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subject area of
2[125I]Iodomelatonin binding and interaction with β‐adrenergic signaling in chick heart/coronary artery physiology Journal Articles
Staphylococcus aureus
Nonribosomal Peptide Secondary Metabolites Regulate Virulence Journal Articles
ED Chest Pain Rules: Follow Your HEART? Journal Articles
A Cardiac Output Computer for the Rapid Analysis of Indicator-Dilution Curves Journal Articles
A Classically Enlarged Cardiac Silhouette Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of Heart Dose in Breast Radiotherapy Journal Articles
A call to reevaluate cardiac autonomic assessment after spinal cord injury Journal Articles
A comparison of exercise responses in stairclimbing and cycling Journal Articles
A dosimetric study of cardiac dose sparing using the reverse semi-decubitus technique for left breast and internal mammary chain irradiation Journal Articles
A nontoxic system for 41.8 degrees C whole-body hyperthermia: results of a Phase I study using a radiant heat device. Journal Articles
A pilot study to investigate the feasibility and cardiac effects of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PL-DOX) as adjuvant therapy in medically fit elderly breast cancer patients Journal Articles
A post-hoc subgroup analysis assessing acute cardiac biomarker profiles in female cancer patients during adjuvant therapy Journal Articles
A randomized, double-blinded study comparing six doses of batanopride (BMY-25801) with methylprednisolone in patients receiving moderately emetogenic chemotherapy Journal Articles
Receptor Antagonist Treatment Caused Persistent Arterial Functional Changes in Young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Abnormal cardiac enzyme responses after strenuous exercise: alternative diagnostic aids Journal Articles
Actions of the sympathomimetic bronchodilator, AQL208, on the cardiovascular, bronchiolar and skeletal muscle systems of the cat Journal Articles
Activated Protein C Strengthens Cardiac Tolerance to Ischemic Insults in Aging Journal Articles
Acute Phase Response in Critically Ill Elderly Burn Patients Journal Articles
Adaptive blood pool segmentation in three‐dimensions: Application to MR cardiac evaluation Journal Articles
Adherence to a cardiac rehabilitation home program model of care: a comparison to a well-established traditional on-site supervised program Journal Articles
Advanced detection strategies for cardiotropic virus infection in a cohort study of heart failure patients Journal Articles
Aerobic training as an adjunctive therapy to enzyme replacement in Pompe disease Journal Articles
Afterload as a predeterminant of haemodynamics and segmental wall motion following coronary artery occlusion Journal Articles
Alcohol and the heart Journal Articles
Alterations in cardiac flow parameters in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome Journal Articles
An examination of the reciprocal and concurrent relations between behavioral and cardiac indicators of acute pain in toddlerhood Journal Articles
Apparatus for study of ventricular function and metabolism in the isolated perfused rat heart. Journal Articles
Application of Cell, Tissue, and Biomaterial Delivery in Cardiac Regenerative Therapy Journal Articles
Arterial vasodilation and cardiovascular structural changes in normotensive rats Journal Articles
Assessment of a procedure for left ventricle volumetry Journal Articles
Beta blockade: The right time, the right dose, the right receptor!* Journal Articles
Biochemical and pathological changes in rats fed low dietary levels of brominated cottonseed oil Journal Articles
Biomimetic Nanomaterials for the Immunomodulation of the Cardiosplenic Axis Postmyocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Burn size determines the inflammatory and hypermetabolic response Journal Articles
Can Nitrogen-13 Ammonia Kinetic Modeling Define Myocardial Viability Independent of Fluorine-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose? Journal Articles
Canine myocardial thresholds and tissue responses to chronic pacing Journal Articles
Cardiac Device Implantation Complications: A Gap in the Quality of Care? Journal Articles
Cardiac Remodeling in Fish: Strategies to Maintain Heart Function during Temperature Change Journal Articles
Cardiac actions of kaliuretics and antikaliuretics without digitalis Journal Articles
Cardiac involvement in Wegener’s granulomatosis resistant to induction therapy Journal Articles
Cardiac mechanics during development of heart failure. SOLVD Investigators. Journal Articles
Cardiac output measured by impedance cardiography during maximal exercise tests Journal Articles
Cardiopulmonary exercise performance in adult survivors of the Mustard procedure Journal Articles
Cardiotoxicity of brominated vegetable oils. Journal Articles
Cardiovascular Considerations in the Management of People With Suspected Long COVID Journal Articles
Changes in Cardiac Biomarkers During Doxorubicin Treatment of Pediatric Patients With High-Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Associations With Long-Term Echocardiographic Outcomes Conferences
Changes in Cardiac Physiology After Severe Burn Injury Journal Articles
Changes in Coronary Blood Flow and Other Hemodynamic Indicators Induced by Stressful Interviews Journal Articles
Characterization of Operator Learning Curve for Transradial Coronary Interventions Journal Articles
Chronotropic and inotropic actions of amrinone, carbazeran and isobutylmethyl xanthine: role of phosphodiesterase inhibition Journal Articles
Co-localization of the Cysteine Protease Caspase-3 with Apoptotic Myocytes afterIn VivoMyocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion in the Rat Journal Articles
Cobalt Cardiomyopathy Journal Articles
Cobra Venom Cardiotoxin Induces Perturbations of Cytosolic Calcium Homeostasis and Hypercontracture in Adult Rat Ventricular Myocytes Journal Articles
Comparison of Metoprolol and Propranolol in Modification of Haemodynamic and Renin-Aldosterone Responses to Tilting in Humans Journal Articles
Comparison of QT-interval and variability index methodologies in individuals with spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Comparison of hemodynamic responses to cycling and resistance exercise in congestive heart failure secondary to ischemic cardiomyopathy Journal Articles
Compensation for spill-in and spill-out partial volume effects in cardiac PET imaging Journal Articles
Continuous vs. interval training: a review for the athlete and the coach. Journal Articles
Coronary patency, infarct size and left ventricular function after thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: results from the tissue plasminogen activator: Toronto (TPAT) placebo-controlled trial Journal Articles
Detection and monitoring of cardiotoxicity—what does modern cardiology offer? Conferences
Development of cardiorespiratory function in circumpubertal boys: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Diagnostic Performance of Abnormal Nulling on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Look Locker Inversion Time Sequence in Differentiating Cardiac Amyloidosis Types Journal Articles
Direct radiofluorination of dopamine: 18F-labeled 6-fluorodopamine for imaging cardiac sympathetic innervation in humans using positron emission tomography Journal Articles
Diurnal variations of neurocardiac rhythms in acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Does hemodynamic monitoring complement conventional methods of assessment in the critically ill cardiac patient? Journal Articles
Dose reduction for cardiac CT using a registration‐based approach Journal Articles
Dosimetry and outcomes in patients receiving radiotherapy for synchronous bilateral breast cancers Journal Articles
Doxorubicin administration by continuous infusion is not cardioprotective: the Dana-Farber 91-01 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia protocol. Journal Articles
Dual-Chamber Versus Ventricular Pacing Journal Articles
Early cardiac development: A Wnt beat away Journal Articles
Early effects of mild hypertension on the heart. A longitudinal study. Journal Articles
Early ultrastructural and biochemical changes in the myopathic hamster heart. Journal Articles
Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular function in patients showing an antihypertensive and biochemical response to indapamide. Journal Articles
Effect of Cardiac Resynchronization on Myocardial Efficiency and Regional Oxidative Metabolism Journal Articles
Effect of High-Flux Hemodialysis on Cardiac Structure and Function among Patients with End-Stage Renal Failure Journal Articles
Effect of Vagal Nerve Electrostimulation on the Power Spectrum of Heart Rate Variability in Man Journal Articles
Effect of a Meal on Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Changes During Exercise Journal Articles
Effect of betablockade on dynamic exercise in human heart transplant recipients. Journal Articles
Effect of sertraline on the recovery rate of cardiac autonomic function in depressed patients after acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Effects of Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction on Mortality Risk in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Trial Journal Articles
Effects of a CRF2R agonist and exercise on mdx and wildtype skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Effects of catecholamines and potassium on cardiovascular performance in the rabbit Journal Articles
Effects of crustacean cardioactive peptide on the hearts of two Orthopteran insects, and the demonstration of a Frank–Starling-like effect Journal Articles
Effects of hemodialysis and hypertonic hemodiafiltration on cardiac function compared Journal Articles
Effects of oxygen free radicals and scavengers on the cardiac extracellular collagen matrix during ischemia-reperfusion. Journal Articles
Effects of physical training on cardiovascular function following myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Effects of respiratory alkalosis on human skeletal muscle metabolism at the onset of submaximal exercise Journal Articles
Effects of steady state exercise on the power spectrum of heart rate variability Journal Articles
Effects of the arterial vasodilator minoxidil on cardiovascular structure and sympathetic activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats Journal Articles
Effects on ventricular function of disopyramide, procainamide and quinidine as determined by radionuclide angiography Journal Articles
Electrical pathological obervations on the response of the canine heart to cardiac pacing. Journal Articles
Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with acute pulmonary embolism complicated by cardiogenic shock Journal Articles
Emerging role of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in cardiac and vascular protection. Journal Articles
Enhanced cell volume regulation: a key protective mechanism of ischemic preconditioning in rabbit ventricular myocytes Journal Articles
Enhancement of Amrinone-induced Positive Inotropy in Rabbit Papillary Muscles with Depressed Contractile Function: Effects on Cyclic Nucleotide Levels and Phosphodiesterase Isoenzymes Journal Articles
Estimating the Risks of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy: Evidence From Modern Radiation Doses to the Lungs and Heart and From Previous Randomized Trials Journal Articles
Estimation of dynamic time activity curves from dynamic cardiac SPECT imaging Journal Articles
Evidence for a regenerative capacity in adult mammalian cardiac myocytes Journal Articles
Excitatory and inhibitory inputs from medullary nuclei projecting to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat Journal Articles
Exercise Metabolism Journal Articles
Exercise response and resting left ventricular function after cessation of training in myocardial infarction and coronary artery bypass surgery patients. Journal Articles
Factors Influencing Work Capacity in Adolescent Idiopathic Thoracic Scoliosis Journal Articles
Frontal brain electrical asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone predict biased attention to social threat Journal Articles
Gas transport capacity and echocardiographically determined cardiac size in children Journal Articles
Generator replacement with cardiac-based VNS device in children with drug-resistant epilepsy: An observational study Journal Articles
Guidance signalling regulates leading edge behaviour during collective cell migration of cardiac cells in Drosophila Journal Articles
Heart failure in the 1990s: Evolutions of a major public health problem in cardiovascular medicine Journal Articles
Heart involvement detected by magnetic resonance in a patient with Churg–Strauss syndrome, mimicking severe asthma exacerbation Journal Articles
Heart rate recovery and heart rate variability are unchanged in patients with coronary artery disease following 12 weeks of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity endurance exercise training Journal Articles
Hemodynamic effects of two beta-adrenergic blocking drugs in anesthetized intact dogs Journal Articles
Heritable pathologic cardiac hypertrophy in adulthood is preceded by neonatal cardiac growth restriction Journal Articles
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin and the Management of Congenital Heart Disease in Newborns and Infants Journal Articles
Hypophysectomy and heart size Journal Articles
Impact of ischemic heart disease and cardiac rehabilitation on cerebrovascular compliance Journal Articles
Impaired cardiac "acceleration" at the onset of exercise in patients with coronary disease Journal Articles
Importance of genetic testing in unexplained cardiac arrest Journal Articles
In Reply: Journal Articles
In Utero Exposure to Chemotherapy: Effect on Cardiac and Neurologic Outcome Journal Articles
In a Heartbeat: An Assessment of Dynamic Dose Variation to Cardiac Structures Using Dual Source Computed Tomography Journal Articles
Incidence of Abnormal RNA Studies and Dysrhythmias in Patients with Blunt Chest Trauma Journal Articles
Increased sensitivity of the denervated transplanted human heart to isoprenaline both before and after beta-adrenergic blockade. Journal Articles
Influence of beta blockade on exercise capacity and heart rate response after human orthotopic and heterotopic cardiac transplantation Journal Articles
Integrins are required for cardioblast polarisation in Drosophila Journal Articles
Interaction of left atrial receptors and carotid sinus baroreceptors on heart rate in the dog Journal Articles
Intercellular communication in smooth muscle Journal Articles
Interrelation between donor and recipient heart rates during exercise after heterotopic cardiac transplantation. Journal Articles
Investigating convergence of cardiac and behavioral indicators of distress during routine vaccinations over the second year of life Journal Articles
Is exercise tolerance limited by the heart or the lungs? Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip exercise improves acute neurocardiac regulation Journal Articles
Knowing by heart: Visceral feedback shapes recognition memory judgments. Journal Articles
Left Ventricle Segmentation in Cardiac MR Images Using Fully Convolutional Network Journal Articles
Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in a Population of Healthy Elderly Subjects Journal Articles
Loss of SR-BI Expression Leads to the Early Onset of Occlusive Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease, Spontaneous Myocardial Infarctions, Severe Cardiac Dysfunction, and Premature Death in Apolipoprotein E–Deficient Mice Journal Articles
MEDiastinal Irradiation and CArdio-Toxic Effects (MEDICATE): Exploring the Relationship between Cardiac Irradiation and High Sensitivity Troponins Journal Articles
Magnesium interrelationships in ischemic heart disease: a review Journal Articles
Maladaptive phenotypic plasticity in cardiac muscle growth is suppressed in high‐altitude deer mice Journal Articles
Matrix Metalloproteinases are required for membrane motility and lumenogenesis during Drosophila heart development Journal Articles
Matrix metalloproteinases regulate ECM accumulation but not larval heart growth in Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Mechanisms of Angina in Aortic Stenosis Journal Articles
Modifiable Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Outcomes Journal Articles
Modulation of Neurocardiac Function by Oesophageal Stimulation in Humans Journal Articles
Multimodality Assessment of Cardiac Involvement in Churg-Strauss Syndrome Patients in Clinical Remission Journal Articles
Multimodality imaging in amyloidosis Journal Articles
Myocardial Response to Incremental Exercise in Endurance‐Trained Athletes: Influence of Heart Rate, Contractility and the Frank‐Starling Effect Journal Articles
Myocardial signal response to dipyridamole and dobutamine: Demonstration of the BOLD effect using a double‐echo gradient‐echo sequence Journal Articles
Naphthenic Acid Mixtures from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Enhance Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Affect Development of the Heart Journal Articles
Neural regulation of heart rate variability in endurance athletes and sedentary controls Journal Articles
Neurocardiac Responses to Vagoafferent Electrostimulation in Humans Journal Articles
Non-coplanar VMAT plans for lung SABR to reduce dose to the heart: a planning study Journal Articles
Novel SCO2 mutation (G1521A) presenting as a spinal muscular atrophy type I phenotype Journal Articles
Nutritional status affects branched-chain oxoacid dehydrogenase activity during exercise in humans Journal Articles
Opposite Effects of Arterial Vasodilators on Cardiac vs. Arterial Hypertrophy and Sympathetic Activity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Journal Articles
Optical control of L-type Ca2+ channels using a diltiazem photoswitch Journal Articles
Pathophysiology and treatment of cocaine toxicity: implications for the heart and cardiovascular system. Journal Articles
Pathways from medullary nuclei to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat Journal Articles
Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin and Trastuzumab in HER-2 Overexpressing Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Multicenter Phase II Trial Conferences
Performance of the dynamic single photon emission computed tomography (dSPECT) method for decreasing or increasing activity changes Journal Articles
Pericardin, a Drosophila collagen, facilitates accumulation of hemocytes at the heart Journal Articles
Persistent expression of the ATP-binding cassette transporter, Abcg2, identifies cardiac SP cells in the developing and adult heart Journal Articles
Plasma Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Level Is Correlated With Left Ventricular Volumes and Ejection Fraction in Patients With Heart Failure Journal Articles
Post-myocardial infarct p27 fusion protein intravenous delivery averts adverse remodelling and improves heart function and survival in rodents Journal Articles
Preserved left ventricular function during supine exercise in patients after orthotopic cardiac transplantation Journal Articles
Probing heart rate variability to determine parasympathetic dysfunction Journal Articles
Prognostic Value of Late Gadolinium Enhancement for the Prediction of Cardiovascular Outcomes in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Journal Articles
Protective effect of verapamil in experimental myocardial ischaemia: an electron microscopic investigation. Journal Articles
Pseudo‐gating: Elimination of periodic motion artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging without gating Journal Articles
Randomized Trials Fit for the 21st Century: A Joint Opinion From the European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and the World Heart Federation Journal Articles
Randomized trials fit for the 21st century. A joint opinion from the European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and the World Heart Federation. Journal Articles
Real-time fusion of endoscopic views with dynamic 3-D cardiac images: a phantom study Journal Articles
Recovery rates of regional sympathetic reinnervation and myocardial blood flow after acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Redistribution of Myocardial Blood Flow With Topical Nitroglycerin in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Journal Articles
Reduction of intrinsic sinoatrial frequency and norepinephrine response of the exercised rat Journal Articles
Regional Ischemic Ventricular Dysfunction in Myocardium Supplied by a Narrowed Coronary Artery with Increasing Halothane Concentration in the Dog Journal Articles
Regional contraction patterns in the normal and ischemic left ventricle in man Journal Articles
Regional distribution and kinetics of [18F]6-flurodopamine as a measure of cardiac sympathetic activity in humans. Journal Articles
Regulation of glycogen phosphorylase and PDH during exercise in human skeletal muscle during hypoxia Journal Articles
Relaxin alters cardiac myofilament function through a PKC-dependent pathway Journal Articles
Reliability and Validity of Measures of Cardiac Output During Incremental to Maximal Aerobic Exercise Journal Articles
Reply to the letter regarding the article ‘Dulaglutide and cardiovascular and heart failure outcomes in patients with and without heart failure: a post‐hoc analysis from the REWIND randomized trial’ Journal Articles
Response of the left ventricle to nitroglycerin in patients with and without mitral regurgitation. Journal Articles
Responses of single units in the intermediolateral nucleus to stimulation of cardioregulatory medullary nuclei in the cat Journal Articles
Resting and exercise heart rate with apnea and facial immersion in female swimmers Journal Articles
Resumption of Cardiac Activity after Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Measures Journal Articles
Retrospective cardiac gating: A review of technical aspects and future directions Journal Articles
Retrospective gating for mouse cardiac MRI Journal Articles
Safety of dipyridamole testing in 73,806 patients: The Multicenter Dipyridamole Safety Study Journal Articles
Scriptaid enhances skeletal muscle insulin action and cardiac function in obese mice Journal Articles
Semiquantitative dipyridamole myocardial stress perfusion imaging for cardiac risk assessment before noncardiac vascular surgery: A metaanalysis Journal Articles
Sex differences in cardiac autonomic function of depressed young adults Journal Articles
Simultaneous Tc-99m/I-123 dual-radionuclide myocardial perfusion/innervation imaging using Siemens IQ-SPECT with SMARTZOOM collimator Journal Articles
Slit coordinates cardiac morphogenesis in Drosophila Journal Articles
Spectral analysis of heart rate variability following human heart transplantation: evidence for functional reinnervation Journal Articles
Stability of resting frontal electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry and cardiac vagal tone in adolescent females exposed to child maltreatment Journal Articles
Subject-specific models for image-guided cardiac surgery Journal Articles
Swimming in H2O: two parts heart + one part obsession Journal Articles
Symposium on Myocardial Blood Flow in Man--Methods and Significance in Myocardial Disease: Pisa, Italy; June 10-12, 1971. Report of the session on acute hypoxia. Journal Articles
Syndecan contributes to heart cell specification and lumen formation during Drosophila cardiogenesis Journal Articles
Talin Is Required Continuously for Cardiomyocyte Remodeling during Heart Growth in Drosophila Journal Articles
Talin is required to position and expand the luminal domain of the Drosophila heart tube Journal Articles
Tetrandrine inhibits electrically induced [Ca2+]i transient in the isolated single rat cardiomyocyte Journal Articles
The 24-hour heart rate behavior in long-term survivors of cardiac transplantation Journal Articles
The Accuracy of the Electrocardiogram during Exercise Stress Test Based on Heart Size Journal Articles
The CHORUS (Cerivastatin in Heart Outcomes in Renal Disease: Understanding Survival) protocol: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in patients with ESRD Conferences
The CHORUS (Cerivastatin in Heart Outcomes in Renal Disease: Understanding Survival) protocol: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in patients with esrd. Journal Articles
The Effect of Dexrazoxane on Myocardial Injury in Doxorubicin-Treated Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Journal Articles
The Effect of Respiratory and Cardiac Motion in Liver Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Journal Articles
The Effect of Sham Feeding on Neurocardiac Regulation in Healthy Human Volunteers Journal Articles
The Inotropic Effect of 4−Aminopyridine and pH Changes in Rabbit Papillary Muscle Journal Articles
The benefit of deep inspiration breath hold: evaluating cardiac radiation exposure in patients after mastectomy and after breast-conserving surgery Journal Articles
The relationship between coronary artery occlusion-induced arrhythmias and myocardial cyclic nucleotide levels in the anaesthetized rat. Journal Articles
The relevance of tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme: manifestations in mechanistic and endpoint data Journal Articles
The role of endothelial shear stress, shear stress gradient, and plaque topography in plaque erosion Journal Articles
The role of the heart in the evolution of aerobic performance Journal Articles
The significance of early changes of positive and negative dp/dt following contrast ventriculography Journal Articles
The therapeutic potential of angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of heart failure Journal Articles
Thyroid hormone regulates cardiac performance during cold acclimation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Journal Articles
Time Dependence of Myocardial Contractility in the Human Left Ventricle Journal Articles
Toxic effects of brominated vegetable oils in rats Journal Articles
Toxicogenomic Analysis of Mainstream Tobacco Smoke-Exposed Mice Reveals Repression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene in Heart Journal Articles
Trastuzumab Cardiac Side Effects: Only Time Will Tell Journal Articles
Tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates in human muscle at rest and during prolonged cycling Journal Articles
Use of induction therapy post‐heart transplantation: Clinical practice recommendations based on systematic review and network meta‐analysis of evidence Journal Articles
Usefulness of the QTc interval in predicting myocardial ischemia in patients undergoing exercise stress testing Journal Articles
Utility of the Physical Examination in Detecting Pulmonary Hypertension. A Mixed Methods Study Journal Articles
Vagal Afferent Stimulation as a Cardioprotective Strategy? Introducing the Concept Journal Articles
Validation of dynamic heart models obtained using non-linear registration for virtual reality training, planning, and guidance of minimally invasive cardiac surgeries Journal Articles
Variability of electrocardiographic and enzyme evolution of myocardial infarction in man. Journal Articles
Ventricular performance in acute normovolemic anemia and effects of beta blockade Journal Articles
We Can Learn From the Past, but We Must Pave the Future of Congenital Heart Disease Research Journal Articles
[Activity of the afferent fibers of the cardiac nerve of a teleost]. Journal Articles
[Effects of excitation of the central end of the cardiac nerve in teleosts]. Journal Articles
[Electron microscopic study of the eel heart: findings on the structure of muscle tissue of the auricle & its innervation]. Journal Articles
[Innervation of the auricle of the heart of teleosts]. Journal Articles
[Mode of termination and functional significance of myelinated fibers innervating without ganglion relay the muscular tissue of the auricle of teleosts]. Journal Articles
[Pharmacological analysis at the level of the isolated fish-cat auricle, of efferent cardiac innervation]. Journal Articles
z‐Wire: A Microscaffold That Supports Guided Tissue Assembly and Intramyocardium Delivery for Cardiac Repair Journal Articles