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subject area of
'Human Milk Oligosaccharide Concentrations Are Associated with Multiple Fixed and Modifiable Maternal Characteristics, Environmental Factors, and Feeding Practices Journal Articles
10th Anniversary Review: when healthy food becomes polluted—implications for public health and dietary advice Journal Articles
1H NMR-based metabolomic study on resistance to diet-induced obesity in AHNAK knock-out mice Journal Articles
2006 Canadian clinical practice guidelines on the management and prevention of obesity in adults and children [summary] Journal Articles
2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Adult Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Articles
Genetic knockdown of a single organic anion transporter alters the expression of functionally related genes in Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
β2-1 Fructan supplementation alters host immune responses in a manner consistent with increased exposure to microbial components: results from a double-blinded, randomised, cross-over study in healthy adults Journal Articles
1H NMR-based metabolite profiling of diet-induced obesity in a mouse mode Journal Articles
A Digital Health Intervention to Lower Cardiovascular Risk Journal Articles
A Plant Food–Based Diet Modifies the Serum β-Sitosterol Concentration in Hyperandrogenic Postmenopausal Women Journal Articles
A Randomized Trial of Improved Weight Loss With a Prepared Meal Plan in Overweight and Obese Patients Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of the Evidence Supporting a Causal Link Between Dietary Factors and Coronary Heart Disease Journal Articles
A cardiologist's guide to waist management Journal Articles
A molecular analysis of dietary diversity for three archaic Native Americans Journal Articles
A molecular analysis of ground sloth diet through the last glaciation Journal Articles
A natural way to cardiovascular health Journal Articles
A practical approach to nutritional screening and assessment in cirrhosis Journal Articles
A practical approach to nutritional screening and assessment in cirrhosis. Journal Articles
A preliminary analysis of the DNA and diet of the extinct Beothuk: A systematic approach to ancient human DNA Journal Articles
A prospective study of dietary selenium intake and risk of type 2 diabetes Journal Articles
A review of the associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in taste receptors, eating behaviors, and health Journal Articles
A single dose of sodium nitrate does not improve oral glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Journal Articles
A systematic review and meta-analysis of nut consumption and incident risk of CVD and all-cause mortality Journal Articles
Abandoned Mid-Canada Radar Line sites in the Western James region of Northern Ontario, Canada: A source of organochlorines for First Nations people? Journal Articles
Acculturation and Nutritional Health of Immigrants in Canada: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Adaptive changes in multiple aspects of emotion regulation in the offspring of pregnant persons receiving a diet-and-exercise intervention relative to usual pregnancy care: a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Addressing embodied inequities in health: how do we enable improvement in women’s diet in pregnancy? Journal Articles
Adherence to a healthy lifestyle and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in Chinese adults: a 10-year prospective study of 0.5 million people Journal Articles
Adolescent understanding of DOHaD concepts: a school-based intervention to support knowledge translation and behaviour change Journal Articles
Aim2Be mHealth intervention for children with overweight and obesity: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Alcohol Ingestion Impairs Maximal Post-Exercise Rates of Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis following a Single Bout of Concurrent Training Journal Articles
Alcoholic beverage preference and characteristics of drinkers and nondrinkers in western New York (United States) Journal Articles
Alexithymia and health behaviors in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Alterations in palatability of nutrients for the rat as a result of prior tasting. Journal Articles
Alternatives for macronutrient intake and chronic disease: a comparison of the OmniHeart diets with popular diets and with dietary recommendations Journal Articles
American College of Gastroenterology Monograph on Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
Ammonium secretion by Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogaster: application of a novel ammonium-selective microelectrode Journal Articles
An Exploration of Milk Product Health Beliefs and Dietary Calcium Intake in Young Adults Journal Articles
An approach to feeding high-percentage fish diets to mice for human and wildlife toxicology studies Journal Articles
An improved multi-element measurement of mineral absorption in the piglet utilizing the fecal monitoring technique Journal Articles
Application of iTRAQ to catalogue the skeletal muscle proteome in pigs and assessment of effects of gender and diet dephytinization Journal Articles
Applying Aristotle's doctrine of causation to Aboriginal and biomedical understanding of diabetes. Journal Articles
Applying the Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy to Four Multicomponent Childhood Obesity Interventions Journal Articles
Aquatic and terrestrial organic matter in the diet of stream consumers: implications for mercury bioaccumulation Journal Articles
Are Chronic Digestive Complaints the Result of Abnormal Dietary Patterns? Journal Articles
Assessing the regulation of skeletal muscle plasticity in response to protein ingestion and resistance exercise Journal Articles
Association Between Meat and Meat-Alternative Consumption and Iron Stores in Early Childhood Journal Articles
Association between Frequency of Consumption of Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts and Pulses and BMI: Analyses of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Journal Articles
Association between dietary magnesium and 10-year risk of a first hard atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease event Journal Articles
Association between fruit juice consumption and self‐reported body mass index among adult Canadians Journal Articles
Association between the seven-repeat allele of the dopamine-4 receptor gene (DRD4) and spontaneous food intake in pre-school children Journal Articles
Association of Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion with Blood Pressure Journal Articles
Association of cardiovascular risk factors between Hispanic/Latino parents and youth: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latino Youth Journal Articles
Association of dietary nutrients with blood lipids and blood pressure in 18 countries: a cross-sectional analysis from the PURE study Journal Articles
Association of glycaemic index and glycaemic load with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of mega cohorts of more than 100 000 participants Journal Articles
Associations of dietary copper intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality: findings from the Chinese Perspective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-China) Study Journal Articles
Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Associations of protein intake and protein source with bone mineral density and fracture risk: A population-based cohort study Journal Articles
Associations of the glycaemic index and the glycaemic load with risk of type 2 diabetes in 127 594 people from 20 countries (PURE): a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Associations of unprocessed and processed meat intake with mortality and cardiovascular disease in 21 countries [Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study]: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Availability, affordability, and consumption of fruits and vegetables in 18 countries across income levels: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study Journal Articles
Barriers and Facilitators to a Good Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy in Children Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators of household provision of dairy and plant-based dairy alternatives in families with preschool-age children Journal Articles
Be Healthy in Pregnancy: Exploring factors that impact pregnant women's nutrition and exercise behaviours Journal Articles
Behavior Change and the Freshman 15: Tracking Physical Activity and Dietary Patterns in 1st-Year University Women Journal Articles
Behavioural and ecological consequences of limited attention Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute phenylalanine and tyrosine depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Biochemical and pathological changes in rats fed low dietary levels of brominated cottonseed oil Journal Articles
Biological ageing: a physiological perspective Journal Articles
Biologically incorporated dietary silver has no ionoregulatory effects in American red crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Journal Articles
Blood and hair mercury concentrations among Cree First Nations ofEeyou Istchee(Quebec, Canada): time trends, prenatal exposure and links to local fish consumption Journal Articles
Body burdens, sources and interrelations of selected toxic and essential elements among the nine Cree First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Branched-chain volatile fatty acids and folic acid accelerated the growth of Holstein dairy calves by stimulating nutrient digestion and rumen metabolism Journal Articles
Breakfast Cereal Consumption Moderates the Association Between Body Composition and Body Esteem in Young Women but not in Young Men Journal Articles
Breakfast Quality of Preschool-aged Canadian Children Journal Articles
Cabbage and fermented vegetables: From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID‐19 Journal Articles
Calcium Does Not Inhibit Iron Absorption or Alter Iron Status in Infant Piglets Adapted to a High Calcium Diet Journal Articles
Calcium and Vitamin D Intake and Mortality: Results from the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMos) Journal Articles
Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D Fortification of Complementary Foods Conferences
Can Undergraduate Students Help Change Older Adults’ Confidence for Making Nutrition-Related Decisions in a 45-Minute Nutrition Workshop? Journal Articles
Cannabinoids and an anti-inflammatory diet for the treatment of neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury (The CATNP Study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Disease in South Asian Migrants Journal Articles
Challenges in breast milk fortification for preterm infants Journal Articles
Changes in Serum Lipids in Relation to Emotional Stress during Rigid Control of Diet and Exercise Journal Articles
Changes in dietary intake and food sources of saturated and cis and trans unsaturated fatty acids in Costa Rican adolescents: 1996 versus 2006 Journal Articles
Changes in energy, macronutrient, and food consumption in 47 countries over the last 70 years (1950-2019): a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Changes in nutrient intake and inflammation following an anti-inflammatory diet in spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Changes in serum lipids in relation to emotional stress during rigid control of diet and exercise. Journal Articles
Childhood obesity, prevalence and prevention Journal Articles
Cholesterol and total mortality: need for larger trials. Journal Articles
Cinacalcet versus standard treatment for chronic kidney disease: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Circulating MicroRNA Responses between ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Responders to a 16-Wk Diet and Exercise Weight Loss Intervention Journal Articles
Citrus Fruits Intake and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Quantitative Systematic Review Journal Articles
Clinical Onset of Celiac Disease after an Episode ofCampylobacter jejuniEnteritis Journal Articles
Clustering of diet, physical activity and overweight in parents and offspring in South India Journal Articles
Cognitive decline, dietary factors and gut–brain interactions Journal Articles
Combining nutrition and exercise to optimize survival and recovery from critical illness: Conceptual and methodological issues Journal Articles
Common ground: shared risk factors for type 1 diabetes and celiac disease Journal Articles
Community-based interventions for enhancing access to or consumption of fruit and vegetables among five to 18-year olds: a scoping review Journal Articles
Comparison of mercury concentrations in landlocked, resident, and sea‐run fish (Salvelinus spp.) from Nunavut, Canada Journal Articles
Comparison of the microbial communities of alpacas and sheep fed diets with three different ratios of corn stalk to concentrate Journal Articles
Compound specific isotope analysis of lipid residues provides the earliest direct evidence of dairy product processing in South Asia Journal Articles
Conjugated linoleic acid increases skeletal muscle ceramide content and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight, non-diabetic humans Journal Articles
Consumption of a dietary portfolio of cholesterol lowering foods improves blood lipids without affecting concentrations of fat soluble compounds Journal Articles
Consumption of guar gum and retrograded high-amylose corn resistant starch increases IL-10 abundance without affecting pro-inflammatory cytokines in the colon of pigs fed a high-fat diet1 Journal Articles
Controlling food intake and energy balance: which macronutrient should we select? Journal Articles
Convergence of gut microbiomes in myrmecophagous mammals Journal Articles
Correlation between n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids consumption and BDNF peripheral levels in adolescents Journal Articles
Creation and Initial Validation of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Functional Diet Scale Journal Articles
Cross-sectional associations between dietary intake and carotid intima media thickness in type 2 diabetes: baseline data from a randomised trial Journal Articles
Defective NOD2 peptidoglycan sensing promotes diet‐induced inflammation, dysbiosis, and insulin resistance Journal Articles
Demographic, behavioral, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in the Saudi population: results from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology study (PURE-Saudi) Journal Articles
Detection of phytoestrogens in samples of second trimester human amniotic fluid Journal Articles
Determinantes dietéticos del consumo de zinc en menores de cinco años con retardo de crecimiento en comunidades mayas de Guatemala Journal Articles
Determinants of variation in food cost and availability in two socioeconomically contrasting neighbourhoods of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Development of a Chronic Disease Management Program for Stroke Survivors Using Intervention Mapping Journal Articles
Development of food frequency questionnaires and a nutrient database for the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) pilot study in South India: methodological issues. Journal Articles
Development, reproducibility and validity of the food frequency questionnaire in the Poland arm of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study Journal Articles
Diagnosis and treatment of dementia: 1. Risk assessment and primary prevention of Alzheimer disease Journal Articles
Diet alters species recognition in juvenile toads Journal Articles
Diet and Kidney Disease in High-Risk Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Journal Articles
Diet and Major Renal Outcomes: A Prospective Cohort Study. The NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study Journal Articles
Diet and Nutrition Risk Affect Mobility and General Health in Osteoarthritis: Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Diet and cannibalism in plainfin midshipmanPorichthys notatus Journal Articles
Diet and depression: exploring the biological mechanisms of action Journal Articles
Diet and depression: future needs to unlock the potential Journal Articles
Diet and health: the need for new and reliable approaches Journal Articles
Diet in Early Pregnancy: Focus on Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Choline Journal Articles
Diet influences salinity preference of an estuarine fish, the killifishFundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Diet, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 80 countries Journal Articles
Diet, physical activity, and adiposity in children in poor and rich neighbourhoods: a cross-sectional comparison Journal Articles
Diet-Induced Developmental Acceleration Independent of TOR and Insulin in C. elegans Journal Articles
Dietary Elimination for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Dietary Patterns and Risk of Breast Cancer in the ORDET Cohort Journal Articles
Dietary Patterns of Patients: With Advanced Lung or Colorectal Cancer Journal Articles
Dietary Protective Effects Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Mdr2-/- Knockout Mice. Journal Articles
Dietary Protein for Muscle Hypertrophy Journal Articles
Dietary Saturated Fats and Health: Are the U.S. Guidelines Evidence-Based? Journal Articles
Dietary Sugar and Anthropometrics among Young Children in the Guelph Family Health Study: Longitudinal Associations Journal Articles
Dietary and Total Calcium Intakes Are Associated with Lower Percentage Total Body and Truncal Fat in Young, Healthy Adults Journal Articles
Dietary antioxidants enhance immunocompetence in larval amphibians Journal Articles
Dietary approach to stop hypertension with sodium reduction for Chinese Canadians (Dashna-CC): A pilot randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Dietary changes and food intake in the first year after breast cancer treatment Journal Articles
Dietary compliance and cardiovascular risk reduction with a prepared meal plan compared with a self-selected diet Journal Articles
Dietary exposure of PBDEs resulting from a subsistence diet in three First Nation communities in the James Bay Region of Canada Journal Articles
Dietary galactose inhibits GDF-9 mediated follicular development in the rat ovary Journal Articles
Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load, and the risk of breast cancer in an Italian prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Dietary intake and childhood leukemia: The Diet and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment (DALLT) cohort study Journal Articles
Dietary lignan intakes and risk of breast cancer by tumor estrogen receptor status Journal Articles
Dietary lignan intakes and risk of pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer. Journal Articles
Dietary lignan intakes and risk of pre‐ and postmenopausal breast cancer Journal Articles
Dietary patterns in men and women are simultaneously determinants of altered glucose metabolism and bone metabolism Journal Articles
Dietary patterns related to glycemic index and load and risk of premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer in the Western New York Exposure and Breast Cancer Study Journal Articles
Dietary patterns, body mass index and inflammation: Pathways to depression and mental health problems in adolescents Journal Articles
Dietary practices among Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees in Western societies: A scoping review Journal Articles
Dietary protein for athletes: From requirements to optimum adaptation Journal Articles
Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to metabolic advantage Journal Articles
Dietary pulses, satiety and food intake: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of acute feeding trials Journal Articles
Dietary risk factors for incidence or progression of chronic kidney disease in individuals with type 2 diabetes in the European Union Journal Articles
Diet–microbial cross–talk underlying increased visceral perception Journal Articles
Differences Between Golden Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Preference for the Sole Diet That They Are Eating. Journal Articles
Different mechanisms for social transmission of diet preference in rat pups of different ages Journal Articles
Differential association of sugar-sweetened beverages in men and women: is it the sugar or calories? Journal Articles
Difficulty buying food, BMI, and eating habits in young children Journal Articles
Diffusion and dissemination of evidence-based dietary srategies for the prevention of cancer Journal Articles
Diffusion and dissemination of evidence-based dietary strategies for the prevention of cancer. Journal Articles
Dioxin-like activity and maternal thyroid hormone levels in second trimester maternal serum Journal Articles
Direct quantitation of omega-3 fatty acid intake of Canadian residents of a long-term care facility Journal Articles
Dissociative analysis of ventromedial hypothalamic obesity syndrome Journal Articles
Divergent neural substrates of inhibitory control in binge eating disorder relative to other manifestations of obesity Journal Articles
Do Healthy Dietary Interventions Improve Pediatric Depressive Symptoms? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Doctor, can we prevent food allergy and eczema in our baby? Journal Articles
Does a High-inflammatory Diet Increase the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Results From the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Dorset Pre-Inuit and Beothuk foodways in Newfoundland, ca. AD 500-1829 Journal Articles
Dyspepsia Journal Articles
Dyspepsia Journal Articles
Dyspepsia. Journal Articles
Earliest Olduvai hominins exploited unstable environments ~ 2 million years ago Journal Articles
Early Life Exposure to Fructose and Offspring Phenotype: Implications for Long Term Metabolic Homeostasis Journal Articles
Early Life Stress Interacts with the Diet Deficiency of Omega-3 Fatty Acids during the Life Course Increasing the Metabolic Vulnerability in Adult Rats Journal Articles
Eating for Gold! Nutrition for the Aquatic Sports Journal Articles
Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey Journal Articles
Effect of Current Dietary Recommendations on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Journal Articles
Effect of Current Dietary Recommendations on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Journal Articles
Effect of Dietary Pulses on Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials Journal Articles
Effect of Dietary-Based Lifestyle Modification Approaches on Anthropometric Indices and Dietary Intake Parameters in Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Effect of Lower Versus Higher Red Meat Intake on Cardiometabolic and Cancer Outcomes Journal Articles
Effect of Lowering the Glycemic Load With Canola Oil on Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Effect of a Dietary Portfolio of Cholesterol-Lowering Foods Given at 2 Levels of Intensity of Dietary Advice on Serum Lipids in Hyperlipidemia Journal Articles
Effect of a low glycemic index diet versus a high-cereal fibre diet on markers of subclinical cardiac injury in healthy individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: An exploratory analysis of a randomized dietary trial Journal Articles
Effect of adjuvant central iv hyperalimentation on the survival and response to treatment of patients with small cell lung cancer: a randomized trial. Journal Articles
Effect of deoxynivalenol on the porcine acquired immune response and potential remediation by a novel modified HSCAS adsorbent Journal Articles
Effect of exercise on the plasma nonesterified fatty acid composition of dogs and goats: Species with different aerobic capacities and diets Journal Articles
Effect of fructose on postprandial triglycerides: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials Journal Articles
Effect of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): case-control study Journal Articles
Effects of Dietary Acute Tryptophan Depletion (ATD) on NPY Serum Levels in Healthy Adult Humans Whilst Controlling for Methionine Supply—A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Effects of acute or chronic exposure to dietary organic anions on secretion of methotrexate and salicylate by Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogasterlarvae Journal Articles
Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on brain-derived neurotrophic factor in adolescents with obesity: The hearty randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Effects of an omnivorous diet compared with a lactoovovegetarian diet on resistance-training-induced changes in body composition and skeletal muscle in older men Journal Articles
Effects of biotin and coated cobalamin on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Holstein dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of branched-chain volatile fatty acids on lactation performance and mRNA expression of genes related to fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland of dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of concentrate‐to‐forage ratios and 2‐methylbutyrate supplementation on ruminal fermentation, bacteria abundance and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in Chinese Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of dietary antioxidants and environmental stressors on immune function and condition in Lithobates (Rana) sylvaticus Journal Articles
Effects of dietary fatty acid composition on the regulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) I in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Journal Articles
Effects of dietary folic acid supplementation on lactation performance and mammary epithelial cell development of dairy cows and its regulatory mechanism Journal Articles
Effects of dietary protein levels and 2‐methylbutyrate on ruminal fermentation, nutrient degradability, bacterial populations and urinary purine derivatives in Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of dietary pulse consumption on body weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Effects of dietary supplementation of rumen-protected folic acid on rumen fermentation, degradability and excretion of urinary purine derivatives in growing steers Journal Articles
Effects of feeding salt‐tolerant forage cultivated in saline‐alkaline land on rumen fermentation, feed digestibility and nitrogen balance in lamb Journal Articles
Effects of folic acid and cobalt sulphate supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Holstein calves Journal Articles
Effects of folic acid and riboflavin on growth performance, nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of folic acid on growth performance, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestibility and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in post-weaned dairy calves Journal Articles
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid and coated folic acid supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion and hepatic gene expression in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestion, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Angus bulls Journal Articles
Effects of guanidinoacetic acid supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Holstein dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of higher-versus lower-protein diets on health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of isobutyrate supplementation in pre- and post-weaned dairy calves diet on growth performance, rumen development, blood metabolites and hormone secretion Journal Articles
Effects of isobutyrate supplementation on ruminal microflora, rumen enzyme activities and methane emissions in Simmental steers Journal Articles
Effects of isovalerate on ruminal fermentation, urinary excretion of purine derivatives and digestibility in steers Journal Articles
Effects of isovalerate supplements on morphology and functional gene expression of rumen mucosa in pre- and post-weaning dairy calves Journal Articles
Effects of nanoselenium supplementation on lactation performance, nutrient digestion and mammary gland development in dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of nonnutritive sweeteners on body weight and BMI in diverse clinical contexts: Systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Effects of sodium selenite and coated sodium selenite on lactation performance, total tract nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in Holstein dairy cows Journal Articles
Effects of soybean oil and dietary copper levels on nutrient digestion, ruminal fermentation, enzyme activity, microflora and microbial protein synthesis in dairy bulls Journal Articles
Effects of vitamin supplementation and hyperhomocysteinemia on atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice Journal Articles
Effects of β-carboline harmine on behavioral and physiological parameters observed in the chronic mild stress model: Further evidence of antidepressant properties Journal Articles
Elevated dentine-lead levels in deciduous teeth collected from remote First Nation communities located in the western James Bay region of northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Emerging insights in weight management and prevention: implications for practice and research Journal Articles
Endothelial Function Increases after a 16-Week Diet and Exercise Intervention in Overweight and Obese Young Women Journal Articles
Enduring social enhancement of rats' preferences for the palatable and the piquant Journal Articles
Enteric Parasites in Arctic Communities: Tip of the Iceberg? Journal Articles
Environmental Contaminants and Dietary Factors in Endometriosis Conferences
Environmental Profile of a Community's Health (EPOCH): An Instrument to Measure Environmental Determinants of Cardiovascular Health in Five Countries Journal Articles
Epidemiologic Evidence Linking Antioxidant Vitamins to Pulmonary Function and Airway Obstruction Journal Articles
Equol Status Modifies the Association of Soy Intake and Mammographic Density in a Sample of Postmenopausal Women Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to low fruit and vegetable consumption in Canada Journal Articles
Ethnic and diet-related differences in the healthy infant microbiome Journal Articles
Ethnic differences in maternal diet in pregnancy and infant eczema Journal Articles
Ethnicity Does Not Affect the Homocysteine-Lowering Effect of B-Vitamin Therapy in Singaporean Stroke Patients Journal Articles
Evaluating adults’ health-related values and preferences about unprocessed red meat and processed meat consumption: protocol for a cross-sectional mixed-methods study Journal Articles
Evaluation of protein requirements for trained strength athletes Journal Articles
Evidence Collection and Evaluation for the Development of Dietary Guidelines and Public Policy on Nutrition Journal Articles
Evidence-based and mechanistic insights into exclusion diets for IBS Journal Articles
Evolving evidence about diet and health Journal Articles
Examining local-level factors shaping school nutrition policy implementation in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Examining the Relationship between Exercise Dependence, Disordered Eating, and Low Energy Availability Journal Articles
Existing Guidance on Feeding Infants and Children From Birth to 24 Months: Implications and Next Steps for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists Journal Articles
Exploring the benefits and challenges of establishing a DRI-like process for bioactives Journal Articles
FODMAPs alter symptoms and the metabolome of patients with IBS: a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Factors Associated With Women’s Plans to Gain Weight Categorized as Above or Below the National Guidelines During Pregnancy Journal Articles
Factors affecting blood pressure responses to diet: The vanguard study Journal Articles
Factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among adults Journal Articles
Faut-il proposer un programme hygiéno-diététique pour les femmes enceintes obèses ou en surpoids ? Journal Articles
Fetal growth interacts with multilocus genetic score reflecting dopamine signaling capacity to predict spontaneous sugar intake in children Journal Articles
Fish-Derived Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Fluctuations in dietary intake during treatment for childhood leukemia: A report from the DALLT cohort Journal Articles
Focus on Risk Factors for Cardiometabolic Disease in Cerebral Palsy: Toward a Core Set of Outcome Measurement Instruments Journal Articles
Food Availability Alters the Effects of Larval Temperature on Aedes aegypti Growth Journal Articles
Food Consumption and its Impact on Cardiovascular Disease: Importance of Solutions Focused on the Globalized Food System Journal Articles
Food Skills: Associations With Diet Quality and Food Waste Among Canadian Parents Journal Articles
Food and Mood: Diet Quality is Inversely Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Female University Students Journal Articles
Food parenting practices and their association with child nutrition risk status: comparing mothers and fathers Journal Articles
Food selection in larval fruit flies: dynamics and effects on larval development Journal Articles
Food web analysis reveals effects of pH on mercury bioaccumulation at multiple trophic levels in streams Journal Articles
Food, health, and complexity: towards a conceptual understanding to guide collaborative public health action Journal Articles
Formation of second messenger diradylglycerol in murine peritoneal macrophages is altered after in vivo (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation. Journal Articles
Four weeks one-leg training and high fat diet does not alter PPARα protein or mRNA expression in human skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Fresh fruit consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: findings from the China Kadoorie Biobank Journal Articles
Fructose intake and risk of gout and hyperuricemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies Journal Articles
Fruit and vegetable intake and bone health in women aged 45 years and over: a systematic review Journal Articles
Fruit consumption and physical activity in relation to all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among 70,000 Chinese adults with pre-existing vascular disease Journal Articles
Fruit, vegetable, and legume intake and the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: A prospective study Journal Articles
Functional adaptation of bone to exercise and injury Journal Articles
Gender differences in carbohydrate loading are related to energy intake Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses from Ancient DNA Journal Articles
Genotype‐by‐environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans Journal Articles
Geometric framework reveals that a moderate protein, high carbohydrate intake is optimal for severe burn injury in mice Journal Articles
Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Journal Articles
Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 and Blood Pressure in Young and Healthy Adults from the General Population Journal Articles
Glycemic Index Versus Wheat Fiber on Arterial Wall Damage in Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality Journal Articles
Gut Microbiota, Bacterial Translocation, and Interactions with Diet: Pathophysiological Links between Major Depressive Disorder and Non-Communicable Medical Comorbidities Journal Articles
Gut brain axis: diet microbiota interactions and implications for modulation of anxiety and depression Journal Articles
Gut microbiota of healthy Canadian infants: profiles by mode of delivery and infant diet at 4 months Journal Articles
Health Related Values and Preferences Regarding Meat Intake: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Methods Study Journal Articles
Health or healthy: Why people are not sick in a Southern Ontarian town Journal Articles
Helicokinin alters ion transport in the secondary cell-containing region of the Malpighian tubule of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
High Coffee Intake, but Not Caffeine, is Associated with Reduced Estrogen Receptor Negative and Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk with No Effect Modification by CYP1A2 Genotype Journal Articles
High salt diet exacerbates colitis in mice by decreasing Lactobacillus levels and butyrate production Journal Articles
High-Protein Plant-Based Diet Versus a Protein-Matched Omnivorous Diet to Support Resistance Training Adaptations: A Comparison Between Habitual Vegans and Omnivores Journal Articles
Higher compared with lower dietary protein during an energy deficit combined with intense exercise promotes greater lean mass gain and fat mass loss: a randomized trial Journal Articles
History of Nutrition: The Long Road Leading to the Dietary Reference Intakes for the United States and Canada Journal Articles
Household-level lifestyle interventions for the prevention of cognitive decline; A Systematic review Journal Articles
How Many Diet-Related Non-Communicable Disease Deaths Could Be Averted or Delayed If Canadians Reduced Their Consumption of Calories Derived from Free Sugars Intake? A Macrosimulation Modeling Study Journal Articles
How Robust Is the Evidence for Recommending Very Low Salt Intake in Entire Populations? ∗ Journal Articles
Human milk fatty acid composition is associated with dietary, genetic, sociodemographic, and environmental factors in the CHILD Cohort Study Journal Articles
Human skeletal muscle PDH kinase activity and isoform expression during a 3-day high-fat/low-carbohydrate diet Journal Articles
Hyperhomocysteinemia and its role in the development of atherosclerosis Journal Articles
IOC consensus statement: dietary supplements and the high-performance athlete Journal Articles
Identification of the putative goldfish (Carassius auratus) magnesium transporter SLC41a1 and functional regulation in the gill, kidney, and intestine in response to dietary and environmental manipulations Journal Articles
Identifying Novel Data-Driven Dietary Patterns via Dimensionality Reduction and Associations with Socioeconomic Profile and Health Outcomes in Ireland Journal Articles
Immune Development and Intestinal Microbiota in Celiac Disease Journal Articles
Immunohistochemical detection of N-homocysteinylated proteins in humans and mice Journal Articles
Impact of Maternal Health Behaviours and Social Conditions on Infant Diet at Age 1-Year: Results from a Prospective Indigenous Birth Cohort in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Impact on blood Pb levels of maternal and early infant feeding practices of First Nation Cree in the Mushkegowuk Territory of northern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Impaired hydrogen sulfide synthesis and IL-10 signaling underlie hyperhomocysteinemia-associated exacerbation of colitis Journal Articles
Improving precision in estimating diet–disease relationships with metabolomics Journal Articles
Improving support for heart failure patients: a systematic review to understand patients' perspectives on self‐care Journal Articles
Impulsivity-based thrifty eating phenotype and the protective role of n-3 PUFAs intake in adolescents Journal Articles
Incorporation of Dietary Amino Acids Into Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Proteins in Free-Living Adults Is Influenced by Sex, Resistance Exercise, and Training Status Journal Articles
Increased dietary micronutrients decrease serum homocysteine concentrations in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease Journal Articles
Individual- and supply-level macronutrient intakes are well correlated over a 50-year period (1961–2011) in 18 countries in Asia, North America, and Europe Journal Articles
Industrial and Ruminant Trans-Fatty Acids-Enriched Diets Differentially Modulate the Microbiome and Fecal Metabolites in C57BL/6 Mice Journal Articles
Inequities in dietary intake and eating behaviours among adolescents in Canada Journal Articles
Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt Journal Articles
Infants’ First Solid Foods: Impact on Gut Microbiota Development in Two Intercontinental Cohorts Journal Articles
Inflammation, obesity, and fatty acid metabolism: influence ofn-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on factors contributing to metabolic syndrome Journal Articles
Influence of differing macronutrient intakes on muscle glycogen resynthesis after resistance exercise Journal Articles
Influence of unhealthy food and beverage marketing on children's dietary intake and preference: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized trials Journal Articles
Insights and Perspectives on Dietary Modifications to Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Journal Articles
Integration of Metabolic and Gene Regulatory Networks Modulates the C. elegans Dietary Response Journal Articles
Intentions and Trait Self-control Predict Fruit and Vegetable Consumption During the Transition to First-Year University Journal Articles
Interaction of Depression and Unhealthy Diets on the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and All-Cause Mortality in the Chinese Population: A PURE Cohort Substudy Journal Articles
Interrelationships among impulsive personality traits, food addiction, and Body Mass Index Journal Articles
Interspecies Systems Biology Uncovers Metabolites Affecting C. elegans Gene Expression and Life History Traits Journal Articles
Interventions Aimed at Increasing Dairy and/or Calcium Consumption of Preschool-Aged Children: A Systematic Literature Review Journal Articles
Investigating colonization patterns of the infant gut microbiome during the introduction of solid food and weaning from breastmilk: A cohort study protocol Journal Articles
Investigating human skeletal muscle physiology with unilateral exercise models: when one limb is more powerful than two Journal Articles
Investigating the impact of a health game on implicit attitudes towards food and food choice behaviour of young adults Journal Articles
Investigating the normalization and normative views of gestational weight gain: Balancing recommendations with the promotion and support of healthy pregnancy diets Conferences
Is plasma vitamin C an appropriate biomarker of vitamin C intake? A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Is red meat intake a risk factor for breast cancer among premenopausal women? Journal Articles
Is there a place for dietetic interventions in adult ADHD? Journal Articles
Isotopic and dental evidence for infant and young child feeding practices in an imperial Roman skeletal sample Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for age‐related variation in diet from Isola Sacra, Italy Journal Articles
Isotopic studies of the diet of the people of the coast of British Columbia Journal Articles
Knowledge about the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease is independently associated with variation in diet quality during pregnancy Journal Articles
LAT1 and SNAT2 Protein Expression and Membrane Localization of LAT1 Are Not Acutely Altered by Dietary Amino Acids or Resistance Exercise Nor Positively Associated with Leucine or Phenylalanine Incorporation in Human Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Ingestion Promotes Innate Host Defense in an Enteric Parasitic Infection Journal Articles
Lead shot contribution to blood lead of First Nations people: The use of lead isotopes to identify the source of exposure Journal Articles
Lifestyle, dietary, and medical history factors associated with pancreatic cancer risk in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Limitations of the Food Compass Nutrient Profiling System Journal Articles
Limited plasticity in the phenotypic variance‐covariance matrix for male advertisement calls in the black field cricket,Teleogryllus commodus Journal Articles
Long‐Term Valproate and Lamotrigine Treatment May Be a Marker for Reduced Growth and Bone Mass in Children with Epilepsy Journal Articles
Long‐term personalized low FODMAP diet in IBS Journal Articles
Low carb or high carb? Everything in moderation … until further notice Journal Articles
Low‐volume resistance exercise attenuates the decline in strength and muscle mass associated with immobilization Journal Articles
Lung Cancer in Humans Is Not Associated with Lifetime Total Alcohol Consumption or with Genetic Variation in Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3 (ADH) Conferences
Lung Function in Relation to Intake of Carotenoids and Other Antioxidant Vitamins in a Population-based Study Journal Articles
Management of hypertension in overweight and obese patients: A practical guide for clinicians Journal Articles
Management of the postmyocardial infarction patient: a consensus report--revision of 1991 CCS guidelines. Journal Articles
Mapping and determinants of consumption of egg and/or flesh foods and zero vegetables or fruits among young children in SSA Journal Articles
Marijuana use during pregnancy and decreased length of gestation Journal Articles
Maternal Pregnancy Diet Quality Is Directly Associated with Autonomic Nervous System Function in 6-Month-Old Offspring Journal Articles
Maternal and child factors associated with bone length traits in children at 3 years of age Journal Articles
Maternal antioxidants prevent β‐cell apoptosis and promote formation of dual hormone‐expressing endocrine cells in male offspring following fetal and neonatal nicotine exposure Journal Articles
Maternal pregnancy diet, postnatal home environment and executive function and behavior in 3- to 4-y-olds Journal Articles
Mediterranean diet and cancer. Conferences
Mediterranean-Like Dietary Pattern Associations With Gut Microbiome Composition and Subclinical Gastrointestinal Inflammation Journal Articles
Metabolic Trajectories Following Contrasting Prudent and Western Diets from Food Provisions: Identifying Robust Biomarkers of Short-Term Changes in Habitual Diet Journal Articles
Metabolomics for improved treatment monitoring of phenylketonuria: urinary biomarkers for non-invasive assessment of dietary adherence and nutritional deficiencies Journal Articles
Metformin, diet and breast cancer: An avenue for chemoprevention Journal Articles
Microbiota at Multiple Body Sites during Pregnancy in a Rural Tanzanian Population and Effects of Moringa-Supplemented Probiotic Yogurt Journal Articles
Micronutrient Deficiency and Treatment Adherence in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Micronutrient Supplementation in ART-Naïve Persons with HIV Journal Articles
Micronutrients impact the gut microbiota and blood glucose Journal Articles
Modifiable Lifestyle Factors for Primary Prevention of CKD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Molecular Coproscopy: Dung and Diet of the Extinct Ground Sloth
Nothrotheriops shastensis Journal Articles
Molecular mechanisms of bi-directional ion transport in the Malpighian tubules of a lepidopteran crop pest, Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
Monoaminergic integration of diet and social signals in the brains of juvenile spadefoot toads Journal Articles
Mother's milk and adult presence: Two factors determining initial dietary selection by weanling rats. Journal Articles
Mother's milk: A determinant of the feeding preferences of weaning rat pups. Journal Articles
Mother's milk: A medium for transmission of cues reflecting the flavor of mother's diet. Journal Articles
Multimodal therapy for rigid, persistent avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) since infancy: A case report Journal Articles
Muscle atrophy in cancer: a role for nutrition and exercise Journal Articles
NOD2 in hepatocytes engages a liver-gut axis to protect against steatosis, fibrosis, and gut dysbiosis during fatty liver disease in mice Journal Articles
Naturopathic treatment of rotator cuff tendinitis among Canadian postal workers: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
New evidence of broader diets for archaic
populations in the northwestern Mediterranean Journal Articles
New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease Journal Articles
Non-Host Factors Influencing Onset and Severity of Celiac Disease Journal Articles
Non-esterified fatty acids as biomarkers of diet and glucose homeostasis in pregnancy: The impact of fatty acid reporting methods Journal Articles
Novel males' capacity to disrupt early pregnancy in mice (Mus musculus) is attenuated via a chronic reduction of males' urinary 17β-estradiol Journal Articles
Nutrient utilisation and intestinal fermentation are differentially affected by the consumption of resistant starch varieties and conventional fibres in pigs Journal Articles
Nutrient-dense protein as a primary dietary strategy in healthy ageing: please sir, may we have more? Journal Articles
Nutrient-rich meat proteins in offsetting age-related muscle loss Journal Articles
Nutrition for Special Populations: Young, Female, and Masters Athletes Journal Articles
Nutrition guidelines for strength sports: Sprinting, weightlifting, throwing events, and bodybuilding Journal Articles
Nutrition, Illness, and Injury in Aquatic Sports Journal Articles
Nutritional Metabolomics and the Classification of Dietary Biomarker Candidates: A Critical Review Journal Articles
Nutritional Recommendations for Synchronized Swimming Journal Articles
Nutritional Strategies to Promote Postexercise Recovery Journal Articles
Nutritional Supplements in Support of Resistance Exercise to Counter Age-Related Sarcopenia Journal Articles
Nutritional Supplements to Support Resistance Exercise in Countering the Sarcopenia of Aging Journal Articles
Nutritional Therapies and Their Influence on the Intestinal Microbiome in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal Articles
Nutritional profile of rodent diets impacts experimental reproducibility in microbiome preclinical research Journal Articles
Nutritionally Complete Prepared Meal Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk Factors Journal Articles
Nuts as a replacement for carbohydrates in the diabetic diet: a reanalysis of a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
ORDET — prospective study on hormones, diet and breast cancer: Feasibility studies and long-term quality control Journal Articles
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Effects of calcium propionate supplementation on lactation performance, energy balance and blood metabolites in early lactation dairy cows Journal Articles
Obesity genetics: insights from the Pakistani population Journal Articles
Oestradiol treatment restores the capacity of castrated males to induce both the Vandenbergh and the Bruce effects in mice (Mus musculus) Journal Articles
Onset of sexual maturation in female mice as measured in behavior and fertility: Interactions of exposure to males, phytoestrogen content of diet, and ano-genital distance Journal Articles
Optimal Medical Therapy With or Without Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Older Patients With Stable Coronary Disease Journal Articles
Optimizing Adult Protein Intake During Catabolic Health Conditions Journal Articles
Options for basing Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) on chronic disease endpoints: report from a joint US-/Canadian-sponsored working group Journal Articles
Oral Health, Diet, and Frailty at Baseline of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Overstated Associations Between Fructose and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Journal Articles
Pancreatic Enzyme Activity in Obese and Lean Zucker Rats: A Developmental Study Journal Articles
Parallel assessment of nutrition and activity in athletes: Validation against doubly labelled water, 24-h urea excretion, and indirect calorimetry Journal Articles
Pathways to eating in children and adolescents with obesity Journal Articles
Patients' experiences and perspectives of a mobile phone text messaging intervention to improve dietary behaviours in haemodialysis Journal Articles
Patients’ Diets and Preferences in a Pediatric Population with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal Articles
Patterns of Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk for Cardiometabolic and Cancer Outcomes Journal Articles
Per meal dose and frequency of protein consumption is associated with lean mass and muscle performance Journal Articles
Periodic health examination, 1990 update: 3. Interventions to prevent lung cancer other than smoking cessation. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. Journal Articles
Personalized diet and exercise recommendations in early rheumatoid arthritis: A feasibility trial Journal Articles
Perspective: Big Data and Machine Learning Could Help Advance Nutritional Epidemiology Journal Articles
Phenotypic plasticity in response to dietary salt stress: Na+ and K+ transport by the gut ofDrosophila melanogasterlarvae Journal Articles
Pilot study of an elimination diet in adults with mild to moderate Crohn’s disease Journal Articles
Plant DNA sequences from feces: potential means for assessing diets of wild primates Journal Articles
Platelet function and survival in rats with genetically determined hypercholesterolaemia Journal Articles
Postexercise Dietary Protein Ingestion Increases Whole-Body Leucine Balance in a Dose-Dependent Manner in Healthy Children Journal Articles
Practical Challenges and Considerations for Early Introduction of Potential Food Allergens for Prevention of Food Allergy Journal Articles
Pregnancy-related changes in the maternal gut microbiota are dependent upon the mother's periconceptional diet Journal Articles
Pregnancy: Impact of Maternal Nutrition on Intrauterine Fetal Growth Books
Prenatal vitamin C and fish oil supplement use are associated with human milk microbiota composition in the Canadian CHILD Cohort Study. Journal Articles
Preoperative bowel preparation for patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery: a clinical practice guideline endorsed by the Canadian Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Journal Articles
Prevalance and Associations of Food Insecurity in Children with Diabetes Mellitus Journal Articles
Prevalence of Celiac Disease and Celiac Autoimmunity in the Toba Native Amerindian Community of Argentina Journal Articles
Prevalence of a Healthy Lifestyle Among Individuals With Cardiovascular Disease in High-, Middle- and Low-Income Countries Journal Articles
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus type-2 and their association with intake of dairy and legume in Andean communities of Ecuador Journal Articles
Preventive health care Journal Articles
Principles for National and Regional Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Journal Articles
Pro- and macroglycogenolysis during repeated exercise: roles of glycogen content and phosphorylase activation Journal Articles
Profound thrombocytopenia complicating dietary erucic acid therapy for adrenoleukodystrophy Journal Articles
Protein leucine content is a determinant of shorter- and longer-term muscle protein synthetic responses at rest and following resistance exercise in healthy older women: a randomized, controlled trial Journal Articles
Protein requirements and muscle mass/strength changes during intensive training in novice bodybuilders Journal Articles
Psychosocial factors and obesity in 17 high-, middle- and low-income countries: the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiologic study Journal Articles
Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and acetyl group accumulation during exercise after different diets Journal Articles
Quality of diet is associated with insulin resistance in the Cree (Eeyouch) indigenous population of northern Québec Journal Articles
Radiation-induced apoptosis in mouse lymphocytes is modified by a complex dietary supplement: the effect of genotype and gender Journal Articles
Randomized trial of a clinic-based, community-supported, lifestyle intervention to improve physical activity and diet: The North Carolina enhanced WISEWOMAN project Journal Articles
Reactivation of mutant p53 by a dietary-related compound phenethyl isothiocyanate inhibits tumor growth Journal Articles
Realist-informed review of motivational interviewing for adolescent health behaviors Journal Articles
Reconciling contrasting guideline recommendations on red and processed meat for health outcomes Journal Articles
Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk for All-Cause Mortality and Cardiometabolic Outcomes Journal Articles
Reduction of Red and Processed Meat Intake and Cancer Mortality and Incidence Journal Articles
Regional differences in the contribution of smoking, dietary and cooking behaviours to airflow obstruction in China: A population‐based case–control study Journal Articles
Relationship Between Healthy Diet and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Patients on Drug Therapies for Secondary Prevention Journal Articles
Relationship between diet and acculturation among South Asian children living in Canada Journal Articles
Relationship between melatonin levels in plasma and gastrointestinal tissues and the incidence and severity of gastric ulcers in pigs Journal Articles
Relationship between trajectories of dietary iron intake and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: evidence from a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Relationship of parental feeding practices and diet with children's diet among South Asians in Canada Journal Articles
Relationship of the ApoE polymorphism to plasma lipid traits among South Asians, Chinese, and Europeans living in Canada Journal Articles
Reproductive and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Rats Following 90-Day Dietary Exposure To Pcb 28 (2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl) or Pcb 77 (3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl) Journal Articles
Resistance Training Reduces Fasted- and Fed-State Leucine Turnover and Increases Dietary Nitrogen Retention in Previously Untrained Young Men1 Journal Articles
Resistance exercise and appropriate nutrition to counteract muscle wasting and promote muscle hypertrophy Journal Articles
Resistance exercise enhances myofibrillar protein synthesis with graded intakes of whey protein in older men Journal Articles
Resistance training reduces whole-body protein turnover and improves net protein retention in untrained young males Journal Articles
Response to ‘Estimation of sodium excretion should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler Journal Articles
Risk Factors for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Latin America Journal Articles
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Canadians of South Asian and European origin: a pilot study of the Study of Heart Assessment and Risk in Ethnic Groups (SHARE). Journal Articles
Risk of fracture in celiac disease: Gender, dietary compliance, or both? Journal Articles
Role of Alimentation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
Role of Maternal Diet in the Risk of Childhood Acute Leukemia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Role of protein and amino acids in promoting lean mass accretion with resistance exercise and attenuating lean mass loss during energy deficit in humans Journal Articles
Role of residual olfactory cues in the determination of feeding site selection and exploration patterns of domestic rats. Journal Articles
SR-BI in Bone Marrow Derived Cells Protects Mice from Diet Induced Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis and Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Salad vegetables dietary pattern protects against HER‐2‐positive breast cancer: A prospective Italian study Journal Articles
Salt stress alters fluid and ion transport by Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogaster: evidence for phenotypic plasticity Journal Articles
Saturated fat and human health: a protocol for a methodologically innovative systematic review and meta-analysis to inform public health nutrition guidelines Journal Articles
Screen time is independently associated with serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in youth with obesity Journal Articles
Semen quality in relation to antioxidant intake in a healthy male population Journal Articles
Septate junction in the distal ileac plexus of larval lepidopteranTrichoplusia ni: alterations in paracellular permeability during ion transport reversal Journal Articles
Serum 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration, Life Factors and Obesity in Mexican Children Journal Articles
Shifting Climates, Foods, and Diseases: The Human Microbiome through Evolution Journal Articles
Sleep duration and eating behaviours among adolescents: a scoping review Journal Articles
Social Learning of Food Preferences in Rodents: Rapid Appetitive Learning Journal Articles
Social identification of toxic diets by Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal Articles
Social interaction modifies learned aversions, sodium appetite, and both palatability and handling-time induced dietary preference in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal Articles
Sodium and Cardiovascular Disease Journal Articles
Sodium and cardiovascular disease. Journal Articles
Sodium and cardiovascular disease. Journal Articles
Sodium and cardiovascular disease. Journal Articles
Sodium and cardiovascular disease. Journal Articles
Sodium and cardiovascular disease. Journal Articles
Sodium and cardiovascular disease. Journal Articles
Source identification of human exposure to lead in nine Cree Nations from Quebec, Canada (Eeyou Istchee territory) Journal Articles
Sources of Variation in Food-Related Metabolites during Pregnancy Journal Articles
Special Issue: The role of diet, body composition, and physical activity on cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship Journal Articles
Species Abundance, Not Diet Breadth, Drives the Persistence of the Most Linked Pollinators as Plant-Pollinator Networks Disassemble Journal Articles
Stable Mercury Trends Support a Long-Term Diet Shift Away from Marine Foraging in Salish Sea Glaucous-Winged Gulls over the Last Century Journal Articles
Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in human tooth enamel: Identifying breastfeeding and weaning in prehistory Journal Articles
Strategies to Optimize Participation in Diabetes Prevention Programs following Gestational Diabetes: A Focus Group Study Journal Articles
Studies of social learning in norway rats: A brief review Journal Articles
Studies to Improve Perinatal Health through Diet and Lifestyle among South Asian Women Living in Canada: A Brief History and Future Research Directions Journal Articles
Sugar: fruit fructose is still healthy Journal Articles
Summer Season and Recommended Vitamin D Intake Support Adequate Vitamin D Status throughout Pregnancy in Healthy Canadian Women and Their Newborns Journal Articles
Synergistic Effects of cAMP- and Calcium-Mediated Amylase Secretion in Isolated Pancreatic Acini from Cystic Fibrosis Mice Journal Articles
Synergistic effects of diet and exercise on hippocampal function in chronically stressed mice Journal Articles
Tackling the challenge of cardiovascular disease burden in developing countries Journal Articles
Targeting inflammation to influence mood following spinal cord injury: a randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Taste responsiveness and diet preference in autoimmune MRL mice Journal Articles
Telephone Administration of the Automated Self-Administered 24-hour Dietary Assessment in Older Adults: Lessons Learned Journal Articles
Temporal trends in stable isotopes for Nubian mummy tissues Journal Articles
Testing the Protein Leverage Hypothesis in a free-living human population Journal Articles
The 2001 Canadian recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part one--Assessment for diagnosis, cardiovascular risk, causes and lifestyle modification. Journal Articles
The 2004 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for the management of hypertension: Part I--Blood pressure measurement, diagnosis and assessment of risk. Journal Articles
The Argentinian mother-and-child contaminant study: a cross-sectional study among delivering women in the cities of Ushuaia and Salta Journal Articles
The Effect of Chromosome 9p21 Variants on Cardiovascular Disease May Be Modified by Dietary Intake: Evidence from a Case/Control and a Prospective Study Journal Articles
The Effect of Photomirex on the In Vitro Perfused Ovary of the Rat 11This work was supported by grants from the Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada, and The Medical Research Council of Canada. Journal Articles
The Equity and Effectiveness of Achieving Canada’s Voluntary Sodium Reduction Guidance Targets: A Modelling Study Using the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey—Nutrition Journal Articles
The Gut Microbiota and Unhealthy Aging: Disentangling Cause from Consequence Journal Articles
The Influence of Chronic Inflammation on Peripheral Motor Nerve Conduction Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
The Influence of Post-exercise Macronutrient Intake on Energy Balance and Protein Metabolism in Active Females Participating in Endurance Training Journal Articles
The Management of Hypertension in the Overweight and Obese Patient Journal Articles
The Mid-Canada Radar Line and First Nations’ People of the James Bay region, Canada: an evaluation using log-linear contingency modelling to analyze organochlorine frequency data Journal Articles
The New England Kitchen and the Origins of Modern American Eating Habits Journal Articles
The Northern Norway mother-and-child contaminant cohort study: implementation, population characteristics and summary of dietary findings Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Diet, Gut Microbiota, and Serum Metabolome of South Asian Infants at 1 Year Journal Articles
The Relationship between Texture-Modified Diets, Mealtime Duration, and Dysphagia Risk in Long-Term Care Journal Articles
The Role of Nutrient-Based Epigenetic Changes in Buffering Against Stress, Aging, and Alzheimer’s Disease Journal Articles
The Voice of Experience: Diet and Weight Change in Women with Breast Cancer Associate with Psychosocial and Treatment-Related Challenges Journal Articles
The apparent metabolisable energy and ileal amino digestibility of black soldier fly (
Hermetia illucens
) larvae meal for broiler chickens Journal Articles
The association of red and processed meat with gestational diabetes mellitus: Results from 2 Canadian birth cohort studies Journal Articles
The effect of bodyweight exercise on 24-h glycemic responses determined by continuous glucose monitoring in healthy inactive adults: a randomized crossover study Journal Articles
The effect on the blood lipid profile of soy foods combined with a prebiotic: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
The effectiveness and safety of treatments used for polycystic ovarian syndrome management in adolescents: a systematic review and network meta-analysis protocol Journal Articles
The effects of copper and benzo[a]pyrene on retinoids and reproduction in zebrafish Journal Articles
The effects of various diets on glycemic outcomes during pregnancy: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Journal Articles
The formation of diradylglycerol molecular species in murine peritoneal macrophages varies dose-dependently with dietary purified eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic ethyl esters. Journal Articles
The global, regional, and national burden of oesophageal cancer and its attributable risk factors in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Journal Articles
The gut protist Tritrichomonas arnold restrains virus-mediated loss of oral tolerance by modulating dietary antigen-presenting dendritic cells Journal Articles
The influence of maternal and infant nutrition on cardiometabolic traits: novel findings and future research directions from four Canadian birth cohort studies Journal Articles
The keys to healthy family child care homes intervention: Study design and rationale Journal Articles
The nutritional status and treatment of patients with hyperemesis gravidarum Journal Articles
The relationship between diet/nutrition and the mental health of immigrants in Western societies through a holistic bio-psycho-socio-cultural lens: A scoping review Journal Articles
The relative contributions of body image evaluation and investment in the prediction of dietary restraint in men Journal Articles
There may be no differences among a liquid diet and semisolid diets at rapid or slow administration rates in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery and receiving nasogastric tube feeding Journal Articles
TikTok Promotes Diet Culture and Negative Body Image Rhetoric: A Content Analysis Journal Articles
Timing and pattern of postexercise protein ingestion affects whole-body protein balance in healthy children: a randomized trial Journal Articles
Timing of food introduction and development of food sensitization in a prospective birth cohort Journal Articles
Tobacco use and risk of myocardial infarction in 52 countries in the INTERHEART study: a case-control study Journal Articles
Too much of a good thing: how insects cope with excess ions or toxins in the diet Journal Articles
Top Sodium Food Sources in the American Diet—Using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Journal Articles
Total dietary antioxidant capacity and lung function in an Italian population: a favorable role in premenopausal/never smoker women Journal Articles
Translating the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease concept to improve the nutritional environment for our next generations: a call for a reflexive, positive, multi-level approach Journal Articles
Translating “protein foods” from the new Canada’s Food Guide to consumers: knowledge gaps and recommendations Journal Articles
Transport of tetraethylammonium by the Malpighian tubules of Trichoplusia ni: Regional specialization and the influence of diet Journal Articles
Two Weeks of Reduced Activity Decreases Leg Lean Mass and Induces “Anabolic Resistance” of Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis in Healthy Elderly Journal Articles
Ultra-processed foods and mortality: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study Journal Articles
Unprocessed Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption: Dietary Guideline Recommendations From the Nutritional Recommendations (NutriRECS) Consortium Journal Articles
Uptake, handling, and excretion of Na+ and Cl- from the diet in vivo in freshwater and seawater-acclimated killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, an agastric teleost Journal Articles
Urinary Potassium Is a Clinically Useful Test to Detect a Poor Quality Diet Journal Articles
Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events Journal Articles
Use of the GRADE approach in health policymaking and evaluation: a scoping review of nutrition and physical activity policies Journal Articles
Using Diet to Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Bone Nutrients in Pregnant Women Journal Articles
Validation of a parent proxy-reported beverage screener compared to a 24-hour dietary recall for the measurement of sugar-containing beverage intake among young children Journal Articles
Validity and Reliability of a Short Diet Questionnaire to Estimate Dietary Intake in Older Adults in a Subsample of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Validity and Reproducibility of a Semi-Quantitative Food-Frequency Questionnaire Designed to Measure the Nutrient Intakes of Canadian South Asian Infants at 12 Months of Age Journal Articles
Very low energy diets before nonbariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
What stops us from eating: a qualitative investigation of dietary barriers during pregnancy in Punjab, Pakistan Journal Articles
What’s new since Hippocrates? Preventing type 2 diabetes by physical exercise and diet Journal Articles
When Supplemental Formula Is Essential: Overcoming Barriers to Hypoallergenic Formula Access for Patients With Food Allergies Journal Articles
White Rice Intake and Incident Diabetes: A Study of 132,373 Participants in 21 Countries Journal Articles
Why don't pigs get diabetes? Explanations for variations in diabetes susceptibility in human populations living in a diabetogenic environment Journal Articles
Women in Canada are consuming above the upper intake level of folic acid but few are meeting dietary choline recommendations in the second trimester of pregnancy: data from the CHILD cohort study Journal Articles
Women's nutrient intakes and food-related knowledge in rural Kandal province, Cambodia. Journal Articles
Working to Answer the Effectiveness of Nutrition in IBD: Still a Ways to Go Journal Articles
You Are What You Eat: Within-Subject Increases in Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Confer Beneficial Skin-Color Changes Journal Articles
You are not what you eat during physiological stress: Isotopic evaluation of human hair Journal Articles
[Planning of a prospective study with a biological bank]. Journal Articles
n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Increase: Thermic Effect of Food in Men with Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles