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Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Mood, Cognition and Fatigue following Stroke, 6th edition update 2019 Journal Articles
18F-XTRA PET for Enhanced Imaging of the Extrathalamic α4β2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Journal Articles
A Comparison of Gambling-Related Cognitions and Behaviors in Gamblers from the United States and Spain Journal Articles
A Complex Dietary Supplement Extends Longevity of Mice Journal Articles
A Correlation Between Cognitive Performance and Daily Functioning in Elderly People Journal Articles
A Dietary Supplement Abolishes Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Transgenic Mice Expressing Elevated Free Radical Processes Journal Articles
A Hypothesis-Generating Study Using Electrophysiology to Examine Cognitive Function in Colon Cancer Patients Journal Articles
A New Paradigm for Clinical Investigation of Infectious Syndromes in Older Adults: Assessing Functional Status as a Risk Factor and Outcome Measure Journal Articles
A New Paradigm for Clinical Investigation of Infectious Syndromes in Older Adults: Assessment of Functional Status as a Risk Factor and Outcome Measure Journal Articles
A Review of Recent Literature Employing Electroencephalographic Techniques to Study the Pathophysiology, Phenomenology, and Treatment Response of Schizophrenia Journal Articles
A chart review of schizotypal personality disorders in children Journal Articles
A cognitive behavioural group treatment for somatic symptom disorder: a pilot study Journal Articles
A cognitive profile of homosexual men compared to heterosexual men and women Journal Articles
A common X-linked inborn error of carnitine biosynthesis may be a risk factor for nondysmorphic autism Journal Articles
A complex dietary supplement augments spatial learning, brain mass, and mitochondrial electron transport chain activity in aging mice Journal Articles
A complex dietary supplement modulates nitrative stress in normal mice and in a new mouse model of nitrative stress and cognitive aging Journal Articles
A controlled clinical crossover trial of exercise training to improve cognition and neural communication in pediatric brain tumor survivors Journal Articles
A cow on the prairie vs. a cow on the street: long-term consequences of semantic conflict on episodic encoding Journal Articles
A factor score reflecting cognitive functioning in patients from the Swiss Atrial Fibrillation Cohort Study (Swiss-AF) Journal Articles
A framework for an evidence-based gene list relevant to autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
A framework for the extended monitoring of levels of cognitive function in unresponsive patients Journal Articles
A longitudinal view of successful aging with HIV: role of resilience and environmental factors Journal Articles
A pilot, open‐label, 8‐week study evaluating the efficacy, safety and tolerability of adjunctive minocycline for the treatment of bipolar I/II depression Journal Articles
A preliminary investigation of Stroop-related intrinsic connectivity in cocaine dependence: associations with treatment outcomes Journal Articles
A preliminary investigation of sex differences in cognitive and fMRI changes following 28 days of cannabis abstinence Journal Articles
A randomized controlled trial comparing two cognitive-behavioral programs for adolescent girls with subclinical depression: A school-based program (Op Volle Kracht) and a computerized program (SPARX) Journal Articles
A review of factors that moderate autobiographical memory performance in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
A roadmap to advance delirium research: Recommendations from the NIDUS Scientific Think Tank Journal Articles
A study of the dynamics of sex differences in adulthood Journal Articles
A systematic review of the psychobiological burden of informal caregiving for patients with dementia: Focus on cognitive and biological markers of chronic stress Journal Articles
A telehealth intervention to promote healthy lifestyles after stroke: The Stroke Coach protocol Journal Articles
ACCORDION MIND: results of the observational extension of the ACCORD MIND randomised trial Journal Articles
Acquired mutism: physiopathy and assessment. Journal Articles
Actual and illusory differences in constant speed influence the perception of animacy similarly Journal Articles
Acute Effects of Exercise on Neuropsychological Function in Elderly Subjects Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise impairs aspects of cognitive function at high altitude Journal Articles
Acute effects of oral pyridostigmine on memory and cognitive function in SDAT Journal Articles
Adaptationism – how to carry out an exaptationist program Journal Articles
Age differences in the association of physical activity, sociocognitive engagement, and TV viewing on face memory. Journal Articles
Age- and Schooling-Related Effects on Executive Functions in Young Children: A Natural Experiment Journal Articles
Age-related differences and the role of augmented visual feedback in learning a bimanual coordination pattern Journal Articles
Aging and Repetition Effects: Separate Specific and Nonspecific Influences. Journal Articles
Aging, Subjective Experience, and Cognitive Control: Dramatic False Remembering by Older Adults. Journal Articles
Amyloid-PET of the white matter: Relationship to free water, fiber integrity, and cognition in patients with dementia and small vessel disease Journal Articles
An Account of Human Voluntary Movement Must Be Holistic Journal Articles
An Investigation of How People of Different Age, Sex, and Temperament Estimate the World Journal Articles
An adaptationist perspective on the etiology of depression Journal Articles
An assessment of global health status in survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood. Journal Articles
An ecologically sensitive measure of executive cognition (the Breakfast Task) improves prediction of functional outcome in schizophrenia Journal Articles
An electronic survey about college experiences after traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
An evaluation of memory and attention in BRCA mutation carriers using an online cognitive assessment tool Journal Articles
An exercise intervention during acute hospitalization improved function and cognition at discharge in older adults Journal Articles
Antipsychotic prescription and mortality in hospitalized older persons Journal Articles
Applying Cognitive Research in the Twenty-First Century: Event-Related Potentials in Assessment Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome and Autism: Neurocognitive Aspects Journal Articles
Assessing Cognitive Outcomes in Studies of Extreme Prematurity Journal Articles
Assessing brain volume changes in older women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy: a brain magnetic resonance imaging pilot study Journal Articles
Assessment of surgical performance of laparoscopic benign hiatal surgery: a systematic review Conferences
Association between Serum Ferritin and Cognitive Function in Early Childhood Journal Articles
Association between discrepancy in objective and subjective cognitive abilities and treatment response in patients with major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Association of Anticholinergic Burden with Cognitive and Functional Status in a Cohort of Hospitalized Elderly: Comparison of the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale and Anticholinergic Risk Scale Journal Articles
Association of apolipoprotein E variation with cognitive impairment across multiple neurodegenerative diagnoses Journal Articles
Association of autism severity with a monoamine oxidase A functional polymorphism Journal Articles
Association of plasma biomarkers with cognition, cognitive decline, and daily function across and within neurodegenerative diseases: Results from the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative Journal Articles
Associations Between Childhood Cognition and Cardiovascular Events in Adulthood: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Associations between 24 hour movement behaviours and global cognition in US children: a cross-sectional observational study Journal Articles
Associations between lung function and physical and cognitive health in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): A cross-sectional study from a multicenter national cohort Journal Articles
Automatic imitation does not predict levels of prosocial behaviour in a modified dictator game Journal Articles
Awareness in Verbal Conditioning: Objective Assessment and Automatic Strengthening Journal Articles
Awareness of the response after feedback training for changes in heart rate and sudomotor laterality. Journal Articles
Balance and Cognitive Impairment in Two Epileptic Patients Before and After Vagal Nerve Stimulation Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators to improving the cascade of HIV care in Ontario: a mixed method study Journal Articles
Behavioral Characterization of Quinolinate-Induced Lesions of the Medial Striatum: Relevance for Huntington's Disease Journal Articles
Behavioral manifestations of autism in the first year of life Journal Articles
Behavioural abnormalities in a murine model of a human lysosomal storage disease Journal Articles
Beyond Utterances: Distributed Cognition as a Framework for Studying Discourse in Adults with Acquired Brain Injury Journal Articles
Biopsychosocial Multivariate Predictive Model of Occupational Low Back Disability Journal Articles
Blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol targets for prevention of recurrent strokes and cognitive decline in the hypertensive patient Journal Articles
Blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol lowering for prevention of strokes and cognitive decline Journal Articles
Brain Activity and Cognitive Status in Pediatric Patients: Development of a Clinical Assessment Protocol Journal Articles
Brain biomarkers and pre-injury cognition are associated with long-term cognitive outcome in children with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and TrkB expression in the “oldest-old,” the 90+ Study: correlation with cognitive status and levels of soluble amyloid-beta Journal Articles
Building a theoretical foundation for cognitive rehabilitation Journal Articles
Building on Experience — The Development of Clinical Reasoning Journal Articles
CASPer, an online pre-interview screen for personal/professional characteristics: prediction of national licensure scores Journal Articles
COVID-19 and mental health during pregnancy: The importance of cognitive appraisal and social support Journal Articles
Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Journal Articles
Can balance efficacy be manipulated using verbal feedback? Journal Articles
Cannabis Use, Age of Initiation, and Neurocognitive Performance: Findings from a Large Sample of Heavy Drinking Emerging Adults Journal Articles
Cannabis involvement and neuropsychological performance: findings from the Human Connectome Project Journal Articles
Cannabis use, cognitive performance, and symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in community adults. Journal Articles
Cerebral blood flow changes during aging process and in cognitive disorders: A review Journal Articles
Change in Function Over Inpatient Rehabilitation After Hypoxic Ischemic Brain Injury: A Population-Wide Cohort Study Journal Articles
Changing the “When” and “What” of Intended Actions Journal Articles
Child and parent engagement in therapy: What is the key? Journal Articles
Childhood cognition and lifetime risk of major depressive disorder in extremely low birth weight and normal birth weight adults Journal Articles
Childhood maltreatment and cognitive functioning in patients with major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Children's recall strategies in dichotic listening Journal Articles
Children’s screen use and school readiness at 4-6 years: prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Chinese Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Chronic Stimulation of the Left Vagus Nerve: Cognitive Motor Effects Journal Articles
Clinical Decision Making Journal Articles
Clinical Factors That Predict Cognitive Function in Patients with Major Depression Journal Articles
Clinical experience with Cerebrolysin® Journal Articles
Clinical implications of a staging model for bipolar disorders Journal Articles
Clinical neurophysiology: Research methods and event-related potential components as assessment tools Chapters
Coffee Consumption Correlates With Better Cognitive Performance in Patients With a High Incidence for Stroke. Journal Articles
Cognition and Educational Achievement in the Toronto Adolescent and Youth Cohort Study: Rationale, Methods, and Early Data Journal Articles
Cognition and Its Association with Psychosocial and Occupational Functioning during Treatment with Escitalopram in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 Report: La Cognition Et Son Association Avec Le Fonctionnement Psychosocial Et Professionnel Durant Le Traitement Par Escitalopram Chez Des Patients Souffrant De Trouble Dépressif Majeur: Une Étude Can-Bind-1 Journal Articles
Cognition and Mood in Systemic Lupus Erythematosu Journal Articles
Cognition and Motor Impairment Correlates with Exercise Test Performance after Stroke Journal Articles
Cognition in older adults with bipolar disorder: An ISBD task force systematic review and meta‐analysis based on a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment Journal Articles
Cognitive Aids for the Management of Thoracic Anesthesia Emergencies: Consensus Guidelines on Behalf of a Canadian Thoracic Taskforce Journal Articles
Cognitive Enhancement in Infants Associated with Increased Maternal Fruit Intake During Pregnancy: Results from a Birth Cohort Study with Validation in an Animal Model Journal Articles
Cognitive Event-Related Potentials in Young Adults With Cerebral Palsy: A Proof-of-Concept Study Journal Articles
Cognitive Factors Affect Treatment Response to Medical and Psychological Treatments in Functional Bowel Disorders Journal Articles
Cognitive Function and Brain Structure in Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus After Intensive Lowering of Blood Pressure and Lipid Levels Journal Articles
Cognitive Function and the Risk for Diabetes Among Young Men Journal Articles
Cognitive Function in Patients With Colorectal Cancer Who Do and Do Not Receive Chemotherapy: A Prospective, Longitudinal, Controlled Study Journal Articles
Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Journal Articles
Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance(CO-OP) Journal Articles
Cognitive Outcomes after DEXmedetomidine sedation in cardiac surgery: CODEX randomised controlled trial protocol Journal Articles
Cognitive Outcomes of Long-term Benzodiazepine and Related Drug (BDZR) Use in People Living With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: Results From NILVAD Journal Articles
Cognitive Outcomes with Sequential Escitalopram Monotherapy and Adjunctive Aripiprazole Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder: A Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND-1) Report Journal Articles
Cognitive Performance at Late Adolescence and the Risk for Impaired Fasting Glucose Among Young Adults Journal Articles
Cognitive Performance, Driving Behavior, and Attitudes over Time in Older Adults Journal Articles
Cognitive Profile and its Association with Neuroimaging Markers of Non-Demented Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Patients in a Stroke Unit Journal Articles
Cognitive Reorganization during Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: An Evolutionary Perspective Journal Articles
Cognitive Strategies and Motor Performance in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive abilities and school performance of extremely low birth weight children and matched term control children at age 8 years: A regional study Journal Articles
Cognitive and Mental Health of Young Mothers’ Offspring: A Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Cognitive and Motor Recovery and Predictors of Long-Term Outcome in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Cognitive and Neural Effects of Semantic Encoding Strategy Training in Older Adults Journal Articles
Cognitive and language outcomes in HIV-uninfected infants exposed to combined antiretroviral therapy in utero and through extended breast-feeding Journal Articles
Cognitive and neural effects of exercise following traumatic brain injury: A systematic review of randomized and controlled clinical trials Journal Articles
Cognitive and social well-being in older adulthood: The CoSoWELL corpus of written life stories Journal Articles
Cognitive biases and excessive use of social media: The facebook implicit associations test (FIAT) Journal Articles
Cognitive changes in older adults following intensive care unit stays Journal Articles
Cognitive complaints in individuals recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Cognitive control and cortisol response to stress in generalised anxiety disorder: a study of working memory capacity with negative and neutral distractors Journal Articles
Cognitive control exertion leads to reductions in peak power output and as well as increased perceived exertion on a graded exercise test to exhaustion Journal Articles
Cognitive decline and dementia in diabetes—systematic overview of prospective observational studies Journal Articles
Cognitive effects of aromatase inhibitor therapy in peripubertal boys Journal Articles
Cognitive evoked potentials to anticipated oesophageal stimulus in humans: quantitative assessment of the cognitive aspects of visceral perception Journal Articles
Cognitive function and fatigue after diagnosis of colorectal cancer Journal Articles
Cognitive function and self-care management in older patients with heart failure Journal Articles
Cognitive function and serum levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive function in adolescence and the risk for premature diabetes and cardiovascular mortality in adulthood Journal Articles
Cognitive function in adolescence and the risk of early-onset stroke Journal Articles
Cognitive function with glucose tolerance status and obesity in Chinese middle-aged and aged adults Journal Articles
Cognitive functional therapy (CFT) compared with core training exercise (CTE) in patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS): A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Cognitive functional therapy compared with core exercise and manual therapy in patients with chronic low back pain: randomised controlled trial. Journal Articles
Cognitive functional therapy for chronic disabling low back pain. Journal Articles
Cognitive functioning in thyroid cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment in school-aged children with early trauma Journal Articles
Cognitive innovations and the evolutionary biology of expertise Journal Articles
Cognitive measures in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Cognitive mediation of adult age differences in language performance. Journal Articles
Cognitive neuroanatomy Journal Articles
Cognitive performance and psychosocial functioning in patients with bipolar disorder, unaffected siblings, and healthy controls Journal Articles
Cognitive screening considerations for psychosocial clinical trials in HIV, aging, and cognition Journal Articles
Cognitive task demands and discourse performance after traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Cognitive underpinnings of pretend play in autism. Journal Articles
Cognitive, affective, and conative theory of mind (ToM) in children with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Cognitive, psychological and social factors associated with older adults' mobility: a scoping review of self‐report and performance‐based measures Journal Articles
Cognitive-behavioral, behavioural and mindfulness-based therapies for insomnia in menopause Journal Articles
Coming off cannabis: a cognitive and magnetic resonance imaging study in patients with multiple sclerosis Journal Articles
Comment on the paper "Cognitive functional therapy in patients with non specific chronic low back pain", by Vibe Fersum et al. Journal Articles
Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Cognitive Enhancers for Treating Alzheimer's Disease: Systematic Review and Network Metaanalysis Journal Articles
Comparing Biological Age Estimates Using Domain-Specific Measures From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Comparison of Standardization Methods for the Harmonization of Phenotype Data: An Application to Cognitive Measures Journal Articles
Comparison of the Performance of Normal Individuals and Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury on Repeat Administrations of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Journal Articles
Comparison of the health-related quality of life of extremely low birth weight children and a reference group of children at age eight years Journal Articles
Comparison of the quick mild cognitive impairment (Qmci) screen and the SMMSE in screening for mild cognitive impairment Journal Articles
Complexity and Parsimony in Natural History Studies of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Comprehensive assessment of the health status of extremely low birth weight children at eight years of age: Comparison with a reference group Journal Articles
Concreteness and Psychological Distance in Natural Language Use Journal Articles
Concurrent Supra-Postural Auditory–Hand Coordination Task Affects Postural Control: Using Sonification to Explore Environmental Unpredictability in Factors Affecting Fall Risk Journal Articles
Confidence and Training of Speech-Language Pathologists in Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Time to Rethink Graduate Education Models? Journal Articles
Contexts, concepts and cognition: principles for the transfer of basic science knowledge Journal Articles
Correlates of depressive symptoms in individuals attending outpatient stroke clinics. Journal Articles
Cortical Gyrification Morphology in ASD and ADHD: Implication for Further Similarities or Disorder-Specific Features? Journal Articles
Cortical networks for recognition of speech with simultaneous talkers Journal Articles
Cortical thickness correlates of cognitive performance in cognitively-matched individuals with and without schizophrenia Journal Articles
Corticosteroids and neuropsychological functioning in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Costs of Memory: Ideas and Predictions Journal Articles
Counterproductive criminal rehabilitation: Dealing with the double-edged sword of moral bioenhancement via cognitive enhancement. Journal Articles
Co‐morbid and socio‐demographic factors associated with cognitive performance in an elderly community dwelling Irish population Journal Articles
Culture and cognition in health systems change Journal Articles
Current Pharmacologic Treatment of Dementia: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians Journal Articles
Current understandings of the trajectory and emerging correlates of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder: An overview of evidence Journal Articles
Cycle of coercion: experiences of maltreatment and disciplinary measures in Canadian inmates Journal Articles
Data-driven cognitive phenotypes in subjects with bipolar disorder and their clinical markers of severity Journal Articles
Deadly Dis-Ease: Medical Knowledge and Healing in Northern Kamchatka, Russia Journal Articles
Debiasing versus knowledge retrieval checklists to reduce diagnostic error in ECG interpretation Journal Articles
Developing Cognitive Task Analysis–based Educational Videos for Basic Surgical Skills in Plastic Surgery Journal Articles
Developing authentic clinical simulations for effective listening and communication in pediatric rehabilitation service delivery Journal Articles
Development and first‐stage validation of a digital version of the Digit Symbol Substitution test for use in assessing cognitive function in older people with diabetes Journal Articles
Development of SNARC and distance effects and their relation to mathematical and visuospatial abilities Journal Articles
Development of a predictive model for loss of functional and cognitive abilities in long-term care home residents: a protocol. Journal Articles
Developmental Dyslexia: Two Right Hemispheres and None Left Journal Articles
Developmental changes in the processing of hierarchical shapes continue into adolescence Journal Articles
Diagnostic Reasoning: Where We've Been, Where We’re Going Journal Articles
Diagnostic error and clinical reasoning Journal Articles
Diagnostic practise in nursing: A critical review of the literature Journal Articles
Diagnostic reasoning and cognitive error in emergency medicine: Implications for teaching and learning. Journal Articles
Directive clinique n° 422c : Ménopause : Humeur, sommeil et cognition Journal Articles
Discounting preferences and response consistency as markers of functional ability in community-dwelling older adults Journal Articles
Disordered doctors or rational rats? Testing adaptationist and disorder hypotheses for melancholic depression and their relevance for clinical psychology Journal Articles
Disruption of function: Neurophysiological markers of cognitive deficits in retired football players Journal Articles
Dissociation of response inhibition and performance monitoring in the stop signal task using event‐related fMRI Journal Articles
Do small white balls squeak? Pitch-object correspondences in young children Journal Articles
Do we need another discipline in medicine? Fromepidemiology and evidence‐based medicinetocognitive medicine and medical thinking Journal Articles
Does catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation increase or reduce neurological insult? Journal Articles
Does peak expiratory flow moderate trajectories of cognitive function among individuals with lung diseases? A longitudinal analysis of the National Health and Aging Trends Study Journal Articles
Does social connection mediate the association between neuroticism and cognition? Cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Domain-general contributions to social reasoning: Theory of mind and deontic reasoning re-explored Journal Articles
Drugs acting at the glycine site on the NMDA receptor as cognitive enhancers in patients with Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Dual decline in gait speed and cognition is associated with future dementia: evidence for a phenotype Journal Articles
Dual process models of clinical reasoning: The central role of knowledge in diagnostic expertise Journal Articles
Dual processing and diagnostic errors Journal Articles
Dynamic task-linked switching between brain networks – A tri-network perspective Journal Articles
Dynamics of behavioral sensitization induced by the dopamine agonist quinpirole and a proposed central energy control mechanism Journal Articles
ECG rhythm analysis with expert and learner-generated schemas in novice learners Journal Articles
EEG reveals deficits in sensory gating and cognitive processing in asymptomatic adults with a history of concussion Journal Articles
Early cerebral small vessel disease and brain volume, cognition, and gait Journal Articles
Early diagnosis and better rhythm management to improve outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: the 8th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference Journal Articles
Early neurodevelopment in the offspring of women enrolled in a randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of a nutrition + exercise intervention on the cognitive development of 12-month-olds Journal Articles
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Cognition, Academic Achievement, and Psychosocial Function in Children: A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials Journal Articles
Effect of Cognitive Reserve on the Association of Vascular Brain Injury With Cognition Journal Articles
Effect of Visit-to-Visit Blood Pressure Variability on Cognitive and Functional Decline in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease Journal Articles
Effect of a new nootropic agent, CGS 5649B, on cognition, function, and behavior in dementia Journal Articles
Effect of apolipoprotein E and butyrylcholinesterase genotypes on cognitive response to cholinesterase inhibitor treatment at different stages of Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Effect of exogenous β-hydroxybutyrate on BDNF signaling, cognition, and amyloid precursor protein processing in humans with T2D and insulin-resistant rodents. Journal Articles
Effect of obesity on cognition in adults with and without a mood disorder: study design and methods Journal Articles
Effect of tetrahydroaminoacridine on cognition, function and behaviour in Alzheimer's disease. Journal Articles
Effect of the GERAS DANcing for Cognition and Exercise Program on Physical Function in Older Adults Journal Articles
Effect of thiazolidinediones and insulin on cognitive outcomes in ACCORD-MIND Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Brain Gaming in Older Adults With Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Memantine for Treating Dementia: Evidence Review for a Clinical Practice Guideline Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Cognitive Functional Therapy Versus Core Exercises and Manual Therapy in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain After Spinal Surgery: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Articles
Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: theory, practice and paper darts Journal Articles
Effects of Acute Exposure to Aluminum on Cognition in Humans Journal Articles
Effects of Aerobic Dance on Cognition in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Effects of Attentional Focus on Subjective Hunger Ratings Journal Articles
Effects of Musical Training on Key and Harmony Perception Journal Articles
Effects of Prior Cognitive Exertion on Physical Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Conferences
Effects of Tongue Strength Training on Mealtime Function in Long-Term Care Journal Articles
Effects of a Polypill, Aspirin, and the Combination of Both on Cognitive and Functional Outcomes Journal Articles
Effects of a specially designed aerobic dance routine on mild cognitive impairment Journal Articles
Effects of aspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel and telmisartan on disability and cognitive function after recurrent stroke in patients with ischaemic stroke in the Prevention Regimen for Effectively Avoiding Second Strokes (PRoFESS) trial: a double-blind, active and placebo-controlled study Journal Articles
Effects of blood pressure and lipid lowering on cognition Journal Articles
Effects of cannabis on cognition in patients with MS Journal Articles
Effects of dance on cognitive function among older adults: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of dance on cognitive function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of depression and excess body weight on cognition and functioning in young adults: A population-based study Journal Articles
Effects of early visual deprivation on perceptual and cognitive development Journal Articles
Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on cognitive functioning in patients with depression: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of exercise training on cognition in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review Journal Articles
Effects of homocysteine lowering with B vitamins on cognitive aging: meta-analysis of 11 trials with cognitive data on 22,000 individuals Journal Articles
Effects of intensive glucose lowering on brain structure and function in people with type 2 diabetes (ACCORD MIND): a randomised open-label substudy Journal Articles
Effects of long-term blood pressure lowering and dual antiplatelet treatment on cognitive function in patients with recent lacunar stroke: a secondary analysis from the SPS3 randomised trial Journal Articles
Effects of low-level alcohol use on cognitive interference: An fMRI study in young adults Journal Articles
Effects of neuromodulation on cognitive performance in individuals exhibiting addictive behaviors: A systematic review Journal Articles
Effects of neuromodulation on cognitive performance in individuals exhibiting addictive behaviour: a systematic review protocol Journal Articles
Effects of social cognitive demand on Theory of Mind in conversations of adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Effects of the Model's Skill Level on Observational Motor Learning Journal Articles
Effects of the nicotine patch on performance during the first week of smoking cessation Journal Articles
Efficacy of Melatonin in Children With Postconcussive Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Efficacy of the cognitive functional therapy (CFT) in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a study protocol for a randomized sham-controlled trial. Journal Articles
Electrocortical measures of information processing biases in social anxiety disorder: A review Journal Articles
Elevated Monoamine Oxidase-A Distribution Volume in Borderline Personality Disorder Is Associated With Severity Across Mood Symptoms, Suicidality, and Cognition Journal Articles
Emotion Perception or Social Cognitive Complexity: What Drives Face Processing Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder? Journal Articles
Emotional State of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from the Cognitive and Social Well-Being (CoSoWELL) Corpus Journal Articles
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder: Impact of multiple episodes and childhood trauma Journal Articles
Environmental support promotes expertise-based mitigation of age differences on pilot communication tasks. Conferences
Epidemiological study of a developmentally and culturally sensitive preschool intervention to improve school readiness of children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Journal Articles
Eps8 controls dendritic spine density and synaptic plasticity through its actin-capping activity Journal Articles
Error‐related electrocortical responses in 10‐year‐old children and young adults Journal Articles
Essential data dimensions for prospective international data collection in older age bipolar disorder (OABD): Recommendations from the GAGE‐BD group Journal Articles
Evaluating the impact of treatment for sleep/wake disorders on recovery of cognition and communication in adults with chronic TBI Journal Articles
Evaluation of Adiposity and Cognitive Function in Adults Journal Articles
Evaluation of Cognitive Function Associated With Chemotherapy: A Review of Published Studies and Recommendations for Future Research Conferences
Evaluation of an integrated group cognitive-behavioral treatment for comorbid mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders: A pilot study Journal Articles
Event-related potentials as brain correlates of item specific proportion congruent effects Journal Articles
Examining the effect of virtual reality therapy on cognition post-stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis Conferences
Examining the effect of virtual reality therapy on cognition post-stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Examining the impact of error estimation on the effects of self-controlled feedback Journal Articles
Executive functions and social cognition in highly lethal self-injuring patients with borderline personality disorder. Journal Articles
Exercise interventions for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol Journal Articles
Exercising choice over feedback schedules during practice is not advantageous for motor learning Journal Articles
Expert-novice differences in recall of clinical data: resolution of a paradox. Journal Articles
Exploration versus exploitation in space, mind, and society Journal Articles
Exploring Cerebrovascular Function in Osteoarthritis: “Heads‐up” Journal Articles
Exploring the Cognitive-Communication Challenges of Adults With Histories of Traumatic Brain Injury and Criminal Justice System Involvement: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between boredom and sustained attention Journal Articles
Exposure to family stressful life events in autistic children: Longitudinal associations with mental health and the moderating role of cognitive flexibility Journal Articles
External validation of a bifactor model of oppositional defiant disorder Journal Articles
Feasibility Study of Walking for Exercise in Individuals Living in Assisted Living Settings Journal Articles
Feasibility and Construct Validation of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System in Systemic Vasculitis Journal Articles
Feasibility of self-reflection as a tool to balance clinical reasoning strategies Journal Articles
Finding a way in: A review and practical evaluation of fMRI and EEG for detection and assessment in disorders of consciousness Journal Articles
Five short screening tests in the detection of prevalent delirium: diagnostic accuracy and performance in different neurocognitive subgroups Journal Articles
Formulation of evidence-based messages to promote the use of physical activity to prevent and manage Alzheimer’s disease Journal Articles
From repeating routes to planning novel routes: the impact of landmarks and ageing on route integration and cognitive mapping Journal Articles
Fructose in obesity and cognitive decline: is it the fructose or the excess energy? Journal Articles
Functional and cognitive impairment in the first episode of depression: A systematic review Conferences
Functional impairment and cognitive performance in mood disorders: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
GABAergic polygenic risk for cocaine use disorder is negatively correlated with precuneus activity during cognitive control in African American individuals Journal Articles
Gait speed, cognition and falls in people living with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer disease: data from NILVAD Journal Articles
Gamification in thoracic surgical education: Using competition to fuel performance Journal Articles
Gender differences in cognitive and affective interpersonal emotion regulation in couples: an fNIRS hyperscanning Journal Articles
Glucose intolerance and diabetes as risk factors for cognitive impairment in people at high cardiovascular risk: Results from the ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Research Programme Journal Articles
Greater Individual Variability in Functional Brain Activity during Working Memory Performance in young people with Autism and Executive Function Impairment Journal Articles
Guideline No. 422c: Menopause: Mood, Sleep, and Cognition Journal Articles
Health Status Assessment of the Elderly Journal Articles
Health status and cognitive function for risk stratification in chronic coronary and peripheral artery disease Journal Articles
Health status and health‐related quality of life associated with von Willebrand disease Journal Articles
Health status of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: information from a population-based sample Journal Articles
Health‐Related Quality of Life in Survivors of High‐Risk Neuroblastoma After Stem Cell Transplant: A National Population‐Based Perspective Journal Articles
Hearing what the body feels: Auditory encoding of rhythmic movement Journal Articles
Heritability of Childhood Music Engagement and Associations with Language and Executive Function: Insights from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Journal Articles
Hi! How are you? Response shift, implicit theories and differing epistemologies. Journal Articles
Hierarchy of glycemic thresholds for counterregulatory hormone secretion, symptoms, and cerebral dysfunction Journal Articles
High- and low-intensity exercise do not improve cognitive function after stroke: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
High-intensity interval exercise impairs neuroelectric indices of reinforcement-learning Journal Articles
Historical evolution of concrete and abstract language revisited Journal Articles
Hot Topics in Motor Control and Learning: Introduction Conferences
Household-level lifestyle interventions for the prevention of cognitive decline; A Systematic review Journal Articles
INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part II: Attention and Information Processing Speed Journal Articles
INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part IV: Cognitive-Communication and Social Cognition Disorders Journal Articles
Imaging the translocator protein 18 kDa within cognitive control and declarative memory circuits in virally suppressed people with HIV. Journal Articles
Impact of Loneliness on Brain Health and Quality of Life Among Adults Living With HIV in Canada Journal Articles
Impact of post-traumatic hypersomnia on functional recovery of cognition and communication Journal Articles
Impaired awareness: Why people with multiple sclerosis continue using cannabis despite evidence to the contrary Journal Articles
Impaired theory of mind in adults with traumatic brain injury: A replication and extension of findings Journal Articles
Implicit and explicit alcohol cognitions and observed alcohol consumption: three studies in (semi)naturalistic drinking settings Journal Articles
Improvement in cognitive functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis during treatment with quetiapine: An interim analysis Journal Articles
Improvements in cognition in patients converting from thrice weekly hemodialysis to nocturnal hemodialysis: A longitudinal pilot study Journal Articles
Improving analysis of cognitive outcomes in cardiovascular trials using different statistical approaches. Journal Articles
Improving body functions through participation in community activities among young people with physical disabilities Journal Articles
In Reply to Croskerry and to Patel and Bergl Journal Articles
In Reply to Petrie and Campbell Journal Articles
In the Real World, Faster Diagnoses Are Not Necessarily More Accurate Journal Articles
Incorporating a Computerized Cognitive Battery Into the Emergency Department Care of Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries—Is It Feasible? Journal Articles
Indices of repetitive behaviour are correlated with patterns of intrinsic functional connectivity in youth with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Individuals with Autism can Categorize Facial Expressions Journal Articles
Ineffectiveness of cognitive forcing strategies to reduce biases in diagnostic reasoning: a
controlled trial Journal Articles
Influence of parafoveal processing on the missing-letter effect. Journal Articles
Informal caregiving for dementia patients: the contribution of patient characteristics and behaviours to caregiver burden Journal Articles
Informant‐based tools for assessment and monitoring of cognition, behavior, and function in neurocognitive disorders: Systematic review and report from a CCCDTD5 Working Group Journal Articles
Intact Preference Conditioning in Acute Intoxication Despite Deficient Declarative Knowledge and Working Memory Journal Articles
Integrated Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety and HIV/STI Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men: A Pilot Intervention Trial Journal Articles
Integrative oncology: are we doing enough to integrate psycho-education? Journal Articles
Intellectual functioning in survivors of extremely low birthweight: Cognitive outcomes in childhood and adolescence Journal Articles
Interactions between symmetry and elongation in determining reference frames for object perception. Journal Articles
Interfering effects of multitasking on muscle activity in the upper extremity Journal Articles
Interfering effects of the task demands of grip force and mental processing on isometric shoulder strength and muscle activity Journal Articles
Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled Journal Articles
Interpretation and content validity of the items of the Hamilton inventory to evaluate outcomes in Persian-speaking patients with complex regional pain syndrome: A cognitive interview approach Journal Articles
Intervention of Multi-Modal Activities for Older Adults With Dementia Translation to Rural Communities Journal Articles
Interventions to prevent or reduce the level of frailty in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review of the literature and international policies Journal Articles
Intolerance of Uncertainty and Perfectionistic Beliefs About Parenting as Cognitive Mechanisms of Symptom Change During Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Perinatal Anxiety Journal Articles
Intropunitiveness and Parasuicide: Prediction of Interview Response Journal Articles
Investigating the therapeutic potential of cognitive bias modification for high anxiety sensitivity Journal Articles
Is Clinical Cognition Binary or Continuous? Journal Articles
Is the mouth the mirror of the mind? Journal Articles
Isometric exercise and cognitive function: an investigation of acute dose–response effects during submaximal fatiguing contractions Journal Articles
Issues in cognitive psychology Journal Articles
Judgments of Pain in the Neonatal Intensive Care Setting: A Survey of Direct Care Staffs' Perceptions of Pain in Infants at Risk for Neurological Impairment Journal Articles
Just do something: An experimental investigation of brief interventions for reducing the negative impact of post-event processing in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Labelling in hypertension: A review of the behavioural and psychological consequences Journal Articles
Lack of Cognitive Impairment in First-Degree Relatives of Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders Journal Articles
Learning performance is associated with social preferences in a group-living fish Journal Articles
Learning to Optimize Speed, Accuracy, and Energy Expenditure: A Framework for Understanding Speed-Accuracy Relations in Goal-Directed Aiming Journal Articles
Leisure activity and risk of dementia scrabble, anyone? Journal Articles
Letter to the editor concerning the article: Scapular exercise combined with cognitive functional therapy is more effective at reducing chronic neck pain and kinesiophobia than scapular exercise alone: A randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Long-Term Outcomes of Adolescent THC Exposure on Translational Cognitive Measures in Adulthood in an Animal Model and Computational Assessment of Human Data Journal Articles
Longitudinal analysis of disability outcomes among young people with MS Journal Articles
Long‐Term Functional and Psychosocial Outcomes After Hypoxic‐Ischemic Brain Injury: A Case‐Controlled Comparison to Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Look before you leap: the role of negative urgency in appraisals of ambiguous and unambiguous scenarios in individuals high in generalized anxiety disorder symptoms Journal Articles
Management of frailty: a protocol of a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Managing Multiplicity: Conceptualizing Physician Cognition in Multipatient Environments Journal Articles
Manipulation of cognitive load variables and impact on auscultation test performance Journal Articles
Mastery motivation in adolescents with cerebral palsy Journal Articles
Mastery motivation in young children with Down's syndrome: relations with cognitive and adaptive competence Journal Articles
Measurement Invariance of the WHODAS 2.0 in a Population-Based Sample of Youth Journal Articles
Measurement characteristics of cognitive probes. Journal Articles
Measuring disability experienced by adults living with HIV: assessing construct validity of the HIV Disability Questionnaire using confirmatory factor analysis Journal Articles
Measuring social cognition in adolescents: Implications for students with TBI returning to school Journal Articles
Mechanisms and Clinical Manifestations of Cognitive Decline in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: Potential Implications for Preventing Dementia Journal Articles
Melatonin’s neuroprotective role in mitochondria and its potential as a biomarker in aging, cognition and psychiatric disorders Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of SHANK Mutations in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Gradient of Severity in Cognitive Impairments Journal Articles
Methodological issues identified during cognitive interviews in the development of a pediatric cancer symptom screening tool Journal Articles
Mild Cognitive Impairment Status and Mobility Performance: An Analysis From the Boston RISE Study Journal Articles
Mild cognitive decline. A position statement of the Cognitive Decline Group of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA) Journal Articles
Mindfulness and acceptance-based group therapy and traditional cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder: Mechanisms of change Journal Articles
Mindfulness‐based stress reduction and cognitive function among breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Mistakes in interpersonal perceptions: Social cognition in aggressive forensic psychiatry patients Journal Articles
Modes of cognitive control in recognition and source memory: Depth of retrieval Journal Articles
Modification of planned actions Journal Articles
Monolingual but not bilingual infants demonstrate racial bias in social cue use Journal Articles
Moving into the New Millennium: Some Perspectives on the Brain in Action Journal Articles
Multicentre, randomised clinical trial of paediatric concussion assessment of rest and exertion (PedCARE): a study to determine when to resume physical activities following concussion in children Journal Articles
Multiple pathways to developmental continuity in infant cognition Journal Articles
Musical Training Enhances Automatic Encoding of Melodic Contour and Interval Structure Journal Articles
Natural cognitive coping strategies in schizophrenia Conferences
Negative Priming 1985 to 2015: A Measure of Inhibition, the Emergence of Alternative Accounts, and the Multiple Process Challenge Journal Articles
Neuroanatomical correlates of encoding in episodic memory: levels of processing effect. Journal Articles
Neuroanatomical profile of BMI implicates impulsive delay discounting and general cognitive ability Journal Articles
Neurocognitive profiles in older adults with and without major depression Journal Articles
Neuronal antibodies and cognitive function in systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Neuroprogression and Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Neuroprogression and illness trajectories in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Neuropsychological late effects of treatment for acute leukemia in children with Down syndrome Journal Articles
Neuropsychological outcomes of a randomized trial of prednisone versus dexamethasone in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Findings from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute All Consortium Protocol 00-01 Journal Articles
Neuropsychological outcomes of standard risk and high risk patients treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia on Dana‐Farber ALL consortium protocol 95‐01 at 5 years post‐diagnosis Journal Articles
Neurosystems: brain rhythms and cognitive processing Journal Articles
Next-generation cognitive assessment: Combining functional brain imaging, system perturbations and novel equipment interfaces Journal Articles
No Association Linking Short-Term Proton Pump Inhibitor Use to Dementia: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies Journal Articles
No Effect of Depression on [15O]H2O PET Response to Intravenous d-Fenfluramine Journal Articles
Non-cognitive factors in health sciences education: from the clinic floor to the cutting room floor Journal Articles
Non-verbal IQ and change in restricted and repetitive behavior throughout childhood in autism: a longitudinal study using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised Journal Articles
Normal IQ is possible in Smith‐Lemli‐Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
Normative comparison standards for measures of cognition in the
Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): Does applying sample weights
make a difference? Journal Articles
Not So Automatic Imitation: Expectation of Incongruence Reduces Interference in Both Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development Journal Articles
Nutritional Risk in Early Childhood and School Readiness Journal Articles
Obesity and Lowered Cognitive Performance in a Canadian First Nations Population Journal Articles
Objective assessment of cognitive factors involved in visceral perception by using event-related cerebral evoked responses to esophageal target stimulation in man. Journal Articles
On estimating processing variance: Commentary and reanalysis of Kail's “developmental functions for speeds of cognitive processes” Journal Articles
On objective: based education, objectivity, and rater cognition Journal Articles
One-year predictions of delayed reward discounting in the adolescent brain cognitive development study. Journal Articles
Optimizing self-regulation of performance: is mental effort a cue? Journal Articles
Orienteering as a Tool for Cognitive Research: An Implementation Guide. Journal Articles
Orienteering combines vigorous-intensity exercise with navigation to improve human cognition and increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor Journal Articles
Orienteering experts report more proficient spatial processing and memory across adulthood Journal Articles
Patients with bipolar disorder show impaired performance on complex tests of social cognition Journal Articles
Pattern of Atrial Fibrillation and Cognitive Function in Young Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Low CHADS
Score: Insights From the BRAIN-AF Trial Journal Articles
Peer Group Training of Pragmatic Skills in Adolescents with Acquired Brain Injury Journal Articles
Perceived cognitive impairment in people with colorectal cancer who do and do not receive chemotherapy Journal Articles
Perception-action and the M�ller-Lyer illusion: amplitude or endpoint bias? Journal Articles
Performances on individual neurocognitive tests by people experiencing a current major depression episode: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Personal and Clinical Factors Associated with Older Drivers’ Self-Awareness of Driving Performance Journal Articles
Pharmacological treatment of dementia. Journal Articles
Physical Fitness and Sociocognitive Engagement are Associated with Different Aspects of Cognition in Older Adults Journal Articles
Physical Literacy, Physical Activity and Health: Toward an Evidence-Informed Conceptual Model Journal Articles
Physical activity programs for persons with dementia Journal Articles
Plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels, learning capacity and cognition in patients with first episode psychosis Journal Articles
PoliFIT-INFOcus: A pilot study exploring how to promote physical activity in older people Journal Articles
Poor Cognitive Function and Risk of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes Journal Articles
Positive Parenting and Early Childhood Cognition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Practice guideline on prophylactic cranial irradiation in small-cell lung cancer Journal Articles
Precursors of self‐regulation in infants at elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Predictive validity of the multiple mini-interview for selecting medical trainees Journal Articles
Predictors of Family Caregiver Ratings of Patient Quality of Life in Alzheimer Disease: Cross-Sectional Results from the Canadian Alzheimer's Disease Quality of Life Study Journal Articles
Predictors of Patient Self-Ratings of Quality of Life in Alzheimer Disease: Cross-Sectional Results From the Canadian Alzheimer's Disease Quality of Life Study Journal Articles
Predictors of neuropsychological outcome after pediatric concussion Journal Articles
Preface to the special issue on computational cognitive neuroscience Journal Articles
Preface to the special issue: Computational cognitive neuroscience Journal Articles
Prefrontal cortex VAMP1 gene network moderates the effect of the early environment on cognitive flexibility in children Journal Articles
Prematurity and Later Cognitive Outcomes Journal Articles
Preschoolers' Social Cognitive Development in the Age of Screen Time Ubiquity Journal Articles
Preservation of Memory With Conformal Avoidance of the Hippocampal Neural Stem-Cell Compartment During Whole-Brain Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases (RTOG 0933): A Phase II Multi-Institutional Trial Journal Articles
Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Journal Articles
Primer: cognitive motor learning for teaching surgical skill—how are surgical skills taught and assessed? Journal Articles
Private groundwater contamination and extreme weather events: The role of demographics, experience and cognitive factors on risk perceptions of Irish private well users Journal Articles
Probiotics, prebiotics, and the host microbiome: the science of translation Books
Problem-Based Learning and Medical Education Forty Years On Journal Articles
Proton Therapy Mediates Dose Reductions to Brain Structures Associated With Cognition in Children With Medulloblastoma Journal Articles
Psychological aspects of systemic lupus erythematosus: cognitive function, mood, and self-report. Journal Articles
Psychological factors that may confer risk for bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Psychometric Properties of the Merrill–Palmer–Revised Scales of Development in Preschool Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Psychometric Properties of the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA) in Friendship Dyads Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA): Comparison to the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Conferences
Quantitative Assessment of Deep Gray Matter Susceptibility and Correlation With Cognition in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis. Journal Articles
Raison et sentiments Journal Articles
Randomized treatment trial in mild traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Rare-earth Nanoparticle-induced Cytotoxicity on Spatial Cognition Memory of Mouse Brain. Journal Articles
Rationale and design for the detection and neurological impact of cerebrovascular events in non-cardiac surgery patients cohort evaluation (NeuroVISION) study: a prospective international cohort study Journal Articles
Rationale, design, and baseline participant characteristics in the MRI and cognitive substudy of the cardiovascular outcomes for people using anticoagulation strategies trial Journal Articles
Rationale, design, and methods for Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort study (CAHHM) – a Pan Canadian cohort study Journal Articles
Reaction time and cognitive-linguistic performance in adults with mild traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Recognition of Novel Faces after Single Exposure is Enhanced during Pregnancy Journal Articles
Reduced accuracy accompanied by reduced neural activity during the performance of an emotional conflict task by unmedicated patients with major depression: A CAN-BIND fMRI study Journal Articles
Reduced perceptual narrowing in synesthesia Journal Articles
Reduced substantia innominata volume mediates contributions of microvascular and macrovascular disease to cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease Journal Articles
Reframing Diagnostic Error: Maybe It's Content, and Not Process, That Leads to Error Journal Articles
Rehabilitation access for individuals with cognitive‐communication challenges after traumatic brain injury: A co‐design study with persons with lived experience Journal Articles
Relapse prevention and smoking cessation Journal Articles
Relationship Between Baseline Glycemic Control and Cognitive Function in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors Journal Articles
Relationships between cognition, function, and quality of life among HIV+ Canadian men Journal Articles
Relationships between cognitive event-related brain potential measures in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
Relationships of Overt and Silent Brain Lesions With Cognitive Function in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
Relative Processing Demands Influence Cerebral Laterality for Verbal-Motor Integration in Persons with Down Syndrome Journal Articles
Reliability and validity of the Daily Cognitive–Communication and Sleep Profile: a new instrument for monitoring sleep, wakefulness and daytime function Journal Articles
Reliability of nurses' neurological assessments in the cardiothoracic surgical intensive care unit Journal Articles
Representational Development of Direction in Motion Perception: A Fragile Process Journal Articles
Resistance training and health in adults: an overview of systematic reviews Journal Articles
Response to “Comment on Comparison of the Accuracy of Short Cognitive Screens Among Adults With Cognitive Complaints in Turkey” Journal Articles
Rest-Activity Cycle Disturbances in the Acute Phase of Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Revisiting ‘Effectiveness of problem-based learning curricula: theory, practice and paper darts’ Journal Articles
Risk Factors Associated with Self-Injurious Behaviors in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Risk aversion in risk‐taking tasks: Combined effects of feedback attributes and cognitive reflection ability Journal Articles
Rivaroxaban versus aspirin on functional and cognitive outcomes after embolic stroke of undetermined source: NAVIGATE ESUS trial Journal Articles
Screen-time is associated with inattention problems in preschoolers: Results from the CHILD birth cohort study Journal Articles
Screening and facilitating further assessment for cognitive impairment after stroke: application of a shortened Montreal Cognitive Assessment (miniMoCA). Journal Articles
Screening for Cognitive Deficits Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Tool in Outpatients ≥65 Years of Age With Heart Failure Journal Articles
Screening for Cognitive Impairment with the Quick Memory Check: Validation of a Caregiver Administered Cognitive Screen Journal Articles
Selecting a Bedside Cognitive Vital Sign to Monitor Cognition in Hospital: Feasibility, Reliability, and Responsiveness of Logical Memory Journal Articles
Self-Perceived Health-Related Quality of Life of Former Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants at Young Adulthood Journal Articles
Self-management interventions for adults with chronic kidney disease: a scoping review Journal Articles
Semantic Cortical Activation in Dyslexic Readers Journal Articles
Sequence of Functional Loss and Recovery in Nursing Homes Journal Articles
Sex Differences in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Identified Within a High-Risk Infant Cohort Journal Articles
Sex and gender impacts on the behavioural presentation and recognition of autism Journal Articles
Sex and the Single Hemisphere: Specialization of the Right Hemisphere for Spatial Processing Journal Articles
Sex differences in the effects of exercise on cognition post-stroke: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Sex modulates the effect of HD-tDCS over the prefrontal cortex on the Iowa Gambling Task Journal Articles
Sex-Specific Effects of Nutritional Supplements for Infants Born Early or Small: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis (ESSENCE IPD-MA) I—Cognitive Function and Metabolic Risk Journal Articles
Short Article: Similarity and Binding in Memory: Bound to be Detrimental Journal Articles
Short-Term Impact of Social Distancing Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cognitive Function and Health Perception of Brazilian Older Adults: A Pre-Post Study Journal Articles
Short‐term ketone monoester supplementation improves cerebral blood flow and cognition in obesity: A randomized cross‐over trial Journal Articles
Shyness, Self-regulation, and Cognitive Problem Solving in Typically Developing 4-year-olds: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Silent brain infarcts impact on cognitive function in atrial fibrillation Journal Articles
Sjögren–Larsson syndrome: motor performance and everyday functioning in 17 patients Journal Articles
Sleep timing, sleep consistency, and health in adults: a systematic review Journal Articles
Social Variables Predict Gains in Cognitive Scores across the Preschool Years in Children with Birth Weights 500 to 1250 Grams Journal Articles
Social media and medical education: Exploring the potential of Twitter as a learning tool Journal Articles
Socioeconomic Attainment of Extremely Low Birth Weight Survivors: The Role of Early Cognition Journal Articles
Socioeconomic gradient in the developmental health of Canadian children with disabilities at school entry: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Socioeconomic status and hippocampal volume in children and young adults Journal Articles
Special Article Toronto critical care medicine symposium report Journal Articles
Speech-language performance in Sjögren-Larsson syndrome Journal Articles
Stability and Change in the Cognitive and Adaptive Behaviour Scores of Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Stigma experiences in bipolar patients: the impact upon functioning Journal Articles
Studies of hippocampectomy in the monkey, baboon, and cat Journal Articles
Studies of stroke rehabilitation therapies should report blinding and rationalize use of outcome measurement instruments Journal Articles
Study protocol for Vitality: a proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial of exercise training or complex mental and social activities to promote cognition in adults with chronic stroke Journal Articles
Subcortical brain iron deposition and cognitive performance in older women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy: A pilot MRI study Journal Articles
Subjective agency and awareness of shared actions Journal Articles
Subjective neurocognition and quality of life in patients with bipolar disorder and siblings Journal Articles
Symposium: The essence of clinical competence--psychological studies of expert reasoning in medicine. Journal Articles
Systematic review of the neural basis of social cognition in patients with mood disorders Journal Articles
Systematic review of the relationships between objectively measured physical activity and health indicators in school-aged children and youth Journal Articles
Targeting inflammation to influence cognitive function following spinal cord injury: a randomized clinical trial Journal Articles
Terminal Lucidity in a Pediatric Oncology Clinic. Journal Articles
Test or Rest? Computerized Cognitive Testing in the Emergency Department after Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Does Not Delay Symptom Recovery Journal Articles
Test–retest reliability of the neuroanatomical correlates of impulsive personality traits in the adolescent brain cognitive development study. Journal Articles
The 3 faces of clinical reasoning: Epistemological explorations of disparate error reduction strategies Journal Articles
The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Control among People with Chronic Stroke Journal Articles
The Bias in researching cognitive bias Journal Articles
The Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration: methodological clarifications of recent reports Journal Articles
The Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism, Hippocampal Volume, and Cognitive Function in Geriatric Depression Journal Articles
The Canadian experience with advance treatment directives. Journal Articles
The Canadian longitudinal study on aging as a platform for exploring cognition in an aging population Journal Articles
The Causes of Errors in Clinical Reasoning: Cognitive Biases, Knowledge Deficits, and Dual Process Thinking Journal Articles
The Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Associations of Diabetic Retinopathy With Cognitive Function and Brain MRI Findings: The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Trial Journal Articles
The Default Mode Network in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The Development of Structural Complexity in the Child's Concept of Family: The Effect of Cognitive Stage, Sex, and Intactness of Family Journal Articles
The Edmonton Functional Assessment Tool: Further Development and Validation for Use in Palliative Care Journal Articles
The Effect of Exercise on Neural Activation and Cognition: A Review of Task-Based fMRI Studies Journal Articles
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Forcing Strategies to Decrease Diagnostic Error: An Exploratory Study Conferences
The Effects of Cognitive Ability, Mental Health, and Self-Quarantining on Functional Ability of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
The Effects of Dual-Task Training on Cognitive and Physical Functions in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment; A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The Effects of Inflammation, Infection and Antibiotics on the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis Chapters
The Effects of Physical Exercise and Cognitive Training on Memory and Neurotrophic Factors Journal Articles
The Impact of Falls on Motor and Cognitive Recovery after Discharge from In-Patient Stroke Rehabilitation Journal Articles
The Impact of Moderate and High Intensity Cardiovascular Exertion on Sub-Elite Soccer Referee’s Cognitive Performance: A Lab-Based Study Journal Articles
The Influence of a Cognitive Dual Task on the Gait Parameters of Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
The Midlife Transition, Depression, and Its Clinical Management Journal Articles
The Perception of Animacy in Young Children with Autism Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Glucose Control and Cognitive Function in People With Diabetes After a Lacunar Stroke Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Response Time and Diagnostic Accuracy Journal Articles
The Relationship Between the Score on a Simple Measure of Cognitive Function and Incident CVD in People With Diabetes: A Post Hoc Epidemiological Analysis From the ACCORD-MIND Study Journal Articles
The Role of Apathy and Depression on Verbal Learning and Memory Performance After Stroke Journal Articles
The Role of Cognitive Strategy Training in Improving the Academic Performance of Learning Disabled Children Journal Articles
The Role of Self-Regulation in Voice Therapy Journal Articles
The Role of Transient Hypothyroxinemia of Prematurity in Development of Visual Abilities Journal Articles
The Use of Medications for Cognitive Enhancement Journal Articles
The ability of the multiple mini-interview to predict preclerkship performance in medical school. Journal Articles
The aging physician. Journal Articles
The benefits of playing video games. Journal Articles
The circulating proteome and brain health: Mendelian randomisation and cross-sectional analyses Journal Articles
The cognitive and behavioural effects of clobazam and standard monotherapy are comparable Journal Articles
The cognitive augmented mobility program (CAMP): feasibility and preliminary efficacy Conferences
The cognitive augmented mobility program (CAMP): feasibility and preliminary efficacy Journal Articles
The contribution of frailty, cognition, activity of daily life and comorbidities on outcome in acutely admitted patients over 80 years in European ICUs: the VIP2 study Journal Articles
The cumulative effect of frailty and cognition on mortality – results of a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
The development of expertise in pediatric rehabilitation therapists: Changes in approach, self-knowledge, and use of enabling and customizing strategies Journal Articles
The disconnect between knowing and doing in health professions education and practice Journal Articles
The effect of a concurrent cognitive task on cortical potentials evoked by unpredictable balance perturbations. Journal Articles
The effect of antipsychotic treatment on Theory of Mind Journal Articles
The effect of presentation order in clinical decision making Journal Articles
The effectiveness of a Supported Self-management task-shifting intervention for adult depression in Vietnam communities: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
The effects of acute dopamine reuptake inhibition on cognitive function during passive hyperthermia Journal Articles
The effects of cannabis abstinence on cognition and resting state network activity in people with multiple sclerosis: A preliminary study Journal Articles
The effects of exercise on cognition post-stroke: are there sex differences? A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The effects of socioeconomic status and situational power on self-other processing in the automatic imitation task Journal Articles
The effects of two early parenting interventions on child aggression and risk for violence in Brazil (The PIÁ Trial): protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
The impact of an arts-based programme on the affective and cognitive components of empathic development Journal Articles
The impact of cognitive restructuring and mindfulness strategies on postevent processing and affect in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
The impact of substance use disorder comorbidity on cognition of individuals with bipolar disorder: A systematic review Journal Articles
The influence of multiple readings on the missing-letter effect revisited Journal Articles
The inseparability of context and clinical reasoning Journal Articles
The measurement of “eating-disorder-thoughts” and “eating-disorder-behaviors”: Implications for assessment and detection of eating disorders in epidemiological studies Journal Articles
The relation between brain signal complexity and task difficulty on an executive function task Journal Articles
The relationship between cognitive performance, perceptions of driving comfort and abilities, and self-reported driving restrictions among healthy older drivers Journal Articles
The relationship between evaluative concerns and sport competition state anxiety among youth skiers Journal Articles
The relationship of antiphospholipid antibodies to cognitive
function in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
The role of cognitive control and emotion regulation in predicting mental health problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders Journal Articles
The role of emotion dysregulation in cognitive behavioural group therapy for perinatal anxiety: Results from a randomized controlled trial and routine clinical care Journal Articles
The role of encoding strategies in contextual memory deficits in patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The role of groups in assessing learners with specific learning difficulties Journal Articles
The role of measurement in the health care of the elderly. Journal Articles
The water maze paradigm in experimental studies of chronic cognitive disorders: Theory, protocols, analysis, and inference Journal Articles
Theory of mind deficits in patients with mild symptoms of major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Topiramate in Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Toward a Better Understanding of Self Injurious Behaviors in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Toward a Computational Affective Neuroscience Journal Articles
Towards information processing from nonlinear physical chemistry: A synthetic electrochemical cognitive system Journal Articles
Translating the impact of exercise on cognition: Methodological issues in animal research Journal Articles
Trial of remote ischaemic preconditioning in vascular cognitive impairment (TRIC-VCI): protocol Journal Articles
Underestimation of pain by health-care providers: towards a model of the process of inferring pain in others. Journal Articles
Understanding fish cognition: a review and appraisal of current practices Journal Articles
Understanding misunderstanding: a study of sex differences in meaning attribution Journal Articles
Understanding print: Early reading development and the contributions of home literacy experiences Journal Articles
Understanding the Benefits of Musical Training Journal Articles
Unification of sentence processing via ear and eye: An fMRI study Journal Articles
Unraveling the Protective Effects of Cognitive Reserve on Cognition and Brain: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Urban environment during pregnancy, cognitive abilities, motor function, and externalizing and internalizing symptoms at 2-5 years old in 3 Canadian birth cohorts. Journal Articles
Usability evaluation with mental health professionals and young people to develop an Internet-based cognitive-behaviour therapy program for adolescents with anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Use of ramipril in preventing stroke: double blind randomised trial Journal Articles
Using duration of memory loss to improve differentiation of mild cognitive impairment from normal cognition Journal Articles
Using the Gross Motor Function Measure to Evaluate Motor Development in Children with Down Syndrome Journal Articles
Valence norms for 3,600 English words collected during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects of age and the pandemic Journal Articles
Validity of Admissions Measures in Predicting Performance Outcomes: The Contribution of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Dimensions Journal Articles
Validity of the Stage of Exercise Scale in Children with Rheumatologic Conditions Journal Articles
Variability in the validity and reliability of outcome measures identified in a systematic review to assess treatment efficacy of cognitive enhancers for Alzheimer’s Dementia Journal Articles
Vascular burden and cognition: Mediating roles of neurodegeneration and amyloid PET Journal Articles
Verbal Memory Errors and Symptoms in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Visual configural processing in adults born at extremely low birth weight Journal Articles
Visual similarity effects on short-term memory for order: The case of verbally labeled pictorial stimuli Journal Articles
Vitamin D, cognition, and dementia Journal Articles
Vocal Control: Is It Susceptible to the Negative Effects of Self-Regulatory Depletion? Journal Articles
What Is Repeated in a Repetition? Effects of Practice Conditions on Motor Skill Acquisition Journal Articles
What is normal cognition in depression? Prevalence and functional correlates of normative versus idiographic cognitive impairment. Journal Articles
Which part of the Quick mild cognitive impairment screen (Qmci) discriminates between normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment and dementia? Journal Articles
White and grey matter relations to simple, choice, and cognitive reaction time in spina bifida Journal Articles
White matter growth as a mechanism of cognitive development in children Journal Articles
Within- and between-nervous-system inhibition of return: Observation is as good as performance Journal Articles
Working memory in pregnant women: Relation to estrogen and antepartum depression Journal Articles
Young children's social information processing: Family antecedents and behavioral correlates. Journal Articles
“Push” versus “Pull” for mobilizing pain evidence into practice across different health professions: A protocol for a randomized trial Journal Articles