- A 55-year-old lady was admitted following a concern raised by family members who had noticed a change in behaviour in terms of declining mood, paranoia with expression of belief that she was being bugged, also reported smelling perfume and after shave lotion. She had a prior diagnosis of bipolar mood disorder and was on lithium but remained no-compliant with her prescribed medication in the 10 weeks before admission. Upon admission, necessary investigations were performed including CT scan and EEG. Her CT was normal but EEG was grossly abnormal. Neurology consultation was sought and a sleep deprived EEG and MRI was ordered. Meanwhile, carbamezipine was commenced in view of the change in diagnosis to that of temporal lobe epilepsy. The patient responded very well to this regime and improved in all spheres. She was finally discharged with follow-up appointments with both neurology and psychiatry clinics.