selected scholarly activity
- Winning at New Products Creating Value Through Innovation 2011
- Successful Product Innovation A Collection of Our Best 2009
- Generating Breakthrough New Product Ideas Feeding the Innovation Funnel 2009
- Product Leadership Creating and Launching Superior New Products 2006
- Product Leadership Pathways to Profitable Innovation 2005
- Portfolio Management for New Products. Ed. 14. 2001
- Portfolio Management for New Products, 2nd Edition 2001
- Winning at New Products Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch 2001
- Product Innovation and Technology Strategy. Ed. 43. 2000
- Evaluating the Agile-Stage-Gate Hybrid Model: Experiences From Three SME Manufacturing Firms. 229-263. 2022
- New Products. 1-34. 2012
- The Stage-Gate® System for Product Innovation in B2B Firms. 596-624. 2012
- Success Factors for New‐Product Development 2010
- The Stage‐Gate Idea to Launch System 2010
- Profitable Product Innovation: The Critical Success Factors. 139-157. 2003
S tage‐G ate® Product Innovation System: from Idea to Launch. 1-13.
journal articles
- The Coming AI Wave: The Impact on Product Development in Engineering Management. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 52:17-26. 2024
- The AI transformation of product innovation. Industrial Marketing Management. 119:62-74. 2024
- Deploying Agile for Physical-Product Development: Big Challenges and Effective Solutions. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 52:15-27. 2024
- The Artificial Intelligence Revolution in New-Product Development. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 52:195-211. 2024
- Strategies to Improve Portfolio Management of New Products. Research Technology Management. 67:55-66. 2024
- Agile Development in Manufacturing Companies: Best Practices and Pitfalls. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 51:65-76. 2023
- Expected Commercial Value for New-Product Project Valuation When High Uncertainty Exists. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 51:75-87. 2023
- Dynamic Portfolio Management for New Product Development. Research Technology Management. 66:19-31. 2023
- Value-Based Strategy-Reward-Win Portfolio Management for New Products. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 51:172-182. 2023
- The 5-th Generation Stage-Gate Idea-to-Launch Process. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 50:43-55. 2022
- Accelerating innovation: Some lessons from the pandemic. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 38:221-232. 2021
- New-Product Portfolio Management with Agile. Research Technology Management. 63:29-38. 2020
- Evaluating the Agile-Stage-Gate Hybrid Model: Experiences From Three SME Manufacturing Firms. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. 16. 2019
- The drivers of success in new-product development. Industrial Marketing Management. 76:36-47. 2019
- Agile–Stage-Gate for Manufacturers. Research Technology Management. 61:17-26. 2018
- We've Come a Long Way Baby. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 34:387-391. 2017
- Idea-to-Launch Gating Systems: Better, Faster, and More Agile. Research Technology Management. 60:48-52. 2017
- Agile-Stage-Gate: New idea-to-launch method for manufactured new products is faster, more responsive. Industrial Marketing Management. 59:167-180. 2016
- The Agile–Stage‐Gate Hybrid Model: A Promising New Approach and a New Research Opportunity. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 33:513-526. 2016
- Household finance over the life-cycle: What does education contribute?. Review of economic dynamics. 20:63-89. 2016
- Agile–Stage-Gate Hybrids. Research Technology Management. 59:21-29. 2016
- What's Next?: After Stage-Gate. Research Technology Management. 57:20-31. 2014
- Where Are All the Breakthrough New Products?: Using Portfolio Management to Boost Innovation. Research Technology Management. 56:25-33. 2013
- Best Practices in the Idea-to-Launch Process and Its Governance. Research Technology Management. 55:43-54. 2012
- Perspective: The Innovation Dilemma: How to Innovate When the Market Is Mature. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 28:2-27. 2011
- Voice-of-customer: Methods. Marketing Management. 19:38-43. 2010
- Developing a Product Innovation and Technology Strategy for Your Business. Research Technology Management. 53:33-40. 2010
- Developing a product innovation and technology strategy for your business. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 38:101-109. 2010
- Effevtive gating. Marketing Management. 18:12-17. 2009
- How Companies are Reinventing Their Idea-to-Launch Methodologies. Research Technology Management. 52:47-57. 2009
- The State of Product Development. Research Technology Management. 52:6-7. 2009
- Perspective: The Stage‐Gate® Idea‐to‐Launch Process—Update, What's New, and NexGen Systems*. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 25:213-232. 2008
- Maximizing Productivity in Product Innovation. Research Technology Management. 51:47-58. 2008
- Grappling with innovation. Research Technology Management. 50:7-8. 2007
- Winning Businesses in Product Development: The Critical Success Factors. Research Technology Management. 50:52-66. 2007
- Managing Technology Development Projects. Research Technology Management. 49:23-31. 2006
- Formula for success. Marketing Management. 15:18-24. 2006
- Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—III. Research Technology Management. 47:43-55. 2004
- Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—II. Research Technology Management. 47:50-59. 2004
- Benchmarking Best NPD Practices—I. Research Technology Management. 47:31-43. 2004
- Overcoming the Crunch in Resources for New Product Development. Research Technology Management. 46:48-58. 2003
- Optimizing the Stage-Gate Process: What Best-Practice Companies Do—II. Research Technology Management. 45:43-49. 2002
- Optimizing the Stage-Gate Process: What Best-Practice Companies Do—I. Research Technology Management. 45:21-27. 2002
- Portfolio management for new product development: results of an industry practices study. R and D Management. 31:361-380. 2001
- 2 New Product Performance: What Distinguishes the Star Products. Australian Journal of Management. 25:17-46. 2000
- New Problems, New Solutions: Making Portfolio Management More Effective. Research Technology Management. 43:18-33. 2000
- New product portfolio management: Practices and performance. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 28:13-29. 2000
- Succeeding in technological innovation. Research Technology Management. 43:28-45. 2000
- Do Customer Partnerships Improve New Product Success Rates?. Industrial Marketing Management. 28:507-519. 1999
- New Product Portfolio Management: Practices and Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 16:333-351. 1999
- New product portfolio management: practices and performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 16:333-351. 1999
- From Experience The invisible success factors in product innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 16:115-133. 1999
- Best Practices for Managing R&D Portfolios. Research Technology Management. 41:20-33. 1998
- Benchmarking new product performance:. European Management Journal. 16:1-17. 1998
- Portfolio Management in New Product Development: Lessons from the Leaders—II. Research Technology Management. 40:43-52. 1997
- Portfolio Management in New Product Development: Lessons from the Leaders—I. Research Technology Management. 40:16-28. 1997
- New products: benchmarking the critical success factors.. Medical device technology. 8:56-64. 1997
- Overhauling the new product process. Industrial Marketing Management. 25:465-482. 1996
- Winning Businesses in Product Development: The Critical Success Factors. Research Technology Management. 39:18-29. 1996
- Benchmarking the Firm's Critical Success Factors in New Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 12:374-391. 1995
- Performance typologies of new product projects. Industrial Marketing Management. 24:439-456. 1995
- Benchmarking firms' new product performance & practices. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 23:112-120. 1995
- Developing New Products On Time, In Time. Research Technology Management. 38:49-57. 1995
- The relative importance of new product success determinants—perception versus reality. R and D Management. 25:281-298. 1995
- New product performance: Keys to success, profitability & cycle time reduction. Journal of Marketing Management. 11:315-337. 1995
- Screening new products for potential winners. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 22:24-30. 1994
- Determinants of Timeliness in Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 11:381-396. 1994
- What Distinguishes the Top Performing New Products in Financial Services. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 11:281-299. 1994
- What distinguishes the top performing new products in financial services. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 11:281-299. 1994
- Debunking the Myths of New Product Development. Research Technology Management. 37:40-50. 1994
- New Products. International Marketing Review. 11:60-76. 1994
- Perspective third-generation new product processes. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 11:3-14. 1994
- Screening new products for potential winners. Long Range Planning. 26:74-81. 1993
- Uncovering the keys to new product success. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 21:5-18. 1993
- New-product success in the chemical industry. Industrial Marketing Management. 22:85-99. 1993
- Major New Products: What Distinguishes the Winners in the Chemical Industry?. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 10:90-111. 1993
- Major new products: What distinguishes the winners in the chemical industry?. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 10:90-111. 1993
- Developing successful new financial services for businesses. Industrial Marketing Management. 21:231-241. 1992
- The newprod system: The industry experience. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 9:113-127. 1992
- The Impact of Product Innovativeness on Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 8:240-251. 1991
- The impact of product innovativeness on performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 8:240-251. 1991
- New industrial financial services: What distinguishes the winners. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 8:75-90. 1991
- New product processes at leading industrial firms. Industrial Marketing Management. 20:137-147. 1991
- New Products: What Distinguishes the Winners?. Research Technology Management. 33:27-31. 1990
- Stage-gate systems: A new tool for managing new products. Business Horizons. 33:44-54. 1990
- New product success factors: A comparison of ‘kills’ versus successes and failures. R and D Management. 20:47-63. 1990
- The Development of Structural Complexity in the Child's Concept of Family: The Effect of Cognitive Stage, Sex, and Intactness of Family. Journal of Genetic Psychology. 150:341-357. 1989
- The Performance Impact of an International Orientation on Product Innovation. European Journal of Marketing. 22:56-71. 1988
- Predevelopment activities determine new product success. Industrial Marketing Management. 17:237-247. 1988
- Resource allocation in the new product process. Industrial Marketing Management. 17:249-262. 1988
- The new product process: A decision guide for management. Journal of Marketing Management. 3:238-255. 1988
- New products: What separates winners from losers?. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 4:169-184. 1987
- Defining the new product strategy. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. EM-34:184-193. 1987
- Success factors in product innovation. Industrial Marketing Management. 16:215-223. 1987
- What makes a new product a winner: * Success factors at the project level.*. R and D Management. 17:175-189. 1987
- An Investigation into the New Product Process: Steps, Deficiencies, and Impact. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 3:71-85. 1986
- An investigation into the new product process: Steps, deficiencies, and impact. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 3:71-85. 1986
- New Product Performance and Product Innovation Strategies. Research Technology Management. 29:17-25. 1986
- The impact of export strategy on export sales performance. Thunderbird International Business Review. 27:12-12. 1985
- Overall corporate strategies for new product programs. Industrial Marketing Management. 14:179-193. 1985
- Industrial firms' new product strategies. Journal of Business Research. 13:107-121. 1985
- Selecting Winning New Product Projects: Using the NewProd System. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2:34-44. 1985
- Selecting winning new product projects: Using the NewProd system. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2:34-44. 1985
- The Impact of Export Strategy on Export Sales Performance. Journal of International Business Studies. 16:37-55. 1985
- Vestiges of Logical Positivism: Critiques of Stage Explanations. Human Development. 28:240-258. 1985
- The Strategy‐Performance Link in Product Innovation. R and D Management. 14:247-259. 1984
- New Product Strategies: What Distinguishes the Top Performers?. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 1:151-164. 1984
- New product strategies: What distinguishes the top performers?. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 1:151-164. 1984
- The product life cycle trap. Business Horizons. 27:7-16. 1984
- Criteria for screening new industrial products. Industrial Marketing Management. 13:149-156. 1984
- The Performance Impact of Product Innovation Strategies. European Journal of Marketing. 18:5-54. 1984
- How New Product Strategies Impact on Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 1:5-18. 1984
- How new product strategies impact on performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 1:5-18. 1984
- Most New Products Do Succeed. Research Technology Management. 26:20-25. 1983
- A process model for industrial new product development. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. EM-30:2-11. 1983
- The impact of new product strategies. Industrial Marketing Management. 12:243-256. 1983
- The new product process: an empirically‐based classification scheme. R and D Management. 13:1-13. 1983
- New product success in industrial firms. Industrial Marketing Management. 11:215-223. 1982
- The misuse of marketing: An American tragedy. Business Horizons. 24:51-61. 1981
- An empirically derived new product project selection model. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. EM-28:54-61. 1981
- The components of risk in new product development: Project New Prod. R and D Management. 11:47-54. 1981
- New Product Scenarios: Prospects for Success. Journal of Marketing. 45:48-48. 1981
- How to Identify Potential New Product Winners. Research Technology Management. 23:10-19. 1980
- Project NewProd: Factors in New Product Success. European Journal of Marketing. 14:277-292. 1980
- A discriminant model for identifying scenarios of industrial new product failure. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 7:163-183. 1979
- Beyond the marketing concept. Business Horizons. 22:76-83. 1979
- Identifying industrial new product success: Project NewProd. Industrial Marketing Management. 8:124-135. 1979
- Modular risk management: an applied example. R and D Management. 9:93-99. 1979
- The Dimensions of Industrial New Product Success and Failure. Journal of Marketing. 43:93-93. 1979
- The Role of Marketing Research in New Technology Ventures. Research Technology Management. 20:20-25. 1977
- Determinants of market research expenditures for new industrial products. Industrial Marketing Management. 6:103-112. 1977
- Introducing successful new industrial products. European Journal of Marketing. 10:301-329. 1976
- Why new industrial products fail. Industrial Marketing Management. 4:315-326. 1975
- Velocity profiles and pumping capacities for turbine type impellers. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 46:94-100. 1968
- Pumping capacities in stirred tanks theory and application. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 45:197-203. 1967
- Eco-Stage-Gate: Building Sustainability into Product Innovation. IEEE Engineering Management Review. PP:1-10.
- Making Go/Kill Decisions on AI Applications for NPD. IEEE Engineering Management Review. PP:1-7.
- The Adoption and Impact of AI by SMEs for New-Product Development. IEEE Engineering Management Review. PP:1-9.
- Why AI Projects Fail: Lessons From New Product Development. IEEE Engineering Management Review. 52:15-21.
scholarly editions
- “Whatever It Takes” Is All You Need: Monetary Policy and Debt Fragility. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 38-81. 2019
- Discounting: Investment Sensitivity and Aggregate Implications 2015
- Erfolgsfaktor Markt – Kundenorientierte Produktinnovation 1996