0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
"A reassessment of ground water flow conditions and specific yield at Borden and Cape Cod," by Garry Grimestad, January-February 2002 issue, v. 40, no. 1 : 14-24. Discussion Journal Articles
"The Caribou Taste Different Now": Inuit Elders Observe Climate Change, edited by José Gérin-Lajoie, Alain Cuerrier, and Laura Siegwart Collier Journal Articles
'Something Happened': The Relevance of the Risk Society for Describing the Siting Process for a Municipal Landfill Journal Articles
(Re)thinking the dynamics between healthcare and place: therapeutic geographies in treatment and care practices Conferences
(Recent developments in social geography). Journal Articles
2020 JGS Best Paper Award and the Editors’ Choice Paper Volume 23(1) Journal Articles
2021 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 24(1) Journal Articles
2022 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 25(1) Journal Articles
2023 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 26(1) Journal Articles
2024 JGS Best Paper Award and the Editors' Choice Paper Volume 27(1) Journal Articles
3D Eutrophication Modeling of Hamilton Harbour: Analysis of Remedial Options Journal Articles
3D unconstrained and geologically constrained stochastic inversion of airborne vertical gravity gradient data Journal Articles
Concepts and Models of a Quantitative Sociology: The Dynamics of Interacting Populations, by W. Weidlich and G. Haag Journal Articles
In situ measurements of liquid water content profiles in midlatitude stratiform clouds Journal Articles
Introduction to the Snowmastodon Project Special Volume The Snowmastodon Project Journal Articles
Migration, commuting distance, and urban sustainability in Ontario's Greater Golden Horseshoe: Implications of the Greenbelt and Places to Grow legislation Journal Articles
A 10-year global monthly averaged terrestrial net ecosystem exchange dataset inferred from the ACOS GOSAT v9 XCO2 retrievals (GCAS2021) Journal Articles
A 3D cloud‐construction algorithm for the EarthCARE satellite mission Journal Articles
A 6000-year record of ecological and hydrological changes from Laguna de la Leche, north coastal Cuba Journal Articles
A GIS‐based land‐use diversity index model to measure the degree of suburban sprawl Journal Articles
A Canadian River Ice Database from the National Hydrometric Program Archives Journal Articles
A Comparison of Photosynthate Allocation in Lakes Journal Articles
A Discrete‐time Dynamic Analysis of Interregional Population Systems Journal Articles
A Framework for Understanding the Impacts of Thaw-Driven Disturbance Regimes on Northern Lakes Journal Articles
A GIS-based method to identify spatiotemporal gaps in public service delivery Journal Articles
A Generalization of the Population Density Gradient Concept* Journal Articles
A Genetic Programming–Based Model for Colloid Retention in Fractures Journal Articles
A Holocene millennial-scale climatic cycle from a speleothem in Nahal Qanah Cave, Israel Journal Articles
A Low-Impact Development–Based Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Regional Water Resource Management under Impacts of Climate Change Journal Articles
A Method for Installing Miniature Multilevel Sampling Wells Journal Articles
A Modified Time Domain Random Walk Approach for Simulating Colloid Behavior in Fractures: Method Development and Verification Journal Articles
A New Spatiotemporal Estimator to Downscale GRACE Gravity Models for Terrestrial and Groundwater Storage Variations Estimation Journal Articles
A One-Dimensional Finite-Element Model for Two-Dimensional Glacier Flow Journal Articles
A Pb, Sr and Nd isotope study of the basement and mesozoic ring complexes of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria Journal Articles
A Pb, Sr and Nd isotope study of the basement and mesozoic ring complexes of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria Journal Articles
A Phenomenological Model for Particle Retention in Single, Saturated Fractures Journal Articles
A Pressure-sintering Model for the Densification of Polar Firn and Glacier Ice Journal Articles
A Qualitative Study of the Professional Relationship between Family Physicians and Hospital Specialists Journal Articles
A Question of Hours or an Hour of Questions?: A Response to “The Sixteen-Million-Hour Question,” by Marvin W. Mikesell Journal Articles
A Recourse‐Based Interval Fuzzy Programming Model for Point‐Nonpoint Source Effluent Trading under Uncertainty Journal Articles
A Research Environment 2 km Deep-Underground Impacts Embryonic Development in Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
A Review of Direct Reduction-Magnetic Separation Process for Ferronickel Production from Nickel Laterite Journal Articles
A Self‐Calibration Variance‐Component Model for Spatial Downscaling of GRACE Observations Using Land Surface Model Outputs Journal Articles
A Shortwave Infrared Modification to the Simple Ratio for LAI Retrieval in Boreal Forests An Image and Model Analysis Journal Articles
A Simplified Assessment of Factors Controlling Phosphorus Loading from Oxygenated Sediments in a Very Shallow Eutrophic Lake Journal Articles
A Spatial Scan Approach to Detecting Focused‐Global Clustering in Case‐Control Data Journal Articles
A Spatio‐Temporal Analysis of the Environmental Correlates of COVID‐19 Incidence in Spain Journal Articles
A Statistical Hydrological Model for Yangtze River Watershed Based on Stepwise Cluster Analysis Journal Articles
A Stepwise Clustered Hydrological Model for Addressing the Temporal Autocorrelation of Daily Streamflows in Irrigated Watersheds Journal Articles
A Surface Temperature Initiated Closure (STIC) for surface energy balance fluxes Journal Articles
A Three-Dimensional Nested Hydrodynamic/Pollutant Transport Simulation Model for the Nearshore Areas of Lake Ontario Journal Articles
A Working-Class Suburb for Immigrants, Toronto 1909-1913 Journal Articles
A classification for macroscopic charcoal morphologies found in Holocene lacustrine sediments Journal Articles
A cluster-driven classification approach to truck stop location identification using passive GPS data Journal Articles
A combined GLAS and MODIS estimation of the global distribution of mean forest canopy height Journal Articles
A comparison of two representations of subgrid‐scale cloud structure in a global model: radiative effects as a function of cloud characteristics Journal Articles
A comparison of young and older adults’ attitudes and preferences towards different travel modes and residential characteristics: A study in Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow‐water equations on staggered grids Journal Articles
A conservative adaptive wavelet method for the shallow‐water equations on the sphere Journal Articles
A coupled dynamical-copula downscaling approach for temperature projections over the Canadian Prairies Journal Articles
A coupled hydrology–biogeochemistry model to simulate dissolved organic carbon exports from a permafrost‐influenced catchment Journal Articles
A deep learning model for predicting climate-induced disasters Journal Articles
A dual-inexact fuzzy stochastic model for water resources management and non-point source pollution mitigation under multiple uncertainties Journal Articles
A few “big players”: Systems approach to immigrant employment in a mid‐sized city Journal Articles
A fuzzy‐based simulation method for modelling hydrological processes under uncertainty Journal Articles
A generic system dynamics model for simulating and evaluating the hydrological performance of reconstructed watersheds Journal Articles
A geographical multivariable multilevel analysis of social exclusion among older people in China: Evidence from the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey ageing study Journal Articles
A hybrid GIS-supported watershed modelling system: application to the Lake Erhai basin, China Journal Articles
A hybrid factorial stepwise-cluster analysis method for streamflow simulation – a case study in northwestern China Journal Articles
A long-term hydrometeorological dataset (1993–2014) of a northern mountain basin: Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada Journal Articles
A method for improving hotspot directional signatures in BRDF models used for MODIS Journal Articles
A method to preserve trends in quantile mapping bias correction of climate modeled temperature Journal Articles
A model for downscaling SMOS soil moisture using Sentinel-1 SAR data Journal Articles
A model for estimating transpiration from remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence Journal Articles
A model to predict embryonic development and hatching in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) under variable incubation temperatures Journal Articles
A national‐scale assessment of long‐term water budget closures for Canada's watersheds Journal Articles
A neodymium isotope study of plutons near the Grenville Front in Ontario, Canada Conferences
A network extraction tool for mineral exploration: a case study from the Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
A network-based approach for evaluating and ranking transportation roadway projects Journal Articles
A new approach for estimating more accurate groundwater gas concentrations Conferences
A new satellite-based monthly precipitation downscaling algorithm with non-stationary relationship between precipitation and land surface characteristics Journal Articles
A note on the SG(m) test Journal Articles
A note on the relationship between net radiation and solar radiation Journal Articles
A novel method for cold-region streamflow hydrograph separation using GRACE satellite observations Journal Articles
A novel semi-empirical model for crop leaf area index retrieval using SAR co- and cross-polarizations Journal Articles
A numerical model of trace-element coprecipitation in a physicochemical calcification system: Application to coral biomineralization and trace-element ‘vital effects’ Journal Articles
A practical overview of unsteady pipe flow modeling: from physics to numerical solutions Journal Articles
A preliminary U-Pb date on cave spar, big canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA Journal Articles
A preliminary assessment of water partitioning and ecohydrological coupling in northern headwaters using stable isotopes and conceptual runoff models Journal Articles
A process-based boreal ecosystem productivity simulator using remote sensing inputs Journal Articles
A proterozoic crustal terrane recognized in scotland Conferences
A radiative–conductive–convective approach to calculate thaw season ground surface temperatures for modelling frost table dynamics Conferences
A recurrent neural networks approach using indices of low-frequency climatic variability to forecast regional annual runoff Journal Articles
A recurrent neural networks approach using indices of low‐frequency climatic variability to forecast regional annual runoff Conferences
A revised approach to the UKIH method for the calculation of baseflow / Une approche améliorée de la méthode de l'UKIH pour le calcul de l'écoulement de base Journal Articles
A ring-width-based reconstruction of June–July minimum temperatures since AD 1245 from white spruce stands in the Mackenzie Delta region, northwestern Canada Journal Articles
A shoreline divided: Twelve-year water quality and land cover trends in Lake Ontario coastal wetlands Journal Articles
A simple adaptable data fusion methodology for geophysical exploration Journal Articles
A special issue dedicated to microbial geochemistry Journal Articles
A spectral analysis of albedo and bidirectional reflectances for inhomogeneous clouds Journal Articles
A stepwise-clustered copula downscaling approach for ensemble analyses of discrete and interactive features in precipitation-extreme variations: a case study for eastern China Journal Articles
A stochastic analysis of macroscopic dispersion in fractured media Journal Articles
A study on DEM-derived primary topographic attributes for hydrologic applications: Sensitivity to elevation data resolution Journal Articles
A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change Journal Articles
A systematic investigation of cross-validation in GWR model estimation: empirical analysis and Monte Carlo simulations Journal Articles
A temporal downscaling approach for sub-daily gridded extreme rainfall intensity estimation under climate change Journal Articles
A test for geographers: the geography of educational achievement in Toronto and Hamilton, 1997 Journal Articles
A treatment-effect model to quantify human dimensions of disaster impacts: the case of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Journal Articles
A windows graphic user interface (GUI) for the five‐scale model for fast BRDF simulations Journal Articles
A “solid spike” method for Re-Os analysis of acid-resistant minerals enriched in platinumgroup elements (PGE) Conferences
ATSIAQ ALASUAQ (1938 – 2023) Journal Articles
Ability of the Photochemical Reflectance Index to Track Light Use Efficiency for a Sub-Tropical Planted Coniferous Forest Journal Articles
Absolute dating by uranium series disequilibrium of bones from the cave of La Chaise‐de‐Vouthon (Charente), France Journal Articles
Accelerating radiative transfer calculations for high‐resolution atmospheric models Journal Articles
Accounting for subgrid-scale cloud variability in a multi-layer ID solar radiative transfer algorithm Journal Articles
Acidification recovery in a changing climate: Observations from thirty‐five years of stream chemistry monitoring in forested headwater catchments at the Turkey Lakes watershed, Ontario Journal Articles
Acta Carsologica Journal
Advances in Canadian wetland hydrology an biogeochemistry Journal Articles
Advances in Canadian wetland hydrology an biogeochemistry Conferences
Advances in Canadian wetland hydrology and biogeochemistry Conferences
Advances in Canadian wetland hydrology, 1999–2003 Conferences
Advances of the smooth variable structure filter: square-root and two-pass formulations Journal Articles
Advancing re-designation of beneficial use impairments in the Toronto and Region Area of Concern: Synthesis and highlights Journal Articles
Africa south of the Sahara: A geographical interpretation (3rd ed.) by RobertStock, The Guilford Press, New York, 2013, 593 pp., paper $85.86 (ISBN 978‐1606239926) Journal Articles
After More Than Ten Years of Effort, Are Remedial Action Plans Making a Difference? Journal Articles
Age effects on the water‐use efficiency and water‐use dynamics of temperate pine plantation forests Journal Articles
Ageing Resource Communities: New Frontiers of Rural Population Change, Community Development and Voluntarism edited by MarkSkinner and NeilHanlon, Routledge, Oxford, 2016, 220 pp., cloth US$145.00 (ISBN 978‐1138845268) Journal Articles
Aggregation rules for surface parameters in global models Journal Articles
Air-Blast Cross-Flow Atomization of Cold Fluids Journal Articles
Airborne Lidar Survey, Density-Based Clustering, and Ancient Maya Settlement in the Upper Usumacinta River Region of Mexico and Guatemala Journal Articles
Airborne conductivity mapping of the Bathurst mining camp Journal Articles
All‐world aging: A gero of all things under the material press in time Journal Articles
Alpine Streamflow Response to Variable Snowpack Thickness and Extent Journal Articles
Alpine Streamflow Response to Variable Snowpack Thickness and Extent Journal Articles
Alternatives of strategic environmental assessment for road traffic development planning—Case of Changchun City, China Journal Articles
Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data Journal Articles
Amino acid racemization in amber-entombed insects: Implications for DNA preservation Journal Articles
An Analysis of Migration Streams for the Canadian Regional System, 1952–1983 1. Migration Probabilities Journal Articles
An Analysis of Migration Streams for the Canadian Regional System, 1952–1983: 2. Disequilibrium Journal Articles
An Analytical Stochastic Approach for Evaluating the Performance of Combined Sewer Overflow Tanks Journal Articles
An Approximation for the Rank Adjacency Statistic for Spatial Clustering with Sparse Data Journal Articles
An Epidemiological Evaluation of the Biochemical Basis for Steroid Hormonal Depressions in Fish Exposed to Industrial Wastes Conferences
An Evaluation of Soil‐Gas Surveying for H2S for Locating Subsurface Hydrocarbon Contamination Journal Articles
An Evaluation of the ALOS PALSAR L-Band Backscatter—Above Ground Biomass Relationship Queensland, Australia: Impacts of Surface Moisture Condition and Vegetation Structure Journal Articles
An Excel Macro for Generating Trilinear Plots Journal Articles
An Expert Systems Approach for Assessing the Potential for Pesticide Contamination of Ground Water Journal Articles
An absolute paleotemperature record from 10 to 6Ka inferred from fluid inclusion D/H ratios of a stalagmite from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
An algorithm for the retrieval of the clumping index (CI) from the MODIS BRDF product using an adjusted version of the kernel-driven BRDF model Journal Articles
An analytical probabilistic approach to sizing flood control detention facilities Journal Articles
An appraisal of policy implementation deficits in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
An automatic method for mapping inland surface waterbodies with Radarsat-2 imagery Journal Articles
An evaluation of methodologies for calibrating Itrax X-ray fluorescence counts with ICP-MS concentration data for discrete sediment samples Journal Articles
An evaluation of sanitary and environmental survey use to protect beaches in the Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
An integrated framework of lake‐stream connectivity for a semi‐arid, subarctic environment Conferences
An uncertainty partition approach for inferring interactive hydrologic risks Journal Articles
Analysis of cold season streamflow response to variability of climate in north-western North America Conferences
Analysis of detention ponds for storm water quality control Journal Articles
Analysis of fluid inclusions using nuclear magnetic resonance Journal Articles
Analysis of geomorphic indices in the southern Central Andes (23°–28°S): Evidence for pervasive Quaternary to Recent deformation in the Puna Plateau Journal Articles
Analysis of hydrological seasonality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation–runoff polygon metrics Journal Articles
Analysis of interactive effects of DEM resolution and basin subdivision level on runoff simulation in Kaidu River Basin, China Journal Articles
Analysis of precipitation extremes in the Taihu Basin of China based on the regional L-moment method Journal Articles
Analysis of storm run‐off sources using oxygen‐18 in a headwater swamp Journal Articles
Ancient analogs for ultramafic-hosted vents: Water-rock-derived energy for deep subsurface chemosynthesis Conferences
And the Question Shall Determine the Method Journal Articles
Animating Ground Water Levels with Excel Journal Articles
Anisotropic Variance Functions in Geographically Weighted Regression Models Journal Articles
Anisotropic Variance Functions in Geographically Weighted Regression Models Journal Articles
Annales de Limnologie Journal
Annals of the Association of American Geographers Journal
Annual low flows generated by mixed processes Journal Articles
Antecedent soil moisture conditions of different soil types in South‐western Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Anthropogenic Impacts on a Bedrock Aquifer at the Village Scale Journal Articles
Application of Energy Concepts to Groundwater Flow: Time Step Control and Integrated Sensitivity Analysis Journal Articles
Application of SMOS Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature at High Resolution With a Bias Correction Operator Journal Articles
Application of a Hypergeometric Model in Simulating Canopy Gap Fraction and BRF for Forest Plantations on Sloping Terrains Journal Articles
Application of a Monte Carlo solar radiative transfer modelin the McICA framework Journal Articles
Application of a Three-dimensional Wind Driven Circulation Model to Assess the Locations of New Drinking Water Intakes in Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Application of a glyphosate-based herbicide to Phragmites australis: Impact on groundwater and near-shore lake water at a beach on Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Application of dynamic contributing area for modelling the hydrologic response of the Assiniboine River Basin to a changing climate Journal Articles
Application of energy concepts to groundwater flow: Adaptive modeling of a leaky aquifer Journal Articles
Application of the HBV hydrological model in a flash flood case in Slovenia Journal Articles
Application of the Wetland Fish Index to Northern Great Lakes Marshes with Emphasis on Georgian Bay Coastal Wetlands Journal Articles
Application of the sphalerite cosmobarometer to group IAB iron meteorites Journal Articles
Application of the wetland fish index to Northern Great Lakes marshes with emphasis on Georgian Bay coastal wetlands Journal Articles
Applications of Conformable Migration Matrices Journal Articles
Applied Geography Journal
Aragonite as a precursor phase of cyanobacterial calcite precipitation and the influence of EPS on the nucleation process: A STXM study Conferences
Arcellacean (thecamoebian) evidence of land-use change and eutrophication in Frenchman?s Bay, Pickering, Ontario Journal Articles
Archaean granites at Serrinha Nucleus, Bahia, Brazil Conferences
Archean, penokian (1.9 Ga) and Grenville (1.2 Ga) crustal extraction events recorded in the grenville province of ontario Conferences
Architectural–landsystem analysis of a modern glacial landscape, Sólheimajökull, southern Iceland Journal Articles
Arctic Journal
Arctic Snow Cover Information for Hydrological Investigations at Various Scales Journal Articles
Arctic circumpolar mosaic at 250 m spatial resolution for IPY by fusion of MODIS/TERRA land bands B1–B7 Journal Articles
Arctic coastal freshwater ecosystem responses to a major saltwater intrusion: A landscape-scale palaeolimnological analysis Journal Articles
Arctic community engagement during the 2007–2008 International Polar Year Journal Articles
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research Journal
Area Journal
Areal prediction of annual floods generated by two distinct processes Journal Articles
Arguments in Health Geography: On Sub‐Disciplinary Progress, Observation, Translation Journal Articles
Arid Land Research and Management Journal
Artificial Sweeteners Identify Spatial Patterns of Historic Landfill Contaminated Groundwater Discharge in an Urban Stream Journal Articles
Artificial neural network modeling of water table depth fluctuations Journal Articles
Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Human‐Perceived Temperature Extremes and Underlying Uncertainties Journal Articles
Assessing Risks of Shallow Riparian Groundwater Quality Near an Oil Sands Tailings Pond Journal Articles
Assessing Spatial Scale Effects on Hydrometric Network Design Using Entropy and Multi‐objective Methods Journal Articles
Assessing Trends in Organochlorine Concentrations in Lake Winnipeg Fish Following the 1997 Red River Flood Journal Articles
Assessing a soil-removed semi-empirical model for estimating leaf chlorophyll content Journal Articles
Assessing flood disaster impacts in agriculture under climate change in the river basins of Southeast Asia Journal Articles
Assessing inter-annual and seasonal patterns of DOC and DOM quality across a complex alpine watershed underlain by discontinuous permafrost in Yukon, Canada Journal Articles
Assessing land cover change resulting from large surface mining development Journal Articles
Assessing parameter uncertainty in semi-distributed hydrological model based on type-2 fuzzy analysis: a case study of Kaidu River Basin Journal Articles
Assessing pedogenic calcite stable-isotope values: Can positive linear covariant trends be used to quantify palaeo-evaporation rates? Journal Articles
Assessing precipitation distribution impacts on droughts on the island of Crete Journal Articles
Assessing satellite-derived fire patches with functional diversity trait methods Journal Articles
Assessing the health of lake whitefish populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Lessons learned and research recommendations Journal Articles
Assessing the quality of active–passive satellite retrievals using broad‐band radiances Journal Articles
Assessing transboundary scientific collaboration in the Great Lakes of North America Journal Articles
Assessment of BTEX‐induced health risk under multiple uncertainties at a petroleum‐contaminated site: An integrated fuzzy stochastic approach Journal Articles
Assessment of Portable Chlorophyll Meters for Measuring Crop Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration Journal Articles
Assessment of a Sr isotope vital effect (87Sr/86Sr) in marine taxa from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas Journal Articles
Assessment of bias correction methods for high resolution daily precipitation projections with CMIP6 models: A Canadian case study Journal Articles
Assessment of climate change impacts on watershed in cold-arid region: an integrated multi-GCM-based stochastic weather generator and stepwise cluster analysis method Journal Articles
Assessment of erosion and settling properties of fine sediments stored in cobble bed rivers: the Arc and Isère alpine rivers before and after reservoir flushing Journal Articles
Assessment of future changes in intensity-duration-frequency curves for Southern Ontario using North American (NA)-CORDEX models with nonstationary methods Journal Articles
Assessment of monthly to daily streamflow disaggregation methods: A case study of the Nile River Basin Journal Articles
Assessment of spring water quality in Jhimruk River Watershed, Lesser Himalaya, Nepal Journal Articles
Assessment of the potential impacts of climate changes on Syr Darya watershed: A hybrid ensemble analysis method Journal Articles
Assessment of the sediment and associated nutrient/contaminant continuum, from permafrost thaw slump scars to tundra lakes in the western Canadian Arctic Journal Articles
Asymmetric influence of forest cover gain and loss on land surface temperature Journal Articles
At the intersection between toxicology and physiology: What we have learned about sea lampreys and bony fish physiology from studying the mode of action of lampricides Journal Articles
Atlas and classification scheme of arctic combustion particles suitablefor paleoenvironmental work Journal Articles
Atom probe tomography analysis of the reference zircon gj-1: An interlaboratory study Journal Articles
Author Correction: Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming Journal Articles
Automatic calibration of groundwater models using global optimization techniques Journal Articles
Bayesian neural network for rainfall‐runoff modeling Journal Articles
Beach science in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Bedload Sediment Transport Regimes of Semi‐alluvial Rivers Conditioned by Urbanization and Stormwater Management Journal Articles
Bedrock jointing and geomorphology in southwestern Ontario, Canada: an example of tectonic predesign Journal Articles
Below canopy evapotranspiration in four different variable retention harvesting treatments in a red pine plantation forest Journal Articles
Best practices for measuring community resources across Canada: A comparison of coding classifications Journal Articles
Beyond perception: Spatial analysis of detached ADU potential on residential lots in Windsor, Ontario Journal Articles
Bioenergetics modelling of grass carp: Estimated individual consumption and population impacts in Great Lakes wetlands Journal Articles
Biofilm microbial community structure in an urban lake utilizing reclaimed water Journal Articles
Biofilm structure and biochemistry with soft X-ray scanning transmission microscopy Conferences
Biophysical remote sensing of arctic environments Journal Articles
Bios and arrows: On time in health geographies Journal Articles
Björk to Morton to Aphex Twin: Music as a positive hyperobject Journal Articles
Bleeding at the roots: Post‐secondary student mental health and nature affiliation Journal Articles
Blue and Green Water Scarcity in the McKenzie Creek Watershed of the Great Lakes Basin Journal Articles
Body Size Variability and a Sangamonian Extinction Model for Amblyrhiza,a West Indian Megafaunal Rodent Journal Articles
Book Review: Most unimaginably strange: An eclectic companion to the landscape of Iceland Book Reviews
Book review Journal Articles
Book review: The widening harvest. The Neolithic transition in Europe: looking back, looking forward Journal Articles
Book reviews: Badcock, B. 1984: Unfairly structured cities. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. xiii + 395 pp. £27.50 cloth, £8.50 paper Other
Boundary and border considerations in hydrology Journal Articles
Bowhead whales, and not right whales, were the primary target of 16th- to 17th-century Basque Whalers in the Western North Atlantic Journal Articles
Broadband solar fluxes and heating rates for atmospheres with 3D broken clouds Journal Articles
Broadband solar fluxes and heating rates for atmospheres with 3D broken clouds Journal Articles
Broken city: Land speculation, inequality, and urban crisis ByPatrick M.Condon,Vancouver:University of British Columbia Press.2024.274 pages. $32.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780774869553 Journal Articles
Building channel networks for flat regions in digital elevation models Journal Articles
Building collaboration in the co-production of knowledge with people with intellectual disabilities about their everyday use of city space Journal Articles
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS) Journal
Business establishment mobility behavior in urban areas: a microanalytical model for the City of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
C-13-O-18 bonds in dissolved inorganic carbon: Implications for carbonate clumped isotope thermometry Journal Articles
CGU‐HS Special Issue – Preface Journal Articles
CGU‐HS special issue—preface Journal Articles
CRDEMO: Combined regionalization and dual entropy-multiobjective optimization for hydrometric network design Journal Articles
Ca isotope fractionation during Ca-carbonate precipitation: There's more to it than temperature Conferences
Can flocs and water stable soil aggregates be differentiated within fluvial systems? Journal Articles
Canada: How Many Glaciations? Journal Articles
Canadian Geographer Journal
Canadian Geophysical Union Hydrology Section Special Issue Journal Articles
Canadian Geophysical Union – Hydrology Section Journal Articles
Canadian Suburban. Reimagining Space and Place in Postwar English Canadian Fiction by CherylCowdy, McGill‐Queens University Press, Montreal and Kingston, 2022, 200 pp. hardback $65.00 (ISBN 978‐0228010647) Journal Articles
Cancer risk communication in the news coverage of suspected cancer clusters in Ontario: Contrasting media messaging on cancer by geography Journal Articles
Canopy-Level Photochemical Reflectance Index from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Leaf-Level Non-Photochemical Quenching as Early Indicators of Water Stress in Maize Journal Articles
Capillary pinning and blunting of immiscible gravity currents in porous media Journal Articles
Carbon Isotope Fractionation of PCE and TCE During Dechlorination by Vitamin B12 Journal Articles
Carbon and oxygen isotope systematics in cave environments: Lessons from an artificial cave “McMaster Cave” Journal Articles
Carbon dynamics of Western North American boreal forests in response to stand-replacing disturbances Journal Articles
Care‐driven informality: The case of community transport Journal Articles
Carotenoid based vegetation indices for accurate monitoring of the phenology of photosynthesis at the leaf-scale in deciduous and evergreen trees Journal Articles
Carp Exclusion, Food-web Interactions, and the Restoration of Cootes Paradise Marsh Journal Articles
Cartographic Journal Journal
Catchment processes and heterogeneity at multiple scales—benchmarking observations, conceptualization and prediction Journal Articles
Catchments in the future North: interdisciplinary science for sustainable management in the 21st Century Journal Articles
Catchments on the cusp? Structural and functional change in northern ecohydrology Journal Articles
Catena Journal
Causes of colour and fluorescence in speleothems Journal Articles
Cave and Karst Science Journal
Caves in caves: evolution of post-depositional macroholes in stalagmites Journal Articles
Challenges in and Opportunities for International Collaboration: Costing Flood Damages and Losses across Canada, Mexico, and the United States Journal Articles
Challenging geographies of ableness: celebrating how far we’ve come and what's left to be done Journal Articles
Change in winter climate will affect dissolved organic carbon and water fluxes in mid‐to‐high latitude catchments Journal Articles
Changes in Entrapped Gas Content and Hydraulic Conductivity with Pressure Journal Articles
Changes in social vulnerability to flooding: a quasi-experimental analysis Journal Articles
Changing attitudes to housing provision: BLISS in the Philippines? Journal Articles
Changing geographies of aging on a global scale: The knowledge to action gap Journal Articles
Changing sedimentation patterns due to historical land-use change in Frenchman’s Bay, Pickering, Canada: evidence from high-resolution textural analysis Journal Articles
Channel Development in Snow-Filled Valleys, Resolute, N. W. T., Canada Journal Articles
Channel Development in Snow-Filled Valleys, Resolute, N. W. T., Canada Journal Articles
Characterisation of water temperature variability within a harbour connected to a large lake Journal Articles
Characteristics and use of shallow wells in a stream fadama Journal Articles
Characteristics of nearshore water quality of Lake Ontario coast under Credit Valley Conservation Jurisdiction, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Characterization of contrasting flow and thermal regimes in two adjacent subarctic alpine headwaters in Northwest Canada Journal Articles
Characterizing magnetism of individual magnetosomes by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism in a scanning transmission X-ray microscope Journal Articles
Characterizing polar mobilities to understand the role of weather, water, ice and climate (WWIC) information Journal Articles
Characterizing spatial representativeness of flux tower eddy-covariance measurements across the Canadian Carbon Program Network using remote sensing and footprint analysis Journal Articles
Chemical Geology Journal
Chemical mass transport between fluid fine tailings and the overlying water cover of an oil sands end pit lake Journal Articles
Chicago's Other Suburbs Journal Articles
China experiments with modernisation: the Shenzhen special economic zone. Journal Articles
Chinese Geographical Science Journal
Chirigaku Hyoron/Geographical Review of Japan Journal
Circumpolar vegetation dynamics product for global change study Journal Articles
Classification by progressive generalization: A new automated methodology for remote sensing multichannel data Journal Articles
Classifying annual daily hydrographs in Western North America using t‐distributed stochastic neighbour embedding Journal Articles
Climate Dynamics Journal
Climate Impacts in Europe Under +1.5°C Global Warming Journal Articles
Climate Risk Management Journal
Climate change impact on flood inundation along the downstream reach of the Humber River basin Journal Articles
Climate change impact on the hydrological budget of a large Mediterranean island Journal Articles
Climate warming will not decrease perceived low-temperature extremes in China Journal Articles
Climate, Hydrology and Vegetation Patterns Hot Weather Creek, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada Conferences
Climatic Signals in δ13C and δ18O of Tree-rings from White Spruce in the Mackenzie Delta Region, Northern Canada Journal Articles
Coherence among the Northern Hemisphere land, cryosphere, and ocean
responses to natural variability and anthropogenic forcing during the
satellite era Journal Articles
Cold Region Environments Research in the International Polar Year: impacts on science and society Journal Articles
Cold ocean seas and northern hydrology: an exploratory overview Journal Articles
Collaborative Management of Water‐Energy‐Food‐Ecosystems Nexus in Central Asia Under Uncertainty Journal Articles
Collaborative microbial Fe-redox cycling by pelagic floc bacteria across wide ranging oxygenated aquatic systems Journal Articles
Combined Effect of Topography and Rotation on Oblique Internal Solitary Wave‐Wave Interactions Journal Articles
Combining land surface temperature and shortwave infrared reflectance for early detection of mountain pine beetle infestations in western Canada Journal Articles
Comment on M. Sarnthein, H. E. Stremme, and A. Mangini, “The holstein Interglaciation: Time-Stratigraphic Position and Correlation to Stable-Isotope Stratigraphy of Deep-Sea Sediments” Journal Articles
Comment on ‘Regional hydrochemistry of North American carbonate terrains’ by Russell S. Harmon, William B. White, John J. Drake, and John W. Hess and ‘The effect of climate on the chemistry of carbonate groundwater’ by John J. Drake and T. M. L. Wigley Journal Articles
Comment on “An experimental study of oxygen isotope fractionation between inorganically precipitated aragonite and water at low temperatures” by G.-T. Zhou and Y.-F. Zheng Journal Articles
Comment on “Assessing invertebrate assemblages in the subsurface zone of stream sediments (0–15 cm deep) using a hyporheic sampler” by Dole‐Olivier et al. Journal Articles
Comment on “Can human populations be stabilized?” by Stephen G. Warren Journal Articles
Comment on “Lead isotope analyses of leached feldspars: Constraints on the early crustal history of the Grenville Orogen” by C. P. DeWolf and K. Mezger Journal Articles
Comment on “Linked sediment/contaminant transport model for rivers with applications to the Buffalo River, New York” (J. Great Lakes Res. 20:671–682) Journal Articles
Commentary: Climate change adaptive management in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Community Development Approaches to Heart Health Promotion: A Geographical Perspective Journal Articles
Community Structure of Lake St. Clair Fishes Based Upon Catchability Studies from 1977 to 1988 Journal Articles
Community collaboration and climate change research in the Canadian Arctic Journal Articles
Community engagement is critical to achieve a “thriving and prosperous” future for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin Journal Articles
Community-based flood damage assessment approach for lower West Rapti River basin in Nepal under the impact of climate change Journal Articles
Comparative Performances of Airborne LiDAR Height and Intensity Data for Leaf Area Index Estimation Journal Articles
Comparative RbSr and UPb zircon geochronology of late- to post-tectonic plutons in the Winnipeg River belt, Northwestern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Comparative RbSr and UPb zircon geochronology of late- to post-tectonic plutons in the Winnipeg River belt, northwestern Ontario, Canada — Reply Journal Articles
Comparative evaluation of the effects of climate and land-cover changes on hydrologic responses of the Muskeg River, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Comparing 1D and combined 1D/2D hydraulic simulations using high-resolution topographic data: a case study of the Koiliaris basin, Greece Journal Articles
Comparing three machine learning algorithms with existing methods for natural streamflow estimation Journal Articles
Comparison and evaluation of Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer leaf area index products across a range of land use Journal Articles
Comparison and validation of MODIS and VEGETATION global LAI products over four BigFoot sites in North America Journal Articles
Comparison of algorithms and parameterisations for infiltration into organic-covered permafrost soils Journal Articles
Comparison of an artificial neural network and a conceptual rainfall–runoff model in the simulation of ephemeral streamflow Journal Articles
Comparison of approaches for modelling submerged aquatic vegetation in the Toronto and Region Area of Concern Journal Articles
Comparison of data-driven methods for downscaling ensemble weather forecasts Journal Articles
Comparison of fish community metrics between natural and modified open coast shorelines in Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Comparison of geophysical inversion programs run on aeromagnetic data collected over the Highland Valley Copper district, British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Comparison of multiple linear regression and artificial neural network models for downscaling TRMM precipitation products using MODIS data Journal Articles
Comparison of runoff and river flow in two large northern basins Conferences
Comparison of thematic maps using symbolic entropy Journal Articles
Comparison of threshold hydrologic response across northern catchments Journal Articles
Competitive Interactions between Round Gobies and Logperch Journal Articles
Compound specific isotope analysis and the challenge for identifying life: The role of biosignatures and abiosignatures Conferences
Comprehensive Comparison and Validation of Forest Disturbance Monitoring Algorithms Based on Landsat Time Series in China Journal Articles
Comprehensive Comparisons of State-of-the-Art Gridded Precipitation Estimates for Hydrological Applications over Southern China Journal Articles
Computation of domain‐average radiative flux profiles using Gaussian quadrature Journal Articles
Concentrations of Artificial Sweeteners and Their Ratios with Nutrients in Septic System Wastewater Journal Articles
Condensation corrosion in caves on Cayman Brac and Isla de Mona Journal Articles
Conservation of oxygen and hydrogen seasonal isotopic signals in meteoric precipitation in groundwater: An experimental tank study of the effects of land cover in a summer monsoon climate Journal Articles
Constraining carbon sources and growth of microbialites in Pavilion Lake, BC using C-14 Conferences
Constructing the News: The Role of Local Newspapers in Environmental Risk Communication Journal Articles
Contact Mapping From Gridded Magnetic Data–a Comparison of Techniques Journal Articles
Contaminated Sediment Management in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Journal Articles
Continental Oxygen Isotopic Record of the Last 170,000 Years in Jerusalem Journal Articles
Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming Journal Articles
Contribution of phosphorus to Georgian Bay from groundwater of a coastal beach town with decommissioned septic systems Journal Articles
Controls of alluvial cover formation, morphology and bedload transport in a sinuous channel with a non‐alluvial boundary Journal Articles
Controls on plot-scale growing season CO2 and CH4 fluxes in restored peatlands: Do they differ from unrestored and natural sites? Journal Articles
Convenient Access to Archived Predictions: Canada’s CaSPAr Platform Journal Articles
Copper in the Environment, Part II: Health Effects edited by J. O. Nriagu. Wiley, 1979. 489 pp. $44.95 Journal Articles
Correction to “The Effect of Concentration‐Dependent Surface Tension on the Flow of Water and Transport of Dissolved Organic Compounds: A Pressure Head‐Based Formulation and Numerical Model” by James E. Smith and Robert W. Gillham Journal Articles
Corrections for initial isotopic disequilibrium in the speleothem U-Pb dating method Journal Articles
Correlated strontium, carbon and oxygen isotopes in carbonate gangue at the Nanisivik zinc-lead deposits, northern Baffin Island, N.W.T. Canada Journal Articles
Correlating specific conductivity with total hardness in gypsum karst waters Journal Articles
Correlating specific conductivity with total hardness in limestone and dolomite karst waters Conferences
Corrigendum to “Mapping tree and shrub leaf area indices in an ombrotrophic peatland through multiple endmember spectral unmixing” [Remote Sensing of Environment, 109: 342–360] Journal Articles
Country-level and gridded estimates of wastewater production, collection, treatment and reuse Journal Articles
Coupling of winter climate transitions to snow and clouds over the Prairies Journal Articles
Coupling wildfire spread simulations and connectivity analysis for hazard assessment: a case study in Serra da Cabreira, Portugal Journal Articles
Critical comment on ‘Uranium series dating of stalagmites from Blanchard Springs Caverns, Arkansas, U.S.A.’ Journal Articles
Critical forces defining alternative futures for the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin Journal Articles
Crop Biomass Mapping Based on Ecosystem Modeling at Regional Scale Using High Resolution Sentinel-2 Data Journal Articles
Crop-Combination Regions in the Middle West Journal Articles
Cross‐border freight movements in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Region, with insights from passive GPS data Journal Articles
Crown Information Extraction and Annual Growth Estimation of a Chinese Fir Plantation Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle–Light Detection and Ranging Journal Articles
Cryohydrology in Canada: A brief history Journal Articles
Cumulus cloud radiative properties and the characteristics of satellite radiance wavenumber spectra Journal Articles
Cycles of aggradation and degradation in gravel-bed rivers mediated by sediment storage and morphologic evolution Journal Articles
DNA barcoding vs. morphological identification of larval fish and embryos in Lake Huron: Advantages to a molecular approach Journal Articles
DNA from fossils: Lake embedded plant and sediment remains Conferences
Data-model fusion for improving LAI mapping: a case study over China's land mass Journal Articles
Dating of Late Pleistocene Interglacial and Interstadial Periods in the United Kingdom from Speleothem Growth Frequency Journal Articles
Dating of speleothems in Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Journal Articles
Deborah Simmons (1962–2022) Other
Decay of a High Arctic lake-ice cover: observations and modelling Journal Articles
Decay of a High Arctic lake-ice cover: observations and modelling Journal Articles
Deep learning for urban land use category classification: A review and experimental assessment Journal Articles
Delineation of Rain Areas with TRMM Microwave Observations Based on PNN Journal Articles
Demography and substrate affinity of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in Hamilton Harbour Journal Articles
Derivation and validation of Canada-wide coarse-resolution leaf area index maps using high-resolution satellite imagery and ground measurements Journal Articles
Deriving Maximum Light Use Efficiency From Crop Growth Model and Satellite Data to Improve Crop Biomass Estimation Journal Articles
Deriving geological contact geometry from potential field data Journal Articles
Deriving photosystem-level red chlorophyll fluorescence emission by combining leaf chlorophyll content and canopy far-red solar-induced fluorescence: Possibilities and challenges Journal Articles
Description of a Basis Necessary to the Analysis of Spatial Systems Journal Articles
Designing a model of metropolitan migration probabilities Journal Articles
Determinants of fire activity during the last 3500 yr at a wildland—urban interface, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Determination of Particle Paths using the Finite-Element Method Journal Articles
Determination of the hydrogen isotopic composition of bone collagen and correction for hydrogen exchange Journal Articles
Developing an internet GIS for public health Journal Articles
Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland and Land Use Map Using Three-Season PALSAR and Landsat Imagery Journal Articles
Development of a Joint Probabilistic Rainfall‐Runoff Model for High‐to‐Extreme Flow Projections Under Changing Climatic Conditions Journal Articles
Development of a Multi‐Region Power System Risk Management Model for Supporting China's Carbon Neutrality Ambition in 2060s Journal Articles
Development of a Stepwise‐Clustered Multi‐Catchment Hydrological Model for Quantifying Interactions in Regional Climate‐Runoff Relationships Journal Articles
Development of a Wilks feature importance method with improved variable rankings for supporting hydrological inference and modelling Journal Articles
Development of a copula‐based particle filter (CopPF) approach for hydrologic data assimilation under consideration of parameter interdependence Journal Articles
Development of a forecasting system for supporting remediation design and process control based on NAPL‐biodegradation simulation and stepwise‐cluster analysis Journal Articles
Development of a microbial contamination susceptibility model for private domestic groundwater sources Journal Articles
Development of a multi-GCMs Bayesian copula method for assessing multivariate drought risk under climate change: A case study of the Aral Sea basin Journal Articles
Development of climate change projections for small watersheds using multi-model ensemble simulation and stochastic weather generation Journal Articles
Diagnosis and testing of low-level cloud parameterizations for the NCEP/GFS model using satellite and ground-based measurements Journal Articles
Diagnosis and treatment of food allergies in off‐reserve Aboriginal children in Canada Journal Articles
Diagnostic uncertainty and medical geography: what are we mapping? Journal Articles
Diatom responses to 20th century climate-related environmental changes in high-elevation mountain lakes of the northern Canadian Cordillera Journal Articles
Different units of measurement of carotenoids estimation in cotton using hyperspectral indices and partial least square regression Journal Articles
Differential diagenesis of sedimentary components and the implication for strontium isotope analysis of carbonate rocks Journal Articles
Differential occurrence of Escherichia coli and human Bacteroidales at two Great Lakes beaches Journal Articles
Differential peat deformation, compressibility, and water storage between peatland microforms: Implications for ecosystem function and development Journal Articles
Differentiating natural organic matter roles in freshwater floc and bed sediment lead dynamics Journal Articles
Dimensions and dynamics of residential segregation by income in urban Canada, 1991–1996 Journal Articles
Dirty calcites 1. Uranium-series dating of contaminated calcite using leachates alone Journal Articles
Dirty calcites 2. Uranium-series dating of artificial calcite-detritus mixtures Journal Articles
Disability activism and the politics of scale Journal Articles
Disability and the city: International perspectives. Journal Articles
Disabled people, medical inadmissibility, and the differential politics of immigration Journal Articles
Disappearing semi-permanent snow in the High Arctic and its consequences Journal Articles
Discrete principal‐monotonicity inference for hydro‐system analysis under irregular nonlinearities, data uncertainties, and multivariate dependencies. Part I: methodology development Journal Articles
Discrete principal‐monotonicity inference for hydro‐system analysis under irregular nonlinearities, data uncertainties, and multivariate dependencies. Part II: Application to streamflow simulation in the Xingshan Watershed, China Journal Articles
Discussion Comments on Multiple Dating of a Long Flowstone Profile Journal Articles
Discussion of Papers Journal Articles
Disordering of 13C18O bonds in CO2 gas over a heated quartz surface at 50–1100 °C: Insights into the abundance of mass 47 (∆47) in CO2 gas at thermodynamic equilibrium Journal Articles
Dissolved organic carbon export from a cutover and restored peatland Journal Articles
Dissolved organic carbon fluxes in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic alpine catchment Conferences
Distributed modelling of future changes in hydrological processes of Spencer Creek watershed Journal Articles
Distribution of soil carbon stocks in Canada's forests and wetlands simulated based on drainage class, topography and remotely sensed vegetation parameters Conferences
Diverse photosynthetic capacity of global ecosystems mapped by satellite chlorophyll fluorescence measurements Journal Articles
Diverse responses of vegetation production to interannual summer drought in North America Journal Articles
Diverse strategies for tracking seasonal environmental niches at hemispheric scale Journal Articles
Do bark beetle remains in lake sediments correspond to severe outbreaks? A review of published and ongoing research Conferences
Does Chronic Exposure to Air Pollution in Childhood Impact Long-Term Respiratory Health? Journal Articles
Does Earlier and Increased Spring Plant Growth Lead to Reduced Summer Soil Moisture and Plant Growth on Landscapes Typical of Tundra-Taiga Interface? Journal Articles
Does It Matter? Journal Articles
Does condition of Lake Whitefish spawners affect physiological condition of juveniles? Journal Articles
Does nonstationarity in rainfall require nonstationary intensity–duration–frequency curves? Journal Articles
Does plot size affect the performance of GIS-based species distribution models? Journal Articles
Donning our thinking hats for the development of the Great Lakes nearshore governance framework Journal Articles
Downscaled compound heatwave and heavy-precipitation analyses for Guangdong, China in the twenty-first century Journal Articles
Dr. Jaan Terasmae (1926-1998), professor emeritus, Brock University: Remembered Journal Articles
Dr. Marjorie Sweeting Journal Articles
Drought Occurring With Hot Extremes: Changes Under Future Climate Change on Loess Plateau, China Journal Articles
Dual carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47-Δ48) measurements constrain different sources of kinetic isotope effects and quasi-equilibrium signatures in cave carbonates Journal Articles
Dynamical Downscaling of Temperature Variations over the Canadian Prairie Provinces under Climate Change Journal Articles
Dynamically-downscaled projections of changes in temperature extremes over China Journal Articles
Dynamically-downscaled temperature and precipitation changes over Saskatchewan using the PRECIS model Journal Articles
Dynamics of biogenic gas bubbles in peat: Potential effects on water storage and peat deformation Journal Articles
Détermination de Sr dans les andésites cénozoïques et les laves associées de Sardaigne Nord occidentale (Italie) Journal Articles
ECOSTRESS: NASA's Next Generation Mission to Measure Evapotranspiration From the International Space Station Journal Articles
Early Miocene continental extension-related basaltic magmatism at Walton Peak, northwest Colorado: further evidence on continental basalt genesis Journal Articles
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Journal
Earth System Dynamics Journal
Earth System Science Data Journal
Earth's Future Journal
Ecological Monographs Journal
Economics of Electrowinning Iron from Ore for Green Steel Production Journal Articles
Ecosystem scale evapotranspiration and net CO2 exchange from a restored peatland Journal Articles
Editorial for the Special Issue “Understanding Biosphere–Atmosphere Interactions with Remote Sensing” Journal Articles
Editorial: The Canadian Geographer early career scholars' series Journal Articles
Effect of atmospheric pressure and temperature on entrapped gas content in peat Journal Articles
Effect of drainage and wildfire on peat hydrophysical properties Journal Articles
Effect of drought on hydrology and sulphate dynamics in a temperate swamp Conferences
Effect of entrapped gas on peatland surface level fluctuations Conferences
Effect of hydrogeomorphic setting on calcareous fen hydrology Journal Articles
Effect of salinity on formaldehyde interaction with quartz sand and kaolinite colloid particles: batch and column experiments Journal Articles
Effect of water table drawdown on peatland dissolved organic carbon export and dynamics Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum in soil and yield conservation of tomato crops under saline irrigation Journal Articles
Effects of 3‐D clouds on atmospheric transmission of solar radiation: Cloud type dependencies inferred from A‐train satellite data Journal Articles
Effects of Beaver Dams on Subarctic Wetland Hydrology Journal Articles
Effects of Distinguishing Vegetation Types on the Estimates of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration in Arid Regions Journal Articles
Effects of Hydrology on the Thermal Conditions of the Active Layer Conferences
Effects of Unconventional Gas Development on Groundwater: A Call for Total Dissolved Gas Pressure Field Measurements Journal Articles
Effects of climate change on terrestrial water storage and basin discharge in the lancang River Basin Journal Articles
Effects of climate on deer bone δ15N and δ13C: Lack of precipitation effects on δ15N for animals consuming low amounts of C4 plants Journal Articles
Effects of glaciations and permafrost upon the development of karst in Canada Journal Articles
Effects of increasing tile drainage and seasonal weather patterns on phosphorus loading from three major Canadian Lake Erie tributaries Journal Articles
Effects of iron mining on surface water quality in the Schefferville area Journal Articles
Effects of power line construction upon the carbonate water chemistry of part of a mid-latitude swamp Journal Articles
Effects of residential exposure to steel mills and coking works on birth weight and preterm births among residents of Sydney, Nova Scotia Journal Articles
Effects of soil heterogeneity on steady state soil water pressure head under a surface line source Journal Articles
Effects of soil moisture and water depth on ERS SAR backscatter measurements from an Alaskan wetland complex Journal Articles
Effects of solute concentration–dependent surface tension on unsaturated flow: Laboratory sand column experiments Journal Articles
Effects of the Temporal Aggregation and Meteorological Conditions on the Parameter Robustness of OCO-2 SIF-Based and LUE-Based GPP Models for Croplands Journal Articles
Effects of watershed subdivision level on semi-distributed hydrological simulations: case study of the SLURP model applied to the Xiangxi River watershed, China Journal Articles
Electron Spin Resonance Dating of the Pleistocene Coral Reef Tracts of Barbados Journal Articles
Energy and Water Cycles in a High-Latitude, North-Flowing River System Journal Articles
Energy and water exchanges from a temperate pine plantation forest Journal Articles
Energy and water vapour exchanges over a mixedwood boreal forest in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Energy as a driver of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Basin Journal Articles
Engaged acclimatization: Towards responsible community‐based participatory research in Nunavut Journal Articles
Enlargement and evolution of a semi‐alluvial creek in response to urbanization Journal Articles
Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging Projections of Wind‐Speed Extremes for Wind Energy Applications Over China Under Climate Change Journal Articles
Ensemble Drought Exposure Projection for Multifactorial Interactive Effects of Climate Change and Population Dynamics: Application to the Pearl River Basin Journal Articles
Ensemble projection of city-level temperature extremes with stepwise cluster analysis Journal Articles
Environmental Change and Traditional Use of the Old Crow Flats in Northern Canada: An IPY Opportunity to Meet the Challenges of the New Northern Research Paradigm Journal Articles
Environmental Earth Sciences Journal
Environmental Geology: international journal of geosciences Journal
Environmental change in karst areas Journal Articles
Environmental concern on biochar: capture, then what? Journal Articles
Environmental contaminants, ecosystems and human health. Journal Articles
Environmental effects following a seismic sequence: the 2019 Cotabato—Davao del Sur (Philippines) earthquakes Journal Articles
Environmental factors associated with the distribution of non-native starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) in a Lake Ontario coastal wetland Journal Articles
Epidemiological Transition: Implications for Health and Health Care Provision Journal Articles
Epidemiological Transition: Implications for Health and Health Care Provision Journal Articles
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium oxygen isotope effects in synthetic carbonates Journal Articles
Eric Joamie (1956–2014) Journal Articles
Erratum to J. D. Carriquiry, M. J. Risk, and H. P. Schwarcz (1994) “Stable isotope geochemistry of corals from Costa Rica as proxy indicator of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)” Journal Articles
Erratum: The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies Journal Articles
Erratum: The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies Journal Articles
Error Analysis of LAI Measurements with LAI-2000 Due to Discrete View Angular Range Angles for Continuous Canopies Journal Articles
Espace Geographique Journal
Estimates of Toxic Contaminant Mean Concentrations and Loads from Runoff Water Quality Data Journal Articles
Estimating Root Zone Soil Moisture at Continental Scale Using Neural Networks Journal Articles
Estimating Snow Mass and Peak River Flows for the Mackenzie River Basin Using GRACE Satellite Observations Journal Articles
Estimating canopy nitrogen content by coupling PROSAIL-PRO with a nitrogen allocation model Journal Articles
Estimating commercial property prices: an application of cokriging with housing prices as ancillary information Journal Articles
Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data Journal Articles
Estimating global transpiration from TROPOMI SIF with angular normalization and separation for sunlit and shaded leaves Journal Articles
Estimating leaf nitrogen content by coupling a nitrogen allocation model with canopy reflectance Journal Articles
Estimating the effect of turn penalties and traffic congestion on measuring spatial accessibility to primary health care Journal Articles
Estimating tidal effects in spring discharge: A multiscale method using correlated phenomena Journal Articles
Estimation and Interpretation of a Nonlinear Migration Model Journal Articles
Estimation of errors associated with the EarthCARE 3D scene construction algorithm Journal Articles
Estimation of insolation for West Africa Journal Articles
Estimation of phosphorus loads from septic systems to tributaries in the Canadian Lake Erie Basin Journal Articles
Estimation of vegetation clumping index using MODIS BRDF data Journal Articles
Evaluating How Landform Design and Soil Covers Influence Groundwater Recharge in a Reclaimed Watershed Journal Articles
Evaluating Qualitative Research in Social Geography: Establishing ‘Rigour’ in Interview Analysis Journal Articles
Evaluating image-based estimates of leaf area index in boreal conifer stands over a range of scales using high-resolution CASI imagery Journal Articles
Evaluating leaf chlorophyll content prediction from multispectral remote sensing data within a physically-based modelling framework Journal Articles
Evaluating runoff generation during summer using hydrometric, stable isotope and hydrochemical methods in a discontinuous permafrost alpine catchment Conferences
Evaluating snowmelt runoff generation in a discontinuous permafrost catchment using stable isotope, hydrochemical and hydrometric data Conferences
Evaluating spatial and temporal patterns of MODIS GPP over the conterminous U.S. against flux measurements and a process model Journal Articles
Evaluating the Floe Edge Service: how well can SAR imagery address Inuit community concerns around sea ice change and travel safety? Journal Articles
Evaluating the S-isotope fractionation associated with Phanerozoic pyrite burial Journal Articles
Evaluating the effectiveness of different variable retention harvesting treatments on forest carbon uptake using remote sensing Journal Articles
Evaluating the impact of data quantity, distribution and algorithm selection on the accuracy of 3D subsurface models using synthetic grid models of varying complexity Journal Articles
Evaluating the impacts of infrastructure improvements based on link criticality and network performance: A case study of the trucking industry in the province of Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Evaluating the models of stomatal conductance response to humidity in a tropical rain forest of Xishuangbanna, southwest China Journal Articles
Evaluation and bias correction of SNODAS snow water equivalent (SWE) for streamflow simulation in eastern Canadian basins Journal Articles
Evaluation and optimization of sampling errors for the Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Journal Articles
Evaluation and optimization of sampling errors for the Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation Journal Articles
Evaluation of Clumping Effects on the Estimation of Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Journal Articles
Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Precipitation Products for Hydrological Modeling in the Data-Scarce Tributaries of the Pearl River Basin, China Journal Articles
Evaluation of a high‐resolution numerical weather prediction model's simulated clouds using observations from CloudSat, GOES‐13 and in situ aircraft Journal Articles
Evaluation of a laser-assisted particle sizing/settling velocity determination technique Journal Articles
Evaluation of bias correction techniques for generating high-resolution daily temperature projections from CMIP6 models Journal Articles
Evaluation of carbon pathways supporting the diet of invasive Hemimysis anomala in a large river Journal Articles
Evaluation of ensemble precipitation forecasts generated through post-processing in a Canadian catchment Journal Articles
Evaluation of precipitation and temperature simulation performance of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 historical experiments Journal Articles
Evaluation of satellite-based rainfall estimates in the upper Blue Nile basin Journal Articles
Evaluation of seasonal variations of remotely sensed leaf area index over five evergreen coniferous forests Journal Articles
Evaluation of the heat pulse probe method for determining frozen soil moisture content Journal Articles
Evaporation from a riparian system in a semi-arid environment Journal Articles
Evaporation from a riparian system in a semi‐arid environment Journal Articles
Evapotranspiration and water yield over China's landmass from 2000 to 2010 Journal Articles
Evapotranspiration of a tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China Journal Articles
Event-based rainfall analysis in Sinai, Egypt Journal Articles
Evidence for a Reduction of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Toxic Equivalent Concentrations in White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Exposed to Bleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent, Following Process and Treatment Improvements Conferences
Evidence for an Early Proterozoic crustal province in the North Atlantic region Journal Articles
Evidence for rapid avian-mediated foraminiferal colonization of Lake Winnipegosis, Manitoba, during the Holocene Hypsithermal Journal Articles
Evidence that piezometers vent gas from peat soils and implications for pore‐water pressure and hydraulic conductivity measurements Journal Articles
Evolution of evapotranspiration models using thermal and shortwave remote sensing data Journal Articles
Examining the Health and Energetic Impacts of Climate-Induced Prey Shifts on Beluga Whales Using Community-Based Research Journal Articles
Examining the Variability of Crossing Times for Canadian Trucks at the Three Major Canada–U.S. Border Crossings Journal Articles
Examining the chemistry and magnetism of magnetotactic bacterium Candidatus Magnetovibrio blakemorei strain MV-1 using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Journal Articles
Examining the peatland shrubification‐evapotranspiration feedback following multi‐decadal water table manipulation Journal Articles
Examining the robustness of the Ontario truck road network Journal Articles
Expanding global mapping of the foliage clumping index with multi-angular POLDER three measurements: Evaluation and topographic compensation Journal Articles
Expect the Unexpected! Groundwater Flow in Karstified Carbonate Aquifers Chapters
Experimental studies of oxygen isotope fractionation between rhodochrosite (MnCO3) and water at low temperatures Journal Articles
Experimental study on plagioclase dissolution rates at conditions relevant to mineral carbonation of seafloor basalts Journal Articles
Experiments on restoring alluvial cover using gravel augmentation in a variable width channel with irregular meanders Journal Articles
Exploration Geophysics Journal
Exploring SMAP and OCO-2 observations to monitor soil moisture control on photosynthetic activity of global drylands and croplands Journal Articles
Exploring resource allocation and alternate clinic accessibility landscapes for improved blood donor turnout Journal Articles
Exploring runoff processes using chemical, isotopic and hydrometric data in a discontinuous permafrost catchment Journal Articles
Exploring the land development process and its impact on urban form in Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
External dose rate determinations for ESR dating at Bau de l’Aubesier, Provence, France Journal Articles
Extreme variability of water table dynamics in temperate calcareous fens: Implications for biodiversity Journal Articles
Factorial CGE‐Based Analysis for the Indirect Benefits of the Three Gorges Project Journal Articles
Factorial Sensitivity Analysis of Physical Schemes and Their Interactions in RegCM Journal Articles
Factors affecting mode choice for the home–elementary school journey: Evidence from Halifax, Canada Journal Articles
Fatty acids, stable isotopes, and regurgitate reveal diet differences between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie double-crested cormorants ( Phalacrocorax auritus ) Journal Articles
Feasibility of Modeling Remedial Measures for Microbiological Pollution of the St. Clair River at Sarnia Bay Journal Articles
Feasibility of implementing an integrated long-term database to advance ecosystem-based management in the Laurentian Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
Feminist And Interpretive Method: How Different? Journal Articles
Field and laboratory estimates of pore size properties and hydraulic characteristics for subarctic organic soils Conferences
Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data and Growing Degree Days in Manitoba, Canada Journal Articles
Fiftieth anniversary symposia: Mineralogy and petrology of the upper mantle; sulfides; mineralogy and geochemistry of non-marine evaporites Journal Articles
Fine-Scale Structures in the Mid-Level Eyewall of Super Typhoon Rammasun (2014) Simulated With the WRF-LES Framework Journal Articles
Fine-scale leaf chlorophyll distribution across a deciduous forest through two-step model inversion from Sentinel-2 data Journal Articles
Finite-Element Simulation of the Barnes Ice Cap Journal Articles
Finite-Element Simulation of the Barnes Ice Cap Journal Articles
Finite-Element Simulation of the Thermal Regime of the Erebus Glacier Tongue, Antarctica Journal Articles
Fish Consumption Practices among Frequent Consuming Fishers of Five Ontario Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs) Journal Articles
Fish living near two wastewater treatment plants have unaltered thermal tolerance but show changes in organ and tissue traits Journal Articles
Fish species richness is a key predictor of community biomass and productivity in littoral regions of Severn Sound, an embayment of southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Journal Articles
Flow Distribution in the St. Lawrence River System at Wolfe Island, Kingston Basin, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Flow Strength and Bedload Sediment Travel Distance in Gravel Bed Rivers Journal Articles
Fluid transients and pipeline optimization using GA and PSO: the diameter connection Journal Articles
Forest degradation contributes more to carbon loss than forest cover loss in North American boreal forests Journal Articles
Forest stand complexity controls ecosystem‐scale evapotranspiration dynamics: Implications for landscape flux simulations Conferences
Forest vegetation change and disturbance interactions over the past 7500 years at Sasquatch Lake, Columbia Mountains, western Canada Journal Articles
Forest water use in the initial stages of reclamation in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region Journal Articles
Forging isotopically juvenile metamorphic zircon from and within Archean TTG gneiss: Whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon U-Pb-Hf-REE constraints Journal Articles
Formation and movement of ice accumulation waves under ice cover –an experimental study Journal Articles
Freezing Temperature Controls Winter Water Discharge for Cold Region Watershed Journal Articles
Freezing of Subarctic Hillslopes, Wolf Creek Basin, Yukon, Canada Journal Articles
From flexibility to accommodation? Disabled people and the reinvention of paid work Journal Articles
From global to local: Testing the potential of cross-scaling in global data sets Journal Articles
From soil aggregates to riverine flocs: a laboratory experiment assessing the respective effects of soil type and flow shear stress on particles characteristics Journal Articles
From ‘black‐balling’ to ‘marking’: the suburban origin of redlining in Canada, 1930s–1950s Journal Articles
Frontiers in Earth Science Journal
Future Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over Canada: Driving Factors and Inherent Mechanism Journal Articles
Future projections of temperature changes in Ottawa, Canada through stepwise clustered downscaling of multiple GCMs under RCPs Journal Articles
Future shift in winter streamflow modulated by the internal variability of climate in southern Ontario Journal Articles
GIS and remote sensing techniques for the assessment of land use change impact on flood hydrology: the case study of Yialias basin in Cyprus Journal Articles
Gateways, inland seas, or boundary waters? Historical conceptions of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River since the 19th century Journal Articles
Gendering Environmental Assessment: Women’s Participation and Employment Outcomes at Voisey’s Bay Journal Articles
Generalizable Permeability Prediction of Digital Porous Media via a Novel Multi‐Scale 3D Convolutional Neural Network Journal Articles
Generating surface soil moisture at the 30 m resolution in grape-growing areas based on stacked ensemble learning Journal Articles
Generation and analysis of a new global burned area product based on MODIS 250 m reflectance bands and thermal anomalies Journal Articles
Genetic Structure Among Breeding Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) from the Great Lakes and Eastern Canada Journal Articles
Geo-Hydrologic and Thermometric Observations in the Vicinity of the Columbia Icefield, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Geo-Hydrologic and Thermometric Observations in the Vicinity of the Columbia Icefield, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Geo-Marine Letters Journal
Geochemical controls on quaternary dating Conferences
Geochemical diversity in S processes mediated by culture-adapted and environmental-enrichments of Acidithiobacillus spp. Journal Articles
Geochemical evolution of groundwaters in the Michigan and Appalachian basins, southwestern Ontario Conferences
Geochemistry of mafic lavas in the early Rio Grande Rift, Yarmony Mountain, Colorado, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Journal
Geocryology: Characteristics and Use of Frozen Ground and Permafrost Landforms, by Stuart A. Harris, Anatoli Brouchkov and Cheng Guodong Journal Articles
Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography Journal
Geographic clustering of firms and urban form: a multivariate analysis Conferences
Geographical Analysis Journal
Geographical Gerontology: Mapping a Disciplinary Intersection Journal Articles
Geographical Journal, The Journal
Geographical Review Journal
Geographical reflections on Sir Edmund Hillary (1919–2008) Journal Articles
Geographies of Inuit sea ice use: introduction Journal Articles
Geographies of capital formation and rescaling: A historical‐geographical approach to the food desert problem Journal Articles
Geography Journal
Geography Compass Journal
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk Journal
Geomicrobiology with soft X-ray scanning transmission microscopy Conferences
Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence for an unusual tsunami or storm a few centuries ago at Anegada, British Virgin Islands Journal Articles
Geomorphology Journal
Geospatial Assessment of Water-Migration Scenarios in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 11, and 16 Journal Articles
Glenda H. Laws, 1959-1996 - Obituary Journal Articles
Global 500 m clumping index product derived from MODIS BRDF data (2001–2017) Journal Articles
Global Ecology and Biogeography Journal
Global Surface Net-Radiation at 5 km from MODIS Terra Journal Articles
Global clumping index map derived from the MODIS BRDF product Journal Articles
Global datasets of hourly carbon and water fluxes simulated using a satellite-based process model with dynamic parameterizations Journal Articles
Global datasets of leaf photosynthetic capacity for ecological and earth system research Journal Articles
Global distribution of carbonate rocks Conferences
Global environmental change and human health Journal Articles
Global intercomparison of functional pyrodiversity from two satellite sensors Journal Articles
Global mapping of foliage clumping index using multi-angular satellite data Journal Articles
Global mapping of forest clumping index based on GEDI canopy height and complementary data Journal Articles
Global photosynthetic capacity of C3 biomes retrieved from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf chlorophyll content Journal Articles
Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database Journal Articles
Global water vapor content decreases from 2003 to 2012: An analysis based on MODIS data Journal Articles
Governance and geopolitics as drivers of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence basin Journal Articles
Granulation and Heat Recovery from Metallurgical Slags Journal Articles
Greater than the sum of its parts: optical remote sensing and sediment core data provide a holistic perspective on glacial processes Journal Articles
Grid-resolution effects on a model for integrating urban and rural areas Journal Articles
Gridlock in the Greater Toronto Area: Its geography and intensity during key periods Journal Articles
Ground Water Journal
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation Journal
Ground Water and the Internet Journal Articles
Groundwater 87Sr/86Sr values in the Eye-Dashwa Lakes pluton, Canada: Evidence for plagioclase-water reaction Journal Articles
Groundwater Protection and Unconventional Gas Extraction: The Critical Need for Field‐Based Hydrogeological Research Journal Articles
Groundwater chemistry in the Schefferville, Quebec iron deposits Journal Articles
Groundwater exchange with two small alpine lakes in the Canadian Rockies Conferences
Groundwater residence time distributions in peatlands: Implications for peat decomposition and accumulation Journal Articles
Growing season energy and water exchange from an oil sands overburden reclamation soil cover, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada Conferences
Growing season water balance of wetland reclamation test cells, Fort McMurray, Alberta Journal Articles
Guidelines for Designing an Abstract New Town Journal Articles
HUP‐BMA: An Integration of Hydrologic Uncertainty Processor and Bayesian Model Averaging for Streamflow Forecasting Journal Articles
Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation edited by ChristopherLepczyk, OwenBoyle, and TimothyVargo, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2020, 336 pp., paperback $49.45 (ISBN 978‐0520284791) Journal Articles
Have natural lake expansion and landscape inundation resulted in mercury increases in flooded lakes of the Great Slave Lowlands (Northwest Territories, Canada)? Journal Articles
Healing places Book Reviews
Heat as a groundwater tracer in shallow and deep heterogeneous media: Analytical solution, spreadsheet tool, and field applications Journal Articles
High Arctic Patchy Wetlands: Hydrologic Variability and Their Sustainability Conferences
High sulfate concentrations in limestone springs: An important factor in conduit initiation? Journal Articles
High-end climate change impact on European runoff and low flows – exploring the effects of forcing biases Journal Articles
High-resolution multispectral imaging with random coded exposure Journal Articles
High-resolution projections of mean and extreme precipitations over China through PRECIS under RCPs Journal Articles
High‐resolution projections of 21st century climate over the Athabasca River Basin through an integrated evaluation‐classification‐downscaling‐based climate projection framework Journal Articles
High‐resolution temperature and precipitation projections over Ontario, Canada: a coupled dynamical‐statistical approach Journal Articles
Holocene Journal
Holocene climate–fire–vegetation interactions at a subalpine watershed in southeastern British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Holocene climatic variation recorded in a speleothem from McFail's Cave, New York Journal Articles
Holocene treeline dynamics in the mountains of northeastern British Columbia, Canada, inferred from fossil pollen and stomata Journal Articles
Holocene-era submerged notches along the southern Levantine coastline: Punctuated sea level rise? Journal Articles
Homotrema rubrum (Lamarck) taphonomy as an overwash indicator in Marine Ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands Journal Articles
Hong Kong's edging towards local democracy. Journal Articles
Housing Advertisements as Signs: Locality Creation and Meaning-Systems Journal Articles
Housing Advertisements as Signs: Locality Creation and Meaning-Systems Journal Articles
How influential is the role of oligotrophication on the integrity of fish assemblages in the littoral zone? Journal Articles
Human Geography in Explanation Journal Articles
Hunter-fisher-gatherer river transportation: Insights from sourcing the obsidian of Hasankeyf Höyük, a Pre-Pottery Neolithic A village on the Upper Tigris (SE Turkey) Journal Articles
HydRun: A MATLAB toolbox for rainfall–runoff analysis Journal Articles
Hydraulic redistribution and hydrological controls on aspen transpiration and establishment in peatlands following wildfire Journal Articles
Hydrochemical environments of carbonate terrains Journal Articles
Hydrochemistry of the Athabasca and North Saskatchewan Rivers in the Rocky Mountains of Canada Journal Articles
Hydrogen Plasma for Low-Carbon Extractive Metallurgy: Oxides Reduction, Metals Refining, and Wastes Processing Journal Articles
Hydrogen and hydrocarbon gases in crystalline rock: Implications for the deep biosphere Conferences
Hydrogen-Based Reduction Technologies in Low-Carbon Sustainable Ironmaking and Steelmaking: A Review Journal Articles
Hydrogeological characterization of Dasht-e-Arjan Lake (Zagros Mountains, Iran): clarifying a long-time question Journal Articles
Hydrogeomorphic Relations Among Soil Pipes, Flow Pathways, and Soil Detachments Within A Permafrost Hillslope Journal Articles
Hydrologic analysis of urban catchments with event‐based probabilistic models: 1. Runoff volume Journal Articles
Hydrologic analysis of urban catchments with event‐based probabilistic models: 2. Peak discharge rate Journal Articles
Hydrologic and geologic control of carbonate water chemistry in the subarctic nahanni karst, canada Journal Articles
Hydrologic model calibration approaches for highly regulated river basin: A comprehensive assessment Journal Articles
Hydrologic performance quantification of green roofs using an analytical stochastic approach based on kernel distribution estimation: Extensive case studies in Shandong Province, northern China Journal Articles
Hydrological Processes Journal
Hydrological Response of a Patchy High Arctic Wetland Conferences
Hydrological Sciences Journal Journal
Hydrological connectivity and seasonal storage change of tundra ponds in a polar oasis environment, Canadian High Arctic Journal Articles
Hydrological controls on deep burning in a northern forested peatland Conferences
Hydrological sensitivity of a northern mountain basin to climate change Journal Articles
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Journal
Hydrology and water resources in Canadian geography Journal Articles
Hydrology of a Small Drainage Basin with Polar Oasis Environment, Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Canada Journal Articles
Hydrology of a small Canadian High Arctic basin during the snowmelt period Journal Articles
Hydrology of stockpiled industrial coal exposed to rainfall Journal Articles
Hydrology of two slopes in subarctic Yukon, Canada Journal Articles
Hydrometric network design using dual entropy multi-objective optimization in the Ottawa River Basin Journal Articles
Hydrophysical Properties of Peat in Undisturbed and Smelter-Impacted Peatlands: Implications for Moss Recovery, Drought and Wildfire Journal Articles
Hyperspectral characterization of freezing injury and its biochemical impacts in oilseed rape leaves Journal Articles
Hägerstrand meets big data: time-geography in the age of mobility analytics Journal Articles
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Journal
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information Journal
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Journal
Identification of Lampricide Formulations as a Potent Inducer of MFO Activity in Fish Journal Articles
Identification of hydrological models for operational flood forecasting in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
Identification of rainfall–runoff model for improved baseflow estimation in ungauged basins Journal Articles
Identification of robust catchment classification methods for Sahelian watersheds Journal Articles
Identifying Urban and Socio-Environmental Patterns of Brazilian Amazonian Cities by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Journal Articles
Identifying when microbes biosilicify: The interconnected requirements of acidic pH, colloidal SiO2 and exposed microbial surface Journal Articles
Identifying “Sensible Locations” for Separated Bike Lanes on a Congested Urban Road Network: A Toronto Case Study Journal Articles
Imagining Toronto Other
Immigrant Concentration and Domestic Migrant Dispersal: Is Movement to Nonometropolitan Areas “White flight”? Journal Articles
Immigrants' perceptions of quality of life in three second‐ or third‐tier Canadian cities Journal Articles
Immigrants, islandness and perceptions of quality-of-life on Prince Edward Island, Canada Journal Articles
Impact of meteorological predictions on real‐time spring flow forecasting Journal Articles
Impact of model structure on the accuracy of hydrological modeling of a Canadian Prairie watershed Journal Articles
Impact of power line construction upon the hydrology of part of a mid-latitude swamp Journal Articles
Impacts of European settlement (1840–present) in a Great Lake watershed and lagoon: Frenchman’s Bay, Lake Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Impacts of Road Dust on Small Subarctic Lake Systems Journal Articles
Impacts of climate change on soil moisture and evapotranspiration in reconstructed watersheds in northern Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Impacts of primary deforestation upon limestone slopes in northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia Journal Articles
Impacts of spatial heterogeneity on crop area mapping in Canada using MODIS data Journal Articles
Implementing surface parameter aggregation rules in the CCM3 global climate model: regional responses at the land surface Journal Articles
Importance of long-term intensive monitoring programs for understanding multiple drivers influencing Lake Ontario zooplankton communities Journal Articles
Importance of long-term intensive monitoring programs for understanding multiple drivers influencing Lake Ontario zooplankton communities Journal Articles
Improved Constraints on the Recent Terrestrial Carbon Sink Over China by Assimilating OCO‐2 XCO2 Retrievals Journal Articles
Improved estimate of global gross primary production for reproducing its long-term variation, 1982–2017 Journal Articles
Improved estimation of leaf chlorophyll content of row crops from canopy reflectance spectra through minimizing canopy structural effects and optimizing off-noon observation time Journal Articles
Improved global estimation of seasonal variations in C3 photosynthetic capacity based on eco-evolutionary optimality hypotheses and remote sensing Journal Articles
Improved modeling of land surface phenology using MODIS land surface reflectance and temperature at evergreen needleleaf forests of central North America Journal Articles
Improved performance of a PRECIS ensemble in simulating near-surface air temperature over China Journal Articles
Improving LandTrendr Forest Disturbance Mapping in China Using Multi-Season Observations and Multispectral Indices Journal Articles
Improving Robustness of Hydrologic Ensemble Predictions Through Probabilistic Pre‐ and Post‐Processing in Sequential Data Assimilation Journal Articles
Improving extreme hydrologic events forecasting using a new criterion for artificial neural network selection Journal Articles
Improving streamflow estimation in ungauged basins using a multi-modelling approach Journal Articles
Improving the ability of the photochemical reflectance index to track canopy light use efficiency through differentiating sunlit and shaded leaves Journal Articles
Improving the modelling of short‐wave radiation through the use of a 3D scene construction algorithm Journal Articles
Improving winter leaf area index estimation in coniferous forests and its significance in estimating the land surface albedo Journal Articles
In Pursuit of “A Good Life”: Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Inuit Women’s Movements in and out of Mining Work Journal Articles
In memoriam M. John Hodgson 1942–2024 Journal Articles
Increase of High Molecular Weight Organosulfate With Intensifying Urban Air Pollution in the Megacity Beijing Journal Articles
Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate Journal Articles
Influence of landscape aggregation in modelling snow-cover ablation and snowmelt runoff in a sub-arctic mountainous environment Journal Articles
Influence of solar luminosity over geomagnetic and climatic cycles as derived from speleothems Journal Articles
Information theory‐based decision support system for integrated design of multivariable hydrometric networks Journal Articles
Inland Waters Journal
Insight to Ecosystem Based Approach (EBA) at Landscape Level Using a Geospatial Medium Journal Articles
Insights into interactive microbial and geochemical controls on bacterial surface reactions from SiO2 uptake Conferences
Integrated Use of Satellite Remote Sensing, Artificial Neural Networks, Field Spectroscopy, and GIS in Estimating Crucial Soil Parameters in Terms of Soil Erosion Journal Articles
Intense variability of dissolved oxygen and temperature in the internal swash zone of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Inter- and intra-annual variations of clumping index derived from the MODIS BRDF product Journal Articles
Inter-Comparison and Validation of the FY-3A/MERSI LAI Product Over Mainland China Journal Articles
Inter-comparison of lumped hydrological models in data-scarce watersheds using different precipitation forcing data sets: Case study of Northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Interannual variability of net ecosystem productivity in forests is explained by carbon flux phenology in autumn Journal Articles
Intercomparison of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation products derived from satellite data over Europe Journal Articles
Interdecadal variability of streamflow in the Hudson Bay Lowlands watersheds driven by atmospheric circulation Journal Articles
International Association for Great Lakes Research Five Year Plan: 1999–2004: Work Plan to Achieve the Five Year Plan Objectives Journal Articles
International Association for Great Lakes Research Position Statement on Remedial Action Plans Journal Articles
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Journal
International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) Journal
International Journal of Navigation and Observation Journal
International Journal of Remote Sensing Journal
International Journal of Speleology Journal
Interpreting Repeated Temperature‐Depth Profiles for Groundwater Flow Journal Articles
Interstate migration of American young adults in 1985-90: An explanation using a nested logit model Journal Articles
Inter‐comparison of high‐resolution gridded climate data sets and their implication on hydrological model simulation over the Athabasca Watershed, Canada Journal Articles
Inter‐comparison of hydro‐climatic regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity, resistance and resilience Journal Articles
Intra‐basin variability of snowmelt water balance calculations in a subarctic catchment Conferences
Intrinsic relationship between energy consumption, pressure, and leakage in water distribution systems Journal Articles
Introduction Chapters
Introduction—Water Sustainability Journal Articles
Inuit Approaches to Naming and Distinguishing Caribou: Considering Language, Place, and Homeland toward Improved Co-management Journal Articles
Investigating future precipitation changes over China through a high‐resolution regional climate model ensemble Journal Articles
Investigating self‐reported food allergy prevalence in Waterloo Region, Canada Journal Articles
Investigating student perceptions and vulnerability to heat stress in campus residences using Reddit: Climate change, health, and wellbeing Journal Articles
Investigating the response of Cladocera to a major saltwater intrusion event in an Arctic lake from the outer Mackenzie Delta (NT, Canada) Journal Articles
Investigation of Changes in Extreme Temperature and Humidity Over China Through a Dynamical Downscaling Approach Journal Articles
Investigation of the prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter species at Lake Simcoe recreational beaches Journal Articles
In‐Well Degassing Issues for Measurements of Dissolved Gases in Groundwater Journal Articles
In‐channel surficial fine‐grained sediment laminae. Part I: Physical characteristics and formational processes Journal Articles
In‐channel surficial fine‐grained sediment laminae. Part II: Chemical characteristics and implications for contaminant transport in fluvial systems Journal Articles
Iron Oxide Direct Reduction and Iron Nitride Formation Using Ammonia: Review and Thermodynamic Analysis Journal Articles
Iron cycling in a littoral freshwater beach: Implications for floc trace metal dynamics Journal Articles
Is It Time For A Great Lakes Ecosystem Management Agreement Separate from the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement? Journal Articles
Island Studies Journal Journal
Isotopic analyses of spring and stream water sulfate from the Italian Alps and Apennines Journal Articles
Isotopic biosignatures associated with freshwater microbialites and carbonate precipitating microbial mats Conferences
Isotopic evidence for distinct crustal sources of North and South Range ores, Sudbury Igneous Complex Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for the age and origin of pitchstones and felsites, Isle of Eigg, NW Scotland Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for the crustal evolution of the Frontenac Arch in the Grenville Province of Ontario, Canada Conferences
Isotopic signatures of CH4 and higher hydrocarbon gases from Precambrian Shield sites: A model for abiogenic polymerization of hydrocarbons Journal Articles
Jarosite formation by an AMD sulphide-oxidizing environmental enrichment: Implications for biomarkers on Mars Journal Articles
Joint Effects of Personal Factors and Ecological Variables on the Interprovincial Migration Pattern of Young Adults in Canada: A Nested Logit Analysis Journal Articles
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing Journal
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Journal
Journal of Earth System Science Journal
Journal of Environmental Hydrology Journal
Journal of Geographical Sciences Journal
Journal of Geographical Systems Journal
Journal of Geography Journal
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres Journal
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans Journal
Journal of Glaciology Journal
Journal of Great Lakes Research Journal
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies Journal
Journal of Paleolimnology Journal
Journal of Quaternary Science Journal
Journal of Spatial Science Journal
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Journal
Journal of the American Water Resources Association Journal
Journal of the Geological Society Journal
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing Journal
Jovan Cvijić and the founding of karst geomorphology Conferences
Just Urban Food Systems: A New Direction for Food Access and Urban Social Justice Journal Articles
Karst on Cayman Brac Journal Articles
Keeping Remedial Action Plans On Target: Lessons Learned from Collingwood Harbour Journal Articles
LACC2.0: Improving the LACC Algorithm for Reconstructing Satellite-Derived Time Series of Vegetation Biochemical Parameters Journal Articles
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Goulais Bay, Lake Superior: Cohort strength determinants and population viability Journal Articles
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Goulais Bay, Lake Superior: Cohort strength determinants and population viability Journal Articles
Lake and Reservoir Management Journal
Lake whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis ) energy and nutrient partitioning in lakes Michigan, Erie and Superior Journal Articles
Lampricide bioavailability and toxicity to invasive sea lamprey and non-target fishes: The importance of alkalinity, pH, and the gill microenvironment Journal Articles
Land cover and latitude affect vegetation phenology determined from solar induced fluorescence across Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Land cover change mitigated 20 % of the total increased evapotranspiration in tropical Lancang-Mekong River Basin during 2001–2019 Journal Articles
Landlords, tenants, and the legal status of secondary suites in Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
Landscape and weather controls on fine-scale calcareous fen hydrodynamics Journal Articles
Landscape controls on long‐term runoff in subhumid heterogeneous Boreal Plains catchments Journal Articles
Large lakes of northern Canada: Emerging research in a globally-important fresh water resource Journal Articles
Large-scale leaf area index inversion algorithms from high-resolution airborne imagery Journal Articles
Late Holocene radiocarbon and aspartic acid racemization dating of deep-sea octocorals Journal Articles
Late Holocene sedimentation and hydrologic development in a shallow coastal sinkhole on Great Abaco Island, The Bahamas Journal Articles
Late Pleistocene Paleoclimates of North America as Inferred from Stable Isotope Studies of Speleothems Journal Articles
Late Pleistocene Sea Level History of Bermuda Journal Articles
Late Quaternary sea-level changes and early human societies in the central and eastern Mediterranean Basin: An interdisciplinary review Journal Articles
Late-Holocene record of lagoon evolution, climate change, and hurricane activity from southeastern Cuba Journal Articles
Laurentide Ice Sheet Extent Inferred from Stable Isotopic Composition (O,C) of Ostracodes at Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Le Pergélisol au Québec-Labrador Journal Articles
Lead in the Marine Environment Edited by M. Branica and Z. Konrad, Pergamon Press, 1980, 353 pp. $98.00 Journal Articles
Lead isotopes as particulate contaminant tracers and chronostratigraphic markers in lake sediments in northeastern North America Journal Articles
Leaf area index for biomes of the Eastern Arc Mountains: Landsat and SPOT observations along precipitation and altitude gradients Journal Articles
Leaf area index retrieval using gap fractions obtained from high resolution satellite data: Comparisons of approaches, scales and atmospheric effects Journal Articles
Leaf chlorophyll content retrieval from airborne hyperspectral remote sensing imagery Journal Articles
Legal peripheries: struggles over disAbled Canadians' places in law, society and space Journal Articles
Les Méthodes quantitatives d'etude des variations du climat au cours du pleistocene Journal Articles
Lessons Learned through Research Partnership and Capacity Enhancement in Inuit Nunangat Journal Articles
LiDAR—A Technology to Assist with Smart Cities and Climate Change Resilience: A Case Study in an Urban Metropolis Journal Articles
Life outside the fishbowl: Tracking an introduced population of goldfish (Carassius auratus) in an embayment on the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Life-course Perspective on Some Distinctive Features of Migration from Non-metropolitan Prefectures in Japan Journal Articles
Lifetime interprovincial migration in Canada: looking beyond short‐run fluctuations Journal Articles
Light Use Efficiency Model Based on Chlorophyll Content Better Captures Seasonal Gross Primary Production Dynamics of Deciduous Broadleaf Forests Journal Articles
Lightning activity, rainfall and flash flooding – occasional or interrelated events? A case study in the island of Crete Journal Articles
Limestone Dissolution Processes in Beke Doline Aggtelek National Park, Hungary Journal Articles
Limit of Anisotropic Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio of Homogeneous Granular Materials Journal Articles
Limited Effects of Water Absorption on Reducing the Accuracy of Leaf Nitrogen Estimation Journal Articles
Linking lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) condition with male gamete quality and quantity Journal Articles
Living on the Edge: How we converted challenges into profitable opportunities Journal Articles
Local factors and sources affecting freshwater chloride concentrations in the Toronto region Journal Articles
Local scour around a bridge pier under ice-jammed flow condition – an experimental study Journal Articles
Long Temporal Analysis of 3-km MODIS Aerosol Product Over East China Journal Articles
Long time-series NDVI reconstruction in cloud-prone regions via spatio-temporal tensor completion Journal Articles
Long-Term Maximum and Minimum Temperature Projections Over Metro Vancouver, Canada Journal Articles
Long-Term Projection of Water Cycle Changes over China Using RegCM Journal Articles
Long-distance transport of terrestrial plant material by convection resulting from forest fires Journal Articles
Long-term evaluation of evapotranspiration from a reclaimed boreal forest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Northern Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Long-term trend and drivers of inter-annual variability of surface water dissolved organic carbon concentration in a forested watershed Journal Articles
Longwave emission from a plant/soil surface as a function of the view direction: Dependence on the canopy architecture Journal Articles
Long‐term water budget imbalances and error sources for cold region drainage basins Journal Articles
Lost and found: Maximizing the information from a series of bedload tracer surveys Journal Articles
Lotka's wheel and the long arm of history: how does the distant past determine today's global rate of energy consumption? Journal Articles
Machine learning prediction of climate-induced disaster injuries Journal Articles
Machine learning prediction of climate-induced disaster property damages considering hazard- and community-related attributes Journal Articles
Macroscale estimation of evaporation from regional water balance Journal Articles
Mafic Dyke Swarms Journal Articles
Magnetite magnetosome biomineralization in Magnetospirillum magneticum strain AMB-1: A time course study Journal Articles
Major Cyclical Components of the 1966–71 Canadian Interregional Population System Journal Articles
Making Sense of Sickness and Care: An Ethnography of Health in a West Midlands Town Journal Articles
Managing the Cascading Risks of Droughts: Institutional Adaptation in Transboundary River Basins Journal Articles
Mapping Water, Energy and Carbon Footprints Along Urban Agglomeration Supply Chains Journal Articles
Mapping evapotranspiration based on remote sensing: An application to Canada's landmass Journal Articles
Mapping forest background reflectivity over North America with Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data Journal Articles
Mapping of metal species in biofilms using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Conferences
Mapping surface‐cover parameters using aggregation rules and remotely sensed cover classes Journal Articles
Mapping tree and shrub leaf area indices in an ombrotrophic peatland through multiple endmember spectral unmixing Journal Articles
Mapping weather, water, ice and climate (WWIC) information providers in Polar Regions: who are they and who do they serve? Journal Articles
McMaster Mesonet soil moisture dataset: description and spatio-temporal variability analysis Journal Articles
Measurement of Trace Rainfall at a High Arctic Site Journal Articles
Measurements and modelling of storage dynamics across scales Journal Articles
Measures of larval lake whitefish length and abundance as early predictors of year-class strength in Lake Michigan Journal Articles
Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 1: A global overview of current practices Journal Articles
Measuring geomorphology in river assessment procedures 2: Recommendations for supporting river management goals Journal Articles
Mechanisms of equilibrium and kinetic oxygen isotope effects in synthetic aragonite at 25°C Conferences
Mechanisms of equilibrium and kinetic oxygen isotope effects in synthetic aragonite at 25°C Journal Articles
Mediterranean cyclone characteristics related to precipitation occurrence in Crete, Greece Journal Articles
Meltwater Movement in Natural Heterogeneous Snow Covers Journal Articles
Mercury Concentrations in the Food Web of Lake Malawi, East Africa Journal Articles
Meta-analysis based predictions of flood insurance and flood vulnerability patterns in Calgary, Alberta Journal Articles
Metabolic patterning of biosilicification Journal Articles
Metals Production and Metal Oxides Reduction Using Hydrogen: A Review Journal Articles
Meteorological influences on the spatial and temporal variability of NO2 in Toronto and Hamilton Journal Articles
Micro hydroelectric energy recovery in municipal water systems: A case study for Vancouver Journal Articles
Microbial S geochemistry in acidic environments: Integrated geochemical and soft X-ray spectromicroscopic characterization Conferences
Microbial carbon cycling in oligotrophic regional aquifers near the Tono Uranium Mine, Japan as inferred from δ13C and Δ14C values of in situ phospholipid fatty acids and carbon sources Journal Articles
Microbial catalysis of jarosite formation under environmentally relevant AMD conditions Conferences
Microbial geoengineering: Acid rock drainage biofilms, metals and Mn oxyhydroxides Conferences
Microbial hydrocarbon gases in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Implications for the deep biosphere Conferences
Microbial metal interactions - Thinking beyond the surface Conferences
Microbial source tracking to identify fecal sources contaminating the Toronto Harbour and Don River watershed in wet and dry weather Journal Articles
Microphysical properties of continental clouds from in situ measurements Journal Articles
Microphysical properties of continental clouds from in situ measurements Journal Articles
Microstructural Evolution and Its Effect on Reaction Rate During Reduction of High-Grade Hematite Ore Pellets With Hydrogen Journal Articles
Middle to late Holocene chironomid-inferred July temperatures for the central Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Migration Propensities, Patterns, and the Role of Human Capital: Comparing Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican Interstate Migration, 1985–1990 Journal Articles
Migration, urban growth and commuting distance in Toronto's commuter shed Journal Articles
Mineral potential evaluation based on airborne geophysical data Journal Articles
Mineral surface area accessibility and sensitivity constraints on carbon mineralization in basaltic aquifers Journal Articles
Mires and Peat Journal
Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Nutrient Loading in the Upper Assiniboine Catchment1 Journal Articles
Modeling Transport of Multiple Organic Compounds: Segregated Transport‐Sorption/Solubilization Numerical Technique Journal Articles
Modeling a two‐layer flow system at the subarctic, subalpine tree line during snowmelt Journal Articles
Modeling arctic snow distribution and melt at the 1 km grid scale* Conferences
Modeling growing season phenology in North American forests using seasonal mean vegetation indices from MODIS Journal Articles
Modeling the Short‐Run Behavior of Urban Labor Markets Journal Articles
Modeling transpiration using solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photochemical reflectance index synergistically in a closed-canopy winter wheat ecosystem Journal Articles
Modelling Sphagnum moisture stress in response to projected 21st-century climate change Conferences
Modelling and measurement of two-layer-canopy interception losses in a subtropical evergreen forest of central-south China Journal Articles
Modelling groundwater–surface water mixing in a headwater wetland: implications for hydrograph separation Conferences
Modelling leaf chlorophyll content in broadleaf and needle leaf canopies from ground, CASI, Landsat TM 5 and MERIS reflectance data Journal Articles
Modelling of climate-induced hydrologic changes in the Lake Winnipeg watershed Journal Articles
Modelling the Athabasca watershed snow response to a changing climate Journal Articles
Modelling the advection equation under water hammer conditions Journal Articles
Modelling the dynamics of the evapotranspiration process using genetic programming Conferences
Modelling the impact of climate change on hydrological regimes Journal Articles
Models, Assumptions, and Stakeholders: Planning for Water Supply Variability in the Colorado River Basin1 Journal Articles
Modern Pollen and Conifer Stomates from North-Central Siberian Lake Sediments: Their Use in Interpreting Late Quaternary Fossil Pollen Assemblages Journal Articles
Modern Pollen and Conifer Stomates from North-central Siberian Lake Sediments: Their Use in Interpreting Late Quaternary Fossil Pollen Assemblages Journal Articles
Modern and ancient periglacial river types Journal Articles
Modulation of Land Photosynthesis by the Indian Ocean Dipole: Satellite‐Based Observations and CMIP6 Future Projections Journal Articles
Moisture dynamics and hydrophysical properties of a transplanted acrotelm on a cutover peatland Journal Articles
Molecular and isotopic characterization of n-alkanes in a humic-rich, urbanised estuary Conferences
Molecular identification of paleofeces from Bechan Cave, southeastern Utah, USA Journal Articles
Monitoring file danger of northern forest with NOAA-AVHRR NDVI images Journal Articles
Monitoring fire danger of northern boreal forests with NOAA-AVHRR NDVI images Journal Articles
Monitoring the fate of copper nanoparticles in river biofilms using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) Journal Articles
Monte Carlo Simulation of Snow Depth in a Forest Journal Articles
Morphometric analysis of the North Liuleng Shan Fault in the northern Shanxi Graben System, China: Insights into active deformation pattern and fault evolution Journal Articles
Morphometric studies of bell hole development on Cayman Brac Journal Articles
Mosquitoes & vulnerable spaces: Mapping local knowledge of sites for dengue control in Seremban and Putrajaya Malaysia Journal Articles
Mountain hydrology of Canada and China: A case study in comparative hydrology Journal Articles
Multi-angular optical remote sensing for assessing vegetation structure and carbon absorption Journal Articles
Multi-proxy paleoenvironmental record of colonial land-use change in the lower Rideau Canal system (Colonel By Lake), Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Multi-year water balance assessment of a newly constructed wetland, Fort McMurray, Alberta Journal Articles
Multifactorial Principal‐Monotonicity Inference for Macro‐Scale Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Journal Articles
Multilevel factorial analysis for effects of SSPs and GCMs on regional climate change: a case study for the Yangtze River Basin Journal Articles
Multiple male reproductive morphs in the invasive round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) Journal Articles
Multisegment statistical bias correction of daily GCM precipitation output Journal Articles
Multistage Refining of Silicon Using CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 and CaO-SiO2-MgO Slags Journal Articles
Multitemporal, multichannel AVHRR data sets for land biosphere studies—Artifacts and corrections Journal Articles
Multivariate Analysis of Ground Water and Soil Data from a Waste Disposal Site Journal Articles
Multi‐decadal water table manipulation alters peatland hydraulic structure and moisture retention Journal Articles
Multi‐year high‐frequency sampling provides new runoff and biogeochemical insights in a discontinuous permafrost watershed Journal Articles
NCWin — A Component Object Model (COM) for Processing and Visualizing NetCDF Data Journal Articles
Natural Attenuation of Perchlorate in Denitrified Groundwater Journal Articles
Natural Hazards Journal
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Journal
Nature Climate Change Journal
Neglect by GCMs of subgrid‐scale horizontal variations in cloud‐droplet effective radius: A diagnostic radiative analysis Journal Articles
Neolithic population crash in northwest Europe associated with agricultural crisis Journal Articles
Net primary productivity mapped for Canada at 1‐km resolution Journal Articles
Net terrestrial CO2exchange over China during 2001-2010 estimated with an ensemble data assimilation system for atmospheric CO2 Journal Articles
New Observations of Gas‐Phase Expansion above a Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Pool Journal Articles
New Zealand Geographer Journal
New applications of electron spin resonance: Dating, dosimetry and microscopy Journal Articles
New vegetation type map of India prepared using satellite remote sensing: Comparison with global vegetation maps and utilities Journal Articles
Nickel partitioning in biogenic and abiogenic ferrihydrite: The influence of silica and implications for ancient environments Journal Articles
Nitrogen in the Canadian Shield: Resolving abiotic contributions and biological cycling Conferences
No ion is an island: Multiple ions influence boron incorporation into CaCO3 Journal Articles
Non-linearity between gross primary productivity and far-red solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emitted from canopies of major biomes Journal Articles
Nonlinear Dynamics of Sea Clutter Journal Articles
Nonstationary desertification dynamics of desert oasis under climate change and human interference Journal Articles
Nordic Hydrology Journal
Normalization of stable isotope data for carbonate minerals: Implementation of IUPAC guidelines Journal Articles
Normalized algorithm for mapping and dating forest disturbances and regrowth for the United States Journal Articles
Normalized sensitivity measures for leaf area index estimation using three-band spectral vegetation indices Journal Articles
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift Journal
North American Odyssey: Historical Geographies for the Twenty‐First Century Other
North Atlantic Oscillation record from deep-sea corals Conferences
Numerical modeling of fine particle plume transport in a large lake Journal Articles
Numerical modelling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport to Point Pelee marsh, Ontario, Canada Conferences
Nutrient availability in a calcareous saline‐sodic soil during vegetative bioremediation Journal Articles
Nutrients and toxic contaminants in shallow groundwater along Lake Simcoe urban shorelines Journal Articles
OSL and sediment accumulation rate models: Understanding the history of sediment deposition Journal Articles
Obituaries Journal Articles
Observations Over a Century Underscore an Increasing Likelihood of Compound Dry-Hot Events in China Journal Articles
Observed Currents and Water Levels in Hamilton Harbour Journal Articles
Observed trends and future projections of precipitation and air temperature in the Lake Winnipeg watershed Journal Articles
Of Flights and Flotillas: Assimilation and Race in the Cuban Diaspora Journal Articles
On The Diffusivity of Boron in Slag During Silicon Refining Journal Articles
On the Importance of Gravity in DNAPL Invasion of Saturated Horizontal Fractures Journal Articles
On the Location Quotient Confidence Interval Journal Articles
On the aerosol and cloud phase function expansion moments for radiative transfer simulations Journal Articles
On the appropriate “equivalent aperture” for the description of solute transport in single fractures: Laboratory‐scale experiments Journal Articles
On the fundamental equations of water hammer Journal Articles
On the use of simulated photon paths to co‐register top‐of‐atmosphere radiances in EarthCARE radiative closure experiments Journal Articles
Open spatial sciences: an introduction Journal Articles
Opening out ageing: On the entropy of all things Journal Articles
Optically stimulated luminescence age of the Old Cedar midden, St. Joseph Peninsula State Park, Florida Conferences
Optimizing extraction and targeted capture of ancient environmental DNA for reconstructing past environments using the PalaeoChip Arctic-1.0 bait-set Journal Articles
Origin of Archean ferropicrites: geochemical constraints from the Boston Creek Flow, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Origin of Groundwater Arsenic in a Rural Pleistocene Aquifer in Bangladesh Depressurized by Distal Municipal Pumping Journal Articles
Osmium isotope evidence for a crustal origin of platinum group elements in the Sudbury nickel ore, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Out of control: How we failed to adapt and suffered the consequences Journal Articles
Outmigration from California: The Role of Migrant Selectivity Journal Articles
Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic variations between adjacent drips in three caves at increasing elevation in a temperate coastal rainforest, Vancouver Island, Canada Journal Articles
Oxygen isotope fractionation between synthetic aragonite and water: Influence of temperature and Mg2+ concentration Journal Articles
Oxygen isotope studies of granite and migmatite, Grenville province of Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Oxygen isotope systematics in the aragonite–CO2–H2O–NaCl system up to 0.7mol/kg ionic strength at 25°C Journal Articles
Oxygen isotope variations in phosphate of deer bones Journal Articles
Oxygen isotopic analysis of silver orthophosphate using a reaction with bromine Journal Articles
Oxygen isotopic determination of climatic variation using phosphate from beaver bone, tooth enamel, and dentine Journal Articles
PAH concentration and delta C-13 trends in sediments receiving long-range atmospheric deposition Conferences
PRECIS‐projected increases in temperature and precipitation over Canada Journal Articles
Palaeoclimatic interpretation of stable isotope data from Holocene speleothems of the Waitomo district, North Island, New Zealand Journal Articles
Palaeoenvironmental evolution of Cenote Aktun Ha (Carwash) on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and its response to Holocene sea-level rise Journal Articles
Palaeomagnetic chronostratigraphy of Holocene sediments, Niagara basin, Lake Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Paleoceanography Journal Articles
Paleotemperature reconstruction using isotopic variations in speleothem fluid inclusion water Conferences
Partial validation of a lossy compression approach to computing radiative transfer in cloud system‐resolving models Journal Articles
Patterns of Entrapped Air Dissolution in a Two‐Dimensional Pilot‐Scale Synthetic Aquifer Journal Articles
Peat deformation and biogenic gas bubbles control seasonal variations in peat hydraulic conductivity Journal Articles
Peat depth as a control on moss water availability under evaporative stress Journal Articles
Peat depth as a control onSphagnummoisture stress during seasonal drought Journal Articles
Peat hydraulic conductivity in cold regions and its relation to pore size and geometry Conferences
Peat properties and water retention in boreal forested peatlands subject to wildfire Journal Articles
Performance of multi-model ensembles for the simulation of temperature variability over Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Periphytic algal biomass as a bioindicator of phosphorus concentrations in agricultural headwater streams of southern Ontario Journal Articles
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes Journal
Persistence of Crime Hot Spots: An Ordered Probit Analysis Journal Articles
Persistence of fecal contamination and pathogenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in snow and snowmelt Journal Articles
Perverse cities: Hidden subsidies, wonky policy, and urban sprawl Other
Petrogenesis of Cambro-Ordovician subduction-related granitic magmas of the Québec Appalachians, Canada Journal Articles
Petrographic and geochemical evidence for an allochthonous, possibly impact melt, origin of pseudotachylite from the Vredefort Dome, South Africa Journal Articles
Phosphoric acid fractionation factors for calcite and aragonite between 25 and 75 °C: Revisited Journal Articles
Phosphorus loading to nearshore waters from legacy septic system groundwater plumes in a Great Lakes coastal community Journal Articles
Photochemical reflectance index (PRI) can be used to improve the relationship between gross primary productivity (GPP) and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) Journal Articles
Photochemical reflectance ratio for tracking light use efficiency for sunlit leaves in two forest types Journal Articles
Photosynthetic isotope biosignatures in laminated micro-stromatolitic and non-laminated nodules associated with modern, freshwater microbialites in Pavilion Lake, B.C. Journal Articles
Physical Geography Journal
Physics‐Informed Deep Operator Learning Based on Reduced‐Order Modeling for Retrieving the Ocean Interior Density From the Surface Journal Articles
Places of paid work and unpaid work: Caregiving and work‐from‐home during COVID‐19 Journal Articles
Planning Agricultural Water Resources System Associated With Fuzzy and Random Features1 Journal Articles
Plate Tectonic Morphology: a Comparative Survey Journal Articles
Polar Geography Journal
Polar Research Journal
Policies and practicalities of shipping in arctic waters: Inuit perspectives from Cape Dorset, Nunavut Journal Articles
Political Aspects of Social Justice and Physical Planning in an Abstract City Journal Articles
Polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids: Biomarkers for native and exotic mussels in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Pooled frequency analysis for intensity–duration–frequency curve estimation Journal Articles
Population Synthesis: Comparing the Major Techniques Using a Small, Complete Population of Firms Journal Articles
Population energy use scales positively with body size in natural aquatic microcosms Journal Articles
Pore-Morphology-Based Estimation of the Freezing Characteristic Curve of Water-Saturated Porous Media Journal Articles
Portable irrigation system for studying hillslope and wetland runoff generation processes Journal Articles
Positive or Negative? Urbanization‐Induced Variations in Diurnal Skin‐Surface Temperature Range Detected Using Satellite Data Journal Articles
Potential consequences of a Mid-Pleistocene impact event for the Middle Stone Age occupants of Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt Conferences
Potential of bias correction for downscaling passive microwave and soil moisture data Journal Articles
Power of the Rank Adjacency Statistic to Detect Spatial Clustering in a Small Number of Regions Journal Articles
Practical guidelines and recent advances in the Itrax XRF core-scanning procedure Conferences
Pre-Wisconsinan Mammals from Jamaica and Models of Late Quaternary Extinction in the Greater Antilles Journal Articles
Precipitation of amorphous CaCO3 (aragonite-like) by cyanobacteria: A STXM study of the influence of EPS on the nucleation process Journal Articles
Predicting gross primary production from the enhanced vegetation index and photosynthetically active radiation: Evaluation and calibration Journal Articles
Prediction of annual floods generated by mixed processes Journal Articles
Prediction of summer grain crop yield with a process-based ecosystem model and remote sensing data for the northern area of the Jiangsu Province, China Journal Articles
Preface Journal Articles
Preface Journal Articles
Preface, special issue of “50 years of environmental remote sensing research: 1969-2019” Journal Articles
Prescription for research practice? Grounded theory in qualitative evaluation Journal Articles
Pressure variations in peat as a result of gas bubble dynamics Journal Articles
Pressures of formation of iron meteorites from sphalerite compositions Journal Articles
Private Residential Accommodation for the Elderly: Geographical Aspects of Developments in Devon Journal Articles
Probabilistic approach to estimating the effects of channel reaches on flood frequencies Journal Articles
Probabilistic assessment of remote sensing-based terrestrial vegetation vulnerability to drought stress of the Loess Plateau in China Journal Articles
Probabilistic projections of regional climatic changes over the Great Lakes Basin Journal Articles
Probabilistic rainfall‐runoff transformation considering both infiltration and saturation excess runoff generation processes Journal Articles
Probability studies of floods Journal Articles
Probable tsunami origin for a Shell and Sand Sheet from marine ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands Journal Articles
Procedural rationality and the need to aggregate Journal Articles
Professional Geographer Journal
Progress in Canadian Geomorphology and Hydrology 1996–2000 Journal Articles
Progress in Physical Geography Journal
Progress in permafrost hydrology in the new millennium Journal Articles
Projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and their extremes over China through the RegCM Journal Articles
Projected increases in intensity and frequency of rainfall extremes through a regional climate modeling approach Journal Articles
Projected increases in near-surface air temperature over Ontario, Canada: a regional climate modeling approach Journal Articles
Property wrongs: The seventy‐year fight for public housing in Winnipeg By DougSmith, Fernwood: Halifax and Winnipeg. 2023. 256 pages. $28 (paperback). ISBN: 9781773635972 Journal Articles
Proposed method: incorporation of fractured rock in aquifer vulnerability assessments Journal Articles
Protecting the health of First Nation personnel at contaminated sites: A case study of Mid-Canada Radar Line Site 050 in Northern Canada Journal Articles
Przeglad Geograficzny Journal
Publicity waves based on manipulated geoscientific data suggesting climatic trigger for majority of tsunami findings in the Mediterranean – Response to 'Tsunamis in the geological record: Making waves with a cautionary tale from the Mediterranean' by Marriner et al. (2017) Journal Articles
Publisher Correction: Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming Journal Articles
PyGeochemCalc: A Python package for geochemical thermodynamic calculations from ambient to deep Earth conditions Journal Articles
Qualitative Health Research: Negotiating Life with HIV/AIDS Journal Articles
Quality assurance of aeromagnetic data using lineament analysis Journal Articles
Quantifying conditions required for varve formation in meromictic Crawford Lake, Ontario, Canada: important process for delimiting the Anthropocene epoch Journal Articles
Quantifying groundwater-surface water interactions in a proglacial moraine using heat and solute tracers Journal Articles
Quantile delta-mapped spatial disaggregation analysis for summertime compound extremes over China Journal Articles
Quantitative geomorphological analysis of drumlins in the peterborough drumlin field, ontario, canada Journal Articles
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Journal
Quaternary Geochronology Journal
Quaternary International Journal
Quaternary Research Journal
Quaternary glacial events in the Pyrenees from U-series dating of speleothems in the Niaux-Lombrives-Sabart caves, Ariège, France Journal Articles
Race and Primary, Return, and Onward Interstate Migration Journal Articles
Radiative sensitivities for cloud structural properties that are unresolved by conventional GCMs Journal Articles
Radiocarbon Journal
Radionuclide migration over recent geologic time in a granitic pluton Journal Articles
Rainfall in Guangdong province, South China Journal Articles
Rapid Permeability Upscaling of Digital Porous Media via Physics‐Informed Neural Networks Journal Articles
Rapid entrenchment of stream profiles in the salt caves of Mount Sedom, Israel Journal Articles
Rates of cave and landform development in the Yorkshire Dales from speleothem age data Journal Articles
Ratios in limestone cave seepage waters and speleothem from West Virginia Journal Articles
Reappraisal of the 2012 magnitude (M
) 6.7 Negros Oriental (Philippines) earthquake intensity and ShakeMap generation by using ESI-2007 environmental effects Journal Articles
Recent advances in Canadian hydrology Special issue Journal Articles
Recent advances in geometrical optical modelling and its applications Journal Articles
Recent climatic, cryospheric, and hydrological changes over the interior of western Canada: a review and synthesis Journal Articles
Recent research in spatial real estate hedonic analysis Journal Articles
Reconceptualizing senses of place: social relations, ideology and ecology Journal Articles
Reconciliation of Transportation Costs and Amenities As Location Factors in the Theory of the Firm Journal Articles
Reconciling oxygen isotope sclerochronology with interpretations of millennia of seasonal shellfish collection on the Pacific Northwest Coast Journal Articles
Reconstructing GRACE-like TWS anomalies for the Canadian landmass using deep learning and land surface model Journal Articles
Reconstructing Seasonal Variation of Landsat Vegetation Index Related to Leaf Area Index by Fusing with MODIS Data Conferences
Recovery of Titania Slag and Iron from Semi-molten State Reduced Ilmenite Concentrate: Liberation Characteristics and Magnetic Separation Journal Articles
Recursive multivariate principal‐monotonicity inferential climate downscaling Journal Articles
Redox evolution and the development of oxygen minimum zones in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine basin during the early Holocene Journal Articles
Reducing multiplicative bias of satellite soil moisture retrievals Journal Articles
Reflecting on 17 Years of Working Together: Notes from a Presentation to the Special Senate Committee on the Arctic Journal Articles
Reflections on social and organizational dimensions of Great Lakes remediation, restoration, and revitalization Journal Articles
Reg Golledge: A Tribute Journal Articles
Regional Considerations of Coastline Change, Tsunami Damage and Recovery along the Southern Coast of the Bay of Izmit (The Kocaeli (Turkey) Earthquake of 17 August 1999) Journal Articles
Regional climate change trends and uncertainty analysis using extreme indices: A case study of Hamilton, Canada Journal Articles
Regional hydrochemistry of North American carbonate terrains Journal Articles
Regional mapping of gross light-use efficiency using MODIS spectral indices Journal Articles
Regional relative tectonic activity of structures in the Pampean flat slab segment of Argentina from 30 to 32°S Journal Articles
Regulation of peatland evaporation following wildfire; the complex control of soil tension under dynamic evaporation demand Journal Articles
Reimagining sustainable cultures: constitutions, land and art Journal Articles
Reinterpretation of streamflow trends based on shifts in large-scale atmospheric circulation Journal Articles
Relation between hydrogen isotopic ratios of bone collagen and rain Journal Articles
Relationship between the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of deer bone and their use in the estimation of relative humidity Journal Articles
Relationship of road density and marsh condition to turtle assemblage characteristics in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Relationships of the Hygroscopicity of HULIS With Their Degrees of Oxygenation and Sources in the Urban Atmosphere Journal Articles
Relative importance of macrophyte community versus water quality variables for predicting fish assemblages in coastal wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Reliability of the Reflective Learning Framework for Assessing Higher-Order Thinking in Geography and Sustainability Courses Journal Articles
Remediation of Sea Water Intrusion: A Case Study Journal Articles
Remote Sensing Journal
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment Journal
Remote Sensing of Arctic Vegetation: Relations between the NDVI, Spatial Resolution and Vegetation Cover on Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut Journal Articles
Remote Sensing of Environment Journal
Remote and in situ photogrammetric history of the Kidd Copper tailings site, Sudbury, Ontario Journal Articles
Remote sensing in BOREAS: Lessons learned Journal Articles
Remote sensing of canopy light use efficiency in temperate and boreal forests of North America using MODIS imagery Journal Articles
Remote sensing of grassland–shrubland vegetation water content in the shortwave domain Journal Articles
Reply [to “Comment on ‘Regional hydrochemistry of North American carbonate terrains’ by Russell S. Harmon, William B. White, John J. Drake, and John W. Hess and ‘The effect of climate on the chemistry of carbonate groundwater’ by John J. Drake and T. M. L. Wigley”] Journal Articles
Reply to the comment by B.O. Dressler and V.L. Sharpton on "Isotopic evidence for distinct crustal sources of north and south range ores, sudbury igneous complex" Journal Articles
Representativeness of arctic weather station data for the computation of snowmelt in a small area Journal Articles
Representativeness of local snow data for large scale hydrologic investigations Journal Articles
Representativity of cloud‐profiling radar observations for data assimilation in numerical weather prediction Journal Articles
Reproducibility of Research During COVID‐19: Examining the Case of Population Density and the Basic Reproductive Rate from the Perspective of Spatial Analysis Journal Articles
Reproducibility of trace element profiles in a specimen of the deep-water bamboo coral Keratoisis sp. Journal Articles
Research Priorities for Great Lakes Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Research needs to better understand Lake Ontario ecosystem function: A workshop summary Journal Articles
Residential Mobility and Public Policy Journal Articles
Resource economies and neoliberal experimentation: the reform of industry and community in rural British Columbia Journal Articles
Response of Northern Hemisphere lake‐ice cover and lake‐water thermal structure patterns to a changing climate Conferences
Response of Soil Moisture Change to Hydrological Processes in a Continuous Permafrost Environment Conferences
Restoring Active Participation Journal Articles
Restructuring in the forest sector and the re‐shaping of women's work identities Journal Articles
Resuspension and Redistribution of Sediments in Hamilton Harbour Journal Articles
Rethinking what constitutes suspended sediment Journal Articles
Retrieval of forest chlorophyll content using canopy structure parameters derived from multi-angle data: the measurement concept of combining nadir hyperspectral and off-nadir multispectral data Journal Articles
Retrieval of the canopy leaf area index in the BOREAS flux tower sites using linear spectral mixture analysis Journal Articles
Retrieval of vegetation clumping index using hot spot signatures measured by POLDER instrument Journal Articles
Retrieving Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Incorporating Variable Leaf Surface Reflectance in the PROSPECT Model Journal Articles
Retrieving forest background reflectance in a boreal region from Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data Journal Articles
Retrieving global leaf chlorophyll content from MERIS data using a neural network method Journal Articles
Retrieving leaf area index of boreal conifer forests using Landsat TM images Journal Articles
Retrieving leaf chlorophyll content using a matrix-based vegetation index combination approach Journal Articles
Return and Onward Interprovincial Migration through Economic Boom and Bust in Canada, from 1976–81 to 1981–86 Journal Articles
Review of Krešić, N. and Stevanović, Z. (Editors) 2010.Groundwater Hydrology of Springs: Engineering, Theory, Management and Sustainability Journal Articles
Reviewing uncertainty in bioenergetics and food web models to project invasion impacts: Four major Chinese carps in the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Reviews / Comptes rendus Journal Articles
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia Journal
Risk Management of BTEX Contamination in Ground Water—An Integrated Fuzzy Approach Journal Articles
River profile and relict landscape analysis reveal the Cenozoic geomorphic evolution of the Nihewan Basin in North China Journal Articles
Root‐zone soil moisture estimation using data‐driven methods Journal Articles
S. Brian McCann (1935-2004) - Obituary Journal Articles
S. Brian McCann (1935–2004) Journal Articles
Satellite-based near-real-time global daily terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates Journal Articles
Satellite‐based estimation of cloud‐base heights using constrained spectral radiance matching Journal Articles
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Northern Peats Inferred From Other Measurements Journal Articles
Scale as an explanatory concept: evaluating Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit Journal Articles
Scaling properties of observed and simulated satellite visible radiances Journal Articles
Scenario analysis: An integrative and effective method for bridging disciplines and achieving a thriving Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin Journal Articles
Science Meets Traditional Knowledge: Water and Climate in the Sahtu (Great Bear Lake) Region, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Science Must Inform Great Lakes Policy Journal Articles
Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply Journal Articles
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes Journal Articles
Seamless Mosaicking of UAV-Based Push-Broom Hyperspectral Images for Environment Monitoring Journal Articles
Seasonal Sea Ice Conditions Affect Caribou Crossing Areas Around Qikiqtaq, Nunavut: Uqsuqtuurmiut Knowledge Guides Ice Chart Analysis Journal Articles
Seasonal hydrochemistry of a high Arctic wetland complex Journal Articles
Seasonal reservoir inflow forecasting with low-frequency climatic indices: a comparison of data-driven methods Conferences
Seasonal variability in organic substances in surface and cave waters at Marengo Cave, Indiana Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in albedo and radiation exchange between a burned and unburned forested peatland: implications for peatland evaporation Journal Articles
Seasonal, Interannual, and Spatial Variability in the Concentrations of Total Suspended Solids in a Degraded Coastal Wetland of Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Secondary migration of immigrants to Canada: an analysis of LSIC wave 1 data Journal Articles
Secondary suites. Introduction to the Special Section Journal Articles
Secondary suites: A survey of evidence and municipal policy Journal Articles
Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change: J.S. Clark, H. Cachier, J.G. Goldammer and B. Stocks Journal Articles
Sediment dynamics of watershed urbanization and river restoration: Insights from 10 years of research in small gravel-bed rivers Journal Articles
Sediment supply on the West Greenland passive margin: redirection of a large pre-glacial drainage system Journal Articles
Segmented Paths and the Differential Role of Primate Immigrant Centers Journal Articles
Segmented Paths and the Differential Role of Primate Immigrant Centers Journal Articles
Selecting Representative High Resolution Sample Images for Land Cover Studies. Part 1 Methodology Journal Articles
Selecting Representative High Resolution Sample Images for Land Cover Studies. Part 2 Application to Estimating Land Cover Composition Journal Articles
Self-Building and the Social Geography of Toronto, 1901-1913: A Challenge for Urban Theory Journal Articles
Self‐Organized Permeability in Carbonate Aquifers Journal Articles
Separation of kinetic and metabolic isotope effects in carbon-13 records preserved in reef coral skeletons Journal Articles
Sequential sample reservoirs for Itrax-XRF analysis of discrete samples Journal Articles
Sferics noise reduction in time-domain electromagnetic systems: application to MegaTEMIIsignal enhancement Journal Articles
Sharing country food: connecting health, food security and cultural continuity in Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut Journal Articles
Short Paper: Time of docking of the Connemara terrane with the Delaney Dome Formation, western Ireland Journal Articles
Shrinkage and fragmentation of marshes in the West Songnen Plain, China, from 1954 to 2008 and its possible causes Journal Articles
Sick City. Disease, Race, Inequality and Urban Land by Patrick M. Condon, James Taylor Chair at the University of British Columbia School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Vancouver, 2021 166 pp., paperback $25 (ISBN 978‐1777456009) Journal Articles
Signs and Symbols in Hamilton: An Iconology of Steeltown Journal Articles
Signs and Symbols in Hamilton: An Iconology of Steeltown Journal Articles
Simulating emission and scattering of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at far-red band in global vegetation with different canopy structures Journal Articles
Simulating monthly streamflow for the Upper Changjiang, China, under climatic change scenarios / Simulation du débit mensuel du Haut Changjiang, en Chine, sous des scénarios de changement climatique Conferences
Simulation of Snowmelt in a Subarctic Spruce Woodland: Scale Considerations Conferences
Simulation of canopy radiation transfer and surface albedo in the EALCO model Journal Articles
Simulation of snowmelt in a subarctic spruce woodland: 1. Tree model Journal Articles
Simulation of snowmelt in a subarctic spruce woodland: 2. Open woodland model Journal Articles
Simulation‐based optimization of dual‐phase vacuum extraction to remove nonaqueous phase liquids in subsurface Journal Articles
Simultaneous estimation of leaf directional-hemispherical reflectance and transmittance from multi-angular canopy reflectance Journal Articles
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Journal
Six Billion Plus: World Population in the Twenty-First Century by K. Bruce Newbold Journal Articles
Smart growth strategies, transportation and urban sprawl: simulated futures for Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt in a shrub‐covered bog in eastern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1995–1998 Conferences
Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1999–2002 Conferences
Snowmelt Hydrology of Two Subarctic Slopes, Southern Yukon, Canada Journal Articles
Snowmelt contribution to discharge from a large mountainous catchment in subarctic Canada Conferences
Snowmelt runoff from northern alpine tundra hillslopes: major processes and methods of simulation Journal Articles
Snowmelt runoff processes in a headwater lake and its catchment, subarctic Canadian Shield Conferences
Snowpack response in the Assiniboine-Red River basin associated with projected global warming of 1.0 °C to 3.0 °C Journal Articles
Social capital, environmental health and collective action: a Hamilton, Ontario case study Journal Articles
Social enterprises as spaces of encounter for mental health consumers Journal Articles
Soil erosion in South China Journal Articles
Soil respiration mapped by exclusively use of MODIS data for forest landscapes of Saskatchewan, Canada Journal Articles
Soil toposequences, soil erosion, and ancient Maya land use adaptations to pedodiversity in the tropical karstic landscapes of southern Mexico Journal Articles
Soil water storage and active-layer development in a sub-alpine tundra hillslope, southern Yukon Territory, Canada Journal Articles
Solar Radiative Transfer Through Clouds Possessing Isotropic Variable Extinction Coefficient Journal Articles
Solar radiative transfer for stratiform clouds with horizontal variations in liquid‐water path and droplet effective radius Journal Articles
Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthetic phenology better than traditional vegetation indices Journal Articles
Solid phase capture of strontium by the iron reducing bacteria Shewanella alga strain BrY Conferences
Solute‐Dependent Capillarity‐Induced Focused Flow during Infiltration into Alcohol‐Contaminated Soil Journal Articles
Some Thoughts about Theory in the Social Sciences Journal Articles
Sometimes simple is good enough: An analysis of methods for residential building population estimation Journal Articles
Spaces of dizziness and dread: navigating acrophobia Journal Articles
Spatial Analysis of Snow‐and Rain‐Generated Highflows In Southern Ontario Journal Articles
Spatial Concentration of Residential Homes for the Elderly: Planning Responses and Dilemmas Journal Articles
Spatial Scaling of a Remotely Sensed Surface Parameter by Contexture Journal Articles
Spatial analysis in Canada: introduction Journal Articles
Spatial and seasonal variations in evapotranspiration over Canada's landmass Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal characteristics in streamflow-related hydroclimatic variables over western Canada. Part 1: 1950–2010 Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal characteristics in streamflow-related hydroclimatic variables over western Canada. Part 2: future projections Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal variability in the responses of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems to environmental change Conferences
Spatial clustering of high‐tech manufacturing and knowledge‐intensive service firms in the Greater Toronto Area Journal Articles
Spatial ecology of reintroduced walleye (Sander vitreus) in Hamilton Harbour of Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Spatial intelligence and contextual relevance in AI-driven health information retrieval Journal Articles
Spatial perspectives on urban systems: developments and directions Journal Articles
Spatial scaling of evapotranspiration as affected by heterogeneities in vegetation, topography, and soil texture Journal Articles
Spatial scaling of net primary productivity using subpixel information Journal Articles
Spatial variability of hillslope water balance, wolf creek basin, subarctic yukon Conferences
Spatial variability of ocean fertilizing nutrients in the dust‐emitting ephemeral river catchments of Namibia Journal Articles
Spatial variability of recent macroscopic charcoal deposition in a small montane lake and implications for reconstruction of watershed-scale fire regimes Journal Articles
Spatial variability of the erodibility of fine sediments deposited in two alpine gravel-bed rivers: The Isère and Galabre Journal Articles
Spatially Continuous Mapping of Forest Canopy Height in Canada by Combining GEDI and ICESat-2 with PALSAR and Sentinel Journal Articles
Spatially constrained clustering of ecological units to facilitate the design of integrated water monitoring networks in the St. Lawrence Basin Journal Articles
Spatially distributed tracer-aided runoff modelling and dynamics of storage and water ages in a permafrost-influenced catchment Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal Downscaling of GRACE Total Water Storage Using Land Surface Model Outputs Journal Articles
Species and stand-age driven differences in photochemical reflectance index and light use efficiency across four temperate forests Journal Articles
Species distribution modelling of ancient cattle from early Neolithic sites in SW Asia and Europe Journal Articles
Spiking modular neural networks: A neural network modeling approach for hydrological processes Journal Articles
Sprawl: A compact history. Other
Spring-summer temperatures since AD 1780 reconstructed from stable oxygen isotope ratios in white spruce tree-rings from the Mackenzie Delta, northwestern Canada Journal Articles
Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Records From Lake Erie Sediment Cores: Mollusc Aragonite 4600 BP–200 BP Journal Articles
Stable carbon isotope fractionation in sulfur oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria native to an acid mine tailings pond Conferences
Stable isotope geochemistry Journal Articles
Stable isotope geochemistry of corals from Costa Rica as proxy indicator of the EL Niño/southern Oscillation (ENSO) Journal Articles
Stable isotope studies of cave seepage water Journal Articles
Stable isotope studies of fluid inclusions in speleothems and their paleoclimatic significance Journal Articles
Stable isotopes of water reveal differences in plant – soil water relationships across northern environments Journal Articles
State of the Climate in 2010 Journal Articles
State-of-the-Art and Framework for Identifying Urban Patterns by Remote Sensing Data Journal Articles
Statistical characterization of the spatial variability of soil moisture in a cutover peatland Journal Articles
Status and trends in the structure of Arctic benthic food webs Journal Articles
Stochastic Rainwater Harvesting System Modeling Under Random Rainfall Features and Variable Water Demands Journal Articles
Stochastic generation of subgrid‐scale cloudy columns for large‐scale models Journal Articles
Storage, mixing, and fluxes of water in the critical zone across northern environments inferred by stable isotopes of soil water Journal Articles
Storages of soil organic carbon and nitrogen and land use changes in China: 1990-2000 Journal Articles
Stormwater capture and antecedent moisture characteristics of permeable pavements Journal Articles
Stream Monitoring and Stewardship Programme Involving a Partnership Between Community Organizations, High Schools and a University Journal Articles
Streamflow characteristics of the Eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Journal Articles
Streamflow droughts of northern Nigerian rivers Journal Articles
Streamflow in the Mackenzie Basin, Canada Journal Articles
Streamflow processes in an alpine permafrost catchment, tianshan, China Journal Articles
Streamflow response to climatic variability in a complex mountainous environment: Fraser River Basin, British Columbia, Canada Conferences
Strontium as a tracer of weathering processes in a silicate catchment polluted by acid atmospheric inputs, Strengbach, France Conferences
Strontium isotopic composition of some brines from the Precambrian Shield of Canada Journal Articles
Structural Imbalance in the U.S. Urban‐Economic System, 1960–1965* Journal Articles
Study of carbonate concretions using imaging spectroscopy in the Frontier Formation, Wyoming Journal Articles
Style for the Zeitgeist: The Stealthy Revival of Historicist Housing Since the Late 1960s Journal Articles
Sulfur isotope systematics of the Paleoproterozoic Bushy Park and Pering MVT deposits Journal Articles
Summary and synthesis of Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) research in the interior of western Canada – Part 2: Future change in cryosphere, vegetation, and hydrology Journal Articles
Summer Circulation in the Kingston Basin, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Summer Low Flow Events in the Mackenzie River System Journal Articles
Summer Solar Radiation in the Canadian High Arctic Journal Articles
Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence is more strongly related to photosynthesis with hemispherical than nadir measurements: Evidence from field observations and model simulations Journal Articles
Suprapermafrost groundwater seepage in gravelly terrain, resolute, NWT, Canada Journal Articles
Surface chemical reactivity and metal adsorptive properties of natural cyanobacterial mats from an alkaline hydrothermal spring, Yellowstone National Park Journal Articles
Surface chemistry and relative Ni sorptive capacities of synthetic hydrous Mn oxyhydroxides under variable wetting and drying regimes Journal Articles
Surface deformation observed by InSAR shows connections with water storage change in Southern Ontario Journal Articles
Surfactant-Induced Flow Phenomena in the Vadose Zone: A Review of Data and Numerical Modeling Journal Articles
Surfactant‐Induced Flow Phenomena in the Vadose Zone: A Review of Data and Numerical Modeling Journal Articles
Suspended Solids, Trace Metal and PAH Concentrations and Loadings from Coal Pile Runoff to Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Syn-orogenic alkaline magmatism and its relationship to the Moine Thrust Zone and the thermal state of the Lithosphere in NW Scotland Journal Articles
Synchronous changes in chironomid assemblages in two Arctic delta lake ecosystems after a major saltwater intrusion event Journal Articles
Synoptic sampling reveals spatial stability in flow and chemistry patterns despite large seasonal variability in a subarctic mountain catchment Journal Articles
Synthesis review on groundwater discharge to surface water in the Great Lakes Basin Journal Articles
Syringe‐Tip Filters May Contain the Artificial Sweetener Saccharin Journal Articles
Systematic corrections of AVHRR image composites for temporal studies Journal Articles
THE I3RC: Bringing Together the Most Advanced Radiative Transfer Tools for Cloudy Atmospheres Journal Articles
Tailored Investments Needed to Support Weather, Water, Ice, and Climate Services in the Polar Regions Journal Articles
Taking stock: geographical perspectives on women and health in Canada Journal Articles
Temperature dependence of C-13-O-18 clumping in synthetic aragonite: Laboratory calibration Conferences
Temporal and spatial changes in bacterial diversity in mixed use watersheds of the Great Lakes region Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial variation of annual rainfall on the island of Crete, Greece Journal Articles
Temporal disparity in leaf chlorophyll content and leaf area index across a growing season in a temperate deciduous forest Journal Articles
Temporal stability of model parameters in crime rate analysis: An empirical examination Journal Articles
Temporal variability and site specificity of thermomechanical weathering in a temperate climate Journal Articles
Ten best practices to strengthen stewardship and sharing of water science data in Canada Journal Articles
Testing a simple model of gas bubble dynamics in porous media Journal Articles
Testing for Spatial Independence Using Similarity Relations Journal Articles
Testing for spatial association of qualitative data using symbolic dynamics Journal Articles
Testing the Top-Down Model Inversion Method of Estimating Leaf Reflectance Used to Retrieve Vegetation Biochemical Content Within Empirical Approaches Journal Articles
The Canadian Surface Prediction Archive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modeling in Canada and Globally Journal Articles
The Cave of the Monk (Ban Fa Suai, Chiang Dao wildlife sanctuary, northern Thailand) Journal Articles
The Curious Case of King William Island, Nunavut: An Island Overlooked in Caribou Research Journal Articles
The EarthCARE Satellite: The Next Step Forward in Global Measurements of Clouds, Aerosols, Precipitation, and Radiation Journal Articles
The Geographies of Intoxicants: From Production and Consumption to Regulation, Treatment and Prevention Journal Articles
The Great Lakes Futures Project: Principles and policy recommendations for making the lakes great Journal Articles
The Hands’ Measure: Essays Honouring Leah Aksaajuq Otak’s Contributions to Arctic Science, edited by John MacDonald and Nancy Wachowich Journal Articles
The Invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the Diet of Nestling Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
The Maya Landscape of El Infiernito, Chiapas, Mexico: Comparison of Occupied and Unoccupied Airborne LiDAR Mapping Systems Journal Articles
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation: an assessment using several global atmospheric models Journal Articles
The Ongoing Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Journal Articles
The Prevalence of Freshwater Flocculation in Cold Regions: A Case Study from the Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
The Remedial Action Plan That Led to the Cleanup and Delisting of Collingwood Harbour as an Area of Concern Journal Articles
The SIA method for spatial analysis of precipitation in the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze River Journal Articles
The Third Experiment: Is There Life on Mars? Journal Articles
The Utility of In-Depth Interviews for Studying the Meaning of Environmental Risk Journal Articles
The Utility of Magnetic Properties as a Proxy for Mapping Contamination in Hamilton Harbour Sediment Journal Articles
The age of the woolly rhino from Dream Cave, Derbyshire, UK Journal Articles
The aggregate description of semi-arid vegetation with precipitation-generated soil moisture heterogeneity Journal Articles
The changing place of condominiums across a metropolitan area, 1970–2015 Journal Articles
The cold regions hydrological model: a platform for basing process representation and model structure on physical evidence Conferences
The deep 'cool' terrestrial biosphere-fracture waters and dissolved gases at > 2.5 km in the Canadian Shield Conferences
The diffusion of alternative health care: a Canadian case study of chiropractic and naturopathic practices Journal Articles
The earth's age and geochronology Journal Articles
The effect of GCM biases on global runoff simulations of a land surface model Journal Articles
The effect of climate on the chemistry of carbonate groundwater Journal Articles
The effect of concentration‐dependent surface tension on the flaw of water and transport of dissolved organic compounds: A pressure head‐based formulation and numerical model Journal Articles
The effect of crystal field stabilization on the distribution of transition metals between metamorphic minerals Journal Articles
The effect of peat structure on the spatial distribution of biogenic gases within bogs Journal Articles
The effect of soil activity on the chemistry of carbonate groundwaters Journal Articles
The effect of temperature on the seepage transport of suspended particles in a porous medium Journal Articles
The effects of sampling resolution on the surface albedos of dominant land cover types in the North American boreal region Journal Articles
The essential value of long‐term experimental data for hydrology and water management Journal Articles
The folding of sport space into carceral space: On the making of prisoners’ experiences and lives Journal Articles
The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content Journal Articles
The hydrochemical evolution of a constructed peatland in a post-mining landscape six years after construction Journal Articles
The iBox-FC: A new containment vessel for Itrax X-ray fluorescence core-scanning of freeze cores Conferences
The impact of induced drought on transpiration and growth in a temperate pine plantation forest Journal Articles
The impact of reclamation cover depth on the performance of reclaimed shale overburden at an oil sands mine in Northern Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
The impacts of climate change on human health Journal Articles
The importance of effective moisture and landscape controls on diatom assemblages and primary production in Roche Lake, British Columbia, Canada over the past ca. 1800 years Journal Articles
The influence of hyporheic exchange on reach‐scale water budgets in a Precambrian Shield catchment, Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
The influence of permafrost and other environmental factors on stream thermal sensitivity across Yukon, Canada Journal Articles
The influence of spatial variability in snowmelt and active layer thaw on hillslope drainage for an alpine tundra hillslope Conferences
The influence of vegetation cover on evapotranspiration atop waste rock piles, Elk Valley, British Columbia Journal Articles
The intemperate rainforest: Nature, culture and power on Canada's west coast Journal Articles
The merger delusion: How swallowing its suburbs made an even bigger mess of Montreal by PeterTrent, McGill‐Queen's University Press, Montreal, 2012, 700 pp., cloth C$39.95 (ISBN 9780773539327) Other
The morphology and development of Kalahroud Cave, Iran Journal Articles
The political ecology of the metropolis: Metropolitan sources of electoral behaviour in eleven countries edited by Jefferey M.Sellers, DanielKübler,MelanieWalter‐Rogg, and R. AlanWalks, ECPR Press, Colchester, 2014, 534 pp., cloth $120.97 (ISBN 978‐1907301377) Other
The potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation Journal Articles
The power of a simple index of neighbourhood change: Challenging the perception that there is no such thing as simplicity in creating indexes Journal Articles
The relationship between thermal physiology and lampricide sensitivity in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Journal Articles
The relative mobility of U, Th and Ra isotopes in the weathered zones of the Eye-Dashwa Lakes granite pluton, northwestern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The risk society at work in the Sydney ‘Tar Ponds’ Journal Articles
The role of channel morphology on the mobility and dispersion of bed sediment in a small gravel‐bed stream Journal Articles
The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies Journal Articles
The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies (vol 3, pg 875, 2013) Journal Articles
The role of snow processes and hillslopes on runoff generation in present and future climates in a recently constructed watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region Journal Articles
The role of vegetation in the retardation of rill erosion Journal Articles
The sedimentary record of drifting ice (early Wisconsin Sunnybrook deposit) in an ancestral ice-dammed Lake Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The sensitivity based estimation of leaf area index from spectral vegetation indices Journal Articles
The sensitivity of domain-averaged solar fluxes to assumptions about cloud geometry Journal Articles
The sensitivity of domain‐averaged solar fluxes to assumptions about cloud geometry Journal Articles
The spatial dimensions of temporary employment in Canada Journal Articles
The state of Lake Simcoe (Ontario, Canada): the effects of multiple stressors on phosphorus and oxygen dynamics Journal Articles
The tenant class By RicardoTranjan, Toronto: Between the Lines. 2023. 144 pages. $22.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9781771136228 Journal Articles
The understated turn: Emerging interests and themes in Canadian posthumanist geography Journal Articles
The values of Canadian Shield brines and fracture minerals with applications to groundwater mixing, fracture history, and geochronology Journal Articles
The vorticity and angular momentum budgets of Asian summer monsoon Journal Articles
The yield and isotopic composition of radiolytic H2, a potential energy source for the deep subsurface biosphere Journal Articles
Theoretical analysis of snow-dam decay Journal Articles
Theoretical analysis of snow-dam decay Journal Articles
Theoretical estimates of equilibrium O-18/O-16 fractionation between phosphate minerals and water Conferences
Thermo-hydrological Responses to an Exceptionally Warm, Dry Summer in a High Arctic Environment Conferences
Thiamine concentrations in lake whitefish eggs from the upper Great Lakes are related to maternal diet Journal Articles
Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and other rear-and-imagined places Journal Articles
Thirteen years of observations on biomass burning organic tracers over Chichijima Island in the western North Pacific: An outflow region of Asian aerosols Journal Articles
Thirty-five years of restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern: Gradual progress, hopeful future Journal Articles
Thirty-year update: Changes in biological characteristics of degraded muskellunge nursery habitat in southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Canada Journal Articles
Thresholds in feminist geography: Difference, methodology, representation. Journal Articles
Thriving and prosperous: How we rallied to confront collective challenges Journal Articles
Topology and Dependency Tests in Spatial and Network Autoregressive Models Journal Articles
Total Dissolved Gas Pressure Measurements for Assessing Contaminant Degradation Processes in Groundwater Journal Articles
Toward a sustainable water resources management in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration: a scenario analysis of combined strategy regulation with Green Z-score criterion Journal Articles
Toward a “Better Understanding” of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Journal Articles
Toward feminist geographies of cycling Journal Articles
Towards a water secure future: reflections on Cape Town’s Day Zero crisis Journal Articles
Towards an Indigenist data management program: reflections on experiences developing an atlas of sea ice knowledge and use Journal Articles
Towards an energy‐based runoff generation theory for tundra landscapes Journal Articles
Towards quantifying the negative feedback regulation of peatland evaporation to drought Journal Articles
Towards socio‐spatial inclusion? Disabled people, neoliberalism and the contemporary labour market Journal Articles
Towards the development of an ecosystem model for the Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Tracer Test Evaluation of a Drainage Ditch Capture Zone Journal Articles
Tracer‐based assessment of flow paths, storage and runoff generation in northern catchments: a review Journal Articles
Traces of epigenetic hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain, Nevada: preliminary data on the fluid inclusion and stable isotope evidence Conferences
Tracking the long-term limnological impacts of silver mining near Keno City (Yukon, subarctic Canada) Journal Articles
Trade-offs between suppression and eradication of sea lampreys from the Great Lakes Journal Articles
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Journal
Transformations in the Capitalist State: The Development of Legal Aid and Legal Clinics in Canada Journal Articles
Transpiration and evaporative partitioning at a boreal forest and shrub taiga site in a subarctic alpine catchment, Yukon territory, Canada Conferences
Transport of volatile contaminants in groundwater by gas expansion and mobilization above a dense nonaqueous phase liquid pool Conferences
Tree-ring Reconstruction of Early-growing Season Precipitation from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Tree-ring evidence of the elusive 1959 summer cold event in northwestern North America Journal Articles
Trying hard to adapt to a chaotic world: How complex challenges overwhelmed best intentions Journal Articles
Turkey Lakes Watershed, Ontario, Canada: 40 years of interdisciplinary whole‐ecosystem research Journal Articles
Twenty-first century probabilistic projections of precipitation over Ontario, Canada through a regional climate model ensemble Journal Articles
Two decades of anarchy? Emerging themes and outstanding challenges for neural network river forecasting Journal Articles
Two‐dimensional modeling of flow and transport in the vadose zone with surfactant‐induced flow Journal Articles
U-Series Analyses of the Lower Travertine at Ehringsdorf, DDR Journal Articles
Ultrastructure of bone: Hollow apatite crystals, solution chemistry and organic inhibitors Conferences
Uncertainty Analysis for Hydrological Models With Interdependent Parameters: An Improved Polynomial Chaos Expansion Approach Journal Articles
Uncertainty Analysis of a Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Journal Articles
Uncertainty analysis of statistical downscaling methods using Canadian Global Climate Model predictors Journal Articles
Uncertainty in modelling the hydrologic responses of a large watershed: a case study of the Athabasca River basin, Canada Journal Articles
Uncertainty of nitrate‐N load computations for agricultural watersheds Journal Articles
Underestimation of flood quantiles from parallel drainage areas Journal Articles
Understanding emerging environmental health risks: A framework for responding to the unknown Journal Articles
Understanding the Creation and Use of Polar Weather and Climate Information Conferences
Underwater Image Restoration Based on a Parallel Convolutional Neural Network Journal Articles
Unintentional injury deaths among youth in Ontario, Canada from 2000 to 2015: Rates are falling but there are caveats Journal Articles
Unravelling abiogenic and biogenic sources of methane in the Earth's deep subsurface Journal Articles
Uranium series dating of Quaternary deposits Journal Articles
Uranium-series disequilibrium studies of granitic rocks Journal Articles
Urban Water Journal Journal
Urban Water Journal: Special Issue on Transients Journal Articles
Urban water resources allocation under the uncertainties of water supply and demand: a case study of Urumqi, China Journal Articles
Use and Development of the Wetland Macrophyte Index to Detect Water Quality Impairment in Fish Habitat of Great Lakes Coastal Marshes Journal Articles
Use of an Artificial Sweetener to Identify Sources of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination Journal Articles
Use of color maps and wavelet coherence to discern seasonal and interannual climate influences on streamflow variability in northern catchments Journal Articles
Using Multiple Sources of Knowledge to Investigate Northern Environmental Change: Regional Ecological Impacts of a Storm Surge in the Outer Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. Journal Articles
Using SAR-Derived Vegetation Descriptors in a Water Cloud Model to Improve Soil Moisture Retrieval Journal Articles
Using Spatial Filters and Exploratory Data Analysis to Enhance Regression Models of Spatial Data Journal Articles
Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models Journal Articles
Using satellite imagery to validate snow distribution simulated by a hydrological model in large northern basins Conferences
Using stable isotopes to estimate travel times in a data‐sparse Arctic catchment: Challenges and possible solutions Journal Articles
Vadose Zone Journal Journal
Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g) with Environmental Controls in Tropical Africa Journal Articles
Validation of hydrological models for climate scenario simulation: the case of Saguenay watershed in Quebec Journal Articles
Validation of qPCR method for enterococci quantification at Toronto beaches: Application for rapid recreational water monitoring Journal Articles
Variation in water level under ice-jammed condition – field investigation and experimental study Journal Articles
Variation of an indicator ofEscherichia colipersistence from surface waters of mixed-use watersheds, and relationship with environmental factors Journal Articles
Variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep continental subsurface Journal Articles
Vegetation controls on the fire regime in the southern Yukon Territory, Canada during the past 1200 years Journal Articles
Vine Copula Ensemble Downscaling for Precipitation Projection Over the Loess Plateau Based on High‐Resolution Multi‐RCM Outputs Journal Articles
Visual object tracking by correlation filters and online learning Journal Articles
Vodohospodarsky Casopis/Journal of Hydrology & Hydromechanics Journal
WITHDRAWN: Whole rock geochemical, SEM and electron microprobe analysis of pseudotachylite from the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa: Evidence for injection of impact melt into target rocks Journal Articles
Walking the health geographers' talk: Aging and health inequalities in sub‐Saharan Africa Journal Articles
Warmer waters increase the larval sea lamprey's (Petromyzon marinus) tolerance to the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) Journal Articles
Water Currents in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers Journal Articles
Water Footprint Analysis Under Dual Pressures of Carbon Mitigation and Trade Barrier: A CGE‐Based Study for Yangtze River Economic Belt Journal Articles
Water Resources Research Journal
Water balance of a burned and unburned forested boreal peatland Journal Articles
Water in Canada, water for Canada Journal Articles
Water security, risk, and economic growth: Insights from a dynamical systems model Journal Articles
Water table dynamics in a constructed wetland, Fort McMurray, Alberta Journal Articles
Water yield variability and response to climate change across Canada Journal Articles
Water-level change recorded in Lake Pac Chen Quintana Roo, Mexico infers connection with the aquifer and response to Holocene sea-level rise and Classic Maya droughts Journal Articles
Water-rock interaction and chemistry of groundwaters from the Canadian Shield Journal Articles
Wave Directional Spectra Measurements by Small Arrays in Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Wave Directional Spectra and Wave-Current Interaction in Lake St. Clair Journal Articles
Wave exposure and hydrologic connectivity create diversity in habitat and zooplankton assemblages at nearshore Long Point Bay, Lake Erie Journal Articles
Wavelet analysis of variability in annual Canadian streamflows Journal Articles
Welcome to a New Editor-in-Chief Journal Articles
Western geopolitical thought in the twentieth century Journal Articles
Wetting front advance and freezing of meltwater within a snow cover: 1. Observations in the Canadian Arctic Journal Articles
Wetting front advance and freezing of meltwater within a snow cover: 2. A simulation model Journal Articles
What role for more-than-representational, more-than-human inquiry Journal Articles
What's a School Worth to a Neighborhood? A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of Property Prices in the Context of Accommodation Reviews in Ontario Journal Articles
Who uses ride‐hailing? Policy implications and evidence from the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Journal Articles
Wildfire and degradation accelerate northern peatland carbon release Journal Articles
Winter Flows in the Mackenzie Drainage System Journal Articles
Winter hydrometeorological extreme events modulated by large-scale atmospheric circulation in southern Ontario Journal Articles
Working social assemblages: Towards a new geography of social work Journal Articles
Year‐round observations of the energy and water vapour fluxes above a boreal black spruce forest Journal Articles
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Journal
of Archean clastic metasedimentary rocks: a petrogenetic indicator for Archean gneisses? Journal Articles
‘No more of this macho bullshit’: drug treatment, place and the reworking of masculinity Journal Articles
‘Swimming lessons …’ perhaps, but for whom? Journal Articles
‘something happened’: the relevance of the risk society for describing the siting process for a municipal landfill Journal Articles
“I was purchasing it; it wasn't given to me”: Food project patronage and the geography of dignity work Journal Articles
“Relation between hydrogen isotopic ratios of bone collagen and rain.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Journal Articles
“When We’re on the Ice, All We Have is Our Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit”: Mobilizing Inuit Knowledge as a Sea Ice Safety Adaptation Strategy in Mittimatalik, Nunavut Journal Articles