publication venue for
- Correlating specific conductivity with total hardness in limestone and dolomite karst waters 2006
- Sediment dynamics of watershed urbanization and river restoration: Insights from 10 years of research in small gravel-bed rivers. 50. 2025
- Lost and found: Maximizing the information from a series of bedload tracer surveys. 47:399-408. 2022
- Controls of alluvial cover formation, morphology and bedload transport in a sinuous channel with a non‐alluvial boundary. 46:399-416. 2021
- Enlargement and evolution of a semi‐alluvial creek in response to urbanization. 43:2295-2312. 2018
- Assessment of erosion and settling properties of fine sediments stored in cobble bed rivers: the Arc and Isère alpine rivers before and after reservoir flushing. 43:1295-1309. 2018
- Spatial variability of ocean fertilizing nutrients in the dust‐emitting ephemeral river catchments of Namibia. 43:563-578. 2018
- The role of channel morphology on the mobility and dispersion of bed sediment in a small gravel‐bed stream. 41:2191-2206. 2016
- Correlating specific conductivity with total hardness in gypsum karst waters. 32:612-620. 2007
- Limestone Dissolution Processes in Beke Doline Aggtelek National Park, Hungary. 22:531-543. 1997
- Rapid entrenchment of stream profiles in the salt caves of Mount Sedom, Israel. 20:139-152. 1995
- Absolute dating by uranium series disequilibrium of bones from the cave of La Chaise‐de‐Vouthon (Charente), France. 12:543-550. 1987
- Dr. Marjorie Sweeting. 12:445-451. 1987
- Effects of glaciations and permafrost upon the development of karst in Canada. 12:507-521. 1987
- Rates of cave and landform development in the Yorkshire Dales from speleothem age data. 8:557-568. 1983
- Hydrologic and geologic control of carbonate water chemistry in the subarctic nahanni karst, canada. 7:1-16. 1982