Vocabulary Service
subject area of
'Outlier' lipocalins more than peripheral Journal Articles
17th Century Variola Virus Reveals the Recent History of Smallpox Journal Articles
Sequence Note: Molecular Epidemiological Analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
from Fungus Gardens of Fungus-Growing Ants Produces Antifungals That Inhibit the Specialized Parasite
Escovopsis Journal Articles
Helicobacter apodemussp. nov., a newHelicobacterspecies identified from the gastrointestinal tract of striped field mice in Korea Journal Articles
Torulaspora quercuumâ sp. nov. andCandida pseudohumilisâ sp. nov., novel yeasts from human and forest habitats Journal Articles
-Ala ligases from glycopeptide antibiotic-producing organisms are highly homologous to the enterococcal vancomycin-resistance ligases VanA and VanB Journal Articles
A 14th century CE Brucella melitensis genome and the recent expansion of the Western Mediterranean clade Journal Articles
A Catalog of Reference Genomes from the Human Microbiome Journal Articles
A Comprehensive Analysis of Mammalian Mitochondrial Genome Base Composition and Improved Phylogenetic Methods Journal Articles
A Comprehensive Expression Analysis of the Arabidopsis Proline-rich Extensin-like Receptor Kinase Gene Family using Bioinformatic and Experimental Approaches Journal Articles
A Highly Unstable Recent Mutation in Human mtDNA Journal Articles
A Large and Consistent Phylogenomic Dataset Supports Sponges as the Sister Group to All Other Animals Journal Articles
A Machine Learning Framework Identifies Plastid-Encoded Proteins Harboring C3 and C4 Distinguishing Sequence Information Journal Articles
A Non-Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon Family Is Restricted to the Germ Line Micronucleus of the Ciliated Protozoan
Tetrahymena thermophila Journal Articles
A T-to-G Transversion at Nucleotide −567 Upstream of HBG2 in a GATA-1 Binding Motif Is Associated with Elevated Hemoglobin F Journal Articles
A Type VI Secretion-Related Pathway in Bacteroidetes Mediates Interbacterial Antagonism Journal Articles
A coalescent framework for comparing alternative models of population structure with genetic data: evolution of Celebes toads Journal Articles
A comparative study of an innate immune response in Lamprologine cichlid fishes Journal Articles
A comprehensive genomic history of extinct and living elephants Journal Articles
A comprehensive study of genic variation in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. IV. Mitochondrial DNA variation and the role of history vs. selection in the genetic structure of geographic populations. Journal Articles
A divergent Pseudomonas aeruginosa palmitoyltransferase essential for cystic fibrosis‐specific lipid A Journal Articles
A draft genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death Journal Articles
A functionally divergent hydrogenosomal peptidase with protomitochondrial ancestry Journal Articles
A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes Journal Articles
A high‐quality carabid genome assembly provides insights into beetle genome evolution and cold adaptation Journal Articles
A maximum likelihood approach to the detection of selection from a phylogeny Journal Articles
A mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of African clawed frogs: phylogeography and implications for polyploid evolution Journal Articles
A new fossil assemblage shows that large angiosperm trees grew in North America by the Turonian (Late Cretaceous) Journal Articles
A novel strain of cynomolgus macaque cytomegalovirus: implications for host-virus co-evolution Journal Articles
A phylogenetic analysis based on the gene encoding phosphoglycerate kinase Journal Articles
A phylogenetic analysis of the pSymB replicon from the Sinorhizobium meliloti genome reveals a complex evolutionary history Journal Articles
A phylogenomic and comparative genomic framework for resolving the polyphyly of the genus Bacillus: Proposal for six new genera of Bacillus species, Peribacillus gen. nov., Cytobacillus gen. nov., Mesobacillus gen. nov., Neobacillus gen. nov., Metabacillus gen. nov. and Alkalihalobacillus gen. nov. Journal Articles
A phylogenomic and molecular marker based proposal for the division of the genus Borrelia into two genera: the emended genus Borrelia containing only the members of the relapsing fever Borrelia, and the genus Borreliella gen. nov. containing the members of the Lyme disease Borrelia (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex) Journal Articles
A phylogenomic and molecular marker based taxonomic framework for the order Xanthomonadales: proposal to transfer the families Algiphilaceae and Solimonadaceae to the order Nevskiales ord. nov. and to create a new family within the order Xanthomonadales, the family Rhodanobacteraceae fam. nov., containing the genus Rhodanobacter and its closest relatives Journal Articles
A phylogenomic and molecular markers based analysis of the phylum Chlamydiae: proposal to divide the class Chlamydiia into two orders, Chlamydiales and Parachlamydiales ord. nov., and emended description of the class Chlamydiia Journal Articles
A phylogenomic and molecular markers based taxonomic framework for members of the order Entomoplasmatales: proposal for an emended order Mycoplasmatales containing the family Spiroplasmataceae and emended family Mycoplasmataceae comprised of six genera Journal Articles
A phylogenomic framework and timescale for comparative studies of tunicates Journal Articles
A phylogenomic reappraisal of family-level divisions within the class Halobacteria: proposal to divide the order Halobacteriales into the families Halobacteriaceae, Haloarculaceae fam. nov., and Halococcaceae fam. nov., and the order Haloferacales into the families, Haloferacaceae and Halorubraceae fam nov. Journal Articles
A robust phylogenetic framework for members of the order Legionellales and its main genera (Legionella, Aquicella, Coxiella and Rickettsiella) based on phylogenomic analyses and identification of molecular markers demarcating different clades Journal Articles
A spliceosomal intron in
lamblia Journal Articles
AXIOME3: Automation, eXtension, and Integration Of Microbial Ecology Journal Articles
Abundance and community composition of comammox bacteria in different ecosystems by a universal primer set Journal Articles
Abundant sequence variation around the mitochondrial origin of replication in the human opportunistic yeast pathogen Candida albicans from a tropical island in China Journal Articles
Accelerated Evolutionary Rate of Housekeeping Genes in Tunicates Journal Articles
Adaptive Radiation and Ecological Opportunity in Sulawesi and Philippine Fanged Frog (Limnonectes) Communities Journal Articles
Additional molecular support for the new chordate phylogeny Journal Articles
Adenosine kinase and ribokinase – the RK family of proteins Journal Articles
Aerobic proteobacterial methylotrophs in Movile Cave: genomic and metagenomic analyses Journal Articles
Agricultural soil denitrifiers possess extensive nitrite reductase gene diversity Journal Articles
Alignment/Phylogeny of the Papain Superfamily of Cysteine Proteases Journal Articles
Amplification and sequencing of DNA from a 120–135-million-year-old weevil Journal Articles
An Assessment of Sub-Meter Scale Spatial Variability of Arcellinida (Testate Lobose Amoebae) Assemblages in a Temperate Lake: Implications for Limnological Studies Journal Articles
An Insect Herbivore Microbiome with High Plant Biomass-Degrading Capacity Journal Articles
An evaluation of logic regression-based biomarker discovery across multiple intergenic regions for predicting host specificity in Escherichia coli Journal Articles
An evolutionary model for the insect vitellins Journal Articles
An unusual myosuppressin from the blood-feeding bugRhodnius prolixus Journal Articles
An updated 18S rRNA phylogeny of tunicates based on mixture and secondary structure models Journal Articles
Analyses of the Global Multilocus Genotypes of the Human Pathogenic Yeast Cryptococcus neoformans Species Complex Journal Articles
Analysis of Canis mitochondrial DNA demonstrates high concordance between the control region and ATPase genes Journal Articles
Analysis of the legume-rhizobia symbiosis in shrubs from central western Spain Journal Articles
Ancestry Influences the Fate of Duplicated Genes Millions of Years After Polyploidization of Clawed Frogs (Xenopus) Journal Articles
Ancient Antibiotics, Ancient Resistance Journal Articles
Ancient Clostridium DNA and variants of tetanus neurotoxins associated with human archaeological remains Journal Articles
Ancient DNA Journal Articles
Ancient DNA and the tropics: a rodent's tale Journal Articles
Ancient DNA from lake sediments: Bridging the gap between paleoecology and genetics Journal Articles
Ancient Mitogenomes Reveal the Evolutionary History and Biogeography of Sloths Journal Articles
Ancient Tripartite Coevolution in the Attine Ant-Microbe Symbiosis Journal Articles
Ancient pathogen DNA in archaeological samples detected with a Microbial Detection Array Journal Articles
Ancyromonadida: A New Phylogenetic Lineage Among the Protozoa Closely Related to the Common Ancestor of Metazoans, Fungi, and Choanoflagellates (Opisthokonta) Journal Articles
Annexin-like alpha giardins: a new cytoskeletal gene family in Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
AnnoTree: visualization and exploration of a functionally annotated microbial tree of life Journal Articles
Antagonistic Bacterial Interactions Help Shape Host-Symbiont Dynamics within the Fungus-Growing Ant-Microbe Mutualism Journal Articles
Antibiotic resistance is ancient Journal Articles
- server: a web-based tool for the identification of known taxon-specific conserved signature indels in genome sequences. Validation of its usefulness by predicting the taxonomic affiliation of >700 unclassified strains of Bacillus species Journal Articles
Application of the Character Compatibility Approach to Generalized Molecular Sequence Data: Branching Order of the Proteobacterial Subdivisions Journal Articles
Are similarity- or phylogeny-based methods more appropriate for classifying internal transcribed spacer (ITS) metagenomic amplicons? Journal Articles
Armadillos exhibit less genetic polymorphism in North America than in South America: nuclear and mitochondrial data confirm a founder effect in Dasypus novemcinctus (Xenarthra) Journal Articles
Army Ants Trapped by Their Evolutionary History Journal Articles
Assessment of the Microbial Constituents of the Home Environment of Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and Their Association with Lower Airways Infections Journal Articles
Association between Pseudonocardia symbionts and Atta leaf-cutting ants suggested by improved isolation methods. Journal Articles
Asymmetrical Evolution of Cytochrome bd Subunits Journal Articles
Autoecological Approaches to Resolve Subjective Taxonomic Divisions within Arcellacea Journal Articles
Bacillus DNA in fossil bees: an ancient symbiosis? Journal Articles
Bacteria Contribute to Plant Secondary Compound Degradation in a Generalist Herbivore System Journal Articles
Bacterial biogeography of the human digestive tract Journal Articles
Bats and Coronaviruses Journal Articles
Bayesian Phylogenetics Using an RNA Substitution Model Applied to Early Mammalian Evolution Journal Articles
Beltrania sinensis sp. nov., an endophytic fungus from China and a key to species of the genus Journal Articles
Biogeography of Bacterial Communities and Specialized Metabolism in Human Aerodigestive Tract Microbiomes Journal Articles
Bioprospecting secondary metabolites with antimicrobial properties from soil bacteria in high-temperature ecosystems. Journal Articles
Bursts of nonsynonymous substitutions in HIV-1 evolution reveal instances of positive selection at conservative protein sites Journal Articles
Candida auris on Apples: Diversity and Clinical Significance Journal Articles
Capturing the diversity of the human gut microbiota through culture-enriched molecular profiling Journal Articles
Carving out turf in a biodiversity hotspot: multiple, previously unrecognized shrew species co‐occur onJavaIsland,Indonesia Journal Articles
Cellulolytic Streptomyces Strains Associated with Herbivorous Insects Share a Phylogenetically Linked Capacity To Degrade Lignocellulose Journal Articles
Characterization and assessment of an avian repetitive DNA sequence as an icterid phylogenetic marker Journal Articles
Characterization and genomic analysis of a diesel-degrading bacterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus CA16, isolated from Canadian soil Journal Articles
Characterization of Class I– and Class II–Like Major Histocompatibility Complex Loci in Pedigrees of North Atlantic Right Whales Journal Articles
Characterization of a Rifampin-Inactivating Glycosyltransferase from a Screen of Environmental Actinomycetes Journal Articles
Characterization of a cetacean aromatase (CYP19) and the phylogeny and functional conservation of vertebrate aromatase Journal Articles
Characterization of yeast homoserine dehydrogenase, an antifungal target: the invariant histidine 309 is important for enzyme integrity Journal Articles
Chemical Analyses of Wasp-Associated Streptomyces Bacteria Reveal a Prolific Potential for Natural Products Discovery Journal Articles
Chimeric Structure of the NAD(P)+- and NADP+-dependent Malic Enzymes ofRhizobium (Sinorhizobium) meliloti Journal Articles
Chitinase genes (
s) provide genomic footprints of a post-Cretaceous dietary radiation in placental mammals Journal Articles
Chlamydiae-specific proteins and indels: novel tools for studies Journal Articles
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems Journal Articles
Clinical and tree hollow populations of human pathogenic yeast in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada are different Journal Articles
Clonal Genotype of Geomyces destructans among Bats with White Nose Syndrome, New York, USA Journal Articles
Clonal and Spontaneous Origins of Fluconazole Resistance in
Candida albicans Journal Articles
Cloning and Some Novel Characteristics of Mitochondrial Hsp70 from Chinese Hamster Cells Journal Articles
Cloning of Giardia lamblia heat shock protein HSP70 homologs: implications regarding origin of eukaryotic cells and of endoplasmic reticulum. Journal Articles
Cloning of the hsp70 (dnaK) genes from Rhizobium meliloti and Pseudomonas cepacia: phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial origin based on a highly conserved protein sequence Journal Articles
Codon Bias and Base Composition Are Poor Indicators of Horizontally Transferred Genes Journal Articles
Coevolved Crypts and Exocrine Glands Support Mutualistic Bacteria in Fungus-Growing Ants Journal Articles
Cold-Active Winter Rye Glucanases with Ice-Binding Capacity Journal Articles
Comment on "Hexapod Origins: Monophyletic or Paraphyletic?" Journal Articles
Comment: Characterization of Two Historic Smallpox Specimens from a Czech Museum Journal Articles
Common biosynthetic origins for polycyclic tetramate macrolactams from phylogenetically diverse bacteria Journal Articles
Comparative Gene Genealogies Indicate that Two Clonal Lineages ofCryptococcus gattiiin British Columbia ResembleStrains from Other Geographical Areas Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of function and interaction of transcription factors in nematodes: Extensive conservation of orthology coupled to rapid sequence evolution Journal Articles
Comparative and genetic analysis of the four sequenced Paenibacillus polymyxa genomes reveals a diverse metabolism and conservation of genes relevant to plant-growth promotion and competitiveness Journal Articles
Comparative chromosome painting of pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) and saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) karyotypes with human and dromedary camel probes Journal Articles
Comparative gene genealogical analyses of strains of serotype AD identify recombination in populations of serotypes A and D in the human pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Comparative genomics of multidrug-resistant Enterococcus spp. isolated from wastewater treatment plants Journal Articles
Comparative growth and toxin profile of cultured Ostreopsis ovata from the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Journal Articles
Comparative molecular phylogeography of two Xenopus species, X. gilli and X. laevis, in the south‐western Cape Province, South Africa Journal Articles
Comparative proteome analysis of Acidaminococcus intestini supports a relationship between outer membrane biogenesis in Negativicutes and Proteobacteria Journal Articles
Comparison of 26 Sphingomonad Genomes Reveals Diverse Environmental Adaptations and Biodegradative Capabilities Journal Articles
Comparison of Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap Measures of Phylogenetic Reliability Journal Articles
Comparison of biochemical and genotypic speciation methods for vancomycin-resistant enterococci isolated from urban wastewater treatment plants Journal Articles
Comparison of fecal biota from specific pathogen free and feral mice Journal Articles
Comparison of mitochondrial genomes provides insights into intron dynamics and evolution in the caterpillar fungus Cordyceps militaris Journal Articles
Complete Columbian mammoth mitogenome suggests interbreeding with woolly mammoths Journal Articles
Complete mitochondrial genomes of living and extinct pigeons revise the timing of the columbiform radiation Journal Articles
Completion of draft bacterial genomes by long-read sequencing of synthetic genomic pools Journal Articles
Complex host-pathogen coevolution in the Apterostigma fungus-growing ant-microbe symbiosis. Journal Articles
Conserved Molecular Signatures in the Spike, Nucleocapsid, and Polymerase Proteins Specific for the Genus Betacoronavirus and Its Different Subgenera Journal Articles
Conserved Signatures in Protein Sequences Reliably Demarcate Different Clades of Rodents/Glires Species and Consolidate Their Evolutionary Relationships Journal Articles
Conserved signature indels and signature proteins as novel tools for understanding microbial phylogeny and systematics: identification of molecular signatures that are specific for the phytopathogenic genera Dickeya, Pectobacterium and Brenneria Journal Articles
Constraining the Time Interval for the Origin of Life on Earth Journal Articles
Control of breathing and adaptation to high altitude in the bar-headed goose Journal Articles
Convergence of gut microbiomes in myrmecophagous mammals Journal Articles
Convergent Bacterial Microbiotas in the Fungal Agricultural Systems of Insects Journal Articles
Convergent evolution of complex structures for ant–bacterial defensive symbiosis in fungus-farming ants Journal Articles
Corticosteroid receptor gene expression is related to sex and social behaviour in a social fish Journal Articles
Critical Issues in Bacterial Phylogeny Journal Articles
Culture and molecular-based profiles show shifts in bacterial communities of the upper respiratory tract that occur with age Journal Articles
DNA Sequence Analyses Reveal Abundant Diversity, Endemism and Evidence for Asian Origin of the Porcini Mushrooms Journal Articles
DNA methylation predicts age and provides insight into exceptional longevity of bats Journal Articles
Dating the Ngandong Humans Journal Articles
Deep Sequencing of Mixed Total DNA without Barcodes Allows Efficient Assembly of Highly Plastic Ascidian Mitochondrial Genomes Journal Articles
Demographic expansion and genetic load of the halophyte model plant Eutrema salsugineum Journal Articles
Detecting recent speciation events: the case of the finless porpoise (genus Neophocaena) Journal Articles
Development and Evaluation of a Molecular Hepatitis A Virus Assay for Serum and Stool Specimens Journal Articles
Development of Real-Time PCR Assays for Detection of the
Streptococcus milleri
Group from Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Specimens by Targeting the
and 16S rRNA Genes Journal Articles
Differential Y‐chromosome Anatolian Influences on the Greek and Cretan Neolithic Journal Articles
Directionality in the evolution of influenza A haemagglutinin Journal Articles
Discovery of a proteolytic flagellin family in diverse bacterial phyla that assembles enzymatically active flagella Journal Articles
Dispersers shape fruit diversity in
(Moraceae) Journal Articles
Distinction between Borrelia and Borreliella is more robustly supported by molecular and phenotypic characteristics than all other neighbouring prokaryotic genera: Response to Margos' et al. "The genus Borrelia reloaded" (PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208432) Journal Articles
Distinctive Protein Signatures Provide Molecular Markers and Evidence for the Monophyletic Nature of the
Phylum Journal Articles
Diurnal Floc Generation from Neuston Biofilms in Two Contrasting Freshwater Lakes Journal Articles
Divergence, hybridization, and recombination in the mitochondrial genome of the human pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus gattii Journal Articles
Divergent respiratory and cardiovascular responses to hypoxia in bar-headed geese and Andean birds Journal Articles
Divergent subgenome evolution after allopolyploidization in African clawed frogs (Xenopus) Journal Articles
Diversification of Wolbachia Endosymbiont in the Culex pipiens Mosquito Journal Articles
Diversity Considerations in HIV-1 Vaccine Selection Journal Articles
Diversity and abundance of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences in forestomach of alpacas (Lama pacos) and sheep (Ovis aries) Journal Articles
Diversity and relationships among strains of culturable yeasts in agricultural soils in Cameroon Journal Articles
Diversity of Rotavirus Strains Circulating in Botswana before and after introduction of the Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine Journal Articles
Diversity of commensal yeasts within and among healthy hosts Journal Articles
Diversity, Dispersal and Mode of Reproduction of Amanita exitialis in Southern China Journal Articles
Division of the genus Borrelia into two genera (corresponding to Lyme disease and relapsing fever groups) reflects their genetic and phenotypic distinctiveness and will lead to a better understanding of these two groups of microbes (Margos et al. (2016) There is inadequate evidence to support the division of the genus Borrelia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.001717) Journal Articles
Draft genome of the globally widespread and invasive Argentine ant (
Linepithema humile
) Journal Articles
Draft genome of the red harvester ant
Pogonomyrmex barbatus Journal Articles
Drainage isolation and climate change-driven population expansion shape the genetic structures of Tuber indicum complex in the Hengduan Mountains region Journal Articles
Dynamic evolution of eukaryotic mitochondrial and nuclear genomes: a case study in the gourmet pine mushroom Tricholoma matsutake Journal Articles
Ecological Genomics of Marine Roseobacters Journal Articles
Ecological and physical barriers shape genetic structure of the Alpine porcini (Boletus reticuloceps) Journal Articles
Emergence, continuity, and evolution of Yersinia pestis throughout medieval and early modern Denmark Journal Articles
Enabling genomic island prediction and comparison in multiple genomes to investigate bacterial evolution and outbreaks Journal Articles
Environmental and nutritional regulation of expression and function of two peptide transporter (PepT1) isoforms in a euryhaline teleost Journal Articles
Enzyme Evolution Explained (Sort Of) Journal Articles
Erratum to “Evidence for the monophyletic evolution of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in angiosperms” [Phytochemistry 66 (2005) 1374–1393] Journal Articles
Estimating Maximum Likelihood Phylogenies with PhyML Journal Articles
Estimating the Frequency of Horizontal Gene Transfer Using Phylogenetic Models of Gene Gain and Loss Journal Articles
Evidence for Inbreeding and Genetic Differentiation among Geographic Populations of the Saprophytic Mushroom Trogia venenata from Southwestern China Journal Articles
Evidence for Lateral Transfer of Genes Encoding Ferredoxins, Nitroreductases, NADH Oxidase, and Alcohol Dehydrogenase 3 from Anaerobic Prokaryotes to
histolytica Journal Articles
Evidence for local DNA influences on patterns of substitutions in the human α-interferon gene family Journal Articles
Evidence for the monophyletic evolution of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in angiosperms Journal Articles
Evidence for the monophyletic evolution of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in angiosperms. Journal Articles
Evidence for the presence of key chlorophyll-biosynthesis-related proteins in the genus Rubrobacter (Phylum Actinobacteria) and its implications for the evolution and origin of photosynthesis Journal Articles
Evidence of Naturalized Stress-Tolerant Strains of Escherichia coli in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Journal Articles
Evidence of unique genetic diversity in Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from Cameroon Journal Articles
Evolution in the Fast Lane: Rapidly Evolving Sex-Related Genes in Drosophila Journal Articles
Evolution of
sex comb length illustrates the inextricable interplay between selection and variation Journal Articles
Evolution of Allosteric Control in Glycogen Phosphorylase Journal Articles
Evolution of Eukaryotic Transcription: Insights From the Genome of Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
Evolution of HSP70 gene and its implications regarding relationships between archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes Journal Articles
Evolution of High Cellulolytic Activity in Symbiotic Streptomyces through Selection of Expanded Gene Content and Coordinated Gene Expression Journal Articles
Evolution of Proteasome Regulators in Eukaryotes Journal Articles
Evolution of RAG-1 in Polyploid Clawed Frogs Journal Articles
Evolution of genes and genomes on the Drosophila phylogeny Journal Articles
Evolution of mitochondrial-encoded cytochrome oxidase subunits in endothermic fish: The importance of taxon-sampling in codon-based models Journal Articles
Evolution of the Largest Mammalian Genome Journal Articles
Evolution of the RpoS Regulon: Origin of RpoS and the Conservation of RpoS-Dependent Regulation in Bacteria Journal Articles
Evolution of the chaperonin families (HSP60, HSP 10 and TCP‐1) of proteins and the origin of eukaryotic cells Journal Articles
Evolution of the nuclear-encoded cytochrome oxidase subunits in vertebrates Journal Articles
Evolution-guided discovery of antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan remodelling Journal Articles
Evolutionary affinity of billfishes (Xiphiidae and Istiophoridae) and flatfishes (Plueronectiformes): Independent and trans-subordinal origins of endothermy in teleost fishes Journal Articles
Evolutionary analysis of selective constraints identifies ameloblastin (AMBN) as a potential candidate for amelogenesis imperfecta Journal Articles
Evolutionary and Functional Analyses of the Interaction between the Myeloid Restriction Factor SAMHD1 and the Lentiviral Vpx Protein Journal Articles
Evolutionary and functional diversity of the Pseudomonas type IVa pilin island Journal Articles
Evolutionary innovations through gain and loss of genes in the ectomycorrhizal Boletales Journal Articles
Evolutionary rate variation withinMus APRT Journal Articles
Evolutionary relationships among photosynthetic prokaryotes (Heliobacterium chlorum, Chloroflexus aurantiacus, cyanobacteria, Chlorobium tepidum and proteobacteria): implications regarding the origin of photosynthesis Journal Articles
Examining the molecular clock hypothesis for the contemporary evolution of the rabies virus. Journal Articles
Expanded diversity of microbial groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle Journal Articles
Expanding the soil antibiotic resistome: exploring environmental diversity Journal Articles
Exploratory analysis of multiple sequence alignments using phylogenies Journal Articles
Exploring the Potential for Actinobacteria as Defensive Symbionts in Fungus-Growing Termites Journal Articles
Expressed sequence tags from the Yukon ecotype of Thellungiella
reveal that gene expression in response to cold, drought and salinity
shows little overlap Journal Articles
Extensive Genetic Diversity and Widespread Azole Resistance in Greenhouse Populations of Aspergillus fumigatus in Yunnan, China Journal Articles
Extracting Haplotypes from Diploid Organisms Journal Articles
Factors Affecting the Errors in the Estimation of Evolutionary Distances Between Sequences Journal Articles
Factors That Affect Large Subunit Ribosomal DNA Amplicon Sequencing Studies of Fungal Communities: Classification Method, Primer Choice, and Error Journal Articles
Fate of Cd during Microbial Fe(III) Mineral Reduction by a Novel and Cd-Tolerant Geobacter Species Journal Articles
First Evidence for the Presence of Iron Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria at the Levantine Continental Margins Journal Articles
Fish gill morphology: inside out Journal Articles
Fossil Rhabdoviral Sequences Integrated into Arthropod Genomes: Ontogeny, Evolution, and Potential Functionality Journal Articles
Frequent heteroplasmy and recombination in the mitochondrial genomes of the basidiomycete mushroom Thelephora ganbajun Journal Articles
Functional Biogeography of Ocean Microbes Revealed through Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Journal Articles
Functional Divergence in the Arabidopsis -1,3-Glucanase Gene Family Inferred by Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Expression States Journal Articles
Functional Profiling and Evolutionary Analysis of a Marine Microalgal Virus Pangenome Journal Articles
Functional analysis of CfSnf1 in the development and pathogenicity of anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum fructicola on tea-oil tree Journal Articles
Functional metagenomics reveals novel β-galactosidases not predictable from gene sequences Journal Articles
Fungal mitochondrial genomes and genetic polymorphisms Journal Articles
Fungal species concepts in the genomics era Journal Articles
Galactitol catabolism in Sinorhizobium meliloti is dependent on a chromosomally encoded sorbitol dehydrogenase and a pSymB-encoded operon necessary for tagatose catabolism Journal Articles
Gene Gain and Gene Loss in Streptococcus: Is It Driven by Habitat? Journal Articles
Gene duplication and divergence produce divergent MHC genotypes without disassortative mating Journal Articles
Generation and Analysis of a Mouse Intestinal Metatranscriptome through Illumina Based RNA-Sequencing Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses from Ancient DNA Journal Articles
Genetic Analyses of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences Suggest Introgression and Duplication in the Medicinal Mushroom Agaricus subrufescens Journal Articles
Genetic Diversity of Dahongjun, the Commercially Important “Big Red Mushroom” from Southern China Journal Articles
Genetic Structure of Herpetofauna on Halmahera Island, Indonesia: Implications for Aketajawe‐Lolobata National Park Journal Articles
Genetic Tracking of the Raccoon Variant of Rabies Virus in Eastern North America Journal Articles
Genetic and biochemical properties of an alkaline phosphatase PhoX family protein found in many bacteria Journal Articles
Genetic differentiation, recombination and clonal expansion in environmental populations of Cryptococcus gattii in India Journal Articles
Genetic diversity of the endemic gourmet mushroom Thelephora ganbajun from south-western China Journal Articles
Genetic risk for dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue fever in multiple ancestries Journal Articles
Genetics, Morphology, Advertisement Calls, and Historical Records Distinguish Six New Polyploid Species of African Clawed Frog (Xenopus, Pipidae) from West and Central Africa Journal Articles
Genome duplication events have led to a diversification in the CPT I gene family in fish Journal Articles
Genome sequence of adherent-invasive Escherichia coli and comparative genomic analysis with other E. coli pathotypes Journal Articles
Genome skimming by shotgun sequencing helps resolve the phylogeny of a pantropical tree family Journal Articles
Genome structure and gene content in protist mitochondrial DNAs Journal Articles
Genome-Scale Phylogeny and the Detection of Systematic Biases Journal Articles
Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Udp-Glucuronosyltransferases in the Whitefly Bemisia Tabaci (Gennadius) (HemipterA: Aleyrodidae) Journal Articles
Genome-based phylogeny and taxonomy of the ‘Enterobacteriales’: proposal for Enterobacterales ord. nov. divided into the families Enterobacteriaceae, Erwiniaceae fam. nov., Pectobacteriaceae fam. nov., Yersiniaceae fam. nov., Hafniaceae fam. nov., Morganellaceae fam. nov., and Budviciaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Genome-based taxonomic framework for the class Negativicutes: division of the class Negativicutes into the orders Selenomonadales emend., Acidaminococcales ord. nov. and Veillonellales ord. nov. Journal Articles
Genomic Analyses Identify Novel Molecular Signatures Specific for the Caenorhabditis and other Nematode Taxa Providing Novel Means for Genetic and Biochemical Studies Journal Articles
Genomic Characterization of Circulating Dengue Virus, Ethiopia, 2022–2023 Journal Articles
Genomic Minimalism in the Early Diverging Intestinal Parasite
Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
Genomic analyses reveal low mitochondrial and high nuclear diversity in the cyclosporin-producing fungus Tolypocladium inflatum Journal Articles
Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of the tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata in response to oxidative stress Journal Articles
Genomic diversification of the specialized parasite of the fungus-growing ant symbiosis Journal Articles
Genomic insights into the evolution and ecology of botulinum neurotoxins Journal Articles
Genomic organization and linkage via a bidirectional promoter of the AP-3 (adaptor protein-3) mu3A and AK (adenosine kinase) genes: deletion mutants of AK in Chinese hamster cells extend into the AP-3 mu3A gene Journal Articles
Genomics as a means to understand bacterial phylogeny and ecological adaptation: the case of bifidobacteria Journal Articles
Genomics of Loa loa, a Wolbachia-free filarial parasite of humans Journal Articles
Genotypic diversity and antifungal susceptibility of environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from the Yangtze River Delta region of East China Journal Articles
Greenhouses represent an important evolutionary niche for
Alternaria alternata Journal Articles
HSP70 phylogeny and the relationship between archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes Journal Articles
Haplotype-resolved genome of a papeda provides insights into the geographical origin and evolution of Citrus. Journal Articles
Have wing morphology or flight kinematics evolved for extreme high altitude migration in the bar-headed goose? Journal Articles
Helicokinin alters ion transport in the secondary cell-containing region of the Malpighian tubule of the larval cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni Journal Articles
Heterologous Complementation Reveals a Specialized Activity for BacA in the Medicago–Sinorhizobium meliloti Symbiosis Journal Articles
Heterotachy and long-branch attraction in phylogenetics Journal Articles
High inbreeding, limited recombination and divergent evolutionary patterns between two sympatric morel species in China Journal Articles
Human symbionts inject and neutralize antibacterial toxins to persist in the gut Journal Articles
Hydrocarbon-related microbial processes in the deep sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin Journal Articles
INVITED REVIEW: Microbial ecology in the age of genomics and metagenomics: concepts, tools, and recent advances Journal Articles
Identification and characterization of the proteolytic flagellin from the common freshwater bacterium Hylemonella gracilis Journal Articles
Identification and developmental expression of the full complement of Cytochrome P450 genes in Zebrafish Journal Articles
Identification of a Hydroxyproline Transport System in the Legume Endosymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Identification of a Novel Group of Bacteria in Sludge from a Deteriorated Biological Phosphorus Removal Reactor Journal Articles
Identification of a Novel Hepatitis C Virus Genotype From Punjab, India: Expanding Classification of Hepatitis C Virus Into 8 Genotypes Journal Articles
Identification of a conserved 8 aa insert in the PIP5K protein in the Saccharomycetaceae family of fungi and the molecular dynamics simulations and structural analysis to investigate its potential functional role Journal Articles
Identification of a diphtheria toxin‐like gene family beyond the Corynebacterium genus Journal Articles
Identification of distinctive molecular traits that are characteristic of the phylum “Deinococcus-Thermus” and distinguish its main constituent groups Journal Articles
Identification of numerous hepatitis C virus genotypes in Montreal, Canada Journal Articles
Identification of the putative goldfish (Carassius auratus) magnesium transporter SLC41a1 and functional regulation in the gill, kidney, and intestine in response to dietary and environmental manipulations Journal Articles
Identification, spatial expression analysis and functional characterization of a pyrokinin-1 receptor in the Chagas’ disease vector, Rhodnius prolixus Journal Articles
Identifying producers of antibacterial compounds by screening for antibiotic resistance Journal Articles
Immunological features of bats: resistance and tolerance to emerging viruses Journal Articles
Impact of genomics on the understanding of microbial evolution and classification: the importance of Darwin's views on classification Journal Articles
Incidence of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus in Asian elephants in India Journal Articles
Increase in Carbohydrate Utilization in High-Altitude Andean Mice Journal Articles
Indole-3-Acetic Acid Production by Endophytic Streptomyces sp. En-1 Isolated from Medicinal Plants Journal Articles
Infants’ First Solid Foods: Impact on Gut Microbiota Development in Two Intercontinental Cohorts Journal Articles
Inferring Bacterial Genome Flux While Considering Truncated Genes Journal Articles
Inferring sequence regions under functional divergence in duplicate genes Journal Articles
Influence of Tertiary paleoenvironmental changes on the diversification of South American mammals: a relaxed molecular clock study within xenarthrans. Journal Articles
Insulin signaling and limb-patterning: candidate pathways for the origin and evolutionary diversification of beetle ‘horns’ Journal Articles
Integrated gene and species phylogenies from unaligned whole
genome protein sequences Journal Articles
Interaction between Workers during a Short Time Window Is Required for Bacterial Symbiont Transmission in Acromyrmex Leaf-Cutting Ants Journal Articles
Intergenic Sequence Comparison of Escherichia coli Isolates Reveals Lifestyle Adaptations but Not Host Specificity Journal Articles
Interspecies Recombination Contributes Minimally to Fluoroquinolone Resistance in
Streptococcus pneumoniae Journal Articles
Interspecific variation in hypoxia tolerance and hypoxia acclimation responses in killifish from the family Fundulidae Journal Articles
Iron-Dependent Hydrogenases ofEntamoeba histolyticaandGiardia lamblia:Activity of the Recombinant Entamoebic Enzyme and Evidence for Lateral Gene Transfer Journal Articles
Is Antigenic Sin Always “Original?” Re-examining the Evidence Regarding Circulation of a Human H1 Influenza Virus Immediately Prior to the 1918 Spanish Flu Journal Articles
Is there convergence in the molecular pathways underlying the repeated evolution of sociality in African cichlids? Journal Articles
Isolation and Characterization of Novel Marine-Derived Actinomycete Taxa Rich in Bioactive Metabolites Journal Articles
Isolation and characterization of Burkholderia cenocepacia CR318, a phosphate solubilizing bacterium promoting corn growth Journal Articles
Isolation, identification and characterization of Paenibacillus polymyxa CR1 with potentials for biopesticide, biofertilization, biomass degradation and biofuel production Journal Articles
It’s Not Easy Being Blue: Are There Olfactory and Visual Trade-Offs in Plant Signalling? Journal Articles
Laboratory Characterization of Methicillin‐ResistantStaphylococcus aureusin Canadian Hospitals: Results of 5 Years of National Surveillance, 1995–1999 Journal Articles
Large freshwater phages with the potential to augment aerobic methane oxidation Journal Articles
Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits Journal Articles
Latent homologues for the neural crest as an evolutionary novelty Journal Articles
Lateral Gene Transfer Dynamics in the Ancient Bacterial GenusStreptomyces Journal Articles
Lateral Transfers of Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase (glyA) and UDP-N-Acetylglucosamine Enolpyruvyl Transferase (murA) Genes from Free-living Actinobacteria to the Parasitic Chlamydiae Journal Articles
Lateral gene transfer in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis Journal Articles
Les datations moléculaires à l’heure de la génomique Journal Articles
Less Is More in Mammalian Phylogenomics: AT-Rich Genes Minimize Tree Conflicts and Unravel the Root of Placental Mammals Journal Articles
Leucoagaricus gongylophorus Produces Diverse Enzymes for the Degradation of Recalcitrant Plant Polymers in Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens Journal Articles
Life history evolution in cichlids 1: revisiting the evolution of life histories in relation to parental care Journal Articles
Life history evolution in cichlids 2: directional evolution of the trade-off between egg number and egg size Journal Articles
Lineage-specific mutational clustering in protein structures predicts evolutionary shifts in function Journal Articles
Local Molecular Clocks in Three Nuclear Genes: Divergence Times for Rodents and Other Mammals and Incompatibility Among Fossil Calibrations Conferences
Low host–pathogen specificity in the leaf-cutting ant–microbe symbiosis Journal Articles
Major changes in microbial diversity and community composition across gut sections of a juvenile Panchlora cockroach Journal Articles
Meta-analyses of the global multilocus genotypes of the human pathogen Campylobacter jejuni Journal Articles
Metabolomic-guided discovery of cyclic nonribosomal peptides from Xylaria ellisii sp. nov., a leaf and stem endophyte of Vaccinium angustifolium Journal Articles
Metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into bacterial communities in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens Journal Articles
Microbial Diversity and Host-Specific Sequences of Canada Goose Feces Journal Articles
Microbial Geoengineers Journal Articles
Microbial systematics in the post-genomics era Journal Articles
Microbiota at Multiple Body Sites during Pregnancy in a Rural Tanzanian Population and Effects of Moringa-Supplemented Probiotic Yogurt Journal Articles
Minimal ProtoHox cluster inferred from bilaterian and cnidarian Hox complements Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of sympatric morphotypes of bottlenose dolphins (genus: Tursiops) in Chinese waters Journal Articles
Mitochondrial DNA variation and genetic structure in populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal Articles
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Tetrahydroprotoberberine cis-N-Methyltransferase, an Enzyme Involved in Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Opium Poppy Journal Articles
Molecular Evolution of Cytochrome c Oxidase Underlies High-Altitude Adaptation in the Bar-Headed Goose Journal Articles
Molecular Markers Reveal Epidemiological Patterns and Evolutionary Histories of the Human Pathogenic Cryptococcus Journal Articles
Molecular Markers Specific for the Pseudomonadaceae Genera Provide Novel and Reliable Means for the Identification of Other Pseudomonas Strains/spp. Related to These Genera. Journal Articles
Molecular Phylogeny of Living Xenarthrans and the Impact of Character and Taxon Sampling on the Placental Tree Rooting Journal Articles
Molecular Polymorphism and Divergence of Duplicated Genes in Tetraploid African Clawed Frogs <b><i>(Xenopus)</i></b> Journal Articles
Molecular Traits of Long Non-protein Coding RNAs from Diverse Plant Species Show Little Evidence of Phylogenetic Relationships Journal Articles
Molecular analysis of a 11 700‐year‐old rodent midden from the Atacama Desert, Chile Journal Articles
Molecular and phylogenetic approaches for assessing sources of Cryptosporidium contamination in water Journal Articles
Molecular biology and modeling analysis reveal functional roles of propionate to acetate ratios on microbial syntrophy and competition in electro-assisted anaerobic digestion Journal Articles
Molecular caving Journal Articles
Molecular cloning and characterization of norcoclaurine synthase, an enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis Journal Articles
Molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 subtype A in former Soviet Union countries Journal Articles
Molecular evidence for increased regulatory conservation during metamorphosis, and against deleterious cascading effects of hybrid breakdown in Drosophila Journal Articles
Molecular evolution of the vesicle coat component βCOP in Toxoplasma gondii Journal Articles
Molecular phylogenetics unveils the ancient evolutionary origins of the enigmatic fairy armadillos Journal Articles
Molecular signatures (conserved indels) in protein sequences that are specific for the order Pasteurellales and distinguish two of its main clades Journal Articles
Molecular signatures for
species: demarcation of the
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus cereus
clades in molecular terms and proposal to limit the placement of new species into the genus
Bacillus Journal Articles
Molecular signatures for members of the genus Dehalococcoides and the class Dehalococcoidia Journal Articles
Molecular signatures for the class
and its different clades; proposal for division of the class
into the emended order
, containing the emended family
and Atopobiaceae fam. nov., and Eggerthellales ord. nov., containing the family Eggerthellaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Molecular signatures for the phylum (class) Thermotogae and a proposal for its division into three orders (Thermotogales, Kosmotogales ord. nov. and Petrotogales ord. nov.) containing four families (Thermotogaceae, Fervidobacteriaceae fam. nov., Kosmotogaceae fam. nov. and Petrotogaceae fam. nov.) and a new genus Pseudothermotoga gen. nov. with five new combinations Journal Articles
Molecular signatures for the phylum Aquificae and its different clades: proposal for division of the phylum Aquificae into the emended order Aquificales, containing the families Aquificaceae and Hydrogenothermaceae, and a new order Desulfurobacteriales ord. nov., containing the family Desulfurobacteriaceae Journal Articles
Molecular signatures for the phylum Synergistetes and some of its subclades Journal Articles
Molecular signatures in protein sequences that are characteristic of cyanobacteria and plastid homologues Journal Articles
Molecular signatures that are distinctive characteristics of the vertebrates and chordates and supporting a grouping of vertebrates with the tunicates Journal Articles
Molecular systematics of armadillos (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae): contribution of maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes Conferences
Monkeypox in Montréal: Epidemiology, Phylogenomics, and Public Health Response to a Large North American Outbreak Journal Articles
Morphological and molecular characterization of Orbilia pseudopolybrocha and O. tonghaiensis, two new species of Orbiliaceae from China Journal Articles
Morphological evaluation of spermatogenesis in Lake Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami): A fish living on the edge Journal Articles
Multi-locus sequence typing and phylogenetics of Cryptococcus neoformans AD hybrids Journal Articles
Multicopy gene family evolution on primate Y chromosomes Journal Articles
Multilocus Sequence Typing Reveals both Shared and Unique Genotypes of Cryptococcus neoformans in Jiangxi Province, China Journal Articles
Multilocus sequence analyses reveal extensive diversity and multiple origins of fluconazole resistance in Candida tropicalis from tropical China Journal Articles
Multilocus sequence typing of Candida africana from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis in New Delhi, India Journal Articles
Multiple gene genealogical analyses reveal both common and distinct population genetic patterns among replicons in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Multiple gene genealogical analyses suggest divergence and recent clonal dispersal in the opportunistic human pathogen Candida guilliermondii Journal Articles
Multiple gene genealogies reveal recent dispersion and hybridization in the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans Journal Articles
Multiple gene genealogy reveals high genetic diversity and evidence for multiple origins of Chinese Plasmopara viticola population Journal Articles
Multiple origins of hybrid strains of Cryptococcus neoformans with serotype AD Journal Articles
Mycobacterial adenosine kinase is not a typical adenosine kinase Journal Articles
Mylodon darwinii DNA sequences from ancient fecal hair shafts Journal Articles
Naked but Not Hairless: The Pitfalls of Analyses of Molecular Adaptation Based on Few Genome Sequence Comparisons Journal Articles
Natural Selection for Nucleotide Usage at Synonymous and Nonsynonymous Sites in Influenza A Virus Genes Journal Articles
Necessity and rationale for the proposed name changes in the classification of Mollicutes species. Reply to: ‘Recommended rejection of the names Malacoplasma gen. nov., Mesomycoplasma gen. nov., Metamycoplasma gen. nov., Metamycoplasmataceae fam. nov., Mycoplasmoidaceae fam. nov., Mycoplasmoidales ord. nov., Mycoplasmoides gen. nov., Mycoplasmopsis gen. nov. [Gupta, Sawnani, Adeolu, Alnajar and Oren 2018] and all proposed species comb. nov. placed therein’, by M. Balish et al. (Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019;69:3650–3653) Journal Articles
New Insights into 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate (ACC) Deaminase Phylogeny, Evolution and Ecological Significance Journal Articles
Newly designed primer pair revealed dominant and diverse comammox amoA gene in full-scale wastewater treatment plants Journal Articles
Next-generation sequencing and phylogenetic signal of complete mitochondrial genomes for resolving the evolutionary history of leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) Journal Articles
Non-neutral evolution and reciprocal monophyly of two expressed Mhc class II B genes in Leach’s storm-petrel Journal Articles
North American matsutake: names clarified and a new species described Journal Articles
Novel DNA Sequences from Natural Strains of the Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiotic Bacterium
Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal Articles
Novel Molecular Signatures in the PIP4K/PIP5K Family of Proteins Specific for Different Isozymes and Subfamilies Provide Important Insights into the Evolutionary Divergence of this Protein Family Journal Articles
Novel Molecular Synapomorphies Demarcate Different Main Groups/Subgroups of Plasmodium and Piroplasmida Species Clarifying Their Evolutionary Relationships Journal Articles
Novel insights into the origin and diversification of photosynthesis based on analyses of conserved indels in the core reaction center proteins Journal Articles
Novel molecular, structural and evolutionary characteristics of the phosphoketolases from bifidobacteria and Coriobacteriales Journal Articles
Nuclear Gene Sequences from a Late Pleistocene Sloth Coprolite Journal Articles
Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for
Fungi Journal Articles
Nucleotide sequence heterogeneity of alpha satellite repetitive DNA: a survey of alphoid sequences from different human chromosomes Journal Articles
OGRe: a relational database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes Journal Articles
ORFcor: Identifying and Accommodating ORF Prediction Inconsistencies for Phylogenetic Analysis Journal Articles
Occurrence of Virulence and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in
Escherichia coli
Isolates from Different Aquatic Ecosystems within the St. Clair River and Detroit River Areas Journal Articles
Ontogeny and phylogeny: molecular signatures of selection, constraint, and temporal pleiotropy in the development of Drosophila Journal Articles
Optimization of culturing conditions for toxicity testing with the algaOophilasp. (Chlorophyceae), an amphibian endosymbiont Journal Articles
Oral yeast flora and its ITS sequence diversity among a large cohort of medical students in Hainan, China Journal Articles
Origin and Spread of Photosynthesis Based upon Conserved Sequence Features in Key Bacteriochlorophyll Biosynthesis Proteins Journal Articles
Origine des vertébrés : la tunique fait-elle le moine ? Journal Articles
OrthoMaM v8: A Database of Orthologous Exons and Coding Sequences for Comparative Genomics in Mammals Journal Articles
OrthoMaM: A database of orthologous genomic markers for placental mammal phylogenetics Journal Articles
Osteocalcin protein sequences of Neanderthals and modern primates Journal Articles
Out of America: Ancient DNA Evidence for a New World Origin of Late Quaternary Woolly Mammoths Journal Articles
PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses reveal both extensive clonality and local genetic differences in Candidaalbicans Journal Articles
Pan‐African phylogeography of a model organism, the African clawed frog ‘Xenopus laevis’ Journal Articles
Partial 28S rDNA Sequences and the Antiquity of Hydrothermal Vent Endemic Gastropods Journal Articles
Partial characterization of the genome of nine animal caliciviruses Journal Articles
Pattern and timing of diversification of Cetartiodactyla (Mammalia, Laurasiatheria), as revealed by a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial genomes Journal Articles
Patterns of Bacterial Gene Movement Journal Articles
Peripheral Chemoreceptors in Air- Versus Water- Breathers Chapters
Pervasive Cryptic Epistasis in Molecular Evolution Journal Articles
Phenotypic Divergence along Geographic Gradients Reveals Potential for Rapid Adaptation of the White-Nose Syndrome Pathogen, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, in North America Journal Articles
PhyloExplorer: a web server to validate, explore and query phylogenetic trees Journal Articles
Phylogenetic Analysis of Mycoplasmas Based on Hsp70 Sequences: Cloning of the dnaK (hsp70) Gene Region of Mycoplasma capricolum Journal Articles
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Cytochrome P450 3 (CYP3) Gene Family Journal Articles
Phylogenetic Diversity and Molecular Detection of Bacteria in Gull Feces Journal Articles
Phylogenetic Framework and Molecular Signatures for the Main Clades of the Phylum Actinobacteria Journal Articles
Phylogenetic Gaussian Process Model for the Inference of Functionally Important Regions in Protein Tertiary Structures Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data in haematophagous flies support the paraphyly of the genus Stomoxys (Diptera: Muscidae) Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis and molecular signatures defining a monophyletic clade of heterocystous cyanobacteria and identifying its closest relatives Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of 70 kD heat shock protein sequences suggests a chimeric origin for the eukaryotic cell nucleus Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of emergent Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 22F causing invasive pneumococcal disease using whole genome sequencing Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of the 90 kD heat shock family of protein sequences and an examination of the relationship among animals, plants, and fungi species. Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of the caliciviruses Journal Articles
Phylogenetic analysis of the diacylglycerol kinase family of proteins and identification of multiple highly-specific conserved inserts and deletions within the catalytic domain that are distinctive characteristics of different classes of DGK homologs Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and Functional Analysis of the Vertebrate Cytochrome P450 2 Family Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and environmental components of inter-specific variability in the antioxidant defense system in freshwater anomurans Aegla (Crustacea, Decapoda) Journal Articles
Phylogenetic and functional analyses of the cytochrome P450 family 4 Journal Articles
Phylogenetic framework and molecular signatures for the class Chloroflexi and its different clades; proposal for division of the class Chloroflexi class. nov. into the suborder Chloroflexineae subord. nov., consisting of the emended family Oscillochloridaceae and the family Chloroflexaceae fam. nov., and the suborder Roseiflexineae subord. nov., containing the family Roseiflexaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenetic framework for the phylum Tenericutes based on genome sequence data: proposal for the creation of a new order Mycoplasmoidales ord. nov., containing two new families Mycoplasmoidaceae fam. nov. and Metamycoplasmataceae fam. nov. harbouring Eperythrozoon, Ureaplasma and five novel genera Journal Articles
Phylogenetic reconciliation reveals the natural history of glycopeptide antibiotic biosynthesis and resistance Journal Articles
Phylogenetic relationship and virulence inference of Streptococcus Anginosus Group: curated annotation and whole-genome comparative analysis support distinct species designation Journal Articles
Phylogenetics of Fanged Frogs: Testing Biogeographical Hypotheses at the Interface of the Asian and Australian Faunal Zones Journal Articles
Phylogenomic Analysis and Predicted Physiological Role of the Proton-Translocating NADH:Quinone Oxidoreductase (Complex I) Across Bacteria Journal Articles
Phylogenomic Analysis of 155 Helminth Species Reveals Widespread Absence of Oxygen Metabolic Capacity Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analyses and molecular signatures for the class Halobacteria and its two major clades: a proposal for division of the class Halobacteria into an emended order Halobacteriales and two new orders, Haloferacales ord. nov. and Natrialbales ord. nov., containing the novel families Haloferacaceae fam. nov. and Natrialbaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analyses of clostridia and identification of novel protein signatures that are specific to the genus Clostridium sensu stricto (cluster I) Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analyses support the position of turtles as the sister group of birds and crocodiles (Archosauria) Journal Articles
Phylogenomic analysis of proteins that are distinctive of Archaea and its main subgroups and the origin of methanogenesis Journal Articles
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic analyses of Leuconostocaceae species: identification of molecular signatures specific for the genera Leuconostoc, Fructobacillus and Oenococcus and proposal for a novel genus Periweissella gen. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic analyses of species of the family Pseudomonadaceae: Proposals for the genera Halopseudomonas gen. nov. and Atopomonas gen. nov., merger of the genus Oblitimonas with the genus Thiopseudomonas, and transfer of some misclassified species of the genus Pseudomonas into other genera Journal Articles
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic studies robustly demarcate two distinct clades of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: proposal to transfer the strains from an outlier clade to a novel species Pseudomonas paraeruginosa sp. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomic and molecular marker based studies to clarify the evolutionary relationships amongst Anoxybacillus species and demarcation of the family Anoxybacillaceae and some of its constituent genera. Journal Articles
Phylogenomic and molecular markers based studies on Staphylococcaceae and Gemella species. Proposals for an emended family Staphylococcaceae and three new families (Abyssicoccaceae fam. nov., Salinicoccaceae fam. nov. and Gemellaceae fam. nov.) harboring four new genera, Lacicoccus gen. nov., Macrococcoides gen. nov., Gemelliphila gen. nov., and Phocicoccus gen. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomic and molecular markers based studies on clarifying the evolutionary relationships among Peptoniphilus species. Identification of several Genus-Level clades of Peptoniphilus species and transfer of some Peptoniphilus species to the genus Aedoeadaptatus Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and comparative genomic studies delineate six main clades within the family Enterobacteriaceae and support the reclassification of several polyphyletic members of the family Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and molecular signatures for the order Neisseriales: proposal for division of the order Neisseriales into the emended family Neisseriaceae and Chromobacteriaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and molecular signatures support division of the order Neisseriales into emended families Neisseriaceae and Chromobacteriaceae and three new families Aquaspirillaceae fam. nov., Chitinibacteraceae fam. nov., and Leeiaceae fam. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and protein signatures elucidating the evolutionary relationships among the Gammaproteobacteria Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and signature proteins for the alpha Proteobacteria and its main groups Journal Articles
Phylogenomics and the reconstruction of the tree of life Journal Articles
Phylogenomics of 8,839 Clostridioides difficile genomes reveals recombination-driven evolution and diversification of toxin A and B Journal Articles
Phylogenomics: the beginning of incongruence? Journal Articles
Phylogeny and molecular signatures (conserved proteins and indels) that are specific for the Bacteroidetes and Chlorobi species Journal Articles
Phylogeny and molecular signatures for the phylum Fusobacteria and its distinct subclades Journal Articles
Phylogeny and molecular signatures for the phylum Thermotogae and its subgroups Journal Articles
Phylogeny and shared conserved inserts in proteins provide evidence that Verrucomicrobia are the closest known free-living relatives of chlamydiae Journal Articles
Phylogeny of Helicobacter Isolates from Bird and Swine Feces and Description of Helicobacter pametensis sp. nov. Journal Articles
Phylogeography and evolution of a fungal–insect association on theTibetanPlateau Journal Articles
Physiological tradeoffs may underlie the evolution of hypoxia tolerance and exercise performance in sunfish (Centrarchidae) Conferences
Plagued by a cryptic clock: insight and issues from the global phylogeny of Yersinia pestis Journal Articles
Plasmodium possesses dynein light chain classes that are unique and conserved across species Journal Articles
Pleistocene mitogenomes reconstructed from the environmental DNA of permafrost sediments Journal Articles
Polymorphism of human papillomavirus type 31 isolates infecting the genital tract of HIV‐seropositive and HIV‐seronegative women at risk for HIV infection Journal Articles
Population Genetic Analyses of the Fungal Pathogen Colletotrichum fructicola on Tea-Oil Trees in China Journal Articles
Population Genetic Structure of Aldabra Giant Tortoises Journal Articles
Population Genetics Without Intraspecific Data Journal Articles
Population genomics and subgenome evolution of the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis in southern Africa Journal Articles
Population-specific incidence of testicular ovarian follicles in Xenopus laevis from South Africa: A potential issue in endocrine testing Journal Articles
Predicting West Nile virus transmission in North American bird communities using phylogenetic mixed effects models and eBird citizen science data Journal Articles
Predicting biotic interactions and their variability in a changing environment Journal Articles
Predicting the recombination potential of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Journal Articles
Presence and Diversity of Streptomyces in Dendroctonus and Sympatric Bark Beetle Galleries Across North America Journal Articles
Prevalence of Epistasis in the Evolution of Influenza A Surface Proteins Journal Articles
Prevalence of specific and phylogenetically closely related genotypes in the population of Candida albicans associated with genital candidiasis in China Journal Articles
Primary HIV-1 Subtype C Infection in Ethiopia Journal Articles
Prokaryote populations of extant microbialites along a depth gradient in Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Protein Phylogenies and Signature Sequences: A Reappraisal of Evolutionary Relationships among Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, and Eukaryotes Journal Articles
Protein Signatures Distinctive of Alpha Proteobacteria and Its Subgroups and a Model for α –Proteobacterial Evolution Journal Articles
Protein based molecular markers provide reliable means to understand prokaryotic phylogeny and support Darwinian mode of evolution Journal Articles
Protein engineering reveals ancient adaptive replacements in isocitrate dehydrogenase Journal Articles
Protein phylogenies and signature sequences: evolutionary relationships within prokaryotes and between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Journal Articles
Protein signatures (molecular synapomorphies) that are distinctive characteristics of the major cyanobacterial clades Journal Articles
Protein signatures distinctive of chlamydial species: horizontal transfers of cell wall biosynthesis genes glmU from archaea to chlamydiae and murA between chlamydiae and Streptomyces a aThe GenBank accession numbers for the sequences reported in this paper are indicated in the text. Journal Articles
Protein-based phylogenies support a chimeric origin for the eukaryotic genome. Journal Articles
Proteins of the Glycine Decarboxylase Complex in the Hydrogenosome ofTrichomonas vaginalis Journal Articles
Quantitative Phylogenomics of Within-Species Mitogenome Variation: Monte Carlo and Non-Parametric Analysis of Phylogeographic Structure among Discrete Transatlantic Breeding Areas of Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) Journal Articles
RNA Sequence Evolution With Secondary Structure Constraints: Comparison of Substitution Rate Models Using Maximum-Likelihood Methods Journal Articles
RNA-based phylogenetic methods: application to mammalian mitochondrial RNA sequences Journal Articles
RUNX2 tandem repeats and the evolution of facial length in placental mammals Journal Articles
Radical changes to chlamydial taxonomy are not necessary just yet. Journal Articles
Ramichloridium endophyticum sp. nov., a novel species of endophytic fungus from Potamogeton pectinatus Journal Articles
Rank-based genome-wide analysis reveals the association of Ryanodine receptor-2 gene variants with childhood asthma among human populations Journal Articles
Rapid spatial learning in cooperative and non-cooperative cichlids Journal Articles
Rapidly Evolving Genes of Drosophila: Differing Levels of Selective Pressure in Testis, Ovary, and Head Tissues Between Sibling Species Journal Articles
Recommendations on data sharing in HIV drug resistance research Journal Articles
Reconstructing the Prior Probabilities of Allelic Phylogenies Journal Articles
Regulatory Evolution of a Duplicated Heterodimer Across Species and Tissues of Allopolyploid Clawed Frogs (Xenopus) Journal Articles
Resolving the phylogenetic position of Darwin's extinct ground sloth (
Mylodon darwinii
) using mitogenomic and nuclear exon data Journal Articles
Resolving the root of the avian mitogenomic tree by breaking up long branches Journal Articles
Retroposed Elements and Their Flanking Regions Resolve the Evolutionary History of Xenarthran Mammals (Armadillos, Anteaters, and Sloths) Journal Articles
Rh proteins and NH4+-activated Na+-ATPase in the Magadi tilapia (Alcolapia grahami), a 100% ureotelic teleost fish Journal Articles
Rifampin phosphotransferase is an unusual antibiotic resistance kinase Journal Articles
Robust demarcation of 17 distinct Bacillus species clades, proposed as novel Bacillaceae genera, by phylogenomics and comparative genomic analyses: description of Robertmurraya kyonggiensis sp. nov. and proposal for an emended genus Bacillus limiting it only to the members of the Subtilis and Cereus clades of species Journal Articles
Robust demarcation of fourteen different species groups within the genus Streptococcus based on genome-based phylogenies and molecular signatures Journal Articles
Robust demarcation of the family Peptostreptococcaceae and its main genera based on phylogenomic studies and taxon-specific molecular markers Journal Articles
Role of RpoS in the Virulence of
Citrobacter rodentium Journal Articles
Saffron Pre-Treatment Promotes Reduction in Tissue Inflammatory Profiles and Alters Microbiome Composition in Experimental Colitis Mice Journal Articles
Schistosoma mansoni albumin, a major defense against oxidative damage, was acquired by lateral gene transfer from a mammalian host Journal Articles
Searching for Substitution Rate Heterogeneity Journal Articles
Second-Pandemic Strain ofVibrio choleraefrom the Philadelphia Cholera Outbreak of 1849 Journal Articles
Selection and Slippage Creating Serine Homopolymers Journal Articles
Sequence evolution within populations under multiple types of mutation. Journal Articles
Sequence signatures within the genome of SARS-CoV-2 can be used to predict host source Journal Articles
Sequence-directed mutagenesis: evidence from a phylogenetic history of human alpha-interferon genes. Journal Articles
Sequencing of heat shock protein 70 (DnaK) homologs from Deinococcus proteolyticus and Thermomicrobium roseum and their integration in a protein-based phylogeny of prokaryotes Journal Articles
Sex-Linked Inheritance in Macaque Monkeys: Implications for Effective Population Size and Dispersal to Sulawesi Journal Articles
Shotgun Mitogenomics Provides a Reference Phylogenetic Framework and Timescale for Living Xenarthrans Journal Articles
Signature proteins for the major clades of Cyanobacteria Journal Articles
Signature proteins that are distinctive characteristics of Actinobacteria and their subgroups Journal Articles
Signature proteins that are distinctive of alpha proteobacteria Journal Articles
Signature sequences in diverse proteins provide evidence for the late divergence of the Order Aquificales. Journal Articles
Significant differences in type IV pilin allele distribution among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from cystic fibrosis (CF) versus non-CF patients Conferences
Single-locus species delimitation: a test of the mixed Yule–coalescent model, with an empirical application to Philippine round-leaf bats Journal Articles
Slr4, a newly identified S‐layer protein from marine Gammaproteobacteria, is a major biofilm matrix component Journal Articles
Small genome of the fungus
Escovopsis weberi
, a specialized disease agent of ant agriculture Journal Articles
Social insect genomes exhibit dramatic evolution in gene composition and regulation while preserving regulatory features linked to sociality Journal Articles
Soil pH is equally important as salinity in shaping bacterial communities in saline soils under halophytic vegetation Journal Articles
Species Delimitation, Phylogenomics, and Biogeography of Sulawesi Flying Lizards: A Diversification History Complicated by Ancient Hybridization, Cryptic Species, and Arrested Speciation Journal Articles
Species and Genotypic Diversities and Similarities of Pathogenic Yeasts Colonizing Women Journal Articles
Specificity in the symbiotic association between fungus-growing ants and protective
bacteria Journal Articles
Specificity of the mutualistic association between actinomycete bacteria and two sympatric species of Acromyrmex leaf‐cutting ants Journal Articles
Stability of Microbial Community Profiles Associated with Compacted Bentonite from the Grimsel Underground Research Laboratory Journal Articles
Statistical models and computational algorithms for discovering relationships in microbiome data Journal Articles
Statistical universals reveal the structures and functions of human music Journal Articles
Stem responses to damage: the evolutionary ecology of Quercus species in contrasting fire regimes Journal Articles
Stingless Bee Larvae Require Fungal Steroid to Pupate Journal Articles
Structural and Functional Plasticity of Antibiotic Resistance Nucleotidylyltransferases Revealed by Molecular Characterization of Lincosamide Nucleotidylyltransferases Lnu(A) and Lnu(D) Journal Articles
Structural and functional studies of an IRF-7-like gene from Atlantic salmon Journal Articles
Structural and phylogenetic analysis of a conserved actinobacteria-specific protein (ASP1; SCO1997) from Streptomyces coelicolor Journal Articles
Structural motif screening reveals a novel, conserved carbohydrate-binding surface in the pathogenesis-related protein PR-5d Journal Articles
Structure, Gene Flow, and Recombination among Geographic Populations of a Russula virescens Ally from Southwestern China Journal Articles
Substitution rate variation in closely related rodent species Journal Articles
Symbiont recognition of mutualistic bacteria by Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants Journal Articles
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in the Fungus Gardens of Leaf-Cutter Ants Journal Articles
Symbiotic complexity: discovery of a fifth symbiont in the attine ant–microbe symbiosis Journal Articles
Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi's iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events Journal Articles
Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: update 2016 Journal Articles
Temporal Dynamics and Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Demonstrate the Necessity of Ongoing Viral Genome Sequencing in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial variations on accumulation of nomilin and limonin in the pummelos Journal Articles
Testing the Infinitely Many Genes Model for the Evolution of the Bacterial Core Genome and Pangenome Journal Articles
Tetrahymena glochidiophila n. sp., a new species of Tetrahymena (Ciliophora) that causes mortality to glochidia larvae of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia) Journal Articles
Thaxtomin A-deficient endophytic Streptomyces sp. enhances plant disease resistance to pathogenic Streptomyces scabies Journal Articles
The Closest BLAST Hit Is Often Not the Nearest Neighbor Journal Articles
The Complete Genome Sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 Reveals a Cellulolytic and Metabolic Specialist Journal Articles
The Conserved Tetratricopeptide Repeat-Containing C-Terminal Domain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa FimV Is Required for Its Cyclic AMP-Dependent and -Independent Functions Journal Articles
The Cytochrome P450 Superfamily Complement (CYPome) in the Annelid Capitella teleta Journal Articles
The DY genes of the cattle MHC: expression and comparative analysis of an unusual class II MHC gene pair Journal Articles
The Divided Bacterial Genome: Structure, Function, and Evolution Journal Articles
The Evolution of tRNA-Leu Genes in Animal Mitochondrial Genomes Journal Articles
The Evolutionary Origins of Eukaryotic Protein Disulfide Isomerase Domains: New Evidence from the Amitochondriate Protist Giardia lamblia Journal Articles
The Family Borreliaceae (Spirochaetales), a Diverse Group in Two Genera of Tick-Borne Spirochetes of Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles Journal Articles
The Genesis and Spread of Reassortment Human Influenza A/H3N2 Viruses Conferring Adamantane Resistance Journal Articles
The Genetic Secrets Some Fossils Hold Journal Articles
The Location of Substitutions and Bacterial Genome Arrangements Journal Articles
The Mechanisms of Codon Reassignments in Mitochondrial Genetic Codes Journal Articles
The Natural Evolutionary Relationships among Prokaryotes Journal Articles
The Pattern of Amino Acid Replacements in α/β-Barrels Journal Articles
The Phylogeny and Signature Sequences Characteristics ofFibrobacteres,Chlorobi, andBacteroidetes Journal Articles
The Pipid Root Journal Articles
The Population Structure of Antibiotic-Producing Bacterial Symbionts ofApterostigma dentigerumAnts: Impacts of Coevolution and Multipartite Symbiosis Journal Articles
The Recovery, Interpretation and Use of Ancient Pathogen Genomes Journal Articles
The Relationship Between the Rate of Molecular Evolution and the Rate of Genome Rearrangement in Animal Mitochondrial Genomes Journal Articles
The Rift Valley is a major barrier to dispersal of African clawed frogs (Xenopus) in Ethiopia Journal Articles
The Role of Palmitoylation for Protein Recruitment to the Inner Membrane Complex of the Malaria Parasite Journal Articles
The Selective Cause of an Ancient Adaptation Journal Articles
The Unique Lifestyle of Crohn's Disease-Associated Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli Journal Articles
The advantages and disadvantages of horizontal gene transfer and the emergence of the first species Journal Articles
The ascent of man: deductions based on a multivariate analysis of the brain. Journal Articles
The branching order and phylogenetic placement of species from completed bacterial genomes, based on conserved indels found in various proteins Journal Articles
The coevolution of fungus-ant agriculture. Journal Articles
The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily in cnidarians Journal Articles
The detection of deleterious selection using ancestors inferred from a phylogenetic history Journal Articles
The draft genome sequence of the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae, a companion to C. elegans. Journal Articles
The dynamic balance of the skin microbiome across the lifespan Journal Articles
The effects of environmental and genetic factors on the germination of basidiospores in the Cryptococcus gattii species complex Journal Articles
The evolution of substrate discrimination in macrolide antibiotic resistance enzymes Journal Articles
The evolution of the class A scavenger receptors Journal Articles
The evolutionary and phylogeographic history of woolly mammoths: a comprehensive mitogenomic analysis Journal Articles
The fate of laterally transferred genes: Life in the fast lane to adaptation or death Journal Articles
The genomic evolutionary dynamics and global circulation patterns of respiratory syncytial virus Journal Articles
The mosaic nature of the eukaryotic nucleus Journal Articles
The natural history and genetic diversity of Haemophilus influenzae infecting the airways of adults with cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
The newly characterized colicin Y provides evidence of positive selection in pore-former colicin diversification During the time this manuscript was being prepared for publication, our colleague James V. Neel passed away. The other authors wish to dedicate this work to his memory. The GenBank accession number for the sequence reported in this paper is AF197335. Journal Articles
The origin of the eukaryotic cell Journal Articles
The paradox of HBV evolution as revealed from a 16th century mummy Journal Articles
The phylogenetic affinities of the extinct glyptodonts Journal Articles
The phylogeny of proteobacteria: relationships to other eubacterial phyla and eukaryotes Journal Articles
The role of fire in terrestrial vertebrate richness patterns Journal Articles
The role of laterally transferred genes in adaptive evolution Journal Articles
The sequences of heat shock protein 40 (DnaJ) homologs provide evidence for a close evolutionary relationship between the Deinococcus- Thermus group and cyanobacteria Journal Articles
The structural basis of molecular adaptation Journal Articles
The use of E. coli phylogrouping and microbial source tracking (non-species specific, human-specific, bovine-specific bacteroidales markers) to elucidate hydro(geo)logical contamination mechanisms in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
The use of signature sequences in different proteins to determine the relative branching order of bacterial divisions: evidence that Fibrobacter diverged at a similar time to Chlamydia and the Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides division The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences reported in this paper are AY017380, AY017381, AY017382 and AY017383. Journal Articles
Thousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes Journal Articles
Thrice better than once: quality control guidelines to validate new mitogenomes Journal Articles
Timings of major glaciations, inherent selection schemes and the origins of cold hardy animal phyla. Journal Articles
Tracking Host Sources of
spp. in Raw Water for Improved Health Risk Assessment Journal Articles
Transmission of HIV and HCV within Former Soviet Union Countries Journal Articles
Trends in DNA barcoding and metabarcoding Journal Articles
Tunicate mitogenomics and phylogenetics: peculiarities of the Herdmania momus mitochondrial genome and support for the new chordate phylogeny Journal Articles
Tunicates and not cephalochordates are the closest living relatives of vertebrates Journal Articles
Two new unusualLeucoagaricusspecies (Agaricaceae) from tropical China with blue-green staining reactions Journal Articles
Ultrastructural and microbial analyses of cellulose degradation in leaf-cutter ant colonies Journal Articles
Uncovering rate variation of lateral gene transfer during bacterial genome evolution Journal Articles
Unmelanized Plumage Patterns in Old World Leaf Warblers Do Not Correspond to Sequence Variation at the Melanocortin-1 Receptor Locus (MC1R) Journal Articles
Unreliable mtDNA data due to nuclear insertions: a cautionary tale from analysis of humans and other great apes Journal Articles
Upregulating Nrf2-dependent antioxidant defenses in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas: Investigating the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway in bivalves Journal Articles
Using a Nonrecursive Formula to Determine Cladogram Probabilities Journal Articles
Visualizing Conflicting Evolutionary Hypotheses in Large Collections of Trees: Using Consensus Networks to Study the Origins of Placentals and Hexapods Journal Articles
World‐wide genetic differentiation of Eubalaena: questioning the number of right whale species Journal Articles
Xenopus fraseri: Mr. Fraser, where did your frog come from? Journal Articles
Xenorhabdus bovienii Strain Diversity Impacts Coevolution and Symbiotic Maintenance with
spp. Nematode Hosts Journal Articles
Yersinia pestis and the Plague of Justinian 541–543 AD: a genomic analysis Journal Articles
Yersinia pestis and the three plague pandemics–Authors' reply Journal Articles
Yersinia pestis: New Evidence for an Old Infection Journal Articles
[Soil microbial diversity of artificial peashrub plantation on North Loess Plateau of China]. Journal Articles
markophylo: Markov chain analysis on phylogenetic trees Journal Articles