component intervention Journal Articles
Helping primary care teams emerge through a quality improvement program Journal Articles
Hepatitis C virus infection characteristics and treatment outcomes in Canadian immigrants Journal Articles
Hereditary site-specific colon cancer in a Canadian kindred. Journal Articles
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Seropositivity Among Urban Adults in Africa Journal Articles
Heterogeneity in the determinants of health and illness: the example of socioeconomic status and smoking Journal Articles
High Trait Rumination Is Associated with Blunted Nighttime Diastolic Blood Pressure Dipping Journal Articles
History of Childhood Abuse in Populations Incarcerated in Canada: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Homicide and impunity: an ecological analysis at state level in Brazil Journal Articles
Homosexuality, seropositivity, and family obligations: Perspectives of HIV‐infected men who have sex with men in China Journal Articles
Hopes interrupted: accessing and experiences of antiretroviral therapy in South Africa Journal Articles
Housing Characteristics and their Influence on Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada: Results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study Journal Articles
Housing Status, Medical Care, and Health Outcomes Among People Living With HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Housing Status, Medical Care, and Health Outcomes Among People Living With HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Housing and Healthy Child Development: Known and Potential Impacts of Interventions Journal Articles
Housing satisfaction, preference and need among the chronically mentally disabled in Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
How Are New Refugees Doing in Canada? Journal Articles
How Can Industry, Academia, Public Health Authorities, and the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostics Initiative Work Together to Help Control Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Developing Countries? Journal Articles
How Do Health Schemas Inform Healthy Behaviours During Pregnancy? Qualitative Findings from the Be Healthy in Pregnancy (BHIP) Study Journal Articles
How People With HIV/AIDS Manage and Assess Their Use of Complementary Therapies: A Qualitative Analysis Journal Articles
How Reliable are Selected Scales from Population-based Health Surveys? An Analysis Among Seniors Journal Articles
How can industry, academia, public health authorities and the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostics Initiative (SDI) work together to help control sexually transmitted diseases in developing countries? Journal Articles
How can local health agencies improve health knowledge and skills of child care centre operators? Journal Articles
How do adolescents with cerebral palsy participate? Learning from their personal experiences Journal Articles
How do housing asset and income relate to mortality? A population-based cohort study of 881220 older adults in Canada Journal Articles
How do working conditions change for in-person versus digital work? The case of schoolteachers Journal Articles
How does the school built environment impact students’ bullying behaviour? A scoping review Journal Articles
How effective has the essential health package been in improving priority setting in low income countries? Journal Articles
How equitable has the COVID-19 response been in Canada? Journal Articles
How low can they go? Potential for reduction in work injury rates Journal Articles
How many doctors does a health system need? Histories of workforce planning in the NHS. Journal Articles
How many hysterectomies should purchasers buy? Journal Articles
How much science is there in injury prevention and control? Journal Articles
How oncologists communicate information to women with recurrent ovarian cancer in the context of treatment decision making in the medical encounter Journal Articles
How significant are the spatial configurations of health care systems? Journal Articles
How the Term ‘Self-Management’ is Used in HIV Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
How women living with HIV react and respond to learning about Canadian law that criminalises HIV non-disclosure: ‘how do you prove that you told?’ Journal Articles
Huisarts en Wetenschap Journal
Hypertension management in industry: Alternative strategies Conferences
I feel the pains of our past water struggles anytime I turn on the tap: Diaspora perceptions and experiences of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) gendered violence in Ghana Journal Articles
Identifying Imputation Strategies for Dealing With Missing Accelerometer Data: A Systematic Review Conferences
Identifying contexts and mechanisms in multiple behavior change interventions affecting smoking cessation success: a rapid realist review Journal Articles
Identifying patterns of movement behaviours in relation to depressive symptoms during adolescence: A latent profile analysis approach Journal Articles
Identifying strategies to support implementation of interprofessional primary care teams in Nova Scotia: Results of a survey and knowledge sharing event Journal Articles
Identifying subpopulations for subgroup analysis in a longitudinal clinical trial Journal Articles
Identifying the impact of social networks on mental and emotional health seeking behaviours amongst women who are refugees from Syria living in Canada Journal Articles
Ideologia, fetiche e utopia na saúde: uma análise a partir da saúde bucal Journal Articles
Illness, Biomedicine, and Alternative Healing in Brittany, France Journal Articles
Immigrant Women and Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake Journal Articles
Immigrant women and cervical cancer screening uptake: a multilevel analysis. Journal Articles
Immunity against measles in school-aged children: implications for measles revaccination strategies. Journal Articles
Impact of Antibiotic Administrative Restrictions on Trends in Antibiotic Resistance Journal Articles
Impact of Outdoor Gyms on Adults’ Participation in Physical Activity: A Natural Experiment in Chile Journal Articles
Impact of Support Services Provided by a Community-Based AIDS Service Organization on Persons Living With HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Impact of Urine Collection Order on the Ability of Assays to Identify Chlamydia trachomatis Infections in Men Journal Articles
Impact of a longitudinal course on medical professionalism on the empathy of medical students Journal Articles
Impact of a randomized trial on transfusion practice in orthopedic surgery Conferences
Impact of an organization-wide knowledge translation strategy to support evidence-informed public health decision making Journal Articles
Impact of receiving blood cholesterol test results on dietary change Conferences
Impact of self-reported smoking status on health-related quality of life in Singapore Journal Articles
Impact of specialized pediatric palliative care programs on communication and decision-making Journal Articles
Impact of the South Asian Adolescent Diabetes Awareness Program (SAADAP) on diabetes knowledge, risk perception and health behaviour Journal Articles
Impact of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE) intervention on preschoolers’ physical activity levels and sedentary time: a single-blind cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Impacts of COVID-19 on trans and non-binary people in Canada: a qualitative analysis of responses to a national survey Journal Articles
Impacts of an environmental disaster on psychosocial health and well-being in Karakalpakstan Journal Articles
Impacts of the Interim Federal Health Program reforms: A stakeholder analysis of barriers to health care access and provision for refugees Journal Articles
Impacts of the Interim Federal Health Program reforms: A stakeholder analysis of barriers to health care access and provision for refugees. Journal Articles
Implementation Adherence and Perspectives of the Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: A Process Evaluation Journal Articles
Implementation Process of a Canadian Community-based Nurse Mentorship Intervention in HIV Care Journal Articles
Implementation of 100% smoke-free law in Uganda: a qualitative study exploring civil society’s perspective Journal Articles
Implementation strategy for advanced practice nursing in primary health care in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Articles
Implementation, Quality Control and Selected Pregnancy Outcomes of the Murmansk County Birth Registry in Russia Journal Articles
Implementing a standardized community-based cardiovascular risk assessment program in 20 Ontario communities Journal Articles
Implementing patient decision support tools: Moving beyond academia? Journal Articles
Implications of Disability Severity on 24-Hour Movement Guideline Adherence Among Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the United States Journal Articles
Improvement in access to safe water, household water insecurity, and time savings: A cross-sectional retrospective study in Kenya Journal Articles
Improvement in the quality of abstracts in major clinical journals since CONSORT extension for abstracts: A systematic review Journal Articles
Improvements in the Status of Folate and Cobalamin in Pregnant Newfoundland Women Are Consistent with Observed Reductions in the Incidence of Neural Tube Defects Journal Articles
Improving access to community-based pulmonary rehabilitation: 3R protocol for real-world settings with cost-benefit analysis Journal Articles
Improving social justice in observational studies: protocol for the development of a global and Indigenous STROBE-equity reporting guideline Journal Articles
In Practice: Working Towards Dementia Friendly Societies Journal Articles
In memory of Arild Vaktskjold MPH, DrScient (1962-2019) Journal Articles
Inaakonigeng ige-zhiwebiki’ba: Self-determining our path on the future of Indigenous STBBI research with the Feast Centre Journal Articles
Inaakonigeng ige-zhiwebiki’ba: Self-determining our path on the future of Indigenous STBBI research with the Feast Centre Journal Articles
Inaugural Victorian State Conference on Palliative Care Journal Articles
Inclusiveness and health economics: Reflections on the work of Gavin Mooney (1943–2012) Journal Articles
Income Inequality, Household Income, and Health Status in Canada: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Inconsistent reports of risk behavior among Brazilian middle school students: National School Based Survey of Adolescent Health (PeNSE 2009/2012) Journal Articles
Incorporating equity, diversity, and inclusion into the epidemiology and biostatistics curriculum: A workshop report and implementation strategies recommendations Journal Articles
Increase in prevalence of birth defects in an Arctic Russian setting from 1973 to 2011: a register-based study Journal Articles
Increased mortality among Indigenous persons in a multisite cohort of people living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Increased prevalence of loneliness and associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Increasing evidence-based decisions about public health interventions. Journal Articles
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs): The silence of the lambda Journal Articles
Independent and Joint Associations of Physical Activity and Sleep on Mental Health Among a Global Sample of 200,743 Adults Journal Articles
Indicators in Environmental Health: Identifying and Selecting Common Sets Journal Articles
Indigenising Mental Health Laws in Canada's North Conferences
Indigenous Peoples and Pandemics. Journal Articles
Indigenous women’s experiences of cervical cancer screening: Incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing into a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research Journal Articles
Indigenous-specific cultural safety within health and dementia care: A scoping review of reviews Journal Articles
Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Mechanical Workplace Risk Factors and Low Back Pain Journal Articles
Individual and Regional Determinants of Mammography Uptake Journal Articles
Individual and collective exposure to political violence: Palestinian adolescents coping with conflict Journal Articles
Individual and collective exposure to political violence: Palestinian adolescents coping with conflict Journal Articles
Individual and contextual determinants of blood donation frequency with a focus on clinic accessibility: A case study of Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Individual and socio-environmental determinants of overweight and obesity in Urban Canada Journal Articles
Individual client care and public health policy: the dual challenges for public health nurses. Journal Articles
Industry funding and authors' conclusions in medical and surgical randomized trials Conferences
Inequalities in Determinants of Health Among Aboriginal and Caucasian Persons Living With HIV/AIDS in Ontario: Results From the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study Journal Articles
Inequalities in mortality and illness in Trent NHS region Journal Articles
Inequalities in neighbourhood socioeconomic characteristics: potential evidence-base for neighbourhood health planning Journal Articles
Inequities in dietary intake and eating behaviours among adolescents in Canada Journal Articles
Inequities in sleep duration and quality among adolescents in Canada. Journal Articles
Inequity in insurance coverage for prescription drugs in New Brunswick, Canada Journal Articles
Infant mortality in Brazil, 1980-2000: A spatial panel data analysis Journal Articles
Infectious Disease Outbreaks Related to Drinking Water in Canada, 1974–2001 Journal Articles
Influence of Aerobic Power and Percent Body Fat on Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Youth Journal Articles
Influence of Maternal Birthplace on Postpartum Health and Health Services Use Journal Articles
Influence of Neighborhood Characteristics and Weather on Movement Behaviors at Age 3 and 5 Years in a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Journal Articles
Influence of neighborhood deprivation, gender and ethno-racial origin on smoking behavior of Canadian youth Journal Articles
Influence of previous experience with and beliefs regarding anal cancer screening on willingness to be screened among men living with HIV Journal Articles
Influences on the uptake of a population health approach to sexual health programs in Ontario public health units: a qualitative descriptive study Journal Articles
Informal caregivers' hopes and expectations of a referral to a memory clinic Journal Articles
Informing policy on school and daycare operations during COVID-19 with a living rapid evidence review Conferences
Injuries among adolescents in the United Arab Emirates Journal Articles
Injury Prevention Journal
Insecure People in Insecure Places: The Influence of Regional Unemployment on Workers’ Reactions to the Threat of Job Loss Journal Articles
Institutional geographies in dying: Nurses’ actions and observations on dying spaces inside and outside intensive care units Journal Articles
Integrating Afrocentric praxis in intimate partner violence and HIV care for African, Caribbean, and Black women: Navigating disclosure and access to services. Journal Articles
Integrating a family-focused approach into child obesity prevention: rationale and design for the My Parenting SOS study randomized control trial. Journal Articles
Integration lay and nurse-midwifery into the U.S. and Canadian health care systems Journal Articles
Integration of Community Health Teaching in the Undergraduate Medicine Curriculum at the University of Toronto Journal Articles
Integration of service, education, and research in local official public health agencies. Journal Articles
Intended and unintended effects of restrictions on the sale of cigarillos to youth: evidence from Canada Journal Articles
Intention to Become Pregnant and Low Birth Weight and Preterm Birth: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Intention to change smoking in pregnant and postpartum women according to number of pregnancies Journal Articles
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Primary Health Care Reform Journal Articles
International Journal for Equity in Health Journal
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health Journal
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Journal
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Journal
International Journal of Circumpolar Health Journal
International Journal of Health Geographics Journal
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education Journal
International Journal of STD and AIDS Journal
International Journal of Sexual Health Journal
International migration to Canada: The post-birth health of mothers and infants by immigration class Journal Articles
International synthesis and case study examination of promising caregiver-friendly workplaces Journal Articles
Internet and vaccines: analysis of its use by parents, their perceptions and associations Journal Articles
Internet y vacunas: análisis de su uso por padres de familia, sus percepciones y asociaciones Journal Articles
Interpreting changes in quality-of-life score in N of 1 randomized trials Journal Articles
Interprovincial variation in pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain and their impact on neonatal birth weight with respect to small and large for gestational age Journal Articles
Intersecting Stigma and the HIV Care Cascade: Qualitative Insights from Sex Workers, Men who have Sex with Men, and Transgender Women Living with HIV in Jamaica Journal Articles
Intersectionality, health equity, and EDI: What’s the difference for health researchers? Journal Articles
Interventions for prevention and treatment of tobacco smoking in school-aged children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Interventions supporting cardiac rehabilitation completion: Process evaluation investigating theory-based mechanisms of action. Journal Articles
Interventions to Improve Adherence to Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Interventions to Improve the Health of the HomelessA Systematic Review Journal Articles
Interventions to Influence Opioid Prescribing Practices for Chronic Noncancer Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Intimacy, identity and relationship in the accounts of Chinese immigrants to Canada: the contribution of narrative analysis Journal Articles
Intimate partner violence is associated with HIV infection in women in Kenya: A cross-sectional analysis Journal Articles
Intimate partner violence: patients' experiences and perceptions in family practice Journal Articles
Introduction Journal Articles
Introduction Journal Articles
Introduction of molecular HPV testing as the primary technology in cervical cancer screening: Acting on evidence to change the current paradigm Journal Articles
Inuktitut Mental Health Glossary for clinicians: an online tool and mobile app Conferences
Inuktitut Mental Health Glossary for clinicians: an online tool and mobile app Conferences
Investigating the affordability of key health services in South Africa Journal Articles
Is E-cigarette Use Associated With Persistence or Discontinuation of Combustible Cigarettes? A 24-Month Longitudinal Investigation in Young Adult Binge Drinkers Journal Articles
Is Evidence on Mental Health Service Use Among Children & Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Transportable Across Settings? Journal Articles
Is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder a Distinct Clinical Entity? Journal Articles
Is There Regional Variation in the SF-36 Scores of Canadian Adults? Journal Articles
Is There a Gradient in Life Span by Position in the Social Hierarchy? Journal Articles
Is There a Need to Revise Health Canada’s Human PCB Guidelines? Journal Articles
Is position in the occupational hierarchy a determinant of decline in perceived health status? Journal Articles
Is the Give Youth a Voice questionnaire an appropriate measure of teen‐centred care in paediatric oncology: a Rasch measurement theory analysis Journal Articles
Is the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Impacting Mental Health Laws and Policies in High-Income Countries? A Case Study of Implementation in Canada Journal Articles
Is there a clinically significant gender bias in post-myocardial infarction pharmacological management in the older (>60) population of a primary care practice? Journal Articles
Is vaccine hesitancy justified? Benchmarking post-market vaccine risks with five commonly used medicinal products in Canada Journal Articles
Is ‘health equity’ bad for our health? A qualitative empirical ethics study of public health policy-makers’ perspectives Journal Articles
Islands, health and development Journal Articles
Issues in quality-of-life measurement in clinical trials Journal Articles
Item of Service Remuneration in General Practice in the UK: What Can We Learn From Dentists? Journal Articles
It’s all Greek to me: Explaining, computing, and summarizing traditional and (re)emerging metrics of reliability for seven measures in sexual science Journal Articles
Job Strain and Self-Reported Health Among Working Women and Men: An Analysis of the 1994/5 Canadian National Population Health Survey Journal Articles
Job Stress and Burnout Among Canadian Managers and Nurses: An Empirical Examination Journal Articles
Joint effects of US area-level social mobility & income inequality on mortality: an ecological study Conferences
Journal of Adolescent Health Journal
Journal of Cancer Education Journal
Journal of Community Health Journal
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse Journal
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services Journal
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved Journal
Journal of Health Communication Journal
Journal of Health Psychology Journal
Journal of Health and Social Behavior Journal
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Journal
Journal of Medical Screening Journal
Journal of Public Health Journal
Journal of Public Health Policy Journal
Journal of Rural Health Journal
Journal of School Health Journal
Journal of Urban Health Journal
Journal of Women's Health Journal
Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine Journal
Journal of physical activity & health Journal
Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP Journal
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Journal
Journal of the National Medical Association Journal
Journeying together: A visual exploration of “engagement” as a journey in HIV programming and service delivery Journal Articles
Julius (Julie) Schachter, PhD, Professor Emeritus (1936–2020) Journal Articles
Keeping secrets, disclosing health information: an institutional ethnography of the social organisation of perinatal care for women living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Key Age-Friendly Components of Municipalities that Foster Social Participation of Aging Canadians: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Key health themes and reporting of numerical cigarette–waterpipe equivalence in online news articles reporting on waterpipe tobacco smoking: a content analysis Journal Articles
Knowledge and acceptability of Chlamydia trachomatis screening among pregnant women and their partners; a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Knowledge brokering in public health: a tale of two studies Journal Articles
Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of older adults about pneumococcal immunization, a Public Health Agency of Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Influenza Research Network (PCIRN) investigation Journal Articles
L'expérience de la couverture médicale universelle : que peut-on apprendre sur la segmentation dans les politiques sociales ? (Commentaire) Journal Articles
Labor Force Participation and Health-Related Quality of Life in HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men: The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study Journal Articles
Lack of Compliance with Hepatitis B Vaccination among Canadian STD Clinic Patients: Candidates for an Accelerated Immunization Schedule? Journal Articles
Lack of chart reminder effectiveness on family medicine resident JNC-VI and NCEP III guideline knowledge and attitudes Journal Articles
Landscapes of inequities, structural racism, and disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of immigrant and racialized populations in Canada Journal Articles
Las comunidades seguras: una sinopsis Journal Articles
Late stages of epidemiological transition: health status in the developed world Journal Articles
Latin American and Caribbean countries’ baseline clinical and policy guidelines for responding to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women Journal Articles
Lay constructions of HIV and complementary therapy use Journal Articles
Le logement en tant que déterminant socio-économique de la santé: Résultats d’une évaluation des besoins, des lacunes et des possibilités (EBLP) de recherche à l’échelle nationale Journal Articles
Left-digit price effects on smoking cessation motivation Journal Articles
Legal needs of patients attending an urban family practice in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: an observational study of a legal health clinic Journal Articles
Legitimising and rationalising in talk about satisfaction with formal healthcare among bereaved family members Journal Articles
Lessons from a Canada-China cross-national qualitative suicide research collaboration Journal Articles
Lessons learned from the DIG trial Journal Articles
Lessons learned from the Decision Board: a unique and evolving decision aid Journal Articles
Lessons learned in global family medicine education from a Besrour Centre capacity-building workshop Journal Articles
Letter to the editor Journal Articles
Leukocyte esterase urine strips for the screening of men with urethritis--use in developing countries. Journal Articles
Levels and trends in cigarette contraband in Canada Journal Articles
Life in a secure unit: the rehabilitation of young people through the use of sport Journal Articles
Liminality and breastfeeding: women negotiating space and two bodies Journal Articles
Limiting loss to follow-up in a multicenter randomized trial in orthopedic surgery Journal Articles
Limiting loss to follow-up in a multicenter randomized trial in orthopedic surgery Journal Articles
Linking Canadian Population Health Data: Maximizing the Potential of Cohort and Administrative Data Journal Articles
Linking Survey Data with Administrative Health Information Journal Articles
Links between humans and ecosystems: the implications of framing for health promotion strategies Journal Articles
Lived experiences of pregnancy and prison through a reproductive justice lens: A qualitative meta-synthesis Journal Articles
Living on the Spectrum: Autism and Youth in Community, Elizabeth Fein, New York: NYU Press, 2020, 293 pp. Journal Articles
Living with embodied vibrations: Sensory experiences following a traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Logistics of double-blinding a randomized trial of intravenous vs. subcutaneous heparin for the treatment of venous thrombosis Conferences
Loneliness and perceived social support in pregnancy and early postpartum of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Long term benzodiazepine use for insomnia in patients over the age of 60: discordance of patient and physician perceptions Journal Articles
Long-term Health Sequelae Following E.coli and Campylobacter Contamination of Municipal Water Journal Articles
Long-term back problems and physical work exposures in the 1990 Ontario Health Survey. Journal Articles
Long-term mortality risk in individuals with permanent work-related impairment Journal Articles
Longitudinal Association Between BMI at Diagnosis and HIV Disease Progression Journal Articles
Longitudinal effectiveness of a woman-led, nurse delivered health promotion intervention for women who have experienced intimate partner violence: iHEAL randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Longitudinal rates of smoking in a schizophrenia sample Journal Articles
Looking good but doing harm? Perceptions of short-term medical missions in Nicaragua Journal Articles
Los jóvenes en favelas de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: de la vulnerabilidad social a las oportunidades para el desarrollo humano Journal Articles
Loss of quality of life associated with genital warts: baseline analyses from a prospective study Journal Articles
Low birth weight and intelligence in adolescence and early adulthood: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Low income, high risk: the overlapping stigmas of food allergy and poverty Journal Articles
Lung cancer and air pollution in an industrial city--a geographical analysis. Journal Articles
Lung, breast and cervical cancer incidence and survival in Saskatchewan northerners and registered Indians (1967-86). Journal Articles
MINDMAP: establishing an integrated database infrastructure for research in ageing, mental well-being, and the urban environment Journal Articles
Machine learning for detecting centre-level irregularities in randomized controlled trials: A pilot study Journal Articles
Making the links: do we connect climate change with health? A qualitative case study from Canada Journal Articles
Malnutrition in Pre-school Children across Different Geographic Areas and Socio-Demographic Groups in Ghana Journal Articles
Management of Family and Workplace Stress Experienced by Women of Colour from Various Cultural Backgrounds Journal Articles
Managing Funding Constraints in Frontline HIV/AIDS Social Services in Canada Journal Articles
Managing and treating risk and uncertainty for health: a case study of diabetes among First Nation’s people in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Managing moral hazard in motor vehicle accident insurance claims Journal Articles
Mandatory labeling requirements and over-the-counter cough and cold medication use in early childhood Journal Articles
Mapping a research-advocacy-policy agenda on human rights and albinism: a mixed methods project Journal Articles
Mapping bipolar worlds: Lived geographies of ‘madness’ in autobiographical accounts Journal Articles
Mapping health on the Internet: A new tool for environmental justice and public health research Journal Articles
Mapping the Core: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Infections in Calgary, Alberta Journal Articles
Marcos GRADE de la evidencia a la decisión (EtD): un enfoque sistemático y transparente para tomar decisiones sanitarias bien informadas. 1: Introducción Journal Articles
Marcos GRADE de la evidencia a la decisión (EtD): un enfoque sistemático y transparente para tomar decisiones sanitarias bien informadas. 2: Guías de práctica clínica Journal Articles
Marketing a Hard-to-Swallow Message Journal Articles
Maternal Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy and Offspring Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors Journal Articles
Maternal Metabolic Complications in Pregnancy and Offspring Behavior Problems at 2 Years of Age Journal Articles
Maternal Recall of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Maternal and Child Health Journal Journal
Maternal reports of child injuries in Canada: trends and patterns by age and gender Journal Articles
Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of the vital emergence of health Journal Articles
Maximizing research impacts on cancer prevention: An integrated knowledge translation approach used by the Canadian Population Attributable Risk of Cancer (ComPARe) study Journal Articles
Meanings in policy: A textual analysis of Canada's “Achieving Health for All” document Journal Articles
Measles immunization strategy: measles antibody response following MMR II vaccination of children at one year of age. Journal Articles
Measurement of health status Journal Articles
Measuring alcohol abuse in the community: consumption, binge-drinking, and alcohol-related consequences ("alcoholism"). Journal Articles
Measuring attitudes towards smoking in the Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT) Journal Articles
Measuring public preferences in France for potential consequences stemming from re-allocation of healthcare resources Journal Articles
Measuring quality of work-life: A participatory approach in a Canadian cancer center Conferences
Measuring sport experiences in children and youth to better understand the impact of sport on health and positive youth development: designing a brief measure for population health surveys Journal Articles
Measuring the Burden of Climate-Related Asthma in Ireland via Microsimulation and Hybrid Costing Journal Articles
Measuring the Impact of Influenza on the Hospital Admission Rates of the Elderly in Ontario: A Five-year Admission Rate Analysis, 1988–1993 Journal Articles
Mechanisms of change in a go/no-go training game for young adult smokers. Journal Articles
Media activism and Internet use by people with HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Media reporting of tenofovir trials in Cambodia and Cameroon Journal Articles
Medical Anthropology Journal
Medical Anthropology Quarterly Journal
Medical Record Review Conduction Model for Improving Interrater Reliability of Abstracting Medical-Related Information Journal Articles
Medical chart-reported alcohol consumption, substance use, and mental health issues in association with HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) nonadherence among gay, bisexual, and other men-who-have-sex-with-men. Journal Articles
Medicine and the Canadian State: From the Politics of Conflict to the Politics of Accommodation? Journal Articles
Meeting health need, accessing health care: the role of neighbourhood Journal Articles
Mejora de la calidad de los informes de los metaanálisis de los ensayos clínicos controlados: el acuerdo QUOROM Journal Articles
Men Respond Too: The Effects of a Social-Evaluative Body Image Threat on Shame and Cortisol in University Men Journal Articles
Men on the margin: A Bourdieusian examination of living into adulthood with muscular dystrophy Journal Articles
Mental Health Predictors of Successful Transition from Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care Conferences
Mental Health Triggers and Protective Factors Among Arabic-Speaking Immigrants and Refugees in North America: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Mental and physical health and well-being of Canadian employees who were working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Mentoring Relationship Closures in Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Mentoring Programs: Patterns and Associated Risk Factors Journal Articles
Message in a bottle: claims disputes and the reconciliation of precaution and weight-of-evidence in the regulation of risks from Bisphenol A in Canada Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of randomized trials: Looking back and looking ahead Journal Articles
Methodologic challenges in the development of utility measures of health-related quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis Journal Articles
Methodological Factors in Studying Medical Graduates Journal Articles
Methodological and ethical issues in a series of exploratory multiple crossover double-blind studies in individual patients with dementia to assess the efficacy and safety of CGS 5649B Conferences
Methodological approaches to the design and analysis of nonrandomized intervention studies for the prevention of child and adolescent obesity Journal Articles
Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review Journal Articles
Methodological proposal for implementing an intervention to prevent pedestrian injuries, a multidisciplinary approach: the case of Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico Journal Articles
Methods and design for the ADAPT study: Application of integrateD Approaches to understanding Physical activity during the Transition to emerging adulthood Journal Articles
Metropolitan Income Inequality and Working-Age Mortality: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Using Comparable Data from Five Countries Journal Articles
Midwives’ perceptions of communication during videotaped counseling for prenatal anomaly tests: How do they relate to clients’ perceptions and independent observations? Journal Articles
Mild Depressive Symptoms During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy Are Associated with Disruptions in Daily Rhythms but Not Subjective Sleep Quality Journal Articles
Mindfulness in people with a respiratory diagnosis: A systematic review Journal Articles
Missing and accounted for: gaps and areas of wealth in the public health review literature Journal Articles
Mobilizing community-driven health promotion through community granting programs: a rapid systematic review Journal Articles
Modeling Mental Health Information Preferences During the Early Adult Years: A Discrete Choice Conjoint Experiment Journal Articles
Modelling Geographic Variations in West Nile Virus Journal Articles
Modelling and estimation of HIV prevalence and number of people living with HIV in India, 2010–2011 Journal Articles
Modelling psychosocial effects of exposure to solid waste facilities Journal Articles
Modelling the Community as a Determinant of Health Journal Articles
Moderators of Loneliness Trajectories in People with Systemic Sclerosis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A SPIN COVID-19 Cohort Longitudinal Study Journal Articles
Modest rise in chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing did not increase case detection in a clinical HIV cohort in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Monitoring compliance and contamination in a chemoprevention trial Conferences
Monitoring physical functioning as the sixth vital sign: evaluating patient and practice engagement in chronic illness care in a primary care setting--a quasi-experimental design Journal Articles
Moral distress experienced by health care professionals who provide home-based palliative care Journal Articles
Mothers to Babies & Art of Creation: Canadian stakeholder engagement during intervention development Journal Articles
Motivation, justification, normalization: Talk strategies used by Canadian medical tourists regarding their choices to go abroad for hip and knee surgeries Journal Articles
Motivational interviewing with families in the home environment Journal Articles
Moving beyond walkability: On the potential of health geography Journal Articles
Moving experiences: a qualitative analysis of health and migration Journal Articles
Moving forward in clinical research with master protocols Journal Articles
Moving the Agenda Forward for Cancer Patient Navigation: Understanding Volunteer and Peer Navigation Approaches Journal Articles
Moving towards a new vision: implementation of a public health policy intervention Journal Articles
MovingU: A prospective cohort study to understand behavioural and environmental contexts influencing physical activity during the transition into emerging adulthood Journal Articles
Multi-level barriers to reaching HIV testing among young heterosexual African migrants from HIV-endemic countries in Ottawa Journal Articles
Multiple risk behaviour and its association with head and neck injuries: a national analysis of young Canadians Journal Articles
Municipal cross-sectoral policy implementation: urban form and physical activity in Peel Region Conferences
Music and Movement for Health: an artsbased Intervention to promote health and wellbeing of community dwelling older adults in Ireland Conferences
Must the evaluator be blinded? Conferences
Mycoplasma genitalium Antibiotic Resistance–Mediating Mutations in Canadian Women With or Without Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection Journal Articles
Mycoplasma genitalium, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Detected With Aptima Assays Performed on Self-Obtained Vaginal Swabs and Urine Collected at Home and in a Clinic Journal Articles
N of 1 randomized trials for investigating new drugs Journal Articles
NB housing study protocol: investigating the relationship between subsidized housing, mental health, physical health and healthcare use in New Brunswick, Canada Journal Articles
Narcan and Narcan't: Implementation factors influencing police officer use of Narcan Journal Articles
Natural health product–HIV drug interactions: a systematic review Journal Articles
Navigating Women’s Low Desire: Sexual Growth and Destiny Beliefs and Couples’ Well-Being Journal Articles
Navigating interprofessional boundaries: Midwifery students in Canada Journal Articles
Navigating the Social Context of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Reflections on a Project Linking Research to Drama Journal Articles
Neighborhood Greenspace and Socioeconomic Risk are Associated with Diabetes Risk at the Sub-neighborhood Scale: Results from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study Journal Articles
Neighborhood, Family, and Child Predictors of Childhood Injury in Canada Journal Articles
Neighbourhood deprivation and regional inequalities in self-reported health among Canadians: Are we equally at risk? Journal Articles
Neighbourhood influences on participation in activities among older adults with chronic health conditions Journal Articles
Networking in eHealth research: results of the IDRC SEARCH program evaluation Journal Articles
New approaches to addressing information needs in local public health agencies. Journal Articles
Newly Available and Future Laboratory Tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Other Than HIV Conferences
Newly available and future laboratory tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) other than HIV. Journal Articles
Newspaper Articles as a Tool for Cardiovascular Prevention Programs in a Developing Country Journal Articles
Nicotine and Tobacco Research Journal
No UHC without medicines: out-of-pocket payments for non-communicable diseases in 18 countries Conferences
No evidence synthesis about me without me: Involving young people in the conduct and dissemination of a complex evidence synthesis. Journal Articles
Non-agricultural Work Injuries Among Youth Journal Articles
Non-visualized aorta in abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: Screening outcomes and the influence of subject and programme characteristics Journal Articles
Nonculture Tests for Genital Tract Chlamydial Infection Journal Articles
Nortriptyline for pain in knee osteoarthritis: a double-blind randomised controlled trial in New Zealand general practice Journal Articles
Not as Clear Online? Active Visualization of How PrEP Works in the Body Improves Knowledge But Doesn't Change Behavior. Journal Articles
Nuclear ghost: Atomic livelihoods in Fukushima's Gray Zone By Ryo Morimoto, Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 2023. 339 pp. Journal Articles
Nurse Practitioner Role Implementation in Ontario Public Health Units Journal Articles
Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care Journal Articles
Nutrition care practices of primary care providers for weight management in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada - a qualitative study Journal Articles
O10.3 Predictors of Women’s Intentions to Receive Cervical Cancer Screening with Primary HPV Testing Conferences
O10.5 Rapid diagnosis oftrichomonas vaginalisby testing vaginal swabs in an isothermal helicase-dependent amplivue®assay Conferences
O3-S3.01 Comparison of a new APTIMA specimen collection and transportation kit to L-Pap for detection ofC trachomatis,N gonorrhoeaeandT vaginalisin cervical and vaginal specimens Conferences
Obesity, Cigarette Smoking and the Cost of Physicians’ Services in Ontario Journal Articles
Objectively Measured Physical Activity of Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-Aged Children Using Accelerometry Conferences
Objectives of teaching community health to medical undergraduates. Journal Articles
Occupation and the clinical characteristics of infertile couples. Journal Articles
Of needles and skinned knees: Children's coping with medical procedures and minor injuries for self and other. Journal Articles
Of time and troubles: Patient involvement and the production of health care disparities Journal Articles
Offering a choice between two adjuvant chemotherapy regimens: a pilot study to develop a decision aid for women with breast cancer Conferences
Older adults living in social housing in Canada: the next COVID-19 hotspot? Journal Articles
On Measuring the Inequity of Financing Health Care in the United States and the Redistribution of Income Through Health Care Financing in Canada Journal Articles
On the replicability and correlates of the Parent Health Locus of Control Scales Journal Articles
Once Daily Dosing Improves Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Journal Articles
Open government data, uncertainty and coronavirus: An infodemiological case study Journal Articles
Opioid toxicity deaths in Black persons who experienced provincial incarceration in Ontario, Canada 2015–2020: A population-based study Journal Articles
Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Engaging Immigrant Women in Participatory Action Research Journal Articles
Optimism alongside new challenges: using a rehabilitation framework to explore experiences of a qualitative longitudinal cohort of people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in Lusaka, Zambia Journal Articles
Optimizing a portfolio of health care programs in the presence of uncertainty and constrained resources Journal Articles
Oral vitamin B12 therapy in the primary care setting: a qualitative and quantitative study of patient perspectives. Journal Articles
Oral vitamin B12 versus intramuscular vitamin B12 for vitamin B12 deficiency: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Organ donation survey results of a Buffalo, New York, African-American community. Journal Articles
Organizational Capabilities for Integrating Care Journal Articles
Organizational capacity and implementation change: a comparative case study of heart health promotion in Ontario public health agencies Journal Articles
Organizing and accessing the literature. Journal Articles
Organizing public health nursing for the 1990s: generalist or specialist. Journal Articles
Organochlorines and breast cancer: Journal Articles
Osteoporosis risk perceptions among patients who have sustained a fragility fracture Journal Articles
Ottawa Statement from the Sparking Solutions Summit on Population Health Intervention Research Journal Articles
Outcome assessment for clinical trials: How many adjudicators do we need? Journal Articles
Outcome management in community mental health care in six European countries: the MECCA study Conferences
Overconfidence among physicians and nurses: The ‘micro-certainty, macro-uncertainty’ phenomenon Journal Articles
Overview of systematic reviews on the health-related effects of government tobacco control policies Journal Articles
Overview of the DIG trial Journal Articles
P07.18 Ease and comfort of a novel herswabtmvaginal self-sampling device for the detection of sexually transmitted infections Conferences
P128 Contextual approaches to understanding HIV testing and prevention engagement among urban refugee adolescents and youth in Kampala, Uganda Conferences
P2.45 High burden of persistent oncogenic hpv infection in high-risk, hiv-negative men who have sex with men using a novel hpv e6/e7 mrna assay Conferences
P3.421 Contributions of Intensive HIV Prevention Programme in Increasing HIV Testing Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in India: A Decomposition Analysis Conferences
P47 Randomized controlled trial of aerobic plus resistance exercise training in patients with congestive heart failure Journal Articles
P597 Comparison of assays and specimen types for the diagnosis ofmycoplasma genitaliumand macrolide resistant mutations Conferences
P81 A trial evaluating the home treatment of patients with acute proximal deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Journal Articles
Packaging digital culture to young smokers Journal Articles
Paid work, unpaid work and social support: A study of the health of male and female nurses Journal Articles
Pain expression predicts physical more consistently than psychological disability in patients with shoulder pain Conferences
Palliating inside the lines: The effects of borders and boundaries on palliative care in rural Canada Journal Articles
Palliative terminal cancer care in community hospitals and a hospice: a comparative study. Journal Articles
Pandemic H1N1 in Canada and the use of evidence in developing public health policies – A policy analysis Journal Articles
Pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09: risk of infection in primary healthcare workers Journal Articles
Parent report of school-related injuries. Journal Articles
Parenting stress during infancy is a risk factor for mental health problems in 3-year-old children Journal Articles
Parent’s Physical Activity Associated With Preschooler Activity in Underserved Populations Journal Articles
Partial Stories: Maternal Death from Six Angles By ClaireWendland, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2022. pp. 356. Book Reviews
Participation among women living with HIV: A rehabilitation perspective Journal Articles
Partner age differences and associated sexual risk behaviours among adolescent girls and young women in a cash transfer programme for schooling in Malawi Journal Articles
Partner-Involved Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation in Dual-Smoker Couples: A Randomized Pilot Trial Journal Articles
Partnered Recruitment: Engaging Individuals With Lived Experience in the Recruitment of Co‐Design Participants Journal Articles
Partnering in and for Heart Health Promotion: Findings from a Survey of Community Organizations Journal Articles
Partnerships among Canadian agencies serving substance-abusing women and their children Conferences
Paternal psychosocial work conditions and mental health outcomes: A case-control study Journal Articles
Pathways Linking Adverse Childhood Experiences to Cigarette Smoking Among Young Black Men: a Prospective Analysis of the Role of Sleep Problems and Delayed Reward Discounting Journal Articles
Pathways between under/unemployment and health among racialized immigrant women in Toronto Journal Articles
Pathways linking war and displacement to parenting and child adjustment: A qualitative study with Syrian refugees in Lebanon Journal Articles
Pathways of Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Peer Bullying in Children and Youth: A Scoping Review. Journal Articles
Patient Education and Counseling Journal
Patient Views on Reminder Letters for Influenza Vaccinations in an Older Primary Care Patient Population Journal Articles
Patient and public engagement in research and health system decision making: A systematic review of evaluation tools Journal Articles
Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end‐of‐life Journal Articles
Patient compliance and the conduct and interpretation of therapeutic trials Journal Articles
Patient compliance then and now Journal Articles
Patient control over dying: Responses of health care professionals Journal Articles
Patient education about anticoagulant medication: Is narrative evidence or statistical evidence more effective? Journal Articles
Patient education materials for mental health problems in family practice: does location matter? Journal Articles
Patient partner perspectives on compensation: Insights from the Canadian Patient Partner Survey Journal Articles
Patient perspectives on primary care for multimorbidity: An integrative review Journal Articles
Patient satisfaction with access in two interprofessional academic family medicine clinics Journal Articles
Patients' perspectives on taking warfarin: qualitative study in family practice Journal Articles
Patients’ Perspectives of a Physician-Delivered Smoking Cessation Intervention Journal Articles
Patients’ decision making to accept or decline an implantable cardioverter defibrillator for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death Journal Articles
Patients’ understanding of prescription instructions in a semi-urban setting in Cameroon Journal Articles
Pattern of medical waste management: existing scenario in Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal Articles
Patterns of Health Care Use of Injured and Non-injured Children Journal Articles
Patterns of seasonal and pandemic influenza-associated health care and mortality in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Pediatric mortality and hospital use in Canada and the United States, 1971 through 1987. Journal Articles
Pediatric oncology caregiving as narrative repair: Restor(y)ing disrupted family biographies and damaged moral identities. Journal Articles
Perceived Benefits, Facilitators, Disadvantages, and Barriers for Physical Activity Amongst South Asian Adolescents in India and Canada Journal Articles
Perceived Ease of Access and Age Attenuate the Association Between Marijuana Ad Exposure and Marijuana Use in Adolescents Journal Articles
Perceptions of Important Retention and Recruitment Factors by Therapists in Northwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Perceptions of the population regarding generic drugs in Brazil: a nationwide survey Journal Articles
Performance management in times of change: experiences of implementing a performance assessment system in a district in South Africa Journal Articles
Performance of routine syphilis serology in the Ethiopian cohort on HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Perinatal care experiences of mothers living with HIV in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Permanent discontinuation of study drugs in long-term clinical trials Conferences
Person-reported perspectives on support availability for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec Journal Articles
Personal health records--an overview of the changing face of family practice Journal Articles
Personal, home and community safety promotion with community-dwelling elderly persons: response to a public health nurse intervention. Journal Articles
Persons in correctional facilities in Canada: A key population for hepatitis C prevention and control Journal Articles
Perspectives in Public Health Journal
Perspectives of healthcare professionals and patients on the application of mindfulness in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Perspectives of personal support workers and ventilator-users on training needs Journal Articles
Perspectives on ART adherence among Zambian adults living with HIV: insights raised using HIV-related disability frameworks Journal Articles
Perspectives on academic mentorship, research collaborations, career advice and work–life balance: a masterclass conversation with Professor Salim Abdool Karim Journal Articles
Perspectives on low-value care and barriers to de-implementation among primary care physicians: a multinational survey Journal Articles
Physical Activity Matters: Associations Among Body Mass Index, Physical Activity, and Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories Over 10 Years Journal Articles
Physical Activity Participation of Children in Different Kindergarten Arrangements Conferences
Physical Activity and Other Health-Risk Behaviors During the Transition Into Early Adulthood Journal Articles
Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer Mortality in Puerto Rican Men Journal Articles
Physical Activity, Emotional Self-Regulation, and Children's Mental Health Conferences
Physical Health Complaints and the Use of Outpatient Mental Health Services Among Those with a Mental Disorder Journal Articles
Physical Morbidity and Mental Health Care Among Young People Journal Articles
Physical activity among older people with sight loss: a qualitative research study to inform policy and practice Journal Articles
Physical activity and recreational screen time change among adolescents in Canada: Examining the impact of COVID-19 in worsening inequity Journal Articles
Physical activity and sedentary behavior during the early years in Canada: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Physical activity guidelines and guides for Canadians: facts and futureThis article is part of a supplement entitled Advancing physical activity measurement and guidelines in Canada: a scientific review and evidence-based foundation for the future of Canadian physical activity guidelines co-published by Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism and the Canadian Journal of Public Health. It may be cited as Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 32(Suppl. 2E) or as Can. J. Public Health 98(Suppl. 2). Journal Articles
Physician perspectives of the community paramedicine at clinic (CP@clinic) and my care plan app (myCP app) for older adults Journal Articles
Physician-Led Synchronous Telemedicine Compared to Face-To-Face Care in Primary Care: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Physician‐related facilitators and barriers to patient involvement in treatment decision making in early stage breast cancer: perspectives of physicians and patients Journal Articles
Physician–patient–companion communication and decision-making: A systematic review of triadic medical consultations Journal Articles
Picturing Participation: Catalyzing Conversations About Community Engagement in HIV Community–Based Organizations Journal Articles
Place of residence and maternal health behaviours Journal Articles
Places of death and places of care for Indigenous Peoples in Ontario: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Placing health in context Journal Articles
Placing the consumption of private complementary medicine: everyday geographies of older peoples’ use Journal Articles
Plasticity and Pathology: On the Formation of the Neural Subject. David Bates Nima Bassiri, New York: Fordham University Press, 2016, 368pp. Journal Articles
Policy issues in the private health sector: Examples from long-term care in the U.K. Journal Articles
Population Survey Features and Response Rates: A Randomized Experiment Journal Articles
Population attributable risk of smoking during pregnancy on obesity in offspring Journal Articles
Population tobacco control interventions and their effects on social inequalities in smoking: placing an equity lens on existing systematic reviews Journal Articles
Population-based health promotion: a new agenda for public health nurses. Journal Articles
Portfolio theory and the alternative decision rule of cost-effectiveness analysis: theoretical and practical considerations Journal Articles
Post-graduation migration intentions of students of Lebanese medical schools: a survey study Journal Articles
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Moral Injury Among Ukrainian Civilians During the Ongoing War Journal Articles
Postnatal Women’s Feeling State Responses to Exercise With and Without Baby Journal Articles
Postnatal depression: a few simple questions Journal Articles
Postpartum Depression Among Rural Women From Developed and Developing Countries: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Postpartum safety and satisfaction following early discharge. Journal Articles
Postscript Journal Articles
Poverty and food insecurity of older adults living in social housing in Ontario: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Power and community: Organizational and cultural responses to AIDS Journal Articles
Power function arguments in support of an alternative approach for analyzing management trials Journal Articles
Practices, support and stigma related to infant feeding and postpartum engagement in care among women living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Pre-trial evaluation of the potential for unblinding in drug trials: A prototype example Journal Articles
Precarious work on the rise Journal Articles
Precarity in late life: rethinking dementia as a ‘frailed’ old age Journal Articles
Predicting parents' use of booster seats Journal Articles
Predictive Validity of a Cigarette Purchase Task in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Contingent Vouchers for Smoking in Individuals With Substance Use Disorders Journal Articles
Predictors of Acceptance of a Postpartum Public Health Nurse Home Visit Journal Articles
Predictors of Gestational Weight Gain Examined As a Continuous Outcome: A Prospective Analysis Journal Articles
Predictors of Leisure Time Physical Activity Among People with Spinal Cord Injury Journal Articles
Predictors of Postpartum Depression Among Immigrant Women in the Year After Childbirth Journal Articles
Predictors of Research Use Among Staff in Aboriginal Addiction Treatment Programs Serving Women Journal Articles
Predictors of Work-Related Repetitive Strain Injuries in a Population Cohort Journal Articles
Predictors of caregivers' dissatisfaction with community long-term care services for seniors: results from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging. Journal Articles
Predictors of reported alcohol intake during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada among middle-aged and older adults: results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Preferences for Mental Health Screening Among Pregnant Women Journal Articles
Preferences for outcomes in economic evaluation: An economic approach to addressing economic problems Journal Articles
Pregnancy health and outcome in two cities in the Kola Peninsula, Northwestern Russia Journal Articles
Preliminary report of trace elements in mothers and newborns living in the Kola Peninsula and Arkhangelsk region of Russia compared to Norwegian populations. Journal Articles
Prenatal HIV Testing in Ontario Journal Articles
Preparing Child Care Health Consultants to Address Childhood Overweight: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Web to In-Person Training Journal Articles
Preparing for patient partnership: A scoping review of patient partner engagement and evaluation in research Journal Articles
Prerandomization adherence aids for clinical trials Conferences
Preschool to School-Age Physical Activity Trajectories and School-Age Physical Literacy: A Longitudinal Analysis Journal Articles
Prescriber adherence to guidelines for chronic noncancer pain management with opioids: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications to elderly people Journal Articles
Prescription charges. Journal Articles
Prevalence and Predictors of Urethral Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Infection in Male Inmates in an Ontario Correctional Facility Journal Articles
Prevalence and Predictors of Water Pipe and Cigarette Smoking Among Secondary School Students in London Journal Articles
Prevalence and characteristics of adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in corrections: a Canadian case ascertainment study Journal Articles
Prevalence and population attributable fractions of potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia in Canada: A cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Prevalence of
Haemophilus influenzae
in the nasopharynx of children from regions with varying incidence of invasive
H. influenzae
serotype a disease: Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study Journal Articles
Prevalence of Adolescent Dating Violence in Canada: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis Infections and Specimen Collection Preference Among Women, Using Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs in Community Settings Journal Articles
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Among South Asian Women Living in Southern Ontario Journal Articles
Prevalence of anemia among under-5 children in the Ghanaian population: estimates from the Ghana demographic and health survey Journal Articles
Prevalence of health-risk behaviours among Canadian post-secondary students: descriptive results from the National College Health Assessment Journal Articles
Prevalence of hyperuricemia and relation of serum uric acid with cardiovascular risk factors in a developing country Journal Articles
Prevalence of mental disorders and torture among Tibetan refugees: A systematic review Journal Articles
Prevalência de transtornos mentais em indivíduos de uma unidade de referência para Programa Saúde da Família em Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Journal Articles
Preventive Medicine Journal
Previous Syphilis Not Associated With Neurocognitive Outcomes in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Previous experiences of pregnancy and early motherhood among women living with HIV: a latent class analysis Journal Articles
Primary care clinicians’ confidence, willingness participation and perceptions of roles in advance care planning discussions with patients: a multi-site survey Journal Articles
Primary care intervention to address cardiovascular disease medication health literacy among Indigenous peoples: Canadian results of a pre-post-design study Journal Articles
Primary care practice transformation: start with roles and relationships Journal Articles
Primary care provider perceptions of enablers and barriers to following guideline-recommended laboratory tests to confirm chronic kidney disease: a qualitative descriptive study Journal Articles
Primary care providers’ perceptions on the integration of community-led advance care planning activities with primary care: a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Primary care-based interventions to address the financial needs of patients experiencing poverty: a scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Primary health care in the Philippines: Banking on the barangays? Journal Articles
Principles for the Justification of Public Health Intervention Journal Articles
Priorities for research in child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and resilience to violence exposures: results of an international Delphi consensus development process Journal Articles
Prioritising Cochrane reviews to be updated with health equity focus Journal Articles
Prioritizing Obesity in the City Journal Articles
Priority measures for publicly reporting primary care performance: Results of public engagement through deliberative dialogues in 3 Canadian provinces Journal Articles
Priority setting for disease outbreaks in Uganda: A case study evaluating the process Journal Articles
Privatising residential care for elderly people: The geography of developments in Devon, England Journal Articles
Problems and potential of researching epidemiological transition: Examples from Southeast Asia Conferences
Problems in search of solutions: health and Canadian aboriginals. Journal Articles
Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic use versus a standard approach for acute respiratory tract infections in primary care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and baseline characteristics of participating general practitioners [ISRCTN73182671] Journal Articles
Process description and evaluation of Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines development Journal Articles
Process evaluation in the field: global learnings from seven implementation research hypertension projects in low-and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Producing health, consuming health care Journal Articles
Product review Journal Articles
Professional assessment of potential concussions in elite football tournaments Journal Articles
Professional integration as a process of professional resocialization: Internationally educated health professionals in Canada Journal Articles
Progress in Applied Research on the Laboratory Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and the Role of the STD Journal. Journal Articles
Promoting social health in Northern Saskatchewan Journal Articles
Promoting uptake of influenza vaccination among health care workers: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Protocol for a Delphi consensus exercise to identify a core set of criteria for selecting health related outcome measures (HROM) to be used in primary health care Journal Articles
Protocol for a randomized clinical trial to confirm the effectiveness of online guided self-help family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa Journal Articles
Protocol for the MATCH study (Mindfulness and Tai Chi for cancer health): A preference-based multi-site randomized comparative effectiveness trial (CET) of Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery (MBCR) vs. Tai Chi/Qigong (TCQ) for cancer survivors Journal Articles
Protocol: Transmission and prevention of influenza in Hutterites: Zoonotic transmission of influenza A: swine & swine workers Journal Articles
Protocol: evaluation of an optimised couples-focused intervention to increase testing for HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, the Igugu Lethu (‘Our treasure’) cohort study Journal Articles
Provider incentives and access to dental care: Evaluating NHS reforms in England Journal Articles
Provider--Patient Communication Among Elderly and Nonelderly Patients in Canadian Hospitals: A National Survey Journal Articles
Providing evidence‐based information to patients in general practice and pharmacies: what is the acceptability, usefulness and impact on drug use? Journal Articles
Providing family planning and reproductive healthcare to Canadian immigrants: perceptions of healthcare providers Journal Articles
Psychiatric Morbidity among Incarcerated Individuals in an Underserved Region of Nigeria: Revisiting the Unmet Mental Health Needs in Correction Services Journal Articles
Psychological problems in parents of children and adolescents with chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Psychology, Health and Medicine Journal
Psychosocial and neo-material dimensions of SES and health revisited: Predictors of self-rated health in a Canadian national survey Journal Articles
Psychosocial effects of PCB contamination and remediation: The case of Smithville, Ontario Journal Articles
Psychosocial impacts in populations exposed to solid waste facilities Journal Articles
Psychosocial stress, women and heart health: A critical review Journal Articles
Public Engagement in Health Policy-Making for Older Adults: A Systematic Search and Scoping Review. Journal Articles
Public Health Journal
Public Health Reports Journal
Public Health Science and Practice: From Fragmentation to Alignment Journal Articles
Public health journals’ requirements for authors to disclose funding and conflicts of interest: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Public health nurses' quality of worklife: responses to organizational changes. Journal Articles
Public health nursing clientele shared with social assistance: proportions, characteristics and policy implications. Journal Articles
Public health preventive measures and child health behaviours during COVID-19: a cohort study Journal Articles
Public health responses for skin cancer prevention: the policy framing of Sun Safety in Australia, Canada and England Journal Articles
Public perceptions during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: a demographic analysis of self-reported beliefs, behaviors, and information acquisition Journal Articles
Public perceptions of quarantine: community-based telephone survey following an infectious disease outbreak Journal Articles
Publication Ethics During Public Health Emergencies Such as the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Published intimate partner violence studies often differ from their trial registration records Journal Articles
Pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects in Ontario, Canada: a cost-effectiveness analysis Journal Articles
Putting policy into practice? Poverty and people with serious mental illness Journal Articles
Qualitative Research in Psychology Journal
Qualitative and quantitative research methods Journal Articles
Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence: Developing a research-based practice of immanent critique Journal Articles
Quality in Primary Care Journal
Quality of life and coping strategies among lung transplant candidates and their family caregivers Journal Articles
Quality of life assessment: Patient compliance with questionnaire completion Journal Articles
Quality of life in an Italian cohort of people living with HIV in the era of combined antiretroviral therapy (Evidence from I.A.N.U.A. study-investigation on antiretroviral therapy) Journal Articles
Quality of life in stage 2 breast cancer patients measured by a time trade off method Conferences
Quantifying Metabolic Food Waste in Ireland from Excess Food Intake Journal Articles
Quebec physicians’ perspectives on medical aid in dying for incompetent patients with dementia Journal Articles
Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis Journal Articles
REPRINT OF: Current Methods of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: A Review of the Process Journal Articles
Racial Differences in Weight Loss Mediated by Engagement and Behavior Change Journal Articles
Racialized and gendered disparities in occupational exposures among Chinese and white workers in Toronto Journal Articles
Raising awareness about physical activity’s role in reducing cancer risk: qualitative interviews with immigrant women and community agency managers Journal Articles
Randomized trial of a clinic-based, community-supported, lifestyle intervention to improve physical activity and diet: The North Carolina enhanced WISEWOMAN project Journal Articles
Randomized trials of public health interventions reported in the Canadian Journal of Public Health: 1966 to 1996. Journal Articles
Randomizing patients by family practice: sample size estimation, intracluster correlation and data analysis Journal Articles
Rapid Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis by Testing Vaginal Swabs in an Isothermal Helicase-Dependent AmpliVue Assay Journal Articles
Rare ATGL haplotypes are associated with increased plasma triglyceride concentrations in the Greenland Inuit Journal Articles
Rationale and Design of the Echocardiographic Study of Hispanics/Latinos (ECHO-SOL). Journal Articles
Rationale and design of South Asian Birth Cohort (START): a Canada-India collaborative study Journal Articles
Rationale, design, and methods for Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort study (CAHHM) – a Pan Canadian cohort study Journal Articles
Rationale, design, implementation, and baseline characteristics of patients in the dig trial: A large, simple, long-term trial to evaluate the effect of digitalis on mortality in heart failure Journal Articles
Re-imagining world: From human health in the world to ‘all-world health’ Journal Articles
Re: Ostry A. The new international trade regime: problems for publicly funded healthcare in Canada? (Editorial) CJPH 2001; 92(1):5-6. Journal Articles
Re: “Linking missing data to study outcomes using multiple imputations” Journal Articles
Readjustment, Desirability, Expectedness, Mastery and Outcome Dimensions of Life Stress Suicide Attempt and Auto-Accident Journal Articles
Realistic Expectations: Investing in Organizational Capacity Building for Chronic Disease Prevention Journal Articles
Reconciling ethical and economic conceptions of value in health policy using the capabilities approach: A qualitative investigation of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing Journal Articles
Recreation for children on social assistance, 4–17 years old, pays for itself the same year Journal Articles
Recruiting families using social media versus pediatric obesity clinics: A secondary analysis of the Aim2Be RCT Journal Articles
Recruiting family physicians and patients for a clinical trial: lessons learned Journal Articles
Recruitment for an efficacy study in chemoprevention—The concerned smoker study Journal Articles
Recruitment strategies for minority participation: challenges and cost lessons from the POWER interview. Journal Articles
Reducing emergency hospital admissions: a population health complex intervention of an enhanced model of primary care and compassionate communities Journal Articles
Reducing stigma in healthcare and law enforcement: a novel approach to service provision for street level sex workers Journal Articles
Refinement of indicators and criteria in a quality tool for assessing quality in primary care in Canada: a Delphi Panel study Journal Articles
Reflections on the opportunities and challenges of applying experience‐based co‐design (EBCD) to phase 1 clinical trials in oncology Journal Articles
Refugee and Refugee-claimant Women and Infants Post-birth Journal Articles
Regional Differences in Incident Prefrailty and Frailty Journal Articles
Regional distribution of family practitioner services: implications for National Health Service equity and efficiency. Journal Articles
Reimagining a population strategy for obesity control Journal Articles
Relationship between increasing prescription charges and consumption in groups not exempt from charges. Journal Articles
Relationships Between Dimensions of Disability Experienced by Adults Living with HIV: A Structural Equation Model Analysis Journal Articles
Relative and absolute availability of fast-food restaurants in relation to the development of diabetes: A population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Relative and absolute availability of fast-food restaurants in relation to the development of diabetes: A population-based cohort study. Journal Articles
Relative efficiency in the analysis of survival data Conferences
Relative food insecurity, mental health and wellbeing in 160 countries Journal Articles
Reliability and validity of a nutrition and physical activity environmental self-assessment for child care Journal Articles
Reliability and validity of a nutrition and physical activity environmental self-assessment for child care Journal Articles
Reliability of race assessment based on the race of the ascendants: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of a culturally modified Kessler scale (MK-K5) in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population Journal Articles
Remote population-based intervention for disruptive behavior at age four: study protocol for a randomized trial of Internet-assisted parent training (Strongest Families Finland-Canada) Journal Articles
Reporting and design of randomized controlled trials for COVID-19: A systematic review Journal Articles
Reproductive Health Matters Journal
Reproductive rights on the path of liberation: from deconstructing the concept of control in our society to emphasizing pro-attachment attitudes Journal Articles
Request for Information: An Evaluation of Occupational Safety Interventions Journal Articles
Research as Intervention in Heart Health Promotion Journal Articles
Research in the Sociology of Health Care Journal
Research on the health of people who experience detention or incarceration in Canada: a scoping review Journal Articles
Research use in children's mental health policy in Canada: Maintaining vigilance amid ambiguity Journal Articles
Researchers Supporting Schools to Improve Health: Influential Factors and Outcomes of Knowledge Brokering in the COMPASS Study Journal Articles
Researching palliative care in humanitarian crises: Jordan case study Conferences
Resettlement, mental health, and coping: a mixed methods survey with recently resettled refugee parents in Canada Journal Articles
Residential green space and pathways to term birth weight in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study Journal Articles
Residential moves, neighbourhood walkability, and physical activity: a longitudinal pilot study in Ontario Canada Journal Articles
Resilience and associated factors in orphaned and separated adolescents in Kenya: Understanding the relationship with care environment and HIV risks Journal Articles
Resilience in adolescence during the COVID-19 crisis in Canada Journal Articles
Resisting the seduction of “ethics creep”: Using Foucault to surface complexity and contradiction in research ethics review Journal Articles
Resolution of Medical Instability in Adolescents With Anorexia Nervosa and Excessive Exercise Conferences
Response by Cadman, et al Journal Articles
Response patterns and predictors of compliance to Ecological Momentary Assessment in university students: Results from the MovingU study Conferences
Response to “understanding the behavioural determinants of opioid prescribing among family physicians: a qualitative study” Journal Articles
Restrictive Measures in an Influenza Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Public Perspectives Journal Articles
Restructuring Public Health in Ontario: Implications for Heart Health Promotion Journal Articles
Restructuring home care in the 1990s: Geographical differentiation in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Results from Canada’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth Conferences
Rethinking measurement of neighborhood in the context of health research Journal Articles
Return on investment of Canadian tobacco control policies implemented between 2001 and 2016 Journal Articles
Review of the Role of Holistic Medicine in Sexual Health Conferences
Revisiting sequential attributable fractions Journal Articles
Revisiting the use of ‘place’ as an analytic tool for elucidating geographic issues central to Canadian rural palliative care Journal Articles
Revista Espanola de Salud Publica Journal
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública Journal
Revista de Salud Publica Journal
Revista de Saude Publica Journal
Risk Adjusting Community Rated Health Plan Premiums: A Survey of Risk Assessment Literature and Policy Applications Journal Articles
Risk and preventing perinatal HIV transmission: uncovering the social organisation of prenatal care for women living with HIV in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Risk and protective factors in predicting pediatric acute postsurgical pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Risk communication methods in hip fracture prevention: a randomised trial in primary care Journal Articles
Risk factors associated with failure of syndromic treatment of sexually transmitted diseases among women seeking primary care in Addis Ababa Journal Articles
Risk factors for intimate partner violence in women in the Rakai Community Cohort Study, Uganda, from 2000 to 2009 Journal Articles
Risk factors for unintentional injuries due to falls in children aged 0–6 years: a systematic review Journal Articles
Risk of severe illness from COVID‐19 among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: the construct of ‘vulnerable populations’ obscures the root causes of health inequities Journal Articles
Risks, benefits and the role of stakeholders in pathogen reduction technology Journal Articles
Routine primary care screening for intimate partner violence and other adverse psychosocial exposures: what’s the evidence? Journal Articles
Ruling in and ruling out: Implications of molecular genetic diagnoses for disease classification Journal Articles
Rural health disparities in health care utilization for dementia in Minnesota Journal Articles
SAHARA J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance Journal
Salud Publica de Mexico Journal
Same-day Enterococcus qPCR results of recreational water quality at two Toronto beaches provide added public health protection and reduced beach days lost Journal Articles
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Journal
School and Community Predictors of Smoking: A Longitudinal Study of Canadian High Schools Journal Articles
School meal programs and their potential to operate as school-based obesity prevention and nutrition interventions: case studies from France and Japan Journal Articles
School-based nutrition and garden programs and parental dietary changes in low-income settings: a review Journal Articles
Scoping the Field: Identifying Key Research Priorities in HIV and Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Screen Time Behaviours in Ontario Preschoolers Conferences
Screening Seniors for Risk of Functional Decline: Results of a Survey in Family Practice Journal Articles
Screening Urine with a Leukocyte Esterase Strip and Subsequent Chlamydial Testing of Asymptomatic Men Attending Primary Care Practitioners Journal Articles
Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Journal Articles
Screening for intimate partner violence Journal Articles
Screening for lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Screening policies for daycare attendees: lessons learned from an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in a daycare in Waterloo, Ontario Journal Articles
Searching for rigour in the reporting of mixed methods population health research: a methodological review Journal Articles
Seasonal Variation in Leisure-time Physical Activity Among Canadians Journal Articles
Seeing Like a Research Project: Producing “High-Quality Data” in AIDS Research in Malawi Journal Articles
Seeking informed consent to cancer clinical trials: Journal Articles
Selected research from the XII International Symposium in Medical Geography, Bonn, July 2007: Introduction to the Special Issue Journal Articles
Self-Perceived Emotional Distress and Diabetes Risk Among Young Men Journal Articles
Self-Reported Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Visiting and Office Home Care Workers Journal Articles
Self-care issues from the perspective of individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Self-collected swabs of the urinary meatus diagnose moreChlamydia trachomatisandNeisseria gonorrhoeaeinfections than first catch urine from men Journal Articles
Self-concept among youth with a chronic illness: A meta-analytic review. Journal Articles
Self-efficacy and health-related quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A meta-analysis Journal Articles
Self-employment, illness, and the social security system: a qualitative study of the experiences of solo self-employed workers in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Self-rated health within the Canadian immigrant population: risk and the healthy immigrant effect Journal Articles
Self-reported chronic conditions and COVID-19 public health measures among Canadian adults: an analysis of the Canadian longitudinal study on aging Journal Articles
Self-reported ethnic status of delivering women, newborn body mass index, blood or urine concentrations of toxic metals, and essential elements in sera of Norwegian and Russian Arctic populations. Journal Articles
Self-reported hypertension prevalence and income among older adults in Canada and the United States Journal Articles
Self‐reported use of shared decision‐making among breast cancer specialists and perceived barriers and facilitators to implementing this approach Journal Articles
Sequellae of school-related injuries: school and parent perspectives. Journal Articles
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among children receiving primary care in Toronto, Ontario. Journal Articles
Serum Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Levels are Stable in Depressed Females with Bipolar Disorder Conferences
Serving the needs of hearing impaired preschool children in rural areas. Journal Articles
Setting priorities for knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews for health equity: Evidence for Equity Journal Articles
Severe obesity in children 17 to 24 months of age: a cross-sectional study of TARGet Kids! and Better Outcomes Registry & Network (BORN) Ontario Journal Articles
Sex Differences in Intrinsic Connectivity During fMRI Stroop in Cocaine-Dependent Individuals Conferences
Sex Differences in Suicides Among Children and Youth: The Potential Impact of Misclassification Journal Articles
Sex and Gender Subgroup Analyses of Randomized Trials Journal Articles
Sex and relationship education: did you get it? Journal Articles
Sexual Health Journal
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Knowledge and Learning Experiences of 1.5-Generation Bangladeshi Women in Toronto: An Intersectional Analysis Journal Articles
Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Latin America: an analysis of trends, commitments and achievements Journal Articles
Sexual and reproductive health and rights of “last mile” adolescents: a scoping review Journal Articles
Sexual health service use among university undergraduate students in Nova Scotia Journal Articles
Sexually Transmitted Disease Diagnostics Initiative Journal Articles
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Journal
Sexually Transmitted Infection/HIV Laboratory Testing in Resource-Limited Countries Journal Articles
Sexually Transmitted Infections Journal
Shared decision-making in primary care: Tailoring the Charles et al. model to fit the context of general practice Journal Articles
Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: What does it mean? (or it takes at least two to tango) Journal Articles
Shared medical appointments for patients with a nondiabetic physical chronic illness: A systematic review Journal Articles
Shared treatment decision making in a collectively funded health care system: possible conflicts and some potential solutions Journal Articles
Short-term impact of a neighbourhood-based intervention on mental health and self-rated health in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Simultaneous randomization to multiple dose levels and an active comparator as a means of determining the minimal effective dose of an investigational agent Journal Articles
Single mothers and the use of professionals for mental health care reasons Journal Articles
Single-subject designs Conferences
Sleep duration, snoring habits and risk of acute myocardial infarction in China population: results of the INTERHEART study Journal Articles
Smoke-Free Policies and 30-Day Readmission Rates for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Smoking Among U.S. Hispanic/Latino Adults Journal Articles
Smoking Cessation Programs for Women in Non-reproductive Contexts: A Systematic Review. Journal Articles
Smoking During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Smoking Rates and Intention to Quit Smoking or Resume After Pregnancy Journal Articles
Smoking cessation: health system challenges and opportunities Journal Articles
Smoking in Context Journal Articles
Smoking in Ontario Schools Journal Articles
Smoking initiation in youth Journal Articles
Smoking practices, knowledge and attitudes regarding smoking of university hospital nurses. Journal Articles
Social Determinants of Health and Retention in HIV Care Among Recently Incarcerated Women Living with HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Social Science and Medicine Journal
Social and Ecological Structures Supporting Adolescent Connectedness to School: A Theoretical Model Journal Articles
Social assistance and trajectories of child mental health problems in Canada: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Journal Articles
Social capital, collective action and access to water in rural Kenya Journal Articles
Social determinants of health and health equity policy research: Exploring the use, misuse, and nonuse of policy analysis theory Journal Articles
Social determinants of health in Canada’s immigrant population: results from the National Population Health Survey Journal Articles
Social determinants of health inequalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal Articles
Social factors in frequent callers: a description of isolation, poverty and quality of life in those calling emergency medical services frequently Journal Articles
Social inequality, population health, and housing: a study of two Vancouver neighborhoods Journal Articles
Social participation and depressive symptoms of carer-employees of older adults in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Social-ecological factors associated with trajectories of adolescent sexual and reproductive health stigma: longitudinal cohort findings with urban refugee youth in Kampala. Journal Articles
Socio-demographic and behavioral correlates of health literacy: a gender perspective in Ghana Journal Articles
Socio-economic Correlates of Municipal-level Pollution Emissions on Montreal Island Journal Articles
Socio-economic inequality in the use of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease Conferences
Socio-spatial patterns of home care use in Ontario, Canada: A case study Journal Articles
Sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and knowledge about cervical cancer prevention as risk factors for high-risk human papillomavirus infection in Arkhangelsk, North-West Russia Journal Articles
Sociodemographic factors associated with vaccine hesitancy in the South Asian community in Canada Journal Articles
Socioeconomic and environmental covariates of premature mortality in Ontario Journal Articles
Socioeconomic position and consumption of sugary drinks, sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% juice among Canadians: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey–Nutrition Journal Articles
Socioeconomic status and health-related quality of life among elderly people: Results from the Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health Journal Articles
Socioeconomic, demographic and environmental factors of child drownings in Northern Bangladesh. Journal Articles
Sociology of Health and Illness Journal
Somatic growth of Canadian children of various ethnic origins. Journal Articles
Some statistical trends of importance for planning psychiatric programs in New York. Journal Articles
South African men’s perceptions of breast cancer: impact of gender norms on health care accessibility Journal Articles
South-South cross-border patient travel to South Africa Journal Articles
South–South medical tourism and the quest for health in Southern Africa Journal Articles
Spaces of sobriety/sites of power: Examining social model alcohol recovery programs as therapeutic landscapes Journal Articles
Spasticity measurement in stroke: a pilot study. Journal Articles
Spatial aberration vs. geographical substance: Representing place in public health surveillance Journal Articles
Spatial inequalities and pedestrian injuries in Cali, Colombia Conferences
Spatial patterns of surgery attendance: some implications for the provision of primary health care. Journal Articles
Spatial patterns of use of health services in the Kingston Metropolitan Area, Jamaica Journal Articles
Spatially informed knowledge translation: Informing potential users of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit Journal Articles
Spinning, hurting, still, afraid: Living life spaces with Type I Chiari Malformation Journal Articles
Spiritual therapeutic landscapes and healing: A case study of St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Spirometric nomograms for normal children and adolescents in Puerto Rico Journal Articles
Split WHO in two: strengthening political decision-making and securing independent scientific advice Journal Articles
Stability of Normative Data for the SF-36 Journal Articles
Standardized observation of neighbourhood disorder: does it work in Canada? Journal Articles
Steps "Count": Modes of Transportation in Preschool Children Conferences
Stigma and intersectionality: a systematic review of systematic reviews across HIV/AIDS, mental illness, and physical disability Journal Articles
Stigma, HIV and health: a qualitative synthesis Journal Articles
Stillbirth in Canada: anachronistic definition and registration processes impede public health surveillance and clinical care Journal Articles
Stopping Smoking During Pregnancy Journal Articles
Stopping rules for long-term clinical trials Conferences
Strategies for Maintaining Educational Standards in Medical Oncology Residency Training in the Era of COVID-19: Experience from a Canadian Cancer Centre Journal Articles
Strategies for working across Canadian practice-based research and learning networks (PBRLNs) in primary care: focus on frailty Journal Articles
Strategies to enhance patient recruitment and retention in research involving patients with a first episode of mental illness Journal Articles
Strengths and limitations of meta-analysis: Larger studies may be more reliable Journal Articles
Striving for the best: WONCA global standards for continuing professional development for family doctors Journal Articles
Stronger together: Coping behaviours and mental health changes of Canadian adolescents in early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Structural constraints and opportunities for CAM use and referral by physicians, nurses, and midwives Journal Articles
Structural interventions that affect racial inequities and their impact on population health outcomes: a systematic review Journal Articles
Students' sexual knowledge, attitudes toward sex, and willingness to treat sexual concerns. Journal Articles
Students’ attitudes, beliefs and perceptions surrounding 2SLGBTQIA + health education and inclusiveness in Canadian physiotherapy programs Journal Articles
Study design of ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE): A randomized, controlled trial Journal Articles
Study to prospectively evaluate reamed intramedullary nails in tibial shaft fractures (SPRINT) Conferences
Subjective unmet need and utilization of health care services in Canada: What are the equity implications? Journal Articles
Substance Use Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Conferences
Substance Use Disorders and Antisocial Personality Disorder among a Sample of Incarcerated Individuals with Inadequate Health Care: Implications for Correctional Mental-Behavioural Health and Addiction Services Journal Articles
Successful Management of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in an Underserved Community by a Student-run Free Clinic Journal Articles
Suicidal Behaviour on Subway Systems: A Review of the Epidemiology Journal Articles
Suicidal Behaviour on Subway Systems: A Review of the Epidemiology Journal Articles
Suicidal Risk in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Suicidal behaviours among adolescents from 90 countries: a pooled analysis of the global school-based student health survey Journal Articles
Suicide, firearms, and legislation: A review of the Canadian evidence Journal Articles
Suporte para uso de evidências de pesquisa nas Américas através do "one-stop shop" eletrônico: EVIPNet VHL Journal Articles
Supply projections as planning: A critical review of forecasting net physician requirements in Canada Journal Articles
Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE): rationale and study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Supporting ethical practice in primary care research: strategies for action. Journal Articles
Supporting quality public and patient engagement in health system organizations: development and usability testing of the Public and Patient Engagement Evaluation Tool Journal Articles
Supporting the evaluation of public and patient engagement in health system organizations: Results from an implementation research study Journal Articles
Surge Capacity and Casualization Journal Articles
Surrogate endpoint use in cardiovascular clinical trials Conferences
Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials Conferences
Survey instruments used in clinical and epidemiological research on waterpipe tobacco smoking: a systematic review Journal Articles
Survey of the Canadian hemophilia population. Journal Articles
Susceptibility to smoking among South East Asian youth: a multilevel analysis Journal Articles
Sustaining the Rural Workforce: Nursing Perspectives on Worklife Challenges Journal Articles
Symptoms of depression and anxiety, and unmet healthcare needs in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Systematic Review of the Effectiveness and Experiences of Treatment for Men With Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal Articles
Systematic analysis of global health research funding in Canada, 2000–2016 Journal Articles
Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth Journal Articles
Systematic review of the relationships between physical activity and health indicators in the early years (0-4 years) Journal Articles
Systematic review on reducing missed opportunities for vaccinations in Latin America Journal Articles
Systematic reviews: A glossary for public health Journal Articles
Systemic and intersectional marginalization in physical activity: Revealing complex dynamics and pathways to equity for all Canadians Journal Articles
TEACH: Trial of Education And Compliance in Heart dysfunction chronic disease and heart failure (HF) as an increasing problem Journal Articles
Taxing free sugar: the devil is in the resulting distribution of gains and pains Journal Articles
Television and the behaviour of adolescents: Does socio-economic status moderate the link? Journal Articles
Telling stories: News media, health literacy and public policy in Canada Journal Articles
Temporal Stability of a Cigarette Purchase Task Journal Articles
Termination of a randomized controlled trial of two vasectomy techniques Journal Articles
Textbook in psychiatric epidemiology Journal Articles
The 1999 international emergency humanitarian evacuation of the Kosovars to Canada: A qualitative study of service providers' perspectives at the international, national and local levels Journal Articles
The Aral Sea disaster and self-rated health Journal Articles
The Argentinian mother-and-child contaminant study: a cross-sectional study among delivering women in the cities of Ushuaia and Salta Journal Articles
The British Columbia Healthy Connections Project: findings on socioeconomic disadvantage in early pregnancy Journal Articles
The COMPASS study: a longitudinal hierarchical research platform for evaluating natural experiments related to changes in school-level programs, policies and built environment resources Journal Articles
The COVID‐19 pandemic and cause of death Journal Articles
The Community Health Assessment Program in the Philippines (CHAP-P) diabetes health promotion program for low- to middle-income countries: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
The Coordination and Activity Tracking in CHildren (CATCH) study: rationale and design Journal Articles
The Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada: Opportunities and Recommendations for Modernization Journal Articles
The Effect of Prenatal Care Delivery Models Targeting Populations with Low Rates of PNC Attendance: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The Effect of Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Contact Tracing on School Function: An Exploratory Focus Group Study Journal Articles
The Effects of Housing Status on Health-Related Outcomes in People living with HIV: A Systematic Review of the Literature Journal Articles
The Effects of Paid and Unpaid Work on Nurses' Well-being: the Importance of Gender Journal Articles
The Emergence of Dementia as a Health Concern Among First Nations Populations in Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
The Gender Gap in Orgasms: Survey Data from a Mid-Sized Canadian City Journal Articles
The Gigii-Bapiimin Study: resilience and the impacts of COVID-19 on health and wellbeing of Indigenous people living with HIV in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Journal Articles
The Global Epidemiologic Transition Journal Articles
The Health of Ontario First Nations People Journal Articles
The Hidden Curriculum in Postgraduate Medical Education: a Commentary Journal Articles
The IGU commission on health, environment and development: aims and activities Journal Articles
The Impact of Anogenital Warts on Health-Related Quality of Life: A 6-Month Prospective Study Journal Articles
The Impact of CME Journal Articles
The Impact of Neighborhood Composition on Work-Family Conflict and Distress Journal Articles
The Impact of Prices and Taxes on the Use of Tobacco Products in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Articles
The Impact on Accuracy and Cost of Ligase Chain Reaction Testing by Pooling Urine Specimens for the Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis Infections Journal Articles
The Implementation and Feasibility of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE) Intervention: A Process Evaluation Journal Articles
The Importance of Sex in the Lives of Women Living with HIV: A Critical Quantitative Analysis Journal Articles
The Inevitable Health System(s) Reform: An Opportune Time to Reflect on Systems Thinking in Public Health in Canada Journal Articles
The Inhaled Steroid Treatment as Regular Therapy in Early Asthma (START) Study Journal Articles
The Knowledge Broker Mentoring Program: Developing capacity for evidence-informed decision making Conferences
The Limitations of Point of Care Testing for Pandemic Influenza: What Clinicians and Public Health Professionals Need to Know Journal Articles
The Lived Experience of Global Public Health Practice: A Phenomenological Account of Women Graduate Students. Journal Articles
The Lives of Community Health Workers: Local Labor and Global Health in Urban Ethiopia. Kenneth Maes, New York: Routledge, 2017, 171 pp. Book Reviews
The McMaster School Injury Study. 1: Overview of methods. Journal Articles
The Mental Health of Young Canadian Mothers Journal Articles
The NCCMT’s dynamic model for evidence-informed public health Conferences
The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools: Supporting evidence-informed decision making Conferences
The Negative Binomial Model and the Denominator Problem in a Rural Family Practice Journal Articles
The Neighbourhood Effects on Health and Well-being (NEHW) study Journal Articles
The Northern Norway mother-and-child contaminant cohort study: implementation, population characteristics and summary of dietary findings Journal Articles
The Prevalence, Correlates, and Costs of Depression in People Living With HIV/AIDS in Ontario: Implications for Service Directions Journal Articles
The Process of Social Stress: Stable, Reciprocal, and Mediating Relationships Journal Articles
The Quality and Outcomes Framework: what have you done to yourselves? Journal Articles
The Reasons to Go On Living Project: stories of recovery after a suicide attempt Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Childhood Adverse Experiences and Disability Due to Physical Health Problems in a Community Sample of Women Journal Articles
The Relationship Between E. coli Indicator Bacteria in Well-water and Gastrointestinal Illnesses in Rural Families Journal Articles
The Relationships of Health Behaviour and Psychological Characteristics with Spontaneous Preterm Birth in Nulliparous Women Journal Articles
The Rising Burden of Rheumatoid Arthritis Surpasses Rheumatology Supply in Ontario Journal Articles
The Safe Dates Project: Theoretical Basis, Evaluation Design, and Selected Baseline Findings Journal Articles
The Safe Dates Project: theoretical basis, evaluation design, and selected baseline findings. Journal Articles
The Seasonality of Total Hospitalizations in Ontario by Age and Gender Journal Articles
The Severity of Illness Index and laboratory testing. Journal Articles
The Shadow Pandemic: Eating Disorders, Youth, and COVID-19 Journal Articles
The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Child Pedestrian Injury in Edmonton Journal Articles
The TRIO Framework: Conceptual insights into family caregiver involvement and influence throughout cancer treatment decision-making Journal Articles
The Uncounted: Politics of Data in Global Health. Sara L.M. Davis, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 310 pp. Book Reviews
The World Health Organization quality of life assessment (WHOQOL): Position paper from the World Health Organization Journal Articles
The Zoonotic Potential of Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
The allure of the waterpipe: a narrative review of factors affecting the epidemic rise in waterpipe smoking among young persons globally Journal Articles
The art and science of evidence-based decision-making ... epidemiology can help! Journal Articles
The association between alcohol use, alcohol use disorders and tuberculosis (TB). A systematic review Journal Articles
The association between medical fitness facility attendance and incident mental disorders. Journal Articles
The association between neighbourhood marginalization and SARS-CoV-2 outcomes in patients presenting to emergency departments. Journal Articles
The association between patients’ frailty status, multimorbidity, and demographic characteristics and changes in primary care for chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pre-post study Journal Articles
The association between public health engagement in school-based substance use prevention programs and student alcohol, cannabis, e-cigarette and cigarette use Theses
The association of maternal sugary beverage consumption during pregnancy and the early years with childhood sugary beverage consumption Journal Articles
The association of waterpipe tobacco smoking with later initiation of cigarette smoking: a systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the gateway theory Journal Articles
The associations between sex, immigrant status, immigrant concentration and intimate partner violence: Evidence from the Canadian General Social Survey Journal Articles
The benefits and challenges of conducting an overview of systematic reviews in public health: a focus on physical activity Journal Articles
The burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada: Methods overview Journal Articles
The burden of illness of premenstrual symptoms Conferences
The burden of injury in Central, Eastern, and Western European sub-region: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study Journal Articles
The burden of unintentional drowning: global, regional and national estimates of mortality from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study Journal Articles
The case for conducting first-in-human (phase 0 and phase 1) clinical trials in low and middle income countries Journal Articles
The case for using mixed methods for designing, implementing, and disseminating evidence-based interventions for public health practice Journal Articles
The challenges facing evidence-based decision making in the initial response to COVID-19 Journal Articles
The challenges of involving traditional healers in HIV/AIDS care Journal Articles
The combined effect of behavioural risk factors on disability in aging adults from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
The contribution and interplay of implicit and explicit processes on physical activity behavior: empirical testing of the physical activity adoption and maintenance (PAAM) model Journal Articles
The contribution of lifestyle, environment, genetics and chance to cancer risk in individuals and populations Journal Articles
The critical need for WASH in emergency preparedness in health settings, the case of COVID-19 pandemic in Kisumu Kenya Journal Articles
The cumulative effect of multiple dimensions of lifestyle on risky drinking during the Covid-19 pandemic Journal Articles
The current and future burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada: Summary of results Journal Articles
The demise of repetitive strain injury in sceptical governing rationalities of workplace managers Journal Articles
The design and delivery of maternal health interventions in Pakistan: a scoping review. Journal Articles
The development and application of indices of health: general methods and a summary of results. Journal Articles
The development and validation of an instrument to measure the quality of health research reports in the lay media Journal Articles
The development of Ontario's Home Care Program: A critical geographical analysis Conferences
The development of a helpline for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Journal Articles
The development of an applied whole-systems research methodology in health and social service research: A Canadian and United Kingdom collaboration Journal Articles
The development of scales to measure childhood cancer survivors' readiness for transition to long‐term follow‐up care as adults Journal Articles
The duty to care in an influenza pandemic: A qualitative study of Canadian public perspectives Journal Articles
The dynamics of the gradient between child's health and family income: Evidence from Canada Journal Articles
The effect of cash transfers on health in high-income countries: A scoping review. Journal Articles
The effect of cigarette prices on smoking cessation in South Africa using duration analysis: 1970-2017. Journal Articles
The effect of paid and unpaid work on nurses' well-being: the importance of gender. Journal Articles
The effect of the province of Ontario's compulsory seatbelt legislation in an urban area. Journal Articles
The effectiveness of knowledge translation strategies used in public health: a systematic review Journal Articles
The effects of calorie labels on those at high-risk of eating pathologies: a pre-post intervention study in a University cafeteria Journal Articles
The effects of local and non-local traffic on child pedestrian safety: A spatial displacement of risk Journal Articles
The efficacy of the TEACH e-Learning course at improving early childhood educators’ physical activity and sedentary behaviour self-efficacy, knowledge, intentions, and perceived behavioural control: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
The end of death in late modernity: An emerging public health challenge Journal Articles
The epidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection in northern Labrador, Canada. Journal Articles
The experiences and coping strategies of United Kingdom-based African women following an HIV diagnosis during pregnancy. Journal Articles
The future of national health systems Journal Articles
The generic version of China Health Related Outcomes Measures (CHROME-G): psychometric testing and comparative performance with the EQ-5D-5L and SF-6Dv2 among the Chinese general population. Journal Articles
The geographic variation of cancer incidence in Ontario. Journal Articles
The greater involvement of people living with AIDS principle: theory versus practice in Ontario's HIV/AIDS community-based research sector Journal Articles
The health and health care of doctors. Journal Articles
The health competence measurement tool (HCMT): Developing a new scale to measure self-rated “health competence” Journal Articles
The health of Canada’s Aboriginal children: results from the First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey Journal Articles
The health outcomes and physical activity in preschoolers (HOPP) study: rationale and design Journal Articles
The historical roots of high rates of infant death in Aboriginal communities in Canada in the early twentieth century: the case of Fisher River, Manitoba Journal Articles
The impact of COVID‐19 on patient engagement in the health system: Results from a Pan‐Canadian survey of patient, family and caregiver partners Journal Articles
The impact of a 24-hour syringe dispensing machine on a face-to-face needle and syringe program and targeted primary healthcare clinic. Journal Articles
The impact of a Housing First intervention and health-related risk factors on incarceration among people with experiences of homelessness and mental illness in Canada Journal Articles
The impact of a cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on reducing blood pressure: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
The impact of a childcare intervention on early childhood educators' physical activity knowledge and self-efficacy Conferences
The impact of a public health nurse intervention on influenza vaccine acceptance. Journal Articles
The impact of conflict on HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa Journal Articles
The impact of eHealth on relationships and trust in primary care: a review of reviews Journal Articles
The impact of fathers' physical and psychosocial work conditions on attempted and completed suicide among their children Journal Articles
The impact of fathers' physical and psychosocial work conditions on attempted and completed suicide among their children Conferences
The impact of inequality: How to make sick societies healthier Journal Articles
The impact of pedestrian countdown signals on pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions: a reanalysis of data from a quasi-experimental study Journal Articles
The impact of policies to reduce blood glucose test strip utilization and costs in Canada Journal Articles
The impact of pre-pregnancy body mass index on autonomic function and circadian behaviours during pregnancy Conferences
The impact of psychosocial work conditions on attempted and completed suicide among western Canadian sawmill workers Journal Articles
The impact of public voluntary health insurance on private health expenditures in Vietnam Journal Articles
The impact of recombinant human erythropoietin on medical care costs for hemodialysis patients in Canada Journal Articles
The impact of tobacco prices on smoking onset: a methodological review Journal Articles
The impact on medical services utilization of British Columbia's 1982/83 physician fee 'giveback': preliminary results. Journal Articles
The impacts of dwelling conditions on older persons’ psychological well-being in Hong Kong: the mediating role of residential satisfaction Journal Articles
The importance of motherhood in HIV-positive women of reproductive age in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The influence of child abuse on the pattern of expenditures in women's adult health service utilization in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The influence of culture on home-based family caregiving at end-of-life: A case study of Dutch reformed family care givers in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The influence of economic development level, household wealth and maternal education on child health in the developing world Journal Articles
The influence of popular media on perceptions of personal and population risk in possible disease outbreaks Journal Articles
The integration of citizens into a science/policy network in genetics: governance arrangements and asymmetry in expertise Journal Articles
The integration of sex and gender considerations in health policymaking: a scoping review Journal Articles
The intersection of internalizing symptoms and alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
The involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS in community-based organizations: Contributions and constraints Journal Articles
The keys to healthy family child care homes intervention: Study design and rationale Journal Articles
The leadership role of general practice in public health: advocating a ban of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs in New Zealand. 'Possums in the headlights?'. Journal Articles
The likelihood ratio versus the p value in meta-analysis: Where is the evidence? Journal Articles
The little things are big: evaluation of a compassionate community approach for promoting the health of vulnerable persons Journal Articles
The lively challenges and opportunities of non-representational theory: A reply to Hanlon and Kearns Journal Articles
The longitudinal association between temperament and physical activity in young children Journal Articles
The management of hypertension in patients with atrial fibrillation: Impact of specialist care Conferences
The many meanings of deinsuring a health service: the case of in vitro fertilization in Ontario Journal Articles
The mental health of staff at violence against women organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a mixed-methods study of service providers in Canada’s largest city Journal Articles
The mercury emergency and Hamilton school children: a follow-up analysis. Journal Articles
The mismeasurement of complexity: provider narratives of patients with complex needs in primary care settings Journal Articles
The mundane administration of worker bodies: From welfarism to neoliberalism Journal Articles
The nature of informational continuity of care in general practice Journal Articles
The near-death experience as status passage Journal Articles
The new public health: do local public health agencies need a booster (or organizational "fix") to combat the diseases of disarray? Journal Articles
The next Sub Saharan African epidemic? A case study of the determinants of cervical cancer knowledge and screening in Kenya Journal Articles
The nexus of evidence, context, and patient preferences in primary care: postal survey of Canadian family physicians Journal Articles
The occurrence of germ cell malignancies in two patients positive for HIV antibodies Journal Articles
The pathophysiological consequences of smoking on the respiratory system. Journal Articles
The phenomenology of time: Lived experiences of people with HIV/AIDS in China Journal Articles
The physician–patient encounter: The physician as a perfect agent for the patient versus the informed treatment decision-making model Journal Articles
The place of health and the health of place: Dengue fever and urban governance in Putrajaya, Malaysia Journal Articles
The political ecology of health: perceptions of environment, economy, health and well-being among ‘Namgis First Nation Journal Articles
The potential of public health to enhance chronic disease management Journal Articles
The practice of community development approaches in heart health promotion Journal Articles
The prevalence of multicultural groups receiving in-home service from three community agencies in southern Ontario: implications for cultural sensitivity training. Journal Articles
The prevalence of selected pregnancy outcome risk factors in the life-style and medical history of the delivering population in north-western Russia Journal Articles
The prevalence of waterpipe tobacco smoking among the general and specific populations: a systematic review Journal Articles
The problem of atopic eczema: aetiological clues from the environment and lifestyles Journal Articles
The quality of randomized trial reporting in leading medical journals since the revised CONSORT statement Journal Articles
The relationships between harsh physical punishment and child maltreatment in childhood and intimate partner violence in adulthood Journal Articles
The relative contributions of body image evaluation and investment in the prediction of dietary restraint in men Journal Articles
The reporting of methodological factors in randomized controlled trials and the association with a journal policy to promote adherence to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) checklist Journal Articles
The rise and fall of dental therapy in Canada: a policy analysis and assessment of equity of access to oral health care for Inuit and First Nations communities Journal Articles
The role of city income inequality, sex ratio and youth mortality rates in the effect of violent victimization on health-risk behaviors in Brazilian adolescents Journal Articles
The role of community health workers and local leaders in reducing attrition among participant in the AIDS indicator survey and HIV incidence in a national cohort study in Rwanda Journal Articles
The role of family and friend social support in reducing emotional distress among HIV-positive women Journal Articles
The role of integrative oncology in a tertiary prevention survivorship program Journal Articles
The role of the data coordinating center in the DIG trial Journal Articles
The role of the data coordinating center in the IRB review and approval process: the DIG trial experience Journal Articles
The role of the pharmacy coordinating center in the DIG trial Journal Articles
The shield of professional status: Comparing internationally educated nurses’ and international medical graduates’ experiences of discrimination Journal Articles
The short-term health of Canada's new immigrant arrivals: evidence from LSIC Journal Articles
The social determinants of health as predictors of adherence to public health preventive measures among parents and young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal cohort study Journal Articles
The social life of risk probabilities in medicine Journal Articles
The state of integrated disease surveillance in seven countries: a synthesis report Journal Articles
The symptom appraisal of breast cancer in the context of an intimate relationship Journal Articles
The teaching of patient education concepts on therapeutic compliance to medical students. Journal Articles
The tools at their fingertips: How settler colonial geographies shape medical educators’ strategies for grappling with Anti-Indigenous racism Journal Articles
The trajectories of depressive symptoms among working adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal analysis of the InHamilton COVID-19 study Journal Articles
The unbearable lightness of citizens within public deliberation processes Journal Articles
The use of N of 1 RCTs in drug development Conferences
The use of an FDA-NDA database to assess the risk of exposing patients with chronic stable angina to placebo-controlled trials Conferences
The use of generic and specific quality-of-life measures in hemodialysis patients treated with erythropoietin Journal Articles
The use of non-pharmaceutical interventions for the prevention and control of schistosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review Journal Articles
The use of research‐based theatre in a project related to metastatic breast cancer Journal Articles
The usefulness of the Denver Developmental Screening Test to predict kindergarten problems in a general community population. Journal Articles
The value of frameworks as knowledge translation mechanisms to guide community participation practice in Ontario CHCs Journal Articles
The voluntary HIV counselling and testing service in Kenema District, Sierra Leone, 2004-2006: a descriptive study Journal Articles
The web of silence: a qualitative case study of early intervention and support for healthcare workers with mental ill-health Journal Articles
The working conditions for personal support workers in the Greater Toronto Area during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study Journal Articles
The working disadvantaged: the role of age, job tenure and disability in precarious work Journal Articles
The ‘Expanded HIV care in opioid substitution treatment’ (EHOST) cluster-randomized, stepped-wedge trial: A study protocol Journal Articles
The ‘taking place’ of health and wellbeing: Towards non-representational theory Journal Articles
The “Childhood Obesity Epidemic”: Journal Articles
The “parallel-cohort RCT”: Novel design aspects and application in the Kids-DOTT trial of pediatric venous thromboembolism Journal Articles
The “problem” of health: An analysis of health care provision in Canada’s federal prisons Journal Articles
TheLong Live KidsCampaign: Awareness of Campaign Messages Journal Articles
Theory calming: you can only get there from here Journal Articles
Therapeutic landscapes in holistic medicine Journal Articles
Therapeutic landscapes of the mind: theorizing some intersections between health geography, health promotion and immigration studies Journal Articles
Thinking Outside the Box: Recent Advances in the Analysis and Presentation of Uncertainty in Cost-Effectiveness Studies Journal Articles
Three Case Studies in Making Fair Choices on the Path to Universal Health Coverage. Journal Articles
Three week compared to seven week run-in period length and the assessment of pre-randomization adherence: A study within a trial Journal Articles
Time to reshape our delivery of primary care to vulnerable older adults in social housing? Journal Articles
To disrupt and displace: placing domestic violence on the public health agenda Journal Articles
To have or not have sex? The role of situation and partner characteristics on adolescent females' sexual decisions. Conferences
Tobacco Control Journal
Tobacco Use and Respiratory Symptoms Among Adults: Findings From the Longitudinal Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study 2014-2016. Journal Articles
Tobacco use among immigrant and nonimmigrant adolescents: individual and family level influences Journal Articles
Tobacco use among transgender and gender non-binary youth in Brazil Journal Articles
Too Posh To Push? Comparative perspectives on maternal request caesarean sections in Canada, the US, the UK and Finland Books
Tools to support evidence-informed public health decision making Journal Articles
Toronto's 2-1-1 Healthcare Services for Immigrant Populations Journal Articles
Toward a Lexicon of Population Health Journal Articles
Toward a social capital based framework for understanding the water-health nexus Journal Articles
Toward the integration of comprehensive mental health services in HIV care: An assessment of psychiatric morbidity among HIV-positive individuals in sub-Saharan Africa Journal Articles
Towards a framework for women's health Journal Articles
Towards a geography of fitness: an ethnographic case study of the gym in British bodybuilding culture Journal Articles
Towards an integrated framework for understanding the links between inequalities and wellbeing of places in low and middle income countries Journal Articles
Towards an integrated theoretical framework for understanding water insecurity and gender-based violence in Low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) Journal Articles
Towards ‘smart cities’ as ‘healthy cities’: health equity in a digital age Journal Articles
Tracking the Use and Impact of a Community Social Report: Where Does the Information Go? Journal Articles
Traditional Male Circumcision is Associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors in Sub-Saharan Countries Prioritized for Male Circumcision Journal Articles
Traffic accidents as a serious health problem in selected developing countries of the Americas. Journal Articles
Training the next generation of global health advocates through experiential education: A mixed-methods case study evaluation Journal Articles
Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress From Pregnancy to the Postnatal Period Among Canadian Women: Impact of Employment and Immigration Journal Articles
Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Canadian Emerging Adults Journal Articles
Transforming community-based primary health care delivery through comprehensive performance measurement and reporting: examining the influence of context. Journal Articles
Transfusing our lifeblood: Reframing research impact through inter-disciplinary collaboration between health geography and nurse education Journal Articles
Transgender clients at a youth mental health care clinic: Transcending barriers to access Journal Articles
Transtorno mental, indicadores demográficos e satisfação com a vida Journal Articles
Transtornos mentais em comunidade atendida pelo Programa Saúde da Família Journal Articles
Treatment decision aids: conceptual issues and future directions Journal Articles
Treatment decision-making in the medical encounter: Comparing the attitudes of French surgeons and their patients in breast cancer care Journal Articles
Treatment of acute otitis media: are children entered into clinical trials representative? Journal Articles
Trends and affordability of cigarette prices: ample room for tax increases and related health gains Journal Articles
Trial participation as avoidance strategy: a qualitative study. Journal Articles
Trichomonas vaginalis Prevalence Increases With Remoteness in Rural and Remote New South Wales, Australia Conferences
Trichomonas vaginalis Prevalence and Correlates in Women and Men Attending STI Clinics in Western Canada Journal Articles
Turning the tide on inequity through systematic equity action-analysis Journal Articles
Two Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks in a cancer centre: onsite food premises and their potential health risk to patients Journal Articles
Two-way associations between relationship quality and uptake of couples health screening including HIV testing and counselling together: quantitative analysis of a couples cohort in rural South Africa Journal Articles
Type-specific prevalence of human papillomavirus in women screened for cervical cancer in Labrador, Canada Journal Articles
Types of episodic disability among people living with HIV in Zambia Journal Articles
Uncertain times: A survey of Canadian women's perspectives toward mammography screening Journal Articles
Under-reporting of Live Births in Ontario: 1991–1997 Journal Articles
Under-reporting of major birth defects in Northwest Russia: a registry-based study Journal Articles
Understanding Black Women's Perspectives and Experiences of Cervical Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-synthesis Journal Articles
Understanding Exercise Self-Efficacy and Barriers to Leisure-Time Physical Activity Among Postnatal Women Journal Articles
Understanding Identifiability in Secondary Health Data Journal Articles
Understanding Newborn Infant Readmission: Findings of the Ontario Mother and Infant Survey Journal Articles
Understanding attitudes, barriers and challenges in a small island nation to disease and partner notification for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Understanding culture and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa Journal Articles
Understanding how education/support groups help lone mothers Journal Articles
Understanding place and health: A heuristic for using administrative data Journal Articles
Understanding the Determinants of Health for People With Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
Understanding the Healthy Immigrant Effect in the Context of Mental Health Challenges: A Systematic Critical Review Journal Articles
Understanding the Needs of Colorectal Cancer Patients during the Pre-diagnosis Phase Journal Articles
Understanding the blended impacts of COVID-19 and systemic inequalities on sub-Saharan African immigrants in Canada Journal Articles
Understanding the mental health and intention to leave of the public health workforce in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Understanding the needs of lung cancer patients during the pre-diagnosis phase Journal Articles
Understanding the patient experience of cost-related non-adherence to prescription medications through typology development and application Journal Articles
Understanding the role of contextual influences on local health-care decision making: case study results from Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Understanding the social organisation of maternity care systems: midwifery as a touchstone Journal Articles
Understanding why patients with immune thrombocytopenia are deeply divided on splenectomy Journal Articles
Understanding, embracing, rejecting: Women's negotiations of disability constructions and categorizations after becoming chronically ill Journal Articles
Unemployment and Mortality: A Comparative Study of Germany and the United States Journal Articles
Unemployment and health: contextual-level influences on the production of health in populations Journal Articles
Unequal access to ART: exploratory results from rural and urban case studies of ART use Journal Articles
Unexplained health inequality – is it unfair? Journal Articles
Unmet basic needs negatively affect health-related quality of life in people aging with HIV: results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places study Journal Articles
Unpacking Income Inequality and Population Health: The Peculiar Absence of Geography Journal Articles
Unpacking the potential of developmental evaluation in codesign work Journal Articles
Unpacking ‘the cloud’: a framework for implementing public health approaches to palliative care Journal Articles
Unveiling intersectional marginalization: The landscape of physical activity among equity deserving Canadians Journal Articles
Up-to-date on cancer screening among Ontario patients seen by walk-in clinic physicians: A retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Urban neighborhoods, chronic stress, gender and depression Journal Articles
Urinary Meatal Swabbing Detects More Men Infected With Mycoplasma genitalium and Four Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Than First Catch Urine Journal Articles
Use of Critical Items in Determining Point-of-Care Ultrasound Competence Journal Articles
Use of Gastrostomy Tubes in Children and Adolescents With Eating Disorders and Related Illnesses Journal Articles
Use of Gastrostomy Tubes in Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders and Related Illnesses: A Retrospective Case Series Conferences
Use of stable isotopes to determine compliance Journal Articles
Uses of a recordkeeping system to evaluate rat infestation and to develop control programs. Journal Articles
Using Ethnicity as a Classification Variable in Health Research: Perpetuating the myth of biological determinism, serving socio-political agendas, or making valuable contributions to medical sciences? Journal Articles
Using GRADE Evidence to Decision frameworks to support the process of health policy-making: an example application regarding taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages Journal Articles
Using GRADE methodology for the development of public health guidelines for the prevention and treatment of HIV and other STIs among men who have sex with men and transgender people Journal Articles
Using GRADE to develop the WHO guideline on verifying elimination of human onchocerciasisKylie Thaler Conferences
Using Linkage-enhancement Strategies to Bridge Treatment Gap among Inmates and Former Inmates in Correctional Settings with Inadequate Mental Health Care Journal Articles
Using artificial intelligence to support and streamline rapid systematic evidence reviews Journal Articles
Using baseline measurements in the two-period crossover clinical trial Journal Articles
Using burden of disease information for health planning in developing countries: the experience from Uganda Journal Articles
Using disease risk estimates to guide risk factor interventions: field test of a patient workbook for self‐assessing coronary risk Journal Articles
Using linking systems to build capacity and enhance dissemination in heart health promotion: a Canadian multiple-case study Journal Articles
Using population attributable risk to understand geographic disease clusters Journal Articles
Using self-reported and objective measures of self-control to predict exercise and academic behaviors among first-year university students Journal Articles
Using street imagery and crowdsourcing internet marketplaces to measure motorcycle helmet use in Bangkok, Thailand Journal Articles
Using the U.S. Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System’s Health Related Quality of Life Survey Tool in a Canadian City Journal Articles
Using the evaluation of the Dalhousie Outpost Nursing Program for responsive social action. Journal Articles
Using the life course perspective to study the entry into the illness trajectory: The perspective of caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Using theory of change to assess impact of knowledge translation initiatives Conferences
Utilizing public health core competencies to share data effectively with community organizations to promote health equity Journal Articles
Vaccination against 2009 pandemic H1N1 in a population dynamical model of Vancouver, Canada: timing is everything Journal Articles
Vaginal Swabs Are the Specimens of Choice When Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Results From a Multicenter Evaluation of the APTIMA Assays for Both Infections Conferences
Vaginal microbiota associated with oncogenic HPV in a cohort of HPV-vaccinated women living with HIV Journal Articles
Validating the need for uniform information on reproductive history for women in clinical cardiovascular studies and databases Conferences
Validation of Accelerometer Prediction Equations in Children With Chronic Disease Conferences
Validation of Urinary Thiocyanate as a Robust Biomarker of Active Tobacco Smoking in the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study Journal Articles
Validation of a survey instrument to measure the extent to which physician and dentist office environments discourage smoking. Journal Articles
Validation of the APTIMA Combo 2 Assay for the Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in SurePath Liquid-Based Pap Test Samples Taken With Different Collection Devices Journal Articles
Value of the Gram-Stained Urethral Smear in the Management of Men with Urethritis Journal Articles
Values and preferences for oral antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation: physician and patient perspectives Journal Articles
Valuing the benefits and costs of health care programmes: where's the ‘extra’ in extra-welfarism? Journal Articles
Victims or perpetrators, agency, and politics of intimate partner violence in the social construction of health and wellbeing: a qualitative study from Kenya Journal Articles
Video directly observed therapy to improve adherence of human immunodeficiency virus infected adolescents to combination antiretroviral therapy: a proof-of-concept study Journal Articles
Views of family physicians in southwestern Ontario on preventive care services and performance incentives Journal Articles
Virologic failure in people living with HIV in 1st line ART: A 10-year Mexican population-based study Journal Articles
Visualizing harm reduction: Methodological and ethical considerations Journal Articles
Vitamin D Intake From Food and Supplements Among Ontario Women Based on the US Block Food Frequency Questionnaire With and Without Modification for Canadian Food Values Journal Articles
Vitiligo: an under-estimated problem. Journal Articles
WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization Sixty-seventh report Chapters
WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. Conferences
WHO Technical Report Series Journal
Walking for Transport Versus Recreation: A Comparison of Participants, Timing, and Locations Journal Articles
Walking to work in Canada: health benefits, socio-economic characteristics and urban-regional variations Journal Articles
Waste-pathogen combinations from land-spreading for a farm-to-fork QMRA of public health in Ireland Journal Articles
Water Insecurity and Maternal Health Among Haudenosaunee Women in Canada Journal Articles
Water risk perceptions across the life-course of women in Kenya Journal Articles
Waterpipe industry products and marketing strategies: analysis of an industry trade exhibition Journal Articles
Waterpipe product packaging and labelling at the 3rd international Hookah Fair; does it comply with Article 11 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control? Journal Articles
Waterpipe product packaging and labelling compliance with Article 11 of the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control at the 3rd International Hookah Fair: a cross-sectional analysis Journal Articles
Ways of Doing: Restorative Practices, Governmentality, and Provider Conduct in Post-Apartheid Health Care Journal Articles
Wealth and cardiovascular health: a cross-sectional study of wealth-related inequalities in the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in high-, middle- and low-income countries Journal Articles
Weighing the importance of neighbourhood: A multilevel exploration of the determinants of overweight and obesity Journal Articles
Weight Communication: How Do Health Professionals Communicate about Weight with Their Patients in Primary Care Settings? Journal Articles
Weight Loss and Biomedical Health Improvement on a Very Low Calorie Diet: The Moderating Role of History of Weight Cycling Journal Articles
What Is Population Health? Journal Articles
What Is the Evidence for Parenting Interventions Offered in a Canadian Community? Journal Articles
What Motivates Nurses to Exercise? Determinants of Physical Activity Among Canadian Nurses Using Self-Determination Theory Journal Articles
What are the family medicine faculty development needs of partners in low- and middle-income countries? Journal Articles
What are the roles involved in establishing and maintaining informational continuity of care withinfamily practice? A systematic review Journal Articles
What determines health? To where should we shift resources? Journal Articles
What does economics have to offer risk-benefit analysis? Conferences
What information do Dutch midwives give clients about toxoplasmosis, listeriosis and cytomegalovirus prevention? An exploratory study of videotaped consultations Journal Articles
What is important to continuity in home care? Journal Articles
What is the Quality of Preventive Care Provided in a Student-Run Free Clinic? Journal Articles
What matters to patients with heart failure? The influence of non-health-related goals on patient adherence to self-care management Journal Articles
What you do every day matters: A new direction for health promotion Journal Articles
When Hard Times Take a Toll Journal Articles
When can research from one setting be useful in another? Understanding perceptions of the applicability and transferability of research Journal Articles
When the bough breaks: provider-initiated comprehensive care is more effective and less expensive for sole-support parents on social assistance Journal Articles
Where Are We Now? A Content Analysis of Canadian Master of Public Health Course Descriptions and the Public Health Agency of Canada's Core Competencies Journal Articles
Which characteristics of frontline health systems affect the control of hypertension? Conferences
Who Expert Committee on Biological Standardization. Books
Who Uses Exercise as a Coping Strategy for Stress? Results From a National Survey of Canadians Journal Articles
Who cares what care?: An inverse interest law? Journal Articles
Who is Identified by Screening for Intimate Partner Violence? Journal Articles
Who you know, where you live: social capital, neighbourhood and health Journal Articles
Whose priorities count? Comparison of community‐identified health problems and Burden‐of‐Disease‐assessed health priorities in a district in Uganda Journal Articles
Why Are Half of Women Interested in Participating in Group Prenatal Care? Journal Articles
Why Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is Important for Circumpolar Health Conferences
Why are People Getting Tested? Self-Reported Reasons for Seeking Voluntary Counseling and Testing at a Clinic in Chennai, India Journal Articles
Why are you draining your brain? Factors underlying decisions of graduating Lebanese medical students to migrate Journal Articles
Why physicians and nurses ask (or don’t) about partner violence: a qualitative analysis Journal Articles
Why public health matters today and tomorrow: the role of applied public health research Journal Articles
Willingness to provide support for a quit attempt: A study of partners of smokers Journal Articles
With health comes work? People living with HIV/AIDS consider returning to work Journal Articles
Women Find It Easy and Prefer to Collect Their Own Vaginal Swabs to Diagnose Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infections Conferences
Women and Health Journal
Women with cervical cancer detected through population screening: implications for health education. Journal Articles
Women's Health Issues Journal
Women's Health Outcomes After Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Women's Occupations, Energy Expenditure, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Journal Articles
Women's perceptions of their treatment decision-making about breast cancer treatment Journal Articles
Women's representation in venous thromboembolism randomized trials and registries: The illustrative example of direct oral anticoagulants for acute treatment Journal Articles
Women’s Views on Advice About Weight Gain in Pregnancy: A Grounded Theory Study Journal Articles
Women’s freedom of movement and participation in psychosocial support groups: qualitative study in northern India Journal Articles
Women’s Perceptions and Experiences of Breastfeeding: a scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Work & life stress experienced by professional workers during the pandemic: a gender-based analysis Journal Articles
Work loss cost factor and the comparison of treatment regime for kidney stones Journal Articles
Work-Related Population Health Indicators Journal Articles
Work-Related Upper Extremity and Back Injury Claims across Canada from 2000-2019 Journal Articles
Work-Related Upper Extremity and Back Injury Claims across Canada from 2000-2019 Journal Articles
Workflow and Throughput of Commercial Assays to Detect Mycoplasma genitalium and Macrolide Resistance–Mediating Mutations Journal Articles
Working in London hospitals: Perceptions of place in nursing students’ employment considerations Journal Articles
Working in the Margins: Women's Experiences of Stress and Occupational Health Problems in Part-Time and Casual Retail Jobs Journal Articles
Workplace injury or “part of the job”?: Towards a gendered understanding of injuries and complaints among young workers Journal Articles
World Health Organization recommends first malaria vaccine Journal Articles
Worrying about waste: Living close to solid waste disposal facilities in Southern Ontario Journal Articles
Would plain packaging and health warning labels reduce smoking in the presence of informal markets? A choice experiment in Colombia Journal Articles
Years of life lost to incarceration: inequities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians Journal Articles
You don't know what you don't know: a Skills Assessment to identify public health competency gaps Conferences
Young Adults’ Perceptions of Calcium Intake and Health: A Qualitative Study Journal Articles
Young women with breast cancer: Needs and experiences Journal Articles
Youth not engaged in education, employment, or training: a discrete choice experiment of service preferences in Canada Journal Articles
Youth violence victims and perpetrators in Ontario: identifying a high-risk group and a focus for public health prevention Journal Articles
Youth with chronic health problems: how do they fare in main-stream mentoring programs? Journal Articles
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften Journal
Zones of prevention: the geography of fall injuries in the elderly Journal Articles
[Accepted Manuscript] Waterpipe product packaging and labelling at the 3rd international Hookah Fair; does it comply with Article 11 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control? Journal Articles
[Comparative study of growth in Canadian children of French origin in Montreal]. Journal Articles
[Height and weight standards of urban French Canadian school age children]. Journal Articles
[Physical, mental and social fitness and handicaps of senior citizens in the town of St. Laurent: II. General health, disability and dependency]. Journal Articles
[Physical, mental and social health and handicaps of senior citizens in the city of Saint-Laurent: 1. Physical and mental health]. Journal Articles
[The Impact of Prices and Taxes on the Use of Tobacco Products in Latin America and the Caribbean]. Journal Articles
[The role of research-based evidence in health system policy decision-making]. Journal Articles
[The role of vaccination in the decline of infectious diseases: viewpoint of the epidemiologist]. Journal Articles
·57 Crossover trials in chronic disease Conferences
·58 Methodologic issues in a randomized trial to evaluate the effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and low-molecular-weight heparin on restenosis following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Conferences
·P-15 The operation of a central adjudication committee and its effect of the validity of the assessment of treatment benefit Conferences
·P-27 Systems of logging exclusions in multicenter clinical trials Conferences
·P-53 Methodological guidelines for randomized clinical trials of surgical procedures Conferences
Élaboration de l’indice de marginalisation canadien: un nouvel outil d’étude des inégalités Journal Articles
‘Before You Teach Me, I Cannot Know’: Immigrant Women’s Barriers and Enablers With Regard to Cervical Cancer Screening Among Different Ethnolinguistic Groups in Canada Journal Articles
‘COVID containers’ in pandemic mediascapes: discursive economies of health, bodies, and race in North America Journal Articles
‘Complexity-compatible’ policy for integrated care? Lessons from the implementation of Ontario's Health Links Journal Articles
‘Creating the right therapy vibe’: Relational performances in holistic medicine Journal Articles
‘Gearing Up’ to improve interprofessional collaboration in primary care: a systematic review and conceptual framework Journal Articles
‘Hopeful adaptation’ in health geographies: Seeking health and wellbeing in times of adversity Journal Articles
‘I had to go to the hospital and it was freaking me out’: Needle phobic encounter space Journal Articles
‘If It Was Easy Somebody Would Have Fixed It’: An Exploration of Loneliness and Social Isolation Amongst People Who Frequently Call Ambulance Services Journal Articles
‘It reshaped how I will do research’: A qualitative exploration of team members’ experiences with youth and family engagement in a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
‘It’s really complicated’: How Canadian university women students navigate gendered risk and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine decision-making Journal Articles
‘I’m still here, I’m still alive’: Understanding successful aging in the context of HIV Journal Articles
‘Race’ and HIV vulnerability in a transnational context: the case of Chinese immigrants to Canada Journal Articles
‘Reasonable access’ to primary care: assessing the role of individual and system characteristics Journal Articles
‘Running hot’: Placing health in the life and course of the vital city Journal Articles
‘Stickiness’ and ‘inflow’ as proxy measures of the relative attractiveness of various sub-sectors of nursing employment Journal Articles
‘Talk to me’: a mixed methods study on preferred physician behaviours during end‐of‐life communication from the patient perspective Journal Articles
‘The Future is Probably Now’: Understanding of illness, uncertainty and end‐of‐life discussions in older adults with heart failure and family caregivers Journal Articles
‘The problem is small enough, the problem is big enough’: a qualitative study of health technology assessment and public policy on drug funding decisions for children Journal Articles
‘The public is too subjective’: public involvement at different levels of health-care decision making Journal Articles
‘There’s a before and an after’: effects of a personal history of cancer on perception of cancer risks and adoption of behaviours Journal Articles
‘Wellbeing is shown in our appearance, the food we eat, what we wear, and what we buy’: Embodying wellbeing in Ghana Journal Articles
‘When you think your neighbour's cooking pot is better than yours’: A mixed-methods exploration of inequality and wellbeing in Ghana Journal Articles
‘Who is on your health‐care team?’ Asking individuals with heart failure about care team membership and roles Journal Articles
‘Whole onflow’, the productive event: an articulation through health Journal Articles
‘Women are supposed to be the leaders’: intersections of gender, race and colonisation in HIV prevention with Indigenous young people Journal Articles
‘You want to show you’re a valuable employee’: A critical discourse analysis of multi-perspective portrayals of employed women with fibromyalgia Journal Articles
‘ … They should understand why … ' The knowledge, attitudes and impact of the HIV criminalisation law on a sample of HIV+ women living in Ontario Journal Articles
“AI’s gonna have an impact on everything in society, so it has to have an impact on public health”: a fundamental qualitative descriptive study of the implications of artificial intelligence for public health Journal Articles
“And if my goal is never to leave Casey House?”: The significance of place attachment for patients at a specialty HIV hospital in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
“Below Their Notice”: Exploring Women's Subjective Experiences of Cancer System Exclusion Journal Articles
“Digging in”: stigma and surveillance in the lives of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who consume cannabis Journal Articles
“I can't be the nurse I want to be”: Counter-stories of moral distress in nurses' narratives of pediatric oncology caregiving Journal Articles
“I don't see gender”: Conceptualizing a gendered system of academic publishing Journal Articles
“I don’t see the whole picture of their health”: a critical ethnography of constraints to interprofessional collaboration in end-of-life conversations in primary care Journal Articles
“I just couldn’t step out of the circle. I was trapped”: Patterns of endurance and distress in Chinese-Canadian women with a history of suicidal behaviour Journal Articles
“I like to be an informed person but…” negotiating responsibility for treatment decisions in cancer care Journal Articles
“I shall conquer and prevail” – art and stories of resilience and resistance of the women, ART and criminalization of HIV (WATCH) study Journal Articles
“If there were a war tomorrow, we’d find the money”: contrasting perspectives on the rationing of health care Journal Articles
“If you get AIDS… You have to endure it alone”: Understanding the social constructions of HIV/AIDS in China Journal Articles
“Is there anything good about a water advisory?”: an exploration of the consequences of drinking water advisories in an indigenous community Journal Articles
“It all depends”: Conceptualizing public involvement in the context of health technology assessment agencies Journal Articles
“It makes us really look inferior to outsiders”: Coping with psychosocial experiences associated with the lack of access to safe water and sanitation Journal Articles
“It's Not Easy”: Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV in a Resource-Rich Setting: Strengths, Challenges and Choices, a Qualitative Study Journal Articles
“It's like a different world”: Natural places, post-secondary students, and mental health Journal Articles
“Maybe a little bit of guilt isn’t so bad for the overall health of an individual”: a mixed-methods exploration of young adults’ experiences with calorie labelling Journal Articles
“Ne nnipadua mmpe” (the body hates it): Exploring the lived experience of food allergy in Sub-Saharan Africa Journal Articles
“Punched in the Balls”: Male Intimate Partner Violence Disclosures and Replies on Reddit Journal Articles
“Self and parent-assessed skin cancer risk factors in school-age children” Journal Articles
“So we started talking about a beach in Barbados”: Visualization practices and needle phobia Journal Articles
“Socioeconomic inequalities in children's accessibility to food retailing: Examining the roles of mobility and time” Journal Articles
“The Anticipation Alone could Kill You”: Past and Potential Clients' Perspectives on HIV Testing in Non-Health Care Settings Journal Articles
“They forgot about us”: experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic among people deprived of housing in an urban centre in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
“This policy sucks and it’s stupid:” Mapping maternity care for First Nations women on reserves in Manitoba, Canada Journal Articles
“Unless you went in with your head under your arm”: Patient perceptions of emergency room visits Journal Articles
“What the mind does not know, the eyes do not see”. Placing food allergy risk in sub-Saharan Africa Journal Articles
“What’s past is prologue”: views from Dr. Lawrence Green. Journal Articles
“Why Aren't You Breastfeeding?”: How Mothers Living With HIV Talk About Infant Feeding in a “Breast Is Best” World Journal Articles
“You are free to set your own hours”: Governing worker productivity and health through flexibility and resilience Journal Articles