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subject area of
In Vivo Formation of Protein Based Aqueous Microcompartments Journal Articles
In vitrodrug release of natamycin from β-cyclodextrin and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin-functionalized contact lens materials Journal Articles
125I-Radiolabeling, Surface Plasmon Resonance, and Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation: Three Tools to Compare Protein Adsorption on Surfaces of Different Wettability Journal Articles
A Comparative Study of four Oral Contrast Agents for Small Bowel Distension with Computed Tomography Enterography Journal Articles
A Fuzzy Composting Process Model Journal Articles
A Novel Moisture Adjusted Vegetation Index (MAVI) to Reduce Background Reflectance and Topographical Effects on LAI Retrieval Journal Articles
A Rapid Review of Environmental Health Gaps in Antimicrobial Resistance and Water-Related Research from 1990–2020 Journal Articles
A bi-level chance-constrained programming method for quantifying the effectiveness of water-trading to water-food-ecology nexus in Amu Darya River basin of Central Asia Journal Articles
A cross-sectional study measuring vanadium and chromium levels in paediatric patients with CKD Journal Articles
A fixed-mix stochastic fractional programming method for optimizing agricultural irrigation and hydropower generation in Central Asia Journal Articles
A meta-analysis of the therapeutic role of oil soluble contrast media at hysterosalpingography: a surprising result? Journal Articles
A pragmatic randomized trial evaluating pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solutions in open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): statistical analysis plan Journal Articles
A reactive molecular dynamics study of thermal pyrolysis behavior and mechanisms of lignin during the hydrothermal process: The function of the water molecules Journal Articles
A review on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) based hybrid membranes for water and wastewater treatment Journal Articles
A semi‐quantitative approach for the rapid screening and mass profiling of naphthenic acids directly in contaminated aqueous samples Journal Articles
A statistical investigation of the scaling factor method of beta‐ray dose distribution derivation: The scaling factor for water to bone Journal Articles
A three‐point dixon method for water and fat separation using 2D and 3D gradient‐echo techniques Journal Articles
A two-stage fuzzy chance-constrained water management model Journal Articles
Access and Binding of Local Anesthetics in the Closed Sodium Channel Journal Articles
Actions of Hydrogen Sulfide and ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels on Colonic Hypermotility in a Rat Model of Chronic Stress Journal Articles
Addendum to “Regulation of the water channel aquaporin‐1: isolation and reconstitution of the regulatory complex” [Cell Biol. Int. 28(1) (2004) 7–17]* Journal Articles
Adhesion of corneal epithelial cells to cell adhesion peptide modified pHEMA surfaces Journal Articles
Adsorption of Fibrinogen and Lysozyme on Silicon Grafted with Poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl Phosphorylcholine) via Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Journal Articles
Adsorption of Xyloglucan onto Cellulose Surfaces of Different Morphologies: An Entropy-Driven Process Journal Articles
Adsorptive removal of naphthalene induced by structurally different Gemini surfactants in a soil-water system Journal Articles
Air Cystoscopy is Superior to Water Cystoscopy for the Diagnosis of Active Hematuria Journal Articles
Air breathing in Magadi tilapia Alcolapia grahami, under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions, and the association with sunlight and reactive oxygen species Journal Articles
Alterations in palatability of nutrients for the rat as a result of prior tasting. Journal Articles
Amphibious fish jump better on land after acclimation to a terrestrial environment Journal Articles
Amyloid-PET of the white matter: Relationship to free water, fiber integrity, and cognition in patients with dementia and small vessel disease Journal Articles
An ASM/ADM model interface for dynamic plant-wide simulation Journal Articles
An Evaluation of Analytical Methods, Air Sampling Techniques, and Airborne Occupational Exposure of Metalworking Fluids Journal Articles
An alternative method of OBT measurement for the limited quantity of environmental samples using a combustion bomb Journal Articles
An atomic charge model for graphene oxide for exploring its bioadhesive properties in explicit water Journal Articles
An evaluation of sodium loss and gill metal binding properties in rainbow trout and yellow perch to explain species differences in copper tolerance Journal Articles
An improved fuzzy sorting algorithm coupling bi-level programming for synergetic optimization of agricultural water resources: A case study of Fujian Province, China Journal Articles
An interval two-stage fuzzy fractional programming model for planning water resources management in the coastal region – A case study of Shenzhen, China Journal Articles
Analysis of the transcarbamoylation‐dehydration reaction catalyzed by the hydrogenase maturation proteins HypF and HypE Journal Articles
Anesthetics significantly increase the amount of intramembrane water in lipid membranes Journal Articles
Anomalous and anisotropic nanoscale diffusion of hydration water molecules in fluid lipid membranes Journal Articles
Application of a by-product of Lentinus edodes to the bioremediation of chromate contaminated water Journal Articles
Application of the scaling factor method to estimation of beta dose distributions for dissimilar media separated by a planar interface Journal Articles
Aquatic and terrestrial organic matter in the diet of stream consumers: implications for mercury bioaccumulation Journal Articles
Aqueous Fluoride and the Preparation of [99mTc(CO)3(OH2)3]+ and 99mTc−Carborane Complexes Journal Articles
Are There Longitudinal Effects of Forest Harvesting on Carbon Quality and Flow and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Primary Consumers of Temperate Stream Networks? Journal Articles
Assessing Energy Expenditure in Male Endurance Athletes Journal Articles
Assessing Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates In Vivo in Humans: The Deuterated Water (2H2O) Method. Journal Articles
Assessing the bioremediation potential of algal species indigenous to oil sands process-affected waters on mixtures of oil sands acid extractable organics Journal Articles
Assessment of crAssphage as a human fecal source tracking marker in the lower Great Lakes Journal Articles
Assimilation of water and dietary ions by the gastrointestinal tract during digestion in seawater-acclimated rainbow trout Journal Articles
Association of Low- and No-Calorie Sweetened Beverages as a Replacement for Sugar-Sweetened Beverages With Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risk Journal Articles
Atrazine concentrations, gonadal gross morphology and histology in ranid frogs collected in Michigan agricultural areas Journal Articles
Atrial natriuretic factor: Does it have a role in psychiatry? Journal Articles
Atropine and Roscovitine Release from Model Silicone Hydrogels Journal Articles
Benchmarking Cellulose Nanocrystals Part II: New Industrially Produced Materials Journal Articles
Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites Journal Articles
Bioavailability of sediment-associated Cu and Zn to Daphnia magna Journal Articles
Biodegradable asparagine–graphene oxide free chlorine sensors fabricated using solution-based processing Journal Articles
COVID-19 brought the water struggles in Ghana into our homes in Canada: Collective emotions and WASH struggles in distant locations during health emergencies Journal Articles
Calcium influx and spermatogenesis in the testis and liver enzyme activities in the zebrafish are rapidly modulated by the calcium content of the water Journal Articles
Can diffusion-weighted imaging be used as a reliable sequence in the detection of malignant pulmonary nodules and masses? Journal Articles
Cause and Consequence of Carbon Nanotube Doping in Water and Aqueous Media Journal Articles
Cellular responses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in tritiated water and/or fed organically bound tritium Journal Articles
Chain Conformation of a New Class of PEG-Based Thermoresponsive Polymer Brushes Grafted on Silicon as Determined by Neutron Reflectometry Journal Articles
Challenges in Synthesis and Analysis of Asymmetrically Grafted Cellulose Nanocrystals via Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Journal Articles
Changes of vegetational cover and the induced impacts on hydrological processes under climate change for a high-diversity watershed of south China Journal Articles
Chronic psychological stress alters epithelial cell turn-over in rat ileum Journal Articles
Combined effects of DOM extracted from site soil/compost and biosurfactant on the sorption and desorption of PAHs in a soil–water system Journal Articles
Combined physiological and behavioral approaches as tools to evaluate environmental risk assessment of the water accommodated-fraction of diesel oil Journal Articles
Comparative Effects of Embryonic Metformin Exposure on Wild and Laboratory-Spawned Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Populations Journal Articles
Comparison of Microbial and Chemical Source Tracking Markers To Identify Fecal Contamination Sources in the Humber River (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and Associated Storm Water Outfalls Journal Articles
Comparison of Solution Structures and Stabilities of Native, Partially Unfolded and Partially Refolded Pepsin Journal Articles
Comprehensive and simultaneous coverage of lipid and polar metabolites for endogenous cellular metabolomics using HILIC-TOF-MS Journal Articles
Constraining the Time Interval for the Origin of Life on Earth Journal Articles
Copper-Induced Chemosensory Impairment is Reversed by a Short Depuration Period in Northern Clearwater Crayfish (Faxonius propinquus) Journal Articles
Corn trypsin inhibitor coating attenuates the prothrombotic properties of catheters in vitro and in vivo Journal Articles
Covalent organic frameworks as highly versatile materials for the removal and electrochemical sensing of organic pollutants Journal Articles
Critical elements for local Indigenous water security in Canada: a narrative review Journal Articles
Crop and irrigation management strategies for saline-sodic soils and waters aimed at environmentally sustainable agriculture Journal Articles
Cross-linked chitosan as biomacromolecular adsorbents for adsorption of precious metal-chloride complexes from aqueous media. Journal Articles
Crosslinking of collagen with dendrimers Journal Articles
Crystal structure of tert.‐butyloxycarbonyl‐L‐prolyl‐D‐alanyl‐D‐alanyl‐N‐methylamide Dimeric β‐sheet formation Journal Articles
Curcumin Protects Membranes through a Carpet or Insertion Model Depending on Hydration Journal Articles
Deep fracture fluids isolated in the crust since the Precambrian era Journal Articles
Design of Hydrated Porphyrin-Phospholipid Bilayers with Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Contrast Journal Articles
Design of static and dynamic ridge filters for FLASH–IMPT: A simulation study Journal Articles
Detecting oil sands process-affected waters in the Alberta oil sands region using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy Journal Articles
Detergent-mediated protein aggregation Journal Articles
Determining effective interfacial tension and predicting finger spacing for DNAPL penetration into water-saturated porous media Journal Articles
Deterministic risk assessment of firefighting water additives to terrestrial organisms Journal Articles
Developing and applying control charts to detect changes in water chemistry parameters measured in the Athabasca River near the oil sands: A tool for surveillance monitoring Journal Articles
Development of a factorial water policy simulation approach from production and consumption perspectives Journal Articles
Development of dewatering textile materials incorporating slit-pore geometries Journal Articles
Development of injectable, resorbable drug-releasing copolymer scaffolds for minimally invasive sustained ophthalmic therapeutics Journal Articles
Developmental effects of the industrial cooling water additives morpholine and sodium hypochlorite on lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Digital photogrammetric quantification of surface area and volume on scanning electron micrographs of frozen hydrated lung tissue Journal Articles
Does sulfide or water hardness protect against chronic silver toxicity in Daphnia magna? A critical assessment of the acute-to-chronic toxicity ratio for silver Journal Articles
Don’t worry, be happy: Habitat selection of Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) living in a reference condition in Georgian Bay Journal Articles
Doubly pH-Responsive Pickering Emulsion Journal Articles
Drink composition and the electrolyte balance of children exercising in the heat Journal Articles
Editing of Chemical Exchange-Relayed NOEs in NMR Experiments for the Observation of Protein–Water Interactions Journal Articles
Effect of Cations on the Structure of Bilayers Formed by Lipopolysaccharides Isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 Journal Articles
Effect of Chemical Exchange on Radiation Damping in Aqueous Solutions of the Osmolyte Glycine Journal Articles
Effect of Coaching to Increase Water Intake on Kidney Function Decline in Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease Journal Articles
Effect of Intestinal Anaphylaxis on Gut Function in the Rat Journal Articles
Effect of short-chain organic acids on the enhanced desorption of phenanthrene by rhamnolipid biosurfactant in soil–water environment Journal Articles
Effect of sulfonation of segmented polyurethanes on the transient adsorption of fibrinogen from plasma: Possible correlation with anticoagulant behavior Journal Articles
Effect of water temperature and food availability on growth performance, sex ratio and gonadal development in juvenile convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) Journal Articles
Effects of Cu Ions and Explicit Water Molecules on the Copper Binding Domain of Amyloid Precursor Protein APP(131–189): A Molecular Dynamics Study Journal Articles
Effects of Experimental Manipulations of Salinity and Maturation Status on the Physiological Condition and Mortality of Homing Adult Sockeye Salmon Held in a Laboratory Journal Articles
Effects of ethanol consumption by adult female rats on subsequent consumption by adolescents Journal Articles
Effects of exercise during water immersion on arterial function in humans Journal Articles
Effects of natural exposure to copper and zinc on egg size and larval copper tolerance in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Journal Articles
Effects of stepwise dry/wet-aging and freezing on meat quality of beef loins Journal Articles
Electrodeposition of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acid–bovine serum albumin films from aqueous solutions Journal Articles
Enhanced aqueous solubility of naphthalene and pyrene by binary and ternary Gemini cationic and conventional nonionic surfactants Journal Articles
Enhanced binding and conformational selectivity in affinity capillary electrophoresis using a water‐soluble resorcin[4]arene as intrinsic buffer and electrokinetic host Journal Articles
Enhancement of soil retention for phenanthrene in binary cationic gemini and nonionic surfactant mixtures: Characterizing two-step adsorption and partition processes through experimental and modeling approaches Journal Articles
Enhancing the Properties of Latex-Based Coatings with Carboxylated Cellulose Nanocrystals. Journal Articles
Enolpyruvyl Activation by Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate Synthase Journal Articles
Environmental risk assessment for the serotonin re‐uptake inhibitor fluoxetine: Case study using the European risk assessment framework Journal Articles
Environmentally Relevant Mixed Exposures To Radiation And Heavy Metals Induce Measurable Stress Responses In Atlantic Salmon Journal Articles
Evaluate risks of coating reservoirs Journal Articles
Evaluation of methods to sample fecal indicator bacteria in foreshore sand and pore water at freshwater beaches Journal Articles
Exploring the embodied carbon flow interactive relationships in China from an ecological network perspective: a model framework and application at provincial level Journal Articles
Exposure of two Eutrema salsugineum (Thellungiella salsuginea) accessions to water deficits reveals different coping strategies in response to drought Journal Articles
Exposure to developing females induces polyuria, polydipsia, and altered urinary levels of creatinine, 17β-estradiol, and testosterone in adult male mice (Mus musculus) Journal Articles
Expressed sequence tags from the Yukon ecotype of Thellungiella
reveal that gene expression in response to cold, drought and salinity
shows little overlap Journal Articles
Feeding in the Stable Fly, Stomoxys Calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) I. Destination of Blood, Sucrose Solution and Water in the Alimentary Canal, The Effects of Age on Feeding, And Blood Digestion Journal Articles
First Evidence for the Presence of Iron Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria at the Levantine Continental Margins Journal Articles
Fluid Reabsorption And Ion Transport By The Lower Malpighian Tubules Of Adult Female Drosophila Journal Articles
Forest water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model‐data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites Journal Articles
Functional PVDF ultrafiltration membrane for Tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) removal with high water recovery Journal Articles
Functionalized Microgel Swelling: Comparing Theory and Experiment Journal Articles
Genome-wide expression profiling of maize in response to individual and combined water and nitrogen stresses Journal Articles
Gill membrane remodeling with soft-water acclimation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Glucose permeable poly (dimethyl siloxane) poly (-isopropyl acrylamide) interpenetrating networks as ophthalmic biomaterials Journal Articles
Hepatic versus gallbladder bile composition: in vivo transport physiology of the gallbladder in rainbow trout Journal Articles
Hierarchically porous, ultra-strong reduced graphene oxide-cellulose nanocrystal sponges for exceptional adsorption of water contaminants Journal Articles
High-resolution magnetization-transfer imaging of post-mortem marmoset brain: Comparisons with relaxometry and histology Journal Articles
Highly activated, silicone entrapped, lipase Journal Articles
Highly sensitive fluorescence quantification of picloram using immunorecognition liposome Journal Articles
Hopping of Water in a Glassy Polymer Studied via Transition Path Sampling and Likelihood Maximization Journal Articles
How does hybrid environmental governance work? Examining water rights trading in China (2000–2019) Journal Articles
Hyaluronic acid as an internal wetting agent in model DMAA/TRIS contact lenses Journal Articles
Hyaluronic acid containing hydrogels for the reduction of protein adsorption Journal Articles
Hydration dynamics of the collagen triple helix by NMR11Edited by P. E. Wright Journal Articles
Hydroxyl-radical activated water for inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on germinating mung beans Journal Articles
Hypermetabolic Syndrome as a Consequence of Repeated Psychological Stress in Mice Journal Articles
I feel the pains of our past water struggles anytime I turn on the tap: Diaspora perceptions and experiences of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) gendered violence in Ghana Journal Articles
Identification of oxygen-19 duringin vivoneutron activation analysis of water phantoms Journal Articles
Identification of water quality management policy of watershed system with multiple uncertain interactions using a multi-level-factorial risk-inference-based possibilistic-probabilistic programming approach Journal Articles
Identifying optimal virtual water management strategy for Kazakhstan: A factorial ecologically-extended input-output model Journal Articles
Identifying transcriptomic indicators of tertiary treated municipal effluent in longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) caged under semi-controlled conditions in experimental raceways Journal Articles
Immobilized hyaluronic acid containing model silicone hydrogels reduce protein adsorption Journal Articles
Impact of Riparian Zone Protection from Cattle on Nutrient, Bacteria, F-coliphage,Cryptosporidium, andGiardiaLoading of an Intermittent Stream Journal Articles
Impact of confinement on proteins concentrated in lithocholic acid based organic nanotubes Journal Articles
Impacts of a changing earth on microbial dynamics and human health risks in the continuum between beach water and sand Journal Articles
Impacts of compatibility between rainwater availability and water demand on water saving performance of rainwater harvesting systems. Journal Articles
Impacts of nonpoint inputs from potato farming on populations of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) Journal Articles
Improved sensitivity of proton MR to oxygen‐17 as a contrast agent using fast imaging: Detection in brain Journal Articles
Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Water Resources Management—Tools, Policies, Promising Pathways Journal Articles
Increasing spruce budworm defoliation increases catchment discharge in conifer forests Journal Articles
Influence of dissolved ions on determination of oxygen isotope composition of aqueous solutions using the CO2‐H2O equilibration method Journal Articles
Influence of the aquatic environment and 1α,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 on calcium influx in the intestine of adult zebrafish Journal Articles
Investigation of an Escherichia coli
Environmental Benchmark for Waterborne Pathogens in Agricultural Watersheds in Canada Journal Articles
Ionic liquid treatment for efficient sample preparation of hydrated bone for scanning electron microscopy Journal Articles
Is there a difference in clinical outcomes, inflammation, and hypermetabolism between scald and flame burn? Journal Articles
Isolation of ellagic acid from pomegranate peel extract by hydrophobic interaction chromatography using graphene oxide grafted cotton fiber adsorbent Journal Articles
Isotopic fractionation during reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene by zero-valent iron: influence of surface treatment Journal Articles
Large diurnal compensatory effects mitigate the response of Amazonian forests to atmospheric warming and drying Journal Articles
Long lasting effects of rearing by an ethanol-consuming dam on voluntary ethanol consumption by rats Journal Articles
Long‐term supratidal rockpool invertebrate community, Discovery Bay, Jamaica Journal Articles
Low Molecular Weight Shuttle Molecules Enhance Polychloramide Antimicrobial Activity Journal Articles
Low molecular weight silicones particularly facilitate human serum albumin denaturation Journal Articles
Marine shrimps as biomonitors of the Fundão (Brazil) mine dam disaster: A multi-biomarker approach Journal Articles
Measurement of D2O Concentrations at Tracer Levels in Small Samples Obtained from Paediatric Patients Journal Articles
Measurement of Water Turnover Using Deuterium Dilution: Impact of Periodically Varying Turnover Rates on Precision and Accuracy Journal Articles
Mechanism of acute silver toxicity in the euryhaline copepod Acartia tonsa Journal Articles
Metal sulfides in oxygenated aquatic systems: implications for the biotic ligand model Journal Articles
Metallothionein-like proteins in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus: Effect of water salinity and ions Journal Articles
Microgels and Nanogels for the Delivery of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs Journal Articles
Microinjection in a microfluidic format using flexible and compliant channels and electroosmotic dosage control Journal Articles
Modeling the Impact of Polychloramide Solution Properties on Bacterial Disinfection Kinetics Journal Articles
Modification of Polyurethane Surface with an Antithrombin–Heparin Complex for Blood Contact: Influence of Molecular Weight of Polyethylene Oxide Used as a Linker/Spacer Journal Articles
Modification of liposomes with N-substituted polyacrylamides: identification of proteins adsorbed from plasma Journal Articles
Modified Dendrimer Cross-Linked Collagen-Based Matrices Journal Articles
Multi-component assessment of worker exposures in a copper refinery : Part 1. Environmental monitoring Journal Articles
Multimodality imaging of cortical and white matter abnormalities in Sturge-Weber syndrome. Journal Articles
Mutagenic reaction products of aqueous chlorination of catechol Journal Articles
Naloxone Exacerbates Intestinal and Systemic Anaphylaxis in the Rat Journal Articles
Nanoparticle Flotation Collectors: Mechanisms Behind a New Technology Journal Articles
Nanosecond molecular relaxations in lipid bilayers studied by high energy-resolution neutron scattering andin situdiffraction Journal Articles
Naphthenic acid fraction components from oil sands process‐affected water from the Athabasca Oil Sands Region impair murine osteoblast differentiation and function Journal Articles
Naphthenic acid fraction compounds reduce the reproductive success of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) by affecting offspring viability Journal Articles
Naturally Derived Carbon Dots In Situ Confined Self-Healing and Breathable Hydrogel Monolith for Anomalous Diffusion-Driven Phytomedicine Release Journal Articles
New insights into pesticide occurrence and multicompartmental monitoring strategies in stream ecosystems using periphyton and suspended sediment Journal Articles
No Effect of Depression on [15O]H2O PET Response to Intravenous d-Fenfluramine Journal Articles
Noise in polymer gel measurements using MRI Journal Articles
Non-biofouling materials prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization grafting of 2-methacryloloxyethyl phosphorylcholine: Separate effects of graft density and chain length on protein repulsion Journal Articles
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of pressure-driven water transport through modified CNT membranes Journal Articles
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of water transport through carbon nanotube membranes at low pressure Journal Articles
Nonfouling biomaterials based on polyethylene oxide‐containing amphiphilic triblock copolymers as surface modifying additives: Solid state structure of PEO‐copolymer/polyurethane blends Journal Articles
Novel Reproduction Toxicity Test Method for Hyalella azteca Using Sexually Mature Amphipods Provides More Robust Data Than Standard Methods in Exposures to Imidacloprid Journal Articles
Nutrient needs and feeding of premature infants. Nutrition Committee, Canadian Paediatric Society. Journal Articles
Nutritional Considerations for the Overweight Young Athlete Journal Articles
O2 partitioning of sulfur oxidizing bacteria drives acidity and thiosulfate distributions in mining waters Journal Articles
Oil-soluble versus water-soluble media for assessing tubal patency with hysterosalpingography or laparoscopy in subfertile women Journal Articles
On the interaction between 5-hydroxytryptamine and N-acetylneuraminic acid under aqueous conditions Journal Articles
On-demand droplet loading for automated organic chemistry on digital microfluidics Journal Articles
Optical properties of porcine skin dermis between 900 nm and 1500 nm Journal Articles
Optimal design of two-dimensional water trading based on risk aversion for sustainable development of Daguhe watershed, China Journal Articles
Paleoclimate during Neandertal and anatomically modern human occupation at Amud and Qafzeh, Israel: the stable isotope data Journal Articles
Paper-based microfluidics with an erodible polymeric bridge giving controlled release and timed flow shutoff Journal Articles
Paracellular and Transcellular Routes for Water and Solute Movements Across Insect Epithelia Journal Articles
Particle Swarm Inspired Underwater Sensor Self-Deployment Journal Articles
Patient With Scald Burn of the Esophagus Journal Articles
Patterns of Entrapped Air Dissolution in a Two‐Dimensional Pilot‐Scale Synthetic Aquifer Journal Articles
Perceived exertion with glucose ingestion in adolescent males with IDDM Journal Articles
Performance of mesophilic anaerobic granules for removal of octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) from aqueous solution Journal Articles
Pharmacological Emptying of the Stomach with Metoclopramide Journal Articles
Phenotypic selection on leaf water use efficiency and related ecophysiological traits for natural populations of desert sunflowers Journal Articles
Phenylboronic acid modified hydrogel materials and their potential for use in contact lens based drug delivery Journal Articles
Photocrosslinkable hyaluronic acid as an internal wetting agent in model conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses Journal Articles
Physiological and molecular mechanisms of osmoregulatory plasticity in killifish after seawater transfer Journal Articles
Planning regional-scale water-energy-food nexus system management under uncertainty: An inexact fractional programming method Journal Articles
Phylotypes Evolved Divergent Respiratory Strategies and Behaviors To Thrive in Xylem Journal Articles
Plasticity of osmoregulatory function in the killifish intestine:drinking rates, salt and water transport, and gene expression after freshwater transfer Journal Articles
Platelet Adhesion and Fibrinogen Accretion on a Family of Elastin-Like Polypeptides Journal Articles
Poly(divinylbenzene) as a fiber coating for headspace solid-phase microextraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from river water Journal Articles
Polyurethane modified with an antithrombin‐heparin complex via polyethylene oxide linker/spacers: Influence of PEO molecular weight and PEO‐ATH bond on catalytic and direct anticoagulant functions Journal Articles
Polyurethanes bearing pendant amino acids: Fibrinogen adsorption and coagulant properties Journal Articles
Position of residues in transmembrane peptides with respect to the lipid bilayer: a combined lipid Noes and water chemical exchange approach in phospholipid bicelles. Journal Articles
Potential risk to aquatic biota from aerial application of firefighting water additives Journal Articles
Preparation and characterization of soy protein films with a durable water resistance-adjustable and antimicrobial surface Journal Articles
Product studies and laser flash photolysis of direct and 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium—zeolite Y photocatalyzed degradation of fenvalerate Journal Articles
Protein resistant polyurethane surfaces by chemical grafting of PEO: amino-terminated PEO as grafting reagent Journal Articles
Protein-resistant polyurethane prepared by surface-initiated atom transfer radical graft polymerization (ATRgP) of water-soluble polymers: Effects of main chain and side chain lengths of grafts Journal Articles
Protein‐resistant polyurethane by sequential grafting of poly(2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) via surface‐initiated ATRP Journal Articles
Protein‐resistant polyurethane via surface‐initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate Journal Articles
Quantifying chlorinated ethene degradation during reductive dechlorination at Kelly AFB using stable carbon isotopes Journal Articles
Rapid increase in the partial pressure of NH3 on the cutaneous surface of air-exposed mangrove killifish,Rivulus marmoratus Journal Articles
Rapid regulation of Na+fluxes and ammonia excretion in response to acute environmental hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar,Astronotus ocellatus Journal Articles
Reduction of bromate and chlorate contaminants in water using aqueous phase corona discharge Journal Articles
Regional agricultural water resources management with respect to fuzzy return and energy constraint under uncertainty: An integrated optimization approach Journal Articles
Regulation of gill transcellular permeability and renal function during acute hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus): new angles to the osmorespiratory compromise Journal Articles
Release ofEscherichia colifrom Foreshore Sand and Pore Water during Intensified Wave Conditions at a Recreational Beach Journal Articles
Retrospective and prospective analysis of water use and point source pollution from an economic perspective—a case study of Urumqi, China Journal Articles
Reusable electrochemical cell for rapid separation of [18F]fluoride from [18O]water for flow-through synthesis of 18F-labeled tracers Journal Articles
Robust selective signal suppression using binomial off‐resonant rectangular (BORR) pulses Journal Articles
Satellite detection of cumulative and lagged effects of drought on autumn leaf senescence over the Northern Hemisphere Journal Articles
Seasonal Leaching and Biodegradation of Dicamba in Turfgrass Journal Articles
Secretion of Na+, K+ and fluid by the Malpighian (renal) tubule of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Journal Articles
Selective cleavage of heparin using aqueous 2-hydroxypyridine: Production of an aldose-terminating fragment with high anticoagulant activity Journal Articles
Self-consistent field theory of polymer-ionic molecule complexation Journal Articles
Should we add more salt, or less water? Journal Articles
Silver accumulation in Daphnia magna in the presence of reactive sulfide Journal Articles
Simple Self-Powered Sensor for the Detection of D2O and Other Isotopologues of Liquid Water Journal Articles
Small trial does not detect statistical differences in postoperative complications after third-molar extraction when comparing use of ozonized distilled water with that of distilled water Journal Articles
Sodium and water profiling in chronic uraemia Journal Articles
Soil moisture and water redistribution patterns in white oak (Quercus alba) saplings and trees in fragmented urban woodlands. Journal Articles
Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Derived Linoleic Acid Oxylipins, Small Vessel Disease Markers, and Neurodegeneration in Stroke Journal Articles
Spatial dose-rate distribution for an 194Ir point source in water Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Cryptosporidium Species/Genotypes and Relationships with Other Zoonotic Pathogens in Surface Water from Mixed-Use Watersheds Journal Articles
Stable Aqueous Foams from Cellulose Nanocrystals and Methyl Cellulose Journal Articles
Stepwise Adsorption of Phenanthrene at the Fly Ash–Water Interface as Affected by Solution Chemistry: Experimental and Modeling Studies Journal Articles
Sterile water injection for labour pain: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials Journal Articles
Sterile water injections for back pain in labour Journal Articles
Sterile water injections for childbirth pain: An evidenced based guide to practice Journal Articles
Sulfadiazine modified PDMS as a model material with the potential for the mitigation of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) Journal Articles
Surface Denaturation and Amyloid Fibril Formation of Insulin at Model Lipid−Water Interfaces Journal Articles
Surface modification with an antithrombin–heparin complex for anticoagulation: Studies on a model surface with gold as substrate Journal Articles
Surface properties of PEO–silicone composites: reducing protein adsorption Journal Articles
Surfactant-enhanced cellulose nanocrystal Pickering emulsions Journal Articles
Survival and iono-regulatory performance in Atlantic salmon smolts is not affected by atrazine exposure Journal Articles
Sustainable conjunctive water management model for alleviating water shortage Journal Articles
Sustainable management of water-agriculture-ecology nexus system under multiple uncertainties Journal Articles
Synthesis and Properties of Carborane-Functionalized Aliphatic Polyester Dendrimers Journal Articles
Synthesis of Ortho- and Meta-Re(I)-Metallocarboranes in Water Journal Articles
Synthesis of α-methylstilbenes using an aqueous Wittig methodology and application toward the development of potent human aromatase inhibitors Journal Articles
Temperature-sensitive aqueous microgels Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial variations in metals and arsenic contamination in water, sediment and biota of freshwater, marine and coastal environments after the Fundão dam failure Journal Articles
Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate Journal Articles
The Competing Effects of Hyaluronic and Methacrylic Acid in Model Contact Lenses Journal Articles
The Lanthanide Cations as Probes in Biological Systems. Proton Relaxation Enhancement Studies for Model Systems and Lysozyme Journal Articles
The Preference for Social Affiliation Renders Fish Willing to Accept Lower O2Levels Journal Articles
The acute toxicity of bitumen-influenced groundwaters from the oil sands region to aquatic organisms Journal Articles
The allure of the waterpipe: a narrative review of factors affecting the epidemic rise in waterpipe smoking among young persons globally Journal Articles
The composition of unrecorded alcohol from eastern Ukraine: Is there a toxicological concern beyond ethanol alone? Journal Articles
The detection of Cryptosporidium and the resolution of mixtures of species and genotypes from water Journal Articles
The effect of various cold-water immersion protocols on exercise-induced inflammatory response and functional recovery from high-intensity sprint exercise Journal Articles
The effects of oil sands process-affected water naphthenic acid fraction components on GDF15 secretion in extravillous trophoblast cells Journal Articles
The effects of water temperature on cerebral blood flow during aquatic exercise Journal Articles
The impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) on health and wellbeing in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A case study of Kenya Journal Articles
The impact of single and dual hydrothermal modifications on the molecular structure and physicochemical properties of normal corn starch Journal Articles
The microbial profile of rivers and lagoons three years after the impact of the world's largest mining disaster (Fundão dam, Brazil) Journal Articles
The prevalence of waterpipe tobacco smoking among the general and specific populations: a systematic review Journal Articles
The relative sensitivity of four benthic invertebrates to metals in spiked‐sediment exposures and application to contaminated field sediment Journal Articles
The stability of proton T2 effects of oxygen‐17 water in experimental cerebral ischemia Journal Articles
The surface effect of dentifrices Journal Articles
The symbiotic relationship of sediment and biofilm dynamics at the sediment water interface of oil sands industrial tailings ponds Journal Articles
The velocity of DNAPL fingering in water-saturated porous media: laboratory experiments and a mobile–immobile–zone model Journal Articles
The water maze paradigm in experimental studies of chronic cognitive disorders: Theory, protocols, analysis, and inference Journal Articles
Thermoplastic Starch Processing and Characteristics—A Review Journal Articles
Three-dimensional rose-like zinc oxide fiber coating for simultaneous extraction of polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by headspace solid phase microextraction Journal Articles
TiO2-promoted mineralization of organic sunscreens in water suspension and sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles Journal Articles
Tissue plasminogen activator-containing polyurethane surfaces for fibrinolytic activity Journal Articles
Transcriptional Profiling Implicates Novel Interactions between Abiotic Stress and Hormonal Responses in Thellungiella, a Close Relative of Arabidopsis
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Transplantation of cryopreserved osteochondral dowel allografts for repair of focal articular defects in an ovine model Journal Articles
Tribute to R. G. Boutilier: The effect of size on the physiological and behavioural responses of oscar,Astronotus ocellatus, to hypoxia Journal Articles
Tubal flushing for subfertility Journal Articles
Tuning the Physicochemical Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystals through an In Situ Oligosaccharide Surface Modification Method Journal Articles
Ultrasonic and Densimetric Characterization of the Association of Cyclic AMP with the cAMP-Binding Domain of the Exchange Protein EPAC1 Journal Articles
Uptake of atmospheric mercury by deionized water and aqueous solutions of inorganic salts at acidic, neutral and alkaline pH Journal Articles
Urban-use pesticides in stormwater ponds and their accumulation in biofilms Journal Articles
Using Photovoice as a Community Based Participatory Research Tool for Changing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Behaviours in Usoma, Kenya Journal Articles
Virial theorem in the Kohn–Sham density-functional theory formalism: Accurate calculation of the atomic quantum theory of atoms in molecules energies Journal Articles
Virtual Quantification of Metabolites by Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry: Predicting Ionization Efficiency Without Chemical Standards Journal Articles
Viruses direct carbon cycling in lake sediments under global change Journal Articles
WITHDRAWN: Oil-soluble versus water-soluble media for assessing tubal patency with hysterosalpingography or laparoscopy in subfertile women. Journal Articles
Wastewater treatment modelling in practice: a collaborative discussion of the state of the art Journal Articles
Water Insecurity and Maternal Health Among Haudenosaunee Women in Canada Journal Articles
Water Self-Purification with Zero External Consumption by Livestock Manure Resource Utilization Journal Articles
Water and ion transport across the eversible vesicles in the collophore of a springtailOrchesella cincta Journal Articles
Water bath hyperthermia is a simple therapy for psoriasis and also stimulates skin tanning in response to sunlight Journal Articles
Water dynamics in the digestive tract of the freshwater rainbow trout during the processing of a single meal Journal Articles
Water solubilization of membrane proteins. Extensive derivatization with a novel polar derivatizing reagent. Journal Articles
Water turnover of healthy children measured by deuterated water elimination Journal Articles
Water-in-Silicone Oil Emulsion Stabilizing Surfactants Formed From Native Albumin and α,ω-Triethoxysilylpropyl-Polydimethylsiloxane Journal Articles
Water-macromolecule interactions by NMR: a quadrature-free constant-time approach and its application to CI2. Journal Articles
Water-soluble anionic polychloramide biocides based on maleic anhydride copolymers Journal Articles
Water-soluble formulation of Coenzyme Q10 inhibits Bax-induced destabilization of mitochondria in mammalian cells Journal Articles
Watershed characteristics and chemical properties govern methyl mercury concentrations within headwater streams of boreal forests in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Well-defined Fe3O4@MIL-100(Fe) hollow nanoflower heterostructures for selective dection and monitoring of benzoylurea insecticides from food and water Journal Articles
What If Your Husband Doesn’t Feel the Pressure? An Exploration of Women’s Involvement in WaSH Decision Making in Nyanchwa, Kenya Journal Articles
What determines the thickness of a biological membrane Journal Articles
When Too Much Is Not Enough: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as a Pathology of Stopping, Rather than Starting Journal Articles
Zonation of Ca2+ transport and enzyme activity in the caeca of rainbow trout – a simple structure with complex functions Journal Articles
[Mechanism and Surface Fractal Characteristics for the Adsorption of p-nitrophenol on Water-quenched Blast Furnace Slag]. Journal Articles
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‘We Are Drinking Diseases’: Perception of Water Insecurity and Emotional Distress in Urban Slums in Accra, Ghana Journal Articles