Cell Division
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subject area of
46,XX/46,XX,r (2)(p25q37) mosaicism: clinical and cytogenetic studies. Journal Articles
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Infection of Human Endothelial Cells Induces Proliferation of Smooth Muscle Cells via an Endothelial Cell-Derived Soluble Factor(s) Journal Articles
A Low Protein Diet Alters the Balance of Islet Cell Replication and Apoptosis in the Fetal and Neonatal Rat and Is Associated with a Reduced Pancreatic Expression of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-II1 Journal Articles
A Novel Double-stranded RNA-binding Protein, Disco Interacting Protein 1 (DIP1), Contributes to Cell Fate Decisions during Drosophila Development Journal Articles
A novel synergistic effect of alanosine and guanine on adenine nucleotide synthesis in mammalian cells. Alanosine as a useful probe for investigating purine nucleotide metabolism Journal Articles
A p75 tumor necrosis factor receptor-specific mutant of murine tumor necrosis factor α expressed from an adenovirus vector induces an antitumor response with reduced toxicity Journal Articles
A pharmacodynamic study of the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor ZD1839 in metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Journal Articles
A proliferation-dependent bystander effect in primary porcine and human urothelial explants in response to targeted irradiation Journal Articles
A quantitative model for spontaneous bone metastasis: evidence for a mitogenic effect of bone on Walker 256 cancer cells Journal Articles
A theoretical study of random segregation of minicircles in trypanosomatids Journal Articles
AIT-082, a unique purine derivative, enhances nerve growth factor mediated neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells Journal Articles
ATM activity contributes to the tumor-suppressing functions of p14ARF Journal Articles
Absence of p21CIP Rescues Myogenic Progenitor Cell Proliferative and Regenerative Capacity in Foxk1 Null Mice Journal Articles
Acetylcholinesterase in the human erythron. III. Regulation of differentiation Journal Articles
Actinomycin D Journal Articles
Activation of Synovial Fluid T Lymphocytes by 60‐Kd Heat‐Shock Proteins in Patients with Inflammatory synovitis Journal Articles
Activation of mesangial cell MAPK in responseto homocysteine Journal Articles
Activation of mesangial cell signaling cascades in response to mechanical strain Journal Articles
Acute myeloid leukemia originates from a hierarchy of leukemic stem cell classes that differ in self-renewal capacity Journal Articles
Adenosine and its nucleotides stimulate proliferation of chick astrocytes and human astrocytoma cells Journal Articles
Adenosine upregulates CXCR4 and enhances the proliferative and migratory responses of human carcinoma cells to CXCL12/SDF‐1α Journal Articles
Adenylyl cyclase 3 mediates prostaglandin E(2)-induced growth inhibition in arterial smooth muscle cells. Journal Articles
Administration of helper-dependent adenoviral vectors and sequential delivery of different vector serotype for long-term liver-directed gene transfer in baboons Journal Articles
Aging, oxidative responses, and proliferative capacity in cultured mouse aortic smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
All colonies of CHO-K1 cells surviving γ-irradiation contain non-viable cells Journal Articles
Allergic rhinitis nasal mucosal conditioned medium stimulates growth and differentiation of basophil/mast cell and eosinophil progenitors from atopic blood Journal Articles
Alpha 2-macroglobulin and serum preferentially counteract the mitoinhibitory effect of transforming growth factor-beta 2 in rat hepatocytes. Journal Articles
Alveolar Macrophage/Peripheral Blood Monocyte-Derived Factors Modulate Proliferation of Primary Lines of Human Lung Fibroblasts Journal Articles
Anchorage-independent colony growth of pulmonary fibroblasts derived from fibrotic human lung tissue. Journal Articles
Antibodies to rat soluble IL‐6 receptor stimulate B9 hybridoma cell proliferation Journal Articles
Antimitotic and cell growth inhibitory properties of combretastatin A-4-like ethers Journal Articles
Antiproliferative effects of suramin on lymphoid cells. Journal Articles
Antithrombotic effects of drugs which suppress platelet function: their potential in prevention growth of tumour cells. Journal Articles
Antitumor effects of a refined polysaccharide peptide fraction isolated from Coriolus versicolor: in vitro and in vivo studies. Journal Articles
Apoptosis and other effects of radiation in normal human urothelial cells Journal Articles
Armeniaspirols inhibit the AAA+ proteases ClpXP and ClpYQ leading to cell division arrest in Gram-positive bacteria Journal Articles
Aromatase activity in granulosa cells: Regulation by growth factors Journal Articles
Assays on the Influence of Biomaterials on Allogeneic Rejection in Tissue Engineering Journal Articles
Astroglial growth factors in normal human brain and brain tumors: comparison with embryonic brain Journal Articles
Autoradiographic study of smooth muscle cell proliferation in spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Basic FGF localization in rat carotid body: paracrine role in O2-chemoreceptor survival Journal Articles
Basophil and mast cell lineages in vitro and in vivo [published erratum appears in Blood 1992 Aug 1;80(3):855] Journal Articles
Basophil mast cell and eosinophil growth and differentiation factors in human allergic disease Journal Articles
Benzodiazepine-induced inhibition of human malignant melanoma (M-6) cell growth. Journal Articles
Biochemical Demonstration of the Involvement of Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetase in Fatty Acid Translocation across the Plasma Membrane Journal Articles
Biodistribution and Feasibility of Non-Viral IGF-I Gene Transfers in Thermally Injured Skin Journal Articles
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Regulate the Developmental Program of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Journal Articles
Bone marrow–derived stem cells initiate pancreatic regeneration Journal Articles
Bortezomib protects from varicose‐like venous remodeling Journal Articles
Both ERK1 and ERK2 kinases promote G2/M arrest in etoposide-treated MCF7 cells by facilitating ATM activation Journal Articles
Bovine Thecal Cells Secrete Factor(s) That Promote Granulosa Cell Proliferation1 Journal Articles
Bovine pituitary Fibroblast Growth Factor has neurotrophic activity on newt limb regenerates and skeletal muscles in vitro Journal Articles
C/EBPβ (NF-M) Is Essential for Activation of the p20K Lipocalin Gene in Growth-Arrested Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts Journal Articles
Cancer cell lines release glutamate into the extracellular environment Journal Articles
Cell Division Drives Epithelial Cell Rearrangements during Gastrulation in Chick Journal Articles
Cell Population Modeling and Parameter Estimation for Continuous Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Journal Articles
Cell proliferation, apoptosis, NF-κB expression, enzyme, protein, and weight changes in livers of burned rats Journal Articles
Cellular Turnover in the Mammary Gland Is Correlated with Systemic Levels of Progesterone and Not 17β-Estradiol During the Estrous Cycle1 Journal Articles
Cellular and molecular pathology of medulloblastoma Journal Articles
Cellules souches embryonnaires humaines et hématopoïèse Journal Articles
Changes in the Ultraviolet Sensitivity of
Escherichia coli
During Growth in Batch Cultures Journal Articles
Characteristics of a Human Cell Line Transformed by DNA from Human Adenovirus Type 5 Journal Articles
Characterization and Biologic Activities of Recombinant Rat Soluble Interleukin-6 Receptor Journal Articles
Characterization of brain cancer stem cells: a mathematical approach Journal Articles
Chemical genomics in Escherichia coli identifies an inhibitor of bacterial lipoprotein targeting Journal Articles
Comparison of rectal mucosal proliferation measured by proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunohistochemistry and whole crypt dissection. Journal Articles
Comparison of the effectiveness of adenovirus vectors expressing cyclin kinase inhibitors p16INK4A, p18INK4C, p19INK4D, p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 in inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and inhibition of tumorigenicity Journal Articles
Composition and Function of AP-1 Transcription Complexes during Muscle Cell Differentiation Journal Articles
Concepts of human leukemic development Journal Articles
Contribution of Basophil/Mast Cell and Eosinophil Growth and Differentiation to the Allergic Tissue Inflammatory Response Journal Articles
Control of Centromere Localization of the MEI-S332 Cohesion Protection Protein Journal Articles
Coordinate regulation of murein peptidase activity and AmpC β‐lactamase synthesis in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Correlation between epithelial cell proliferation and histological grading in gastric mucosa. Journal Articles
Counteracting effects of dexamethasone and α2‐macroglobulin on inhibition of proliferation of normal and neoplastic rat hepatocytes by transforming growth factors‐β type 1 and type 2 Journal Articles
Cultured astrocyte proliferation induced by extracellular guanosine involves endogenous adenosine and is raised by the co-presence of microglia. Journal Articles
Cytokine-induced human basophil/mast cell growth and differentiation in vitro Journal Articles
Cytokines and BMP-4 promote hematopoietic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells Journal Articles
Cytokines, decidua, and early pregnancy. Journal Articles
DNA cytometric proliferative index predicting organ confinement in clinical stage-B prostate cancer Journal Articles
Defects in sensory nerve numbers and growth in mutant Kit and Steel mice Journal Articles
Delayed expression of lethal mutations and genomic instability in the progeny of human epithelial cells that survived in a bystander-killing environment Journal Articles
Development of a specific assay for cardiac glycoside-like compounds based on cross-resistance of human cell mutants Journal Articles
Differential Regulation of Components of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway during Lens Cell Differentiation Journal Articles
Differential Response of NORMAL and Tumour Oesophageal Explant Cultures to Radiation Journal Articles
Differential response of primitive human CD34− and CD34+ hematopoietic cells to the Notch ligand Jagged-1 Journal Articles
Differentiation of Human Basophils and Mast Cells Journal Articles
Diphtheria toxin resistance in human lymphoblast lines Journal Articles
Early Events in the Apoptotic Cascade Initiated in Cells Treated with Medium from the Progeny of Irradiated Cells Journal Articles
Effect of a tobacco-related nitrosamine on intercellular communication in human urothelial cells: a possible factor in smoking-related bladder carcinogenesis. Journal Articles
Effect of growth factors and extracellular matrix materials on the proliferation and differentiation of microencapsulated myoblasts Journal Articles
Effect of histamine on proliferation of normal human adult lung fibroblasts. Journal Articles
Effect of radiation and other cytotoxic agents on the growth of cells cultured from normal and tumor tissues from the female genital tract Journal Articles
Effects of Decidual Cell Supernatants and Lymphokines on Murine Trophoblast Growth in Vitro1 Journal Articles
Effects of Iodine-125 Brachytherapy on the Proliferative Capacity and Histopathological Features of Glioblastoma Recurring after Initial Therapy Journal Articles
Effects of Pre‐natal Glucocorticoids on Testicular Development in Sheep Journal Articles
Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in the Subgranular Zone of the Dentate Gyrus in a Rat Model of Type II Diabetes Journal Articles
Effects of incremental starvation on gut mucosa. Journal Articles
Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Conferences
Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Effects on brain tumor cell proliferation by an adenovirus vector that bears the Interleukin-4 gene Journal Articles
Emergence of muscle and neural hematopoiesis in humans Journal Articles
Endothelial cell division in metaphyseal capillaries during endochondral bone formation in rats Journal Articles
Endothelial cell proliferation is induced by radiation in cultured explants of human urothelium and oesophageal mucosa Journal Articles
Engineering new bone tissuein vitro on highly porous poly(?-hydroxyl acids)/hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds Journal Articles
Enhanced proliferation of cells from human tissue explants following irradiation in the presence of environmental carcinogens Journal Articles
Enteric glia promote regeneration of transected dorsal root axons into spinal cord of adult rats Journal Articles
Estradiol Promotes Growth and Angiogenesis in Polyoma Middle T Transgenic Mouse Mammary Tumor Explants Journal Articles
Exploitative competition in the chemostat for two perfectly substitutable resources Journal Articles
Expression of Dual TCR on DO11.10 T Cells Allows for Ovalbumin-Induced Oral Tolerance to Prevent T Cell-Mediated Colitis Directed against Unrelated Enteric Bacterial Antigens Journal Articles
Expression of Human Factor IX by Microencapsulated Recombinant Fibroblasts Journal Articles
Expression of delayed toxicity and lethal mutations in the progeny of human cells surviving exposure to radiation and other environmental mutagens Conferences
Expression of exogenous wt-p53 does not affect normal hematopoiesis: implications for bone marrow purging Journal Articles
Expression of the β4 integrin subunit induces monocytic differentiation of 32D/v-Abl cells Journal Articles
Extracellular guanosine increases astrocyte cAMP Journal Articles
Extracellular purine nucleosides stimulate cell division and morphogenesis: Pathological and physiological implications Journal Articles
Factors regulating the multiplication of animal cells in culture Journal Articles
Fluoride therapy in prevention of rheumatoid arthritis induced bone loss. Journal Articles
Functional evidence for a monoclonal antibody that binds to the human IL-4 receptor. Journal Articles
GTP and guanosine synergistically enhance NGF‐induced neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells Journal Articles
Gene transfer into hematopoietic stem cells: long-term maintenance of in vitro activated progenitors without marrow ablation. Journal Articles
Glomeruloid microvascular proliferation is associated with p53 expression, germline BRCA1 mutations and an adverse outcome following breast cancer Journal Articles
Growth inhibition by cyclosporine a and Journal Articles
Gut Mucosal Homeostasis and Cellular Mediators after Severe Thermal Trauma and the Effect of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in Combination with Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 Journal Articles
Heavy metals of relevance to human health induce genomic instability Journal Articles
Heparan Sulfate Interacting Protein (HIP/L29) Negatively Regulates Growth Responses to Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Gingival Fibroblasts Journal Articles
Heterogeneous Proliferative Characteristics of Human Adult Lung Fibroblast Lines and Clonally Derived Fibroblasts from Control and Fibrotic Tissue Journal Articles
High Levels of Stable p53 Protein and the Expression of c-myc in Cultured Human Epithelial Tissue after Cobalt-60 Irradiation Journal Articles
Homocysteine-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Growth Arrest Leads to Specific Changes in Gene Expression in Human Vascular Endothelial Cells Journal Articles
Human cell mutants affected in the interaction of the 12β-OH group of cardiac glycosides with the digitalis receptor Journal Articles
Human embryonic–derived hematopoietic repopulating cells require distinct factors to sustain in vivo repopulating function Journal Articles
Human homologues of Delta-1 and Delta-4 function as mitogenic regulators of primitive human hematopoietic cells Journal Articles
Human malignant melanoma cells express high-affinity receptors for melatonin: antiproliferative effects of melatonin and 6-chloromelatonin Journal Articles
Hybrid mathematical model of glioma progression Journal Articles
Hydrocortisone promotes clonal granulopoiesis in cultures of normal human bone marrow—A “nutritional” advantage or true stimulation of growth? Journal Articles
Hypoxia and N6,O2'-dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, but not nerve growth factor, induce Na+ channels and hypertrophy in chromaffin-like arterial chemoreceptors. Journal Articles
ICOS is essential for effective T-helper-cell responses Journal Articles
Identification and characterization of three subtypes of radiation response in normal human urothelial cultures exposed to ionizing radiation Journal Articles
Identification of a cancer stem cell in human brain tumors. Journal Articles
Identification of a transforming growth factor alpha-like molecule in human seminal plasma Journal Articles
Identification of an ataxia telangiectasia-mutated protein mediated surveillance system to regulate Bcl-2 overexpression Journal Articles
Identification of novel circulating human embryonic blood stem cells Journal Articles
Immuno-gene therapy of established prostate tumors using chimeric receptor-redirected human lymphocytes. Journal Articles
In Vivo Collagen Turnover Following Experimental Balloon Angioplasty Injury and the Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases Journal Articles
In vitro effects of bone- and platelet-derived transforming growth factor-? on the growth of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells Journal Articles
In vitro inhibition of proliferation of HL-60 cells by tetrandrine and coriolus versicolor peptide derived from Chinese medicinal herbs Journal Articles
In vivo interferon regulatory factor 3 tumor suppressor activity in B16 melanoma tumors. Journal Articles
Increased Small Bowel Epithelial Turnover in Interleukin-1 Receptor Knockout Mice Journal Articles
Increased growth rate and tumor burden of spontaneously metastatic Walker 256 cancer cells in the skeleton of bisphosphonate-treated rats. Journal Articles
Increased levels of CD34+ hemopoietic progenitor cells in atopic subjects. Journal Articles
Induction of Vascular Remodeling in the Lung by Chronic House Dust Mite Exposure Journal Articles
Induction of c-myc oncoprotein and of cellular proliferation by radiation in normal human urothelial cultures. Journal Articles
Induction of interleukin‐10 and suppressor of cytokine signalling‐3 gene expression following peptide immunotherapy Journal Articles
Induction of micronucleated and binucleate cells in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II): a morphological and morphometric study Journal Articles
Inhibitory effects of tetrandrine and hernandezine on Ca2+ mobilization in rat glioma C6 cells. Journal Articles
Insertion of a Structural Domain of Interleukin (IL)-1β Confers Agonist Activity to the IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Journal Articles
Insulin Treatment Improves Hepatic Morphology and Function Through Modulation of Hepatic Signals After Severe Trauma Journal Articles
Insulin prevents liver damage and preserves liver function in lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxemic rats Journal Articles
Insulin-like Growth Factor II Signaling in Neoplastic Proliferation Is Blocked by Transgenic Expression of the Metalloproteinase Inhibitor Timp-1 Journal Articles
Interactions between endosulfan and dieldrin on estrogen-mediated processes in vitro and in vivo Journal Articles
Interactions of corneal cells with transforming growth factor β2‐modified poly dimethyl siloxane surfaces Journal Articles
Interactions of stem cells and T lymphocytes contribute to the physiological control of cell proliferation in rapidly renewing tissues Journal Articles
Interference with p53 protein inhibits hematopoietic and muscle differentiation. Journal Articles
Interleukin-5 is a human basophilopoietin: induction of histamine content and basophilic differentiation of HL-60 cells and of peripheral blood basophil-eosinophil progenitors Journal Articles
Interleukin-6 expression and regulation in rat enteric glial cells Journal Articles
Intraglandular colloid induced nuclear proliferation of murine thymic cells as determined by flow cytometry. Journal Articles
Intranasal immunization with polymer‐grafted microparticles activates the nasal‐associated lymphoid tissue and draining lymph nodes Journal Articles
Intravenous Administration of Stabilized Antisense Lipid Particles (SALP) Leads to Activation and Expansion of Liver Natural Killer Cells Journal Articles
Involvement of astrocytes in purine‐mediated reparative processes in the brain Journal Articles
Ionizing Radiation Induces a Stress Response in Primary Cultures of Rainbow Trout Skin Journal Articles
Jnk1 activity lowers the cellular production of H2O2 and modulates the growth arrest response to scavenging of H2O2 by catalase Journal Articles
LS14: A Novel Human Adipocyte Cell Line that Produces Prolactin Journal Articles
Lactate-mediated changes in growth morphology and transformation frequency of irradiated C3h cells Journal Articles
Lethal Mutations Attributable to Misrepair of Q-lesions Journal Articles
Lineage, migration, and morphogenesis of longitudinal glia in the Drosophila CNS as revealed by a molecular lineage marker Journal Articles
Lipopolysaccharide core phosphates are required for viability and intrinsic drug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Journal Articles
Liposomal gene transfer of multiple genes is more effective than gene transfer of a single gene Journal Articles
Lithium and hydrocortisone interactions on cell growth and gene expression in human promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) Journal Articles
Low-Temperature Increases the Yield of Biologically Active Herring Antifreeze Protein in Pichia pastoris Journal Articles
M-CSF and 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 synergize with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate to induce macrophage differentiation in acute promyelocytic leukemia NB4 cells. Journal Articles
Mathematical model for chemotherapeutic drug efficacy in arresting tumour growth based on the cancer stem cell hypothesis Journal Articles
Mechanisms of Tumor Metastasis to Bone Journal Articles
Microenvironment Mimicry Journal Articles
Modulation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase during neutrophilic and monocytic differentiation of promyelocytic (NB4) and myelocytic (HL-60) leukaemia cells Journal Articles
Modulation of the Anchorage-Independent Phenotype of Human Lung Fibroblasts Obtained from Fibrotic Tissue Following Culture with Retinoid and Corticosteroid Journal Articles
Molecular identification and functional characterization of Mdr1a in rat cholangiocytes Journal Articles
Morphological observations of dysplastic gliomas heterotransplanted to experimental animals Journal Articles
MurA (MurZ), the enzyme that catalyzes the first committed step in peptidoglycan biosynthesis, is essential in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Murine Oncostatin M Stimulates Mouse Synovial Fibroblasts in Vitro and Induces Inflammation and Destruction in Mouse Joints in Vivo Journal Articles
Neuromuscular regulation of T-cell activation Journal Articles
Nitric oxide modulates stretch activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in mesangial cells Journal Articles
Non-viral liposomal keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) cDNA gene transfer improves dermal and epidermal regeneration through stimulation of epithelial and mesenchymal factors Journal Articles
Not just for housekeeping: protein initiation and elongation factors in cell growth and tumorigenesis Journal Articles
Oncogenes belonging to the CSF-1 transduction pathway direct p53 tumor suppressor effects to monocytic differentiation in 32D cells Journal Articles
Opposing Roles of C/EBPβ and AP-1 in the Control of Fibroblast Proliferation and Growth Arrest-specific Gene Expression Journal Articles
Optimal conditions for immunohistochemical determination of the in vitro DNA synthesis labelling index with bromodeoxyuridine in head and neck cancer Journal Articles
Optimisation of media for the culture of normal human epithelial cells from oesophageal mucosa Journal Articles
Ovarian Thecal/Interstitial Cells Produce an Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Substance* Journal Articles
Overexpression of FRA1 (FOSL1) Leads to Global Transcriptional Perturbations, Reduced Cellular Adhesion and Altered Cell Cycle Progression Journal Articles
Overexpression of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase promotes cell cycle arrest and inhibits neutrophilic differentiation of NB4 acute promyelocytic leukemia cells. Journal Articles
Partial purification of a low‐molecular‐weight growth factor from chicken brain Journal Articles
Particulate debris from a titanium metal prosthesis induces genomic instability in primary human fibroblast cells Journal Articles
Pathophysiologic interactions in skeletal metastasis Conferences
Placental Transforming Growth Factor-β Is a Downstream Mediator of the Growth Arrest and Apoptotic Response of Tumor Cells to DNA Damage and p53 Overexpression Journal Articles
Platelets, endothelium, and vessel injury Other
Platelets, thrombosis and atherosclerosis Other
Polyurethane vascular prostheses decreases neointimal formation compared with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene Journal Articles
Postirradiation Expression of Lethal Mutations in an Immortalized Human Keratinocyte Cell Line Journal Articles
Potential involvement of mt1 receptor and attenuated sex steroid‐induced calcium influx in the direct anti‐proliferative action of melatonin on androgen‐responsive LNCaP human prostate cancer cells Journal Articles
Precise Deletion of
and Controlled Depletion of Its Product, Glycerol 3-Phosphate Cytidylyltransferase, Leads to Irregular Morphology and Lysis of
Bacillus subtilis
Grown at Physiological Temperature Journal Articles
Prognostic implications of basophil differentiation in chronic myeloid leukemia Journal Articles
Proliferation of Normal and Malignant Human Epithelial Cells Post Irradiation Journal Articles
Proliferation of guinea pig tracheal epithelial cells in coculture with rat dorsal root ganglion neural cells Journal Articles
Protection Against Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Generated by a Recombinant Adenovirus Vector Expressing the Vβ8.2 TCR Is Disrupted by Coadministration with Vectors Expressing Either IL-4 or -10 Journal Articles
Purine nucleosides and nucleotides stimulate proliferation of a wide range of cell types Journal Articles
Purinergic stimulation of astroblast proliferation: Guanosine and its nucleotides stimulate cell division in chick astroblasts Journal Articles
Purinergic stimulation of cell division and differentiation: Mechanisms and pharmacological implications Journal Articles
Quantitative Analysis Reveals Expansion of Human Hematopoietic Repopulating Cells After Short-term Ex Vivo Culture Journal Articles
Quantum-like decreased embryogenesis time with increased cold exposure time Journal Articles
Quiescence-dependent activation of the p20K promoter in growth-arrested chicken embryo fibroblasts. Journal Articles
Radiobiologic Response of Cho-Ki Cells Treated with Vitamin A Journal Articles
Rainbow trout primary epidermal cell proliferation as an indicator of aquatic toxicity: an in vitro/in vivo exposure comparison Journal Articles
Raloxifene, a Mixed Estrogen Agonist/Antagonist, Induces Apoptosis through Cleavage of BAD in TSU-PR1 Human Cancer Cells Journal Articles
Rapid development of atherosclerotic lesions in the rabbit carotid artery induced by perivascular manipulation Journal Articles
Rat thecal/interstitial cells produce a mitogenic activity that promotes the growth of granulosa cells Journal Articles
Re-expression of TSLC1 in a non-small-cell lung cancer cell line induces apoptosis and inhibits tumor growth Journal Articles
Reciprocal regulation of human basophil and eosinophil differentiation by separate T-cell-derived factors. Journal Articles
Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Alters Acute Phase Reactant Proteins, Cytokine Expression, and Liver Morphology in Burned Rats Journal Articles
Repression of quiescence-specific polypeptides in chicken heart mesenchymal cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. Journal Articles
Reproducibility and variability of the rectal mucosal proliferation index using proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemistry. Journal Articles
Reproductive effects of tris(4-chlorophenyl)methanol in the rat Journal Articles
Role of Basic FGF and Oxygen in Control of Proliferation, Survival, and Neuronal Differentiation in Carotid Body Chromaffin Cells Journal Articles
Role of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) in breast cancer proliferation and metastasis. Journal Articles
SDF-1 enhances the expansion and maintenance of highly purified human hematopoietic progenitors Journal Articles
SRF-dependent gene expression is required for PI3-kinase-regulated cell proliferation. Journal Articles
Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+(SERCA)-pumps: link to heart beats and calcium waves Journal Articles
Scavenging of Extracellular H2O2 by Catalase Inhibits the Proliferation of HER-2/Neu-transformed Rat-1 Fibroblasts through the Induction of a Stress Response Journal Articles
Shear Flow-Induced Detachment Kinetics of Dictyostelium discoideum Cells from Solid Substrate Journal Articles
SmeA, a small membrane protein with multiple functions in Streptomyces sporulation including targeting of a SpoIIIE/FtsK‐like protein to cell division septa Journal Articles
Sol–Gel-Derived Materials for Production of Pin-Printed Reporter Gene Living-Cell Microarrays Journal Articles
Somatic mutation landscapes at single-molecule resolution Journal Articles
Sonic hedgehog induces the proliferation of primitive human hematopoietic cells via BMP regulation Journal Articles
Species specific differences in the toxicity of mithramycin, chromomycin A3, and olivomycin towards cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Specific inhibition of beta-tryptase expression in a human mast cell line by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor produced by airways structural cells. Journal Articles
SpontaneousIn VitroRelease of Alveolar-Macrophage Cytokines after the Intratracheal Instillation of Bleomycin in Rats: Characterization and Kinetic Studies Journal Articles
Stimulation of astrocyte proliferation by purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and nucleosides Journal Articles
Stimulation of bone resorption results in a selective increase in the growth rate of spontaneously metastatic Walker 256 cancer cells in bone Journal Articles
Stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of children by influenza vaccine. Journal Articles
Studies directed towards the refinement of the pancratistatin cytotoxic pharmacophore Journal Articles
Studies on temperature-sensitive mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells affected in DNA synthesis Journal Articles
Suppression of tumorigenicity by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of decorin Journal Articles
Sympatholytic interventions and vascular remodelling. Journal Articles
Synergy of pancratistatin and tamoxifen on breast cancer cells in inducing apoptosis by targeting mitochondria Journal Articles
Synoviocyte derived granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor mediates the survival of human lymphocytes. Journal Articles
T-lymphocyte modulation of intestinal muscle function in the Trichinella-infected rat Journal Articles
TNF Receptor Involvement in TNF-Mediated Activities against Syngeneic Malignant and Normal Mouse Thymocytes Journal Articles
Tamoxifen Derivatives for Delivery of the Antitumoral (DACH)Pt Group: Selective Synthesis by McMurry Coupling, and Biochemical Behaviour Journal Articles
Targeted disruption of β1-integrin in a transgenic mouse model of human breast cancer reveals an essential role in mammary tumor induction Journal Articles
Taxol resistant mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells: Genetic biochemical, and cross‐resistance studies Journal Articles
Telomerase activity in normal leukocytes and in hematologic malignancies Journal Articles
Telomere length predicts replicative capacity of human fibroblasts. Journal Articles
Telomere maintenance by telomerase and by recombination can coexist in human cells Journal Articles
Telomere maintenance in tumour cells. Journal Articles
Telomere-dependent senescence Journal Articles
The Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 Modulates Dendritic Cell Differentiation and Dendritic Cell-Induced T Cell Polarization Journal Articles
The Effect of Radiation and Cytotoxic Platinum Compounds on the Growth of Normal and Tumour Bladder Explant Cultures Journal Articles
The Hayflick Limit May Determine the Effective Clonal Diversity of Naive T Cells Journal Articles
The Notch Ligand Jagged-1 Represents a Novel Growth Factor of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Journal Articles
The Transcriptional Repressor ZEB Regulates p73 Expression at the Crossroad between Proliferation and Differentiation Journal Articles
The Trophic Effects of Purines and Purinergic Signaling in Pathologic Reactions of Astrocytes Journal Articles
The Type IVa Pilus Machinery Is Recruited to Sites of Future Cell Division Journal Articles
The accessory subunit of DNA polymerase γ is essential for mitochondrial DNA maintenance and development in
melanogaster Journal Articles
The blood platelet as a model for regulating blood coagulation on cell surfaces and its consequences. Journal Articles
The chemosensitizing potential of GF120918 is independent of the magnitude of P-glycoprotein-mediated resistance to conventional chemotherapeutic agents in a small cell lung cancer line. Journal Articles
The contribution of lifestyle, environment, genetics and chance to cancer risk in individuals and populations Journal Articles
The cytoplasmic domain is critical to the tumor suppressor activity of TSLC1 in non-small cell lung cancer. Journal Articles
The differential effects of cadmium exposure on the growth and survival of primary and established cells from fish and mammals Journal Articles
The dynamic microbe: green fluorescent protein brings bacteria to light Journal Articles
The effect of hepatocyte growth factor on gut mucosal apoptosis and proliferation, and cellular mediators after severe trauma Journal Articles
The effect of lonidamine alone and in combination with cisplatin on in vitro growth and viability of lung squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Journal Articles
The effect of membrane stabilizing agents on induction of the immune response. I. Effect of lymphocyte activation in mixed lymphocyte reactions. Journal Articles
The effect of radiation in combination with carcinogens on the growth of normal urothelium in explant culture Journal Articles
The effect of radiation on the growth of normal and malignant human oesophageal explant cultures pre-treated with bleomycin Journal Articles
The effect of serum on the transport and phosphorylation of 2‐deoxyglucose by untransformed and transformed mouse 3T3 cells Journal Articles
The effect of-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine on growth, viability, and DNA synthesis of mouse L-cells. Journal Articles
The in vitro effects of lonidamine combined with cisplatin in human small cell lung cancer cell lines. Journal Articles
The pathobiology of salivary gland Journal Articles
The shortest telomeres drive karyotype evolution in transformed cells Journal Articles
Therapeutic success and efficacy of nonviral liposomal cDNA gene transfer to the skin in vivo is dose dependent Journal Articles
Three-dimensional in vitro culture of endometrial explants mimics the early stages of endometriosis Journal Articles
Thymidine kinase deficient human cells have increased UV sensitivity in their capacity to support herpes simplex virus but normal UV sensitivity for colony formation Journal Articles
Transformation of human cultured fibroblasts with plasmids carrying dominant selection markers and immortalizing potential Journal Articles
Transforming Growth Factor α Localization and Role in Surface Epithelium of Normal Human Ovaries and in Ovarian Carcinoma Cells Journal Articles
Translational inhibition in extracts from serum-deprived animal cells Journal Articles
U.V. Enhanced Reactivation of U.V.- and γ-irradiated Adenovirus in Normal Human Fibroblasts Journal Articles
Vascular invasion of the epithyseal growth plate: Analysis of metaphyseal capillary ultrastructure and growth dynamics Journal Articles
Vorinostat induces reactive oxygen species and DNA damage in acute myeloid leukemia cells. Journal Articles
WISH-PC2: a unique xenograft model of human prostatic small cell carcinoma. Journal Articles
Wild-Type p53 Induces Diverse Effects in 32D Cells Expressing Different Oncogenes Journal Articles
Wild-type p53 modulates apoptosis of normal, IL-3 deprived, hematopoietic cells. Journal Articles
YB-1 Bridges Neural Stem Cells and Brain Tumor–Initiating Cells via Its Roles in Differentiation and Cell Growth Journal Articles
[Autocrine activation of fibroblasts following irradiation]. Journal Articles
[Comparative action of solubilized crystals of H-14 and H-1 serotypes of Bacillus thuringiensis on cultures of Aedes aegypti cells]. Journal Articles
p14ARF inhibits the growth of p53 deficient cells in a cell-specific manner Journal Articles