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Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I‐745 modulates the microbiota–gut–brain axis in a humanized mouse model of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
A Behavioral-Educational Intervention to Promote Maternal and Infant Sleep: A Pilot Randomized, Controlled Trial Journal Articles
A Comparison of the Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression Between Uncomplicated and Complex IBD Patient Groups Journal Articles
A Digital Self-management Program (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively) for People Living With Cancer: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
A Digital Self-management Program (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively) for People Living With Cancer: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Articles
A Four-Year Prospective Study of Bullying, Anxiety, and Disordered Eating Behavior Across Early Adolescence Journal Articles
A Pilot Study Evaluating “Dojo,” a Videogame Intervention for Youths with Externalizing and Anxiety Problems Journal Articles
A Preliminary Attempt to Experimentally Induce Post Event Processing in Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of an Immersive 3D Video Game for Anxiety Prevention among Adolescents Journal Articles
A Rapid Access Brief Psychotherapy Intervention to Respond to Healthcare Workers in Ontario Whose Mental Health was Negatively Impacted During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Une brève intervention de psychothérapie à accès rapide pour répondre aux travailleurs de la santé de l'Ontario dont la santé mentale a été affectée négativement pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Journal Articles
A Shared Care Model Pilot for Palliative Home Care in A Rural Area: Impact on Symptoms, Distress, and Place of Death Journal Articles
A comparative study of perceived burden in parent caregivers of adolescents with epilepsy in a resource-restricted setting: Investigating the explanatory factors of perceived burden Journal Articles
A comparative study of uncertainty, optimism and anxiety in patients receiving their first implantable defibrillator for primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death Journal Articles
A comparison of autonomic function in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and in healthy controls Journal Articles
A cross-sectional study on the mental health of patients with COVID-19 1 year after discharge in Huanggang, China Journal Articles
A cross-sectional survey of the mental health of midwives in Ontario, Canada: Burnout, depression, anxiety, stress, and associated factors Journal Articles
A hybrid model of social phobia: an analysis of social anxiety and related symptoms of anxiety Journal Articles
A mental health paradox: Mental health was both a motivator and barrier to physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
A multicenter survey of Ontario intensive care unit nurses regarding the use of sedatives and analgesics for adults receiving mechanical ventilation Journal Articles
A pilot study assessing art therapy as a mental health intervention for subfertile women Journal Articles
A preliminary investigation of the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder on gastrointestinal distress in patients with comorbid panic disorder and irritable bowel syndrome Journal Articles
A prospective study of effects of psychological factors and sleep on obstetric interventions, mode of birth, and neonatal outcomes among low-risk British Columbian women Journal Articles
A qualitative examination of body image threats using Social Self-Preservation Theory Journal Articles
A randomized experimental analysis of the attention training technique: Effects on worry and relevant processes in individuals with probable generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
A review of current approaches used to help children and parents cope with health care procedures. Journal Articles
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of antenatal anxiety on postpartum outcomes Journal Articles
Absence of Depressive and Anxious Behavior with Genetic Dysregulation in Adult C57Bl/6J Mice after Prenatal Exposure to Ionizing Radiation Journal Articles
Acceptability and tolerability of omega-3 fatty acids as adjunctive treatment for children and adolescents with eating disorders Journal Articles
Acute and long-term clinical, neuropsychological and return-to-work sequelae following electrical injury: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Acute stress symptoms 1–2 weeks after stroke predict the subsequent development of post-traumatic stress symptoms: A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Adaptation to potential threat: The evolution, neurobiology, and psychopathology of the security motivation system Journal Articles
Adolescents' Depression and Anxiety Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence From COMPASS Journal Articles
Affective Instability and Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Age Excuses: Conversational Management of Memory Failures in Older Adults Journal Articles
Age-Related Food Aversion and Anxiety Represent Primary Patient Barriers to Food Oral Immunotherapy Journal Articles
Agreement of child and parent-proxy reported health-related quality of life in children with mental disorder Journal Articles
All is Not Lost: Utilizing Continuous Remote ILR Monitoring to Diagnose Syncope Journal Articles
Altered TAOK2 activity causes autism-related neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities through RhoA signaling Journal Articles
Amygdala Engagement in Response to Subthreshold Presentations of Anxious Face Stimuli in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Preliminary Insights Journal Articles
Amygdala subnuclei volumes and anxiety behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and obsessive–compulsive disorder Journal Articles
An Assessment of the Effects of Iyengar Yoga Practice on the Health‐Related Quality of Life of Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
An ERP investigation of children and adolescents’ sensitivity to wins and losses during a peer observation manipulation Journal Articles
An Examination of Bidirectional Associations Between Alcohol Use and Internalizing Symptoms Among Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
An Examination of Distress Intolerance in Undergraduate Students High in Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
An Investigation of Control Among Parents of Selectively Mute, Anxious, and Non-Anxious Children Journal Articles
An appraisal of the trustworthiness of practice guidelines for depression and anxiety in children and youth Journal Articles
An electronic survey about college experiences after traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
An evaluation of the donor experience in the canadian multicenter randomized trial of bone marrow versus peripheral blood allografting Journal Articles
An experience sampling investigation of emotion and worry in people with generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
An intersectional approach to identifying factors associated with anxiety and depression following the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
An investigation of cannabis use for insomnia in depression and anxiety in a naturalistic sample Journal Articles
Anti-Aβ agents for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Anti-stigma training and positive changes in mental illness stigma outcomes in medical students in ten countries: a mediation analysis on pathways via empathy development and anxiety reduction Journal Articles
Antidepressants plus benzodiazepines for adults with major depression Journal Articles
Anxiety Induced by Flooding Therapy for Phobias Does Not Elicit Prolactin Secretory Response* Journal Articles
Anxiety Screening Is Unlikely to Improve Mental Health Outcomes. Journal Articles
Anxiety and Depression Increase in a Stepwise Manner in Parallel With Multiple FGIDs and Symptom Severity and Frequency Journal Articles
Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Emergency Period: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Professional Football Journal Articles
Anxiety and behavioural disturbance as markers of prodromal Alzheimer's disease in patients with mild cognitive impairment Journal Articles
Anxiety and depression after acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Anxiety in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis: A case study and conceptual model Journal Articles
Anxiety related to dental treatment is probably associated with perceived pain, but the magnitude of this association remains unclear Journal Articles
Anxiety symptoms before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal examination of Canadian young adults Journal Articles
Anxiety, depression and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a cross-sectional survey Journal Articles
Anxiety, depression, and quality of life among subgroups of individuals with acquired brain injury: The role of anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance. Journal Articles
Anxious Attachment and Relationship Processes: An Interactionist Perspective Journal Articles
Approach to Mycosis Fungoides in children: Consensus-based recommendations. Journal Articles
Approach-avoidance conflict and shyness: A developmental investigation. Journal Articles
Are We Measuring ADHD or Anxiety? Examining the Factor Structure and Discriminant Validity of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale in an Adult Anxiety Disorder Population Journal Articles
Aromatherapy may be effective in reducing anxiety in patients undergoing dental treatment Journal Articles
Assessing the latent structure of the intolerance of uncertainty construct: An initial taxometric analysis Journal Articles
Association Between Parental Anxiety and Compliance With Preoperative Requirements for Pediatric Outpatient Surgery Journal Articles
Association between the COVID‐19 pandemic and psychiatric symptoms in people with preexisting obsessive‐compulsive, eating, anxiety, and mood disorders: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of before‐after studies Journal Articles
Association between therapist attunement to patient outcome expectation and worry reduction in two therapies for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal Articles
Association of Marijuana Use With Psychosocial and Quality of Life Outcomes Among Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Journal Articles
Association of Temperament With Preoperative Anxiety in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Surgery Journal Articles
Associations Between Social Anxiety, Depression, and Use of Mobile Dating Applications Journal Articles
Associations between Longitudinal Patterns of Substance Use and Anxiety and Depression Symptoms among a Sample of Canadian Secondary School Students Journal Articles
Associations between parenting behavior and anxiety in a rodent model and a clinical sample: relationship to peripheral BDNF levels Journal Articles
Attachment Styles and Personal Growth following Romantic Breakups: The Mediating Roles of Distress, Rumination, and Tendency to Rebound Journal Articles
Attitudes Toward and Acceptability of Medical Marijuana Use Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients Journal Articles
Audiovisual interventions for parental preoperative anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Auricular Acupuncture for Exam Anxiety in Medical Students—A Randomized Crossover Investigation Journal Articles
Auricular Acupuncture for Pre-Exam Anxiety in Medical Students: A Prospective Observational Pilot Investigation Journal Articles
Auricular Acupuncture for Treatment of Preoperative Anxiety in Patients Scheduled for Ambulatory Gynaecological Surgery: A Prospective Controlled Investigation with a Non-Randomised Arm Journal Articles
Auricular stimulation for preoperative anxiety - A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials Journal Articles
Auricular stimulation vs. expressive writing for exam anxiety in medical students – A randomized crossover investigation Journal Articles
Baseline Client Interpersonal Agency Moderates the Indirect Effect of Treatment on Long-term Worry in Variants of CBT for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
Baseline anxiety, and early anxiety/depression improvement in anxious depression predicts treatment outcomes with escitalopram: A CAN-BIND-1 study report Journal Articles
Behavioral and emotional adjustment, family functioning, academic performance, and social relationships in children with selective mutism Journal Articles
Behavioral and psychophysiological correlates of self‐presentation in temperamentally shy children Journal Articles
Behavioural activation therapy for depression in adults Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Bereavement interventions to support informal caregivers in the intensive care unit: a systematic review Journal Articles
Beyond chronic pain: how best to treat psychological comorbidities. Journal Articles
Bidirectional brain–gut axis effects influence mood and prognosis in IBD: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Biopsychosocial Associates of Psychological Distress and Post-Traumatic Growth among Canadian Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal Articles
Breastfeeding and maternal sensitivity predict early infant temperament Journal Articles
Burden of Disease Associated with Refractory and Unexplained Chronic Cough in Canada: Results from a National Survey Journal Articles
COVID-19 and mental health during pregnancy: The importance of cognitive appraisal and social support Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Report: A Systematic Review and Recommendations of Cannabis use in Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) and International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) recommendations for the management of patients with bipolar disorder with mixed presentations Journal Articles
Cancer Patient Preferences for Communication of Prognosis in the Metastatic Setting Journal Articles
Cancer-Related Worry in Canadian Thyroid Cancer Survivors Journal Articles
Cannabis Use as a Risk Factor for Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality Journal Articles
Cannabis use behaviors and prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in a cohort of Canadian medicinal cannabis users Journal Articles
Caregiver and Child Distress as Predictors of Dyadic Physiological Attunement During Vaccination Journal Articles
Cervical flexor muscle training reduces pain, anxiety, and depression levels in patients with chronic neck pain by a clinically important amount: A prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Challenges and Opportunities to Manage Depression During the Menopausal Transition and Beyond Journal Articles
Changes in Depression and Anxiety Among Children and Adolescents From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Characterizing worry content and impact in pregnant and postpartum women with anxiety disorders during COVID‐19 Journal Articles
Child Abuse and Chronic Pain in a Community Survey of Women Journal Articles
Childbirth Fear, Anxiety, Fatigue, and Sleep Deprivation in Pregnant Women Journal Articles
Childhood trauma and amygdala nuclei volumes in youth at risk for mental illness Journal Articles
Children Exposed to Maltreatment: Assessment and the Role of Psychotropic Medication Journal Articles
Children's shyness and frontal electroencephalogram delta–beta correlation in the pediatric surgical setting Journal Articles
Children’s Perioperative Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (CPMAS): Development and validation. Journal Articles
Child’s symptom burden and depressive symptoms among caregivers of children with cancers: an argument for early integration of pediatric palliative care Journal Articles
Chronic Gastrointestinal Inflammation Induces Anxiety-Like Behavior and Alters Central Nervous System Biochemistry in Mice Journal Articles
Client‐Related Factors Associated with a “Less than Good” Experience of Midwifery Care during Childbirth in the Netherlands Journal Articles
Clinical Correlates of Hoarding With and Without Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in a Community Pediatric Sample Journal Articles
Clinical and Demographic Factors Associated with Distress in Adolescent and Young Adults with Cancer Journal Articles
Co-occurring trajectories of anxiety and insistence on sameness behaviour in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Women With Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the Perinatal Period: Impact on Problematic Behaviors Journal Articles
Cognitive behavioral therapy for perinatal anxiety: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Cognitive-behavioral group treatment for perinatal anxiety: a pilot study Journal Articles
Cold treatment as an adjunct to inferior alveolar nerve block may reduce pain and anxiety in patients undergoing endodontic treatment in mandibular molars with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis Journal Articles
Common mental disorders within chronic inflammatory disorders: a primary care database prospective investigation Journal Articles
Communication between gastrointestinal bacteria and the nervous system Journal Articles
Comparing the feasibility, acceptability, clinical-, and cost-effectiveness of mental health e-screening to paper-based screening on the detection of depression, anxiety, and psychosocial risk in pregnant women: a study protocol of a randomized, parallel-group, superiority trial Journal Articles
Comparison of mental health symptoms before and during the covid-19 pandemic: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis of 134 cohorts Journal Articles
Comparison of the accuracy of the 7-item HADS Depression subscale and 14-item total HADS for screening for major depression: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Condition-specific associations of symptoms of depression and anxiety in adolescents and young adults with asthma and food allergy Journal Articles
Contribution of symptom clusters to multiple sclerosis consequences Journal Articles
Correlation between n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids consumption and BDNF peripheral levels in adolescents Journal Articles
Criticism and accommodation are associated with treatment concerns in close others to those with anxiety Journal Articles
Decreased comfort food intake and allostatic load in adolescents carrying the A3669G variant of the glucocorticoid receptor gene Journal Articles
Deployment, Supervision and Decision-Making of Residents in an Emergency Psychiatric Service Journal Articles
Depression and anxiety during the perinatal period Journal Articles
Depression and suicidal behavior in adolescent inpatients with obsessive compulsive disorder Journal Articles
Depression, Anxiety, and Lifestyle Among Essential Workers: A Web Survey From Brazil and Spain During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Depression, Anxiety, and Mother-Infant Bonding in Women Seeking Treatment for Postpartum Depression Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Depression-Anxiety Coupling Strength as a predictor of relapse in major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND wellness monitoring study report Journal Articles
Design and Delivery Features That May Improve the Use of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Anxiety: A Realist Literature Synthesis With a Persuasive Systems Design Perspective Journal Articles
Determinants of self efficacy for physical tasks in people with knee osteoarthritis Journal Articles
Development of a video decision aid to inform parents on potential outcomes of extreme prematurity Journal Articles
Dietary interventions for perinatal depression and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Differences between unipolar mania and bipolar‐I disorder: Evidence from nine epidemiological studies Journal Articles
Differential effects of flumazenil in alcoholic and nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients Journal Articles
Disability in women suffering from interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome Journal Articles
Do Psychological and Behavioural Factors Change Over Pregnancy? Journal Articles
Do anxiety and depression symptoms moderate the effect of motivational enhancement therapy as a pretreatment to dialectical behaviour therapy skills training? A follow‐up analysis of a pilot randomised controlled trial for youth Journal Articles
Does Anxiety Enhance or Hinder Attentional and Impulse Control in Youth With ADHD? An ERP Analysis Journal Articles
Does parental mental health moderate the effect of a telephone and internet‐assisted remote parent training for disruptive 4‐year‐old children? Journal Articles
Does psychological well-being influence oral-health-related quality of life reports in children receiving orthodontic treatment? Journal Articles
Does the Ranking Matter? A Retrospective Cohort Study Investigating the Impact of the 2018 CANMAT and ISBD Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Treatment Recommendations for Acute Mania on Rehospitalization Rates Journal Articles
Does urbanicity modify the relationship between a polygenic risk score for depression and mental health symptoms? Cross-sectional evidence from the observational HUNT Study in Norway Journal Articles
Does worry moderate the relation between aggression and depression in adolescent girls?☆ Journal Articles
Dose-related effects of propericiazine in rats Journal Articles
Early deprivation, but not maternal separation, attenuates rise in corticosterone levels after exposure to a novel environment in both juvenile and adult female rats Journal Articles
Early information processing biases in social anxiety Journal Articles
Early‐ and later‐developing shyness in children: An investigation of biological and behavioral correlates Journal Articles
Education, Training, and Mentorship of Caregivers of Canadians Experiencing a Life-Limiting Illness Journal Articles
Effect of Flexible Family Visitation on Delirium Among Patients in the Intensive Care Unit Journal Articles
Effect of a Preoperative Intervention on Preoperative and Postoperative Outcomes in Low-Risk Patients Awaiting Elective Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Journal Articles
Effect of maternal depression and anxiety on use of health services for infants. Journal Articles
Effective recommendations towards healthy routines to preserve mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people's mental health: A systematic review of randomised controlled studies Journal Articles
Effects of COVID-19 Mental Health Interventions Among Children, Adolescents, and Adults Not Quarantined or Undergoing Treatment Due to COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Effects of Gabapentin on Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking Journal Articles
Effects of a Cancer Survivorship Clinic—preliminary results Journal Articles
Effects of complete vagotomy and blockage of cell adhesion molecules on interferon-α induced behavioral changes in mice Journal Articles
Effects of cosmetic and other camouflage interventions on appearance-related and psychological outcomes among adults with visible differences in appearance: a systematic review. Journal Articles
Effects of exercise and enrichment on behaviour in CD-1 mice Journal Articles
Effects of post-ICU follow-up on subject outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Effects of the video game ‘Mindlight’ on anxiety of children with an autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Effects on quality of life with comprehensive rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Efficacy of Agomelatine 25–50 mg for the Treatment of Anxious Symptoms and Functional Impairment in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Three Placebo-Controlled Studies Journal Articles
Efficacy of Donepezil on Behavioral Symptoms in Patients With Moderate to Severe Alzheimer's Disease Journal Articles
Electrocortical measures of information processing biases in social anxiety disorder: A review Journal Articles
Elevated social anxiety symptoms across childhood and adolescence predict adult mental disorders and cannabis use Journal Articles
Emotional and Behavioral Problems Among Adolescent Students: The Role of Immigrant, Racial/Ethnic Congruence and Belongingness in Schools Journal Articles
Emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents and young adults with food allergy Journal Articles
Epidemiology and Management of Anxiety in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Error-Related Electrocortical Responses Are Enhanced in Children With Obsessive–Compulsive Behaviors Journal Articles
Ethanol during adolescence decreased the BDNF levels in the hippocampus in adult male Wistar rats, but did not alter aggressive and anxiety-like behaviors Journal Articles
Ethnic differences in physical and mental multimorbidity in working age adults with a history of depression and/or anxiety Journal Articles
Evaluating a group-based Yoga of Stress Resilience programme: a pragmatic before–after interventional study protocol Journal Articles
Evaluating the Effects of Music on Dyspnea During Exercise in Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Evaluating the effectiveness and quality of mobile applications for perinatal depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Evaluation of factors that influence anxiety and satisfaction in patients undergoing bronchofiberoscopy with analgosedation Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Family Integrated Care model of neonatal intensive care: a cluster randomized controlled trial in Canada and Australia Journal Articles
Evaluation of the burden of illness for pediatric asthmatic patients and their parents. Journal Articles
Evidence for a gene–gene interaction in predicting children's behavior problems: Association of serotonin transporter short and dopamine receptor D4 long genotypes with internalizing and externalizing behaviors in typically developing 7-year-olds Journal Articles
Evolutionary theory and the treatment of depression: It is all about the squids and the sea bass Journal Articles
Examination of emotional contagion and social anxiety using novel video stimuli Journal Articles
Examination of psychological risk factors for chronic pain following cardiac surgery: protocol for a prospective observational study Journal Articles
Examining behavioural test sensitivity and locomotor proxies of anxiety-like behaviour in zebrafish Journal Articles
Examining patient perspectives on sarcoma surveillance: The Sarcoma Surveillance Survey Journal Articles
Examining spatial variations in the prevalence of mental health problems among 5-year-old children in Canada Conferences
Examining the connection between water concerns, water anxiety, and resilience among Indigenous persons: A systematic scoping review Journal Articles
Examining the effect of state anxiety on compensatory and strategic adjustments in the planning of goal-directed aiming Journal Articles
Examining the health and wellness of solo self-employed workers through narratives of precarity: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Exercise Improves Cancer-free Survival and Health Span in a Model of Radiation-induced Cancer Journal Articles
Exercise habits and factors associated with exercise in systemic sclerosis: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) cohort study Journal Articles
Expert Guidelines for the Treatment of Severe PMS, PMDD, and Comorbidities: The Role of SSRIs Journal Articles
Exploring Cancer Worry in Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancers Journal Articles
Exploring self-conscious emotions in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Exploring the effect of prenatal maternal stress on the microbiomes of mothers and infants: A systematic review Journal Articles
Exploring the impact of out-of-pocket costs on the quality of life of Canadian cancer patients Journal Articles
Exposure to family stressful life events in autistic children: Longitudinal associations with mental health and the moderating role of cognitive flexibility Journal Articles
External validation of a bifactor model of oppositional defiant disorder Journal Articles
Face-to-face versus Video Teleconference Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety and Related Disorders: A Preliminary Comparison Journal Articles
Factor analysis of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire among preschool children with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Factorial invariance of pregnancy-specific anxiety dimensions across nulliparous and parous pregnant women Journal Articles
Factors associated with anxiety and fear of falling in older adults: A rapid systematic review of reviews. Journal Articles
Factors associated with disability and pain intensity in patients with complex regional pain syndrome Journal Articles
Factors associated with participation in life situations in people with COPD Journal Articles
Familial ovarian cancer. Journal Articles
Finding Our Way: An Introduction to Path Analysis Journal Articles
Flumazenil has an anxiolytic effect in simulated stress Journal Articles
Frontal EEG alpha-delta ratio and social anxiety across early adolescence Journal Articles
Frontal EEG asymmetry and symptom response to cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Frontal brain delta‐beta correlation, salivary cortisol, and social anxiety in children Journal Articles
Frontal brain maturation and the stability of children’s shyness Journal Articles
Functional outcomes of child and adolescent oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in young adult men Journal Articles
Gabapentin Does Not Reduce Preoperative Anxiety When Given Prior to Total Hip Arthroplasty Journal Articles
Gender Affirmation Is Associated with Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Youth Mental Health Improvement Journal Articles
Gestational weight gain outside the 2009 Institute of Medicine recommendations: novel psychological and behavioural factors associated with inadequate or excess weight gain in a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Global Prevalence and Impact of Rumination Syndrome Journal Articles
Greater within- and between-day instability is associated with worse anxiety and depression symptoms Journal Articles
Group‐level physiological synchrony and individual‐level anxiety predict positive affective behaviors during a group decision‐making task Journal Articles
Gut brain axis: diet microbiota interactions and implications for modulation of anxiety and depression Journal Articles
Gut–brain axis: how the microbiome influences anxiety and depression Journal Articles
Hair cortisol concentration mediates the association between parent and child psychopathology Journal Articles
Health-Related Quality of Life 10 Years After Intracranial Aneurysm Rupture Journal Articles
Health-related quality of life and anxiety in the PAN-CAN lung cancer screening cohort Journal Articles
Health-related quality of life of Canadian children and youth prenatally exposed to alcohol Journal Articles
Healthcare-related correlates of preoperative psychological distress among a mixed surgical and cancer-specific sample Journal Articles
Herbal medications for anxiety, depression, pain, nausea and vomiting related to preoperative surgical patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Journal Articles
Herbal medications for surgical patients: a systematic review protocol Journal Articles
Identifying Trajectories of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescence Journal Articles
Identifying chronic low back pain phenotypic domains and characteristics accounting for individual variation: a systematic review Journal Articles
Impact and Perceptions of Mandatory Tumor Biopsies for Correlative Studies in Clinical Trials of Novel Anticancer Agents Conferences
Impact of COVID-19 on Canadian Medical Oncologists and Cancer Care: Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists Survey Report Journal Articles
Impact of Integrated Care Pathways Within the Framework of Collaborative Care on Older Adults With Anxiety, Depression, or Mild Cognitive Impairment Journal Articles
Impact of managed waiting for coronary artery bypass graft surgery on patients' perceived quality of life. Journal Articles
Impact of parent-targeted eHealth educational interventions on infant procedural pain management: a systematic review Journal Articles
Impact of self-management interventions on stable angina symptoms and health-related quality of life: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Impacts of caffeine on fathead minnow behaviour and physiology Journal Articles
Impacts of morally distressing experiences on the mental health of Canadian health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
In-person 1-day cognitive behavioral therapy-based workshops for postpartum depression: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Indirect aggression, anxiety, and empathy: Disaggregating between and within person longitudinal associations during childhood and adolescence Journal Articles
Inequities in the Training Environment and Health of Female Golfers Participating in the 2022 International Golf Federation World Amateur Team Championships Journal Articles
Innovations in suicide assessment and prevention during pandemics Journal Articles
Insufficient evidence of superiority of any restorative technique for primary teeth over another regarding anxiety, pain, and oral health–related quality of life Journal Articles
Integrated Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety and HIV/STI Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men: A Pilot Intervention Trial Journal Articles
Integrating physical and social cues when forming face preferences: Differences among low and high-anxiety individuals Journal Articles
Interaction between perceived maternal care, anxiety symptoms, and the neurobehavioral response to palatable foods in adolescents Journal Articles
International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder Journal Articles
Internet-Assisted Parent Training Intervention for Disruptive Behavior in 4-Year-Old Children Journal Articles
Interpersonal consequences of the pursuit of safety Journal Articles
Interpretations for anxiety symptoms in social phobia Journal Articles
Interval versus Continuous High-Intensity Exercise in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Interventions Including Smart Technology Compared With Face-to-face Physical Activity Interventions in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Intolerance of Uncertainty and Perfectionistic Beliefs About Parenting as Cognitive Mechanisms of Symptom Change During Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Perinatal Anxiety Journal Articles
Investigating the therapeutic potential of cognitive bias modification for high anxiety sensitivity Journal Articles
Is Anxiety Associated with the Gut Microbiota? Journal Articles
Is There an Association between Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? Journal Articles
Is talk cheap? Correspondence between self‐attributions about changes in drinking and longitudinal changes in drinking during the 2019 coronavirus pandemic Journal Articles
Just do something: An experimental investigation of brief interventions for reducing the negative impact of post-event processing in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Kawasaki Disease With Coronary Artery Aneurysms: Psychosocial Impact on Parents and Children Journal Articles
Latent profiles of children's shyness: Behavioral, affective, and physiological components Journal Articles
Later Life Food Insecurity and Social Isolation in Ghana: The Importance of Psychological Factors. Journal Articles
Lifestyle changes and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A repeated, cross-sectional web survey Journal Articles
Lifestyle in Undergraduate Students and Demographically Matched Controls during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain Journal Articles
Lifestyle predictors of depression and anxiety during COVID-19: a machine learning approach Journal Articles
Linking Temperamental Shyness and Social Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence: Moderating Influences of Sex and Age Journal Articles
Links Between Anxiety and Allergies: Psychobiological Reality or Possible Methodological Bias? Journal Articles
Links Between Life Course Trajectories of Family Dysfunction and Anxiety During Middle Childhood Journal Articles
Long-term adult outcomes of peer victimization in childhood and adolescence: Pathways to adjustment and maladjustment. Journal Articles
Longitudinal Associations Among Child Maltreatment, Resting Frontal Electroencephalogram Asymmetry, and Adolescent Shyness Journal Articles
Longitudinal Changes in Sleep, Biological Rhythms, and Light Exposure From Late Pregnancy to Postpartum and Their Impact on Peripartum Mood and Anxiety Journal Articles
Longitudinal Links Between Childhood Peer Victimization, Internalizing and Externalizing Problems, and Academic Functioning: Developmental Cascades Journal Articles
Longitudinal associations among primary and secondary psychopathic traits, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder features across adolescence. Journal Articles
Loss of T cells influences sex differences in behavior and brain structure Journal Articles
Machine learning models predict PTSD severity and functional impairment: A personalized medicine approach for uncovering complex associations among heterogeneous symptom profiles. Journal Articles
Magnitude and chronometry of neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in subtypes of aggressive children Journal Articles
Management of mood and anxiety disorders in patients receiving opioid agonist therapy: Review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Managing anxiety and depressive symptoms in adults with autism-spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Manualized group cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety in first-episode psychosis: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Maternal Anxiety During Pregnancy and the Association With Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Journal Articles
Maternal Anxiety and Breastfeeding Journal Articles
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Ratings of Emotional Disorder Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Journal Articles
Maternal Prenatal Mood, Pregnancy-Specific Worries, and Early Child Psychopathology: Findings From the DREAM BIG Consortium Journal Articles
Maternal anxiety from pregnancy to 2 years postpartum: transactional patterns of maternal early adversity and child temperament Journal Articles
Maternal mental health and internalizing and externalizing psychopathology in extremely low birth weight adults Journal Articles
Maternal neural reactivity during pregnancy predicts infant temperament Journal Articles
Maternally separated rats show deficits in maternal care in adulthood Journal Articles
Measuring quality of life in cardiac spouses Journal Articles
Mechanism of a Flexible ICU Visiting Policy for Anxiety Symptoms Among Family Members in Brazil: A Path Mediation Analysis in a Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Melatonin probably reduces anxiety in patients undergoing third-molar surgical extractions but maybe not as much as midazolam Journal Articles
Mental Health in Adults With ADHD: Examining the Relationship With Cardiorespiratory Fitness Journal Articles
Mental disorder in children with physical conditions: a pilot study Journal Articles
Mental health and music engagement: review, framework, and guidelines for future studies Journal Articles
Mental health and well-being of elite youth athletes: a scoping review Journal Articles
Mental health during the first wave of COVID-19 in Canada, the USA, Brazil and Italy Journal Articles
Mental health interventions in adolescence Journal Articles
Mental health professionals’ perspective on a brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees Journal Articles
Metabolome-associated psychological comorbidities improvement in irritable bowel syndrome patients receiving a probiotic Journal Articles
Methylene blue treatment for residual symptoms of bipolar disorder: Randomised crossover study Journal Articles
Microbiota and host determinants of behavioural phenotype in maternally separated mice Journal Articles
Mindfulness and acceptance-based group therapy and traditional cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder: Mechanisms of change Journal Articles
Mini-review: Hypertussivity and allotussivity in chronic cough endotypes Journal Articles
Modeling Mental Health Information Preferences During the Early Adult Years: A Discrete Choice Conjoint Experiment Journal Articles
Modifiable lifestyle and social factors affect chronic kidney disease in high-risk individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus Journal Articles
Motor coordination and mental health in extremely low birth weight survivors during the first four decades of life Journal Articles
Motor coordination problems and psychological distress in young adults: A test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis Journal Articles
Mouse models of immune dysfunction: their neuroanatomical differences reflect their anxiety-behavioural phenotype Journal Articles
Music in Waiting Rooms: A Literature Review Journal Articles
Myth of reincarnation: a challenge for mental health profession Journal Articles
Naturopathic Care for Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial ISRCTN78958974 Journal Articles
Negative Affect Following Dating Application Use is Predicted by Social Anxiety Symptoms and Match Rate. Journal Articles
Negative Impact of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction on Health-Related Quality of Life: Results From the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Survey Journal Articles
Negative emotionality as a candidate mediating mechanism linking prenatal maternal mood problems and offspring internalizing behaviour Journal Articles
Negative priming for obsessive-compulsive checkers and noncheckers. Journal Articles
Neighbourhood context and diagnosed mental health conditions among immigrant and non-immigrant youth: a population-based cohort study in British Columbia, Canada Journal Articles
Neural correlates of trait anxiety in sensory processing and distractor filtering. Journal Articles
Obsessive-compulsive disorder as a disturbance of security motivation: Constraints on comorbidity Journal Articles
One-Day Peer-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Workshops for Postpartum Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Oral treatment with Lactobacillus rhamnosus attenuates behavioural deficits and immune changes in chronic social stress Journal Articles
Out of my league: Appraisals of anxiety and confidence in others by individuals with and without social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Pain and Anxiety in Rural Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Awaiting Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization Journal Articles
Pain-related anxiety and anxiety sensitivity across anxiety and depressive disorders Journal Articles
Parental Anxiety Associated With Kawasaki Disease in Previously Healthy Children Journal Articles
Patient factors associated with cancer worry post-breast reconstruction: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Patient-Reported Outcomes 1 Year After Immediate Breast Reconstruction: Results of the Mastectomy Reconstruction Outcomes Consortium Study Journal Articles
Patient-reported symptoms after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment: A retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Peer-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression Journal Articles
Perinatal Mental Health of Indigenous Pregnant Persons and Birthing Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Perinatal anxiety disorder prevalence and incidence Journal Articles
Periodicity and severity of changes in depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ten-wave longitudinal findings from an observational cohort study of community adults Journal Articles
Perspectives of healthcare professionals and patients on the application of mindfulness in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Perspectives of patients, family members, health professionals and the public on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health Journal Articles
Phobic anxiety does not affect plasma levels of thyroid stimulating hormone in man Journal Articles
Physical-mental multimorbidity in children and youth: a scoping review Journal Articles
Physician Health Care Visits for Mental Health and Substance Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Pilot randomized psychosocial trial of a screening intervention in pediatric oncology Journal Articles
Population-Based Teacher-Rated Assessment of Anxiety Among Canadian Kindergarten Children Journal Articles
Post-Event Processing across Multiple Anxiety Presentations: Is it Specific to Social Anxiety Disorder? Journal Articles
Postnatal Women’s Feeling State Responses to Exercise With and Without Baby Journal Articles
Postoperative Outcomes Following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in Patients with Pain Catastrophizing, Anxiety, or Depression Journal Articles
Postpartum depression and brain response to infants: Differential amygdala response and connectivity Journal Articles
Predictors of Postoperative Pain and Analgesic Consumption Journal Articles
Predictors of perceived symptom change with acute cannabis use for mental health conditions in a naturalistic sample: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Predictors of persistent concussion symptoms in adults with acute mild traumatic brain injury presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Predictors of uptake of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in women with nonhereditary breast cancer. Journal Articles
Pregnant Women’s Views on the Feasibility and Acceptability of Web-Based Mental Health E-Screening Versus Paper-Based Screening: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure and Adolescent Neural Responses to Appetitive and Stressful Stimuli Journal Articles
Prenatal betamethasone exposure and psychopathology risk in extremely low birth weight survivors in the third and fourth decades of life Journal Articles
Prenatal distress, access to services, and birth outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Preoperative Predictors of Pain Catastrophizing, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty Journal Articles
Pretreatment neurocognitive function and self‐reported symptoms in patients with newly diagnosed head and neck cancer compared with noncancer cohort Journal Articles
Prevalence and correlates of anxiety and depression in caregivers to assisted living residents during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Prevalence and correlates of bleeding and emotional harms in a national US sample of patients with venous thromboembolism: A cross-sectional structural equation model Journal Articles
Prevalence of Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Workers With Upper Extremity Complaints Journal Articles
Prevalence of emotional distress in newly diagnosed lung cancer patients Journal Articles
Prevention and Management of Pain and Stress in the Neonate Journal Articles
Previous bad experience, propensity to anxiety, and pain expectations may be associated with fear and anxiety when undergoing tooth extractions Journal Articles
Primary hyperparathyroidism Journal Articles
Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 Reduces Depression Scores and Alters Brain Activity: A Pilot Study in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
Probiotic supplementation can positively affect anxiety and depressive symptoms: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Problematic behaviours associated with generalized anxiety disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period: A thematic analysis Journal Articles
Profile of mood states and cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infraction Journal Articles
Properties of the DASS‐21 in an Australian Community Adolescent Population Journal Articles
Proportion and related factors of depression and anxiety for inpatients with lung cancer in China: a hospital-based cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Propranolol versus chlorpromazine in the treatment of psychoses associated with childbearing. Journal Articles
Protocol Understanding and Anxiety in Perioperative Clinical Trial Patients Approached for Consent on the Day of Surgery Journal Articles
Protocol for a longitudinal cohort study of Lyme disease with physical, mental and immunological assessment Journal Articles
Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients Journal Articles
Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients. Journal Articles
Providing web-based mental health services to at-risk women Journal Articles
Psychedelics for Psychological and Existential Distress in Palliative and Cancer Care Journal Articles
Psychiatric Symptoms and Disorders Associated with Reproductive Cyclicity in Women: Advances in Screening Tools Journal Articles
Psychiatric sequelae to gynaecological operations. Journal Articles
Psychiatric symptoms correlate with metabolic indices in the hippocampus and cingulate in patients with mitochondrial disorders Journal Articles
Psychological Characteristics, Female Sex, and Opioid Use Predict Acute Postoperative Pain in Patients Surgically Treated for Thumb Base Osteoarthritis: A Cohort Study Journal Articles
Psychological Dysfunction Is Associated With Symptom Severity but Not Disease Etiology or Degree of Gastric Retention in Patients With Gastroparesis Journal Articles
Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on People with Pre-Existing Chronic Disease Journal Articles
Psychological Symptoms in Youth and Later Socioeconomic Functioning: Do Associations Vary by Informant? Journal Articles
Psychological correlates and binge drinking behaviours among Canadian youth: a cross-sectional analysis of the mental health pilot data from the COMPASS study Journal Articles
Psychological distress in children with developmental coordination disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Journal Articles
Psychological factors impacting transition from paediatric to adult care by childhood cancer survivors Journal Articles
Psychological features of subjects with idiopathic environmental intolerance Journal Articles
Psychological interventions for people with hemophilia Journal Articles
Psychological interventions for reducing anxiety in patients undergoing first-time colonoscopy: a pilot and feasibility study Journal Articles
Psychometric Properties of the State-Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety (STICSA) in Friendship Dyads Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in individuals with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the Ryerson Social Anxiety Scales in individuals with social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the Self-Beliefs related to Social Anxiety (SBSA) scale in a sample of individuals with social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of the difficulties in emotion regulation Scale in a perinatal sample Journal Articles
Psychometric scores and persistence of irritable bowel after infectious diarrhoea Journal Articles
Psychopharmacology in Psychodermatology Journal Articles
Psychosocial Health of Living Kidney Donors: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Psychosocial aspects of pregnant women living with diabetes. Journal Articles
Public health nurse delivered group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for postpartum depression: A pilot study Journal Articles
Purine receptor antagonist modulates serology and affective behaviors in lupus-prone mice: Evidence of autoimmune-induced pain? Journal Articles
Qualitative study to support the content validity of the immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) Life Quality Index (ILQI) Journal Articles
Quality of life after intensive care unit: a multicenter cohort study protocol for
assessment of long-term outcomes among intensive care survivors in Brazil Journal Articles
Quality of life at referral predicts outcome of elective coronary artery angiogram Journal Articles
Quality of life domains affected in children with developmental coordination disorder: a systematic review Journal Articles
Quality of life in children suffering from headaches: a systematic literature review Journal Articles
Quality of life in patients with bioprostheses and mechanical prostheses. Evaluation of cohorts of patients aged 51 to 65 years at implantation. Journal Articles
Quality of life with ablation or medical therapy for ventricular arrhythmias: A substudy of VANISH Journal Articles
Randomized Trial of Long-Term Follow-Up for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Comparison of Family Physician Versus Specialist Care Journal Articles
Reasons and Determinants for Perceiving Unmet Needs for Mental Health in Primary Care in Quebec Journal Articles
Recall of intensive care unit stay in patients managed with a sedation protocol or a sedation protocol with daily sedative interruption: A pilot study Journal Articles
Recommended Patient-Reported Core Set of Symptoms to Measure in Prostate Cancer Treatment Trials Journal Articles
Reduced anxiety is associated with the accumulation of six serotonin reuptake inhibitors in wastewater treatment effluent exposed goldfish Carassius auratus Journal Articles
Reduced anxiety-like behavior and central neurochemical change in germ-free mice Journal Articles
Reducing Venipuncture Pain by a Cough Trick: A Randomized Crossover Volunteer Study Journal Articles
Reductions of Anxiety Symptoms, State Anxiety, and Anxious Arousal in Youth Playing the Videogame MindLight Compared to Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Journal Articles
Refinement of the Symptom Screening in Pediatrics Tool (SSPedi) Journal Articles
Rehabilitation following cancer treatment Journal Articles
Relative food insecurity, mental health and wellbeing in 160 countries Journal Articles
Reliability and Validity of Three Versions of the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis: A Scleroderma Patient‐Centered Intervention Network Cohort Study Journal Articles
Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of a culturally modified Kessler scale (MK-K5) in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population Journal Articles
Repetitive Behavior Severity as an Early Indicator of Risk for Elevated Anxiety Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Response to Letter by Moulton et al. Journal Articles
Responses to perceived intimate partner rejection among individuals with social anxiety disorder and healthy controls Journal Articles
Resting electrocortical activity in adults with dysfunctional anger: a pilot study Journal Articles
Retrieval properties of negative vs. positive mental images and autobiographical memories in social anxiety: Outcomes with a new measure Journal Articles
Risk and protective factors in predicting pediatric acute postsurgical pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Risperidone associated tardive dyskinesia- a less common phenomenon Journal Articles
Role of sensitivity to anxiety symptoms in responsiveness to mindfulness versus suppression strategies for coping with smoking cravings Journal Articles
Rumination and Distraction Periods Immediately Following a Speech Task: Effect on Postevent Processing in Social Anxiety Journal Articles
SPINning factors: Factor analytic evaluation of the Social Phobia Inventory in clinical and nonclinical undergraduate samples Journal Articles
Safety behaviour does not necessarily interfere with exposure therapy Journal Articles
Screen Use and Mental Health Symptoms in Canadian Children and Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Screening for depression and anxiety in general practice Journal Articles
Seeking mental health support for feelings of perinatal depression and/or anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative descriptive study of decision-making. Journal Articles
Self-Help for Social Anxiety: Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing a Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Approach With a Control Group Journal Articles
Self-portrayal concerns mediate the relationship between recalled teasing and social anxiety symptoms in adults with anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Severe premenstrual tension: delineation of the syndrome. Journal Articles
Sex, Depression, and More in Cardiac Rehabilitation Journal Articles
Shared Decision Making in the Management of Children With Newly Diagnosed Immune Thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Short-term group psychotherapy for post-myocardial infarction patients and their wives. Journal Articles
Shortening patient-reported outcome measures through optimal test assembly: application to the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale in the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Cohort Journal Articles
Shyness Trajectories across the First Four Decades Predict Mental Health Outcomes Journal Articles
Shyness subtypes and associations with social anxiety: A comparison study of Canadian and Chinese children Journal Articles
Similar anxiety levels and postoperative pain, trismus, and swelling between acupuncture and sham acupuncture in patients undergoing third-molar surgical extraction Journal Articles
Sleep Problems, Tiredness, and Psychological Symptoms among Healthy Adolescents Journal Articles
Sleep to Lower Elevated Blood Pressure: A Randomized Controlled Trial (SLEPT) Journal Articles
Sleep, biological rhythms and anxiety in the perinatal period: a systematic review protocol Journal Articles
Social factors in frequent callers: a description of isolation, poverty and quality of life in those calling emergency medical services frequently Journal Articles
Spatial working memory and attention skills are predicted by maternal stress during pregnancy Journal Articles
Strategies to Mitigate Anxiety and Pain in Intrauterine Device Insertion: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Stress and anxiety during pregnancy and length of gestation: a federated study using data from five Canadian and European birth cohorts Journal Articles
Study protocol for a randomized, controlled, superiority trial comparing the clinical and cost- effectiveness of integrated online mental health assessment-referral-care in pregnancy to usual prenatal care on prenatal and postnatal mental health and infant health and development: the Integrated Maternal Psychosocial Assessment to Care Trial (IMPACT) Journal Articles
Subgroups based on fears of evaluation exhibited different social anxiety levels. Journal Articles
Subjective social isolation or loneliness in older adults residing in social housing in Ontario: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Substance use classes and symptoms of anxiety and depression among Canadian secondary school students Journal Articles
Suicidal Ideation among Attendees of a West African HIV Clinic Journal Articles
Superiority of methylprednisolone sodium succinate over low dose metoclopramide hydrochloride in the prevention of nausea and vomiting produced by cancer chemotherapy. Journal Articles
Symptom burden and performance status in a population‐based cohort of ambulatory cancer patients Journal Articles
Symptom clusters in a population-based ambulatory cancer cohort validated using bootstrap methods Journal Articles
Symptoms of depression and anxiety, and unmet healthcare needs in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Systematic Review: Audiovisual Interventions for Reducing Preoperative Anxiety in Children Undergoing Elective Surgery Journal Articles
Systematic review of mental health symptom changes by sex or gender in early-COVID-19 compared to pre-pandemic Journal Articles
Tablet-Based Intervention for Reducing Children's Preoperative Anxiety: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Temperamental Shyness, Frontal EEG Theta/Beta Ratio, and Social Anxiety in Children Journal Articles
The Burden of Mental Illness Among Survivors of Critical Care—Risk Factors and Impact on Quality of Life Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Recommendations for the Use of Racemic Ketamine in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Recommandations Du Groupe De Travail Du Réseau Canadien Pour Les Traitements De L’humeur Et De L’anxiété (Canmat) Concernant L’utilisation De La Kétamine Racémique Chez Les Adultes Souffrant De Trouble Dépressif Majeur Journal Articles
The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Task Force Report: Serotonergic Psychedelic Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
The Effect of Early Education on Patient Anxiety While Waiting for Elective Cardiac Catheterization Journal Articles
The Effect of Expectations on Experiences and Engagement with an Applied Game for Mental Health Journal Articles
The Effect of Losses Disguised as Wins and Near Misses in Electronic Gaming Machines: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The Effects of Cognitive Ability, Mental Health, and Self-Quarantining on Functional Ability of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
The Effects of Experimenter Gender on State Social Physique Anxiety and Strength in a Testing Environment Journal Articles
The Impact of Chronic Physical Illness, Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Family Functioning, and Self-esteem on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children Journal Articles
The Impact of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Chronic Pain in People with COPD Journal Articles
The Impact of Re-Engineering and Other Cost Reduction Strategies on the Staff of a Large Teaching Hospital Journal Articles
The Influence of Preoperative and Postoperative Psychological Symptoms on Clinical Outcome after Shoulder Surgery: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study Journal Articles
The Influence of Static and Dynamic Intrapersonal Factors on Longitudinal Patterns of Peer Victimization through Mid-adolescence: a Latent Transition Analysis Journal Articles
The Link Between Childhood Exposure to Violence and Academic Achievement: Complex Pathways Journal Articles
The Long Term Role of Anxiety Sensitivity and Experiential Avoidance on Pain Intensity, Mood, and Disability among Individuals in a Specialist Pain Clinic. Journal Articles
The Meaning‐Making intervention (MMi) appears to increase meaning in life in advanced ovarian cancer: a randomized controlled pilot study Journal Articles
The Midlife Transition, Depression, and Its Clinical Management Journal Articles
The Neighbourhood Effects on Health and Well-being (NEHW) study Journal Articles
The Relation Between the Paraphilias and Anxiety in Men: A Case–Control Study Journal Articles
The Relationship between Physical Activity, Depression and Anxiety in People with COPD: A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses Journal Articles
The Worry Behaviors Inventory–Perinatal Revised: Adaptation and Initial Validation for Use in Perinatal Samples Journal Articles
The anxiolytic effect of Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 involves vagal pathways for gut-brain communication Journal Articles
The anxious wait: assessing the impact of patient accessible EHRs for breast cancer patients Journal Articles
The contribution of a non-invasive test to clinical care The impact of echocardiography on diagnosis, management and patient anxiety Journal Articles
The effect of depression, anxiety and early life trauma on the cortisol awakening response during pregnancy: Preliminary results Journal Articles
The effect of the video game Mindlight on anxiety symptoms in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
The effect of weighted blankets on sleep quality and mental health symptoms in people with psychiatric disorders in inpatient and outpatient settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Articles
The effects of leader gender on self-presentational concerns in exercise Journal Articles
The genetic architecture of youth anxiety: a study protocol Journal Articles
The identification of unipolar mania subtype based on anxiety comorbidity Journal Articles
The influence of pre and postnatal adversity on depression and anxiety over two decades Journal Articles
The long-term intercorrelation between post-burn pain, anxiety, and depression: a post hoc analysis of the “RE-ENERGIZE” double-blind, randomized, multicenter placebo-controlled trial Journal Articles
The other side of the curve: Examining the relationship between pre-stressor physiological responses and stress reactivity Journal Articles
The potential use of biomarkers as an adjunctive tool for staging bipolar disorder Journal Articles
The psychology of potential threat: Properties of the security motivation system Journal Articles
The relationship between evaluative concerns and sport competition state anxiety among youth skiers Journal Articles
The relationship between parental bonding and mood, anxiety and related disorders in adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The research utilization process: The use of guided imagery to reduce anxiety Journal Articles
The role of anxiety in the development, maintenance, and treatment of childhood aggression Journal Articles
The role of childhood generalized anxiety in the internalizing cluster Journal Articles
The role of emotion dysregulation in cognitive behavioural group therapy for perinatal anxiety: Results from a randomized controlled trial and routine clinical care Journal Articles
The role of sex and gender in the changing levels of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Journal Articles
The trajectory of depression and anxiety among children and adolescents over two years of the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
The use of an intensive physical exertion test as a final return to play measure in concussed athletes: a prospective cohort Journal Articles
The use of complementary and alternative medicines among patients with locally advanced breast cancer – a descriptive study Journal Articles
Therapist affiliation and hostility in cognitive–behavioral therapy with and without motivational interviewing for severe generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
There seems to be similar control of anxiety with diazepam, midazolam, and nitrous oxide in patients undergoing surgical maxillary third-molar extraction Journal Articles
Toward precision therapeutics: general and specific factors differentiate symptom change in depressed adolescents Journal Articles
Towards high-quality, useful practice guidelines for child and youth mental health disorders: protocol for a systematic review and consensus exercise Journal Articles
Trajectories of Social Anxiety in Children: Influence of Child Cortisol Reactivity and Parental Social Anxiety Journal Articles
Trajectory of Performance Status and Symptom Scores for Patients With Cancer During the Last Six Months of Life Journal Articles
Trajectory of psychosocial symptoms among home care patients with cancer at end‐of‐life Journal Articles
Transgenerational effects of maternal care interact with fetal growth and influence attention skills at 18months of age Journal Articles
Transgenic mice expressing the βAPP695SWE mutation: effects on exploratory activity, anxiety, and motor coordination Journal Articles
Transitions in Hearing Impairment and Psychological Distress in Older Adults Journal Articles
Translating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth to Rural-Community Settings via Tele-Psychiatry Journal Articles
Transplantation of fecal microbiota from patients with irritable bowel syndrome alters gut function and behavior in recipient mice Journal Articles
Traumatic tiger attack Journal Articles
Treating child and adolescent anxiety effectively: Overview of systematic reviews Journal Articles
Trends in the co-occurrence of substance use and mental health symptomatology in a national sample of US post-secondary students from 2009 to 2019 Journal Articles
Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis. Journal Articles
Uncertainty about the effect of pregabalin to control anxiety in patients undergoing oral surgery owing to limitations in the systematic review addressing this question Journal Articles
Understanding the Needs of Colorectal Cancer Patients during the Pre-diagnosis Phase Journal Articles
Understanding the Risks of Recent Discharge Journal Articles
Understanding the health impact of caregiving: a qualitative study of immigrant parents and single parents of children with cancer Journal Articles
Understanding the mental health and intention to leave of the public health workforce in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Understanding the needs of lung cancer patients during the pre-diagnosis phase Journal Articles
Using Latent Profile Analysis to Characterize Clinical Heterogeneity and Impulsivity in a Large Residential Addiction Treatment Program Journal Articles
Using prosocial behavior to safeguard mental health and foster emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A registered report protocol for a randomized trial Journal Articles
V. Guidelines for Sedation and Analgesia During Mechanical Ventilation General Overview Journal Articles
Validation of an automated system for measuring anxiety-related behaviours in the elevated plus maze Journal Articles
Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool (PSST) and association of PSST scores with health-related quality of life Journal Articles
Validation of the English version of the Mood Rhythm Instrument Journal Articles
Validation of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis: A Scleroderma Patient‐Centered Intervention Network Cohort Study Journal Articles
Validation of the four‐dimensional symptom questionnaire (4DSQ) and prevalence of psychological symptoms in orthopedic shoulder patients Journal Articles
Very low certainty in the evidence suggesting lack of association between high anxiety and patient satisfaction with dental implant treatment outcomes Journal Articles
Videos delivered through a smartphone seem to be acceptable to patients with dental fear or phobia but do not prove to be effective in reducing their anxiety levels Journal Articles
Vigilant or avoidant? Children's temperamental shyness, patterns of gaze, and physiology during social threat Journal Articles
Visualization, Self-Efficacy, and Locus of Control in a Virtual Reality Biofeedback Video Game for Anxiety Regulation Journal Articles
Waiting room educational media effect on preinjection anxiety for initial intravitreal injections Journal Articles
What Is the Burden of Chronic Cough for Families? Journal Articles
What Will They Think? The Relationship between Self-Presentational Concerns and Balance and Mobility Outcomes in Older Women Journal Articles
When You Have Lived in a Different Culture, Does Returning ‘Home’ Not Feel Like Home? Predictors of Psychological Readjustment to the Heritage Culture Journal Articles
While a shy child waits: Autonomic and affective responses during the anticipation and delivery of a speech. Journal Articles
Women's Experiences of Inaccurate Breast Cancer Screening Results: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-synthesis. Journal Articles
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for treatment of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and posttraumatic stress disorders – Version 3. Part I: Anxiety disorders Journal Articles
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for treatment of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and posttraumatic stress disorders – Version 3. Part II: OCD and PTSD Journal Articles
Youth with chronic health problems: how do they fare in main-stream mentoring programs? Journal Articles
“But it might be a heart attack”: Intolerance of uncertainty and panic disorder symptoms Journal Articles
“Let's Boogie” Journal Articles
“PSA-itis”: Knowledge of Serum Prostate Specific Antigen and Other Causes of Anxiety in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Journal Articles
“Social Anxiety Disorder Carved at its Joints”: Evidence for the taxonicity of social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
“The Anticipation Alone could Kill You”: Past and Potential Clients' Perspectives on HIV Testing in Non-Health Care Settings Journal Articles