selected scholarly activity
- Expertise in Medicine and Surgery. 331-355. 2018
- Local anesthetics 2012
- Regional nerve blocks 2012
- Hearing Is Believing: A Qualitative Exploration of Trust and Credibility Judgements in Educational Podcasts. Annals of Emergency Medicine. S1-S1. 2020
- Residents' Perceptions of Effective Features of Educational Podcasts. Annals of Emergency Medicine. S115-S115. 2020
- The Impact of Driving on Podcast Knowledge Acquisition and Retention among Emergency Medicine Resident Physicians. Annals of Emergency Medicine. S156-S156. 2020
- CAEP 2016 Academic Symposium: How to have an impact as an emergency medicine educator and scholar. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. S16-S21. 2017
- The Effectiveness of Cognitive Forcing Strategies to Decrease Diagnostic Error: An Exploratory Study. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 78-84. 2011
- Validation of a Rule for Termination of Resuscitation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. New England Journal of Medicine. 478-487. 2006
journal articles
- Crowdsourcing a diagnosis? Exploring the accuracy of the size and type of group diagnosis: an experimental study. BMJ Quality and Safety. 33:790-794. 2024
- Evaluating the Value of Eye-Tracking Augmented Debriefing in Medical Simulation-A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.. Simulation in Healthcare. 2024
- Diagnostic reasoning and cognitive error in emergency medicine: Implications for teaching and learning.. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2024
- Dual process models of clinical reasoning: The central role of knowledge in diagnostic expertise. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 30:788-796. 2024
- Is There a Problem With Evidence in Health Professions Education?. Academic Medicine. 99:841-848. 2024
- The influence of viewing time on visual diagnostic accuracy: Less is more. Medical Education. 58:858-868. 2024
- Understanding Emotions Impacted by New Assessment Mandates Implemented in Medical Education: A Survey of Residents and Faculty Across Multiple Specialties. Cureus. 16:e62013. 2024
- Competence By Design: a transformational national model of time-variable competency-based postgraduate medical education. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 13:201-223. 2024
- Demonstrating causality, bestowing honours, and contributing to the arms race: Threats to the sustainability of HPE research. Medical Education. 58:157-163. 2024
- C-CASE 2023: Promoting Excellence in Surgical Education01. Near-peer tutoring: an effective adjunct for virtual anatomy learning02. Surgical Exploration and Discovery: perspectives on student-led debriefs in undergraduate surgical education03. How are emotions of medical residents and faculty in general surgery affected by new assessment mandates implemented in medical education?04. Equity, diversity and inclusion in medical residency: a Web-based analysis of Canadian PGME efforts05. The use of virtual patient case simulations in surgical postgraduate teaching innovations06. Outcomes of the Canadian Orthopaedic Surgery Medical Education Course07. Educational effectiveness of social media as a continuing professional development intervention among practising surgeons: a systematic review08. Factors influencing medical students’ decision to pursue a career in surgery in North America: a systematic review09. Improving operating room teamwork: Do current strategies offer actionable solutions?10. Affective influence on lumbar laminectomy performance on a virtual reality spine simulator11. Exploring the shifting landscape in the match outcomes of women applying to surgical residency programs in Canada: Have we achieved equity?12. Exploring residents’ emotion-regulation strategies and their effectiveness in team-based surgical simulations13. Impact of an educational workshop for medical student surgical clerkship rotation preparation14. McGill Surgical Exploration and Discovery: impact on medical students’ perception and skills in surgery15. Does BlackBox Explorer Technology improve operative teaching for surgical residents?16. The impact of a deceased donor organ procurement workshop on surgical transplant fellows’ confidence and competence17. Vascular anastomosis workshop improves general surgery residents’ confidence and competence18. A comparative analysis of video-based versus text-based learning resources for Foley catheter insertion and the implications for medical student procedural skills training: a pilot study19. Improving assessment and training in craniosynostosis: the role of interactive 3-D models and multimodal e-learning20. Anatomy of a strategic plan for education: driving innovation in McMaster’s Division of Cardiac Surgery21. Optimizing the learner’s role in feedback: development of a feedback-preparedness online application for medical students in the clinical setting22. Trainee response to artificial intelligent tutor instruction in surgical simulation23. Promoting diversity in surgery through UofC UpSurge24. Evaluating the benefit of a novel surgical robotic training workshop for general surgery and subspecialty trainees in Canada25. Undergraduate surgery learning objectives: illuminating discrepancies among Canadian medical schools26. Cerebral corticectomy in ex-vivo calf brain model: face and content validation27. Validating a virtual simulation tool for local and regional flap reconstruction in the head and neck28. The impact of a surgical boot camp and near-peer teaching on the acquisition of basic surgical skills in medical students transitioning to clerkship29. Evaluating the impact of the MLASE checklist on surgical training literature involving machine learning and virtual reality: a comparative analysis30. Exploring the impact of LearnENT’s social media as a powerful tool in OHNS medical education31. MiHolo, a holographic training tool for minimally invasive mitral valve repair surgery32. Evaluating the impact of medical students’ participation in telephone visits for patients with breast cancer: a pilot study33. The importance of understanding the personalities of surgeons when choosing a career: medical students’ perspectives34. A conversation on the current state of diversity, equity and inclusion in surgery35. Current state of female and BIPOC representation in Canadian medical education administration leadership36. What’s in a name? The development of trust and familiarity in dynamic interprofessional operating room teams37. Development and pilot of a plastic and reconstructive surgery case-based learning curriculum38. Women in surgery: a qualitative study of gendered experiences within everyday surgical life39. An interdisciplinary complex airway crisis resource management simulation training module for otolaryngology residents: a longitudinal experience40. Assessing the accuracy of responses by ChatGPT to questions regarding pediatric surgery. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 66:S137-S150. 2023
- Blueprints for Connection: A Meta-Organizational Framework for Layering Theory, Philosophy, and Praxis Within Continuing Education in the Health Professions. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 43:S41-S46. 2023
- Does allowing access to electronic differential diagnosis support threaten the reliability of a licensing exam?. Medical Education. 57:932-938. 2023
- LEADS+ Developmental Model: Proposing a new model based on an integrative conceptual review. Medical Education. 57:857-869. 2023
- Are we talking about practice? A randomized study comparing simulation-based deliberate practice and mastery learning to self-guided practice. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 25:667-675. 2023
- Universal screening in the emergency department for intimate partner violence would consume scarce resources without improving patient well-being. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 25:462-464. 2023
- LEADS+ Developmental Model: Proposing a new model based on an integrative conceptual review 2023
- Education Theory Made Practical: Creating open educational resources via an apprenticeship model. AEM Education and Training. 6:e10802. 2022
- Electronic Diagnostic Support in Emergency Physician Triage: Qualitative Study With Thematic Analysis of Interviews. JMIR Human Factors. 9:e39234-e39234. 2022
- Implementation of Entrustable Professional Activities assessments in a Canadian obstetrics and gynecology residency program: a mixed methods study. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 13:77-81. 2022
- Bridging Worlds to Lead: A conceptual review with stakeholder consultation to create the LEADS+ Development Model 2022
- Examining the validity argument for the Ottawa Surgical Competency Operating Room Evaluation (OSCORE): a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 27:659-689. 2022
- Intrinsic or Invisible? An Audit of CanMEDS Roles in Entrustable Professional Activities. Academic Medicine. 97:1213-1218. 2022
- Should electronic differential diagnosis support be used early or late in the diagnostic process? A multicentre experimental study of Isabel. BMJ Quality and Safety. 31:426-433. 2022
- The scope of health professions education requires complementary and diverse approaches to knowledge synthesis. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 11:139-143. 2022
- Harnessing Natural Language Processing to Support Decisions Around Workplace-Based Assessment: Machine Learning Study of Competency-Based Medical Education. JMIR Medical Education. 8:e30537-e30537. 2022
- Electronic diagnostic support in emergency physician triage: a qualitative study (Preprint) 2022
- The McMaster Advanced Communication Competencies Model for Psychiatry (MACC Model). Academic Psychiatry. 46:210-217. 2022
- Diagnostic reasoning in cardiovascular medicine. The BMJ. 376:e064389-e064389. 2022
- Supported Independence: The Role of Supervision to Help Trainees Manage Uncertainty. Academic Medicine. 96:S81-S86. 2021
- Tensions in describing competency-based medical education: a study of Canadian key opinion leaders. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:1277-1289. 2021
- A new world of residency education: game changers and proven practices. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 12:157-246. 2021
- Maximizing the Morning Commute: A Randomized Trial Assessing the Effect of Driving on Podcast Knowledge Acquisition and Retention. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 78:416-424. 2021
- Task Switching, Multitasking, and Errors: A Psychologic Perspective on the Impact of Interruptions. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 78:425-428. 2021
- Intuitive and deliberative approaches for diagnosing ‘well’ versus ‘unwell’: evidence from eye tracking, and potential implications for training. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:811-825. 2021
- Faculty development using a virtual community of practice: Three‐year outcomes of the Academic Life in Emergency Medicine Faculty Incubator program. AEM Education and Training. 5:e10626. 2021
- Letter to the Editor. Chemical Engineering Education. 23:565-566. 2021
- Skeptical self‐regulation: Resident experiences of uncertainty about uncertainty. Medical Education. 55:749-757. 2021
- Harnessing Natural Language Processing to Support Decisions Around Workplace-Based Assessment: Machine Learning Study of Competency-Based Medical Education (Preprint) 2021
- Infographics, podcasts, and blogs: a multi-channel, asynchronous, digital faculty experience to improve clinical teaching (MAX FacDev). Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 23:390-393. 2021
- “I made a mistake!”: A narrative analysis of experienced physicians' stories of preventable error. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 27:236-245. 2021
- Effect of Gender on Feedback Associated with a Direct Clinical Observation Tool Used during Clerkship at McMaster University. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021
- Admission High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin vs a Biochemical Score for Predicting Mortality in Patients With COVID-19. CJC OPEN. 3:130-131. 2021
- The teacher, the assessor, and the patient protector: A conceptual model describing how context interfaces with the supervisory roles of academic emergency physicians. AEM Education and Training. 5:52-62. 2021
- Residents’ Perceptions of Effective Features of Educational Podcasts. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 22:26-32. 2020
- Pandemics and Innovation: How Medical Education Programs Can Adapt Extraclinical Teaching to Maintain Social Distancing. ATS Scholar. 1:344-347. 2020
- Comparison of two biomarker only algorithms for early risk stratification in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome. International Journal of Cardiology. 319:140-143. 2020
- 408EMF The Impact of Driving on Podcast Knowledge Acquisition and Retention among Emergency Medicine Resident Physicians. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 76:S156-S156. 2020
- Using the clinical chemistry score in the emergency department to detect adverse cardiac events: a diagnostic accuracy study. CMAJ open. 8:E676-E684. 2020
- Risk Stratification for Patients with Chest Pain Discharged Home from the Emergency Department. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 9:2948-2948. 2020
- The effect of prior experience on diagnostic reasoning: exploration of availability bias. Diagnosis. 7:265-272. 2020
- Making Decisions in the Era of the Clinical Decision Rule: How Emergency Physicians Use Clinical Decision Rules. Academic Medicine. 95:1230-1237. 2020
- High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I vs a Clinical Chemistry Score for Predicting All-Cause Mortality in an Emergency Department Population. CJC OPEN. 2:296-302. 2020
- Just the Facts: how to teach emergency department flow management. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 22:459-462. 2020
- Quality Improvement High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I vs a Clinical Chemistry Score for Predicting All-Cause Mortality in an Emergency Department Population. CJC OPEN. 2:296-302. 2020
- A Signal Through the Noise: Do Professionalism Concerns Impact the Decision Making of Competence Committees?. Academic Medicine. 95:896-901. 2020
- Clinical evaluation of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics high-sensitivity cardiac Troponin I assay in patients with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome. Clinical Biochemistry. 80:48-51. 2020
- It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Rapid Evaluation of Competency-Based Medical Education Program Implementation. Academic Medicine. 95:786-793. 2020
- LO80: Perfecting practice for rare procedures: a simulation-based, multi-centre randomized trial. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 22:s36-s36. 2020
- It’s the destination: diagnostic accuracy and reasoning. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25:19-29. 2020
- Critical thinking, biases and dual processing: The enduring myth of generalisable skills. Medical Education. 54:66-73. 2020
- Independent and Interwoven: A Qualitative Exploration of Residents’ Experiences With Educational Podcasts. Academic Medicine. 95:89-96. 2020
- The competency-based medical education evolution of Canadian emergency medicine specialist training. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 22:95-102. 2020
- Effect of Teaching Bayesian Methods Using Learning by Concept vs Learning by Example on Medical Students’ Ability to Estimate Probability of a Diagnosis. JAMA network open. 2:e1918023-e1918023. 2019
- Perfecting practice: a protocol for assessing simulation-based mastery learning and deliberate practice versus self-guided practice for bougie-assisted cricothyroidotomy performance. BMC Medical Education. 19:100. 2019
- The state of health advocacy training in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review. Medical Education. 53:1209-1220. 2019
- Management Reasoning: Implications for Health Professions Educators and a Research Agenda. Academic Medicine. 94:1310-1316. 2019
- Management Reasoning: Implications for Health Professions Educators and a Research Agenda.. Academic Medicine. 94:1310-1316. 2019
- Experienced physician descriptions of intuition in clinical reasoning: a typology. Diagnosis. 6:259-268. 2019
- Attending emergency physicians’ perceptions of a programmatic workplace-based assessment system: The McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP). Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 31:434-444. 2019
- Correction to: Debiasing versus knowledge retrieval checklists to reduce diagnostic error in ECG interpretation. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:441-442. 2019
- Debiasing versus knowledge retrieval checklists to reduce diagnostic error in ECG interpretation. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 24:427-440. 2019
- A Core Components Framework for Evaluating Implementation of Competency-Based Medical Education Programs. Academic Medicine. 94:1002-1009. 2019
- Faculty development in the age of competency-based medical education: A needs assessment of Canadian emergency medicine faculty and senior trainees. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 21:527-534. 2019
- Making change in medical education. Medical Education. 53:649-651. 2019
- Understanding diagnosis through ACTion: evaluation of a point-of-care checklist for junior emergency medical residents. Diagnosis. 6:151-156. 2019
- Coaching for Chaos: A Qualitative Study of Instructional Methods for Multipatient Management in the Emergency Department. AEM Education and Training. 3:145-155. 2019
- Ascertaining top evidence in emergency medicine: A modified Delphi study. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 21:291-295. 2019
- Bougie-assisted cricothyroidotomy: Delphi-derived essential steps for the novice learner. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 21:283-290. 2019
- The Social Media Index as an Indicator of Quality for Emergency Medicine Blogs: A METRIQ Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 72:696-702. 2018
- Diagnostic vs Management Reasoning—Reply. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 320:1818-1818. 2018
- You don’t need a mentor; you need a board of directors. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:816-817. 2018
- Clinical Informatics Competencies in the Emergency Medicine Specialist Training Standards of Five International Jurisdictions. AEM Education and Training. 2:293-300. 2018
- The ALiEM Faculty Incubator: A Novel Online Approach to Faculty Development in Education Scholarship. Academic Medicine. 93:1497-1502. 2018
- High-sensitivity cardiac troponin concentrations at emergency department presentation in females and males with an acute cardiac outcome. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. 55:604-607. 2018
- Research environments: can the cloud supplement bricks and mortar?. Medical Education. 52:891-893. 2018
- The Power of Social Media in Medicine and Medical Education: Opportunities, Risks, and Rewards. Clinical Chemistry. 64:1284-1290. 2018
- Clinical chemistry score versus high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and T tests alone to identify patients at low or high risk for myocardial infarction or death at presentation to the emergency department. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. 190:E974-E984. 2018
- Quality Evaluation Scores are no more Reliable than Gestalt in Evaluating the Quality of Emergency Medicine Blogs: A METRIQ Study. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 30:294-302. 2018
- Management Reasoning. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 319:2267-2267. 2018
- The 3 faces of clinical reasoning: Epistemological explorations of disparate error reduction strategies. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 24:666-673. 2018
- LO16: Showing your work: experiences with mind maps and faculty teaching. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:S12-S12. 2018
- Managing Multiplicity: Conceptualizing Physician Cognition in Multipatient Environments. Academic Medicine. 93:786-793. 2018
- P093: Performing the balancing act: emergency medicine physicians’ multifaceted roles and their influence on trainee assessment. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:S89-S90. 2018
- P139: How available is availability bias? Examining factors that influence diagnostic error. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:s106-s106. 2018
- Learning Analytics in Medical Education Assessment: The Past, the Present, and the Future. AEM Education and Training. 2:178-187. 2018
- Performance of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin in the emergency department for myocardial infarction and a composite cardiac outcome across different estimated glomerular filtration rates. Clinica Chimica Acta. 479:166-170. 2018
- Education scholarship in Canadian emergency medicine: The past, present, and future. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:164-166. 2018
- JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education: An Analysis of a Virtual Discussion on Resident Well-Being. Journal of graduate medical education. 10:36-42. 2018
- Reanimating Patients After Traumatic Cardiac Arrest. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 36:19-40. 2018
- A writer’s guide to education scholarship: Quantitative methodologies for medical education research (part 1). Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 20:125-131. 2018
- Failure to flow: An exploration of learning and teaching in busy, multi-patient environments using an interpretive description method. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs. 6:380-387. 2017
- Mixed Messages or Miscommunication? Investigating the Relationship Between Assessors’ Workplace-Based Assessment Scores and Written Comments. Academic Medicine. 92:1774-1779. 2017
- Nuance and Noise: Lessons Learned From Longitudinal Aggregated Assessment Data. Journal of graduate medical education. 9:724-729. 2017
- On Rating Angels: The Halo Effect and Straight Line Scoring. Journal of graduate medical education. 9:721-723. 2017
- One Click Away: Digital Mentorship in the Modern Era. Cureus. 9:e1838. 2017
- Eyeballing: the use of visual appearance to diagnose ‘sick’. Medical Education. 51:1138-1145. 2017
- Individual Gestalt Is Unreliable for the Evaluation of Quality in Medical Education Blogs: A METRIQ Study. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 70:394-401. 2017
- In Reply to Croskerry and to Patel and Bergl. Academic Medicine. 92:1065-1065. 2017
- High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Risk Cutoffs for Acute Cardiac Outcomes at Emergency Department Presentation. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 33:898-903. 2017
- Multiple Wins: Embracing Technology to Increase Efficiency and Maximize Efforts. AEM Education and Training. 1:185-190. 2017
- A call to action: The controversy of and rationale for competency-based medical education. Medical Teacher. 39:574-581. 2017
- Evolving concepts of assessment in a competency-based world. Medical Teacher. 39:603-608. 2017
- Toward a shared language for competency-based medical education. Medical Teacher. 39:582-587. 2017
- A laboratory score at presentation to rule-out serious cardiac outcomes or death in patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome. Clinica Chimica Acta. 469:69-74. 2017
- Academic Primer Series: Five Key Papers about Study Designs in Medical Education. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 18:705-712. 2017
- Academic Primer Series: Key Papers About Competency-Based Medical Education. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 18:713-720. 2017
- How Expert Clinicians Intuitively Recognize a Medical Diagnosis. American Journal of Medicine. 130:629-634. 2017
- An Environmental Scan of Academic Emergency Medicine at the 17 Canadian Medical Schools: Why Does this Matter to Emergency Physicians? – CORRIGENDUM. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 19:247-247. 2017
- CAEP 2016 Academic Symposium: A Writer’s Guide to Key Steps in Producing Quality Education Scholarship. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 19:S9-S15. 2017
- Examining the Influence of Context and Professional Culture on Clinical Reasoning Through Rhetorical-Narrative Analysis. Qualitative Health Research. 27:866-876. 2017
- Leveraging a Virtual Community of Practice to Participate in a Survey‐based Study: A Description of the METRIQ Study Methodology. AEM Education and Training. 1:110-113. 2017
- Do Antiviral Medications Improve Symptoms in the Treatment of Bell’s Palsy?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 69:364-365. 2017
- TAKE-HOME MESSAGE. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 69:364-365. 2017
- JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education: Analysis of a Multimodal Online Discussion About Team-Based Learning. Journal of graduate medical education. 9:102-108. 2017
- Academic Primer Series: Eight Key Papers about Education Theory. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 18:293-302. 2017
- Economic Considerations of Early Rule-In/Rule-Out Algorithms for The Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction in The Emergency Department Using Cardiac Troponin and Glycemic Biomarkers. Clinical Chemistry. 63:593-602. 2017
- Health advocacy. Medical Teacher. 39:128-135. 2017
- Is bias in the eye of the beholder? A vignette study to assess recognition of cognitive biases in clinical case workups. BMJ Quality and Safety. 26:104-110. 2017
- An Environmental Scan of Academic Emergency Medicine at the 17 Canadian Medical Schools: Why Does this Matter to Emergency Physicians?. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 19:39-46. 2017
- McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP) Through the Years: Residents' Experience With an Evolving Feedback Culture Over a 3‐year Period. AEM Education and Training. 1:5-14. 2017
- Rule-In and Rule-Out of Myocardial Infarction Using Cardiac Troponin and Glycemic Biomarkers in Patients with Symptoms Suggestive of Acute Coronary Syndrome. Clinical Chemistry. 63:403-414. 2017
- The Causes of Errors in Clinical Reasoning: Cognitive Biases, Knowledge Deficits, and Dual Process Thinking. Academic Medicine. 92:23-30. 2017
- Mind the Gap: The Prospects of Missing Data. Journal of graduate medical education. 8:708-712. 2016
- “It’s Complicated”: Understanding the Relationships Between Checklists, Rating Scales, and Written Comments in Workplace-Based Assessments. Academic Medicine. 91:S10-S10. 2016
- Simulation for High-Stakes Assessment in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 17:212-223. 2016
- IntroducingAcademic Emergency Medicine Education and Training. Academic Emergency Medicine. 23:736-737. 2016
- A National Faculty Development Needs Assessment in Emergency Medicine. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 18:161-182. 2016
- Design and Implementation of a Competency-Based Transfusion Medicine Training Program in Canada. Transfusion Medicine Reviews. 30:30-36. 2016
- Letters to the Editor.. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 21:e1-e3. 2016
- Education Scholarship and its Impact on Emergency Medicine Education. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16:804-809. 2015
- An Extended Validity Argument for Assessing Feedback Culture. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 27:355-358. 2015
- Criteria for social media-based scholarship in health professions education. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 91:551-555. 2015
- Quality indicators for blogs and podcasts used in medical education: modified Delphi consensus recommendations by an international cohort of health professions educators. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 91:546-550. 2015
- Social media in medical education: a new pedagogical paradigm?. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 91:544-545. 2015
- The Social Media Summit in Health Professions Education. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 91:542-543. 2015
- Thou shalt not tweet unprofessionally: an appreciative inquiry into the professional use of social media. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 91:561-564. 2015
- JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education Online Journal Club: An Analysis of a Virtual Discussion About Resident Teachers. Journal of graduate medical education. 7:437-444. 2015
- Creating a Virtual Journal Club: A Community of Practice Using Multiple Social Media Strategies. Journal of graduate medical education. 7:481-482. 2015
- Reflecting on Diagnostic Errors: Taking a Second Look is Not Enough. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 30:1270-1274. 2015
- The McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP). Academic Medicine. 90:900-905. 2015
- Disrupting Diagnostic Reasoning. Academic Medicine. 90:511-517. 2015
- Social media and medical education: Exploring the potential of Twitter as a learning tool. International Review of Psychiatry. 27:140-146. 2015
- Administration and leadership competencies: establishment of a national consensus for emergency medicine. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 17:107-114. 2015
- The use of free online educational resources by Canadian emergency medicine residents and program directors. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 17:101-106. 2015
- When Guidelines Don’t Guide. Academic Medicine. 90:191-196. 2015
- @SirBill: the power of social media to transform medical education. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 90:545-546. 2014
- Reflecting Upon Reflection in Diagnostic Reasoning. Academic Medicine. 89:1195-1195. 2014
- Reframing Diagnostic Error: Maybe It's Content, and Not Process, That Leads to Error. Academic Emergency Medicine. 21:931-933. 2014
- Debriefing for technology-enhanced simulation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medical Education. 48:657-666. 2014
- Defining the Key Roles and Competencies of the Clinician–Educator of the 21st Century. Academic Medicine. 89:783-789. 2014
- Education scholarship in emergency medicine part 1: innovating and improving teaching and learning. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16:S1-S5. 2014
- Education scholarship in emergency medicine part 2: supporting and developing scholars. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16:S6-S12. 2014
- Education scholarship in emergency medicine part 3: a “how-to” guide. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16:S13-S18. 2014
- Conflict Prevention, Conflict Mitigation, and Manifestations of Conflict During Emergency Department Consultations. Academic Emergency Medicine. 21:308-313. 2014
- The Etiology of Diagnostic Errors. Academic Medicine. 89:277-284. 2014
- Ineffectiveness of cognitive forcing strategies to reduce biases in diagnostic reasoning: a controlled trial. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 16:34-40. 2014
- The reliability of encounter cards to assess the CanMEDS roles. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 18:987-996. 2013
- Understanding the Impact of Residents' Interpersonal Relationships During Emergency Department Referrals and Consultations. Journal of graduate medical education. 5:576-581. 2013
- Is Clinical Cognition Binary or Continuous?. Academic Medicine. 88:1058-1060. 2013
- In Reply to Petrie and Campbell. Academic Medicine. 88:557-558. 2013
- The reverse classroom: lectures on your own and homework with faculty. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 15:179-181. 2013
- In the Real World, Faster Diagnoses Are Not Necessarily More Accurate. Academic Medicine. 88:298-298. 2013
- Clinical Decision Making. Academic Medicine. 88:150-151. 2013
- Technology‐enhanced Simulation in Emergency Medicine: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis. Academic Emergency Medicine. 20:117-127. 2013
- Understanding communication between emergency and consulting physicians: a qualitative study that describes and defines the essential elements of the emergency department consultation-referral process for the junior learner. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 15:42-51. 2013
- Assessing Diagnostic Reasoning: A Consensus Statement Summarizing Theory, Practice, and Future Needs. Academic Emergency Medicine. 19:1454-1461. 2012
- Brief educational reports: a new manuscript category.. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 14:325. 2012
- The short report teaching a new class of manuscripts. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 14:326-327. 2012
- The Relationship Between Response Time and Diagnostic Accuracy. Academic Medicine. 87:785-791. 2012
- Corrigendum. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 24:186-186. 2012
- Royal College white papers: assessment of training. The authors reply. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 55:E5-E5. 2012
- Black Balls and Diagnostic Reasoning. Academic Medicine. 87:2-2. 2012
- “Intrinsic Roles” rather than “armour”: renaming the “non-medical expert roles” of the CanMEDS framework to match their intent. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 16:695-697. 2011
- A Call To Action In Consultation Training. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 13:361-361. 2011
- Consensus Conference Follow-up: Inter-rater Reliability Assessment of the Best Evidence in Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Rater Scale, a Medical Literature Rating Tool for Emergency Physicians. Academic Emergency Medicine. 18:1193-1200. 2011
- Coaching in emergency medicine. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 12:520-524. 2010
- A low-fidelity simulation curriculum addresses needs identified by faculty and improves the comfort level of senior internal medicine resident physicians with inhospital resuscitation*. Critical Care Medicine. 38:1899-1903. 2010
- How does an “opinion leader” influence my practice?. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 12:431-434. 2010
- Competency-based continuing professional development. Medical Teacher. 32:657-662. 2010
- Competency-based medical education in postgraduate medical education. Medical Teacher. 32:651-656. 2010
- Competency-based medical education: theory to practice. Medical Teacher. 32:638-645. 2010
- The role of assessment in competency-based medical education. Medical Teacher. 32:676-682. 2010
- Education scholarship: the next step for our specialty. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 12:347-348. 2010
- Do Antiviral Medications Improve Recovery in Patients With Bell's Palsy?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 55:475-476. 2010
- Evidence-based emergency medicine: clinical synopsis. Do antiviral medications improve recovery in patients with Bell's palsy?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 55:475-476. 2010
- A national clinician–educator program: a model of an effective community of practice. Medical Education Online. 15:5356-5356. 2010
- Clinical Decision Rules for Termination of Resuscitation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 38:80-86. 2010
- Does This Patient Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 55:117-119. 2010
- How Do I Treat Pediatric Wrist Fractures?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 54:541-542. 2009
- Do Opioids Affect the Clinical Evaluation of Patients With Acute Abdominal Pain?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 54:126-127. 2009
- Self-reported priorities and resources of academic emergency physicians for the maintenance of clinical competence: a pilot study. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 11:230-234. 2009
- Does This Patient With a Pericardial Effusion Have Cardiac Tamponade?. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 53:390-391. 2009
- Assessing competence in emergency medicine trainees: an overview of effective methodologies. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 10:365-371. 2008
- Inter-rater reliability and comfort in the application of a basic life support termination of resuscitation clinical prediction rule for out of hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 74:150-157. 2007
- Summary of the Methodology for the Validation Study for a Termination of Resuscitation Clinical Prediction Rule. Critical Pathways in Cardiology. 5:235-237. 2006
- Evaluating “ED STAT!”: A Novel and Effective Faculty Development Program to Improve Emergency Department Teaching. Academic Emergency Medicine. 13:1062-1069. 2006
- Prehospital transcutaneous cardiac pacing for symptomatic bradycardia or bradyasystolic cardiac arrest: A systematic review. Resuscitation. 70:193-200. 2006
- Improving Communication Skills: Feedback from Faculty and Residents. Academic Emergency Medicine. 13:467-470. 2006
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