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2-[<sup>125</sup>I]Iodomelatonin Binding in the Brains of Four Salmonids Journal Articles
2-[125I]Iodomelatonin binding sites in hamster and chick exhibit differential sensitivity to prazosin Journal Articles
A Multiplex Human Syndrome Implicates a Key Role for Intestinal Cell Kinase in Development of Central Nervous, Skeletal, and Endocrine Systems Journal Articles
A Novel Mutation of the CLCN1 Gene Associated with Myotonia Hereditaria in an Australian Cattle Dog Journal Articles
A Reanalysis of Protein Polymorphism in Drosophila Melanogaster, D. Simulans, D. Sechellia and D. Mauritiana: Effects of Population Size and Selection Journal Articles
A Step Toward Barcoding Life: A Model-Based, Decision-Theoretic Method to Assign Genes to Preexisting Species Groups Journal Articles
A combined classical genetic and high resolution two-dimensional electrophoretic approach to the assessment of the number of genes affecting hybrid male sterility in Drosophila simulans and Drosophila sechellia. Journal Articles
A comparative study of an innate immune response in Lamprologine cichlid fishes Journal Articles
A comprehensive study of genic variation in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. VI. Patterns and processes of genic divergence between D. melanogaster and its sibling species, Drosophila simulans. Journal Articles
A comprehensive study of genic variation in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. VII. Varying rates of genic divergence as revealed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Journal Articles
A contrarian view of the wisdom of the body as it relates to dietary self-selection. Journal Articles
A gene family inDrosophila melanogastercoding for trypsin-like enzymes Journal Articles
A general method for identifying major hybrid male sterility genes in Drosophila Journal Articles
A multiplexable assay for screening antibiotic lethality against drug-tolerant bacteria Journal Articles
A novel mechanism of erythrocyte capture from circulation in humans Journal Articles
A novel strain of cynomolgus macaque cytomegalovirus: implications for host-virus co-evolution Journal Articles
A phylogenetic analysis based on the gene encoding phosphoglycerate kinase Journal Articles
A spliceosomal intron in
lamblia Journal Articles
A time-sequence functional analysis of mating behaviour and genital coupling in Drosophila: role of cryptic female choice and male sex-drive in the evolution of male genitalia Journal Articles
AMP‐activated protein kinase is required for exercise‐induced peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor γ co‐activator 1α translocation to subsarcolemmal mitochondria in skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Acclimation to hypoxia increases carbohydrate use during exercise in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Acetylcholinesterase in red blood cells Journal Articles
Acid and alkaline phosphatases activities in vascular smooth muscle: Species differences and subcellular distribution Journal Articles
Activity of novel non-amphipathic cationic antimicrobial peptides against Candida species Journal Articles
Acute kidney injury in cats and dogs: A proportional meta-analysis of case series studies Journal Articles
Adherence of Haemophilus somnus to tumor necrosis factor-alpha-stimulated bovine endothelial cells in culture. Journal Articles
Alterations of protein turnover underlying disuse atrophy in human skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Amino acids modulate ion transport and fluid secretion by insect Malpighian tubules Journal Articles
An Alternative Formulation for a Distributed Delayed Logistic Equation Journal Articles
Analysis of the legume-rhizobia symbiosis in shrubs from central western Spain Journal Articles
Animal models in burn research Journal Articles
Antagonism of estrogen-induced lordosis by corticosterone in adrenalectomized-ovariectomized female rats and mice Journal Articles
Antidepressant Effect of Ingested Nicotine in Female Rats of Flinders Resistant and Sensitive Lines Journal Articles
Antifreeze proteins from the sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus. Further evidence for diversity among fish polypeptide antifreezes. Journal Articles
Antioxidant defense system and oxidative status in Antarctic fishes: The sluggish rockcod Notothenia coriiceps versus the active marbled notothen Notothenia rossii Journal Articles
Antioxidant enzyme activities are not broadly correlated with longevity in 14 vertebrate endotherm species Journal Articles
Aquatic hazard assessment of MON 0818, a commercial mixture of alkylamine ethoxylates commonly used in glyphosate‐containing herbicide formulations. Part 1: Species sensitivity distribution from laboratory acute exposures Journal Articles
Are animal models useful or confusing in understanding the human feto-maternal relationship? A debate Journal Articles
Arterial internal elastic lamina holes: relationship to function? Journal Articles
Artificial selection on sexual aggression: Correlated traits and possible trade‐offs Journal Articles
Assessment of risks to listed species from the use of atrazine in the USA: a perspective Journal Articles
Assigning sequences to species in the absence of large interspecific differences Journal Articles
Association between Pseudonocardia symbionts and Atta leaf-cutting ants suggested by improved isolation methods. Journal Articles
BLAST screening of chlamydial genomes to identify signature proteins that are unique for the Chlamydiales, Chlamydiaceae, Chlamydophila and Chlamydia groups of species Journal Articles
Bayesian Phylogenetics Using an RNA Substitution Model Applied to Early Mammalian Evolution Journal Articles
Becoming a Face Expert Journal Articles
Behavioral development in three hamster species Journal Articles
Behavioural and ecological consequences of limited attention Journal Articles
Binding Sites for 2-[<sup>125</sup>I]Iodomelatonin in the Adrenal Gland Journal Articles
Biochemical properties, homology, and genetic variation of Drosophila ?nonspecific? esterases Journal Articles
Brain opioid receptors in the hibernating bat, Myotis lucifugus: Modification by low temperature and comparison with rat, mouse and hamster Journal Articles
Brain-reactive antibodies and behavior of autoimmune MRL-lpr mice Journal Articles
Bystander Effects in Repair-Deficient Cell Lines Journal Articles
Caenorhabditis briggsae Recombinant Inbred Line Genotypes Reveal Inter-Strain Incompatibility and the Evolution of Recombination Journal Articles
Carbohydrate-mediated elimination of avian plasma glycoprotein in mammals Journal Articles
Carrageenan stimulates the release of dialyzable helper factors Journal Articles
Carrying Capacity and Demographic Stochasticity: Scaling Behavior of the Stochastic Logistic Model Journal Articles
Cellular basis for the species differences in sensitivity to cardiac glycosides (digitalis) Journal Articles
Cellules souches embryonnaires humaines et hématopoïèse Journal Articles
Cerebrospinal fluid to brain transport of manganese in a non-human primate revealed by MRI Journal Articles
Challenges and opportunities with the use of biomarkers to predict reproductive impairment in fishes exposed to endocrine disrupting substances Journal Articles
Characteristics of natural killer cells in the murine intestinal epithelium and lamina propria. Journal Articles
Characterization and IL-15 dependence of NK cells in humanized mice Journal Articles
Characterization and assessment of an avian repetitive DNA sequence as an icterid phylogenetic marker Journal Articles
Characterizing the influence of chronic hypobaric hypoxia on diaphragmatic myofilament contractile function and phosphorylation in high-altitude deer mice and low-altitude white-footed mice Journal Articles
Chloramphenicol damages bacterial DNA Journal Articles
Chromatographic changes in specific tRNAs after reaction with cyanogen bromide and sodium periodate Journal Articles
Cloning and Characterization of cDNA for Adenosine Kinase from Mammalian (Chinese Hamster, Mouse, Human and Rat) Species. Journal Articles
Cloning, sequencing and characterization of the tilapia insulin gene Journal Articles
Coevolved Crypts and Exocrine Glands Support Mutualistic Bacteria in Fungus-Growing Ants Journal Articles
Colonization history and ancestry of northeastern coyotes Journal Articles
Comments on Point:Counterpoint: Estrogen and sex do/do not influence post-exercise indexes of muscle damage, inflammation, and repair Journal Articles
Comparative Aspects of Mast Cell Heterogeneity in Different Species and Sites Journal Articles
Comparative Study on High Fat Diet-induced 4-Hydroxy-2E-nonenal Adducts in the Hippocampal CA1 Region of C57BL/6N and C3H/HeN Mice Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of function and interaction of transcription factors in nematodes: Extensive conservation of orthology coupled to rapid sequence evolution Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of non-coding RNAs in the antibiotic-producing Streptomyces bacteria Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of the genome sequences of Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica Journal Articles
Comparative genomics of metabolic pathways inMycobacteriumspecies: gene duplication, gene decay and lateral gene transfer Journal Articles
Comparative growth and toxin profile of cultured Ostreopsis ovata from the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Journal Articles
Comparative molecular phylogeography of two Xenopus species, X. gilli and X. laevis, in the south‐western Cape Province, South Africa Journal Articles
Comparative toxicokinetics of low-viscosity mineral oil in Fischer 344 rats, Sprague-Dawley rats, and humans--implications for an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). Journal Articles
Comparing influenza vaccine efficacy against mismatched and matched strains: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Complementation of adenovirus type 5 host range mutants by adenovirus type 12 in coinfected HeLa and BHK-21 cells Journal Articles
Complex host-pathogen coevolution in the Apterostigma fungus-growing ant-microbe symbiosis. Journal Articles
Concerted evolution of alpha satellite DNA: Evidence for species specificity and a general lack of sequence conservation among alphoid sequences of higher primates Journal Articles
Conditions influencing platelet lysis Other
Conserved inserts in the Hsp60 (GroEL) and Hsp70 (DnaK) proteins are essential for cellular growth Journal Articles
Contrasting effects of rabbit and human platelets on chikungunya virus infectivity Journal Articles
Contrasts between habitat generalists and specialists: an empirical extension to the basic metacommunity framework Journal Articles
Control of breathing and adaptation to high altitude in the bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Corticotropin-releasing Factor 2 Receptor Localization in Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Cross-species transcriptomic analysis elucidates constitutive aryl hydrocarbon receptor activity. Journal Articles
Cross‐species discovery of syncretic drug combinations that potentiate the antifungal fluconazole Journal Articles
Crystal structure of an antifreeze polypeptide and its mechanistic implications Journal Articles
Cytochrome-oxidase blobs in cat primary visual cortex Journal Articles
Deep inspiration and airway physiology: human, canine, porcine, or bovine? Journal Articles
Delayed prezygotic isolating mechanisms: evolution with a twist Journal Articles
Determining Feeding State and Rate of Mass Change in Insectivorous Bats Using Plasma Metabolite Analysis Journal Articles
Development and validation of probe-based multiplex real-time PCR assays for the rapid and accurate detection of freshwater fish species Journal Articles
Development of a Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification Assay That Uses
-Based Molecular Beacons To Distinguish between Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Subtype C and C′ Infections in Ethiopia Journal Articles
Diet alters species recognition in juvenile toads Journal Articles
Differences in lymphocyte responsiveness to lymphokines in two inbred strains of Syrian hamster. Journal Articles
Differences in prethrombin-1 activation with human or bovine factor Va can be attributed to the heavy chain Journal Articles
Differences in the clinically effective molar concentrations of four direct thrombin inhibitors explain their variable prothrombin time prolongation Journal Articles
Different strategies for convective O2 transport in high altitude birds: A graphical analysis Journal Articles
Differential sensitivity of genetically Fast vs. Slow kindling rats strains to GABAergic convulsive agents Journal Articles
Differing amounts of genetic polymorphism in testes and male accessory glands ofDrosophila melanogaster andDrosophila simulans Journal Articles
Dispersers shape fruit diversity in
(Moraceae) Journal Articles
Dissection of lin-11 enhancer regions in Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematodes Journal Articles
Distinguishing Between Mouse and Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Regulation: The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men Journal Articles
Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes among hemodialysis patients in Tehran—a multicenter study Journal Articles
Disturbed distribution of proliferative brain cells during lupus-like disease Journal Articles
Divergent respiratory and cardiovascular responses to hypoxia in bar-headed geese and Andean birds Journal Articles
Duration Tuning across Vertebrates Journal Articles
Dynamics of Social Behavior in Fruit Fly Larvae Journal Articles
E-MEM: efficient computation of maximal exact matches for very large genomes Journal Articles
Effect of exercise on the plasma nonesterified fatty acid composition of dogs and goats: Species with different aerobic capacities and diets Journal Articles
Effect of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors on spontaneous and endotoxin-induced abortion in mice Journal Articles
Effects of Whole‐Lake Additions of Ethynylestradiol on Leech Populations Journal Articles
Effects of chronic hypoxia on diaphragm function in deer mice native to high altitude Journal Articles
Effects of maternal stress on egg characteristics in a cooperatively breeding fish Journal Articles
Effects of pesticides on pure and mixed species cultures of salt marsh pool algae Journal Articles
Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Conferences
Effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump inhibitors on vascular smooth muscle. Journal Articles
Effects of the synthetic estrogen ethinylestradiol on early life stages of mink frogs and green frogs in the wild and in situ Journal Articles
Eggs of a female Japanese quail are more likely to be fertilized by a male that she prefers. Journal Articles
Enhanced Myosin Phosphatase and Ca2+-Uptake Mediate Adrenergic Relaxation of Airway Smooth Muscle Journal Articles
Enhanced reactivation and mutagenesis of UV-irradiated adenovirus in normal human fibroblasts Journal Articles
Enterochromaffin cell and 5-hydroxytryptamine responses to the same infectious agent differ in Th1 and Th2 dominant environments Journal Articles
Enzymatic and non-enzymatic reduction of nitrite by extracts of Neurospora crassa Journal Articles
Estimation of succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activities in the semen of buffalo, exotic and crossbreed bulls. Journal Articles
Evaluation of nutritional profiles of starch and dry matter from early potato varieties and its estimated glycemic impact Journal Articles
Evidence That the Inhibitory Effects of Stress on Reproduction in Teleost Fish Are Not Mediated by the Action of Cortisol on Ovarian Steroidogenesis Journal Articles
Evidence for a direct action of melatonin on the immune system. Journal Articles
Evidence for variation in the number of functional gene copies at the AmaR locus in chinese hamster cell lines Journal Articles
Evolution of
sex comb length illustrates the inextricable interplay between selection and variation Journal Articles
Evolution of High Cellulolytic Activity in Symbiotic Streptomyces through Selection of Expanded Gene Content and Coordinated Gene Expression Journal Articles
Evolution of muscle phenotype for extreme high altitude flight in the bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Evolutionary rates for multivariate traits: the role of selection and genetic variation Journal Articles
Exploiting a mutualism: parasite specialization on cultivars within the fungus–growing ant symbiosis Journal Articles
Exploratory analysis of multiple sequence alignments using phylogenies Journal Articles
Expression patterns of cytochrome P450 3B and 3C genes in model fish species Journal Articles
First Aid Kit for Hypoxic Survival: Sensors and Strategies Conferences
Forensic Application of Repetitive DNA Markers to the Species Identification of Animal Tissues Journal Articles
Formation and excision of nitrofuran-DNA adducts in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
From Cues to Signals: Evolution of Interspecific Communication via Aposematism and Mimicry in a Predator-Prey System Journal Articles
Fungal species concepts in the genomics era Journal Articles
Fura-2 used as a probe to show elevated intracellular free calcium in platelets of Dahl-sensitive rats fed a high salt diet Journal Articles
Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of cellular fatty acids for identification of gram-negative anaerobic bacilli Journal Articles
Gene Gain and Gene Loss in Streptococcus: Is It Driven by Habitat? Journal Articles
Gene Regulation Divergence Is a Major Contributor to the Evolution of Dobzhansky–Muller Incompatibilities between Species of Drosophila Journal Articles
Gene amelioration demonstrated: the journey of nascent genes in bacteria Journal Articles
Generation, Coordination, and Evolution of Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication Journal Articles
Genetic Changes Accompanying the Evolution of Host Specialization in Drosophila sechellia Journal Articles
Genetic Factors Influencing Bystander Signaling in Murine Bladder Epithelium after Low-Dose IrradiationIn Vivo Journal Articles
Genetically Determined Disparate Innate and Adaptive Cell-Mediated Immune Responses to PulmonaryMycobacterium bovisBCG Infection in C57BL/6 and BALB/c Mice Journal Articles
Genetically determined P2X7 receptor pore formation regulates variability in chronic pain sensitivity Journal Articles
Genome duplication events have led to a diversification in the CPT I gene family in fish Journal Articles
Genomic-sequence comparison of two unrelated isolates of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori Journal Articles
Growth homone-dependent potentiation of gonadotropin-stimulated steroid production by ovarian follicles of the goldfish Journal Articles
Guaianolides from Salvia nubicola (Lamiaceae) Journal Articles
Have wing morphology or flight kinematics evolved for extreme high altitude migration in the bar-headed goose? Journal Articles
High level of divergence of male-reproductive-tract proteins, between Drosophila melanogaster and its sibling species, D. simulans. Journal Articles
Histological and immunological studies of post implantation death of Mus caroli embryos in the Mus musculus uterus Journal Articles
Histological assessment of intermediate- and long-term creatine monohydrate supplementation in mice and rats Journal Articles
Host-dependent transposon Tn5-mediated streptomycin resistance Journal Articles
How Bar-Headed Geese Fly Over the Himalayas Journal Articles
Human Tissue Kallikreins: From Gene Structure to Function and Clinical Applications Chapters
Humanized mice are susceptible to Salmonella typhi infection Journal Articles
Hybridation naturelle entre deux sous-espèces de souris domestique,Mus musculus domesticusetMus musculus castaneus, près du lac Casitas (Californie) Journal Articles
Identification of Rhizobium-specific intergenic mosaic elements within an essential two-component regulatory system of Rhizobium species Journal Articles
Identification of signature proteins that are distinctive of the Deinococcus-Thermus phylum. Journal Articles
Immunological and para-immunological mechanisms in spontaneous abortion: recent insights and future directions Journal Articles
Impact of Cigarette Smoke on the Human and Mouse Lungs: A Gene-Expression Comparison Study Journal Articles
In vitro activity and in vivo correlates of alloantigen-specific murine suppressor T cells induced by allogeneic pregnancy. Journal Articles
Inflammatory, hemostatic, and clinical changes in a baboon experimental model for heatstroke Journal Articles
Influence of Tertiary paleoenvironmental changes on the diversification of South American mammals: a relaxed molecular clock study within xenarthrans. Journal Articles
Insights into the Development and Evolution of Exaggerated Traits Using De Novo Transcriptomes of Two Species of Horned Scarab Beetles Journal Articles
Integrated gene and species phylogenies from unaligned whole
genome protein sequences Journal Articles
Integration and expression of viral DNA in cells transformed by host range mutants of adenovirus type 5 Journal Articles
Interaction Between Sympathetic Nervous System and Adrenal Medulla in the Control of Cardiovascular Changes in Hypertension Journal Articles
Interaction between Workers during a Short Time Window Is Required for Bacterial Symbiont Transmission in Acromyrmex Leaf-Cutting Ants Journal Articles
Interactions of contact, odor cues, and androgens in strange-male-induced early pregnancy disruptions in mice (Mus musculus). Journal Articles
Interspecific Dominance Via Vocal Interactions Mediates Altitudinal Zonation in Neotropical Singing Mice Journal Articles
Interspecific hybrids and chimeras in mice Journal Articles
Intraspecific divergence of ionoregulatory physiology in the euryhaline teleostFundulus heteroclitus: possible mechanisms of freshwater adaptation Journal Articles
Intraspecific variation in gene expression after seawater transfer in gills of the euryhaline killifish Fundulus heteroclitus Journal Articles
Intrinsic multidrug resistance phenotype of chinese hamster (rodent) cells in comparison to human cells Journal Articles
Is there convergence in the molecular pathways underlying the repeated evolution of sociality in African cichlids? Journal Articles
Isolation and expression in Escherichia coli of a cDNA clone encoding human β-glucuronidase Journal Articles
Learning decreases heterospecific courtship and mating in fruit flies Journal Articles
Learning performance is influenced by the social environment in cichlid fishes. Journal Articles
Leucoagaricus gongylophorus Produces Diverse Enzymes for the Degradation of Recalcitrant Plant Polymers in Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens Journal Articles
Light and electron microscopical studies on the spherical neurons in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of the gymnotiform fish, Sternopygus Journal Articles
Local Frequency Dependence and Global Coexistence Journal Articles
Local suppressor cells and the success or failure of the "foetal allograft". Journal Articles
Localization of cholecystokinin binding sites in canine brain using quantitative autoradiography Journal Articles
Low host–pathogen specificity in the leaf-cutting ant–microbe symbiosis Journal Articles
Luteinizing Hormone Response of Castrated Rabbits to Treatment with Testosterone Propionate and Estradiol Benzoate Journal Articles
Maladaptive phenotypic plasticity in cardiac muscle growth is suppressed in high‐altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Melatonin concentrations in the luminal fluid, mucosa, and muscularis of the bovine and porcine gastrointestinal tract Journal Articles
Mercury Concentrations in Arctic Food Fishes Reflect the Presence of Anadromous Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Species, and Life History Journal Articles
Metabolism and mutagenesis of benzidine in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA98/1,8-DNP6 Journal Articles
Metabolism of 1,8-dinitropyrene by Salmonella typhimurium Journal Articles
Metabolism of rabbit angiostatin glycoforms I and II in rabbits: Angiostatin-I leaves the intravascular space faster and appears to have greater anti-angiogenic activity than angiostatin-II Journal Articles
Metapopulations, community assembly, and scale invariance in aspect space Journal Articles
Microbe and host interaction in gastrointestinal homeostasis Journal Articles
Mimicking the human environment in mice reveals that inhibiting biotin biosynthesis is effective against antibiotic-resistant pathogens Journal Articles
Modelling the human immune response: can mice be trusted? Journal Articles
Molecular Cloning and Cell-Free Expression of Mouse Antithrombin III Journal Articles
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Tetrahydroprotoberberine cis-N-Methyltransferase, an Enzyme Involved in Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Opium Poppy Journal Articles
Molecular Cloning and Expression of Rabbit Heparin Cofactor II: A Plasma Thrombin Inhibitor Highly Conserved between Species Journal Articles
Molecular and functional characterization of a partial cDNA encoding a novel chicken brain melatonin receptor Journal Articles
Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding the nerve growth factor precursor from Mastomys natalensis Journal Articles
Molecular diagnosis of leishmaniosis in the Paraná state of southern Brazil Journal Articles
Molecular evidence for increased regulatory conservation during metamorphosis, and against deleterious cascading effects of hybrid breakdown in Drosophila Journal Articles
Molecular evolution of the vesicle coat component βCOP in Toxoplasma gondii Journal Articles
Molecular mechanisms of membrane targeting antibiotics Journal Articles
Molecular signatures in protein sequences that are characteristics of the phylum Aquificae Journal Articles
Monoclonal antibodies to Escherichia coli F1-ATPase. Correlation of binding site location with interspecies cross-reactivity and effects on enzyme activity. Journal Articles
Monoclonal antibodies to Rhizobium meliloti and surface mutants insensitive to them Journal Articles
Monte Carlo simulation of trabecular bone remodelling and absorbed dose coefficients for tritium and 14C Conferences
Morphology of gill epithelia in fish Journal Articles
Mouse is the new woman? Translational research in reproductive immunology Journal Articles
Mucin Gene Deficiency in Mice Impairs Host Resistance to an Enteric Parasitic Infection Journal Articles
Multiple lines of evidence to identify the sources of fecal pollution at a freshwater beach in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Nacl Uptake by the Branchial Epithelium in Freshwater Teleost Fish: An Immunological Approach to Ion-Transport Protein Localization Journal Articles
Neuropeptide profiling of the bovine hypothalamus: Thermal stabilization is an effective tool in inhibiting post‐mortem degradation Journal Articles
New isolate of Streptomyces sp. with novel thermoalkalotolerant cellulases Journal Articles
Non-nurturent functions of mother—young interaction in the agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) Journal Articles
Nonrandom sex composition of gerbil, mouse, and hamster litters before and after birth Journal Articles
North American and European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses differ in non-structural protein coding regions. Journal Articles
Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for
Fungi Journal Articles
Olfactory cues and movement: Stimuli mediating intraspecific aggression in the wild Norway rat. Journal Articles
On State-Space Reduction in Multi-Strain Pathogen Models, with an Application to Antigenic Drift in Influenza A Journal Articles
On the physicochemical and chemical properties of α1-acid glycoproteins from mammalian and avian plasmas Journal Articles
Opposite Effects of Arterial Vasodilators on Cardiac vs. Arterial Hypertrophy and Sympathetic Activity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Osteocalcin protein sequences of Neanderthals and modern primates Journal Articles
Parallel thalamocortical pathways for echolocation and passive sound localization in a gleaning bat, Antrozous pallidus Journal Articles
Partial mediation of strange-male-induced pregnancy blocks by sexual activity in mice (Mus musculus). Journal Articles
Partial purification of a low‐molecular‐weight growth factor from chicken brain Journal Articles
Pattern and timing of diversification of Cetartiodactyla (Mammalia, Laurasiatheria), as revealed by a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial genomes Journal Articles
Persistent organic pollutants and porphyrins biomarkers in penguin faeces from Kopaitic Island and Antarctic Peninsula Journal Articles
Pharmacological techniques for the in vitro study of the uterus Journal Articles
Phenotypic differences in cholinergic responses of distal colonic epithelium Journal Articles
Phylogenetic Diversity and Molecular Detection of Bacteria in Gull Feces Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of mutualistic filamentous bacteria associated with fungus-growing ants Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of the 90 kD heat shock family of protein sequences and an examination of the relationship among animals, plants, and fungi species. Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of the caliciviruses Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and environmental components of inter-specific variability in the antioxidant defense system in freshwater anomurans Aegla (Crustacea, Decapoda) Journal Articles
Phylogenetic framework for the phylum Tenericutes based on genome sequence data: proposal for the creation of a new order Mycoplasmoidales ord. nov., containing two new families Mycoplasmoidaceae fam. nov. and Metamycoplasmataceae fam. nov. harbouring Eperythrozoon, Ureaplasma and five novel genera Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analyses of clostridia and identification of novel protein signatures that are specific to the genus Clostridium sensu stricto (cluster I) Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analyses support the position of turtles as the sister group of birds and crocodiles (Archosauria) Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analysis of proteins that are distinctive of Archaea and its main subgroups and the origin of methanogenesis Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and molecular signatures for the order Neisseriales: proposal for division of the order Neisseriales into the emended family Neisseriaceae and Chromobacteriaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and protein signatures elucidating the evolutionary relationships among the Gammaproteobacteria Journal Articles
Phylogeny of Helicobacter Isolates from Bird and Swine Feces and Description of Helicobacter pametensis sp. nov. Journal Articles
Physiological tradeoffs may underlie the evolution of hypoxia tolerance and exercise performance in sunfish (Centrarchidae) Conferences
Polyploidy in Amphibia Journal Articles
Population-specific incidence of testicular ovarian follicles in Xenopus laevis from South Africa: A potential issue in endocrine testing Journal Articles
Predation in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Phage Environments Affects Virulence Determinants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Journal Articles
Production and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies to ARVCF Journal Articles
Properties of tRNAPhe from Drosophila Journal Articles
Pulmonary mechanoreceptors in the dipnoi lungfish Protopterus and Lepidosiren Journal Articles
Purification of Recombinant Human Hsp60: Use of a GroEL-free Preparation to Assess Autoimmunity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Journal Articles
Radiation-induced adaptive response in fish cell lines Journal Articles
Radical changes to chlamydial taxonomy are not necessary just yet. Journal Articles
Rapid Degradation of Deepwater Horizon Spilled Oil by Indigenous Microbial Communities in Louisiana Saltmarsh Sediments Journal Articles
Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction Journal Articles
Rapidly Evolving Genes of Drosophila: Differing Levels of Selective Pressure in Testis, Ovary, and Head Tissues Between Sibling Species Journal Articles
Regulation of TB Vaccine-Induced Airway Luminal T Cells by Respiratory Exposure to Endotoxin Journal Articles
Regulation of microsomal testosterone 15α-hydroxylase activity in inbred mouse liver and kidney Journal Articles
Regulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 in fibroblasts and acute phase proteins in hepatocytes in vitro by mouse oncostatin M, cardiotrophin-1, and IL-6. Journal Articles
Regulators of oxidative stress response genes in Escherichia coli and their functional conservation in bacteria Journal Articles
Regulatory changes contribute to the adaptive enhancement of thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Removing the confounding effect of habitat specialization reveals the stabilizing contribution of diversity to species variability Journal Articles
Retrospective radiation dosimetry using electron paramagnetic resonance in canine dental enamel Journal Articles
Reversal of stress-induced pregnancy blocks in mice by progesterone and metyrapone Journal Articles
Ribosomal DNA and Plastid Markers Used to Sample Fungal and Plant Communities from Wetland Soils Reveals Complementary Biotas Journal Articles
Rift Valley Fever Virus Epidemic in Kenya, 2006/2007: The Entomologic Investigations Journal Articles
Role of Fapy Glycosylase and UvrABC Excinuclease in the Repair of UVA (320‐400 nm)‐mediated DNA Damage in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Role of STAT6 and SMAD2 in a model of chronic allergen exposure: a mouse strain comparison study Journal Articles
Role of UCP3 in state 4 respiration during contractile activity-induced mitochondrial biogenesis Journal Articles
Role of residual olfactory cues in the determination of feeding site selection and exploration patterns of domestic rats. Journal Articles
Scanning electron microscopy of vascular smooth muscle cells from rat muscular arteries. Journal Articles
Seasonally variable effects of conspecific odors upon capture of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus gambelii) Journal Articles
Seeing green bacteria in a new light: genomics-enabled studies of the photosynthetic apparatus in green sulfur bacteria and filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria Journal Articles
Sensitivity to suppression of cytotoxic T cell generation by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is dependent on the Ah genotype of the murine host Journal Articles
Sex gene pool evolution and speciation: A new paradigm Journal Articles
Sex-Specific Effect of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes 4 on Regulation of Diabetes Pathogenesis in the Nonobese Diabetic Mouse Journal Articles
Short-term silver accumulation in tissues of three marine invertebrates: Shrimp Penaeus duorarum, sea hare Aplysia californica, and sea urchin Diadema antillarum Conferences
Signature Sequences in Diverse Proteins Provide Evidence of a Close Evolutionary Relationship Between the Deinococcus-Thermus Group and Cyanobacteria Journal Articles
Signature proteins for the major clades of Cyanobacteria Journal Articles
Similarities and differences between rabbit and human platelet characteristics and functions \textbar Request PDF Other
Single-Species Microarrays and Comparative Transcriptomics Journal Articles
Small rodent models of atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Snout contact fixation, climbing and gnawing during apomorphine stereotypy in rats from two substrains Journal Articles
Social insect genomes exhibit dramatic evolution in gene composition and regulation while preserving regulatory features linked to sociality Journal Articles
Social learning research outside the laboratory: How and why? Journal Articles
Social memory and quantity discrimination: A cross cichlid species comparison. Journal Articles
Spatial Dynamics in Model Plant Communities: What Do We Really Know? Journal Articles
Species Differences in the Organization of the Ventral Cochlear Nucleus Journal Articles
Species Specificity of Ectromelia Virus and Vaccinia Virus Interferon-γ Binding Proteins Journal Articles
Species specific differences in the toxicity of mithramycin, chromomycin A3, and olivomycin towards cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Species-specific patterns of nonapeptide brain gene expression relative to pair-bonding behavior in grouping and non-grouping cichlids Journal Articles
Species‐specific differences in the toxicity of puromycin towards cultured human and Chinese hamster cells Journal Articles
Species‐specific differences in the toxicity of rhodamine 123 toward cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Specificity in the symbiotic association between fungus-growing ants and protective
bacteria Journal Articles
Specificity of the mutualistic association between actinomycete bacteria and two sympatric species of Acromyrmex leaf‐cutting ants Journal Articles
Stem responses to damage: the evolutionary ecology of Quercus species in contrasting fire regimes Journal Articles
Stereologic Analysis of Tibial-Plateau Cartilage and Femoral Cancellous Bone in Guinea Pigs With Spontaneous Osteoarthritis Journal Articles
Strain differences affect the induction of status epilepticus and seizure‐induced morphological changes Journal Articles
Strain-Related Difference in Susceptibility to Anaphylactic Shock Correlates with Measures of Spontaneous Activity Journal Articles
Strain-specific differences in cell proliferation and differentiation in the dentate gyrus of C57BL/6N and C3H/HeN mice fed a high fat diet Journal Articles
Structural Studies on Cross-Linked Regions of Elastin Journal Articles
Structural alterations of blood vessels in hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Structural and Functional Analysis of Small Arteries From Young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Structural motif screening reveals a novel, conserved carbohydrate-binding surface in the pathogenesis-related protein PR-5d Journal Articles
Studies of the Metabolism of Asialotransferrins: Potentiation of the Catabolism of Human Asialotransferrin in the Rabbit Journal Articles
Studies of the Metabolism of Asialotransferrins: Relationship Between the Carbohydrate Composition of Bovine, Canine, and Porcine Asialotransferrins and their Metabolic Behavior in the Rabbit Journal Articles
Studies of the Metabolism of Asialotransferrins: the in Vivo Behavior of Baboon and Rhesus Asialotransferrins Journal Articles
Studies of the metabolism of asialotransferrins: nonspecific changes in the metabolic behaviour of human asialotransferrin in avians Journal Articles
Surveillance technology for HIV-1 subtype C in Ethiopia: An env-based NASBA molecular beacon assay to discriminate between subcluster C and C′ Journal Articles
Symbiont recognition of mutualistic bacteria by Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants Journal Articles
Symmetry Is Related to Sexual Dimorphism in Faces: Data Across Culture and Species Journal Articles
TH1/TH2,3 Imbalance due to Cytokine‐Producing NK, γδ T and NK‐γδ T Cells in Murine Pregnancy Decidua in Success or Failure of Pregnancy Journal Articles
Tactile orientation perception: an ideal observer analysis of human psychophysical performance in relation to macaque area 3b receptive fields Journal Articles
Target Size of 5′-Nucleotidase in Smooth Muscle1 Journal Articles
Targeted enrichment of ancient pathogens yielding the pPCP1 plasmid ofYersinia pestisfrom victims of the Black Death Journal Articles
Tetrahymena glochidiophila n. sp., a new species of Tetrahymena (Ciliophora) that causes mortality to glochidia larvae of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia) Journal Articles
Streptococcus milleri
Population of a Cystic Fibrosis Clinic Reveals Patient Specificity and Intraspecies Diversity Journal Articles
The Cytochrome P450 Superfamily Complement (CYPome) in the Annelid Capitella teleta Journal Articles
The Darwinian psychology of discriminative parental solicitude. Journal Articles
The Fc gamma receptor on human placental plasma membrane. I. Studies on the binding of homologous and heterologous immunoglobulin G1. Journal Articles
The Gene Encoding p120cas, a Novel Catenin, Localizes on Human Chromosome 11q11 (CTNND) and Mouse Chromosome 2 (Catns) Journal Articles
The Genome Sequence of Taurine Cattle: A Window to Ruminant Biology and Evolution Journal Articles
The Idd4 Locus Displays Sex-Specific Epistatic Effects on Type 1 Diabetes Susceptibility in Nonobese Diabetic Mice Journal Articles
The Myxoma Virus-soluble Interferon- γ Receptor Homolog, M-T7, Inhibits Interferon- γ in a Species-specific Manner Journal Articles
The NGF and kallikrein genes of mouse, the African rat Mastomys natalensis and man: their distribution and mode of expression in the salivary gland Journal Articles
The Nature of Genetic Variation in Sex and Reproduction-related Genes Among Sibling Species of the Drosophila melanogaster Complex Journal Articles
The Pel and Psl polysaccharides provide Pseudomonas aeruginosa structural redundancy within the biofilm matrix Journal Articles
The Structural Conservation of S100 Protein During Evolution: Analysis by Reactivity with a Monoclonal Antibody Journal Articles
The affinity of human, rabbit and bovine thrombins for sepharose-lysine and other conjugates Journal Articles
The ascent of man: deductions based on a multivariate analysis of the brain. Journal Articles
The biosynthetic route from ornithine to proline. Journal Articles
The branching order and phylogenetic placement of species from completed bacterial genomes, based on conserved indels found in various proteins Journal Articles
The combined effects of pathogens and predators on insect outbreaks Journal Articles
The complete sequence of the 1,683-kb pSymB megaplasmid from the N
-fixing endosymbiont
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
The draft genome sequence of the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae, a companion to C. elegans. Journal Articles
The fate of laterally transferred genes: Life in the fast lane to adaptation or death Journal Articles
The genetic basis of Haldane's rule and the nature of asymmetric hybrid male sterility among Drosophila simulans, Drosophila mauritiana and Drosophila sechellia. Journal Articles
The high molecular weight nerve growth factor complex from Mastomys natalensis differs from the murine nerve growth factor complex Journal Articles
The induction of a radiation-induced bystander effect in fish transcends taxonomic group and trophic level Journal Articles
The nucleus pararaphales in the human, chimpanzee, and macaque monkey Journal Articles
The odds of duplicate gene persistence after polyploidization Journal Articles
The prospects for polymorphisms shared between species Journal Articles
The rat adenine phosphoribosyltransferase sequence shows evolutionary rate variation among exons in rodents Journal Articles
The relative sensitivity of four benthic invertebrates to metals in spiked‐sediment exposures and application to contaminated field sediment Journal Articles
The role of kallikreins in growth factor processing: the kallikrein gene family from the African rodent Mastomys. Journal Articles
The role of laterally transferred genes in adaptive evolution Journal Articles
The sodium pump in opossum vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
The status of glycolaldehyde in the biosynthesis of vitamin B6. Journal Articles
To what extent do physiological tolerances determine elevational range limits of mammals? Journal Articles
Toxicity and Accumulation of Mercury in Three Species of Crabs with Different Osmoregulatory Capacities Journal Articles
Tracking Host Sources of
spp. in Raw Water for Improved Health Risk Assessment Journal Articles
Transcriptional Activation by DNA-Binding Derivatives of HSV-1 VP16 That Lack the Carboxyl-Terminal Acidic Activation Domain Journal Articles
Transcriptional profiling of rat hypothalamus response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin. Journal Articles
Transcriptional profiling of rat white adipose tissue response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin. Journal Articles
Transferrin catabolism in mammalian species of different body sizes Journal Articles
Transforming Proteins of Human Adenovirus 5: Studies with Infected and Transformed Cells Journal Articles
Transforming growth factor β-induced peritoneal fibrosis is mouse strain dependent* Journal Articles
Translating Bacterial Detection by DNAzymes into a Litmus Test Journal Articles
Tumorigenicity of adenovirus-transformed rodent cells is influenced by at least two regions of adenovirus type 12 early region 1A Journal Articles
Two new unusualLeucoagaricusspecies (Agaricaceae) from tropical China with blue-green staining reactions Journal Articles
Vaccine-induced pathogen strain replacement: what are the mechanisms? Journal Articles
Variation in Drosophila acetylcholinesterase Journal Articles
Visualizing the entire cortical myelination pattern in marmosets with magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
World‐wide genetic differentiation of Eubalaena: questioning the number of right whale species Journal Articles
[Vascular perfusion of an intestinal segment in the catfish (Ictalurus melas, R): demonstration of the vasoactive effects of mammalian VIP and of gastrointestinal extracts from teleost fish]. Journal Articles
-Actinin Accumulation in Epithelial Cells Infected with Attaching and Effacing Gastrointestinal Pathogens Journal Articles