Environmental Monitoring
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A 30-Year Study of Impacts, Recovery, and Development of Critical Effect Sizes for Endocrine Disruption in White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) Exposed to Bleached-Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent at Jackfish Bay, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A Bayesian-based two-stage inexact optimization method for supporting stream water quality management in the Three Gorges Reservoir region Journal Articles
A Canadian Application of One Health: Integration ofSalmonellaData from Various Canadian Surveillance Programs (2005–2010) Journal Articles
A Land Use Regression Model for Predicting Ambient Concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A Simultaneous Job- and Task-Based Exposure Evaluation of Petroleum Tanker Drivers to Benzene and Total Hydrocarbons Journal Articles
A Test Battery Approach for the Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Estuarine Sediments Journal Articles
A Two-Species Biomarker Model for the Assessment of Sediment Toxicity in the Marine and Estuarine Environment Using the Comet Assay Journal Articles
A benthic survey of Aliwal Shoal and assessment of the effects of a wood pulp effluent on the reef Journal Articles
A comparative approach using biomarkers in feral and caged Neotropical fish: Implications for biomonitoring freshwater ecosystems in agricultural areas Journal Articles
A comparison of fresh and used aircraft oil for the identification of toxic substances linked to aerotoxic syndrome Journal Articles
A copula-based chance-constrained waste management planning method: An application to the city of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Journal Articles
A framework for assessing cumulative effects in watersheds: An introduction to Canadian case studies Journal Articles
A framework for screening sites at risk from contaminants of emerging concern Journal Articles
A generalized fuzzy linear programming approach for environmental management problem under uncertainty Journal Articles
A geography of moral hazard: Sources and sinks of motor-vehicle commuting externalities Journal Articles
A gradient boost approach for predicting near-road ultrafine particle concentrations using detailed traffic characterization Journal Articles
A history of total mercury in edible muscle of fish from lakes in northern Canada Journal Articles
A miniature bird-borne passive air sampler for monitoring halogenated flame retardants Journal Articles
A new exposure metric for traffic-related air pollution? An analysis of determinants of hopanes in settled indoor house dust Journal Articles
A new way to contemplate Darwin's tangled bank: how DNA barcodes are reconnecting biodiversity science and biomonitoring Journal Articles
A novel tracer technique for the assessment of fine sediment dynamics in urban water management systems Journal Articles
A physical descriptive model for predicting bacteria level variation at a dynamic beach Journal Articles
A review and evaluation of intraurban air pollution exposure models Journal Articles
A review of potential methods of determining critical effect size for designing environmental monitoring programs Journal Articles
A semi‐quantitative approach for the rapid screening and mass profiling of naphthenic acids directly in contaminated aqueous samples Journal Articles
A solution to the water resources crisis in wetlands: Development of a scenario-based modeling approach with uncertain features Journal Articles
A stepwise emission clustering analysis method for analyzing the effects of heavy metal emissions from multiple income groups Journal Articles
A survey of Canadian mechanical pulp and paper mill effluents: Insights concerning the potential to affect fish reproduction Journal Articles
A vortex-assisted MSPD method for the extraction of pesticide residues from fish liver and crab hepatopancreas with determination by GC–MS Journal Articles
Abundance and community composition of comammox bacteria in different ecosystems by a universal primer set Journal Articles
Accumulation of ligands for aryl hydrocarbon and sex steroid receptors in fish exposed to treated effluent from a bleached sulfite/groundwood pulp and paper mill Journal Articles
Adaptive response in frogs chronically exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation in the environment Journal Articles
Advanced monitoring of water systems using in situ measurement stations: data validation and fault detection Journal Articles
Age, body size, growth and dietary habits: What are the key factors driving individual variability in mercury of lacustrine fishes in northern temperate lakes? Journal Articles
Air pollution as a potential contributor to the ‘epidemic’ of autoimmune disease Journal Articles
Airborne lead and particulate levels in Semarang, Indonesia and potential health impacts Journal Articles
Altered reproduction in fish exposed to pulp and paper mill effluents: Roles of individual compounds and mill operating conditions Journal Articles
An Adaptive Environmental Effects Monitoring Framework for Assessing the Influences of Liquid Effluents on Benthos, Water, and Sediments in Aquatic Receiving Environments Journal Articles
An Assessment of Sub-Meter Scale Spatial Variability of Arcellinida (Testate Lobose Amoebae) Assemblages in a Temperate Lake: Implications for Limnological Studies Journal Articles
An Assessment of the Toxicity of Pesticide Mixtures in Periphyton from Agricultural Streams to the Mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer Journal Articles
An Evaluation of Analytical Methods, Air Sampling Techniques, and Airborne Occupational Exposure of Metalworking Fluids Journal Articles
An Inexact Fuzzy-Chance-Constrained Air Quality Management Model Journal Articles
An approach for runoff and sediment nexus analysis under multi-flow conditions in a hyper-concentrated sediment river, Southwest China Journal Articles
An artificial sweetener and pharmaceutical compounds as co-tracers of urban wastewater in groundwater Journal Articles
An assessment of the pollutant status of surficial sediment in Cork Harbour in the South East of Ireland with particular reference to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Journal Articles
An examination of traditional foods and cigarette smoking as cadmium sources among the nine First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, northern Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
An inexact chance-constrained programming model for water quality management in Binhai New Area of Tianjin, China Journal Articles
An integrated approach in subtropical agro-ecosystems: Active biomonitoring, environmental contaminants, bioaccumulation, and multiple biomarkers in fish Journal Articles
An integrated assessment model of carbon sequestration benefits: A case study of Liping county, China Journal Articles
An integrated numerical and physical modeling system for an enhanced in situ bioremediation process Journal Articles
An integrated numerical framework for water quality modelling in cold-region rivers: A case of the lower Athabasca River Journal Articles
An integrated optimization method for river water quality management and risk analysis in a rural system Journal Articles
An integrated simulation and optimization approach for managing human health risks of atmospheric pollutants by coal-fired power plants Journal Articles
An interlaboratory study on the use of steroid hormones in examining endocrine disruption Journal Articles
An inter‐laboratory study on the variability in measured concentrations of 17β‐estradiol, testosterone, and 11‐ketotestosterone in white sucker: Implications and recommendations Journal Articles
An isotopic investigation of mercury accumulation in terrestrial food webs adjacent to an Arctic seabird colony Journal Articles
An optimization model for regional air pollutants mitigation based on the economic structure adjustment and multiple measures: A case study in Urumqi city, China Journal Articles
An overview of recent studies on the potential of pulp‐mill effluents to alter reproductive parameters in fish Journal Articles
Analyzing variation of water inflow to inland lakes under climate change: Integrating deep learning and time series data mining Journal Articles
Anthropogenic Impacts on a Bedrock Aquifer at the Village Scale Journal Articles
Application of Bayesian regularized BP neural network model for analysis of aquatic ecological data-a case study of chlorophyll-a prediction in Nanzui water area of Dongting Lake. Journal Articles
Application of Parallel Factor Analysis for Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Implication for Metal Speciation Study Journal Articles
Application of a new leaf area index algorithm to China's landmass using MODIS data for carbon cycle research Journal Articles
Application of high-throughput 16S rRNA sequencing to identify fecal contamination sources and to complement the detection of fecal indicator bacteria in rural groundwater Journal Articles
Application of leftover sample material from waterborne protozoa monitoring for the molecular detection of Bacteroidales and fecal source tracking markers Journal Articles
Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in Marine Environment Monitoring: A Survey Journal Articles
Approaches for estimating PUF-air partitions coefficient for semi-volatile organic compounds: A critical comparison Journal Articles
Aquatic Environmental Effects Monitoring Guidance for Environmental Assessment Practitioners Journal Articles
Aquatic and terrestrial organic matter in the diet of stream consumers: implications for mercury bioaccumulation Journal Articles
Arsenic and metal levels in snake tissues from Lagoa Santa Karst, Brazil Journal Articles
Artificial sweeteners as potential tracers of municipal landfill leachate Journal Articles
Assessing Microbial Uptake of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Systems Using Natural Abundance Radiocarbon Journal Articles
Assessing and Managing Risks Arising from Exposure to Endocrine-Active Chemicals Journal Articles
Assessing forest canopy closure in a geospatial medium to address management concerns for tropical islands—Southeast Asia Journal Articles
Assessing microbial carbon sources and potential PAH degradation using natural abundance 14C analysis Journal Articles
Assessing microbial risk through event-based pathogen loading and hydrodynamic modelling Journal Articles
Assessing potential toxicity of chloride-affected groundwater discharging to an urban stream using juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Journal Articles
Assessing reproductive effects on fish populations: an evaluation of methods to predict the reproductive strategy of fishes Journal Articles
Assessing the accuracy of long-term air pollution estimates produced with temporally adjusted short-term observations from unstructured sampling Journal Articles
Assessing the impact of urbanization on regional net primary productivity in Jiangyin County, China Journal Articles
Assessing the toxicity and risk of salt-impacted winter road runoff to the early life stages of freshwater mussels in the Canadian province of Ontario Journal Articles
Assessing wild fish exposure to ligands for sex steroid receptors from pulp and paper mill effluents in the Biobio River Basin, Central Chile Journal Articles
Assessment of biomarkers for contaminants of emerging concern on aquatic organisms downstream of a municipal wastewater discharge Journal Articles
Assessment of crAssphage as a human fecal source tracking marker in the lower Great Lakes Journal Articles
Assessment of risks to listed species from the use of atrazine in the USA: a perspective Journal Articles
Assessment of status of white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) populations exposed to bleached kraft pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Assessment of the potential of the rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus) along the Atlantic coast of Canada as a species for monitoring the reproductive impacts of contaminant exposures Journal Articles
Association between vehicular emissions and cardiorespiratory disease risk in Brazil and its variation by spatial clustering of socio-economic factors Journal Articles
Associations between socioeconomic status and ultrafine particulate exposure in the school commute: An environmental inequality study for Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Atmospheric mercury levels in the Slovak Republic Journal Articles
Autoecological Approaches to Resolve Subjective Taxonomic Divisions within Arcellacea Journal Articles
Background levels of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dlPCBs), polychlorinated, polybrominated and mixed halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs, PBDD/Fs & PXDD/Fs) in sera of pregnant women in Accra, Ghana Journal Articles
Barriers to sustainable water-quality management Journal Articles
Behavior as biomarker? Laboratory versus field movement in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from highly contaminated habitats Journal Articles
Behavioral Phenotyping of Murine Disease Models with the Integrated Behavioral Station (INBEST) Journal Articles
Benchmark Simulation Model No 2: finalisation of plant layout and default control strategy Journal Articles
Benchtop-fabricated lipid-based electrochemical sensing platform for the detection of membrane disrupting agents Journal Articles
Benthic foraminifera geochemistry as a monitoring tool for heavy metal and phosphorus pollution — A post fish-farm removal case study Journal Articles
Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of potentially toxic elements in the octopus Octopus hubbsorum from the Gulf of California Journal Articles
Bioaccumulation and potential impacts of persistent organic pollutants and contaminants of emerging concern in guitarfishes and angelsharks from Southeastern Brazil Journal Articles
Bioaccumulation data from laboratory and field studies: Are they comparable? Journal Articles
Bioaccumulation of perfluorinated carboxylates and sulfonates and polychlorinated biphenyls in laboratory-cultured Hexagenia spp., Lumbriculus variegatus and Pimephales promelas from field-collected sediments Journal Articles
Biochemical biomarkers in barnacles Balanus improvisus: Pollution and seasonal effects Journal Articles
Biochemical biomarkers in gills of mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from three Brazilian estuaries Journal Articles
Biochemical response and metals bioaccumulation in planktonic communities from marine areas impacted by the Fundão mine dam rupture (southeast Brazil) Journal Articles
Biofilm Hydrous Manganese Oxyhydroxides and Metal Dynamics in Acid Rock Drainage Journal Articles
Biogeochemical Processes and Microbial Dynamics Governing Phosphorus Retention and Release in Sediments: A Case Study in Lower Great Lakes Headwaters Journal Articles
Biomagnification of DDT through the Benthic and Pelagic Food Webs of Lake Malawi, East Africa: Importance of Trophic Level and Carbon Source Journal Articles
Biomarkers in croakers Micropogonias furnieri (Teleostei: Sciaenidae) from polluted and non-polluted areas from the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil): Evidences of genotoxic and immunological effects Journal Articles
Biomarkers of exposure and effect in the Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus (Teleostei: Paralichthyidae) from the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil) Journal Articles
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the guppy Poecilia vivipara acclimated to salt water Journal Articles
Biomass fuel use and the exposure of children to particulate air pollution in southern Nepal Journal Articles
Biostabilization and erodibility of cohesive sediment deposits in wildfire-affected streams Journal Articles
Body burdens, sources and interrelations of selected toxic and essential elements among the nine Cree First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Risk and Exposure in Early Life to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Total Suspended Particulates as a Proxy Measure Journal Articles
Brominated flame retardants in the indoor environment — Comparative study of indoor contamination from three countries Journal Articles
C12–30 α-Bromo-Chloro “Alkenes”: Characterization of a Poorly Identified Flame Retardant and Potential Environmental Implications Journal Articles
Cadmium in tissues of green turtles (Chelonia mydas): A global perspective for marine biota Journal Articles
Calibration of polydimethylsiloxane and polyurethane foam passive air samplers for measuring semi volatile organic compounds using a novel exposure chamber design Journal Articles
Calibration of two passive air samplers for monitoring phthalates and brominated flame-retardants in indoor air Journal Articles
Carbon isotope effects associated with Fenton-like degradation of toluene: Potential for differentiation of abiotic and biotic degradation Journal Articles
Carbon sinks and sources in China's forests during 1901–2001 Journal Articles
Carbonic anhydrase activity as a potential biomarker for acute exposure to copper in corals Journal Articles
Challenges in current adult fish laboratory reproductive tests: Suggestions for refinement using a mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) case study Journal Articles
Changes in Population, Growth, and Physiological Indices of Longnose Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Changes in persistent contaminant concentration and CYP1A1 protein expression in biopsy samples from northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus, following the onset of nearby oil and gas development Journal Articles
Characterisation of microcontaminants in Darwin Harbour, a tropical estuary of northern Australia undergoing rapid development Journal Articles
Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Commercial Pavement Sealcoat Products for Enhanced Source Apportionment Journal Articles
Characterization of Taxonomic and Functional Dynamics Associated with Harmful Algal Bloom Formation in Recreational Water Ecosystems Journal Articles
Characterizing the exposure of streams in southern Ontario to agricultural pesticides Journal Articles
Chemistry of Urban Grime: Inorganic Ion Composition of Grime vs Particles in Leipzig, Germany Journal Articles
China’s Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Estimated Using Surface Observations of Coemitted NO2 Journal Articles
Circulating metals and persistent organic pollutant concentrations in Canadian and non-Canadian born primiparous women from five Canadian centres: Results of a pilot biomonitoring study Journal Articles
Clionid sponge surveys on the Florida Reef Tract suggest land-based nutrient inputs Journal Articles
Co-exposures to trace elements and polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) impacts North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) baculum Journal Articles
Cohort Profile: The Maternal‐Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals Research Platform Journal Articles
Colloid retention mechanisms in single, saturated, variable-aperture fractures Journal Articles
Combining chemical, bioanalytical and predictive tools to assess persistence, seasonality, and sporadic releases of organic micropollutants within the urban water cycle Journal Articles
Combining data sets of organochlorines (OCs) in human plasma for the Russian Arctic Journal Articles
Combining remote sensing imagery and forest age inventory for biomass mapping Journal Articles
Comparative microbial source tracking methods for identification of fecal contamination sources at Sunnyside Beach in the Toronto region area of concern Journal Articles
Comparing plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and metals in primiparous women from northern and southern Canada Journal Articles
Comparing responses in the performance of sentinel populations of stoneflies (Plecoptera) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) exposed to enriching effluents Journal Articles
Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry to Traditional High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Identification and Quantification of Halogenated Dioxins and Furans Journal Articles
Comparison of Microbial and Chemical Source Tracking Markers To Identify Fecal Contamination Sources in the Humber River (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and Associated Storm Water Outfalls Journal Articles
Comparison of mercury concentrations in landlocked, resident, and sea‐run fish (Salvelinus spp.) from Nunavut, Canada Journal Articles
Comparison of the occurrence and survival of fecal indicator bacteria in recreational sand between urban beach, playground and sandbox settings in Toronto, Ontario Journal Articles
Compositional space: A guide for environmental chemists on the identification of persistent and bioaccumulative organics using mass spectrometry Journal Articles
Concentration and Trophic Transfer of Copper, Selenium, and Zinc in Marine Species of the Chilean Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula Area Journal Articles
Concentrations and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated PAHs (NPAHs) in the atmosphere of North China, and the transformation from PAHs to NPAHs. Journal Articles
Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in amphipods (Gammarus lacustris) along an elevation gradient in mountain lakes of western Canada Journal Articles
Concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in maternal and cord blood from the maternal-infant research on environmental chemicals (MIREC) cohort study Journal Articles
Considering Fish as Recipients of Ecosystem Services Provides a Framework to Formally Link Baseline, Development, and Post-operational Monitoring Programs and Improve Aquatic Impact Assessments for Large Scale Developments Journal Articles
Contaminant screening and tissue distribution in the critically endangered Brazilian guitarfish Pseudobatos horkelii Journal Articles
Contaminants in the coastal karst aquifer system along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Journal Articles
Contamination of an arctic terrestrial food web with marine-derived persistent organic pollutants transported by breeding seabirds Journal Articles
Contrasting reproductive health of female clams Megapitaria squalida from two nearby metal-polluted sites in the Gulf of California: Potential effects of copper, lead, and cobalt Journal Articles
Correlates of Cytochrome P450 1A1 Expression in Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Integument Biopsies Journal Articles
Critical factors and their effects on product maturity in food waste composting Journal Articles
Current Chemical Exposures Among Ontario Construction Workers Journal Articles
DNA-based real-time detection and quantification of aeromonads from fresh water beaches on Lake Ontario Journal Articles
Daphnia need to be gut-cleared too: the effect of exposure to and ingestion of metal-contaminated sediment on the gut-clearance patterns of D. magna Journal Articles
Dealing with heterogeneous regression slopes in analysis of covariance: new methodology applied to environmental effects monitoring fish survey data Journal Articles
Defining the role of omics in assessing ecosystem health: Perspectives from the Canadian environmental monitoring program Journal Articles
Design of a flat field concave-grating-based micro-Raman spectrometer for environmental applications Journal Articles
Detecting oil sands process-affected waters in the Alberta oil sands region using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy Journal Articles
Detection of reproductive impacts of effluents from pulp and paper mills: Shifts in issues and potential causes Journal Articles
Determination of Microbial Carbon Sources and Cycling during Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Using Natural Abundance 14C Analysis of PLFA Journal Articles
Determination of Microbial Carbon Sources in Petroleum Contaminated Sediments Using Molecular 14C Analysis Journal Articles
Determining Tissue-Lead Levels in Large Game Mammals Harvested with Lead Bullets: Human Health Concerns Journal Articles
Developing Triggers for Environmental Effects Monitoring Programs for Trout‐Perch in the Lower Athabasca River (Canada) Journal Articles
Developing and applying control charts to detect changes in water chemistry parameters measured in the Athabasca River near the oil sands: A tool for surveillance monitoring Journal Articles
Developing multimetric indices for monitoring ecological restoration progress in salt marshes Journal Articles
Development of a 170 Tm source for mercury monitoring studies in humans using XRF Journal Articles
Development of a New Approach to Cumulative Effects Assessment: A Northern River Ecosystem Example Journal Articles
Development of a hierarchical model for predicting microbiological contamination of private groundwater supplies in a geologically heterogeneous region Journal Articles
Development of a “big data” groundwater microbial contamination index and spatial comparisons with enteric infection rates in southern Ontario Journal Articles
Development of an adaptive monitoring framework for long‐term programs: An example using indicators of fish health Journal Articles
Development of environmental effects monitoring protocol in Brazil: a fish guide study of three river estuaries Journal Articles
Dietary Intakes and Plasma Organochlorine Contaminant Levels among Great Lakes Fish Eaters Journal Articles
Diethylaminoethyl-cellulose clean-up of a large volume naphthenic acid extract Journal Articles
Dioxin-like compounds and bone quality in Cree women of Eastern James Bay (Canada): a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Discussion of Papers Journal Articles
Dissolution of Entrapped DNAPLs in Variable Aperture Fractures: Experimental Data and Empirical Model Journal Articles
Distinctive Sources Govern Organic Aerosol Fractions with Different Degrees of Oxygenation in the Urban Atmosphere Journal Articles
Distribution and potential significance of a gull fecal marker in urban coastal and riverine areas of southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Distribution of copper in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using green turtles (Chelonia mydas) as a bioindicator Journal Articles
Dynamic Existence of Waterborne Pathogens within River Sediment Compartments. Implications for Water Quality Regulatory Affairs Journal Articles
Dynamic wastewater-induced research based on input-output analysis for Guangdong Province, China Journal Articles
Ecological Legacy of DDT Archived in Lake Sediments from Eastern Canada Journal Articles
Ecotoxicological impacts of the Fundão dam failure in freshwater fish community: Metal bioaccumulation, biochemical, genetic and histopathological effects Journal Articles
Effectiveness of custom neutron shielding in the maze of radiotherapy accelerators Journal Articles
Effects of Unconventional Gas Development on Groundwater: A Call for Total Dissolved Gas Pressure Field Measurements Journal Articles
Effects of blood metal(loid) concentrations on genomic damages in sharks Journal Articles
Effects of contaminated sediment from Cork Harbour, Ireland on the cytochrome P450 system of turbot Journal Articles
Effects of forest management on mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification along the river continuum Journal Articles
Effects of increasing temperature alone and combined with copper exposure on biochemical and physiological parameters in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Mussismilia harttii Journal Articles
Effects of metformin on wild fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) using in-lake mesocosms in a boreal lake ecosystem Journal Articles
Effects of sodium chloride exposure on ion regulation in larvae (glochidia) of the freshwater mussel Lampsilis fasciola Journal Articles
Effluent monitoring at a bleached kraft mill: Directions for best management practices for eliminating effects on fish reproduction Journal Articles
Effluent trading planning and its application in water quality management: A factor-interaction perspective Journal Articles
Elements and omega-3 fatty acids in fishes along a large, dammed river Journal Articles
Elevated Dissolved Phosphorus in Riparian Groundwater along Gaining Urban Streams Journal Articles
Elevated Levels of PCBs in First Nation Communities of the Western James Bay Region of Northern Ontario, Canada: The Use of Correspondence Analysis to Identify Source of Exposure Journal Articles
Elevated mercury concentrations in fish in lakes in the Mackenzie River Basin: The role of physical, chemical, and biological factors Journal Articles
Emerging investigator series: ozone uptake by urban road dust and first evidence for chlorine activation during ozone uptake by agro-based anti-icer: implications for wintertime air quality in high-latitude urban environments Journal Articles
Endobenthic Organisms Exposed to Chronically High Chloride from Groundwater Discharging along Freshwater Urban Streams and Lakeshores Journal Articles
Endocrine Disruptor Impacts on Fish From Chile: The Influence of Wastewaters Journal Articles
Environmental Contaminants and Human Infertility: Hypothesis or Cause for Concern? Journal Articles
Environmental Risks of Pharmaceutical Mixtures in Aquatic Ecosystems: Reflections on a Decade of Research Journal Articles
Environmental adaptation of E. coli within private groundwater sources in southeastern Ontario: Implications for groundwater quality monitoring and human health Journal Articles
Environmental health in southwestern Atlantic coral reefs: Geochemical, water quality and ecological indicators Journal Articles
Environmental monitoring: A changing challenge Journal Articles
Environmental prevention of human disease from verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli Journal Articles
Environmental, geographic and trophic influences on methylmercury concentrations in macroinvertebrates from lakes and wetlands across Canada Journal Articles
Essential components and pathways for developing Indigenous community‐based monitoring: Examples from the Canadian oil sands region Journal Articles
Evaluating the convergence between eddy-covariance and biometric methods for assessing carbon budgets of forests Journal Articles
Evaluating the efficacy of ecological restoration of fish habitat in coastal waters of Lake Ontario. Journal Articles
Evidence of impaired health in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from a biological mercury hotspot in northeastern north America Journal Articles
Examination of recent hydroelectric dam projects in Canada for alignment of baseline studies, predictive modeling, and postdevelopment monitoring phases of aquatic environmental impact assessments Journal Articles
Examination of the responses of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) collected on the Saint John River (Canada) downstream of pulp mill, paper mill, and sewage discharges Journal Articles
Experience with the antibiotic resistance analysis and DNA fingerprinting in tracking faecal pollution at two lake beaches Journal Articles
Experimental and computational determination of neutron dose equivalent around radiotherapy accelerators Journal Articles
Exploration of E. coli contamination drivers in private drinking water wells: An application of machine learning to a large, multivariable, geo-spatio-temporal dataset Journal Articles
Exploratory Hydrocarbon Drilling Impacts to Arctic Lake Ecosystems Journal Articles
Exposure Assessment of Pesticides in Surface Waters of Ontario, Canada Reveals Low Probability of Exceeding Acute Regulatory Thresholds Journal Articles
Exposure to nanoscale and microscale particulate air pollution prior to mining development near a northern indigenous community in Québec, Canada Journal Articles
Factor analysis of essential and toxic elements in human placentas from deliveries in artic and subarctic areas of Russia and Norway Journal Articles
Factors affecting biotic mercury concentrations and biomagnification through lake food webs in the Canadian high Arctic Journal Articles
Factors affecting water strider (Hemiptera: Gerridae) mercury concentrations in lotic systems Journal Articles
Fate of thiamethoxam in mesocosms and response of the zooplankton community Journal Articles
Fatty Acid Composition of Muscle Tissue Measured in Amphibians Living in Radiologically Contaminated and Non-Contaminated Environments Journal Articles
Fecal source tracking and eDNA profiling in an urban creek following an extreme rain event Journal Articles
Fish assemblages on fringe coral reefs of the northern coast of Cuba near Havana Harbor Journal Articles
Fishes as indicators of untreated sewage contamination in a Mexican coastal lagoon Journal Articles
Flocculation/Aggregation of Cohesive Sediments in the Urban Continuum: Implications for Stormwater Management Journal Articles
Food web analysis reveals effects of pH on mercury bioaccumulation at multiple trophic levels in streams Journal Articles
Forces shaping the antibiotic resistome Journal Articles
Freshwater mussels in an impacted watershed: Influences of pollution from point and non-point sources Journal Articles
Fuel Consumption, Emissions Estimation, and Emissions Cost Estimates Using Global Positioning Data Journal Articles
Further scientific issues in determining an occupational standard for cadmium Journal Articles
Future carbon balance of China's forests under climate change and increasing CO2 Journal Articles
General and histological indicators of health in wild fishes from a biological mercury hotspot in northeastern North America Journal Articles
Genetic implications and health consequences following the Chernobyl nuclear accident Journal Articles
Genotoxicity of field‐collected inter‐tidal sediments from Cork Harbor, Ireland, to juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) as measured by the Comet assay Journal Articles
Global Distribution of Human-Associated Fecal Genetic Markers in Reference Samples from Six Continents Journal Articles
Grid search: an innovative method for the estimation of the rates of lead exchange between body compartments Journal Articles
Groundwater Protection and Unconventional Gas Extraction: The Critical Need for Field‐Based Hydrogeological Research Journal Articles
Groundwater level prediction using a SOM-aided stepwise cluster inference model Journal Articles
Groundwater resources as a global reservoir for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria Journal Articles
Groundwater source contamination mechanisms: Physicochemical profile clustering, risk factor analysis and multivariate modelling Journal Articles
Halogenated organic contaminants of concern in urban-influenced waters of Lake Ontario, Canada: Passive sampling with targeted and non-targeted screening Journal Articles
Health condition of Chelonia mydas from a foraging area affected by the tailings of a collapsed dam in southeast Brazil Journal Articles
Health of the coral reefs at the US Navy Base, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba: A preliminary report based on isotopic records from gorgonians Journal Articles
Health status of native fish (Percilia gillissi and Trichomycterus areolatus) downstream of the discharge of effluent from a tertiary‐treated elemental chlorine‐free pulp mill in Chile Journal Articles
Hepatic biomarkers of sediment-associated pollution in juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L. Journal Articles
High Prevalence of Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (Anti-GAD) Antibodies in Employees at a Polychlorinated Biphenyl Production Factory Journal Articles
High arsenic and low lead concentrations in fish and reptiles from Taim wetlands, a Ramsar site in southern Brazil Journal Articles
High‑magnesium waters and soils: Emerging environmental and food security constraints Journal Articles
Historical decline and altered congener patterns of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans in fish and sediment in response to process changes at a pulp mill discharging into Jackfish Bay, Lake Superior Journal Articles
Household and personal air pollution exposure measurements from 120 communities in eight countries: results from the PURE-AIR study Journal Articles
How can research contribute to risk assessment? Journal Articles
Human biomonitoring in the Arctic. Special challenges in a sparsely populated area Journal Articles
Human biomonitoring issues related to lead exposure Journal Articles
Human exposure to environmental contaminants and congenital anomalies: a critical review Journal Articles
Human health and ecological risk assessment of pesticides from rice production in the Babol Roud River in Northern Iran Journal Articles
Human health and environmental risk assessment of metals in community gardens of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Journal Articles
Human health risk assessment of metals and arsenic via consumption of commercial bivalves in the Gulf of California, Mexico Journal Articles
Identification and Occurrence of Analogues of Dechlorane 604 in Lake Ontario Sediment and their Accumulation in Fish Journal Articles
Identification of the Halogenated Compounds Resulting from the 1997 Plastimet Inc. Fire in Hamilton, Ontario, using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and (Ultra)High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Journal Articles
Impact from the evolution of private vehicle fleet composition on traffic related emissions in the small-medium automotive city Journal Articles
Impact of Riparian Zone Protection from Cattle on Nutrient, Bacteria, F-coliphage,Cryptosporidium, andGiardiaLoading of an Intermittent Stream Journal Articles
Impact of sample collection on prokaryotic and eukaryotic diversity of niche environments of the oil-sand mining impacted Athabasca River Journal Articles
Impacts of Adjacent Land Use and Isolation on Marsh Bird Communities Journal Articles
Impacts of Chemical Degradation on the Global Budget of Atmospheric Levoglucosan and Its Use As a Biomass Burning Tracer Journal Articles
Impacts of a changing earth on microbial dynamics and human health risks in the continuum between beach water and sand Journal Articles
Impacts of nonpoint inputs from potato farming on populations of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) Journal Articles
Impacts of tailings of Fundão dam (Brazil) rupture on marine fish: Metals bioaccumulation and physiological responses Journal Articles
Impacts of wastewater treatment plants on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in summer and winter Journal Articles
Importance of cholinesterase kinetic parameters in environmental monitoring using estuarine fish Journal Articles
Increased Mercury and Body Size and Changes in Trophic Structure of Gambusia puncticulata (Poeciliidae) Along the Almendares River, Cuba Journal Articles
Increasing Mercury in Yellow Perch at a Hotspot in Atlantic Canada, Kejimkujik National Park Journal Articles
Indicators in Environmental Health: Identifying and Selecting Common Sets Journal Articles
Indicators of human health in ecosystems: what do we measure? Journal Articles
Influence of Fuel Properties on the Light Absorption of Fresh and Laboratory-Aged Atmospheric Brown Carbon Produced from Realistic Combustion of Boreal Peat and Spruce Foliage Journal Articles
Insights into In Situ Benthic Caging Tests for Ecotoxicity Assessments Targeting Discharging Groundwater Contaminant Plumes Journal Articles
Integrated biological responses of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to analyze water quality in regions under anthropogenic influence Journal Articles
Integrated biomarker responses in oysters Crassostrea gasar as an approach for assessing aquatic pollution of a Brazilian estuary Journal Articles
Integrating Environmental and Human Health Databases in the Great Lakes Basin: Themes, Challenges and Future Directions Journal Articles
Interannual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Niño Southern Oscillation Journal Articles
Internet of Things in Marine Environment Monitoring: A Review Journal Articles
Interrelationships between concentrations of 137Cs and various stable elements in three lichen species. Journal Articles
Interval-parameter semi-infinite fuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach for environmental management under multiple uncertainties Journal Articles
In‐Well Degassing Issues for Measurements of Dissolved Gases in Groundwater Journal Articles
Is There a Risk to Humans from Consuming Octopus Species from Sites with High Environmental Levels of Metals? Journal Articles
Is meconium useful to predict fetal exposure to organochlorines and hydroxylated PCBs? Journal Articles
Isoprene, Monoterpene, and Sesquiterpene Oxidation Products in the High Arctic Aerosols during Late Winter to Early Summer Journal Articles
Isotope hydrology of the intermontane Elk Valley, British Columbia: an assessment of water resources around coal mining operations Journal Articles
LAI inversion algorithm based on directional reflectance kernels Journal Articles
LCLUC as an entry point for transdisciplinary research – Reflections from an agriculture land use change study in South Asia Journal Articles
Landscape characteristics driving spatial variation in total phosphorus and sediment loading from sub-watersheds of the Nottawasaga River, Ontario Journal Articles
Lead Pellet Ingestion and Liver-Lead Concentrations in Upland Game Birds from Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Lead exposure in Latin America and the Caribbean. Lead Research Group of the Pan-American Health Organization. Journal Articles
Leaf chlorophyll content as a proxy for leaf photosynthetic capacity Journal Articles
Leukemia after exposure to benzene: temporal trends and implications for standards Journal Articles
Library-dependent and library-independent microbial source tracking to identify spatial variation in faecal contamination sources along a Lake Ontario beach (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles
Liver Lead Concentrations of Several Bird Species from the Western James Bay Region of Northern Ontario, Canada: Do the Data Support the Canadian Nontoxic Legislation? Journal Articles
Liver ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase and brain acetylcholinesterase in two freshwater fish species of South America; the effects of seasonal variability on study design for biomonitoring Journal Articles
Long-Term Monitoring of Waterborne Pathogens and Microbial Source Tracking Markers in Paired Agricultural Watersheds under Controlled and Conventional Tile Drainage Management Journal Articles
Low concentrations of selenium in stream food webs of eastern Canada Journal Articles
Mapping real-time air pollution health risk for environmental management: Combining mobile and stationary air pollution monitoring with neural network models Journal Articles
Marine shrimps as biomonitors of the Fundão (Brazil) mine dam disaster: A multi-biomarker approach Journal Articles
Materials selection for a dry atmospheric mercury deposits sampler Journal Articles
Measurement of Short- and Long-Term Toxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Luminescent Bacteria Journal Articles
Measurements and simulation of forest leaf area index and net primary productivity in Northern China Journal Articles
Measuring and predicting personal and household Black Carbon levels from 88 communities in eight countries Journal Articles
Memory effects of climate and vegetation affecting net ecosystem CO2 fluxes in global forests Journal Articles
Mercury Biomagnification through Food Webs Is Affected by Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Lakes Journal Articles
Mercury Concentrations in Arctic Food Fishes Reflect the Presence of Anadromous Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Species, and Life History Journal Articles
Mercury and Other Contaminants in Fish from Lake Chad, Africa Journal Articles
Mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in a small Arctic polynya ecosystem Journal Articles
Mercury bioaccumulation in aquatic biota along a salinity gradient in the Saint John River estuary Journal Articles
Mercury concentrations and stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) in fish muscle indicate human impacts in tropical coastal lagoons Journal Articles
Mercury, legacy and emerging POPs, and endocrine-behavioural linkages: Implications of Arctic change in a diving seabird Journal Articles
Metal Cation Detection in Drinking Water Journal Articles
Metal and selenium concentrations in blood and feathers of petrels of the genus procellaria Journal Articles
Metal contamination in threatened elasmobranchs from an impacted urban coast Journal Articles
Methodology for assessing community health in areas of concern: measuring the adverse effects on human health. Journal Articles
Methylmercury biomagnification in coastal aquatic food webs from western Patagonia and western Antarctic Peninsula Journal Articles
Microbial Source Tracking Using Quantitative and Digital PCR To Identify Sources of Fecal Contamination in Stormwater, River Water, and Beach Water in a Great Lakes Area of Concern Journal Articles
Microbial metabolic strategies for overcoming low-oxygen in naturalized freshwater reservoirs surrounding the Athabasca Oil Sands: A proxy for End-Pit Lakes? Journal Articles
Microbial source tracking of private well water samples across at-risk regions in southern Ontario and analysis of traditional fecal indicator bacteria assays including culture and qPCR Journal Articles
Microparticles in Wild and Caged Biota, Sediments, and Water Relative to Large Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges Journal Articles
Microsatellite DNA Mutations in Double-Crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) Associated with Exposure to PAH-Containing Industrial Air Pollution Journal Articles
Modeling for regional ecosystem sustainable development under uncertainty — A case study of Dongying, China Journal Articles
Modeling for waste management associated with environmental-impact abatement under uncertainty Journal Articles
Modeling spatial distribution of population for environmental epidemiological studies: Comparing the exposure estimates using choropleth versus dasymetric mapping Journal Articles
Modeling the Intraurban Variability of Ambient Traffic Pollution in Toronto, Canada Journal Articles
Modulators of mercury risk to wildlife and humans in the context of rapid global change Journal Articles
Molecular biology approaches to biological monitoring of genotoxic substances Journal Articles
Molecular signatures in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) inhabiting an urbanized river reach receiving wastewater effluents Journal Articles
Morphological alterations in the liver of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from a biological mercury hotspot Journal Articles
Mortality and indicators of traffic-related air pollution Journal Articles
Mortality of 11,500 Nickel Workers—Extended Follow Up and Relationship to Environmental Conditions Journal Articles
Multi-component assessment of worker exposures in a copper refinery : Part 1. Environmental monitoring Journal Articles
Multi-component assessment of worker exposures in a copper refinery : Part 2. Biological exposure indices for copper, nickel and cobalt Journal Articles
Multi-step ahead prediction of hourly influent characteristics for wastewater treatment plants: a case study from North America Journal Articles
Multibiomarker approach at different organization levels in the estuarine Perinereis gualpensis (Polychaeta; Nereididae) under chronic and acute pollution conditions Journal Articles
Multinational prediction of household and personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the PURE cohort study Journal Articles
Multizone Aquatic Ecological Exposures to Landfill Contaminants from a Groundwater Plume Discharging to a Pond Journal Articles
Municipal solid waste management planning considering greenhouse gas emission trading under fuzzy environment Journal Articles
Natural Attenuation of Perchlorate in Denitrified Groundwater Journal Articles
Natural and human factors influencing urban particulate matter concentrations in central heating areas with long-term wearable monitoring devices Journal Articles
Near-road air quality modelling that incorporates input variability and model uncertainty Journal Articles
Negative Consequences of Using α = 0.05 for Environmental Monitoring Decisions: A Case Study from a Decade of Canada’s Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Journal Articles
New insights into pesticide occurrence and multicompartmental monitoring strategies in stream ecosystems using periphyton and suspended sediment Journal Articles
Nitrogen Isotopic Records of Terrestrial Pollution Encoded in Floridian and Bahamian Gorgonian Corals Journal Articles
Non-intrusive characterization methods for wastewater-affected groundwater plumes discharging to an alpine lake Journal Articles
Non-omnivorous generality promotes population stability Journal Articles
Novel Bayesian Method to Derive Final Adjusted Values of Physicochemical Properties: Application to 74 Compounds Journal Articles
Observation and simulation of net primary productivity in Qilian Mountain, western China Journal Articles
Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Biological Agents in the Nonproduction Departments of Pulp, Paper, and Paper Product Mills: An International Study Journal Articles
Occurrence and source of PAHs in Miankaleh International Wetland in Iran Journal Articles
Often overloo ked: Biological QA/QC Journal Articles
Optimizations for time and effort in long-term monitoring: a case study using a multidecadal terrestrial salamander monitoring program Journal Articles
Organic contaminants of emerging concern in leachate of historic municipal landfills Journal Articles
Organic contamination and multi-biomarker assessment in watersheds of the southern Brazil: an integrated approach using fish from the Astyanax genus Journal Articles
Organophosphate esters flame retardants in the indoor environment Journal Articles
Outcomes of the first combined national survey of pesticides and emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) in groundwater in New Zealand 2018 Journal Articles
Ozone exposure and daily mortality in Mexico City: a time-series analysis. Journal Articles
Ozone, Suspended Particulates, and Daily Mortality in Mexico City Journal Articles
Particulate Matter Exposure during Domestic Work in Nepal Journal Articles
Passive air sampling of flame retardants and plasticizers in Canadian homes using PDMS, XAD-coated PDMS and PUF samplers Journal Articles
Peak event analysis: a novel empirical method for the evaluation of elevated particulate events Journal Articles
Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Compounds in Lake Food Webs from the Canadian High Arctic Journal Articles
Performance comparison of two Olympus InnovX handheld x-ray analyzers for feasibility of measuring arsenic in skin in vivo – Alpha and Delta models Journal Articles
Persistence, bioaccumulation and vertical transfer of pollutants in long-finned pilot whales stranded in Chilean Patagonia Journal Articles
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Norwegian Men from 1979 to 2007: Intraindividual Changes, Age–Period–Cohort Effects, and Model Predictions Journal Articles
Persistent organic pollutants and porphyrins biomarkers in penguin faeces from Kopaitic Island and Antarctic Peninsula Journal Articles
Pesticide Runoff Model (PeRM): A Case Study for the Kintore Creek Watershed, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: What Are the Big Questions? Journal Articles
Physical and Ecological Controls on Freshwater Floc Trace Metal Dynamics Journal Articles
Physiological damages of Sargassum cymosum and Hypnea pseudomusciformis exposed to trace metals from mining tailing Journal Articles
Planning of water resources management and pollution control for Heshui River watershed, China: A full credibility-constrained programming approach Journal Articles
Plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the Cree of northern Quebec, Canada: Results from the multi-community environment-and-health study Journal Articles
Pollution and parasitism in aquatic animals: A meta-analysis of effect size Journal Articles
Pollution biomarkers in estuarine animals: Critical review and new perspectives Journal Articles
Polydimethylsiloxane (silicone rubber) brooch as a personal passive air sampler for semi-volatile organic compounds Journal Articles
Possible Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorinated Pesticides on the Thyroid after Long-term Exposure to Heavy Environmental Pollution Journal Articles
Predicting Personal Nitrogen Dioxide Exposure in an Elderly Population: Integrating Residential Indoor and Outdoor Measurements, Fixed-Site Ambient Pollution Concentrations, Modeled Pollutant Levels, and Time–Activity Patterns Journal Articles
Prenatal exposure to phthalates and phenols and infant endocrine-sensitive outcomes: The MIREC study Journal Articles
Presence of organochlorine pollutants in fat and scats of pinnipeds from the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands, and their relationship to trophic position Journal Articles
Prioritization of Pesticides for Assessment of Risk to Aquatic Ecosystems in Canada and Identification of Knowledge Gaps Chapters
Prioritizing contaminants of emerging concern for ecological screening assessments Journal Articles
Prioritizing groundwater remediation policies: A fuzzy compatibility analysis decision aid Journal Articles
Proactive Screening Approach for Detecting Groundwater Contaminants along Urban Streams at the Reach-Scale Journal Articles
Profiling Oil Sands Mixtures from Industrial Developments and Natural Groundwaters for Source Identification Journal Articles
Quantifying chlorinated ethene degradation during reductive dechlorination at Kelly AFB using stable carbon isotopes Journal Articles
Radial-Interval Linear Programming for Environmental Management under Varied Protection Levels Journal Articles
Raman Spectroscopy for In-Line Water Quality Monitoring—Instrumentation and Potential Journal Articles
Rapid Degradation of Deepwater Horizon Spilled Oil by Indigenous Microbial Communities in Louisiana Saltmarsh Sediments Journal Articles
Recovery of benthic invertebrate communities from acidification in Killarney Park lakes Journal Articles
Reduced anxiety is associated with the accumulation of six serotonin reuptake inhibitors in wastewater treatment effluent exposed goldfish Carassius auratus Journal Articles
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Canadian Peat Extraction and Restoration Journal Articles
Reduction in reproductive activity from degeneration of testicular follicles in Megapitaria squalida (Mollusca: Bivalvia) exposed to metal pollution in the Gulf of California Journal Articles
Regional and Longitudinal Dynamics of Cyanobacterial Blooms/Cyanobiome and Cyanotoxin Production in the Great Lakes Area. Journal Articles
Regional and Long‐Term Analyses of Stable Isotopes of Fish and Invertebrates Show Evidence of the Closure of a Pulp Mill and the Influence of Additional Stressors Journal Articles
Regional patterns of soil organic carbon stocks in China Journal Articles
Regional scale selenium loading associated with surface coal mining, Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Relevance of reactivity determinants to exposure assessment and biological monitoring of the elements Journal Articles
Remote sensing and GIS for wetland inventory, mapping and change analysis Journal Articles
Removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) by MOF-derived carbons: A review Journal Articles
Repeated measurements of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from 1979 to 2007 in males from Northern Norway: Assessing time trends, compound correlations and relations to age/birth cohort Journal Articles
Reporting results of biomonitoring studies Journal Articles
Reproductive development of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) exposed to oil sands–affected waters Journal Articles
Reproductive health of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from a biological mercury hotspot in Nova Scotia, Canada Journal Articles
Reproductive strategies and seasonal changes in the somatic indices of seven small-bodied fishes in Atlantic Canada in relation to study design for environmental effects monitoring Journal Articles
Residues of Persistent Organochlorine Contaminants in Southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leonina) from Elephant Island, Antarctica Journal Articles
Resource partitioning influences levels of toxic trace elements in sympatric tropical seabirds Journal Articles
Response of biomarkers to metals, hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides contamination in crabs (Callinectes ornatus and C. bocourti) from two tropical estuaries (São José and São Marcos bays) of the Maranhão State (northeastern Brazil) Journal Articles
Response of oxidative stress transcripts in the brain of wild yellow perch (Perca flavescens) exposed to an environmental gradient of methylmercury Journal Articles
Response of white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) to pulp and paper mill effluent in the Androscoggin River, Maine, USA Journal Articles
Response to Comment on “Profiling Oil Sands Mixtures from Industrial Developments and Natural Groundwaters for Source Identification” Journal Articles
Response to Huebert et al. (2011) “Canada's environmental effects monitoring program: Areas for improvement” Journal Articles
Response to the Comment on Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry to Traditional High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Identification and Quantification of Halogenated Dioxins and Furans Journal Articles
Responses of biomarkers in wild freshwater mussels chronically exposed to complex contaminant mixtures Journal Articles
Retrieving leaf area index for coniferous forest in Xingguo County, China with Landsat ETM+ images Journal Articles
Review of aquatic in situ approaches for stressor and effect diagnosis Journal Articles
Review of aquatic toxicity of pharmaceuticals and personal care products to algae Journal Articles
Review of laboratory‐based terrestrial bioaccumulation assessment approaches for organic chemicals: Current status and future possibilities Journal Articles
Robust Chemiresistive Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Free Chlorine Using Graphene-like Carbon Journal Articles
Same-day Enterococcus qPCR results of recreational water quality at two Toronto beaches provide added public health protection and reduced beach days lost Journal Articles
Screening of endocrine disruption activity in sediments from the Uruguay River Journal Articles
Seasonal exposure of fish to neurotoxic pesticides in an intensive agricultural catchment, Uma‐oya, Sri Lanka: Linking contamination and acetylcholinesterase inhibition Journal Articles
Seasonal exposures to triazine and other pesticides in surface waters in the western Highveld corn-production region in South Africa Journal Articles
Secondary Production of Organic Aerosols from Biogenic VOCs over Mt. Fuji, Japan Journal Articles
Sediment TCDD-EQs and EROD and MROD Activities in Ranid Frogs from Agricultural and Nonagricultural Sites in Michigan (USA) Journal Articles
Selection of biochemical and physiological parameters in the croaker Micropogonias furnieri as biomarkers of chemical contamination in estuaries using a generalized additive model (GAM) Journal Articles
Self‐Organized Permeability in Carbonate Aquifers Journal Articles
Sensitivity of the early-life stages of freshwater mollusks to neonicotinoid and butenolide insecticides Journal Articles
Short-Term Adverse Health Effects in a Community Exposed to a Large Polyvinylchloride Plastics Fire Journal Articles
Short-term spatiotemporal biomarker changes in oysters transplanted to an anthropized estuary in Southern Brazil Journal Articles
Simulation and optimization technologies for petroleum waste management and remediation process control Journal Articles
Soil and Plant Lead of Upland Habitat Used Extensively for Recreational Shooting and Game Bird Hunting in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Soil organic carbon decomposition and carbon pools in temperate and sub-tropical forests in China Journal Articles
Solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence is strongly correlated with terrestrial photosynthesis for a wide variety of biomes: First global analysis based on OCO‐2 and flux tower observations Journal Articles
Sources of microbial contamination in the watershed and coastal zone of Soufriere, St. Lucia Journal Articles
Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality in Los Angeles Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Drivers of Zoonotic Pathogen Contamination of an Agricultural Watershed Journal Articles
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Mercury Concentrations in Young-of-the-Year Spottail Shiners (Notropis hudsonius) in the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall, ON Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in the aquatic food web of the lower Penobscot River, Maine, USA, affected by a chlor-alkali plant Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal variations of halogenated flame retardants and organophosphate esters in landfill air: Potential linkages with gull exposure Journal Articles
Spatial patterns of sediment contamination and their influence on benthic infaunal communities in a highly tidal and industrial estuary in Atlantic Canada Journal Articles
Spatial scaling between leaf area index maps of different resolutions Journal Articles
Spatio-temporal patterns and source apportionment of coastal water pollution in eastern Hong Kong Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal analysis of traffic emissions in over 5000 municipal districts in Brazil Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal dynamics of Escherichia coli presence and magnitude across a national groundwater monitoring network, Republic of Ireland, 2011–2020 Journal Articles
Spatiotemporal investigation of geochemical and hydrological controls on release of soluble reactive phosphorus from the shallow aquifer of a riparian zone Journal Articles
Speciation of heavy metals in coastal sediments of Semarang, Indonesia Journal Articles
Stable Mercury Trends Support a Long-Term Diet Shift Away from Marine Foraging in Salish Sea Glaucous-Winged Gulls over the Last Century Journal Articles
Statistical reporting deficiencies in environmental toxicology Journal Articles
Stimulatory effects of selected PAHs on testosterone production in goldfish and rainbow trout and possible mechanisms of action Journal Articles
Study design considerations for assessing the health of fish populations impacted by agriculture in developing countries: a Sri Lankan case study Journal Articles
Sucralose and caffeine as chemical indicators of domestic wastewater contamination in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Journal Articles
Surface temperature variations and their relationships with land cover in the Pearl River Delta Journal Articles
Synchronic interval Gaussian mixed-integer programming for air quality management Journal Articles
Systemic Effects of Arctic Pollutants in Beluga Whales Indicated by CYP1A1 Expression Journal Articles
Tear Fluid as a Matrix for Biomonitoring Environmental and Chemical Exposures Journal Articles
Telemetry-Determined Habitat Use Informs Multi-Species Habitat Management in an Urban Harbour Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial variations in metals and arsenic contamination in water, sediment and biota of freshwater, marine and coastal environments after the Fundão dam failure Journal Articles
Temporal changes in metal and arsenic concentrations in blood and feathers of tropical seabirds after one of the largest environmental disasters associated with mining Journal Articles
Temporal trends of halogenated and organophosphate contaminants in striped dolphins from the Mediterranean Sea Journal Articles
Temporal trends of organochlorine contaminants in burbot and lake trout from three selected Yukon lakes Journal Articles
Terrestrial lipid biomarkers in marine aerosols over the western North Pacific during 1990–1993 and 2006–2009 Journal Articles
Testing against “normal” with environmental data Journal Articles
Testing biomarker feasibility: a case study of Laeonereis culveri (Nereididae, Annelida) exposed to sewage contamination in a subtropical estuary Journal Articles
Tests of soil organic carbon density modeled by InTEC in China's forest ecosystems Journal Articles
The Alberta oil sands eroded bitumen/sediment transitional journey: Influence on sediment transport dynamics, PAH signatures and toxicological effect Journal Articles
The Association Between Chronic Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Ischemic Heart Disease Journal Articles
The Effects of Copper on Na+/K+-ATPase and Aquaporin Expression in Two Euryhaline Invertebrates Journal Articles
The Han River watershed management initiative for the South-to-North Water Transfer project (Middle Route) of China Journal Articles
The Relative Importance of Road Density and Physical Watershed Features in Determining Coastal Marsh Water Quality in Georgian Bay Journal Articles
The combined influence of two agricultural contaminants on natural communities of phytoplankton and zooplankton Journal Articles
The detection of Cryptosporidium and the resolution of mixtures of species and genotypes from water Journal Articles
The effects of organotin on female gastropods Journal Articles
The effects of pulp mill effluent on the sex steroid binding protein in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) and longnose sucker (C. catostomus) Journal Articles
The effects of tertiary treated municipal wastewater on fish communities of a small river tributary in Southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The expanding scope of air pollution monitoring can facilitate sustainable development Journal Articles
The first polluted river? Repeated copper contamination of fluvial sediments associated with Late Neolithic human activity in southern Jordan Journal Articles
The health impacts of weekday traffic: A health risk assessment of PM2.5 emissions during congested periods Journal Articles
The identification of lead ammunition as a source of lead exposure in First Nations: The use of lead isotope ratios Journal Articles
The impact of airborne dust on respiratory health in children living in the Aral Sea region Journal Articles
The impact of municipal wastewater effluent on field‐deployed freshwater mussels in the Grand River (Ontario, Canada) Journal Articles
The impacts of emission trends of POPs on human concentration dynamics: Lessons learned from a longitudinal study in Norway (1979–2007) Journal Articles
The microbial profile of rivers and lagoons three years after the impact of the world's largest mining disaster (Fundão dam, Brazil) Journal Articles
The molecular diversity of dissolved organic matter in forest streams across central Canadian boreal watersheds Journal Articles
The potential use of Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) for monitoring estuarine pollution Journal Articles
The reef crisis and the reef science crisis: Nitrogen isotopic ratios as an objective indicator of stress Journal Articles
The relationship between moisture or mould observations in houses and the state of health of their occupants Journal Articles
The study of age influence on human bone lead metabolism by using a simplified model and X-ray fluorescence data Journal Articles
The use of E. coli phylogrouping and microbial source tracking (non-species specific, human-specific, bovine-specific bacteroidales markers) to elucidate hydro(geo)logical contamination mechanisms in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Journal Articles
The use of leeches and logit log-linear contingency models to assess and monitor aquatic PCB contamination originating from mid-Canada radar line site 050 Journal Articles
The use of mass defect plots for the identification of (novel) halogenated contaminants in the environment Journal Articles
The use of δ15N in assessing sewage stress on coral reefs Journal Articles
Tissue content of thiol-containing amino acids predicts methylmercury in aquatic invertebrates Journal Articles
Tissue-specific effects of acute aluminium exposure on the radiation-induced bystander effect in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) Journal Articles
To the editor Journal Articles
Tools for water quality monitoring and mapping using paper-based sensors and cell phones Journal Articles
Total and methyl mercury concentrations in sediment and water of a constructed wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region Journal Articles
Toward quantifying the effectiveness of water trading under uncertainty Journal Articles
Toxic Groundwater Contaminants: An Overlooked Contributor to Urban Stream Syndrome? Journal Articles
Toxicity tests aiming to protect Brazilian aquatic systems: current status and implications for management Journal Articles
Tracking functional bacterial biomarkers in response to a gradient of contaminant exposure within a river continuum Journal Articles
Transcriptional effects in the estuarine guppy Poecilia vivipara exposed to sanitary sewage in laboratory and in situ Journal Articles
Trophic magnification factors: Considerations of ecology, ecosystems, and study design Journal Articles
Trophodynamics of trace elements in marine organisms from cold and remote regions of southern hemisphere Journal Articles
Two-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment and chemical constituent transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River Journal Articles
Two-stage planning for sustainable water-quality management under uncertainty Journal Articles
Understanding the Chronic Impacts of Oil Refinery Wastewater Requires Consideration of Sediment Contributions to Toxicity Journal Articles
Unveiling the Vertical Migration of Microplastics with Suspended Particulate Matter in the Estuarine Environment: Roles of Salinity, Particle Properties, and Hydrodynamics Journal Articles
Urban-use pesticides in stormwater ponds and their accumulation in biofilms Journal Articles
Urinary hydroxypyrene determination for biomonitoring of firefighters deployed at the Fort McMurray wildfire: an inter-laboratory method comparison Journal Articles
Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as a biomarker of exposure to PAHs in air: A pilot study among pregnant women Journal Articles
Use of Fish Telemetry in Rehabilitation Planning, Management, and Monitoring in Areas of Concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes Journal Articles
Use of an Artificial Sweetener to Identify Sources of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination Journal Articles
Use of prospective and retrospective risk assessment methods that simplify chemical mixtures associated with treated domestic wastewater discharges Journal Articles
Use of the Atlantic nut clam (Nucula proxima) and catworm (Nephtys incisa) in a sentinel species approach for monitoring the health of Bay of Fundy estuaries Journal Articles
Using SWAT, Bacteroidales microbial source tracking markers, and fecal indicator bacteria to predict waterborne pathogen occurrence in an agricultural watershed Journal Articles
Using adaptive processes and adverse outcome pathways to develop meaningful, robust, and actionable environmental monitoring programs Journal Articles
Using normal ranges for interpreting results of monitoring and tiering to guide future work: A case study of increasing polycyclic aromatic compounds in lake sediments from the Cold Lake oil sands (Alberta, Canada) described in Korosi et al. (2016) Journal Articles
Using sulfur stable isotopes to assess mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in temperate lake food webs Journal Articles
Using tissue cysteine to predict the trophic transfer of methylmercury and selenium in lake food webs Journal Articles
Utility of morphological abnormalities during early‐life development of the estuarine mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, as an indicator of estrogenic and antiestrogenic endocrine disruption Journal Articles
Utility of the TBARS assay in detecting oxidative stress in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) populations exposed to pulp mill effluent Journal Articles
Utilizing novel Escherichia coli‐specific conserved signature proteins for enhanced monitoring of recreational water quality Journal Articles
Validation of a refined short-term adult fish reproductive test with improved power for mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) to test complex effluents Journal Articles
Validation of qPCR reference genes in the endangered annual killifish Austrolebias charrua considering different tissues, gender and environmental conditions Journal Articles
Variability in Carbon Isotopic Fractionation during Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Implications for Field Applications Journal Articles
Variation in PAH inputs and microbial community in surface sediments of Hamilton Harbour: Implications to remediation and monitoring Journal Articles
Variations in serum concentrations of selected organochlorines among delivering women in Argentina. The EMASAR study Journal Articles
Water quality, WASH, and gender: differential impacts on health and well-being in Abeokuta City, Nigeria Journal Articles
Watershed characteristics and chemical properties govern methyl mercury concentrations within headwater streams of boreal forests in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Wearable Passive Samplers for Assessing Environmental Exposure to Organic Chemicals: Current Approaches and Future Directions Journal Articles
Wetlands as long-term sources of metals to receiving waters in mining-impacted landscapes Journal Articles
Which of the (Mixed) Halogenated n-Alkanes Are Likely To Be Persistent Organic Pollutants? Journal Articles
[Forest canopy leaf area index in Maoershan Mountain: ground measurement and remote sensing retrieval]. Journal Articles
[Responses of subtropical conifer plantation to future climate change: a simulation study]. Journal Articles
[Study progress on determination of environmental trace toxicants by immunosensor]. Journal Articles