selected scholarly activity
- Economic Implications of Impact of Manufacturing on Environment and Health. 199-210. 2014
- Introduction to Health, Safety and Environmental Issues. 1-6. 2014
- The Role of Localized and Propagating Surface Plasmons in Periodically-Arrayed Nanopillars. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics. 383-383. 2013
- Microstructural Evolution in Dual‐Phase Steels at High Strain Rates. 45-53. 2007
- Nanoscale investigation of extended defects in wide-bandgap semiconductors by exploiting phonon-resonant near-field interaction. Enhanced Spectroscopies and Nanoimaging 2020. 24. 2020
- Investigation methods for characterizing nanoparticles in concrete. American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication. 37-48. 2019
- Low-Loss TeO2 Waveguides Integrated on a Si3N4 Platform for Active and Nonlinear Optical Devices. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. STh3N.6-STh3N.6. 2019
Low-Loss TeO
2 Waveguides Integrated on a Si3 N4 Platform for Active and Nonlinear Optical Devices. 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 - Proceedings. 2019 - Nanopatteming in GeTe phase change materials using heated atomic force microscope tips. 2015 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC). 2015
- Characterization of the dynamic behaviour of ALGOTUF armour steel during impact and in torsion. EPJ Web of Conferences. 02005-02005. 2015
- Microstructural Evolution from Shaped Charge through Steel Plates. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 344-349. 2014
- Quantification of Element Abundances of Stardust Interstellar Candidates by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. A318-A318. 2013
- Development of periodically oriented gallium nitride. 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012. 2012
- Characterization of impact behaviour of armour plate materials. EPJ Web of Conferences. 01020-01020. 2012
- Development of Periodically Oriented Gallium Nitride. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012. 1-2. 2012
- On the persistence of adiabatic shear bands. EPJ Web of Conferences. 02002-02002. 2012
- Periodically Oriented GaN for Optical Parametric Generation. Lasers, Sources, and Related Photonic Devices. ith5b.1. 2012
- Deformation and failure of a rolled homogeneous armour steel under dynamic mechanical loading in compression. 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12. 3464-3473. 2009
- Dynamic impact behavior of 6061-T6 and 5083-H131 aluminum alloys. 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12. 3445-3453. 2009
- The formation of adiabatic shear bands in copper during torsion at high strain rates. Procedia Engineering. 225-228. 2009
- Dislocation nucleation and growth in MOCVD GaN/AIN films on stepped and step-free 4H-SiC mesa substrates. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 19-24. 2008
- HIGH STRAIN RATE STUDY OF CERAMICS USING HOPKINSON BAR SYSTEM. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 1147-1152. 2008
- Evaluation of plastic deformation of a high strength alloy steel in compression at high strain rate. AES-ATEMA International Conference Series - Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications. 53-59. 2007
- Microstructural model for occurrence of adiabatic shear bands. AES-ATEMA International Conference Series - Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications. 69-75. 2007
- Void formation and fracture in a high strength low alloy steel during rapid deformation. AES-ATEMA International Conference Series - Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications. 43-52. 2007
- Deformation and Fracture Behavior of Alumina Particle-Reinforced Al 6061-T6 Composite during Dynamic Mechanical Loading. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2674-2680. 2007
- Enhanced Light Extraction from Gallium Nitride Optoelectronics on Si Substrates. ECS Transactions. 9-15. 2007
- Combinatorial Methodologies Applied to the Advanced CMOS Gate Stack. AIP Conference Proceedings. 297-302. 2007
- A comparative study of fatigue properties of two face-centered-cubic metals. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 3437-3439. 2006
- Dislocation boundary width changes due to cyclic hardening. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 3441-3443. 2006
- Approaches to Reduced-Defect Active Regions for III-N Devices. ECS Transactions. 117-125. 2006
- Improved GaN Homo-Junction, Ultraviolet, Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on Step-Free 4H-SiC Mesas. ECS Transactions. 189-198. 2006
- Microstructural evolution in high strength materials at high strain rates. European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 1097-1103. 2006
- Metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition of high-reflectance III-nitride distributed Bragg reflectors on Si substrates. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 1631-1634. 2006
- Electron Microscopy Investigation of the Role of Surface Steps in the Generation of Dislocations during MOCVD Growth of GaN on 4H-SiC. Materials Science Forum. 1509-1512. 2006
- Recent Results From Epitaxial Growth on Step Free 4H-SiC Mesas. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 85-94. 2006
- Reduction of Defects in GaN Epitaxial Films Grown Heteroepitaxially on SiC. Materials Science Forum. 1483-1488. 2006
- A Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of GaN grown on Patterned, Step-Free 4H-SiC Mesas. 2005 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium. 302-303. 2005
- A model for the critical height for dislocation annihilation and recombination in GaN columns deposited by patterned growth. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 677-684. 2005
- Effect of high strain rate on plastic deformation of a low alloy steel subjected to ballistic impact. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 385-391. 2005
- The effect of tempering on low cycle fatigue behavior of Al-2024. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 362-366. 2005
- Silicon-germanium-based combined MBE and CVD processing for vertical "silicon-on-nothing" (SON) device technology. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society. 719-729. 2004
- Thin compliant SiGe for relaxed SiGe and strained Si growth. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society. 857-863. 2004
- Photo-formation of interfacial layers during pulsed laser deposition of high-k dielectrics on silicon. Thin Solid Films. 411-416. 2004
- Damage assessment using fracture mechanics and NDT approaches. High Performance Structures and Materials. 131-137. 2004
- Effects of strain and strain-rate on the formation of the shear band in metals. European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 87-91. 2003
- <title>Laser-induced explosive boiling during nanosecond laser ablation of silicon</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 203-209. 2002
- <title>Pulsed laser deposition of Y<formula><inf><roman>2</roman></inf></formula>O<formula><inf><roman>3</roman></inf></formula> on Si: characteristics of the interfacial layer</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 93-98. 2002
- Laser-induced explosive boiling during nanosecond laser ablation of silicon. Applied Surface Science. 288-292. 2002
- Microstructural Study of Ultraviolet-Assisted Pulse Laser depoisted Indium Tin Oxide Films. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 157-163. 2002
- Ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition of barium strontium titanate on Si: characterization of the interfacial layer. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 257-262. 2002
- Damage assessment using nondestructive evaluation models. Proceedings of the TMS Fall Meeting. 227-233. 2001
- Amorphous phase formation during spray forming of Al84Y3Ni8Co4Zr1 alloy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 134-138. 2001
- Amorphous phase formation in spray deposited AlYNiCo and AlYNiCoZr alloys. Scripta Materialia. 1625-1628. 2001
- Crystallization behavior of amorphous Al84Y9Ni5Co2 alloy. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 332-337. 2001
- Low-temperature growth of high-k thin films by ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science. 123-126. 2000
- Phases formed during crystallization of amorphous Al84Y9Ni5Co2 alloy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 271-276. 2000
- Low-temperature growth of epitaxial ZnO films on (001) sapphire by ultraviolet- assisted pulsed laser deposition. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. S531-S533. 1999
- Finite element modeling of the formation of dislocation cell structures. TMS Annual Meeting. 37-43. 1998
- Ductile fracture toughness evaluation at high strain rates using stretch zones and shear lips. TMS Annual Meeting. 205-212. 1997
- ACOUSTIC EMISSION STUDIES OF DEFORMATION AND FRACTURE OF STEELS.. Proceedings of the Riso International Symposium on Metallurgy and Materials Science. 193-198. 1984
- Strain Rate Dependence of Fracture Toughness (JIC) and Ductility. 173-181. 1984
- ACOUSTIC EMISSION ASSOCIATED WITH CRACK PROPAGATION IN FATIGUE.. Paper Summaries, National Spring Conference - American Society for Nondestructive Testing. 250-252. 1981
- ACOUSTIC EMISSION FROM NON-METALLIC MATERIALS.. International Congress on Acoustics. 186-187. 1980
- Variation of Fracture Toughness with Specimen Geometry and Loading Conditions in Welded Low Alloy Steels. ASTM Special Technical Publication. 449-462. 1979
journal articles
- On the correlation between the habit plane and 3D morphology of lath martensite: A direct 3D observation using serial sectioning tomography of a low-carbon stainless steel. Scripta Materialia. 255. 2025
- Unveiling the oxidation stability of 2D gallium-intercalated monolayer epitaxial graphene through correlative microscopy. APL Materials. 12. 2024
- Large-Area Intercalated Two-Dimensional Pb/Graphene Heterostructure as a Platform for Generating Spin–Orbit Torque. ACS Nano. 18:21985-21997. 2024
- Accessing Thermal Phonon States Within Nanoscale Cavities. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 30:151. 2024
- CCEM’s Strategic Initiatives and Collaborative Approach to Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEAM Fields. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 30:2171. 2024
- Improvement of Boron Dopant Quantification Accuracy in Atom Probe Tomography via High Electric Field Analysis. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 30:73-74. 2024
- Investigation of Stress Corrosion Cracking in CMSX-4 Turbine Blade Alloys Using Deep Learning Assisted X-ray Microscopy and Correlative Imaging Workflow. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 30:296-297. 2024
- Unveiling Coupled Dark Plasmon Modes in CdO Structures. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 30:1133-1134. 2024
- Impact of palladium/palladium hydride conversion on electrochemical CO2 reduction via in-situ transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. Nature Communications. 15:938. 2024
- Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Extended Defects in 4H-Silicon Carbide. Nano Letters. 24:114-121. 2024
- Site-specific analysis of precipitates during the coiling of an HSLA steel containing V and Nb. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 27:6308-6318. 2023
- Elucidating the Mechanism of Large Phosphate Molecule Intercalation Through Graphene-Substrate Heterointerfaces. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 15:47649-47660. 2023
- A model for the competition between strain-induced precipitation and epitaxial growth in microalloyed austenite. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 26:6899-6906. 2023
- Evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of a V-containing microalloyed steel during coiling. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 880:145332-145332. 2023
- Advanced Characterization of Precipitation and Microstructure Heterogeneity in X70 Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 54:768-775. 2023
- Unraveling the Supramolecular Structure and Nanoscale Dislocations of Bacterial Cellulose Ribbons Using Correlative Super-Resolution Light and Electron Microscopy. Biomacromolecules. 24:258-268. 2023
- 2D Oxides Realized via Confinement Heteroepitaxy. Advanced Functional Materials. 33. 2023
- The effects of nano-silica on early-age hydration reactions of nano Portland cement. Cement and Concrete Composites. 133:104698-104698. 2022
- Mechanical reliability of monolayer MoS2 and WSe2. Matter. 5:2975-2989. 2022
- Correlative Microscopy Reveals Air-Stable 2D Gallium-Intercalated Monolayer Epitaxial Graphene. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 28:2122-2124. 2022
- Large Volume 3D Electron Backscatter Diffraction Characterization of Lath Martensite in 13%Cr-4%Ni Stainless Steel by Xe Plasma FIB. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 28:300-305. 2022
- Observation of 2D Si-Vacancies Filled by Gallium Intercalation of Epitaxial Graphene. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 28:2528-2530. 2022
- Thermal Effects on the Phonon Polariton Response of Nanoscale Cavities. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 28:1966-1968. 2022
- Visualizing Early HCoV-229E Viral Infection Events Using Correlative 2D Light and 3D Electron Microscopy Techniques. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 28:1528-1530. 2022
- Utilization of FIB–SEM nanotomography to visualize early HCoV-229E virus-mediated endocytosis nanoscale interactions. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography. 78:a319-a319. 2022
- Advanced characterisation of 3D structure and porosity of ordinary portland cement (OPC) mortar using plasma focused ion beam tomography and X‐ray computed tomography. Journal of Microscopy. 287:19-31. 2022
- Liquid cell transmission electron microscopy reveals C-S-H growth mechanism during Portland cement hydration. Materialia. 22:101387-101387. 2022
- Non-supercritical drying synthesis and characterization of monolithic alumina aerogel from secondary aluminum dross. Ceramics International. 48:13154-13162. 2022
- Scalable Characterization of 2D Gallium-Intercalated Epitaxial Graphene. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 13:55428-55439. 2021
- Tunable 2D Group‐III Metal Alloys. Advanced Materials. 33:e2104265. 2021
- (Invited) Advanced Characterization of III-Nitrides: From 2-D Epi-Layers to Bulk Defect Analysis. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2021-02:952-952. 2021
- Correlative Electron Microscopy Enables Scalable Characterization of 2D half-van der Waals Heterostructures. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27:636-638. 2021
- Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy for the Study of the Structural Arrangement of Bacterial Microcrystalline Cellulose Microfibrils. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27:566-569. 2021
- In situ study of microstructure in phase transformation of pipe line steel. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27:1554-1555. 2021
- Making the Stitching Process of Montaged SEM Images Automatic Using Fourier Transform Properties. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27:478-480. 2021
- Probing Phonon Polaritons Across Nanoscale Gaps. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 27:702-704. 2021
- Resistance of red clay brick waste/phosphorus slag-based geopolymer mortar to acid solutions of mild concentration. Journal of Building Engineering. 34:102066-102066. 2021
- Light–Matter Interaction in Quantum Confined 2D Polar Metals. Advanced Functional Materials. 31. 2021
- Scalable Substitutional Re‐Doping and its Impact on the Optical and Electronic Properties of Tungsten Diselenide. Advanced Materials. 32:e2005159. 2020
- Unexpected Near-Infrared to Visible Nonlinear Optical Properties from 2-D Polar Metals. Nano Letters. 20:8312-8318. 2020
- Spontaneous Relaxation of Heteroepitaxial Thin Films by van der Waals‐Like Bonding on Te‐Terminated Sapphire Substrates. Small. 16:e2004437. 2020
- (Invited) Atomic Resolution, Coordinated Electron Microscopy Characterization of 2D Layers Synthesized By Confinement Heteroepitaxy (CHet) Technique. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2020-01:1342-1342. 2020
- Bacteriophage ZCSE2 is a Potent Antimicrobial against Salmonella enterica Serovars: Ultrastructure, Genomics and Efficacy. Viruses. 12:424-424. 2020
- Exploiting Phonon‐Resonant Near‐Field Interaction for the Nanoscale Investigation of Extended Defects. Advanced Functional Materials. 30. 2020
- Chemical Mapping of Unstained DNA Origami Using STEM/EDS and Graphene Supports. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 3:1123-1130. 2020
- Durability performance of geopolymer cement based on fly ash and calcium aluminate cement in mild concentration acid solutions. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials. 8:290-308. 2019
- Removing Stripes, Scratches, and Curtaining with Non-Recoverable Compressed Sensing. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 25:174-175. 2019
- Scanning Electron Microscope 3D Surface Reconstruction via Optimization. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 25:224-225. 2019
- Using Plasma Focused Ion Beam Microscopy to Characterize 3D Structure and Porosity of OPC Mortar. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 25:926-927. 2019
- Green template-free synthesis and characterization of mesoporous alumina as a high value-added product in aluminum black dross recycling strategy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 792:161-169. 2019
- Controlling the Infrared Dielectric Function through Atomic-Scale Heterostructures. ACS Nano. 13:6730-6741. 2019
- Investigation of defects influencing performance of type-II InAs/GaInSb superlattice based infrared PIN type photodetectors. Journal of Applied Physics. 125. 2019
- Ag Thin Film Dewetting Prevention by Ion Implantation. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 6. 2019
- Removing Stripes, Scratches, and Curtaining with Nonrecoverable Compressed Sensing. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 25:705-710. 2019
- Electron beam damage of epoxy resin films studied by scanning transmission X-ray spectromicroscopy. Micron. 120:74-79. 2019
- Low-loss TeO2-coated Si3N4waveguides for application in photonic integrated circuits. Optics Express. 27:12529-12529. 2019
- Acid attack on geopolymer cement mortar based on waste-glass powder and calcium aluminate cement at mild concentration. Construction and Building Materials. 193:363-372. 2018
- Multi-Angle Plasma Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Curtaining Artifact Correction Using a Fourier-Based Linear Optimization Model. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24:657-666. 2018
- Reduction in surface state defects in iron pyrite by use of zinc sulfide passivation layers. Optical Materials Express. 8:3835-3835. 2018
- Characterization of Mg components in reactive MgO – Portland cement blends during hydration and carbonation. Journal of CO2 Utilization. 27:518-527. 2018
- Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive Spectral Maps of DNA Origami Triangles Using Graphene Supports. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24:386-387. 2018
- Application of Liquid Cell-TEM in Hydration Reactions of Nano Portland Cement. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24:294-295. 2018
- Electron Microscopy and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) of Few-Layer Chemically-Exfoliated Phosphorene Flakes. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24:470-471. 2018
- Multi-scale Examination of the Microstructure Evolution of AZ31 During Multi-pass Cross-Rolling. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 49:3674-3682. 2018
- Plasma Focused Ion Beam Curtaining Artifact Correction by Fourier-Based Linear Opti-mization Model. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 24:588-589. 2018
- DNA–Nanoparticle Composites Synergistically Enhance Organophosphate Hydrolase Enzymatic Activity. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 1:3091-3097. 2018
- Fabrication of phonon-based metamaterial structures using focused ion beam patterning. Applied Physics Letters. 112. 2018
- Microstructural evolution of adiabatic shear bands in pure copper during impact at high strain rates. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 711:182-194. 2018
- Defect sensitive etching of hexagonal boron nitride single crystals. Journal of Applied Physics. 122. 2017
- Use of Laser Lithography for Striating 2G HTS Conductors for AC Loss Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 27:1-5. 2017
- Assessing Hexagonal Boron Nitride Crystal Quality by Defect Sensitive Etching. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23:1518-1519. 2017
- Characterizing Multi-layer Pristine Graphene, Its Contaminants, and Their Origin Using Transmission Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23:1740-1741. 2017
- Nanopatterning of GeTe phase change films via heated-probe lithography. Nanoscale. 9:8815-8824. 2017
- Chemically exfoliating large sheets of phosphorene via choline chloride urea viscosity-tuning. Nanotechnology. 28:155601-155601. 2017
- Enhanced superconductivity in aluminum-based hyperbolic metamaterials. Scientific Reports. 6:34140. 2016
- (S)TEM Characterization of Chemically Exfoliated Black Phosphorus. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 22:1544-1545. 2016
- Every Atom has a Story to Tell: Using Single-Atom-Sensitivity Imaging and Spectroscopy to Determine Origins of Cosmic Nanodiamonds. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 22:866-867. 2016
- Individual heteroatom identification with X-ray spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 108. 2016
- Catalytic activity and thermal stability of horseradish peroxidase encapsulated in self-assembled organic nanotubes. The Analyst. 141:2191-2198. 2016
- Transfer of Chemically Modified Graphene with Retention of Functionality for Surface Engineering. Nano Letters. 16:1455-1461. 2016
- Perfect interferenceless absorption at infrared frequencies by a van der Waals crystal. Physical review B (PRB). 92. 2015
- Microstructural simulation of adiabatic shear band formation in AISI 4340 steel using Voronoi Tessellation. Computational Materials Science. 109:157-171. 2015
- Impact of confinement on proteins concentrated in lithocholic acid based organic nanotubes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 454:97-104. 2015
- Name that Atom in 60 Seconds or Less: Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy of Individual Heteroatoms in Low Dimensional Materials. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 21:1427-1428. 2015
- STEM-EDXS System for Atomic-Sensitivity Elemental Mapping. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 21:339-340. 2015
- Towards Automated Segmentation Methods for 3D Tomography Studies of the Morphology of Carbon Nanoglobules in Chondritic Meteorites. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 21:2101-2102. 2015
- Study of the formation of adiabatic shear bands in steel during impact. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. 1:19-26. 2015
- An examination of the formation of adiabatic shear bands in AISI 4340 steel through analysis of grains and grain deformation. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 631:18-26. 2015
- Mechanism of grain refinement and its effect on Adiabatic Shear Bands in 4340 steel and pure copper during impact. EPJ Web of Conferences. 94:02001-02001. 2015
- Deformation Mapping and the Role of Carbides on the Microstructure and Properties of Evolved Adiabatic Shear Bands. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 45:5379-5396. 2014
- Effect of microstructure on the nucleation and initiation of adiabatic shear bands (ASBs) during impact. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 615:373-394. 2014
- Final reports of the Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1720-1733. 2014
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
II : Curating the interstellar dust collector, picokeystones, and sources of impact tracks. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1522-1547. 2014 -
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
III : Infrared spectroscopic analysis of interstellar dust candidates. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1548-1561. 2014 -
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
IV : Scanning transmission X‐ray microscopy analyses of impact features in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1562-1593. 2014 -
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
IX : High‐speed interstellar dust analog capture in Stardust flight‐spare aerogel. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1666-1679. 2014 -
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
VI : Quantitative elemental analysis by synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence nanoimaging of eight impact features in aerogel. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1612-1625. 2014 -
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
VII : Synchrotron X‐ray fluorescence analysis of six Stardust interstellar candidates measured with the Advanced Photon Source 2‐ID ‐D microprobe. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1626-1644. 2014 -
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
XI : Identification and elemental analysis of impact craters on Al foils from the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1698-1719. 2014 - Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination I: Identification of tracks in aerogel. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1509-1521. 2014
Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination V:
XRF analyses of interstellar dust candidates atESRF ID 13. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1594-1611. 2014 - Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination VIII: Identification of crystalline material in two interstellar candidates. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1645-1665. 2014
- Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination X: Impact speeds and directions of interstellar grains on the Stardust dust collector. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 49:1680-1697. 2014
- Evidence for interstellar origin of seven dust particles collected by the Stardust spacecraft. Science. 345:786-791. 2014
- 3D Nanoscale Analysis Using Focused Ion Beam Tomography of Carbonaceous Nanoglobules in Matrix Materials from the Tagish Lake Meterorite. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 20:318-319. 2014
- Coordinated Microanalyses of Seven Particles of Probable Interstellar Origin from the Stardust Mission.. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 20:1692-1693. 2014
- Data Processing Challenges for Proper Interpretation of FIB-SEM Nanotomography Imaging Applications. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 20:770-771. 2014
- Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging for Non-Destructive Analysis of Extended Defects in Semiconductor Thin Films and Device Structures. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 20:1064-1065. 2014
- Focused Ion Beam Direct Write Nanofabrication of Surface Phonon Polariton Metamaterial Nanostructures. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 20:358-359. 2014
- A systematic study of grain refinement during impact of 4340 steel. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 605:270-285. 2014
- Beyond Electron Based Metamaterials: Low-Loss Surface Phonon Polariton-Based Nano-Antenna Arrays Using Silicon Carbide. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2014-01:1548-1548. 2014
- Recent advances in focused ion beam technology and applications. MRS bulletin. 39:317-325. 2014
- Modelling of Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 566:92-96. 2014
- Microscopical study of the formation of adiabatic shear bands in 4340 steel during dynamic loading. Philosophical Magazine. 93:4544-4568. 2013
- Low-Loss, Extreme Subdiffraction Photon Confinement via Silicon Carbide Localized Surface Phonon Polariton Resonators. Nano Letters. 13:3690-3697. 2013
- Focused Ion Beam Slice-and-View Tomography and Correlative Electron Microscopy of Multiphase Meteorite Particles. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 19:870-871. 2013
- Isotopic and chemical variation of organic nanoglobules in primitive meteorites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 48:904-928. 2013
- TEM imaging of unstained DNA nanostructures using suspended graphene. Soft Matter. 9:1414-1417. 2013
- Divalent–Anion Salt Effects in Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Depositions. Langmuir. 28:15831-15843. 2012
- FIB/TEM Investigation of crystallographic defects in type-II superlattice based infrared detectors. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 18:1806-1807. 2012
- Effect of heat treatment on stability of impact-induced adiabatic shear bands in 4340 steel. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 546:223-232. 2012
- Minimizing damage during FIB sample preparation of soft materials. Journal of Microscopy. 245:288-301. 2012
- The Role of Propagating and Localized Surface Plasmons for SERS Enhancement in Periodic Nanostructures. Plasmonics. 7:143-150. 2012
- Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Heterogeneous Modular Nanocomposites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116:1694-1701. 2012
- Effect of prior heat treatment on the dynamic impact behavior of 4340 steel and formation of adiabatic shear bands. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 528:8700-8708. 2011
- GaN vertical and lateral polarity heterostructures on GaN substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth. 332:43-47. 2011
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Tomography of Layer-by-Layer PAH/PSS-Au Nanocomposite Structures. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 17:1012-1013. 2011
- Plasmonic Nanopillar Arrays for Large-Area, High-Enhancement Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensors. ACS Nano. 5:4046-4055. 2011
- Spectroscopic and microscopic characterizations of color lamellae in natural pink diamonds. Diamond and Related Materials. 19:1207-1220. 2010
- Coordinated XANES, TEM and SIMS Analysis of the Chemistry, Microstructure and Isotopic Composition of Insoluble Organics in Meteorites. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 16:926-927. 2010
- Exchange bias in a single phase ferrimagnet. Journal of Applied Physics. 107. 2010
- Enhanced mass transport in ultrarapidly heated Ni/Si thin-film multilayers. Journal of Applied Physics. 106. 2009
- High strain-rate fracture and failure of a high strength low alloy steel in compression. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 525:96-101. 2009
- Towards Low-Damage TEM Sample Preparation of Carbonaceous Materials in the Focused Ion Beam. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 15:342-343. 2009
- Characterization of metal oxide nanofilm morphologies and composition by terahertz transmission spectroscopy. Optics Letters. 34:1360-1360. 2009
- Combinatorial study of the crystallinity boundary in the HfO2–TiO2–Y2O3 system using pulsed laser deposition library thin films. Thin Solid Films. 517:691-694. 2008
- Evolution of adiabatic shear bands in a dual-phase steel at very high strain rates. Materials Science & Engineering: A. 488:235-240. 2008
- Study of FIB Damage in Carbonaceous Materials using XANES. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 14:1008-1009. 2008
- The influence of specific mechanical energy on the ultrasonic characteristics of extruded dough. Journal of Food Engineering. 86:202-206. 2008
- Dislocation Nucleation and Growth in MOCVD GaN/AlN Films on Stepped and Step-free 4H-SiC Mesa Substrates. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1090:1090-z05-24. 2008
- Using the Focused Ion Beam to Perform Serial Sectioning of Micron-Sized Particles for Coordinated Nanoscale Analysis. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 1089:1-6. 2008
- Design and spectroscopic reflectometry characterization of pulsed laser deposition combinatorial libraries. Applied Surface Science. 254:781-784. 2007
- Effects of temperature and oxygen pressure on binary oxide growth using aperture-controlled combinatorial pulsed-laser deposition. Applied Surface Science. 254:785-788. 2007
- Dislocation Nucleation in MOCVD GaN Films on Stepped and Unstepped 4H-SiC Substrates. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2007-02:1349-1349. 2007
- In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of GaN pn Diode Degradation. ECS Meeting Abstracts. MA2007-02:1345-1345. 2007
- Model, prediction, and experimental verification of composition and thickness in continuous spread thin film combinatorial libraries grown by pulsed laser deposition. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78:072203. 2007
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- Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals C-S-H Growth Mechanism During Portland Cement Hydration 2021
- High-reflectance III-nitride distributed Bragg reflectors grown on Si substrates 2020
- Metalorganic chemical-vapor deposition of high-reflectance III-nitride distributed Bragg reflectors on Si substrates 2020
- Wurtzite III-nitride distributed Bragg reflectors on Si (100) substrates 2020
- Unexpected Near-Infrared to Visible Non-linear Optical Properties from Two-Dimensional Polar Metals 2020
- Removing Stripes, Scratches, and Curtaining with Non-Recoverable Compressed Sensing 2019
- Controlling the Infrared Dielectric Function through Atomic-Scale Heterostructures 2018
- Perfect interference-less absorption at infrared frequencies by a van der Waal's crystal 2015
- On the origin of micro-cracking in zinc-coated press hardened steels. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2022