Depressive Disorder, Major
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"It's overwhelming...Everything seems to be too much:" A theory of crisis for individuals with severe persistent mental illness. Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor: Antidepressant and Antisuicidal Effects of Esketamine in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder and Suicidal Ideation: A Case Series Journal Articles
ABCB1 Gene Variants and Antidepressant Treatment Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis Including Results from the CAN‐BIND‐1 Study Journal Articles
A 35-year-old woman with low mood and concerns about her alcohol use Journal Articles
A Controlled Study of Depression among Attendees of an Oncology Clinic in West Africa Journal Articles
A DSM-5-based tool to monitor concurrent mood and premenstrual symptoms: the McMaster Premenstrual and Mood Symptom Scale (MAC-PMSS) Journal Articles
A Machine Learning Algorithm to Discriminating Between Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorders Based on Resting EEG Data Journal Articles
A Multinational Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Acute Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): a Comparison of Cost-Effectiveness Between Venlafaxine, SSRIs and TCAs Journal Articles
A Pilot Study of Adjunctive Family Psychoeducation in Adolescent Major Depression: Feasibility and Treatment Effect Journal Articles
A Pilot, 8-Week, Placebo Lead-In Trial of Quetiapine Extended Release for Depression in Midlife Women Journal Articles
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Antidepressant Continuation for Major Depression Following Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
A Review of Candidate Pathways Underlying the Association Between Asthma and Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
A Way through the woods: Development of an integrated care pathway for adolescents with depression Journal Articles
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic study of INN 00835, a novel antidepressant peptide, in the treatment of major depression. Journal Articles
A hormetic approach to understanding antidepressant effectiveness and the development of antidepressant tolerance – A conceptual view Journal Articles
A longitudinal study of neurotrophic, oxidative, and inflammatory markers in first-onset depression in midlife women Journal Articles
A machine learning approach using EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for major depressive disorder Journal Articles
A meta-analysis examining clinical predictors of hippocampal volume in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal Articles
A patient decision aid for antidepressant use in pregnancy: Pilot randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
A patient decision aid for antidepressant use in pregnancy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
A pharmacoeconomic evaluation of major depressive disorder (Italy) Journal Articles
A randomized, crossover comparison of ketamine and electroconvulsive therapy for treatment of major depressive episodes: a Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) study protocol Journal Articles
A review of factors that moderate autobiographical memory performance in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
A systematic review of interventions for treatment resistant major depressive disorder in adolescents Journal Articles
AGTR1 gene variation: Association with depression and frontotemporal morphology Journal Articles
AI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale Journal Articles
Abnormal hippocampal activation in patients with extensive history of major depression: an fMRI study Journal Articles
Abnormal self-schema in semantic memory in major depressive disorder: Evidence from event-related brain potentials Journal Articles
Accelerated brain aging in major depressive disorder and antidepressant treatment response: A CAN-BIND report Journal Articles
Acceptability of the Fitbit in behavioural activation therapy for depression: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Acute and chronic stress predict anti-depressant treatment outcome and naturalistic course of major depression: A CAN-BIND report Journal Articles
Acute and long-term clinical, neuropsychological and return-to-work sequelae following electrical injury: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in an Anxiety Disorders Population Journal Articles
Adults with Mood Disorders Have an Increased Risk Profile for Cardiovascular Disease within the First 2 Years of Treatment Journal Articles
Age and Major Depression After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
Altered brain function underlying verbal memory encoding and retrieval in psychotic major depression. Journal Articles
Altered empathic responding in major depressive disorder: Relation to symptom severity, illness burden, and psychosocial outcome Journal Articles
Altered hippocampal function with preserved cognitive performance in treatment-naive major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Altered intracortical myelin staining in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in severe mental illness Journal Articles
Amygdala and affective responses to infant pictures: Comparing depressed and non‐depressed mothers and non‐mothers Journal Articles
Amygdala responses to quetiapine XR and citalopram treatment in major depression: the role of 5‐HTTLPR‐S/Lg polymorphisms Journal Articles
An Adolescent’s Use of Veterinary Medicines: A Case Report Exploring Addiction Journal Articles
An adaptationist perspective on the etiology of depression Journal Articles
An empirical analysis of structural neuroimaging profiles in a staging model of depression Journal Articles
An fMRI study of reward circuitry in patients with minimal or extensive history of major depression Journal Articles
An investigation of cortical thickness and antidepressant response in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND study report Journal Articles
An open-label study of citalopram for major depression following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Anterior Cingulate Volumes in Never-Treated Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Antidepressant Monotherapy vs Sequential Pharmacotherapy and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, or Placebo, for Relapse Prophylaxis in Recurrent Depression Journal Articles
Antidepressants plus benzodiazepines for adults with major depression Journal Articles
Appraising the effectiveness of electrical and magnetic brain stimulation techniques in acute major depressive episodes: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Assessing the Evidence of Micronutrients on Depression among Children and Adolescents: An Evidence Gap Map Journal Articles
Association Between Side Effects and Blood microRNA Expression Levels and Their Targeted Pathways in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Treated by a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Escitalopram: A CAN-BIND-1 Report Journal Articles
Association between discrepancy in objective and subjective cognitive abilities and treatment response in patients with major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Association between the expression of lncRNA BASP-AS1 and volume of right hippocampal tail moderated by episode duration in major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND 1 report Journal Articles
Association of Psychotherapy with Disability Benefit Claim Closure among Patients Disabled Due to Depression Journal Articles
Association of functioning and quality of life with objective and subjective measures of sleep and biological rhythms in major depressive and bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Association of interleukin-10 levels with age of onset and duration of illness in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Atypical Brain Aging and Its Association With Working Memory Performance in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Baseline Functional Connectivity in Resting State Networks Associated with Depression and Remission Status after 16 Weeks of Pharmacotherapy: A CAN-BIND Report Journal Articles
Baseline anxiety, and early anxiety/depression improvement in anxious depression predicts treatment outcomes with escitalopram: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Bidirectional communication between sleep and circadian rhythms and its implications for depression: Lessons from agomelatine Journal Articles
Biological rhythms, metabolic syndrome and current depressive episode in a community sample Journal Articles
Brain age in mood and psychotic disorders: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group Journal Articles
Building a Better Model: An Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling Journal Articles
C-L Case Conference: Insomnia Disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2016 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2023 Update on Clinical Guidelines for Management of Major Depressive Disorder in Adults: Réseau canadien pour les traitements de l'humeur et de l'anxiété (CANMAT) 2023 : Mise à jour des lignes directrices cliniques pour la prise en charge du trouble dépressif majeur chez les adultes Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Report: A Systematic Review and Recommendations of Cannabis use in Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Cannabis use behaviors and prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in a cohort of Canadian medicinal cannabis users Journal Articles
Cerebellar vermis volume in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Cerebello-cerebral Functional Connectivity Networks in Major Depressive Disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 Study Report Journal Articles
Cerebral cortical thickness after treatment with desvenlafaxine succinate in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Cerebrovascular Steal Phenomenon and Electroconvulsive Therapy Journal Articles
Changes in cortical thickness across the lifespan in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Changes in infant emotion regulation following maternal cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Changes in perfectionism following cognitive-behavioral treatment for social phobia Conferences
Changes in self-schema structure in cognitive therapy for major depressive disorder: A randomized clinical trial. Journal Articles
Child maltreatment and HPA axis dysregulation: relationship to major depressive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder in females Journal Articles
Childhood Abuse and Lifetime Psychopathology in a Community Sample Journal Articles
Childhood cognition and lifetime risk of major depressive disorder in extremely low birth weight and normal birth weight adults Journal Articles
Childhood maltreatment and cognitive functioning in patients with major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Childhood motor coordination and adult psychopathology in extremely low birth weight survivors Journal Articles
Childhood trauma, family history, and their association with mood disorders in early adulthood Journal Articles
Chinese self-report version of biological rhythms interview for assessment in neuropsychiatry (C-BRIAN-SR) - psychometric properties and prospective follow-up in patients with non-seasonal depression Journal Articles
Chronic Disease Management for Depression in Primary Care: A Summary of the Current Literature and Implications for Practice Journal Articles
Chronobiological parameters as predictors of early treatment response in major depression Journal Articles
Circadian genes in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Circadian preferences, oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines in bipolar disorder: A community study Journal Articles
Clarifying the role of sleep in depression: A narrative review Journal Articles
Clinical Factors That Predict Cognitive Function in Patients with Major Depression Journal Articles
Clinical and sociodemographic features of the Texas resilience against depression (T-RAD) study: Findings from the initial cohort Journal Articles
Clinical predictors of depressive symptom remission and response after racemic ketamine and esketamine infusion in treatment‐resistant depression Journal Articles
Clinical utility of combinatorial pharmacogenomic testing in depression: A Canadian patient- and rater-blinded, randomized, controlled trial Journal Articles
Clinical, behavioral, and neural measures of reward processing correlate with escitalopram response in depression: a Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND-1) Report Journal Articles
Cognition and Its Association with Psychosocial and Occupational Functioning during Treatment with Escitalopram in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 Report: La Cognition Et Son Association Avec Le Fonctionnement Psychosocial Et Professionnel Durant Le Traitement Par Escitalopram Chez Des Patients Souffrant De Trouble Dépressif Majeur: Une Étude Can-Bind-1 Journal Articles
Cognitive Outcomes with Sequential Escitalopram Monotherapy and Adjunctive Aripiprazole Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder: A Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND-1) Report Journal Articles
Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Mood Disorders: Rationale, Early Evidence, and Future Directions Journal Articles
Cognitive Remediation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Cognitive behavior therapy for menopausal symptoms (CBT-Meno): a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Cognitive behavior therapy for menopausal symptoms (CBT-Meno): a randomized controlled trial. Journal Articles
Cognitive complaints in individuals recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Cognitive impairment associated with major depression following mild and moderate traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Comorbid Depression and Anxiety in Later Life: Patterns of Association, Subjective Well-being, and Impairment Journal Articles
Comorbid Depression and Other Predictors of PTSD Severity in Urban Public Transit Employees Journal Articles
Comorbidity Patterns of Psychiatric Conditions in Canadian Armed Forces Personnel Journal Articles
Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Serotonin‐Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors in Older Adults: A Network Meta‐Analysis Journal Articles
Comparative Efficacy of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Scale and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale as Screening Tools for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period Journal Articles
Comparison of cytokine levels in depressed, manic and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Comparison of the accuracy of the 7-item HADS Depression subscale and 14-item total HADS for screening for major depression: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Competencies for Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Postgraduate Medical Education: Expert Consensus Using a Modified Delphi Process Journal Articles
Controlled Rocking CLT Walls for Buildings in Regions of Moderate Seismicity: Design Procedure and Numerical Collapse Assessment Journal Articles
Core Outcome Set Development for Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Trials: A Registered Report Journal Articles
Cortical abnormalities in adults and adolescents with major depression based on brain scans from 20 cohorts worldwide in the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group Journal Articles
Cortical thickness in major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Cost-Utility Analysis in Depression: The McSad Utility Measure for Depression Health States Journal Articles
Counterbalancing patient demands with evidence: Results from a pan-canadian randomized clinical trial of brief supportive-expressive group psychotherapy for women with systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Cross‐cultural equivalence in depression assessment: Japan–Europe–North American study Journal Articles
Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool. Journal Articles
Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
Delusion or obsession: Clinical dilemma Journal Articles
Depression and the relationship between sleep disturbances, nightmares, and suicidal ideation in treatment-seeking Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans Journal Articles
Depression in midlife women attending a menopause clinic is associated with a history of childhood maltreatment Journal Articles
Depression in the workforce: the intermediary effect of medical comorbidity Journal Articles
Depression prevalence based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale compared to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM DIsorders classification: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Depression prevalence using the HADS-D compared to SCID major depression classification: An individual participant data meta-analysis Journal Articles
Depression, parenting and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: results from three nationally representative cross-sectional surveys Journal Articles
Depression-Anxiety Coupling Strength as a predictor of relapse in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND wellness monitoring study report Journal Articles
Design and Implementation of an fMRI Study Examining Thought Suppression in Young Women with, and At-risk, for Depression Journal Articles
Development and Implementation of an Ambulatory Integrated Care Pathway for Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Dependence Journal Articles
Diagnosing Suicidal Ideation from Resting State EEG Data Using a Machine Learning Algorithm. Conferences
Diagnostic deep learning algorithms that use resting EEG to distinguish major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia from each other and from healthy volunteers Journal Articles
Differences in Brain Glucose Metabolism Between Responders to CBT and Venlafaxine in a 16-Week Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Differential associations between passive and active forms of screen time and adolescent mood and anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Differential biomarker signatures in unipolar and bipolar depression: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Discovering biomarkers for antidepressant response: protocol from the Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) and clinical characteristics of the first patient cohort Journal Articles
Discriminating between bipolar and major depressive disorder using a machine learning approach and resting-state EEG data Journal Articles
Does ceasing exercise induce depressive symptoms? A systematic review of experimental trials including immunological and neurogenic markers Journal Articles
Domperidone Withdrawal in a Nursing Female with Pre-existing Psychiatric
Illness: A Case Report Journal Articles
Donepezil-associated manic episode with psychotic features: a case report and review of the literature Journal Articles
Dysfunctional Attitudes and 5-HT2 Receptors During Depression and Self-Harm Journal Articles
EEG Biomarkers to Predict Response to Sertraline and Placebo Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
ENIGMA MDD: seven years of global neuroimaging studies of major depression through worldwide data sharing Journal Articles
Early change in reward and punishment sensitivity as a predictor of response to antidepressant treatment for major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Early functional impairment in bipolar youth: A nested population-based case-control study Journal Articles
Early illness progression in mood disorders: A population-based longitudinal study Journal Articles
Effectiveness and tolerance of anti‐inflammatory drugs' add‐on therapy in major mental disorders: a systematic qualitative review Journal Articles
Effects of Modality Presentation on Working Memory in School-age Children: Evidence for the Pictorial Superiority Hypothesis Journal Articles
Effects of depression pharmacotherapy in fertility treatment on conception, birth, and neonatal health: A systematic review Journal Articles
Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on cognitive functioning in patients with depression: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of quetiapine extended release on sleep and quality of life in midlife women with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Efficacy of rapid-rate repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Effort-based decision-making is affected by overweight/obesity in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Electroretinography in psychiatry: A systematic literature review Journal Articles
Elevated Monoamine Oxidase-A Distribution Volume in Borderline Personality Disorder Is Associated With Severity Across Mood Symptoms, Suicidality, and Cognition Journal Articles
Elevated Putamen D 2 Receptor Binding Potential in Major Depression With Motor Retardation: An [ 11 C]Raclopride Positron Emission Tomography Study Journal Articles
Emotional memory in pregnant women at risk for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Endocannabinoid concentrations in major depression: effects of childhood maltreatment and relation to hippocampal volume. Journal Articles
Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Psychopharmacological Management of Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Episodic simulation of future events is impaired in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Equivalency of the diagnostic accuracy of the PHQ-8 and PHQ-9: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Escitalopram ameliorates differences in neural activity between healthy comparison and major depressive disorder groups on an fMRI Emotional conflict task: A CAN-BIND-1 study Journal Articles
Estimated Prevalence of the Seasonal Subtype of Major Depression in a Canadian Community Sample Journal Articles
Evaluation of 2 Measures of Psychological Distress as Screeners for Depression in the General Population Journal Articles
Evaluation of delay discounting as a transdiagnostic research domain criteria indicator in 1388 general community adults Journal Articles
Evidence of causal effect of major depression on alcohol dependence: findings from the psychiatric genomics consortium Journal Articles
Evolved mechanisms in depression: the role and interaction of attachment and social rank in depression Journal Articles
Explicit emotional memory biases in mood disorders: A systematic review Journal Articles
Exploring brain connectivity changes in major depressive disorder using functional‐structural data fusion: A CAN‐BIND‐1 study Journal Articles
External validation of a shortened screening tool using individual participant data meta-analysis: A case study of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Dep-4. Journal Articles
Flunarizine- and Topiramate-Associated Depression Responsive to Mirtazapine Journal Articles
Fluoxetine-induced pancreatic beta cell dysfunction: New insight into the benefits of folic acid in the treatment of depression Journal Articles
Fluoxetine-induced pancreatic beta cell dysfunction: New insight into the benefits of folic acid in the treatment of depression. Journal Articles
Fluoxetine‐induced hepatic lipid accumulation is mediated by prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 1 and is linked to elevated 15‐deoxy‐Δ12,14PGJ2 Journal Articles
Frequency and severity of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome across the anxiety disorders and depression Journal Articles
Functional and cognitive impairment in the first episode of depression: A systematic review Conferences
Functional competence in major depressive disorder: Objective performance and subjective perceptions Journal Articles
GPR56/ADGRG1 is associated with response to antidepressant treatment Journal Articles
GWAS-based machine learning approach to predict duloxetine response in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Gender Differences in Depression across Parental Roles Journal Articles
Gender differences in α-[11C]MTrp brain trapping, an index of serotonin synthesis, in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder: A positron emission tomography study Journal Articles
Gender-based differences in oxidative stress parameters do not underlie the differences in mood disorders susceptibility between sexes Journal Articles
Gene Regulatory Network of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: a Master Regulator Analysis of Major Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Genetic Variation in
IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, TSPO
and Response to Duloxetine or Placebo Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Genetic predictors of response to treatment with citalopram in depression secondary to traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs Journal Articles
Genome-wide analysis suggests the importance of vascular processes and neuroinflammation in late-life antidepressant response Journal Articles
Genome-wide association studies of placebo and duloxetine response in major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Greater prevalence of post‐traumatic stress disorder and depression in deployed Canadian Armed Forces personnel at risk for moral injury Journal Articles
Group support psychotherapy for depression treatment in people with HIV/AIDS in northern Uganda: a single-centre randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Gut Microbiome Patterns Associated With Treatment Response in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: Changements du microbiote intestinal associés à la réponse au traitement chez des patients souffrant de trouble dépressif majeur Journal Articles
Gut Microbiota, Bacterial Translocation, and Interactions with Diet: Pathophysiological Links between Major Depressive Disorder and Non-Communicable Medical Comorbidities Journal Articles
Hair cortisol concentration mediates the association between parent and child psychopathology Journal Articles
Heterogeneity across outcomes reported in clinical trials for older adults with depression: a systematic survey Journal Articles
Hippocampal metabolic abnormalities at first onset and with recurrent episodes of a major depressive disorder: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study Journal Articles
Hippocampal tail volume as a predictive biomarker of antidepressant treatment outcomes in patients with major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND report Journal Articles
How have predictors, moderators, mediators, treatment response, remission and resistance been defined and measured in randomised controlled trials for adolescent depression? A scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Hypothalamus volume and DNA methylation of stress axis genes in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND study report Journal Articles
Identification of Endocannabinoid Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in
Major Depressive Disorder: A Secondary Analysis of the First Canadian Biomarker
Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND 1) Study Journal Articles
Impact of Depression and Anxiety on the Quality of Life of Constipated Patients Journal Articles
Impact of a cognitive behavioural therapy training program on family physician practices Journal Articles
Impact of resilience on the improvement of depressive symptoms after cognitive therapies for depression in a sample of young adults Journal Articles
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of Veterans’ spouses: a cross sectional analysis Journal Articles
Impacts on Quality of Life with Escitalopram Monotherapy and Aripiprazole Augmentation in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND Report Journal Articles
Increased subgenual prefrontal cortex size in remitted patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Individual Differences in Response to Antidepressants Journal Articles
Inflammation and internalizing disorders in adolescents Journal Articles
Influence of CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and ABCB1 Gene Variants and Serum Levels of Escitalopram and Aripiprazole on Treatment-Emergent Sexual Dysfunction: A Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression 1 (CAN-BIND 1) Study Journal Articles
Insomnia, psychiatric disorders and suicidal ideation in a National Representative Sample of active Canadian Forces members Journal Articles
Integrated care pathway for co-occurring major depressive and alcohol use disorders: Outcomes of the first two years Journal Articles
Integrated genome-wide methylation and expression analyses reveal functional predictors of response to antidepressants Journal Articles
Integrative Genetic Variation, DNA Methylation, and Gene Expression
Analysis of Escitalopram and Aripiprazole Treatment Outcomes in Depression: A
CAN-BIND-1 Study Journal Articles
Inter-rater reliability of DartfishTM movement analysis software for measuring maximum flexion and extension at the hip and knee in older adults with osteoporosis and osteopenia Journal Articles
Interactions between neuroticism and stressful life events predict response to pharmacotherapy for major depression: A CAN‐BIND 1 report Journal Articles
Intravenous Ketamine “Burst” for Refractory Depression in a Patient with Advanced Cancer Journal Articles
Investigation of miR-1202, miR-135a, and miR-16 in Major Depressive Disorder and Antidepressant Response Journal Articles
Investigation of the mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor-endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway in mood disorders. Journal Articles
Is Obesity A Determinant Of Success With Pharmacological Treatment For Depression? A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis And Meta-Regression. Journal Articles
Is cannabis treatment for anxiety, mood, and related disorders ready for prime time? Journal Articles
Is plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 a physiological bottleneck bridging major depressive disorder and cardiovascular disease? Journal Articles
Keeping close: mothering with serious mental illness Journal Articles
Lack of association between type 2 diabetes and major depression: epidemiologic and genetic evidence in a multiethnic population Journal Articles
Large Individual Differences in Functional Connectivity in the Context of Major Depression and Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy Journal Articles
Leveraging the microbiome to understand clinical heterogeneity in depression: findings from the T-RAD study Journal Articles
Lifetime cocaine use is a potential predictor for conversion from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: A prospective study Journal Articles
Low-dose dexamethasone challenge in women with atypical major depression: pilot study. Journal Articles
Machine Learning Prediction of Quality of Life Improvement During Antidepressant Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Machine learning in the prediction of depression treatment outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Major Depressive Disorder and Diabetes: Does Serotonin Bridge the Gap? Journal Articles
Major Depressive Disorder in Adolescence: The Role of Subthreshold Symptoms Journal Articles
Males and females differ in reported sexual functioning with escitalopram treatment for major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Managing medical and psychiatric comorbidity in individuals with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Journal Articles
Maternal prenatal depression is associated with dysregulation over the first five years of life moderated by child polygenic risk for comorbid psychiatric problems Journal Articles
Measurement Invariance of the GAD-7 and CESD-R-10 Among Adolescents in Canada Journal Articles
Memory mood congruency phenomenon in bipolar I disorder and major depression disorder patients Journal Articles
Mental Disorder Symptoms and the Relationship with Resilience among Paramedics in a Single Canadian Site Journal Articles
Mental Health Challenges Among First Nations Adolescents Living Off-Reserve in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Mental Health of Canadian Firefighters: The Impact of Sleep Journal Articles
Meta-Analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Metabolic features of treatment-refractory major depressive disorder with suicidal ideation Journal Articles
Metabolic syndrome in subjects with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder in a current depressive episode: Population-based study Journal Articles
Metabolic variables associated with response to cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in females: A Canadian biomarker integration network for depression (CAN-BIND) study Journal Articles
MicroRNAs 146a/b-5 and 425-3p and 24-3p are markers of antidepressant response and regulate MAPK/Wnt-system genes Journal Articles
Mild Depressive Symptoms During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy Are Associated with Disruptions in Daily Rhythms but Not Subjective Sleep Quality Journal Articles
Mobile and wearable technology for monitoring depressive symptoms in children and adolescents: A scoping review Journal Articles
Modulation of Cortical-Limbic Pathways in Major Depression Journal Articles
Modulation of neural oscillations in escitalopram treatment: a Canadian biomarker integration network in depression study. Journal Articles
Mood Disorders: The Gut Bacteriome and Beyond Journal Articles
Mood disorders and biological rhythms in young adults: A large population-based study Journal Articles
Moral injury associated with increased odds of past-year mental health disorders: a Canadian Armed Forces examination Journal Articles
Naturalistic Study on the Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) on Depressive Symptoms Journal Articles
Neonatal Outcomes in Women With Untreated Antenatal Depression Compared With Women Without Depression Journal Articles
Neural and behavioural correlates of autobiographical memory retrieval in patients with major depressive disorder and a history of trauma exposure Journal Articles
Neural systems underlying thought suppression in young women with, and at-risk, for depression Journal Articles
Neurobiological Factors Linking Personality Traits and Major Depression Journal Articles
Neurocognitive profiles in older adults with and without major depression Journal Articles
Neurophysiological evidence of cognitive inhibition anomalies in persons with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Neuropsychological Impact of Cg25 Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression Journal Articles
New methods can extend the use of minimal important difference units in meta-analyses of continuous outcome measures Journal Articles
Nitrous oxide (N2O) and subsequent open-label SSRI treatment of adolescents with depression (NOTAD): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
No Alterations of Brain Structural Asymmetry in Major Depressive Disorder: An ENIGMA Consortium Analysis Journal Articles
Obesity Genes and Risk of Major Depressive Disorder in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for depression in children and adolescents. Journal Articles
Online Public Health Nurse–Delivered Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Optimising first- and second-line treatment strategies for untreated major depressive disorder — the SUN☺D study: a pragmatic, multi-centre, assessor-blinded randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Outcomes of an integrated care pathway for concurrent major depressive and alcohol use disorders: a multisite prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Outcomes reported in randomised clinical trials of major depressive disorder treatments in adolescents: a systematic scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Outcomes reported in randomised controlled trials of major depressive disorder in older adults: protocol for a methodological review Journal Articles
Overestimation of Postpartum Depression Prevalence Based on a 5-item Version of the EPDS: Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Pain severity and pain interference during major depressive episodes treated with escitalopram and aripiprazole adjunctive therapy: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Panic disorder in later life: results from a national survey of Canadians Journal Articles
Parental bonding and neuropsychological performance are associated with episodic simulation of future events in trauma‐exposed patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Path analysis of the chronicity of depression using the comprehensive developmental model framework Journal Articles
Patient Perceptions of Microbiome-Based Therapies as Novel Treatments for Mood Disorders: A Mixed Methods Study: Perceptions des patients sur les thérapies basées sur le microbiome pour les troubles de l’humeur : une étude à méthodes mixtes Journal Articles
Patterns and correlates of major depression in Chinese adults: a cross-sectional study of 0.5 million men and women Journal Articles
Performance of the biological rhythms interview for assessment in neuropsychiatry: An item response theory and actigraphy analysis Journal Articles
Performances on individual neurocognitive tests by people experiencing a current major depression episode: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Perinatal Depression: A Guide to Detection and Management in Primary Care Journal Articles
Peripheral protein inflammatory biomarkers in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Persistence and Remission of Psychiatric Disorders in the Quebec Older Adult Population Journal Articles
Personalized relapse prediction in patients with major depressive disorder using digital biomarkers Journal Articles
Polygenic score analyses on antidepressant response in late-life depression, results from the IRL-GRey study. Journal Articles
Posterior Hippocampal Volumes Are Associated with Remission Rates in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Potential use of Internet-based screening for anxiety disorders: a pilot study Journal Articles
Preclinical and Clinical Evidence of Antioxidant Effects of Antidepressant Agents: Implications for the Pathophysiology of Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Predicting Worsening Suicidal Ideation With Clinical Features and Peripheral Expression of Messenger RNA and MicroRNA During Antidepressant Treatment Journal Articles
Predicting escitalopram treatment response from pre-treatment and early response resting state fMRI in a multi-site sample: A CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Predicting functional impairment in euthymic patients with mood disorder: A 5-year follow-up Journal Articles
Predicting recurrence of major depressive episodes using the Depression Implicit Association Test: A Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) report Journal Articles
Predicting treatment response using EEG in major depressive disorder: A machine-learning meta-analysis Journal Articles
Prediction of depression treatment outcome from multimodal data: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Prediction of suicide attempts in a prospective cohort study with a nationally representative sample of the US population Journal Articles
Predictors of Quality of Life Improvement with Escitalopram and Adjunctive Aripiprazole in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A CAN-BIND Study Report Journal Articles
Predictors of antidepressant response in clinical trials of transcranial magnetic stimulation Journal Articles
Predictors of illicit substance abuse/dependence during young adulthood: A machine learning approach Conferences
Predictors of nonresponse to cognitive behavioural therapy or venlafaxine using glucose metabolism in major depressive disorder. Journal Articles
Predictors of premature treatment termination in a large residential addiction medicine program Journal Articles
Predominant polarity in bipolar disorder: Diagnostic implications Journal Articles
Premorbid intelligence quotient and school failure as risk markers for bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Pretreatment anxious depression as a predictor of side effect frequency and severity in escitalopram and aripiprazole adjunctive therapy Journal Articles
Primary outcome reporting in adolescent depression clinical trials needs standardization Journal Articles
Pro-inflammatory markers are associated with response to sequential pharmacotherapy in major depressive disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Probability of major depression diagnostic classification based on the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews controlling for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Depression subscale scores: An individual participant data meta-analysis of 73 primary studies Journal Articles
Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured versus fully structured diagnostic interviews. Journal Articles
Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for treatment resistant depression: A randomized clinical trial evaluating repeated doses of psilocybin Journal Articles
Psychiatric comorbidity pattern in treatment-seeking veterans Journal Articles
Psychopharmacologic treatment of pediatric major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Public Health Nurse-delivered Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Postpartum Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Quality assurance assessment of a specialized perinatal mental health clinic Journal Articles
Real-world effectiveness of repeated ketamine infusions for treatment resistant depression during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Recall of recent and more remote depressive episodes in a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Recommendations on screening for depression in adults Journal Articles
Reduced accuracy accompanied by reduced neural activity during the performance of an emotional conflict task by unmedicated patients with major depression: A CAN-BIND fMRI study Journal Articles
Reduced hippocampus volume and memory performance in bipolar disorder patients carrying the BDNF val66met met allele Journal Articles
Relation between patterns of intrinsic network connectivity, cognitive functioning, and symptom presentation in trauma‐exposed patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Relation of hippocampal volume and SGK1 gene expression to treatment remission in major depression is moderated by childhood maltreatment: A CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment of Medication-Resistant Depression in Older Adults Journal Articles
Replication of machine learning methods to predict treatment outcome with antidepressant medications in patients with major depressive disorder from STAR*D and CAN-BIND-1 Journal Articles
Resilience as a mediator factor in the relationship between childhood trauma and mood disorder: A community sample of young adults Journal Articles
Response Inhibition and Predicting Response to Pharmacological and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder: A Canadian Biomarker Integration Network for Depression Study Journal Articles
Response trajectories during escitalopram treatment of patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Reverse translation of major depressive disorder symptoms: A framework for the behavioural phenotyping of putative biomarkers Journal Articles
Risk of dementia in bipolar disorder and the interplay of lithium: a systematic review and meta‐analyses Journal Articles
SNORD90 induces glutamatergic signaling following treatment with monoaminergic antidepressants Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol during memory encoding in pregnancy predicts postpartum depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Screening for depression in children and adolescents: a protocol for a systematic review update Journal Articles
Screening for depression in women during pregnancy or the first year postpartum and in the general adult population: a protocol for two systematic reviews to update a guideline of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care Journal Articles
Second-Order Peer Reviews of Clinically Relevant Articles for the Physiatrist Journal Articles
Self Efficacy in Depression Journal Articles
Sertraline and/or interpersonal psychotherapy for patients with dysthymic disorder in primary care: 6-month comparison with longitudinal 2-year follow-up of effectiveness and costs Journal Articles
Sex Differences in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Suicidal Ideation and Attempts, Depression, and Psychological Distress Among Canadians Journal Articles
Sex differences in cardiac autonomic function of depressed young adults Journal Articles
Shared genetic risk between eating disorder‐ and substance‐use‐related phenotypes: Evidence from genome‐wide association studies Journal Articles
Single, Repeated, and Maintenance Ketamine Infusions for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Sleep alterations in individuals recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder across different mood stages Journal Articles
Sleep, daily activity rhythms and postpartum mood: A longitudinal study across the perinatal period Journal Articles
Strategic use of new generation antidepressants for depression: SUN(^_^) D protocol update and statistical analysis plan Journal Articles
Stress, social support and
depression in single and married mothers Journal Articles
Structural covariance pattern abnormalities of insula in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND study report Journal Articles
Subacute alteration in level of consciousness in a woman with psychotic depression. Journal Articles
Subcortical brain alterations in major depressive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group Journal Articles
Subcutaneous ketamine reduces suicide risk and improves functioning in depression: A proof-of-concept study Journal Articles
Substance use disorders among youth with chronic physical illness Journal Articles
Successful computer-assisted cognitive remediation therapy in patients with unipolar depression: a proof of principle study Journal Articles
Symptom Dimension of Interest-Activity Indicates Need for Aripiprazole Augmentation of Escitalopram in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Symptomatic and Functional Outcomes and Early Prediction of Response to Escitalopram Monotherapy and Sequential Adjunctive Aripiprazole Therapy in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Symptoms of major depressive disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a representative sample of the Canadian population Journal Articles
Systematic Overview of Drug Interactions with Antidepressant Medications Journal Articles
Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Failed Antidepressant Treatment Response in Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, and Subthreshold Depression in Adults Journal Articles
Systematic review of the neural basis of social cognition in patients with mood disorders Journal Articles
Systematic scoping review identifies heterogeneity in outcomes measured in adolescent depression clinical trials Journal Articles
Systemic GDF11 attenuates depression-like phenotype in aged mice via stimulation of neuronal autophagy Journal Articles
Temporal Changes in the Cross-Sectional Associations between Cannabis Use, Suicidal Ideation, and Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample of Canadian Adults in 2012 Compared to 2002 Journal Articles
The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study Emotional Behavioural Scales (OCHS-EBS) Part II: Psychometric Adequacy for Categorical Measurement of Selected DSM-5 Disorders Journal Articles
The 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms moderate the association between uncinate fasciculus connectivity and antidepressants treatment response in major depression Journal Articles
The Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Algorithm for Screening to Detect Major Depression: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Journal Articles
The Association between Childhood Adversity and Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults with Mood Disorders: Results from the International Mood Disorders Collaborative Project Journal Articles
The Association between Conventional Antidepressants and the Metabolic Syndrome Journal Articles
The Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI): 1. Rationale, development, and description of a computerized children’s mental health intake and outcome assessment tool Journal Articles
The Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI): 2. Usefulness in screening for child and adolescent psychopatholog Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Recommendations for the Use of Racemic Ketamine in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Recommandations Du Groupe De Travail Du Réseau Canadien Pour Les Traitements De L’humeur Et De L’anxiété (Canmat) Concernant L’utilisation De La Kétamine Racémique Chez Les Adultes Souffrant De Trouble Dépressif Majeur Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Report: Serotonergic Psychedelic Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid metabolic disorders. Journal Articles
The Differential Relation of Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Abuse Histories to Antidepressant Treatment Remission and Persistence of Anhedonia in Major Depression: A CAN-BIND-1 Report Journal Articles
The Effects of Probiotics on Symptoms of Depression: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial Journal Articles
The Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders in Quebec's Older Adult Population Journal Articles
The Impact of Changing Diagnostic Criteria in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Canadian Epidemiologic Sample Journal Articles
The Midlife Transition, Depression, and Its Clinical Management Journal Articles
The Relation of Childhood Maltreatment to Psychotic Symptoms in Adolescents and Young Adults With Depression Journal Articles
The association of depressive symptoms and female sexual functioning in the menopause transition: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
The bright side of being blue: Depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems. Journal Articles
The comparative effectiveness of electroencephalographic indices in predicting response to escitalopram therapy in depression: A pilot study Journal Articles
The course of insomnia symptoms during the acute treatment of major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
The effect of comorbid major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder on cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
The effectiveness of repeated intravenous ketamine on depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation and functional disability in adults with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder: Results from the Canadian Rapid Treatment Center of Excellence Journal Articles
The efficacy of anti-inflammatory treatment interventions on depression in individuals with major depressive disorder and high levels of inflammation: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials Journal Articles
The impact of obesity on neuropsychological functioning in adults with and without major depressive disorder Journal Articles
The influence of 5-HTTLPR and Val66Met polymorphisms on cortical thickness and volume in limbic and paralimbic regions in depression: a preliminary study Journal Articles
The mitochondrial genome and psychiatric illness Journal Articles
The protective effect of the obesity-associated rs9939609 A variant in fat mass- and obesity-associated gene on depression Journal Articles
The relationship between parental bonding and mood, anxiety and related disorders in adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The roots of depression in adolescent girls: Is menarche the key? Journal Articles
Theory of mind deficits in patients with mild symptoms of major depressive disorder Journal Articles
There is more to mental illness than negative affect: comprehensive temperament profiles in depression and generalized anxiety Journal Articles
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone: differential antidepressant and endocrinological effects Journal Articles
Toward a revised evolutionary adaptationist analysis of depression: the social navigation hypothesis Journal Articles
Toward precision therapeutics: general and specific factors differentiate symptom change in depressed adolescents Journal Articles
Trajectories of resting frontal brain activity and psychopathology in female adolescents exposed to child maltreatment Journal Articles
Treating depression during pregnancy. Journal Articles
Treatment-emergent and trajectory-based peripheral gene expression markers of antidepressant response Journal Articles
Treatment-resistant depression: Definitions, review of the evidence, and algorithmic approach Journal Articles
Updating the Evidence and Recommendations for Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in Adults Journal Articles
Use of Machine Learning for Predicting Escitalopram Treatment Outcome From Electroencephalography Recordings in Adult Patients With Depression Journal Articles
Use of slow-release melatonin in treatment-resistant depression. Journal Articles
Using acute tryptophan depletion to investigate predictors of treatment response in adolescents with major depressive disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Using deep learning and pretreatment EEG to predict response to sertraline, bupropion, and placebo. Journal Articles
Using pre-treatment EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for MDD Journal Articles
Using pre-treatment electroencephalography data to predict response to transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for major depression Journal Articles
Validation of Six Short and Ultra-short Screening Instruments for Depression for People Living with HIV in Ontario: Results from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study Journal Articles
Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness and Shared Neurobiology in 6 Psychiatric Disorders Journal Articles
Wavelet-Based Muscle Artefact Noise Reduction for Short Latency rTMS Evoked Potentials Journal Articles
What is normal cognition in depression? Prevalence and functional correlates of normative versus idiographic cognitive impairment. Journal Articles
White Matter Indices of Medication Response in Major Depression: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study Journal Articles
White matter integrity in major depressive disorder: Implications of childhood trauma, 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms Journal Articles
Zebrafish models of major depressive disorders Journal Articles
“I think I am worth it. I can give up committing suicide”: Pathways to recovery for Chinese-Canadian women with a history of suicidal behaviour Journal Articles