selected scholarly activity
- Skeletal Muscle Protein Metabolism During Exercise. 189-213. 2022
- Dietary influence on muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy. 304-320. 2020
- Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) and Skeletal Muscle. 283-298. 2019
- Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) and Skeletal Muscle. 263-278. 2019
- Chapter 16 Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) and Skeletal Muscle. 263-278. 2019
- Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Following Ingestion of Soy Protein Isolate at Rest and After Resistance Exercise in Elderly Men. 105-126. 2017
- Dietary Protein and Physical Training Effects on Body Composition and Performance. 323-342. 2017
- 15: Dietary Protein and Physical Training Effects on Body Composition and Performance. 323-342. 2017
- Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Following Ingestion of Soy Protein Isolate at Rest and After Resistance Exercise in Elderly Men. 105-125. 2017
- Amino Acids and Exercise. 67-78. 2016
- Amino Acids and Exercise: Molecular and Cellular Aspects. 67-78. 2016
- Nutrition for Strength Power Athletes. 65-86. 2015
- Defining Optimum Protein Intakes for Athletes. 136-146. 2013
- Amino acid supplements and muscular performance.. 291-311. 2012
- The impact of protein source on timing considerations for health and performance. 193-206. 2011
- Nutrition for Power and Sprint Training. 134-145. 2011
- Nutrition for Weight and Resistance Training. 120-133. 2011
- Current and Emerging Role of Whey Protein on Muscle Accretion. 345-367. 2008
- Sex-based Differences Following Eccentric Exercise-induced Muscle Damage. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 416-416. 2024
- A live online physical activity intervention for older adults: A mixed methods randomized controlled trial. Innovation in Aging. 605-605. 2023
- A Comparison Of Methods For Quantifying Skeletal Muscle Mass In Young Women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 414-414. 2023
- Effect Of Fortetropin® Ingestion On Muscle Size And Circulating Myostatin During Disuse Atrophy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 210-210. 2023
- Optimal Resistance Training Prescriptions For Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review, Bayesian Network Meta Analysis And Meta Regression. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 897-898. 2023
- Optimizing Resistance Training Prescription For Strength: A Systematic Review, Bayesian Network Meta-analysis, And Network Meta-regression. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 534-535. 2023
- The feasibility and associated physical activity outcomes using an online exercise program for older adults.. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 316-316. 2023
- Hormonal Cycling And Substrate Oxidation At Rest And During Exercise: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 115-115. 2022
- Community-based physical activity and/or nutrition interventions to promote mobility in older adults: An umbrella review. Annals of Family Medicine. 2937. 2022
- Group-based nutrition interventions for community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review to inform community co-design. Annals of Family Medicine. 2875. 2022
- The EMBOLDEN Co-design study: Partnering with older adults and communities to develop a community program to enhance mobility. Annals of Family Medicine. 2945. 2022
- Acute And Chronic Effects Of Branched-chain Amino Acid Supplementation: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 457-457. 2020
- Effects Of High-Load Versus High-Volume Resistance Training On Muscle Sarcoplasmic, Actin, And Myosin Protein Concentrations. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 828-829. 2020
- Effects Of Six Weeks Of Unilateral High-volume Versus High-intensity Resistance Training On Vastus Lateralis Muscle Morphology In Previously Trained, College-aged Males.. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 828-828. 2020
- Is High-intensity Stair Climbing An Effective Alternative To Traditional Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise?. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 440-440. 2020
- Potato Protein Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis At Rest And With Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 104-105. 2020
- Skeletal Muscle Adaptation In Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients Undertaking Traditional Or Higher Intensity Stair-climbing Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 715-715. 2020
- beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) Does Not Improve Resistance Exercise-Induced Changes In Body Composition: A Systematic-review And Meta-analysis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 456-457. 2020
- Targeted SNP Interrogation to Determine if Select Polymorphisms are Associated with Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Following 12 Weeks of Resistance Training. The FASEB Journal. 1-1. 2020
- Does Exclusive Consumption of Plant-based Dietary Protein Impair Resistance Training-induced Muscle Adaptations?. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 790-790. 2019
- Low-load Resistance Exercise During Inactivity is Associated With Greater Fibre Area and Satellite Cell Expression in Older Skeletal Muscle. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 614-615. 2019
- The incretin effect of essential amino acids (EAA) in youth and ageing. Diabetologia. S99-S99. 2018
- Real-world use of dulaglutide in Europe: A multi-country drug utilization study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 156-157. 2018
- Absence of Functional Left Ventricular Adaption With Short-Term Resistance Exercise Training in Young Men. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 848-848. 2018
- Age-related dysfunction in the satellite cell niche. The FASEB Journal. 2018
- A Lower Protein Leucine‐matched Beverage Induces Similar Increases in Acute and Integrated Muscle Protein Synthesis in Healthy Older Women. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- A Whey Protein‐Based, Multi‐Ingredient Supplement Independently Stimulates Gains in Lean Body Mass and Strength, and Enhances Exercise‐Induced Adaptations in Older Men. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Chronic alterations in blood pH affect fasting‐state amino acid oxidation and myofibrillar and albumin protein synthesis in healthy young men. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Fatigue and Motor Unit Activation Are Determined by Neither Load Nor Time Under Tension During Resistance Exercise. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Greater Leucine Content Enhances the Acute and Integrated Muscle Protein Synthetic Responses Versus an Isonitrogenous, Isoenergetic Protein Beverage in Healthy Older Women. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Two Weeks of Reduced Steps Disrupts Integrated Rates of Muscle Protein Synthesis and Glycemic Control in Healthy Older Adults. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Weight Loss‐Induced Changes in Muscle Protein Turnover in Young Men: Effects of Dietary Protein Intake and Resistance Exercise. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Clinical Performance of One Touch Verio Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems. Diabetes. A231-A231. 2016
- OneTouch Verio Performance at Extremes of Glucose and Hematocrit. Diabetes. A227-A227. 2016
- Brief, Intense Intermittent Stair Climbing Is A Practical, Time-Efficient Method To Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 609-609. 2016
- Muscle Damage Over A Resistance-training Period. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 900-900. 2016
- Resistance Training-induced Muscle Hypertrophy Is Not Determined By Repetition-load In Resistance-trained Men. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 980-980. 2016
- Role of Testosterone on Muscle Protein Syntheis during Prostate Cancer Treatment. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 358-359. 2016
- Only Two Weeks of Physical Inactivity Induces Insulin Resistance and Impairs Glycemic Control in Older Adults. The FASEB Journal. 2016
- Protein-Leucine Fed Dose Effects on Muscle Protein Synthesis after Endurance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 98-99. 2014
- Differential regulation of myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis following acute endurance exercise (702.3). The FASEB Journal. 2014
- Investigating relationships between arterial stiffness and collagen turnover in humans. The FASEB Journal. 2013
- Effect Of Muscle Glycogen Status And Nutrition On Cell Signaling Following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 583-583. 2012
- Effect of Exercise Order on Testosterone Availability in Post-exercise Recovery. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 696-696. 2012
- Effects Of Short-term Exercise Training With And Without Milk Consumption On Inflammation In Overweight Girls. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 243-243. 2012
- Role of Dietary Leucine on Amino Acid Transporter mRNA Expression Following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 700-701. 2012
- Role of Dietary Leucine on Amino Acid Transporter mRNA Expression Following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 445-445. 2012
- Effect Of Muscle Glycogen Status And Nutrition On Cell Signaling Following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 583-583. 2011
- Effects Of Leucine-Enriched Protein Supplementation On Subsequent Performance And Metabolism Following High-Intensity Cycling. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 136-136. 2011
- Low-intensity Resistance Exercise Stimulates Mitochondria Protein Synthesis And PGC-1α mRNA Expression. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 135-135. 2011
- Retrospective Analysis Of Resistance Training-induced Strength And Hypertrophy: Separating The Wheat From The Hormone Chaff. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41-41. 2011
- The Influence Training Load and Volume on Anabolic Signalling and Muscle Hypertrophy with Resistance Training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 53-54. 2011
- Timing Of Post-exercise Protein Ingestion Alters Anabolic Signaling During Prolonged Recovery. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 136-136. 2011
- Consumption of higher dairy and dietary protein during diet‐ and exercise‐induced weight loss promotes a metabolically favourable body composition change in overweight and obese young women. The FASEB Journal. 2011
- Dose‐response of leucine oxidation with beef feeding in middle‐aged men. The FASEB Journal. 2011
- Effect of Protein, Dairy Components and Energy Balance in Optimizing Body Composition. Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series. 97-114. 2011
- Patterns Of Protein Ingestion And Muscle Protein Synthesis After Resistance Exercise In Trained Men. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 63-63. 2010
- Interleukin‐4 is a Potential Regulator of Satellite Cell Function in Response to Acute Myotrauma in Humans. The FASEB Journal. 2009
- Interleukin‐6 Signaling Mediates Human Muscle Satellite Cell Proliferation Following Acute Muscle Damage. The FASEB Journal. 2009
- Milk consumption after resistance exercise increases fat loss and increases muscle mass and strength gains in young women. The FASEB Journal. 2009
- Disuse atrophy delays and reduces amino acid induced activation of key translational signaling proteins in humans. The FASEB Journal. 2008
- Hepatocyte Growth Factor Signaling in Mediating Human Muscle Satellite Cell Activation and Proliferation Following Eccentric Exercise. The FASEB Journal. 2008
- Resistance and endurance training differentially affect myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis at rest and following exercise in human skeletal muscle. The FASEB Journal. 2008
- Adding protein to a carbohydrate drink increases skeletal muscle protein synthesis during recovery from prolonged aerobic exercise. The FASEB Journal. A692-A692. 2007
- Changes in muscle cross-sectional area and strength during leg immobilization: amelioration through resistance exercise with or without whey protein supplementation. The FASEB Journal. A945-A945. 2007
- Dose‐responses of whole body protein turnover with increasing protein intake after an acute bout of resistance exercise in young men. The FASEB Journal. A336-A336. 2007
- Effect of whey and casein proteins on muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise. The FASEB Journal. A337-A337. 2007
- Sex-based comparisons in skeletal muscle fatigue and twitch potentiation. The FASEB Journal. A939-A940. 2007
- Sprint versus endurance training: Metabolic adaptations in working human skeletal muscle. The FASEB Journal. A575-A575. 2007
- A Critical Examination of Dietary Protein Requirements, Benefits, and Excesses in Athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. S58-S76. 2007
- Activation of signaling pathways regulating translation initiation in human skeletal muscle with feeding and resistance exercise. The FASEB Journal. A1207-A1207. 2007
- Bolus L‐arginine supplementation in the fed state at rest and following resistance exercise does not effect bulk muscle blood flow. The FASEB Journal. A1231-A1232. 2007
- Hand and Finger Neuropathies. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 77-77. 2006
- A high-fiber, low saturated fat diet combined with exercise enhances VO2max and lipid profiles. Circulation. E362-E363. 2006
- Raising expectations: Can strength training promote unrealistic expectations for muscularity among young men?. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP). S61-S61. 2005
- Dietary Protein to Support Anabolism with Resistance Exercise in Young Men. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN NUTRITION ASSOCIATION. 134S-139S. 2005
- Reliability of quantitative motor unit action potential parameters. Muscle and Nerve. 111-113. 2004
- Effect of Diet on Whole-Body Leucine Oxidation at Rest and During Prolonged Exercise and Recovery in Humans. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. S322-S323. 2004
- Muscle Collagen Synthesis in Human Quadriceps in Response to Maximal Shortening and Lengthening Contractions. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. s339-s339. 2004
- The Effect of Differing Post Exercise Macronutrient Consumption on Resistance Training-Induced Adaptations in Novices. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. S41-S42. 2004
- Milk proteins promote a greater net protein balance than soy proteins following resistance exercise. The FASEB Journal. A854-A854. 2004
- Resistance training reduces protein turnover and improves net protein utilization in young males. The FASEB Journal. A543-A543. 2004
- Body weight supported treadmill training in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury: Effects on bone mass and body composition.. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. S222-S222. 2003
- No effect of glutamine (Gln) on whole body protein turnover after exercise. The FASEB Journal. A786-A787. 2002
- Body-weight support treadmill training (BWSTT) improves glucose tolerance in spinal cord-injured (SCI) individuals. The FASEB Journal. A449-A450. 2002
- Resistance training (RT)-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle protein turnover (MPT): effect of feeding and creatine supplementation. The FASEB Journal. A612-A612. 2002
- Short-Term Training: When Do Repeated Bouts of Resistance Exercise Become Training?. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 185-193. 2000
- Endurance exercise training attenuates leucine oxidation during exercise in humans. The FASEB Journal. A81-A81. 1999
- Resistance training reduces muscle protein turnover.. The FASEB Journal. A653-A653. 1998
- Effect of endurance training on branched-chain oxoacid dehydrogenase (BCOAD) activity in untrained males and females.. The FASEB Journal. A365-A365. 1998
- Protein metabolism and requirements in male and female athletes: Potential gender differences. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF NUTRITION - NUTRITION MONTREAL 97. 16-18. 1998
- Human muscle amino acid transport kinetics in vivo. The FASEB Journal. 2533-2533. 1997
- Muscle protein turnover following resistance exercise.. The FASEB Journal. 830-830. 1997
- Physiological Limitations to Endurance Exercise. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE TOLERANCE. 211-217. 1996
- Beyond Survivors, Creating Thrivers: Why Muscle Matters.
- Can We Make A City a Blue Zone? Lessons from Blue Zones on Successful Ageing
- Effects of aging on human muscle atrophy with immobilization.
- Exercise and Nutritional Strategies to Combat the Deleterious Impacts of Reduced Physical Activity in Older Age
- Exploring the relationship between dietary protein source and indicators of sarcopenia. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. S1-S83.
- Manipulation of Variables in Resistance Training to Affect Gains in Strength and Hypertrophy: From Delorme (1947) to 2023
- New Paradigms in Resistance Training-induced Hypertrophy: Old Dogs can Learn New Tricks
- Sipping from the Fountain of Youth: Strategies for Staving off (Muscle) Ageing
- Sport, Women and the Menstrual Cycle: What do we Know and What can we do to Know More?
journal articles
- Oral contraceptive pill phase does not influence muscle protein synthesis or myofibrillar proteolysis at rest or in response to resistance exercise.. Journal of applied physiology. 2025
- Turning over new ideas in human skeletal muscle proteostasis: What do we know and where to from here?. Quarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciences. 2025
- Prescribing strength training for stroke recovery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 59:185-197. 2025
- Impact of Successive Sets of High-Intensity Leg Press on Cerebral Hemodynamics Across Menstrual Cycle Phases. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2025
- Does increasing the resistance-training volume lead to greater gains? The effects of weekly set progressions on muscular adaptations in females.. Journal of Sports Sciences. ahead-of-print:1-12. 2025
- AMPK regulates the maintenance and remodelling of the neuromuscular junction.. Molecular Metabolism. 91:102066. 2025
- Do People With Stroke Meet Aerobic and Muscle-Strengthening Activity Guidelines? Data From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging.. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. 49:4-12. 2025
- Exploring Opportunities to Better Characterize the Effects of Dietary Protein on Health across the Lifespan.. Advances in Nutrition. 16:100347. 2025
- From molecular to physical function: The aging trajectory.. Current Research in Physiology. 8:100138. 2025
- Memorial Symposium-3: Identification of a Resistance Exercise-Specific Signaling Pathway that Drives Skeletal Muscle Growth. Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 74:29-29. 2025
- Summary of the 2024 Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sport "10 Questions/10 Experts" Session-Hot Topics for the Paris Olympic Games.. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 35:76-83. 2025
- An expert consensus statement on biomarkers of ageing for use in intervention studies.. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. glae297. 2024
- Menstrual cycle phase does not influence muscle protein synthesis or whole-body myofibrillar proteolysis in response to resistance exercise.. Journal of Physiology. 2024
- Application of the COSIAM method for muscle protein turnover and skeletal muscle mass in young females: A comparison of methods for body composition assessment. Advanced Exercise and Health Science. 1:248-259. 2024
- Unveiling the potential of a whey protein- and leucine-enriched multi-nutrient formula high in vitamin D3: A scoping review on its role in enhancing body composition, strength, and physical function in sarcopenia. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus. 1:100058-100058. 2024
- Identification of a Resistance Exercise-Specific Signaling Pathway that Drives Skeletal Muscle Growth.. Res Sq. 2024
- Effectiveness of physiotherapist-led tele-rehabilitation for older adults with chronic conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Disability and Rehabilitation. ahead-of-print:1-15. 2024
- Assessing Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates In Vivo in Humans: The Deuterated Water (2H2O) Method.. Journal of Nutrition. 154:3177-3189. 2024
- Fair and Safe Eligibility Criteria for Women's Sport: The Proposed Testing Regime Is Not Justified, Ethical, or Viable.. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 34:e14753. 2024
- Muscle loss: does one size fit all? A comment on Bozzetti's paper.. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 27:523-526. 2024
- Muscle matters: the effects of medically induced weight loss on skeletal muscle.. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. 12:785-787. 2024
- The Effect of Multi-Ingredient Protein versus Collagen Supplementation on Satellite Cell Properties in Males and Females.. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 56:2125-2134. 2024
- Vitamin D in the critically ill - update 2024.. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 27:515-522. 2024
- A pilot randomized controlled trial of a virtual peer-support exercise intervention for female older adults with cancer.. BMC Geriatrics. 24:887. 2024
- Exercise-specific adaptations in human skeletal muscle: Molecular mechanisms of making muscles fit and mighty.. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 223:341-356. 2024
- Hormones, Hypertrophy, and Hype: An Evidence-Guided Primer on Endogenous Endocrine Influences on Exercise-Induced Muscle Hypertrophy.. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 52:117-125. 2024
- Mitigating disuse‐induced skeletal muscle atrophy in ageing: Resistance exercise as a critical countermeasure. Quarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciences. 109:1650-1662. 2024
- Network-based modelling reveals cell-type enriched patterns of non-coding RNA regulation during human skeletal muscle remodelling.. NAR Molecular Medicine. 1:ugae016. 2024
- Sex-based Differences Following Eccentric Exercise-induced Muscle Damage. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 56:422-423. 2024
- The effect of home-based neuromuscular electrical stimulation-resistance training and protein supplementation on lean mass in persons with spinal cord injury: A pilot study.. Physiological Reports. 12:e70073. 2024
- Counterpoint to: The Utility of the Rodent Synergist Ablation Model in Identifying Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology. 327:C607-C613. 2024
- Healthy Older Adults Consuming the Protein RDA Show Similar Whole-Body Protein Kinetics While Consuming Vegan and Lacto-Vegetarian Diets. Current Developments in Nutrition. 8:102781-102781. 2024
- People with obesity exhibit losses in muscle proteostasis that are partly improved by exercise training. Proteomics. 24:e2300395. 2024
- The effects of whey, pea, and collagen protein supplementation beyond the recommended dietary allowance on integrated myofibrillar protein synthetic rates in older males: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 120:34-46. 2024
- Therapeutic Quality Affects Physical Fitness Benefits of Home Exercise Interventions in Older Adults: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 47:E137-E148. 2024
- Whey and Pea (NUTRALYS® S85 Plus), but Not Collagen, Protein Supplementation Beyond the RDA Enhances Integrated Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis in Older Men. Current Developments in Nutrition. 8:103703-103703. 2024
- Measure do not guess: a call to action to end assumed and estimated menstrual cycle phases in research. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. 10:e002095-e002095. 2024
- Muscle Protein Synthesis in Response to Plant-Based Protein Isolates With and Without Added Leucine Versus Whey Protein in Young Men and Women. Current Developments in Nutrition. 8:103769-103769. 2024
- Low Energy Availability Followed by Optimal Energy Availability Does Not Benefit Performance in Trained Females. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 56:902-916. 2024
- Longitudinal Monitoring of Biomechanical and Psychological State in Collegiate Female Basketball Athletes Using Principal Component Analysis. Translational Sports Medicine. 2024:1-14. 2024
- Low baseline ribosome‐related gene expression and resistance training‐induced declines in ribosome‐related gene expression are associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy in young men and women. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 239:e31182. 2024
- The Conceptual Definition of Sarcopenia: Delphi Consensus from the Global Leadership Initiative in Sarcopenia (GLIS).. Age and Ageing. 53:afae052. 2024
- The International Olympic Committee framework on fairness, inclusion and nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations does not protect fairness for female athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 34:e14581. 2024
- Resistance‐only and concurrent exercise induce similar myofibrillar protein synthesis rates and associated molecular responses in moderately active men before and after training. The FASEB Journal. 38:e23392. 2024
- A live online exercise program for older adults improves depression and life-space mobility: A mixed-methods pilot randomized controlled trial.. PLoS ONE. 19:e0312992. 2024
- Development and evaluation of an ovarian hormone profile classification tool for female athletes: step one of a two-step process to determine ovarian hormone profiles.. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. 10:e002304. 2024
- Measurement properties of the sit-to-stand test in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis using the COSMIN guidelines.. PLoS ONE. 19:e0316451. 2024
- Skeletal Muscle: A Critical Organ for Survival and Recovery in Critical Illness. Critical Care Clinics. 2024
- The influence of resistance exercise training prescription variables on skeletal muscle mass, strength, and physical function in healthy adults: An umbrella review. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 13:47-60. 2024
- Differences in Skeletal Muscle Fiber Characteristics Between Affected and Nonaffected Limbs in Individuals With Stroke: A Scoping Review. Physical Therapy. 103:pzad095. 2023
- Apples to apples? Discordant definitions still hinder evidence‐based treatments for sarcopenia. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 14:2460-2461. 2023
- Menstrual cycle hormones and oral contraceptives: a multimethod systems physiology-based review of their impact on key aspects of female physiology. Journal of applied physiology. 135:1284-1299. 2023
- Lipidomic studies reveal two specific circulating phosphatidylcholines as surrogate biomarkers of the omega-3 index. Journal of Lipid Research. 64:100445-100445. 2023
- The Coming of Age of Resistance Exercise as a Primary Form of Exercise for Health. ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal. 27:19-25. 2023
- The impact and utility of very low-calorie diets: the role of exercise and protein in preserving skeletal muscle mass. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 26:521-527. 2023
- Mechanisms of mechanical overload-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy: current understanding and future directions. Physiological Reviews. 103:2679-2757. 2023
- Effect Of Endogenous And Synthetic Sex Hormones On Myoblast Function Following Electrical Stimulation.. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 55:736-736. 2023
- Effect Of Fortetropin® Ingestion On Muscle Size And Circulating Myostatin During Disuse Atrophy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 55:210-210. 2023
- Optimal Resistance Training Prescriptions For Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review, Bayesian Network Meta Analysis And Meta Regression. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 55:897-898. 2023
- Optimizing Resistance Training Prescription For Strength: A Systematic Review, Bayesian Network Meta-analysis, And Network Meta-regression. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 55:534-535. 2023
- Resistance training prescription for muscle strength and hypertrophy in healthy adults: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57:1211-1220. 2023
- The Feasibility And Associated Physical Activity Outcomes Using An Online Exercise Program For Older Adults.. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 55:316-316. 2023
- Sarcopenia Definition and Outcomes Consortium 2020 Definition: Association and Discriminatory Accuracy of Sarcopenia With Disability in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 78:1597-1603. 2023
- Low energy availability reduces myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic muscle protein synthesis in trained females. Journal of Physiology. 601:3481-3497. 2023
- Differential plasma branched-chain amino acid responses following the consumption of Greek-style yogurt and skimmed milk. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 48:544-549. 2023
- Prevalence of sarcopenia indicators and sub-optimal protein intake among elective total joint replacement patients. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 48:498-506. 2023
- Whey Protein Supplementation with or without Vitamin D on Sarcopenia-Related Measures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Advances in Nutrition. 14:762-773. 2023
- Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq. Advanced Genetics. 4:2200024. 2023
- Physiological Responses and Adaptations to Lower Load Resistance Training: Implications for Health and Performance. Sports Medicine - Open. 9:28. 2023
- Does initial skeletal muscle size or sex affect the magnitude of muscle loss in response to 14 days immobilization?. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 48:411-416. 2023
- Does initial skeletal muscle size or sex affect the magnitude of muscle loss in response to 14 days immobilization?. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 48:411-416. 2023
- How Skepticism (not Cynicism) Can Raise Scientific Standards and Reform the Health and Wellness Industry. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 33:174-178. 2023
- Protocols aiming to increase muscle mass in persons with motor complete spinal cord injury: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation. 45:1433-1443. 2023
- An elusive consensus definition of sarcopenia impedes research and clinical treatment: A narrative review. Ageing Research Reviews. 86:101883-101883. 2023
- Muscle of obese insulin-resistant humans exhibits losses in proteostasis and attenuated proteome dynamics that are improved by exercise training 2023
- Enhancing Physical and Community MoBility in OLDEr Adults with Health Inequities Using CommuNity Co-Design (EMBOLDEN): Results of an Environmental Scan. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. 26:23-30. 2023
- Important Concepts in Protein Nutrition, Aging, and Skeletal Muscle: Honoring Dr Douglas Paddon-Jones (1969–2021) by Highlighting His Research Contributions. Journal of Nutrition. 153:615-621. 2023
- Limitations of the Food Compass Nutrient Profiling System. Journal of Nutrition. 153:610-614. 2023
- Current evidence shows no influence of women's menstrual cycle phase on acute strength performance or adaptations to resistance exercise training. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 5:1054542. 2023
- Determination of a steady-state isotope dilution protocol for carbon oxidation studies in the domestic cat. Journal of Nutritional Science. 12:e62. 2023
- Fortetropin supplementation prevents the rise in circulating myostatin but not disuse-induced muscle atrophy in young men with limb immobilization: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE. 18:e0286222-e0286222. 2023
- Optimal resistance exercise training parameters for stroke recovery: A protocol for a systematic review. PLoS ONE. 18:e0295680-e0295680. 2023
- Resistance training in humans and mechanical overload in rodents do not elevate muscle protein lactylation. Frontiers in Physiology. 14:1281702. 2023
- The Health Benefits of Resistance Exercise: Beyond Hypertrophy and Big Weights. Exercise Sport and Movement. 1. 2023
- Aerobic conditioning alters the satellite cell and ribosome response to acute eccentric contractions in young men and women. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology. 323:C1577-C1585. 2022
- Community-based group physical activity and/or nutrition interventions to promote mobility in older adults: an umbrella review. BMC Geriatrics. 22:539. 2022
- The Impact of Pre-Exercise Carbohydrate Meal on the Effects of Yerba Mate Drink on Metabolism, Performance, and Antioxidant Status in Trained Male Cyclists. Sports Medicine - Open. 8:93. 2022
- Increased protein intake derived from leucine-enriched protein enhances the integrated myofibrillar protein synthetic response to short-term resistance training in untrained men and women: a 4-day randomized controlled trial. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 47:1104-1114. 2022
- An umbrella review of systematic reviews of β‐hydroxy‐β‐methyl butyrate supplementation in ageing and clinical practice. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 13:2265-2275. 2022
- Group-based nutrition interventions to promote healthy eating and mobility in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review. Public Health Nutrition. 25:2920-2951. 2022
- Individualized high dairy protein + walking program supports bone health in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 116:887-896. 2022
- Role of Resistance Training in Mitigating Risk for Mobility Disability in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 103:2023-2035. 2022
- An Evidence-Based Narrative Review of Mechanisms of Resistance Exercise–Induced Human Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 54:1546-1559. 2022
- Hormonal Cycling And Substrate Oxidation At Rest And During Exercise: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 54:115-115. 2022
- Short‐term aerobic conditioning prior to resistance training augments muscle hypertrophy and satellite cell content in healthy young men and women. The FASEB Journal. 36:e22500. 2022
- Declines in muscle protein synthesis account for short‐term muscle disuse atrophy in humans in the absence of increased muscle protein breakdown. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 13:2005-2016. 2022
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- Increasing Protein Ingestion Minimally Increases Lean Mass and Muscle Strength in Subjects Enrolled in Resistance Exercise Training a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Current Developments in Nutrition. 6:1169-1169. 2022
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- Whey Protein Supplementation Is Superior to Leucine-Matched Collagen Peptides to Increase Muscle Thickness During a 10-Week Resistance Training Program in Untrained Young Adults. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 32:133-143. 2022
- Systematic review and meta‐analysis of protein intake to support muscle mass and function in healthy adults. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 13:795-810. 2022
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- Dairy and Dairy Alternative Supplementation Increase Integrated Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Rates, and Are Further Increased when Combined with Walking in Healthy Older Women. Journal of Nutrition. 152:68-77. 2022
- Effects of High-Volume Versus High-Load Resistance Training on Skeletal Muscle Growth and Molecular Adaptations. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:857555. 2022
- Effects of a Single Dose of a Creatine-Based Multi-Ingredient Pre-workout Supplement Compared to Creatine Alone on Performance Fatigability After Resistance Exercise: A Double-Blind Crossover Design Study. Frontiers in Nutrition. 9:887523. 2022
- Sex-Based Differences in the Myogenic Response and Inflammatory Gene Expression Following Eccentric Contractions in Humans. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:880625. 2022
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- Corrigendum: Integrated Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis in Recovery From Unaccustomed and Accustomed Resistance Exercise With and Without Multi-ingredient Supplementation in Overweight Older Men. Frontiers in Nutrition. 7:611389. 2020
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- Resistance exercise enhances mTOR and MAPK signalling in human muscle over that seen at rest after bolus protein ingestion. Acta Physiologica. 201:365-372. 2011
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- Resistance exercise and appropriate nutrition to counteract muscle wasting and promote muscle hypertrophy. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 13:630-634. 2010
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- Low‐volume resistance exercise attenuates the decline in strength and muscle mass associated with immobilization. Muscle and Nerve. 42:539-546. 2010
- Human exercise-mediated skeletal muscle hypertrophy is an intrinsic process. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 42:1371-1375. 2010
- Resistance exercise volume affects myofibrillar protein synthesis and anabolic signalling molecule phosphorylation in young men. Journal of Physiology. 588:3119-3130. 2010
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- Elevations in ostensibly anabolic hormones with resistance exercise enhance neither training-induced muscle hypertrophy nor strength of the elbow flexors. Journal of applied physiology. 108:60-67. 2010
- Resistance exercise‐induced increases in putative anabolic hormones do not enhance muscle protein synthesis or intracellular signalling in young men. Journal of Physiology. 587:5239-5247. 2009
- Resistance exercise and nutrition to counteract muscle wasting. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 34:817-828. 2009
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- Physiologic and molecular bases of muscle hypertrophy and atrophy: impact of resistance exercise on human skeletal muscle (protein and exercise dose effects)This paper is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue, entitled 14th International Biochemistry of Exercise Conference – Muscles as Molecular and Metabolic Machines, and has undergone the Journal’s usual peer review process.. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 34:403-410. 2009
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- Acute Hormonal Changes do not Mediate Muscle Protein Turnover, Hypertrophy, or Strength Gains with Resistance Exercise in Humans. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41:61-61. 2009
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- Influence Of Muscle Contraction Intensity And Fatigue On Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) Following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41:149-149. 2009
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- Muscle Protein Synthesis Is Not Augmented By Protein-carbohydrate Co-ingestion At Rest Or Following Resistance Exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41:150-150. 2009
- Coingestion of protein with carbohydrate during recovery from endurance exercise stimulates skeletal muscle protein synthesis in humans. Journal of applied physiology. 106:1394-1402. 2009
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- Immobilization induces anabolic resistance in human myofibrillar protein synthesis with low and high dose amino acid infusion. Journal of Physiology. 586:6049-6061. 2008
- Co‐expression of IGF‐1 family members with myogenic regulatory factors following acute damaging muscle‐lengthening contractions in humans. Journal of Physiology. 586:5549-5560. 2008
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- Differential effects of resistance and endurance exercise in the fed state on signalling molecule phosphorylation and protein synthesis in human muscle. Journal of Physiology. 586:3701-3717. 2008
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- Resistance training alters the response of fed state mixed muscle protein synthesis in young men. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 294:R172-R178. 2008
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