Electric Stimulation
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4-Aryl-3-(hydroxyalkyl)quinolin-2-ones: Novel Maxi-K Channel Opening Relaxants of Corporal Smooth Muscle Targeted for Erectile Dysfunction Journal Articles
Nippostrongylus brasiliensisinfection evokes neuronal abnormalities and alterations in neurally regulated electrolyte transport in rat jejunum Journal Articles
A comparison of the contractile properties of the human gastrocnemius and soleus muscles Journal Articles
A longitudinal study of the pathophysiological changes in single human thenar motor units in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Articles
A method for detcting functional weakness Journal Articles
A method for estimating the number of motor units in thenar muscles and the changes in motor unit count with ageing Journal Articles
A method for the longitudinal study of human thenar motor units Journal Articles
A mobile intracellular microelectrode designed to record from neurons in contracting tissue Journal Articles
A nerve growth factor peptide retards seizure development and inhibits neuronal sprouting in a rat model of epilepsy. Journal Articles
A new aspect of the collision test principle: Cell body distance from recording site Journal Articles
A rotenone-sensitive site and H2O2 are key components of hypoxia-sensing in neonatal rat adrenomedullary chromaffin cells Journal Articles
A simple mathematical model of second-messenger mediated slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Journal Articles
A stochastic model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve: pulse-train response Journal Articles
A stochastic model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve: single-pulse response Journal Articles
Receptor Antagonist Treatment Caused Persistent Arterial Functional Changes in Young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Abnormal Response to Cholinergic Stimulation in the Circular Muscle Layer of the Human Colon in Diverticular Disease Journal Articles
Abnormal cerebral processing of oesophageal stimuli in patients with noncardiac chest pain (NCCP) Journal Articles
Actions of the muscle relaxant chandonium iodide on guinea-pig ileum and vas deferens preparations Journal Articles
Activation of the NMDA receptor: a correlate in the dentate gyrus field potential and its relationship to long-term potentiation and kindling Journal Articles
Acute exercise enhances the response to paired associative stimulation-induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex Journal Articles
Afterdischarge Thresholds and Kindling Rates in Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampus and Dentate Gyrus Journal Articles
Age and Upper Limb Tension Testing Affects Current Perception Thresholds Journal Articles
Airway smooth muscle responsiveness from dogs with airway hyperresponsiveness after O3 inhalation Journal Articles
Altered regulation of intestinal ion transport by enteric nerves in diabetic rats Journal Articles
Altered somatosensory processing in Parkinson's disease and modulation by dopaminergic medications Journal Articles
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Journal Articles
An Unusual Subacute Progressive Motor Neuronopathy with Myasthenia-like Features Journal Articles
An electrophysiological estimation of the number of motor units and rate of decay of motor units in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal Articles
An electrophysiological investigation of limb-girdle and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy Journal Articles
An electrophysiological study of thalamo-caudate neurones in the cat Journal Articles
An investigation into the site of termination of static gamma fibres within muscle spindles of the cat peroneus longus muscle. Journal Articles
An investigation of pyramidal tract cells in the somatosensory cortex of the rat Journal Articles
Analysis of evoked lumbosacral potentials in man. Journal Articles
Analysis of the responses of myenteric neurons in the small intestine to chemical stimulation of the mucosa Journal Articles
Analysis of the responses of myenteric neurons in the small intestine to chemical stimulation of the mucosa Journal Articles
Analysis of whole‐cell currents by patch clamp of guinea‐pig myenteric neurones in intact ganglia Journal Articles
Anoxia differentially modulates multiple K+ currents and depolarizes neonatal rat adrenal chromaffin cells Journal Articles
Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome: A case report with neurophysiological investigation Journal Articles
Anti-immunoglobulin E-stimulated ion transport in human large and small intestine Journal Articles
Application of Animal Models: Chronic Electrical Stimulation-Induced Contractile Activity Journal Articles
Assessment of the afferent vagal nerve in patients with gastroesophageal reflux Journal Articles
Assessment of the visceral afferent and autonomic pathways in response to esophageal stimulation in control subjects and in patients with diabetes. Journal Articles
Barbiturate-enhanced paired-pulse depression in neonatal rats Journal Articles
Beetroot Juice Increases Human Muscle Force without Changing Ca2+-Handling Proteins Journal Articles
Beta-frequency (15–35Hz) electroencephalogram activities elicited by toluene and electrical stimulation in the behaving rat Journal Articles
Bimanual Coordination: An Unbalanced Field of Research Journal Articles
Biological sex differences in afferent-mediated inhibition of motor responses evoked by TMS Journal Articles
Biophysical characterization of whole-cell currents in O2-sensitive neurons from the rat glossopharyngeal nerve Journal Articles
Biowire: a platform for maturation of human pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes Journal Articles
Bone Bioelectricity and Bone-Cell Response to Electrical Stimulation: A Review Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor infusion delays amygdala and perforant path kindling without affecting paired-pulse measures of neuronal inhibition in adult rats Journal Articles
CNS Resident Award: role of the lateral premotor cortex in articulation. Journal Articles
Caffeine potentiates low frequency skeletal muscle force in habitual and nonhabitual caffeine consumers Journal Articles
Canine colonic circular muscle generates action potentials without the pacemaker component Journal Articles
Cerebral (Cortical) Biostimulation Journal Articles
Cerebral evoked responses to gastrointestinal stimulation in humans. Journal Articles
Cerebral-evoked potential responses following direct vagal and esophageal electrical stimulation in humans Journal Articles
Changes in field potentials and membrane currents in rat sensorimotor cortex following repeated tetanization of the corpus callosum in vivo Journal Articles
Changes in inhibitory processes in the hippocampus following recurrent seizures induced by systemic administration of kainic acid Journal Articles
Changes in motor unit populations in motor neurone disease. Journal Articles
Changes in the Concentration of LH, FSH and Estrogen in the Immature Female Rat during Precocious Sexual Maturation Induced by Electrochemical Stimulation of the Brain Journal Articles
Characteristics of the F response: a single motor unit study. Journal Articles
Characterization of Myenteric Sensory Neurons in the Mouse Small Intestine Journal Articles
Characterization of the prejunctional beta adrenoceptors in canine bronchial smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Chronotropic and inotropic actions of amrinone, carbazeran and isobutylmethyl xanthine: role of phosphodiesterase inhibition Journal Articles
Classification of postjunctional beta adrenoceptors mediating relaxation of canine bronchi. Journal Articles
Clinicopathological features of primary lateral sclerosis are different from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Articles
Cobra Venom Cardiotoxin Induces Perturbations of Cytosolic Calcium Homeostasis and Hypercontracture in Adult Rat Ventricular Myocytes Journal Articles
Comparison of response properties of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve reported in human listeners and in animal models Journal Articles
Continuous infusions of atracurium and vecuronium, compared with intermittent boluses of pancuronium: dose requirements and reversal Journal Articles
Contractile Responses of Vasa Deferentia from Rats with Genetic and Experimental Hypertension Journal Articles
Contractile adaptations in the human triceps surae after isometric exercise Journal Articles
Control of human airway smooth muscle: in vitro studies Journal Articles
Control of human colonic motor function Journal Articles
Control of neurotransmission by prostaglandins in canine trachealis smooth muscle Journal Articles
Converging Inputs to the Entorhinal Cortex From the Piriform Cortex and Medial Septum: Facilitation and Current Source Density Analysis Journal Articles
Correlation of electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of myenteric neurons of the duodenum in the guinea-pig Journal Articles
Cortical evoked responses following esophageal balloon distension and electrical stimulation in healthy volunteers. Journal Articles
Cortical processing of irrelevant somatosensory information from the leg is altered by attention during early movement preparation Journal Articles
Co‐operation between neural and myogenic mechanisms in the control of distension‐induced peristalsis in the mouse small intestine Journal Articles
Cutaneous reflexes in small muscles of the hand Journal Articles
Cutaneous reflexes of the human leg during passive movement Journal Articles
Deficiency of intramuscular ICC increases fundic muscle excitability but does not impede nitrergic innervation Journal Articles
Denervated muscle fibres in hereditary mouse dystrophy. Journal Articles
Depletion of intrafusal muscle fibre glycogen by stimulation of fusimotor fibres. Journal Articles
Depolarizing agents induce oscillations in canine bronchial smooth muscle membrane potential: possible mechanisms. Journal Articles
Depression of human electromyographic activity by fatigue of a synergistic muscle Journal Articles
Design and Fabrication of Biological Wires Journal Articles
Development of kindling-prone and kindling-resistant rats: selective breeding and electrophysiological studies Journal Articles
Development of spontaneous seizures over extended electrical kindling Journal Articles
Development of spontaneous seizures over extended electrical kindling. II. Persistence of dentate inhibitory suppression Journal Articles
Diabetic myopathy differs betweenIns2Akita+/−and streptozotocin-induced Type 1 diabetic models Journal Articles
Diaphragmatic pacing in children with congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome+ Journal Articles
Differential actions of nerve growth factor receptors TrkA and p75NTR in a rat model of epileptogenesis Journal Articles
Dissociation of the electrical and contractile properties in single human motor units during fatigue Journal Articles
Distribution of cardioacceleratory sites in intermediolateral nucleus of the cat Journal Articles
Does therapy directed by programmed electrical stimulation provide a satisfactory clinical response? Journal Articles
Dual action of high energy adenine nucleotides in comparison with responses evoked by other adenine derivatives and intramural nerve stimulation on smooth muscle Journal Articles
Effect of chronic contractile activity on SS and IMF mitochondrial apoptotic susceptibility in skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Effect of chronic contractile activity on mRNA stability in skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Effect of stimulating the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band on single unit activity in the olfactory bulb Journal Articles
Effect of temperature on post-tetanic potentiation in human dorsiflexor muscles Journal Articles
Effect of voltage and cyclic AMP on frequency of slow‐wave‐type action potentials in canine colon smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Effects of Esophageal Stimulation in Healthy Subjects Journal Articles
Effects of Esophageal Stimulation in Patients With Functional Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract Journal Articles
Effects of I<inf>h</inf> and I<inf>KLT</inf> on the response of the auditory nerve to electrical stimulation in a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model Conferences
Effects of a varying stimulus context on habituation and sensitization of the OR Journal Articles
Effects of acidosis on rat muscle metabolism and performance during heavy exercise Journal Articles
Effects of atropine, reserpine, 6-hydroxydopamine, and handling on seizure development in the rat Journal Articles
Effects of bilateral kindling or bilateral sub-threshold stimulation of the amygdala or septum on muricide, ranacide, intraspecific aggression and passive avoidance in the rat Journal Articles
Effects of enkephalin and 5-hydroxytryptamine on solitary tract neurones involved in respiration and respiratory reflexes Journal Articles
Effects of intense swimming and tetanic electrical stimulation on skeletal muscle ions and metabolites Journal Articles
Effects of intravenously administered enantiomers of baclofen on functionally identified units in lumbar dorsal horn of the spinal cat Journal Articles
Effects of isoetharine on airways resistance, heart rate, and contractions of the soleus muscle of the anaesthetised cat Journal Articles
Effects of midbrain raphe lesions or systemic p-chlorophenylalanine on the development of kindled seizures in rats Journal Articles
Effects of muscarinic receptor stimulation and nitric oxide synthase inhibition on gastric tone and gastric myoelectrical activity in canines Journal Articles
Effects of phenytoin, carbamazepine, and clonazepam on cortex- and amygdala-evoked potentials in partially kindled rats Journal Articles
Effects of procaine hydrochloride, diazepam, and diphenylhydantoin on seizure development in cortical and subcortical structures in rats Journal Articles
Efficient Driving of Piezoelectric Transducers Using a Biaxial Driving Technique Journal Articles
Elbow flexor evoked twitch contractile properties in untrained men and women and male bodybuilders Journal Articles
Electrical Foot Stimulation and Implications for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolic Disease Journal Articles
Electrical Stimulation Alters FMD and Arterial Compliance in Extremely Inactive Legs Journal Articles
Electrical Stimulation of the Septal Region of Aged Rats Improves Performance in an Open-Field Maze Journal Articles
Electrical characteristics of human ankle dorsi- and plantar-flexor muscles. Comparative responses during fatiguing stimulation and recovery Journal Articles
Electrical mapping of the projections of intrinsic primary afferent neurones to the mucosa of the guinea‐pig small intestine Journal Articles
Electrical muscle stimulation after immediate nerve repair reduces muscle atrophy without affecting reinnervation Journal Articles
Electrical properties of muscle fibre membranes in man. Journal Articles
Electrical stimulation modulates the amphetamine-induced hemodynamic changes: An fMRI study to compare the effect of stimulating locations and frequencies on rats Journal Articles
Electrodermal Recording and fMRI to Inform Sensorimotor Recovery in Stroke Patients Journal Articles
Electrophysiologic features of muscle regeneration Journal Articles
Electrophysiological estimation of the number of motor units within a human muscle Journal Articles
Electrophysiological study of dystrophia myotonica Journal Articles
Elevated concentrations of circulating cytokines and correlations with nerve conduction velocity in human peripheral nerves Journal Articles
Endogenous triacylglycerol utilization by rat skeletal muscle during tetanic stimulation Journal Articles
Enhancement of Amrinone-induced Positive Inotropy in Rabbit Papillary Muscles with Depressed Contractile Function: Effects on Cyclic Nucleotide Levels and Phosphodiesterase Isoenzymes Journal Articles
Enkephalin-immunoreactive nociceptive neurons in the cat spinal cord Journal Articles
Epileptiform activity and neural plasticity in limbic structures Journal Articles
Epileptiform burst responses in ventral vs dorsal hippocampal slices Journal Articles
Epinephrine Facilitates Neurogenic Responses in Isolated Segments of Dog Mesenteric Arteries Journal Articles
Epithelial and mucosal preparations of canine proximal colon in ussing chambers: Comparison of responses Journal Articles
Estimation of habituation and signal-to-noise ratio of cortical evoked potentials to oesophageal electrical and mechanical stimulation Journal Articles
Evidence For The Existence Of A Constitutive Nitric Oxide Synthase In Vascular Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Evidence for reversible motoneurone dysfunction in thyrotoxicosis Journal Articles
Evidence of Impaired Afferent Vagal Function in Patients with Diabetes Gastroparesis Journal Articles
Evidence that axoplasmic transport of trophic factors is involved in the regulation of peripheral nerve fields in salamanders Journal Articles
Evoked metabolic responses in the limbic-striate system produced by stimulation of anterior thalamic nucleus in man. Journal Articles
Excitability of Aβ sensory neurons is altered in an animal model of peripheral neuropathy Journal Articles
Excitability of canine colon circular muscle disconnected from the network of interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Excitatory and inhibitory inputs from medullary nuclei projecting to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat Journal Articles
Exercise and recovery metabolism in the pacific spiny dogfish ( Squalus acanthias ) Journal Articles
Exercise increases the plasma membrane content of the Na+ -K+ pump and its mRNA in rat skeletal muscles Journal Articles
Exploring the Potential Effectiveness of Combining Optimal Nutrition With Electrical Stimulation to Maintain Muscle Health in Critical Illness: A Narrative Review Journal Articles
Exploring the effect of capsaicin-induced central sensitization on the upper limb nociceptive withdrawal reflex threshold Journal Articles
Fast and slow twitch muscles in man Journal Articles
Fast and slow twitch units in a human muscle Journal Articles
First trial motor seizures triggered by amygdaloid stimulation in the rat Journal Articles
Forskolin, cyclic nucleotides and positive inotropism in isolated papillary muscles of the rabbit Journal Articles
Frequency‐dependent conduction block in carpal tunnel syndrome Journal Articles
Functional Independence of Layer IV Barrels in Rodent Somatosensory Cortex Journal Articles
Functional changes in motoneurones of hemiparetic patients Journal Articles
Functional compensation of human motor units in health and disease Journal Articles
GABAergic modulation of neocortical long-term potentiation in the freely moving rat Journal Articles
Gastric electrical stimulation reduces visceral sensitivity to gastric distention in healthy canines Journal Articles
Generalisability of sensory gating during passive movement of the legs Journal Articles
Glutamatergic inputs and glutamate-releasing immature inhibitory inputs activate a shared postsynaptic receptor population in lateral superior olive Journal Articles
Heterosynaptic interactions between septal and entorhinal inputs to the dentate gyrus: long-term potentiation effects Journal Articles
Hippocampal Stimulation of Fornical-lesioned Rats Improves Working Memory Journal Articles
Histrionicotoxin: Effects on Some Central and Peripheral Excitable Cells Journal Articles
Human skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA at rest and during prolonged submaximal exercise Journal Articles
Hypothalamic stimulation: A biphasic influence on copulation of the male rat Journal Articles
IL-10 is necessary for the expression of airway hyperresponsiveness but not pulmonary inflammation after allergic sensitization Journal Articles
Immediate Hypersensitivity in the Flinders Rat: Further Evidence for a Possible Link between Susceptibility to Allergies and Depression Journal Articles
Impaired acetylcholine release from the myenteric plexus of Trichinella-infected rats Journal Articles
Impaired potentiation of H-reflexes in patients with upper motoneurone lesions Journal Articles
Implementation Issues in Approximate Methods for Stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley Models Journal Articles
Improved artifact rejection and isolation of compound action potentials by means of digital subtraction Journal Articles
Impulse Activity Evokes Precocious Sprouting of Nociceptive Nerves into Denervated Skin Journal Articles
In Vitro Airway Responsiveness of Flinders Sensitive and Resistant Line Rats Journal Articles
Inactivation of human muscle Na+-K+-ATPase in vitro during prolonged exercise is increased with hypoxia Journal Articles
Increased sodium pump activity following repetitive stimulation of rat soleus muscles. Journal Articles
Increased spontaneous unit discharge rates following electrical kindling in the rat Journal Articles
Influence of gender on post-tetanic potentiation in human dorsiflexors Journal Articles
Influence of joint position on ankle dorsiflexion in humans Journal Articles
Influence of peripheral afferents on cortical and spinal motoneuron excitability Journal Articles
Influence of the mucosa on the excitability of myenteric neurons Journal Articles
Inhibition by multivalent cations of contraction induced by chinese cobra venom cardiotoxin in guinea pig papillary muscle Journal Articles
Inhibition of fundic strips from guinea-pig stomach: The effect of theophylline on responses to adenosine, ATP and intramural nerve stimulation Journal Articles
Inhibitory effects and mechanisms of intestinal electrical stimulation on gastric tone, antral contractions, pyloric tone, and gastric emptying in dogs Journal Articles
Inhibitory innervation of colonic smooth muscle cells and interstitial cells of Cajal Journal Articles
Intended rather than actual movement velocity determines velocity-specific training response Journal Articles
Intense peripheral electrical stimulation differentially inhibits tail vs. limb withdrawal reflexes in the rat Journal Articles
Intense peripheral electrical stimulation evokes brief and persistent inhibition of the nociceptive tail withdrawal reflex in the rat Journal Articles
Interactions Between LTP- and LTD-Inducing Stimulation in the Sensorimotor Cortex of the Awake Freely Moving Rat Journal Articles
Interactions between septal and entorhinal inputs to the rat dentate gyrus: Facilitation effects Journal Articles
Interleukin-1 beta modulation of norepinephrine release from rat myenteric nerves Journal Articles
Intracellular recording from myenteric neurons of the guinea‐pig ileum that respond to stretch Journal Articles
Intracellular responses of olfactory bulb granule cells to stimulating the horizontal diagonal band nucleus Journal Articles
Invited review: Motor unit estimation: Methods, results, and present status Journal Articles
Inwardly rectifying chloride channel activity in intestinal pacemaker cells Journal Articles
Ion Channel Compartments in Photoreceptors: Evidence From Salamander Rods With Intact and Ablated Terminals Journal Articles
Ion fluxes during tetanic stimulation in isolated perfused rat hindlimb Journal Articles
Ion transport abnormalities in inflamed rat jejunum Journal Articles
Kinase-specific responsiveness to incremental contractile activity in skeletal muscle with low and high mitochondrial content Journal Articles
Kindling Journal Articles
Kindling-induced potentiation in the piriform cortex Journal Articles
Laminar differences in field potential morphology and long‐term potentiation in motor cortex coronal slices from both unstimulated and previously potentiated rats Journal Articles
Late depression of muscle excitability in humans after fatiguing stimulation. Journal Articles
Light‐stimulus‐evoked blink reflex Methods, normal values, relation to other blink reflexes, and observations in multiple sclerosis Journal Articles
Limited plasticity of human muscle Journal Articles
Local, exendin-(9—39)-insensitive, site of action of GLP-1 in canine ileum Journal Articles
Localization of Syntactic and Semantic Brain Responses using Magnetoencephalography Journal Articles
Long-Term Depression and Depotentiation in the Sensorimotor Cortex of the Freely Moving Rat Journal Articles
Long-term effects of concussion on relevancy-based modulation of somatosensory-evoked potentials Journal Articles
Long-term effects of synaptic activation at low frequency on excitability of myenteric AH neurons Journal Articles
Long-term potentiation in the neocortex of the adult, freely moving rat Journal Articles
Long-term potentiation phenomena in the rat limbic forebrain Journal Articles
Long-term potentiation trains induce mossy fiber sprouting Journal Articles
Longitudinal structure and innervation of two mammalian hindlimb muscles Journal Articles
Long‐term depression and associativity in rat primary motor cortex following thalamic stimulation Journal Articles
Loss of twitch torque following muscle compression Journal Articles
Low threshold mechanical stimulation of the vagina depresses dorsal horn unit activity in the spinal cat Journal Articles
Magnetic resonance imaging for detection and analysis of mouse phenotypes Journal Articles
Measuring temporal response properties of auditory nerve fibers in cochlear implant recipients Journal Articles
Mechanism underlying ozone-induced in vitro hyperresponsiveness in canine bronchi Journal Articles
Mechanism underlying tumor necrosis factor-alpha suppression of norepinephrine release from rat myenteric plexus Journal Articles
Mechanisms for perivascular adipose tissue-mediated potentiation of vascular contraction to perivascular neuronal stimulation: The role of adipocyte-derived angiotensin II Journal Articles
Merkel cells and the mechanosensitivity of normal and regenerating nerves in Xenopus skin Journal Articles
Metabotropic glutamate receptors contribute to neocortical synaptic plasticity in vivo Journal Articles
Methods for Estimating the Numbers of Motor Units in Human Muscles Journal Articles
Microfabricated perfusable cardiac biowire: a platform that mimics native cardiac bundle Journal Articles
Microfluidic-based Electrotaxis for On-demand Quantitative Analysis of <em>Caenorhabditis elegans</em>' Locomotion Journal Articles
Mode of action of calcium antagonists on responses to spasmogens and antigen challenge in human airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Modification of seizure activity by electrical stimulation: Cortical areas Journal Articles
Modification of seizure activity by electrical stimulation: I. after-discharge threshold Journal Articles
Modification of seizure activity by electrical stimulation: II. Motor seizure Journal Articles
Modification of seizure activity by electrical stimulation: III. Mechanisms Journal Articles
Modulation of Neurocardiac Function by Oesophageal Stimulation in Humans Journal Articles
Modulation of Short-Latency Afferent Inhibition Depends on Digit and Task-Relevance Journal Articles
Modulation of cerebral somatosensory evoked potentials arising from tibial and sural nerve stimulation during rhythmic active and passive movements of the human lower limb. Journal Articles
Modulation of spike clustering by NMDA receptors and neurotensin in rat supraoptic nucleus neurons Journal Articles
Molecular basis for an attenuated mitochondrial adaptive plasticity in aged skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Motor Unit Populations in Healthy and Diseased Muscles Journal Articles
Motor unit estimations in small muscles of the hand Journal Articles
Motor unit number estimations (MUNEs): past, present and future Chapters
Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg I. Kinaesthetic task demands Journal Articles
Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg II. Correlation with rate of stretch of extensor muscles of the leg Journal Articles
Multiple point electrical stimulation of ulnar and median nerves. Journal Articles
Muscarinic activation of transient inward current and contraction in canine colon circular smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen Journal Articles
Myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen Journal Articles
N-Type Ca(2+) channels trigger release of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter from nerve endings in canine bronchi. Journal Articles
NMD A receptor involvement in spinal inhibitory controls of nociception in the rat Journal Articles
NSAID-induced cyclooxygenase inhibition differentially depresses long-lasting versus brief synaptically-elicited responses of rat spinal dorsal horn neurons in vivo Journal Articles
Neural and Muscular Determinants of Dorsiflexor Weakness in Chronic Stroke Survivors Journal Articles
Neurocardiac and cerebral responses evoked by esophageal vago-afferent stimulation in humans: effect of varying intensities Journal Articles
Neurocardiac response to esophageal electric stimulation in humans: effects of varying stimulation frequencies Journal Articles
Neurokinin (NK2) receptors mediate nonadrenergic noncholinergic contractile responses to electrical stimulation and resiniferatoxin in guinea pig trachea Journal Articles
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation in mechanically ventilated patients: A randomized, sham-controlled pilot trial with blinded outcome assessment Conferences
Neuromuscular fatigue during repetitive stimulation in elderly and young adults Journal Articles
Neuromuscular reaction to paired stimuli. Journal Articles
Neuromuscular transmission in human single motor units. Journal Articles
Neuromuscular transmission in myasthenic single motor units. Journal Articles
Neurotransmission in lower esophageal sphincter ofW/Wvmutant mice Journal Articles
Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits release of acetylcholine from nerves of isolated circular muscle of the canine ileum: relationship to motility and release of nitric oxide. Journal Articles
Nitric oxide inhibits human and canine pulmonary vascular tone via a postjunctional, nonelectromechanical, cGMP-dependent pathway Journal Articles
Nociceptive cutaneous stimuli evoke localized contractions in a skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Non-conscious choice in cutaneous backword masking Journal Articles
Non-dominant hand movement facilitates the frontal N30 somatosensory evoked potential Journal Articles
Non-neurogenic electrically evoked relaxation in canine airway muscle involves action of free radicals on K+ channels. Journal Articles
Objective assessment of cognitive factors involved in visceral perception by using event-related cerebral evoked responses to esophageal target stimulation in man. Journal Articles
Obtaining force-frequency curves with a single 3-second train of stimuli. Journal Articles
Olfactory bulb output neurons excited from a basal forebrain magnocellular nucleus Journal Articles
On the Pharmacological and Physiological Role of Glibenclamide‐Sensitive Potassium Channels in Colonic Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Ontogeny of oral behavior induced by tail pinch and electrical stimulation of the tail in rats. Journal Articles
Optimal Electrical Stimulation Modality for Cortical Esophageal Evoked Potentials: Transmural or Intraesophageal? Journal Articles
Origin and course of crossed medullary pathways to spinal sympathetic neurons in the cat Journal Articles
P2x‐purinoceptors of myenteric neurones from the guinea‐pig ileum and their unusual pharmacological properties Journal Articles
Pacemaker activity and inhibitory neurotransmission in the colon of Ws/Ws mutant rats Journal Articles
Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex differentially modulates perception and sensorimotor transformations Journal Articles
Parametric Studies on Electroacupuncture-Like Stimulation in a Rat Model: Effects of Intensity, Frequency, and Duration of Stimulation on Evoked Antinociception Journal Articles
Patients with irritable bowel syndrome have greater pain tolerance than normal subjects Journal Articles
Patterns and severity of conduction abnormalities in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Journal Articles
Perivascular adipose tissue promotes vasoconstriction: the role of superoxide anion Journal Articles
Persistent intestinal neuromuscular dysfunction after acute nematode infection in mice Journal Articles
Pharmacological studies on the prolonged depressant effects of baclofen on lumbar dorsal horn units in the cat Journal Articles
Pharmacological techniques for the in vitro study of intestinal smooth muscles Journal Articles
Phasic modulation of somatosensory potentials during passive movement Journal Articles
Phenomenological model of auditory nerve population responses to cochlear implant stimulation Journal Articles
Phenomenological modelling of electrically stimulated auditory nerve fibers: A review Journal Articles
Physical activity levels determine exercise-induced changes in brain excitability Journal Articles
Physiological changes in ageing muscles Journal Articles
Physiological observations in the median nerve during carpal tunnel surgery Journal Articles
Physiological properties of two antagonistic human muscle groups Journal Articles
Piriform cortex efferents to the entorhinal cortex in vivo: kindling-induced potentiation and the enhancement of long-term potentiation by low-frequency piriform cortex or medial septal stimulation Journal Articles
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide as a neurotransmitter in the canine ileal circular muscle. Journal Articles
Post-activation potentiation and depression in the neocortex of the rat: II. Chronic preparations Journal Articles
Post-activation potentiation and the kindling phenomenon Journal Articles
Post-activation potentiation in the neocortex. III. Kindling-induced potentiation in the chronic preparation Journal Articles
Post-activation potentiation in the neocortex. IV. Multiple sessions required for induction of long-term potentiation in the chronic preparation Journal Articles
Posttetanic potentiation of human dorsiflexors Journal Articles
Potentiated H-reflexes in healthy and hemiplegic subjects. Journal Articles
Potentiation and depression of the M wave in human biceps brachii. Journal Articles
Potentiation of `late' responses evoked in muscles during effort Journal Articles
Pre- and postjunctional muscarinic receptors in canine bronchi Journal Articles
Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials Journal Articles
Preoperative Pain Sensitivity and Its Correlation with Postoperative Pain and Analgesic Consumption Journal Articles
Prolonged GABAA‐mediated inhibition following single hair afferent input to single spinal dorsal horn neurones in cats. Journal Articles
Properties of motor units in normal and partly denervated human muscles. Journal Articles
Prostaglandins and myogenic control of tension in lower esophageal sphincter Journal Articles
Pseudofacilitation: A misleading term Journal Articles
Quantitative input-output relationships between human soleus muscle spindle afferents and motoneurons Journal Articles
Quantitative methods for estimating the number of motor units in human muscles Journal Articles
Rac1 and AMPK Account for the Majority of Muscle Glucose Uptake Stimulated by Ex Vivo Contraction but Not In Vivo Exercise Journal Articles
Rates of motor seizure development in rats subjected to electrical brain stimulation: strain and inter-stimulation interval effects Journal Articles
Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma regulates synapse structure, function and plasticity Journal Articles
Redirected oral behavior in rats induced by tail-pinch and electrical stimulation of the tail Journal Articles
Reflex inhibition of human soleus muscle during fatigue. Journal Articles
Refractory period studies in a human neuromuscular preparation. Journal Articles
Relationship between numbers and frequencies of stimuli in human muscle fatigue Journal Articles
Release of epithelium-derived PGE(2) from canine trachea after antigen inhalation Journal Articles
Release of epithelium-derived PGE2from canine trachea after antigen inhalation Journal Articles
Reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation measures of afferent inhibition Journal Articles
Remodelling of spinal nociceptive mechanisms in an animal model of monoarthritis Journal Articles
Renewal-process approximation of a stochastic threshold model for electrical neural stimulation. Journal Articles
Respiratory sensations, cardiovascular control, kinaesthesia and transcranial stimulation during paralysis in humans. Journal Articles
Responses of myenteric S neurones to low frequency stimulation of their synaptic inputs Journal Articles
Responses of single units in the intermediolateral nucleus to stimulation of cardioregulatory medullary nuclei in the cat Journal Articles
Responsiveness of canine bronchial vasculature to excitatory stimuli and to cooling Journal Articles
Reversibility of neuromuscular blockade produced by toxins isolated from the venom of the seasnake Laticauda semifasciata Journal Articles
Role of nitric oxide-related inhibition in intestinal function: relation to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide Journal Articles
Ryanodine and the adrenergic, purinergic stimulation in the rat vas deferens smooth muscle: functional and radioligand binding studies. Journal Articles
Safety and efficacy of chronic stimulation Journal Articles
Selective loss of early suppression in the dentate gyrus precedes kainic acid induced electrographic seizures Journal Articles
Selective potentiating effect of RS14203 on a serotoninergic pathway in anesthetized rats Journal Articles
Sensory Nerve Cross-Anastomosis and Electrical Muscle Stimulation Synergistically Enhance Functional Recovery of Chronically Denervated Muscle Journal Articles
Serine-401 as a batrachotoxin- and local anesthetic-sensing residue in the human cardiac Na+ channel Journal Articles
Severe axonal degeneration in acute Guillain-Barré syndrome: Evidence of two different mechanisms? Journal Articles
Short- and long-latency afferent inhibition; uses, mechanisms and influencing factors Journal Articles
Short-Latency Afferent Inhibition Modulation during Finger Movement Journal Articles
Short-latency afferent inhibition determined by the sensory afferent volley Journal Articles
Short-term potentiation phenomena in the rat limbic forebrain Journal Articles
Simultaneous intracellular recordings from enteric neurons reveal that myenteric ah neurons transmit via slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials Journal Articles
Soleus motoneurone excitability in man: an indirect approach for obtaining quantitative data. Journal Articles
Some actions of chandonium iodide, a new short‐acting muscle relaxant, in anaesthetized cats and on isolated muscle preparations Journal Articles
Some properties of pyramidal tract cells in the rat somatosensory cortex. Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal properties modulate intermodal influences on early somatosenory processing during sensory-guided movement Journal Articles
Speculations surrounding a spinal reflex Journal Articles
Spinal μ-, δ- and κ-opioid receptors mediate intense stimulation-elicited inhibition of a nociceptive reflex in the rat Journal Articles
Stimulation of Fracture Healing: Osteobiologics, Bone Stimulators, and Beyond Journal Articles
Stimulation of circular muscle motility of the isolated perfused canine ileum: Relationship to VIP output Journal Articles
Stimulus-dependent pacemaker activity in the distal canine lower esophageal sphincter Journal Articles
Structural and Functional Analysis of Small Arteries From Young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Structural and functional alterations of spinal cord axons in adult Long Evans Shaker (LES) dysmyelinated rats Journal Articles
Structural and reactivity alterations of the renal vasculature of spontaneously hypertensive rats prior to and during established hypertension. Journal Articles
Studies on the site of termination of static and dynamic fusimotor fibres within muscle spindles of the tenuissimus muscle of the cat Journal Articles
Substance P released endogenously by high-intensity sensory stimulation potentiates purinergic inhibition of nociceptive dorsal horn neurons induced by peripheral vibration Journal Articles
Superoxide anion mediates angiotensin II-induced potentiation of contractile response to sympathetic stimulation Journal Articles
Suppression of seizures and psychosis of limbic system origin by chronic stimulation of anterior nucleus of the thalamus. Journal Articles
Suppression of somatosensory stimuli during motor planning may explain levels of balance and mobility after stroke Journal Articles
Supraspinal locomotor centers do/do not contribute significantly to the hyperpnea of dynamic exercise in humans. Journal Articles
Sympathetic innervation of human tracheal and bronchial smooth muscle Journal Articles
Sympathetic nerves in adult rats regenerate normally and restore pilomotor function during an anti‐NGF treatment that prevents their collateral sprouting Journal Articles
Sympathetic skin response and patient satisfaction on long-term follow-up after throacoscopic sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis Journal Articles
Synthesis and biological characterisation of a series of iberiotoxin analogues Journal Articles
Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex Journal Articles
Temporal Considerations for Stimulating Spiral Ganglion Neurons with Cochlear Implants Journal Articles
Temporal Modulation of Spatial Borders in Rat Barrel Cortex Journal Articles
Temporal coding of resonances by low-frequency auditory nerve fibers: single-fiber responses and a population model Journal Articles
Tendon Reflexes Elicited using a Computer Controlled Linear Motor Tendon Hammer Journal Articles
Tetrandrine inhibits electrically induced [Ca2+]i transient in the isolated single rat cardiomyocyte Journal Articles
The Diagnosis and Management of Supraventricular Tachycardia by Transesophageal Cardiac Stimulation and Recording Journal Articles
The Effect of Plasma Cortisol Concentration on the Pituitary Adrenal Response Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of the Infundibular Area of the Awake Unrestrained Cat Journal Articles
The Effects of Electrical Stimulation on a 3D Osteoblast Cell Model. Journal Articles
The Effects of Motor Cortical Stimulation on the Excitability of Spinal Motoneurons in Man Journal Articles
The Effects of Pulse Configuration on Magnetic Stimulation Journal Articles
The Impact of Wrist Extension Provocation on Current Perception Thresholds in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
The Optimal Joint Angle for Adductor Pollicis Force Production in Men and Women Journal Articles
The RULER model. Is this how the somatosensory cortex works? Journal Articles
The activation and distribution of GABA and L‐glutamate receptors on goldfish Mauthner neurones: an analysis of dendritic remote inhibition Journal Articles
The cerebral response to electrical stimuli in the oesophagus is altered by increasing stimulus frequencies Journal Articles
The degree of potentiation is associated with synaptic number during the maintenance of long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus Journal Articles
The development and decay of kindling-induced increases in paired-pulse depression in the dentate gyrus Journal Articles
The effect of age and gender on the relative fatigability of the human adductor pollicis muscle Journal Articles
The effect of anisotropy on the potential distribution in biological tissue and its impact on nerve excitation simulations Journal Articles
The effect of electronic repositioning on left ventricular pacing and phrenic nerve stimulation Journal Articles
The effect of kindling beyond the ‘stage 5’ criterion on paired-pulse depression and hilar cell counts in the dentate gyrus Journal Articles
The effect of stimulus current pulse width on nerve fiber size recruitment patterns Journal Articles
The effects of lithium on muscle contractile function in humans Journal Articles
The effects of quinapril and atorvastatin on artery structure and function in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
The effects of repeated induction of long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus Journal Articles
The effects of various lesions and knife-cuts on septal and amygdala kindling in the rat Journal Articles
The electrical properties of muscle fiber membranes in dystrophia myotonica and myotonia congenita. Journal Articles
The estimated numbers and relative sizes of thenar motor units as selected by multiple point stimulation in young and older adults Journal Articles
The gain of initial somatosensory evoked potentials alters with practice of an accurate motor task Journal Articles
The length–tension relationship of human dorsiflexor and plantarflexor muscles after spinal cord injury Journal Articles
The magnitude of the central response to esophageal electrical stimulation is intensity dependent Journal Articles
The medium latency muscle response to a vestibular perturbation is increased after depression of the cerebellar vermis Journal Articles
The nature of the electrophysiological disorder in adynamia episodica. Journal Articles
The nonpeptide NK-1 receptor antagonists LY303870 and LY306740 block the responses of spinal dorsal horn neurons to substance P and to peripheral noxious stimuli Journal Articles
The numbers and relative sizes of motor units estimated by Computer Journal Articles
The origin of spontaneous electrical activity at the end‐plate zone Journal Articles
The postnatal development of post-activation potentiation in the rat neocortex. Journal Articles
The primal role of the vestibular system in determining musical rhythm Journal Articles
The relationship between frontal somatosensory-evoked potentials and motor planning Journal Articles
The relationship between surface potentials and the number of active motor units Journal Articles
The responsiveness of airway smooth muscle in vitro from dogs with airway hyper-responsiveness in vivo Journal Articles
The role of the pyriform cortex in the generation of interictal spikes in the kindled preparation Journal Articles
The roles of ion fluxes in skeletal muscle fatigue Journal Articles
The usefulness of central motor conduction studies in the localization of cord involvement in cervical spondylytic myelopathy Journal Articles
Therapeutic implications of modulation of metabolism and functional activity of cerebral cortex by chronic stimulation of cerebellum and thalamus Journal Articles
Three novel electrophysiologic tests for patients with muscle weakness. Journal Articles
Training-induced and electrically induced potentiation in the neocortex Journal Articles
Transcutaneous nerve stimulation for control of pain. A preliminary technical note. Journal Articles
Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation may elicit anti- and pro-nociceptive effects under experimentally-induced pain — A crossover placebo-controlled investigation Journal Articles
Transfer kindling between sites in the entorhinal cortex-perforant path-dentate gyrus system Journal Articles
Transient hyperpolarization of non‐contracting muscle fibres in anaesthetized rats. Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the cerebellum impairs change-detection processes: Cerebellar contributions to sensorimotor integration Journal Articles
Trigeminal antidromic vasodilatation and plasma extravasation in the rat: effects of acetylcholine antagonists and cholinesterase inhibitors Journal Articles
Unique changes in synaptic morphology following tetanization under pharmacological blockade Journal Articles
Use of a cold cathode for percutaneous stimulation of human plantarflexor muscles Journal Articles
VGLUT3 does not synergize GABA/glycine release during functional refinement of an inhibitory auditory circuit Journal Articles
Voluntary and electrically evoked strength characteristics of obese and nonobese preadolescent boys. Journal Articles
Voluntary strength, evoked twitch contractile properties and motor unit activation of knee extensors in obese and non-obese adolescent males Journal Articles
[Physical methods of prevention of venous thromboemboli]. Journal Articles
[Skin relexes of small muscles of the hand]. Journal Articles