Reaction Time
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subject area of
N400 event‐related brain potential and functional outcome in persons at clinical high risk for psychosis: A longitudinal study Journal Articles
A Brief Period of Postnatal Visual Deprivation Alters the Balance between Auditory and Visual Attention Journal Articles
A Kinematic Analysis of How Young Adults with and Without Autism Plan and Control Goal-Directed Movements Journal Articles
A Model of Antipsychotic Action in Conditioned Avoidance: A Computational Approach Journal Articles
A Pilot Study of Electrocortical Activity in Dysfunctional Anger: Decreased Frontocortical Activation, Impaired Attention Control, and Diminished Behavioral Inhibition Journal Articles
A comparison of evaluative indices of quality of life and cognitive function in hemodialysis patients Journal Articles
A comparison of seven-point and visual analogue scales Journal Articles
A ménage À trois: the eye, the hand and on-line processing Journal Articles
A novel demonstration of preparation in pop-out search. Journal Articles
A paradox of apparent brainless behavior: The time-course of compound word recognition Conferences
A review of swallow timing in the elderly Journal Articles
A robust and representative lower bound on object processing speed in humans Journal Articles
A simple mathematical model of second-messenger mediated slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Journal Articles
A single aerobic exercise session accelerates movement execution but not central processing Journal Articles
A switch in task affects priming of pop-out: evidence for the role of episodes Journal Articles
A threat-detection advantage in those with autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
A variable mapping task produces symmetrical interference between global information and local information Journal Articles
A waterborne chemical cue from Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, prompts pulsatile urea excretion in conspecifics Journal Articles
Abnormal cerebral processing of oesophageal stimuli in patients with noncardiac chest pain (NCCP) Journal Articles
Abnormal visual experience during development alters the early stages of visual-tactile integration Journal Articles
Acetylcholine and caffeine activate Cl- and suppress K+ conductances in human bronchial smooth muscle Journal Articles
Acetylcholine and caffeine activate Cl- and suppress K+ conductances in human bronchial smooth muscle Journal Articles
Activation of the NMDA receptor: a correlate in the dentate gyrus field potential and its relationship to long-term potentiation and kindling Journal Articles
Activin mRNA induced during amygdala kindling shows a spatiotemporal progression that tracks the spread of seizures Journal Articles
Activity in Functional Cortical Networks Temporally Associated with Postural Instability Journal Articles
Acute Effects of High Frequency Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Balance and Cognitive Motor Performance in Epilepsy: Three Case Study Reports Journal Articles
Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task Journal Articles
Adenosine receptor link in an adrenal opioid-induced antinociception in the rat tail-flick test Journal Articles
Adrenal stress responses following septal lesions in the rat. Journal Articles
Adult ADHD and working memory: Neural evidence of impaired encoding Journal Articles
Aerobic exercise enhances neural correlates of motor skill learning Journal Articles
Affect across adulthood: Evidence from English, Dutch, and Spanish. Journal Articles
Age related differences in learning with the useful field of view Journal Articles
Age- and Schooling-Related Effects on Executive Functions in Young Children: A Natural Experiment Journal Articles
Age-related changes in matching novel objects across viewpoints Journal Articles
Age-related delay in information accrual for faces: Evidence from a parametric, single-trial EEG approach Journal Articles
Altered olfactory function in the MRL model of CNS lupus Journal Articles
Amplitude and Latency Changes in the Visual Evoked Potential to Different Stimulus Intensities Journal Articles
An adrenal-mediated, naloxone-reversible increase in reaction time in the tail-flick test following intrathecal administration of substance p at the lower thoracic spinal level in the rat Journal Articles
An electrophysiological investigation of limb-girdle and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy Journal Articles
An electrophysiological study of Duchenne dystrophy Journal Articles
An exploratory pilot study of the relationship between neural correlates of cognitive control and reduction in cigarette use among treatment-seeking adolescent smokers. Journal Articles
An eye-to-hand magnet effect reveals distinct spatial interference in motor planning and execution Journal Articles
An fMRI study of reward circuitry in patients with minimal or extensive history of major depression Journal Articles
Analysis of evoked lumbosacral potentials in man. Journal Articles
Analysis of whole‐cell currents by patch clamp of guinea‐pig myenteric neurones in intact ganglia Journal Articles
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation applied over the supplementary motor area delays spontaneous antiphase-to-in-phase transitions Journal Articles
Antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered human β-endorphin in the rat and cat Journal Articles
Assessing the effect of lexical variables in backward recall. Journal Articles
Assessing the effect of pain on demands for attentional resources using ERPs Journal Articles
Assessing the influence of letter position in reading normal and transposed texts using a letter detection task. Journal Articles
Assessment of visual working memory using event-related potentials Journal Articles
Asymmetries in the spatial localization of transformed targets Journal Articles
Attending, ignoring, and repetition: On the relation between negative priming and inhibition of return Journal Articles
Attention Demands of Spatially Locating Position of a Ball in Flight Journal Articles
Attention switching in depth using random-dot autostereograms: Attention gradient asymmetries Journal Articles
Attentional and Motor Response Priming in a Bimanual Task Journal Articles
Attentional cartography: mapping the distribution of attention across time and space Journal Articles
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Shared or Unique Neurocognitive Profiles? Journal Articles
Autistic Adults Show Intact Learning on a Visuospatial Serial Reaction Time Task Journal Articles
Automatic Encoding of Polyphonic Melodies in Musicians and Nonmusicians Journal Articles
Automatic face identity encoding at the N170 Journal Articles
Automatic imitation is automatic, but less so for narcissists Journal Articles
Automatic imitation is reduced in narcissists. Journal Articles
Autonomic nervous system reactivity to positive and negative mood induction: The role of acute psychological responses and frontal electrocortical activity Journal Articles
Autonomic predictors of Stroop performance in young and middle-aged adults Journal Articles
Axis of elongation can determine reference frames for object perception. Journal Articles
Balance and Cognitive Impairment in Two Epileptic Patients Before and After Vagal Nerve Stimulation Journal Articles
Behavioral and electrophysiological measures of the body inversion effect Journal Articles
Behavioral heterogeneity in an animal model of neuropsychiatric lupus Journal Articles
Between-person effects on attention and action: Joe and Fred revisited Journal Articles
Between-trial inhibition and facilitation in goal-directed aiming: manual and spatial asymmetries Journal Articles
Bi-directional interhemispheric inhibition during unimanual sustained contractions Journal Articles
Bimanual Interference in Rapid Discrete Movements Is Task Specific and Occurs at Multiple Levels of Processing Journal Articles
Bombesin, neuromedin C and neuromedin B given intrathecally facilitate the tail flick reflex in the rat Journal Articles
Both age and physical activity level impact on eye-hand coordination Journal Articles
Braking Time Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
CP-96,345, but not its stereoisomer, CP-96,344, blocks the nociceptive responses to intrathecally administered substance P and to noxious thermal and chemical stimuli in the rat Journal Articles
Can skilled readers perform a second task in parallel? A functional connectivity MRI study Journal Articles
Can we use peripheral vision to create a visuospatial map for compensatory reach-to-grasp reactions? Journal Articles
Cerebral Specialization for Speech Perception and Movement Organization in Adults with Down's Syndrome Journal Articles
Cerebral specialization and verbal-motor integration in adults with and without Down syndrome Journal Articles
Changes in field potentials and membrane currents in rat sensorimotor cortex following repeated tetanization of the corpus callosum in vivo Journal Articles
Changing the “When” and “What” of Intended Actions Journal Articles
Characteristics of the F response: a single motor unit study. Journal Articles
Chronic Stimulation of the Left Vagus Nerve: Cognitive Motor Effects Journal Articles
Cognitive Deterioration and Functional Compensation in ALS Measured with fMRI Using an Inhibitory Task Journal Articles
Cognitive Motor Function After Electrical Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve Journal Articles
Cognitive impairments of alcoholic cirrhotic patients: correlation with endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligands and increased affinity of platelet receptors. Journal Articles
Colour-induced relationship between affect and reaching kinematics during a goal-directed aiming task Journal Articles
Comparing depression screening tools in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). Journal Articles
Comparing derived and acquired acceleration profiles: 3-D optical electronic data analyses Journal Articles
Comparing imagery and perception: Using eye movements to dissociate mechanisms in search Journal Articles
Comprehension of social–legal exchanges in adults with and without traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Computational principles of working memory in sentence comprehension Journal Articles
Computerized 4-choice reaction time test for the measurement of psychomotor recovery after general anesthesia Journal Articles
Conceptual and physical differences in the category effect Journal Articles
Configural processing in body posture recognition Journal Articles
Congruency effects on recognition memory: A context effect. Journal Articles
Context-dependent control of attention capture: Evidence from proportion congruent effects. Journal Articles
Context-specific control and the Stroop negative priming effect Journal Articles
Context-specific control in the single-prime negative-priming procedure Journal Articles
Context-specific learning and control: The roles of awareness, task relevance, and relative salience Journal Articles
Contextual distinctiveness produces long-lasting priming of pop-out. Journal Articles
Contingent capture can occur at specific feature values: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Journal Articles
Continuity and Discontinuity of Behavioral Inhibition and Exuberance: Psychophysiological and Behavioral Influences across the First Four Years of Life Journal Articles
Control of human colonic motor function Journal Articles
Control processes in verbal working memory: An event-related potential study Journal Articles
Converging Inputs to the Entorhinal Cortex From the Piriform Cortex and Medial Septum: Facilitation and Current Source Density Analysis Journal Articles
Coordinating the interaction between past and present: Visual working memory for feature bindings overwritten by subsequent action to matching features Journal Articles
Cortical Activation during Spoken-Word Segmentation in Nonreading-Impaired and Dyslexic Adults Journal Articles
Cortical adaptations and motor performance improvements associated with short-term bimanual training Journal Articles
Cortical and behavioral adaptations in response to short-term inphase versus antiphase bimanual movement training Journal Articles
Cortical evoked responses following esophageal balloon distension and electrical stimulation in healthy volunteers. Journal Articles
Cortical representation of whole-body movement is modulated by proprioceptive discharge in humans Journal Articles
Corticolimbic Interactions Associated with Performance on a Short-Term Memory Task Are Modified by Age Journal Articles
Critical flicker frequency responses in visual cortex Journal Articles
Cross-modality reaction--time experiments with tactile and visual stimuli. NASA CR-623. Journal Articles
Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance Journal Articles
Denervation and reinnervation in congenital brachial palsy Journal Articles
Detection Latency of Added Loads to Breathing Journal Articles
Detection of hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type I in childhood. Journal Articles
Development of SNARC and distance effects and their relation to mathematical and visuospatial abilities Journal Articles
Developmental changes in the processing of hierarchical shapes continue into adolescence Journal Articles
Differences in Neuronal Representation of Mental Rotation in Patients With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Healthy Controls Journal Articles
Different neural responses to stranger and personally familiar faces in shy and bold adults. Journal Articles
Direct Assessments of the Processing Time Hypothesis for the Missing-Letter Effect. Journal Articles
Discrimination of speed in 5-year-olds and adults: Are children up to speed? Journal Articles
Disrupting Diagnostic Reasoning Journal Articles
Dissociating Arbitrary Stimulus-Response Mapping from Movement Planning during Preparatory Period: Evidence from Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Journal Articles
Dissociation of response inhibition and performance monitoring in the stop signal task using event‐related fMRI Journal Articles
Do the ABCS 135 short cognitive screen and its subtests discriminate between normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment and dementia? Journal Articles
Does Anxiety Enhance or Hinder Attentional and Impulse Control in Youth With ADHD? An ERP Analysis Journal Articles
Does Joe influence Fred's action? Journal Articles
Does Joe influence Fred's action? Not if Fred has autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Does photoparoxysmal response in children represent provoked seizure? Evidence from simultaneous motor task during EEG Journal Articles
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex sensitivity to rTMS Journal Articles
Dual-state modulation of the contextual cueing effect: Evidence from eye movement recordings Journal Articles
Duration Selectivity of Neurons in the Inferior Colliculus of the Big Brown Bat: Tolerance to Changes in Sound Level Journal Articles
ERP time course of perceptual and post-perceptual mechanisms of spatial selection Journal Articles
Early Attentional Capture of Animate Motion: 4-Year-Olds Show a Pop-Out Effect for Chasing Stimuli Journal Articles
Early Impulse Control: Treatment of Potential Errors within Pre-Programming and Control Journal Articles
Early development of polyphonic sound encoding and the high voice superiority effect Journal Articles
Early integration of vowel and pitch processing: A mismatch negativity study Journal Articles
Effect of auditory status on visual emotion recognition in adolescents Journal Articles
Effect of degree and direction of rotation in egocentric mental rotation of hand: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
Effect of propranolol and phenothiazines on electrodermal orienting and habituation in schizophrenia Journal Articles
Effect of sound pressure level on contralateral inhibition underlying duration-tuned neurons in the mammalian inferior colliculus Journal Articles
Effects of Aging and Reduced Relative Frequency of Knowledge of Results on Learning a Motor Skill Journal Articles
Effects of acute tyrosine/phenylalanine depletion on the selective processing of smoking-related cues and the relative value of cigarettes in smokers Journal Articles
Effects of aging on face identification and holistic face processing Journal Articles
Effects of harmonics on relative pitch discrimination in a musical context Journal Articles
Effects of intentional movement preparation on response times to symbolic and imitative cues Journal Articles
Effects of lorazepam and baclofen on short‐ and long‐latency afferent inhibition Journal Articles
Effects of reaction time variability and age on brain activity during Stroop task performance Journal Articles
Effects of schizophrenia and prefrontal leukotomy on movement preparation and generation Journal Articles
Effects of spatial separation and stimulus probability on the event-related potentials elicited by occasional changes in sound location Journal Articles
Effects of the nicotine patch on performance during the first week of smoking cessation Journal Articles
Effects of vincristine sulfate on touch dome function in the rat Journal Articles
Electrophysiological correlates of implicit valenced self-processing in high vs. low self-esteem individuals Journal Articles
Electrophysiological correlates of object categorization: back to basics Journal Articles
Electrophysiological markers of pre-lexical speech processing: Evidence for bottom–up and top–down effects on spoken word processing Journal Articles
Empathic pain observation does not influence automatic imitation in an online setting Journal Articles
Endogenous NGF and nerve impulses regulate the collateral sprouting of sensory axons in the skin of the adult rat Journal Articles
Endogenous temporal orienting of attention in detection and discrimination tasks Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Enhancement of Neuroplastic P2 and N1c Auditory Evoked Potentials in Musicians Journal Articles
Enhancement of neural synchronization in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus. I. Responses to tones at the characteristic frequency Journal Articles
Environmental effects on the ontogeny of exploratory and escape behaviors of mongolian gerbils Journal Articles
Error Patterns on the Continuous Performance Test in Non‐Medicated and Medicated Samples of Children With and Without ADHD: A Meta‐Analytic Review Journal Articles
Error-Related Electrocortical Responses Are Enhanced in Children With Obsessive–Compulsive Behaviors Journal Articles
Error‐related electrocortical responses in 10‐year‐old children and young adults Journal Articles
Estimates of functional motor axon loss in diabetics Journal Articles
Event-related potentials as brain correlates of item specific proportion congruent effects Journal Articles
Event-related potentials reveal the relations between feature representations at different levels of abstraction Journal Articles
Evidence for feedback dependent conscious awareness of action Journal Articles
Evidence from cluster analysis for differentiation of antisaccade performance groups based on speed/accuracy trade-offs Journal Articles
Evidence from rats that morphine tolerance is a learned response. Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between boredom and sustained attention Journal Articles
Externally cued inphase bimanual training enhances preparatory premotor activity Journal Articles
Eye movements as direct tests of the GO model for the missing-letter effect Journal Articles
Eye–hand coordination in goal-directed aiming Journal Articles
Face recognition and memory in congenital amusia Journal Articles
Facilitation of the tail-flick reflex by noxious cutaneous stimulation in the rat: antagonism by a substance P analogue Journal Articles
Factors associated with negative observer responses towards individuals with visible differences: A scoping review. Journal Articles
Finding the Pitch of the Missing Fundamental in Infants Journal Articles
Fitts' Theorem and Movement Time Dissociation for Amplitude and Width Manipulations: Replying to Hoffmann Journal Articles
Frequency tuning of synaptic inhibition underlying duration-tuned neurons in the mammalian inferior colliculus Journal Articles
Frequency‐dependent conduction block in carpal tunnel syndrome Journal Articles
Functional compensation in partially denervated muscles Journal Articles
Functional denervation in the soleus muscle of dystrophic mice Journal Articles
Gating at early cortical processing stages is associated with changes in behavioural performance on a sensory conflict task Journal Articles
Gender differences in a dichotic listening and movement task: lateralization or strategy? Journal Articles
Gender differences in the association between stop-signal reaction times, body mass indices and/or spontaneous food intake in pre-school children: an early model of compromised inhibitory control and obesity Journal Articles
General motor representations are developed during action-observation Journal Articles
Goal-directed aiming and the relative contribution of two online control processes Journal Articles
Goal-directed aiming: Two components but multiple processes. Journal Articles
Gradual proportion congruent effects in the absence of sequential congruent effects Journal Articles
Grasping behavior in schizophrenia suggests selective impairment in the dorsal visual pathway. Conferences
Greater Individual Variability in Functional Brain Activity during Working Memory Performance in young people with Autism and Executive Function Impairment Journal Articles
Hand, Space and Attentional Asymmetries in Goal-Directed Manual Aiming* *Presented at the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), Vancouver, B.C., Canada. October 1995. Journal Articles
Heterogeneous expression of transient outward currents in smooth muscle cells of the mouse small intestine Journal Articles
Hippocampal Stimulation of Fornical-lesioned Rats Improves Working Memory Journal Articles
Holistic Processing Is Not Correlated With Face-Identification Accuracy Journal Articles
How do Individuals with Autism Plan Their Movements? Journal Articles
How strongly do word reading times and lexical decision times correlate? Combining data from eye movement corpora and megastudies Journal Articles
How the Visual System Detects Changes in the Direction of Moving Targets Journal Articles
Immunosuppressive treatment prevents behavioral deficit in autoimmune MRL-lpr mice Journal Articles
Impaired distractor inhibition in patients with schizophrenia on a negative priming task Journal Articles
Impairment in Holistic Face Processing Following Early Visual Deprivation Journal Articles
Implementing flexibility in automaticity: Evidence from context-specific implicit sequence learning Journal Articles
Implication of a Nitric Oxide Synthase Mechanism in the Action of Substance P: L‐NAME Blocks Thermal Hyperalgesia Induced by Endogenous and Exogenous Substance P in the Rat Journal Articles
Improvements and important considerations for the 5-choice serial reaction time task—An effective measurement of visual attention in rats Journal Articles
Incidental action observation modulates muscle activity Journal Articles
Increasing the Naming Speed of Poor Readers: Representations Formed across Repetitions Journal Articles
Independent effects of endogenous and exogenous spatial cueing: inhibition of return at endogenously attended target locations Journal Articles
Individual differences in auditory middle latency responses in elderly adults and patients with Alzheimer's disease1A preliminary report of these data was presented at the Tenth International Conference on Event-Related Potentials of the Brain (EPIC X), in Eger, Hungary, June, 1992. This work was supported by the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada (N.A.P.) and grants from the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation and the Dalhousie University Department of Psychiatry (J.F.C.). The first author was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) Graduate Fellowship.1 Journal Articles
Individual differences in working memory capacity and visual search while reading Journal Articles
Influence of Endogenous and Exogenous Orientations of Attention on Inhibition of Return in a Cross-Modal Target—Target Aiming Task Journal Articles
Influence of area 5 on interhemispheric inhibition Journal Articles
Influence of parafoveal processing on the missing-letter effect. Journal Articles
Influence of terminal action requirements on action-centered distractor effects Journal Articles
Inhibition of return for the length of a line? Journal Articles
Inhibition of return in a 3D scene depends on the direction of depth switch between cue and target. Journal Articles
Inhibitory processes in auditory selective attention: Evidence of location-based and frequency-based inhibition of return Conferences
Integration of visual and tactile stimuli: top-down influences require time Journal Articles
Interactions between septal and entorhinal inputs to the rat dentate gyrus: Facilitation effects Journal Articles
Interactions between symmetry and elongation in determining reference frames for object perception. Journal Articles
Interhemispheric transmission time in persons with Down syndrome Journal Articles
Intermittent Vision and Discrete Manual Aiming Journal Articles
Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled Journal Articles
Intertrial Interval and Response-Competition in Discrete-Trials Lever-Pressing Journal Articles
Intrathecal administration of CGRP in the rat attenuates a facilitation of the tail flick reflex induced by either substance P or noxious cutaneous stimulation Journal Articles
Intrathecal administration of substance P in the rat: Spinal transection or morphine blocks the behavioural responses but not the facilitation of the tail flick reflex Journal Articles
Investigating the effects of pain observation on approach and withdrawal actions Journal Articles
Item-specific control of attention capture: An eye movement study Journal Articles
Item-specific control of automatic processes: Stroop process dissociations Journal Articles
Kinematic Analyses of Manual Asymmetries in Visual Aiming Movements Journal Articles
Kinematic Analysis of Early Online Control of Goal-Directed Reaches: A Novel Movement Perturbation Study Journal Articles
Language Comprehension After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The Role of Speed Journal Articles
Language suppression effects on the categorical perception of colour as evidenced through ERPs Journal Articles
Latency shifts in the N2b component track phonological deviations in spoken words Journal Articles
Lateral peri-hand bias affects the horizontal but not the vertical distribution of attention. Journal Articles
Learning multiple lists at the same time in the Hebb repetition effect. Journal Articles
Learning of association between a context and multiple possible target locations in a contextual cueing paradigm Journal Articles
Letter Names and Alphabet Book Reading by Senior Kindergarteners: An Eye Movement Study Journal Articles
Light‐stimulus‐evoked blink reflex Methods, normal values, relation to other blink reflexes, and observations in multiple sclerosis Journal Articles
Local and Global Minima in Visual Completion: Effects of Symmetry and Orientation Journal Articles
Localizing evoked cortical activity associated with balance reactions: does the anterior cingulate play a role? Journal Articles
Long-term effects of partial limb amputation in man. Journal Articles
Long-term effects of synaptic activation at low frequency on excitability of myenteric AH neurons Journal Articles
Long-term potentiation in the reciprocal corticohippocampal and corticocortical pathways in the chronically implanted, freely moving rat Journal Articles
Long-term semantic priming: A computational account and empirical evidence. Journal Articles
Longer VEP latencies and slower reaction times to the onset of second-order motion than to the onset of first-order motion Journal Articles
Longitudinal study of the contractile and electrical properties of single human thenar motor units Journal Articles
Manual aiming in healthy aging: does proprioceptive acuity make the difference? Journal Articles
Manual performance in leukotomized and unleukotomized individuals with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Maturation of cortical mismatch responses to occasional pitch change in early infancy: Effects of presentation rate and magnitude of change Journal Articles
Measuring temporal resolution in infants using mismatch negativity Journal Articles
Mechanisms That Underlie Coordination in Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder Journal Articles
Median-to-ulnar sensory nerve action potential amplitude ratio as an electrodiagnostic adjunct for carpal tunnel syndrome Journal Articles
Melatonin replacement nullifies the effect of light-induced functional pinealectomy on nociceptive rhythm in the rat Journal Articles
Membrane Potential and Conductance Changes Underlying Length Tuning of Cells in Cat Primary Visual Cortex Journal Articles
Mesolimbic Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activations during Reward Anticipation Correlate with Reward-Related Ventral Striatal Dopamine Release Journal Articles
Migraine Patients Exhibit Abnormalities in the Visual Evoked Potential Journal Articles
Mixed pro and antisaccade performance in children and adults Journal Articles
Modality-specific control processes in verbal versus spatial working memory Journal Articles
Modification of planned actions Journal Articles
Modifying interpretation biases: Effects on symptomatology, behavior, and physiological reactivity in social anxiety Journal Articles
Monocular and Binocular Vision in the Control of Goal-Directed Movement Journal Articles
Motivational and Response Factors in Temporal Differentiationa Journal Articles
Motor cortical processing is causally involved in object recognition Journal Articles
Movement Planning and Reprogramming in Individuals With Autism Journal Articles
Movement Trajectories in the Presence of a Distracting Stimulus: Evidence for a Response Activation Model of Selective Reaching Journal Articles
Movement preparation in adults with and without Down syndrome. Journal Articles
Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg I. Kinaesthetic task demands Journal Articles
Multimodal Inhibition of Return Effects in Adults With and Without Down Syndrome Journal Articles
Multiple levels of control in the Stroop task Journal Articles
Multiple point electrical stimulation of ulnar and median nerves. Journal Articles
Muscle shortening, response latency, and conduction velocity Journal Articles
Myasthenia gravis: Evidence for a “central” defect Journal Articles
N400 event‐related brain potential as an index of real‐world and neurocognitive function in patients at clinical high risk for schizophrenia Journal Articles
N400 event‐related brain potential index of semantic processing and two‐year clinical outcomes in persons at high risk for psychosis: A longitudinal study Journal Articles
NMDA receptor antagonist blocks the facilitation of the tail flick reflex in the rat induced by intrathecal administration of substance P and by noxious cutaneous stimulation Journal Articles
Name that tune: Identifying popular recordings from brief excerpts Journal Articles
Negative Priming 1985 to 2015: A Measure of Inhibition, the Emergence of Alternative Accounts, and the Multiple Process Challenge Journal Articles
Negative Priming, Attention, and Discriminating the Present from the Past Journal Articles
Negative priming without overt prime selection. Journal Articles
Neural activity associated with failed inhibition: an event related fMRI study or performance monitoring. Conferences
Neural mechanisms for the effect of prior knowledge on audiovisual integration Journal Articles
Neural temporal dynamics of contingency judgement Journal Articles
Neurocognition in the Emergency Department after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Youth Journal Articles
Neuromotor ability in 5‐ to 7‐year‐old children with very low or extremely low birthweight Journal Articles
Neuropathy in hepatic disorders Journal Articles
Neurophysiological Effects of Left Vagal Stimulation in Man Journal Articles
Neurophysiological Evidence for Disturbances of Conflict Processing in Patients With Schizophrenia. Journal Articles
Neurophysiological evidence of cognitive inhibition anomalies in persons with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Neuropsychologic deficits and clinical features of posttraumatic temporomandibular disorders. Journal Articles
Nociceptive cutaneous stimuli evoke localized contractions in a skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Non-conscious choice in cutaneous backword masking Journal Articles
Novel taste facilitation of the association of visual cues with toxicosis in rats. Journal Articles
Novel vibrotactile discrimination task for investigating the neural correlates of short-term learning with fMRI Journal Articles
Observed shyness leads to more automatic imitation in early childhood Journal Articles
Observing painful events in others leads to a temporally extended general response facilitation in the self Journal Articles
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder in children and youth: neurocognitive function in clinic and community samples Journal Articles
Occasional changes in sound location enhance middle latency evoked responses Journal Articles
Ocular perturbations and retinal/extraretinal information: the coordination of saccadic and manual movements Journal Articles
On estimating processing variance: Commentary and reanalysis of Kail's “developmental functions for speeds of cognitive processes” Journal Articles
On the Strategic Modulation of the Time Course of Facilitation and Inhibition of Return Journal Articles
On the role of attention in generating explicit awareness of contingent relations: Evidence from spatial priming Journal Articles
On the signals underlying conscious awareness of action Journal Articles
On the specificity of sequential congruency effects in implicit learning of motor and perceptual sequences. Journal Articles
On the strategic modulation of the time course of facilitation and inhibition of return. Journal Articles
One spatial map or many? Spatial coding of connected environments. Journal Articles
Online versus offline processing of visual feedback in the control of movement amplitude Journal Articles
Optical imaging and electrophysiology of rat barrel cortex. I. Responses to small single-vibrissa deflections Journal Articles
Optimizing rapid aiming behaviour: movement kinematics depend on the cost of corrective modifications Journal Articles
Optimizing the use of Vision in Manual Aiming: The Role of Practice Journal Articles
Orienting in space and time: Joint contributions to exogenous spatial cuing effects Journal Articles
Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex differentially modulates perception and sensorimotor transformations Journal Articles
Parallel response selection in dual-task situations Journal Articles
Parametric study of EEG sensitivity to phase noise during face processing Journal Articles
Pathway and hemispheric differences in the event-related potential (ERP) to monaural stimulation: A comparison of schizophrenic patients with normal controls Journal Articles
Perceptual distinctiveness produces long-lasting priming of pop-out Journal Articles
Performance of bilinguals in a picture-word interference task Journal Articles
Persistent methodological problems with evoked potential augmenting-reducing Journal Articles
Phonological Facilitation from Pictures in a Word Association Task: Evidence for Routine Cascaded Processing in Spoken Word Production Journal Articles
Physiological properties of single thenar motor units in the F‐response of younger and older adults Journal Articles
Pituitary-adrenal effects on sexual behavior in isolated and group-housed mice Journal Articles
Please empathize! Instructions to empathise strengthen response facilitation after pain observation Journal Articles
Predictability of the target stimulus for sensory-guided movement modulates early somatosensory cortical potentials Journal Articles
Predictors of neuropsychological outcome after pediatric concussion Journal Articles
Proactive control: Endogenous cueing effects in a two-target attentional blink task Journal Articles
Probing aggressive motivation during territorial contests in a group-living cichlid fish Journal Articles
Probing the face-space of individuals with prosopagnosia Journal Articles
Processes Underlying the Cross-Race Effect: An Investigation of Holistic, Featural, and Relational Processing of Own-Race versus Other-Race Faces Journal Articles
Processing Speed is Impaired in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Relates to Social Communication Abilities Journal Articles
Processing of gaze direction within the N170/M170 time window: A combined EEG/MEG study Journal Articles
Processing speed interacts with working memory efficiency in multiple sclerosis Journal Articles
Proclivity to self-injurious behavior in MRL-lpr mice: implications for autoimmunity-induced damage in the dopaminergic system Journal Articles
Progressive N170 habituation to unattended repeated faces Journal Articles
Prominence-sensitive pronoun resolution: New evidence from the speed-accuracy tradeoff procedure. Journal Articles
Proofreading familiar text: Allocating resources to perceptual and conceptual processes Journal Articles
Pseudofacilitation: A misleading term Journal Articles
Psychoactive bacteriaLactobacillus rhamnosus(JB-1) elicits rapid frequency facilitation in vagal afferents Journal Articles
Purine-induced depression of dorsal horn neurons in the cat spinal cord: Enhancement by tachykinins Journal Articles
Rapid Transformation from Auditory to Linguistic Representations of Continuous Speech Journal Articles
Rate of Information Segregation in Developmentally Dyslexic Children Journal Articles
Reaction time and cognitive-linguistic performance in adults with mild traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Reading polymorphemic Dutch compounds: Toward a multiple route model of lexical processing. Journal Articles
Real-time manipulation of visual displacement during manual aiming Journal Articles
Reduced accuracy accompanied by reduced neural activity during the performance of an emotional conflict task by unmedicated patients with major depression: A CAN-BIND fMRI study Journal Articles
Reduced motor preparation during dual-task performance: evidence from startle Journal Articles
Relative Processing Demands Influence Cerebral Laterality for Verbal-Motor Integration in Persons with Down Syndrome Journal Articles
Reliability of a functional magnetic resonance imaging task of emotional conflict in healthy participants Journal Articles
Reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation measures of afferent inhibition Journal Articles
Remembering ‘primed’ words: The effect of prime encoding demands. Journal Articles
Remembering “primed” words: A counter-intuitive effect of repetition on recognition memory. Journal Articles
Repetition costs in word identification: evaluating a stimulus–response integration account Journal Articles
Reproducing the Location-Based Context-Specific Proportion Congruent Effect for Frequency Unbiased Items: A Reply to Hutcheon and Spieler (2016) Journal Articles
Response inhibition in psychopathy: The frontal N2 and P3 Journal Articles
Response to an intervening event reverses nonspatial repetition effects in 2AFC tasks: Nonspatial IOR? Journal Articles
Responses of single units in the intermediolateral nucleus to stimulation of cardioregulatory medullary nuclei in the cat Journal Articles
Revisiting Fitts and Peterson (1964): Width and amplitude manipulations to the reaching environment elicit dissociable movement times. Journal Articles
Saccadic Eye Movements in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study OPEN ACCESS Journal Articles
Selective and Nonselective Transfer: Positive and Negative Priming in a Multiple-Task Environment. Journal Articles
Selective attention effects on recognition: the roles of list context and perceptual difficulty Journal Articles
Self-Selected Visual Information During Discrete Manual Aiming Journal Articles
Self-controlled KR schedules: Does repetition order matter? Journal Articles
Self-regulated frequency of augmented information in skill learning. Journal Articles
Semantic Cortical Activation in Dyslexic Readers Journal Articles
Semantic Learning Modifies Perceptual Face Processing Journal Articles
Sensory-motor equivalence: manual aiming in C6 tetraplegics following musculotendinous transfer surgery at the elbow Journal Articles
Separate and joint effects of alcohol and caffeine on conflict monitoring and adaptation Journal Articles
Separate mechanisms recruited by exogenous and endogenous spatial cues: Evidence from a spatial Stroop paradigm. Journal Articles
Sequential aiming movements and the one-target advantage in individuals with Down syndrome Journal Articles
Sexual arousal in male mice: effects of brief periods of isolation or grouping Journal Articles
Short article: The flexibility of context-specific control: Evidence for context-driven generalization of item-specific control settings Journal Articles
Short-latency afferent inhibition determined by the sensory afferent volley Journal Articles
Social Interaction Enhances Motor Resonance for Observed Human Actions Journal Articles
Solving the chicken-and-egg problem of letter detection and fixation duration in reading Journal Articles
Some Neurophysiological Effects of Cerebellar Stimulation in Man Journal Articles
Sources of P300 attenuation after head injury: Single‐trial amplitude, latency jitter, and EEG power Journal Articles
Sparing of sensitivity to biological motion but not of global motion after early visual deprivation Journal Articles
Spatial Properties of Perceived Pitch Journal Articles
Spatial learning during the course of autoimmune disease in MRL mice Journal Articles
Spatial scaling factors explain eccentricity effects on face ERPs Journal Articles
Startle activation is additive with voluntary cortical activation irrespective of stimulus modality Journal Articles
Startle neural activity is additive with normal cortical initiation-related activation Journal Articles
State dependent learning and morphine tolerance. Journal Articles
Statistical pattern classification of clinical brainstem auditory evoked potentials Journal Articles
Stimulus Onset Asynchrony Affects Weighting-related Event-related Spectral Power in Self-motion Perception Journal Articles
Stop Signal and Conners’ Continuous Performance Tasks Journal Articles
Strain differences affect the induction of status epilepticus and seizure‐induced morphological changes Journal Articles
Substance P reduces tail-flick latency: Implications for chronic pain syndromes Journal Articles
Successful computer-assisted cognitive remediation therapy in patients with unipolar depression: a proof of principle study Journal Articles
Support for a history-dependent predictive model of dACC activity in producing the bivalency effect: An event-related potential study Journal Articles
Suppression of somatosensory stimuli during motor planning may explain levels of balance and mobility after stroke Journal Articles
Surviving blind decomposition: A distributional analysis of the time-course of complex word recognition. Journal Articles
Tactile sensorimotor training does not alter short- and long-latency afferent inhibition Journal Articles
Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network Journal Articles
Task-dependent and distinct roles of the temporoparietal junction and inferior frontal cortex in the control of imitation Journal Articles
Temporal Variations in Visual Completion: A Reflection of Spatial Limits? Journal Articles
Temporal coding of resonances by low-frequency auditory nerve fibers: single-fiber responses and a population model Journal Articles
Temporal judgments of immediate and delayed consequences of self-initiated movements. Journal Articles
The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Control among People with Chronic Stroke Journal Articles
The Bivalency effect in task switching: Event‐related potentials Journal Articles
The Control of Sequential Aiming Movements: The Influence of Practice and Manual Asymmetries On the One-Target Advantage Journal Articles
The Development of Temporal Resolution: Between-Channel Gap Detection in Infants and Adults Journal Articles
The Ebbinghaus illusion affects on-line movement control Journal Articles
The Effect of Categorisation on Sensitivity to Second-Order Relations in Novel Objects Journal Articles
The Effects of Depleted Self-Control Strength on Skill-Based Task Performance Journal Articles
The Effects of Motor Cortical Stimulation on the Excitability of Spinal Motoneurons in Man Journal Articles
The Effects of Pulse Configuration on Magnetic Stimulation Journal Articles
The Gunslinger Effect: Why Are Movements Made Faster When Responding to Versus Initiating an Action? Journal Articles
The Hebb repetition effect as a laboratory analogue of language acquisition: Learning three lists at no cost. Journal Articles
The Impact of Age and Physical Activity Level on Manual Aiming Performance Journal Articles
The Impact of Strategic Trajectory Optimization on Illusory Target Biases During Goal-Directed Aiming Journal Articles
The Influence of Binocular Visual Deprivation on the Development of Visual-Spatial Attention Journal Articles
The N2pc component in ERP and the lateralization effect of language on color perception Journal Articles
The One-Target Advantage: Advanced Preparation or Online Processing? Journal Articles
The Peripheral Nerve Allograft in the Primate Immunosuppressed with Cyclosporin A Journal Articles
The Preparation of Aiming Movements Journal Articles
The Role of Oculomotor Information in the Learning of Sequential Aiming Movements Journal Articles
The Spatial Distribution of Inhibition of Return Journal Articles
The Utilization of Visual Feedback in the Control of Movement Direction: Evidence from a Video Aiming Task Journal Articles
The Visual Regulation of Goal-Directed Reaching Movements in Adults with Williams Syndrome, Down Syndrome, and Other Developmental Delays Journal Articles
The amplitude of N2pc reflects the physical disparity between target item and distracters Journal Articles
The consequences of surrendering a degree of freedom to the participant in a contingency assessment task Journal Articles
The context-specific proportion congruent Stroop effect: Location as a contextual cue Journal Articles
The contribution of vision to asymmetries in manual aiming Journal Articles
The disruptive effect of chronic pain on mismatch negativity Journal Articles
The distribution and reliability of TMS-evoked short- and long-latency afferent interactions Journal Articles
The effect of a concurrent cognitive task on cortical potentials evoked by unpredictable balance perturbations. Journal Articles
The effect of apparent distance on peripheral target detection Journal Articles
The effect of gaze information associated with the search items on contextual cueing effect Journal Articles
The effect of social role on theory of mind reasoning Journal Articles
The effect of spatial frequency on perceptual learning of inverted faces Journal Articles
The effect of visual reliability on auditory–visual integration: an event-related potential study Journal Articles
The effect of word position on eye-movements in sentence and paragraph reading Journal Articles
The effects of adrenalectomy and corticosterone replacement on induction of maternal behavior in the virgin female rat Journal Articles
The effects of adrenalectomy and corticosterone replacement on maternal memory in postpartum rats Journal Articles
The effects of freedom of choice in action selection on perceived mental effort and the sense of agency Journal Articles
The effects of landmarks on the performance of delayed and real-time pointing movements Journal Articles
The effects of occlusion and past experience on the allocation of object-based attention Journal Articles
The effects of phonological and semantic features of sentence-ending words on visual event-related brain potentials Journal Articles
The effects of processing requirements on neurophysiological responses to spoken sentences*1 Journal Articles
The effects of response priming on the planning and execution of goal-directed movements in the presence of a distracting stimulus Journal Articles
The effects of socioeconomic status and situational power on self-other processing in the automatic imitation task Journal Articles
The estimated numbers and relative sizes of thenar motor units as selected by multiple point stimulation in young and older adults Journal Articles
The hyphen as a segmentation cue in triconstituent compound processing: It’s getting better all the time Journal Articles
The influence of advance information about target location and visual feedback on movement planning and execution. Journal Articles
The influence of increased working memory load on semantic neural systems: a high-resolution event-related brain potential study Journal Articles
The influence of stimulus intensity, contralateral masking and handedness on the temporal N1 and the T complex components of the auditory N1 wave Journal Articles
The influence of target context and early and late vision on goal-directed reaching Journal Articles
The influence of uncertainty and premovement visual information on manual aiming. Journal Articles
The influence of visual target and limb information on manual aiming. Journal Articles
The magnitude of the central response to esophageal electrical stimulation is intensity dependent Journal Articles
The manifestation of attentional capture: facilitation or IOR depending on task demands Journal Articles
The medium latency muscle response to a vestibular perturbation is increased after depression of the cerebellar vermis Journal Articles
The myogenic component in distention-induced peristalsis in the guinea pig small intestine Journal Articles
The one-target advantage: A test of the movement integration hypothesis Journal Articles
The postnatal development of post-activation potentiation in the rat neocortex. Journal Articles
The processing of spatial information in short-term memory: Insights from eye tracking the path length effect Journal Articles
The relation between brain signal complexity and task difficulty on an executive function task Journal Articles
The relationship between frontal somatosensory-evoked potentials and motor planning Journal Articles
The relative effects of external spatial and motoric factors on the bimanual coordination of discrete movements Journal Articles
The repetition decrement effect in recognition memory: The influence of prime-target spacing Journal Articles
The role of awareness in anticipation and recall performance in the Hebb repetition paradigm: implications for sequence learning Journal Articles
The role of eye movements in the missing-letter effect revisited with the rapid serial visual presentation procedure. Journal Articles
The role of horizontal facial structure on the N170 and N250 Journal Articles
The role of vision for online control of manual aiming movements in persons with autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
The sounds of silence: cessation of singing and song pausing are ultrasound-induced acoustic startle behaviors in the katydid Neoconocephalus ensiger (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae) Journal Articles
The time course of online trajectory corrections in memory-guided saccades Journal Articles
The use of action phrases in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
The utilization of visual information in the control of rapid sequential aiming movements Journal Articles
Theta burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation attenuates somatosensory evoked potentials from the lower limb Journal Articles
Time course and robustness of ERP object and face differences Journal Articles
Timing of response differentiation in human motor cortex during a speeded Go/No-Go task Journal Articles
Top-down then automatic: Instructions can continue to influence visual search when no longer actively implemented Journal Articles
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Different Current Directions Activates Separate Cortical Circuits Journal Articles
Transfer Effects across Contextual and Linguistic Boundaries: Evidence from Poor Readers Journal Articles
Transgenic mice expressing the βAPP695SWE mutation: effects on exploratory activity, anxiety, and motor coordination Journal Articles
Transgenic mice over-expressing substance P exhibit allodynia and hyperalgesia which are reversed by substance P and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonists Journal Articles
Upregulation of an opioid-mediated antinociceptive mechanism in transgenic mice over-expressing substance P in the spinal cord Journal Articles
Using mismatch negativity to measure auditory temporal resolution thresholds Journal Articles
Virtual experiments in megastudies: A case study of language and emotion Journal Articles
Visual Masking of Targets Displayed against Two-And Three-Dimensional Backgrounds Journal Articles
Visual imagery influences attentional guidance during visual search: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence Journal Articles
Visual memory for feature bindings: The disruptive effect of responding to new perceptual input Journal Articles
Visual regulation of manual aiming: A comparison of methods Journal Articles
Visual scanning and recognition of Chinese, Caucasian, and racially ambiguous faces: Contributions from bottom-up facial physiognomic information and top-down knowledge of racial categories Journal Articles
Visual-vestibular integration is preserved with healthy aging in a simple acceleration detection task Journal Articles
WAIS-IV Profile of Cognition in Schizophrenia Journal Articles
White and grey matter relations to simple, choice, and cognitive reaction time in spina bifida Journal Articles
White matter growth as a mechanism of cognitive development in children Journal Articles
Why 8-year-olds cannot tell the difference between Steve Martin and Paul Newman:Factors contributing to the slow development of sensitivity to the spacing of facial features Journal Articles
Win-Shift, Lose-Stay: Contingent Switching and Contextual Interference in Motor Learning Journal Articles
Within- and between-nervous-system inhibition of return: Observation is as good as performance Journal Articles