Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
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Journal Articles
StreptomycesVolatile Compounds Influence Exploration and Microbial Community Dynamics by Altering Iron Availability Journal Articles
A Deoxyribozyme with a Novel Guanine Quartet-Helix Pseudoknot Structure Journal Articles
A Detailed Comparison of the Performance of the Standard versus the Nijmegen Modification of the Bethesda Assay in Detecting Factor VIII:C Inhibitors in the Haemophilia A Population of Canada Journal Articles
A Thiolate Anion Buried within the Hydrocarbon Ruler Perturbs PagP Lipid Acyl Chain Selection Journal Articles
A metabolic model for acetate uptake under anaerobic conditions by glycogen accumulating organisms: Stoichiometry, kinetics, and the effect of pH Journal Articles
A new insight into Fenton and Fenton-like processes for water treatment: Part II. Influence of organic compounds on Fe(III)/Fe(II) interconversion and the course of reactions Journal Articles
A new technique for the assay of infectivity of human adenovirus 5 DNA Journal Articles
A novel biosorbent: characterization of the spent mushroom compost and its application for removal of heavy metals. Journal Articles
A novel method to enhance the stability of alginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate microcapsules Journal Articles
A parameterized, continuum electrostatic model for predicting protein pKa values Journal Articles
A quantitative physicochemical approach to acid-base physiology Journal Articles
A rapid and sensitive fluorimetric β-galactosidase assay for coliform detection using chlorophenol red-β-d-galactopyranoside Journal Articles
A reexamination of the leucine tRNAs and the leucyl-tRNA synthetase in developing Tenebrio molitor Journal Articles
Acclimation history modulates effect size of calcareous algae (Halimeda opuntia) to herbicide exposure under future climate scenarios Journal Articles
Achieving Nonenzymatic Blood Glucose Sensing by Uprooting Saturation Journal Articles
Acid and alkaline phosphatases activities in vascular smooth muscle: Species differences and subcellular distribution Journal Articles
Acid suppression and ulcer healing: dichotomy, degree, and dilemma. Journal Articles
Acid suppression in healthy subjects following lansoprazole or pantoprazole Journal Articles
Acid-induced fusion of liposomes: studies with 2,3-seco-5α-cholestan-2,3-dioic acid Journal Articles
Acidic pH changes receptor binding specificity of Helicobacter pylori: a binary adhesion model in which surface heat shock (stress) proteins mediate sulfatide recognition in gastric colonization Journal Articles
Acidification impacts on the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter revealed by FT-ICR MS Journal Articles
Acid–base and respiratory properties of a buffered bovine erythrocyte perfusion medium Journal Articles
Acid–base responses to feeding and intestinal Cl– uptake in freshwater- and seawater-acclimated killifish,Fundulus heteroclitus, an agastric euryhaline teleost Journal Articles
Acquisition of Ca2+ and HCO3 −/CO3 2− for shell formation in embryos of the common pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Journal Articles
Action of surface-active agents on arylsulfatase-C of human cultured fibroblasts Journal Articles
Activation and inhibition of the Escherichia coli F1-ATPase by monoclonal antibodies which recognize the ϵ subunit Journal Articles
Active Subunits of Transaldolase Bound to Sepharose Journal Articles
Active urea transport independent of H+ and Na+ transport in frog skin epithelium Journal Articles
Adaptation to altitude as a vehicle for experiential learning of physiology by university undergraduates. Journal Articles
Addressing proteolytic efficiency in enzymatic degradation therapy for celiac disease Journal Articles
Adhesion of corneal epithelial cells to cell adhesion peptide modified pHEMA surfaces Journal Articles
Adsorption behavior of bisphenol A on sediments in Xiangjiang River, Central-south China Journal Articles
Aerobic degradation of bisphenol A by Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain B-16 isolated from compost leachate of municipal solid waste Journal Articles
Afferent neural activity from pseudobranch of teleosts. Effects of Po2, pH, osmotic pressure and Na+ ions Journal Articles
Aggregation of smooth muscle membranes and its use in the preparation of plasma membrane enriched fraction from gastric fundus smooth muscle Journal Articles
Albumin‐corrected calcium and ionized calcium in stable haemodialysis patients Journal Articles
Alkalinization of local anaesthetics Journal Articles
Allosteric Site Variants of Haemophilus influenzae β-Carbonic Anhydrase Journal Articles
Alterations in Hemolymph Ion Concentrations and pH in Adult Daphnia magna in Response to Elevations in Major Ion Concentrations in Freshwater Journal Articles
Aluminum as an endocrine disruptor in female Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Journal Articles
Aluminum bioconcentration in female Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) and the effects on pituitary gonadotropins Journal Articles
Alveolar-to-blood PCO2 difference during rebreathing in exercise. Journal Articles
Amino acid analysis of elastin — a rapid method Journal Articles
Amino acid racemization in amber-entombed insects: Implications for DNA preservation Journal Articles
Amino acids modulate ion transport and fluid secretion by insect Malpighian tubules Journal Articles
Ammonia excretion in the freshwater planarianSchmidtea mediterranea Journal Articles
Ammonia movement and distribution after exercise across white muscle cell membranes in rainbow trout Journal Articles
An ASM/ADM model interface for dynamic plant-wide simulation Journal Articles
An Acidic Microenvironment Increases NK Cell Killing of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii by Enhancing Perforin Degranulation Journal Articles
An Initial Reaction Rate Assay for "Glycerate Dehydrogenase" Journal Articles
An elementary derivation of the hard/soft-acid/base principle Journal Articles
An experimental study on the bio-surfactant-assisted remediation of crude oil and salt contaminated soils Journal Articles
Analysis of Na+, Cl-, K+, H+and NH4+ concentration gradients adjacent to the surface of anal papillae of the mosquitoAedes aegypti: application of self-referencing ion-selective microelectrodes Journal Articles
Analysis of barbiturates in blood by high-performance liquid chromatography Journal Articles
Analysis of the responses of myenteric neurons in the small intestine to chemical stimulation of the mucosa Journal Articles
Analysis of the responses of myenteric neurons in the small intestine to chemical stimulation of the mucosa Journal Articles
Antipsychotic drug use is correlated with CRP40/mortalin mRNA expression in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of human postmortem brain specimens Journal Articles
Application of a by-product of Lentinus edodes to the bioremediation of chromate contaminated water Journal Articles
Appropriate Acid Suppression for Optimal Healing of Duodenal Ulcer and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease Journal Articles
Aquatic and terrestrial organic matter in the diet of stream consumers: implications for mercury bioaccumulation Journal Articles
Aqueous Fluoride and the Preparation of [99mTc(CO)3(OH2)3]+ and 99mTc−Carborane Complexes Journal Articles
Arterialized capillary blood gases in exercise studies Journal Articles
Assay of plasma renin activity using commercially available reagents Journal Articles
Assemblage of Signaling DNA Enzymes with Intriguing Metal-Ion Specificities and pH Dependences Journal Articles
Assembly of antibodies in lipid membranes for biosensor development Journal Articles
Assessing the bioaccumulation potential of ionizable organic compounds: Current knowledge and research priorities Journal Articles
Assessment of a four hour delay for urine samples stored without preservatives at room temperature for urinalysis Journal Articles
Association between gastric intramucosal pH and splanchnic endotoxin, antibody to endotoxin, and tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass Journal Articles
Association of Low Umbilical Cord pH and Hypoglycemia in Healthy Term Newborns: Should it Be a Part of Postnatal Screening? Journal Articles
Association of umbilical cord blood gas values with mortality and severe neurologic injury in preterm neonates <29 weeks’ gestation: a national cohort study Journal Articles
Automating multi-step paper-based assays using integrated layering of reagents Journal Articles
Autonomously Self-Adhesive Hydrogels as Building Blocks for Additive Manufacturing Journal Articles
Biochemical characterization of arylsulfatase-C isozymes in human fibroblasts Journal Articles
Biofilm Hydrous Manganese Oxyhydroxides and Metal Dynamics in Acid Rock Drainage Journal Articles
Bioremediation of Pb-contaminated soil by incubating with Phanerochaete chrysosporium and straw Journal Articles
Birth asphyxia: does the Apgar score have diagnostic value? Journal Articles
CO2/pH Chemosensory Signaling in Co-Cultures of Rat Carotid Body Receptors and Petrosal Neurons: Role of ATP and ACh Journal Articles
Ca2+ handling properties of microsomal subfractions of rat vas deferens smooth muscle Journal Articles
Cadmium (II) removal mechanisms in microbial electrolysis cells Journal Articles
Cadmium removal from simulated wastewater to biomass byproduct of Lentinus edodes Journal Articles
Carbonic Anhydrase as a Biomarker of Global and Local Impacts: Insights from Calcifying Animals Journal Articles
Catalytic Mechanism of Fungal Homoserine Transacetylase Journal Articles
Cerebral oedema in diabetic ketoacidosis. Journal Articles
Changes in free-calcium levels and pH in synaptosomes during transmitter release Journal Articles
Changing Patterns of Helicobacter pylori Gastritis in Long‐Standing Acid Suppression Journal Articles
Characteristics of Plasmalemma Alkaline Phosphatase of Rat Mesenteric Artery Journal Articles
Characterization of a catalytically efficient acidic RNA-cleaving deoxyribozyme Journal Articles
Characterization of an RNA-Cleaving Deoxyribozyme with Optimal Activity at pH 5 Journal Articles
Characterization of mechanisms for Ca2+ and HCO3–/CO32– acquisition for shell formation in embryos of the freshwater common pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Journal Articles
Characterization of murine pregnancy decidua transforming growth factor beta. I. Transforming growth factor beta 2-like molecules of unusual molecular size released in bioactive form Journal Articles
Characterization of salicylate uptake across the basolateral membrane of the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Characterization of the C-terminal Domain of a Potassium Channel from Streptomyces lividans (KcsA) Journal Articles
Characterizing the Secondary Structure and Identifying Functionally Essential Nucleotides of pH6DZ1, a Fluorescence-Signaling and RNA-Cleaving Deoxyribozyme Journal Articles
Chromatography of Drosophila tRNA on BD-cellolose Journal Articles
Chronic cough and gastroesophageal reflux. Journal Articles
Cimetidine or vagotomy? Comparison of the effects of proximal gastric vagotomy, cimetidine and placebo on nocturnal intragastric acidity and acid secretion in patients with cimetidine resistant duodenal ulcer Journal Articles
Co-Cultures of Rat Petrosal Neurons and Carotid Body Type 1 Cells Journal Articles
Collapsing the Proton Motive Force to Identify Synergistic Combinations against Staphylococcus aureus Journal Articles
Colorimetric Detection of Bacteria Using Litmus Test Journal Articles
Column liquid chromatographic determination of bupivacaine in human serum using solid-phase extraction Journal Articles
Comparison of compressed sensing reconstruction algorithms for 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging Journal Articles
Complementary on-line preconcentration strategies for steroids by capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
Complementation of arylsulfatase A in somatic hybrids of metachromatic leukodystrophy and multiple sulfatase deficiency disorder fibroblasts. Journal Articles
Complete S-sulfonation of cysteine residues in proteins Journal Articles
Conformation of a double-membrane-spanning fragment of a G protein-coupled receptor: Effects of hydrophobic environment and pH Journal Articles
Contact lens physical properties and lipid deposition in a novel characterized artificial tear solution. Journal Articles
Control of breathing and adaptation to high altitude in the bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Control of pulmonary ventilation during exercise and mediators in the blood: CO2 and hydrogen ion. Journal Articles
Cooperativity of papain-substrate interaction energies in the S2 to S2' subsites Journal Articles
Copper exposure and seawater acidification interaction: Antagonistic effects on biomarkers in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Coronary artery acidosis: pH and calcium pump stability Journal Articles
Cross-Linked Microcapsules Formed From Self-Deactivating Reactive Polyelectrolytes Journal Articles
Cross-linked chitosan as biomacromolecular adsorbents for adsorption of precious metal-chloride complexes from aqueous media. Journal Articles
DNA-enhanced peroxidase activity of a DNA aptamer-hemin complex Journal Articles
DdlN from Vancomycin-Producing
Amycolatopsis orientalis
C329.2 Is a VanA Homologue with
-Lactate Ligase Activity Journal Articles
Defect Engineering of Graphene to Modulate pH Response of Graphene Devices Journal Articles
Dehydroascorbic acid uptake by coronary artery smooth muscle: effect of intracellular acidification Journal Articles
Design of pH-responsive nanoparticles of terpolymer of poly(methacrylic acid), polysorbate 80 and starch for delivery of doxorubicin Journal Articles
Detection of arylsulfatase A activity after electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels: Problems and solutions Journal Articles
Determination of Strong Ligand Sites in Sewage Effluent-Impacted Waters by Competitive Ligand Titration with Silver Journal Articles
Determination of hemoglobin-oxygen affinity on micro samples. Journal Articles
Development of a 2‐D apoB peptide profile to detect conformational changes associated with apoB‐containing lipoproteins Journal Articles
Developmental effects of the industrial cooling water additives morpholine and sodium hypochlorite on lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Diagnostic assessment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: what is possible vs. what is practical? Conferences
Die Bestimmung von Zentimilligrammengen Stickstoff in organischen Substanzen Journal Articles
Discordance between Genetic Structure and Morphological, Ecological, and Physiological Adaptation in Lake Magadi Tilapia Journal Articles
Distinct metabolic adjustments arise from acclimation to constant hypoxia and intermittent hypoxia in estuarine killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Diversity and relationships among strains of culturable yeasts in agricultural soils in Cameroon Journal Articles
Do H2 receptor antagonists have to be given at night? A study of the antisecretory profile of SKF 94482, a new H2 receptor antagonist which has a profound effect on daytime acidity. Journal Articles
Do Hourly Averaged pH Readings Correlate with Those from Point Readings of Aspiration? Journal Articles
Doubly pH-Responsive Pickering Emulsion Journal Articles
Drug level monitoring: sedative hypnotics Journal Articles
Drug release by pH-responsive molecular tweezers: Atomistic details from molecular modeling Journal Articles
Dynamic unfolding of a regulatory subunit of cAMP‐dependent protein kinase by capillary electrophoresis: Impact of cAMP dissociation on protein stability Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological responses of a reef calcifier exposed to copper, acidification and warming: A multiple biomarker approach Journal Articles
Effect of Chemical Exchange on Radiation Damping in Aqueous Solutions of the Osmolyte Glycine Journal Articles
Effect of Helicobacter pylori status on intragastric pH during treatment with omeprazole. Journal Articles
Effect of High-Dose Nano-selenium and Selenium–Yeast on Feed Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation, and Purine Derivatives in Sheep Journal Articles
Effect of Neutral-pH, Low–Glucose Degradation Product Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions on Residual Renal Function, Urine Volume, and Ultrafiltration Journal Articles
Effect of Omeprazole on Regional and Temporal Variations in Intragastric Acidity Journal Articles
Effect of TiO2 doping on degradation rate, microstructure and strength of borate bioactive glass scaffolds Journal Articles
Effect of acetazolamide on gas exchange and acid-base control after maximal exercise Journal Articles
Effect of acidified enteral feedings on gastric colonization in the critically ill patient Journal Articles
Effect of curing Helicobacter pylori infection on intragastric acidity during treatment with ranitidine in patients with duodenal ulcer. Journal Articles
Effect of curing Helicobacter pylori infection on intragastric pH during treatment with omeprazole. Journal Articles
Effect of different buffer agents on in-vessel composting of food waste: Performance analysis and comparative study Journal Articles
Effect of induced metabolic alkalosis on human skeletal muscle metabolism during exercise Journal Articles
Effect of inspired O2 on cardiopulmonary and metabolic responses to exercise in man. Journal Articles
Effect of no treatment, cimetidine 1 g/day, cimetidine 2 g/day and cimetidine combined with atropine on nocturnal gastric secretion in cimetidine non-responders. Journal Articles
Effect of omeprazole on intragastric bacterial counts, nitrates, nitrites, and N-nitroso compounds. Journal Articles
Effect of pH on Muscle Glycolysis during Exercise Journal Articles
Effect of pH on bile salt degradation by mixed fecal cultures Journal Articles
Effect of pH on cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses to exercise Journal Articles
Effect of pH on metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses during progressive exercise Journal Articles
Effect of pH on stability of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump in rabbit heart Journal Articles
Effect of progressive incremental exercise and β-adrenergic blockade on erythrocyte ion concentrations Journal Articles
Effect of short-chain organic acids on the enhanced desorption of phenanthrene by rhamnolipid biosurfactant in soil–water environment Journal Articles
Effect of spontaneous pushing versus Valsalva pushing in the second stage of labour on mother and fetus: a systematic review of randomised trials Journal Articles
Effect of vanadate on rat myometrium plasma membrane enzyme activities Journal Articles
Effect on fertilization of intra-peritoneal exposure of oocytes to carbon dioxide Journal Articles
Effects of Chemosensory Stimulation Membrane Currents Recorded with the Perforated-Patch Method from Cultured Rat Glomus Cells Journal Articles
Effects of Omeprazole and Lansoprazole on 24-Hour Intragastric pH in Helicobacter pylori-Positive Volunteers Journal Articles
Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on receptor-operated Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Effects of acidosis on rat muscle metabolism and performance during heavy exercise Journal Articles
Effects of age and exercise on physiological dead space during simulated dives at 2.8 ATA Journal Articles
Effects of chemostimuli on [Ca2+]i responses of rat aortic body type I cells and endogenous local neurons: comparison with carotid body cells Journal Articles
Effects of chronic brofaromine administration on biogenic amines including sulphatoxymelatonin and acid metabolites in patients with bulimia nervosa Journal Articles
Effects of concentrate‐to‐forage ratios and 2‐methylbutyrate supplementation on ruminal fermentation, bacteria abundance and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in Chinese Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of feeding salt‐tolerant forage cultivated in saline‐alkaline land on rumen fermentation, feed digestibility and nitrogen balance in lamb Journal Articles
Effects of intense swimming and tetanic electrical stimulation on skeletal muscle ions and metabolites Journal Articles
Effects of isovalerate on ruminal fermentation, urinary excretion of purine derivatives and digestibility in steers Journal Articles
Effects of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication on esophageal motility Journal Articles
Effects of low dose omeprazole on gastric secretion and plasma gastrin in patients with healed duodenal ulcer. Journal Articles
Effects of ocean acidification on dopamine-mediated behavioral responses of a coral reef damselfish Journal Articles
Effects of pH on maximal power output and fatigue during short-term dynamic exercise Journal Articles
Effects of pH on the Rates of Aerobic Metabolism of Phosphate‐Accumulating and Glycogen‐Accumulating Organisms Journal Articles
Effects of pHi and pHe on membrane currents recorded with the perforated-patch method from cultured chemoreceptors of the rat carotid body Journal Articles
Effects of peroxide on the fluorescence of the Ca2+ probe Fluo 3 and the pH probe BCECF. Journal Articles
Effects of protein–protein interaction in ultrafiltration based fractionation processes Journal Articles
Effects of pumaprazole (BY841), a novel reversible proton pump antagonist, and of omeprazole, on intragastric acidity before and after cure of Helicobacter pylori infection Journal Articles
Effects of ranitidine and cisapride on acid reflux and oesophageal motility in patients with reflux oesophagitis: a 24 hour ambulatory combined pH and manometry study. Journal Articles
Effects of short‐term training on plasma acid‐base balance during incremental exercise in man Journal Articles
Effects of sodium acetate as a pH control amendment on the composting of food waste Journal Articles
Effects of stepwise dry/wet-aging and freezing on meat quality of beef loins Journal Articles
Efficacy of omeprazole one year after cure of Helicobacter pylori infection in duodenal ulcer patients. Journal Articles
Elaboration of silica colloid/polymer hybrid support for oligonucleotide synthesis Journal Articles
Electrochemical detection of 4(5)-methylimidazole in aqueous solutions Journal Articles
Eliminating Competition: Characterizing and Eliminating Competitive Binding at Separate Sites between DAHP Synthase’s Essential Metal Ion and the Inhibitor DAHP Oxime Journal Articles
Elimination of 4-n-Butoxyphenylacethydroxamic Acid (Bufexamac) in Man Journal Articles
Empirical prediction of protein pKavalues with residue mutation Journal Articles
Endoscopic assessment of oesophagitis: clinical and functional correlates and further validation of the Los Angeles classification Journal Articles
Enhanced Pb(II) removal from water using conductive carbonaceous nanomaterials as bacterial scaffolds: An experimental and modelling approach Journal Articles
Environmental and nutritional regulation of expression and function of two peptide transporter (PepT1) isoforms in a euryhaline teleost Journal Articles
Environmental, geographic and trophic influences on methylmercury concentrations in macroinvertebrates from lakes and wetlands across Canada Journal Articles
Environmentally Relevant Mixed Exposures To Radiation And Heavy Metals Induce Measurable Stress Responses In Atlantic Salmon Journal Articles
Enzymatic Litmus Test for Selective Colorimetric Detection of C–C Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Journal Articles
Evaluating the biocontrol potential of Canadian strain Bacillus velezensis 1B-23 via its surfactin production at various pHs and temperatures Journal Articles
Evidence for a Na+H+ antiport in stomach smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Exercise and recovery metabolism in the pacific spiny dogfish ( Squalus acanthias ) Journal Articles
Exploring links between pH and bacterial community composition in soils from the Craibstone Experimental Farm Journal Articles
Expression and Secretion of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island-2 Virulence Genes in Response to Acidification Exhibit Differential Requirements of a Functional Type III Secretion Apparatus and SsaL Journal Articles
Expression of Human Prohormone Convertase PC2 in a Baculovirus-Insect Cell System Journal Articles
Extended release of high pI proteins from alginate microspheres via a novel encapsulation technique Journal Articles
Factors influencing hydrogen ion concentration in muscle after intense exercise Journal Articles
Fate of antacid gel in the stomach Journal Articles
Fetal Tracheal Occlusion in Lambs with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Role of Exogenous Surfactant at Birth Journal Articles
Fluid Reabsorption And Ion Transport By The Lower Malpighian Tubules Of Adult Female Drosophila Journal Articles
Follicular fluid pH changes following intraperitoneal exposure of Graafian follicles to carbon dioxide: a comparative study with follicles exposed to ultrasound Journal Articles
Fractionation of bovine serum albumin and monoclonal antibody alemtuzumab using carrier phase ultrafiltration Journal Articles
Functional Nucleic Acids Under Unusual Conditions Journal Articles
Functional characterization of Rhesus glycoproteins from an ammoniotelic teleost, the rainbow trout, using oocyte expression and SIET analysis Journal Articles
Functional properties of navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) protein concentrates obtained by pneumatic tribo-electrostatic separation Journal Articles
Functionalized Microgel Swelling: Comparing Theory and Experiment Journal Articles
GCN4 enhances the stability of the pore domain of potassium channel KcsA Journal Articles
Gastric Alkalinization, Pneumonia, and Systemic Infections: The Controversy Journal Articles
Gastric mucosal toxicity of duodenal juice constituents in the rat Journal Articles
Gene expression endpoints following chronic waterborne copper exposure in a genomic model organism, the zebrafish, Danio rerio Journal Articles
Genetic Polymorphisms of Human Mitochondrial Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase Journal Articles
Gill membrane remodeling with soft-water acclimation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Growth Hormone Secretion in Acid-Base Alterations at Rest and during Exercise Journal Articles
Helicobacter pylori augments the pH-increasing effect of omeprazole in patients with duodenal ulcer Journal Articles
Hemoglobin Binding by Enzymatic Fragments of Haptoglobin Journal Articles
High affinity Ca-binding to smooth muscle plasma membrane: Inhibition by cations Journal Articles
High-affinity pH-dependent passive Ca binding by myometrial plasma membrane vesicles Journal Articles
High‐sensitivity analyses of metabolites in biological samples by capillary electrophoresis using dynamic pH junction‐sweeping Journal Articles
Homoserine dehydrogenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: kinetic mechanism and stereochemistry of hydride transfer Journal Articles
Hp and pH--the relevance of gastric acid to the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Journal Articles
Hp and pH: Implications for the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Journal Articles
Hydrogen Ion Balance during Exercise Journal Articles
Hydrophobic sol–gel channel patterning strategies for paper-based microfluidics Journal Articles
Hydroxypropyl Guar−Borate Interactions with Tear Film Mucin and Lysozyme Journal Articles
Identification of Pharmacological Chaperones for Gaucher Disease and Characterization of Their Effects on β‐Glucocerebrosidase by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Journal Articles
Identification of the Catalytic Residues of AroA (Enolpyruvylshikimate 3-Phosphate Synthase) Using Partitioning Analysis Journal Articles
Immunological behavior of in vitro digested egg‐white lysozyme Journal Articles
Impact de la chirurgie bariatrique sur le pronostic obstétrical Journal Articles
Impact of Microgel Morphology on Functionalized Microgel−Drug Interactions Journal Articles
Impacts of temperature, morpholine, and chronic radiation on the embryonic development of round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) Journal Articles
Implications of Protonation and Substituent Effects for C−O and O−P Bond Cleavage in Phosphate Monoesters Journal Articles
Importance of pH Control in the Management of GERD Journal Articles
Improved sample preparation in determination of urinary metanephrines by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection Journal Articles
In Vitro Analysis of the Physical Properties of Contact Lens Blister Pack Solutions Journal Articles
In Vitro Contact Angle Analysis and Physical Properties of Blister Pack Solutions of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses Journal Articles
In vitro evaluation of prestorage pooled leukoreduced whole blood–derived platelets stored for up to 7 days Journal Articles
In vitro inhibition of calcium binding by alloxan and of calcium transport by isolated vascular smooth muscle microsomes Journal Articles
Inactivation of biologically active N-methyl-N-nitroso compounds in aqueous solution: effect of various conditions of pH and illumination. Journal Articles
Indices for predicting the quality of leaving groups Conferences
Influence of nanoparticle size on the pH-dependent structure of adsorbed proteins studied with quantitative localized surface plasmon spectroscopy Journal Articles
Initiation of migrating myoelectric complexes in human subjects: role of duodenal acidification and plasma motilin Journal Articles
Injectable Superparamagnets: Highly Elastic and Degradable Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)–Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle (SPION) Composite Hydrogels Journal Articles
Insight into sorption mechanism of phenanthrene onto gemini modified palygorskite through a multi-level fuzzy-factorial inference approach Journal Articles
Integrated fragmentation of human IgG and purification of Fab using a reactant adsorptive membrane bioreactor separator system Journal Articles
Interaction of human lactoferrin with the rat liver Journal Articles
Interactive effects of nanoplastics, multi-contaminants, and environmental conditions on prairie aquatic ecosystems: A factorial composite toxicity analysis within a Canadian context. Journal Articles
Interparticle Interactions Affecting the Stability of Sludge Flocs Journal Articles
Interpenetrating Polymer Networks as a Route to Tunable Multi-responsive Biomaterials: Development of Novel Concepts Journal Articles
Intragastric pH during Treatment with Omeprazole: Role ofHelicobacter pyloriandH. pylori-Associated Gastritis Journal Articles
Ion movements in membrane vesicles: a new fluorescence method and application to smooth muscle Journal Articles
Ionic Mobilities of Duplex and Frayed Wire DNA in Discontinuous Buffer Electrophoresis: Evidence of Interactions with Amino Acids Journal Articles
Ionizable amino lipid interactions with POPC: implications for lipid nanoparticle function Journal Articles
Iron promotes cadmium binding to citrate. Journal Articles
Is exercise tolerance limited by the heart or the lungs? Journal Articles
Isolation of ellagic acid from pomegranate peel extract by hydrophobic interaction chromatography using graphene oxide grafted cotton fiber adsorbent Journal Articles
Laboratory studies on salmonella‐contaminated cheese involved in a major outbreak of gastroenteritis Journal Articles
Laccase Complex with Polyvinylamine Bearing Grafted TEMPO is a Cellulose Adhesion Primer Journal Articles
Lactate transport by rainbow trout white muscle: kinetic characteristics and sensitivity to inhibitors Journal Articles
Lactic acid is/is not the only physicochemical contributor to the acidosis of exercise Journal Articles
Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is a satisfactory alternative to long-term omeprazole therapy Journal Articles
Last Word on Point:Counterpoint: Lactate is/is not the only physicochemical contributor to the acidosis of exercise Journal Articles
Liquid-chromatographic determination of pentobarbital in plasma with use of a resin column and an alkaline mobile phase. Journal Articles
Local Structural Preferences and Dynamics Restrictions in the Urea-Denatured State of SUMO-1: NMR Characterization Journal Articles
Local pH-dependent conformational changes leading to proteolytic susceptibility of cystatin C Journal Articles
Localization of K+, H+, Na+ and Ca2+ fluxes to the excretory pore in Caenorhabditis elegans: application of scanning ion-selective microelectrodes Journal Articles
Low-temperature solution processing of palladium/palladium oxide films and their pH sensing performance Journal Articles
Lyme Disease Enolpyruvyl-UDP-GlcNAc Synthase: Fosfomycin-Resistant MurA from Borrelia burgdorferi, a Fosfomycin-Sensitive Mutant, and the Catalytic Role of the Active Site Asp Journal Articles
Maintenance of caspase-3 proenzyme dormancy by an intrinsic “safety catch” regulatory tripeptide Journal Articles
Malpighian tubules of caterpillars: blending RNAseq and physiology to reveal regional functional diversity and novel epithelial ion transport control mechanisms Journal Articles
Management of hypophosphatemia in nocturnal hemodialysis with phosphate-containing enema: A technical study Journal Articles
Mast cell heterogeneity: effects of neuroenteric peptides on histamine release. Journal Articles
Materials selection for a dry atmospheric mercury deposits sampler Journal Articles
Mathematical model of the relationship between pH holding time and erosive esophagitis healing rates. Journal Articles
Maximal short-term exercise performance and ion regulation in cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Measurement of urine porphyrins and porphyrinogens Journal Articles
Mechanism of action of diabetogenic zinc-chelating agents. Model system studies. Journal Articles
Mechanism of liposome destabilization by polycationic amino acids Journal Articles
Membrane bioreactor separator system for integrated IgG fragmentation and Fab purification Journal Articles
Membrane bioreactor technology: A novel approach to the treatment of compost leachate Journal Articles
Mercury remediation from wastewater through its spontaneous adsorption on non-functionalized inverse spinel magnetic ferrite nanoparticles Journal Articles
Metabolic and hemodynamic responses of lower limb during exercise in patients with COPD Journal Articles
Microbial Diversity in Engineered Haloalkaline Environments Shaped by Shared Geochemical Drivers Observed in Natural Analogues Journal Articles
Microbial sulfur cycling determinants and implications for environmental impacts. Journal Articles
Microbial thiosulphate reaction arrays: the interactive roles of Fe(III), O2 and microbial strain on disproportionation and oxidation pathways Journal Articles
Microinjection in a microfluidic format using flexible and compliant channels and electroosmotic dosage control Journal Articles
Micronuclei formation in rainbow trout cells exposed to multiple stressors: Morpholine, heat shock, and ionizing radiation Journal Articles
Mixed Venous and Arterial Pco2 Journal Articles
Modes of metal toxicity and impaired branchial ionoregulation in rainbow trout exposed to mixtures of Pb and Cd in soft water Journal Articles
Modified Pisano Method for Estimating Urinary Metanephrines Journal Articles
Molecular Mechanism of the Enterococcal Aminoglycoside 6‘-N-Acetyltransferase‘: Role of GNAT-Conserved Residues in the Chemistry of Antibiotic Inactivation Journal Articles
Molecular cloning and characterization of norcoclaurine synthase, an enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis Journal Articles
Mouse monoclonal antibodies reacting with M blood group-related antigens. Journal Articles
Multifunctional Carbon Dots In Situ Confined Hydrogel for Optical Communication, Drug Delivery, pH Sensing, Nanozymatic Activity, and UV Shielding Applications. Journal Articles
Multifunctional nanoparticle–protein conjugates with controllable bioactivity and pH responsiveness Journal Articles
Multiple histidines in the periplasmic domain of the Salmonella enterica sensor kinase SsrA enhance signaling in response to extracellular acidification Journal Articles
Muscle as the Primary Site of Urea Cycle Enzyme Activity in an Alkaline Lake-adapted Tilapia, Oreochromis alcalicus grahami Journal Articles
Muscle glycogenolysis and H+ concentration during maximal intermittent cycling Journal Articles
Na+/H+ exchange is the major mechanism of pH regulation in cultured sympathetic neurons: Measurements in single cell bodies and neurites using a fluorescent pH indicator Journal Articles
Na-Ca exchange in a smooth muscle plasma membrane-enriched fraction Journal Articles
NaHCO3 and KHCO3 ingestion rapidly increases renal electrolyte excretion in humans Journal Articles
Natriuresis and diuretic hormone synergism in R. prolixus upper Malpighian tubules is inhibited by the anti-diuretic hormone, RhoprCAPA-α2 Journal Articles
Nature of norepinephrine-sensitive Ca-pool in rabbit aortic smooth muscle: Effect of pH Journal Articles
New isolate of Streptomyces sp. with novel thermoalkalotolerant cellulases Journal Articles
Nitrofuran‐Reducing Enzymes of Euglena* Journal Articles
Nitrofurazone-reducing enzymes in E. coli and their role in drug activation in vivo Journal Articles
Nitrogen Conservation in Simulated Food Waste Aerobic Composting Process with Different Mg and P Salt Mixtures Journal Articles
Nocturnal oesophageal motor activity is dependent on sleep stage. Journal Articles
Nonenzymatic Breakdown of the Tetrahedral (α-Carboxyketal Phosphate) Intermediates of MurA and AroA, Two Carboxyvinyl Transferases. Protonation of Different Functional Groups Controls the Rate and Fate of Breakdown Journal Articles
Nosocomial Pneumonia and the Role of Gastric pH Journal Articles
Novel Approaches to Inhibition of Gastric Acid Secretion Journal Articles
Obligatory Urea Production and the Cost of Living in the Magadi Tilapia Revealed by Acclimation to Reduced Salinity and Alkalinity Journal Articles
Occupational asthma from nickel sensitivity: II. Factors influencing the interaction of Ni2+, HSA, and serum antibodies with nickel related specificity. Journal Articles
Oesophageal pH-Metry: Should Meals Be Standardized? Journal Articles
Omeprazole--a new formulation. Journal Articles
Omeprazole:Helicobacter pylori makes thee greater yet Journal Articles
On the applicability of local softness and hardness Journal Articles
On the need for observational studies to design and interpret randomized trials in ICU patients: a case study in stress ulcer prophylaxis Journal Articles
On the ouabain-sensitive potassium activated p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity of vascular muscle plasma membranes. Journal Articles
On-Line Focusing of Flavin Derivatives Using Dynamic pH Junction-Sweeping Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection Journal Articles
On-line preconcentration strategies for trace analysis of metabolites by capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
On-line sample preconcentration with chemical derivatization of bacterial biomarkers by capillary electrophoresis: A dual strategy for integrating sample pretreatment with chemical analysis Journal Articles
Oral esomeprazole vs. intravenous pantoprazole: a comparison of the effect on intragastric pH in healthy subjects Journal Articles
Oral rabeprazole vs. intravenous pantoprazole: a comparison of the effect on intragastric pH in healthy subjects Journal Articles
Osmoregulation, ionoregulation and acid–base regulation by the gastrointestinal tract after feeding in the elasmobranch (Squalus acanthias) Journal Articles
Outcomes of antireflux surgery in patients with normal preoperative 24-hour pH test results Conferences
Overexpression, Purification, and Characterization of VanX, a D-, D-Dipeptidase which Is Essential for Vancomycin Resistance in Enterococcus faecium BM4147 Journal Articles
PHAIR: a biosensor for pH measurement in air–liquid interface cell culture Journal Articles
Parameter scanning ultrafiltration: Rapid optimisation of protein separation Journal Articles
Partial purification of a low‐molecular‐weight growth factor from chicken brain Journal Articles
Penicillin's catalytic mechanism revealed by inelastic neutrons and quantum chemical theory Journal Articles
Performance of in-vessel composting of food waste in the presence of coal ash and uric acid Journal Articles
Peripheral circulatory factors limit rate of increase in muscle O2 uptake at onset of heavy exercise Journal Articles
Pharmacological characterization of melatonin binding sites in Syrian hamster hypothalamus Journal Articles
Phosphoester-transfer mechanism of an RNA-cleaving acidic deoxyribozyme revealed by radioactivity tracking and enzymatic digestion Journal Articles
Phosphorescence detection of L-ascorbic acid with surface-attached N-acetyl-L-cysteine and L-cysteine Mn doped ZnS quantum dots Journal Articles
Photocatalytic paper from colloidal TiO2—fact or fantasy Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and environmental components of inter-specific variability in the antioxidant defense system in freshwater anomurans Aegla (Crustacea, Decapoda) Journal Articles
Physical Properties of Soft Contact Lens Solutions Journal Articles
Physiological adaptations of the gut in the Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami, an alkaline- and saline-adapted teleost fish Journal Articles
Picomolar analysis of flavins in biological samples by dynamic pH junction-sweeping capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection Journal Articles
Pig coronary artery smooth muscle: substrate and pH dependence of the two calcium pumps Journal Articles
Polymer-Grafted Cellulose Nanocrystals as pH-Responsive Reversible Flocculants Journal Articles
Polyvinylamine Boronate Adhesion to Cellulose Hydrogel Journal Articles
Post-prandial metabolic alkalosis in the seawater-acclimated trout: the alkaline tide comes in Journal Articles
Postoperative Objective Outcomes for Upright, Supine, and Bipositional Reflux Disease Following Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication Journal Articles
Preference for natural odors in rat pups: Implications of a failure to replicate Journal Articles
Preoperative symptom evaluation and esophageal acid infusion predict response to laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in gastroesophageal reflux patients who present with cough Journal Articles
Properties of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump in coronary artery skinned smooth muscle Journal Articles
Protein-alginate complexes as pH-/ion-sensitive carriers of proteins Journal Articles
Protein‐resistant polyurethane via surface‐initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate Journal Articles
Proton pumps in fish gill pavement cells? Journal Articles
Pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies are polymodal airway sensors: Evidence for CO2/H+sensing Journal Articles
Purification and characterization of an endonuclease from calf thymus acting on irradiated DNA Journal Articles
Purification and properties of dihydrofolate reductase from cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Purification and properties of dihydrofolate reductase from methotrexate-sensitive and methotrexate-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cells Journal Articles
Purification of a human immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody from transgenic tobacco using membrane chromatographic processes Journal Articles
Purification of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase by affinity chromatography Journal Articles
RNA Protection is Effectively Achieved by Pullulan Film Formation Journal Articles
Rapid increase in the partial pressure of NH3 on the cutaneous surface of air-exposed mangrove killifish,Rivulus marmoratus Journal Articles
Rapid regulation of Na+fluxes and ammonia excretion in response to acute environmental hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar,Astronotus ocellatus Journal Articles
Reaction of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine with protein: formation of nitroguanido derivatives. Journal Articles
Reaction of and with DNA in vitro Journal Articles
Recruitment of multiple cell lines by collagen-synthetic copolymer matrices in corneal regeneration Journal Articles
Reduction of bromate and chlorate contaminants in water using aqueous phase corona discharge Journal Articles
Reduction of intragastric acidity in duodenal ulcer. Cimetidine or surgery? Journal Articles
Reduction of oxylabile CO2 in human blood by lactate Journal Articles
Regulation of Acidification and Apoptosis by SHP-1 and Bcl-2 Journal Articles
Regulation of CPT I activity in intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria from human and rat skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Regulation of autoinducer production in Salmonella typhimurium Journal Articles
Relationship between ulcer healing and acid suppression Journal Articles
Renal responses to exercise-induced lactic acidosis Journal Articles
Reproducibility of Ambulatory Gastric pH Recordings in the Corpus and Antrum: Effect of Food, Time, and Electrode Position Journal Articles
Reproducibility of long-term ambulatory esophageal combined pH/manometry Journal Articles
Respiratory Acidosis sans Acidemia Journal Articles
Review article: gastric pH — the most relevant predictor of benefit in reflux disease? Journal Articles
Role of skeletal muscle in plasma ion and acid-base regulation after NaHCO3and KHCO3loading in humans Journal Articles
Secretion of Na+, K+ and fluid by the Malpighian (renal) tubule of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Journal Articles
Selective Focusing of Catecholamines and Weakly Acidic Compounds by Capillary Electrophoresis Using a Dynamic pH Junction Journal Articles
Sensitive and High-Throughput Analyses of Purine Metabolites by Dynamic pH Junction Multiplexed Capillary Electrophoresis: A New Tool for Metabolomic Studies Journal Articles
Sensitivity of CPT I to malonyl-CoA in trained and untrained human skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Sentinel Wraps: Real-Time Monitoring of Food Contamination by Printing DNAzyme Probes on Food Packaging Journal Articles
Separation and properties of isozymes of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal Articles
Separation of monoclonal antibody alemtuzumab monomer and dimers using ultrafiltration Journal Articles
Silicon nanowire ion sensitive field effect transistor with integrated Ag/AgCl electrode: pH sensing and noise characteristics Journal Articles
Simplified acetylcysteine-alkali digestion-decontamination procedure for isolation of mycobacteria from clinical specimens Journal Articles
Simultaneous pH and Temperature Measurements Using Pyranine as a Molecular Probe Journal Articles
Single nocturnal dose of an H2 receptor antagonist for the treatment of duodenal ulcer. Journal Articles
Single-step analysis of low abundance phosphoamino acids via on-line sample preconcentration with chemical derivatization by capillary electrophoresis Journal Articles
Single-step enantioselective amino acid flux analysis by capillary electrophoresis using on-line sample preconcentration with chemical derivatization Journal Articles
Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Cystic Fibrosis and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Journal Articles
Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Journal Articles
Skeletal muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase activity during acetate infusion in humans Journal Articles
Skeletal muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase activity during maximal exercise in humans Journal Articles
Sleep Hypoxemia at High Altitude Journal Articles
Soil pH is equally important as salinity in shaping bacterial communities in saline soils under halophytic vegetation Journal Articles
Some kinetic and toxicological characteristics of thoracic ganglia cholinesterase of Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Spatial structure of the novel light-sensitive photoprotein berovin from the ctenophore Beroe abyssicola in the Ca2+-loaded apoprotein conformation state Journal Articles
Sprint training enhances ionic regulation during intense exercise in men Journal Articles
Stabilization and swelling of hagfish slime mucin vesicles Journal Articles
Stabilization of the relaxed state of aspartate transcarbamoylase by modification with a bifunctional reagent. Journal Articles
Stepwise Adsorption of Phenanthrene at the Fly Ash–Water Interface as Affected by Solution Chemistry: Experimental and Modeling Studies Journal Articles
Stoichiometry and kinetics of acetate uptake under anaerobic conditions by an enriched culture of phosphorus‐accumulating organisms at different pHs Journal Articles
Stress-induced acidification may contribute to formation of unusual structures in C9orf72-repeats Journal Articles
Structure-Function Relationships in a Winter Flounder Antifreeze Polypeptide Journal Articles
Structure–function studies on Hsp47: pH-dependent inhibition of collagen fibril formation in vitro Journal Articles
Studies on Cross-Linked Regions of Elastin Journal Articles
Studies on protein subunits Journal Articles
Studies on the Properties and Co-immobilization of Manganese Peroxidase Conferences
Subcellular-membrane characterization of [3H]ryanodine-binding sites in smooth muscle Journal Articles
Subunit interactions in aspartate transcarbamylase. Characterization of a complex between the catalytic and the regulatory subunits Journal Articles
Superoxide dismutase activity and novel reactions with hydrogen peroxide of histidine-containing nickel(II)-oligopeptide complexes and nickel(II)-induced structural changes in synthetic DNA Journal Articles
Symposium on Myocardial Blood Flow in Man--Methods and Significance in Myocardial Disease: Pisa, Italy; June 10-12, 1971. Report of the session on acute hypoxia. Journal Articles
Synthesis and Evaluation of Radioiodinated Acyloxymethyl Ketones as Activity-Based Probes for Cathepsin B Journal Articles
Synthesis and characterization of a fragment of an ice nucleation protein Journal Articles
Synthesis and release of trace elements from hollow and porous hydroxyapatite spheres Journal Articles
Terrestrial organic matter as subsidies that aid in the recovery of macroinvertebrates in industrially damaged lakes Journal Articles
The Aim2Be mHealth Intervention for Children With Overweight or Obesity and Their Parents: Person-Centered Analyses to Uncover Digital Phenotypes Journal Articles
The C. difficile toxin B membrane translocation machinery is an evolutionarily conserved protein delivery apparatus Journal Articles
The Effect of Inorganic Phosphate on the Activity of Bacterial Ribokinase Journal Articles
The Effect of Temperature and pH on the Stability of Human Pepsin in Stored Gastric Juice: A Method to Prevent Activity Loss Journal Articles
The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum at 77 °K of Lyophilized and Frozen Solutions of Horse Heart Ferricytochrome c Journal Articles
The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Ferricytochrome c and Lysine-Modified Derivatives at Alkaline pH Journal Articles
The Inotropic Effect of 4−Aminopyridine and pH Changes in Rabbit Papillary Muscle Journal Articles
The Insulin-Mimetic Agent Vanadate Promotes Receptor Endocytosis and Inhibits Intracellular Ligand-Receptor Degradation by a Mechanism Distinct From the Lysosomotropic Agents Journal Articles
The Origin of Nocturnal Intragastric pH Rises in Healthy Subjects Journal Articles
The Physiological Basis for Altered Na+and Cl−Movements across the Gills of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Alkaline (pH = 9.5) Water Journal Articles
The Protective Role of Gastric Acid Journal Articles
The Reduction of Hydroxypyruvate by Human Serum Journal Articles
The V-ATPase in insect epithelia Journal Articles
The alkaline tide and ammonia excretion after voluntary feeding in freshwater rainbow trout Journal Articles
The aqueous stability of bupropion Journal Articles
The assay and partial characterization of macromolecular heparin depolymerase activity in rat small intestine Journal Articles
The contribution of blood chemistry to the electrical resistance of blood: an in vitro model Journal Articles
The denaturation of β-lactoglobulin-A at pH 2 Journal Articles
The effect of acidified enteral feeds on gastric colonization in critically ill patients: Results of a multicenter randomized trial Journal Articles
The effect of ammonia on omeprazole-induced reduction of gastric acidity in subjects with Helicobacter pylori infection Journal Articles
The effect of intra-gastric acidity and flora on the concentration of N-nitroso compounds in the stomach Journal Articles
The effect of intracellular pH on long-chain fatty acid uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes: evidence that uptake involves the passive diffusion of protonated long-chain fatty acids across the plasma membrane Journal Articles
The electrical impedance of plasma: A laboratory simulation of the effect of changes in chemistry Journal Articles
The impact of intensifying acid suppression on sleep disturbance related to gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease in primary care Journal Articles
The influence of drugs upon the anticoagulant activity of heparin. Journal Articles
The influence of inorganic phosphate on the activity of adenosine kinase Journal Articles
The modus operandi of a DNA enzyme: enhancement of substrate basicity Journal Articles
The molecular basis of the expansive substrate specificity of the antibiotic resistance enzyme aminoglycoside acetyltransferase-6'-aminoglycoside phosphotransferase-2". The role of ASP-99 as an active site base important for acetyl transfer Journal Articles
The orphan pentameric ligand-gated ion channelpHCl-2is gated by pH and regulates fluid secretion inDrosophilaMalpighian tubules Journal Articles
The pH-Induced Transition of Iodinated Ferricytochrome c: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Absorption Spectra Journal Articles
The relationship between the control of pH and healing and symptom relief in gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease Journal Articles
The role of molybdenum in the synthesis of Neurospora nitrate reductase Journal Articles
The role of the kidney in compensating the alkaline tide, electrolyte load, and fluid balance disturbance associated with feeding in the freshwater rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
The yield and decay coefficients of exoelectrogenic bacteria in bioelectrochemical systems Journal Articles
There seem to be no differences in pain during infiltration and time to anesthesia onset between buffered and unbuffered local anesthetics Journal Articles
Three‐reaction model for the anaerobic digestion of microalgae Journal Articles
Time to maximum effect of lansoprazole on gastric pH in normal male volunteers Journal Articles
Titrametric Characterization of pH-Induced Phase Transitions in Functionalized Microgels Journal Articles
Toward an Efficient DNAzyme Journal Articles
Trafficking of sulfated glycoprotein-1 (prosaposin) to lysosomes or to the extracellular space in rat Sertoli cells Journal Articles
Transcriptome Profiling and Functional Analysis ofAgrobacterium tumefaciensReveals a General Conserved Response to Acidic Conditions (pH 5.5) and a Complex Acid-Mediated Signaling Involved inAgrobacterium-Plant Interactions Journal Articles
Transepithelial potential in the Magadi tilapia, a fish living in extreme alkalinity Journal Articles
Translating Bacterial Detection by DNAzymes into a Litmus Test Journal Articles
Transport of anionic azo dyes from aqueous solution to gemini surfactant-modified wheat bran: Synchrotron infrared, molecular interaction and adsorption studies Journal Articles
Tris(3-hydroxypropyl)phosphine (THPP): A mild, air-stable reagent for the rapid, reductive cleavage of small-molecule disulfides Journal Articles
True Arrhenius Relationships of Human Lactate Dehydrogenase Journal Articles
Tumour blood flow: measurement and manipulation for therapeutic gain Journal Articles
Twenty‐four‐hour intragastric acidity and nocturnal gastric secretion in gastric ulcer patients—the effects of cimetidine Journal Articles
Two-step regio- and stereoselective syntheses of [19F]- and [18F]-2-deoxy-2-(R)-fluoro-β-d-allose Journal Articles
Type I nitroreductases of Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Ultrasonic and Densimetric Characterization of the Association of Cyclic AMP with the cAMP-Binding Domain of the Exchange Protein EPAC1 Journal Articles
Unusual difference spectra of proteins containing tryptophan. I. Studies with model compounds. Journal Articles
Uptake of atmospheric mercury by deionized water and aqueous solutions of inorganic salts at acidic, neutral and alkaline pH Journal Articles
Use of sodium bicarbonate to treat tricyclic antidepressant-induced arrhythmias in a patient with alkalosis. Journal Articles
Validation of pH Dataloggers for Pharmacologic Studies Journal Articles
Velocity-Difference Induced Focusing of Nucleotides in Capillary Electrophoresis with a Dynamic pH Junction Journal Articles
Waterborne pharmaceutical uptake and toxicity is modified by pH and dissolved organic carbon in zebrafish Journal Articles
Weak acid‐concentration Atot and dissociation constant Ka of plasma proteins in racehorses Journal Articles
X-ray Microscopy Studies of Protein Adsorption on a Phase Segregated Polystyrene/Polymethylmethacrylate Surface. 2. Effect of pH on Site Preference Journal Articles
[Action of pH and PO2 on the membrane potential of epithelial receptor cells in the pseudobranch of a teleostean fish]. Journal Articles
[Mechanism and Surface Fractal Characteristics for the Adsorption of p-nitrophenol on Water-quenched Blast Furnace Slag]. Journal Articles
pH and Hp--gastric acid secretion and Helicobacter pylori: implications for ulcer healing and eradication of the organism. Journal Articles
pH and Organic Carbon Dose Rates Control Microbially Driven Bioremediation Efficacy in Alkaline Bauxite Residue Journal Articles
pH as a Key Factor in the Competition Between Glycogen‐Accumulating Organisms and Phosphorus‐Accumulating Organisms Journal Articles
pH effect on anti-M and anti-N reactivity. Journal Articles
pH, healing rate and symptom relief in acid-related diseases. Journal Articles
pH, healing rate, and symptom relief in patients with GERD. Journal Articles
pH-Dependent doxorubicin release from terpolymer of starch, polymethacrylic acid and polysorbate 80 nanoparticles for overcoming multi-drug resistance in human breast cancer cells Journal Articles
π-SACS: pH Induced Self-Assembled Cell Sheets Without the Need for Modified Surfaces Journal Articles