publication venue for
- Necromone Death Cues and Risk Avoidance by the Cricket Acheta domesticus: Effects of Sex and Duration of Exposure. 30:259-272. 2017
- Larval Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Respond to Visual Cues of Predator Presence. 25:143-154. 2012
- Detection and Avoidance of Fish Predators by Adult Enallagma Damselflies. 19:77-91. 2006
- Aggressive interactions and risk of fish predation for larval damselflies. 12:213-223. 1999
- Function of abdomen wave behavior in larvalischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). 9:183-195. 1996
- Sensorimotor transformation from light reception to phototactic behavior inDrosophila larvae (Diptera: Drosophilidae). 7:553-567. 1994