Carl Richards
Professor, Medicine

Education and Professional Standing

• PhD Medical Sciences, McMaster University, 1987
• MSc Medical Sciences, McMaster University, 1984
• PDF Cambridge UK, Canadian Arthritis Society Scholar, 1988-1990
• Currently is Director of the McMaster Immunology Research Centre, 2014-

Dr. Richards is one of 14 faculty within the McMaster Immunology Research Centre (MIRC), housed within state of the art research facilities at the MDCL at McMaster. He has been Director or MIRC in 2014. Richards has also served two terms (2001-2009) as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies (Health Sciences) at McMaster, and developed the MD/PhD program as well as the BioMedical Engineering graduate programs with colleagues. He continues to instruct in under-graduate and graduate courses in immunology. Dr. Richards has been a member of McMaster Senate (2010-2016) chair of the Senate Committee on Appointments (2013-15). He has served within national peer-reviewed granting agencies and in administrative positions within McMaster University. Richards has completed terms for CIHR operating grant panels (Scientific Officer), as a grant panel member for Heart and Stroke Foundation and The Arthritic Society where he currenlty chairs the Strategic operating Grant Panle. He is a member of Canadian Society of Immunology, the International Cytokine Society and the Canadian Connective Tissue Society where he is has served as President and currently Past-President .
  • Contact Information
  • PHONE: 905-525-9140 ext. 22391
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