publication venue for
- Pediatric oncology caregiving as narrative repair: Restor(y)ing disrupted family biographies and damaged moral identities.. 13634593241270955. 2024
- The “problem” of health: An analysis of health care provision in Canada’s federal prisons. 25:3-20. 2021
- The shield of professional status: Comparing internationally educated nurses’ and international medical graduates’ experiences of discrimination. 19:615-634. 2015
- Gender differences in mental health service utilization among respondents reporting depression in a national health survey. 05:1561-1571. 2013
- Mental health in a Canadian Old Order Mennonite community. 05:538-556. 2013
- Of time and troubles: Patient involvement and the production of health care disparities. 16:400-417. 2012
- The phenomenology of time: Lived experiences of people with HIV/AIDS in China. 14:310-325. 2010
- Disruption foreclosed: older women's cancer narratives. 12:389-411. 2008
- Structural constraints and opportunities for CAM use and referral by physicians, nurses, and midwives. 12:193-213. 2008
- Navigating the Social Context of Metastatic Breast Cancer: Reflections on a Project Linking Research to Drama. 5:233-248. 2001