selected scholarly activity
- Preface to the sixth edition. v-vi. 2024
- Adapting Learning in a Simulated Environment. 67-80. 2019
- Chapter 6 Adapting Learning in a Simulated Environment. 67-80. 2019
- Chapter 9 Simulation-Based Education and the Challenge of Transfer. 115-127. 2019
- Simulation-Based Education and the Challenge of Transfer. 115-127. 2019
- Expertise in Medicine and Surgery. 331-355. 2018
- Expertise in Medicine and Surgery. 339-353. 2006
- Issues in measuring change and MIDs. Quality of Life Research. S16-S16. 2019
- X-Reality and the HTC Vive: Virtually No Match for the Physical Model in Anatomical Education. The FASEB Journal. 635.8-635.8. 2018
- Physical Models Dominate: The Pirate Patch Study. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Physical Models Dominate: The Pirate Patch Study. The FASEB Journal. 2017
- Models of Cognitive Processing: Implications for Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making in Medicine. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 345-345. 2015
- The Effect of Image Quality and Image Presentation on the Recall of Anatomic Knowledge.. The FASEB Journal. 2015
- The Effectiveness of Cognitive Forcing Strategies to Decrease Diagnostic Error: An Exploratory Study. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 78-84. 2011
- Extending the Interview to All Medical School Candidates—Computer-Based Multiple Sample Evaluation of Noncognitive Skills (CMSENS). Academic Medicine. S9-S12. 2009
- Efficacy of Teaching Clinical Clerks and Residents how to Fill Out the Form 1 of the Mental Health Act Using an e-Learning Module. Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, ICEL. 130-135. 2009
- Do neighborhood environments moderate the effect of walking interventions?. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. S29-S29. 2008
- Familiar contextual cues bias categorical decision making. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 375-375. 2007
- The power of the plural: Effect of conceptual analogies on successful transfer. Academic Medicine. S16-S18. 2007
- Innovations in Problem-based Learning: What can we Learn from Recent Studies?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 403-422. 2006
- The Ability of the Multiple Mini-Interview to Predict Preclerkship Performance in Medical School. Academic Medicine. S40-S42. 2004
- The privileged status of prestigious terminology: Impact of "Medicalese" on clinical judgments. Academic Medicine. S82-S84. 2003
- Believing is seeing: The influence of a diagnostic hypothesis on the interpretation of clinical features. Academic Medicine. S67-S69. 2002
- Is there any real virtue of virtual reality?: The minor role of multiple orientations in learning anatomy from computers. Academic Medicine. S97-S99. 2002
- Methods for explaining the clinical significance of health status measures. Clinical Therapeutics. 5-5. 2002
- Does "shortness of breath" = "dyspnea"?: The biasing effect of feature instantiation in medical diagnosis. Academic Medicine. S11-S13. 2001
- Effect of a diagnostic suggestion on diagnostic accuracy and identification of clinical features. Academic Medicine. S18-S20. 2001
- Critical Appraisal Turkey Shoot. Academic Medicine. S87-S89. 2000
- The epistemology of clinical reasoning: Perspectives from philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. Academic Medicine. S127-S133. 2000
- Discussion. Clinical and Investigative Medicine. 52-54. 2000
- In-training evaluation during an internal medicine clerkship. Academic Medicine. S118-S120. 1999
- Exploring the etiology of content specificity: Factors influencing analogic transfer and problem solving. Academic Medicine. S1-S5. 1998
- Health-related quality of life in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: A comparison of parent and child reports. Gastroenterology. A977-A977. 1998
- The effect of presentation order in clinical decision making. Academic Medicine. S40-S42. 1997
- Use of encounter cards for evaluation of residents in obstetrics. Academic Medicine. S43-S44. 1997
- Applying learning taxonomies to test items: Is a fact an artifact?. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 139-142. 1997
- Defensibility of Competency Assessments of Practising Family Physicians. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 259-262. 1997
- Development of Clinical Reasoning Exercises in a Problem-Based Curriculum. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 377-379. 1997
- Effect of ECG instructional materials on medical students' reasoning strategy. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 611-614. 1997
- Expert-novice differences in the use of history and visual information from patients. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 625-628. 1997
- Summary of the conference. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 11-14. 1997
- The Risks of Thoroughness: Reliability and Validity of Global Ratings and Checklists in an OSCE. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 143-145. 1997
- The effect of clinical history on physician's ECG interpretation skills. ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. 608-610. 1997
- Do female primary care physicians practise preventive care differently from their male colleagues?. Canadian Family Physician. 2370-2379. 1996
- Applying learning taxonomies to test items: Is a fact an artifact?. Academic Medicine. S31-S33. 1996
- Mental representations of medical diagnostic knowledge: A review. Academic Medicine. S55-S61. 1996
- The effect of clinical history on physiciansʼ ECG interpretation skills. Academic Medicine. S68-70. 1996
- Evaluation: A case study. Journal of UOEH. 437-445. 1992
- EFFECT OF PRIOR EXAMPLES ON RULE-BASED DIAGNOSTIC PERFORMANCE. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 527-528. 1988
journal articles
- Crowdsourcing a diagnosis? Exploring the accuracy of the size and type of group diagnosis: an experimental study. BMJ Quality and Safety. 33:790-794. 2024
- Diagnostic reasoning and cognitive error in emergency medicine: Implications for teaching and learning.. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2024
- The influence of context on diagnostic reasoning: A narrative synthesis of experimental findings. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 30:1091-1101. 2024
- Dual process models of clinical reasoning: The central role of knowledge in diagnostic expertise. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 30:788-796. 2024
- The influence of viewing time on visual diagnostic accuracy: Less is more. Medical Education. 58:858-868. 2024
- Does allowing access to electronic differential diagnosis support threaten the reliability of a licensing exam?. Medical Education. 57:932-938. 2023
- The challenges inherent with anchor-based approaches to the interpretation of important change in clinical outcome assessments. Quality of Life Research. 32:1239-1246. 2023
- Does a deep learning inventory predict knowledge transfer? Linking student perceptions to transfer outcomes. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 28:47-63. 2023
- Electronic Diagnostic Support in Emergency Physician Triage: Qualitative Study With Thematic Analysis of Interviews. JMIR Human Factors. 9:e39234-e39234. 2022
- Intrinsic or Invisible? An Audit of CanMEDS Roles in Entrustable Professional Activities. Academic Medicine. 97:1213-1218. 2022
- Should electronic differential diagnosis support be used early or late in the diagnostic process? A multicentre experimental study of Isabel. BMJ Quality and Safety. 31:426-433. 2022
- The scope of health professions education requires complementary and diverse approaches to knowledge synthesis. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 11:139-143. 2022
- Electronic diagnostic support in emergency physician triage: a qualitative study (Preprint) 2022
- Canadian Conference on Medical Education 2022 abstracts. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 13:105-251. 2022
- Diagnostic reasoning in cardiovascular medicine. The BMJ. 376:e064389-e064389. 2022
- Trainee Uncertainty around Intervening When Patients Decompensate. ATS Scholar. 2:620-631. 2021
- The critical role of direct observation in entrustment decisions. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 12:18-23. 2021
- Task Switching, Multitasking, and Errors: A Psychologic Perspective on the Impact of Interruptions. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 78:425-428. 2021
- Intuitive and deliberative approaches for diagnosing ‘well’ versus ‘unwell’: evidence from eye tracking, and potential implications for training. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:811-825. 2021
- Do you hear what you see? Utilizing phonocardiography to enhance proficiency in cardiac auscultation. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 10:148-154. 2021
- Where we’ve come from, where we might go. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25:1191-1201. 2020
- The effect of prior experience on diagnostic reasoning: exploration of availability bias. Diagnosis. 7:265-272. 2020
- Peer review is not a lottery: AHSE’s Fast Track. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25:519-521. 2020
- The Critical Role of Stereopsis in Virtual and Mixed Reality Learning Environments. Anatomical Sciences Education. 13:401-412. 2020
- It’s the destination: diagnostic accuracy and reasoning. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25:19-29. 2020
- Looking back, looking forward. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25:1-6. 2020
- Critical thinking, biases and dual processing: The enduring myth of generalisable skills. Medical Education. 54:66-73. 2020
- Effect of Teaching Bayesian Methods Using Learning by Concept vs Learning by Example on Medical Students’ Ability to Estimate Probability of a Diagnosis. JAMA network open. 2:e1918023-e1918023. 2019
- McMaster at 50: lessons learned from five decades of PBL. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:853-863. 2019
- Statistics 101. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:637-642. 2019
- Experienced physician descriptions of intuition in clinical reasoning: a typology. Diagnosis. 6:259-268. 2019
- Coming and going. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:423-426. 2019
- Correction to: Debiasing versus knowledge retrieval checklists to reduce diagnostic error in ECG interpretation. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:441-442. 2019
- Debiasing versus knowledge retrieval checklists to reduce diagnostic error in ECG interpretation. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:427-440. 2019
- In Reply to Eichbaum. Academic Medicine. 94:1066-1066. 2019
- Two heads are better than one?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:195-198. 2019
- Editorial. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:1-1. 2019
- Salami-slicing and plagiarism: How should we respond?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:3-14. 2019
- Cervical funneling or intra‐amniotic debris and preterm birth in nulliparous women with midtrimester cervical length less than 30 mm. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 52:757-762. 2018
- Clinical practice, deliberate practice, and "big data". Advances in Health Sciences Education. 23:863-866. 2018
- The superiority of three‐dimensional physical models to two‐dimensional computer presentations in anatomy learning. Medical Education. 52:1138-1146. 2018
- Is the mouth the mirror of the mind?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 23:665-669. 2018
- Statistics Commentary Series. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 38:420-421. 2018
- May: a month of myths. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 23:449-453. 2018
- A critical narrative review of transfer of basic science knowledge in health professions education. Medical Education. 52:592-604. 2018
- Lies, damned lies, and statistics. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 7:24-27. 2018
- The 3 faces of clinical reasoning: Epistemological explorations of disparate error reduction strategies. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 24:666-673. 2018
- Getting granted. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 23:233-239. 2018
- Managing Multiplicity: Conceptualizing Physician Cognition in Multipatient Environments. Academic Medicine. 93:786-793. 2018
- P139: How available is availability bias? Examining factors that influence diagnostic error. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:s106-s106. 2018
- Good news, bad news. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 23:1-5. 2018
- Evaluation of the wear-and-tear scale for therapeutic footwear, results of a generalizability study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 50:569-574. 2018
- Correction to: CASPer, an online pre-interview screen for personal/professional characteristics: prediction of national licensure scores. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22:1321-1322. 2017
- Failure to flow: An exploration of learning and teaching in busy, multi-patient environments using an interpretive description method. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 6:380-387. 2017
- Generalization and the qualitative–quantitative debate. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22:1051-1055. 2017
- On Rating Angels: The Halo Effect and Straight Line Scoring. Journal of graduate medical education. 9:721-723. 2017
- Eyeballing: the use of visual appearance to diagnose ‘sick’. Medical Education. 51:1138-1145. 2017
- The birth and death of curricula. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22:797-801. 2017
- Evaluating the effect of instruction and practice schedule on the acquisition of ECG interpretation skills. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 6:237-245. 2017
- In Reply to Croskerry and to Patel and Bergl. Academic Medicine. 92:1065-1065. 2017
- Why?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22:577-580. 2017
- How Expert Clinicians Intuitively Recognize a Medical Diagnosis. American Journal of Medicine. 130:629-634. 2017
- CASPer, an online pre-interview screen for personal/professional characteristics: prediction of national licensure scores. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22:327-336. 2017
- Examining the Influence of Context and Professional Culture on Clinical Reasoning Through Rhetorical-Narrative Analysis. Qualitative Health Research. 27:866-876. 2017
- Have admissions committees considered all the evidence?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 22:573-576. 2017
- Contexts, concepts and cognition: principles for the transfer of basic science knowledge. Medical Education. 51:184-195. 2017
- Is bias in the eye of the beholder? A vignette study to assess recognition of cognitive biases in clinical case workups. BMJ Quality and Safety. 26:104-110. 2017
- The Causes of Errors in Clinical Reasoning: Cognitive Biases, Knowledge Deficits, and Dual Process Thinking. Academic Medicine. 92:23-30. 2017
- Education and neuroscience. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 21:919-920. 2016
- The Impact of Emotion on Learners’ Application of Basic Science Principles to Novel Problems. Academic Medicine. 91:S58-S63. 2016
- Is psychometrics science?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 21:731-734. 2016
- Revisiting ‘Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: theory, practice and paper darts’. Medical Education. 50:793-797. 2016
- A bridge too far. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 21:251-256. 2016
- Comparison of dual energy subtraction chest radiography and traditional chest X-rays in the detection of pulmonary nodules.. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. 6:1-5. 2016
- The phantom professor: an emeritus professor's perspective. Medical Education. 50:260-260. 2016
- Assessing the quality of published genetic association studies in meta-analyses: the quality of genetic studies (Q-Genie) tool. BMC Genetics. 16:50. 2015
- Of prime ministers, presidents and professors. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:1111-1113. 2015
- Readiness of hospital-based internists to embrace and discuss high-value care with patients and family members: a single-centre cross-sectional survey study. CMAJ open. 3:E382-E386. 2015
- Happy bedfellows. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:839-842. 2015
- Manipulation of cognitive load variables and impact on auscultation test performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:935-952. 2015
- The mediating effect of context variation in mixed practice for transfer of basic science. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:953-968. 2015
- Reflecting on Diagnostic Errors: Taking a Second Look is Not Enough. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 30:1270-1274. 2015
- The negative consequences of consequential validity. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:575-579. 2015
- Identifying the bad apples. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:299-303. 2015
- Disrupting Diagnostic Reasoning. Academic Medicine. 90:511-517. 2015
- Evaluating the impact of high- and low-fidelity instruction in the development of auscultation skills. Medical Education. 49:276-285. 2015
- Severe bleeding events in adults and children with primary immune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 13:457-464. 2015
- Thinking about the un-thinking. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20:1-3. 2015
- Clinician-trialist rounds: 25. Designing an evidence-based introductory graduate course in clinical trials. Part 2: Applying the evidence to your RCT course design. Clinical Trials. 12:91-93. 2015
- When Guidelines Don’t Guide. Academic Medicine. 90:191-196. 2015
- Clinician-trialist rounds: 24. Modernizing your introductory graduate course in clinical trials. Part 1: Commonsense meets evidence. Clinical Trials. 11:681-684. 2014
- Context, curriculum and competence. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19:625-628. 2014
- Taking stock. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19:465-467. 2014
- When I say … reliability. Medical Education. 48:946-947. 2014
- Reflecting Upon Reflection in Diagnostic Reasoning. Academic Medicine. 89:1195-1195. 2014
- Research challenges in digital education. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 3:260-265. 2014
- Reexamining our bias against heuristics. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19:457-464. 2014
- Reframing Diagnostic Error: Maybe It's Content, and Not Process, That Leads to Error. Academic Emergency Medicine. 21:931-933. 2014
- The Bias in researching cognitive bias. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19:291-295. 2014
- Conscious versus unconscious thinking in the medical domain: the deliberation-without-attention effect examined. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 3:179-189. 2014
- Simulation comes of age. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19:143-146. 2014
- Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Nursing Education and Research. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 46:28-41. 2014
- Data dredging, salami-slicing, and other successful strategies to ensure rejection: twelve tips on how to not get your paper published. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19:1-5. 2014
- The Etiology of Diagnostic Errors. Academic Medicine. 89:277-284. 2014
- 'I'm going to live forever': the guarantee-time bias. Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology. 12:40-42. 2014
- Assessing the Assessment in Emergency Care Training. PLoS ONE. 9:e114663-e114663. 2014
- Ineffectiveness of cognitive forcing strategies to reduce biases in diagnostic reasoning: a controlled trial. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16:34-40. 2014
- The estimation of the rates of lead exchange between body compartments of smelter employees. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. 16:1705-1705. 2014
- The decline and fall of the art of teaching?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:869-871. 2013
- The reliability of encounter cards to assess the CanMEDS roles. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:987-996. 2013
- On objective: based education, objectivity, and rater cognition. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:547-550. 2013
- The roles of deliberate practice and innate ability in developing expertise: evidence and implications. Medical Education. 47:979-989. 2013
- Detection of COPD Exacerbations and Compliance With Patient-Reported Daily Symptom Diaries Using a Smartphone-Based Information System. Chest. 144:507-514. 2013
- Is Clinical Cognition Binary or Continuous?. Academic Medicine. 88:1058-1060. 2013
- The third wave in health sciences education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:319-322. 2013
- The relative effectiveness of computer‐based and traditional resources for education in anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education. 6:211-215. 2013
- Evaluation of Irreversible Compression Ratios for Medical Images Thin Slice CT and Update of Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Guidelines. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine. 26:440-446. 2013
- When is an answer not an answer?. Community Oncology. 10:189-190. 2013
- In Reply to Petrie and Campbell. Academic Medicine. 88:557-558. 2013
- Working memory and mental workload. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:163-165. 2013
- Historical factors influencing medical education research productivity. Medical Teacher. 35:269-270. 2013
- Medical School Admission Interview and Licensing Examination Scores—Reply. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 309:1108-1108. 2013
- Erratum to: On competence, curiosity and creativity. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:157-157. 2013
- In the Real World, Faster Diagnoses Are Not Necessarily More Accurate. Academic Medicine. 88:298-298. 2013
- Clinical Decision Making. Academic Medicine. 88:150-151. 2013
- The Possible Impact of the MMI and GPA on Diversity. Academic Medicine. 88:151-151. 2013
- Diagnostic Reasoning: Where We've Been, Where We’re Going. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 25:S26-S32. 2013
- The GRADE approach is reproducible in assessing the quality of evidence of quantitative evidence syntheses. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 66:736-742. 2013
- Association Between a Medical School Admission Process Using the Multiple Mini-interview and National Licensing Examination Scores. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 308:2233-2233. 2012
- Assessing Diagnostic Reasoning: A Consensus Statement Summarizing Theory, Practice, and Future Needs. Academic Emergency Medicine. 19:1454-1461. 2012
- Multisource Feedback in Evaluating the Performance of Doctors. Academic Medicine. 87:1668-1678. 2012
- On competence, curiosity and creativity. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17:611-613. 2012
- The Pros and Cons of Propensity Scores. Chest. 142:1380-1382. 2012
- The relationship between fidelity and cost in simulation: authors’ response. Medical Education. 46:1227-1227. 2012
- Generalizability theory for the perplexed: A practical introduction and guide: AMEE Guide No. 68. Medical Teacher. 34:960-992. 2012
- Registered clinical trials: first the bad news…. Community Oncology. 9:353-354. 2012
- Renowned Physicians’ Perceptions of Expert Diagnostic Practice. Academic Medicine. 87:1413-1417. 2012
- The basic role of basic science. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17:453-456. 2012
- The effect of conceptual and contextual familiarity on transfer performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17:489-499. 2012
- Sample size calculations: should the emperor's clothes be off the peg or made to measure?. The BMJ. 345:e5278-e5278. 2012
- First move the goal posts, and then change the team: an evaluation of the EORTC intergroup study 30987. Community Oncology. 9:263-264. 2012
- Testing the validity of a scenario-based questionnaire to assess the ethical sensitivity of undergraduate medical students. Medical Teacher. 34:635-642. 2012
- The minimal relationship between simulation fidelity and transfer of learning. Medical Education. 46:636-647. 2012
- The Relationship Between Response Time and Diagnostic Accuracy. Academic Medicine. 87:785-791. 2012
- Waging war and scientific progress. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17:157-159. 2012
- Corrigendum. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 24:186-186. 2012
- Differential Student Attrition and Differential Exposure Mask Effects of Problem-Based Learning in Curriculum Comparison Studies. Academic Medicine. 87:463-475. 2012
- Influence of familiar features on diagnosis: Instantiated features in an applied setting.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 18:109-125. 2012
- Influences on medical students’ self‐regulated learning after test completion. Medical Education. 46:326-335. 2012
- Medical education: past, present and future. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 1:6-14. 2012
- Mine Is Bigger Than Yours. Chest. 141:595-598. 2012
- Moving up in the world: screening for lung cancer. Community Oncology. 9:110-111. 2012
- Oops!!!. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17:5-5. 2012
- Teaching Critical Management Skills to Senior Nursing Students:Videotaped or Interactive Hands-On Instruction?. Nursing Education Perspectives. 33:106-110. 2012
- An even smaller area variation: Differing practice patterns among interventional cardiologists within a single high volume tertiary cardiac centre. Health Policy. 104:179-185. 2012
- Black Balls and Diagnostic Reasoning. Academic Medicine. 87:2-2. 2012
- Do CIs Give You Confidence?. Chest. 141:17-19. 2012
- Nonlinearity in the relationship between bone lead concentrations and CBLI for lead smelter employees. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. 14:3267-3267. 2012
- Self-assessment or self deception? A lack of association between nursing students’ self-assessment and performance. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 67:2406-2413. 2011
- Modern Conceptions of Elite Medical Practice Among Internal Medicine Faculty Members. Academic Medicine. 86:S50-S54. 2011
- Counting what really counts: the irinotecan in recurrent glioblastoma trial. Community Oncology. 8:425-426. 2011
- Teaching posttraining: Influencing diagnostic strategy with instructions at test.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 17:195-209. 2011
- Fifty years of medical education research: waves of migration. Medical Education. 45:785-791. 2011
- Now you see it, now you don’t?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 16:287-289. 2011
- Size, follow-up, data analysis—good; post hoc analysis, interpretation—not so much. Community Oncology. 8:379-380. 2011
- Correction for Multiple Testing. Chest. 140:16-18. 2011
- Chaos, complexity and complicatedness: lessons from rocket science. Medical Education. 45:549-559. 2011
- Nonsampling errors in dual frame telephone surveys. Survey Methodology. 37:1-12. 2011
- Editorial: Medicine man meets machine. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 16:147-150. 2011
- Simulator Training for Recognition of Murmurs. Chest. 139:1257-1258. 2011
- The influence of familiar non-diagnostic information on the diagnostic decisions of novices. Medical Education. 45:407-414. 2011
- Issues in (inter)professionalism. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 16:1-3. 2011
- On replicating studies, phase II and phase III trials, and other vagaries of clinical research. Community Oncology. 8:141-142. 2011
- Relying on Others’ Reliability: Challenges in Clinical Teaching Assessment. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 23:21-27. 2011
- Measuring subjective phenomena. Community Oncology. 8:43-45. 2011
- Causation. Community Oncology. 7:573-575. 2010
- Likert scales, levels of measurement and the “laws” of statistics. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:625-632. 2010
- Sample sizes, scoops and educational science. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:621-624. 2010
- Observational studies. Community Oncology. 7:520-522. 2010
- A prospective global measure, the Punum Ladder, provides more valid assessments of quality of life than a retrospective transition measure. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 63:1123-1131. 2010
- Interpretation and inference: towards an understanding of methods. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:465-468. 2010
- Letter to the Editor Re: PanCanadian Evaluation of Irreversible Compression Ratios (“Lossy” Compression) for Development of National Guidelines. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine. 23:517-518. 2010
- Survival analysis. Community Oncology. 7:477-479. 2010
- The Reliability and Acceptability of the Multiple Mini-Interview as a Selection Instrument for Postgraduate Admissions. Academic Medicine. 85:S60-S63. 2010
- Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University. Academic Medicine. 85:S624-S627. 2010
- Missing data. Community Oncology. 7:429-431. 2010
- Binary dependent variables: logistic regression. Community Oncology. 7:367-368. 2010
- Is experimental research passé. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:297-301. 2010
- Non-association between Neo-5 personality tests and multiple mini-interview. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:415-423. 2010
- Relations between continuous variables. Community Oncology. 7:333-335. 2010
- Body counts and biostatistics: the chi-square test. Community Oncology. 7:286-287. 2010
- Anatomical mysteries. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:149-151. 2010
- Many groups, many factors: analysis of variance. Community Oncology. 7:237-239. 2010
- Two for t: two groups and t-tests. Community Oncology. 7:189-191. 2010
- Commentary: Breaking the Mold of Normative Clinical Decision Making: Is It Adaptive, Suboptimal, or Somewhere in Between?. Academic Medicine. 85:393-394. 2010
- Descriptive statistics and the normal curve. Community Oncology. 7:141-144. 2010
- Non-cognitive factors in health sciences education: from the clinic floor to the cutting room floor. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15:1-8. 2010
- Cross-institutional progress testing: feasibility and value to a new medical school. Medical Education. 44:184-186. 2010
- Mass screening: when does it make sense?. Community Oncology. 7:93-95. 2010
- Assessment steers learning down the right road: Impact of progress testing on licensing examination performance. Medical Teacher. 32:496-499. 2010
- Diagnostic error and clinical reasoning. Medical Education. 44:94-100. 2010
- Measures of risk. Community Oncology. 7:39-41. 2010
- Measures of disease frequency and mortality. Community Oncology. 6:573-575. 2009
- Biases in randomized controlled trials. Community Oncology. 6:527-529. 2009
- Efficacy and effectiveness trials. Community Oncology. 6:472-474. 2009
- Iterative diagnosis. The BMJ. 339:b3490-b3490. 2009
- Iterative diagnosis.. The BMJ. 339:b3490. 2009
- Diagnostic testing. Community Oncology. 6:428-430. 2009
- Dual processing and diagnostic errors. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 14:37-49. 2009
- Noninferiority trials. Community Oncology. 6:380-382. 2009
- Predictive validity of the multiple mini-interview for selecting medical trainees. Medical Education. 43:767-775. 2009
- Power tripping: alpha errors, beta errors and power. Community Oncology. 6:322-327. 2009
- Relative effectiveness of high- versus low-fidelity simulation in learning heart sounds. Medical Education. 43:661-668. 2009
- P less than 0.05: statistical inference. Community Oncology. 6:284-286. 2009
- Evaluating Agreement: Conducting a Reliability Study. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume. 91:99-106. 2009
- Factor analyze this. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 11:240-241. 2009
- Understanding meta-analysis. Community Oncology. 6:232-235. 2009
- Data variables and distributions. Community Oncology. 6:173-175. 2009
- Deriving the factor structure of safety climate scales. Safety Science. 47:327-329. 2009
- The American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Educational Guidelines for Continuing Medical Education Interventions. Chest. 135:834-837. 2009
- When will learning style go out of style?. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 14:1-4. 2009
- Randomized controlled trials. Community Oncology. 6:83-85. 2009
- A comprehensive checklist for reporting the use of OSCEs. Medical Teacher. 31:112-124. 2009
- Drug trial phases. Community Oncology. 6:36-40. 2009
- Efficacy of Teaching Clinical Clerks and Residents How to Fill Out the Form 1 of the Mental Health Act Using an e-Learning Module. Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 7:239-246. 2009
- How not to build a trial. Community Oncology. 6:40-40. 2009
- Teaching basic science to optimize transfer. Medical Teacher. 31:807-811. 2009
- Turning words into numbers: establishing an empirical cut score for a letter graded examination. Medical Teacher. 31:442-446. 2009
- Why we need statistics. Community Oncology. 6:38-39. 2009
- Editorial. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 13:559-561. 2008
- Compliance of Medical Students With Voluntary Use of Personal Data Assistants for Clerkship Assessments. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 20:295-301. 2008
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