A National Faculty Development Needs Assessment in Emergency Medicine Journal Articles uri icon

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  • AbstractObjectivesEmergency physicians who work in academic settings enjoy an expanding number of roles beyond that of the skilled clinician. Faculty development (FD) encompasses the broad range of activities that institutions use to renew skill-sets and assist faculty members in these multiple roles. This study seeks to define the current FD needs and interests of Canadian academic emergency physicians (AEPs).MethodsAn online survey was administered to 943 AEPs in eight centers across Canada to determine their current FD activities, provide a detailed understanding of their FD needs and interests, elucidate the perceived barriers to and motivation for engaging in FD, and identify preferred methods of delivery for FD activities.ResultsThis national, cross-sectional survey was completed by 336 respondents. It shows that need for FD is universally high, particularly in traditional domains of scholarship, leadership and education (79%, 80%, 87% overall interest, respectively). However, the study also suggests that there is increasing need for FD in areas where current participation is lowest, namely research and social accountability (12% and 13% more interest, respectively). Senior and junior faculty evince equivalent overall FD interest (p>0.05), whereas female AEPs expressed greater overall FD needs in leadership (1.82 vs 1.44 activities,p=0.003) than males. Continued participation in FD activities is best promoted by offering relevant topics, at convenient times and locations.ConclusionsThis study reports the first comprehensive national FD needs assessment of Canadian academic emergency physicians.


  • Brown, G Mark
  • Lang, Eddy
  • Patel, Kamala
  • McRae, Andrew
  • Chung, Brian
  • Yoon, Philip
  • Dong, Sandy
  • Blouin, Danielle
  • Sherbino, Jonathan
  • Hicks, Christopher
  • Bandiera, Glen
  • Meyers, Christine

publication date

  • May 2016