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subject area of
Zingiberis rhizoma
-based carbon dots alter serum oestradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone levels in female mice Journal Articles
A brief review of vertebrate sex evolution with a pledge for integrative research: towards ‘sexomics’ Journal Articles
A guide for the performance of the Chinese hamster ovary cell/hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase gene mutation assay Journal Articles
A mixture of five endocrine-disrupting chemicals modulates concentrations of bisphenol A and estradiol in mice Journal Articles
A novel approach to breast cancer prevention: reducing excessive ovarian androgen production in elderly women Journal Articles
A novel synergistic effect of alanosine and guanine on adenine nucleotide synthesis in mammalian cells. Alanosine as a useful probe for investigating purine nucleotide metabolism Journal Articles
A review and analysis of the Chinese hamster ovary/hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase assay to determine the mutagenicity of chemical agents. A report of phase III of the U.S. environmental protection agency Gene-Tox program Journal Articles
A systematic review examining the effects of therapeutic radioactive iodine on ovarian function and future pregnancy in female thyroid cancer survivors Journal Articles
ADAMTS1 is regulated by the EP4 receptor in the zebrafish ovary Journal Articles
Activin and transforming growth factor-β as local regulators of ovarian steroidogenesis in the goldfish Journal Articles
Aluminum as an endocrine disruptor in female Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Journal Articles
An Overview of Some Reproductive Toxicology Studies Conducted At Health Canada Conferences
An analysis of the effects of increasing doses of ionizing radiation to the exteriorized rat ovary on follicular development, atresia, and serum gonadotropin levels Journal Articles
Antifertility effects of neem (
Azadirachta indica
) oil by single intrauterine administration:a novel method for contraception Journal Articles
Apoptosis and Ovarian Function: Novel Perspectives from the Teleosts1 Journal Articles
Assessing reproductive effects and epigenetic responses in Austrolebias charrua exposed to Roundup Transorb®: Insights from miRNA profiling and molecular interaction analysis. Journal Articles
Assessing reproductive effects on fish populations: an evaluation of methods to predict the reproductive strategy of fishes Journal Articles
Binding of 125I-labelled human chorionic gonadotropin to cell membrane receptors in rabbit ovarian slices Journal Articles
Bisphenol-A exposure during the period of blastocyst implantation alters uterine morphology and perturbs measures of estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in mice Journal Articles
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in granulosa lutein cells Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Consensus Meetings: Vive la Difference? Journal Articles
CYP3C gene regulation by the aryl hydrocarbon and estrogen receptors in zebrafish Journal Articles
Changes in 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in the developing rabbit ovary Journal Articles
Characterization and regulation of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovary Journal Articles
Characterization of Acquired Epipodophyllotoxin Resistance in a Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Line: Loss of Drug-stimulated DNA Cleavage Activity \textbar Cancer Research Other
Characterization of a cetacean aromatase (CYP19) and the phylogeny and functional conservation of vertebrate aromatase Journal Articles
Chemotherapy induced amenorrhoea in a randomised trial of adjuvant chemotherapy duration in breast cancer Journal Articles
Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants specifically affected in the phosphorylation of C-purine nucleosides Journal Articles
Cigarette Smoke Exposure Leads to Follicle Loss via an Alternative Ovarian Cell Death Pathway in a Mouse Model Journal Articles
Clinical, ultrasound and biochemical features of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents: implications for diagnosis Journal Articles
Comparison of the mutagenic responses of 12 anticancer drugs at the hypoxanthine‐guanine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenosine kinase loci in chinese hamster ovary cells Journal Articles
Cross-resistance to intercalating agents in an epipodophyllotoxin-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line: evidence for a common intracellular target. Journal Articles
Cross‐reactivity of some antibodies to human epitopes with shrimp Pandalus borealis proteins: a possible aid in validation and characterization of crustacean cells in vitro Journal Articles
Cycle characteristics and outcome in relation to ovarian response during in vitro fertilization Journal Articles
Development of a short‐term reproductive endocrine bioassay using steroid hormone and vitellogenin end points in the estuarine mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) Journal Articles
Developmental patterns of bioactive and immunoreactive FSH in the female rabbit: effects of ovariectomy Journal Articles
Diagnostic Problems with Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Pregnancy Journal Articles
Differences in the sex ratios of offspring originating in the right and left ovaries of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Journal Articles
Differential expression and interaction of melatonin and thyroid hormone receptors with estrogen receptor α improve ovarian functions in letrozole-induced rat polycystic ovary syndrome Journal Articles
Early Life Exposure to Undernutrition Induces ER Stress, Apoptosis, and Reduced Vascularization in Ovaries of Adult Rat Offspring1 Journal Articles
Effect of Lactate on the Recovery of Cho-Ki Cells from Gamma Radiation Damage Journal Articles
Effects of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy for early breast cancer on recurrence and 15-year survival: an overview of the randomised trials Journal Articles
Effects of immunizing rabbits against oestradiol-6-oxime-BSA on ovarian follicular development Journal Articles
Effects of in vivo administration of steroids on release of 3H2O from [lβ,2β-3H] and [1-3H]androstenedione by isolated rabbit ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Effects of long-term cortisol treatments on gonadal development, sex steroids levels and ovarian cortisol content in cultured great sturgeon Huso huso Journal Articles
Effects of pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin administered in vivo on steroid accumulation by isolated rabbit ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Effects of pulp and paper mill effluent extractives on aromatase CYP19a gene expression and sex steroid levels in juvenile triploid rainbow trout Journal Articles
Effects of rosiglitazone on ovarian function and fertility in animals with reduced fertility following fetal and neonatal exposure to nicotine Journal Articles
Elevated Ovarian Follicular Apoptosis and Heat Shock Protein-70 Expression in White Sucker Exposed to Bleached Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent Journal Articles
Endometriosis-Associated Ovarian Carcinomas Journal Articles
Environmental influence on development, behavior, and endocrine morphology of gerbils Journal Articles
Estrogen induced changes in uterine brain-derived neurotrophic factor and its receptors Journal Articles
Evaluation of Ovarian Vascularity in Children by Using the “Superb Microvascular Imaging” Ultrasound Technique in Comparison With Conventional Doppler Ultrasound Techniques Journal Articles
Evidence That Acute Stress Inhibits Ovarian Steroidogenesis in Rainbow Trout in Vivo, through the Action of Cortisol Journal Articles
Evolution in the Fast Lane: Rapidly Evolving Sex-Related Genes in Drosophila Journal Articles
Fertility preservation for girls and young women with cancer: what are the remaining challenges? Journal Articles
Fetal and Neonatal Exposure to Nicotine Disrupts Ovarian Function and Fertility in Adult Female Rats Journal Articles
Final results from GCIG/ENGOT/AGO‐OVAR 12, a randomised placebo‐controlled phase III trial of nintedanib combined with chemotherapy for newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer Journal Articles
Follicle growth is inhibited by benzo-[a]-pyrene, at concentrations representative of human exposure, in an isolated rat follicle culture assay Journal Articles
Fundulus heteroclitus: Ovarian reproductive physiology and the impact of environmental contaminants Journal Articles
Genetic and biochemical studies on mutants of CHO cells resistant to 7-deazapurine nucleosides: Differences in the mechanisms of action of toyocamycin and tubercidin Journal Articles
Genetic and biochemical studies with mutants of mammalian cells affected in microtubule-related proteins other than tubulin: mitochondrial localization of a microtubule-related protein Journal Articles
Genetic and biochemical studies with the adenosine analogs toyocamycin and tubercidin: Mutation at the adenosine kinase locus in Chinese hamster cells Journal Articles
Genetic markers for quantitative mutagenesis studies in Chinese hamster ovary cells Characteristics of some recently developed selective systems Journal Articles
Glucose Analogues Alter the Response of Cho-Ki Cells to Gamma Irradiation Journal Articles
Glucose metabolism in perinatal gonads of the rabbit Journal Articles
Griseofulvin resistance mutation of Chinese hamster ovary cells that affects the apparent molecular weight of a congruent to 200,000-dalton protein. Journal Articles
Guideline No. 403: Initial Investigation and Management of Adnexal Masses Journal Articles
Hydroxychloroquine attenuates cigarette smoke induced autophagic signaling in the mouse ovary Journal Articles
Ibuprofen reduces zebrafish PGE2 levels but steroid hormone levels and reproductive parameters are not affected Journal Articles
Identification of 2-benzimidazolyl urea as a new antimitotic compound based on cross resistance studies with nocodazole resistant mutants of cho cells Journal Articles
Identification of microRNAs as potential markers of ovarian toxicity Journal Articles
Immobilization Does not Inhibit the Post-Coital Ovulatory Surge of Luteinizing Hormone in the Rabbit Journal Articles
Immunohistochemical localization of tyrosine receptor kinases A and B in endometriosis‐associated ovarian cancer Journal Articles
Immunological studies with different classes of mutants affected at the adenosine kinase locus in CHO cells Journal Articles
Immunoreactive adrenocorticotrophin is present in the ovary and in particular the oocyte of several mammalian species Journal Articles
In Vivo Recognition by the Host Adaptive Immune System of Microencapsulated Xenogeneic Cells Journal Articles
In vitro effects of sex steroids on LH-stimulated steroid accumulation by isolated rabbit ovarian follicles Journal Articles
Induction of hTERT Expression and Telomerase Activity by Estrogens in Human Ovary Epithelium Cells Journal Articles
Influence of dichlorodiphenylchloroethylene on vascular endothelial growth factor and insulin-like growth factor in human and rat ovarian cells Journal Articles
Inhibin and Estradiol Responses to Ovarian Hyperstimultion: Effects of Age and Predictive Value forin VitroFertilization Outcome Journal Articles
Inhibition of egg production in zebrafish by fluoxetine and municipal effluents: A mechanistic evaluation Journal Articles
Inhibition of gonadotropin‐stimulated ovarian steroid production by polyunsaturated fatty acids in teleost fish Journal Articles
Intra- and interobserver agreement of proposed objective transvaginal ultrasound image-quality scoring system for use in artificial intelligence algorithm development. Journal Articles
Investigating the role of prostaglandin receptor isoform EP4b in zebrafish ovulation Journal Articles
Involvement of adenosine kinase in the phosphorylation of formycin B in CHO cells Journal Articles
Isolation of two Drosophila melanogaster genes abundantly expressed in the ovary during vitelline membrane synthesis Journal Articles
Laparoscopic ovarian transposition prior to pelvic radiation in young women with anorectal malignancies: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of prevalence Journal Articles
Localization and characterization of [125I]iodomelatonin binding sites in duck gonads Journal Articles
Long‐Term Effects of Early‐Life Exposure to Environmental Oestrogens on Ovarian Function: Role of Epigenetics Journal Articles
Low-dose metronomic delivery of cyclophosphamide is less detrimental to granulosa cell viability, ovarian function, and fertility than maximum tolerated dose delivery in the mouse† Journal Articles
Managing Patients on Endocrine Therapy: Focus on Quality-of-Life Issues Journal Articles
Managing patients on endocrine therapy: Focus on quality-of-life issues Conferences
Maternal Undernutrition Significantly Impacts Ovarian Follicle Number and Increases Ovarian Oxidative Stress in Adult Rat Offspring Journal Articles
Maternal nutrient restriction impairs young adult offspring ovarian signaling resulting in reproductive dysfunction and follicle loss† Journal Articles
Measuring rates of sexual development in female Mongolian gerbils Journal Articles
Mechanisms of Action of Free Arachidonic Acid on Ovarian Steroid Production in the Goldfish Journal Articles
Microtubules, mitochondria, and molecular chaperones: a new hypothesis for in vivo assembly of microtubules Journal Articles
Mode of long-term antifertility effect of intrauterine neem treatment (IUNT) Journal Articles
Molecular control of rabbit follicular testosterone production: Role of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP Journal Articles
Morphological changes in the rabbit ovary after active immunization to testosterone Journal Articles
Multifactorial Regulation of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Preovulatory Goldfish Ovarian Follicles1 Journal Articles
Mutagenic response to ultraviolet light and X‐rays at five independent genetic loci in chinese hamster ovary cells Journal Articles
Mutagenic responses of five independent geentic loci in CHO cells to a variety of mutagens Journal Articles
Mutants of CHO cells resistant to the protein synthesis inhibitors, cryptopleurine and tylocrebrine: genetic and biochemical evidence for common site of action of emetine, cryptopleurine, tylocrebrine, and tubulosine Journal Articles
Mutants of chinese hamster ovary cells affected in two different microtubule-associated proteins. Genetic and biochemical studies. Journal Articles
Mutations in the genestand still disrupt germ cell differentiation inDrosophila ovaries Journal Articles
Oncofertility Journal Articles
Oophorectomy and risk of contralateral breast cancer among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Orthotopic, syngeneic mouse model to study the effects of epithelial-stromal interaction Journal Articles
Ouabain-resistant mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells are not directly affected in Na+, K+-ATPase Journal Articles
Ovarian ablation in early breast cancer: overview of the randomised trials Journal Articles
Ovarian toxicity of cyclophosphamide alone and in combination with ovarian irradiation in the rat. Journal Articles
Ovarian toxicity of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the superovulated female rat Journal Articles
Ovulation suppression to protect against chemotherapy-induced ovarian toxicity: helpful or just hopeful? Journal Articles
Pactamycin resistance in CHO cells: Morphological changes induced by the drug in the wild‐type and mutant cells Journal Articles
Part A: Temporal and dose-dependent transcriptional responses in the liver of fathead minnows following short term exposure to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene Journal Articles
Podophyllotoxin resistance: A codominant selection system for quantitative mutagenesis studies in mammalian cells Journal Articles
Podophyllotoxin-resistant mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Alteration in a microtubule-associated protein. Journal Articles
Podophyllotoxin-resistant mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells: cross-resistance studies with various microtubule inhibitors and podophyllotoxin analogues. Journal Articles
Pre- and Postnatal Nutritional Histories Influence Reproductive Maturation and Ovarian Function in the Rat Journal Articles
Precocious puberty in rats induced by hypothalamic lesions: A comparison of platinum and stainless steel electrodes Journal Articles
Prenatal Determinants of Uterine Volume and Ovarian Reserve in Adolescence Journal Articles
Prenatal Exposure to Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Alters the Expression of miR-122-5p and Its Target Igf1r in the Adult Rat Ovary Journal Articles
Preputialectomised and intact adult male mice exhibit an elevated urinary ratio of oestradiol to creatinine in the presence of developing females, whilst promoting uterine and ovarian growth of these females Journal Articles
Prevalence of Deep Endometriosis and Rectouterine Pouch Obliteration in the Presence of Normal Ovaries Journal Articles
Pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic actions of 2-methoxyestradiol and docosahexaenoic acid, the biologically derived active compounds from flaxseed diet, in preventing ovarian cancer Journal Articles
Quantitative mutagenesis at the adenosine kinase locus in Chinese hamster ovary cells Journal Articles
Radiobiologic Response of Cho-Ki Cells Treated with Vitamin A Journal Articles
Random segregation of multiple genetic markers from CHO-CHO hybrids: Evidence for random distribution of functional hemizygosity in the genome Journal Articles
Rapidly Evolving Genes of Drosophila: Differing Levels of Selective Pressure in Testis, Ovary, and Head Tissues Between Sibling Species Journal Articles
Rat thecal/interstitial cells produce a mitogenic activity that promotes the growth of granulosa cells Journal Articles
Regulation and actions of insulin-like growth factors in the ovary of zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Regulation of prostaglandin synthesis in ovaries of sexually‐mature zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Relationship of meiotic prophase and ornithine decarboxylase in the neonatal rabbit ovary Journal Articles
Repeated mutagenesis and the selection of recessive and dominant mutations in cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Reproductive health of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from a biological mercury hotspot in Nova Scotia, Canada Journal Articles
Resistance to the microtubule inhibitor podophyllotoxin: Selection and partial characterization of mutants in CHO cells Journal Articles
Retinoid requirements in the reproduction of zebrafish Journal Articles
Risk of Premature Menopause After Treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma Journal Articles
Role of Korean red ginseng total saponins in rat infertility induced by polycystic ovaries Journal Articles
Role of the Pituitary in Controlling Oogenesis in the Rabbit1 Journal Articles
Screening Postmenopausal Women for Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Serum antimullerian hormone (AMH) levels are elevated in adolescent girls with polycystic ovaries and the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Journal Articles
Sox9-related signaling controls zebrafish juvenile ovary–testis transformation Journal Articles
Species‐specific differences in the toxicity of puromycin towards cultured human and Chinese hamster cells Journal Articles
Specific miRNA-G Protein-Coupled Receptor Networks Regulate Sox9a/Sox9b Activities to Promote Gonadal Rejuvenation in Zebrafish Journal Articles
Spontaneous Recovery of Ovarian Function in an Adolescent with Galactosemia and Apparent Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Journal Articles
Spontaneous Sexual Development in a Chromatin Negative Female with XO Blood Leukocyte Karyotype Journal Articles
Studies on temperature-sensitive mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells affected in DNA synthesis Journal Articles
Synergistic effect of purine derivatives on the toxicity of pyrazofurin and 6‐azauridine towards cultured mammalian cells Journal Articles
Testing the synergistic effects of GnRH and testosterone on the reproductive physiology of pre‐adult pink salmonOncorhynchus gorbuscha Journal Articles
The Effect of Lactate on the Radiation Response of CHO-K1 Cells in Culture Journal Articles
The Effect of Photomirex on the In Vitro Perfused Ovary of the Rat 11This work was supported by grants from the Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada, and The Medical Research Council of Canada. Journal Articles
The Effects of Biological Sex and Ovarian Hormones on Exercise-Induced Neuroplasticity Journal Articles
The Influence of Calcium lonophore and Activators of Protein Kinase C on Steroid Production by Preovulatory Ovarian Follicles of the Goldfish1 Journal Articles
The agonist (d-leu-6,des-gly-10)-LHRH-ethylamide does not protect the fecundity of rats exposed to high dose unilateral ovarian irradiation Journal Articles
The association between ultrasound-based ‘soft markers’ and endometriosis type/location: A prospective observational study Journal Articles
The effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) on ovarian radiosensitivity Journal Articles
The endocycle controls nurse cell polytene chromosome structure during Drosophila oogenesis Journal Articles
The onset of puberty in female mice as reflected in urinary steroids and uterine/ovarian mass: interactions of exposure to males, phyto-oestrogen content of diet, and ano-genital distance Journal Articles
The role of eicosanoids in 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-induced ovulation and spawning in Danio rerio Journal Articles
The role of the endocannabinoid system in female reproductive tissues Journal Articles
The role of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian development Journal Articles
The short-term reproductive toxicity of cyclophosphamide in the female rat Journal Articles
Thrombospondin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Are Cyclically Expressed in an Inverse Pattern During Bovine Ovarian Follicle Development1 Journal Articles
Thrombospondin‐1 inhibits VEGF levels in the ovary directly by binding and internalization via the low density lipoprotein receptor‐related protein‐1 (LRP‐1) Journal Articles
Toxic effects of brominated vegetable oils in rats Journal Articles
Transduction of the CHOaprt gene into mouse L cells using an adeno-5/APRT recombinant virus Journal Articles
Transfer of [3H]estradiol-17β and [3H]progesterone from conspecifics to cohabiting female mice Journal Articles
Transforming Growth Factor α Localization and Role in Surface Epithelium of Normal Human Ovaries and in Ovarian Carcinoma Cells Journal Articles
Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha in the Adult Bovine Ovary: Identification in Growing Ovarian Follicles1 Journal Articles
Turner syndrome in adolescence Journal Articles
Turner syndrome in adolescence. Journal Articles
Updated ultrasound criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome: reliable thresholds for elevated follicle population and ovarian volume Journal Articles
Value of pelvic sonography in the diagnosis of various forms of precocious puberty in girls Journal Articles
Variation of nuclear size of neurons of the ventromedial nucleus in relation to spermatogenesis in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). Journal Articles