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14 Antithrombotic treatment of cerebrovascular disease Journal Articles
2013 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Classification Criteria for Systemic Sclerosis Outperform the 1980 Criteria: Data From the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group Journal Articles
2020 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology classification criteria for granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Journal Articles
2022 American College of Rheumatology/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology classification criteria for microscopic polyangiitis. Journal Articles
30-Day Mortality among Very Old Patients Admitted to European Intensive Care Units for Major Trauma Journal Articles
is associated with lacunar ischemic stroke and deep ICH Journal Articles
A Democratic Responsiveness Approach to Real Reform: An Exploration of Health Care Systems' Resilience Journal Articles
A European view of diagnostic yield and appropriateness of colonoscopy. Journal Articles
A Genome-wide Association Study Identifies Risk Alleles in Plasminogen and P4HA2 Associated with Giant Cell Arteritis Journal Articles
A Multinational Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Acute Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): a Comparison of Cost-Effectiveness Between Venlafaxine, SSRIs and TCAs Journal Articles
A Novel User-Friendly Score (HAS-BLED) To Assess 1-Year Risk of Major Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
A Snapshot of the International Views of the Treatment of Rectal Cancer Patients, a Multi‐regional Survey: International Tendencies in Rectal Cancer Journal Articles
A benchmarking project on the quality of previous guidelines about the management of malignant pleural effusion from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) Pleural Diseases Working Group Journal Articles
A comparative study of disorders of gut–brain interaction in Western Europe and Asia based on the Rome foundation global epidemiology study Journal Articles
A new highly penetrant form of obesity due to deletions on chromosome 16p11.2 Journal Articles
A new multi-national network studying Very old Intensive care Patients (VIPs) Journal Articles
A population-based approach to integrated healthcare delivery: a scoping review of clinical care and public health collaboration Journal Articles
A practical approach to prescribing antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute coronary syndromes Journal Articles
A review of the cost of cardiovascular disease Journal Articles
A review of the two major regulatory pathways for non-proprietary low-molecular-weight heparins Journal Articles
A scorecard for osteoporosis in Canada and seven Canadian provinces Journal Articles
A summary to communicate evidence from systematic reviews to the public improved understanding and accessibility of information: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
A view from the bridge: agreement between the SF‐6D utility algorithm and the Health Utilities Index Journal Articles
AIRWAYS-ICPs (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing) from concept to implementation Journal Articles
ANCA-Associated Glomerulonephritis: Risk Factors for Renal Relapse Journal Articles
Acute myelogenous leukemia in adolescents and young adults Journal Articles
Addressing uncertainty in relative effectiveness assessments by HTA organizations Journal Articles
Adjusting insulin doses in patients with type 1 diabetes who use insulin pump and continuous glucose monitoring: Variations among countries and physicians Journal Articles
Advanced practice nursing in Europe—Results from a pan‐European survey of 35 countries Journal Articles
Advice Concerning Pregnancy and Health in Late Medieval Europe: Peasant Women’s Wisdom in The Distaff Gospels Journal Articles
Africa and South America seem to have the highest prevalence of aggressive periodontitis, and Europe has the lowest Journal Articles
Age and sex differences, and changing trends, in the use of evidence-based therapies in acute coronary syndromes: perspectives from a multinational registry Journal Articles
Age at Immigration to Canada and the Occurrence of Mood, Anxiety, and Substance Use Disorders Journal Articles
Aging in the United Kingdom: a review of demographic trends, recent policy developments and care provision. Journal Articles
Agranular CD4+/CD56+ Hematodermic Neoplasm: A Distinct Entity Described in the Recent World Health Organization–European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Classification for Cutaneous Lymphomas Journal Articles
Agreement with Guidelines from a Large Database for Management of Systemic Sclerosis: Results from the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group Journal Articles
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA): Achievements in 10 years and future needs Journal Articles
An Interactive Web-Based Educational Tool Improves Detection and Delineation of Barrett’s Esophagus–Related Neoplasia Journal Articles
An International Comparison of Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
An International Report on the Adaptations of Rapid Transient Ischaemic Attack Pathways During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
An Official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Statement: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Evidence-based Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management Journal Articles
An extended outbreak of infectious peritonitis in a closed colony of european wildcats (Felis silvestris) Journal Articles
An international investigation into AB plasma administration in hospitals: how many AB plasma units were infused? The HABSWIN study Journal Articles
An international multicenter randomized study of computer-assisted oral anticoagulant dosage vs. medical staff dosage Journal Articles
An international, multicenter, survey-based analysis of practice and management of acute liver failure Journal Articles
An international, multicentre evaluation and description of Burkholderia pseudomallei infection in cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
An open-label study of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of dabigatran etexilate 150 mg once daily in Caucasian patients with moderate renal impairment undergoing primary unilateral elective total knee or hip replacement surgery Journal Articles
Analysis of Canis mitochondrial DNA demonstrates high concordance between the control region and ATPase genes Journal Articles
Antithrombin alfa in hereditary antithrombin deficient patients: A phase 3 study of prophylactic intravenous administration in high risk situations Journal Articles
Antithrombotic treatment for newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in relation to patient age: the GLORIA-AF registry programme Journal Articles
Are laboratories following published recommendations for lupus anticoagulant testing? Journal Articles
Asociación de Hemato-Oncología Pediátrica de Centro América (AHOPCA): A model for sustainable development in pediatric oncology Journal Articles
Assessment of the European Society of Cardiology 0-Hour/1-Hour Algorithm to Rule-Out and Rule-In Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Association between impulsivity traits and body mass index at the observational and genetic epidemiology level Journal Articles
Association between tracheostomy timing and outcomes for older critically ill COVID-19 patients: prospective observational study in European intensive care units Journal Articles
Association of gastrointestinal events with quality of life and treatment satisfaction in osteoporosis patients: results from the Medication Use Patterns, Treatment Satisfaction, and Inadequate Control of Osteoporosis Study (MUSIC OS) Journal Articles
Association of nut intake with risk factors, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 16 countries from 5 continents: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study Journal Articles
Association of peripartum management and high maternal blood loss at cesarean delivery for placenta accreta spectrum (PAS): A multinational database study Journal Articles
Associations of the FTO rs9939609 variant with discrete body fat depots and dietary intake in a multi-ethnic cohort Journal Articles
Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure in Cardiology Practice: Reciprocal Impact and Combined Management From the Perspective of Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
Atrial fibrillation burden in clinical practice, research, and technology development: a clinical consensus statement of the European Society of Cardiology Council on Stroke and the European Heart Rhythm Association. Journal Articles
Atrial fibrillation management: a prospective survey in ESC Member Countries Journal Articles
Automated body composition analysis of clinically acquired computed tomography scans using neural networks Journal Articles
Behavioural patterns in allergic rhinitis medication in Europe: A study using MASK‐air® real‐world data Journal Articles
Benefit of Oral Anticoagulant Over Antiplatelet Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation Depends on the Quality of International Normalized Ratio Control Achieved by Centers and Countries as Measured by Time in Therapeutic Range Journal Articles
Biological, clinical and population relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids Journal Articles
Blood Pressure Lowering With Nilvadipine in Patients With Mild‐to‐Moderate Alzheimer Disease Does Not Increase the Prevalence of Orthostatic Hypotension Journal Articles
Blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol targets for prevention of recurrent strokes and cognitive decline in the hypertensive patient Journal Articles
Body Contouring Surgery After Bariatric Surgery Improves Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life and Satisfaction With Appearance Journal Articles
Body dysmorphic disorder: a treatment synthesis and consensus on behalf of the International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders and the Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Network of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Journal Articles
Book Review: Sexual Health: A Public Health Perspective (Understanding Public Health) Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Consensus Meetings: Vive la Difference? Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: A Synopsis of the European Breast Guidelines Journal Articles
Building bridges for innovation in ageing: Synergies between action groups of the EIP on AHA Journal Articles
Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: a review of methodological design choices Journal Articles
Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices Journal Articles
C-Reactive Protein as a Screening Test for Cardiovascular Risk in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
COVID-19 clinical trials: learning from exceptions in the research chaos. Journal Articles
COVID-19 epidemic strongly affected cancer research in Italy: a survey of the Italian Cancer Society (SIC) Journal Articles
Cardiovascular and cancer mortality among Canadians of European, south Asian and Chinese origin from 1979 to 1993: an analysis of 1.2 million deaths. Journal Articles
Caring ahead: Mixed methods development of a questionnaire to measure caregiver preparedness for end-of-life with dementia Journal Articles
Caring for patients with pain during the COVID‐19 pandemic: consensus recommendations from an international expert panel Journal Articles
Caring for the Elderly: A European Perspective on Today and Tomorrow Journal Articles
Changing life expectancy in European countries 1990-2021: a subanalysis of causes and risk factors from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Journal Articles
Characteristics, management and prognosis of elderly patients in the Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation. Journal Articles
Childhood, adolescent and adult age at onset and related clinical correlates in obsessive–compulsive disorder: a report from the International College of Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) Journal Articles
Classifying European cigarette consumption trajectories from 1970 to 2015 Journal Articles
Climate change and waterborne diseases in temperate regions: a systematic review. Journal Articles
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Polyarteritis Nodosa: An International Study Journal Articles
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Young and Very Young Adults With Heart Failure Journal Articles
Clinical Research on Acupuncture: Part 1. What Have Reviews of the Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture Told Us So Far? Journal Articles
Clinical Research on Acupuncture: Part 2. Controlled Clinical Trials, an Overview of Their Methods Journal Articles
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute coronary syndrome patients with left anterior hemiblock Journal Articles
Clinical correlates of immediate success and outcome at 1-year follow-up of real-world cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: the Euro Heart Survey Journal Articles
Clinical effectiveness of primary prevention implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: results of the EU-CERT-ICD controlled multicentre cohort study Journal Articles
Clinical features and contemporary management of patients with low and preserved ejection fraction heart failure: baseline characteristics of patients in the Candesartan in Heart failure—Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme Journal Articles
Clinical trials update from the European Society of Cardiology Meeting 2009: AAA, RELY, PROTECT, ACTIVE‐I, European CRT survey, German pre‐SCD II registry, and MADIT‐CRT Conferences
Clinicopathological features and current treatment outcomes of neuroendocrine thymic tumours Journal Articles
Cognitive Outcomes of Long-term Benzodiazepine and Related Drug (BDZR) Use in People Living With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: Results From NILVAD Journal Articles
Combined Oral Contraceptive Adherence and Pregnancy Rates Journal Articles
Comparing the American and European diagnostic guidelines for cystic fibrosis: same disease, different language? Journal Articles
Comparison of Two Major Perioperative Bleeding Scores for Cardiac Surgery Trials Journal Articles
Comparison of house dust mite sensitization profiles in allergic adults from Canada, Europe, South Africa and USA Journal Articles
Comprehensive characterization of European house dust contaminants: Concentrations and profiles, geographical variability, and implications for chemical regulation and health risk. Journal Articles
Conflict of Evidence: Resolving Discrepancies When Findings from Randomized Controlled Trials and Meta-analyses Disagree Journal Articles
Consensus on circulatory shock and hemodynamic monitoring. Task force of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Journal Articles
Consensus statement for inert gas washout measurement using multiple- and single- breath tests Journal Articles
Consensus statements, evidence‐based medicine and guidelines in allergic diseases Journal Articles
Continuing Medical Education: an international reality Journal Articles
Contraceptive knowledge, attitudes and use among women attending health clinics in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Journal Articles
Cross-cultural development and psychometric evaluation of a measure to assess fear of childbirth prior to pregnancy Journal Articles
Cross‐cultural equivalence in depression assessment: Japan–Europe–North American study Journal Articles
Cumulative Prognostic Score Predicting Mortality in Patients Older Than 80 Years Admitted to the ICU Journal Articles
Current Practice in the Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Shaft Fractures: An International Survey Journal Articles
Current Status of Implementation of Self-Administration Training in Various Regions of Europe, Canada and the USA in the Management of Hereditary Angioedema Conferences
Darexaban (YM150) versus enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after total hip arthroplasty: a randomised phase IIb dose confirmation study (ONYX-3) Journal Articles
De novo mutation of the β-globin gene initiation codon (ATG→AAG) in a Northern European Journal Articles
Defibrillation testing and clinical outcomes after implantable cardioverter–defibrillator implantation in patients in atrial fibrillation at the time of implant: An analysis from the SIMPLE trial Journal Articles
Defining Obesity Cut Points in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Defining high bleeding risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention: a consensus document from the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding
Risk Journal Articles
Depression, Migraine With Aura and Migraine Without Aura: Their Familiality and Interrelatedness Journal Articles
Des [b]soins[/b] palliatifs... pour le bon patient, par la bonne personne, avec la bonne formation, au bon endroit et au bon moment Journal Articles
Descriptive epidemiology of asthma Journal Articles
Development and evaluation of cultural food frequency questionnaires for South Asians, Chinese, and Europeans in North America Journal Articles
Development of an Evidence-Based Risk Assessment Framework Journal Articles
Diagnostic Criteria for the Classification of Cancer-Associated Weight Loss Journal Articles
Diagnostic Strategies to Detect Glucose Intolerance in a Multiethnic Population Journal Articles
Diagnostic utility of alarm features for colorectal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Did the post war repatriation of Lebanese physicians drive recent Lebanese medical graduates to emigrate? An observational study Journal Articles
Diet and health: the need for new and reliable approaches Journal Articles
Dietary Intakes and Plasma Organochlorine Contaminant Levels among Great Lakes Fish Eaters Journal Articles
Dietary practices among Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees in Western societies: A scoping review Journal Articles
Differences in content and organisational aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes Journal Articles
Differences in mortality in critically ill elderly patients during the second COVID-19 surge in Europe Journal Articles
Differences in risk factors, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease between ethnic groups in Canada: the study of health assessment and risk in ethnic groups (SHARE). Journal Articles
Differences in risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease between ethnic groups in Canada: the Study of Health Assessment and Risk in Ethnic groups (SHARE) Journal Articles
Disaggregating Canadian immigrant smoking behaviour by country of birth Journal Articles
Doctors' and nurses' attitudes towards neonatal ethical decision making in Ireland Journal Articles
Does Googling lead to statin intolerance? Journal Articles
Does a High-inflammatory Diet Increase the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Results From the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Does genetic heterogeneity account for the divergent risk of type 2 diabetes in South Asian and white European populations? Journal Articles
Does the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) meet patients’ needs? A survey‐based study Journal Articles
Dose-Response Study of Recombinant Factor VIIa/Tissue Factor Inhibitor Recombinant Nematode Anticoagulant Protein c2 in Prevention of Postoperative Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Replacement Journal Articles
Drug-induced infiltrative lung disease. Conferences
Dysfunction of lipid sensor GPR120 leads to obesity in both mouse and human Journal Articles
EAU Guidelines on the Assessment of Non-neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms including Benign Prostatic Obstruction. Journal Articles
ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests Journal Articles
ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: pathophysiology and methodology of indirect airway challenge testing Journal Articles
ESMO takes a stand on supportive and palliative care Journal Articles
ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition in the intensive care unit Journal Articles
Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin andHomo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals Journal Articles
Early Risks of Death, Stroke/Systemic Embolism, and Major Bleeding in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
Early life predictive markers of liver disease outcome in an International, Multicentre Cohort of children with Alagille syndrome Journal Articles
Economic evaluation of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Journal Articles
Effect of Genetic Variants Associated With Plasma Homocysteine Levels on Stroke Risk Journal Articles
Effect of Repeat Measurements of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin on the Same Sample Using the European Society of Cardiology 0-Hour/1-Hour or 2-Hour Algorithms for Early Rule-Out and Rule-In for Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Effect of Systemic Hypertension With Versus Without Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on the Progression of Atrial Fibrillation (from the Euro Heart Survey) Journal Articles
Effectiveness of service models and organisational structures supporting tuberculosis identification and management in hard-to-reach populations in countries of low and medium tuberculosis incidence: a systematic review. Journal Articles
Efficacy and safety of artificial urinary sphincter (AUS): Results of a large multi-institutional cohort of patients with mid-term follow-up. Journal Articles
Eighteenth century Yersinia pestis genomes reveal the long-term persistence of an historical plague focus Journal Articles
Elevated cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity, a major determinant of the atherogenic dyslipidemia, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in South Asians Journal Articles
Embolic strokes of undetermined source: a clinical consensus statement of the ESC Council on Stroke, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and the European Heart Rhythm Association of the ESC Journal Articles
Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms in patients with severe angulation of the proximal neck using a flexible stent-graft: European Multicenter Experience. Journal Articles
End‐of‐Life Decision‐Making in Canada: The Report by the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel on End‐of‐Life Decision‐Making Journal Articles
Enoxaparin Prevents Death and Cardiac Ischemic Events in Unstable Angina/Non–Q-Wave Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Enrollment of Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color in Multicountry Randomized Controlled Trials of Diabetes Conducted in North America and Europe Journal Articles
Environmental risk assessment for the serotonin re‐uptake inhibitor fluoxetine: Case study using the European risk assessment framework Journal Articles
Enzymatic and quantitative variation in European and African populations of Drosophila simulans Journal Articles
Eosinophilic, Solid, and Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma Journal Articles
Epidemiological Aspects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Europe and North America Journal Articles
Equivalence Considerations for Orally Inhaled Products for Local Action—ISAM/IPAC-RS European Workshop Report Journal Articles
Ethnic Differences in Atrial Fibrillation Identified Using Implanted Cardiac Devices Journal Articles
Ethnic and diet-related differences in the healthy infant microbiome Journal Articles
Ethnic differences in the relationships between obesity and glucose-metabolic abnormalities: a cross-sectional population-based study Journal Articles
European Classification of Infertility Taskforce (ECIT) response to Habbema et al., ‘Towards less confusing terminology in reproductive medicine: a proposal’ Journal Articles
European Evidence-based Consensus: Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Malignancies Journal Articles
European Respiratory Society Statement on preschool wheezing disorders: updated definitions, knowledge gaps, and proposed future research directions Journal Articles
European Respiratory Society guidelines on long-term home non-invasive ventilation for management of COPD Journal Articles
European Society of Hypertension Position Paper on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Journal Articles
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine clinical practice guideline on fluid therapy in adult critically ill patients. Part 1: the choice of resuscitation fluids Journal Articles
European Society of Paediatric Radiology abdominal imaging task force: recommendations for contrast-enhanced ultrasound and diffusion-weighted imaging in focal renal lesions in children Journal Articles
European Society of Paediatric Radiology abdominal imaging task force: statement on imaging in very early onset inflammatory bowel disease Journal Articles
European guidelines on peri-operative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: first update. Journal Articles
European guidelines on peri-operative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: first update. Journal Articles
European guidelines on peri-operative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: first update. Journal Articles
Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for prostate cancer: the need for a unified approach Journal Articles
Evolution of immune genes is associated with the Black Death Journal Articles
Expert Consensus for Multimodality Imaging Evaluation of Adult Patients during and after Cancer Therapy: A Report from the American Society of Echocardiography and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging Journal Articles
Expert consensus on palivizumab use for respiratory syncytial virus in developed countries Journal Articles
FOREWORD Journal Articles
Failure to perceive increased risk of fracture in women 55 years and older: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) Journal Articles
Fall prevention interventions for older
community-dwelling adults: systematic reviews on benefits, harms, and patient values and
preferences Journal Articles
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection and Other Conditions in Children Journal Articles
Fixation using alternative implants for the treatment of hip fractures (FAITH): design and rationale for a multi-centre randomized trial comparing sliding hip screws and cancellous screws on revision surgery rates and quality of life in the treatment of femoral neck fractures Journal Articles
Forensic archaeology, forensic anthropology and Human Rights in Europe Journal Articles
Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018) Journal Articles
Frailty and Fracture, Disability, and Falls: A Multiple Country Study From the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women Journal Articles
Frequency and ethnic distribution of the commonDHCR7 mutation in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Journal Articles
Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
GA2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) addresses the allergy and asthma ‘epidemic’ Journal Articles
GRADE Reporting in Systematic Reviews Published in the Urological Literature (2009-2021) Journal Articles
Gastrointestinal symptoms and association with medication use patterns, adherence, treatment satisfaction, quality of life, and resource use in osteoporosis: baseline results of the MUSIC-OS study Journal Articles
Gender Differences in Radiation Dose From Nuclear Cardiology Studies Across the World Journal Articles
Gender-Related Differences in Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in Europe Journal Articles
Gene-centric Meta-analysis in 87,736 Individuals of European Ancestry Identifies Multiple Blood-Pressure-Related Loci Journal Articles
Genetic implications and health consequences following the Chernobyl nuclear accident Journal Articles
Geographical Differences in Human Oral Yeast Flora Journal Articles
Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Journal Articles
Global Discrepancies in the Diagnosis, Surgical Management, and Investigation of Femoroacetabular Impingement Journal Articles
Global and regional effects of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with acute stroke in 32 countries (INTERSTROKE): a case-control study Journal Articles
Global prevalence of burnout among postgraduate medical trainees: a systematic review and meta-regression Journal Articles
Global representation of heart failure clinical trial leaders, collaborators, and enrolled participants: a bibliometric review 2000–20 Journal Articles
Global, regional, and national burden of chronic kidney disease, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Journal Articles
Glucose levels are associated with cardiovascular disease and death in an international cohort of normal glycaemic and dysglycaemic men and women: the EpiDREAM cohort study Journal Articles
Grandparental partnership status and its effects on caring for grandchildren in Europe Journal Articles
Guideline-adherent antithrombotic treatment is associated with improved outcomes compared with undertreatment in high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation. The Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation Journal Articles
Guideline-based quality assurance: a conceptual framework for the definition of key elements Journal Articles
Guidelines for Empiric Antimicrobial Prescribing in Community-Acquired Pneumonia Journal Articles
Guidelines for anticoagulant use in acute coronary syndromes Journal Articles
HIV infection and multidrug resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Harmonization of HTA--based reimbursement and regulatory approval activities: a qualitative study. Journal Articles
Health Outcomes Categorized by Current and Previous Definitions of Acute Myocardial Infarction in an Unselected Cohort of Troponin-Naïve Emergency Department Patients Journal Articles
Healthcare resource use in XALIA: A subgroup analysis of a non-interventional study of rivaroxaban versus standard anticoagulation for deep vein thrombosis Journal Articles
Heart failure with mid‐range ejection fraction in CHARM: characteristics, outcomes and effect of candesartan across the entire ejection fraction spectrum Journal Articles
Hemoglobin Titusville, a low oxygen affinity variant hemoglobin, in a family of Northern European background Journal Articles
High prevalence of macrolide resistance: not in every country! [Comment on: Halpern et al. J Antimicrob Chemother 2005; 55: 748–57] Journal Articles
How diet modification challenges are magnified in vulnerable or marginalized people with diabetes and heart disease: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis. Journal Articles
How the World Trade Organisation is shaping domestic policies in health care Journal Articles
Huge variation in obtaining ethical permission for a non-interventional observational study in Europe Journal Articles
Identification of Genetic Loci Underlying the Phenotypic Constructs of Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Identification of new susceptibility loci for type 2 diabetes and shared etiological pathways with coronary heart disease Journal Articles
Identification of older adults with frailty in the Emergency Department using a frailty index: results from a multinational study Journal Articles
Idiopathic atrial fibrillation revisited in a large longitudinal clinical cohort Journal Articles
Impact of COVID-19 on the imaging diagnosis of cardiac disease in Europe Journal Articles
Impact of Modifiable Bleeding Risk Factors on Major Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulated With Rivaroxaban Journal Articles
Impact of Prevalent Fractures on Quality of Life: Baseline Results From the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women Journal Articles
Impact of age on the efficacy and safety of extended-duration thromboprophylaxis in medical patients Journal Articles
Impact of aspirin on presentation and hospital outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes (The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events [GRACE]) Journal Articles
Impact of cause of death adjudication on the results of the European prostate cancer screening trial Journal Articles
Impact of gender: Rivaroxaban for patients with atrial fibrillation in the XANTUS real‐world prospective study Journal Articles
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator use in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in North America and Europe Journal Articles
Implementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a scoping literature review Journal Articles
Implications of Diabetes in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes<subtitle>The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events</subtitle> Journal Articles
Important research questions in allergy and related diseases: nonallergic rhinitis: a GA2LEN paper Journal Articles
Increased burden of comorbidities and risk of cardiovascular death in atrial fibrillation patients in Europe over ten years: A comparison between EORP-AF pilot and EHS-AF registries Journal Articles
Indicators of life success from the perspective of individuals with traumatic brain injury: a scoping review Journal Articles
Individual- and supply-level macronutrient intakes are well correlated over a 50-year period (1961–2011) in 18 countries in Asia, North America, and Europe Journal Articles
Influence of maternal educational level on the association between the rs3809508 neuromedin B gene polymorphism and the risk of obesity in the HELENA study Journal Articles
Inhibitor development in haemophilia according to concentrate Journal Articles
Inhibitor development in non-severe haemophilia across Europe Journal Articles
Inpatient versus outpatient induction of labour: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Insight into the evolutionary and domesticated history of the most widely cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus via mitogenome sequences of 361 global strains Journal Articles
Instrument-Defined Estimates of the Minimally Important Difference for EQ-5D-5L Index Scores Journal Articles
Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs) Journal Articles
International Geographic Variation in Event Rates in Trials of Heart Failure With Preserved and Reduced Ejection Fraction Journal Articles
International Trends in Asthma Mortality: 1970 to 1985 Journal Articles
International approaches to the prescription of long-term oxygen therapy Journal Articles
International variation in ethics and contract approval processes for a low-risk observational study of mechanical ventilation discontinuation practices Journal Articles
International variation in rates of uptake of preventive options in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers Journal Articles
Interventions for implementation of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized patients at risk for venous thromboembolism Journal Articles
Intracavitary contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in children: review with procedural recommendations and clinical applications from the European Society of Paediatric Radiology abdominal imaging task force Journal Articles
Introduction by the Guest Editor: Ronald Barr Journal Articles
Is There a Risk to Humans from Consuming Octopus Species from Sites with High Environmental Levels of Metals? Journal Articles
Key Steps in Conducting Systematic Reviews for Underpinning Clinical Practice Guidelines: Methodology of the European Association of Urology Journal Articles
Laparoscopic surgery for pancreatic neoplasms: the European association for endoscopic surgery clinical consensus conference Journal Articles
Late stages of epidemiological transition: health status in the developed world Journal Articles
Latent heat exchange in the boreal and arctic biomes Journal Articles
Levels of Care in the Intensive Care Unit: A Research Program Journal Articles
Long-term clinical outcomes of tisagenlecleucel in patients with relapsed or refractory aggressive B-cell lymphomas (JULIET): a multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 2 study Journal Articles
MINDMAP: establishing an integrated database infrastructure for research in ageing, mental well-being, and the urban environment Journal Articles
Make the money work for health in sub-Saharan Africa Journal Articles
Male involvement in prevention programs of mother to child transmission of HIV: a systematic review to identify barriers and facilitators Journal Articles
Management of Germ Cell Tumors During the Outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic: A Survey of International Expertise Centers Journal Articles
Management of dyslipidaemia in patients with coronary heart disease: Results from the ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V survey in 27 countries Journal Articles
Management of young femoral neck fractures: Is there a consensus? Journal Articles
Manifesto for a European research network into Problematic Usage of the Internet Journal Articles
Maternal and Fetal Outcomes After Living Kidney Donation Journal Articles
Maternal and neonatal outcomes in planned versus emergency cesarean delivery for placenta accreta spectrum: A multinational database study Journal Articles
Measuring quality of life in patients with pleural mesothelioma using a modified version of the Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS): psychometric properties of the LCSS-Meso Journal Articles
Medical Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Therapy: A Consensus Statement of the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Journal Articles
Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials of Prophylactic Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor and Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor After Autologous and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Journal Articles
Meta‐analytic results of ethnic group differences in peer victimization Journal Articles
Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review Journal Articles
Methodology and design of platform trials: a meta-epidemiological study Journal Articles
Methods for Development of the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer Guidelines Journal Articles
Milk analysis using milk analyzers in a standardized setting (MAMAS) study: A multicentre quality initiative Journal Articles
Minimal important difference estimates for patient-reported outcomes: A systematic survey Journal Articles
Monitoring and evaluation of breast cancer screening programmes: selecting candidate performance indicators Journal Articles
Multicenter clinical research in adult critical care Journal Articles
Myxoma Virus M-T7, a Secreted Homolog of the Interferon-γ Receptor, Is a Critical Virulence Factor for the Development of Myxomatosis in European Rabbits Journal Articles
Neandertal Genetics Journal Articles
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit-Level Patent Ductus Arteriosus Treatment Rates and Outcomes in Infants Born Extremely Preterm Journal Articles
Network of community-oriented educational institutions for the health sciences Journal Articles
New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease Journal Articles
Nilvadipine in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: A randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
Nine-year trends in achievement of risk factor goals in the US and European outpatients with cardiovascular disease Journal Articles
North American and European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses differ in non-structural protein coding regions. Journal Articles
Nosocomial Pneumonia Guidelines Journal Articles
Nutrition Support of Children With Chronic Liver Diseases Journal Articles
Oncological Outcomes of Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy Versus Open Radical Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: An European Association of Urology Guidelines Systematic Review Journal Articles
Operative Management of Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures in Elderly Patients Journal Articles
Optimising experimental research in respiratory diseases: an ERS statement Journal Articles
Optimizing gallbladder stone lithotripsy: an international survey. Journal Articles
Oral anticoagulant use in octogenarian European patients with atrial fibrillation: A subanalysis of PREFER in AF Journal Articles
Oral direct factor Xa inhibition with edoxaban for thromboprophylaxis after elective total hip replacement Journal Articles
Outcome measures for clinical research in sepsis: A report of the 2nd Cambridge Colloquium of the International Sepsis Forum Journal Articles
Outcomes after catheter ablation and cardioversion in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: results from the prospective, observational XANTUS study Journal Articles
Outcomes associated with non-recommended dosing of rivaroxaban: results from the XANTUS study Journal Articles
Overutilization and underutilization of thrombolysis in routine clinical practice∗∗Editorials published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiologyreflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of JACCor the American College of Cardiology. Journal Articles
PRevalence of Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence Surgical Evaluation (P.R.A.I.S.E.): rationale and design of a multi-center cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Patient Focus and Regulatory Considerations for Inhalation Device Design: Report from the 2015 IPAC-RS/ISAM Workshop Journal Articles
Patient and healthcare professional factors influencing end-of-life decision-making during critical illness: A systematic review* Journal Articles
Patient outcomes using the European label for dabigatran Journal Articles
Performance of antenatal imaging to predict placenta accreta spectrum degree of severity Journal Articles
Performance of the European Society of Cardiology 0/1-Hour, 0/2-Hour, and 0/3-Hour Algorithms for Rapid Triage of Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Perinatal mortality rate in the Netherlands compared to other European countries: A secondary analysis of Euro-PERISTAT data Journal Articles
Pharmacological treatment strategies in obsessive compulsive disorder: A cross-sectional view in nine international OCD centers Journal Articles
Placebo Response Rates in Randomized Controlled Trials for Perianal Crohn’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Plea for a standardized imaging approach to disorders of sex development in neonates: consensus proposal from European Society of Paediatric Radiology task force Journal Articles
Pooling Birth Cohorts in Allergy and Asthma: European Union-Funded Initiatives – A MeDALL, CHICOS, ENRIECO, and GA2LEN Joint Paper Journal Articles
Population Genetics of Hirsutella rhossiliensis, a Dominant Parasite of Cyst Nematode Juveniles on a Continental Scale Journal Articles
Potential Benefit of Lymph Node Dissection During Radical Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Systematic Review by the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel on Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Journal Articles
Potential net clinical benefit of population-wide implementation of apixaban and dabigatran among European patients with atrial fibrillation Journal Articles
Pre-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights from the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events and the Canadian Registry of Acute Coronary Events Journal Articles
Predictable and Preventable: Historical and Current Efforts to Improve Child Injury Prevention Journal Articles
Prediction of mortality benefit based on periodic repolarisation dynamics in patients undergoing prophylactic implantation of a defibrillator: a prospective, controlled, multicentre cohort study Journal Articles
Predictive value of European Scleroderma Group Activity Index in an early scleroderma cohort Journal Articles
Predictors of post-thrombotic syndrome in a population with a first deep vein thrombosis and no primary venous insufficiency Journal Articles
Present criteria for prophylactic ICD implantation: Insights from the EU-CERT-ICD (Comparative Effectiveness Research to Assess the Use of Primary ProphylacTic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in EUrope) project Journal Articles
Prevalence and characteristics of asthma in the aquatic disciplines Journal Articles
Prevention and assessment of infectious diseases among children and adult migrants arriving to the European Union/European Economic Association: A protocol for a suite of systematic reviews for public health and health systems Journal Articles
Prevention of Infections in Cardiac Surgery study (PICS): study protocol for a pragmatic cluster-randomized factorial crossover pilot trial Journal Articles
Prevention of vascular complications after cerebral ischaemia of arterial organ; the ESPRIT study: mild anticoagulant therapy, combination treatment with acetylsalicylic acid and dipyridamole, or treatment with acetylsalicylic acid alone? Journal Articles
Procalcitonin Algorithms for Antibiotic Therapy Decisions Journal Articles
Proceedings of a Consensus Conference: Pathogen Inactivation—Making Decisions About New Technologies Journal Articles
Profile of Patients Diagnosed With Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Routine Clinical Practice: The RE-COVERY DVT/PE™ Study Journal Articles
Promoting Success or Preventing Failure: Cultural Differences in Motivation by Positive and Negative Role Models Journal Articles
Promoting long-term care quality assurance: strategies used in Europe and North America. Journal Articles
Proposed diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of hypophosphatasia in children and adolescents: results from the HPP International Working Group Journal Articles
Provision of critical care for the elderly in Europe: a retrospective comparison of national healthcare frameworks in intensive care units Journal Articles
Psychometric findings and normative values for the CLEFT-Q based on 2434 children and young adult patients with cleft lip and/or palate from 12 countries Journal Articles
Public policy and the market for dental services Journal Articles
Pulmonary embolism prevalence among emergency department cohorts: A systematic review and meta‐analysis by country of study Journal Articles
Quality of life in children with epilepsy: How does it compare with the quality of life in typical children and children with cerebral palsy? Journal Articles
Quality of life with ablation or medical therapy for ventricular arrhythmias: A substudy of VANISH Journal Articles
Quality of life, resource consumption and costs of spinal cord stimulation versus conventional medical management in neuropathic pain patients with failed back surgery syndrome (PROCESS trial) Journal Articles
Randomized trials fit for the 21st century. A joint opinion from the European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and the World Heart Federation. Journal Articles
Rationale and design of MUSIC OS-EU: an international observational study of the treatment of postmenopausal women for osteoporosis in Europe and Canada. Journal Articles
Rationale and design of the EU‐CERT‐ICD prospective study: comparative effectiveness of prophylactic ICD implantation Journal Articles
Re-evaluation of peri-operative cardiac risk (the MET REPAIR study) Journal Articles
Re: Gunnar Aus, Christopher Chapple, Tomas Hanûs, et al. The European Association of Urology (EAU) Guidelines Methodology: A Critical Evaluation. Eur Urol 2009;56:859–64 Journal Articles
Reappraisal of Malthus Journal Articles
Recommendations from the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer for multigene testing to guide the use of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with early breast cancer, hormone receptor positive, HER-2 negative Journal Articles
Recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with pulmonary embolism and right ventricular dysfunction: a post-hoc analysis of the Hokusai-VTE study Journal Articles
Refining Clinical Risk Stratification for Predicting Stroke and Thromboembolism in Atrial Fibrillation Using a Novel Risk Factor-Based Approach Journal Articles
Regional and age-related variations in the proportions of hip fractures and major fractures among postmenopausal women: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women Journal Articles
Regional differences in treatment for osteoporosis. The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) Journal Articles
Reimbursing Live Organ Donors for Incurred Non-Medical Expenses: A Global Perspective on Policies and Programs Journal Articles
Relations between lipoprotein(a) concentrations, LPA genetic variants, and the risk of mortality in patients with established coronary heart disease: a molecular and genetic association study Journal Articles
Relationship of Metabolic Syndrome and Fibrinolytic Dysfunction to Cardiovascular Disease Journal Articles
Reporting of equity in observational epidemiology: A methodological review Journal Articles
Research in medical education: three decades of progress Journal Articles
Respiratory-Related Hospitalizations following Prophylaxis in the Canadian Registry for Palivizumab (2005–2012) Compared to Other International Registries Journal Articles
Restart of Anticoagulant Therapy and Risk of Thrombosis, Rebleeding, and Death after Factor Xa Inhibitor Reversal in Major Bleeding Patients Journal Articles
Results at 1 Year from SATURN, A European, Prospective, Multicenter Registry for Male Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery. Journal Articles
Rethinking palliative care in a public health context: addressing the needs of persons with non-communicable chronic diseases Journal Articles
Risk Stratification Tools and Prognostic Models in Non–muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer: A Critical Assessment from the European Association of Urology Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel Journal Articles
Risk factors for bleeding in people living with hemophilia A and B treated with regular prophylaxis: A systematic review of the literature Journal Articles
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Canadians of South Asian and European origin: a pilot study of the Study of Heart Assessment and Risk in Ethnic Groups (SHARE). Journal Articles
Risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease among Aboriginal people in Canada: the Study of Health Assessment and Risk Evaluation in Aboriginal Peoples (SHARE-AP) Journal Articles
Risk of post‐thrombotic syndrome after subtherapeutic warfarin anticoagulation for a first unprovoked deep vein thrombosis: results from the REVERSE study Journal Articles
Risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism after a first oestrogen-associated episode Journal Articles
Risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism or bleeding in relation to thrombophilic risk factors in patients receiving ximelagatran or placebo for long‐term secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism Journal Articles
Risk of resistance to highly active antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive injecting drug users: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Rivaroxaban for Preventing Venous Thromboembolism in High-Risk Ambulatory Patients with Cancer: Rationale and Design of the CASSINI Trial Journal Articles
Rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin after total knee arthroplasty Journal Articles
SHANK1 Deletions in Males with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Safety and efficacy of sucrose-formulated full-length recombinant factor VIII: Experience in the standard clinical setting Journal Articles
Scaled testing for COVID-19 needs community involvement Journal Articles
Searching for a common currency: Critical appraisal of the scientific basis underlying European harmonization of the measurement of health related quality of life (EuroQol©) Journal Articles
Seasonality of conception in hutterite colonies of Europe (1758–1881) and North America (1858–1964) Journal Articles
Sekundärprävention nach ischämischem zerebralem Insult Journal Articles
Serum Lipoprotein (a) Levels in Patients with First Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism is not Associated with Subsequent Risk of Recurrent VTE Journal Articles
Service provision for children and young people with acquired brain injury: Practice recommendations Journal Articles
Sex differences in outcomes of primary prevention implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy: combined registry data from eleven European countries Journal Articles
Sex differences in treatment strategies for pulmonary embolism in older adults: The SERIOUS-PE study of RIETE participants and US Medicare beneficiaries. Journal Articles
Significant variation in mortality and functional outcome after acute ischaemic stroke between western countries: data from the tinzaparin in acute ischaemic stroke trial (TAIST) Journal Articles
Single versus multiple fractions of repeat radiation for painful bone metastases: a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial Journal Articles
Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice Journal Articles
SodiUm SeleniTe Adminstration IN Cardiac Surgery (SUSTAIN CSX-trial): study design of an international multicenter randomized double-blinded controlled trial of high dose sodium-selenite administration in high-risk cardiac surgical patients Journal Articles
Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder Journal Articles
Standardisation of Clinical Assessment, Management and Follow-Up of Acute Hospitalised Exacerbation of COPD: A Europe-Wide Consensus Journal Articles
Standardized challenge testing with pharmacological, physical and sensitizing stimuli in adults Journal Articles
Stenting and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: Findings from the global registry of acute coronary events (GRACE) Journal Articles
Strengthening guideline contextualization in the WHO European Region. Journal Articles
Stroke and Bleeding Risk Co-distribution in Real-world Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: The Euro Heart Survey Journal Articles
Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries Journal Articles
Sustained Aeration of Infant Lungs (SAIL) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Symptom profiles and explanatory models of first‐episode psychosis in African‐, Caribbean‐ and European‐origin groups in Ontario Journal Articles
Symptomatic atrial fibrillation and risk of cardiovascular events: data from the Euro Heart Survey Journal Articles
Systematic review with meta‐analysis: proximal disease extension in limited ulcerative colitis Journal Articles
Targeted enrichment of ancient pathogens yielding the pPCP1 plasmid ofYersinia pestisfrom victims of the Black Death Journal Articles
Technical Considerations in the Operative Management of Femoral Neck Fractures in Elderly Patients: A Multinational Survey Journal Articles
Temporal Trends and Factors Associated With the Inclusion of Patient‐Reported Outcomes in Heart Failure Randomized Controlled Trials: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The 2 °C global warming effect on summer European tourism through different indices Journal Articles
The ARIA/EAACI criteria for antihistamines: an assessment of the efficacy, safety and pharmacology of desloratadine Journal Articles
The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) score of allergic rhinitis using mobile technology correlates with quality of life: The MASK study Journal Articles
The Brussels Declaration: the need for change in asthma management Journal Articles
The Constituent Year Effect in European Track and Field Masters Athletes: Evidence of Participation and Performance Advantages Journal Articles
The Diagnostic Accuracy of Cystoscopy for Detecting Bladder Cancer in Adults Presenting with Haematuria: A Systematic Review from the European Association of Urology Guidelines Office Journal Articles
The Dynamics of Spatial Labor Mobility in the Netherlands Journal Articles
The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Lung Function in Young Adults with Asthma Journal Articles
The Establishment of Human Research Tissue Banking in the UK and Several Western European Countries Journal Articles
The Euro Heart Survey Program: What's in It for Nurses? Journal Articles
The European Society of Paediatric Radiology launches European Diploma in Paediatric Radiology Journal Articles
The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW): rationale and study design Journal Articles
The Importance of Hospital and Surgeon Volume as Major Determinants of Morbidity and Mortality After Radical Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Recommendations by the European Association of Urology Muscle-invasive and Metastatic Bladder Cancer Guideline Panel Journal Articles
The International Consortium on Primary Graft Dysfunction: Redefining Clinical Risk Factors in the Contemporary Era of Heart Transplantation Journal Articles
The Prevalence of Low Back Pain in Adults: A Methodological Review of the Literature Journal Articles
The Prognostic Significance of Bundle Branch Block in High‐Risk Chronic Stable Vascular Disease Patients: A Report from the HOPE Trial Journal Articles
The Relationship Between Dysglycemia and Atherosclerosis in South Asian, Chinese, and European Individuals in Canada Journal Articles
The Role of Partnership Status on Late-Life Physical Function Journal Articles
The Scleroderma Patient-Centered Intervention Network Cohort: baseline clinical features and comparison with other large scleroderma cohorts Journal Articles
The Speaker Gender Gap at Critical Care Conferences Journal Articles
The Study of Health Assessment and Risk in Ethnic groups (SHARE): rationale and design. The SHARE Investigators. Journal Articles
The association of sociodemographic and disease variables with hand function: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network cohort study. Journal Articles
The contribution of frailty, cognition, activity of daily life and comorbidities on outcome in acutely admitted patients over 80 years in European ICUs: the VIP2 study Journal Articles
The cost implication of primary prevention in the HOPE 3 trial Journal Articles
The cost-effectiveness of the use of clopidogrel in acute coronary syndromes in five countries based upon the CURE study. Journal Articles
The cost‐effectiveness of computer‐assisted anticoagulant dosage: results from the European Action on Anticoagulation (EAA) multicentre study Journal Articles
The current burden of allergic rhinitis amongst primary care practitioners and its impact on patient management Journal Articles
The economics of health information technology in medication management: a systematic review of economic evaluations Journal Articles
The effect of exposure to long working hours on ischaemic heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury Journal Articles
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening for HIV in migrants in the EU/EEA: a systematic review Journal Articles
The evolution of theEuropean Respiratory Journal: volume 2 Journal Articles
The evolutionary and phylogeographic history of woolly mammoths: a comprehensive mitogenomic analysis Journal Articles
The genetics of hemoglobin A2 regulation in sickle cell anemia Journal Articles
The health economics of Helicobacter pylori infection Journal Articles
The impact of GI events on persistence and adherence to osteoporosis treatment: 3-, 6-, and 12-month findings in the MUSIC-OS study Journal Articles
The impact of frailty on ICU and 30-day mortality and the level of care in very elderly patients (≥ 80 years) Journal Articles
The impact of surgical randomised controlled trials on the management of FAI syndrome: a citation analysis Journal Articles
The influence of progression of atrial fibrillation on quality of life: a report from the Euro Heart Survey Journal Articles
The international EC/IC bypass study. Journal Articles
The potential of peptide immunotherapy in allergy and asthma Journal Articles
The prevalence of abnormal glucose regulation in patients with coronary artery disease across EuropeThe Euro Heart Survey on diabetes and the heart Journal Articles
The prevalence of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury Journal Articles
The prognostic role of gender in survival of adult cancer patients Journal Articles
The prognostic role of gender in survival of adult cancer patients. EUROCARE Working Group. Journal Articles
The relation between maternal obesity and placenta accreta spectrum: A multinational database study Journal Articles
The role of morbidity and mortality meetings in interventional radiology Journal Articles
The study of health assessment and risk in ethnic groups (SHARE): Rationale and design Journal Articles
The type of embolic protection does not influence the outcome in carotid artery stenting Journal Articles
Thrombectomy in young adults with embolic stroke of undetermined source: Analysis of the Young ESUS study Journal Articles
Time for reflection on patient’s safety in healthcare Journal Articles
Transplant-ineligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Current and future approaches to clinical care: A Young International Society of Geriatric Oncology Review Paper Journal Articles
Treatment of Bladder Stones in Adults and Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Behalf of the European Association of Urology Urolithiasis Guideline Panel Journal Articles
Treatment of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients with dalteparin for up to 12 months: the DALTECAN Study Journal Articles
Trends in injury-related deaths before and after dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Journal Articles
Trial characteristics associated with under‐enrolment of females in randomized controlled trials of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a systematic review Journal Articles
Trochleoplasty provides good clinical outcomes and an acceptable complication profile in both short and long-term follow-up Journal Articles
Turning thirty: evolution but not revolution at the ERJ Journal Articles
Uncovering the hidden socioeconomic impact of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and paving the way for other rare childhood diseases: an international, cross-disciplinary, patient-centered approach (PAVE Consortium). Journal Articles
Understanding frailty: a qualitative study of European healthcare policy-makers’ approaches to frailty screening and management Journal Articles
Understanding the social organisation of maternity care systems: midwifery as a touchstone Journal Articles
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol Journal Articles
Updated European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD Journal Articles
Use of dental services by immigrant Canadians. Journal Articles
Use of multidetector computed tomography for the assessment of acute chest pain: a consensus statement of the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging and the European Society of Cardiac Radiology Journal Articles
Using GRADE evidence to decision frameworks to choose from multiple interventions Journal Articles
Variation in Current Management of Term and Late-preterm Neonates at Risk for Early-onset Sepsis Journal Articles
Variation in mantle technique: implications for establishing priorities for quality assurance in clinical trials Journal Articles
Variations in colonoscopy practice in Europe: A multicentre descriptive study (EPAGE) Journal Articles
Variations in end‐of‐life care practices in older critically ill patients with COVID‐19 in Europe Journal Articles
Vitamin D and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: A Mendelian Randomization Study Journal Articles
Vitamin K antagonists in heart disease: Current status and perspectives (Section III) Journal Articles
Von Willebrand Disease: Gaining a global perspective Journal Articles
What Is the Negative Predictive Value of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Excluding Prostate Cancer at Biopsy? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis from the European Association of Urology Prostate Cancer Guidelines Panel Journal Articles
What Is the Prognostic and Clinical Importance of Urothelial and Nonurothelial Histological Variants of Bladder Cancer in Predicting Oncological Outcomes in Patients with Muscle-invasive and Metastatic Bladder Cancer? A European Association of Urology Muscle Invasive and Metastatic Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel Systematic Review Journal Articles
What is new in pediatric cardiac imaging? Journal Articles
White Rice Intake and Incident Diabetes: A Study of 132,373 Participants in 21 Countries Journal Articles
Withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining therapy in older adults (≥ 80 years) admitted to the intensive care unit Journal Articles
Workshop on Partial Breast Irradiation: State of the Art and the Science, Bethesda, MD, December 8-10, 2002 Journal Articles
Worldwide variability in deceased organ donation registries Journal Articles
XANTUS: rationale and design of a noninterventional study of rivaroxaban for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation Journal Articles
Yersinia pestis and the Plague of Justinian 541–543 AD: a genomic analysis Journal Articles
[Airway response. Standardized provocation tests in adults: pharmacological, physical and sensitizing stimuli. Work Group on Standardization of Respiratory Function Tests. European Community for Coal and Steel. Official position of the European Respiratory Society]. Journal Articles
[Treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes in the Netherlands in 2000-2001; a comparison with other European countries and with the guidelines]. Journal Articles