Vocabulary Service
subject area of
KCNQ2 mutation in an infant with encephalopathy of infancy with migrating focal seizures Journal Articles
KCTD7‐related progressive myoclonic epilepsy: Report of 42 cases and review of literature Journal Articles
N400 event‐related brain potential and functional outcome in persons at clinical high risk for psychosis: A longitudinal study Journal Articles
A Hypothesis-Generating Study Using Electrophysiology to Examine Cognitive Function in Colon Cancer Patients Journal Articles
A Machine Learning Algorithm to Discriminating Between Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorders Based on Resting EEG Data Journal Articles
A Machine Learning Framework for Automatic and Continuous MMN Detection With Preliminary Results for Coma Outcome Prediction Journal Articles
A Male Phenotype With Aicardi Syndrome Journal Articles
A Pilot Study of Electrocortical Activity in Dysfunctional Anger: Decreased Frontocortical Activation, Impaired Attention Control, and Diminished Behavioral Inhibition Journal Articles
A Reappraisal of Rhythmic Coma Patterns in Children Journal Articles
A Review of Recent Literature Employing Electroencephalographic Techniques to Study the Pathophysiology, Phenomenology, and Treatment Response of Schizophrenia Journal Articles
A change of heart and a change of mind? Technology and the redefinition of death in 1968 Journal Articles
A comparison of algorithms for detection of spikes in the electroencephalogram Journal Articles
A framework for the extended monitoring of levels of cognitive function in unresponsive patients Journal Articles
A longitudinal drug study and central amines. Journal Articles
A machine learning approach for distinguishing age of infants using auditory evoked potentials Journal Articles
A machine learning approach using EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for major depressive disorder Journal Articles
A machine learning approach using auditory odd-ball responses to investigate the effect of Clozapine therapy Journal Articles
A pilot study to determine whether machine learning methodologies using pre-treatment electroencephalography can predict the symptomatic response to clozapine therapy Journal Articles
A single channel method for recording vertical and lateral eye movements Journal Articles
AIT-082 Is Neuroprotective against Kainate-Induced Neuronal Injury in Rats Journal Articles
Aberrant interhemispheric alpha coherence on electroencephalography in schizophrenic patients during activation tasks Journal Articles
Abnormal cerebral processing of oesophageal stimuli in patients with noncardiac chest pain (NCCP) Journal Articles
Abnormal self-schema in semantic memory in major depressive disorder: Evidence from event-related brain potentials Journal Articles
Abnormal visual experience during development alters the early stages of visual-tactile integration Journal Articles
Access to surgery for paediatric patients with medically refractory epilepsy: A systems analysis Journal Articles
Active suicidal ideation associated with dysfunction in default mode network using resting-state EEG and functional MRI - Findings from the T-RAD Study Journal Articles
Activity in Functional Cortical Networks Temporally Associated with Postural Instability Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task Journal Articles
Adaptive affective response identification for hearing threshold detection Conferences
Adolescent females exposed to child maltreatment exhibit atypical EEG coherence and psychiatric impairment: Linking early adversity, the brain, and psychopathology Journal Articles
Adult ADHD and working memory: Neural evidence of impaired encoding Journal Articles
Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Characterization of Schizophrenia Journal Articles
Advanced dynamic statistical parametric mapping with MEG in localizing epileptogenicity of the bottom of sulcus dysplasia Journal Articles
Afterdischarge Thresholds and Kindling Rates in Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampus and Dentate Gyrus Journal Articles
Afterimage induced neural activity during emotional face perception Journal Articles
Age-related Shift in Neural Complexity Related to Task Performance and Physical Activity Journal Articles
Age-related delay in information accrual for faces: Evidence from a parametric, single-trial EEG approach Journal Articles
Age-related loss in attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography: A Runaway Horse? Journal Articles
An EEG Investigation of the Attention-Related Impact of Mindfulness Training in Youth With ADHD: Outcomes and Methodological Considerations Journal Articles
An event-related brain potential study of receptive speech comprehension using a modified Token Test Journal Articles
An evidence‐based approach to the first seizure Journal Articles
Application of wavelet based denoising techniques to rTMS evoked potentials Journal Articles
Applications of EEG Neuroimaging Data: Event-related Potentials, Spectral Power, and Multiscale Entropy Journal Articles
Are Orchids Left and Dandelions Right? Frontal Brain Activation Asymmetry and Its Sensitivity to Developmental Context Journal Articles
Arterial Oxygenation and Carbon Dioxide Tensions in the Production of Hypoxic Electroencephalographic Changes in Man Journal Articles
Assessing adult receptive vocabulary with event-related potentials: An investigation of cross-modal and cross-form priming Journal Articles
Assessing the effect of pain on demands for attentional resources using ERPs Journal Articles
Assessment of visual working memory using event-related potentials Journal Articles
Association Between the Visual N1-P2 Complex and Neuroticism Journal Articles
Association between Hematologic Findings and Brain Injury due to Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Journal Articles
Attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli: A comparison between prefrontal lesion patients and healthy age-matched controls Journal Articles
Attentional set modulates visual areas: an event-related potential study of attentional capture Journal Articles
Atypical beta power fluctuation while listening to an isochronous sequence in dyslexia Journal Articles
Auditory Rhythm Encoding during the Last Trimester of Human Gestation: From Tracking the Basic Beat to Tracking Hierarchical Nested Temporal Structures. Journal Articles
Automatic and Continuous Assessment of ERPs for Mismatch Negativity Detection Journal Articles
Automatic face identity encoding at the N170 Journal Articles
Autonomic nervous system reactivity to positive and negative mood induction: The role of acute psychological responses and frontal electrocortical activity Journal Articles
Awareness - Aktuelle juristische Aspekte Journal Articles
Awareness - Current legal Aspects Journal Articles
B-Aware:recall of intra-operative events Journal Articles
B-Aware:recall of intra-operative events Journal Articles
Ballistocardiogram Correction in Simultaneous EEG/ fMRI Recordings: A Comparison of Average Artifact Subtraction and Optimal Basis Set Methods Using Two Popular Software Tools Journal Articles
Behavioral and electrophysiological measures of the body inversion effect Journal Articles
Behavioral and psychophysiological correlates of self‐presentation in temperamentally shy children Journal Articles
Behavioral impairment in the monkey following implantation of aluminum hydroxide on the temporal cortex: The role of cortical destruction Journal Articles
Benign epileptiform discharges in Rolandic region with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: MEG, scalp and intracranial EEG features Journal Articles
Beta oscillatory power modulation reflects the predictability of pitch change Journal Articles
Bilateral somatosensory evoked potentials following intermittent theta-burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation Journal Articles
Biological Markers in Borderline Personality Disorders: An Overview Journal Articles
Brain Activity and Cognitive Status in Pediatric Patients: Development of a Clinical Assessment Protocol Journal Articles
Brain activity and language assessment using event-related potentials: development of a clinical protocol Journal Articles
Brain source localization based on fast fully adaptive approach Conferences
Brain structure and function in people recovering from COVID-19 after hospital discharge or self-isolation: a longitudinal observational study protocol Journal Articles
Brain structure and function in the fourth decade of life after extremely low birth weight: An MRI and EEG study Journal Articles
Brain, interrupted: alpha/delta EEG ratio in survivors of pre- and post-natal adversity Journal Articles
Brief pitch-priming facilitates infants’ discrimination of pitch-evoking noise: Evidence from event-related potentials Journal Articles
Capturing the Forest but Missing the Trees: Microstates Inadequate for Characterizing Shorter-Scale EEG Dynamics Journal Articles
Carboplatin hypersensitivity presenting as coronary vasospasm - a case report Journal Articles
Causal analysis of cortical networks involved in reaching to spatial targets Conferences
Central executive function in working memory: event-related brain potential studies Journal Articles
Centrotemporal sharp wave EEG trait in rolandic epilepsy maps to Elongator Protein Complex 4 (ELP4) Journal Articles
Cerebral Effects in Superior Vena Caval Cannula Obstruction: The Role of Brain Monitoring Journal Articles
Cerebral asymmetries and stimulus intensity relationships in EEG spectra of VEPs in unmedicated schizophrenic patients: relationships with Active and Withdrawn syndromes Journal Articles
Changes in EEG Cross-Frequency Coupling During Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Changes in auditory cortex and the development of mismatch negativity between 2 and 6 months of age Journal Articles
Changes in the neural bases of emotion regulation associated with clinical improvement in children with behavior problems Journal Articles
Characterizing Population EEG Dynamics throughout Adulthood Journal Articles
Children's shyness and frontal electroencephalogram delta–beta correlation in the pediatric surgical setting Journal Articles
Classification of brain-stem auditory evoked potentials by syntactic methods Journal Articles
Clinical Manifestations Associated With the N-Terminal-Acetyltransferase NAA10 Gene Mutation in a Girl: Ogden Syndrome Journal Articles
Clinical neurophysiology: Research methods and event-related potential components as assessment tools Chapters
Clinical spectrum of
mutations expanding to Ohtahara syndrome Journal Articles
Cognitive Event-Related Potentials in Young Adults With Cerebral Palsy: A Proof-of-Concept Study Journal Articles
Common data elements in radiologic imaging of traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Comparison of artifact correction methods for infant EEG applied to extraction of event-related potential signals Journal Articles
Contingent capture can occur at specific feature values: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Journal Articles
Continuity and Discontinuity of Behavioral Inhibition and Exuberance: Psychophysiological and Behavioral Influences across the First Four Years of Life Journal Articles
Control processes in verbal working memory: An event-related potential study Journal Articles
Correlating digit span performance and event-related potentials to assess working memory Conferences
Cortical Plasticity in 4-Month-Old Infants: Specific Effects of Experience with Musical Timbres Journal Articles
Cortical Representations Sensitive to the Number of Perceived Auditory Objects Emerge between 2 and 4 Months of Age: Electrophysiological Evidence Journal Articles
Cortical activation following a balance disturbance Journal Articles
Cortical adaptations and motor performance improvements associated with short-term bimanual training Journal Articles
Cortical indices of sound localization mature monotonically in early infancy Journal Articles
Cortical mu rhythms during action and passive music listening Journal Articles
Cortical oscillations are modified by expertise in dance and music: Evidence from live dance audience. Journal Articles
Cortical processing of irrelevant somatosensory information from the leg is altered by attention during early movement preparation Journal Articles
Cortical representation of whole-body movement is modulated by proprioceptive discharge in humans Journal Articles
Critical care EEG monitoring in children with abusive head trauma: A retrospective study of seizure burden and predictors of neurological outcomes. Journal Articles
Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance Journal Articles
Declaring pediatric brain death: current practice in a Canadian pediatric critical care unit. Journal Articles
Decreased Gamma Auditory Steady-State Response Is Associated With Impaired Real-World Functioning in Unmedicated Patients at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Journal Articles
Defining regions of interest using cross-frequency coupling in extratemporal lobe epilepsy patients Journal Articles
Determining eyewitness identification accuracy using event‐related brain potentials (ERPs) Journal Articles
Determining the role of phonology in silent reading using event-related brain potentials Journal Articles
Development of Auditory Phase-Locked Activity for Music Sounds Journal Articles
Development of Simultaneous Pitch Encoding: Infants Show a High Voice Superiority Effect Journal Articles
Development of a point of care system for automated coma prognosis: a prospective cohort study protocol Journal Articles
Development of auditory‐specific brain rhythm in infants Journal Articles
Development of frontal electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate (ECG) responses to affective musical stimuli during the first 12 months of post-natal life Journal Articles
Development of infant mismatch responses to auditory pattern changes between 2 and 4 months old Journal Articles
Development of spontaneous seizures over extended electrical kindling Journal Articles
Diagnosis of psychiatric disorders using EEG data and employing a statistical decision model Journal Articles
Diagnostic deep learning algorithms that use resting EEG to distinguish major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia from each other and from healthy volunteers Journal Articles
Diazepam-Treated Female Rats Journal Articles
Differential effects of continuous theta burst stimulation over left premotor cortex and right prefrontal cortex on modulating upper limb somatosensory input Journal Articles
Discovering biomarkers for antidepressant response: protocol from the Canadian biomarker integration network in depression (CAN-BIND) and clinical characteristics of the first patient cohort Journal Articles
Discriminating between bipolar and major depressive disorder using a machine learning approach and resting-state EEG data Journal Articles
Disruption of function: Neurophysiological markers of cognitive deficits in retired football players Journal Articles
Do temperamentally shy children process emotion differently than nonshy children? Behavioral, psychophysiological, and gender differences in reticent preschoolers Journal Articles
Does Anxiety Enhance or Hinder Attentional and Impulse Control in Youth With ADHD? An ERP Analysis Journal Articles
Does photoparoxysmal response in children represent provoked seizure? Evidence from simultaneous motor task during EEG Journal Articles
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex sensitivity to rTMS Journal Articles
Dr Lippold and the Alpha Rhythm Journal Articles
Dynamics of periodic breathing and arousal during sleep at extreme altitude Journal Articles
EEG Biomarkers to Predict Response to Sertraline and Placebo Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
EEG and fMRI agree: Mental arithmetic is the easiest form of imagery to detect Journal Articles
EEG modulation by different transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) montages: a randomized double-blind sham-control mechanistic pilot trial in healthy participants Journal Articles
EEG reveals deficits in sensory gating and cognitive processing in asymptomatic adults with a history of concussion Journal Articles
ERP indices of emotionality and semantic cohesiveness during recognition judgments Journal Articles
ERP time course of perceptual and post-perceptual mechanisms of spatial selection Journal Articles
ERPs and Psychopathology Journal Articles
Early development of polyphonic sound encoding and the high voice superiority effect Journal Articles
Early integration of vowel and pitch processing: A mismatch negativity study Journal Articles
Early‐ and later‐developing shyness in children: An investigation of biological and behavioral correlates Journal Articles
Eelbrain, a Python toolkit for time-continuous analysis with temporal response functions Journal Articles
Effect of degree and direction of rotation in egocentric mental rotation of hand: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
Effect of obstructive sleep apnea versus sleep fragmentation on responses to airway occlusion. Journal Articles
Effects of Chronic Left Vagal Stimulation on Visceral Vagal Function in Man Journal Articles
Effects of acute prednisone administration on memory, attention and emotion in healthy human adults Journal Articles
Effects of cerebellar stimulation on epilepsy, the EEG and cerebral palsy in man. Journal Articles
Effects of dipole position, orientation and noise on the accuracy of EEG source localization Journal Articles
Effects of procaine hydrochloride, diazepam, and diphenylhydantoin on seizure development in cortical and subcortical structures in rats Journal Articles
Effects of spatial separation and stimulus probability on the event-related potentials elicited by occasional changes in sound location Journal Articles
Electrical Brain Activity Associated with Automatic and Controlled Processing of Melodic Contour and Interval Journal Articles
Electrical Stimulation of the Septal Region of Aged Rats Improves Performance in an Open-Field Maze Journal Articles
Electroencephalography in the early diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis Journal Articles
Electrophysiological correlates of implicit valenced self-processing in high vs. low self-esteem individuals Journal Articles
Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition Journal Articles
Electrophysiological markers of pre-lexical speech processing: Evidence for bottom–up and top–down effects on spoken word processing Journal Articles
Emotion regulation in children with behavior problems: Linking behavioral and brain processes Journal Articles
Emotional Disturbance and Cognitive Deficits in Hyperthyroidism Journal Articles
Encephalopathy Associated with Electrical Status Epilepticus of Sleep (ESES): A Practical Approach Journal Articles
Enculturation to musical pitch structure in young children: evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological methods Journal Articles
Enhancement of Neuroplastic P2 and N1c Auditory Evoked Potentials in Musicians Journal Articles
Enhancement of auditory cortical development by musical experience in children Journal Articles
Epileptic spasms in older pediatric patients: MEG and ictal high-frequency oscillations suggest focal-onset seizures in a subset of epileptic spasms Journal Articles
Epileptogenic action of intraventricularly injected antimelatonin antibody Journal Articles
Epileptogenic high-frequency oscillations skip the motor area in children with multilobar drug-resistant epilepsy Journal Articles
Error-Related Electrocortical Responses Are Enhanced in Children With Obsessive–Compulsive Behaviors Journal Articles
Error‐related electrocortical responses in 10‐year‐old children and young adults Journal Articles
Estimation of habituation and signal-to-noise ratio of cortical evoked potentials to oesophageal electrical and mechanical stimulation Journal Articles
Evaluation of reading comprehension with neuropsychological
and event-related brain potential (ERP) methods Journal Articles
Event-related Brain Potentials as a Measure of Performance on WISC-III and WAIS-R NI Similarities Sub-tests Journal Articles
Event-related potentials as brain correlates of item specific proportion congruent effects Journal Articles
Event-related potentials reveal the relations between feature representations at different levels of abstraction Journal Articles
Evidence for Multiple Routes of Speech Production in a Case of Fluent Aphasia Journal Articles
Evidence for differential modulation of primary and nonprimary auditory cortex by forward masking in tinnitus Journal Articles
Evidence for top‐down metre perception in infancy as shown by primed neural responses to an ambiguous rhythm Journal Articles
Evidence that hidden hearing loss underlies amplitude modulation encoding deficits in individuals with and without tinnitus Journal Articles
Evoked Potentials for the Evaluation of Latent Hepatic Encephalopathy in Pediatric Liver Transplant Candidates Journal Articles
Examining the context benefit in older adults: A combined behavioral-electrophysiologic word identification study Journal Articles
Explaining the high voice superiority effect in polyphonic music: Evidence from cortical evoked potentials and peripheral auditory models Journal Articles
Externally cued inphase bimanual training enhances preparatory premotor activity Journal Articles
Extreme delta brushes in a 14-year old girl with anti-NMDAR encephalitis Journal Articles
Eye-closure induced occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity (EC-OIRDA): Report of three cases Journal Articles
Feasibility and utilization of a national virtual EEG course for Canadian residents and fellows Journal Articles
Feasibility of Comprehensive, Unattended Ambulatory Polysomnography in School-Aged Children Journal Articles
Finding a way in: A review and practical evaluation of fMRI and EEG for detection and assessment in disorders of consciousness Journal Articles
Finding the Pitch of the Missing Fundamental in Infants Journal Articles
Focal cortical high-frequency oscillations trigger epileptic spasms: Confirmation by digital video subdural EEG Journal Articles
Frequency characteristics of cortical activity associated with perturbations to upright stability Journal Articles
From Group-Level Statistics to Single-Subject Prediction: Machine Learning Detection of Concussion in Retired Athletes Journal Articles
Frontal Brain Asymmetry and the Trajectory of Shyness Across the Early School Years Journal Articles
Frontal Brain Oscillatory Coupling in Children of Parents With Social Phobia: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Frontal EEG Responses as a Function of Affective Musical Features Journal Articles
Frontal EEG alpha-delta ratio and social anxiety across early adolescence Journal Articles
Frontal EEG asymmetry and sensation seeking in young adults Conferences
Frontal EEG asymmetry and symptom response to cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Frontal EEG asymmetry in extremely low birth weight adult survivors: Links to antenatal corticosteroid exposure and psychopathology Journal Articles
Frontal EEG asymmetry moderates the relation between borderline personality disorder features and feelings of social rejection in adolescents Journal Articles
Frontal Electroencephalogram Activation Asymmetry, Emotional Intelligence, and Externalizing Behaviors in 10-Year-Old Children Journal Articles
Frontal Electroencephalogram Alpha Asymmetry During Sleep: Stability and Its Relation to Affective Style. Journal Articles
Frontal Electroencephalogram Asymmetry, Salivary Cortisol, and Internalizing Behavior Problems in Young Adults Who Were Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight Journal Articles
Frontal alpha asymmetry and aerobic exercise: are changes due to cardiovascular demand or bilateral rhythmic movement? Journal Articles
Frontal brain oscillations and social anxiety: A cross-frequency spectral analysis during baseline and speech anticipation Journal Articles
Frontal brain oscillatory coupling among men who vary in salivary testosterone levels Journal Articles
Frontal electrocortical and cardiovascular reactivity during happiness and anger Journal Articles
Frontal electroencephalogram asymmetry during affective processing in children with Down syndrome: a pilot study Conferences
Frontal–parietal event-related potential changes associated with practising a novel visuomotor task Journal Articles
Gamma (30–80Hz) bicoherence distinguishes seizures in the human epileptic brain Journal Articles
Gating at early cortical processing stages is associated with changes in behavioural performance on a sensory conflict task Journal Articles
Gelastic epilepsy Journal Articles
Generalisability of sensory gating during passive movement of the legs Journal Articles
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus Journal Articles
Global aphasia: An innovative assessment approach Journal Articles
Guidelines for the Determination of Brain Death in Infants and Children: An Update of the 1987 Task Force Recommendations Journal Articles
High gamma cortical processing of continuous speech in younger and older listeners Journal Articles
High-intensity interval exercise impairs neuroelectric indices of reinforcement-learning Journal Articles
How Do You Feel the Rhythm: Dynamic Motor-Auditory Interactions Are Involved in the Imagination of Hierarchical Timing Journal Articles
Hyperthermia induces age‐dependent changes in rat hippocampal excitability Journal Articles
Hypsarrhythmia in epileptic spasms: Synchrony in chaos Journal Articles
Incorporating models of subcortical processing improves the ability to predict EEG responses to natural speech Journal Articles
Individual differences in auditory middle latency responses in elderly adults and patients with Alzheimer's disease1A preliminary report of these data was presented at the Tenth International Conference on Event-Related Potentials of the Brain (EPIC X), in Eger, Hungary, June, 1992. This work was supported by the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada (N.A.P.) and grants from the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation and the Dalhousie University Department of Psychiatry (J.F.C.). The first author was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) Graduate Fellowship.1 Journal Articles
Individual differences in neural markers of beat processing relate to spoken grammar skills in six-year-old children Journal Articles
Individualized pattern recognition for detecting mind wandering from EEG during live lectures Journal Articles
Inferior Auditory Time Perception in Children With Motor Difficulties Journal Articles
Influence of phonological expectations during a phoneme deletion task: Evidence from event‐related brain potentials Journal Articles
Insomnia: I. Classification, Assessment and Pharmaceutical Treatment* Journal Articles
Insomnia: II. Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Insomnia* Journal Articles
Inter-individual variability during neurodevelopment: an investigation of linear and nonlinear resting-state EEG features in an age-homogenous group of infants Journal Articles
Interpreting the Tests of Focal Cortical Dysplasia for Epilepsy Surgery Referral Journal Articles
Intra-operative cortical motor mapping using subdural grid electrodes in children undergoing epilepsy surgery evaluation and comparison with the conventional extra-operative motor mapping Journal Articles
Intracerebral schwannoma presenting as classic temporal lobe epilepsy Journal Articles
Introduction of Continuous Video EEG Monitoring into 2 Different NICU Models by Training Neonatal Nurses Journal Articles
Investigating the relationship between objective measures of sleep and self-report sleep quality in healthy adults: a review Journal Articles
Kindling: basic mechanisms and clinical validity Journal Articles
Language in context: Characterizing the comprehension of referential expressions with MEG Journal Articles
Language suppression effects on the categorical perception of colour as evidenced through ERPs Journal Articles
Large Electroencephalographic Responses and Their Relationship to Cleido-Cranial Dysplasia Journal Articles
Linking Gene, Brain, and Behavior Journal Articles
Linking neurophysiological and neuropsychological measures for aphasia assessment Journal Articles
Localization of Syntactic and Semantic Brain Responses using Magnetoencephalography Journal Articles
Localizing evoked cortical activity associated with balance reactions: does the anterior cingulate play a role? Journal Articles
Long-term effects of concussion on attention, sensory gating and motor learning. Journal Articles
Long-term prognosis in children with neonatal seizures Journal Articles
Longitudinal investigation of shyness and physiological vulnerability: Moderating influences of attention biases to threat and safety Journal Articles
Long‐term stability of frontal electroencephalogram alpha power and asymmetry at rest in adults born at extremely low or normal birth weight: A 10‐year longitudinal study Journal Articles
Low density electrical source imaging of the ictal onset zone in the surgical evaluation of children with epilepsy Journal Articles
MEG Predicts Outcome Following Surgery for Intractable Epilepsy in Children with Normal or Nonfocal MRI Findings Journal Articles
MEG source estimation from mesio-basal temporal areas in a child with a porencephalic cyst Journal Articles
MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data Journal Articles
Magnitude and chronometry of neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in subtypes of aggressive children Journal Articles
Mapping Brain Activity During Loss of Situation Awareness Journal Articles
Maternal neural reactivity during pregnancy predicts infant temperament Journal Articles
Maturation of cortical mismatch responses to occasional pitch change in early infancy: Effects of presentation rate and magnitude of change Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of randomized trials on first line and adjunctive levetiracetam Journal Articles
Micturition-Induced Seizures: A Rare Form of Reflex Epilepsy Journal Articles
Migraine patients exhibit abnormalities in the visual evoked potential. Journal Articles
Minimum Variance Brain Source Localization for Short Data Sequences Journal Articles
Misleading Focal Clinical, Neurophysiologic, and Imaging Features in 2 Children With Generalized Epilepsy Who Underwent Invasive Electroencephalographic (EEG) Monitoring Journal Articles
Mismatch negativity to speech stimuli in 8-month-old infants and adults Journal Articles
Mitochondrial Encephalopathy With Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like Episodes (MELAS) May Respond to Adjunctive Ketogenic Diet Journal Articles
Modality-specific control processes in verbal versus spatial working memory Journal Articles
Modification of seizure activity by electrical stimulation: I. after-discharge threshold Journal Articles
Modification of seizure activity by electrical stimulation: II. Motor seizure Journal Articles
Modulation of Electrocortical Brain Activity by Attention in Individuals with and without Tinnitus Journal Articles
Modulation of P2 auditory-evoked responses by the spectral complexity of musical sounds Journal Articles
Modulation of left primary motor cortex excitability after bimanual training and intermittent theta burst stimulation to left dorsal premotor cortex Journal Articles
Modulation of neural oscillations in escitalopram treatment: a Canadian biomarker integration network in depression study. Journal Articles
Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas Journal Articles
Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg I. Kinaesthetic task demands Journal Articles
Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg II. Correlation with rate of stretch of extensor muscles of the leg Journal Articles
Multi-domain feature selection in auditory MisMatch Negativity via PARAFAC-based template matching approach Journal Articles
Multiple window time-frequency distribution and coherence of EEG using Slepian sequences and Hermite functions Journal Articles
Music training leads to the development of timbre-specific gamma band activity Journal Articles
Musical experience, plasticity, and maturation: issues in measuring developmental change using EEG and MEG Journal Articles
Myoclonic Seizures as a Main Manifestation of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Journal Articles
N400 event-related brain potential evidence for semantic priming deficits in persons at clinical high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
N400 event‐related brain potential as an index of real‐world and neurocognitive function in patients at clinical high risk for schizophrenia Journal Articles
N400 event‐related brain potential index of semantic processing and two‐year clinical outcomes in persons at high risk for psychosis: A longitudinal study Journal Articles
Neonatal brain injury Journal Articles
Neonatal seizure detection using blind distributed detection with correlated decisions Journal Articles
Neural Changes Associated with Treatment Outcome in Children with Externalizing Problems Journal Articles
Neural Markers of Speech Comprehension: Measuring EEG Tracking of Linguistic Speech Representations, Controlling the Speech Acoustics Journal Articles
Neural Representation of Transposed Melody in Infants at 6 Months of Age Journal Articles
Neural Rhythms of Change: Long-Term Improvement after Successful Treatment in Children with Disruptive Behavior Problems Journal Articles
Neural Sensitivity to Ambiguous Social Exclusion Reflects Information Processing Bias in Midadolescents With Higher Levels of Aggression. Journal Articles
Neural correlates of size illusions: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
Neural correlates of trait anxiety in sensory processing and distractor filtering. Journal Articles
Neural mechanisms for the effect of prior knowledge on audiovisual integration Journal Articles
Neural oscillations suggest periodicity encoding during auditory beat processing in the premature brain Journal Articles
Neural temporal dynamics of contingency judgement Journal Articles
Neuro-current response functions: A unified approach to MEG source analysis under the continuous stimuli paradigm Journal Articles
Neurophysiological Correlates of Concussion: Deep Learning for Clinical Assessment Journal Articles
Neurophysiological Effects of Left Vagal Stimulation in Man Journal Articles
Neurophysiological assessment of acute pain in infants: a scoping review of research methods Journal Articles
Neurophysiological evidence of cognitive inhibition anomalies in persons with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Neurophysiological markers of cognitive deficits and recovery in concussed adolescents Journal Articles
Neurophysiological mechanisms of emotion regulation for subtypes of externalizing children Journal Articles
Neurosystems: brain rhythms and cognitive processing Journal Articles
Nocturnal oesophageal motor activity is dependent on sleep stage. Journal Articles
Non-dominant hand movement facilitates the frontal N30 somatosensory evoked potential Journal Articles
Non-neurophysiologist Physicians and Nurses Can Detect Subclinical Seizures in Children Using a Panel of Quantitative EEG Trends and a Seizure Detection Algorithm Journal Articles
Optimal Electrical Stimulation Modality for Cortical Esophageal Evoked Potentials: Transmural or Intraesophageal? Journal Articles
Parametric study of EEG sensitivity to phase noise during face processing Journal Articles
Paroxysmal Alpha Activity in Rett Syndrome: A Case Report Journal Articles
Pathway and hemispheric differences in the event-related potential (ERP) to monaural stimulation: A comparison of schizophrenic patients with normal controls Journal Articles
Pattern of Brain Injury Predicts Long-Term Epilepsy Following Neonatal Encephalopathy Journal Articles
Patterns of cortical electrophysiology and autonomic activity in adults' shyness and sociability Journal Articles
Performance on WISC-III and WAIS-R NI Vocabulary Subtests Assessed with Event-Related Brain Potentials: An Innovative Method of Assessment Journal Articles
Peri-oral myoclonia with absences with multiple facial and upper body myoclonia: Overlap epilepsy syndrome Journal Articles
Perineal stimulation triggering seizures in a child with Dravet syndrome Journal Articles
Pharmacoresistant partial-onset epilepsy misdiagnosed as panic disorder: a case report. Journal Articles
Phasic modulation of somatosensory potentials during passive movement Journal Articles
Phonological aspects of word recognition as revealed by high-resolution spatio-temporal brain mapping Journal Articles
Piriform cortex efferents to the entorhinal cortex in vivo: kindling-induced potentiation and the enhancement of long-term potentiation by low-frequency piriform cortex or medial septal stimulation Journal Articles
Positive Shyness in the Brain: Frontal Electroencephalogram Alpha Asymmetry and Delta–Beta Correlation in Children Journal Articles
Practice Guidelines for Canadian Neurophysiology Laboratories During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Predicting treatment response using EEG in major depressive disorder: A machine-learning meta-analysis Journal Articles
Predictors of Seizure Outcomes in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Intractable Epilepsy Undergoing Resective Epilepsy Surgery: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Prevalence of pyridoxine dependent seizures in south Indian children with early onset intractable epilepsy: A hospital based prospective study Journal Articles
Processing of gaze direction within the N170/M170 time window: A combined EEG/MEG study Journal Articles
Prognostic Value of Evoked Responses and Event-Related Brain Potentials in Journal Articles
Prognostic determination in anoxic-ischemic and traumatic encephalopathies. Journal Articles
Prognostic value of EEG in neonatal bacterial meningitis Journal Articles
Progressive N170 habituation to unattended repeated faces Journal Articles
Progressive Thresholding: Shaping and Specificity in Automated Neurofeedback Training Journal Articles
Psychosis in temporal lobe epilepsy: atypical presentation Journal Articles
Rapid eye movement sleep reveals epileptogenic spikes for resective surgery in children with generalized interictal discharges Journal Articles
Rates of motor seizure development in rats subjected to electrical brain stimulation: strain and inter-stimulation interval effects Journal Articles
Reactive EEG Patterns in Pediatric Coma Journal Articles
Regional Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) in Migraine During the Interictal Period: Different rCBF Patterns in Patients With and Without Aura Journal Articles
Regional EEG alpha power, coherence, and behavioral symptomatology in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Regional electroencephalogram (EEG) spectral power and hemispheric coherence in young adults born at extremely low birth weight Journal Articles
Regular rhythmic primes boost P600 in grammatical error processing in dyslexic adults and matched controls Journal Articles
Relating brain signal variability to knowledge representation Journal Articles
Relationships between cognitive event-related brain potential measures in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis Journal Articles
Response inhibition in psychopathy: The frontal N2 and P3 Journal Articles
Resting electrocortical activity in adults with dysfunctional anger: a pilot study Journal Articles
Resting-state EEG delta and alpha power predict response to cognitive behavioral therapy in depression: a Canadian biomarker integration network for depression study Journal Articles
Reviewing the Evidence of the Association Between Baclofen and Encephalopathy Journal Articles
Rhythm in the Premature Neonate Brain: Very Early Processing of Auditory Beat and Meter Journal Articles
Schizophrenia and Spectral Analysis of the Visual Evoked Potential Journal Articles
Semantic Learning Modifies Perceptual Face Processing Journal Articles
Separate and joint effects of alcohol and caffeine on conflict monitoring and adaptation Journal Articles
Separating phonological and semantic processing in auditory sentence processing: A high‐resolution event‐related brain potential study Journal Articles
Serum lymphocytotoxic antibodies in neuropsychiatric lupus: A serial study Journal Articles
Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements Journal Articles
Should hyperbaric oxygen be used for carbon monoxide poisoning? Journal Articles
Shyness and emotional face processing in schizophrenia: An ERP study Journal Articles
Shyness and the first 100 ms of emotional face processing Journal Articles
Shyness, emotion processing, and objective quality of life among adults with schizophrenia: an ERP study Journal Articles
Simultaneously-evoked auditory potentials (SEAP): A new method for concurrent measurement of cortical and subcortical auditory-evoked activity Journal Articles
Single-trial EEG dynamics of object and face visual processing Journal Articles
Sleep Architecture in a Canine Model of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Journal Articles
Sleep of transgenic mice producing excess rat growth hormone Journal Articles
Slow-Wave EEG Activity Correlates with Impaired Inhibitory Control in Internet Addiction Disorder Journal Articles
Social Interaction Enhances Motor Resonance for Observed Human Actions Journal Articles
Social Mimicry Enhances Mu-Suppression During Action Observation Journal Articles
Social fearfulness in the human brain Journal Articles
Social power and frontal alpha asymmetry Journal Articles
Somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas is enhanced during preparation of cued contraterlateral finger sequence movements Journal Articles
Some Neurophysiological Effects of Cerebellar Stimulation in Man Journal Articles
Sources of P300 attenuation after head injury: Single‐trial amplitude, latency jitter, and EEG power Journal Articles
Spatial scaling factors explain eccentricity effects on face ERPs Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal properties modulate intermodal influences on early somatosenory processing during sensory-guided movement Journal Articles
Specific EEG resting state biomarkers in FXS and ASD. Journal Articles
Spectral decomposition of EEG microstates in post-traumatic stress disorder Journal Articles
Stability of resting frontal electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone in adolescent females exposed to child maltreatment Journal Articles
Standardization of electroencephalography for multi-site, multi-platform and multi-investigator studies: insights from the canadian biomarker integration network in depression Journal Articles
Stimulus Onset Asynchrony Affects Weighting-related Event-related Spectral Power in Self-motion Perception Journal Articles
Strong coupling between slow oscillations and wide fast ripples in children with epileptic spasms: Investigation of modulation index and occurrence rate Journal Articles
Subcortical amplitude modulation encoding deficits suggest evidence of cochlear synaptopathy in normal-hearing 18–19 year olds with higher lifetime noise exposure Journal Articles
Suggesting the Optimal Control Procedure for Acupressure Studies Journal Articles
Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms Journal Articles
Support for a history-dependent predictive model of dACC activity in producing the bivalency effect: An event-related potential study Journal Articles
Suppression of somatosensory stimuli during motor planning may explain levels of balance and mobility after stroke Journal Articles
Symmetry of cortical planning for initiating stepping in sub-acute stroke Journal Articles
Synchrony among rhythmical facial tremor, neocortical ‘ALPHA’ waves, and thalamic non-sensory neuronal bursts in intact awake rats Journal Articles
Target-Controlled Dosing of Remifentanil During Cardiac Surgery Reduces Postoperative Hyperalgesia Journal Articles
Telling one face from another: Electrocortical correlates of facial characteristics among individual female faces Journal Articles
Temperamental Shyness, Frontal EEG Theta/Beta Ratio, and Social Anxiety in Children Journal Articles
Test–retest reliability of N400 event-related brain potential measures in a word-pair semantic priming paradigm in patients with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Test–retest reliability of frontal alpha electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) measures in adolescents: a pilot study Journal Articles
Test–retest reliability of regional electroencephalogram (EEG) and cardiovascular measures in social anxiety disorder (SAD) Journal Articles
The AudioMaze: An EEG and motion capture study of human spatial navigation in sparse augmented reality Journal Articles
The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Control among People with Chronic Stroke Journal Articles
The Bivalency effect in task switching: Event‐related potentials Journal Articles
The Effect of Music and White Noise on Electroencephalographic (EEG) Functional Connectivity in Neonates in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Journal Articles
The Effects of Feedback on Focal Epileptic Discharges in Man Journal Articles
The Epilepsy Surgery Experience in Children With Infantile Epileptic Spasms Syndrome at a Tertiary Care Center in Canada Journal Articles
The Fault in Their Stars—Accumulating Astrocytic Inclusions Associated With Clusters of Epileptic Spasms in Children With Global Developmental Delay Journal Articles
The Resting Electrophysiological Profile in Adults With ADHD and Comorbid Dysfunctional Anger Journal Articles
The Utility of Surveillance Electroencephalography to Guide Early Antiepileptic Drug Therapy in Infants With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Journal Articles
The attentional‐relevance and temporal dynamics of visual‐tactile crossmodal interactions differentially influence early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
The cerebellum and its role in word generation: A cTBS study Journal Articles
The comparative effectiveness of electroencephalographic indices in predicting response to escitalopram therapy in depression: A pilot study Journal Articles
The contribution of the prefrontal cortex to relevancy-based gating of visual and tactile stimuli Journal Articles
The development of the interictal spike during kindling in the rat Journal Articles
The digital hearing aid, wearable computing, and electrophysiological response. Conferences
The disruptive effect of chronic pain on mismatch negativity Journal Articles
The effect of a concurrent cognitive task on cortical potentials evoked by unpredictable balance perturbations. Journal Articles
The effect of early visual deprivation on the development of face detection Journal Articles
The effect of pain on involuntary and voluntary capture of attention Journal Articles
The effect of variability of unattended information on global and local processing: evidence for lateralization at early stages of processing Journal Articles
The effect of visual reliability on auditory–visual integration: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
The effects of phonological and semantic features of sentence-ending words on visual event-related brain potentials Journal Articles
The effects of processing requirements on neurophysiological responses to spoken sentences*1 Journal Articles
The effects of working memory on brain–computer interface performance Journal Articles
The genetic landscape of developmental and epileptic encephalopathy with spike-and-wave activation in sleep Journal Articles
The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task Journal Articles
The influence of increased working memory load on semantic neural systems: a high-resolution event-related brain potential study Journal Articles
The influence of stimulus intensity, contralateral masking and handedness on the temporal N1 and the T complex components of the auditory N1 wave Journal Articles
The neurocognitive mechanisms underlying food cravings and snack food consumption. A combined continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) and EEG study Journal Articles
The passive state: A protective mechanism for information in working memory tasks. Journal Articles
The relationship between frontal somatosensory-evoked potentials and motor planning Journal Articles
The relationship of cortical activation to alternating autonomic activity Journal Articles
The role of delta-modulated high frequency oscillations in seizure state classification Journal Articles
The role of horizontal facial structure on the N170 and N250 Journal Articles
The sound of silence: Predictive error responses to unexpected sound omission in adults Journal Articles
The spectrum of epilepsy in children with 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome Journal Articles
Therapeutic implications of modulation of metabolism and functional activity of cerebral cortex by chronic stimulation of cerebellum and thalamus Journal Articles
Theta burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation attenuates somatosensory evoked potentials from the lower limb Journal Articles
Time course and robustness of ERP object and face differences Journal Articles
Toward an Open-Ended BCI: A User-Centered Coadaptive Design Journal Articles
Transacting brains: testing an actor–partner model of frontal EEG activity in mother–infant dyads Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of primary motor cortex suppresses hand muscle responses during a reactive reach to grasp Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the cerebellum impairs change-detection processes: Cerebellar contributions to sensorimotor integration Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts somatosensory modulation during standing balance as measured by electroencephalography Journal Articles
Treatment of Kleine-Levin Syndrome with Acetazolamide Journal Articles
Update on Minimal Standards for Electroencephalography in Canada: A Review by the Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists Journal Articles
Upper limb H reflexes and somatosensory evoked potentials modulated by movement Journal Articles
Use of Machine Learning for Predicting Escitalopram Treatment Outcome From Electroencephalography Recordings in Adult Patients With Depression Journal Articles
Use of event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to assess eyewitness accuracy and deception Journal Articles
Using deep learning and pretreatment EEG to predict response to sertraline, bupropion, and placebo. Journal Articles
Using mismatch negativity to measure auditory temporal resolution thresholds Journal Articles
Using pre-treatment EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for MDD Journal Articles
Using pre-treatment electroencephalography data to predict response to transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for major depression Journal Articles
Vagal Sensory Evoked Potentials Disappear Under the Neuromuscular Block – An Experimental Study Journal Articles
Validation of a telemetry system for long-term measurement of blood pressure Journal Articles
Vigabatrin as First-Line Treatment for Infantile Spasms Not Related to Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Journal Articles
Visual imagery influences attentional guidance during visual search: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Journal Articles
Wavelet phase coherence of ictal scalp EEG-extracted muscle activity (SMA) as a biomarker for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Journal Articles
Wavelet-Based Muscle Artefact Noise Reduction for Short Latency rTMS Evoked Potentials Journal Articles
Withdrawal From Long-term High-Dose Desipramine Therapy Journal Articles