publication venue for
- Tree-ring evidence of the elusive 1959 summer cold event in northwestern North America. 57. 2025
- Climatic Signals in δ13C and δ18O of Tree-rings from White Spruce in the Mackenzie Delta Region, Northern Canada. 41:497-505. 2009
- Tree-ring Reconstruction of Early-growing Season Precipitation from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. 41:486-496. 2009
- Freezing of Subarctic Hillslopes, Wolf Creek Basin, Yukon, Canada. 37:1-10. 2005
- Modern Pollen and Conifer Stomates from North-Central Siberian Lake Sediments: Their Use in Interpreting Late Quaternary Fossil Pollen Assemblages. 33:19-19. 2001
- Modern Pollen and Conifer Stomates from North-central Siberian Lake Sediments: Their Use in Interpreting Late Quaternary Fossil Pollen Assemblages. 33:19-27. 2001