Immunoglobulin E
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subject area of
EAACI guidelines on the diagnosis of IgE‐mediated food allergy Journal Articles
OX40L blockade and allergen‐induced airway responses in subjects with mild asthma Journal Articles
A Specific Feedback by Anti-IgE Autoantibodies on the Cytokine Network in Allergy Journal Articles
A novel microbe-based treatment that attenuates the inflammatory profile in a mouse model of allergic airway disease Journal Articles
A rich meconium metabolome in human infants is associated with early-life gut microbiota composition and reduced allergic sensitization Journal Articles
A study of asthma in a Dunedin suburban area. Journal Articles
Adenoviral infection inhibits allergic airways inflammation in mice Journal Articles
Airflow Obstruction in Young Adults in Canada Journal Articles
Airway Inflammation and Inflammatory Biomarkers Journal Articles
Airway and Systemic Immunoglobulin Profiling and Immune Response in Adult Asthma Journal Articles
Allergen Inhalation Challenge: A Human Model of Asthma Exacerbation Journal Articles
Allergen‐induced murine upper airway inflammation: local and systemic changes in murine experimental allergic rhinitis Journal Articles
Allergic disorders and attention deficit disorder in children Journal Articles
Allergy to Ethylene Oxide in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients Journal Articles
An Alternative Method for Comparing and Describing Methacholine Response Curves Journal Articles
An approach to immunotherapy using antibody to IgE in mast cell leukemia Journal Articles
Anti-IgE therapy combined with SIT: contra. Journal Articles
Anti-immunoglobulin E-stimulated ion transport in human large and small intestine Journal Articles
Anti-interleukin-13 and anti-interleukin-4 agents versus placebo, anti-interleukin-5 or anti-immunoglobulin-E agents, for people with asthma Journal Articles
Antigen Interaction and Heat Inactivation Expose New Epitopes on Human IgE Journal Articles
Antigen-specific inhibition of IgE binding to the high-affinity receptor. Journal Articles
Approach to milk protein allergy in infants. Journal Articles
Associated cutaneous findings in nickel contact sensitivity. Journal Articles
Asthma and increases in nonallergic bronchial responsiveness from seasonal pollen exposure Journal Articles
Asthmatic subjects with allergy have elevated levels of IgE+ B cells in the airways Journal Articles
Biological Activities of Anti-IgE Antibodies Journal Articles
Bronchial asthma: lack of relationships between allergic factors, illness severity and psychosocial variables in adult patients attending an asthma clinic Journal Articles
CD23-Mediated IgE Transport Across Human Intestinal Epithelium: Inhibition by Blocking Sites of Translation or Binding Journal Articles
CD23-mediated transport of IgE/immune complexes across human intestinal epithelium: role of p38 MAPK Journal Articles
Case report: allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in asthma. Journal Articles
Cholera toxin increases IL-6 synthesis and decreases TNF-alpha production by rat peritoneal mast cells. Journal Articles
Chronic Exposure to Innocuous Antigen in Sensitized Mice Leads to Suppressed Airway Eosinophilia That Is Reversed by Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Journal Articles
Chronic Psychological Stress in Rats Induces Intestinal Sensitization to Luminal Antigens Journal Articles
Cloning of Human Anti-lgE Autoantibodies and Their Role in the Regulation of IgE Synthesis Conferences
Comparative Aspects of Mast Cell Heterogeneity in Different Species and Sites Journal Articles
Comparison of house dust mite sensitization profiles in allergic adults from Canada, Europe, South Africa and USA Journal Articles
Comparison of upper and lower airway responses of two sensitized rat strains to inhaled antigen Journal Articles
Comprehensive metabolomics identifies the alarmin uric acid as a critical signal for the induction of peanut allergy Journal Articles
Concurrent blockade of platelet-activating factor and histamine prevents life-threatening peanut-induced anaphylactic reactions Journal Articles
Core Outcome Set for IgE‐mediated food allergy clinical trials and observational studies of interventions: International Delphi consensus study ‘COMFA’ Journal Articles
Cystic fibrosis—related inhibition of mucociliaryclearance in vivo in man Journal Articles
Cytokine and eosinophil responses in the lung, peripheral blood, and bone marrow compartments in a murine model of allergen-induced airways inflammation. Journal Articles
Cytokine responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to allergen do not identify asthma or asthma phenotypes Journal Articles
DRACMA one year after: Which changes have occurred in diagnosis and treatment of CMA in Italy? Journal Articles
Depletion of OX-8 lymphocytes from the blood and airways using monoclonal antibodies enhances the late airway response in rats. Journal Articles
Determinants of allergen-induced asthma: dose of allergen, circulating IgE antibody concentration, and bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine. Journal Articles
Diagnostic methods for assay of specific IgE antibodies in patients with suspected allergic disease. Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Journal Articles
Diesel exhaust augments allergen-induced lower airway inflammation in allergic individuals: a controlled human exposure study Journal Articles
Dietary Elimination for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Disruption of antigen-induced inflammatory responses in CD40 ligand knockout mice. Journal Articles
Distinct immune effector pathways contribute to the full expression of peanut-induced anaphylactic reactions in mice Journal Articles
Domain-Specific Anti-IgE Antibodies Interfere with IgE Binding to FcεRII Journal Articles
EAACI guidelines on the management of IgE-mediated food allergy. Journal Articles
Early/Late Response Model: Implications for Control of Asthma and Chronic Cough in Children Journal Articles
Effect of Interleukin-2 on the Airway Response to Antigen in the Rat Journal Articles
Effect of Intestinal Anaphylaxis on Gut Function in the Rat Journal Articles
Effect of precautionary statements on the purchasing practices of Canadians directly and indirectly affected by food allergies Journal Articles
Effects of an Anti-TSLP Antibody on Allergen-Induced Asthmatic Responses Journal Articles
Efficacy and safety of multiple doses of QGE031 (ligelizumab) versus omalizumab and placebo in inhibiting allergen-induced early asthmatic responses Journal Articles
Efficacy of Biologics in Patients with Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Enhanced intestinal transepithelial antigen transport in allergic rats is mediated by IgE and CD23 (FcεRII) Journal Articles
Enhanced transepithelial antigen transport in intestine of allergic mice is mediated by IgE/CD23 and regulated by interleukin-4 Journal Articles
Eosinophils Are Dispensable for Allergic Remodeling and Immunity in a Model of House Dust Mite–induced Airway Disease Journal Articles
Ethylene oxide allergy in a dialysis center: prevalence in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis populations. Journal Articles
Evaluation of Inducible Costimulator/B7-Related Protein-1 as a Therapeutic Target in a Murine Model of Allergic Airway Inflammation Journal Articles
Expression of the Th1 Chemokine IFN-γ-Inducible Protein 10 in the Airway Alters Mucosal Allergic Sensitization in Mice Journal Articles
Fc receptors for IgA and other immunoglobulins on resident and activated alveolar macrophages Journal Articles
Functional abnormalities in the intestine associated with mucosal mast cell activation. Journal Articles
Functional evidence for a monoclonal antibody that binds to the human IL-4 receptor. Journal Articles
Functional heterogeneity of mast cells isolated from different microenvironments within nasal polyp tissue Journal Articles
Functional rather than immunoreactive levels of IgG4 correlate closely with clinical response to grass pollen immunotherapy Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal food hypersensitivity: Basic mechanisms of pathophysiology Journal Articles
Generation of experimental allergic airways inflammation in the absence of draining lymph nodes Journal Articles
Handedness and Allergic Disorders in a New Zealand Cohort Journal Articles
Heterogeneity, subsets, and plasticity of T follicular helper cells in allergy Journal Articles
House Dust Mite Facilitates Ovalbumin-specific Allergic Sensitization and Airway Inflammation Journal Articles
How representative are clinical study patients with allergic rhinitis in primary care? Journal Articles
Human BCR analysis of single-sorted, putative IgE+ memory B cells in food allergy Journal Articles
Human IgE binding and in vitro digestion of S-OVA Journal Articles
Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Binding to Heated and Glycated Ovalbumin and Ovomucoid before and after in Vitro Digestion Journal Articles
Hyper IgM syndrome associated with defective CD40-mediated B cell activation. Journal Articles
IgG1+ B‐cell immunity predates IgE responses in epicutaneous sensitization to foods Journal Articles
Immunoglobulin E mediated membrane conductance changes in rat basophilic leukemia cells Journal Articles
Immunoglobulin E–independent Major Histocompatibility Complex–restricted T Cell Peptide Epitope–induced Late Asthmatic Reactions Journal Articles
Immunological behavior of in vitro digested egg‐white lysozyme Journal Articles
Immunomodulatory Effects of Heated Ovomucoid-Depleted Egg White in a BALB/c Mouse Model of Egg Allergy Journal Articles
Immunotherapy of spontaneous type 1 diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice by systemic interleukin-4 treatment employing adenovirus vector-mediated gene transfer Journal Articles
Impact of CD40 Ligand, B Cells, and Mast Cells in Peanut-Induced Anaphylactic Responses Journal Articles
Important research questions in allergy and related diseases: nonallergic rhinitis: a GA2LEN paper Journal Articles
Increased IgE+ B Cells in Sputum, but Not Blood, Bone Marrow, or Tonsils, after Inhaled Allergen Challenge in Subjects with Asthma Journal Articles
Increased Serum Levels of Soluble IL-18 Receptor Complex in Patients with Allergic Asthma Journal Articles
Increased plasma histamine levels in migraine patients Journal Articles
Increased serum levels of soluble IL-18 receptor complex in patients with allergic asthma. Journal Articles
Inhalation Tolerance Is Induced Selectively in Thoracic Lymph Nodes but Executed Pervasively at Distant Mucosal and Nonmucosal Tissues Journal Articles
Inhibition of human IgE synthesis by anti‐IgE antibodies requires divalent recognition Journal Articles
Intentional poisoning with peanut as a cause of recurrent anaphylaxis Journal Articles
Interaction of Human IgE with Fc Epsilon RI Alpha Exposes Hidden Epitopes on IgE Journal Articles
Interleukin (IL)-10 inhibits long-term IL-6 production but not preformed mediator release from rat peritoneal mast cells. Journal Articles
Interleukin (IL)-5 but Not Immunoglobulin E Reconstitutes Airway Inflammation and Airway Hyperresponsiveness in IL-4–Deficient Mice Journal Articles
Interleukin-10 Gene Transfer to the Airway Regulates Allergic Mucosal Sensitization in Mice Journal Articles
International ERS/ATS guidelines on definition, evaluation and treatment of severe asthma Journal Articles
Interrupting reactivation of immunologic memory diverts the allergic response and prevents anaphylaxis Journal Articles
Intestinal anaphylaxis: in vivo and in vitro studies of the rat proximal colon Journal Articles
Intestinal epithelial CD23 mediates enhanced antigen transport in allergy: evidence for novel splice forms Journal Articles
Intestinal permeability in allergic rats: nerve involvement in antigen-induced changes Journal Articles
Ion Transport in Rat Tracheal EpitheliumIn Vitro: Role of Capsaicin-sensitive Nerves in Allergic Reactions Journal Articles
Laser welding/brazing of 5182 aluminium alloy to ZEK100 magnesium alloy using a nickel interlayer Journal Articles
Late cutaneous allergic responses in isolated IgE-dependent reactions Journal Articles
Lifelong memory responses perpetuate humoral T H 2 immunity and anaphylaxis in food allergy Journal Articles
Links Between Anxiety and Allergies: Psychobiological Reality or Possible Methodological Bias? Journal Articles
Modeling the conversion between specific IgE test platforms for nut allergens in children and adolescents Journal Articles
Monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of refractory asthma Journal Articles
Multiomic approaches to study B cells: Sequencing, cytometry, imaging, and beyond Journal Articles
Murine monoclonal antibody with anti-e-like specificity: suitability for screening for e-negative cells. Journal Articles
Natural And Recombinant ANTI-IgE Autoantibodies Journal Articles
Neuroendocrine and autoimmune regulation of the allergic response. Conferences
Neuropeptides accentuate interleukin‐4 induced human immunoglobuline E synthesis in vitro Journal Articles
Neuropeptides are potent modulators of human in vitro immunoglobulin E synthesis Journal Articles
Occupational asthma caused by nickel sulfate Journal Articles
Omalizumab and the immune system: an overview of preclinical and clinical data Journal Articles
Omalizumab for asthma in adults and children Journal Articles
Oral immunotherapy for IgE‐mediated cow's milk allergy: a systematic review and meta‐analysis Journal Articles
Peanut allergy diagnosis: A 2020 practice parameter update, systematic review, and GRADE analysis Journal Articles
Pertussis toxin stimulates hypersensitivity and enhances nerve-mediated antigen uptake in rat intestine Journal Articles
Polyethylene glycol-modified ragweed extract: Comparison of two treatment regimens Journal Articles
Polyethylene glycol-modified ragweed pollen extract in rhinoconjunctivitis Journal Articles
Prediction of late asthmatic responses to inhaled allergen Journal Articles
Production of IgE antibody and allergic sensitization of intestinal and peripheral tissues after oral immunization with protein Ag and cholera toxin. Journal Articles
Progenitor cell‐derived basophils: A novel barcoded passive degranulation assay in allergic diseases Journal Articles
Protocol for a systematic review of the diagnostic test accuracy of tests for IgE‐mediated food allergy Journal Articles
Protocol to desensitize human and murine mast cells after polyclonal IgE sensitization Journal Articles
Reduced amount of intestinal mucus by treatment with anti‐CD4 antibody interferes with the spontaneous cure of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis‐infection in mice Journal Articles
Regulation of Allergic Mucosal Sensitization by Interleukin-12 Gene Transfer to the Airway Journal Articles
Regulatory and IgE+ B Cells in Allergic Asthma Journal Articles
Relation between Airway Responsiveness and Serum IgE in Children with Asthma and in Apparently Normal Children Journal Articles
Relation of the course of bronchial responsiveness from age 9 to age 15 to allergy. Journal Articles
Relationship between Sputum Eosinophilia and Sinus Disease in Patients with Eosinophilic Bronchitis Journal Articles
Relationship between Tissue Sensitization and IgE Antibody Production in Rats Infected with the Nematode, <i>Nippostrongylus brasiliensis</i> Journal Articles
Relationships of bronchial responsiveness assessed by methacholine to serum IgE, lung function, symptoms, and diagnoses in 11-year-old New Zealand children Journal Articles
Revised ISHAM-ABPA working group clinical practice guidelines for diagnosing, classifying and treating allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis/mycoses Journal Articles
Serum total IgE in normal subjects and the influence of a family history of allergy Journal Articles
Specific immunotherapy Journal Articles
Sputum cytology during late‐phase responses to inhalation challenge with different allergens Journal Articles
Studies of the mechanism of passive anaphylaxis in human airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
Systematic review and meta‐analyses on the accuracy of diagnostic tests for IgE‐mediated food allergy Journal Articles
Systemic Effects of Ingested Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: Inhibition of Mast Cell Membrane Potassium (IKCa) Current and Degranulation Journal Articles
T Cell Epitope Immunotherapy Induces a CD4+ T Cell Population with Regulatory Activity Journal Articles
T cell‐mediated induction of thymic stromal lymphopoietin in differentiated human primary bronchial epithelial cells Journal Articles
T helper cell IL-4 drives intestinal Th2 priming to oral peanut antigen, under the control of OX40L and independent of innate-like lymphocytes Journal Articles
TIM-4 Expressed by Mucosal Dendritic Cells Plays a Critical Role in Food Antigen–Specific Th2 Differentiation and Intestinal Allergy Journal Articles
Targeting membrane-expressed IgE B cell receptor with an antibody to the M1 prime epitope reduces IgE production Journal Articles
Th2 Differentiation in Distinct Lymph Nodes Influences the Site of Mucosal Th2 Immune-Inflammatory Responses Journal Articles
The IgE memory reservoir in food allergy Journal Articles
The IgE-facilitated allergen binding (FAB) assay: Validation of a novel flow-cytometric based method for the detection of inhibitory antibody responses Journal Articles
The Initiation of Th2 Immunity Towards Food Allergens Journal Articles
The Role of Mast Cells in Intestinal Immunophysiology Journal Articles
The Sesame-Peanut Conundrum in Israel: Reevaluation of Food Allergy Prevalence in Young Children Journal Articles
The impact of type 2 immunity and allergic diseases in atherosclerosis Journal Articles
The increased number of epithelial mast cells in nasal polyps and adjacent turbinates is not allergy‐dependent Journal Articles
The potential of peptide immunotherapy in allergy and asthma Journal Articles
The presence of Aspergillus fumigatus in asthmatic airways is not clearly related to clinical disease severity Journal Articles
The relationship between late asthmatic responses and antigen-specific immunoglobulin Journal Articles
Timing is everything: Targeting IgE to reduce asthma exacerbation risk Journal Articles
Type 2–polarized memory B cells hold allergen-specific IgE memory Journal Articles
Understanding Allergic Asthma from Allergen Inhalation Tests Journal Articles
Urticaria from allergy to a purified human anti‐Rh antibody preparation Journal Articles
Vaccine allergy Journal Articles
Value of commonly measured laboratory tests as biomarkers of disease activity and predictors of relapse in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis Journal Articles
Varying Approaches to Management of IgE-Mediated Food Allergy in Children Around the World Journal Articles