Body Weight
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17β-Estradiol Supplementation Decreases Glucose Rate of Appearance and Disappearance with No Effect on Glycogen Utilization during Moderate Intensity Exercise in Men Journal Articles
1H NMR-based metabolomic study on resistance to diet-induced obesity in AHNAK knock-out mice Journal Articles
21 days of mammalian omega-3 fatty acid supplementation improves aspects of neuromuscular function and performance in male athletes compared to olive oil placebo Journal Articles
3 years of liraglutide versus placebo for type 2 diabetes risk reduction and weight management in individuals with prediabetes: a randomised, double-blind trial Journal Articles
A Comparison of (125I)iodomelatonin Binding Sites in Testes and Brains of Heavy Meat-Type Japanese Quail With a Randombred Strain Journal Articles
A Complex Dietary Supplement Extends Longevity of Mice Journal Articles
A Critical Examination of Dietary Protein Requirements, Benefits, and Excesses in Athletes Conferences
A Mix of Bulk and Ready-to-Use Modified-Texture Food: Impact on Older Adults Requiring Dysphagic Food Journal Articles
A Multi-Ingredient Supplement Protects against Obesity and Infertility in Western Diet-Fed Mice Journal Articles
A Randomized Trial of a Church-Based Diabetes Self-management Program for African Americans With Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
A longitudinal drug study and central amines. Journal Articles
A non-inflammatory form of immune competence prevails in acute pre-pubescent malnutrition: new evidence based on critical mRNA transcripts in the mouse Journal Articles
A projection image database to investigate factors affecting image quality in weight-based dosing: application to pediatric renal SPECT Journal Articles
A randomized study of oral nutritional support versus ad lib nutritional intake during chemotherapy for advanced colorectal and non-small-cell lung cancer. Journal Articles
AMPK expression and phosphorylation are increased in rodent muscle after chronic leptin treatment Journal Articles
AMPK β1 Deletion Reduces Appetite, Preventing Obesity and Hepatic Insulin Resistance Journal Articles
Receptor Antagonist Treatment Caused Persistent Arterial Functional Changes in Young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Abnormal Biochemistry of Vascular Smooth Muscle Plasma Membrane as an Important Factor in the Initiation and Maintenance of Hypertension in Rats Journal Articles
Abnormal biochemistry of vascular smooth muscle plasma membrane isolated from hypertensive rats. Journal Articles
Absorption and antidysrhythmic activity of oral disopyramide phosphate after acute myocardial infarction. Journal Articles
Acceleration of pubertal development following central blockade of the Y1 subtype of neuropeptide Y receptors Journal Articles
Accounting for body size deviations when reporting bone mineral density variables in children Journal Articles
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time and Outcome After Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Administration of systemic matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors maintains bone mechanical integrity in adjuvant arthritis. Journal Articles
Adolescent Obesity and Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
Adverse metabolic effects of a hypercaloric, high-fat diet in rodents precede observable changes in body weight Journal Articles
Aerobic and Lung Performance in Premature Children With and Without Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity Journal Articles
Age-associated changes and sex differences in urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin circadian rhythm in the rat Journal Articles
Age-predicted values for lumbar spine, proximal femur, and whole-body bone mineral density: results from a population of normal children aged 3 to 18 years. Journal Articles
Ahnak depletion accelerates liver regeneration by modulating the TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway Journal Articles
Alteration of perivascular adipose tissue function in angiotensin II-induced hypertension Journal Articles
Alterations in perivascular adipose tissue structure and function in hypertension Journal Articles
An examination of early neural and cognitive alterations in hippocampal-spatial function of ghrelin receptor-deficient rats Journal Articles
An instrument to assess quality of life in relation to nutrition: item generation, item reduction and initial validation Journal Articles
Anorexia nervosa in the male: Clinical features and follow-up of nine patients Journal Articles
Antigonadal effects of blinding in the presence of antibody against circulating melatonin Journal Articles
Areal and volumetric bone mineral density and geometry at two levels of protein intake during caloric restriction: A randomized, controlled trial Journal Articles
Assessing Dehydration Employing End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide in Children With Vomiting and Diarrhea Conferences
Assessment of total body water in paediatric patients on dialysis Journal Articles
Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index Journal Articles
Association of Exposure to Formula in the Hospital and Subsequent Infant Feeding Practices With Gut Microbiota and Risk of Overweight in the First Year of Life Journal Articles
Association of Low- and No-Calorie Sweetened Beverages as a Replacement for Sugar-Sweetened Beverages With Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risk Journal Articles
Association of body weight with efficacy and safety outcomes in phase III randomized controlled trials of direct oral anticoagulants: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Association of depression & health related quality of life with body composition in children and youth with obesity Journal Articles
BMI-for-Age and Weight-for-Length in Children 0 to 2 Years Journal Articles
Behavioral effects of infection with interferon-gamma adenovector Journal Articles
Binary components of food reinforcement: Amplitude and persistence Journal Articles
Biochemical abnormalities of venous plasma membrane fraction isolated from spontanously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Biochemical and pathological changes in rats fed low dietary levels of brominated cottonseed oil Journal Articles
Birmingham Medical Research Expeditionary Society 1977 Expedition: effect of a Himalayan trek on whole body composition, nitrogen and potassium Journal Articles
Blood metal levels and early childhood anthropometric measures in a cohort of Canadian children Journal Articles
Body Composition Analysis by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Compared to Chemical Analysis of Fat, Lean and Bone Mass in Small Piglets Journal Articles
Body Composition Analysis by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Compared to Chemical Analysis of Fat, Lean and Bone Mass in Small Piglets Chapters
Body Composition Changes with Time in Pediatric Burn Patients Journal Articles
Body Composition and Bone Mass in Female Adolescents and Elderly Subjects Entering Exercise Programs Chapters
Body Composition and Bone Mass in Female Adolescents and Elderly Subjects Entering Exercise Programs Journal Articles
Body Image, Body Mass Index, and Body Composition: In Young Adults Journal Articles
Body Weight at Age Four Years and Readiness to Start School: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Body composition by photon absorptiometry. Journal Articles
Body composition in patients with non−small cell lung cancer: a contemporary view of cancer cachexia with the use of computed tomography image analysis Journal Articles
Body fat distribution, relative weight, and liver enzyme levels: A population-based study Journal Articles
Body weight classification Journal Articles
Body weight supported treadmill training in acute spinal cord injury: impact on muscle and bone Journal Articles
Body weight variability as a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in type 1 diabetes: A nationwide cohort study. Journal Articles
Bone Densitometry: Applications and Limitations Journal Articles
Bridging anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin after interruption of warfarin therapy is associated with a residual anticoagulant effect prior to surgery Journal Articles
CNTF reverses obesity-induced insulin resistance by activating skeletal muscle AMPK Journal Articles
Cadmium affects the social behaviour of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal Articles
Caloric Restriction Induces Changes in Insulin and Body Weight Measurements That Are Inversely Associated with Subsequent Weight Regain Journal Articles
Caloric Restriction Shortens Lifespan through an Increase in Lipid Peroxidation, Inflammation and Apoptosis in the G93A Mouse, an Animal Model of ALS Journal Articles
Can a calcaneal morphologic index determine the degree of osteoporosis? Journal Articles
Can body weight supported treadmill training increase bone mass and reverse muscle atrophy in individuals with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury? Journal Articles
Canadian cost- utility analysis of intravenous immunoglobulin for acute childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal Articles
Canadian guidelines for body weight classification in adults: application in clinical practice to screen for overweight and obesity and to assess disease risk Journal Articles
Canadian stroke best practice recommendations: Secondary prevention of stroke, sixth edition practice guidelines, update 2017 Journal Articles
Cancer Cell Mitochondria Targeting by Pancratistatin Analogs is Dependent on Functional Complex II and III Journal Articles
Cardiovascular and growth outcomes of C57Bl/6J mice offspring exposed to maternal stress and ionizing radiation during pregnancy Journal Articles
Cardiovascular response to dynamic treadmill exercise in patients with essential hypertension before and after therapy with atenolol or captopril. Journal Articles
Central interleukin-1 receptors contribute to suppression of feeding after acute colitis in the rat Journal Articles
Changes in Body Composition in Patients with Small-Cell Lung Cancer Journal Articles
Changes in Body Weight and Psychotropic Drugs: A Systematic Synthesis of the Literature Journal Articles
Changes in Melatonin Levels but Not Cortisol Levels Are Associated With Depression in Patients With Eating Disorders Journal Articles
Changes in Population, Growth, and Physiological Indices of Longnose Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Changes in skeletal muscle in males and females following endurance training Journal Articles
Characteristics of Arterial Plasma Membrane in Renovascular Hypertension in Rats Journal Articles
Chronic Mild Stress Paradigm Reduces Sweet Food Intake in Rats without Affecting Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Protein Levels Journal Articles
Chronic stress impairs rat growth and jejunal epithelial barrier function: role of mast cells Journal Articles
Circulating MicroRNA Responses between ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Responders to a 16-Wk Diet and Exercise Weight Loss Intervention Journal Articles
Clinical Outcomes in Obese and Normal-weight Children Undergoing Ultrasound for Suspected Appendicitis Conferences
Clinical trial of deglydyrrhizinized liquorice in gastric ulcer. Journal Articles
Communication Impairments in Mice Lacking Shank1: Reduced Levels of Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Scent Marking Behavior Journal Articles
Comparative Response in Growth and Bone Status to Three Dexamethasone Treatment Regimens in Infant Piglets Journal Articles
Comparative effectiveness of a standard behavioral and physical activity enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention in Black women Journal Articles
Comparison of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Susceptibility to Treadmill Exercise in Nine Mouse Strains Journal Articles
Comparison of dietary macronutrient patterns of 14 popular named dietary programmes for weight and cardiovascular risk factor reduction in adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials Journal Articles
Comparison of spirometric reference values Journal Articles
Comparison of three techniques for body composition analysis in cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
Comprehensive Nutrition Plan Improves Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Essential Hypertension Journal Articles
Consequences of daily self-weighing: a pilot study in higher-weight women with a history of breast cancer Journal Articles
Constructing common cohorts from trials with overlapping eligibility criteria: implications for comparing effect sizes between trials Journal Articles
Consumption of fat-free fluid milk after resistance exercise promotes greater lean mass accretion than does consumption of soy or carbohydrate in young, novice, male weightlifters Journal Articles
Contractile properties of human skeletal muscle in childhood and adolescence Journal Articles
Control of vascular changes by renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system in salt-sensitive hypertension Journal Articles
Controlling food intake and energy balance: which macronutrient should we select? Journal Articles
Correction of the Growth Defect in Dwarf Mice with Nonautologous Microencapsulated Myoblasts—An Alternate Approach to Somatic Gene Therapy Journal Articles
Correlates and determinants of bone mineral content and density in healthy adolescent girls Journal Articles
Creatine-dextrose and protein-dextrose induce similar strength gains during training Journal Articles
Current pediatric administered activity guidelines for 99mTc‐DMSA SPECT based on patient weight do not provide the same task‐based image quality Journal Articles
Dealing with heterogeneous regression slopes in analysis of covariance: new methodology applied to environmental effects monitoring fish survey data Journal Articles
Deficiency in Interferon-γ Results in Reduced Body Weight and Better Glucose Tolerance in Mice Journal Articles
Depressive-Like Parameters in Sepsis Survivor Rats Journal Articles
Design of FLAT-SUGAR: Randomized Trial of Prandial Insulin Versus Prandial GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Together With Basal Insulin and Metformin for High-Risk Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
Determining Feeding State and Rate of Mass Change in Insectivorous Bats Using Plasma Metabolite Analysis Journal Articles
Determining Life-Stage Groups and Extrapolating Nutrient Intake Values (NIVs) Journal Articles
Development of Functional Human NK Cells in an Immunodeficient Mouse Model with the Ability to Provide Protection against Tumor Challenge Journal Articles
Development of a health-related quality-of-life questionnaire (PCOSQ) for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Journal Articles
Developmental Coordination Disorder, gender, and body weight: Examining the impact of participation in active play Journal Articles
Developmental and Lactational Exposure to Dieldrin Alters Mammary Tumorigenesis in Her2/neu Transgenic Mice Journal Articles
Developmental changes in the gonadotropin releasing hormone neuron of the female rabbit: effects of tamoxifen citrate and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin Journal Articles
Diazepam-Treated Female Rats Journal Articles
Dietary Intake and Nutritional Deficiencies in Patients With Diabetic or Idiopathic Gastroparesis Journal Articles
Dietary Protein for Training Adaptation and Body Composition Manipulation in Track and Field Athletes Journal Articles
Dietary Sugar and Anthropometrics among Young Children in the Guelph Family Health Study: Longitudinal Associations Journal Articles
Dietary Zinc Intake and Growth During Infancy Journal Articles
Dietary alteration of dihomogamma-linolenic acid arachidonic acid ratio in a rat 5/6-renal-ablation model Journal Articles
Dietary alteration of dihomogamma-linolenic acid/arachidonic acid ratio in a rat 5/6-renal-ablation model. The Nutrition & Kidney Disease Research Group. Journal Articles
Dietary changes and food intake in the first year after breast cancer treatment Journal Articles
Dietary iron alters waterborne copper-induced gene expression in soft water acclimated zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Dietary sugar intake among preschool-aged children: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Dietary supplementation with creatine monohydrate prevents corticosteroid-induced attenuation of growth in young rats Journal Articles
Dietitians’ Perspectives on the Impact of Multidisciplinary Teams and Electronic Medical Records on Dietetic Practice for Weight Management Journal Articles
Differences in growth of Canadian children compared to the WHO 2006 Child Growth Standards Journal Articles
Differences in sustainability of exercise and health-related quality of life outcomes following home or hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation Journal Articles
Direct Oral Anticoagulant Dosing in Extremes of Body Weight: Time to Revisit the Guidelines? Journal Articles
Disordered eating attitudes: demographic and clinico-anthropometric correlates among a sample of Nigerian students Journal Articles
Dissociation of temperature changes and anorexia after experimental colitis and LPS administration in rats Journal Articles
Disturbed distribution of proliferative brain cells during lupus-like disease Journal Articles
Do Demographics and Functional Abilities Influence Vehicle Type Driven by Older Canadians? Journal Articles
Do end of treatment assessments predict outcome at follow‐up in eating disorders? Journal Articles
Do larger people have more naevi? Naevus frequency versus naevus density Journal Articles
Do psychiatric medications, especially antidepressants, adversely impact maternal metabolic outcomes? Journal Articles
Do supplementary items on the eating disorder examination improve the assessment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa? Journal Articles
Documentation of guideline adherence in antenatal records across maternal weight categories: a chart review Journal Articles
Early Life Exposure to Fructose Alters Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Hepatic Gene Expression and Leads to Sex-Dependent Changes in Lipid Metabolism in Rat Offspring Journal Articles
Early Life Factors Predict Abnormal Growth and Bone Accretion at Prepuberty in Former Premature Infants With/Without Neonatal Dexamethasone Exposure Journal Articles
Early Life Risk Factors for Incident Atrial Fibrillation in the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study Journal Articles
Early effects of ageing on the mechanical performance of isolated locomotory (EDL) and respiratory (diaphragm) skeletal muscle using the work-loop technique Journal Articles
Early life stress exacerbates cognitive dysfunction induced by d-amphetamine: amelioration by valproic acid Journal Articles
Eating disorders, dieting, and the accuracy of self‐reported weight Conferences
Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey Journal Articles
Effect of 7 days of exercise on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation and insulin resistance in children with obesity Journal Articles
Effect of Age on the Processing and Import of Matrix-Destined Mitochondrial Proteins in Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Effect of Diagnostic Radioisotopes and Radiographic Contrast Media on Measurements of Lumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Journal Articles
Effect of Dietary-Based Lifestyle Modification Approaches on Anthropometric Indices and Dietary Intake Parameters in Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Effect of Endurance Exercise on Hepatic Lipid Content, Enzymes, and Adiposity in Men and Women Journal Articles
Effect of Fructose on Body Weight in Controlled Feeding Trials Journal Articles
Effect of Leptin on Vascular Calcification in Apolipoprotein E–Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Effect of Varying Burn Sizes and Ambient Temperature on the Hypermetabolic Rate in Thermally Injured Rats Journal Articles
Effect of adjuvant central iv hyperalimentation on the survival and response to treatment of patients with small cell lung cancer: a randomized trial. Journal Articles
Effect of chronic lithium treatment on twenty four hour variation in plasma and red blood cell lithium and sodium concentrations, drinking behavior, body weight, kidney weight, and corticosterone levels Journal Articles
Effect of combining rosiglitazone with either metformin or insulin on β-cell mass and function in an animal model of Type 2 diabetes characterized by reduced β-cell mass at birth Journal Articles
Effect of food restriction on 24-h serum and pineal melatonin content in male rats Journal Articles
Effect of in utero and lactational nicotine exposure on the male reproductive tract in peripubertal and adult rats Journal Articles
Effect of lorcaserin on prevention and remission of type 2 diabetes in overweight and obese patients (CAMELLIA-TIMI 61): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial Journal Articles
Effect of partial reinforcement on tolerance to morphine-induced analgesia and weight loss in the rat. Journal Articles
Effect of serotonin modulating pharmacotherapies on body mass index and dysglycaemia among children and adolescents: a systematic review and network meta-analysis protocol Journal Articles
Effect of very early skin to skin contact on success at breastfeeding and preventing early hypothermia in neonates Journal Articles
Effectiveness of alendronate and etidronate in the treatment of osteoporosis in men: a prospective observational study Journal Articles
Effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on reproductive endocrine status in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) under differing salinity and temperature conditions Journal Articles
Effects of High-Fat Diet on Mature Bone Mineral Content, Structure, and Mechanical Properties Journal Articles
Effects of Incretin-based Therapies on Weight-related Indicators among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Network Meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Effects of Methandienone on the Performance and Body Composition of Men Undergoing Athletic Training Journal Articles
Effects of Subchronic Exposure to a Complex Mixture of Persistent Contaminants in Male Rats: Systemic, Immune, and Reproductive Effects Journal Articles
Effects of Taurine Supplementation on Hepatic Markers of Inflammation and Lipid Metabolism in Mothers and Offspring in the Setting of Maternal Obesity Journal Articles
Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in the Subgranular Zone of the Dentate Gyrus in a Rat Model of Type II Diabetes Journal Articles
Effects of a CRF2R agonist and exercise on mdx and wildtype skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Effects of antecedent hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and excess corticosterone on hypoglycemic counterregulation Journal Articles
Effects of body weight-supported treadmill training on heart rate variability and blood pressure variability in individuals with spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Effects of chronic blockade of angiotensin II receptor on the maintenance of hypertension and vascular changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Effects of depression and excess body weight on cognition and functioning in young adults: A population-based study Journal Articles
Effects of dietary pulse consumption on body weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Effects of megestrol acetate in patients with cancer anorexia‑cachexia syndrome – a systematic review and meta‑analysis Journal Articles
Effects of nonnutritive sweeteners on body weight and BMI in diverse clinical contexts: Systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Effects of pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin administered in vivo on steroid accumulation by isolated rabbit ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Effects of treadmill exercise on weight cycling in female mice Journal Articles
Effects of uterine position on rate of sexual development in female Mongolian gerbils Journal Articles
Efficacy and Safety of Non–Vitamin-K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants Versus Warfarin Across the Spectrum of Body Mass Index and Body Weight: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of 4 Randomized Clinical Trials of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
Efficacy of calcium glycerophosphate vs conventional mineral salts for total parenteral nutrition in low-birth-weight infants: a randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Embryonic critical windows: changes in incubation temperature alter survival, hatchling phenotype, and cost of development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Energy Availability in Athletics: Health, Performance, and Physique Journal Articles
Enhanced Lipid Oxidation and Maintenance of Muscle Insulin Sensitivity Despite Glucose Intolerance in a Diet-Induced Obesity Mouse Model Journal Articles
Enhancing eating disorder recovery: Weight control beliefs predict body dissatisfaction in group cognitive behavioural therapy for body image Journal Articles
Enhancing the ability of gait analyses to differentiate between groups: scaling gait data to body size Journal Articles
Environmental influence on development, behavior, and endocrine morphology of gerbils Journal Articles
Epinephrine auto-injector needle lengths: Can both subcutaneous and periosteal/intraosseous injection be avoided? Journal Articles
Erectile Dysfunction in Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients Associated With Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Journal Articles
Estimates of Heritabilities and of Genetic and Phenotypic Correlations among Growth and Reproductive Traits in Yearling Angus Bulls1 Journal Articles
Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to excess body weight and abdominal adiposity in Canada Journal Articles
Evaluating a community-based exercise intervention with adults living with HIV: protocol for an interrupted time series study Journal Articles
Evaluating complication rates and outcomes among infants less than 5 kg undergoing traditional percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy insertion: A retrospective chart review Journal Articles
Evaluating the benefits of exercise for women receiving adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: research challenges. Journal Articles
Evaluation of densitometric bone–muscle relationships in Crohn's disease Journal Articles
Evaluation of easily measured risk factors in the prediction of osteoporotic fractures Journal Articles
Examining the safety and efficacy of a chemotherapy dosing method in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant patients of extreme body size Journal Articles
Existing equations to estimate lean body mass are not accurate in the critically ill: Results of a multicenter observational study Journal Articles
Exploring metabolic factors and health behaviors in relation to suicide attempts: A case-control study Journal Articles
Exploring the complexities of weight management care for children with spina bifida: a qualitative study with children and parents Journal Articles
Factors Influencing Body Composition of Premature Infants at Term‐Adjusted Age Journal Articles
Factors affectingin vivomeasurement precision and accuracy of109Cd K x-ray fluorescence measurements Journal Articles
Failure of Weight Reduction to Reduce Mildly Elevated Blood Pressure: A Randomized Trial Journal Articles
Fair reckoning: a qualitative investigation of responses to an economic health resource allocation survey Journal Articles
Familial and hormonal risk factors for papillary serous uterine cancer. Journal Articles
Fetal Tracheal Occlusion in Lambs with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Role of Exogenous Surfactant at Birth Journal Articles
Fetal and neonatal exposure to nicotine in Wistar rats results in increased beta cell apoptosis at birth and postnatal endocrine and metabolic changes associated with type 2 diabetes Journal Articles
Fibrinogen Catabolism in Microangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia Journal Articles
Fluctuation of Blood Melatonin Concentrations With Age: Result of Changes in Pineal Melatonin Secretion, Body Growth, and Aging Journal Articles
Food parenting practices and their association with child nutrition risk status: comparing mothers and fathers Journal Articles
Fructose vs. glucose and metabolism Journal Articles
Gender differences in strength and muscle fiber characteristics Journal Articles
Genetic Differential Susceptibility to Socioeconomic Status and Childhood Obesogenic Behavior Journal Articles
Global differences in lung function by region (PURE): an international, community-based prospective study Journal Articles
Glucocorticoid Receptor Changes Associate with Age in the Paraventricular Nucleus of Type II Diabetic Rat Model Journal Articles
Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3α Deficiency Attenuates Atherosclerosis and Hepatic Steatosis in High Fat Diet–Fed Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor–Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Growth Hormone Secretion in Acid-Base Alterations at Rest and during Exercise Journal Articles
Growth Trajectories of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants From Birth to Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal, Population-Based Study Journal Articles
Growth inhibition by cyclosporine a and Journal Articles
Health, growth and reproductive success of mice exposed to environmentally relevant levels of Ra-226 via drinking water over multiple generations Journal Articles
Healthy lifestyle and prevention of atrial fibrillation: Weighty matters Journal Articles
Height and Weight in Children Treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Relationship to CNS Treatment Journal Articles
Helex device closure of multiple atrial septal defects Journal Articles
Hepatic Glucose Intolerance Precedes Hepatic Steatosis in the Male Aromatase Knockout (ArKO) Mouse Journal Articles
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) suppresses circulating progesterone concentrations during the luteal phase in the cynomolgus monkey Journal Articles
Hormone replacement therapy and blood pressure in hypertensive women. Journal Articles
How does correlation structure differ between real and fabricated data-sets? Journal Articles
Humanized mice are susceptible to Salmonella typhi infection Journal Articles
Hydration status assessed by multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis Journal Articles
Hydroxychloroquine attenuates cigarette smoke induced autophagic signaling in the mouse ovary Journal Articles
Hyperglycemia Exacerbates Burn-Induced Liver Inflammation via Noncanonical Nuclear Factor-κB Pathway Activation Journal Articles
Hyperinsulinemia Precedes Insulin Resistance in Mice Lacking Pancreatic β-Cell Leptin Signaling Journal Articles
Hypothalamic Function as Related to Body Weight and Body Fat in Anorexia Nervosa Journal Articles
Hypothalamic-pituitary function in anorexia nervosa. Journal Articles
Impact of Sodium and Ultrafiltration Profiling on Hemodialysis-Related Symptoms Journal Articles
Important food sources of fructose-containing sugars and adiposity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials Journal Articles
Improved quality of life in patients with generalized cardiovascular metabolic disease on a prepared diet Journal Articles
Improvement of Lumbar Bone Mass after Infliximab Therapy in Crohn’s Disease Patients Journal Articles
Increased Placental Apoptosis in Maternal Food Restricted Gestations: Role of the Fas Pathway Journal Articles
Increased sympathetic innervation in the cerebral and mesenteric arteries of hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Individualized Postnatal Growth Trajectories for Preterm Infants Journal Articles
Influence of chronic nadolol treatment on blood pressure and vascular changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Influence of patient characteristics and renal function on factor Xa inhibition pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics after enoxaparin administration in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes Journal Articles
Influence of physical activity on change in weight status as children become adolescents Journal Articles
Influence of protein intake and training status on nitrogen balance and lean body mass Journal Articles
Influence of social factors on weight-related behaviors according to gender in the French adult population Journal Articles
Interleukin-15 Modulates Adipose Tissue by Altering Mitochondrial Mass and Activity Journal Articles
Is There Any Association Between the Presence of Bone Disease and Cumulative Exposure to Lead? Journal Articles
Is resting metabolic rate different between men and women? Journal Articles
Is weight loss an effective treatment for hypertension? The evidence against Journal Articles
Juvenile onset of Crohn's disease: A risk factor for reduced lumbar bone mass in premenopausal women Journal Articles
Late onset Tay–Sachs disease in mice with targeted disruption of the Hexa gene: behavioral changes and pathology of the central nervous system Journal Articles
Length Normalized Indices for Fat Mass and Fat-Free Mass in Preterm and Term Infants during the First Six Months of Life Journal Articles
Leukocyte endogenous mediator fails to alter protein dynamics in a model of liver dysfunction. Journal Articles
Limited impact of total parenteral nutrition on nutritional status during treatment for small cell lung cancer. Journal Articles
Lithium and melatonin in pigmented eye rats: Effects of dose and time of day Journal Articles
Lithium and twenty-four hour rhythms of serum corticosterone, prolactin and growth hormone in pigmented eye rats Journal Articles
Lithium in pigmented eye rats: Effects of dose and time of day on drinking, body weight, retinal and blood distribution Journal Articles
Long-term Effect of Suboptimal Dietary Magnesium on Magnesium and Calcium Contents of Organs, on Cold Tolerance and on Lifespan, and its Pathological Consequences in Rats Journal Articles
Long-term effects of a plant-based dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods on blood pressure Journal Articles
Longitudinal growth hormone studies in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Low maternal sensitivity at 6 months of age predicts higher BMI in 48 month old girls but not boys Journal Articles
Lower oxidative DNA damage despite greater ROS production in muscles from rats selectively bred for high running capacity Journal Articles
Lowering body mass index cutoffs better identifies obese persons with spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Lung Development and Susceptibility to Ventilator-induced Lung Injury Journal Articles
Maintenance on l-deprenyl prolongs life in aged male rats Journal Articles
Management and prevention of obesity in adults and children Journal Articles
Mapping child growth failure across low- and middle-income countries Journal Articles
Mast cell-independent impairment of host defense and muscle contraction inT. spiralis-infected W/WVmice Journal Articles
Maternal Fructose Intake during Pregnancy and Lactation Alters Placental Growth and Leads to Sex-Specific Changes in Fetal and Neonatal Endocrine Function Journal Articles
Maternal and Pregnancy Related Predictors of Cardiometabolic Traits in Newborns Journal Articles
Maternal antioxidants prevent β‐cell apoptosis and promote formation of dual hormone‐expressing endocrine cells in male offspring following fetal and neonatal nicotine exposure Journal Articles
Maternal factors in relation to birth weight. Journal Articles
Maternal nutritional history modulates the hepatic IGF–IGFBP axis in adult male rat offspring Journal Articles
Maternally separated rats show deficits in maternal care in adulthood Journal Articles
Meal Support Therapy Reduces the Use of Nasogastric Feeding for Adolescents Hospitalized With Anorexia Nervosa Journal Articles
Measurement of Body Composition in Burned Children: Is There a Gold Standard? Journal Articles
Measures of growth, development, and sexual maturation in mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus): Effects of photic period during ontogeny Journal Articles
Mental health consequences of weight cycling in the first-year post-treatment for breast cancer Journal Articles
Metabolic Demand and Muscle Activation during Different Forms of Bodyweight Supported Locomotion in Men with Incomplete SCI Journal Articles
Metabolic changes in rats during a continuous infusion of recombinant interleukin-1 Journal Articles
Metabolic effects of dietary lactose in adult female rats Journal Articles
Metabolic endotoxemia is dictated by the type of lipopolysaccharide Journal Articles
Metabolic measures to ascertain the optimal load to be carried by man Journal Articles
Metformin Normalizes Type 2 Diabetes-Induced Decrease in Cell Proliferation and Neuroblast Differentiation in the Rat Dentate Gyrus Journal Articles
Metformin in adults with type 1 diabetes: Design and methods of REducing with MetfOrmin Vascular Adverse Lesions (REMOVAL): An international multicentre trial Journal Articles
Metformin-induced increases in GDF15 are important for suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss Journal Articles
Minimizing costs for treating deep vein thrombosis: the role for fondaparinux Journal Articles
Model‐Informed Drug Development for Anti‐Infectives: State of the Art and Future Journal Articles
Modulatory effects of estrogen in two murine models of experimental colitis Journal Articles
Multicenter randomized trial of a comprehensive prepared meal program in type 2 diabetes. Journal Articles
Muscle activation during body weight-supported locomotion while using the ZeroG Journal Articles
Myosteatosis increases with aging and is associated with incident diabetes in African ancestry men Journal Articles
NLRP3 Inflammasome Modulates Post-Burn Lipolysis and Hepatic Fat Infiltration via Fatty Acid Synthase Journal Articles
Na+ versus Cl− transport in the intact killifish after rapid salinity transfer Journal Articles
Naturopathic medicine for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Negative Regulation of Lung Inflammation and Immunopathology by TNF-α during Acute Influenza Infection Journal Articles
Neonatal Maternal Separation Causes Colonic Dysfunction in Rat Pups Including Impaired Host Resistance Journal Articles
Neonatal and childhood right atrial thrombosis Journal Articles
Neurohormonal responses to d-fenfluramine in healthy elderly subjects. A placebo-controlled study Journal Articles
Noninvasive Markers of Oxidative DNA Stress, RNA Degradation and Protein Degradation Are Differentially Correlated With Resting Metabolic Rate and Energy Intake in Children and Adolescents Journal Articles
Normal standards for an incremental progressive cycle ergometer test. Journal Articles
Nutrition care practices of primary care providers for weight management in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada - a qualitative study Journal Articles
Nutrition, cancer, and children Journal Articles
Nutritional Influences in Industrial Societies Journal Articles
Nutritional Status at Diagnosis in Children With Cancer I. An Assessment by Dietary Recall—Compared With Body Mass Index and Body Composition Measured by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Journal Articles
Nutritional intervention with fish oil provides a benefit over standard of care for weight and skeletal muscle mass in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy Journal Articles
Nutritional management of cardiovascular risk factors. A randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Nutritional status at diagnosis is related to clinical outcomes in children and adolescents with cancer: A perspective from Central America Journal Articles
Nutritional supplementation for stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Nutritional therapy improves function and complements corticosteroid intervention in mdx mice Journal Articles
Nuts as a replacement for carbohydrates in the diabetic diet: a reanalysis of a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Effects of calcium propionate supplementation on lactation performance, energy balance and blood metabolites in early lactation dairy cows Journal Articles
Obesity and Weight Change in Two United Kingdom Male Prisons Journal Articles
Obesity and mortality in the lipid research clinics program follow-up study Journal Articles
Obesity class versus the Edmonton Obesity Staging System for Pediatrics to define health risk in childhood obesity: results from the CANPWR cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Operation Everest II: oxygen transport during exercise at extreme simulated altitude Journal Articles
Optimizing the growth of very-low-birth-weight infants requires targeting both nutritional and nonnutritional modifiable factors specific to stage of hospitalization Journal Articles
Oral antidiabetic drugs: bioavailability assessment of fixed-dose combination tablets of pioglitazone and metformin. Effect of body weight, gender, and race on systemic exposures of each drug. Journal Articles
Order of same-day concurrent training influences some indices of power development, but not strength, lean mass, or aerobic fitness in healthy, moderately-active men after 9 weeks of training Journal Articles
Osteopenia in children surviving brain tumours Journal Articles
Outcome Studies in Adequacy of Dialysis Journal Articles
Outcomes of antireflux surgery in patients with normal preoperative 24-hour pH test results Conferences
Ovarian effects of a high lactose diet in the female rat Journal Articles
Ovarian toxicity of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the superovulated female rat Journal Articles
Overdiagnosis of asthma in obese and nonobese adults Journal Articles
Parental and child genetic contributions to obesity traits in early life based on 83 loci validated in adults: the FAMILY study Journal Articles
Patients with dystrophinopathy show evidence of increased oxidative stress Journal Articles
Perceived exertion with glucose ingestion in adolescent males with IDDM Journal Articles
Peritoneal dialysis outcomes in a modern cohort of overweight patients Journal Articles
Phantoms for Cross-Calibration of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Measurements in Infants Journal Articles
Pharmacokinetic Profile of a Low-Molecular Weight Heparin (Reviparin) in Pregnant Patients Conferences
Photon Scattering Measurements of Calcaneal Bone Density: Results of in vivo Cross-Sectional Studies Journal Articles
Physiological adjustment to postnatal growth trajectories in healthy preterm infants Journal Articles
Pineal and adrenal function before and after refeeding in anorexia nervosa Journal Articles
Placental Metabolomics for Assessment of Sex-specific Differences in Fetal Development During Normal Gestation Journal Articles
Plasma levels and tricyclic antidepressant therapy: Part 2. Pharmacokinetic, clinical and toxicologic aspects Journal Articles
Poor achievement of guidelines-recommended targets in type 2 diabetes: findings from a contemporary prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Population Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in Preterm and Term Neonates: Model Development and External Evaluation Journal Articles
Population pharmacokinetic analysis of the oral thrombin inhibitor dabigatran etexilate in patients with non‐valvular atrial fibrillation from the RE‐LY trial Journal Articles
Postnatal Development of the Rat Exocrine Pancreas. II. Effects of Protein-Calorie Malnutrition on Amylase Secretion and CCK Receptor Binding Journal Articles
Predicted and Measured Resting Metabolic Rate: In Young, Non-obese Women Journal Articles
Predictors of mammographic density among women with a strong family history of breast cancer Journal Articles
Prevention of stroke with perindopril treatment in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal Articles
Prisons and Embodiment: Self-Management Strategies of an Incarcerated Population Journal Articles
Proclivity to self-injurious behavior in MRL-lpr mice: implications for autoimmunity-induced damage in the dopaminergic system Journal Articles
Profiling Determinants of Resting Energy Expenditure in Colorectal Cancer Journal Articles
Prognostic impact of body weight and abdominal obesity in women and men with cardiovascular disease Journal Articles
Programming effects in sheep of prenatal growth restriction and glucocorticoid exposure Journal Articles
Proprioceptive sensibility in women with normal and osteoarthritic knee joints Journal Articles
Protein Ingestion to Stimulate Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Requires Greater Relative Protein Intakes in Healthy Older Versus Younger Men Journal Articles
Protein Turnover and Metabolism in the Elderly Intensive Care Unit Patient Journal Articles
Protein leucine content is a determinant of shorter- and longer-term muscle protein synthetic responses at rest and following resistance exercise in healthy older women: a randomized, controlled trial Journal Articles
Protein requirements and muscle mass/strength changes during intensive training in novice bodybuilders Journal Articles
Protein “requirements” beyond the RDA: implications for optimizing health Journal Articles
Prothrombotic Effects of Hyperhomocysteinemia and Hypercholesterolemia in ApoE-Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Purine receptor antagonist modulates serology and affective behaviors in lupus-prone mice: Evidence of autoimmune-induced pain? Journal Articles
Racial Differences in Weight Loss Mediated by Engagement and Behavior Change Journal Articles
Randomized clinical trial of an oscillating air mattress in preterm infants: Effect on apnea, growth, and development Journal Articles
Reduced AMP-activated protein kinase activity in mouse skeletal muscle does not exacerbate the development of insulin resistance with obesity Journal Articles
Reduced Preference for Sucrose in Autoimmune Mice Journal Articles
Reduction of intrinsic sinoatrial frequency and norepinephrine response of the exercised rat Journal Articles
Regulation of plasma agouti-related protein and its relationship with hunger in lean and obese men Journal Articles
Relationship of Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index With Fracture Risk at Different Sites in Postmenopausal Women: The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) Journal Articles
Reliability of routinely collected anthropometric measurements in primary care Journal Articles
Repeated betamethasone treatment of pregnant sheep programs persistent reductions in circulating IGF-I and IGF-binding proteins in progeny Journal Articles
Repeated failure of prenatal ACTH administration to alter masculine behavior in mice Journal Articles
Resting energy expenditure in lung and colon cancer Journal Articles
Restoration of the jejunal mucosa in rats refed after prolonged fasting Journal Articles
Rhabdomyolysis and Hyponatremia: A Cluster of Five Cases at the 161-km 2009 Western States Endurance Run Journal Articles
Risk factors for low bone mass in healthy 40–60 year old women: A systematic review of the literature Journal Articles
Salt stress alters fluid and ion transport by Malpighian tubules ofDrosophila melanogaster: evidence for phenotypic plasticity Journal Articles
Sedation and Analgesia in Adult Patients: Evaluation of a Staged-Dose System Based on Body Weight for Use in Abdominal Interventional Radiology Journal Articles
Self-Esteem of Adolescents Who Were Born Prematurely Journal Articles
Serum bilirubin levels in breast- and formula-fed infants in the first 5 days of life. Journal Articles
Serum folate and vitamin B12 levels in patients with small cell lung cancer Journal Articles
Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in schizophrenia on a hypocaloric diet Journal Articles
Sex-specific developmental changes in muscle size and bone geometry at the femoral shaft Journal Articles
Shared environments: a multilevel analysis of community context and child nutritional status in Bangladesh Journal Articles
Soluble Human IL-1 Receptor Type 2 Inhibits Ectopic Endometrial Tissue Implantation and Growth Journal Articles
Somatic growth of Canadian children of various ethnic origins. Journal Articles
Stature and adiposity among children in contrasting neighborhoods in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Steroid receptor coactivator-1 modulates the function of Pomc neurons and energy homeostasis Journal Articles
Stimulant-Related Reductions of Growth Rates in the PATS Journal Articles
Stimulating effects of 4-chlorodiphenyl ether on surgically induced endometriosis in the mouse Journal Articles
Stimulation of calcineurin Aα activity attenuates muscle pathophysiology inmdxdystrophic mice Journal Articles
Strain-specific differences in cell proliferation and differentiation in the dentate gyrus of C57BL/6N and C3H/HeN mice fed a high fat diet Journal Articles
Streptozotocin-induced diabetes has differential effects on atrial natriuretic peptide synthesis in the rat atrium and ventricle: a study by solution-hybridization-RNase protection assay Journal Articles
Sublethal effects of aged oil sands–affected water on white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) Journal Articles
Sweat electrolyte loss during exercise in the heat Journal Articles
Synergistic Effects of cAMP- and Calcium-Mediated Amylase Secretion in Isolated Pancreatic Acini from Cystic Fibrosis Mice Journal Articles
Systematic review into obesity and weight gain within male prisons Journal Articles
Systemic administration of guanosine promotes functional and histological improvement following an ischemic stroke in rats Journal Articles
Tackling mixed messages: Practitioner reflections on working with adolescents with atypical anorexia and their families Journal Articles
Taking the weight. Standardizing weight measurement and documentation in continuing care. Journal Articles
Target Fortification of Breast Milk with Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates for Preterm Infants Journal Articles
Targeted Deletion of fgl2 Leads to Impaired Regulatory T Cell Activity and Development of Autoimmune Glomerulonephritis Journal Articles
Taste responsiveness and diet preference in autoimmune MRL mice Journal Articles
Temporal trends of organochlorine contaminants in burbot and lake trout from three selected Yukon lakes Journal Articles
The DST and TRH Test in Bulimia Nervosa Journal Articles
The Effect of Photomirex on the In Vitro Perfused Ovary of the Rat 11This work was supported by grants from the Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada, and The Medical Research Council of Canada. Journal Articles
The Effect of Prebiotic Products on Decreasing Adiposity Parameters in Overweight and Obese Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis Journal Articles
The Effect of Tracheal Occlusion on Lung Branching in the Rat Nitrofen CDH Model Journal Articles
The Effects of Dietary Sodium on Hypertension and Stroke Development in Female Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
The Effects of Long-term Heparin Therapy During Pregnancy on Bone Density Journal Articles
The Influence of Physical Activity, Socioeconomic Status, and Ethnicity on the Weight Status of Adolescents Journal Articles
The Influence of Post-exercise Macronutrient Intake on Energy Balance and Protein Metabolism in Active Females Participating in Endurance Training Journal Articles
The Isosteroid Alkaloid Imperialine from Bulbs of Fritillaria cirrhosa Mitigates Pulmonary Functional and Structural Impairment and Suppresses Inflammatory Response in a COPD-Like Rat Model. Journal Articles
The Maternal Behaviour Cycle in Golden Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) Journal Articles
The Steep Ramp Test in Dutch White Children and Adolescents: Age- and Sex-Related Normative Values Journal Articles
The Voice of Experience: Diet and Weight Change in Women with Breast Cancer Associate with Psychosocial and Treatment-Related Challenges Journal Articles
The Weight Influenced Self-Esteem Questionnaire (WISE-Q): Factor structure and psychometric properties Journal Articles
The Well-Nourished Infant With Intussusception Journal Articles
The ascent of man: deductions based on a multivariate analysis of the brain. Journal Articles
The carotid bodies influence growth responses to moderate maternal undernutrition in late‐gestation fetal sheep Journal Articles
The chemical chaperone 4-phenylbutyrate inhibits adipogenesis by modulating the unfolded protein response Journal Articles
The development of contour interpolation: Evidence from subjective contours Journal Articles
The effect of bodyweight exercise on 24-h glycemic responses determined by continuous glucose monitoring in healthy inactive adults: a randomized crossover study Journal Articles
The effect of frequent hemodialysis on nutrition and body composition: Frequent Hemodialysis Network Trial Journal Articles
The effect of intravenous hyperalimentation on the dietary intake of patients with small cell lung cancer. A randomized trial Journal Articles
The effect of neonatal treatment of rats with nerve growth factor on the blood pressure and structure of the mesenteric arteries Journal Articles
The effects of body-weight supported treadmill training on cardiovascular regulation in individuals with motor-complete SCI Journal Articles
The effects of hexachlorobenzene on circulating levels of adrenal steroids in the ovariectomized rat Journal Articles
The effects of inulin-type fructans on cardiovascular disease risk factors: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
The musculoskeletal manifestations of cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
The ontogeny of aerobic and diving capacity in the skeletal muscles of Weddell seals Journal Articles
The reinforcing value of food and non-food alternative: Associations with BMI z-score and percent fat mass Journal Articles
The relationship between maternal body mass index and pregnancy outcomes in twin compared with singleton pregnancies Conferences
The responses to exercise in boys aged 9-15 years. Journal Articles
The roller coaster flight strategy of bar-headed geese conserves energy during Himalayan migrations Journal Articles
The selective beneficial effects of nitric oxide inhibition in experimental colitis Journal Articles
Therapeutic Effect of Angiostatin Gene Transfer in a Murine Model of Endometriosis Journal Articles
Three doses of vitamin D, bone mineral density, and geometry in older women during modest weight control in a 1-year randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Thromboprophylaxie hospitalière : doit-on adapter la dose d’énoxaparine au poids des patients ? Journal Articles
Tissue Plasminogen Activator Overdose in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Linked to Poorer Functional Outcomes Journal Articles
Toxic effects of brominated vegetable oils in rats Journal Articles
Tracheoscopic endotracheal occlusion in the ovine model: Technique and pulmonary effects Conferences
Tracking of physical activity and fitness during the early years Journal Articles
Training intensity-dependent and tissue-specific increases in lactate uptake and MCT-1 in heart and muscle Journal Articles
Trajectories of relative weight and waist circumference among children with and without developmental coordination disorder Journal Articles
Transferrin catabolism in mammalian species of different body sizes Journal Articles
Transgenerational effects of fetal and neonatal exposure to nicotine Journal Articles
Transgenic mice expressing the βAPP695SWE mutation: effects on exploratory activity, anxiety, and motor coordination Journal Articles
Transient caloric restriction in early adulthood hastens disease endpoint in male, but not female, Cu/Zn‐SOD mutant G93A mice Journal Articles
Twenty weeks of weight training increases lean tissue mass but not bone mineral mass or density in healthy, active young women Journal Articles
Urinary Sex Steroids during Sexual Development in Female Mice and in Proximate Novel Males Journal Articles
Use of Air Displacement Plethysmography in the Determination of Percentage of Fat Mass in African American Children Journal Articles
Use of Inhaled Insulin in a Basal/Bolus Insulin Regimen in Type 1 Diabetic Subjects Journal Articles
Use of selective factor Xa inhibitors in special populations. Journal Articles
Validation and application of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry to measure bone mass and body composition in small infants Journal Articles
Validation of an algorithmic nutritional approach in children undergoing chemotherapy for cancer Journal Articles
Validation of surrogate limb analysis for body composition in children by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Journal Articles
Validity of field assessments to predict peak muscle power in preschoolers Journal Articles
Valproic acid up-regulates melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors and neurotrophic factors CDNF and MANF in the rat brain Journal Articles
Variation of nuclear size of neurons of the ventromedial nucleus in relation to spermatogenesis in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). Journal Articles
Varied Overground Walking Training Versus Body-Weight-Supported Treadmill Training in Adults Within 1 Year of Stroke Journal Articles
Varied overground walking task practice versus body weight supported treadmill training in community dwelling adults within one year of stroke: a randomized controlled trial Conferences
Varied overground walking-task practice versus body-weight-supported treadmill training in ambulatory adults within one year of stroke: a randomized controlled trial protocol Journal Articles
Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions eliminate gastric acid secretion elicited by anticipated eating Journal Articles
Voluntary fluid intake, hydration status, and aerobic performance of adolescent athletes in the heat Journal Articles
Vulnerability to dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency after exposure to early stress in rats Journal Articles
Walking or body weight squat “activity snacks” increase dietary amino acid utilization for myofibrillar protein synthesis during prolonged sitting Journal Articles
Water turnover of healthy children measured by deuterated water elimination Journal Articles
Weight Status in the First 2 Years of Life and Neurodevelopmental Impairment in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns Journal Articles
Weight-adjusted Intravenous Reslizumab in Severe Asthma with Inadequate Response to Fixed-Dose Subcutaneous Mepolizumab Journal Articles
Weight‐adjusted tinzaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after bariatric surgery Journal Articles
Weight‐related and shape‐related self‐evaluation in eating‐disordered and non–eating‐disordered women Conferences
What is recovery in adolescent anorexia nervosa? Journal Articles
Zoopharmacognosy in Diseased Laboratory Mice: Conflicting Evidence Journal Articles
[Bulimia, bulimia-anorexia and nocturnal secretion of melatonin and cortisol]. Journal Articles
[Evaluation of child adiposity by a new screening method (author's transl)]. Journal Articles
[Height and weight standards of urban French Canadian school age children]. Journal Articles
n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Increase: Thermic Effect of Food in Men with Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Journal Articles
“The Weight Is Even Worse Than the Cancer”: Exploring Weight Preoccupation in Women Treated for Breast Cancer Journal Articles