0608 Zoology
Vocabulary Service
subject area of
12.3. Peptidergic control of the heart of the stick insect, Baculum extradentatum Conferences
16.4. Osmoregulation in estuarine invertebrates: Effects of metals Conferences
16.5. Membrane transport proteins in invertebrates: Effects of copper on Na+,K+-ATPase and aquaporin expression Journal Articles
16.6. Copper accumulation in crab gill cells: Involvement of ion transporters Journal Articles
16.7. Gill ion transporters and cell volume regulation: Effects of copper in estuarine invertebrates Journal Articles
16.P1. Copper accumulation in the mantle of the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides Journal Articles
16.P11. Gill cells from osmoconforming and osmoregulating invertebrates under waterborne copper exposure Journal Articles
24.4. Control of breathing in birds: implications for high altitude flight Conferences
33.3. Acid–base and metabolic responses to feeding in the dogfish shark: The alkaline tide goes out Conferences
Correction to: Hanwell, et al. Zebrafish 2016 Jul;13/S1;S-153–S-163 Journal Articles
Semitapiscis squamoralevissp. nov. (Osteichthyes: Curimatidae), con consideraciones sobre el género Journal Articles
A Brazilian pulp and paper mill effluent disrupts energy metabolism in immature rat testis and alters Sertoli cell secretion and mitochondrial activity Journal Articles
A Comparison of Point Counts and Sound Recording as Bird Survey Methods in Amazonian Southeast Peru Journal Articles
A Device for Restraining Bats Journal Articles
A Euglena mutant resistant to n-methyl-n-nitroso-p- toluenesulfonamide. Journal Articles
A Test of Hypotheses to Explain the Sigmoidal Relationship between Total Phosphorus and ChlorophyllaConcentrations in Canadian Lakes Journal Articles
A bare-part ornament is a stronger predictor of dominance than plumage ornamentation in the cooperatively breeding Australian Swamphen Journal Articles
A broader look at ammonia production, excretion, and transport in fish: a review of impacts of feeding and the environment Journal Articles
A calcium-dependent action potential of long duration in the chorionated egg of the locust, Locusta migratoria Journal Articles
A developmental delay in thermogenesis is associated with adaptive shifts in gene expression in high-altitude deer mice Conferences
A field survey of the bredding habits of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a biparental mouthbrooding cichlid in Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
A mass budget for transgenic "Supermice" engineered with extra rat growth hormone genes: evidence for energetic limitation Journal Articles
A mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of African clawed frogs: phylogeography and implications for polyploid evolution Journal Articles
A multi‐ingredient athletic supplement disproportionately enhances hind leg musculature, jumping performance, and spontaneous locomotion in crickets (Acheta domesticus) Journal Articles
A new conservation unit in the butterfly Erebia triaria (Nymphalidae) as revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial markers Journal Articles
A new species of clawed frog (genus Xenopus) from the Itombwe Massif, Democratic Republic of the Congo: implications for DNA barcodes and biodiversity conservation Journal Articles
A novel PCR‐based genetic marker shows that sex of offspring does not account for hatch‐order effects on growth, survival and dominance in Pūkeko Porphyrio melanotus melanotus Journal Articles
A numerical integration method for fish population fecundity Journal Articles
A prospective analysis of endometrial cycle changes by ultrasound in the female cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
A review of the peripheral levels of regulation by thyroid hormone Journal Articles
A role for the lysosomal protease cathepsin B in zebrafish follicular apoptosis Journal Articles
A sediment bioassay to assess the effects of aquaculture waste on growth, reproduction, and survival of Sphaerium simile (Say) (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) Journal Articles
A sensitive slope: estimating landscape patterns of forest resilience in a changing climate Journal Articles
A study of the histology of the digestive tract of the Nile tilapia Journal Articles
A synthesis of the ecological processes influencing variation in life history and movement patterns of American eel: towards a global assessment Journal Articles
A time-sequence functional analysis of mating behaviour and genital coupling in Drosophila: role of cryptic female choice and male sex-drive in the evolution of male genitalia Journal Articles
A unique mechanism of transfluthrin action revealed by mapping its binding sites in the mosquito sodium channel. Journal Articles
ADAMTS1 is regulated by the EP4 receptor in the zebrafish ovary Journal Articles
Abnormal pituitary‐gonad function in two feral populations of goldfish, Carassius auvatus (L.), suffering epizootics of an ulcerative disease Journal Articles
Aboveground Activity of Merriam's Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys Merriami) in Relation To Sex and Reproduction Journal Articles
Accelerated aging of giant transgenic mice is associated with elevated free radical processes Journal Articles
Acclimation of juvenile Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836 (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae) to different environmental salinities Journal Articles
Accumulation and excretion of morphine by Calliphora stygia, an Australian blow fly species of forensic importance Journal Articles
Accumulation of Essential and Nonessential Metals by Chironomid Larvae in Relation to Physical and Chemical Properties of the Elements Journal Articles
Accumulation of Extracellular Amino Acids by Euglena gracilis Journal Articles
Acquisition of Ca2+ and HCO3 −/CO3 2− for shell formation in embryos of the common pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Journal Articles
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Zoologia Journal
Acta Chiropterologica Journal
Acta Ethologica Journal
Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica Journal
Acta Zoologica Journal
Action of Myxin on the Chloroplast System of Euglena gracilis Journal Articles
Action of Nitrofuran Derivatives on the Chloroplast System of Euglena gracilis: Effect of Light Journal Articles
Action of Some Analogs of Nitrosoguanidine on the Chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis Journal Articles
Activin and transforming growth factor-β as local regulators of ovarian steroidogenesis in the goldfish Journal Articles
Activin mRNA induced during amygdala kindling shows a spatiotemporal progression that tracks the spread of seizures Journal Articles
Acute and Final Temperature Preferenda as Predictors of Lake St. Clair Fish Catchability Journal Articles
Acute copper toxicity in juvenile fat snook Centropomus parallelus (Teleostei: Centropomidae) in sea water Journal Articles
Acute stress during ontogeny suppresses innate, but not acquired immunity in a semi-precocial bird (Larus delawarensis) Journal Articles
Acute traumatic spinal cord injury induces glial activation in the cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Journal Articles
Adaptation in brain structure and respiratory and olfactory structures across environmental gradients in African and North American muroid rodents Journal Articles
Addition of Annual Growth Lines in Adult Snapping Turtles Chelydra serpentina Journal Articles
Advances in Insect Physiology Journal
Advances in molecular and phylogenetic studies of Xenarthra Conferences
African Journal of Herpetology Journal
Age-Groups from Size-Frequency Data: A Versatile and Efficient Method of Analyzing Distribution Mixtures Journal Articles
Aggregating taxa and the influence of scale: Potential concerns for analysis of stability using functional measures Journal Articles
Aggression and sociality: conflicting or complementary traits of a successful invader? Journal Articles
Aggressive interactions and risk of fish predation for larval damselflies Journal Articles
Air breathing and aquatic gas exchange during hypoxia in armoured catfish Journal Articles
Air breathing in Magadi tilapia Alcolapia grahami, under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions, and the association with sunlight and reactive oxygen species Journal Articles
Altered Prey Responses in Round Goby from Contaminated Sites Journal Articles
Alternative reproductive tactics in goby fishes of the Caspian Sea Journal Articles
Alternative reproductive tactics, an overlooked source of life history variation in the invasive round goby Journal Articles
American Journal of Primatology Journal
American Malacological Bulletin Journal
Ammonia excretion in Caenorhabditis elegans: Physiological and molecular characterization of the rhr-2 knock-out mutant Journal Articles
Ammonia transport by terrestrial and aquatic insects Journal Articles
An Empirical Model to Predict in situ Grazing Rates of Diaptomus minutus Lilljeborg on Small Algal Particles Journal Articles
An Examination of Utilizing External Measures to Identify Sexually Maturing Female American Eels, Anguilla Rostrata, in the St. Lawrence River Journal Articles
An active urea cycle and carbomyl-phosphate synthetase III in an alkaline lake-adapted fish Journal Articles
An analysis of Q and Q∗ containing tRNAs during the development of Lucilia sericata, Musca domestica and Tenebrio molitor Journal Articles
An assessment of some proposed exceptions to the phenomenon of nepotistic discrimination against stepchildren Conferences
An electron microscopic and spectroscopic study of murine epiphyseal cartilage: Analysis of fine structure and matrix vesicles preserved by slam freezing and freeze substitution Journal Articles
An enigmatic mortality event in the only population of the Critically Endangered Cameroonian frogXenopus longipes Journal Articles
An evaluation of logic regression-based biomarker discovery across multiple intergenic regions for predicting host specificity in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
An intergeneric hybrid in the family Phocoenidae Journal Articles
An investigation into the role of prostaglandins in zebrafish oocyte maturation and ovulation Journal Articles
An overview of dietary Cu absorption in rainbow trout Conferences
An overview of mercury concentrations in freshwater fish species: a national fish mercury dataset for Canada Journal Articles
An ultrasound study of the effect of chronic lead exposure on endometrial cycle changes in the female cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
Anadromy in Arctic populations of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush): otolith microchemistry, stable isotopes, and comparisons with Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) Journal Articles
Analysis of Mark–Recapture Data from Hatchery-Raised Salmon Using Log-Linear Models Journal Articles
Analysis of organic anion transport by isolated cells and tissues: a novel, non-invasive electrophysiological technique. Conferences
Analytical validation of cardiac troponin I assays in horses Journal Articles
Anatomical projections of the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus in the albino rat (rattus norvegicus) Journal Articles
Ancestral and developmental cold alter brown adipose tissue function and adult thermal acclimation in Peromyscus Journal Articles
Androgens and dominance: Sex-specific patterns in a highly social fish (Neolamprologus pulcher) Journal Articles
Animal Biology Journal
Animal Genetics Journal
Animal Reproduction Journal
Animal Science Journal Journal
Animal Welfare Journal
Animals Journal
Annales Zoologici Fennici Journal
Annexin-like alpha giardins: a new cytoskeletal gene family in Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
Annual Review of Entomology Journal
Anti-diuresis in the blood-feeding insect Rhodnius prolixus Stål: antagonistic actions of cAMP and cGMP and the role of organic acid transport Journal Articles
Antibody to NGF inhibits collateral sprouting of septohippocampal fibers following entorhinal cortex lesion in adult rats Journal Articles
Antifreeze polypeptides from the Newfoundland ocean pout,Macrozoarces americanus: presence of multiple and compositionally diverse components Journal Articles
Antimicrobial Activity of Actinobacteria Isolated From the Guts of Subterranean Termites Journal Articles
Antioxidant capacity differs across social ranks and with ascension in males of a group-living fish Journal Articles
Application of telemetry-based fish habitat models to predict spatial habitat availability and inform ecological restoration. Journal Articles
Applications of telemetry to fish habitat science and management Journal Articles
Applied Animal Behaviour Science Journal
Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada1 Journal Articles
Aquaculture Journal
Aquatic Insects Journal
Aquatic Mammals Journal
Arachidonic Acid and Prostaglandin E2 Stimulate Testosterone Production by Goldfish Testis in Vitro Journal Articles
Arachidonic acid stimulates steroidogenesis in goldfish preovulatory ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology Journal
Archives of Oral Biology Journal
Ardea Journal
Are entrenched characters developmentally constrained? Creating biramous limbs in an insect Journal Articles
Are fluctuating asymmetry studies adequately sampled? Implications of a new model for size distribution Conferences
Are hibernating bats just big babies? Metabolic, thermoregulatory, and ventilatory responses of bats to low environmental oxygen Conferences
Are small fishes more sensitive to habitat loss? A generic size-based model Journal Articles
Arthropod Structure and Development Journal
Assessing host-specificity of Escherichia coli using a supervised learning logic-regression-based analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in intergenic regions Journal Articles
Assessing the Ideal Free Distribution: Do Guppies Use Aggression as Public Information about Patch Quality? Journal Articles
Assessing the utility of C:N ratios for predicting lipid content in fishes Journal Articles
Assessment of Phosphorus Limitation in an Oligotrophic Lake Using Radiophosphorus Uptake Kinetics Journal Articles
Assessment of laryngeal muscle and testicular cell types inXenopus laevis(Anura Pipidae) inhabiting maize and non‐maize growing areas of South Africa Journal Articles
Assessment of mitochondrial DNA structuring and nursery use in the North Atlantic right whale (<i>Eubalaena glacialis</i>) Journal Articles
Assessment of the population structure of western North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) based on sighting and mtDNA data Journal Articles
Assigning sequences to species in the absence of large interspecific differences Journal Articles
Assignment of bovine trophinin (TRO) to the q arm of the X chromosome by fluorescence in situ hybridization Journal Articles
Assimilation of freshwater salmonid aquaculture waste by native aquatic biotaThis paper is part of the series “Forty Years of Aquatic Research at the Experimental Lakes Area”. Journal Articles
Assimilation of water and dietary ions by the gastrointestinal tract during digestion in seawater-acclimated rainbow trout Journal Articles
Association of TLR4 polymorphisms with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection status in Canadian Holsteins Journal Articles
Axonal domains within shared touch domes in the rat: A comparison of their fate during conditions favoring collateral sprouting and following axonal regeneration Journal Articles
Beach sand and the potential for infectious disease transmission: observations and recommendations Journal Articles
Behavior Genetics Journal
Behavioral Ecology Journal
Behavioral characterization and genetic analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster larval response to light as revealed by a novel individual assay. Journal Articles
Behaviour Journal
Behavioural and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulations during parental care Conferences
Behavioural rhythmicity in transgenic growth hormone mice: trade-offs, energetics, and sleep–wake cycles Journal Articles
Benthic Macroinvertebrates Modify Copper and Zinc Partitioning in Freshwater–Sediment Microcosms Journal Articles
Biochemical and physiological adaptations in the estuarine crab Neohelice granulata during salinity acclimation Journal Articles
Biochemical composition and performance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) eggs and larvae obtained from farmed and wild broodstocks Journal Articles
Biofilm and substrate preference in the dreissenid larvae of Lake Erie Journal Articles
Biological Control Journal
Biological Effects and Toxicokinetics of DIM BOA in Diadegma terebrans (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), an Endoparasitoid of Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Journal Articles
Biological factor analysis: A three-way (PARAFAC) analysis of twin data. Conferences
Biological traits of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) in the lower Thames River, Canada, with comparisons to a more southern population Journal Articles
Biology of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawning below a dam on the Richelieu River, Quebec: behaviour, egg deposition, and endocrinology Journal Articles
Bird Study Journal
Birth rate of planktonic rotifers in relation to food concentration in a shallow, eutrophic lake in western Canada Journal Articles
Black duck pair and brood abundance before and after wetland stabilisation Journal Articles
Boreal Environment Research Journal
Bovine PGLYRP1 polymorphisms and their association with resistance to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
Breeding ecology of the MerlinFalco columbariusin Shetland Journal Articles
British Birds Journal
Brood value affects the endocrine response of a wild teleost fish to a standard stressor during parental care Conferences
Calcium homeostasis in larval and adultDrosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Calcium influx and spermatogenesis in the testis and liver enzyme activities in the zebrafish are rapidly modulated by the calcium content of the water Journal Articles
Calcium transport across the basolateral membrane of isolated Malpighian tubules: a survey of several insect orders Journal Articles
Calcium transport by isolated anterior and posterior Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster: roles of sequestration and secretion Journal Articles
Can existing data on West Nile virus infection in birds and mosquitos explain strain replacement? Journal Articles
Can the parthenogenetic marbled crayfish Marmorkrebs compete with other crayfish species in fights? Journal Articles
Canadian Entomologist Journal
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Journal
Canadian Journal of Zoology Journal
Cancer immunology and canine malignant melanoma: A comparative review Journal Articles
Cannibalism, competition, and costly care in the plainfin midshipman fish,Porichthys notatus Journal Articles
Caste specialization in behavioral defenses against fungus garden parasites in Acromyrmex octospinosus leaf-cutting ants Journal Articles
Change in biomass of benthic and planktonic algae along a disturbance gradient for 24 Great Lakes coastal wetlands Journal Articles
Changes in Maturity, Plasma Sex Steroid Levels, Hepatic Mixed-Function Oxygenase Activity, and the Presence of External Lesions in Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Exposed to Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent Journal Articles
Changes in fluid secretion rate alter net transepithelial transport of MRP2 and P‐glycoprotein substrates in Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Changes in lipid fluidity and fatty acid composition with altered culture temperature in Tetrahymen a pyriformis-NT1 Journal Articles
Changes in the condition, early growth, and trophic position of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in response to an experimental aquaculture operation Journal Articles
Changes in the nuclear envelope associated with spermatid differentiation in the shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa Journal Articles
Changes in water chemistry associated with beaver-impounded coastal marshes of eastern Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Chapter Five The Malpighian tubules and cryptonephric complex in lepidopteran larvae Chapters
Characterisation of l-alanine and glycine absorption across the gut of an ancient vertebrate Journal Articles
Characterization and regulation of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovary Journal Articles
Characterization of 7-ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylase from malathion resistant and susceptible strains of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Characterization of Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 as a Novel Oncolytic Virus Conferences
Characterization of Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 as a Novel Oncolytic Virus Conferences
Characterization of a cetacean aromatase (CYP19) and the phylogeny and functional conservation of vertebrate aromatase Journal Articles
Characterization of salicylate uptake across the basolateral membrane of the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Characterization of the optic nerve and retinal ganglion cell layer in the dysmyelinated adult Long Evans Shaker rat: Evidence for axonal sprouting Journal Articles
Characterization of transepithelial transport of salicylate by the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster and the effects of changes in fluid secretion rate Journal Articles
Characterization of two kdr mutations at predicted pyrethroid receptor site 2 in the sodium channels of Aedes aegypti and Nilaparvata lugens Journal Articles
Characterizing the influence of chronic hypobaric hypoxia on diaphragmatic myofilament contractile function and phosphorylation in high-altitude deer mice and low-altitude white-footed mice Journal Articles
Chloroform and desflurane immobilization with recovery of viable Drosophila larvae for confocal imaging Journal Articles
Choosing source populations for conservation reintroductions: lessons from variation in thermal tolerance among populations of the imperilled redside dace1 Journal Articles
Chronology of sodium channel mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti Journal Articles
Cibarial sensilla and armature in mosquito adults (Diptera: Culicidae) Journal Articles
Cibarial sensilla of Toxorhynchites mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) Journal Articles
Circumstantial Evidence for Infanticide of Chicks of the Communal Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani) Journal Articles
Class A Scavenger Receptors as Innate Antiviral Sensors Conferences
Closely related thyasirid bivalves associate with multiple symbiont phylotypes Journal Articles
Co-existence of two freshwater copepods in lakes through size divergence and diet partitioning. Journal Articles
Cold "colon"-ization: seasonal changes in the gut microbiome of the spring field cricket, Gryllus veletis Conferences
Coleopterists Bulletin Journal
Colonization and Extirpation of Great Black-Backed Gulls (Larus marinus) Nesting on Lake Ontario and the Upper St. Lawrence River Journal Articles
Colorful facial markings are associated with foraging rates and affiliative relationships in a wild group-living cichlid fish Journal Articles
Colour change and substrate selection in larval Ischnura verticalis (Coenagrionidae: Odonata) Journal Articles
Common genetic influences identify cognitive and behavioral networks in the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort Conferences
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology Journal
Comparative spatial ecology of sympatric adult muskellunge and northern pike during a one-year period in an urban reach of the Rideau River, Canada Journal Articles
Comparative thermal biology and depth distribution of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and northern pike (Esox lucius) in an urban harbour of the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Comparing population level sexual selection in a species with alternative reproductive tactics Journal Articles
Comparison of genetic variability of North and South Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena), using DNA fingerprinting Journal Articles
Competition and cuckoldry: estimating fitness of alternative reproductive tactics in plainfin midshipman Journal Articles
Competition, cannibalism and intraguild predation among ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae): A laboratory study Journal Articles
Complications during shechita and halal slaughter without stunning in cattle Journal Articles
Condor Journal
Conference report: muskellunge science and management: progress through partnerships Journal Articles
Confocal immunofluorescence study of rat aortic body chemoreceptors and associated neurons in situ and in vitro Journal Articles
Confounding social and mating systems predictably lead to biased results when examining the evolution of cooperative breeding in cichlids: A response to Tanaka et al. Journal Articles
Consequences of changing water clarity on the fish and fisheries of the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Consequences of polyploidy and divergence as revealed by cytogenetic mapping of tandem repeats in African clawed frogs (Xenopus, Pipidae) Journal Articles
Consistent differential resource use by sympatric lake (Coregonus clupeaformis) and round (Prosopium cylindraceum) whitefish in Lake Huron: a multi-time scale isotopic niche analysis Journal Articles
Context-dependent consequences of color biases in a social fish Journal Articles
Control of breathing and the circulation in high-altitude mammals and birds Journal Articles
Cooperative males reduce incubation in response to cues of female–female competition Journal Articles
Coping with aquatic hypoxia: how the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus) tolerates the intertidal zone Journal Articles
Correction to: Evolution and developmental plasticity of lung structure in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Correction to: Impacts of low salinity exposure and antibiotic application on gut transport activity in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias suckleyi Journal Articles
Corticosteroid receptor gene expression is related to sex and social behaviour in a social fish Journal Articles
Coupling non‐invasive physiological assessments with telemetry to understand inter‐individual variation in behaviour and survivorship of sockeye salmon: development and validation of a technique Journal Articles
Creatine supplementation affects sprint endurance in juvenile rainbow trout Journal Articles
Critical windows in embryonic development: Shifting incubation temperatures alter heart rate and oxygen consumption of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos and hatchlings Journal Articles
Cross-continental shelf trends in coral ∂15N on the Great Barrier Reef:further consideration of the reef nutrient paradox Journal Articles
Cross-continental shelf trends in δ13C in coral on the Great Barrier Reef Journal Articles
Cross-shelf trends in skeletal density of the massive coral Pontes lobata from the Great Barrier Reef Journal Articles
Cryptic Genetic Variation in Natural Populations: A Predictive Framework Journal Articles
Crystallographic analysis of TarI and TarJ, a cytidylyltransferase and reductase pair for CDP-ribitol synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus wall teichoic acid biogenesis Journal Articles
Culture of human esophageal endoscopic biopsies Journal Articles
Curimata biornata, a new curimatid fish (Characiformes, Curimatidae) from Argentine and Southeastern Brazil Journal Articles
Current Opinion in Insect Science Journal
Current Zoology Journal
Cybium Journal
Cybium: Foreword Journal Articles
Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels in regenerating adult newt forelimbs following anaesthetization Journal Articles
Cyclic AMP modulates electrical excitability of insect oöcytes (Rhodnius prolixus) Journal Articles
Cytochrome P450 1A and related measurements in juvenile chinook salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>) from the Fraser River Conferences
DNA Fingerprinting Reveals Monogamy in the Bushtit, a Cooperatively Breeding Species Journal Articles
DNA Fingerprinting of Turtles Journal Articles
DNA fingerprinting reveals relation between tail ornaments and cuckoldry in barn swallows, Hirundo rustica Journal Articles
DNA profiles of the eastern Canadian wolf and the red wolf provide evidence for a common evolutionary history independent of the gray wolf Journal Articles
Daily, repeating fluctuations in embryonic incubation temperature alter metabolism and growth of Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Dark-field transmission electron microscopy of cortical bone reveals details of extrafibrillar crystals Journal Articles
Data-limited models to predict river temperatures for aquatic species at risk1 Journal Articles
Delineating genetic groupings in continuously distributed species across largely homogeneous landscapes: a study of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Design and management of bird nesting habitat: tactics for conserving colonial waterbird biodiversity on artificial islands in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Design and management of bird nesting habitat: tactics for conserving colonial waterbird biodiversity on artificial islands in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Conferences
Designing: an approach to evolutionary developmental biology. Conferences
Detection and Avoidance of Fish Predators by Adult Enallagma Damselflies Journal Articles
Development and use of the Wetland Fish Index to assess the quality of coastal wetlands in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Development of Ischnura verticalis (Coenagrionidae: Odonata): Effects of Temperature and Prey Abundance Journal Articles
Development of a Retinoic Acid Receptor-Binding Assay with Rainbow Trout Tissue: Characterization of Retinoic Acid Binding, Receptor Tissue Distribution, and Developmental Changes Journal Articles
Development of a continuous cell line, PBLE, from an American Eel peripheral blood leukocyte preparation Journal Articles
Development of a zebrafish spleen cell line, ZSSJ, and its growth arrest by gamma irradiation and capacity to act as feeder cells Journal Articles
Development of an In Vivo-In Vitro Bridging Model for the Investigation of Stress-induced Bystander Signaling in Aquatic Organisms Conferences
Developmental expression of the neuroligins and neurexins in fragile X mice Journal Articles
Dichloroacetate reveals the presence of metabolic inertia at the start of exercise in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) Journal Articles
Diel patterns of baseline glucocorticoids and stress responsiveness in a teleost fish (bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus) Journal Articles
Diet and cannibalism in plainfin midshipmanPorichthys notatus Journal Articles
Diet of nymphs affects normal wing development in Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Journal Articles
Dietary Change during Development in the Freshwater Calanoid Copepod Epischura lacustris Forbes Journal Articles
Dietary antioxidants enhance immunocompetence in larval amphibians Journal Articles
Differences in Prey Delivered to Chicks by Individual Gull-Billed Terns Journal Articles
Different strategies for convective O2 transport in high altitude birds: A graphical analysis Journal Articles
Differential effects of 17β-estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone on the endocrine stress response in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Differential recovery of δ13C in multiple tissues of white sucker across age classes after the closure of a pulp mill Journal Articles
Digestion of a single meal affects gene expression of ion and ammonia transporters and glutamine synthetase activity in the gastrointestinal tract of freshwater rainbow trout Journal Articles
Diminished social status affects ionoregulation at the gills and kidney in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Direct evidence that 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one functions as a goldfish primer pheromone: Preovulatory release is closely associated with male endocrine responses Journal Articles
Disentangling local, metapopulation, and cross‐community sources of stabilization and asynchrony in metacommunities Journal Articles
Dispersal patterns and status change in a co‐operatively breeding cichlidNeolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural observations Journal Articles
Disruption of osmo- and ionoregulation in spiny dogfish under metal exposure: role of urea Conferences
Distinctiveness of declining northern populations of Blanchard’s Cricket Frog (Acris blanchardi) justifies recovery efforts Journal Articles
Distribution and colocalization of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity and NADPH diaphorase reactivity in neurons within the medial septum and diagonal band of broca in the rat basal forebrain Journal Articles
Distribution of Parental Investment and Sibling Competition in the Herring Gull, Larus Argentatus Journal Articles
Distribution of neuroepithelial cells and neurons in the trout gill filament: comparison in spring and winter Journal Articles
Distribution of the Stonefly Nymph Paragnetina media (Plecoptera:Perlidae): Influence of Prey, Predators, Current Speed, and Substrate Composition Journal Articles
Diuretic factors and second messengers stimulate secretion of the organic cation TEA by the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Divergent subgenome evolution after allopolyploidization in African clawed frogs (Xenopus) Journal Articles
Diversity of movement patterns of Longnose Gar tracked in coastal waters of western Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal
Do Bar-Headed Geese Train for High Altitude Flights? Conferences
Do Larval Damselflies make Adaptive Choices When Exposed to Both Parasites and Predators? Journal Articles
Do bar-headed geese train for high altitude flights? Conferences
Do circulating plasma AVT and/or cortisol levels control pulsatile urea excretion in the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta)? Journal Articles
Does increased heat resistance result in higher susceptibility to predation? A test using Drosophila melanogaster selection and hardening Journal Articles
Does proximity to aquatic pollution affect reproductive traits in a wild‐caught intertidal fish? Journal Articles
Dominance network structure across reproductive contexts in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
Dopamine involvement in the regulation of gonadotropin secretion in coho salmon Journal Articles
Dopaminergic regulation of horizontal cell gap junction particle density in goldfish retina Journal Articles
Dynamics, Persistence, and Genetic Management of the Endangered Florida Panther Population Journal Articles
Ecological Entomology Journal
Ecological variation in invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta) within a remote coastal river catchment in northern Patagonia complicates estimates of invasion impact Journal Articles
Ecology of Freshwater Fish Journal
Ecosphere Journal
Editorial: 11th International symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish Journal Articles
Effect of Dominance Status on Sex Hormone Levels in Laboratory and Wild-Spawning Male Trout Journal Articles
Effect of Gonadal Steroid Hormones on Plasma Growth Hormone Concentrations in Sexually Immature Rainbow Trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Effect of Nitrofurans on the Chloroplast System of Euglena gracilis Journal Articles
Effect of Sedimentation on Infaunal Invertebrate Populations of Cobequid Bay, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
Effect of a teleost GnRH analog on steroidogenesis by the follicle-enclosed goldfish oocytes, in vitro Journal Articles
Effect of calcium concentration and inhibitors on the responses of platelets stimulated with collagen: Contrast between human and rabbit platelets Journal Articles
Effect of habitat complexity on biological control by the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in collards Journal Articles
Effect of holding temperature on ovulation, egg fertility, plasma levels of reproductive hormones and in vitro ovarian steroidogenesis in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Effect of proteoglycans at interfaces as related to location, architecture, and mechanical cues Journal Articles
Effect of region, temperature and neuronal blockade on sodium and 51Cr-EDTA transport across canine gastrointestinal mucosae in vitro Journal Articles
Effect of salinity on survival, growth and biochemical parameters in juvenile Lebranch mullet Mugil liza (Perciformes: Mugilidae) Journal Articles
Effect of salinity on survival, growth, and oxygen consumption of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Perez-Farfante 1967) Journal Articles
Effect of substrate depth on predation of Larval Pterostichus adstrictus Eschscholtz by adults of P. Melanarius (Illiger) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Journal Articles
Effects of Activators of Different Intracellular Signaling Pathways on Steroid Production by Goldfish Vitellogenic Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
Effects of Age and Experience on Male Mate Choosiness Journal Articles
Effects of Dietary Coated Folic Acid and Folic Acid Addition on Lactation Performance, Rumen Fermentation, and Hepatic Lipid Content in Early Lactation Dairy Cows. Journal Articles
Effects of Early‐Life Experience on Learning Ability in Fruit Flies Journal Articles
Effects of Exercise Training on the Performance, Growth, and Protein Turnover of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) Journal Articles
Effects of Experience on Short‐ and Long‐term Foraging Performance in Bumblebees Journal Articles
Effects of Food Preference on Scatter-Hoarding by Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys Merriami) Journal Articles
Effects of Hydrolysable Tannin with or without Condensed Tannin on Alfalfa Silage Fermentation Characteristics and In Vitro Ruminal Methane Production, Fermentation Patterns, and Microbiota Journal Articles
Effects of LH-RH and des-Gly10[d-Ala6]LH-RH-ethylamide on plasma gonadotropin levels and oocyte maturation in adult female coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Journal Articles
Effects of LH-RH and des-gly10[D-Ala6]LH-RH-ethylamide on plasma sex steroid profiles in adult female coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Journal Articles
Effects of TAP and DPC on the transepithelial potential difference of isolated perfused gills of the fresh water acclimated crab, Eriocheir sinensis Journal Articles
Effects of [d-Ala6, Pro9-NEt]-LHRH and catecholaminergic drugs on gonadotropin secretion and ovulation in the Chinese loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) Journal Articles
Effects of [d-Arg6, Trp7, Leu8, Pro9 NEt]-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (sGnRH-A) and [d-Ala6, Pro9NEt]-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH-A), in combination with pimozide or domperidone, on Gonadotropin release and ovulation in the Chinese loach and common carp Journal Articles
Effects of a mite, <i>Limnochares americana</i> (Hydrachnida: Limnocharidae), on the life-history traits and grooming behaviour of its damselfly host, <i>Enallagma ebrium</i> (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Journal Articles
Effects of a sudden increase in natural mortality of adults on a population of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) Journal Articles
Effects of acute or chronic exposure to dietary organic anions on secretion of methotrexate and salicylate by Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogasterlarvae Journal Articles
Effects of crustacean cardioactive peptide on the hearts of two Orthopteran insects, and the demonstration of a Frank–Starling-like effect Journal Articles
Effects of dietary antioxidants and environmental stressors on immune function and condition in Lithobates (Rana) sylvaticus Journal Articles
Effects of fish on feeding and growth of larval Ischnura verticalis (Coenagrionidae: Odonata) Journal Articles
Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and dopamine antagonists on gonadotropin secretion and ovulation in Chinese loach, Paramisgurnus dabryanus Journal Articles
Effects of landscape variables and season on reference water chemistry of coastal marshes in eastern Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Effects of larval competition on survival and growth in Mediterranean fruit flies Journal Articles
Effects of long-term cortisol treatments on gonadal development, sex steroids levels and ovarian cortisol content in cultured great sturgeon Huso huso Journal Articles
Effects of maternal stress on egg characteristics in a cooperatively breeding fish Journal Articles
Effects of northern pike (Esox lucius) additions on pollutant accumulation and food web structure, as determined by δ13C and δ15N , in a eutrophic and an oligotrophic lake Journal Articles
Effects of spironolactone and RU486 on gene expression and cell proliferation after freshwater transfer in the euryhaline killifish Journal Articles
Effects of spruce budworm defoliation on in-stream algal production and carbon use by food webs Journal Articles
Effects of temperature on plasma thyroxine and lodide kinetics in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Journal Articles
Effects of trophic position and lipid on organochlorine concentrations in fishes from subarctic lakes in Yukon Territory Journal Articles
Egg Laying Behavior of Mediterranean Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae): Is Social Facilitation Important? Journal Articles
Electromyographic telemetry in the development of humane primate model of spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Elevated urinary cortisol in a timber wolf (<i>Canis lupus</i>): a result of social behaviour or adrenal pathology? Journal Articles
Elevated urinary cortisol in a timber wolf (Canis lupus): a result of social behaviour or adrenal pathology? Journal Articles
Elevation of copper and nickel levels in primaries from black and mallard ducks collected in the Sudbury district, Ontario Journal Articles
Ellipsoidal mesoscale mineralization pattern in human cortical bone revealed in 3D by plasma focused ion beam serial sectioning Journal Articles
Embryonic and larval development of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and its sensitivity to incubation temperature Journal Articles
Embryonic critical windows: changes in incubation temperature alter survival, hatchling phenotype, and cost of development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Embryonic development of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis: a staging series, analysis of growth and effects of fixation Journal Articles
Emu Journal
Endogenously Produced Repellent from American Cockroach (Blattaria: Blattidae): Function in Death Recognition Journal Articles
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata Journal
Entomological Science Journal
Environmental Biology of Fishes Journal
Environmental Enrichment for Laboratory Rodents: Animal Welfare and the Methods of Science Journal Articles
Environmental Entomology Journal
Environmental adaptations: Comparing the consequences of digestion in teleosts acclimated to freshwater and marine environments Conferences
Environmental and nutritional regulation of expression and function of two peptide transporter (PepT1) isoforms in a euryhaline teleost Journal Articles
Environmental factors affecting growth of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) Journal Articles
Environmental orientation by terrestrial Mollusca with particular reference to homing behaviour Journal Articles
Enzymatic and mitochondrial responses to 5 months of aerial exposure in the slender lungfish Protopterus dolloi Journal Articles
Epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-β differently modulate the acute phase response elicited by interleukin-6 in cultured liver cells from man, rat and mouse Journal Articles
Epithelial mitochondria-rich cells and associated innervation in adult and developing zebrafish Journal Articles
Erratum: Northern forestry and carabids: The case for concern about old- growth species (Annales Zoologici Fennici (1996) Vol. 33:1 (p. 173-184)) Journal Articles
Erratum: Sympathetic nerves in adult rats regenerate normally and restore pilomotor function during an anti-NGF treatment that prevents their collateral sprouting (J. Comp. Neurol. (1992) 326 (363-374)) Journal Articles
Estimating establishment probabilities of Cladocera introduced at low density: an evaluation of the proposed ballast water discharge standards Journal Articles
Estimating food availability for larval dragonflies: a cautionary note Journal Articles
Estradiol Inhibits Plasma Somatostatin 14 (SRIF-14) Levels and Inhibits the Response of Somatotrophic Cells to SRIF-14 Challengein Vitroin Rainbow Trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Estradiol transfer from male big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) to the reproductive and brain tissues of cohabiting females, and its action as a pheromone Journal Articles
Ethology Journal
Ethology Ecology and Evolution Journal
European Journal of Wildlife Research Journal
Evaluating Journal Impact Factor: a systematic survey of the pros and cons, and overview of alternative measures Journal Articles
Evaluating Journal Impact Factor: a systematic survey of the pros and cons, and overview of alternative measures Journal Articles
Evaluating cardiac oxygen limitation as a mechanism for female-biased mortality in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Journal Articles
Evaluating odour and urinary sex preferences in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Evaluating the Biocidal Activity of Antimicrobials Using Fish Cell Lines Conferences
Evaluation of Na+: K+: 2Cl-cotransport across the basolateral membrane in Malpighian (renal) tubule cells of Rhodnius prolixus. Conferences
Evaluation of density-dependent processes and green turtle Chelonia mydas hatchling production at Tortuguero, Costa Rica Journal Articles
Evidence That Acute Stress Inhibits Ovarian Steroidogenesis in Rainbow Trout in Vivo, through the Action of Cortisol Journal Articles
Evidence That the Inhibitory Effects of Stress on Reproduction in Teleost Fish Are Not Mediated by the Action of Cortisol on Ovarian Steroidogenesis Journal Articles
Evidence for a trade-off between growth and behavioural activity in giant "Supermice" genetically engineered with extra growth hormone genes Journal Articles
Evidence for canalization of Distal‐less function in the leg of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Evidence for two distinct mechanisms of neurogenesis and cellular pattern formation in regenerated goldfish retinas Journal Articles
Evidence of social preferences in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Evolution and Development Journal
Evolution and developmental plasticity of lung structure in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Evolution of advertisement calls in African clawed frogs Journal Articles
Evolution of mitochondrial-encoded cytochrome oxidase subunits in endothermic fish: The importance of taxon-sampling in codon-based models Journal Articles
Evolution of the speech‐ready brain: The voice/jaw connection in the human motor cortex Journal Articles
Evolutionary Biology of Insect Learning Journal Articles
Evolutionary affinity of billfishes (Xiphiidae and Istiophoridae) and flatfishes (Plueronectiformes): Independent and trans-subordinal origins of endothermy in teleost fishes Journal Articles
Evolutionary and functional genomics of the attenuation of maladaptive plasticity in highland deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) Conferences
Exaggerated Trait Growth in Insects Journal Articles
Examination of ten thousand years of mitochondrial DNA diversity and population demographics in bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Central Canadian Arctic Journal Articles
Examining the shared genetic architecture of risk tolerance and related behaviors Conferences
Exercise and recovery metabolism in the pacific spiny dogfish ( Squalus acanthias ) Journal Articles
Exercise fuel use in mammals: Conserved patterns and evolved strategies for aerobic locomotion. Conferences
Experience levels of individuals in natural bee populations and their ecological implications Journal Articles
Exploring the environmental context of recentDidymosphenia geminataproliferation in Gaspésie, Quebec, using paleolimnology Journal Articles
Exposure to high temperature influences the behaviour, physiology, and survival of sockeye salmon during spawning migration Journal Articles
Expression and function of agouti signaling protein in cattle Journal Articles
Extrapair Mating System of an Asynchronously Breeding Tropical Songbird: The Mangrove Swallow Journal Articles
Factors Affecting Behavior and Welfare of Service Dogs for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Factors Affecting Coastal Wetland Occupancy for Eastern Musk Turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) in Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Journal Articles
Factors Governing Clutch Size in Two Species of Diaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida) Journal Articles
Factors Regulating in situ Filtering Rates of Cladocera Journal Articles
Factors affecting the density of populations of common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) Journal Articles
Factors influencing peak summer surface water temperature in Canada’s large lakes Journal Articles
Factors that regulate the zooplankton community structure of a turbid, hypereutrophic Great Lakes wetland Journal Articles
Feeding in Eptatretus cirrhatus: effects on metabolism, gut structure and digestive processes, and the influence of post-prandial dissolved oxygen availability Journal Articles
Female Preferences for Male Vocal and Facial Masculinity in Videos Journal Articles
Female mating experience and genetic background independently influence male mating success in fruit flies Journal Articles
Fifteen years of Canada’s Species at Risk Act: Evaluating research progress for aquatic species in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River basin1 Journal Articles
Fine structure of sensilla on the ovipositor of the tephritid fly Urophora affinis Journal Articles
Fish and Chips Towards the Development of Portable Water Testing Devices Conferences
Fish and Shellfish Immunology Journal
Fish community structure varies by location and presence of artificial islands: a case study in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Flight muscle and heart phenotypes in the high-flying ruddy shelduck Journal Articles
Flight-induced increase in circulating levels of melatonin in the homing pigeon Journal Articles
Florida Entomologist Journal
Fluid movements during water-vapour absorption by the desert burrowing cockroach, Arenivaga investigata Journal Articles
Food Limitation of Larval Dragonflies: A Field Test of Spacing Behaviour Journal Articles
Food web incorporation of marine-derived nutrients after the reintroduction of endangered inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Journal Articles
Food web structure within an estuary of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence undergoing eutrophication Journal Articles
Foraging Patterns of Caspian Terns (Sterna caspia) Determined Using Radio-Telemetry Journal Articles
Foraging behaviour of four avian species feeding on the same temporarily available prey Journal Articles
Foreword Journal Articles
Formation of the odontostyle during molting of the nematode Xiphinema americanum (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea) Journal Articles
Fractal dimensions characterizing mammal teeth: a case study involving Elephantidae Journal Articles
Freshwater Dalyelliidae from the Nearctic (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela): new taxa and records from Ontario, Canada and Michigan and Alabama, USA Journal Articles
Fruit fly courtship: The female perspective Journal Articles
Fuel Use in Mammals: Conserved Patterns and Evolved Strategies for Aerobic Locomotion and Thermogenesis Journal Articles
Function of abdomen wave behavior in larvalischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Journal Articles
Function of left ventricle mitochondria in highland deer mice and lowland mice Journal Articles
Functional Organization of the Teleost Gill Journal Articles
Functional anatomy of vagina muscles in the blood-feeding insect, Rhodnius prolixus Journal Articles
Functional genomics of adaptation to hypoxic cold stress in highland deer mice Conferences
Galanin and prolactin expression in relation to parental care in two sympatric cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
Gap junction particle density of horizontal cells in goldfish retinas lesioned with 6‐OHDA Journal Articles
Garden substrate preparation behaviours in fungus-growing ants Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal transport of Ca2+ and Mg2+ during the digestion of a single meal in the freshwater rainbow trout Journal Articles
Gene expression profiling of PBMCs from Holstein and Jersey cows sub-clinically infected with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
General and Comparative Endocrinology Journal
Genetic Contingency: Intergrating genetic background and environment into the study of mutational effects Conferences
Genetic Diversity of Populations of Monilinia fructicola (Fungi, Ascomycota, Helotiales) from China Journal Articles
Genetic analysis of 16th-century whale bones prompts a revision of the impact of Basque whaling on right and bowhead whales in the western North Atlantic Journal Articles
Genetic and environmental influences on the frequency of orgasm in women Conferences
Genetic population structure of the round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) in North America: multiple markers reveal glacial refugia and regional subdivision Journal Articles
Genetic structure of Lake Magadi tilapia populations Journal Articles
Genetic structure of Lake Magadi tilapia populations Journal Articles
Genetic structure of lions (Panthera leo L.) in the Selous Game Reserve: implications for the evolution of sociality Journal Articles
Genetic structure of raccoons in eastern North America based on mtDNA: implications for subspecies designation and rabies disease dynamics Journal Articles
Genetic variation and population structure of moose (Alces alces) at neutral and functional DNA loci Journal Articles
Genotype‐by‐environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans Journal Articles
Geographic Variation in Bacterial Communities Associated With the Red Turpentine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Journal Articles
Geographic distribution of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) Journal Articles
Geographic variation in bar-headed geese Anser indicus: connectivity of wintering areas and breeding grounds across a broad front Journal Articles
Gill Morphology and Acid-Base Regulation in Freshwater Fishes Journal Articles
Gill morphology and acute hypoxia: responses of mitochondria-rich, pavement, and mucous cells in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), two species with very different approaches to the osmo-respiratory compromise Journal Articles
Gill morphology during hypercapnia in brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus): role of chloride cells and pavement cells in acid‐base regulation Journal Articles
Gill morphometry and fish osmoregulation Conferences
Gill paracellular permeability and the osmorespiratory compromise during exercise in the hypoxia-tolerant Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) Journal Articles
Gill structure of a fish from an alkaline lake: effect of short-term exposure to neutral conditions Journal Articles
Glucose Homeostasis in the Teleost Fish Tilapia: Insights from Brockmann Body Xenotransplantation Studies Journal Articles
Glycogen depletion in juvenile rainbow trout as an experimental test of the oxygen debt hypothesis Journal Articles
Group size, but not manipulated whole-clutch egg color, contributes to ovicide in joint-nesting Smooth-billed Anis Journal Articles
Growth and differentiation of epidermal cells from the rainbow trout established as explants and maintained in various media Journal Articles
Growth and differentiation of epidermal cells from the rainbow trout established as explants and maintained in various media Journal Articles
Growth and otolith morphology vary with alternative reproductive tactics and contaminant exposure in the round goby Neogobius melanostomus Journal Articles
Growth homone-dependent potentiation of gonadotropin-stimulated steroid production by ovarian follicles of the goldfish Journal Articles
Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor gene expression prior to the development of the pituitary gland in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) embryos reared at two temperatures Journal Articles
Growth hormone overexpression generates an unfavorable phenotype in juvenile transgenic zebrafish under hypoxic conditions Journal Articles
Growth negatively impacts the life span of mammals Journal Articles
Growth, Fecundity, and Energy Stores of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) from Lakes Containing Elevated Levels of Copper and Zinc Journal Articles
Haematocrit values in feral goldfish, Camssius auratus L., as indicators of the health of the population Journal Articles
Haemolymph osmoregulation and the fate of sodium and chloride during dehydration in terrestrial isopods Journal Articles
Hatching order affects offspring growth, survival and adult dominance in the joint‐laying Pukeko Porphyrio melanotus melanotus Journal Articles
Helicokinin alters ion transport in the secondary cell-containing region of the Malpighian tubule of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
Helping opportunities and space segregation in cooperatively breeding cichlids Journal Articles
Hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity, plasma steroid hormone concentrations, and liver bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalent concentrations in wild white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) caged in bleached kraft pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Hepatic Melanomacrophage Aggregates and Metal Bioaccumulation in Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) Conferences
Hepatic mixed function oxygenase activity and vitellogenin induction in fish following a treatment of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) Journal Articles
Hepatic mixed function oxygenase activity and vitellogenin induction in fish following a treatment of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) Journal Articles
Heritability and the evolution of cognitive traits: Table 1 Journal Articles
Heritability of Childhood Music Engagement and Associations with Language and Executive Function: Insights from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Journal Articles
Heritability of Childhood Music Engagement and Associations with Language and Executive Function: Insights from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Journal Articles
Herpetologica Journal
Herpetological Bulletin Journal
Herpetological Conservation and Biology Journal
Herpetological Journal Journal
Highly polymorphic genetic markers in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) revealed by a murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) probe Journal Articles
Histopathology of “hole-in-the-head” disease in the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Journal Articles
Hormonal and physiological changes in Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus treated with thyroxine Journal Articles
Hormonal induction of precocious sex reversal in the ricefield eel, Monopterus albus Journal Articles
Host Selection ofDiachasmimorpha tryoni(Hymenoptera: Braconidae): Comparative Response to Fruit-Infesting and Gall-Forming Tephritid Flies Journal Articles
Housing environment alters delayed-type hypersensitivity and corticosterone concentrations of individually housed male C57BL/6 mice Journal Articles
Human preference for masculinity differs according to context in faces, bodies, voices, and smell Journal Articles
Hyperbaric Oxygen for Lower Limb Trauma (HOLLT): an international multi-centre randomised clinical trial Journal Articles
Ibis Journal
Identification of an oocyte cysteine protease inhibitor cDNA in rainbow trout differential expression during follicular development and atresia Conferences
Identification of the putative goldfish (Carassius auratus) magnesium transporter SLC41a1 and functional regulation in the gill, kidney, and intestine in response to dietary and environmental manipulations Journal Articles
Identifying resilient Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) peatland hummock hibernacula Journal Articles
Immune adaptive response induced by Bicotylophora trachinoti (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) infestation in pompano Trachinotus marginatus (Perciformes: Carangidae) Journal Articles
Immunocytochemical and autoradiographic localization of GABAergic neurons in the goldfish retina Journal Articles
Immunoelectron Microscopy of Giardia lamblia Cytoskeleton Using Antibody to Acetylated α‐Tubulin Journal Articles
Immunoreactive distribution of gonadotropin‐inhibitory hormone precursor, RFRP, in a temperate bat species (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Impact of Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent on Population Characteristics, Liver MFO Activity, and Serum Steroid Levels of a Lake Superior White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Population Journal Articles
Impact of selective alveolar decortication on bisphosphonate burdened alveolar bone during orthodontic tooth movement Journal Articles
Impacts of direct and indirect paternity cues on paternal care in a singing toadfish Journal Articles
Impacts of low salinity exposure and antibiotic application on gut transport activity in the Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias suckleyi Journal Articles
Improving the Hearing Status Discrimination of the Health Utilities Index, Mark 3: Design of the Hearing Status Classification System Journal Articles
Improving the productivity of breeding colonies of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Journal Articles
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal Journal
Increase in Cliona delitrix Infestation of Montastrea cavernosa Heads on an Organically Polluted Portion of the Grand Cayman Fringing Reef Journal Articles
Incubation of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos in cooling water discharge and the impacts of fluctuating thermal regimes on development Journal Articles
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Journal
Individual Cryptic Scaling Relationships and the Evolution of Animal Form Conferences
Individual Recognition in a Cooperatively Breeding Cichlid: Evidence from Video Playback Experiments Journal Articles
Individual attributes and self-organizational processes affect dominance network structure in pukeko Journal Articles
Induced ovulation and spawning of cultured freshwater fish in China: Advances in application of GnRH analogues and dopamine antagonists Journal Articles
Induction of ovulation in the loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) using pimozide and [D-Ala6, Pro9-N-ethylamide]-LHRH Journal Articles
Influence of plasma lipid changes in response to 17β-oestradiol stimulation on plasma growth hormone, somatostatin, and thyroid hormone levels in immature rainbow trout Journal Articles
Influence of plasma lipid changes in response to 17β‐oestradiol stimulation on plasma growth hormone, somatostatin, and thyroid hormone levels in immature rainbow trout Journal Articles
Influence of seasonal changes in relative liver size, condition, relative gonad size and variability in ovarian development in multiple spawning fish species used in environmental monitoring programmes Journal Articles
Influence of shoreline features on fish distribution in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Influence of thyroxine on spawning performance and larval development of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus Journal Articles
Inhibition of spawning in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Adverse outcome pathways of quinacrine and ethinylestradiol Journal Articles
Inhibition of the SAPK/JNK pathway blocks the stimulatory effects of glutamine on fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules of Rhodnius prolixus Journal Articles
Inhibitory effect of Anabaena sp. on in situ filtering rate of Daphnia Journal Articles
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal
Insect Excretory Mechanisms Books
Insect Symbioses: A Case Study of Past, Present, and Future Fungus-growing Ant Research Journal Articles
Insectes Sociaux Journal
Insects Journal
Insulin as an Amplifier of Gonadotropin Action on Steroid Production: Mechanisms and Sites of Action in Goldfish Prematurational Full-Grown Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
Integrated Analysis of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Silkworm Pupae (Bombyx mori) Species and Sex Identification Journal Articles
Integrating GWAS of ADHD and continuous ADHD-related traits Conferences
Integrating fundamental and formant frequencies in women’s preferences for men’s voices Journal Articles
Integrative Zoology Journal
Integrative and Comparative Biology Journal
Inter-annual variation in environmental factors affect the prey and body condition of beluga whales in the eastern Beaufort Sea Journal Articles
Interactions Between Double-crested Cormorants and Herring Gulls at a Shared Breeding Site Journal Articles
Interaural time sensitivity in the inferior colliculus of the albino cat Journal Articles
International Journal for Parasitology Journal
Intersex in teleost fish: Are we distinguishing endocrine disruption from natural phenomena? Journal Articles
Interspecies differences in biochemical, histopathological, and population responses in four wild fish species exposed to ethynylestradiol added to a whole lakeThis paper is part of the series “Forty Years of Aquatic Research at the Experimental Lakes Area”. Journal Articles
Interspecific Predation of Common Strait of Georgia Planktonic Coelenterates: Laboratory Evidence Journal Articles
Interspecific and environment-induced variation in hypoxia tolerance in sunfish Journal Articles
Interstitial cells of cajal in the canine colon: A special communication network at the inner border of the circular muscle Journal Articles
Intertidal Catastrophes: Effect of Storms and Hurricanes on Intertidal Benthos of the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
Intra- and inter-specific agonistic behavior among terrestrial slugs (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) Journal Articles
Intraclutch egg-weight apportionment and chick survival in Caspian terns Journal Articles
Intraguild predation of parasitoids by Solenopsis invicta: a non‐disruptive interaction Journal Articles
Intraguild predation on the parasitoid Aphidius ervi by the generalist predator Harmonia axyridis: the threat and its avoidance Journal Articles
Intraspecific variation in gene expression after seawater transfer in gills of the euryhaline killifish Fundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Intraspinal and behavioral consequences of nerve growth factor-induced nociceptive sprouting and nerve growth factor-induced hyperalgesia compared in adult rats Journal Articles
Intratympanic Corticosteroids for Sudden Idiopathic Sensorineural Hearing Loss Journal Articles
Intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms in the maintenance of a hybrid zone between ecologically divergent subspecies Journal Articles
Introducing the CONSORT extension to pilot trials: enhancing the design, conduct and reporting of pilot or feasibility trials Journal Articles
Invertebrate Reproduction and Development Journal
Investigating the role of prostaglandin receptor isoform EP4b in zebrafish ovulation Journal Articles
Investigations of the signaling cascade involved in diuretic hormone stimulation of Malpighian tubule fluid secretion in Rhodnius prolixus Journal Articles
Ionic status, calcium uptake, and Ca2+-ATPase activity during early development in the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) Journal Articles
Ionoregulatory strategies and the role of urea in the Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami) Journal Articles
Is Reduced Thermal Sensitivity in Distal Wing Muscles a Functional Adaptation to Bats' Unique Wing Morphology? Conferences
Is there a role for aggression in round goby invasion fronts? Journal Articles
Is there potential for estradiol receptor signaling in lophotrochozoans? Journal Articles
Isolation of mosquito vitellogenin genes and induction of expression by 20-hydroxyecdysone Journal Articles
Isotocin and sociality in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution Journal
Joint Predation Activity in Lake Tanganyikan Fishes Conferences
Journal of Applied Animal Research Journal
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science Journal
Journal of Comparative Neurology Journal
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology Journal
Journal of Economic Entomology Journal
Journal of Ethnobiology Journal
Journal of Ethology Journal
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Journal
Journal of Evolutionary Biology Journal
Journal of Field Ornithology Journal
Journal of Fish Biology Journal
Journal of Fish Diseases Journal
Journal of Herpetology Journal
Journal of Insect Behavior Journal
Journal of Insect Physiology Journal
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology Journal
Journal of Medical Primatology Journal
Journal of Morphology Journal
Journal of Nematology Journal
Journal of Plankton Research Journal
Journal of Reproduction and Development Journal
Journal of Shellfish Research Journal
Journal of Structural Biology Journal
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases Journal
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation Journal
Journal of Wildlife Diseases Journal
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society Journal
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Journal
KCl reabsorption by the lower malpighian tubule of rhodnius prolixus: inhibition by Cl− channel blockers and acetazolamide Journal Articles
Ketamine does not affect intestinal microcirculation in pentobarbital-anaesthetized rats during experimental endotoxaemia Journal Articles
Key factors of clinical research network capacity building Journal Articles
Kinematic Analysis of Drosophila Larval Locomotion in Response to Intermittent Light Pulses Journal Articles
Laboratory Animals Journal
Lack of MHC expression and retention of ultrastructural characteristics by xenograft transmissible venereal tumor cells in SCID mice Journal Articles
Lack of antigenicity of human chorionic gonadotropin in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) Journal Articles
Large-scale genetic study of risk tolerance and risky behaviors identifies new loci and reveals shared genetic influences Conferences
Large-scale patterns in internal bioerosion of Porites: cross continental shelf trends on the Great Barrier Reef Journal Articles
Larval Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Respond to Visual Cues of Predator Presence Journal Articles
Latent homologues for the neural crest as an evolutionary novelty Journal Articles
Latitudinal variability in lunar spawning rhythms: absence of a lunar pattern in the northern mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus macrolepidotus Journal Articles
Learning affects mate choice in female fruit flies Journal Articles
Learning in the context of sexual behaviour in insects Journal Articles
Life History of Learning: Performance Curves of Honeybees in the Wild Journal Articles
Life cycles and food ofcoenagrion resolutum(coenagrionidae: odonata) andlestes disjunctus disjunctus(lestidae: Odonata) populations from the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Life history correlates of cortisol and androgen levels in a parental teleost fish Conferences
Life history evolution in cichlids 1: revisiting the evolution of life histories in relation to parental care Journal Articles
Life history evolution in cichlids 2: directional evolution of the trade-off between egg number and egg size Journal Articles
Life history evolution in cichlids 2: directional evolution of the trade-off between egg number and egg size Journal Articles
Life=epigenetics, ecology, and evolution (L=E3): A review ofDevelopmental plasticity and evolution, by Mary Jane West‐Eberhard Journal Articles
Lifetime reproduction of giant transgenic mice: the energy stress paradigm Journal Articles
Lifetime- and caste-specific changes in flight metabolic rate and muscle biochemistry of honeybees, Apis mellifera Journal Articles
Light and electron microscopical studies on the spherical neurons in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of the gymnotiform fish, Sternopygus Journal Articles
Limited attention: the constraint underlying search image Journal Articles
Limited plasticity in the phenotypic variance‐covariance matrix for male advertisement calls in the black field cricket,Teleogryllus commodus Journal Articles
Linking stream ecosystem integrity to catchment and reach conditions in an intensively managed forest landscape Journal Articles
Links between Osmoregulation and Nitrogen-Excretion in Insects and Crustaceans Journal Articles
Links between detoxification, excretion and osmoregulation in insects and crustaceans. Conferences
Lipid composition off tissue and plasma in two mediterranean fishes, the gilt-head sea bream (Chrysophyrys auratus) and the European seabass (Dicentratchus labrx) Journal Articles
Lipid content and fatty acid profile during lake whitefish embryonic development at different incubation temperatures Journal Articles
Liver size reveals social status in the African cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
Localization of gap junctions and tracer coupling in retinal m�ller cells Journal Articles
Losers win in the end: female Japanese quail that eavesdrop on fighting males prefer the losers. Conferences
Luminal and Mucosal Microbiota of the Cecum and Large Colon of Healthy and Diarrheic Horses Journal Articles
Macrogeographic variation in mitochondrial DNA of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) Journal Articles
Macrophages and glia participate in the removal of apoptotic neurons from the Drosophila embryonic nervous system Journal Articles
Malacologia Journal
Male and female cooperatively breeding fish provide support for the “Challenge Hypothesis” Journal Articles
Male fruit flies learn to avoid interspecific courtship Journal Articles
Male primer endocrine responses to preovulatory female cyprinids under natural conditions in Sweden Journal Articles
Male reproductive suppression in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
Mammal Review Journal
Mammalia Journal
Manipulating the need for help in a cooperatively breeding cichlid: Space competition affects helpers' ability to respond Journal Articles
Mapping Human Taste Perception on the Apple Genome. Conferences
Mapping cladograms into morphospaces Journal Articles
Marine Ecology Journal
Marine Ecology Progress Series Journal
Marine Mammal Science Journal
Matching O2 supply and demand in the high flying bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Mate choosiness in young male fruit flies Journal Articles
Maternal and environmental influences on growth and survival of embryonic and hatchling snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) Journal Articles
Maternal corticosterone deposition in avian yolk: Influence of laying order and group size in a joint-nesting, cooperatively breeding species Journal Articles
Mating behaviour and spermatophore morphology: a comparative test of the female-choice hypothesis Journal Articles
Mating systems in cooperative breeders: the roles of resource dispersion and conflict mitigation Journal Articles
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Genetic, Environmental and Phenotypic Factor Scores Conferences
Measurements of ooplasmic pCa in fertilized eggs of the locust,Locusta migratoria, and a role for external calcium in experimental activation of unfertilized eggs Journal Articles
Mechanisms and regulation of chloride transport in the Malpighian tubules of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
Mechanisms of Action of Free Arachidonic Acid on Ovarian Steroid Production in the Goldfish Journal Articles
Mechanisms of calcium sequestration by isolated Malpighian tubules of the house cricket Acheta domesticus Journal Articles
Mechanisms of nitrogen excretion in insects Journal Articles
Mechanisms of transport of H+, Na+ and K+, across the distal gastric caecum of larval Aedes aegypti Journal Articles
Mercury biomagnification in the food webs of acidic lakes in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia Journal Articles
Meristic and Morphometric Variation between the Endangered Acadian Whitefish, Coregonus huntsmani, and the Lake Whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis, in the Canadian Maritime Provinces and the State of Maine, USA Journal Articles
Merkel-like cells of the zebrafish gill arch and oral epithelium. Conferences
Metabolic Effects of Bovine Growth Hormone and Genetically Engineered Rainbow Trout Growth Hormone in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Reared at a High Temperature Journal Articles
Metabolic rates and swimming performance of adult Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) after a controlled infection withParvicapsula minibicornis Journal Articles
Metabolic responses to intermittent exercise in humans. Conferences
Metal Regulation, Tolerance, and Body Burdens in the Larvae of the Genus Chironomus Journal Articles
Metallothionein-like proteins in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: Effect of water salinity and ions Journal Articles
Microbial Diversity Associated with the Pollen Stores of Captive-Bred Bumble Bee Colonies Journal Articles
Milk Yields and Milk Fat Composition Promoted by Pantothenate and Thiamine via Stimulating Nutrient Digestion and Fatty Acid Synthesis in Dairy Cows Journal Articles
Mitochondrial COI Sequence Variations within and among Geographic Samples of the Hemp Pest Psylliodes attenuata from China Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the harbour porpoise, (<I>Phocoena phocoena</I>), subpopulations in North American waters Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA and isozyme electrophoretic analyses of the endangered Acadian whitefish, Coregonus huntsmani Scott, 1987 Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA extracted from eastern North American wolves killed in the 1800s is not of gray wolf origin Journal Articles
Mitochondrial physiology and respiratory performance in high-altitude natives Conferences
Mixed parentage in Neolamprologus pulcher groups Journal Articles
Model of traumatic spinal cord injury in Macaca fascicularis: similarity of experimental lesions created by epidural catheter to human spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Modelling the impact of poaching on metapopulation viability for data-limited species Journal Articles
Models to predict total phosphorus concentrations in coastal embayments of eastern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Journal Articles
Modes of control of insect Malpighian tubules: synergism, antagonism, cooperation and autonomous regulation Journal Articles
Modifying effects of a cobble substrate on thermal environments and implications for embryonic development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Journal
Molecular biology of insect sodium channels and pyrethroid resistance Journal Articles
Molecular evolution of the vesicle coat component βCOP in Toxoplasma gondii Journal Articles
Molecular identification of individual North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) using free-floating feces Journal Articles
Molecular mechanisms of bi-directional ion transport in the Malpighian tubules of a lepidopteran crop pest, Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
Molecular phylogenetics unveils the ancient evolutionary origins of the enigmatic fairy armadillos Journal Articles
Molecular signatures that are distinctive characteristics of the vertebrates and chordates and supporting a grouping of vertebrates with the tunicates Journal Articles
Molecular systematics of armadillos (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae): contribution of maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes Conferences
Mortality rates of honey bees in the wild Journal Articles
Multifactorial Regulation of DNA Synthesis in Goldfish Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
Multiple paternity in clutches of snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) detected using DNA fingerprints Journal Articles
Mutation of the Euglena Chloroplast System: The Mechanism of Bleaching by Nitrosoguanidine and Related Compounds Journal Articles
Mutations in Caenorhabditis briggsae identify new genes important for limiting the response to EGF signaling during vulval development Journal Articles
Mutations in the transmembrane helix S6 of domain IV confer cockroach sodium channel resistance to sodium channel blocker insecticides and local anesthetics Journal Articles
Mutations of two acidic residues at the cytoplasmic end of segment IIIS6 of an insect sodium channel have distinct effects on pyrethroid resistance Journal Articles
Mutualistic bacteria and a possible trade-off between alternative defence mechanisms in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants Journal Articles
NCAM1-TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2 variants and smoking motives as novel intermediate phenotypes for nicotine dependence Conferences
NGF‐dependent and NGF‐independent recovery of sympathetic function after chemical sympathectomy with 6‐hydroxydopamine Journal Articles
Natriuresis and diuretic hormone synergism in R. prolixus upper Malpighian tubules is inhibited by the anti-diuretic hormone, RhoprCAPA-α2 Journal Articles
Necromone Death Cues and Risk Avoidance by the Cricket Acheta domesticus: Effects of Sex and Duration of Exposure Journal Articles
Nematodes Infect, But Do Not Manipulate Digging By, Sand Crabs, Lepidopa benedicti Journal Articles
Nematology Journal
Neotropical Ichthyology Journal
Nerve growth factor promoter activity revealed in mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein Journal Articles
Nervous and humoral control of the fish heart: Structure and function Journal Articles
Nesting biology of the fungus growing ants Mycetarotes Emery (Attini, Formicidae) Journal Articles
Netrin/DCC‐mediated attraction of vagal sensory axons to the fetal mouse gut Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine regulation of growth hormone secretion in teleost fishes with emphasis on the involvement of gonadal sex steroids Journal Articles
Neuroepithelial cells and associated innervation of the zebrafish gill: A confocal immunofluorescence study Journal Articles
New insights into Xenopus sex chromosome genomics from the Marsabit clawed frog X. borealis Journal Articles
Next-generation sequencing and phylogenetic signal of complete mitochondrial genomes for resolving the evolutionary history of leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) Journal Articles
Nitrofuran‐Reducing Enzymes of Euglena* Journal Articles
No evidence for larger brains in cooperatively breeding cichlid fishes Journal Articles
Nondestructive sampling of mitochondrial DNA from voles (Microtus) Journal Articles
Nonoptimal shell forms as overlapping points in functional and theoretical morphospaces Journal Articles
Normal and precocious sprouting of heat nociceptors in the skin of adult rats Journal Articles
Normative nerve conductions in the tail of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) Journal Articles
Normative nerve conductions in the tail of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) Journal Articles
Northern forestry and carabids: The case for concern about old-growth species Conferences
Northern forestry and carabids: The case for concern about old-growth species (vol 33, pg 173, 1996) Journal Articles
Novel mechanisms of epithelial ion transport: insights from the cryptonephridial system of lepidopteran larvae Journal Articles
Nuclear progesterone receptor regulates ptger4b and PLA2G4A expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovulation Journal Articles
Nutritional characteristics of the potential aquaculture feed species Boekelovia hooglandii Journal Articles
Oceanographic changes in the North Pacific Ocean over the past century recorded in deep-water gorgonian corals Journal Articles
On the efficacy of anti-parasite behaviour: a case study of tadpole susceptibility to cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis Journal Articles
On the relevance of animal behavior to the management and conservation of fishes and fisheries Journal Articles
Organochlorine transfer in the food web of subalpine Bow Lake, Banff National Park Journal Articles
Organochlorine transfer in the food web of subalpine Bow Lake, Banff National Park Journal Articles
Ornithology Journal
Otolith morphology varies between populations, sexes and male alternative reproductive tactics in a vocal toadfish Porichthys notatus Journal Articles
Otology and Neurotology Journal
Overexpression of nerve growth factor by murine smooth muscle cells: Role of the p75 neurotrophin receptor on sympathetic and sensory sprouting Journal Articles
Overripening as the cause of low survival to hatch in Lake Erie coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) embryos Journal Articles
Oöplasmic pH and electrical properties of developing locust (Locusta migratoria) eggs Journal Articles
Parallel thalamocortical pathways for echolocation and passive sound localization in a gleaning bat, Antrozous pallidus Journal Articles
Parasitic Castration of Chocolate Clam Megapitaria squalida (Sowerby, 1835) Caused by Trematode Larvae Journal Articles
Parasitic Manipulation of Hosts' Phenotype, or How to Make a Zombie--An Introduction to the Symposium Journal Articles
Parental effects on animal personality Journal Articles
Partial 28S rDNA Sequences and the Antiquity of Hydrothermal Vent Endemic Gastropods Journal Articles
Pathogen disgust predicts women’s preferences for masculinity in men’s voices, faces, and bodies Journal Articles
Pattern of gill innervation in two teleosts, the perch and the trout Journal Articles
Paying to stay or paying to breed? Field evidence for direct benefits of helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding fish Journal Articles
Pea aphid dropping behavior diminishes foraging efficiency of a predatory ladybeetle Journal Articles
Peptide Growth Factors Modulate Prostaglandin E and F Production by Goldfish Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
Percentage land use in the watershed determines the water and sediment quality of 22 marshes in the Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
Periovulatory female goldfish release three potential pheromones: 17α,20β-Dihydroxyprogesterone, 17α,20β-dihydroxyprogesterone glucuronide, and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone Journal Articles
Pesticide and Predation Exposure Effects on Pond Snail Immune System Function and Reproductive Output Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity to chronic cold exposure in two species of Peromyscus from different environments Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity, genetic assimilation, and genetic compensation in hypoxia adaptation of high-altitude vertebrates Journal Articles
Phenotypic traits and resource quality as factors affecting male reproductive success in a toadfish Journal Articles
Photic input pathways that mediate the Drosophila larval response to light and circadian rhythmicity are developmentally related but functionally distinct Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis and homology modelling of a new Cry8A crystal protein expressed in a sporulating soil bacterium. Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and functional analyses of the cytochrome P450 family 4 Journal Articles
Phylogenetic relationships among monogenean gill parasites (Dactylogyridea, Ancyrocephalidae) infesting tilapiine hosts (Cichlidae): Systematic and evolutionary implications Journal Articles
Phylogeography and historical demography of Polypedates leucomystax in the islands of Indonesia and the Philippines: Evidence for recent human-mediated range expansion? Journal Articles
Physiological Entomology Journal
Physiological adaptations of the gut in the Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami, an alkaline- and saline-adapted teleost fish Journal Articles
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology Journal
Physiological and energetic correlates of en route mortality for abnormally early migrating adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Thompson River, British Columbia Journal Articles
Physiological and molecular characterization of methotrexate transport by Malpighian tubules of adult Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Physiological aspects of NaCl movements in the gills of the euryhaline crab, Eriocheir sinensis, acclimated to fresh water Journal Articles
Physiological correlates of coastal arrival and river entry timing in late summer Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Journal Articles
Physiology of individual late-run Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) sampled in the ocean correlates with fate during spawning migration Journal Articles
Plant DNA sequences from feces: potential means for assessing diets of wild primates Journal Articles
Plants in a “Sea of Relationships”: Networks of Plants and Fishing in Makkovik, Nunatsiavut (Labrador, Canada) Journal Articles
Plasma gonadotropin, 17β-estradiol, and 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one levels during luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue and gonadotropin induced ovulation in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Journal Articles
Plasma non-esterified fatty acid profiles and 17β-oestradiol levels of juvenile immature and maturing adult American eels in the St Lawrence River Journal Articles
Plasma nonesterified fatty acid profiles in male and female sockeye salmon, (Oncorhynchus nerka), during the spawning migration Journal Articles
Population differentiation in the franciscana (<i>Pontoporia blainvillei</i>) from two geographic locations in Brazil as determined from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences Journal Articles
Population genetic structure of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas): mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within and among North American populations Journal Articles
Population structure of the African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis) in maize‐growing areas with atrazine application versus non‐maize‐growing areas in South Africa Journal Articles
Population viability and perturbation analyses to support recovery of imperilled Eastern Sand Darter(Ammocrypta pellucida) Journal Articles
Position of Larval Tapeworms, Polypocephalus sp., in the Ganglia of Shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus Journal Articles
Postcopulatory consequences of female mate choice in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics Journal Articles
Postmortem examination of equids >1-year-old with enterotyphlocolitis in Ontario: a retrospective descriptive study Journal Articles
Potassium fluxes across the blood brain barrier of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana Journal Articles
Potency and specificity of amiloride and its analogues on branchial sodium fluxes in freshwater trout and goldfish Journal Articles
Potential fitness consequences of associative learning in a parasitoid wasp Journal Articles
Predator induced phenotypic plasticity: Influenced of prey size, density, and experience Conferences
Predatory ants invading sea turtle nests on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia Journal Articles
Predator–prey interactions between gleaning bats and katydids Journal Articles
Predicting Predator Diversity Effects on Ecosystem Function Conferences
Predicting the age at maturity of Asian carp using air temperature Journal Articles
Predicting warming-induced hypoxic stress for fish in a fragmented river channel using ecosystem metabolism models Journal Articles
Predictions on the effect of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exclusion on water quality, zooplankton, and submergent macrophytes in a Great Lakes wetland Journal Articles
Preface to Festschrift honouring the contributions of Professor M. Brock Fenton to the study of bats Journal Articles
Preliminary sex differentiation of Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Pearl River estuary and eastern Taiwan Strait using scarring of dorsal fins Journal Articles
Presence of Multiparasite Infections Within Individual Colonies of Leaf-Cutter Ants Journal Articles
Preservation of avian blood and tissue samples for DNA analyses Journal Articles
Previous inter-sexual aggression increases female mating propensity in fruit flies Journal Articles
Prezygotic Male Reproductive Effort in Insects: Why Do Males Provide More than Sperm Journal Articles
Primary culture and histological characterization of phagocytic cells from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Primary determinants of macrophyte community structure in 62 marshes across the Great Lakes basin: latitude, land use, and water quality effects Journal Articles
Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science Journal Articles
Problems with Removal Experiments Designed to Test the Relationship between Paternity and Parental Effort in a Socially Polyandrous Bird Journal Articles
Profiles of plasma sex steroids and gonadotropin in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, during final maturation Journal Articles
Progesterone transfer among cohabitating female big brown bats ( Eptesicus fuscus ) Journal Articles
Properties of common carp gonadotropin I and gonadotropin II Journal Articles
Protection againstListeria monocytogenesby ODN Containing CpG Motifs in BALB/c and C57BL/6 Mice Journal Articles
Proteoglycan in fast-frozen, freeze-dried, plastic-embedded rabbit arteries Journal Articles
Proteomic analysis of plasma from Holstein cows testing positive for mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (MAP) Journal Articles
Proximate Causes of Sexual Size Dimorphism in Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus) of the Delaware Bay Journal Articles
Proximity to wastewater effluent alters behaviour in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis machrochirus) Journal Articles
Pyrethroids in an AlphaFold2 Model of the Insect Sodium Channel Journal Articles
Quality Indicators for the Diagnosis and Management of Menière's Disease Journal Articles
Quality Indicators for the Diagnosis and Management of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Journal Articles
Quantification and genetic profiling of DNA isolated from free‐floating feces of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) Journal Articles
Quantification of Urinary Sex Steroids in the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Quantifying importance of marine prey in the diets of two partially anadromous fishes Journal Articles
Quantifying status and trends from monitoring surveys: application to pygmy whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in Lake Superior Journal Articles
Quantifying status and trends from monitoring surveys: application to pygmy whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in Lake Superior Journal Articles
Quantitative analysis of substance P-immunoreactive boutons on physiologically characterized dorsal horn neurons in the cat lumbar spinal cord. Journal Articles
RNA-based phylogenetic methods: application to mammalian mitochondrial RNA sequences Journal Articles
Radiation exposure causes developmental alterations in size and shape of wings and structures associated with song production in male crickets (Acheta domesticus) Journal Articles
Radiation tolerance and bystander effects in the eutardigrade speciesHypsibius dujardini(Parachaela: Hypsibiidae) Conferences
Radiocarbon evidence for annual growth rings in the deep-sea octocoral Primnoa resedaeformis Journal Articles
Range Use Patterns and Spatial Relationships of Merriam's Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys Merriami) Journal Articles
Rapid Insulin-like Growth Factor-1-induced Changes in Granulosa Cell Thrombospondin-1 Expression In Vitro Journal Articles
Rapid and reversible modulation of blood haemoglobin content during diel cycles of hypoxia in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Rapid effects of acute stress on reproductive neuroendocrinology and gonad function in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Conferences
Rapid evolution meets invasive species control: the potential for pesticide resistance in sea lamprey Journal Articles
Ready to Fight: Reliable Predictors of Attack in a Cooperatively Breeding, Non‐Passerine Bird Journal Articles
Reciprocal Exchange and Subsequent Adoption of Calves by Two North Atlantic Right Whales (<I>Eubalaena glacialis</I>) Journal Articles
Reconstruction of nitrogen sources on coral reefs: d15N and d13C in gorgonians from Florida Reef Tract Journal Articles
Recovery of ovary size, follicle cell apoptosis, and HSP70 expression in fish exposed to bleached pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Recovery of ovary size, follicle cell apoptosis, and HSP70 e×pression in fish e×posed to bleached pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Recruitment of minor workers for defense against a specialized parasite ofAttaleaf-cutting ant fungus gardens Journal Articles
Rectal complex ion activities and electrochemical gradients in larvae of the desert beetle, Onymacris: Comparisons with Tenebrio Journal Articles
Redhead reproductive strategy choices: a dynamic state variable model Journal Articles
Reductions in federal oversight of aquatic systems in Canada: implications of the new Navigation Protection Act Journal Articles
Regional differences in the whistles of Australasian humpback dolphins (genus Sousa) Journal Articles
Regionally selective elimination of cutaneous thermal nociception in rats by neonatal capsaicin Journal Articles
Regulation and actions of insulin-like growth factors in the ovary of zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Regulation of ooplasmic sodium and potassium activities in developing locust eggs Journal Articles
Relationship between Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Water, Sediment, Benthic Invertebrates, and Tissues of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) at Metal-Contaminated Sites Journal Articles
Relationship between cyclic AMP-stimulated and native gonadotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated gonadotropin release in the goldfish Journal Articles
Relationship of baseline and maximum glucocorticoid concentrations to migration propensity: a field test with wild subadult brown trout (Salmo trutta) Journal Articles
Relative effects of electro-immobilisation and chemical anaesthesia on in situ post-release behaviour and reproductive success in nesting smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) Journal Articles
Renal and extrarenal transport of organic anions and organic cations by insects; a comarison with vertebrates. Conferences
Reply to the comment by Romero and Kannada on “Genetic analysis of 16th-century whale bones prompts a revision of the impact of Basque whaling on right and bowhead whales in the western North Atlantic” Journal Articles
Reproductive biology of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika Journal Articles
Reproductive biology of the 38 extant felid species: a review Journal Articles
Reproductive life-history strategies in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) from the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Reproductive skew and female trait elaboration in a cooperatively breeding rail Journal Articles
Reproductive skew and individual strategies: infanticide or cooperation? Journal Articles
Research note Grooming decisions by damselflies, age-specific colonisation by water mites, and the probability of successful parasitism Journal Articles
Research priorities for the management of freshwater fish habitat in Canada Journal Articles
Resilience, robustness, and plasticity in a terrestrial slug, with particular reference to food quality Journal Articles
Resolving the root of the avian mitogenomic tree by breaking up long branches Journal Articles
Respiratory mechanisms and metabolic adaptations of an intertidal crab, Chasmagnathus granulata (Dana, 1851) Journal Articles
Respiratory responses to progressive hypoxia in the Amazonian Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus Conferences
Respiratory turbinate surface area is not affected by adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in deer mice Conferences
Response of midgut stem cells of the caterpillar Spodoptera littoralis to insect peptide factors, alpha-arylphorine and hormones Conferences
Restoration of the jejunal mucosa in rats refed after prolonged fasting Journal Articles
Restrictions on the Importation of Zebrafish into Canada Associated with Spring Viremia of Carp Virus Journal Articles
Retinoid requirements in the reproduction of zebrafish Journal Articles
Review: Modulating Factors in Amyloid-β Fibril Formation Journal Articles
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Journal
Revue Suisse de Zoologie Journal
Role of calcium in the control of steroidogenesis in preovulatory ovarian follicles of the goldfish Journal Articles
Rudiment resorption as a response to starvation during larval development in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Journal Articles
Salinity influence on growth, osmoregulation and energy turnover in juvenile pompano Trachinotus marginatus Cuvier 1832 Journal Articles
Saturable 3,5,3′-triiodo-l-thyronine-binding sites in liver nuclei of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) Journal Articles
Scanning electron microscopy of normal rabbit aorta: Injury or artifact? Journal Articles
Scatter hoarding by kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami) and pilferage from their caches Journal Articles
Searching for Substitution Rate Heterogeneity Journal Articles
Seasonal Effects of Bleached Kraft Mill Effluent on Reproductive Parameters of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Populations of the St. Maurice River, Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Seasonal Stable Isotope Records of Otoliths from Ocean-pen Reared and Wild Cod, Gadus morhua Journal Articles
Seasonal Variation in Estradiol Transfer Among Male and Female Big Brown Bats Conferences
Seasonal changes in reproductive endpoints inTrichomycterus areolatus(Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) andPercilia gillissi(Perciformes, Perciliidae), and the consequences for environmental monitoring Journal Articles
Seasonal changes in the pituitary‐ gonad axis of feral goldfish, Carassius auratus L., from Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Seasonal changes in the quality of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) semen: Effect of a delay in stripping on spermatocrit, motility, volume and seminal plasma constituents Journal Articles
Seasonal changes in whole brain amine levels of white sucker exposed to elevated levels of copper and zinc Journal Articles
Seasonal migrations and reproductive patterns in the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in the vicinity of hydroelectric stations in northern Ontario Journal Articles
Seasonal plasticity in telencephalon mass of a benthic fish Journal Articles
Seasonal transfer and quantification of urinary estradiol in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Journal Articles
Seasonal trends in zooplankton lipid concentration and class in freshwater lakes Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in baseline and maximum whole-body glucocorticoid concentrations in a small-bodied stream fish independent of habitat quality Journal Articles
Secretion of Na+, K+ and fluid by the Malpighian (renal) tubule of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Journal Articles
Sedimentological and Biological Changes in the Windsor Mudflat, an Area of Induced Siltation Journal Articles
Segment-specific Ca 2+ transport by isolated Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster : A comparison of larval and adult stages Journal Articles
Selection on a master regulator of oxygen homeostasis contributes to adaptive hypoxia signaling in deer mice Conferences
Sensorimotor transformation from light reception to phototactic behavior inDrosophila larvae (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Journal Articles
Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Postmeningitic Children Journal Articles
Serum immunoglobulin G concentration in Southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus, 1758), from Elephant island (Antarctica): Sexual and adrenal steroid hormones effects Journal Articles
Serum leptin concentration during the terrestrial phase of the Southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina (Carnivora: Phocidae) Journal Articles
Sex differences in melanotic encapsulation responses (immunocompetence) in the damselfly Lestes forcipatus Rambur Journal Articles
Sex-Role Reversal in the Black-Chinned Tilapia, Sarotherodon Melanotheron (RÜPpel) (Cichlidae) Journal Articles
Sexing beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) by means of DNA markers Journal Articles
Sexual Size Dimorphism and Parental Care Patterns in a Monomorphic and a Dimorphic Larid Journal Articles
Sexual conflict and social networks in bed bugs: effects of social experience Journal Articles
Sexual differences in development and behaviour of larval Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Journal Articles
Sexual dimorphism and allometry in two seed beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) Journal Articles
Sexual selection maintains whole‐body chiral dimorphism in snails Journal Articles
Sexually differentiated effects of radio transmitters on predation risk and behaviour in kangaroo rats Dipodomys merriami Journal Articles
Short-term changes in plasma concentration of cortisol, growth hormone and insulin during the annual cycle of a male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Journal Articles
Short-term effects of cortisol implantation on blood biochemistry and thyroid hormones in previtellogenic great sturgeon Huso huso Journal Articles
Short-term effects of cortisol implantation on blood biochemistry and thyroid hormones in previtellogenic great sturgeon Huso huso Journal Articles
Short-term variability in chitobiase-based planktonic crustacean production rates in a highly eutrophic tropical estuary Journal Articles
Siblings matter: Family heterogeneity improves associative learning later in life Journal Articles
Similarities and differences between rabbit and human platelet characteristics and functions \textbar Request PDF Other
Site fidelity of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus): insights from stable carbon and nitrogen analysis Journal Articles
Size divergence and dietary partitioning enhance coexistence of two herbivorous species of Diaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in some shallow Quebec lakes Journal Articles
Sizes, condition factors and sex ratios of the scattered populations of the small cichlid fish, Alcolapia grahami, that inhabits the lagoons and sites of Lake Magadi (Kenya), one of the most extreme aquatic habitat on Earth Journal Articles
Skeletal muscle lipids in Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii): Differences in age class and possible response to resource limitations Conferences
Sociability in Fruit Flies: Genetic Variation, Heritability and Plasticity Journal Articles
Social behavior and activity are decoupled in larval and adult fruit flies Journal Articles
Social status influences responses to unfamiliar conspecifics in a cooperatively breeding fish Journal Articles
Social status, sperm and stress: Reproductive suppression in a cooperative fish Conferences
Socially Influenced Behaviour and Learning in Locusts Journal Articles
Sodium Channel Mutations and Pyrethroid Resistance in Aedes aegypti Journal Articles
Sodium–hydrogen exchangers in the nematodeCaenorhabditiselegans: investigations towards their potential role in hypodermal H+excretion, Na+uptake, and ammonia excretion, as well as acid–base balance Journal Articles
Spatial Ecology of Desert Rodents Journal Articles
Spatial variability in trophic offset and food sources of Hemimysis anomala in lentic and lotic ecosystems within the Great Lakes basin Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal ecology of juvenile Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) and Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in upper St. Lawrence River nursery bays during their inaugural fall and winter Journal Articles
Species assignment and hybrid identification among Scandinavian hares Lepus europaeus and L. timidus Journal Articles
Species distribution models are improved by incorporating thermal physiology Conferences
Specific status of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) and K. earlinae Ahlstrom (Rotifera: Brachionidae): morphological and ecological considerations Journal Articles
Speed of sound gradients due to summer thermal stratification can reduce the detection range of acoustic fish tags: results from a field study in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Sperm maturation and male tactic‐specific differences in ejaculates in the plainfin midshipman fishPorichthys notatus Journal Articles
Sperm performance under hypoxic conditions in the intertidal fish Porichthys notatus Journal Articles
Sperm size of African cichlids in relation to sperm competition Journal Articles
Stable carbon isotope variations in otoliths of Atlantic cod (<i>Gadus morhua</i>) Journal Articles
Stable carbon isotope variations in otoliths of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Journal Articles
Stable isotope analysis provides novel insights for measuring lake ecosystem recovery following acidification Journal Articles
Stable isotopic composition of deep-sea gorgonian corals Primnoa spp.: a new archive of surface processes Journal Articles
Stimulation of pituitary gonadotropin and ovarian development by chronic administration of testosterone in female Japanese silver eel, Anguilla japonica Journal Articles
Stirring Up New Ideas About the Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Interrenal Axis in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Stochastic determinants of assemblage patterns in coral reef fishes: a quantification by means of two models Journal Articles
Strategic and tactical fighting decisions in cichlid fishes with divergent social systems Journal Articles
Structure and enzymatic removal of the chorion of embryos of the Nile tilapia Journal Articles
Structure and synthesis of vitellogenin and vitellin from Calliphora erythrocephala Journal Articles
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment Journal
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Suppression of Apoptosis by Gonadotropin, 17β-Estradiol, and Epidermal Growth Factor in Rainbow Trout Preovulatory Ovarian Follicles Journal Articles
Survey of metabolically trace metals in inland lakes and reservoirs across Canada: What constitutes a low metal system? Journal Articles
Survivorship of adult females in a northern population of common snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina Journal Articles
Survivorship of foraging honey bees Journal Articles
Swimming capacity and behaviour of juvenile round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) Journal Articles
Sylvian fissure morphology and asymmetry in men and women: Bilateral differences in relation to handedness in men Journal Articles
Symbiont-Mediated Digestion of Plant Biomass in Fungus-Farming Insects Chapters
Symbiotic microbiota vary with breeding group membership in a highly social joint-nesting bird Journal Articles
Symmetry and sexual dimorphism in human faces: interrelated preferences suggest both signal quality Journal Articles
Sympathetic nerves in adult rats regenerate normally and restore pilomotor function during an anti‐NGF treatment that prevents their collateral sprouting Journal Articles
Synaptic mechanisms during re-innervation of rat arterial chemoreceptors in co-culture Journal Articles
Synaptotagmins I and II in the developing rat auditory brainstem: Synaptotagmin I is transiently expressed in glutamate‐releasing immature inhibitory terminals Journal Articles
Taller men are less sensitive to cues of dominance in other men Journal Articles
Temperature-dependent changes in the swimming behaviour of Tetrahymena pyriformis—NT1 and their interrelationships with electrophysiology and the state of membrane lipids Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial constraints on the collateral sprouting of low‐threshold mechanosensory nerves in the skin of rats Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial patterns of gene expression in skeletal muscles in response to swim training in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Territorial behaviour and conflict management in a semi-social cichlid fish, Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Journal Articles
Testing the synergistic effects of GnRH and testosterone on the reproductive physiology of pre‐adult pink salmonOncorhynchus gorbuscha Journal Articles
Tethered Raptor Displaces Roosting Cormorants Journal Articles
Tetraethylammonium and nicotine transport by the Malpighian tubules of insects Journal Articles
The Amazon Basin's rivers and lakes support Nearctic-breeding shorebirds during southward migration Journal Articles
The Effect of High Fat Diet on Skeletal Muscle Inflammation in Obesity Conferences
The Effects ofN-Methyl-d,l-aspartate and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone onin VitroGrowth Hormone Release in Steroid-Primed Immature Rainbow Trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
The Evolutionary Innovation of Nutritional Symbioses in Leaf-Cutter Ants Journal Articles
The Heat Shock Response of Round Whitefish Conferences
The Malpighian tubules and cryptonephric complex in lepidopteran larvae Chapters
The Mitochondrial Basis for Adaptive Variation in Aerobic Performance in High-Altitude Deer Mice Journal Articles
The Mitochondrial Contribution to Animal Performance, Adaptation, and Life-History Variation Journal Articles
The Musculature of the Anterior Feeding Apparatus of Xiphinema Species (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea) Journal Articles
The Opportunities of the Microsporidian Anncaliia Algerae In Vitro They Seem Unlimited Conferences
The Patterning of Neuronal Connections Journal Articles
The analysis of metabolites in rainbow trout white muscle: a comparison of different sampling and processing methods Journal Articles
The assessment of roles for arylphorin in vivo and in vitro Conferences
The association of crustacean cardioactive peptide with the spermatheca of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria Journal Articles
The behavioral ecology of a cognitive constraint: limited attention Journal Articles
The benefits of uniparental versus biparental mouth brooding in Galilee St. Peter's fish Journal Articles
The benefits of uniparental versus biparental mouth brooding in Galilee St. Peter's fish Journal Articles
The contribution of allelic variation in Deptor to high elevation adaptation in deer mice Conferences
The control of testicular androgen production in the goldfish: Effects of activators of different intracellular signalling pathways Journal Articles
The cortisol stress response in male round goby (Neogobius melanostomus): effects of living in polluted environments? Journal Articles
The cost of aggression in an animal without weapons Journal Articles
The cost of limited attention in blue jays Journal Articles
The effect of altitude acclimation on lipid metabolism during exercise in rats Journal Articles
The effect of cyclosporin A on Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection and eosinophilia in mice Journal Articles
The effect of early life thermal environment on morphology and growth of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Journal Articles
The effect of highly alkaline water (pH 9.5) on the morphology and morphometry of chloride cells and pavement cells in the gills of the freshwater rainbow trout: relationship to ionic transport and ammonia excretion Journal Articles
The effect of sampling from subdivided populations on species identification with DNA barcodes using a Bayesian statistical approach Journal Articles
The effect of size on the physiological and behavioural responses of Oscar to hypoxia Conferences
The effects of altered expression of the Keap1/CncC pathway on the secretion of fluid and salicylate by Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
The effects of arginine vasotocin and catecholamines on nitrogen excretion and the cardio-respiratory physiology of the gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta Journal Articles
The effects of ethinylestradiol on estrogen-regulated neurogenic pathway in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Conferences
The effects of fluctuating temperature regimes on the embryonic development of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
The effects of long-term thyroxine administration on hematological, biochemical and immunological features in sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) Journal Articles
The effects of temperature upon the electrophysiological properties of Tetrahymena pyriformis—NT1 Journal Articles
The environmental and genetic regulation of obake expressivity: morphogenetic fields as evolvable systems Journal Articles
The facultatively parasitic ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena glochidiophila (Lynn, 2018), causes a reduction in viability of freshwater mussel glochidia Journal Articles
The fine structure of home ranges of male Chelydra serpentina: are snapping turtles territorial? Journal Articles
The genetics of recolonization: an analysis of the stock structure of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the northwest Atlantic Journal Articles
The genome of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus encodes putative homologs of RXR/Usp and EcR Journal Articles
The glucocorticoid stress response is attenuated but unrelated to reproductive investment during parental care in a teleost fish Journal Articles
The growth hormone axis and cognition: empirical results and integrated theory derived from giant transgenic mice Journal Articles
The growth hormone axis, feeding, and central allocative regulation: lessons from giant transgenic growth hormone mice Journal Articles
The gut microbiome may influence post-prandial nitrogen handling in an elasmobranch, the Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) Journal Articles
The importance of heritability estimates for understanding the evolution of cognition: a response to comments on Croston et al. Journal Articles
The influence of Polydora websteri borings on the strength of the shell of the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus Journal Articles
The influence of dietary arachidonic acid on growth, reproductive performance, and fatty acid composition of ovary, egg and larvae in an anabantid model fish, Blue gourami ( Trichopodus trichopterus ; Pallas, 1770) Journal Articles
The influence of feeding and fasting on plasma metabolites in the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) Conferences
The influence of feeding and fasting on plasma metabolites in the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) Conferences
The influence of status and the social environment on energy stores in a social fish Journal Articles
The influence of supplemental feeding on survival, dispersal and competition in translocated Brown Teal, or Pateke (Anas chlorotis) Journal Articles
The insect excretory system as a target for novel pest control strategies Journal Articles
The interactive effect of digesting a meal and thermal acclimation on maximal enzyme activities in the gill, kidney, and intestine of goldfish (Carassius auratus) Journal Articles
The interrelationships between gill chloride cell morphology and ionic uptake in four freshwater teleosts Journal Articles
The labrum and labral sensilla of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae): a scanning electron microscope study Journal Articles
The marine worm Capitella teleta is sensitive to neurochemical manipulation, as revelated via a novel high-throughput behavioural tool. Journal Articles
The movement ecology of fishes Journal Articles
The native snail shell–nesting bee Osmia conjuncta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) exploits a local abundance of exotic Cepaea snails (Stylommatophora: Helicidae), choosing empty shells by size, colour, and microhabitat Journal Articles
The ontogeny of resource allocation in giant transgenic rat growth hormone mice Journal Articles
The overlooked signaling component of nonsignaling behavior Journal Articles
The physiological effects of social status in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher Journal Articles
The plainfin midshipman’s soundscape at two sites around Vancouver Island, British Columbia Journal Articles
The potential influence of morphology on the evolutionary divergence of an acoustic signal Journal Articles
The potential involvement of Rh proteins in the ammonia excretory system in Caenorhabditis elegans Conferences
The role of eicosanoids in 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-induced ovulation and spawning in Danio rerio Journal Articles
The role of food availability in hypoxia resistance of Amazonian Oscars Conferences
The role of genetic relatedness among social mates in a cooperative breeder Journal Articles
The role of local and regional processes on population synchrony along the gradients of habitat specialization Journal Articles
The role of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian development Journal Articles
The role of the kidney in compensating the alkaline tide, electrolyte load, and fluid balance disturbance associated with feeding in the freshwater rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
The roles of V-type H+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase in energizing K+ and H+ transport in larval Drosophila gut epithelia Journal Articles
The significance and scope of evolutionary developmental biology: a vision for the 21st century Journal Articles
The skin of fish as a transport epithelium: a review Journal Articles
The sodium pump in opossum vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
The status and distribution of the Red-throated DiverGavia stellatain Britain in 1994 Journal Articles
The toxicity of the anti-sea lice pesticide AlphaMax® to the polychaete worm Nereis virens Journal Articles
The translocation trade-off for eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida): balancing harm to source populations with the goal of re-establishment1 Journal Articles
The true cost of partial fencing: Evaluating strategies to reduce reptile road mortality Journal Articles
The use of fine needle fibre endoscopy in fish for in vivo examination of visceral organs, with special reference to ovarian evaluation Journal Articles
The vagina muscles of the blood-sucking insect Rhodnius prolixus as a model for exploring the physiological effects of proctolin Journal Articles
The vasculature of the gills in the aquatic and aestivating lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) Journal Articles
Thermal dependence of size-at-hatch in the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Thermal sensitivity of respiration and ROS emission of muscle mitochondria in deer mice Journal Articles
Thermal stress and the heat shock response in embryonic and young of the year juvenile lake whitefish Journal Articles
Thermocron iButton and iBBat temperature dataloggers emit ultrasound Journal Articles
Thermoregulation of transgenic growth hormone mice Journal Articles
Three sodium channel mutations from Aedes albopictus confer resistance to Type I, but not Type II pyrethroids Journal Articles
Tipping the scales: Evolution of the allometric slope independently of average trait size Conferences
Tooth acellular extrinsic fibre cementum incremental lines in humans are formed by parallel branched Sharpey’s fibres and not by its mineral phase Journal Articles
Topography and numerical distribution of neurons of the thoraco‐lumbar intermediolateral nucleus in the cat Journal Articles
Toxicity of two pyrethroid-based anti-sea lice pesticides, AlphaMax® and Excis®, to a marine amphipod in aqueous and sediment exposures Journal Articles
Tracking bowfin with acoustic telemetry: Insight into the ecology of a living fossil Journal Articles
Tracking the impacts of recent warming and thaw of permafrost peatlands on aquatic ecosystems: a multi-proxy approach using remote sensing and lake sediments Journal Articles
Tracking the record of sewage discharge off Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, since 1950, using stable isotope records from antipatharians Journal Articles
Transcriptomic analysis of the Malpighian tubules of Trichoplusia ni: Clues to mechanisms for switching from ion secretion to ion reabsorption in the distal ileac plexus Journal Articles
Transcriptomic profiling of progesterone in the male fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) testis Journal Articles
Transcriptomics profiling and steroid production in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) testes after treatment with 5α-dihydrotestosterone Journal Articles
Transepithelial potential in Malpighian tubules of Rhodnius prolixus: lumen-negative voltages and the triphasic response to serotonin Journal Articles
Transepithelial potential in the Magadi tilapia, a fish living in extreme alkalinity Journal Articles
Transepithelial transport of salicylate by the Malpighian tubules of insects from different orders Journal Articles
Transgenic growth hormone mice exposed to lifetime constant illumination: gender-specific effects Journal Articles
Transport of H+, Na+ and K+ across the posterior midgut of blood-fed mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) Journal Articles
Transport of tetraethylammonium by the Malpighian tubules of Trichoplusia ni: Regional specialization and the influence of diet Journal Articles
Tree climbing by the snail Cepaea nemoralis (L.): a possible method for regulating temperature and hydration Journal Articles
Triturus alpestris in Britain Journal Articles
Twenty years of transcriptomics, 17alpha-ethinylestradiol, and fish Journal Articles
Two closely related cichlids with divergent social systems differ in socially relevant behaviours and molecular pathways Conferences
Two social communities in the Pearl River Estuary population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) Journal Articles
Tyramine as a possible neurotransmitter/neuromodulator at the spermatheca of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria Journal Articles
Ultrastructure of marine teleost gill epithelia: SEM and TEM study of the chloride cell apical membrane Journal Articles
Unusual Protuberant Lesion of the Temporal Bone (Bullough Lesion) Journal Articles
Use of Artificial Substrates to Estimate Prey Resources available to a Visually Feeding Benthivorous Fish Journal Articles
Use of PVC Conduits by Rats of Various Strains and Ages Housed Singly and in Pairs Journal Articles
Use of White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Populations to Assess the Health of Aquatic Ecosystems Exposed to Low-Level Contaminant Stress Journal Articles
Use of space in relation to areas of food concentration by nymphs of Lestes disjunctus (Lestidae, Odonata) in captivity Journal Articles
Use of space in relation to feeding areas by zygopteran nymphs in captivity Journal Articles
Use of the Morphoedaphic Index to Predict Nutrient Status and Algal Biomass in Some Canadian Lakes Journal Articles
Using RNA-seq to understand the endocrine control of condition-dependent traits. Conferences
Using rarefaction to isolate the effects of patch size and sampling effort on beta diversity Journal Articles
Using rarefaction to isolate the effects of patch size and sampling effort on beta diversity Journal Articles
Using shell parameters as complementary data in phylogenetic systematic analyses: Evolution of form in five species of littorinids (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Journal Articles
Variation in external morphology between the native and invasive populations of the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) Journal Articles
Variation in the Responses of Spotted Alfalfa Aphids, Therioaphis maculata Buckton (Homoptera: Aphididae) and Pea Aphids, Acythosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera: Aphididae) to Drought Conditions in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., Fabaceae) Journal Articles
Variation in the diet of beluga whales in response to changes in prey availability: insights on changes in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem Journal Articles
Variation in the use of Harmonics in the Calls of Laryngeally Echolocating Bats Journal Articles
Veliger Journal
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Journal
Virtual Reality for Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Vocal repertoire of cooperatively breeding Smooth-billed Anis Journal Articles
Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels as Insecticide Targets Chapters
Voltage-gated calcium channels regulate K+ transport in the Malpighian tubules of the larval cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
Waste management in leaf-cutting ants Journal Articles
Waterbirds Journal
Weight asymmetry and sequential assessment in convict cichlid contests Journal Articles
What do warming waters mean for fish physiology and fisheries? Journal Articles
White-winged vampire bats (Diaemus youngi) exchange contact calls Journal Articles
Why fish might stay healthy after several months of complete starvation? Conferences
Wildfowl Journal
Wildlife Biology Journal
Wildlife Monographs Journal
Wildlife Society Bulletin Journal
Wilson Journal of Ornithology Journal
Withdrawal notice to “Utilizing comparative models in biomedical research” [Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 255, 2021, 110593, 10.1016/j.cbpb.2021.110593] Journal Articles
Women’s own voice pitch predicts their preferences for masculinity in men’s voices Journal Articles
Wounding as an index of aggressive interactions in larval Zygoptera (Odonata) Journal Articles
Zebrafish Journal
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society Journal
Zoologischer Anzeiger Journal
Zoomorphology Journal
Zootaxa Journal