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A Description of a Psychosocial/Psychoeducational Intervention for Persons with Recurrent Suicide Attempts Journal Articles
A First-Person Account of Caring for a Parent With Dysphagia. Journal Articles
A Preliminary Study of DBH (Encoding Dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase) Genetic Variation and Neural Correlates of Emotional and Motivational Processing in Individuals With and Without Pathological Gambling Journal Articles
A Preliminary Study of the Neural Correlates of the Intensities of Self-Reported Gambling Urges and Emotions in Men with Pathological Gambling Journal Articles
A Review of the Neurobiological Basis of Trauma-Related Dissociation and Its Relation to Cannabinoid- and Opioid-Mediated Stress Response: a Transdiagnostic, Translational Approach Journal Articles
A comprehensive multiattribute system for classifying the health status of survivors of childhood cancer. Journal Articles
A happy story: Developmental changes in children’s sensitivity to facial expressions of varying intensities Journal Articles
A longitudinal comparison of emotional, behavioral and attention problems in autistic and typically developing children Journal Articles
A pilot study examining the effectiveness of a short-term, DBT informed, skills group for emotion dysregulation during the perinatal period. Journal Articles
A preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy in a forensic psychiatric setting Journal Articles
A review of factors that moderate autobiographical memory performance in patients with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
A systematic review of heart failure dyadic self-care interventions focusing on intervention components, contexts, and outcomes Journal Articles
ASO Author Reflections: Uptake of Surgical Innovations: More Evidence and Less Opinion and Enthusiasm Journal Articles
Accuracy of emotion labeling in children of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Adolescents with cerebral palsy: stability in measurement of quality of life and health‐related quality of life over 1 year Journal Articles
Affect across adulthood: Evidence from English, Dutch, and Spanish. Journal Articles
Affect and gaze responses during an Emotion-Evoking Task in infants at an increased likelihood for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Affective biases in English are bi-dimensional Journal Articles
Affective flexibility and generalized anxiety disorder: valence-specific shifting difficulties Journal Articles
Afterimage induced neural activity during emotional face perception Journal Articles
Afternoon cortisol provides a link between self‐regulated anger and peer‐reported aggression in typically developing children in the school context Journal Articles
Agreement between mothers and children aged 11–14 years in rating child oral health‐related quality of life Journal Articles
Agreement of the 12-item World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0 in parents and youth with physical illness living in Canada Journal Articles
Allostatic load in bipolar disorder: Implications for pathophysiology and treatment Journal Articles
An Emotional Go/No-Go fMRI study in adolescents with depressive symptoms following concussion Journal Articles
An assessment of global health status in survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood. Journal Articles
An experience sampling investigation of emotion and worry in people with generalized anxiety disorder Journal Articles
An exploration of pain experiences and their meaning in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
An exploratory study of the relationship between changes in emotion and cognitive processes and treatment outcome in borderline personality disorder Journal Articles
Anticipatory hyperexcitability and tolerance to the narcotizing effect of morphine in the rat. Journal Articles
Appraisals of daily romantic relationship experiences in individuals with borderline personality disorder features. Journal Articles
Are Healing Ceremonies Useful for Enhancing Quality of Life? Journal Articles
Are Orchids Left and Dandelions Right? Frontal Brain Activation Asymmetry and Its Sensitivity to Developmental Context Journal Articles
Are postbereavement research interviews distressing to carers? Lessons learned from palliative care research Journal Articles
Arts-based social skills interventions for adolescents with acquired brain injuries: Five case reports Journal Articles
Assessing the impact of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) protocol and Emotional Resilience Skills Training (ERST) among diverse public safety personnel Journal Articles
Assessing trauma and related distress in refugee youth and their caregivers: should we be concerned about iatrogenic effects? Journal Articles
Assessment of quality of life in adolescents with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: Development and testing of a questionnaire for clinical trials Journal Articles
Associations between trauma and substance use among healthcare workers and public safety personnel during the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic: the mediating roles of dissociation and emotion dysregulation Journal Articles
Associations of Collectivism with Relationship Commitment, Passion, and Mate Preferences: Opposing Roles of Parental Influence and Family Allocentrism Journal Articles
Attachment Styles and Personal Growth following Romantic Breakups: The Mediating Roles of Distress, Rumination, and Tendency to Rebound Journal Articles
Attentional avoidance of emotional stimuli in postpartum women with childhood history of maltreatment and difficulties with emotion regulation. Journal Articles
Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the encoding of emotional information Journal Articles
Autonomic predictors of Stroop performance in young and middle-aged adults Journal Articles
Backward masking: Evidence of reduced subcortical amygdala engagement in autism Journal Articles
Barriers and enablers to sexual health service use among university students: a qualitative descriptive study using the Theoretical Domains Framework and COM-B model Journal Articles
Barriers and facilitators affecting self-disclosure among male survivors of child sexual abuse: The service providers’ perspective Journal Articles
Barriers to the use of emergency medical services for ST‐elevation myocardial infarction: Determining why many patients opt for self‐transport Journal Articles
Behavioral Differences in Aggressive Children Linked with Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation Journal Articles
Behavioral Effects of Infection with IL-6 Adenovector Journal Articles
Behavioral and cardiac responses to emotional stroop in adults with autism spectrum disorders: influence of medication Journal Articles
Behavioral and physiological differences during an emotion-evoking task in children at increased likelihood for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Behavioral, biochemical and neuroendocrine responses to amphetamine in normal twins and ‘well-state’ bipolar patients Journal Articles
Behaviour change interventions: getting in touch with individual differences, values and emotions Journal Articles
Behavioural effects of acute tryptophan depletion in healthy male volunteers Journal Articles
Being a sibling of a youth with a neurodisability: A qualitative study about the roles and responsibilities during the transition to adulthood Journal Articles
Better quality of mother–child interaction at 4 years of age decreases emotional overeating in IUGR girls Journal Articles
Biological rhythms disruption mediates the association between mother's diagnosis of bipolar disorder and offspring's emotional/behavioral problems Journal Articles
Body sway reflects joint emotional expression in music ensemble performance Journal Articles
Borderline Personality Disorder and the Family Environment Journal Articles
Boundary-Spanning Work Demands and Their Consequences for Guilt and Psychological Distress Journal Articles
COVID-19 brought the water struggles in Ghana into our homes in Canada: Collective emotions and WASH struggles in distant locations during health emergencies Journal Articles
Cancer-related fatigue: scoping review to synthesize a definition for childhood cancer survivors Journal Articles
Career choice regret during COVID-19 among healthcare students and professionals in mainland China: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Caregiving, single parents and cumulative stresses when caring for a child with cancer Journal Articles
Categorical perception of emotional facial expressions in preschoolers Journal Articles
Challenges and support service preferences of informal caregivers of people with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional survey. Journal Articles
Changes in Serum Lipids in Relation to Emotional Stress during Rigid Control of Diet and Exercise Journal Articles
Changes in peer belonging, school climate, and the emotional health of immigrant, refugee, and non-immigrant early adolescents. Journal Articles
Changes in serum lipids in relation to emotional stress during rigid control of diet and exercise. Journal Articles
Changes in the neural bases of emotion regulation associated with clinical improvement in children with behavior problems Journal Articles
Child and parent engagement in therapy: What is the key? Journal Articles
Children's shyness and frontal electroencephalogram delta–beta correlation in the pediatric surgical setting Journal Articles
Classifying heterogeneous presentations of PTSD via the default mode, central executive, and salience networks with machine learning Journal Articles
Clinical and parental predictors of emotion regulation following cognitive behaviour therapy in children with autism Journal Articles
Clinical correlates of faecal incontinence in systemic sclerosis: identifying therapeutic avenues Journal Articles
Co-occurring motor, language and emotional–behavioral problems in children 3–6years of age Journal Articles
Coding infant engagement in the Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm using deep neural networks Journal Articles
Cognitive, affective, and conative theory of mind (ToM) in children with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Comparison of quality of life, and emotional and functional profiles in older people with and without severe haemophilia Journal Articles
Comparison of the health-related quality of life of extremely low birth weight children and a reference group of children at age eight years Journal Articles
Comprehension of affective prosody in women with post‐traumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse Journal Articles
Comprehensive assessment of the health status of extremely low birth weight children at eight years of age: Comparison with a reference group Journal Articles
Conceptualization of Competency-Based Medical Education Terminology in Family Medicine Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Concreteness ratings for 40 thousand generally known English word lemmas Journal Articles
Concurrent developmental course of sleep problems and emotional/behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence as reflected by the dysregulation profile Journal Articles
Controlling the unruly maternal body: Losing and gaining control over the body during pregnancy and the postpartum period Journal Articles
Convergence of semantics and emotional expression within the IFG pars orbitalis Journal Articles
Cortical thickness in symptomatic and asymptomatic bipolar offspring Journal Articles
Cortisol, Hedonics, and Maternal Responsiveness in Human Mothers Journal Articles
Criticism and accommodation are associated with treatment concerns in close others to those with anxiety Journal Articles
Cultural background influences implicit but not explicit sense of agency for the production of musical tones Journal Articles
Decision Regret Following the Choice of Surgery or Active Surveillance for Small, Low-Risk Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Decisional Regret after Distal Hypospadias Repair: Single Institution Prospective Analysis of Factors Associated with Subsequent Parental Remorse or Distress Journal Articles
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Journal Articles
Deep phenotyping of socio-emotional skills in children with typical development, neurodevelopmental disorders, and mental health conditions: Evidence from the PEERS Journal Articles
Depression, migraine, and cardiovascular disease: Sadness really can break your heart Journal Articles
Determinants of health-related quality of life in women with vertebral fractures Journal Articles
Development and application of an index of social function. Journal Articles
Development of a health-related quality-of-life questionnaire (PCOSQ) for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Journal Articles
Developmental patterns of children's shyness: Relations with physiological, emotional, and regulatory responses to being treated unfairly Journal Articles
Differential effects of emotional arousal in short- and long-term memory in healthy adults Journal Articles
Differential magnitude of reward conditioning as a function of predifferential reward magnitude. Journal Articles
Difficulties with emotion regulation moderate the association between childhood history of maltreatment and cortisol reactivity to psychosocial challenge in postpartum women Journal Articles
Disability Associated With Alcohol Abuse and Dependence Journal Articles
Discriminative validity and interpretability of the mood and feelings questionnaire Journal Articles
Distinguishing shyness and sociability in adults: An event-related electrocortical-neuroendocrine study Journal Articles
Disturbed emotionality in autoimmune MRL-lpr mice Journal Articles
Diversity in action: exchange of perspectives and reflections on taxonomies of individual differences Journal Articles
Do Psychological and Behavioural Factors Change Over Pregnancy? Journal Articles
Do all obsessions contradict personal values to the same degree? A pilot investigation Journal Articles
Do temperamentally shy children process emotion differently than nonshy children? Behavioral, psychophysiological, and gender differences in reticent preschoolers Journal Articles
Does psychological well-being influence oral-health-related quality of life reports in children receiving orthodontic treatment? Journal Articles
Drawing on experience: exploring the pedagogical possibilities of using rich pictures in health professions education. Journal Articles
ERN varies with degree of psychopathy in an emotion discrimination task Journal Articles
ERP indices of emotionality and semantic cohesiveness during recognition judgments Journal Articles
Early Adversity and Mental Health: Linking Extremely Low Birth Weight, Emotion Regulation, and Internalizing Disorders Journal Articles
Editorial: The Importance of Screening for Developmental Disorders and Demonstrating Improved Health Outcomes Journal Articles
Effect of auditory status on visual emotion recognition in adolescents Journal Articles
Effects of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication of Affection on Avoidantly Attached Partners’ Emotions and Message Receptiveness Journal Articles
Effects of acute prednisone administration on memory, attention and emotion in healthy human adults Journal Articles
Effects of aging on identifying emotions conveyed by point-light walkers. Journal Articles
Effects of mindfulness‐based stress reduction on emotional experience and expression: a randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Effects of motherhood on physiological and subjective responses to infant cries in teenage mothers: A comparison with non-mothers and adult mothers Journal Articles
Emotion and expertise: how listeners with formal music training use cues to perceive emotion Journal Articles
Emotion and language: Valence and arousal affect word recognition. Journal Articles
Emotion differentiation and its relation with emotional well-being in adolescents Journal Articles
Emotion recognition of faces and emoji in individuals with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Emotion regulation in children with behavior problems: Linking behavioral and brain processes Journal Articles
Emotion regulation moderates between maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and oxytocin response Journal Articles
Emotion socialization parenting interventions targeting emotional competence in young children: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Emotion-Focused Principles for Working with Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
Emotional Congruence in Sexual Offenders Against Children Journal Articles
Emotional Responsivity in Children with Autism, Children with Other Developmental Disabilities, and Children with Typical Development Journal Articles
Emotional State of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from the Cognitive and Social Well-Being (CoSoWELL) Corpus Journal Articles
Emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents and young adults with food allergy Journal Articles
Emotional contagion for pain is intact in autism spectrum disorders Journal Articles
Emotional cues do not increase the likelihood of tip-of-the-tongue states Journal Articles
Emotional distress tolerance across anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Emotional expressions reinstate recognition of other-race faces in infants following perceptual narrowing. Journal Articles
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder Journal Articles
Emotional memory in bipolar disorder: Impact of multiple episodes and childhood trauma Journal Articles
Emotional memory in pregnant women at risk for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Emotional reactivity and perspective-taking in individuals with and without severe depressive symptoms Journal Articles
Emotionally maltreated: The under-current of impairment? Journal Articles
Enhanced Salience and Emotion Recognition in Autism: A PET Study Journal Articles
Escitalopram ameliorates differences in neural activity between healthy comparison and major depressive disorder groups on an fMRI Emotional conflict task: A CAN-BIND-1 study Journal Articles
Establishing benefit of emotion-focused, carer-based interventions for adolescents with anorexia nervosa Journal Articles
Ethno-cultural diversity in the experience of widowhood in later life: Chinese widows in Canada Journal Articles
Evaluating the role of panic disorder in emotional sensitivity processes involved with smoking Journal Articles
Evaluation of impairment of health related quality of life in asthma: development of a questionnaire for use in clinical trials. Journal Articles
Evidence for early arousal‐based differentiation of emotions in children’s musical production Journal Articles
Examination of emotional contagion and social anxiety using novel video stimuli Journal Articles
Executive functions and social cognition in highly lethal self-injuring patients with borderline personality disorder. Journal Articles
Experiences of women aging with the human immunodeficiency virus: A qualitative study Journal Articles
Experiencing regrets in clinical practice Journal Articles
Exploration of the Benefits of an Activity-Specific Test of Temperament Journal Articles
Exploring self-conscious emotions in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal Articles
Exploring the Use of Natural Language Processing to Understand Emotions of Trainees and Faculty Regarding Entrustable Professional Activity Assessments Journal Articles
Exploring the morphological and emotional correlates of infant cuteness Journal Articles
Exploring the relationship between social power and the ERP components of empathy for pain Journal Articles
Exploring the relationships between income and emotional/practical concerns and help-seeking by older adult cancer survivors: A secondary analysis Journal Articles
Eye blinking, musical processing, and subjective states—A methods account Journal Articles
FACE-Q Scales for Health-Related Quality of Life, Early Life Impact, Satisfaction with Outcomes, and Decision to Have Treatment Journal Articles
FACE-Q scales for health-related quality of life, early life impact, satisfaction with outcomes, and decision to have treatment: development and validation. Journal Articles
Facial emotion recognition of older adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Facial-affect recognition deficit as a predictor of different aspects of social-communication impairment in traumatic brain injury. Journal Articles
Family income, parenting styles and child behavioural–emotional outcomes Journal Articles
Fetal alcohol syndrome and the developing socio-emotional brain Conferences
Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time. Journal Articles
Food perception in dieters and non-dieters Journal Articles
From anatomy to function: the role of the somatosensory cortex in emotional regulation Journal Articles
Frontal EEG asymmetry and sensation seeking in young adults Conferences
Frontal EEG asymmetry moderates the relation between borderline personality disorder features and feelings of social rejection in adolescents Journal Articles
Functional neural correlates of facial affect recognition impairment following TBI Journal Articles
Functionality versus dimensionality in psychological taxonomies, and a puzzle of emotional valence Journal Articles
Gastrostomy matters—The impact of pediatric surgery on caregiver quality of life Journal Articles
Genome-wide association study of emotional empathy in children Journal Articles
Getting motivated: long-term perspectives on engaging in community-based programs after acquired brain injury Journal Articles
Grief and loss: past, present and future Journal Articles
Health Status Assessment of the Elderly Journal Articles
Health promotion for frail older home care clients Journal Articles
Health status and health‐related quality of life associated with von Willebrand disease Journal Articles
Healthcare-Related Regret among Nurses and Physicians Is Associated with Self-Rated Insomnia Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
How Important is Permanency Planning for Children? Considerations for Pediatricians Involved in Child Protection Journal Articles
How Older Adults Combine Medical and Experiential Notions of Depression Journal Articles
Identification of paediatric cancer patients with poor quality of life Journal Articles
Illustrating Risk: Anaphylaxis Through the Eyes of the Food‐Allergic Child Journal Articles
Impact of Completing FACE-Q Craniofacial Module Scales on Children and Young Adults with Facial Differences: An International Study Conferences
Impact of Reirradiation of Painful Osseous Metastases on Quality of Life and Function: A Secondary Analysis of the NCIC CTG SC.20 Randomized Trial Journal Articles
Impact of emotional distress on caregivers burden among Nigerian children with Obstructive Adenotonsillar hypertrophy Journal Articles
Impaired disengagement of attention and its relationship to emotional distress in infants at high-risk for autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Improving body functions through participation in community activities among young people with physical disabilities Journal Articles
Improving physician well-being: lessons from palliative care Journal Articles
Increased activity of frontal and limbic regions to emotional stimuli in children at-risk for anxiety disorders Journal Articles
Indices of social well-being applicable to children—a review Journal Articles
Infants use knowledge of emotions to augment face perception: Evidence of top-down modulation of perception early in life Journal Articles
Integrated programs for mothers with substance abuse issues and their children: A systematic review of studies reporting on child outcomes Journal Articles
Intergenerational effects of complete maternal deprivation and replacement stimulation on maternal behavior and emotionality in female rats Journal Articles
Internet-Assisted Parent Training Intervention for Disruptive Behavior in 4-Year-Old Children Journal Articles
Intervening to shape children’s emotion regulation: A review of emotion socialization parenting programs for young children. Journal Articles
Intrathecal antibodies and brain damage in autoimmune MRL mice Journal Articles
Investigating Strategies for Robot Persuasion in Social Human–Robot Interaction Journal Articles
Investigating a theatre-based intervention for Indigenous youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Journal Articles
Investigating real-time physical activity behavior using ecological momentary assessment: Effects of mental fatigue and benefit-cost valuations Journal Articles
Investigating the effects of pain observation on approach and withdrawal actions Journal Articles
Is Infant-Directed Speech Prosody a Result of the Vocal Expression of Emotion? Journal Articles
Ketogenic Diet: Parental Experiences and Expectations Journal Articles
Latent profiles of children's shyness: Behavioral, affective, and physiological components Journal Articles
Leadership styles, emotion regulation, and burnout. Journal Articles
Life Events and Stress: Do Older Men and Women in Malaysia Cope Differently as Consumers? Journal Articles
Life after SUDEP: Experiences of traumatic loss and growth Journal Articles
Look before you leap: the role of negative urgency in appraisals of ambiguous and unambiguous scenarios in individuals high in generalized anxiety disorder symptoms Journal Articles
Loss of high- or low-frequency audibility can partially explain effects of hearing loss on emotional responses to non-speech sounds Journal Articles
Machine learning multivariate pattern analysis predicts classification of posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype: a multimodal neuroimaging approach Journal Articles
Magnitude and chronometry of neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in subtypes of aggressive children Journal Articles
Managing shame: An interpersonal perspective Journal Articles
Mapping Emotion Category Boundaries Using a Visual Expectation Paradigm Journal Articles
Mapping alexithymia: Level of emotional awareness differentiates emotion-specific somatosensory maps Journal Articles
Mapping bipolar worlds: Lived geographies of ‘madness’ in autobiographical accounts Journal Articles
Maternal history of depression is associated with enhanced theory of mind in depressed and nondepressed adult women Journal Articles
Maternal neural reactivity during pregnancy predicts infant temperament Journal Articles
Meanings and feelings of (Im)mobility in later life: Case study insights from a ‘New Mobilities’ perspective Journal Articles
Measurement of emotional/psychological child maltreatment: A review Journal Articles
Measurement of quality of life in end-stage renal disease: the time trade-off approach. Journal Articles
Measuring Parental Perceptions of Child Oral Health‐related Quality of Life Journal Articles
Measuring and understanding “quality of life” among emerging adults in a substance use program. Journal Articles
Measuring quality of life in cardiac spouses Journal Articles
Measuring social cognition in adolescents: Implications for students with TBI returning to school Journal Articles
Men's judgments of women's facial attractiveness from two- and three-dimensional images are similar Journal Articles
Mental toughness in surgeons: Is there room for improvement? Journal Articles
Methylphenidate Effects on Functional Outcomes in the Preschoolers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Study (PATS) Journal Articles
Mood, Depressive Illness and Gait Patterns Journal Articles
Multilevel Mediation: Cumulative Contextual Risk, Maternal Differential Treatment, and Children's Behavior Within Families Journal Articles
Negative urgency moderates reactivity to laboratory stress inductions. Journal Articles
Neural and behavioural correlates of autobiographical memory retrieval in patients with major depressive disorder and a history of trauma exposure Journal Articles
Neural correlates of graphic cigarette warning labels predict smoking cessation relapse Journal Articles
Neurophysiological evidence of cognitive inhibition anomalies in persons with major depressive disorder Journal Articles
Neurophysiological mechanisms of emotion regulation for subtypes of externalizing children Journal Articles
Nocebo effects in the treatment of endometriosis Journal Articles
Norms of valence, arousal, and dominance for 13,915 English lemmas Journal Articles
Not Who You Are, But Who You Are With: Re-examining Women’s Less Satisfying Sexual Debuts Journal Articles
Older but not younger infants associate own‐race faces with happy music and other‐race faces with sad music Journal Articles
Opportunities, experiences, and outcomes of residential immersive life skills programs for youth with disabilities Journal Articles
Parenting and Salience Network Connectivity Among African Americans: A Protective Pathway for Health-Risk Behaviors Journal Articles
Patient-Centered care in Cancer Treatment Programs: The Future of Integrative Oncology Through Psychoeducation Journal Articles
Peer Support Needs of Adolescents with Cancer in Pediatrics: A Canadian Mixed Methods Study. Journal Articles
Perceived Benefits and Factors that Influence the Ability to Establish and Maintain Patient Support Groups in Rare Diseases: A Scoping Review. Journal Articles
Perceptions of diabetes distress during pregnancy in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a qualitative interpretive description study Journal Articles
Personality and opponent processes: Shyness, sociability, and visual afterimages to emotion. Journal Articles
Phenotypic Overlap Between Core Diagnostic Features and Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Pitch characteristics of infant-directed speech affect infants’ ability to discriminate vowels Journal Articles
Pitch underlies activation of the vocal system during affective vocalization Journal Articles
Positive Shyness in the Brain: Frontal Electroencephalogram Alpha Asymmetry and Delta–Beta Correlation in Children Journal Articles
Post-Event Processing across Multiple Anxiety Presentations: Is it Specific to Social Anxiety Disorder? Journal Articles
Postnatal Women’s Feeling State Responses to Exercise With and Without Baby Journal Articles
Predictable chaos: a review of the effects of emotions on attention, memory and decision making Journal Articles
Predicting Response to Motor Control Exercises and Graded Activity for Patients With Low Back Pain: Preplanned Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Prediction of excess pregnancy weight gain using psychological, physical, and social predictors: A validated model in a prospective cohort study Conferences
Prediction of excess pregnancy weight gain using psychological, physical, and social predictors: A validated model in a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Predictors of Health-Related Quality of Life With Cardiac Rehabilitation After Acute Myocardial Infarction Journal Articles
Prenatal maternal depression and child serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) genotype predict negative emotionality from 3 to 36 months Journal Articles
Primidone and rapid cycling affective disorders Journal Articles
Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 Reduces Depression Scores and Alters Brain Activity: A Pilot Study in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Journal Articles
Problem-solving training as an active ingredient of treatment for youth depression: a scoping review and exploratory meta-analysis Journal Articles
Profiles of emotional and behavioral sequelae following acquired brain injury: Cluster analysis of the Personality Assessment Inventory Journal Articles
Program factors influencing parents’ engagement in a friendship-making intervention for youth with disabilities Journal Articles
Prospectively measured 10-year changes in health-related quality of life and comparison with cross-sectional estimates in a population-based cohort of adult women and men Journal Articles
Protocol for a prospective, school-based standardisation study of a digital social skills assessment tool for children: The Paediatric Evaluation of Emotions, Relationships, and Socialisation (PEERS) study Journal Articles
Psychosocial Determinants of Out of School Activity Participation for Children with and without Physical Disabilities Journal Articles
Psychosocial Health of Living Kidney Donors: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Quality of life in children with epilepsy: How does it compare with the quality of life in typical children and children with cerebral palsy? Journal Articles
Quality of life in spina bifida: importance of parental hope Journal Articles
Quality of life in stage II breast cancer: an instrument for clinical trials. Journal Articles
Quality of life issues in women with vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis Journal Articles
Quality of life with ablation or medical therapy for ventricular arrhythmias: A substudy of VANISH Journal Articles
Quantifying patients' expectations prior to bariatric surgery with the BODY‐Q in an international multicentre cohort Journal Articles
Questionnaire for measuring oral health-related quality of life in eight- to ten-year-old children. Journal Articles
Raison et sentiments Journal Articles
Reading the mind in the voice: a study with normal adults and adults with Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism. Journal Articles
Reciprocal relations between care-related emotional burden and sleep problems in healthcare professionals: a multicentre international cohort study Journal Articles
Recognizing the Face of Johnny, Suzy, and Me: Insensitivity to the Spacing Among Features at 4 Years of Age Journal Articles
Reduced accuracy accompanied by reduced neural activity during the performance of an emotional conflict task by unmedicated patients with major depression: A CAN-BIND fMRI study Journal Articles
Reflections of physiotherapy students in the United Arab Emirates during their clinical placements: A qualitative study Journal Articles
Refractory immune thrombocytopenia in adults: Towards a new definition Journal Articles
Relations between Immigrant Care Workers and Older Persons in Home and Long-Term Care Journal Articles
Relationship Between Early Social-Emotional Behavior and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A High-Risk Sibling Study Journal Articles
Relationship Between Psychosocial Stressors and Atrial Fibrillation in Women >45 Years of Age Journal Articles
Relationship between individual differences in functional connectivity and facial-emotion recognition abilities in adults with traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
Relative responsiveness of the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire, St. Georges Respiratory Questionnaire and four other health-related quality of life instruments for patients with chronic lung disease Journal Articles
Reliability and validity of the Daily Cognitive–Communication and Sleep Profile: a new instrument for monitoring sleep, wakefulness and daytime function Journal Articles
Reliability of a functional magnetic resonance imaging task of emotional conflict in healthy participants Journal Articles
Reliability of the sliding scale for collecting affective responses to words Journal Articles
Remote population-based intervention for disruptive behavior at age four: study protocol for a randomized trial of Internet-assisted parent training (Strongest Families Finland-Canada) Journal Articles
Residential Immersive Life Skills Programs: A Catalyst for Facilitating Emotional Literacy Development for Youth with Disabilities Journal Articles
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in the fourth decade of life depends on birth weight and the DRD4 gene: Implications for understanding the development of emotion regulation Journal Articles
Responses to perceived intimate partner rejection among individuals with social anxiety disorder and healthy controls Journal Articles
Retrieval properties of negative vs. positive mental images and autobiographical memories in social anxiety: Outcomes with a new measure Journal Articles
SUDEP: What do adult patients want to know? Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol and pathogen disgust predict men's preferences for feminine shape cues in women's faces Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol during memory encoding in pregnancy predicts postpartum depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Scan Path Differences and Similarities During Emotion Perception in those With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
Second-Year Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Decision Making in the Clinical Setting Journal Articles
Selling the story: Narratives and charisma in adults with TBI Journal Articles
Sense of Competence in a Dutch Sample of Informal Caregivers of Frontotemporal Dementia Patients Journal Articles
Sensitivity to Change and the Effect of Mode of Administration on Health Status Measurement Journal Articles
Sex differences in functional activation patterns revealed by increased emotion processing demands Journal Articles
Shame on the brain: Neural correlates of moral injury event recall in posttraumatic stress disorder Journal Articles
Shared topics on the experience of people with haemophilia living in the UK and the USA and the influence of individual and contextual variables: Results from the HERO qualitative study Journal Articles
Shift in the brain network of emotional regulation in midlife women Journal Articles
Shyness and emotional face processing in schizophrenia: An ERP study Journal Articles
Shyness and the first 100 ms of emotional face processing Journal Articles
Shyness, emotion processing, and objective quality of life among adults with schizophrenia: an ERP study Journal Articles
Similarities and differences in the perceptual structure of facial expressions of children and adults Journal Articles
Social Mimicry Enhances Mu-Suppression During Action Observation Journal Articles
Social context factors and refugee children’s emotional health Journal Articles
Socioeconomic hardship and delayed reward discounting: Associations with working memory and emotional reactivity Journal Articles
Spousal caregiving following institutionalization: the experience of elderly wives Journal Articles
Strategies for Perceiving Facial Expressions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal Articles
Stressful Gaming, Interoceptive Awareness, and Emotion Regulation Tendencies: A Novel Approach Journal Articles
Student Performance on an Objective Structured Clinical Exam Delivered Both Virtually and In-Person Journal Articles
Supporting the Social–Emotional Well-Being of Elementary School Students Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Swallowing Impairments Increase Emotional Burden in Spousal Caregivers of Older Adults Journal Articles
Sweet Sorrow Love, Loss and Attachment in Human Life Books
Synchrony in the periphery: inter-subject correlation of physiological responses during live music concerts Journal Articles
Targeting the microbiota–gut–brain axis to modulate behavior: Which bacterial strain will translate best to humans? Journal Articles
Testosterone and Prolactin Are Associated with Emotional Responses to Infant Cries in New Fathers Journal Articles
The 3 Wishes Program Improves Families’ Experience of Emotional and Spiritual Support at the End of Life Journal Articles
The Acoustic Correlates of Valence Depend on Emotion Family Journal Articles
The Balancing Act: Mothers' Experiences of Providing Care to Their Children With Cancer. Journal Articles
The Burlington Randomized Trial of the Nurse Practitioner Journal Articles
The Burlington Randomized Trial of the Nurse Practitioner: Health Outcomes of Patients Journal Articles
The Effect of Attending Good Psychiatric Management (GPM) Workshops on Attitudes Toward Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Journal Articles
The Effect of Displacement on Sensitivity to First- and Second-Order Global Motion in 5-year-olds and Adults Journal Articles
The Effect of Losses Disguised as Wins and Near Misses in Electronic Gaming Machines: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The Effect of Screen Time and Positive School Factors in the Pathway to Child and Youth Mental Health Outcomes. Journal Articles
The Effects and Costs of a Multifactorial and Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Falls Prevention for Older Home Care Clients ‘At Risk’ for Falling: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
The Experience of Living Kidney Donors Journal Articles
The Impact of Emotion on Learners’ Application of Basic Science Principles to Novel Problems Journal Articles
The Impact of Stage Hypnosis on Audience Members and Participants Journal Articles
The Influence of Alcohol on the Mood of the Alcoholic* Journal Articles
The Influences of Face Inversion and Facial Expression on Sensitivity to Eye Contact in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal Articles
The InterSECT Framework: a proposed model for explaining population-level trends in substance use and emotional concerns Journal Articles
The Link between Facial Feedback and Neural Activity within Central Circuitries of Emotion—New Insights from Botulinum Toxin–Induced Denervation of Frown Muscles Journal Articles
The Onset of Menstruation and Social Networking Site Use in Adolescent Girls: The Mediating Role of Body Mass Index Journal Articles
The Resilience Songwriting Program for Adolescent Bereavement: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study Journal Articles
The Role of Self-Regulation in Voice Therapy Journal Articles
The Vestibulocerebellum and the Shattered Self: a Resting-State Functional Connectivity Study in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Its Dissociative Subtype Journal Articles
The association between social emotional development and symptom presentation in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
The benefits of playing video games. Journal Articles
The development of expertise in pediatric rehabilitation therapists: Changes in approach, self-knowledge, and use of enabling and customizing strategies Journal Articles
The development of fine-grained sensitivity to eye contact after 6years of age Journal Articles
The development of template-based facial expression perception from 6 to 15 years of age. Journal Articles
The discrimination of expressions in facial movements by infants: A study with point-light displays Journal Articles
The dynamic mask: Facial correlates of character portrayal in professional actors Journal Articles
The effect of simulating on standardized patients Journal Articles
The effects of freedom of choice in action selection on perceived mental effort and the sense of agency Journal Articles
The effects of trauma on brain and body: A unifying role for the midbrain periaqueductal gray Journal Articles
The effects of two early parenting interventions on child aggression and risk for violence in Brazil (The PIÁ Trial): protocol for a randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
The emotional origins of music Journal Articles
The experiences of parents of children with disabilities receiving healthcare services: Negative emotions and associated situations. Journal Articles
The female advantage: sex as a possible protective factor against emotion recognition impairment following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
The impact of care–recipient relationship type on health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults with dementia and their informal caregivers Journal Articles
The impact of history of exposure to abuse on outcomes after bariatric surgery: data from the Ontario Bariatric Registry Journal Articles
The influence of caregiver singing and background music on vocally expressed emotions and moods in dementia care Journal Articles
The influence of trait and state rumination on cardiovascular recovery from a negative emotional stressor Journal Articles
The intestinal microbiome, probiotics and prebiotics in neurogastroenterology Journal Articles
The linkages among childhood maltreatment, adolescent mental health, and self-compassion in child welfare adolescents Journal Articles
The lively challenges and opportunities of non-representational theory: A reply to Hanlon and Kearns Journal Articles
The neural roots of music Journal Articles
The neurobiology of emotion regulation in posttraumatic stress disorder: Amygdala downregulation via real‐time fMRI neurofeedback Journal Articles
The origins and development of aesthetics Journal Articles
The psychophysics of contingency assessment. Journal Articles
The relationship between coping styles and affective/behavioural symptoms among individuals with an acquired brain injury Journal Articles
The relationship between emotion regulation difficulties and PTSD outcomes during group cognitive processing therapy for PTSD. Journal Articles
The relationship between insight and autobiographical memory for emotional events in schizophrenia Journal Articles
The relationship between negative urgency and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms: the role of intolerance of negative emotions and intolerance of uncertainty Journal Articles
The role of cognitive control and emotion regulation in predicting mental health problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders Journal Articles
The role of prenatal perceived stress and hair cortisol as they relate to toddler socioemotional outcomes over the first three years. Journal Articles
The source dilemma hypothesis: Perceptual uncertainty contributes to musical emotion Journal Articles
The ‘Reading the Mind in the Voice’ Test-Revised: A Study of Complex Emotion Recognition in Adults with and Without Autism Spectrum Conditions Journal Articles
Thyroid cancer patients’ involvement in adjuvant radioactive iodine treatment decision-making and decision regret: an exploratory study Journal Articles
To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply? Journal Articles
Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Effects of Body Posture on Facial Emotion Categorization Journal Articles
Trajectories of frontal brain activity and socio‐emotional development in children Journal Articles
Trajectory of heart period to socioaffective threat in shy children Journal Articles
Transacting brains: testing an actor–partner model of frontal EEG activity in mother–infant dyads Journal Articles
Type 2 diabetes patients’ and providers’ differing perspectives on medication nonadherence: a qualitative meta-synthesis Journal Articles
Understanding pain and coping in women with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome Journal Articles
Understanding the needs of lung cancer patients during the pre-diagnosis phase Journal Articles
Unique insula subregion resting-state functional connectivity with amygdala complexes in posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
Use of a Modified Comprehensive Pain Evaluation Questionnaire: Characteristics and Functional Status of Patients on Entry to a Tertiary Care Pain Clinic Journal Articles
Use of the nominal group technique to identify stakeholder priorities and inform survey development: an example with informal caregivers of people with scleroderma. Journal Articles
Using anchoring vignettes to assess the comparability of self‐rated feelings of sadness, lowness or depression in France and Vietnam Journal Articles
Using prosocial behavior to safeguard mental health and foster emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A registered report protocol for a randomized trial Journal Articles
Valence norms for 3,600 English words collected during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects of age and the pandemic Journal Articles
Validation of a 10-item Care-related Regret Intensity Scale (RIS-10) for Health Care Professionals Journal Articles
Validation of a 15‐item Care‐related Regret Coping Scale for Health‐care Professionals (RCS‐HCP) Journal Articles
Validation of the BRIEF-P in a sample of Canadian preschool children Journal Articles
Validity and Reliability of a Questionnaire for Measuring Child Oral-health-related Quality of Life Journal Articles
Virtual experiments in megastudies: A case study of language and emotion Journal Articles
Visual Afterimages of Emotional Faces in High Functioning Autism Journal Articles
Visual perspective as a two-dimensional construct in episodic future thought Journal Articles
What Does Death Preparedness Mean for Family Caregivers of Persons With Dementia? Journal Articles
What type of survey research questions are identified by adults as upsetting? A focus on child maltreatment Journal Articles
When You Have Lived in a Different Culture, Does Returning ‘Home’ Not Feel Like Home? Predictors of Psychological Readjustment to the Heritage Culture Journal Articles
When caring breeds contempt: The impact of moral emotions on healthcare professionals’ commitment during a pandemic Journal Articles
White matter integrity in major depressive disorder: Implications of childhood trauma, 5-HTTLPR and BDNF polymorphisms Journal Articles
Why are some obsessions more upsetting than others? Journal Articles
Working memory capacity and spontaneous emotion regulation in generalised anxiety disorder Journal Articles
‘I am afraid you will see the stain on my soul’: Direct gaze neural processing in individuals with PTSD after moral injury recall Journal Articles
“Taste typicality” is a foundational and multi-modal dimension of ordinary aesthetic experience Journal Articles
“We Won’t Retire Without Skeletons in the Closet”: Healthcare-Related Regrets Among Physicians and Nurses in German-Speaking Swiss Hospitals Journal Articles
“When you first walk out the gates…where do [you] go?”: Barriers and opportunities to achieving continuity of health care at the time of release from a provincial jail in Ontario Journal Articles
“Why throw away something useful?”: Attitudes and opinions of people treated for bipolar disorder and their relatives on organ and tissue donation Journal Articles