Carrier Proteins
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'Outlier' lipocalins more than peripheral Journal Articles
Staphylococcus aureus Fibronectin-Binding Protein Serves as a Substrate for Coagulation Factor XIIIa: Evidence for Factor XIIIa-Catalyzed Covalent Cross-Linking to Fibronectin and Fibrin Journal Articles
A Global Analysis of Protein Expression Profiles in Sinorhizobium meliloti: Discovery of New Genes for Nodule Occupancy and Stress Adaptation Journal Articles
A candidate transacting modulator of fetal hemoglobin gene expression in the Arab—Indian haplotype of sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
A fatal turkish case of CINCA-NOMID syndrome due to the novel Val-351-Leu CIAS1 gene mutation Journal Articles
A model of inflammatory arthritis highlights a role for oncostatin M in pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced bone destruction via RANK/RANKL. Journal Articles
A p56 Ligand Serves as a Coactivator of an Orphan Nuclear Hormone Receptor Journal Articles
A putative Lipid Transfer Protein involved in systemic resistance signaling in Arabidopsis Journal Articles
Aberrant AZIN2 and polyamine metabolism precipitates tau neuropathology Journal Articles
Abnormal megakaryocyte development and platelet function in Nbeal2−/− mice Journal Articles
Abnormalities in intramyocardial arteries detected in cardiac transplant biopsy specimens and lack of correlation with abnormal intracoronary ultrasound or endothelial dysfunction in large epicardial coronary arteries Journal Articles
Activity and subcellular compartmentalization of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α are altered by the centrosome-associated protein CAP350 Journal Articles
Adenoviral Transfer of Murine Oncostatin M Elicits Periosteal Bone Apposition in Knee Joints of Mice, Despite Synovial Inflammation and Up-Regulated Expression of Interleukin-6 and Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-κB Ligand Journal Articles
Affected members of melanoma‐prone families with linkage to 9p21 but lacking mutations in CDKN2A do not harbor mutations in the coding regions of either CDKN2B or p19ARF Journal Articles
Amyloid protein precursor stimulates excitatory amino acid transport. Implications for roles in neuroprotection and pathogenesis. Journal Articles
An ancient family of human endogenous retroviruses encodes a functional homolog of the HIV-1 Rev protein Journal Articles
Analysis of C4‐dicarboxylate transport genes in Rhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Anti-SLIP1-reactive proteins exist on human spermatozoa and are involved in zona pellucida binding Journal Articles
Antibody against Haemophilus influenzae protein D in patients with chronic conditions causing secondary immunodeficiency Journal Articles
Apoptosis Induced by p75NTR Overexpression Requires Jun Kinase-Dependent Phosphorylation of Bad Journal Articles
Association analyses of the DAOA/G30 and d-amino-acid oxidase genes in schizophrenia: Further evidence for a role in schizophrenia Journal Articles
BCL-2: the pendulum of the cell fate. Journal Articles
BCL11A enhancer haplotypes and fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
BCL11A is a major HbF quantitative trait locus in three different populations with β-hemoglobinopathies Journal Articles
BCL11A represses HBG transcription in K562 cells Journal Articles
Basal expression of stress-inducible hsp70 mRNA detected in hippocampal and cortical neurons of normal rabbit brain Journal Articles
Bax forms multispanning monomers that oligomerize to permeabilize membranes during apoptosis Journal Articles
Beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration: a new X-linked dominant disorder with brain iron accumulation Journal Articles
Bovine PGLYRP1 polymorphisms and their association with resistance to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis Journal Articles
Burn Plus Lipopolysaccharide Augments Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and Reduces PGC-1α in Liver Journal Articles
CARD15 and IL23R influences Crohnʼs disease susceptibility but not disease phenotype in a Brazilian population Journal Articles
COX19 mediates the transduction of a mitochondrial redox signal from SCO1 that regulates ATP7A-mediated cellular copper efflux Journal Articles
CYFIP/Sra-1 Controls Neuronal Connectivity in Drosophila and Links the Rac1 GTPase Pathway to the Fragile X Protein Journal Articles
Cell death attenuation by `Usurpin', a mammalian DED-caspase homologue that precludes caspase-8 recruitment and activation by the CD-95 (Fas, APO-1) receptor complex Journal Articles
Cellular and physiological roles of SR-BI, a lipoprotein receptor which mediates selective lipid uptake Journal Articles
Changes in PKM2 Associate with Prostate Cancer Progression Journal Articles
Characterization and solubilization of the nitrendipine binding protein from canine small intestinal circular smooth muscle Journal Articles
Characterization of the stress-inducing effects of homocysteine Journal Articles
Characterizing synaptic protein development in human visual cortex enables alignment of synaptic age with rat visual cortex Journal Articles
Chemical and biological reactivity of insoluble nickel compounds and the bioinorganic chemistry of nickel. Journal Articles
Chlamydia pneumoniae CopD Translocator Protein Plays a Critical Role in Type III Secretion (T3S) and Infection Journal Articles
Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Mutations, Protein Activity and HDL-Cholesterol Concentration Journal Articles
Chronic Leptin Administration Decreases Fatty Acid Uptake and Fatty Acid Transporters in Rat Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Chronic β2-adrenoceptor stimulation impairs cardiac relaxation via reduced SR Ca2+-ATPase protein and activity Journal Articles
Cloning, genomic organization and expression pattern of a novel Drosophila gene, the disco-interacting protein 2 ( dip2 ), and its murine homolog Journal Articles
Cloning, physical mapping and structural characterization of the human α A -adaptin gene Journal Articles
Comparing development of synaptic proteins in rat visual, somatosensory, and frontal cortex Journal Articles
Comparison of the effectiveness of adenovirus vectors expressing cyclin kinase inhibitors p16INK4A, p18INK4C, p19INK4D, p21WAF1/CIP1 and p27KIP1 in inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and inhibition of tumorigenicity Journal Articles
Complete nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence of cDNA encoding the mitochondrial uncoupling protein of rat brown adipose tissue: lack of a mitochondrial targeting presequence Journal Articles
Concurrent resistance and aerobic exercise stimulates both myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein synthesis in sedentary middle-aged men Journal Articles
Contribution of SHANK3 Mutations to Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Contribution of SHANK3 mutations to autism spectrum disorder. Journal Articles
Creatine transporter and mitochondrial creatine kinase protein content in myopathies Journal Articles
Cross-resistance to cisplatin in cells resistant to photofrin-mediated photodynamic therapy. Journal Articles
CtIP/Ctp1/Sae2, molecular form fit for function Journal Articles
Cycloheximide-induced T-cell Death Is Mediated by a Fas-associated Death Domain-dependent Mechanism Journal Articles
Detection of an Involvement of the Human Mismatch Repair Genes
in Nucleotide Excision Repair Is Dependent on UVC Fluence to Cells Journal Articles
Detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from growth on mannitol salt oxacillin agar using PCR for nosocomial surveillance Conferences
Determination of soluble CAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle Journal Articles
Determination of the Functional Domain Organization of the Importin α Nuclear Import Factor Journal Articles
Differential display polymerase chain reaction reveals increased expression of striatal rat glia-derived nexin following chronic clozapine treatment Journal Articles
Differential expression of transforming growth factor alpha, adhesions molecules and integrins in primary, metastatic liver tumors and in liver cirrhosis. Journal Articles
Direct interaction between SNAP-23 and L-type Ca2+channel Journal Articles
Distance-Based Configurational Entropy of Proteins from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Journal Articles
Divergent response of metabolite transport proteins in human skeletal muscle after sprint interval training and detraining Journal Articles
Dynamic fluorescence study of the interaction of lumazine protein with bacterial luciferases Journal Articles
Dynamin Interacts with Members of the Sumoylation Machinery Journal Articles
Effect of
) Mutations on A-Band and B-Band Lipopolysaccharide Biosynthesis in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
O5 Journal Articles
Effect of FLAP antagonist MK-0591 on leukotriene production and ozone-induced airway responses in dogs Journal Articles
Effects of growth hormone replacement therapy on levels of cortisol and cortisol-binding globulin in hypopituitary adults Journal Articles
Elbow and Noc define a family of zinc finger proteins controlling morphogenesis of specific tracheal branches Journal Articles
Elevation of Creatine in Red Blood Cells in Vegetarians and Nonvegetarians After Creatine Supplementation Journal Articles
Endoplasmic Reticulum Chaperone Protein GRP78 Protects Cells from Apoptosis Induced by Topoisomerase Inhibitors Journal Articles
Evaluation of a Latex Agglutination Test (MRSA-Screen) for Detection of Oxacillin Resistance in Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Journal Articles
Evidence for Altered LRP/RAGE Expression in Alzheimer Lesion Pathogenesis Journal Articles
Evidence for a Na+H+ antiport in stomach smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Evolution of Drosophila insecticide resistance Journal Articles
Excess of Rare Variants in Non–Genome-Wide Association Study Candidate Genes in Patients With Hypertriglyceridemia Journal Articles
Exogenous liposomal IGF-I cDNA gene transfer leads to endogenous cellular and physiological responses in an acute wound Journal Articles
Exome Sequencing Reveals De Novo WDR45 Mutations Causing a Phenotypically Distinct, X-Linked Dominant Form of NBIA Journal Articles
Expression of MCT1 and MCT4 in a patient with mitochondrial myopathy Journal Articles
Expression of recombinant human casein kinase II and recombinant heat shock protein 90 in Escherichia coli and characterization of their interactions. Journal Articles
Failure of red blood cell maturation in mice with defects in the high-density lipoprotein receptor SR-BI Journal Articles
Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: Genetic studies of the Arab-Indian haplotype Journal Articles
Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: genome-wide association studies suggest a regulatory region in the 5′ olfactory receptor gene cluster Journal Articles
Findings and theoretical considerations on the usefulness of the acid-labile subunit in the monitoring of acromegaly Journal Articles
Fluvastatin Causes NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Adipose Insulin Resistance Journal Articles
From p63 to p53 across p73 Journal Articles
Functional dynamics in cyclic nucleotide signaling and amyloid inhibition Journal Articles
Functional relatedness in the Inv/Mxi‐Spa type III secretion system family Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal cancers and neurofibromatosis type 1 features in children with a germline homozygous MLH1 mutation Journal Articles
Gene expression profiling in human skeletal muscle during recovery from eccentric exercise Journal Articles
Genetic Polymorphisms and Peritoneal Membrane Function Journal Articles
Genetic bases of hypertriglyceridemic phenotypes Journal Articles
Genetic determinants of plasma triglycerides Journal Articles
Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of dizygotic twinning illuminates genetic regulation of female fecundity Journal Articles
Genotype-Positive Status in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Is Associated With Higher Rates of Heart Failure Events Journal Articles
Germline variation in the insulin-like growth factor pathway and risk of Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma Journal Articles
HIPK2 neutralizes MDM2 inhibition rescuing p53 transcriptional activity and apoptotic function Journal Articles
Heparin/Heparan Sulfate (HP/HS) Interacting Protein (HIP) Supports Cell Attachment and Selective, High Affinity Binding of HP/HS Journal Articles
Heparin/heparan sulfate interacting protein expression and functions in human breast cancer cells and normal breast epithelia. Journal Articles
Heparin/heparan sulfate interacting protein plays a role in apoptosis induced by anticancer drugs Journal Articles
High-level expression and mutagenesis of recombinant human phosphatidylcholine transfer protein using a synthetic gene: evidence for a C-terminal membrane binding domain. Journal Articles
Homer modulates NFAT-dependent signaling during muscle differentiation Journal Articles
Homocysteine-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress causes dysregulation of the cholesterol and triglyceride biosynthetic pathways Journal Articles
Human phosphatidylcholine transfer protein: purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction data. Journal Articles
IL-4 gene therapy for collagen arthritis suppresses synovial IL-17 and osteoprotegerin ligand and prevents bone erosion Journal Articles
Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel Nuclear Localization Signal Present in the Yeast Nab2 Poly(A)+ RNA Binding Protein Journal Articles
Identification and analysis of all components of a gel retardation assay by combination with immunoblotting. Journal Articles
Identification and characterization of tropomodulin and tropomyosin in the adult rat lens Journal Articles
Identification of high affinity membrane-bound fatty acid-binding proteins using a photoreactive fatty acid Journal Articles
Identification of novel catecholamine absorbing proteins in the central nervous system Journal Articles
Identifying candidate genes for 2p15p16.1 microdeletion syndrome using clinical, genomic, and functional analysis Journal Articles
Immune Inhibitory Ligand CD200 Induction by TLRs and NLRs Limits Macrophage Activation to Protect the Host from Meningococcal Septicemia Journal Articles
Immunochip Analysis Identifies Multiple Susceptibility Loci for Systemic Sclerosis Journal Articles
Immunomodulatory properties of diazepam-binding inhibitor: Effect on human interleukin-6 secretion, lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cell activity in vitro Journal Articles
Increased uncoupling protein 3 content does not affect mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle in vivo Journal Articles
Induction of Flexibility through Protein-Protein Interactions Journal Articles
Induction of the Acute-Phase Reaction Increases Heparin-Binding Proteins in Plasma Journal Articles
Influence of the HDL Receptor SR-BI on Lipoprotein Metabolism and Atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Innervation of intestinal arteries by axons with immunoreactivity for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) Journal Articles
Interactions between CdsD, CdsQ, and CdsL, Three PutativeChlamydophila pneumoniaeType III Secretion Proteins Journal Articles
Interpreting Metabolomic Profiles using Unbiased Pathway Models Journal Articles
Intracellular localization of heat shock mRNAs (hsc70 and hsp70) to neural cell bodies and processes in the control and hyperthermic rabbit brain Journal Articles
LINC00174 is a novel prognostic factor in thymic epithelial tumors involved in cell migration and lipid metabolism Journal Articles
Laboratory Characterization of Methicillin‐ResistantStaphylococcus aureusin Canadian Hospitals: Results of 5 Years of National Surveillance, 1995–1999 Journal Articles
Lactate Transport and Lactate Transporters in Skeletal Muscle Journal Articles
Leucine supplementation is anti-atrophic during paradoxical sleep deprivation in rats Journal Articles
Leukocyte Infiltration and Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome in White Adipose Tissue Following Thermal Injury* Journal Articles
Links between Osmoregulation and Nitrogen-Excretion in Insects and Crustaceans Journal Articles
Lipid binding protein response to a bile acid library: a combined NMR and statistical approach Journal Articles
Localization of DIR1 at the tissue, cellular and subcellular levels during Systemic Acquired Resistance in Arabidopsisusing DIR1:GUS and DIR1:EGFP reporters Journal Articles
Localization of P32 protein (gC1q-R) in mitochondria and at specific extramitochondrial locations in normal tissues Journal Articles
Localization of constitutive and hyperthermia‐inducible heat shock mRNAS (hsc70 and hsp70) in the rabbit cerebellum and brainstem by non‐radioactive in situ hybridization Journal Articles
Management of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Matrix metalloproteinases and myeloperoxidase in gingival crevicular fluid provide site‐specific diagnostic value for chronic periodontitis Journal Articles
Mechanisms of apoptosis induced by purine nucleosides in astrocytes Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of GWAS of over 16,000 individuals with autism spectrum disorder highlights a novel locus at 10q24.32 and a significant overlap with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Mind the gap: Signal movement through plasmodesmata is critical for the manifestation of SAR Journal Articles
Mitochondria, oxygen free radicals, and apoptosis Journal Articles
Molecular Pathways: Leveraging the BCL-2 Interactome to Kill Cancer Cells—Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Permeabilization and Beyond Journal Articles
Monoclonal anti-acid-labile subunit oligopeptide antibodies and their use in a two-site immunoassay for ALS measurement in humans Journal Articles
Multicenter evaluation of an amperometric immunosensor for plasma fatty acid-binding protein: Journal Articles
Murine SR-BI, a High Density Lipoprotein Receptor That Mediates Selective Lipid Uptake, Is N-Glycosylated and Fatty Acylated and Colocalizes with Plasma Membrane Caveolae Journal Articles
Mutation screening of a neutral amino acid transporter, ASCT1, and its potential role in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Mutations in cholesteryl ester transfer protein and hepatic lipase in a North American population Journal Articles
Mutations in the Chromatin Regulator Gene BRPF1 Cause Syndromic Intellectual Disability and Deficient Histone Acetylation Journal Articles
Mutations in the Chromosomal Passenger Complex and the Condensin Complex Differentially Affect Synaptonemal Complex Disassembly and Metaphase I Configuration in Drosophila Female Meiosis Journal Articles
Nacl Uptake by the Branchial Epithelium in Freshwater Teleost Fish: An Immunological Approach to Ion-Transport Protein Localization Journal Articles
Ndel1 oligopeptidase activity as a potential biomarker of early stages of schizophrenia Journal Articles
Negative Regulation of β4 Integrin Transcription by Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase 2 and p53 Impairs Tumor Progression Journal Articles
Negative regulation of sigma 54-dependent dctA expression by the transcriptional activator DctD Journal Articles
New treatments for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: rethinking old hypotheses Journal Articles
Nitrogen Excretion and the Cardiorespiratory Physiology of the Gulf Toadfish,Opsanus beta Journal Articles
Novel Aspects Of The Transport Of Organic Anions By The Malpighian Tubules OfDrosophila Melanogaster Journal Articles
Novel SCO2 mutation (G1521A) presenting as a spinal muscular atrophy type I phenotype Journal Articles
Nuclear import of hnRNP A1 is mediated by a novel cellular cofactor related to karyopherin-β Journal Articles
Obesity during pregnancy results in maternal intestinal inflammation, placental hypoxia, and alters fetal glucose metabolism at mid-gestation Journal Articles
Overexpression of the 78-kDa Glucose-regulated Protein/Immunoglobulin-binding Protein (GRP78/BiP) Inhibits Tissue Factor Procoagulant Activity Journal Articles
Overexpression of the dctA gene in Rhizobium meliloti: effect on transport of C4 dicarboxylates and symbiotic nitrogen fixation Conferences
P2X7Receptor Activation in Rat Brain Cultured Astrocytes Increases the Biosynthetic Release of Cysteinyl Leukotrienes Journal Articles
PKM2 contributes to cancer metabolism Journal Articles
Palmitate movement across red and white muscle membranes of rainbow trout Journal Articles
Pediatric patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma should have routine preoperative genetic testing for common susceptibility genes in addition to imaging to detect extra-adrenal and metastatic tumors Conferences
Peptide–glycosaminoglycan cluster formation involving cell penetrating peptides Journal Articles
Perilipin family (PLIN) proteins in human skeletal muscle: the effect of sex, obesity, and endurance training Journal Articles
Phosphate Assimilation in
: Identification of a
-Like Gene Journal Articles
Photoaffinity labeling and fatty acid permeation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Journal Articles
Photoaffinity labeling of fatty acid-binding proteins involved in long chain fatty acid transport in Escherichia coli. Journal Articles
Physical Interaction with Yes-associated Protein Enhances p73 Transcriptional Activity Journal Articles
Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Urea Transport by the Gills of the Lake Magadi Tilapia (Alcolapia Grahami) Journal Articles
Plasmodesmata‐located protein overexpression negatively impacts the manifestation of systemic acquired resistance and the long‐distance movement of Defective in Induced Resistance1 in Arabidopsis Journal Articles
Platelet tritiated imipramine binding in patients suffering from mania Journal Articles
Preferential transformation of human neuronal cells by human adenoviruses and the origin of HEK 293 cells Journal Articles
Preliminary X-ray data for the galactose binding protein from Salmonella typhimurium Journal Articles
ProNGF: a neurotrophic or an apoptotic molecule? Journal Articles
Proximodistal subdivision ofDrosophilalegs and wings: theelbow-no ocelligene complex Journal Articles
Pulsatile Urea Excretion In Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus Beta): Evidence For Activation Of A Specific Facilitated Diffusion Transport System Journal Articles
Purification and characterization of VanR and the cytosolic domain of VanS: A two-component regulatory system required for vancomycin resistance in Enterococcus faecium BM4147 Journal Articles
Purification of Plant-Derived Antibodies through Direct Immobilization of Affinity Ligands on Cellulose Journal Articles
Quantification of the Soluble Leptin Receptor in Human Blood by Ligand-Mediated Immunofunctional Assay Conferences
Raloxifene, a Mixed Estrogen Agonist/Antagonist, Induces Apoptosis through Cleavage of BAD in TSU-PR1 Human Cancer Cells Journal Articles
Rare exonic deletions implicate the synaptic organizer Gephyrin (GPHN) in risk for autism, schizophrenia and seizures Journal Articles
Reduced Excitatory Neurotransmission and Mild Autism-Relevant Phenotypes in AdolescentShank3Null Mutant Mice Journal Articles
Regulation of [Ca2+](i) in canine airway smooth muscle by Ca2+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms Journal Articles
Regulation of [Ca2+]i in canine airway smooth muscle by Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms Journal Articles
Reverse Cholesterol Transport—A Review of the Process and Its Clinical Implications Journal Articles
Reversible Dysfunction of Wild-Type p53 following Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase-2 Knockdown Journal Articles
Role of Acetylcholine Receptors and Dopamine Transporter in Regulation of Extracellular Dopamine in Rat Carotid Body Cultures Grown in Chronic Hypoxia or Nicotine Journal Articles
Role of UCP3 in state 4 respiration during contractile activity-induced mitochondrial biogenesis Journal Articles
SR-B1 and PDZK1: partners in HDL regulation Journal Articles
Sample pre-treatment determines the clinical usefulness of acid-labile subunit immunoassays in the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency and acromegaly Journal Articles
Selective involvement of the PI3K/PKB/bad pathway in retinal cell death Journal Articles
Selective loss of RPGRIP1-dependent ciliary targeting of NPHP4, RPGR and SDCCAG8 underlies the degeneration of photoreceptor neurons Journal Articles
Short Communication: The Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein C Arg502Trp Mutation Journal Articles
Short-term training increases human muscle MCT1 and femoral venous lactate in relation to muscle lactate Journal Articles
Socs1 Deficiency Enhances Hepatic Insulin Signaling Journal Articles
Sonic hedgehog induces the proliferation of primitive human hematopoietic cells via BMP regulation Journal Articles
Specific labeling of Candida tropicalis peroxisomal proteins with photoreactive fatty-acid derivatives Journal Articles
Structure and Composition of the Fusion Pore Journal Articles
Structure of human phosphatidylcholine transfer protein in complex with its ligand. Journal Articles
Studies on Degradative Mechanisms Mediating Post-translational Fragmentation of Apolipoprotein B and the Generation of the 70-kDa Fragment Journal Articles
Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes Journal Articles
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by a nifA deletion mutant of Rhizobium meliloti: the role of an unusual ntrC allele Journal Articles
Tamoxifen for early breast cancer: an overview of the randomised trials Journal Articles
Targeting stromal-induced pyruvate kinase M2 nuclear translocation impairs OXPHOS and prostate cancer metastatic spread Journal Articles
Tetrahydro-1,8-naphthyridinol Analogues of α-Tocopherol as Antioxidants in Lipid Membranes and Low-Density Lipoproteins Journal Articles
Gene Product of
, Required in Neurons, Has Three RNP Consensus Motifs Journal Articles
The BH3 domain of BAD fused to the Antennapedia peptide induces apoptosis via its alpha helical structure and independent of Bcl-2 Journal Articles
The Composite Genome of the Legume Symbiont
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
The Extending Spectrum of NPC1-Related Human Disorders: From Niemann–Pick C1 Disease to Obesity Journal Articles
The Ice-Binding Site of Atlantic Herring Antifreeze Protein Corresponds to the Carbohydrate-Binding Site of C-Type Lectins Journal Articles
The MAGE proteins: Emerging roles in cell cycle progression, apoptosis, and neurogenetic disease Journal Articles
The Nucleotide-Binding Domain and Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein–3 Inflammasome Is Not Activated in Airway Smooth Muscle Upon Toll-Like Receptor–2 Ligation Journal Articles
The Nucleotide-Binding Domain, Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein 3 Inflammasome/IL-1 Receptor I Axis Mediates Innate, but Not Adaptive, Immune Responses after Exposure to Particulate Matter under 10 μm Journal Articles
The Protein-Protein Interaction-Mediated Inactivation of PTEN Journal Articles
The RING‐finger scaffold protein Plenty of SH3s targets TAK1 to control immunity signalling in Drosophila Journal Articles
The airway epithelium nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat protein 3 inflammasome is activated by urban particulate matter Journal Articles
The anti-inflammatory effects of heparin and related compounds Journal Articles
The association of HBG2, BCL11A, and HMIP polymorphisms with fetal hemoglobin and clinical phenotype in Iraqi Kurds with sickle cell disease Journal Articles
The complete sequence of the 1,683-kb pSymB megaplasmid from the N
-fixing endosymbiont
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
The genetic basis of asymptomatic codon 8 frame‐shift (HBB:c25_26delAA) β0‐thalassaemia homozygotes Journal Articles
The genetics of hemoglobin A2 regulation in sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
The genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of MTO1 deficiency Journal Articles
The p56 -interacting Protein p62 Stimulates Transcription via the SV40 Enhancer Journal Articles
The phylogeny of proteobacteria: relationships to other eubacterial phyla and eukaryotes Journal Articles
The study of spontaneous GH secretion after 36‐h fasting distinguishes between GH‐deficient and normal adults Journal Articles
Thermodynamic aspects of some radioassays. Journal Articles
Training intensity-dependent and tissue-specific increases in lactate uptake and MCT-1 in heart and muscle Journal Articles
Translocational Status of ApoB in the Presence of an Inhibitor of Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein Journal Articles
Triacylglycerol accumulation in human obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with increased rates of skeletal muscle fatty acid transport and increased sarcolemmal FAT/CD36 Journal Articles
Truncating Mutations in UBAP1 Cause Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Journal Articles
Voluntary physical activity and leucine correct impairments in muscle protein synthesis in partially pancreatectomised rats Journal Articles
p73-induced apoptosis: A question of compartments and cooperation Journal Articles
β-Catenin/CBP–Dependent Signaling Regulates TGF-β–Induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition of Lens Epithelial Cells Journal Articles