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subject area of
2 H NMR of oriented phospholipid/cholesterol bilayers containing an amphiphilic peptide Journal Articles
466 mW green light generation using annealed proton-exchanged periodically poled MgO: LiNbO_3 ridge waveguides Journal Articles
A 13-Question Approach to Resolving Serological Discrepancies in the Transfusion Medicine Laboratory Journal Articles
A Fuzzy Composting Process Model Journal Articles
A Magnetically Triggered Composite Membrane for On-Demand Drug Delivery Journal Articles
A Method for Expression and Purification of Soluble, Active Hsp47, a Collagen-Specific Molecular Chaperone Journal Articles
A Model for Agonism and Antagonism in an Ancient and Ubiquitous cAMP-binding Domain Journal Articles
A Molecular Thermometer Based on Fluorescent Protein Blinking Journal Articles
A Route to Nanoscopic Materials via Sequential Infiltration Synthesis on Block Copolymer Templates Journal Articles
A Single Point Mutation in ϵ-COP Results in Temperature-sensitive, Lethal Defects in Membrane Transport in a Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Mutant Journal Articles
A Thiolate Anion Buried within the Hydrocarbon Ruler Perturbs PagP Lipid Acyl Chain Selection Journal Articles
A method to transform a variable thermal regime to a physiologically equivalent effective temperature Journal Articles
A rapid and simple method for assaying 3H-spiroperidol binding to solubilized dopamine receptors Journal Articles
A role of high impact weather events in waterborne disease outbreaks in Canada, 1975 – 2001 Journal Articles
A simulation model of African Anopheles ecology and population dynamics for the analysis of malaria transmission. Journal Articles
A study of the interactions that stabilize DNA frayed wires Journal Articles
A synthesis of methane emissions from 71 northern, temperate, and subtropical wetlands Journal Articles
A temperature-gradient technique for the elimination of antibiotic resistance Journal Articles
Abnormal enzyme phenotype (e1 a e1 f): Normal response to succinylcholine Journal Articles
Acute histologic effects of temperature-based radiofrequency ablation on renal tumor pathologic interpretation Journal Articles
Adaptive Voltage Controller for Flux-weakening Operation in PMSM Drives Conferences
Adenosine‐AMP exchange activity is an integral part of the mammalian adenosine kinase Journal Articles
Adsorption behavior of bisphenol A on sediments in Xiangjiang River, Central-south China Journal Articles
Aerobic degradation of bisphenol A by Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain B-16 isolated from compost leachate of municipal solid waste Journal Articles
Afferent neural activity from pseudobranch of teleosts. Effects of Po2, pH, osmotic pressure and Na+ ions Journal Articles
Air breathing in Magadi tilapia Alcolapia grahami, under normoxic and hyperoxic conditions, and the association with sunlight and reactive oxygen species Journal Articles
Alterations in erythrocyte membrane material properties: a marker of the membrane abnormality in human and chicken muscular dystrophy. Journal Articles
Alterations of Membrane Phosphorylation in Erythrocyte Membranes from Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Journal Articles
Amino acid analysis of elastin — a rapid method Journal Articles
Ammonia removal in the catalytic wet air oxygen process of landfill leachates with Co/Bi catalyst Journal Articles
An inducible mammalian amber suppressor: Propagation of a poliovirus mutant Journal Articles
An integrated multi-level watershed-reservoir modeling system for examining hydrological and biogeochemical processes in small prairie watersheds Journal Articles
An unusual eukaryotic protein phosphatase required for transcription by RNA polymerase II and CTD dephosphorylation in S. cerevisiae. Journal Articles
Analogues of tetramethylpyrazine affect membrane fluidity of liposomes: relationship to their biological activities Journal Articles
Analysis of South American climate and teleconnection indices Journal Articles
Analytical factors to consider when assessing a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assay compared to a contemporary assay in clinical studies Journal Articles
Anomalous Diffusion of Proteins Due to Molecular Crowding Journal Articles
Anomalous thermal denaturing of proteins adsorbed to nanoparticles Journal Articles
Antifreeze proteins from the sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus. Further evidence for diversity among fish polypeptide antifreezes. Journal Articles
Application of Parallel Factor Analysis for Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Implication for Metal Speciation Study Journal Articles
Aquatic hazard assessment of MON 0818, a commercial mixture of alkylamine ethoxylates commonly used in glyphosate‐containing herbicide formulations. Part 2: Roles of sediment, temperature, and capacity for recovery following a pulsed exposure Journal Articles
Are Merkel cell‐neurite reciprocal synapses involved in the initiation of tactile responses in salamander skin? Journal Articles
Assessing nebulizer performance. Journal Articles
Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variation in Distribution, Extent and NPP of Terrestrial Ecosystems in Response to Climate Change from 1911 to 2000 Journal Articles
Assessment of a four hour delay for urine samples stored without preservatives at room temperature for urinalysis Journal Articles
Atmospheric remote sensing to detect effects of temperature inversions on sputum cell counts in airway diseases Journal Articles
Atomic Resolution Map of Hierarchical Self-Assembly for an Amyloidogenic Protein Probed through Thermal 15N–R2 Correlation Matrices Journal Articles
Autoregulation of the Drosophila disconnected Gene in the Developing Visual System Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to healthcare professional behaviour change in clinical trials using the Theoretical Domains Framework: a case study of a trial of individualized temperature-reduced haemodialysis Journal Articles
Benchmarking Cellulose Nanocrystals: From the Laboratory to Industrial Production Journal Articles
Beta-Thromboglobulin Radioimmunoassay. A Laboratory Characterization and Evaluation Journal Articles
Binding of 125I-labelled human chorionic gonadotropin to cell membrane receptors in rabbit ovarian slices Journal Articles
CNS Dopamine Receptors: Effect of Prolyl-Leucyl-Glycinamide and Solubilization Journal Articles
Carbonic Anhydrase as a Biomarker of Global and Local Impacts: Insights from Calcifying Animals Journal Articles
Cardiac Remodeling in Fish: Strategies to Maintain Heart Function during Temperature Change Journal Articles
Cardiopulmonary bypass, temperature, and central nervous system dysfunction. Journal Articles
Catalytic activity and thermal stability of horseradish peroxidase encapsulated in self-assembled organic nanotubes Journal Articles
Cation-induced aggregation of membrane vesicles isolated from vascular smooth muscle Journal Articles
Change of Conformation of the DNA-binding Domain of p53 Is the Only Key Element for Binding of and Interference with p73 Journal Articles
Changes in lipid fluidity and fatty acid composition with altered culture temperature in Tetrahymen a pyriformis-NT1 Journal Articles
Characterization of Cells That Suppress the Cytotoxic Activity of T Lymphocytes Journal Articles
Characterization of a cryptic plasmid from Pseudomonas sp. and utilization of its temperature-sensitive derivatives for genetic manipulation Journal Articles
Characterization of the C-terminal Domain of a Potassium Channel from Streptomyces lividans (KcsA) Journal Articles
Cholinesterase Phenotyping: Clinical Aspects and Laboratory Applications Journal Articles
Citizen Science: linking the recent rapid advances of plant flowering in Canada with climate variability Journal Articles
Cocrystallization Model for Synthetic Biodegradable Poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene terephthalate) Journal Articles
Collective Dynamics of Lipid Membranes Studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering Journal Articles
Combining elevated temperature with waterborne copper: Impacts on the energy metabolism of the killifish Poecilia vivipara Journal Articles
Comment on “Gonadal Development of Larval Male Xenopus laevis Exposed to Atrazine in Outdoor Microcosms” Journal Articles
Comparison of Different Drying Methods for Recovery of Mushroom DNA Journal Articles
Composition, structure, morphology and physicochemical properties of lablab bean, navy bean, rice bean, tepary bean and velvet bean starches Journal Articles
Composting MSW and sewage sludge with effective complex microorganisms. Journal Articles
Computer simulations of Template-Directed RNA Synthesis driven by temperature cycling in diverse sequence mixtures Journal Articles
Conformation transitions of a polyelectrolyte chain: A replica-exchange Monte-Carlo study Journal Articles
Conjunctival and Corneal Hyperesthesia in Subjects with Dryness Symptoms Journal Articles
Consequences of nest site selection vary along a tidal gradient Journal Articles
Conserved inserts in the Hsp60 (GroEL) and Hsp70 (DnaK) proteins are essential for cellular growth Journal Articles
Constant ambient temperature of 24°C significantly reduces FDG uptake by brown adipose tissue in children scanned during the winter Journal Articles
Constant temperature and fluctuating temperature have distinct effects on hypoxia tolerance in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Coordination of cytochrome c oxidase gene expression in the remodelling of skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Critical Behaviour in DOPC/DPPC/Cholesterol Mixtures: Static 2H NMR Line Shapes Near the Critical Point Journal Articles
Critical factors and their effects on product maturity in food waste composting Journal Articles
Critical fluctuations in DOPC/DPPC-d62/cholesterol mixtures: 2H magnetic resonance and relaxation Journal Articles
Critical reproductive behaviors in Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite are affected by thermal variability and mean temperature. Journal Articles
Critical windows in embryonic development: Shifting incubation temperatures alter heart rate and oxygen consumption of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) embryos and hatchlings Journal Articles
Cross-Linked Microcapsules Formed From Self-Deactivating Reactive Polyelectrolytes Journal Articles
Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of a New CuTi2S4 Modification in Comparison to the Thiospinel Journal Articles
Design and analysis of single mode Fabry-Perot lasers with high speed modulation capability Journal Articles
Detection of submicron-sized raft-like domains in membranes by small-angle neutron scattering Journal Articles
Development of an Impregnated Reagent and Automation of Solid-Phase Analytical Derivatization for Carbonyls: Proof of Principle Journal Articles
Diagnosis of Heart and Liver Disease Journal Articles
Differential modes of chemical decay for early and late lambda messenger RNA Journal Articles
Directly measuring octanol-air partition ratios using a gas chromatography retention time (GC-RT) method. Journal Articles
Discordance between Genetic Structure and Morphological, Ecological, and Physiological Adaptation in Lake Magadi Tilapia Journal Articles
Dispersion Relation of Lipid Membrane Shape Fluctuations by Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometry Journal Articles
Dissociation of contraction and muscarinic receptor binding to isolated smooth muscle cells Journal Articles
Diversity and relationships among strains of culturable yeasts in agricultural soils in Cameroon Journal Articles
Dual Cross‐linked Vinyl Vitrimer with Efficient Self‐Catalysis Achieving Triple‐Shape‐Memory Properties Journal Articles
Dynamically Cross-Linked Self-Assembled Thermoresponsive Microgels with Homogeneous Internal Structures Journal Articles
Effect of Chemical Exchange on Radiation Damping in Aqueous Solutions of the Osmolyte Glycine Journal Articles
Effect of Incubation Temperature on the Detection of Thermophilic Campylobacter Species from Freshwater Beaches, Nearby Wastewater Effluents, and Bird Fecal Droppings Journal Articles
Effect of Storage Temperature for B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Concentrations for Primary Healthcare Populations Journal Articles
Effect of Varying Burn Sizes and Ambient Temperature on the Hypermetabolic Rate in Thermally Injured Rats Journal Articles
Effect of different buffer agents on in-vessel composting of food waste: Performance analysis and comparative study Journal Articles
Effect of region, temperature and neuronal blockade on sodium and 51Cr-EDTA transport across canine gastrointestinal mucosae in vitro Journal Articles
Effect of swab type and storage temperature on the isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis from clinical specimens Journal Articles
Effect of temperature & salt concentration on salt tolerant nitrate-perchlorate reducing bacteria: Nitrate degradation kinetics Journal Articles
Effect of temperature on post-tetanic potentiation in human dorsiflexor muscles Journal Articles
Effect of water temperature and food availability on growth performance, sex ratio and gonadal development in juvenile convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) Journal Articles
Effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on reproductive endocrine status in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) under differing salinity and temperature conditions Journal Articles
Effects of Processing at 45 C on Staining Journal Articles
Effects of Temperature and Blinking on Contact Lens Dehydration of Contemporary Soft Lens Materials Using an In Vitro Blink Model Journal Articles
Effects of age, temperature, and disease on the refractoriness of human nerve and muscle. Journal Articles
Effects of increasing temperature on antioxidant defense system and oxidative stress parameters in the Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and Notothenia rossii Journal Articles
Effects of local climate and hydrological conditions on the thermal regime of a reservoir at Tropic of Cancer, in southern China Journal Articles
Effects of metal binding affinity on the chemical and thermal stability of site-directed mutants of rat oncomodulin Journal Articles
Effects of temperature and substrate concentration on the LDH/α-HBD ratio in heart and liver disease Journal Articles
Effects of temperature on plasma thyroxine and lodide kinetics in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Journal Articles
Effects of thapsigargin and ryanodine on vascular contractility: cross-talk between sacroplasmic reticulum and plasmalemma Journal Articles
Efficacy of Antimicrobials against Biofilms of Achromobacter and Pseudomonas Journal Articles
Electron Microscopy Imaging Applications of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids in the Biological Field: A Review Journal Articles
Electron Transfer between Cytochromes c from Horse and Pseudomonas Journal Articles
Embryological incubation temperature modulates behaviour in larval white sturgeon (Acispencer transmontanus). Journal Articles
Embryonic Chicken Trachea as a New In Vitro Model for the Investigation of Mucociliary Particle Clearance in the Airways Journal Articles
Embryonic and larval development of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and its sensitivity to incubation temperature Journal Articles
Embryonic critical windows: changes in incubation temperature alter survival, hatchling phenotype, and cost of development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Energy dependence of DNA-mediated gene transfer and expression Journal Articles
Energy metabolism enzymes inhibition by the combined effects of increasing temperature and copper exposure in the coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Enhanced digestion of waste activated sludge using microbial electrolysis cells at ambient temperature Journal Articles
Enhanced reactivation and mutagenesis of UV-irradiated adenovirus in normal human fibroblasts Journal Articles
Enhancement of soil retention for phenanthrene in binary cationic gemini and nonionic surfactant mixtures: Characterizing two-step adsorption and partition processes through experimental and modeling approaches Journal Articles
Environment factors can influence mitochondrial inheritance in the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Estimation of kinetic constants in high-density polyethylene bead degradation using hydrolytic enzymes Journal Articles
Evaluating tank acclimation and trial length for dynamic shuttle box temperature preference assays in aquatic animals Journal Articles
Evaluating tank acclimation and trial length for dynamic shuttle box temperature preference assays in aquatic animals. Journal Articles
Evaluating the biocontrol potential of Canadian strain Bacillus velezensis 1B-23 via its surfactin production at various pHs and temperatures Journal Articles
Evaluation of excipients for enhanced thermal stabilization of a human type 5 adenoviral vector through spray drying Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Vitatron Automatic Kinetic Enzyme System Journal Articles
Exhaled Breath Temperature Is Not Helpful for Identifying Cellular Bronchitis in Severe Asthma Journal Articles
Fabrication of Composite Films Containing Zirconia and Cationic Polyelectrolytes Journal Articles
Finite-size effects in biomimetic smectic films Journal Articles
Flash Nano‐Welding: Investigation and Control of the Photothermal Response of Ultrathin Bismuth Sulfide Nanowire Films Journal Articles
Flow Control Valves for Analytical Microfluidic Chips without Mechanical Parts Based on Thermally Responsive Monolithic Polymers Journal Articles
Foam granulation: new developments in pharmaceutical solid oral dosage forms using twin screw extrusion machinery Journal Articles
Food Availability Alters the Effects of Larval Temperature on Aedes aegypti Growth Journal Articles
Fractionated volatile solids for understanding thermophilic pretreatment of waste activated sludge at 55, 65, and 75°C Journal Articles
From amorphous to crystalline silicon nanoclusters: structural effects on exciton properties Journal Articles
Functional Nucleic Acids Under Unusual Conditions Journal Articles
GTP modulates [125I]iodomelatonin binding to a picomolar-affinity site in the Syrian hamster hypothalamus Journal Articles
Genetic Control of Vulval Development inCaenorhabditis briggsae Journal Articles
Genetic Variation, Simplicity, and Evolutionary Constraints for Function-Valued Traits Journal Articles
Genetic analysis of adenovirus type 2. VIII. Physical locations of temperature-sensitive mutations Journal Articles
Genotype-Environment Interactions of Spontaneous Mutations for Vegetative Fitness in the Human Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Genotype‐by‐environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans Journal Articles
Genotypic and Phenotypic Analyses of Two “Isogenic” Strains of the Human Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans Journal Articles
Global Convergence in the Temperature Sensitivity of Respiration at Ecosystem Level Journal Articles
Global vegetation productivity response to climatic oscillations during the satellite era Journal Articles
Glucose permeable poly (dimethyl siloxane) poly (-isopropyl acrylamide) interpenetrating networks as ophthalmic biomaterials Journal Articles
Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor gene expression prior to the development of the pituitary gland in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) embryos reared at two temperatures Journal Articles
High-Throughput Synthesis, Analysis, and Optimization of Injectable Hydrogels for Protein Delivery Journal Articles
Highly CO2/N2-Switchable Zwitterionic Surfactant for Pickering Emulsions at Ambient Temperature Journal Articles
Host-range mutants of adenovirus type 5 defective for growth in HeLa cells Journal Articles
Hybrid plasma bonding for void-free strong bonded interface of silicon/glass at 200°C Journal Articles
Identification of core allosteric sites through temperature- and nucleus-invariant chemical shift covariance Journal Articles
If and when: intrinsic differences and environmental stressors influence migration in brown trout (Salmo trutta) Journal Articles
Impact of Microgel Morphology on Functionalized Microgel−Drug Interactions Journal Articles
Impact of annealing on the hierarchical structure and physicochemical properties of waxy starches of different botanical origins Journal Articles
Impact of molecular structure on the physicochemical properties of starches isolated from different field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars grown in Saskatchewan, Canada Journal Articles
Impact of temperature on cell death in a cell-culture model of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal Articles
Impacts of climate change on water-related mosquito-borne diseases in temperate regions: A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Impacts of degraded DNA on restriction enzyme associated DNA sequencing (RADSeq) Journal Articles
Impacts of nonpoint inputs from potato farming on populations of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) Journal Articles
Impacts of temperature, morpholine, and chronic radiation on the embryonic development of round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) Journal Articles
Improved thermal stabilization of VSV-vector with enhanced vacuum drying in pullulan and trehalose-based films Journal Articles
In Vitro Solubility of Calcium Glycerophosphate Versus Conventional Mineral Salts in Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition Solutions Journal Articles
In cell lines constitutively synthesizing a temperature-sensitive ICP4 protein of herpes simplex virus type 1, amount and function of ICP4 are both regulated by temperature Journal Articles
Infectious Herpesvirus DNA Journal Articles
Inferring the causes of the three waves of the 1918 influenza pandemic in England and Wales Journal Articles
Influence of cholesterol on the collective dynamics of the phospholipid acyl chains in model membranes Journal Articles
Influence of light, nutrients, and temperature on the toxicity of atrazine to the algal species Raphidocelis subcapitata: Implications for the risk assessment of herbicides Journal Articles
Inhaled anaesthesia compared with conventional sedation in post cardiac arrest patients undergoing temperature control: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Injectable Superparamagnets: Highly Elastic and Degradable Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)–Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle (SPION) Composite Hydrogels Journal Articles
Injectable, Mixed Natural-Synthetic Polymer Hydrogels with Modular Properties Journal Articles
Insight into sorption mechanism of phenanthrene onto gemini modified palygorskite through a multi-level fuzzy-factorial inference approach Journal Articles
Inspired by nature: investigating tetrataenite for permanent magnet applications Journal Articles
Integrated thermal stabilization of a microring modulator Journal Articles
Interaction of human lactoferrin with the rat liver Journal Articles
Interactive effects of nanoplastics, multi-contaminants, and environmental conditions on prairie aquatic ecosystems: A factorial composite toxicity analysis within a Canadian context. Journal Articles
Interlaboratory evaluation of the assessment of arsenic bioaccumulation from field collected sediments using Hexagenia spp Journal Articles
Interpenetrating Polymer Networks as a Route to Tunable Multi-responsive Biomaterials: Development of Novel Concepts Journal Articles
Interspecific and environment-induced variation in hypoxia tolerance in sunfish Journal Articles
Ionic liquid treatment for efficient sample preparation of hydrated bone for scanning electron microscopy Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of novel bacterial strains for integrated solar-bioelectrokinetic of soil contaminated with heavy petroleum hydrocarbons Journal Articles
Lipid Rafts: Buffers of Cell Membrane Physical Properties Journal Articles
Lipid Trafficking Controls Endotoxin Acylation in Outer Membranes of Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Liquid disordered–liquid ordered phase coexistence in bicelles containing unsaturated lipids and cholesterol Journal Articles
Local Structural Preferences and Dynamics Restrictions in the Urea-Denatured State of SUMO-1: NMR Characterization Journal Articles
Long‐term survival of ancient DNA in Egypt: Response to Zink and Nerlich (2003) Journal Articles
Low-temperature solution processing of palladium/palladium oxide films and their pH sensing performance Journal Articles
Lyme Disease Enolpyruvyl-UDP-GlcNAc Synthase: Fosfomycin-Resistant MurA from Borrelia burgdorferi, a Fosfomycin-Sensitive Mutant, and the Catalytic Role of the Active Site Asp Journal Articles
Mast cell heterogeneity: effects of neuroenteric peptides on histamine release. Journal Articles
Materials selection for a dry atmospheric mercury deposits sampler Journal Articles
Measuring on-line compliance in ventilated infants using hot wire anemometry Journal Articles
Measuring the Modulus of Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses Journal Articles
Mechanisms underlying antinociception provoked by heterosegmental noxious stimulation in the rat tail-flick test Journal Articles
Menin Is a Regulator of the Stress Response in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Methods for studying experimental myocardial ischemic and reperfusion injury Journal Articles
Microbial community succession and lignocellulose degradation during agricultural waste composting Journal Articles
Mineral induction by immobilized phosphoproteins Journal Articles
Minimizing the source of nociception and its concurrent effect on sensory hypersensitivity: An exploratory study in chronic whiplash patients Journal Articles
Model-based evaluation of competition between polyphosphate- and glycogen-accumulating organisms Journal Articles
Modeling Mortality Based on Pollution and Temperature Using a New Birnbaum–Saunders Autoregressive Moving Average Structure with Regressors and Related-Sensors Data Journal Articles
Modeling of substrate degradation and oxygen consumption in waste composting processes Journal Articles
Modeling the lagged and nonlinear effects of weather conditions on abundance of Culex tarsalis mosquitoes in Saskatchewan, Western Canada using a bi-dimensional distributed lag nonlinear model. Journal Articles
Modelling of Microalgae Culture Systems with Applications to Control and Optimization Journal Articles
Modification of liposomes with N-substituted polyacrylamides: identification of proteins adsorbed from plasma Journal Articles
Modified Dendrimer Cross-Linked Collagen-Based Matrices Journal Articles
Modifying effects of a cobble substrate on thermal environments and implications for embryonic development in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Molecular cloning and characterization of norcoclaurine synthase, an enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis Journal Articles
Molecular structure and physicochemical properties of potato and bean starches as affected by gamma-irradiation Journal Articles
Mouse monoclonal antibodies reacting with M blood group-related antigens. Journal Articles
Multilocus sequence typing of Candida africana from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis in New Delhi, India Journal Articles
Myotonic muscular dystrophy Journal Articles
Nanogel scavengers for drugs: Local anesthetic uptake by thermoresponsive nanogels Journal Articles
Nanomaterials in Smart Packaging Applications: A Review Journal Articles
Nanosecond molecular relaxations in lipid bilayers studied by high energy-resolution neutron scattering andin situdiffraction Journal Articles
Neandertal Genetics Journal Articles
Nevi and migration within the United States and Canada: a population-based cross-sectional study Journal Articles
New insights from old bones: DNA preservation and degradation in permafrost preserved mammoth remains Journal Articles
Nitrogen Conservation in Simulated Food Waste Aerobic Composting Process with Different Mg and P Salt Mixtures Journal Articles
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation of pressure-driven water transport through modified CNT membranes Journal Articles
Normal range for serum transaminase. Journal Articles
Normal values at 37° for serum lactate dehydrogenase, α-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and glycerate dehydrogenase Journal Articles
Observation and simulation of net primary productivity in Qilian Mountain, western China Journal Articles
Ontogeny of skeletogenesis in yellow perch and effects on early thermal environmental on bone development. Journal Articles
Optical spectroscopy shows that the normal state of URu
is an anomalous Fermi liquid Journal Articles
Optimization of Spray Drying Conditions for Yield, Particle Size and Biological Activity of Thermally Stable Viral Vectors Journal Articles
Optimization of a medium for the rapid urease test for detection of Campylobacter pylori in gastric antral biopsies Journal Articles
Optimizing dimodular nonribosomal peptide synthetases and natural dipeptides in an Escherichia coli heterologous host Journal Articles
Ouabain-insensitive, halide-sensitive Tl+ uptake by canine iliac arteries Journal Articles
Oxidative ecology of paternal care in wild smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu Journal Articles
PNIPAAm-Grafted-Collagen as an Injectable, In Situ Gelling, Bioactive Cell Delivery Scaffold Journal Articles
Paper-Based Bioassays Using Gold Nanoparticle Colorimetric Probes Journal Articles
Patient and caregiver involvement in a multicentre clustered hemodialysis trial Journal Articles
Patterns of spread of influenza A in Canada Journal Articles
Performance of in-vessel composting of food waste in the presence of coal ash and uric acid Journal Articles
Phase equilibria in DOPC/DPPC: Conversion from gel to subgel in two component mixtures Journal Articles
Phosphorescence detection of L-ascorbic acid with surface-attached N-acetyl-L-cysteine and L-cysteine Mn doped ZnS quantum dots Journal Articles
Photodynamic endometrial ablation in the nonhuman primate Journal Articles
Physicochemical properties and in vitro starch digestibility of potato starch/protein blends Journal Articles
Polyethylene oxide surfaces of variable chain density by chemisorption of PEO-thiol on gold: Adsorption of proteins from plasma studied by radiolabelling and immunoblotting Journal Articles
Precise Deletion of
and Controlled Depletion of Its Product, Glycerol 3-Phosphate Cytidylyltransferase, Leads to Irregular Morphology and Lysis of
Bacillus subtilis
Grown at Physiological Temperature Journal Articles
Protection afforded by controlled application of a barrier cream: a study in a workplace setting Journal Articles
Protein-Based Aqueous−Multiphasic Systems Journal Articles
Purified, Recombinant TagF Protein from Bacillus subtilis 168 Catalyzes the Polymerization of Glycerol Phosphate onto a Membrane Acceptor in Vitro Journal Articles
Quantitative genetics of larval life-history traits in Rana temporaria in different environmental conditions Journal Articles
Rapid temperature programmed gas-liquid chromatography of volatile fatty acids (C1−C7) for the identification of anaerobic bacteria Journal Articles
Ready‐to‐use thermally stable mastermix pills for molecular biology applications Journal Articles
Real-time cancellation of temperature induced resonance shifts in SOI wire waveguide ring resonator label-free biosensor arrays Journal Articles
Reduction of bromate and chlorate contaminants in water using aqueous phase corona discharge Journal Articles
Regulation of [Ca2+](i) in canine airway smooth muscle by Ca2+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms Journal Articles
Regulation of [Ca2+]i in canine airway smooth muscle by Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanisms Journal Articles
Regulation of cellular volume in rat myometrium Journal Articles
Reliability of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin as a biomarker in breast cancer Journal Articles
Reorientation phenomena in imidazolium methyl sulfonate as probed by advanced solid-state NMR Journal Articles
Responses of phenology to preseason drought and soil temperature for different land cover types on the Mongolian Plateau Journal Articles
Responsiveness to laboratory pain in women as a function of age and childbirth pain experience Journal Articles
Reversibility and binding kinetics of Thermobifida fusca cellulases studied through fluorescence recovery after photobleaching microscopy Journal Articles
Role of RAD9-dependent cell-cycle checkpoints in the adaptive response to ionizing radiation in yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Journal Articles
SR Ca2+ pump heterogeneity in coronary artery: free radicals and IP3-sensitive and -insensitive pools Journal Articles
SREB, a GATA Transcription Factor That Directs Disparate Fates in Blastomyces dermatitidis Including Morphogenesis and Siderophore Biosynthesis Journal Articles
Satellite detection of cumulative and lagged effects of drought on autumn leaf senescence over the Northern Hemisphere Journal Articles
Screening of ligands for redox-active europium using magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
Seasonal Leaching and Biodegradation of Dicamba in Turfgrass Journal Articles
Seasonal variation in the effect of constant ambient temperature of 24°C in reducing FDG uptake by brown adipose tissue in children Journal Articles
Self-Assembly of Large-Scale and Ultrathin Silver Nanoplate Films with Tunable Plasmon Resonance Properties Journal Articles
Separation and properties of isozymes of 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal Articles
Separation of rare oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from brain using a high-throughput multilayer thermoplastic-based microfluidic device Journal Articles
Shear-Thinning and Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Relationships of Contemporary Ocular Lubricants Journal Articles
Short-term Storage of Blood Samples and DNA Isolation in Serum Separator Tubes for Application in Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Research Journal Articles
Silencing synaptic communication between random interneurons duringDrosophilalarval locomotion Journal Articles
Simultaneous pH and Temperature Measurements Using Pyranine as a Molecular Probe Journal Articles
Site-directed mutagenesis of the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus: construction and characterization of a deletion mutant temperature sensitive for transformation Journal Articles
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering to Detect Rafts and Lipid Domains Journal Articles
Soil organic carbon decomposition and carbon pools in temperate and sub-tropical forests in China Journal Articles
Solid-state 2H NMR study of methyl-d3-cobalamin Journal Articles
Some kinetic and toxicological characteristics of thoracic ganglia cholinesterase of Chasmagnathus granulata (Decapoda, Grapsidae) Journal Articles
Spin dynamics of theS= 5/2 2D triangular antiferromagnet Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 Journal Articles
Spiral-path high-sensitivity silicon photonic wire molecular sensor with temperature-independent response Journal Articles
Spray dried VSV-vectored vaccine is thermally stable and immunologically active in vivo Journal Articles
Spray dried human and chimpanzee adenoviral-vectored vaccines are thermally stable and immunogenic in vivo Journal Articles
Stability of Cervical Specimens in SurePath Medium for Human Papillomavirus Testing with the Roche cobas 4800 Assay Journal Articles
Stability of factor VIII concentrates after reconstitution Journal Articles
Stability of gastric-juice pepsin, and a method for its preservation. Journal Articles
Structural Properties of Inverted Hexagonal Phase: A Hybrid Computational and Experimental Approach Journal Articles
Structural modification of nanocrystalline ceria by ion beams Journal Articles
Studies on temperature-sensitive mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells affected in DNA synthesis Journal Articles
Studies on the Properties and Co-immobilization of Manganese Peroxidase Conferences
Surface characterizations of laser modified biomedical grade NiTi shape memory alloys Journal Articles
Surface nucleation in the crystallisation of polyethylene droplets Journal Articles
Surface properties of PEO–silicone composites: reducing protein adsorption Journal Articles
Surface temperature variations and their relationships with land cover in the Pearl River Delta Journal Articles
Synergistic binding of hydrophobic probes and zinc ligands to thermolysin Journal Articles
Synthesis and Evaluation of Radioiodinated Acyloxymethyl Ketones as Activity-Based Probes for Cathepsin B Journal Articles
Synthesis and Properties of Carborane-Functionalized Aliphatic Polyester Dendrimers Journal Articles
Systematic study of alginate-based microcapsules by micropipette aspiration and confocal fluorescence microscopy Journal Articles
Targeted temperature management following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of temperature targets Journal Articles
Targeted temperature management in critical care: A report and recommendations from five professional societies* Journal Articles
Teichoic Acid Is an Essential Polymer in
Bacillus subtilis
That Is Functionally Distinct from Teichuronic Acid Journal Articles
Temperature determines toxicity: Bisphenol A reduces thermal tolerance in fish Journal Articles
Temperature during embryonic development has persistent effects on metabolic enzymes in the muscle of zebrafish Journal Articles
Temperature during embryonic development has persistent effects on thermal acclimation capacity in zebrafish Journal Articles
Temperature modulates the impacts of wastewater exposure on the physiology and behaviour of fathead minnow Journal Articles
Temperature-Induced Assembly of Monodisperse, Covalently Cross-Linked, and Degradable Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Based on Oligomeric Precursors Journal Articles
Temperature-Induced Assembly of Monodisperse, Covalently Cross-Linked, and Degradable Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Based on Oligomeric Precursors. Journal Articles
Temperature-dependent changes in the swimming behaviour of Tetrahymena pyriformis—NT1 and their interrelationships with electrophysiology and the state of membrane lipids Journal Articles
Temperature-sensitive aqueous microgels Journal Articles
Temperature-sensitive polymers for drug delivery Journal Articles
Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate Journal Articles
The Auto-Inhibitory Role of the EPAC Hinge Helix as Mapped by NMR Journal Articles
The Effect of Temperature Variation In Vitro on Platelet-Leukocyte Interactions and Individual Prothrombotic Potential Journal Articles
The First Well‐Defined Silver(I)‐Complex‐Catalyzed Cycloaddition of Azides onto Terminal Alkynes at Room Temperature Journal Articles
The Lanthanide Cations as Probes in Biological Systems. Proton Relaxation Enhancement Studies for Model Systems and Lysozyme Journal Articles
The Reduction of Hydroxypyruvate by Human Serum Journal Articles
The Risk of a Mosquito-Borne Infectionin a Heterogeneous Environment Journal Articles
The Solution Structure and Dynamics of an Arc Repressor Mutant Reveal Premelting Conformational Changes Related to DNA Binding Journal Articles
The afferent origin of the secondary somatosensory evoked potential from the lower limb in humans Journal Articles
The aqueous stability of bupropion Journal Articles
The assay and partial characterization of macromolecular heparin depolymerase activity in rat small intestine Journal Articles
The association of outdoor temperature and self-reported Raynaud's phenomenon severity among people with systemic sclerosis: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Cohort study. Journal Articles
The effect of concentration, thermal history and cell seeding density on the initial mechanical properties of agarose hydrogels Journal Articles
The effects of temperature upon the electrophysiological properties of Tetrahymena pyriformis—NT1 Journal Articles
The effects of water temperature on cerebral blood flow during aquatic exercise Journal Articles
The impact of single and dual hydrothermal modifications on the molecular structure and physicochemical properties of normal corn starch Journal Articles
The influence of curvature on membrane domains Journal Articles
The integral membrane enzyme PagP alternates between two dynamically distinct states Journal Articles
The pituitary gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor of the female rabbit: characterization and developmental aspects Journal Articles
The regulation of the decay of nitrate reductase Evidence for the existence of at least two mechanisms of decay Journal Articles
The role of molybdenum in the synthesis of Neurospora nitrate reductase Journal Articles
The splitting of bamboo in response to changes in humidity and temperature Journal Articles
The texture of frustrated magnets Journal Articles
Thermal acclimation alters both basal heat shock protein gene expression and the heat shock response in juvenile lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Journal Articles
Thermal optimality of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and underlying mechanisms Journal Articles
Thermal performance curve of endurance running at high temperatures in deer mice Journal Articles
Thermal stress and the heat shock response in embryonic and young of the year juvenile lake whitefish Journal Articles
Thermo-sensitivity and erosion of chitosan crosslinked poly[N-isopropylacrylamide-co-(acrylic acid)-co-(methyl methacrylate)] hydrogels for application to the inferior fornix Journal Articles
Thermodynamic aspects of some radioassays. Journal Articles
Thermoresponsive nanogels for prolonged duration local anesthesia Journal Articles
Thermostatic tissue platform for intravital microscopy: ‘the hanging drop’ model Journal Articles
Thyroid hormone actions are temperature-specific and regulate thermal acclimation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Titrametric Characterization of pH-Induced Phase Transitions in Functionalized Microgels Journal Articles
Total Hip Wear Assessment: A Comparison Between Computational and In Vitro Wear Assessment Techniques Using ISO 14242 Loading and Kinematics Journal Articles
Transepithelial potential in the Magadi tilapia, a fish living in extreme alkalinity Journal Articles
Transplantation of Articular Cartilage Following a Step-Cooling Cryopreservation Protocol Journal Articles
True Arrhenius Relationships of Human Lactate Dehydrogenase Journal Articles
Tundra ecosystems observed to be CO2sources due to differential amplification of the carbon cycle Journal Articles
Tuning Gelation Time and Morphology of Injectable Hydrogels Using Ketone–Hydrazide Cross-Linking Journal Articles
Two Conserved Histidine Residues Are Critical to the Function of the TagF-like Family of Enzymes Journal Articles
Ultrahigh Efficiency and Minimalist Intracellular Delivery of Macromolecules Mediated by Latent-Photothermal Surfaces Journal Articles
Unusual difference spectra of proteins containing tryptophan. I. Studies with model compounds. Journal Articles
Warming in the land of the midnight sun: breeding birds may suffer greater heat stress at high- versus low-Arctic sites Journal Articles
Waterborne copper is more toxic to the killifish Poecilia vivipara in elevated temperatures: Linking oxidative stress in the liver with reduced organismal thermal performance Journal Articles
When Attempting Chain Extension, Even Without Solvent, It Is Not Possible to Avoid Chojnowski Metathesis Giving D3 Journal Articles
[Composting technology of municipal solid waste with inoculation agent]. Journal Articles
[Influence of temperature on cholinesterase activity in the silurid Ameiurus nebulosus Lesieur]. Journal Articles
[Mechanism and Surface Fractal Characteristics for the Adsorption of p-nitrophenol on Water-quenched Blast Furnace Slag]. Journal Articles
[The variation of inoculation complex microbial community in three stages MSW composting process controlled by temperature]. Journal Articles