selected scholarly activity
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: Preface. Ed. 4402 LNCS. 2007
- Lecture Note in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface. Ed. 3865 LNCS. 2006
- Preface. Ed. 220. 2006
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I - 8th International Conference, CSCWD 2004, Revised Selected Papers: Preface. Ed. 3168 LNCS. 2005
- Multi-Agent Systems for Concurrent Intelligent Design and Manufacturing 2001
- AdaCLIP: Adapting CLIP with Hybrid Learnable Prompts for Zero-Shot Anomaly Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 55-72. 2025
- Agent Architectures. 101-124. 2019
- Agent-Based Engineering Design Systems. 245-300. 2019
- Agent-Based Enterprise Integration and Supply Chain Management. 329-346. 2019
- Agent-Based Manufacturing Planning, Scheduling and Control. 301-328. 2019
- Building Agent-Based Concurrent Design and Manufacturing Systems. 373-382. 2019
- Collaboration, Task Decomposition and Allocation. 179-194. 2019
- Communication, Coordination and Cooperation. 147-178. 2019
- Concurrent Engineering Design and Manufacturing. 7-30. 2019
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Agents. 31-52. 2019
- General Introduction. 3-6. 2019
- Knowledge Representation in Agent-Based Concurrent Design and Manufacturing Systems. 55-76. 2019
- Learning in Agent-Based Concurrent Design and Manufacturing Systems. 77-100. 2019
- Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. 195-214. 2019
- Ontologies. 215-230. 2019
- Other Issues. 231-242. 2019
- System Architectures. 125-146. 2019
- Tools, Frameworks, Languages, Standards and Methodologies. 349-372. 2019
- Computer Supported Collaborative Design: Technologies, Systems, and Applications. 537-573. 2015
- The Chaotic Measurement Matrix for Compressed Sensing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 58-64. 2015
- A Novel Combination Feature HOG-LSS for Pedestrian Detection. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 177-181. 2013
- Survey on Distributed Collaborative Engineering and Applications. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 217-242. 2013
- Copyright Implications for Electronic Resources. 145-173. 2008
- Agent-based Dynamic Scheduling for Distributed Manufacturing. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 191-212. 2007
- Process Planning and Scheduling for Distributed Manufacturing Preface. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. V-VII. 2007
- Real Time Distributed Shop Floor Scheduling: An Agent-based Service-oriented Framework. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 175-199. 2007
- Remote Monitoring and Control in a Distributed Manufacturing Environment. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. 289-313. 2006
- eMarketplace Model: An Architecture for Collaborative Supply Chain Management and Integration. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 29-62. 2006
- Web Services/Agent-Based Model for Inter-Enterprise Collaboration. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 231-240. 2005
- Agent Based Dynamic Information Gathering and Organization for Distributed Product Development. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 369-378. 2004
- Adaptive Negotiation for Agent Based Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 635-637. 2003
- Agent-Supported Web-Based Cooperative Design. 231-253. 2003
- Improving PDM Systems Integration Using Software Agents. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 313-324. 2003
- System Requirements: Products, Processes and Models. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 245-252. 2003
- A PDM-Based VE-Oriented Infrastructure for Distributed Collaborative Design. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 345-352. 2002
- A Schema-Based Approach to Specifying Conversation Policies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 193-204. 2000
- Implementing Internet Enabled Virtual Enterprises Using Collaborative Agents. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 343-352. 1999
- An Agent-Based Approach for Manufacturing Enterprise Integration and Supply Chain Management. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 579-590. 1998
- An object-oriented approach for engineering design product modelling. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 171-187. 1996
- Description and Applications of an Object-Oriented Model PDM. 15-24. 1996
- A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Rescheduling Method for Flexible Job Shops under Machine Breakdowns. 2024 27th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1734-1739. 2024
- Attention Fusion Reverse Distillation for Multi-Lighting Image Anomaly Detection. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 2134-2139. 2024
- Distributed Link Heterogeneity Exploitation for Attention-Weighted Robust Federated Learning in 6G Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2024 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM WKSHPS 2024. 1-6. 2024
- RAD: A Comprehensive Dataset for Benchmarking the Robustness of Image Anomaly Detection. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 2123-2128. 2024
- Towards Online Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Classification. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 454-459. 2024
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Multi-Product U-Shaped Disassembly Line Balancing Problem Considering Human Factors. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4599-4604. 2023
- V2X-Lead: LiDAR-Based End-to-End Autonomous Driving with Vehicle-to-Everything Communication Integration. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 7471-7478. 2023
- High-Resolution Image Anomaly Detection via Spatiotemporal Consistency Incorporated Knowledge Distillation. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 1-6. 2023
- A Matheuristic-based Rescheduling Method for Flexible Job Shops with Lot-streaming and Machine Reconfigurations. 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1950-1955. 2023
- A Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Heat Pipe-Constrained Component Layout Optimization. 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1452-1457. 2023
- An Agent-based System Architecture for Automated Guided Vehicles in Cloud-Edge Computing Environments. 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 23-28. 2023
- An Application-oriented Perspective of Domain Generalization for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis. 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1679-1684. 2023
- Dynamic Construction and Adaptation of 3D Virtual Network Topology for UAV-Assisted Data Collection. IEEE INFOCOM 2023 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). 1-6. 2023
- Evaluation of a 293 gene oncology-focused exome sequencing panel for screening of ovarian cancer patients for BRCA mutations as a prerequisite for autologous cellular immunotherapy manufacturing. Cancer Research. 2023
- A Remaining Useful Life Prediction Method for Lithium-ion Battery Based on Temporal Transformer Network. Procedia Computer Science. 1830-1838. 2023
- FastATDC: Fast Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Classification. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 1570-1575. 2022
- Position Encoding Enhanced Feature Mapping for Image Anomaly Detection. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 876-881. 2022
- An Effective Point Cloud Classification Method Based on Improved Non-local Neural Networks. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 665-670. 2022
- An End-to-End Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Job Shop Scheduling. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 841-846. 2022
- An Outlier-Aware Method for UWB Indoor Positioning in NLoS Situations. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1504-1509. 2022
- Cloud-edge-device Collaboration Mechanisms of Cloud Manufacturing for Customized and Personalized Products. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1517-1522. 2022
- Longitudinal Trajectory Optimization for Connected and Automated Vehicles by Evolving Cubic Splines with Coevolution. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 641-646. 2022
- Preface. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). i. 2022
- Semi-supervised Knowledge Distillation for Tiny Defect Detection. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1010-1015. 2022
- An Anomaly Detection Method for Multiple Time Series Based on Similarity Measurement and Louvain Algorithm. Procedia Computer Science. 1857-1866. 2022
- Automated Allocation of Detention Rooms Based on Inverse Graph Partitioning. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 866-871. 2021
- A Scalable BP Method for Joint Localization and Synchronization in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks. 2013 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2013. 2021
- A Modified Genetic Algorithm for Distributed Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem. 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 981-986. 2021
- A Novel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for k-Coverage Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 831-836. 2021
- An Agent-Based Approach for Dynamic Scheduling in Hybrid Flow Shops. 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 24-30. 2021
- Optimal Open Space Cubicle Assignment Considering Personal Thermal Preferences. 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 913-918. 2021
- Prediction of Typical Flue Gas Pollutants from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants. 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1304-1309. 2021
- A Probability-based Approach Resolving Thermal Preference Conflicts through Optimal Cubicle Assignment. Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation. 308-309. 2020
- A Broad Transfer Learning Algorithm for Classification of Bearing Faults. Volume 2: Manufacturing Processes; Manufacturing Systems; Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing; Quality and Reliability. 2020
- An Analytical Target Cascade Mechanism for Smart Configuration of Collaboration Framework in 5G-Based Industrial Parks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS). 1-4. 2020
- A Surrogate-Assisted Offspring Generation Method for Expensive Multi-objective optimization Problems. 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2020
- Software-defined Cloud Manufacturing with Edge Computing for Industry 4.0. 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). 1618-1623. 2020
- An Analytical Target Cascade Mechanism for Smart Configuration of Collaboration Framework in 5G-Based Industrial Parks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS (ICHMS). 578-581. 2020
- Feasibility analysis of an automated construction progress management system based on indoor positioning technology. SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE TOMORROW. 344-350. 2020
- A Deep Learning Approach for Heating and Cooling Equipment Monitoring. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 228-234. 2019
- An inquiry into the predictability of failure events in chillers and boilers. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 222-227. 2019
- CASE 2019 Welcome Message from General Chair. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. i-i. 2019
- Data-Driven Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics for Predictive Maintenance: A Brief Overview. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 103-108. 2019
- Multishelled Transition Metal‐Based Microspheres: Synthesis and Applications for Batteries and Supercapacitors. Small. e1804737. 2019
- Software-defined Cloud Manufacturing in the Context of Industry 4.0. 2019 WRC Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation (WRC SARA). 184-190. 2019
- Learning to Calibrate Straight Lines for Fisheye Image Rectification. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 1643-1651. 2019
- Preface. 2019 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1-1. 2019
- A preliminary analysis on the use of low-cost data streams for occupant-count estimation. ASHRAE Transactions. 514-531. 2019
- Load Forecasting and Equipment Sequencing in a Central Heating and Cooling Plant: A Case Study. ASHRAE Transactions. 513-523. 2019
- Load forecasting and equipment sequencing in a central heating and cooling plant: A case study. ASHRAE Transactions. 503-513. 2019
- Model-based and Data-driven Anomaly Detection for Heating and Cooling Demands in Office Buildings. ASHRAE Transactions. 87-95. 2019
- Toward Machine Learning-based Prognostics for Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Systems. ASHRAE Transactions. 106-115. 2019
- Energy Performance Based Anomaly Detection in Non-Residential Buildings Using Symbolic Aggregate Approximation**The research was supported by the Smart Building Project (A1-006050) of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and National Research Council Canada (NRC).. 1400-1405. 2018
- Energy Performance Based Anomaly Detection in Non-Residential Buildings Using Symbolic Aggregate Approximation. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 1400-1405. 2018
- Clustering and Analysis of Household Power Load Based on HMM and Multi-factors. 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design ((CSCWD)). 491-495. 2018
- Preface. 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design ((CSCWD)). 491-495. 2018
- A Preliminary Study on Text Mining Operator Logbooks to Develop a Fault-Frequency Model. ASHRAE Transactions. 171-184. 2018
- Sherlock: Capturing Probe Requests for Automatic Presence Detection. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN ((CSCWD)). 848-853. 2018
- A vertex similarity index using community information to improve link prediction accuracy. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 158-163. 2017
- Operation modes of smart factory for high-end equipment manufacturing in the Internet and Big Data era. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 152-157. 2017
- Smart building monitoring and ongoing commissioning: A case study with four canadian federal government office buildings. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 176-181. 2017
- The Effect of Zone Level Occupancy Characteristics on Adaptive Controls. Building Simulation Conference Proceedings. 720-728. 2017
- State-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion battery based on an improved Kalman Filter. 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 515-520. 2017
- Toward failure mode and effect analysis for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 408-413. 2017
- A Fault Prediction Method Based on Modified Genetic Algorithm Using BP Neural Network Algorithm. 004614-004619. 2016
- A fault prediction method based on modified Genetic Algorithm using BP neural network algorithm. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4614-4619. 2016
- E-MRO Service Policy with Bilateral Requirements Using Variable Fuzzy Recognition and Multi-Objective Programming. 001662-001667. 2016
- E-MRO service policy with bilateral requirements using variable fuzzy recognition and multi-objective programming. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1662-1667. 2016
- Mitigating sensor differences for phone-based human activity recognition. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 003550-003555. 2016
- Open and collaborative product design and production in IoT-enabled manufacturing cloud. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 004124-004129. 2016
- A cutting parameter optimization method based on dynamic machining features for complex structural parts. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 85-90. 2016
- A formulation for IoT-enabled dynamic Service Selection across multiple Manufacturing clouds. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 676-681. 2016
- A novel adaptive algorithm for location based on Distance-Loss model in complex environment. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 26-30. 2016
- Agent-based negotiation framework for agricultural supply chain supported by third party logistics. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 584-589. 2016
- Applications of Internet of Things in manufacturing. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 670-675. 2016
- E-MRO service planning with uncertain constraints based on stochastic programming. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 180-185. 2016
- Implicit occupancy detection for energy conservation in commercial buildings: A review. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 625-631. 2016
- Incremental clustering for human activity detection based on phone sensor data. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 35-40. 2016
- Preface. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 1-1. 2016
- Smart phone based occupancy detection in office buildings. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 632-636. 2016
- User behavior prediction model for smart home using parallelized neural network algorithm. 2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 221-226. 2016
- A Novel Adaptive Negotiation Strategy for Agricultural Supply Chain Centered on Third Party Logistics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 352-363. 2016
- Mitigating Sensor Differences for Phone-based Human Activity Recognition. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 3550-3555. 2016
- Open and Collaborative Product Design and Production in IoT-enabled Manufacturing Cloud. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4124-4129. 2016
- A Distributed Link Prediction Algorithm Based on Clustering in Dynamic Social Networks. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1341-1345. 2015
- A Framework for Integrating Multiple Manufacturing Clouds. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1329-1334. 2015
- A Gang Scheduling Computational Paradigm for Container Terminal Logistics with Processor Affinity. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1357-1362. 2015
- A Stable and Distributed Community Detection Algorithm Based on Maximal Cliques. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1346-1350. 2015
- Key Nodes Discovery in Large-Scale Logistics Network Based on MapReduce. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1309-1314. 2015
- Process Knowledge Representation Based on Dynamic Machining Features and Ontology for Complex Aircraft Structural Parts. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1335-1340. 2015
- A Parallel Computing Model for Container Terminal Logistics**Research supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant #61304210.. 267-273. 2015
- A parallel computing model for container terminal logistics. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 267-273. 2015
- Social interaction based handling inter-person occlusion for online multi-pedestrian tracking. 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS). 2015
- Analytical validation of StrandAdvantage solid tumor NGS test.. Journal of Clinical Oncology. e12539-e12539. 2015
- A distributed frequent itemset mining algorithm based on Spark. 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 271-275. 2015
- Communication model of embedded multi-protocol gateway for MRO online monitoring system. 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 97-102. 2015
- Human activity detection based on multiple smart phone sensors and machine learning algorithms. 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 582-587. 2015
- An Adaptive Process Planning Method Based on Features and Intelligent Agents for the Manufacturing of Large-Scale Parts. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2214-2219. 2015
- Handling Inter-object Occlusion for Multi-object Tracking Based on Attraction Force Constraint. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 520-527. 2015
- A multi-agent based failure prediction method using neural network algorithm. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2268-2272. 2014
- Marine environment monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks: A systematic review. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 13-18. 2014
- Social relation extraction of large-scale logistics network based on mapreduce. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2273-2277. 2014
- A wavelet-based characteristic vector construction method for machining condition monitoring. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 304-308. 2014
- Welcome message from ICIDM chairs. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM). 1. 2014
- A home mobile healthcare system for wheelchair users. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 609-614. 2014
- A study of intents resolving for service discovery. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 649-654. 2014
- Data mining for privacy preserving association rules based on improved MASK algorithm. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 265-270. 2014
- Incremental FP-Growth mining strategy for dynamic threshold value and database based on MapReduce. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 271-276. 2014
- Integration of process monitoring and inspection based on agents and manufacturing features. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 208-213. 2014
- Towards a Rule-Based Bidding Language: Promoting the Free Expression of Rational Conduct for Ecosystem Friendly E-Markets. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4688-4693. 2013
- A data processing framework for IoT based online monitoring system. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD). 686-691. 2013
- An intents-based approach for service discovery and integration. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD). 207-212. 2013
- Bidding specification language and winner determination for Grid computing scheduling. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD). 305-312. 2013
- Eavesdropping attack in collaborative wireless networks: Security protocols and intercept behavior. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD). 704-709. 2013
- Intercept probability analysis of cooperative wireless networks with best relay selection in the presence of eavesdropping attack. 2013 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2013. 2013
- Quantum ant colony algorithm-based emergency evacuation path choice algorithm. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD). 576-580. 2013
- Towards a sustainable smart e-marketplace: A stable, efficient and responsive smart exchange with strategic conduct. ICAART 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 338-345. 2013
- A GSP Double Auction for Smart Exchange Achieving Stable, Efficient and Rapid Allocations with Strategic Conduct. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN (CSCWD). 621-626. 2013
- The Development and Application of Transport Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation Software Based on the Beijing Low-Carbon Transport Research. LTLGB 2012: PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW-CARBON TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS, AND GREEN BUILDINGS. VOL 1. 237-241. 2013
- An industrial case study of feature-based in-process workpiece modeling. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 814-819. 2012
- On the assignment problem of arbitrary processing time operations in partially overlapping manufacturing resources. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 341-346. 2012
- A heterogeneous sensors integration platform for independent living spaces. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 616-621. 2012
- Economic-based modelling for resource scheduling in grid computing. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 583-590. 2012
- Security and privacy considerations for Wireless Sensor Networks in smart home environments. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 626-633. 2012
- Production simulation for prefab housing facilities. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 2917-2926. 2011
- A service-oriented system integration framework for community-based independent living spaces. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2626-2631. 2011
- Collaborative wireless sensor networks: A survey. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2614-2619. 2011
- WSN-based real-time data collection in independent living spaces. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2640-2645. 2011
- A feature-based NC machining time forecasting model. Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 593-598. 2011
- Collaborative Smart Home technologies for senior independent living: A review. Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 481-488. 2011
- Integration of indoor localization with facility maintenance management. Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 649-656. 2011
- Ontology maintenance in a hierarchical federated collaborative product development environment. Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 183-191. 2011
- Towards an agent oriented smart manufacturing system. Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). 636-642. 2011
- Network GIS System Architecture Integrating Web prefetching and Web caching. EPLWW3S 2011: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGICAL PROTECTION OF LAKES-WETLANDS-WATERSHED AND APPLICATION OF 3S TECHNOLOGY, VOL 2. 498-501. 2011
- The analysis for the Development and Network Application of Geographic Information System. 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATION (FCSA 2011), VOL 4. 211-214. 2011
- A 3-D indoor location tracking and visualization system based on wireless sensor networks. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2010
- A framework for service enterprise workflow simulation based on multi-agent cooperation. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2010
- An agent-based service-oriented approach for facility lifecycle information integration and decision supports. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2010
- Ontology fusion in HLA-based collaborative product development. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2010
- A Decision Support System for Integrating Corrective Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Condition-Based Maintenance. Construction Research Congress 2010. 470-479. 2010
- A New Approach for Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling. Construction Research Congress 2010. 1084-1093. 2010
- A Frame-based Ontological view Specification Language. The 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 228-233. 2010
- A dynamic critical path computation algorithm for enterprise process cooperative scheduling. The 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 606-610. 2010
- An approach on business process ontology for CSCW using PSL. The 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 239-244. 2010
- An interactive decision support method for multi-project schedule coordination. Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. 1382-1391. 2009
- A dynamic scheduling algorithm for time- and resource-constrained task networks. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4402-4407. 2009
- A testbed for localization and tracking in wireless sensor networks. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 3581-+. 2009
- An XML-based data interchange protocol and supporting systems for online customs declaration. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 3994-+. 2009
- An auction-based framework for integrated due date management. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4426-+. 2009
- Bidding languages for auction-based distributed scheduling. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4408-+. 2009
- Collaborative signal and information processing in wireless sensor networks: A review. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 3151-+. 2009
- Ontological view based semantic transformation for distributed systems. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4007-+. 2009
- A Dynamic Load Balancing Method for Spatial Data Network Service. 2009 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. 1-3. 2009
- A service-oriented city portal framework and collaborative development platform. Information Sciences. 2606-2617. 2009
- A Dynamic Load Balancing Method for Spatial data Network Service. 2009 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, NETWORKING AND MOBILE COMPUTING, VOLS 1-8. 5368-+. 2009
- A Novel Algorithm for Video Retrieval Using Video Metadata Information. 2009 First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science. 1059-1062. 2009
- A Tree Similarity Measuring Method and its Application to Ontology Comparison. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 1766-1781. 2009
- Instance-based domain ontological view creation. 2009 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 344-349. 2009
- Localization in cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks: A review. 2009 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 438-+. 2009
- Methodology towards the implementation of performance management for virtual enterprise. 2009 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 564-+. 2009
- Ontological View-Driven Semantic Integration in Collaborative Networks. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 311-318. 2009
- Service-Oriented Coordinated Intelligent Rational Agent model for distributed information systems. 2009 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 350-+. 2009
- Computer supported collaborative design: Retrospective and perspective. Computers in industry (Print). 855-862. 2008
- Implementing a hybrid simulation model for a Kanban-based material handling system. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 635-646. 2008
- Probing the C2 gene for novel deficiencies. Molecular Immunology. 4133-4133. 2008
- Wireless Video Surveillance Server Based on CDMA1x and H.264. 2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. 1-5. 2008
- Multi-model driven collaborative development platform for service-oriented e-Business systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 328-339. 2008
- Real time distributed shop floor scheduling using an agent-based service-oriented architecture. International Journal of Production Research. 2433-2452. 2008
- A global model based service-oriented software engineering platform. 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 379-+. 2008
- A multi-level matching framework for semantic web services in collaborative design. 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 392-+. 2008
- A new tree similarity measuring method and its application to ontology comparison. 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 258-263. 2008
- Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Conference Management System. 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 5-+. 2008
- Systems integration and collaboration in construction: A review. 2008 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 11-22. 2008
- An Adaptive Agent Negotiation Framework. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 238-249. 2008
- An Amphibian Service-Oriented Agent Model for Cooperative Distributed Systems. 2008 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering. 467-472. 2008
- Construction Process Automation: a Technology Outlook. PROCEEDINGS OF 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1 AND 2. 788-793. 2008
- Wireless Video Surveillance Server Based on CDMA1x and H.264. 2008 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, NETWORKING AND MOBILE COMPUTING, VOLS 1-31. 3305-3309. 2008
- Real-time video denoising arithmetic based on adaptive multi-layers background. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 78604-78604. 2007
- Content-Based Adaptive Intra Blocks Update for Robust Wireless Video Communications. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. 2915-2918. 2007
- Error-Resilient Video Compression via Forecast of Error Concealment Modes Based on Multiple State Streams and Even-Odd Filed. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. 2944-2947. 2007
- A scheduling algorithm for dynamic distributed manufacturing maintenance. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME. 33-40. 2007
- Simulating materials handling processes using both discrete event and agent-based technologies. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME. 441-448. 2007
- An agent-based service-oriented integration architecture for collaborative intelligent manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 315-325. 2007
- A winner determination algorithm for auction-based decentralized scheduling. Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems. 686-693. 2007
- A Framework for Adaptive Negotiation in Multi-Agent Systems. 2007 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 406-+. 2007
- A Workflow Simulation Framework Based on Multi-agent Cooperation. 2007 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 828-+. 2007
- Agent-Based Dynamic Scheduling Approach for Collaborative Manufacturing. 2007 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 445-+. 2007
- A Privacy-Based Brokering Architecture for Collaboration in Virtual Environments. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 283-290. 2007
- A Web Services-Based Architecture for Wide-Area Protection System Design and Simulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 469-478. 2007
- AdSCHE: An auction-based decentralized scheduling framework. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 3128-+. 2007
- AdSCHE: An auction-based decentralized scheduling framework. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2865-2870. 2007
- Agent-Based Integration of Collaborative Mobile Environment and Smartboard. ASME 2007 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. 439-445. 2007
- An Agent-Based Collaborative Enterprise Modeling Environment Supporting Enterprise Process Evolution. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 217-226. 2007
- Collaborative Workflow Technology for Design and Manufacturing Coordination: An Overview. ASME 2007 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. 447-454. 2007
- Computer Supported Collaborative Design: Review and Perspective. SAE Technical Papers. 2007
- Performance Evaluation of NS-2 Simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 1372-1375. 2007
- Preface. 2007 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. vi-vi. 2007
- An agent-based Web service workflow model for inter-enterprise collaboration. Expert Systems With Applications. 787-799. 2006
- CTH15-5: Rate Adaptation for Cooperative Systems. IEEE Globecom 2006. 1-8. 2006
- Agent-Based Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. 2006 First International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications. 8-9. 2006
- Renal insufficiency and failure associated with Lianbizhi Injection intravenous therapy. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 201-201. 2006
- Soluble dispersal mixture of chicken collagen type II: A novel potent drug for osteoarthritis treatment. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 434-434. 2006
- The effect of polymer beta peptide and pegylates on liver cancer recurrence and metastasis. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 62-62. 2006
- A Dynamic Evaluation Methodology for Enterprise Business Process. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1274-1279. 2006
- A Dynamic Evaluation Methodology for Enterprise Business Process. 1-6. 2006
- An Efficient Trust Model for Multi-Agent Systems. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1-6. 2006
- An Evolutionary Approach to Enterprise Process Collaborative Modeling Using Intelligent Software Agents. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1268-1273. 2006
- An Evolutionary Approach to Enterprise Process Collaborative Modeling Using Intelligent Software Agents. 1-6. 2006
- Capture Dynamic Aspects of Software Architecture for Distributed Self-Adaptive Environments. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1-6. 2006
- Multi-Model Driven Collaborative Development Platform for Service-Oriented e-Business Systems. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1-6. 2006
- Ontology as a Mechanism for Application Integration and Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative Design: A Review. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 843-849. 2006
- Web Services-Based Wide-Area Protection System Design and Simulation. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1-6. 2006
- A Service-Oriented Framework for Integration of Shop Floor Scheduling and Control. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 395-404. 2006
- A Simulation-Based Process Evaluation Approach to Enterprise Business Process Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 953-963. 2006
- A simulation-based dynamic evaluation methodology for enterprise process performance. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. 603-+. 2006
- Agent- Based Intelligent Media Distribution in Advertisement. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 203-212. 2006
- Agent-Based Approach for Dynamic Scheduling in Content-Based Networks. 2006 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE'06). 425-+. 2006
- Agent-Based Dynamic Manufacturing Scheduling. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Parts A and B. 957-964. 2006
- Agent-Based Personal Assistance in Collaborative Design Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 284-293. 2006
- An Agent-Based Simulation of A Jit Material Handling System. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 67-78. 2006
- An Internet-Based System Architecture for Collaborative Product Development. SAE Technical Papers. 2006
- An efficient trust model for multi-agent systems. 2006 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2. 659-664. 2006
- Architecture of a Web-Based Power SCADA System Using J2EE Technology. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 377-384. 2006
- CSCWD Working Group and Workshops/Conferences: Review and Perspective. 2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 1-8. 2006
- Capture dynamic aspects of software architecture for distributed self-adaptive environments. 2006 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2. 544-549. 2006
- FBD: A Function Block Designer for Distributed and Collaborative Process Planning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 434-444. 2006
- Making Manufacturing Changes Less Disruptive: Agent-Driven Integration. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 271-280. 2006
- Multi-model driven collaborative development platform for service-oriented e-business systems. 2006 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2. 141-146. 2006
- Ontology as a mechanism for application integration and knowledge sharing in collaborative design: A review. 2006 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2. 843-849. 2006
- Preface. 2006 First International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications. nil7-nil7. 2006
- Research on Internet-Based System Architecture for Collaborative Product Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 394-403. 2006
- Web services-based wide-area protection system design and simulation. 2006 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1 AND 2. 728-733. 2006
- Web-services infrastructure for information integration in power systems. 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting. 1-8. 2006
- Web-services infrastructure for information integration in power systems. 2006 POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, VOLS 1-9. 3135-+. 2006
- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design: Preface. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 2005
- An autonomous agent development environment for engineering applications. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 123-134. 2005
- A Web-Based Approach to Real-Time Machine Condition Monitoring and Control. Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Handling, Parts A and B. 641-646. 2005
- A synchronization device for resource sharing in multi-agent systems. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 475-480. 2005
- Agent based workflow ontology for dynamic business process composition. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 452-457. 2005
- Agent-Based Distributed Collaborative Monitoring and Maintenance in Manufacturing. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 129-138. 2005
- Agent-Oriented Manufacturing Scheduling Services for Enterprise Cooperation. SAE Technical Papers. 2005
- Agent-based scheduling mechanism for semiconductor manufacturing systems with temporal constraints. IEEE International Conference Mechatronics and Automation, 2005. 1123-1128. 2005
- Applying secret sharing schemes to service reputation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 696-703. 2005
- Collaborative product development in SMEs: requirements and a proposed solution. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 876-882. 2005
- Comments on the transfer of collective construction land in process of urbanization. PROCEEDINGS OF CRIOCM 2005 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND REAL ESTATE. 286-289. 2005
- Computer supported collaborative product development: a review. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 181-187. 2005
- Development of a function block designer for collaborative process planning. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 217-222. 2005
- Enhancing intelligent user assistance in collaborative design environments. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. 107-112. 2005
- Heuristic scheduling algorithm for flexible manufacturing systems with partially overlapping machine capabilities. IEEE International Conference Mechatronics and Automation, 2005. 1139-1144. 2005
- Implementing Inter-Enterprise Workflow Management Using Agent-Based Web Services. Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Handling, Parts A and B. 613-620. 2005
- Implementing collaborative manufacturing with intelligent Web services. The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'05). 1063-1069. 2005
- Negotiation in Agent Based Manufacturing Scheduling Using Auction Models. Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Handling, Parts A and B. 631-640. 2005
- Preface. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. vii-vii. 2005
- Preface. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005.. vii-vii. 2005
- Semantic Integration in Distributed Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 127-136. 2005
- CSCWD 2004 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design - Proceeding: Preface. CSCWD 2004 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design - Proceedings. 2004
- <title>A desired load distribution scheduling algorithm for general parallel machines</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 120-129. 2004
- <title>Solution space analysis of manufacturing scheduling problems</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 62-73. 2004
- A Multi-Agent Framework for Collaborative Engineering Design and Optimization. Volume 4: 24th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 337-346. 2004
- A Service Oriented Integration Framework for Blow Molded Automotive Parts Design and Optimization. SAE Technical Papers. 2004
- Agent-based information brokering for healthcare environments. SOFT COMPUTING WITH INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, VOL 17. 93-98. 2004
- An Agent-Based E-engineering Services Framework for Engineering Design and Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1016-1022. 2004
- Development of an e-engineering environment for mechanical systems design and optimization. 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 287-294. 2004
- Function-Block Enabled Job Shop Planning and Control With Uncertainty. Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Handling Engineering. 383-392. 2004
- Intelligent user assistance in collaborative design environments. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN, VOL 2. 259-266. 2004
- Model-Driven Agent-Based Web Services IDE. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 518-528. 2004
- Ontology-based semantic integration for cooperative distributed multidisciplinary design optimization environments. 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 209-214. 2004
- Preface. 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design CSCWD-04. v-v. 2004
- Robotic neurosurgery and clinical applications. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2004 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION. 114-119. 2004
- Stability analysis for high-order dynamic neural networks with time delays. IEEE ROBIO 2004: PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND BIOMIMETICS. 966-971. 2004
- Towards an Internet Enabled Cooperative Manufacturing Management Framework. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 191-200. 2004
- Trust management in collaborative agent-based systems. SOFT COMPUTING WITH INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, VOL 17. 87-92. 2004
- A Framework for Internet Based Product Information Sharing and Visualization. Volume 1: 23rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Parts A and B. 901-910. 2003
- A Sensor-Driven Approach to Distributed Shop Floor Planning and Control. Dynamic Systems and Control, Volumes 1 and 2. 1175-1182. 2003
- A desired load distribution model for agent-based distributed scheduling. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1229-1234. 2003
- A desired load distribution model for agent-based distributed scheduling. SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Conference Theme - System Security and Assurance (Cat. No.03CH37483). 1229-1234. 2003
- A security framework for collaborative distributed system control at the device-level. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). 192-198. 2003
- An adaptive negotiation framework for agent based dynamic manufacturing scheduling. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1211-1216. 2003
- Brokering Services in Cooperative Distributed Systems: Privacy-Based Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 435-444. 2003
- Cooperative Scheduling for Inter-Enterprise Manufacturing Resources Sharing. Volume 1: 23rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Parts A and B. 911-920. 2003
- DPP: An agent-based approach for distributed process planning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 429-439. 2003
- Distributed Management, Monitoring and Control of Manufacturing Shop Floors. Volume 1: 23rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Parts A and B. 927-936. 2003
- Distributed control architecture for collaborative physical robot agents. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 2977-2982. 2003
- System requirements: Products, processes and models - Report workshop 3/workgroup 1. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. 245-252. 2003
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design: Preface. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 2002
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design: Preface. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 2002
- A Distributed Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Framework Based on Web and Agents. Volume 1: 22nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 411-418. 2002
- CODA: a collaboration oriented data agent. The 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 252-257. 2002
- Distributed and dynamic task reallocation in robot organizations. 2002 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION, VOLS I-IV, PROCEEDINGS. 1019-1024. 2002
- Dynamic distributed resource allocation: A distributed constraint satisfaction approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 264-276. 2002
- Simulating self-organization for multi-robot systems. 2002 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-3, PROCEEDINGS. 2776-2781. 2002
- Simulating self-organization with the digital hormone model. MULTI-ROBOT SYSTEMS: FROM SWARMS TO INTELLIGENT AUTOMATA. 149-157. 2002
- WebBlow: a Web/agent based MDO environment. The 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 245-251. 2002
- Wise-ShopFloor: a web-based and sensor-driven shop floor environment. The 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 413-418. 2002
- <title>XML-based message services for Internet-based intelligent shop floors</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 135-144. 2001
- A Web-based collaborative workspace using Java 3D. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE Cat. No.01EX472). 77-82. 2001
- Integration of workflow and agent technology for business process management. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE Cat. No.01EX472). 420-426. 2001
- Numerical simulation of powder transfer and compaction based on continuum model. SIMULATION OF MATERIALS PROCESSING: THEORY, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS. 1027-1032. 2001
- <title>Internet-enabled collaborative agent-based supply chains</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 96-105. 2000
- An infrastructure for flexible, modular, multi-user intelligent interfaces. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 739-744. 2000
- Learning team coordination constraints through execution. Proceedings Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems. 417-418. 2000
- Reference architecture for internet-based intelligent shop floors. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 63-72. 2000
- Towards large-scale conflict resolution: initial results. Proceedings Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems. 403-404. 2000
- Virtual organizations in collaborative design and manufacturing systems. PROCEEDINGS OF FOURTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CSCW IN DESIGN. 177-183. 1999
- Combining mediation and bidding mechanisms for agent-based manufacturing scheduling (poster). Proceedings of the second international conference on Autonomous agents - AGENTS '98. 469-470. 1998
- An experimental environment for exchanging engineering design knowledge by cognitive agents. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 19-38. 1997
- Facilitators, mediators or autonomous agents. PROCEEDINGS OF SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CSCW IN DESIGN. 119-124. 1997
- <title>Experimental distributed environment for engineering design</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 649-656. 1996
journal articles
- A multi-agent reinforcement learning based scheduling strategy for flexible job shops under machine breakdowns. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 93:102923. 2025
- Integrated optimization of storage space allocation and crane scheduling in automated storage and retrieval systems. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 93. 2025
- A bottleneck-aware two-stage evolutionary algorithm for heat pipe-constrained component layout optimization. Expert Systems With Applications. 272:126636. 2025
- Federated learning-empowered smart manufacturing and product lifecycle management: A review. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 65:103179. 2025
- Agent-based digital twins for collaborative machine intelligence solutions. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 7. 2025
- Maximize the Value of Goal-Driven UAV Network Operations Based on Network Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review. IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems. PP:1-1. 2025
- Toward Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Fault Diagnosis: A Multisource Multitarget Method. IEEE Sensors Journal. 25:1994-2007. 2025
- VarAD: Lightweight High-Resolution Image Anomaly Detection via Visual Autoregressive Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. PP. 2025
- An improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II for distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow-shop scheduling with blocking constraints. Journal of manufacturing systems. 77:990-1008. 2024
- Asymptotic behavior of complete conformal metric near singular boundary. Advances in Mathematics. 458:109977. 2024
- Communication-Dependent Computing Resource Management for Concurrent Task Orchestration in IoT Systems. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 23:14297-14312. 2024
- Complementary pseudo multimodal feature for point cloud anomaly detection. Pattern Recognition. 156:110761-110761. 2024
- Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Multi-Objective Scheduling for Distributed Heterogeneous Hybrid Flow Shops with Blocking Constraints. Engineering. 2024
- A Discrete Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problems with Batch Production at Last Stage in the Steelmaking-Refining-Continuous Casting Process.. Sensors. 24:7137. 2024
- A Two‐Step Approach to Extracting Sandy Beaches Through Integrating Spatial Semantic Information From Open‐Source Geospatial Datasets. Transactions in GIS. 28:2379-2396. 2024
- CFSPT: A lightweight cross-machine model for compound fault diagnosis of machine-level motors. Information Fusion. 111:102490-102490. 2024
- Knowledge Distillation-Based Spatio-Temporal MLP Model for Real-Time Traffic Flow Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25:18122-18135. 2024
- Generative Denoise Distillation: Simple stochastic noises induce efficient knowledge transfer for dense prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems. 302. 2024
- A path relinking with tabu search algorithm for solving hybrid flow shop scheduling problem considering multiple critical paths. Computers & Operations Research. 170:106783-106783. 2024
- FedITA: A cloud-edge collaboration framework for domain generalization-based federated fault diagnosis of machine-level industrial motors. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 62. 2024
- Prototypical Learning Guided Context-Aware Segmentation Network for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection.. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. PP:1-11. 2024
- Review of manufacturing system design in the interplay of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 (Part I): Design thinking and modeling methods. Journal of manufacturing systems. 76:158-187. 2024
- The Loewner-Nirenberg problem in cones. Journal of Functional Analysis. 287:110566-110566. 2024
- BearingFM: Towards a foundation model for bearing fault diagnosis by domain knowledge and contrastive learning. International Journal of Production Economics. 275:109319-109319. 2024
- A federated cross-machine diagnostic framework for machine-level motors with extreme label shortage. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 61:102511-102511. 2024
- A DRL-Based Reactive Scheduling Policy for Flexible Job Shops With Random Job Arrivals. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 21:2912-2923. 2024
- A matheuristic with re-lot-sizing strategies for flexible job-shop rescheduling problem with lot-streaming and machine reconfigurations. European Journal of Operational Research. 319:747-762. 2024
- A real-time anchor-free defect detector with global and local feature enhancement for surface defect detection. Expert Systems With Applications. 246:123199-123199. 2024
- Cross-Domain Compound Fault Diagnosis of Machine-Level Motors via Time–Frequency Self-Contrastive Learning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 20:9692-9701. 2024
- Flexible job-shop scheduling problem with variable lot-sizing: An early release policy-based matheuristic. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 193:110290-110290. 2024
- A data and knowledge driven autonomous intelligent manufacturing system for intelligent factories. Journal of manufacturing systems. 74:512-526. 2024
- Early fault detection for rolling bearings: A meta‐learning approach. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 6. 2024
- Domain generalization for cross-domain fault diagnosis: An application-oriented perspective and a benchmark study. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 245:109964-109964. 2024
- SCCAM: Supervised Contrastive Convolutional Attention Mechanism for Ante-Hoc Interpretable Fault Diagnosis With Limited Fault Samples. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 35:6194-6205. 2024
- A federated distillation domain generalization framework for machinery fault diagnosis with data privacy. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 130:107765-107765. 2024
- BiaS: Incorporating Biased Knowledge to Boost Unsupervised Image Anomaly Localization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 54:2342-2353. 2024
- MJAR: A novel joint generalization-based diagnosis method for industrial robots with compound faults. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 86:102668-102668. 2024
- Early Fault Detection via Multiple Feature Fusion and Ensemble Learning. IEEE Sensors Journal. 24:7196-7204. 2024
- Graph Convolutional Network Aided Inverse Graph Partitioning for Resource Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 20:3082-3091. 2024
- MSiT: A Cross-Machine Fault Diagnosis Model for Machine-Level CNC Spindle Motors. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 73:792-802. 2024
- Federated Domain Generalization: A Secure and Robust Framework for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 20:2662-2670. 2024
- A Shape-constrained Transfer Temporal Transformer Network for remaining useful life prediction of rotating machines. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 224:113857-113857. 2024
- Deep Learning-Based Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using a Trusted Multiscale Quadratic Attention-Embedded Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 73:1-15. 2024
- DuAK: Reinforcement Learning-Based Knowledge Graph Reasoning for Steel Surface Defect Detection. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 22:1-13. 2024
- Game Theory Based Dynamic Event-Driven Service Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 21:618-629. 2024
- Generative and Contrastive Combined Support Sample Synthesis Model for Few-/Zero-Shot Surface Defect Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 73:1-15. 2024
- Imbalanced domain generalization via Semantic-Discriminative augmentation for intelligent fault diagnosis. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 59:102262-102262. 2024
- LogiCode: An LLM-Driven Framework for Logical Anomaly Detection. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. PP:1-0. 2024
- Multi-domain Class-imbalance Generalization with Fault Relationship-induced Augmentation for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 73:1-1. 2024
- Optimal Measurement Geometry Directed Integrated Localization and Synchronization in Large-Scale Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23:1-1. 2024
- Prior Normality Prompt Transformer for Multiclass Industrial Image Anomaly Detection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 20:1-11. 2024
- Surrogate-Assisted Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization With Pareto Front Model-Based Local Search Method. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 54:173-186. 2024
- A hybrid genetic algorithm for distributed hybrid blocking flowshop scheduling problem. Journal of manufacturing systems. 71:390-405. 2023
- Elite solutions and Tabu assisted variable neighbourhood descent for rescheduling problems in the steelmaking-refining-continuous casting process. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. 35:1139-1174. 2023
- Integration of deep reinforcement learning and multi-agent system for dynamic scheduling of re-entrant hybrid flow shop considering worker fatigue and skill levels. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 84:102605-102605. 2023
- MSRCN: A cross-machine diagnosis method for the CNC spindle motors with compound faults. Expert Systems With Applications. 233:120957-120957. 2023
- Towards resilience in Industry 5.0: A decentralized autonomous manufacturing paradigm. Journal of manufacturing systems. 71:95-114. 2023
- A masked reverse knowledge distillation method incorporating global and local information for image anomaly detection. Knowledge-Based Systems. 280:110982-110982. 2023
- Collaborative Discrepancy Optimization for Reliable Image Anomaly Localization. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 19:10674-10683. 2023
- Dual deep reinforcement learning agents-based integrated order acceptance and scheduling of mass individualized prototyping. Journal of Cleaner Production. 427:139249-139249. 2023
- A matheuristic for flexible job shop scheduling problem with lot-streaming and machine reconfigurations. International Journal of Production Research. 61:6565-6588. 2023
- A variable neighborhood search algorithm for airport ferry vehicle scheduling problem. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. 154:104262-104262. 2023
- Toward Energy-Efficient Routing of Multiple AGVs with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. Sensors. 23:5615-5615. 2023
- An improved NSGA-II with local search for multi-objective integrated production and inventory scheduling problem. Journal of manufacturing systems. 68:99-116. 2023
- Industrial‐generative pre‐trained transformer for intelligent manufacturing systems. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 5. 2023
- Surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary optimization with a multi-offspring method and two infill criteria. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 79:101315-101315. 2023
- Cooperative Platoon Formation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Toward Efficient Merging Coordination at Unsignalized Intersections. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 24:5625-5639. 2023
- Agent-based simulation and optimization of hybrid flow shop considering multi-skilled workers and fatigue factors. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 80:102478-102478. 2023
- Mutual-assistance semisupervised domain generalization network for intelligent fault diagnosis under unseen working conditions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 189:110074-110074. 2023
- A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Using Two Solution Representations for Hybrid Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 53:1752-1764. 2023
- A novel partial point cloud registration method based on graph attention network. Visual Computer. 39:1109-1120. 2023
- Adversarial Mutual Information-Guided Single Domain Generalization Network for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 19:2909-2918. 2023
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Intelligent Manufacturing. Engineering. 22:1-2. 2023
- Flexible Resource Scheduling for Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing with Edge Computing. Engineering. 22:60-70. 2023
- Flexible Resource Scheduling for Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing with Edge Computing. Engineering. 22:60-70. 2023
- A Novel Curve Pattern Recognition Framework for Hot-Rolling Slab Camber. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 19:1270-1278. 2023
- Active federated transfer algorithm based on broad learning for fault diagnosis. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 208:112452-112452. 2023
- Automated broad transfer learning for cross-domain fault diagnosis. Journal of manufacturing systems. 66:27-41. 2023
- Few-Shot Learning for Fault Diagnosis With a Dual Graph Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 19:1559-1568. 2023
- Active Broad-Transfer Learning Algorithm for Class-Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 72:1-16. 2023
- CBASH: A CareBot-Assisted Smart Home System Architecture to Support Aging-in-Place. IEEE Access. 11:33542-33553. 2023
- Game-Based Collaborative Scheduling With Fuzzy Uncertain Migration in Cloud Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 21:1-13. 2023
- A Coevolutionary Algorithm for Cooperative Platoon Formation of Connected and Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71:12461-12474. 2022
- A novel vision-based multi-task robotic grasp detection method for multi-object scenes. Science China Information Sciences. 65. 2022
- A balanced and weighted alignment network for partial transfer fault diagnosis. ISA Transactions. 130:449-462. 2022
- A survey of optimization methods for Block Relocation and PreMarshalling Problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 172:108529-108529. 2022
- Adaptive open set domain generalization network: Learning to diagnose unknown faults under unknown working conditions. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 226:108672-108672. 2022
- Cloud-edge-device collaboration mechanisms of deep learning models for smart robots in mass personalization. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 77:102351-102351. 2022
- GON: End-to-end optimization framework for constraint graph optimization problems. Knowledge-Based Systems. 254:109697-109697. 2022
- Industrial big data-driven mechanical performance prediction for hot-rolling steel using lower upper bound estimation method. Journal of manufacturing systems. 65:104-114. 2022
- A deep reinforcement learning based approach for dynamic distributed blocking flowshop scheduling with job insertions. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 4:166-180. 2022
- Active label-denoising algorithm based on broad learning for annotation of machine health status. Science China Technological Sciences. 65:2089-2104. 2022
- Resetting Weight Vectors in MOEA/D for Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Discontinuous Pareto Front. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 52:9770-9783. 2022
- A domain generalization network combing invariance and specificity towards real-time intelligent fault diagnosis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 173:108990-108990. 2022
- Informative knowledge distillation for image anomaly segmentation. Knowledge-Based Systems. 248:108846-108846. 2022
- Intelligent manufacturing system with human-cyber-physical fusion and collaboration for process fine control. Journal of manufacturing systems. 64:149-169. 2022
- Special Issue on the 2020 International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 19:1309-1311. 2022
- A one-class Shapelet dictionary learning method for wind turbine bearing anomaly detection. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 197:111318-111318. 2022
- Dual adversarial network for cross-domain open set fault diagnosis. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 221:108358-108358. 2022
- Hybrid Loss-Constrained Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks for Cervical Cell Classification. Sensors. 22:3272-3272. 2022
- Adaptive gradient descent enabled ant colony optimization for routing problems. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 70:101046-101046. 2022
- A novel intelligent manufacturing mode with human-cyber-physical collaboration and fusion in the non-ferrous metal industry. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 119:549-569. 2022
- Knowledge transfer in fault diagnosis of rotary machines. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 4:17-34. 2022
- ε-Constrained Differential Evolution Using an Adaptive ε-Level Control Method. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 52:769-785. 2022
- L2-Norm Shapelet Dictionary Learning-Based Bearing-Fault Diagnosis in Uncertain Working Conditions. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22:2647-2657. 2022
- A Cognitive Digital Twins Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration. Procedia Computer Science. 200:1867-1874. 2022
- A collaborative design platform for new alloy material development. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 51:101488-101488. 2022
- A novel partial-to-partial registration method based on sampling network. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 82:103411-103411. 2022
- An Early Fault Detection Method of Rotating Machines Based on Unsupervised Sequence Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 71:1-12. 2022
- An improved genetic algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problem considering reconfigurable machine tools with limited auxiliary modules. Journal of manufacturing systems. 62:650-667. 2022
- Hidden Path Selection Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 60:1-15. 2022
- Industrial IoT-Enabled Prediction Interval Estimation of Mechanical Performances for Hot-Rolling Steel. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 71:1-10. 2022
- Lightweight convolutional neural network with knowledge distillation for cervical cells classification. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 71:103177-103177. 2022
- Rocaglamide promotes the infiltration and antitumor immunity of NK cells by activating cGAS-STING signaling in non-small cell lung cancer. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 18:585-598. 2022
- A dual-view alignment-based domain adaptation network for fault diagnosis. Measurement Science and Technology. 32:115102-115102. 2021
- Integrated optimization of storage location assignment and crane scheduling in an unmanned slab yard. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 161:107623-107623. 2021
- Rigidity and gap theorems for Liouville's equation. Journal of Functional Analysis. 281:109228-109228. 2021
- Boundary layer separation and local behavior for the Steady Prandtl equation. Advances in Mathematics. 389:107896-107896. 2021
- Corrigendum to “Digital twins-based remote semi-physical commissioning of flow-type smart manufacturing systems”. J. Clean. Prod. 306 (2021) 127278. Journal of Cleaner Production. 320:128836-128836. 2021
- Corrigendum to “digital twins-based smart manufacturing system design in industry 4.0: A review’’ [J. Manuf. Syst. 60 (2021) 119–137]. Journal of manufacturing systems. 61:866-866. 2021
- A multi-representation-based domain adaptation network for fault diagnosis. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 182:109650-109650. 2021
- A hybrid Jaya algorithm for solving flexible job shop scheduling problem considering multiple critical paths. Journal of manufacturing systems. 60:298-311. 2021
- Digital twins-based remote semi-physical commissioning of flow-type smart manufacturing systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 306:127278-127278. 2021
- Digital twins-based smart manufacturing system design in Industry 4.0: A review. Journal of manufacturing systems. 60:119-137. 2021
- Game theory based multi-task scheduling of decentralized 3D printing services in cloud manufacturing. Neurocomputing. 446:74-85. 2021
- A Multi-Layer Collaboration Framework for Industrial Parks with 5G Vehicle-to-Everything Networks. Engineering. 7:818-831. 2021
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Intelligent Manufacturing. Engineering. 7:704-705. 2021
- A comparative study of pre-screening strategies within a surrogate-assisted multi-objective algorithm framework for computationally expensive problems. Neural Computing and Applications. 33:4387-4416. 2021
- A discrete whale swarm algorithm for hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem with limited buffers. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 68:102081-102081. 2021
- A Surrogate-Assisted Multiswarm Optimization Algorithm for High-Dimensional Computationally Expensive Problems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 51:1390-1402. 2021
- Grain‐sized moxibustion promotes NK cell antitumour immunity by inhibiting adrenergic signalling in non–small cell lung cancer. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 25:2900-2908. 2021
- Mobility-as-a-Service research trends of 5G-based vehicle platooning. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 15:1-3. 2021
- On the Negativity of Ricci Curvatures of Complete Conformal Metrics. Peking Mathematical Journal. 4:83-117. 2021
- Two infill criteria driven surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for computationally expensive problems with medium dimensions. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 60:100774-100774. 2021
- Guest Editorial Special Section on 2019 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 18:216-217. 2021
- Machine Learning-Based Prognostics for Central Heating and Cooling Plant Equipment Health Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 18:346-355. 2021
- Predictive Modeling With an Adaptive Unsupervised Broad Transfer Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 70:1-12. 2021
- Solving the Problem of Stacking Goods: Mathematical Model, Heuristics and a Case Study in Container Stacking in Ports. IEEE Access. 9:25330-25343. 2021
- Time Series Classification by Shapelet Dictionary Learning with SVM‐Based Ensemble Classifier. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2021. 2021
- Exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells inhibit neointimal hyperplasia by activating the Erk1/2 signalling pathway in rats. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 11:220. 2020
- A Metadata Inference Method for Building Automation Systems With Limited Semantic Information. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 17:2107-2119. 2020
- A Method for Transportation Planning and Profit Sharing in Collaborative Multi-Carrier Vehicle Routing. Mathematics. 8:1788-1788. 2020
- A novel robotic grasp detection method based on region proposal networks. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 65:101963-101963. 2020
- Improving Computer-Aided Cervical Cells Classification Using Transfer Learning Based Snapshot Ensemble. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:7292-7292. 2020
- Structure Dictionary Learning-Based Multimode Process Monitoring and its Application to Aluminum Electrolysis Process. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 17:1989-2003. 2020
- The Loewner-Nirenberg problem in singular domains. Journal of Functional Analysis. 279:108604-108604. 2020
- A Conflict Duration Graph-Based Coordination Method for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signal-Free Intersections. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:6223-6223. 2020
- A fast surrogate-assisted particle swarm optimization algorithm for computationally expensive problems. Applied Soft Computing. 92:106303-106303. 2020
- Towards IoT-enabled dynamic service optimal selection in multiple manufacturing clouds. Journal of manufacturing systems. 56:213-226. 2020
- Address business crisis caused by COVID‐19 with collaborative intelligent manufacturing technologies. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 2:96-99. 2020
- Modularity-Based Incremental Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:4060-4060. 2020
- A Novel Point Cloud Encoding Method Based on Local Information for 3D Classification and Segmentation. Sensors. 20:2501-2501. 2020
- Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Classification Based on Difference and Intersection Set Distance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69:2487-2500. 2020
- Online Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Transfer Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 69:509-520. 2020
- Product Deterioration Based Demand Forecasting and Service Supply Model for MRO Service Chain. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 67:187-200. 2020
- Promoting opposite diffusion and efficient conversion of polysulfides in “Trap” Fe C-Doped asymmetric porous membranes as integrated electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal. 382:122858-122858. 2020
- Recommending Mobile Services with Trustworthy QoS and Dynamic User Preferences via FAHP and Ordinal Utility Function. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 19:419-431. 2020
- 5G Applications of Intelligent Manufacturing Scenarios. Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering. 31:227-236. 2020
- Big Data Driven Edge-Cloud Collaboration Architecture for Cloud Manufacturing: A Software Defined Perspective. IEEE Access. 8:45938-45950. 2020
- Minimal graphs in the hyperbolic space with singular asymptotic boundaries. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations. 58. 2019
- Potential applications of 5G communication technologies in collaborative intelligent manufacturing. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing. 1:109-116. 2019
- A novel performance evaluation model for MRO management indicators of high-end equipment. International Journal of Production Research. 57:6740-6757. 2019
- A Two-Level WiFi Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization Method for Dangerous Area Monitoring. Sensors. 19:4243-4243. 2019
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Intelligent Manufacturing. Engineering. 5:595-596. 2019
- New Trends in Intelligent Manufacturing. Engineering. 5:619-620. 2019
- Text-mining building maintenance work orders for component fault frequency. Building Research & Information. 47:518-533. 2019
- Fe3C-doped asymmetric porous carbon membrane binder-free integrated materials as high performance anodes of lithium-ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal. 368:310-320. 2019
- IL‐25 promotes cisplatin resistance of lung cancer cells by activating NF‐κB signaling pathway to increase of major vault protein. Cancer Medicine. 8:3491-3501. 2019
- Detection and interpretation of anomalies in building energy use through inverse modeling. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 25:488-503. 2019
- Internet of Things in Marine Environment Monitoring: A Review. Sensors. 19:1711-1711. 2019
- Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest Ensemble Learning. Sensors. 19:1088-1088. 2019
- Refined asymptotics for minimal graphs in the hyperbolic space. Science China Mathematics. 62:381-390. 2019
- Data analytics to improve building performance: A critical review. Automation in Construction. 97:96-109. 2019
- Link Prediction Based on Community Information and Its Parallelization. IEEE Access. 7:62633-62645. 2019
- Mobile Device Detection Through WiFi Probe Request Analysis. IEEE Access. 7:98579-98588. 2019
- A sensor fusion and support vector machine based approach for recognition of complex machining conditions. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 29:1739-1752. 2018
- Agent-Oriented Cooperative Smart Objects: From IoT System Design to Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 48:1939-1956. 2018
- Energy and comfort performance benefits of early detection of building sensor and actuator faults. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 39:652-666. 2018
- A real time machining error compensation method based on dynamic features for cutting force induced elastic deformation in flank milling. Machining Science and Technology. 22:766-786. 2018
- DynSig: Modelling Dynamic Signaling Alterations along Gene Pathways for Identifying Differential Pathways. Genes. 9:323-323. 2018
- Visual object tracking by correlation filters and online learning. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 140:77-89. 2018
- Blackbox modeling of central heating and cooling plant equipment performance. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. 24:396-409. 2018
- Modelling and analysis of unsolicited temperature setpoint change requests in office buildings. Building and Environment. 133:203-212. 2018
- Boundary behaviors for Liouville's equation in planar singular domains. Journal of Functional Analysis. 274:1790-1824. 2018
- Special Issue on Service-Oriented Collaborative Computing and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 11:277-278. 2018
- A Collaborative PHY-Aided Technique for End-to-End IoT Device Authentication. IEEE Access. 6:42279-42293. 2018
- A practical solution for HVAC prognostics: Failure mode and effects analysis in building maintenance. Journal of Building Engineering. 15:26-32. 2018
- Anisotropic-Scale Junction Detection and Matching for Indoor Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 27:78-91. 2018
- The Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Key Issues and Potential Applications. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine. 4:6-15. 2018
- Improving GRN re‐construction by mining hidden regulatory signals. IET Systems Biology. 11:174-181. 2017
- Connected and Distributed Sensing in Buildings: Improving Operation and Maintenance. IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine. 3:27-34. 2017
- An expert knowledge-based dynamic maintenance task assignment model using discrete stress–strength interference theory. Knowledge-Based Systems. 131:135-148. 2017
- Research of incoherence rotated chaotic measurement matrix in compressed sensing. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 76:17699-17717. 2017
- Where are you going? An agent inclusive approach for path predictions in crowd. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 26:1-1. 2017
- Leveraging existing occupancy-related data for optimal control of commercial office buildings: A review. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 33:230-242. 2017
- An improved stochastic programming model for supply chain planning of MRO spare parts. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 47:189-207. 2017
- Retrieving Aerial Scene Images with Learned Deep Image-Sketch Features. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 32:726-737. 2017
- A user behavior prediction model based on parallel neural network and k-nearest neighbor algorithms. Cluster Computing. 20:1703-1715. 2017
- Characterization of a building's operation using automation data: A review and case study. Building and Environment. 118:196-210. 2017
- Towards product customization and personalization in IoT-enabled cloud manufacturing. Cluster Computing. 20:1717-1730. 2017
- Inverse blackbox modeling of the heating and cooling load in office buildings. Energy and Buildings. 142:200-210. 2017
- StrandAdvantage test for early‐line and advanced‐stage treatment decisions in solid tumors. Cancer Medicine. 6:883-901. 2017
- A dynamic spare parts ordering and pricing policy based on stochastic programming with multi-choice parameters. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. 23:196-221. 2017
- Testing the accuracy of low-cost data streams for determining single-person office occupancy and their use for energy reduction of building services. Energy and Buildings. 135:137-147. 2017
- Adaptive modelling of gene regulatory network using Bayesian information criterion‐guided sparse regression approach. IET Systems Biology. 10:252-259. 2016
- An IoT-Based Online Monitoring System for Continuous Steel Casting. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 3:1355-1363. 2016
- A hybrid framework for integrating multiple manufacturing clouds. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 86:895-911. 2016
- Evacuation path optimization based on quantum ant colony algorithm. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 30:259-267. 2016
- Guest Editorial Special Section on Advances and Applications of Internet of Things for Smart Automated Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 13:1225-1229. 2016
- A new method to identify collaborative partners in social service provider networks. Information Systems Frontiers. 18:565-578. 2016
- A quantum multi-agent based neural network model for failure prediction. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 25:210-228. 2016
- Special issue editorial on advances in collaborative systems engineering for product design, production and service network. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 25:139-141. 2016
- A Discrete Stress–Strength Interference Theory-Based Dynamic Supplier Selection Model for Maintenance Service Outsourcing. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 63:189-200. 2016
- A methodology for developing clinical collaborative communication systems. Cluster Computing. 19:223-235. 2016
- An Intents-based approach for dynamic service discovery. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 10:19-34. 2016
- Optimal regularity of minimal graphs in the hyperbolic space. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations. 55. 2016
- Emerging Trends in Mobile Collaborative Systems. Mobile Information Systems. 2016:1-2. 2016
- Inter-Person Occlusion Handling with Social Interaction for Online Multi-Pedestrian Tracking. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E99.D:3165-3171. 2016
- IoT-enabled dynamic service selection across multiple manufacturing clouds. Manufacturing Letters. 7:22-25. 2016
- Modeling Random Forwarding Actions for Information Diffusion over Mobile Social Networks. Mobile Information Systems. 2016:1-19. 2016
- A distributed frequent itemset mining algorithm using Spark for Big Data analytics. Cluster Computing. 18:1493-1501. 2015
- Piezosurgical Suturectomy and Sutural Distraction Osteogenesis for the Treatment of Unilateral Coronal Synostosis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. 3:e475-e475. 2015
- Dynamic feature modelling for closed-loop machining process control of complex parts. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 28:753-765. 2015
- A Feature-Enhanced Remote Machining Process Monitoring Method. Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 12:320-326. 2015
- A new pedestrian detection method based on combined HOG and LSS features. Neurocomputing. 151:1006-1014. 2015
- Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications. Information Fusion. 22:1-2. 2015
- Interim feature-based cutting parameter optimization for aircraft structural parts. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 77:663-676. 2015
- Repair Lower Face Defect With an Expanded Flap From Submental and Submandibular Region in Children. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 26:333-335. 2015
- An integrated feature-based dynamic control system for on-line machining, inspection and monitoring. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 22:187-200. 2015
- Feature Selection and Pedestrian Detection Based on Sparse Representation. PLoS ONE. 10:e0134242-e0134242. 2015
- Integrated manufacturing process planning and control based on intelligent agents and multi-dimension features. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 75:1457-1471. 2014
- Multi-granularity resource virtualization and sharing strategies in cloud manufacturing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 46:72-82. 2014
- Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks in Marine Environment Monitoring: A Survey. Sensors. 14:16932-16954. 2014
- Security Versus Reliability Analysis of Opportunistic Relaying. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 63:2653-2661. 2014
- A method for transformation of engineering bill of materials to maintenance bill of materials. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 30:142-149. 2014
- Editorial. Expert Systems With Applications. 41:931-933. 2014
- An Adaptive Intent Resolving Scheme for Service Discovery and Integration. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 20:1791-1812. 2014
- Collaborative Computing and Applications J.UCS Special Issue. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 20:1708-1711. 2014
- Physical-Layer Security with Multiuser Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 61:5103-5113. 2013
- Collaboration computing technologies and applications. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 36:1577-1578. 2013
- Collaboration technologies and applications. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 36:1403-1404. 2013
- Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 31:2099-2111. 2013
- A feature-based method for NC machining time estimation. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 29:8-14. 2013
- Collaborative computing technologies and systems. Journal of Systems and Software. 86:1725-1726. 2013
- Ontology Fusion in High-Level-Architecture-Based Collaborative Engineering Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 43:2-13. 2013
- Ontology maintenance in high level architecture federation development and execution process. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 20:79-94. 2013
- A Postprocessor for Generating Multi-Axis Polynomial Interpolation NC Machining Program. Advanced Materials Research. 548:479-483. 2012
- Wireless Sensor Network Reliability and Security in Factory Automation: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 42:1243-1256. 2012
- A hierarchical federated integration architecture for collaborative product development. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 25:901-913. 2012
- Special Issue on Collaborative Manufacturing and Supply Chains. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 25:853-854. 2012
- A loosely coupled system integration approach for decision support in facility management and maintenance. Automation in Construction. 25:41-48. 2012
- A quality of service (QoS)-aware execution plan selection approach for a service composition process. Future generations computer systems. 28:1080-1089. 2012
- Special Section: QoS in Grid and Cloud. Future generations computer systems. 28:1003-1004. 2012
- A divide and conquer-based greedy search for two-machine no-wait job shop problems with makespan minimisation. International Journal of Production Research. 50:2692-2704. 2012
- A fuzzy matchmaking approach for Semantic Web Services with application to collaborative material selection. Computers in industry (Print). 63:193-209. 2012
- Collaborative computing and applications. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 35:1-2. 2012
- Frame-based ontological view for semantic integration. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 35:121-131. 2012
- Ontology-based interoperation model of collaborative product development. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 35:132-144. 2012
- Due-Date Management Through Iterative Bidding. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 41:1182-1198. 2011
- Swarm behavior control of mobile multi-robots with wireless sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 34:1398-1407. 2011
- Effective genetic algorithm for resource-constrained project scheduling with limited preemptions. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2:55-65. 2011
- Guest Editorial Forward to the Special Issue on Systems Integration and Collaboration in Design, Manufacturing, and Services. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 41:281-283. 2011
- Instance-based domain ontological view creation towards semantic integration. Expert Systems With Applications. 38:1193-1202. 2011
- Special issue on intelligent collaboration and design. Expert Systems With Applications. 38:1077-1078. 2011
- CSCWD: Applications and Challenges J.UCS Special Issue. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 17:162-163. 2011
- CSCWD: New Applications and Challenges J.UCS Special Issue. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 17:1884-1886. 2011
- Task network-based project dynamic scheduling and schedule coordination. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 24:417-427. 2010
- Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 65:361-363. 2010
- Enabling technologies for collaborative design. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 24:119-120. 2010
- Systems integration and collaboration in architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management: A review. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 24:196-207. 2010
- A Flexible Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm for Dynamic Service Selection with Global QoS Optimization. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 11:13-17. 2010
- Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome With Partial Resection of Tumor, Reduction of Tumor Blood, and Vincristine Chemotherapy. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 21:215-216. 2010
- An weighted ontology-based semantic similarity algorithm for web service. Expert Systems With Applications. 36:12480-12490. 2009
- A semantic-augmented multi-level matching model of Web services. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 3:205-215. 2009
- Privacy-based computation model in e-business. International Journal of Production Research. 47:4885-4906. 2009
- Collaborative engineering: From concurrent engineering to enterprise collaboration. Computers in industry (Print). 60:365-366. 2009
- Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Techniques and applications. Information Sciences. 179:2513-2514. 2009
- Constraint-Based Winner Determination for Auction-Based Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 39:609-618. 2009
- CSCWD Technologies, Applications and Challenges. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 15:1744-1745. 2009
- Collaborative design: New methodologies and technologies. Computers in industry (Print). 59:853-854. 2008
- A Business Process Intelligence System for Enterprise Process Performance Management. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 38:745-756. 2008
- An approach to enterprise process dynamic modeling supporting enterprise process evolution. Information Systems Frontiers. 10:611-624. 2008
- Special issue on multi-agent and holonic systems in manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 24:595-596. 2008
- Special Issue on collaborative design and manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 22:281-281. 2008
- Anti-proliferative and chemosensitizing effects of luteolin on human gastric cancer AGS cell line. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 313:125-132. 2008
- Enabling technologies and frameworks for collaborative intelligent manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research. 46:2329-2331. 2008
- Distributed Scheduling for Reactive Maintenance of Complex Systems. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 38:269-273. 2008
- Reconfigurable manufacturing systems: the state of the art. International Journal of Production Research. 46:967-992. 2008
- A Multiagent-Based Decision-Making System for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication With Hard Temporal Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. 21:83-91. 2008
- A methodology for dynamic enterprise process performance evaluation. Computers in industry (Print). 58:474-485. 2007
- Special Issue on techniques to support collaborative engineering environments. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 21:181-181. 2007
- Parallel thalamocortical pathways for echolocation and passive sound localization in a gleaning bat, Antrozous pallidus. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 500:322-338. 2007
- A novel function block based integration approach to process planning and scheduling with execution control. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 11:228-228. 2007
- Editorial. Computers in industry (Print). 57:677-678. 2006
- Personal assistant agents for collaborative design environments. Computers in industry (Print). 57:732-739. 2006
- eMarketplace model: An architecture for collaborative supply chain management and integration. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 28:29-62. 2006
- Book review. International Journal of Production Research. 44:4695-4696. 2006
- Special issue – CSCWD 2005. Expert Systems With Applications. 31:661-662. 2006
- Applications of agent-based systems in intelligent manufacturing: An updated review. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 20:415-431. 2006
- Agent-based distributed manufacturing process planning and scheduling: a state-of-the-art survey. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 36:563-577. 2006
- Scheduling multi-operation jobs in partially overlapping systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 19:453-462. 2006
- Agent-based collaborative product design engineering: An industrial case study. Computers in industry (Print). 57:26-38. 2006
- An overview of distributed process planning and its integration with scheduling. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 26:3-3. 2006
- Collaborative manufacturing resource scheduling using Agent-based Web Services. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 9:309-309. 2006
- Editorial of the special issue on agents meet robots. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 21:71-72. 2006
- Implementing enterprise collaboration using web services and software agents. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 3:185-185. 2006
- J3D-based monitoring and control for e-ShopFloor. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 8:126-126. 2006
- Simulation-based real-time decision making for manufacturing automation systems: a review. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 8:188-188. 2006
- A desired load distribution model for scheduling of unrelated parallel machines. International Journal of Production Research. 43:5033-5046. 2005
- Distributed Device Networks With Security Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 1:217-225. 2005
- A web-based framework for product information sharing and visualization. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing. 8:13-26. 2005
- XML-based message services for Internet-enabled, agent-based, intelligent shop floors. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing. 8:27-41. 2005
- iShopFloor : An Internet-Enabled Agent-Based Intelligent Shop Floor. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 35:371-381. 2005
- Special issue on collaborative environments for design and manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 19:79-79. 2005
- Towards a cooperative distributed manufacturing management framework. Computers in industry (Print). 56:71-84. 2005
- Towards a cooperative distributed manufacturing management framework. Computers in industry (Print). 56:71-84. 2005
- eMarketplaces for enterprise and cross enterprise integration. Data & Knowledge Engineering. 52:33-59. 2005
- Agent‐Based Web Services Framework and Development Environment. Computational Intelligence. 20:678-692. 2004
- Service-oriented e-Marketplace: an agent-based model. Production Planning and Control. 15:696-709. 2004
- A review of Internet-based product information sharing and visualization. Computers in industry (Print). 54:1-15. 2004
- Wise-ShopFloor: A Web-Based and Sensor-Driven e-Shop Floor*. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 4:56-60. 2004
- Agent facilitated integration of distributed PDM systems. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 2:133-133. 2004
- An agent-based approach for information and knowledge sharing in manufacturing enterprise networks. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 2:173-173. 2004
- Untitled. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 14:427-428. 2003
- Editorial of the special issue on knowledge sharing in collaborative design environments. Computers in industry (Print). 52:1-3. 2003
- WebBlow: a Web/agent-based multidisciplinary design optimization environment. Computers in industry (Print). 52:17-28. 2003
- Workflow-enabled distributed component-based information architecture for digital medical imaging enterprises. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 7:171-183. 2003
- COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK IN DESIGN. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science. 7:1-2. 2003
- A collaborative agent-based infrastructure for Internet-enabled collaborative enterprises. International Journal of Production Research. 41:1621-1638. 2003
- A distributed multidisciplinary design optimization framework: Technology integration. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science. 7:95-108. 2003
- Collaborative and proactive data agent for distributed design environments. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science. 7:71-85. 2003
- Editorial of the special issue on computer supported cooperative work in design. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science. 7:1-2. 2003
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- AdaCLIP: Adapting CLIP with Hybrid Learnable Prompts for Zero-Shot Anomaly Detection 2024
- Weighted Joint Maximum Mean Discrepancy Enabled Multi-Source-Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Fault Diagnosis 2023
- Collaborative Discrepancy Optimization for Reliable Image Anomaly Localization 2023
- SCCAM: Supervised Contrastive Convolutional Attention Mechanism for Ante-hoc Interpretable Fault Diagnosis with Limited Fault Samples 2023
- FastATDC: Fast Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Classification 2022
- Hidden Path Selection Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images 2021
- A Novel Intelligent Manufacturing Mode With Human-cyber-physical Collaboration and Fusion in the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry 2021
- Learning to Calibrate Straight Lines for Fisheye Image Rectification 2019
- Anisotropic-Scale Junction Detection and Matching for Indoor Images 2017
- Minimal Graphs in the Hyperbolic Space with Singular Asymptotic Boundaries 2016
- Security versus Reliability Analysis of Opportunistic Relaying 2013
- Physical-Layer Security with Multiuser Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Networks 2013
- Intercept Probability Analysis of Cooperative Wireless Networks with Best Relay Selection in the Presence of Eavesdropping Attack 2013
- Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks 2013